#this au is just very self indulgent for me even if it doesnt seem like some charas match the roles theyre in đŸ˜č
elalalune · 11 months
I wonder if in your Shuggy Alice in Wonderland.
That the Buggy crew is the mad hatter + Richie being Alice's cat
Doffy and Cora being the cheshire cats
Luffy has to be the white rabbit alongside Uta, right?
Ooh I really like the idea of the DQ brothers being the cheshire cats 😳😳
As for the mad hatter, I actually planned for Sanji to be the mad hatter and Zoro as the march hare (he still gets lost on his way to their unbirthday parties even tho he attends 364 times a year 😔)
Luffy is the white rabbit yes!! I imagine his rabbit form would look as fluffy as his hair in gear 5
Luffy is also one of the tweedle twins with Ace (ik it doesn't seem to make sense but I always thought they looked really similar)
For Uta I was thinking she could be part of the royal court but I'm not sure what she'll be yet đŸ€”
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riewritten · 2 years
do you ever think of a very street smart Erwin and the reader who is clueless about stuffs (me fr). like im very new with the whole having a more independent life comparing to how i used to and the more i experience the more i realized life is so much more than hoping life will go smoothly bc it doesnt. so i wonder in what circumstances would reader with this certain personality would encounter Erwin and how do they become part of eachother's lives? im speaking out of my insecurity but like. i've alws imagined Erwin as a calculating, observant person who wouldn't let anyone step on him, who knows when someone is intending to use him or fool him into dumb stuffs. This particular reader is quite the contrast. That's why when I imagine self indulgent stuffs I would go like this will NOT be okay how can a person like me get close to a person like him???
so i wanna know your thoughts abt this situation!! no pressure tho!!! like for example in particular how will these two contrasting ppl meet and why do they maintain the relationship? for what purpose? what if the reader shares same goals and ambitions with him? i fr have so many questions but they wouldn't make sense once they go outta my mouth 😔
hehe i just wanna tell u something i have in mind you really don't have to do anything with it!! thank you!!!
oh chau, this was such a sweet prompt. i can still remember how bad i was giggling inside the hospital room đŸ€­ i hope i gave this one justice!
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TAGS: modern college AU, fluff, slice of life :)
WORDS: 2.1k
Erwin could have too much to say, too many plans to execute, and more heaps of too's that renders him as overwhelming; but he, for once in his life, tried to tone it down and act in normalcy. Just like a little shark swimming alongside a school of fish, pretending ever so silently to avoid alarming its company.
Oh, bet you thought you were the only one who felt the jitters, didn't you?
He did at some point, too — at some point he might never admit. 
And when he's a few steps away from becoming a professor, he ponders about quitting. What was once a dream inspired by his father is now deemed a big fish imparting the same alienation to smaller fishes. He's getting quite sick of it. Pretending without a solid goal was never his forte. 
Perhaps it was your naivety that warranted a reconsideration.
It started when you went to the teacher's table and approached him instead of the professor in charge, "I think I'd opt to ask a fellow student instead of that old man," you sheepishly answered when he asked, "he's so scary — why do professors love to be scary? And you honestly seem to be way smarter than he is."
"Am I, now?" he feigned surprise with amusement still palpable, "And if he hears this first thing in the morning, what then?"
"Tell him what? That you're smarter than him?"
You were curious, quite amazed even, that he might have the gall to confront the professor about his substandard intellect.
"What do you need help with?"
You flashed him a book and flipped the pages on the particular article. "Whenever our prof asks you to pitch something, you always have additional things to say in this topic. And for some reason, the more you overtake the discussion, the more I become interested too!" You weren't able to help yourself, and that's what Erwin could see very well — eyes almost sparkling, giddy composure, and a very drawn demeanor. 
Erwin was never oblivious to his ability of drawing people's interest if he wants to, but to see someone this enthusiastic about it?
How intriguing.
Is intriguing the right word for it?
No. Oh, no.
He thought you were cute. Spare him the cliché nuances but it's been a while since he thought of someone as cute.
"And look," you scooted nearer and pointed at a page. "The author who wrote this is a Smith. Don't tell me you actually ghost wrote this? Is that why you tackled the topic so well?"
Erwin was not smiling when you went to him but now he lost the will to hide it. 
"You're really that great? Oh my, to ghost write one of my major—"
"My father. He's the one who wrote that article."
Your eyes widened and mouth formed a perfect O. Then there came a slow nod. Followed suit with another gasp. It ended with a smile — happy, much more enthusiastic smile. "Then I just came to the right person! Do tell me more!"
The dynamic then started. A very curious undergraduate, fresh in the field, and a book smart from masters, freshly burnt out, ain't an unusual dynamic to create, after all.
The supposed module written by his dad about visual communication theory was eventually followed with more diverse issues. At first, Erwin playfully asked for a collateral in exchange for his knowledge. Before you meet at the library, he'd have you treat him a parfait. If he went an all nighter with his thesis, his request upon your daily meeting would be an iced Americano. In time, the small sweets became favors. In exchange for info dumping about the French revolution and the World War (you have no idea how perplexed Erwin was at reawakening this childhood habit — everyone thought it was annoying!) you must allot a whole weekend to see him. You, so dumbly drawn over what the slimy curves of his brain could offer in humanity, never deemed it as dates. If anything, it was weekend classes on your end.
At this point, cute is becoming an understatement for him.
He played along nonetheless. He has an ulterior motive, after all — a space in his brain to accommodate more knowledge, a space intended for you. Who are you? What's inside your head aside from curiosity and willingness to cater his blabbers? What do you want to do aside from listening to him? Why do you — despite the vigor to know about the world — opt to stay as a measly listener? Why, despite your concern in human's darkly inherent nature of using others for its own gain, don't mind too much when he teases you into doing dumb favors for his benefit? 
That's what binds him to you the way you bind yourself to him. Erwin feels as though he's speaking into a smiling void, and if there's an unknown void — a gorgeous intriguing one at that — who else would be the most eager to explore it if not him?
When both of you went to the newly built Japanese convenience store and saw a pack of onigiri that piqued your cravings, Erwin finally noticed a quirk. 
And Erwin — for the most time he's been playing around your obliviousness — finally thought of taking things seriously upon noticing it.
You didn't ask him for help even if the onigiri wrap had broken and you were forced to shove all the rice into your mouth. Just like how you didn't ask for his assistance when he noticed your difficulty adjusting to university life every semester. You don't ask something that requires his action, attention, and guidance. You seek nothing of him but his blabbers, his info dump, and every measly thought coming out of his mouth. Nothing more, nothing less.
He bought you another onigiri, taught you how to properly unwrap it as both of you walked, and shoved the rest in your mouth thereafter. You groaned but he just said, "You're not just a listening outlet. Ask people for help if you need it."
You took your time chewing (angrily so) before responding, "No. I'll be way more out of your league if I let that happen."
Erwin halted his steps, "Come again?" 
"I'm no match for you. If you realize how naive and easily fooled and clumsy I really am, then things will start to get annoying on your end. Let me impose myself as someone knowledgeable, independent, and all the things that you are, okay."
Oh no.
Erwin let his face flat in utter hope that you wouldn't notice the corner of his lips shaking. He wants to chuckle, to tease you, to coo as he finally cups your cheek and kisses your forehead because of how plainly and dumbly adorable that statement was. He already knows how naive, easily fooled, and clumsy you really are. He's the one who would before anyone else.
Above anything, though, Erwin was pleased, very pleased because he unleashed a facet of you. Finally, finally revealing something about you aside from a perfect company for his eccentricity. The fact that this facet of you is also frustrated at the possibility of losing him gave him a tremendous gush of warmth — gushing, gushing, and gushing towards the unstoppable urge of offering a proposition.
"The only time naivety can be bad is when people start taking advantage of it, and even then it would not be your fault."
"It will be my fault!" you disagreed, "and it will be a hassle for you who's so used to being so independent! Don't you think I've been childish and irritating all along?"
"How so?"
You gave him a puzzled look, there's no way he seriously didn't think of that.
"How so?" He took a step nearer.
"Someone as brightly independent as you are would not deem people like me so pleasantly," you cut yourself off from that. For all the times you had listened to Erwin, you just know how he would debunk what you just said. "T-that's what I initially thought, hence the question."
"You didn't answer my question." The proximity tightened. Erwin was not smiling, not a hint of amusement plastered on his face too. Only an inquiry, or perhaps a resolve to shatter how low you deem yourself. "Am I childish for not hesitating with my blabbers? Do I come off as irritating when I ask you out during a weekend like this?"
"No, you would never!"
"How do you see those, then?"
"I am fond of it, that's why I stick with you until now. I am—" Heat crept up your face. You realized where he's headed, and with his resolute yet patient face you just know he won't let you have your way out of this. "I am
 fond of your eccentricities. Even if people find it annoying."
"Uh-huh," the sharp blonde also sensed your awareness, hence his tone came more urging. "How do you think I see you then?"
Your cheeks puffed and eyes averted from his, perhaps your futile attempt of resisting something he had already established very well.
Erwin repeated as he called your name, "How do you think I see you?"
"Tolerable," you uttered weakly.
He let out a strained chuckle, "Really? You really would opt for that word?"
"It's getting cold, Erwin. Let's just—"
"Am I just someone tolerable for you, hm?"
His tone was, in fact, a well-defining factor that he very much knew the answer.
He knows you like him, just like the bright sharp man that he is.
"Look at me."
You did, though with a slight glare. 
A stern command followed, "Answer my question."
"You know the answer."
"Answer my question."
"I like you! You're not just someone tolerable. I like you. But!" You still tried to argue, "I'm not the same as you are, not as redeeming as you are, not on par with your league, and even though I sound like someone with inferiority complex, I see this as a serious glaring factor. I'm just—" you frustratingly sighed, "—not someone really dependable and compatible with you, Erwin. Not with the likes of you."
"The empathy, the headspace to handle my company when most deem it as overwhelming, the willingness to stay despite the pile of eccentricities, all with genuine interest — you say that as if I never find these as the most endearing."
Your cheeks tightened further. The hot feeling compensated for the outside cold. You looked at him with surprise, only to be met with resolute eyes.
"You had an inkling about my affection but chose to ignore it because of how you see our relationship," upon observing your further surprise, he added. "And now you're finally realizing how wrong that is."
"I'm sorry."
He stayed silent.
You took a step forward and tugged the end of his sleeve, "I'm sorry, Erwin."
But he's not angry. He's still more pleased than angry. He won't let you out of this without gaining a worthwhile result, after all.
"Despite listening to me most of the time, you still seem to assume a lot of things."
"I know."
He raised his brows, face softened but still taunting, "And what does that mean?"
"You win this one now, okay. I'm sorry. Don't get angry now."
"Oh, I know. I sure won this one."
The supposed glare was quickly replaced by surprise when he cupped your cheeks and kissed the tip of your nose. 
"Right?" he whispered.
Here he goes, as bright as he usually is. The collateral exchange for his knowledge, the sweet treats turned into sweet favors on the weekends. You really did treat your time with him as classes, but he was a subject you very much loved to tackle. And if you're apparently someone who could lovingly coexist with him despite your unredeeming qualities, then you'd gladly give him the honor.
You defeatedly sighed, "You always do, Erwin. You always do."
He hummed and held the tip of your chin with his fingers. Before going for the lips, he whispered, "Can I get my reward now?"
Oh, you felt your heart swell. As his broad rough hands play around your waist, you tipped his head to your level and ever so slowly, indulged on his win. He took it with sweet vigor — pulled you towards him as if he couldn't have you any nearer — and cupped your cheek much harsher than earlier. He didn't stop until you were seeking air. When he let go, he gave your swollen lower lip a small peck.
"Have you accepted my apology, though?"
Erwin chuckled lowly and buried his head at the crook of your neck. His large build sought support — leaning on you with arms engulfing your waist. He kissed a spot on your neck and replied, "I earned my win fairly. Earn my forgiveness with the same competence."
"What should I do for the smartest man in humanity to forgive me?"
"Let the smart ass love you for all he could."
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đŸ· @watyousayin :) | SUBSCRIBE HERE
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cassandragemini · 3 months
Giant au? Owo? How’s that happen what’s the premise what’s the deal
i got 2 oc aus for misha and tseren where 1 of them has size changing powers and theyre sappy and run heavily on fairy tale logic cause these are fun and self indulgent. theyre more like non-canon offshoots than full alternate timelines technically cause they have the same backstory but with some weird shit happening to them suddenly. anyway both of these are a case of me writing something and then attempting to retroactively justify it in the story so some details are still kinda fuzzy but the tentative explanation im currently going with is that both of these are in some way caused by a mountain spirit who has a soft spot for misha and tends to unexpectedly give blessings or grant wishes on rare occasions but usually with a interesting twist. shes not really malevolent but she does have a tendency to give extremely unasked for “gifts” just to see how people react
side note as a general rule i usually write giant characters as roughly 60 feet tallish cause thats the height you would need to be for a tall adult to be roughly equivalent to the size of your hand
the basic gist of the au where tseren has size changing powers is that he tends to have intense emotions and he grows as a physical manifestation of that type of almost overwhelming warm fuzzy feeling where your emotions feel a little too big for your body. misha is very physically affectionate and one night tseren is laying in her arms and he offhandedly wishes that he (9 inches shorter than his beautiful butch wifehusband) wasnt too small to hold misha in the same way and make her feel that same sense of safety. he has 0 reason to even consider the idea of a mildly bored spirit listening and granting this one random whim on a very strange technicality. tseren isnt like actually aware of this at the time so it is extremely nightmarish when hes in a good mood the next day and it suddenly feels like the walls of their house are beginning to close in around him. tseren is kind of neurotic about sudden change in general and has had a deep terror around the idea of his body changing against his will after witnessing mishas traumatizing first bear transformation so this feels extremely bad. misha had the sense to pull him out of an enclosed space before he got too big to fit but she cant do really much to help him beyond that and tseren is too agitated to let her touch him at all. after a several hour long panic attack he eventually does go back to normal but hes very freaked out about everything and remains skittish and avoidant for days. it takes like a full week for misha to gently coax him into actually talking about his feelings and to stop being so distant. when he does finally feel comfortable trying to pick misha up hes uncharacteristically anxious about her which misha finds extremely endearing. both of them end up drifting to sleep with misha curled up against tseren’s chest
the giant misha thing is a way less developed idea cause i only thought of it like a month ago based on a movie scene but rn its mostly one isolated and dreamlike scene in my head with tseren being kidnapped by some other outlaws for bounty money or something along those lines. misha tries changing into a bear to protect him but unexpectedly gets very very big instead. she's objectively terrifying looking to strangers so that scares their attackers off but she tries her best to kneel down low and speak softly to tseren. they are Confused to say the least but misha doesnt seem to be in distress and despite their fear around sudden change thats the thing they care about most so theyre mostly severely disoriented instead of terrified. when tseren tries getting up he realizes he injured his ankle slightly in the initial struggle and cant put weight on it so as a solution misha simply scoops him up (with permission ) and carries him home
tldr gently picking up your big strong butch is very cute and sweet
first art is by me and the second is by a friend who isnt on here + prefers privacy. third pic technically doesnt officially count cause its chibi misha but like its cute
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abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
ive been facing a predicament in that all of my "active" OCs are so developed and interwoven with each other in other worlds that it doesnt feel right trying to ship them within an ffxiv AU like my self indulgent lil ass wants to. it just feels like i'd have to retcon pretty base aspects of their core characters to Make It Work and i cant Get Into It when it feels forced like that yknow? >:\
solution seems like make just, new OCs... but thats overwhelming... but then i realized, wait. i have exactly what i need actually
theres an old Original Universe from my youth, that's been sitting around waiting for me to rebirth it with my adult sensibilities for many a year. OCs with names, basic personalities, and varied designs (within the limitations of my early "anime" style at least). i have the skeletons of 12 characters already--all they need is fresh meat and makeovers. hell, the universe in question's "plot" seriously revolved around the characters traversing different Realities/Timelines/Worlds (or
universes). its not even outside of their canon to happen to pop into the ffxiv universe and stumble into misadventures including saving worlds and falling for elves.
its also very much an excuse to get myself to draw my favorite ffxiv races bc due to aspects* of their original universe's designs i have opted to assign these characters all to being viera, miqo'te, and au ra in the ffxiv universe :^)
so yeah i spent the last 2 days of having a sub furiously picking ingame customization options to get the closest approximations to what i wanna draw and screenshotting furiously for refs lol (and also for colors bc left to my own devices they'd come out neon)
*said aspect can be easily guessed by following ancient gel-pen artwork:
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yes, this is about what im starting with. lol
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heeracha · 2 years
recs game !! <3
tagged by my oovie !! @chaninfused thank you oovie <3
recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little bit about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favorites! then tag five other writers!
okay,,, so this is a poor attempt to be active again but at the same time, this seems a cool idea, so here goes !! also,,,,, i'm gonna rec some stuff from the old blog bcs i have stuff there that i think is cool but doesnt get much love so,,, yall r gonna meet the old robi (ew to her)
this mf took, what, 6 months? i was really proud of this. this is all based off of a single prompt and i just suddenly came up with this, yk? and i was into grim reaper stuff when i did this. the title sucks, but basically it's grim reaper!minho meeting his last client earlier than expected. i just seriously think, this is the most unique shit i ever came up with.
,,,,,duh. no, i didnt expect this to blow and i didnt expect myself to be attached to this fucker, but i am. lmAO. heeseung and mc shows u why you shouldn't settle for less and why waiting is always worth it. this shows very healthy relationship and the prompt, "she fell first, but he fell harder". botm!hee is the fucking standard. and the reason why im single.
post breakup au, dj!reader. lowkey self indulgent, but anyway,,,, here she is. i think this is kinda underrated, i was feeling this shit a whole fucking lot, aaaaaaand this was written around 4 am and a week after on track was released lmAO,,, second chances are not bad and works out. idk,,, just,,,, i jusT THINK CHANGBIN IS THE TYPE TO WRITE LOVE SONGS FOR HIS S/O OKAY
yk,,,, just a normal day, i thought what if jake is a fictional character. he loves you, but oh no he cant be with you. anyway,,, i just think that this deserves a little bit more? idek i was even thinking what if second part, but again, idek :D
5. THREE TIMES. — B. CHAN ; 1.4K
i just think this one is pure and sweet. like everyone says, actions speak louder than words. sometimes, you dont have to say you love them, all you have to do is show them. and that is what this small something something says <3
tagging: @jjunis @seo--changbin @ethereal-engene @goldenhypen @hotboyyeonjun @chiyuv @heesterical @staysstrays @sungbeam no pressure !! ily u guys <3
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coldvampire · 3 years
few thoughts rattling around in my brain beyond re8 oc vibes
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i kinda just copied over my ideas for lasombra abilities for her lmao but to be fair i dont think the shadow stuff is entirely canon there? whatever we can reuse them fgfhgjh
im tossing around some names in my head currently and i seem to be liking myrcella/marcella a lot sound wise but im not sure if its whats going to end up being the final choice. i also kind of enjoy Florence as a nod to florence nightengale bc of the medical themes connecting with the whole mortician thing but that’s a pretty loose reference and im not sure it would be obvious enough. p set on Blackburn as the surname tho, i think that has a good ring to it & also sounds like it fits with the rest of the character names. i recognize that doesnt make a lot of sense but im sure you know what i mean lmao. i did throw together a look for her in the sims but ofc i dont have a screenshot on me and its too late to boot up my pc, but she’s pretty creepy & cute.
i also like the idea of her being instrumental in the ‘everyone lives/is revived’ au bc her background as a mortician/embalmer means shes almost definitely performed autopsies before & knows how the body works. i think her cadou would be left alone since its Very internal and we’re not about to do self surgery gfgjhkj heisenberg’s also has to be pretty well hidden? and imo i think he’s probably attached to his metal powers? like he’s legitimately human passing he’s probably just quasi-immortal or at least very sturdy and long-lived. alcina & her daughters are some others i can’t see any post-revival changes being made to, she seems fairly comfortable with her stature and bela/cassandra/daniela also see like they’d miss their abilities. donna might want some cosmetic partial removal just based on where her cadou implant is on the face & ms blackburn would be very much accommodating. moreau is. a whole other story gfhgjhj like im sure blackburn is just very much of the ‘yeah no we’re not bringing him back unless i can remove at least Some of the implants from him i feel like thats just inhumane at that point he has Four’ but also lowkey she probably gfhgjhk finds him annoying and since no one is even going to remotely approach the topic of bringing back m*randa, he would be. so much worse. (we’re also just like. gonna completely ignore what happened to the village itself or! perhaps the blast radius wasnt as large as we assumed? idk regardless the post-crystal-revival place of residence is still a village in the ass end of nowhere) 
anyway onto fgfhgjh self indulgent relationship ramblings lmao. this is all still pretty fluid in my head & im just playing with ideas. 
so like. karl heisenberg yeah? (are we surprised this is the one i went for i think not if you know my history). it’s 100% a tedious slow burn lmao i mean years of buildup. she’s fairly quiet and mostly keeps to herself however she also used to abide by the ‘keep your head down and obey’ strategy of dealing with miranda and i suspect that would probably? chafe with heisenberg a bit? because on one hand she clearly has no love for the woman but she’s also not doing anything about it. so they don’t exactly fight because it’s not like he really knows her well but there’s a long feeling-out period before she finally gets approached with the request of providing more of the organic components to his army. once again it’s a pretty neutral response & at first she’s more motivated by curiosity instead of anything altruistic but other time you know, conversations happen, there’s a nice little routine they’ve built up. he even walks her back after family meetings a few times without realizing because he’s focused more on whatever they’re talking about. i also keep going back to the glasses thing because its sweet & he can brush it off as something practical. the low-light vision is very much still an issue for her and while the factory is usually okay, some areas are still no good. same with a lot of the indoor areas in the village actually, to the point where her usual eyewear is basically a somewhat translucent blindfold to ‘muffle’ light (outside she’s got a parasol with a black veil on the edge of it too). so he just like. makes a pair with an appropriate lens but probably doesn’t mention they were made by him until years later lmao. but they’re super useful and she wears them often which i think he would kind of love & probably get weirdly bashful about. they probably don’t actually for real get together until after the game and things have more or less settled down & everyone is trying to figure out what they do with their lives next but i think seeing him again is probably one of the most blatant displays of emotions she’s ever had lmao. like as fun as the idea of a secret relationship going on while miranda is still alive is, i just don’t see either of them being receptive to the idea with everything thats happening. but after? that’s another story. feral looking man and woman who looks not feral but is actually just as unhinged inside, we love to see it. 
also have some picrews why not 
link  link link link
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bunbun206 · 3 years
okay so you said you'd like to hear about my mlp au so here it goes lmao. its less of an au and more of a series of self indulgent wishes (in no chronological order) that im trying to put together in a timeline, but because some very major things change it kinda counts as an au??? going through the voltron fandom made me learn the absolute power of going "the canon is as fake as the headcanons i make up in my head and therefore just as real" so now whenever a show leaves me unsatisfied i've taken on the habit of just. imagining the things i would have wanted to see and basically adopting that as MY version of the events. so thats whats going on here (though i enjoyed most of mlp, i sort of just wanna play around with ideas that i think could have been fun and changing the more major things i dislike. its just me having fun and imagining things.)
so today was a sombra brainrot day and ive had some time to think of what i wanna do with him? kinda? theres some loose ends here and there but here's my silly little idea (which is very self indulgent) for him specifically.
his return goes practically the same with the key difference that he doesnt die because discord doesnt let him. this makes more sense to me because he and sombra agreed that if sombra failed, he'd simply do as grogar asked, so the fact that discord kinda just let him die is 🙄 stick to your promises, bitch.
but this is MY headcanon au and so he actually keeps his word <3
sombra is fucking humiliated obviously because thats a major punch to his ego and he clearly isnt used to dealing with those feelings so hes just kinda being pathetic and whiny and kind of in denial about what went down lol. i've always enjoyed the idea of sombra and cozy interacting with each other and forming a father/daughter dynamic of sorts so thats what i like to think happens next. im not entirely sure abt what my headcanon backstory for cozy is, but i do know she probably didnt have good parents, and i see this as the reason for why she clings to tirek so strongly, shes looking for a replacement for that. sadly for her, tirek doesnt actually give a shit about her and while he grows to tolerate her (as we see on the show, all the villains do kinda learn to get along to some extent) he is definitely not interested in fulfilling the parental role she has projected on him.
im a little unsure on what i wanna do with cozy's dynamic with tirek? i think its fun to see her annoying him, so i would like to keep it there, but i dont know how to make it make sense considering some of the changes i wanna make. thats just a sidenote though, i'll tell you more about it later.
the point is, cozy is this lost little kid who is very unhinged and in desperate need of a parental figure, and the one character she seems to want this from is just not giving it to her, which frustrates her.
enter sombra! dude isnt that different from tirek, he doesnt like children at all and isnt interested in cozy's little dilemma. hes mostly just stuck feeling sorry for himself because he is now in a situation where he has NO control and being the guy he is, hes not really coping with it well enough. he has kinda isolated himself even more than the others because he is a manchild incapable of dealing with those feelings. cozy kinda notices that, and being eager to make friends, attempts to approach him. initially hes very annoyed and tries to scare her off but it doesnt work because cozy is a fucked up kid who is not afraid of even god. so she continues in her little mission of "befriending him" and in the process they actually start to grow genuinely fond of each other.
sombra is kinda just stuck in this pit of self pity so he isnt even as firm as he could be. he doesnt care enough to push her away and so he kinda just lets her be, not thinking much of it initially. but the more they start to talk the more he starts to resonate with this child. shes entertaining, and reminds him a little bit of himself when he was a foal, so he cant help but feel some level of endearment for her. and cozy is just glad someone is finally paying her attention.
eventually they'd kinda just stick with each other. sombra would sort of just unofficially adopt this kid and neither of them would really think of it much, theyre just at a point where they kinda wanna be around each other. sombra especially isnt used to really caring about anyone other than himself, but cozy is slowly becoming more and more important to him.
stuff goes the way it does in canon, they fail and get turned into stone. except they actually let cozy stay as she is because here they actually realize that doing that to a child is probably incredibly cruel.
but cozy is being a bitch. theyre trying to find a way to reach her and connect with her but shes a very problematic kid and they just dont know what to do with her. eventually discord mentions that while he was disguised as grogar he did notice her and sombra being together a lot. they try to ask her about it and even though she doesnt give any details, based on how she acts it isnt hard for them to deduce that she specifically really misses sombra.
shes a trouble child, and they need to handle that, but on top of that shes also grieving the loss of someone she seemed to care about and thats not making it any easier. starlight is the one to suggest that maybe they can try freeing sombra, working on reforming him kind of like with discord and then using that as a way to help reach cozy's softer side. she points out that they've done this before, so theres a big chance they will succeed. everyone is against the idea for obvious reasons, but starlight is very insistent and offers to be the one to reform him. eventually, twilight reluctantly agrees. they find a way to significantly reduce his magic so no one gets hurt. and so the edgy guy's reformation arc shall commence <3
Oh this is a really great idea. Seeing a king sombra reformation arc would be interesting especially under these circumstances
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pliskin · 4 years
im gonna talk about some doomvega stuff idk where else to post it 
slayer hc
I like selective mute slayer the most... nonverbal communication most of the time, his body language/expression vega gradually eases into learning, then for longform communication its typing into vega’s console, morse code into vega’s palm (<3) or sign language.  the few times he speaks is very curt and short, maybe just quick affirmation from vega for whatever (kisses <3) and the gayest reason of all... so he can say vega’s name tenderly 
lots of hobbies, which is more or less canon, but it's cute to think about... particularly his cooking magazines make me think he would be a good cook in a umm domestic au... but I like that he enjoys many creative things also like reading/writing/music, in addition to a scientific/engineering bg, hes kind of like... full package husband material
I dont have a ton of slayer hcs... I think hes mostly introverted, more into his hobbies, cultured... I think my only self-indulgent not canon compliant hc is he gets embarrassed easy and pretty expressive but has rbf.  hes like the shy boyfriend in the “excuse me he said no pickle” meme with vega
vega hc
vega for drawing purposes I like to make an android, tho in a fic im more inclined to regular AI vega especially in character studies and introspective writing... there's something a lot more poignant about vega reminiscing about almost being shut down while not assuming any kind of physical form... idk im just talking about what I like on a scale bc I love tons of vega interpretation
android vega:  I like to imagine an android body was created for vega per samuel’s instruction a little bit after vega became operational... kind of like a flex to match with uac creating the first cyborg body as well.  since samuel is a bit of a dick to his dad he doesnt make him w maykr proportions in mind and instead vega is given a very average human male body: about six feet tall, gentle (fatherly -_-) disposition, dark hair and brown skin, unnatural blue eyes... I think this would be good for vega to “blend” into the personnel, build camaraderie w him, though I think samuel would pull the plug on it in the long run for reasons my brain can’t put together atm lol.  this kind of self-indulgent but I like vega’s “virtual age” being 50 bc he’s samuel’s dad, and I like vega w a completely average body but thin waist like a maykr... which is a subconscious decision by samuel bc hes more accustomed to makyr bodies... but I am also just a bastard that wants thin waist dilf vega
this is maybe a reach of the fortress’s resources but I think the slayer could manage to build the same body for vega he had on the base if vega gave him the materials and instructions for it... just like a project, nothing exactly urgent, vega’s body slowly being worked on until completion.  but then... the slayer finds himself a bit attached because vega is like 100x more pleasant and soothing when he can see vega smiling at him.  im corny
I also like vega being a bit catty and passive-aggressive, but in his customer service voice.  he’s definitely not a doormat as an AI, and hes a lot more direct as umm god.  god vega I like aesthetically (SO MUCH) but I think I will hold back on my interpretation till ancient gods.  even his visual design I know will be probably significantly different from that 6-wing maykr angel concept art (if hes shown at all) but I like the aesthetic of it and will probably keep that if no canon physical body for vega is shown...
doomvega hc
very slow burn... mostly on vega’s part, but I like the almost innate way the slayer is more friendly/gentle with vega and his upgrade bots, so I think the slayer is sweet on vega
vega wondering about why the slayer chose to back him up is always a fave... and ik its not the exact reason for why dg is back in urdak but I like thinking about him going back for vega or at least I hope they make it a point in the dlc that dg is looking for vega amidst all the chaos... it would really cement their relationship together and would be so good for vega as not being seen as a tool to be thrown away (god stuff aside).  like he’s the slayer’s partner and not just an assistant or something like that
its canon that the slayer has ptsd so I think vega (in an android/robot body) can help him through episodes/nightmares... and this is pretty corny and self-indulgent but I think vega’s touch calms him bc of like... god reasons... and vega is not really sure why it feels so right to hold the slayer and comfort him but its god reasons
slayer also likes to hold android vega and his arms wrap around him easy, and vega is flush against his chest (<3) I like to imagine this after some kind of... very heartfelt “thank you” or confession from vega.  I also really like the idea of vega confessing his feelings first I think because he would have to also deal with thinking his “feelings” are real or not since he’s AI and not human and all of those schlocky sci-fi romance tropes
then theres the slayer x father vega dynamic im speculating a little about but want to wait till ancient gods to see... it seems like the slayer is vega’s right hand this time which is so exciting for them... it adds so much more versatility to their dynamic 
this got too long already I just wanted to contextualize some of my art... I want to add more later though.  anyway I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  theyre good
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drangues · 4 years
Yeah I’m Not A Fan of them, 0/10 would not recommend. BUT YEAH, Oda and Ango are Shocked (TM), but they eventually get the rambling at least, because Atsushi is adorable. And while they might tease him about him being a Menace and “how did you get a guy like him, the hell,” I think they’d genuinely be happy for him, a bit like teasing big brothers. Dazai gets them back via gratuitous teasing about how they’re clearly crushing on each other! (Nyanon, 1/5)
And “should I just become a priest so you two can get ~married~ already?” I love these three. And yeah that sounds about right!!! It’s a really cool game, the concept is really cool and the graphics are amazing??? Very cool visuals, too, the monsters are fucking ENORMOUS. Anyways that all seems pretty accurate? Dazai would definitely be able to make the monsters piss each other off (IE- Get the Teacher to attack the Bullies, or visa versa), while Yosano... Is Yosano. (Nyanon, 2/5)
Her badassery knows no bounds. And I could see Kenji befriending a few! Not all of them, though, if only because some would Piss Him Off (like the Janitor or the Twin Chefs). Atsushi... Has awful luck, to be fair, even if he did befriend a monster they’d probably die horribly- But I could see him and Kyouka helping each other! Like Six and Mono in the second game, though not action for action, obviously. (Nyanon, 3/5)
Either way Atsushi and Dazai are both pretty damn resourceful, which is really what a lot of the puzzles boil down to- Though Dazai would definitely complain if they had to swim through swamp water, haha. Onto the next Concept, though: There are no abilities! The ADA is still A Thing, as is the PM (though maybe as the night shift of the ADA? Because I like having them on the same side, haha), and everyone still works there, but abilities don’t exist. (Nyanon, 4/5)
Instead it’s just them all doing Detective Stuff and exposing corrupt organizations like the Guild, and also launching an investigation into Atsushi’s orphanage because fuck it, it’s an AU and I can have my self indulgence if I so please. (Nyanon, 5/5)
ive seen some quick clips from the game so i can tell that its amazing graphic/concept wise!! atsushi and kyouka are the pair that means well, but it still somehow ends in a disaster and i can imagine atsushi yelling at him to stop complaining about having to swim when he tries drowning himself on the daily
I LIKE THAT AU A LOT. ranpo and dazai would be seen as the sherlock holmes of the 21st century, yosano would be an AMAZING doctor who not only focuses on prescribing drugs but also diet, exercise and other types of stuff you can combine with your treatment (she thinks the medical field is corrupted and just focuses on treatment and not prevention/long lasting durability especially with chronic illnesses) shes also super super knowledgeable and has probably consumed so many books/taken so many classes and can tell after a few checkups immediately whats wrong
chuuya maybe was part of a corrupted organisation (maybe a cult?? it could like, be a mirror to how his ability makes him go corrupt) and then snapped out of it and became a detective. akutagawa couldve just been a homeless orphan with an inspiring story of how he managed to “get his life straight” and become succesful (aka get a home and a job) and atsushi is,,well,,,,Atsushi
(for kyouka and kenji to join. maybe kyouka would join because she was an assassin like in the original because her parents were killed for not paying off a debt so now she has to do it by killing, and since she now after being saved knows a lot she is in the ADA for info like “yeah the [corrupted organisation] had a meeting spot around there” “no that doesnt seem like [dumb villain name]’s killing, it couldnt be” and shit like that)
(while for kenji hes just there because hes very good at negotiating?? like, good cop bad cop type of style, maybe hes the type to be really good at making people confess and open up to him even if theyre the ones guilty of the crime. i imagine the way they discovered him was when fukuzawa visited the country side for some investigation and kenji was somehow roped into it and when fukuzawa left him alone with the suspects for a MINUTE kenji just “oh yeah he was the one who did it he just told me (â™ĄÂ°â–œÂ°â™Ą)” and fukuzawas like say W H A T)
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moonguilt · 5 years
please give me more kl headcanons.😔
OKAY people this got WAY out of hand and i wrote 7 pages of an entire au plotline so uh. sorry everybody but it’s gonna be split into at least a couple different postswe’ll call this CHAPTER 1: (chapter 2 can be found HERE)I roleplay on MMORPGs so you’re gonna have to deal with my self indulgent online roleplaying AU. There will be klance but I have to SET THE STAGE first so bear with me. basically this is just multiplayer online video game roleplaying garbage. on that note, enjoy.
hunk and pidge were the first ones to discover the video game “Voltron.” they dicked around on it just to test out the game controls and perhaps get coding ideas for a game they are trying to create, but they ended up kinda enjoying it. the gameplay has its issues but is overall pretty fluid.
hunk plays a rogue. he has to turn the game volume down sometimes because of the gross gorey noises the game makes when he stabs people. he probably would have rerolled as a different class just to escape the gruesome sound effects, but he really likes being able to enter stealth. he says it makes him feel “safe”
pidge plays a mage. hunk is under the impression that it’s because she wants to play a class with high intelligence points, and pidge doesn’t correct him. but really she just likes the idea of turning her enemies into frogs
shiro is hanging out with matt one day and ends up watching pidge play. he wants to be Hip and Cool so he decides to create a trial account and see if he likes it. turns out, he’s TERRIBLE at the actual gameplay (his computer reflexes are Bad and he keeps dying to basic mechanics on literally every boss fight. matt downloads the game and creates a priest out of pity just to help keep shiro alive while he levels)
“this is demeaning for everyone involved”
“you’re the one who has died seven times now to haxus. literally all you have to do is not stand in the fire. you’re a FULLY ARMORED PALADIN TANK how are you dying so quic—wait a minute. shiro. shiro why are you still wearing your level 1 starting gear.”
however, he finds out that the server they’re playing on has a roleplaying community! he figures he doesnt need swift reflexes to roleplay, so he starts dipping his toe into RP and discovers he really likes it. he enjoys writing stories about his heroic character, and enjoys combining those stories with the stories of other people he meets in the game. it’s like collaborative fantasy fiction writing, and it quickly becomes a passion of his
pidge and matt tease him endlessly for it. hunk is an angel and is very supportive of shiro’s new hobby. he is the only one who will listen to shiro gush about his character. unfortunately when shiro designed the character, he did not have a good grasp on roleplay, so the character is goofy looking and has an overly dramatic backstory involving dragons and a lost royal bloodline. hunk kindly chooses not to comment on it, and instead helps him develop new ideas and plots for his character’s adventures
eventually shiro manages to convince hunk to give RP a try. hunk is very careful and does a lot of research on the Voltron universe lore. he reads all the fanmade wiki pages, roleplaying guides on the game forums, etc., until he feels confident he can create a good character. he does (and eventually goes on to be a popular community figure who hosts huge server events and is friends with literally everyone, but that is several months down the line), and he and shiro begin their roleplaying adventures together
hunk gets Really Into It. fast. like faster than shiro. and he takes it SERIOUSLY; he is a total lore nerd & WILL tell you (in a very gentle, caring tone) if your character’s story/actions do not comply with the game’s established lore
“your character’s outfit is so cool! btw tho, I noticed you mentioned your character was born in the castle of lions—just wanted to let you know, it was actually only rediscovered and unlocked about 10 years ago in the game’s timeline, so it wouldn’t really make work for your character to be born there, since they’re 27 D: but if you want I can help you come up with a different birthplace :)”
keith, lance, and allura had thus far managed to resist the voltron bug. they just aren’t into mmorpg stuff, they insist. single-player games, sure, but open-world multi-player? sounds weird
lance falls first. Hunk hits him with the puppy dog eyes and its all over for him
he creates the most ridiculously beautiful character he can
“i dont care about whether my guy is a freaking dps or not, hunk, i need him to have an ass like a kardashian. WHERE IS THE BUTT SLIDER HUNK. i have a NICE ASS and i want it IMMORTALIZED IN PIXEL FORM”
he does, in fact, end up picking dps. hunk shows him the archer class and he lights up like a christmas tree
“i know you always wanted to bone legolas, so”
“i wanted to BE legolas, not BONE him, HUNK”
“sure lance”
allura falls next. her and lance’s weekly “self-care spa sessions” turn into lance rambling about all the wacky stuff he and hunk and shiro got up to that week, and she eventually cracks under the pressure because she Hates when there’s a new fad and she doesn’t understand it
“and then this guy came up to us and started roleplaying with us in ALL LOWER CASE and shiro and i wanted to d i e but hunk was all ‘nooo he’s just a newbie in need of some pointers’ and then spent the next TWENTY FREAKING MINUTES giving this guy tips and tricks about grammar and punctuation–”
within 2 days she has gotten almost halfway through leveling her new druid healer because she is Determined damn it
coran, allura’s uncle, also begins playing shortly thereafter. allura never says why exactly, but it does seem to be a direct result of her influence somehow. he plays a gunslinger class because he’s “always wanted to be a ‘rooting & tooting cowboy,’ as you call it!”
for whatever reason, he is Very Good at the game, like freakishly skilled. everyone is kind of afraid to question it so they just accept it and move on
he and pidge are really the only ones who are focusing on the actual game content anymore, so they start doing high-level raids together and then begin to gain something of a reputation as a terrifying duo in player-versus-player combat.
keith is resilient. he is a notoriously stubborn boy and no amount of puppy dog eyes from hunk or persuasive lectures from shiro will convince him to step outside his comfort zone
but lance, well. lance knows exactly how to get keith to do what he wants
“i bet you just know my character’s way cooler than yours would be”
“?? no. i literally dont care about your character or anybody else's”
“huh. guess i will just always be better at video games than you”
“are you seriously still trying to hold your killbot phantasm score over my head. you got lucky”
“i am the peerless king of video games–”
“are you listening to yourself. do you actually hear the words coming from your mouth.”
“–undefeated because you are too much of a coward–”
“fuck OFF send me the fucking download link you loudmouth”
keith takes. forever. to design his character.
lance is leaning over the back of keith’s chair, giving outrageous suggestions (and blatant lies) that keith pointedly ignores
“keith. keith if you give him neon orange hair it boosts your speed, did you know that?”
“choosing big ears gives you greater perception stats keith”
“keith listen to me, you gain the ability to breathe underwater if you choose a broken nose—OW, what the hell–”
keith takes SO LONG that eventually lance has to leave for dance lessons and when he gets back keith is only JUST finishing up
turns out he took so long because he wanted to use every resource available in the game to make the character look like a carbon copy of himself. the end result would have been impressive if it wasn’t so eerily accurate
“you’re seriously naming him keith kogane.”
“it’s my name!”
“keith it’s a ROLEPLAYING game. you’re supposed to play a ROLE”
“and my role is keith kogane.”
“that doesnt even fit the naming conventions for the humans in this game! hunk would be having a FIT right now if he was here”
“good thing he’s not”
keith selects the warrior class because, as lance repeatedly and petulantly insists, he is a “boring basic bitch fuckboy”
“im the fuckboy?? thats rich coming from a guy who plays an archer because he has a big fat crush on orlando bloom in a blond wig”
“HUNK is spreading LIES okay I do NOT have a cru–”
“i dont know what you see in him. he’s literally just a white lotor”
to be continued :)
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actualbird · 5 years
okay. okay, i know this is probably an unpopular/unorthodox take but. in a dghda good omens au i just think it would be really really interesting to entertain the possibility that dirk is crowley and todd is aziraphale
now hear me out
dirk, an angel who did not fall so much as flail vaguely downwards. he didnt do anything bad, per se. he just had way too much curiosity than what was acceptable for an angel. he was always asking questions, and ended up hanging with the wrong crowd, a bunch of demons who had promised him answers. he trusted the wrong people, didnt even get the answers he was promised, and next thing he knows he’s been cast out of heaven and his wings were scorched black. 
dirk, now a demon, who is kinda rubbish at being a demon. who mostly just lets humans do whatever and takes credit for it so that the downstairs doesnt get all up in his business. dirk who thinks that inventing selfies and traffic jams is proper demonic activity. dirk isnt evil so much as an incredible nuisance, and he is good at it. the best, really. and he’s come to learn that annoyed humans do all the evil making on their own.
todd, a principality who does not ask questions, who kinda just accepts things as they come. todd who has been stationed on earth since the beginning of time and slowly, upon seeing what humanity is capable of, has grown to be a little gruff and cynical. he’s still good! or at least he hopes he is, because it’s kinda in the job description of being an angel that he should be good, but he doesnt think he’s doing a stellar job at it. every time he does some miracles, humans always find a way to muck it up. wherever he spreads peace, in a few decades, conflict always breaks out. todd feels like an exhausted janitor of sorts, working so hard to influence people to the Good and getting disappointed whenever people just end up as, well....people.
todd isnt bad at being an angel, he just thinks it’s an absolute slog. not that he’d admit that to anybody. well, anybody other than dirk, when they both meet up and get spectacularly drunk and complain about their respective Sides.
also, theyve been in love with each other for 6000 years but you have GOT to know that already.
other fun things to imagine
todd collects records. he’s always been a huge fan of music ever since humans invented it, and records have had a soft spot in his heart ever since they were created. todd needs a place to put all these records, so he opens a record shop where he sells nothing and is an absolute and utter asshole to any customer to make sure nobody ever tries to buy any of his stuff. one notable time, somebody came in and said “is this a record store?” to which todd replied, surrounded by records, “no.” before shutting the door and locking it.
dirk drives a car, but “drives” and “car” are relative. when dirk says he “drives”, he means that he’s on a mission to break nearly every single traffic rule he can and also give todd a heart attack. when dirk says “car” he means he has a vehicle that changes form between whatever is the flashiest, prettiest car available at that given time period. he does this because he is absolutely vain and also because he knows that humans seeing somebody recklessly drive a very expensive car pisses them off
between the two of them, dirk is the one who mingles with humans a bit more. he’s got the personality for it, or maybe just the utter lack of care of what people think of him. todd prefers to stay out of the way of most humans, only really going in when he has a job to do or selfish earthly pleasures he wants to secretly indulge in (what? he likes concerts? and in his defense, he can make sure that whatever concert he’s at is like....super good, or whatever). but because of dirk’s mingling, this often gets him into trouble. lots of it. and todd, without fail, always comes to save him. dirk always, always tries to thank todd, but todd never accepts it on the grounds that getting thanked by a demon probably isnt proper. 
todd has this habit of reminding dirk hes a demon and dirk has long learned how to stop being offended by it. he figures that todd is just a repressed bastard that needs to justify every little thing to himself, so whenever todd does this, dirk just shrugs and says “whatever keeps you sane, angel.”
and just because im self indulgent, a snippet of how i imagine The Beginning:
“I don’t see what’s so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil anyway,” Dirk says at The Beginning. Todd, next to him, raises his eyebrows. Todd didn’t know demons were in the business of pouting. “Shouldn’t that help them, in the long run?”
“Isn’t wanting to know too much the whole reason why you got in trouble in the first place?” 
Dirk shifts from foot to foot, guilty. “Well...”
“I don’t think we’re supposed to know. Things. The Great Plan.” Todd says, frowning at how ridiculous it sounds and how, for some reason, he doesn’t want to sound ridiculous in front of Dirk. “It’s supposed to be, y’know. Completely impossible to understand. Nobody can put it into words. Nobody should.”
“That seems awfully convenient,” Dirk hums. He looks at Todd, squinting. “Didn’t you used to have a sword?”
“Uh.” Todd looks to the side, inspecting a patch of desert that has become very interesting to him suddenly. 
“You did! It was very impressive, flaming and everything. Where is it?
“Yeah, see---”
Dirk gasps, delighted, “Did you lose it already? This early in the game?”
“I didn’t lose it!” Todd snaps. He takes a breath. Reins himself in. “I just. Gave it away.”
“You gave it away---”
“They needed it more than I did!” Todd says, and he stops himself before he can say more. He doesn’t need to justify himself to a demon. Right?
“Hm,” Dirk looks thoughtful. “I suppose that was rather nice of you.”
“It’s not nice,” Todd says. “It’s...good. Hopefully.”
“Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t,” Dirk says. “One on hand, helping humans does seem to be the correct course of action for your kind. On the other, I’m unsure if them having a great flaming sword is part of The Great Plan, or whatever it is. Or if you had the right to give the thing away in the first place. Would this count as disobedience? Or is it not, because nobody’s come down and called you out for it, yet? Good and evil seem completely relative, if you think about it.”
“You’re not making me feel any better,” Todd grumbles.
“You know, it’s kind of funny, actually,” Dirk smiles. It catches Todd off guard, Dirk’s smile. It’s bright and kind, nothing like what he assumes demons must be. “What if you did the wrong thing and I did the right one? Funny if we got it both wrong, huh?”
"Not really,” Todd says.
Dirk looks towards the horizon. The grey storm clouds creeping in. Above them, the first drops of rain begin to fall.
“No,” Dirk says. “I suppose not.”
Todd looks at Dirk, the demon, the serpent that tempted the first humans into going out of God’s favor, and sighs. Todd raises one wing above Dirk’s head, and Dirk smiles gratefully, shuffling under its cover.
okay. okay im done. for now.
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How about the director's cut on "every other page is a mirror"? Did you have any idea how big the au would become at that point?
i sure as FUCK did NOT
when i started, i guesstimated the end word count at like... 50,000-60,000 words. 70,000 at the absolute max. just the main storyline alone ended up being twice that, and with the oneshots im looking at like 200,000. its fucking nuts
the other thing was that i had pretty much fuck-all followers at the time, there was only like 20 people on my taglist, i already knew it was gonna be the most self-indulgent thing i ever wrote as a whole, and the first installment is about 97% projecting. So i honestly wasn’t really expecting more than like... five people to read it
so much so that i almost didn’t POST every other page is a mirror. it was written and finished for a little more than a month before i put it up. and the AU itself? the earliest file i have in the laoft folder is dated March of last year. i posted the first part in August. i was working on it for months before i even considered actually putting it up.
i basically just kept telling myself “nobody will read this, why on earth would you bother?” i am REALLY glad i changed my mind
and the DIALOGUE, gotdamn. i took FULL advantage of my myriad of baby cousins to get those speech patterns down. like, JUST short of interrogating the little goblins. kids are hard to write (for me anyway) because theyre just such chaotic little shits you have no clue whats gonna come out of their mouths next.
the other thing was, fandom is pretty romance-dense (not a bad thing, just is) and every other page is a mirror has basically none - Dot and Larry, pretty much, and their relationship doesnt feature very prominently.
so i felt like i had to cram as many hooks in it as possible (its the longest of the four prologues by a lot) because otherwise i wasn’t gonna get anybody to stick around long enough to get to the LAMP lol
luckily i seemed to have been successful XD
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flusteredmountainman · 5 years
Since a bitch got sent one (1) ask only about. my ask meme that I created lol I’m going to go through and answer B) all of them bc i can... its selfcare.....
First 3 answers above the cut, other 47 below lmfao
Favourite of the main 6? I think the title of my blog speaks for itself lol
Least favourite of the main 6? Garbage stink piss man (Lucio)
Which of the main 6 do you want to slap the most? The aforementioned piss man but.... also kjaenfjkfea at times. Julian very badly because he’s just Like that but he’d probably enjoy that unfortunately
Which of the main 6 have the most similar interests to you? (favourite colour, flower, food, drink, season, hobbies etc.) Portia tbh!!! She’s a very sweet spring girl and I also have a fairly similar personality to her. 
Who has the most tragic backstory? Mmmm.....muriel.......... I mean everyone has a pretty sad past but Muriel’s really is something else. The man is Heavily traumatised and I desperately want to give him a hug :(
Favourite side character? Mazelinka.... adopt me challenge kjaefkjnaf. i cant stop thinking about “goat bitch” what a fucking icon
Favourite animal friend?  Faust!!!! shes a good girl!!!
Best/worst of the courtiers? fuck i dont remember any of their names but valerius is. hot basard. worst is vlastomil hands down im kinkshaming anyone who wants to fuck the worm
Fuck, marry, kill (asker’s choice) Well skajfnkajf I’ve shot myself in the foot but. TBH its like. Marry Muriel, fuck everyone else, kill Lucio (full disclosure I only just finished julians upright ending and haven’t played Nadia’s yet so this may change except for wanting to marry Muriel and kill Lucio lol)
Romance or fluff? (Muriel) Fluff!!!!! Muriel deserves all the affection in the whole wide world. He gets sick? Bundle him up in furs by the fire and cuddle up into him with a good book. You look at him once? he blushes. it really doesnt get fluffier than that ++ a lot of his character arc in general is going to be.... letting himself trust you............. which is. so fucking wholesome
Wild night out or quiet night in? ( Muriel ) Quiet night in lmfao. We’d just hang out inside drinking hot chocolate and talking until we fell asleep propped up against the wall in his tiny house having completely lost track of time. 
Adventure or domesticity? ( Muriel ) I wanna say adventure because. I love travelling! I love going out and trying new things! And Muriel very does Not but I feel like getting him out of his comfort zone would do him some good! Starting small would probably be best, like maybe a tramp or going camping once in a while, then building up to bigger trips to other cities once you’ve convinced him you’ll both be ok as long as you’re prepared.
Cute date to the aquarium/zoo/park or elegant dinner date? ( Muriel ) I already answered this one B) I said: “ Definitely somewhere casual!!! I feel like he’d be most at ease somewhere like the park on a sunny day! Pick a nice grassy spot by a creek and bring a basket and have a really nice, chill picnic, and have a nap together in the early afternoon sun. Go for a walk after and talk about Plants (because i. am a biology student lol)  and generally just have a really relaxing time. Give the man a flower? Tuck it behind his ear? and he’d die kjnaefjnaej. Alternatively
.. aquarium

. “
Coffeshop AU, high-school/college AU or modern AU? Give a headcanon about the one you chose jnakfjkjaf coffe shop AUs are so cliched but I actually love them for the settings of meetcutes. You meet Muriel when he’s on his rounds as a part time dog walker around the block and you barrel straight into him coming out of the shop when you’re checking an email, spilling the (now cold) remnants of your beverage all over him. You apologise profusely and he shrugs it off, blushing over your fussing and awkwardly tries to excuse himself. You insist on helping him finish his walk with All these dogs, anyway, you like dogs so it’s no trouble, and he begrudgingly agrees to finish the interaction sooner. You end up having a nice chat with him and notice in the weeks after that he starts coming by the shop without the dogs during the times you’re usually around, even though he doesn’t drink coffee. Your conversations with him during these short interludes quickly become the highlight of your day, and you start to suspect, eventually, that he feels the same :)
If (Muriel) turned up on your doorstep at midnight covered in blood, how would you react? Well I’d clean it off.... of .......course............. 👀👀👀
You’re stranded on a desert island; which 2 of the main 6 do you want with you? Muriel of course not only because I adore him but he’s. also a mountain man. Handy. And Asra because hes a good good magic boy and can make sand into water so.... handy. also asra is just an incredibly blessed person so kajefnkjaef
If your apprentice could go back in time and change one thing before the events of the game, what would it be? lucios birth :^)
You’re sick; who do you want to take care of you and why? I think I’m becoming predictable but. Muriel kjaefnkjafnjf you took such good care of him so it’s only fair that he should return the favour. He’s got a surprisingly good bedside manner and is generally just very gentle. Cooks eggs and grumbles that you should be taking better care of yourself but when you say thanks for all his help he blushes and kinda. stands up slightly straighter bc hes secretly happy he can Help
If you were trapped in an elevator with one character for 8 hours, who would you want it to be and why? Jojaefafjoafe ok so. Porbably Portia because she seems 1. one of the least likely to panic and 2. Would have fucking great conversation the whole time. 
Give a headcanon about Nadia She loves romcoms!!!! She would never ever admit it to anyone though, but she’s a huge sucker for romance stories in general. Cries at the end of mamma mia. Uses it as an excuse to snuggle all the way into your shoulder.
Give a headcanon about Asra He’s extremely lactose intolerant but he eats it anyway bc hes Chaotic and gives 0 fucks about how bad his guts feel afterwards, the cheese was Worth it dammit (and I say this bc thats also me kjaenfnef)
Give a headcanon about Julian Had a brief stint in his teen years where he unironically identified as sapiosexual
Give a headcanon about Portia She loves playing with hair/having her hair played with! Catch her falling asleep with her head in your lap as you weave your fingers through her hair.
Give a headcanon about Muriel I also already answered this one!:  “ He’d be really into gardening if he knew how! Catch me digging up all the dirt around his house and planting herbs, flowers (*cough* forgetmenots *cough) and other medicinal plants, and some strawberries for when spring comes! “
Give a headcanon about Lucio Unironically identifies as sapiosexual now even though he’s a huge dumbass himself 
Give a headcanon about a side character/the apprentice (asker’s choice) Nadia’s dad gets pegged
Give a popular opinion that you disagree with People calling Muriel a dom. have you. looked at this man. I have to laugh
Give an unpopular opinion Lucio sucks lol
Tarot or zodiac? Zodiac!!! Mostly bc I know exactly 0 things about tarot, I appreciate the aesthetic tho!
What is your patron major arcana? Oh worm I just looked at all the explanations in the wiki and tbh. The empress uh. dragged me with how much I ID with that (both reversed and upright) so akejfkjfae thats mine
Upright or reversed ending? Upright
Ot3? Me x muriel x asra (muriel has 2 hands and 2 tiny partners)
Brotp? jakjefnkanfe i love. portia and julians sibling banter. the good shit
Favourite non-apprentice-based ship? asriel............................. till i die............. (pordia is also fucking god tier)
Is the apprentice you, or your OC? thats just me bich kajefnkjnafe we living our best self indulgent lives 
Tell me about your Apprentice(s) im a big bi mess and i would die for muriel and thats it really
Favourite piece of worldbuilding lore? already answered: “ I really love how much of a shithole Vesuvia is kjbanefknaefk like. No formal process of trial/law? Public executions just being how people Do things? someone fucking help this city lmfao”
Favourite background/location? ok i really love nopal bc of all the cacti but tbh like. really anywhere theres a lot of cool nature? the forest is fucking good
The Forest or Nopal? bring the cacti from nopal to muriel’s hut in the forest and it’s perfect
The Palace or the shop? thheeee shop. i like the palace but i think id get Overwhelmed not being able to just. be in my own space a lot lol
The Rowdy raven or the library? the library with a healthy amount of alcohol lol. 
Favourite sprite?
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43. Favourite character design?  I !!!!!!!!! really. love Asra’s design bc of its howl callback but all the designs r fucking cool 44. Best masquerade outfit?    Nadia’s..... glamorous..... 45. Best scene? Muriel. hugging. faust you and asra. hes so fucking wholesome ill cry...... or just straight up both of his books akjenfkjafn 46. Worst Scene? Honestly any containing lucio 47. Favourite song on the soundtrack? I love Crowd hammer! (predictable) but also memory 48. Best tale/bonus content? I dont remember names im terrible but i/ love the muriel one ofc kjneafkjn 49. Best CG?/ 50. Favourite memory?
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laurent-ofvere · 6 years
You should write all the little smutty scenes we didn’t get to see and then write even more spicy sexy times because that shit was the good shit and I’ve never liked anything more that I liked that gOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE!!! Please be more self indulgent all the time my gosh 😳 The blindfold? Dead. The riding? dEaD. The TIE in general? COME ON NOW. I really from the bottom of my spicy heart would love it if u could write more of that stuff. Explore with them. Do it, I dare u.
ah thank you!! i initially wrote the tie blindfold/bondage scenes bc i wanted to make it a little kinky and all that, but it actually ended up working a lot in terms of showing their growing trust and whatnot so im glad i didn’t take it out.
generally tho, heres the thing. im mainly into fic bc i really like feeling like im potentially getting more of them, which is why im so stringent with characterization in my fic/other peoples fic that i read. if its really outlandish and ‘not them’ then it feels kinda pointless to me bc then it reads to me like original work with their names on it. and i mean,, they are such vanilla softies that writing something Wild doesnt always feel super realistic to me (but dont get me wrong i definitely think they have rough sex too) but while i like kink and spice and rougher sex and all that, i feel like if i were to write them in that way i would need to find a balance? which is what i tried to do with the preppy au. idk if this is making any sense lol but its really easy to write the dirtiest kinkiest sex in the world, but theres just a matter of 1. it just generally reading very tastelessly excessive and like youre just trying too hard to make it as wild as possible and in turn it just starts coming off a little laughable and 2.i just needa do it in a way that “fits” them, so like a certain situation or tone or blah blah idk, just a way to blend in kink with their personalities and preferences and make it seem realistic for them and not like im just writing the kinkiest sex and slapping their name on it
BASICALLY WOW what im tryna say is yes i down to write them spicier and all that i just needa make it Work
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galimatios · 5 years
sci fi ya au musings from twitter thread mostly nts
maybe i do want to write YA science fiction ya with gay and all my favorite self indulgent tropes and also plugsuits
I HATE MYSELF I IMMEDIATELY HAVE SCENES IN MY HEAD . ITS BEEN TWO GODDAMN SECONDS. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THESE CHARACTERS ARE YET tjinking about those rooms in that one ep of black mirror where youcan program jt tk show whatever you want on the walls. maybe projection of virtual reality vs reality as a major motif. simulations and distance... long distance relationships during a war in space action too... have to think about an enemy but maybe we rag on capitalism a littlle maybe some conglomerate is fighting a proxy war using aliens vs the govt the protags are in the military for theme.. war sucks bye but also theres dynamics i want
UM I CAN PUT BIG MECHA INNNNNNNN YEAHHHH anyway i want 2 loyal dog dynamics to juxtapose w eachother + platonic soulmate type protag duo, best friends , one girl one boy, theyre both equally important, some SHIT happens and theyre forced on different sides at some point one loyal dog is treated well, like an equal, will follow x to the end of the world the other is Not treated well. i want to explicitly make that relationship abusive so i can point at it in the text itself and have other loyal dog be like , that's not love. abandoned loyal dog gets adopted by main duo, ends up in a relationship w one of them (whichever one makes it gay), im ship girl with side character who inspires tf out of her, sort of like. theyre competitive and the side character is light years more skilled but girl wants the challenge, wants the chase, is fueled by the prospect of catching up so "wait for me" LAYS DOWN NONE OF THESE CHARACTERS HAVE NAMES OR DESIGNS OR ANYTHING BUT IM ALREADY ATTACHED TO THESE CONNECTIONS mc pair: one techy soft boy nerd who just wants to protect his family so thats why he agreed to help develop/operate tech bc he thinks this is how he can help headstrong pilot ace girl who has no one but wants to prove herself and make a name for herself so she'll be remembered she wants to win glory for herself and comes off as super confident but actually she's just. asuka evangelion except she doesnt crash and burn so bad bc she has the boy who sees thru it, you dont have to try so hard probably happens after a fight where she's reckless hes not one to get mad but this time he's pissed bc she was exceptionally close to dying, yells at her, why do you keep trying so hard to die kinda snaps her back to reality he wants her to rely on him more bc that's what hes here for anyway loyal dog defects from enemy + meets this pair after other loyal dog suggests he joins the crew, tech boy is kind to Everyone but loyal dog FORMERLY AN ASSASSIN ???????? TYPE?? SNIPER?? develops baby crush girl sips her drink :3c
I HAVE TO THINK MORE ABOUT THEM BC OH NO THEYRE CUTE but girl is chasing after some nb femme prodigy who she's rivals with and admires for more than just her skill theyre both emotionally constipated idiots tho so its like. (hand touch) thats enough for 100 years there is. so much tension. and prodigy seems so perfect on the outside but is actually in some kind of super strict fucked up program bc of her skill, and she hated it and is suffering ace pilot is the one to barge in headstrong and fuck everything up and get her out of there girl believes prodigy is amazing. really. incredible. a part of her feels like she'll never catch up . but even so watching prodigy walk into the unknown unflinchingly resolute ... it's both sad in a way bc she's being left behind but also she wouldnt have it any other way bc she thinks forward is the only way prodigy should be facing. its what inspires her. that strength ... h they definitely settle down together in the future tho bc i need ththattt
"when this is all over" said the prodigy, "come find me" this is so self indulgent anyway plotwise once both the govt and the enemy r revealed to be equally bad the main cast defect to a revolutionary group. they will Not win within the span of the novel but theyll have a small victory, very les mis one day more flavored, and even if they did not win they stood for something they believed in, did something to try and tell the truth... also i need more of a cast so i can kill characters off nice now all i have to do is fill all this in with world building and action and stuff and ill have a novel so many sci fi things have done the 2 pilot mind sync emotional thing right so if i do the same thing no one knows if i took it from one franchise or another i need to twist it around a little but i may have ideas haha i can. totally make this a part of my fucking huge sci-fi au really wanna call main girl lane and main boy khemrin . .. i cant unsee the girl as rey flavored so shes ending up w red hair and irish, but boy is SEAsian with a huge family, loyal dog who defects is african, prodigy is asian, other loyal dog feels south american prodigy... astrid is her real name but she may have a codename fsr? idk why i feel it. icarus? assassin defector... something that starts with an o or a d other loyal dog... i need to think but i also need to figure out the personalities of their respective pairs inserts minh as evil one. done. maybe mephis adjacent character for the... no mephis doesnt care abt anyone BUT hed be a great side character OH god what if au jonah and ambrose oh boy. FUCK jonahs probably there for some special task bc hes. attuned to some shit idk
I GUESS IM GONNA DEVELOP AMBROSE MORE ive only written him as a young adult but as a teen hes angry and rebellious and got drafted, ended up being a simple foot soldier but he meets jonah and a lot changes jonah's there on top secret bullshit, same program as astrid definitely has some shit to do With Experiments. astrid has enhanced eyesight/coordination on top of being an ace combat pilot, i think jonah might be able to open up warp gates or limited pocket space mephis is evil scientist who doesnt care abt casualties
I'm thinking about unnamed pilot lesbians and i am. enamored immediately holy shit god they're both so goal oriented and focused but once the fighting is finally over they finally allow themselves to embrace the intensity of their emotions for eachother and i am fucking perishing they were essentially raised as child soldiers so it's this clumsy process of trying to figure things out for the first time, this kind of innocent but intense and blooming love between two hardened soldiers, the years of war coming away when they're together for the first time actually fuck i did name them but i'm still not sure about ace pilot girl? i want to name her lane or something monosyllable, maybe i'll revamp raine and make her this oc instead... either way i'm just. ugh. UGH. FUCK. holy shit they love eachother so much
I"M GETTING REALLY FUCKED UP ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF THE PRODIGY (ASTRID) DYING IN THE LINE OF DUTY or well at least goes missing, presumed dead but raine just... doesn't believe it. astrid can't die. she's too amazing. there's no way fucking. huge disbelief. she refuses? raine going on a near suicidal self-appointed mission against commander's orders to rescue her, khemrin tries to hold her back but he can't, she' fucking gone speeding off on one of the fastest scouting ships she can hijack raine finding her alive but barely conscious in a damaged cockpit floating in space for who knows how long, raine unable to open the hatch and get to her but anchors her ship to hers, NOT EFFECTIVE BUT HER ONLY REAL CHOICE w/o compromising the air seal. makes the journey back astrid barely makes it to the space equivalent of a truck stop (unaffiliated) and raine calls for backup in panic and tries her best to tend to astrid's wounds an feed her and she's fucking PANICKING but trying so hard to keep it together astrid wakes up and raine's crying i don't have anything specific its just really soft and raine never Does this god when they meet again after the war, raine running her fingers over the scar left from astrid's helmet shattering h raine in a tux and astrid dressed like a princess and raine kissing her shoe sorry im gay bye
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kibokurestu · 7 years
the izuruki coffee shop au no one asked for
anyways this is my contribution to the digimon otp week – the incredibly self indulgent izuruki (izumi orimoto/ruki nonaka) coffee shop au no one asked for, particularly bc im probably the only person who ships this??? more under the cut
first of all its in bullet points bc i cant write for shit how ironic
izumi is the cute but also one of the youngest baristas that works in a coffee shop that is PRETTY MUCH a hipster’s wet dream. 
she’s also hella gay, seventeen, and very much single.
let me tell u more about this coffee shop bc @varichina​ gave me a great idea. the rest of the staff consists of wallace, takeru, yamato, toma, and probably kiriha even if i dont rly know much about him. i think im gonna add juri and hikari to the staff too just to keep things under control. 
naturally u guys see where this is going right. this coffee shop is a living shitpost. but its popular bc its mostly run by blondes.
also in this au takeru and hikari are dating?? hikari’s the owner/manager of the place and takeru is her boyfriend that works there too. they are Adults.
i get the feeling though that toma would be the one making the pastries in the back. he only talks to the regulars who sit in the back 
anyways ruki, who’s eighteen and just moved to the neighborhood and doesn’t really know places yet, until one day on reading week, she finds a coffee shop that’s perfct for writing all three essays she has due the next week. 
so the first time she goes is a sunday and is immediately taken aback by how by izumi’s beautiful smile, hair, eyes, height, everything. 
so ruki keeps coming back on weekdays and befriends the entire barista staff (takeru and wallace get on her nerves with bad jokes and fuckboy-but-not-rly-a-fuckboy attitudes, but she’s thankful for hikari, who scolds them) 
but she never sees izumi when she goes and shes a bit heartbroken because who was that beautiful girl???? she doesnt want to ask bc she doesnt want to embarrass herself
but then one day when she goes on a saturday morning she’s taken aback because??? there she is!!!! the beautiful barista from the other day!!!! holy shit ruki wasn’t even aware of how thirsty she is until izumi smiles when she sees her and says something like “its you again! from that one time! what can i get you?” 
and ruki is dying on the inside because oh my god she remembers me
ruki gets her usual (which is a cortado and a lemon bar) and of COURSE introduces herself to izumi, so now they know each other’s names o yeah wiggles eyebrows
ruki keeps coming back especifically in the weekends to see the apple of her eye. 
also note!!: ruki becomes a regular there and all the other baristas know her and her order. 
izumi tho is such a ray of sunshine because she actually loves her job. she’s always smiling and asking the costumers or AT LEAST the other regulars about how they’re doing and saying that she’s glad to see them. 
but whenever ruki comes over she immediately goes “i’m so happy to see you!” or if ruki speaks first and asks her how she’s doing, izumi will say something like “im so much better now that you’re here.” 
and sometimes they start talking on the counter and have nice and sweet conversations before the manager (probably hikari tbh) reminds izumi that she has to continue taking orders. 
hikari probably also winks at them because she knOWS that something is going on.
or when izumi is making coffees they usually have nice small talk. 
or when izumi’s working but there aren’t a lot of costumers, ruki will seat at the bar and talk with izumi for hours. takeru sometimes joins the conversation and teases them.
there are days in which ruki goes there specifically to do work, even if she really wants to talk to izumi, but she swears she hears wallace say “izumi, do you need a cup of water?” (((listen if u didnt get this, the joke is that wallace caught izumi staring at ruki and he laughed and he told her to drink some water to quench her fucking thirst)
ON A FATEFUL DAY OF MAY izumi mentions that a few days ago was her birthday and ruki’s surprised because she didn’t know this. 
however what she thinks about immediately is that izumi is a taurus. so she brings it up because tauruses are all amazing people and she thinks she likes izumi a little bit way more.
izumi confirms it but she asks why that’s relevant and ruki tells her that she’s always found tauruses to be incredible people and that she’s always seemed to get along with them. 
and listen here, izumi looks at her straight in the eye, smile, and tells her that maybe they were meant to be
this immediately fries ruki’s brain and she starts stuttering and almost spills her coffee and holy shit was she flirting?? was she really gay??? holy shit holy shit.
hopefully takeru and hikari are there to save her. kind of. not really. takeru says something like “oh? soulmates? are you guys going out then?”
hikari slaps him playfully and tells him not to intrude, and that they probably have, then he apologizes for him. 
but this actually helps because izumi ends up writing her number with a heart besides it on ruki’s to-go cup. 
ruki notices after she’s home, when she’s about to throw away the cup holy shit that was a close one. she blushed SO HARD because it must be izumi’s number. 
so she texts her immediately that night but she dOESNT KNOW HOW TO GO ABOUT IT BECAUSE SHE’S SO NEW TO DATING???? but somehow she ends up asking izumi out on a date. 
ruki goes back to the coffee shop a few days later (when izumi’s not working) and everyone straight up congratulates her for asking izumi out.
then they go out and start dating thaT’S IT???? 
sorry the ending sucked guys but i really dont know what else to write this was kinda rushed?? this is also largely based on mY coffee shop au experience which sadly i never got to finish living out,, rip my ass
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