#this bitch is DEPRESSED and that depression takes the form of anger
dittolicous · 6 months
part three of raging stealth black!sanji i guess! (part one - part two)
sanji is very aware that he's just a means to an end. that he's being lied to and used and manipulated. he was given a butchered version of his 'life history' to make up for his amnesia, which included the strawhats abandoning him when he proved too weak and got hurt, something which he had no frame of reference to doubt when he first awoke from death
but if vinsmoke judge is anything, its being ridiculously bad at foresight and little details
honestly, how did he really expect to hide the relative truth with the strawhats being such big names? their journey has been documented, and while its clearly got some biases, sanji can read between the lines. little details are his *job*, thats all espionage is!
so, yeah. he knows hes being used to get the strawhat pirates, knows that he and his siblings are nothing but manufactured tools
it just adds another coal to the growing fire pit of rage in his stomach. its really all he can feel these days, this growing red hot anger, so bright that he perpetually, endlessly fights to keep flames from dancing along his form. he cant place it at first, has no reason to dislike his fathers hand on his shoulder the night he finally awakens, yet the weight lights something within him. his skin prickles where the hand had rested. he wants to scratch it off, to remove the tainted section of his body
he says nothing. good children are seen and not heard.... hes good, yes? right? thats... what he wants?
(can he even want? everything is so empty, so quiet... why-why-why-)
his brother's hollow laughter, the smell of bins full of rotting food, the bubble-filled cloning tubes, the taste of his sisters poison in the air as it lays waste to their enemies, the joyous smile on his fathers face...
sanji also knows he shouldn't be able to feel, yet he can very clearly name this white hot feeling taking root deep within him - rage, unabashed and uncontrollable
when hes not dreaming of sea salt, citrus, or distant laughter, he dreams of vinsmoke blood staining the ground, of satisfaction as his heels dig into ribs, of inflicting every wound they ever gave him right back at them (an odd thing, his waking mind supplies, seeing as his family has never hurt him...), of crushing the shells to the sailing snails which house this tyrannical kingdom
he had hoped to exorcize the demons haunting his dream by gathering knowledge, hence why he sought outside information sources (ie where ever judge deemed worth attacking), surely these unbiased sources would clear away this doubt that should never have exsisted!
instead the roots of his vitriol are set. there is no going back to sanji that woke to his family's supposedly loving faces
they are warmongers, destroyers... liars... they take more than they could ever need or desire... he isn't a son or brother, hes nothing more than another plunder of victory. a walking symbol of their prowess
what do these fools even hope to achieve with their senseless grapples for power? kingdoms?? glory of germa66? scientific might?
don't make him laugh
sanji might only be a means to an end, but so are they, not that those arrogent buffoons even realize
(he cannot say how he knows nor does he really care, but the danger of the world government runs deeper than any outsider could ever grasp - the five shadowy beasts of his dreams tell him so with guttural voices and air-tainting bloodlust)
all too soon it becomes clear that life is nothing but pointless suffering, engineered by tyrants just like vinsmoke judge, just like the shadow beasts whos screams having him waking in cold-sweats, there is no end... they are only free from this horrible cycle in the embrace of death. the dead cannot bleed nor starve nor struggling to breath through grief filled lungs. life is children sobbing over the prone form of their parents or hollowed faces taking mouthfuls of poisoned water to quiet aching stomachs...
the vinsmokes take blindly and foolishly, they took everything from him, took his life, his memories, his heart, left him nothing but a tense anger that leaves his muscles aching and fingers twitching to destroy, pride blinding them to the encroaching cliff into hell
if they wish for hell so badly, who is sanji to deny them? he will bring down the flames of hell and rip clean through the earth to deliver them personally. every sensless act of violence, every life taken without a blink of an eye, every drop of blood the fed the ground, sanji shall return tenfold, yet deny them the relief of death just as they stole him from his
he'll go along with their little plan to draw out the strawhat pirates, give them the easy satisfaction they desire, and just when they feel victory by the tips of their fingers.... they will learn what life is truly like by sanji's very own hands
(and if he holds tightly to the fleeting moments of calm like a balm on his burned exoskeleton, brought on by the face of his former captain or flashes of green from the perpetually lost swordsmen, no one has to know
none of it will matter in the end)
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signanothername · 1 month
saw your recent post about Nightmare's room for Dream, and it reminded me of a fic, where due to Dream still physically and mentally being 6 in the stone, Nightmare was preparing for what to do now as the 'older brother'
which made me wonder
I'm betting Ink or someone from the Omega Timeline found Dream first when he was freed from the statue
What would've happened had it been Nightmare? When faced with this small six year old who is nothing like he remembers, would Nightmare's true self and corruption be mentally first fighting on what the hell to do?(The mental image of this is a bit comical)
Aw that’s adorable dhhxhxhxh
So funny enough, I kinda already made 2 comics that explored what Nightmare’s reaction will be to a small 6 y/o Dream before, just under completely different circumstances
But here’s the thing, while i have explained before how Nightmare’s corruption works in my eyes, I don’t think I was really clear in my explanations, so I’m taking your ask as an excuse to explain it better >:) (i’ll get back to your main question I promise hdhdhdh i just wanna help you connect some dots when it comes to Nightmare’s behavior)
So something to keep in mind is how Nightmare’s mind isn’t truly strong enough to fight off his corruption/corrupted thoughts from controlling him and guiding his actions, and while Nightmare is in absolute control of his mind, his corruption has shaped it in its own twisted way, that’s why he’s an absolute fucking bitch, that’s why Nightmare can be extremely cruel to those around him
Think of his corruption as a parasite, it feeds off Nightmare’s own pain and in turn it’s what makes Nightmare feel that pain (and his own emotions) magnified times a thousand
So when say a normal person who isn’t corrupted feels anger for example, they would feel that anger through stages from it being a mere mild frustration that turns to anger and then full blown rage (depending on the situation of course), but even then a normal person would be able to control that frustration so it doesn’t escalate to anger and in turn never turns to rage, or even if this person were to immediately jump to rage, then they’ll be able to calm themselves down by venting that anger a bit
Nightmare on the other hand,
A- doesn’t go through those stages for his emotions, he immediately experiences the most intense form of them
B- those feelings never go away, they linger and fester inside him like an infestation as it is what his own corruption feeds on
He feels angry? That anger is a full blown rage inside him, he feels sad? That’s crushing depression for him, he feels hate? That hate is nothing but raw loathing for everyone and everything around him, he feels fear? It’s fucking paralyzing to the point Nightmare seeks power so he won’t have to feel afraid, he feels happy? It’s tainted by his now sadistic behavior as Nightmare finds sick satisfaction and glee in hurting those around him
Of course, how he deals with that changes as he grows and learns and adapts, so such emotional intensity/ instability is extremely apparent on him as a newly corrupted 6 y/o who feels all alone and lost in the world while it shapes his personality and who he becomes as an adult with a lot more control over his actions/reactions (corruption + bad experiences that shapes his mind = Mean Girl Bitchmare)
What I’m trying to say is that his corruption contributes to his emotional instability, and that corruption knows what to feed on exactly, it makes it so Nightmare feels dependent on negativity so he won’t have to experience what it’s like to feel powerless again, it feeds on his fear, pain, anger, hatred and it extends to Nightmare’s sadistic cruel actions that in turn brings more negativity, which in turn makes him stronger and by extension the corruption stronger which contributes to magnifying his emotions even more, which leads to more cruelty and so on, it’s a never ending torturous cycle that no one is aware Nightmare’s in.. including Nightmare himself, Nightmare is as much of a victim to his corruption as those poor souls who have to deal with Nightmare cause of it
The corruption magnifies Nightmare’s emotions too much for his mind to even be able to process them let alone regulate them, (and Nightmare already has problems understanding his own emotions to begin with) and in turn that corruption only got to his mind as well
Imagine it this way, Nightmare’s mind is plagued by his now corrupted thoughts, he can’t truly think clearly through the thick suffocating corruption, trauma, and horrifying experience in his first 500 years of corruption, it’s like looking through a broken mirror, the pieces of the mirror are still there, and they still show his reflection, but they’re too distorted and messy to form a clean and clear reflection, Nightmare looks at himself in that mirror, but all he sees is scattered pieces of who he used to be (he can no loger recognize his reflection) and so as Nightmare keeps trying to put the pieces back together, it’s more and more clear that not only do they now show the reflection of he used to be, but also who’d he become, the shattered mirror pieces reflect both his corrupted and passive self in a distorted messy way (that’s who Nightmare is now)
Ok if that’s the case, how come Nightmare has kind moments that contradicts his own corrupted state of being? Cause despite his corruption, he’s still Nightmare, I can never emphasize that enough
Despite the cycle he’s in, despite the state of those shattered pieces of who he used to be, those pieces that has his passive self STILL EXIST alongside his corrupted pieces, Nightmare’s own mind, thoughts, emotions and identity beyond that corruption still linger inside him, even if if in a sort of a limbo state
Ok with that all in mind, what the fuck does that have to do with a 6 y/o Dream? Everything
Just like I showed in the comic before, Nightmare would be too blinded by his own pain and hatred (that’s magnified by his corruption) to actually slow down and realize that Dream is 1- literally still a 6 y/o in mental and physical capacity, and 2- is just as in much pain and with such as much trauma as he is
Nightmare hates Dream with a passion
But the thing is, as I showed in this comic here, apart of Nightmare still deeply cares about Dream, even when Nightmare’s in absolute denial about it, I dare say Nightmare doesn’t even realize how much that lil part of him cares
And that would reflect on how he deals with Dream, Nightmare would be conflicted alright, but his corruption would win first and foremost and as such, he’ll deal with Dream with cruelty (that he later realizes was a mistake)
I will not lie, I’ve yet to decide on what I love to think happened to Dream as a statue, but allow me to say that it’s one of 4 options, I like to believe it’s either
A- Nightmare kept him in Dreamtale beside the corpse of their mother
B- took Dream with him to his own castle where he kept him in a safe space
C- left him in a remote part of the multiverse in an empty universe devoid of life (which later got populated)
D- a combination between A and B and C in a linear timeline (i think option D is my fave so far, but I haven’t made a final decision yet :’D)
That being said, the moment Dream breaks out his stone prison, I believe Dream would be too confused and scared to understand what’s going on, hell, would probably think the Apple incident happened just yesterday, not that 500 years passed (you can imagine Dream’s shock later) only to start frantically searching for Nightmare and when he does find his twin? Nightmare doesn’t look like Nightmare anymore, where’s his golden crown? Where’s his tunic? Why is he so much taller? So many questions, and Nightmare’s not in the mood to answer
Tumblr media
Nightmare would definitely be shocked to see Dream out of his prison, a big part of him hates that Dream escaped it, Dream doesn’t deserve to be free, another part of him (the one that cares) is relieved cause turning him to stone was never the plan, and then the more dangerous corrupted part of him is sadistically gleeful, he could finally get a proper payback and to have the golden apple from such a weak, small and helpless child
Dream would start talking about how he wants Nightmare back and you can imagine how pissed Nightmare would be at Dream’s daring audacity to bring up the apple incident
Their first interaction after Dream is finally freed is not at all pleasant (the fact Dream is still a 6 y/o physically and mentally doesn’t deter Nightmare’s cruelty)
Nightmare eventually realizes he should’ve been a lot more merciful on his twin when he first broke out his prison, yet that sadistic gleeful part of him can never be quelled (unbeknownst to Nightmare that the glee he feels at Dream’s misfortune is just his trauma shaped in a twisted manner due to his corruption, he feels like Dream hadn’t suffered like he had, so Nightmare will make Dream suffer himself)
And the rest is (kinda) history :)
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666writingcafe · 3 months
I wish Barbatos didn't act so high and mighty all the time. I feel him glaring at me as I help get MC situated in their bed at the castle, as if it's my fault they're currently unconscious. Like, how was I supposed to know that someone would magically kick Solomon out of my cave and take his form while I was gone?
I already know how he would answer that question. And it pisses me off. He's intentionally put Solomon through much worse experiences and nearly killed the poor sorcerer in the process. I don't think he has any right to judge me for a complete accident.
Once he shuts the bedroom door, I drag a nearby chair over to the bed and sit down, reaching down and grabbing MC's hand. I've already established a connection to their soul, so I should be able to communicate with it.
That motherfucker! I swear, the next time I see him, I'm going to punch him.
Well then. Wasn't expecting that.
Oh, good. I finally have someone to listen to my bitching. Ever since the bastard knocked me out, he's been taunting me. It's fucking annoying.
This is going to be entertaining. I didn't think MC had it in them to curse.
Who was he?
Solomon has called him Nightbringer. He's the one that sent us here.
To gather information that will help a dear friend of mine. At least, that's what he told me. If I'd known it was a ruse, I may have reconsidered.
The door flies open, and Solomon quickly ducks inside.
"And where have you been?!" I ask him, making sure he feels my wrath.
"Don't start with me," he grumbles. "I've had to escape a rather deep part of the Devildom forest without magic."
"Ooh, how depressing."
"Enough, Thirteen." Oh shit. He only ever uses my name when he's really agitated. "How's my apprentice?"
"Alive." Solomon notices me holding MC's hand, looking slightly amused.
"You out of all people ought to know that this isn't what it looks like," I gently scold him. "I'm merely accessing the connection I have with them."
"Right." He walks over to the other side of the bed and looks down at the sleeping MC.
Can you tell Solomon that I didn't mean to slap him as hard as I did?
"I think he already knows, MC."
"You think I already know what?" Solomon asks. I repeat what MC said, and he sighs.
"You're still getting used to your strength as a demon," he tells them. "I wouldn't expect you to be super delicate."
Still. I must have left a nasty bruise on your face.
Nah. Ever since he became immortal, he heals quickly from simple injuries like that. The only thing you might have damaged was his ego.
"I should have gone with you," Solomon states, glancing up at me.
"And risk angering MC more? I don't think so."
"Well, I'd rather have that than this. What if they don't wake up?" Is he holding back tears?
"Solomon, it's okay." I try smiling gently at him, but I'm sure it looks fake as hell. I don't have a particularly soft-looking face. "I'm sure they won't remain like this forever."
"I..." He trails off, clearing his throat and rubbing his eyes. I haven't seen him react this strongly to someone injured. Not since he was a little kid. Being around Barbatos has desensitized him to death and violence, making him more likely to not only engage in risky behavior, but to act flippantly when other people fall victim to those things.
And yet, he's acting like losing MC would be a tragedy. Why? What makes them different from the thousands of humans in similar predicaments?
No fucking way.
"Do you love them?"
"What?" Solomon recoils at how loud he asks that question.
"You know I don't like repeating myself." He takes a deep breath, trying his best to remain composed.
"Possibly? It's been so long since I've cared this deeply about someone. I've kinda forgotten what that feels like."
"Would you like some time alone with them?" Solomon's eyes widen. "Look, I know I tease you a lot, but I'm not heartless. If you need me out of the room, then I'd be more than willing to do so. Just let me know when you're done, and don't do anything stupid."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch
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koolaidoverliving · 4 months
oookay, first AU headcanon post let's go—
these are simple! i've split it up into general headcanons and headcanons for the individual characters. i love them very much so enjoy!!! :D
The three of them have known each other for a good ten years. Nathan met Jason first. They lived relatively close to each other—Nathan being located in a small flat and Jason owning a mixed-use workshop down the street.
They weren't friends at first. Of course not. Nathan's a social recluse and Jason's... Well. Jason is Jason.
They became friends through Candy Pop! Candy Pop, hearing about Jason's abilities, decided he'd be the perfect person to fix his hammer. And he was right!
They are a chaotic trio for sure. Nathan and Candy Pop pull heinous pranks on Jason while Candy Pop and Jason have a Tom-n-Jerry rivalry. Other than that, they enjoy lovely chats together over tea.
There were also a bunch of stray cats in the area which Nathan and Jason took turns taking care of.
Also—Candy Pop and Nathan made fun of Jason's British accent so much that they developed a slight accent themselves. Jason laughs at them whenever he catches it.
These three are not proxies, nor do they associate themselves with Slenderman. Nathan and Jason are affected by the Slender Sickness, yes, but they despise the man.
Candy Pop especially hates Slenderman. You're telling me he just got rid of Night Terrors and now there's another annoying demon fucking up his best friends' lives?
They all have (undiagnosed) autism, though Nathan has ADHD too!
"Teehee, watch me juggle!"
He/Him, Bisexual Male
500 years old mentally, July 12th (Jason made up the birthday for him)
I do headcanon him to be transgender! Because he's a shapeshifter, he's able to change his anatomy at will. But it takes up a lot of energy, and so he'll mostly stay in his biological form.
No longer fused with Night Terrors. He was able to seal Night Terrors after 3000+ years... but the object he was sealed into was Candy Pop's own heart.
Candy's soul is corrupted by the demon. He's unpredictable and has extreme mood swings. Sometimes he's evil, sometimes he's good.
He craves souls, which is troubling because Candy, at the very core, doesn't like harming innocent people—especially not humans.
He invented April Fools' day to commemorate his late girlfriend... Guess her name.
Huge history nerd.
Speaks in Shakespearean/Old English. Reads and writes so much it's ridiculous. He finds humans and their literature to be fascinating.
Childish. Loves drawing, colouring, collecting shiny things, playing music, and showing off. Only eats candies, sweets and raw cabbage.
He sets up traps outside of Jason's flat and is always trying to whack him with his hammer. They're like frenemies with benefits or something.
Is an overbearing father. Constantly overwhelms Ciara with affection. Ciara finds him to be annoying (as does everyone), but a sweet guy nonetheless.
After Nathan got married to Ciara, Candy Pop took the liberty of tricking Jason into signing marriage papers so he could "match with his bestie".
Their only guests were Nathan (he was the guest, ring bearer, priest and flower boy) and a random homeless man (it was The Puppeteer).
... Let's just say Jason's hair stayed white for a week till they got a divorce.
"How do I politely tell someone to fuck off and die—"
He/They, Pansexual Male
32 years old, October 29th
Transgender! He transitioned at a young age—maybe around twelve? Not sure. His peers were accepting of him and he promised Crystal she could still braid his hair.
He wants to be a tall goth bitch, but he's 5'6 which Ciara, Candy Pop and Jason keep making fun of. Thankfully, he has his platform boots that make him 5'8.
After Crystal's death, Nathan was more... reserved, anxious—he developed anger issues and struggled with depression. The three C's pushed him to get out of his shell, but he had to work on himself a lot to get to where he is today.
Crystal, as a ghost, stays in Nathan's right eye, making it purple.
Married to Ciara Heloise.
Because of this, Candy LOVES calling Nathan his son. Annoys the living shit out of them. "O, my beautiful son!" "Stahp! I'm not your son!"
He thinks Candy Pop's rivalry with Jason is hilarious which is why he never intervenes.
Nathan loves his wife, cats, pineapples, goth aesthetics, and pranks. And even though he doesn't act it, he's fond of physical affections such as handholding and hugs. :)
He isn't a serial killer like the other pastas. He's an assassin that only kills for revenge, or to collect souls for Ciara.
Nathan has ZERO filter. He will tell you straight to your face that your shoes are ugly or you're annoying him.
He'll just say the most ABYSMAL. UNHINGED. DIABOLICAL. shit and move on like it's normal.
"I can fix you—Okay. Why did my catch phrase have to turn into a joke?"
He/Him, Jasonsexual (Unlabelled) Male
Idfk how old he is, November 15th
He is not traditionally masculine. He likes doing his hair, skincare and eyeliner and he takes great pride in his fashion. However, he doesn't like when people call out his feminine traits. Insecure little guy.
His neglectful parents caused him to develop a huge inferiority complex that he masks with his annoying superiority complex.
When his parents died, he did not inherit anything. "I do not need my parents' filthy money when I am perfectly capable of making far richer." Yeah, he's got a high ego.
Workaholic. Will spend hours in his workshop without sleeping or eating. It's extremely self-destructive, but he doesn't care... Or at least, he tries not to. When he falls over due to the lack of nutrition, that's hard to deflect.
Sometimes, if he's really hungry but doesn't want to stop working, he'll eat wood and saw-dust.
The mansion kids love visiting his workshop and asking for toys. The girls are constantly asking for dolls while Ben forces him to play horror games.
Everyone keeps stealing his top-hat.
Jason only goes after women that have a close resemblance to Amelia. But if they don't meet Jason's standards? Doll time.
Loves tea, biscuits, his toy mice, seahorses, cats, and anything golden.
Whenever Candy Pop and Nathan make cookies, Jason steals them for his tea. "Oh! Would you look at that? Free biscuits—" "YOU. PUT THAT DOWN."
AHHHH AND THAT'S EVERYTHING!!! (kidding. i have so much more information about them but this post has gone on for too long)
let me know if i should make any more posts for them or other characters!!! :D
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Ultimate Cuteness Reader - Persona 5/Royal Edition Part 3 - The Jungle of Jealousy (Part One)
Description: The reader's longtime rival forms a Palace of her own, and it's time to take action.
This part is different, since it goes into depth about the Ultimate Bully's past, and the reader's relationship with her, so the first half is pretty dark, and the Phantom Thieves' reactions don't come until the end. Reminder that the Ultimate Bully uses she/her pronouns and goes by Mizuki Okazaki
Warnings: Mentions of depression, implied self-harm, mentions of past child abuse, self-hatred
It had been a week since the incident.
It was difficult, but thanks to your partner and your friends, you finally accepted your grandmother's death and began the process of moving on.
You soon returned to school and saw your childhood bully at the entrance. You flinched as Mizuki passed by you, expecting her to hit you or push you over, but she only gave you a silent, hateful glare, one that somehow felt more personal than usual.
After asking around, you learned that she had gotten expelled for beating one of the teachers and knocking him unconscious. She already had a reputation as an insatiable, bloodthirsty beast, and hitting a teacher was the last straw.
As someone who knew her since you were both children, this was a shock. You knew she was violent, but you had never seen her fighting with a teacher. As you recall, she used to be afraid of authority, hating the thought of getting in trouble with an adult.
But once the two of you entered junior high, that changed. She went from an innocent young girl to a violent troublemaker, and you just couldn't imagine why. You tried many times to reach out to her, but she continued to push you away.
You couldn't help but feel frustrated. You used to be friends, but one day, out of nowhere, she punched you in the gut and pushed you to the ground, declaring that she never wanted to see or talk with you again. Ever since then, she continued to make your life hell, without ever offering any kind of explanation. Even you were starting to lose your patience.
All your friends, even your significant other, always told you to give up on her, that there was no way to reach out to someone like her. You were one to believe in second chances, but at this point, maybe it was time to listen to them.
You soon headed off to class, and Mizuki watched you through the window. She only scoffed to herself before walking away. She walked along the streets of Shibuya by herself before stopping at an alley.
She sat down against the wall and took a box of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket before popping one in her mouth and lighting it. As someone who was almost always fueled by anger, she finally had a quiet moment of calm, silent numbness.
Mizuki knew she wouldn't hear the end of it if her parents found out. But then again, they hardly ever asked about school or her personal life, so perhaps they wouldn't figure it out in the first place. For Mizuki, it could go either way.
She took a drag from her cigarette as her mind wandered back to seeing you in Shujin, laughing and talking with your friends and significant other. You had been gone for a week, then suddenly came back like nothing happened. She was annoyed at first, wondering what could have possibly happened for you of all people to skip school, but she stopped bothering with it quickly after.
Everyone else thought Mizuki was some sadistic bitch who tormented you for no reason at all. But the truth was, she was jealous. You had everything she ever wanted. Friends, a lover, and if not both of your parents, at least a grandmother who loved you.
She knew that wasn't an excuse for the way she treated you, but she didn't understand why she couldn't have the same luck as you. The only good thing Mizuki ever had was her older brother, who raised her in their parents' place and protected her from them ever since they were children. But even that couldn't last, and she lost him to a car accident five years before.
The week after that day had been horrible. As if losing the only person who ever cared for her wasn't enough, her father took his anger out on her, and he beat her every chance he got while shouting hateful words, words that she would internalize later on. The abuse that she was once protected from was then part of her daily life.
When Mizuki saw you again, you were trying to talk to her and make sure she was alright, to which she responded with a punch to the gut and an angry demand to never speak to her again. Her home situation combined with her grief fueled an anger she had never felt before.
To her, it felt like you were mocking her, shoving how perfect your life was in her face every time you saw her. That moment ended up inducing yet another long cycle of pain, this time between the two of you. That day marked the destruction of her once sweet, innocent self as she hardened herself and shoved her emotions deep down.
Alongside this, Mizuki began picking fights with other students, and thanks to the muscle she built up, she won every single fight and came out almost completely unscathed. Despite knowing what kind of trouble that would earn her at home, she didn't care.
She loved the excitement, the rush she felt from the action. She loved being the one in control for once, like a predator cornering its prey. This newfound addiction would earn her an infamous reputation later on, up until her expulsion.
But it didn't matter. Mizuki didn't care what happened to her anymore. She grew too accustomed to the abuse to process fear, and no one cared enough about her for her to process loneliness or sadness. She forgot the feeling of joy entirely, so that wasn't an option either.
Mizuki was little more than a shell of her former self, the broken pieces of the childhood that was taken away from her. She pretended to hate other people, but she hated herself far more. She took one final drag from her cigarette before pressing the end of it onto the wall and dropping it only the ground and returning home.
Thankfully, neither of her parents were there. Her dog came to greet her as always, but she ignored him as she walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She took a look in the mirror, and she felt a flame burning inside of her as she noticed the dark circles underneath her eyes, the scar over her eye, those ugly, glowing crimson eyes she inherited from her father.
The flame grew stronger, and she clenched her fists before drawing back her arm and hitting the mirror with all her might. The floor was then covered in glass shards, and her fingers began to bleed. But she didn't care as she took out the switchblade she kept in her boot and rolled up her left sleeve, ignoring the worried whimpering from her dog outside the door.
Soon, tears fell from her eyes as she fell to her knees and began to break down, finally releasing her buried emotions. The dog began furiously scratching at the door, but Mizuki heard nothing.
Fucking worthless, she thought to herself. Everyone hates me. Why the fuck was I even born? Those bastards didn't even want me. I should've been the one in that accident...
Mizuki sat on the floor for an hour, trapped in the hatefulness of her dark mind. She eventually grew tired and fell asleep, not even bothering to clean her arm. As that was happening, her Palace begin to form, something larger and more frightful than the Phantom Thieves have ever seen.
A few hours later, you were leaving school with your significant other, and as you two parted for the day, you felt that something was wrong.
You looked down to see your rabbit plush twitch his nose. He had a way of detecting any kind of disturbance, even in the Metaverse. Subtle movements like that could easily go unnoticed by anyone else, but you knew the signals well.
You paused on your way home and stepped into a nearby alley before taking out your phone and checking the Meta-Nav. You began to wonder who could possibly have a Palace this time when you thought back to your old friend's strange behavior from earlier.
No... It can't be.
Your stomach twisted with anxiety as the realization made its way into your mind. Although you knew it wasn't unlikely, the last thing you wanted was to see your former friend's distorted desires.
You looked over to your rabbit plush, who gave you a knowing look and nodded. You took a deep breath in and prepared yourself as you put Mizuki's name into the app.
It hit.
You felt your heart sink. It was such a horrifying discovery, and yet, you couldn't be surprised. You always guessed that her hostility towards you came from a place of pain, and this only proved your theory to be correct.
The worst part was that despite knowing her for so long, you couldn't even begin to guess where the Palace was, or how she viewed it. She was so difficult to read, and she hardly ever spoke, so there weren't any hints you could think of. It was distressing to realize just how little you knew about her.
But at the very least, it provided you an opportunity. A chance to get to the bottom of Mizuki's pain and reach out to her. Figure out what you did to cause her to sever your friendship. Even though you were close to giving up on her, there was no way you could ignore this.
With that in mind, you raced to Leblanc to tell the others. You swore to save Mizuki no matter what, and you needed to find a way to reach out to her before she hurt herself or anyone else again.
Ren Amamiya/Joker
He understands, and he's ready to help
And as he discusses the situation with the others, he takes note of how uncomfortable you look
He takes your hand in his and reassures you that everything will be alright, and that he will protect you from anything the Palace has to offer
He knows that confronting your former friend's distorted desires wasn't easy, even if Mizuki hurt you
Clearly, this operation is personal to you, and he respects that
But even so, he won't allow anything or anyone to harm you, especially not Mizuki
Ryuji Sakamoto
He doesn't think it's worth it, honestly
"You actually wanna save that asshole? Why? She's done nothin' but pick on you your whole life."
He doesn't really get it, but despite everything, you still wanted to save your old friend
Plus, you also knew it probably wasn't a good idea to leave a Palace unattended
Ryuji still doesn't see the point, but he begrudgingly agrees to help
But only for your sake; he couldn't care less about Mizuki
He barely listens while the others discuss the operation, only focusing on you and trying to ease your anxiety
He acknowledges how kind and brave you are, and he swears to protect you with his life when you enter the Palace
Yusuke Kitagawa
He only gives a nod in understanding as he looks down thoughtfully
"I see... I suppose it was only a matter of time before the angry, bitter wolf would spawn her own Palace."
He's curious about what her Palace would look like, but he notices how serious you look and turns all of his attention to you
"Fear not, my dear. This is but a mere obstacle in our path to success. No matter what happens, we will destroy this vile place."
He swears to protect you, no matter how powerful Mizuki's shadow may be
Goro Akechi
He doesn't even bother to hide his contempt as he looks at you in disbelief
"You want to save that bitch? Why?!"
Mizuki has done nothing but bring you pain, but you're still thinking about her own?
Honestly, after all she's done, he has half a mind to sneak into that Palace and "take care" of her Shadow himself
But no matter how much he tried to convince you to leave her behind, you remained determined to save your friend and bring her back to her senses
Goro could see that there was no convincing you otherwise-- you could be stubborn when you wanted to be, after all
With that, he simply sighs and begrudgingly agrees to join the operation
As the others discuss the situation, he occasionally chimes in with a bitter comment about Mizuki while also subtly reminding you that it's not too late to change your mind
But you're sticking to your guns, and he's going to protect you from anything that Palace has to offer, including Mizuki herself
Ann Takamaki
She gives you a nod of understanding, but looks at you with concern, wondering if it's a good idea to bring you along
"Okay, we'll do whatever we can, but... Are you sure you wanna come along this time? I mean, Mizuki did hurt you a lot..."
You understand her concern, but in the end, it's going to be between you and Mizuki
You're the only one who knows her, and you needed to be the one to reach out to her
She's still worried about you getting hurt, but she respects it
She notices your fear and does her best to comfort you while the others go over the operation
Even though it would ultimately come down to you, Ann will be damned if Mizuki hurts you
Makoto Niijima
She stiffly nods in understanding, but she looks at you with worry
"I see, but... You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I understand how hard this is for you."
You shake your head, once again insisting that you needed to get to the bottom of Mizuki's pain
There was so much you didn't know, and it was time to break the cycle
Although reluctant, Makoto agrees to bring you with them
She comforts you when you look worried, and assures you that if Mizuki's shadow tries to harm you, she'll be subjected to her Fist of Justice
Futaba Sakura
It wasn't surprising to hear that Mizuki had a Palace, but it was surprising to hear how determined you were to save her
"Woah, hold on a sec! (Name), are you sure you don't wanna sit this one out? I mean, she did put you through a lot..."
You shake your head and insist once more that you need to save Mizuki, and Futaba remembers when you saved her from her own Palace
So she respects it, and swears to give you all the support she can offer
"Don't you worry, (Name)! I'm not letting anyone lay a finger on your adorable self, especially not that bully!"
She then reaches out and squishes your cheeks, which helps cheer you up
Haru Okumura
Very surprised to hear about the Palace, and also worries about bringing you along
"I understand that this is hard for you, but are you sure you want to join us? There's no telling what could be inside this Palace, especially for someone like Okazaki-san..."
She just doesn't want you to get hurt, knowing that Mizuki's contempt for you would undoubtedly be reflected in her Palace
But you refuse to sit back and watch as your old friend suffers, and the time has finally come to take action
Haru respects that, and she does her best to comfort you while assuring you that nothing will happen to you as long as she's there
Sumire Yoshizawa
She had only seen Mizuki a few times, and she didn't expect her to have a Palace, even though it did make sense
But considering how dangerous the Palace is likely going to be, she can't help but worry
"Are you sure you're ready for this, senpai? I mean... I can't imagine you'll see anything good."
You still refuse to back down, and Sumire can't help but admire your determination
But she asks to come along as well, to make sure you're safe
She does her best to ease your worries, and promises to protect you with all her might
Searching for the keywords wasn't easy at all. But suddenly, you remembered something you heard from Mizuki, way back when you were kids. It was back in junior high, when she was fighting her bully in the hallway and won. As Mizuki glared down at her with bruised hands and a bleeding nose, she uttered one impactful line.
"Listen. I know you're just another superficial jerk, so I'm not gonna waste my time. But soon, I'll be the one in control, and everyone in this overgrown jungle of hate will know my name."
A jungle. That had to be it. You inserted it into the Nav, and surely enough, "Jungle" was the cognition.
Now the last issue was figuring out where this jungle was.
You tried every location you could think of; Mizuki's house, Shujin Academy, even your junior high school. But nothing seemed to work. You even tried out different cities, but got nothing. After the fourth hour of this foolishness passed, Ryuji threw up his arms in frustration.
"Oh, gimme a break! We've tried Shibuya, Shujin, her house, and we can't figure out where the hell this bitch is keepin' her damn Palace! What's next, all of Tokyo?!"
As he said that, the cognition changed, and everyone looked at the Meta-Nav in shock.
"I... I've never seen anything like this before." Even Morgana was wide-eyed as he processed this.
"Huh. Looks like Ryuji and his big mouth were actually useful." Futaba remarked as she and the others turned to look at Ryuji, who was staring ahead with wide eyes and his jaw hanging open, looking more shocked than anyone in the room.
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dragonchicken · 20 days
a (hopefully) angsty tamlin fic for @thecatmomm :) lmk
It had been unusually quiet for weeks. No news from the Night Court had been heard. All Tamlin did was prowl the grounds in his beast form at night and wallow in his bed during the day. Lucien had left him alone. After everything, Lucien decided to not stick around. Not that Tamlin blamed Lucien. He had betrayed the whole known world. It sent him in to a state of depression no one had ever seen.
Feyre had left too. His sweet, sweet Feyre was gone. That jackass Rhysand had stolen her and now he controlled her mind. They weren’t really mates. That couldn’t be true. Every time he thought about Rhysand and Feyre he got horrendously angry. How dare she defy him, betray HIM?! And that little bitch Rhysand. How dare he steal Feyre away forever. Tamlin had seriously considered ripping Rhysand’s family’s wings to shreds and had delivering them to the palace in the Night Court, but that would only start a war. A war he couldn’t afford.
That was another thing. Even though he had helped win the war for the courts, all the high lords (and, apparently, high ladies) loathed him. They think it was his fault they were in a war to begin with. His people turned against him, most relocating to other courts. His court was dark and depressing and lonely, despite the ever in bloom flowers and the sweet scent of roses.
At least he still had Ianthe. Speak of the devil…
“Good morning Tamlin. I have received urgent news from the temple.”
Wonderful. What the hell did that god-forsaken temple want from him? Why couldn’t they take Ianthe back. She might have stuck around, but Tamlin despised her. All she wanted was to get in bed with him and he was still hung up on Feyre, convinced she’ll see Rhysand for the monster he is and beg for Tamlin to take her back.
“What is the news?” Tamlin unceremoniously rolled over to face Iante, who was uncomfortably close to his bed.
“In two days time, I will be going to pray over the birth of babe. One the world just found out about but won’t be here for several more months.”
“Alright. Who is having a baby?”
“That’s the news you may not want to hear so much.”
The world went cold in that moment. He knew what was coming next. A chill ran straight done his spine and his anger began to bubble.
“High Lord Rhysand and High Lady Feyre Curse-breaker of the Night Court.”
“Leave me. Now.”
Ianthe stalled. “Is there anything I can do?”
“YOU CAN GET THE HELL OUT!!” Tamlin was up and running, shifting into his beast form. He ran and ran and ran through the woods until he couldn’t anymore. He transformed back into his human form and yelled and screamed then killed something with his bare hands and ate it raw.
How DARE she get pregnant with him???? How dare he get her pregnant???
He was in the woods for three days. When he finally made his way back home, there was someone with black wings and rough stubble sitting at his table.
“Your majesty.” The stranger didn’t rise or stop eating. He didn’t bow. He didn’t even look up from his plate.
“Who the fuck are you?” Tamlin was too tired to fight but he didn’t show it.
“Who i am doesn’t matter. All that matters is how you can help me.”
“Help you with what?”
“Help me teach the Archeron sisters where the fuck they belong.”
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dumplingsjinson · 2 years
sooooo, i know i said i wasn't going to post anything personal, at least in regards to my dating life, on here but lo and behold! i'm a liar, but the person who found out about this account might never go onto my blog again (if you're here for some reason then hi? idk why you'd come back here but okay. i hope you're okay. and if you're not, i hope you will be okay. and also, this is NOT about the long distant guy that maybe one or two of you are familiar with). so, here goes: we broke off whatever it was that was going on. i don't like them back that way, and i don't see myself liking them back that way in the foreseeable future.
so we broke it off on good terms.
we're not going to talk anymore, and it definitely will take time getting used to since we did text back and forth everyday for the past two months, up until today. it will take time to get used to not seeing their name on my phone constantly, or waking up to their messages, but it'll eventually go back to how it used to be, when we never spoke before.
i admittedly do feel a little empty as of right now, which is a me issue entirely. maybe i'm dealing with the sadness of losing a connection i've made with someone? maybe i don't deserve to feel this sadness. i don't know. there was definitely a bit of a connection there, though ephemeral, even if it wasn't a romantic one. i think (i know) i'll be okay, and i really, really hope they'll be okay, too (because rejection doesn't feel good. it's never an easy pill to swallow, knowing you're not the one for that someone. it doesn't feel good to reject someone, either).
i think it'll be good for the both of us in the long run.
i'm still processing this whole thing, but i think it'll be okay soon. :) and i hope they find someone who will like them back, just as much, and if not, more, because they're someone who truly deserves that.
goodbyes aren't easy, and they hurt even when it comes to short-term bonds that were formed. that's all i can say.
(also that whole unmatch thing rant in which i've deleted by now is because i got my feelings hurt for like a day, and then i got over it really quick lmfao. i was talking to some other guy i matched with, and we vibed for a few days, and then he unmatched while we were setting up the date and that hurt translated into frustration and anger and a bruised ego, but i'm okay now, and to whoever said it was a bad break up or something - it wasn't lmao, i was just being a little wuss and had to vent. but i will die on the hill on how you're an asshole if you unmatch without any explanation, especially when you're in the middle of setting up a date. you're just bad at communication and it really, really shows. please work on that if that's what you do to other people, because it's never fun being on the receiving end of being basically ghosted.)
anyway, i'll try to post another prompt list tonight. these babies are pre-written, so my mood right now's not gonna affect them aha.
i will probably post more of my love life (read: online hoe life) again to the one person who bothers reading this shit, simply because nothing's stopping me, and i ALSO am NEVER going to be so dumb to accidentally give too many hints and reveal my tumblr like that to someone ever again lmfaooo. my mask stays ON, bitches!!
(and on an entirely different note that's not so fucking depressing and also very non-serious, i'm going on a date this sunday, and we're going to have oysters lmfao - i might end up calling him oyster dude - but i also don't have much expectations lmfao. they did ask me if we're still on for sunday just earlier today, and i said yes, but i'm prepped for getting unmatched outta no where because some of you men are Cowards. aNYWAY.)
this was a rollercoaster and a very undelightful mess, i'm tired, i have to wake up at 5:30 am tomorrow for work, two of my brackets came fucking loose so i have to go to the ortho on monday to get that fixed, and i lowkey wanna die because of that, goodBYEEE.
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muu-kun · 2 years
❤️ 💔 💖 🖤 ?
munday asks! / Accepting / @yuuwen
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❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
I'm just the chill follower tbh. I really don't care what people write as long as both parties are consenting, everything is properly tagged, and they are understanding that the expectation is to respond with maturity should someone come to them with concerns of the material being explored. I also am pretty flexible at getting along with everyone as I typically have at least one thing in common with everyone I meet and interact with.
💔 — what are some of your worst qualities?
I have a reputation for being an absolute bitch depending on who you ask, and frankly I don't dispute it. I'm not really one for apologizing for words shared in anger as I am so lenient that to get me to anger you have to have done something to instigate the piss out of me. I've been burned and defamed by so many muns, who in the midst of doing that projected their less than satisfactory opinion of me out in the form of treating Muu like he was beneath garbage, so really I can be Kind or Unkind at the indication that his or my livelihood is at stake. I also am mad confrontational as I get up there in years, because I am attempting to avoid blowing up from internalizing. Basically, when people do something I don't like, they'll be made aware of it.
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
Basically any of Muu's shenanigans in his very early development here on tumblr. His lack of concern what other people thought of him and his untainted mirth were my favorite things of his. Most didn't agree, but I'm a soon to be 27 year old who gets a kick out of remembering itty bitty 16 year old Muu spewing the first things to pop up into his curious mind without even a mild hesitation for how it sounded. One example being telling someone their genitalia resembled a eggplant and then proceeding to tell everyone else he interacted with that day about said eggplant. He gave so little fucks that the tiniest experiences presented themselves with the upmost joy and curiosity.
🖤 — what was one of the worst/most depressing moments you’ve had in the rpc?
Nothing really takes the cake of having to learn muns that you spent the prior couple years as mutuals, interacting with, forming platonic and romantic relationships with were discussing how much negativity they associated with your muse by being unsavory to them. Not to mention the others who even to your face disclosed the fact that they couldn't wait until something bad happened to him before they either initiated such acts to begin Or stood a watchful eye of the whole thing just so they could remind you when it was sufficient to them that they were never going to provide aid to your muse one bit. Knowing your muse is hated and to have strangers and friends alike take space for themselves on a platform meant to be fun and lighthearted just so they could mock, neglect, or abuse him without giving a warning was absolutely the worst thing ever. It actually got to the point I had to leave Tumblr entirely because he was so depressed and I began to really hate being here knowing this thing I love has been marked as unlovable. It also does not help that a lot of the people who were the most prominent voices of negativity back then are still on this platform, so sometimes it offsets Muu into overcompensating his strengths to hopefully avoid further mistreatment from starting up again. I wouldn't go as far as to put them on a do not interact list, but I still associate their identities with being complete bitches. They know who they are and I'm not too apologetic in regards to stating a fitting label for their behaviors.
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fluffghostrp · 2 years
16. How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last?
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Salt // accepting
It is INCREDIBLY difficult to get me angry. Like, i'm one of those people who are said to have the patience of a saint.
It's about half due to only recently (within the last few years) getting the ability to properly feel the entire emotional spectrum again (medication is amazing and depression is a bitch). And the other half is from just living up in a constantly chaotic and stressful environment 24/7, so it's a learned life skill to Not Be Angry, and to think very very critically about what is being put in front of me, even if it's being delivered in the most hostile way imaginable. Because that may not be what is intended, and the person delivering said aggression just doesn't know how they're coming off.
More often than not i've learned, is that it's simply stress speaking - and that the irritation was entirely unintended, or may be taking an outlet and the person may not even realize it. A very calm demeanor, focused on them and their point of view, to get them to explain where they're coming from? it goes such a long way to resolving arguments for good and in a way they won't occur again in the future - and often lets you not only get a better read on the person you're dealing with for who they earnestly are, but also a change to potentially form a better bond with them - it lets them know that you aren't going to just brush them off because they're irritated, and are trying to reach out and connect.
Good friend says something unexpected or downright godawful? Someone does something absolutely horrid to you specifically? Just let them explain themselves, quietly walk them through their mental hoops so that you can figure out where they're coming from. You always need to hear what's going on from the other side's perspective - so long as they're just frustrated and not actively attempting to provoke a problem? They're usually more than willing to hear someone else's perspective. Just don't be aggressive towards them, even if they're being aggressive towards you.
That being said, all of that only works if it is truly a misunderstanding - get out of dodge if it’s true hostility and not just accidental.
Now, it is possible to make me properly angry, and a few specific triggers can achieve that. Ie: the entire nsfw stuff which i've already covered. i've discovered that having that content show up unexpectedly can make me fly into a panic-induced rage, and it often takes me a good few hours of disconnecting from whatever social media caused it (or all social media in general) before being able to calm down and get my nerves under control.
But that's really about it, when it comes to honest-to-god angry. I can count on one hand the number of people who i've never once found it in me to forgive, or am still holding grudges over. and those instances are only because they hurt me directly in ways that affected me irrepairably in irl. it is not an anger i've ever had rise up against someone online - no-one's done anything to the same degree of pure hatred.
Truthfully, before i was on medication - and i've only honestly realized entire anger thing after getting on it - i was actually very emotionally dead. couldn't feel happy, couldn't feel sad. if i ever did, it was always a rare, once-in-a-blue-moon/once-per-year ordeal, where you Remember That Stuff if it managed to make a big enough impact on you to even budge you one way or the other. i could emulate or fake the feelings yeah, but the medication literally reunited me with emotions i hadn't truly felt in decades.
Beyond that, because that is a goddamn feat that is very much an outlier scenario and very specific at that?
Being considered a pure innocent uwu bean who can't go near nsfw or similarly harsh adult topics and/or being considered akin to a kid and needing to be protected as one? Also a good way to make me irritated (since it's an asexual microaggression). That one is one that i'm much more consciously aware of and have control over, so i try to temper myself on it. i know that a lot of folks aren't actually aware of that bit with asexuality.
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meetmyevilways · 3 years
I'll show you
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Darkling x Reader (Alpha!Darkling x Omega!Reader)
The prompts are taken from the-purity-pen's List.
Kinktober Masterlist
Prompt: 11. Being recorded || Sleepy sex || Mirror sex
Plot: You are the not so willing concubine of the General...
Warnings: at the end, so not to spoil the fun, you can search for it with ctrl/cmd+f or scroll down at the bottom of the post.
A few years ago, you were just a naive girl with an exceptionally strong gift of healing. The Darkling took you in when the Drüskelle killed your family and he made sure you were taught of the way of the Grisha and learned to use your powers properly. He didn't make a move on you for years. When he did though, you were still just that much of a naive girl when you first met him.
He lured you in with glimpses of his sadness and loneliness, he knew you would feel inclined to help him and he formed a close relationship with you before he took you to his bed. He was never short on lovers to satisfy his needs but he chose you above everyone else. Anyone in the Little Palace would kill to be in your place, especially after he made your status somewhat official as the General's concubine, his Omega.
It should feel like an honour, Genya said you are lucky to win his affection but over time, your situation felt no different from hers with the king. Aleksander did not love you nor care for you, this realisation came to you after the initial haze has been lifted when Baghra told you how he planned to keep you close for your power and the easiest way to trick a foolish, lonely girl into doing anything he says if your judgement is clouded by love.
You didn't want to believe her but after that, you were looking at your lover with different eyes. You saw how he lied and manipulated, how corrupted he was by power, then you examined the way he treated you and the more you saw the more you felt like a whore. After all, that is what concubine means for a man in power, a warm body to be used that is not good enough to be a wife.
These depressing thoughts have been plaguing you for months, long before Alina arrived. You saw how the Darkling looked at her and that only amplified your misery. Aleksander was too busy seducing his Sun Summoner to be concerned with you, so you were seething in your room all day long these days and waiting for Nina to get back and make your escape from this place.
There was only one problem, Alina couldn't give him what he needed when his rut arrived, she wasn't an Omega. So after he felt the first signs he immediately looked for you.
Aleksander barged into your room and shut the door quickly before rushing to you and kissing you with a passion that broke your heart all over again. After a moment of anguish, you bit his lip and pushed him away while tears started to stream down your cheeks. The pain was too much to hide and you've given up on Nina, who was the only way out of here so you thought you might as well let him know where you stand in this relationship.
"No. You can ask your new pet to help you through it, I won't be your obedient bitch anymore." You growl at him weakly, it is not in your nature to fight him but the hurt makes you feel stronger and evidently more foolish because you thought your refusal would stop him from taking what he wants.
He grabs you by your nape and growls at you angrily. “You are mine.”
“No.” You try to get free of his hold but he was much stronger than you.
“No?” His expression quickly changed from anger to something he never showed you before, a diabolical smile that gave you chills. his hand slips to your throat as he circles you and settles behind your back so you would have a straight view to the full length mirror before you. You are still wearing his colour, your black kefta seems to melt into his, giving any onlooker the thought that you belong together.
“Let's put that to the test.” He whispers into your ear with palpable anger while he holds your gaze in the reflection. His hold on your neck tightens as a warning to be good and obey him when he orders you to strip.
With a few tears streaming down your face, you do as he says. His other hand tugs at your kefta and the clothes underneath when he deems you too slow. It’s not long before you stand there for him as he wanted, bare and vulnerable.
He still holds you in place by your neck but he loosened his grip enough to deceive the Omega in you for it to be nothing more than a possessive gesture. His gaze never left yours, he holds you captive in every way possible.
You can’t help the reaction at his touch when he starts to caress your body lightly, he knows how to make you want him even now. You arch into his wandering hand, your breathing becomes ragged as he plays with you.
“Look at you. So desperate for your Alpha.” His hand moves down from your breasts, teasingly slow. You try to close your legs but he practically picks you up by your throat and nudges his legs between yours, putting you on full display as you struggle to hold onto him to relieve the pressure from your neck.
“Always so wet for me. Ready to take everything I have to give.” He taunts you with more than his words, his nimble fingers play with your dripping cunt. The Darkling is alternating between teasing your clit and dipping his fingers into you every so often, he edges you but won’t do more, waiting for you to give in. When you can’t push down your moans anymore you tear your gaze from the mirror for the first time since he started, refusing to be more present in this moment than necessary. 
“None of that.” He slaps your sensitive slit with so much force that it makes your body jolt and you let out a little high pitched sound of surprise. 
“Keep looking. I'll show you who you belong to.” He says and without warning he starts to drive his fingers in and out of you aggressively just as how you know he will rut into you later. He watches with that evil smile and a new spark in his eyes as you fall apart for him.
Your legs are trembling when he is done. He pulls his fingers out of you and makes a show of tasting you by licking them clean, then he frees his hard length and slips into you without mercy.
When you can no longer find the strength and let go of him, slumpin downwards he keeps his hold on your neck but quickly sneaks his other arm around your middle to keep you in that position against him as fucks you into oblivion. 
You look down your body where you are connected to him and see the outline of his cock in the reflection as he splits you open again and again. Your moan makes him follow your gaze and this time his smile is a bit less evil but none less arrogant. He prides himself in the way he can make your body sing for him, even despite your reluctance. 
He nuzzles your neck and waits until your hips start to move in sync with his and your walls tighten around his hard length, then, at the moment a hard thrust shatters you and practically rips the orgasm out of you, he sinks his teeth in your neck, intensifying the feeling beyond measure. You scream so loud everyone must be able to hear it in the building but you don’t care, you can’t. You are not even aware of your surroundings, the only feeling that anchors you to this world is the hard cock still snapping into you and the vicious teeth that cling to your neck.
The Darkling wonders at the sight of you and tries to fight off his own orgasm. Eventually, your senses start to return to you and you meet his gaze again in the mirror before your eyes unavoidably settle on the way he is still penetrating you. You feel a tender kiss on your new wound and he slows down to a calmer pace, savouring the feeling of your fluttering walls, your tiny whimpers and the absolutely delirious expression on your face.
When you look up at him again he angles your head to pull you into a messy kiss that still tastes like you a bit. Then he turns your head back to the mirror to make his statement clear. 
It’s not until later when he actually speaks the words. He moved your pliant body to your bed, kissed you again with the same passion that he showed you upon entering your room. He gave you a few minutes to rest, kissing along your body like he is worshipping you, then he moved you. 
He didn’t put you into the submissive position as you expected, instead he gently guides you to your side and he settles behind you. The Alpha doesn’t give you time to question him because you can’t focus on words with the way he fills you again. This time he moves slow, fighting off the affects of his rut that would make him take you roughly until his knot swells inside you and he can paint your walls with his cum as long as the fever consumes him.
“You are mine and this will prove to everyone that I'm yours too. You will stay with me always, I have given you eternity, my Omega.” He whispers to you while he keeps his excruciatingly slow pace. 
A wave of foreign emotions flooded you and it took you awhile to understand that they are the result of your growing connection to him. Even when the feelings distracted you, what he said was still disturbing you but you didn’t quite understand why.
“Al... Aleksander?” You cut yourself off before you called him your Alpha, there was still fight in you and you didn’t want to acknowledge the consequences of what he had done.
“I have changed my name so many times during the centuries that I almost forgot my real name but it never sounded better than hearing it from you.” He nuzzles into you and presses kisses along your neck, avoiding the tender skin around his mark.
“You... You are the Black Heretic.” You feel it more than you understand, that vast emptiness coming from him, that is the result of his age. Somewhere along the line he lost so much of himself there was only the fight left in him and the remnants of the yearning behind it, the fear consumed him and drives him still even if he is not aware of it. 
Trying to fight him off again, you struggle in his embrace but he only holds you closer and delivers a few punishing thrusts into your abused core, so you give up easily and just whimper helplessly.
He angles your head as he hovers over you. He makes you look at him and you find genuine fondness and something uncharacteristically tender about his usually cold gaze. His emotions rush through you again and you gasp at the pain he is feeling for and because of you. 
“No more fighting, Omega. You are mine and I am yours. Let me have this moment with my mate.” He almost pleads to you and you can’t help but give in, responding to the affectionate kiss before he starts to make love to you again.
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Warnings: mention of canon typical violence, self-degradation, noncon/dubcon, fingering, PiV, unprotected sex, bulge kink, mention of knotting, noncon mating
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Wat if katsuki actually had a s/o that loved Key word LOVED him but.....
Then when he started getting to aggressive and starts hitting her she suddenly stops all the love and affection. And that makes katsuki so confused and angry bc he like 'wtf why did they stop huggin and kissin me when I get home from my matches'. Then his darling becomes very depressed is and cooped up in her room all the time. So when katsuki friends come over they wonder where y/n is.
Tw:abuse, implied dubcon, depression
“Babe, you’re home!” You rush over to the door when you head it unlocking, arms outstretched already or embrace his wounds.
But when the door swings open you’re met with a scowling Bakugo who shoves you aside so hard you fall to the floor.
He grumbles and throws his bags down, kicking mud off his shoes onto the carpet as he glares at you.
“This place is a pigsty. Why the fuck didn’t you clean?”
You laugh nervously and raise an eyebrow. “Uhh, ‘cause I was out all day too? I just got home an hour ago and I was tired. What’s with you? Why’re you in such a bad mood?”
Katsuki’s eyes widen until they’re the size of dinner plates. His nostrils flare and his fists resume the same position as they do in the ring.
“You talkin’ back to me now?”
“What? No, you literally just asked-“
The sound of him backhanding your cheek reverberates around the apartment, and you hold your face in shock.
It’s not so much the pain of him striking you that hurts, it’s the fact that this has been happening for a while now that aches the most. Nothing you do-no smiles, no amount of love you showed him in, no sobs or pleads-sways him.
You love him, it’s true.
But it’s hard to love him when he looks at you like that.
“Get the fuck up. And clean all this shit up, the next time I come home to this filth I’ll make the clean the floors with your tongue.”
He grabs you by your hair and throws you face-first onto the tile area, taking his own sweet time to turn around and walk to your shared room.
After you clean for hours until the place is spotless, you retreat to bed.
He’s on his phone typing away with a slight crease in his eyebrows, but he looks up at you as you walk in.
“Hey. You done?” He has the audacity to ask in a gentle voice.
You don’t look at him as you begin changing your clothes in the restroom and close the door behind you.
His frown deepens at that. You’ve never shied away from being vulnerable and naked with him.
To test his doubt, when you walk back into the room with your head still down, he leans forward as you sit down on the mattress, your back turned to him.
You shut off the lights in silence as he reaches a hand out and curls it around your shoulders.
“C’mere, ‘wanna feel you.” He mumbles in his raspy sleepy voice.
But to his utter confusion, you gently brush his hand off and continue your journey to tuck yourself in bed.
With your back still facing him.
“I’m tired Katsuki. Not in the mood.”
His hand is still suspended in midair, his facial features still frozen in his initial shock as he’s left in a pitch black room which is suddenly overcome with a freezing cold creeping up his spine.
He’s too wounded, too shocked and shot from his ego to be irate.
You’ve never said no to cuddling at night. Never. So what was wrong now?
You were taking his anger so well for a while, what the hell was the matter with you?
But he doesn’t touch you again that night. He barely sleeps a wink to your usually comforting sound of soft snores and little mumbles in your sleep talk.
In the morning his lack of sleep gets the betterment of his temper, and he lashes out of you again in the shower.
You’re washing your hair when you feel a cool breeze against your bare body. You open your eyes and see Katsuki standing in front of you outside the glass door to your shower.
You feign an eye roll and merely grab the handle trying to close it shut.
He doesnt even let it budge. He just snarls down at your intruding hand and yanks the door back even further, pulling you along with the force.
You yelp and slip on the floor, falling unceremoniously at his feet.
The look on his face is frankly terrifying, much worse than yesterday’s. Bakugo slowly steps in along with your quickly reversing body and closes the door behind him, trapping you inside with him.
“Why’d you try to close it on me.”
It’s not a question, it’s a demand.
“I’m sorry.”
“Then get up and touch me.”
He’s towering over your cornered form, his fists dangerously swinging next to your head.
Your limbs don’t move though. Your heart thuds slowly, your love ebbing away from him with its slow rhythm.
You already know how this is going to turn out, but you try anyways.
“Please Bakugo, I’m really not in the mood right now.”
“Oh, so it’s Bakugo now, huh?”
Your body disassociates so you don’t feel it as much, but unfortunately your hands still flinch above your head in instinct.
“If you’re-thud-sorry, then you’ll fucking-crack-touch me you-smack-ungrateful bitch.”
Your cries are loud, but not loud enough to drown his roaring out, not enough to mute the sound of his hands cracking above your shaking body.
He leaves the shower unfulfilled in his heart and in his dick.
His mind is in shambles.
This is the longest you’ve wanted space from him, he could understand an hour but half a day?
He has a rude awakening when “half a day” becomes a couple more days, then a week, and then it’s half a month since you’ve willingly kissed his battle scars and loved him with your whole being.
He says willingly because otherwise you eat his hits up like you’re just another fighter in the ring when he gets angry at your apathy. The only restraining factor that differentiates you and the men he puts in coffins is his desperation for you to come back.
To no avail though. If you’re not keeling over on the ground or pinned underneath him and molding your anatomy to the shape of his fists, then you’re still as a corpse on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and wishing you were anywhere else but here.
Bakugo doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know what to feel.
Rage is consumed by paranoia, paranoia is swallowed whole by depression, depression is swept away by panicked desperation.
His hair starts falling out, his punches grow weaker and he comes home with more and more bruises every day to match the ones littering across your body.
One might wonder whose the real fighter-him or you.
And so one day when he can’t stand it anymore, can’t stand the silence and tension that’s so palpable you could taste the iron in the air, he invited his friends over.
He need the distractions. He needs happiness, a word that doesn’t seem worthy of his pathetic being.
He’s more pathetic than your unmoving body.
“Heyyy man!” Sero and Denki exclaim in obnoxious unison and throw their arms around Bakugo’s shoulders. All three of them barrel through his half-opened doorway and practically topple him over.
The air of excitement is so foreign to him, but oh so welcoming.
“Hey,” he grunts back awkwardly.
“You’ve never really invited us over without Y/N dragging you by the ear for it. How is she by the way? Haven’t heard of her in a while.” Kirishima nudges his shoulder.
But before he can open his mouth Denki cuts in. “You knock her up yet? You sly bastard, no wonder you’re hiding her from us. The gigs over Y/N, show us that beautiful belly!” He cups his hands around his mouth and the quip slashes through the air and infests Katsuki’s heart. It’s a mockery, a cruel reminder of what he cannot have.
When their friend doesn’t answer and merely walks off, the boys behind him awkwardly look at each other.
Usually he’d explode at them or at least chase them around the room.
And usually you would come out to greet them.
Katsuki was wrong.
You weren’t different from him anymore.
Because when he accepts that not even his friends can release his stone cold heart from its catatonic confines, he’s never felt more in sync with you than he has now.
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gabzlovesu · 3 years
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giyu x kakushi!reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: angsty, mutual pining, self-loathing/mild depressive state, scars, survivor’s guilt, oral stimulation (fem receiving)...
a/n: i've never written for giyu before so this was fun to try something new. i, being the overanalyzing bitch that i am, did a lil bit a character analysis to make sure i did him justice and i found out that he suffers from survivors guilt. so i played off of that concept because i thought it was interesting. enjoy!
requested by the lovely @luffysthickwaifu, love you bby <3
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You don’t know why you were chosen. Why you were the only one who made it out alive. The memory of the heart-wrenching screams and limp bodies of the innocent slowly eat away at what’s left of your already numbed soul. Maybe their dying moments that haunted your dreams everynight was your punishment.
“I’m not hungry, you can take the food back.” The sound of steel cutting through thick bamboo poles resumes, echoing from every corner of the garden and drowning out the the words that had yet to escape your lips. Your body had been on autopilot while your thoughts held your attention so you didn’t realize that you’ve been standing there for a few minutes, but Giyu did.
Were you surprised that the water hashira was training despite your strict orders of rest? No. But what was shocking was the dark red spot on his bandaged abdomen that grew with every swing of his nichirin sword. The tray of food clatters against the ground as you rush over to stop his next strike, hands clasping the blade mere inches away from your head.
An air of annoyance forms around him, but he finds it hard to keep his straightface with the way your lips pucker to the side in a tight pout. You attempt to be authoritative and scold his actions by letting out a huff in disapproval, which ultimately fails when the corner of his lips turns up ever so slightly. Was he mocking you?
Without saying anything he lowers his sword only to feel the pain that he had ignored during his training; he hunches over slightly and his hand shoots up to hold his abdomen. Wasting no time, you’re beside him trying to tend to his wounds but his arms ward you off like a pesky gnat. “I’m fine, just — mph, in a little pain. That’s all.”
Giyu is the type to never make a big deal out of an injury, no matter how bad it was. And this wasn’t because of an egotistical attitude, but it was rather for the sake of others: why should he allow himself to be of concern when there are other things — other people — that are more important?
You saw the anger in his eyes when he arrived at the Butterfly Mansion days prior. He became his anger. Anger about the existence of demons, anger about how they feed off of the humans, and anger about how he failed to defeat one of the upper ranks that would only take more innocent souls. It was his sole purpose, and he couldn’t fulfill that duty. However, he didn’t loathe, it wasn’t his character; he simply noted his mistakes and limitations and trained to surpass them even though there was a guilty feeling that he couldn’t seem to shake.
After begging non-stop for several minutes, Giyu finally let’s you change his bandages with one condition: you stay outside on the engawa. You had already noticed how Giyu would foster situations in which the two of you were alone, separated from the rest of the world and finding company in each other. Even when you weren’t sharing the air of the same room, you managed to occupy a small space in each other’s minds.
“How’d you get the scar on your face?”
His question catches you off guard, the silence quickly becoming suffocating with a mere question and no matter how hard you try to focus on your work, you feel your body become heavy with guilt for the hundredth time today.
“I-uh, used to fight like you. I was a kanoe though — nothing special...”
“Why’d you stop? Why become a Kakushi when you clearly had skill and advanced through the ranks?”
A sigh fizzles out from you. You couldn’t blame him for being curious; you rarely talked about yourself and you were surprisingly well with a sword. “A couple of miles north from here, there’s a deserted town called Ōtami. And on the edge of the town, there’s a memorial honoring the death of it’s people. I failed them and I will never allow myself to do that ever again.”
You and Giyu were two sides of the same coin: you run from the past with the guilt on your tail in a never-ending chase, rendering you tired and breathless; Giyu uses it to push himself and try to make up for what he lacked, though there are times that the guilt from surviving makes him want to abandon everything. It’s ironic how demon slayers are always fighting off demons for people who can’t defend themselves, but who’s going to help them fight their own?
His eyes that were fixed on the gate the entire time now fall on you. You can’t help but think that he sees you differently. It was a dreadful feeling, like everything you hoped to have with him was no longer impossible. There’s no way he could ever love a coward like you. One of your hands come up to lightly trace the scar that ran down your left cheek to your ribcage. You kept it hidden because you were insecure of how it looked and it served as a reminder of your inability to protect people.
A tender hand raises from the floor boards and ghosts the top button of your uniform. “Do you mind if I see it?”
The sudden gesture makes your face get hot in anticipation and you’re stunned from his blunt nature. “What?”
“I just want to see the scar, only that and nothing else. I promise.”
Your heart pangs a little yet you’re unsure why. Did you want him to see something more? “S-sure.” You set your gaze somewhere else — anywhere but his gentle hands that unbutton your shirt at an agonizingly slow pace. You feel antsy and your whole body starts to burn like a raging fire.
He slips the left side down to expose your skin and his finger traces the same path you traced just seconds prior, sending waves of electricity at every inch of the scar. You shouldn’t feel the way you do right now. Your nipples shouldn’t be pebbling against the pads of your bra and your panties shouldn’t be drenched in your slick — yet they are.
“Beautiful.” It’s barely audible, but his affirmation of your appearance manages to reach your ears, and he meant it. You were beautiful, inside and out. Even though a piece of you would be forever tainted by that horrible experience, you had the air of a goddess and a gentle soul that managed to shine through the veil of darkness that enshrouded you. You were perfect in his eyes. “For what it’s worth, the scar doesn’t change a single thing about you. You’re still the same the Y/N, but now you also carry them with you.”
Silence descends upon you again, though instead of it being uncomfortable, his words leave you feeling at ease and a warm feeling grows in your heart. You feel yourself being lured in like a moth to a flame, your bodies drifting closer together and desperately want to feel each other.
Orbs of blue, that are dark and mysterious like the depths of the vast ocean, stare back at you before flickering to your lips. There were no need for words and the unspoken question receives an answer when you close the little distance that remained. Giyu shifts his weight towards you until your back connects with the floor.
Your lips work in tandem, connecting and parting at a slow tempo before speeding up as the desire for more consumed both of you. Part of you wonders if this is real and your hands gingerly run across his toned body to determine if he was a figment of your imagination; all of the stolen glances, lingering touches, and kind gestures — they all lead up to this moment.
He breaks away, taking in how your lips shine from the exchange and then move to your cheek where the scar begins. If you weren’t gonna love this part of you, then he would do it for the both of you. His lips caress your skin and leave nothing untouched as he makes his way down the jagged line.
Your bra blocked the rest of his path so he slips the strap down and exposes your erected peak only for it to be covered once again by his mouth. When you moan out his name he realizes that he’s strayed from the task at hand. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist,” and with a parting kiss he returns to the scar.
As the last of the setting sun dips below the treeline, a breeze comes through and tickles all of the wet spots Giyu has created on your smooth skin. He finally reaches the end and promptly returns to your face, forehead resting against yours and hoping that you feel everything that he’s feeling right now. However, there was something that had been on his mind all day and needed to be said.
“Y/N, I’m leaving tomorrow morning,” he takes a moment to read your face and when your eyes look away in disappointment he continues, “I hope I survive at least one more time so I can come back to you. Hopefully by then I will be able to say everything I wish to tell you.” He cups your cheek and beckons for your gaze to return to him, he needed you to see how much he meant every word.
“We’re always saving others, so let’s focus on ourselves for this one night.” Maybe the help the two of you needed was from each other, a love that could heal your broken selves.
taglist:@angwritez @misss-chrisss @hungrynessforfics @dejwrites @rinhoes @iloveitblackbhna @protectpancakes @presidentmonica @felixtrailmix @nneedynymph @sintiva @indiecursor @po3ticb3auty @nanaminshousewife @rxxicole @gemimaya @thenerdyrebel @pixiikitty @dabilovesme @seyawrld @4ngrysgf @daichisbunnybaby @urwifey2 @ar1nat0rs @picayunne @kurtaclangobrr @kookieflvr @woahajime @druighoney @syomi @chrolloderulo @vivisspamm @sukosie @erentoes @kutosznn @queenmjp @sweeneyblue1 @tyga-lily @jeanslove @getoswhore @thicksimpx @yeagerfushiguro @cosmicyeager @sakurashell @38riku @tonaken @korathefairy @solarisxu @waytoohornez
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chacusha · 3 years
Some half-formed thoughts I have about Quark and the way he expresses emotions:
One thing I like about Quodo is that both Quark and Odo are emotionally repressed / stoic, by which I mean that they have the tendency to quietly suffer rather than seek out help or do anything that might give away that they're suffering. This trait is more obvious with Odo -- his emotional repression and discomfort with showing any kind of emotional vulnerability is a major part of his character and he's easily recognizable as the stereotypically stoic type. Quark on the other hand is (on the surface) the opposite of stoic: he's very whiny and emotive -- the type to exaggerate how much he's suffering, really.
But I think there's a certain class of things where he'd rather cover it up than to let anyone know he's suffering. Like in 4x25 "Body Parts," after he's done everything he can to try to back out of the deal, he's just like, "Welp, a contract is a contract. Time to die." Or in 2x07 "Rules of Acquisition," he tries to play off his thwarted romance with Pel as no big deal and bounce back as if he's unaffected, although Jadzia sees through him. Or when he finds out about the extent of his mother's business dealings in 3x23 "Family Business" and that she has a higher net worth than he does (I love this moment because it is so devastating for Quark -- it means that in the same moment, he both finds out his mother is better at business than he is AND finds out that, if anyone discovers his mother's accounts, his legal obligations would bankrupt him), his reaction is a muted sort of "...I'm screwed." And IF you take the read that he has a crush on Odo but just never confesses this during all the times he's helping Odo out with his love life issues (even as he's criticizing Odo for being dumb for not just asking Kira out -- very "do what I say, not what I do"), then that also speaks to the level of emotional repression Quark is capable of. (I KNOW my shipper goggles are on tight, though.)
I kind of get the feeling that Quark and Ferengi more general tend to be emotive largely as a bargaining tactic -- e.g. "This oversight has caused me EMOTIONAL DISTRESS. So what are you going to do to fix it??!" -- entitled customer style. As long as they think that complaining will get them a better deal, they have no compunctions about being the whiniest bitches ever. I also generally get the feeling that outward-directed emotions like anger, outrage, and outright pleading are common among Ferengi men, but not so much more personal/vulnerable emotions like depression, insecurity, self-deprecation/self-hatred, etc.
And I think, for Quark, his personal natural reaction to encountering a serious setback or hopeless situation where bargaining won't help is numbness -- emotionally shutting down and collapsing silently in the face of it. Like, IIRC, Quark doesn't cry that often, even when his life is not going well and he's feeling sorry for himself. He more like silently broods. But he'll regularly plead and complain and show fear in front of people in other situations. I think that Quark is highly emotive almost as a form of play and so when things get REALLY bad, he's too upset to be playful in that way and his reaction is more of a muted/numb ":|"
It has the effect that the less serious the situation is, the more he displays emotion, but when the situation is serious, he gets emotionally numb and uncommunicative. That trait is fun for Quodo and pining, because BOTH Quark and Odo are the type of people who are like, "the stronger I feel about this / the more important it is to me, the less I can talk about it." Although I think sometimes Quark can get around some of his emotional repression and achieve some vulnerability in an indirect sort of way by reframing the situation as a belligerent/antagonistic/lodging-a-complaint sort of thing. IDK, maybe I'm just making stuff up here -- I haven't done canon review in a long time.
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mianavs · 3 years
the assault
In Lima with You part 4
a/n: this marks the beginning of the end for this story. like previous parts in this story and it’s predecessor, there’s some messed up stuff going on in this part.
tw: non-con, dark content, nsfw, violence
wc: 1.7k+
In Lima with You
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You had been scrubbing for a good thirty minutes, yet the bright red from the tomato sauce you’d spilled on your living room carpet was still there.
Glaring at you
Mocking you
Wiping off the beads of sweat that trickled down your brow with the back of your hand, you ran the scrubby through the bucket of soapy water that was now a milky salmon color. After wringing the scrubby of the excess liquid, you went back to scrubbing that spot while ignoring the growing ache in your fingers and the knot in your neck.
It’d been a careless mistake, spilling your spaghetti while your mind had been elsewhere—a common occurrence since the night your fragile world fell apart when Dabi walked out on you.
Almost as careless as the mistake of letting your captor into your heart where he left a mark that spread until it encompassed the entire thing.
A mistake you were now paying the price for, on your hands and knees trying to scrub the mark stain away only to realize it had spread in spite of your efforts.
You fell back on your haunches and threw the scrubby into the bucket. It had been five days since you’d last seen Dabi, and you were starting to lose it.
Every time you heard footsteps outside of your front door, you would rush over and swing it open only to face nothing or a bewildered stranger. The room that had once suffocated you with warmth was now frigid and made it difficult for you to fall asleep in. Your mornings started with you waking from a nightmare that almost always involved Dabi’s death. While at the beginning of his absence you could still go about your day cooking, cleaning, or engaging in a hobby, you eventually spiraled into a depression that made it hard for you to even get out of bed.
Not only was Dabi the death-sentenced protagonist of your nightmares but he was also on your mind all day. His face during your last argument was one that had been burned into your memory. You could still see the blank look that flashed in his cerulean eyes, the twitch of his mutilated mouth, and then the shock that seeped from every pore in his body as he staggered away from your enraged form.
You’d been the one wronged that day, yet Dabi was the one that fled, leaving you with an all-consuming guilt. It didn’t make sense but then again neither did the overwhelming pain festering away in your heart the more time passed without seeing him, touching him, loving him.
Love. It was a ridiculous notion when you thought about it.
Dabi had been the monster that kidnapped you. He’d broken you down physically and mentally to mold you into the obedient darling you now were, but even with the plethora of scars all over your body, you couldn’t help but feel empty without him. Even with the door unlocked and nothing chaining you down to your shared condo, you would leave only to roam around the city for a couple of minutes before a panic seized your entire body; It was that suffocating panic that forced you back home to the comfort of your bed that still smelled of Dabi’s musk and smoke.
You loved Dabi.
You needed Dabi.
So as you dumped the soapy water down the kitchen sink and washed out the bucket, you mulled over your options in tracking Dabi down to tell him how you felt. Then just as you were putting the bucket away, the muffled sound of footsteps captured your attention and you dashed to the front door on impulse.
Where a scarred face with a wicked grin should have greeted you, there was only a red winged man with astonished eyes.
“Y/N,” Keigo breathed. “You’re really here.”
You looked behind him, searching for the man you actually wanted to see. When it was clear he wasn’t there, you turned to your former friend.
“Where else would I be?” You asked before stepping aside to let him in.
“I assumed you’d be with the League,” He answered amusedly, walking in while you shut the door behind him. “But I guess this was a no ex-heroes type of mission.”
“Where’s Dabi?” The question burst from your lips before you could think it through.
Keigo’s smile faltered at your desperate inquiry, and his throat bobbed as he swallowed. “Last I heard they were two cities away wreaking havoc in true League fashion.”
You raised an eyebrow at his mocking tone. “Sounds like you don’t approve of the mission.”
Keigo laughed at that and it left a bitter taste in your mouth. “How about we drop the act, Y/N. It’s just you and me. Dabi isn’t here to punish you.”
His eyes traveled to a fading scar on your forearm before returning to your face. “We both know that what they’re doing is wrong.”
A bitter laugh tore from your throat as you approached him. “So the HPSC selling me for some intel is right? Them drugging me and sending me off to an orphanage is right? How about them trying to sabotage my career? Does all of that seem right to you, Keigo?!”
You were now in front of him, and he had the decency to appear sheepish after your rant. He averted his gaze and said nothing while you let out an exasperated sigh and ran your fingers through your hair.
“Don’t give me that right or wrong crap.” You retorted when your anger simmered. “Hero society deemed me a villain before giving me a chance to prove myself. I won’t stand in the League’s way if they want to bring it down.”
Keigo’s hand shot out and wrapped around your elbow, fingers pressing into one of your scars. You tried shaking him off but Keigo didn’t relent.
“What about the thousands of innocent civilian lives that will be ruined because of them? Will you also stand aside when they’re screaming for their lives?”
His golden eyes bore into yours and memories of a certain mission hit you like a ton of bricks. You remembered the room full of children that you’d saved with Keigo, and for the first time in weeks, you hesitated in defending Dabi and the League’s actions.
“We’re targeting the heroes and the HPSC, not civilians.” You reasoned, wrenching your arm from his grasp.
“We’re?” Keigo sneered, backing you against a wall. “Are you serious?”
At his aggressiveness, the alarms in your head went off but indignation muffled them. You jutted out your chin defiantly. “Yeah, I am. As long as Dabi remains in the League, I will too because... I-I love him and tha—”
Keigo smashed his lips against yours and took hold of your hands before pinning them above your head. Unlike the first kiss he stole from you, this one was harsh and meant to punish. He claimed your mouth with his invading tongue while you wrestled against his bruising grip. It wasn’t until you realized he wouldn’t let up that you bit down on his tongue until he hissed in pain and released you with a curse.
With the metallic taste of Keigo’s blood in your mouth, you tried recovering your breath only to hear a harsh thump that was immediately followed by pulsating pain on the side of your head. You doubled over from the sheer force of Keigo’s blow that left you debilitated and vulnerable.
And that was exactly what Keigo wanted.
In your stupor, you were picked up like a ragdoll and thrown onto your bed, landing face down on a pillow. The sudden motion only worsened what you assumed was a concussion. As a sharp ringing assaulted your ears, all you could do was grip the sheets beneath you in a weak attempt to stop the room from turning.
So when rough hands pulled off your shorts and ripped off your flimsy lace panties, you were too busy burrowing your spinning head in a pillow and swallowing bile to put up a fight. The severity of the situation finally registered with you when you felt the bed dip and rough hands lift your waist until you were on your knees.
By the time your body reacted, it was too late. Keigo pressed you into the mattress with your hands pinned behind your back as he settled between your legs and spread them open with his body.
His cockhead prodded at your entrance a couple of times before he forced it into your dry cunt in one harsh thrust. Horrified and unprepared, you screamed into the pillow that still smelled of Dabi while Keigo violently took you from behind like an animal.
Pain was all you knew throughout Keigo’s assault. It pulsated in your head until it felt like your skull was being split in half. It coursed through your arms that were pushed together and pressed into your back. It ripped through your cunt as Keigo’s cock rammed into you without mercy.
Concussed, restrained, and without your quirk and voice, all you could do was lie there and wait for your body to produce the slick you oh-so desperately needed to ease the ache in your cunt.
Without changing the pace of his hips, Keigo leaned over you and grunted into your ear.
“Don’t you get it, Y/N? I’m doing this because I love you and right now you’re sick. That so-called love you feel for that bastard is a disease. You have Stockholm Syndrome and I’m gonna cure you with each load I shoot up your womb.”
He let out a chuckle and licked the shell of your earlobe, causing bile to surge up your throat. Unable to swallow it down any longer, you used all the strength you could muster to jerk your head over the bed’s edge.
As you regurgitated that day’s lunch, Keigo’s thrusts ceased and he released you with a disgusted grunt.
“Rude bitch,” he growled, pulling you by your hair and pressing his torso against your body. “I tell you I love you and that’s how you react?”
Keigo shoved your face into the mattress and you writhed beneath his weight and grip as your lungs were depleted of oxygen. When your limbs went limp against the bed and black specks stained your vision, the last thing you heard was Keigo’s honeyed words delivering your sentence for falling for your captor.
“Guess I’ll have to take you away from him for you to be cured.”
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
A Response to a Feyre Anti
I made a post recently explaining the dread of having to watch Feyre be abused by her sisters and father, in the Tv adaption. And a Feyre anti made a response, to something that should not be criticized at all considering what I said was just the truth? Feyre was abused. Not only that but they went on and completely twisted the narrative to fit their own ideas and in the process made Feyre out to be cruel and Nesta a saint. complete bull.
I will not be tagging the anti bc they have me blocked (shocker), but also I do not want anyone to go after them, if you come across the post, I don't want it to be through me. it's as much respect I can give to them.
I usually do not respond to those who have something to say with a post of mine or are blatantly talking about me on their blog, unless they're just spreading absolute lies about me or what i "said", it's usually a waste of time to do so. but this post attacked Feyre with outrageous lies and a complete backward interpretation of what actually happened in acotar, so as respectful as I can be, I will be analyzing the anti-response and what truly happened in acotar.
"the audience will only see two sisters fighting-not abuse" "it’s not Nesta you need to worry about. It’s audiences calling Feyre a big dumbass and a bitch" -from anti
if the audience has basic human compassion and empathy for humans IRL or fictional, they will see what's obvious from the start. Feyres abuse. how is it going to look, when they see Feyre walking through the woods, shaking from the cold, starving from hunger, and struggling to find food for her family? only to later see Nesta's treatment of Feyre?"
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in the anti's post, they said Feyre was just as "heinous" to Nesta.
is Feyre the one calling Nesta a pig? a smelly pig? ordering her to take her clothes off?
no, it's not, it's dear Nesta. the text goes as "I took my time, swallowing the words I wanted to bark at her" oh yes... how cruel of Feyre. how heinous of Feyre to...stay quiet... at the verbal abuse.
in the same image we see Feyre ask Nesta to do something (kindly might I add) and then inquire why she didn't chop wood like she needs to.
what does Nesta do? acts like a brat and insults Feyre...once again.
considering I'm going off by the story and not the actual screenplay, and assuming they stay true to the story; will the audience not be disgusted by Nesta's behavior? I mean they just saw Feyre struggle to find food and they expect Feyre to go home to a family happy and appreciative of Feyre but instead, they get this familial abuse.
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the anti said Feyre basically tells Nesta this:
"If you keep bitching at everyone like this no one will want to be around you or you can’t marry this guy because you’re a waste of space to me"
but what do we see?
"Believe me... the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to marry Tomas."
the word worthy, did that not catch your eye? Feyre said Nesta will have to marry someone worthy, someone, who will treat Nesta kindly and give her the life Feyre thinks her sisters deserve. bc Feyre does think that IDK why anti feyres think Feyre despised Nesta so much, Feyre loved her sisters.
what the anti fails to realize here is that Nesta marrying Tomas would have been actually pretty great for Feyre. in the sense that, Feyre would no longer carry the burden of her sister. Feyre would not have to worry about feeding one more mouth. or worrying about Nesta's constant stealing of Feyre's money. Feyre does not think Nesta is a "waste of space" to her, if she did, it would have been easy for Feyre to discard Nesta, and allow her to marry Tomas. the anti has that twisted.
but that is not even the worst part of the scene. did you see the shameless slut-shaming that came out of Nesta's mouth? how will the audience take to that? do you think most of the younger generation will take it lightly to see a sister slut-shame a sister? a woman putting down another woman? in this social climate? where the feminism movement is alive and flourishing. will they be okay with it? will they still blame Feyre and be mad at her the way the anti says they will be? I hope not otherwise I'm losing faith in humanity.
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Lovely words Nesta spews at Feyre. I admit Feyre should have told her then and there that Tomas is abusive. but let's think: Feyre is 19 years old, the youngest, has never had any raising by a parental figure, has been neglected by her whole family, where would Feyre learn to calmly talk to an overgrown brat like Nesta? Feyre telling Nesta who Tomas truly is the duty of a parent, not a sister. I will not condemn Feyre for not knowing that was the perfect time to tell Nesta who Tomas is. especially when Feyre is being tormented and verbally/emotionally abused, its kinda hard to think about something else while you're being told all these horrible words. to us its easy to see where Feyre went wrong but unless you're in the exact position Feyre was in. no one has any room to talk. and even then, every person is different in situations like these.
this part was me analyzing the interactions between Feyre and Nesta since anti had reasons to believe Feyre was just as bad to Nesta and that the audience would see that and hate Feyre. I am now going to respond to the second part of the Feyre Anti's response.
"How will an audience of non-fans react to her not reaching out to her family to tell them she was okay after the reconciliation between her and Nesta? Or not inviting them to the wedding?"- from anti
moving onto acomaf now.
Idk maybe the audience will see Feyre, a depressed, lonely, individual in an abusive relationship while being manipulated by other individuals she called friends, and understand and empathize with her. all throughout the beginning and half of acomaf, Feyre is in critical depression. she wholeheartedly believes she should not be alive. that she is not worthy. she doesn't eat, all she does is sleep, self-care is not important to her or others so why would letting a family know she's okay, a family who BARELY ever cared about her, be a priority? it doesn't seem like Nesta or elain or her father was really fazed by Feyre's lack of communication. her father left on a trip, elain got engaged and Nesta, well we didn't see a tearful welcoming to Feyre on Nesta's part did we?
anti, where is the outcry of her "family" not even really caring if Feyre was safe or not, of what happened to her? it's not like they thought she had died, otherwise, where was the mourning or funeral? no, they just didn't care.
see this is where I know when anti is just full of bullshit. why, WHY, would Feyre invite her family to wedding full of fae? the creatures elain and Nesta fear and hate? for all the talk many anti's spew about Feyre being inconsiderate to Nesta, to her family, you would think Feyre maybe just knows a fae wedding would be the last thing they would want? even then, does Feyre owe them an invitation to her wedding? does she owe them an update on her life? nope. Feyre owed them nothing.
"How about her shit-talking Nesta to a bunch of strangers then having the audacity to ask her to get involved in a war. Oh! This is after she comes into her house and insults their hospitality." - from anti
I hardly think Feyre confiding in individuals who she learned to care about and laying out all the trauma Feyre endured with her family is "shit-talking" but for argument's sake, let's say it is. I still don't see what's wrong? after years of pent-up anger and hurt, would you not let go of everything you withheld inside and explain what was done to you? how you felt? Feyre telling the IC her life story, which contains Nesta's abuse and her family's neglect, was a form of therapy for Feyre. I never read a line where Feyre calls Nesta a "cold-hearted bitch" or called elain "a lazy ditz" she just said the truth. no added embellishments. Cassian was the one who shit-talked Nesta during the dinner scene, never Feyre.
I still don't understand why antis are so against Feyre asking her sisters for help? like the war didn't involve them? they're humans, and you know what the war was about? Hybern wanting to take control of the human lands like they once did and turn them into slaves. those humans included Nesta and elain.
"They could have left the continent" correct, except elain was engaged and refused to leave Grayson. which meant Nesta refused to leave elain. but even so, isn't it the duty of humans to band together and work to overthrow a race of people who want to torture and keep them as slaves? the queens certainly weren't doing their jobs. Feyre asked to use "their" house to meet the queens bc where else would they do it? the queens trust the fae less than Nesta or elain did. but even so, Feyre asking to use their house was a courtesy, that house is rightfully Feyre's. she is the one who sacrificed herself to leave with Tamlin. she did it bravely, courageously, and they got that house thanks to her. they owed Feyre everything. and the only one who acknowledged that was Elain.
that war involved elain and Nesta whether they or Feyre or the anti's liked it or not. not even considering that Nesta and elain are Feyre Archerons sisters, yeah, their family name alone puts a target on their back.
How did Feyre or the court insult Elain's and Nesta's hospitality? You mean when Feyre realized human food differed from fae food? something she did not know about bc she's barely been turned to fae and only had eaten fae dishes? Feyre's grimace towards the human food was an involuntary reaction to someone who is still learning their new body. or was it when Cassian called out Nesta for her cold treatment towards Feyre? if that's the case then fuck decency, I would call out a fake bitch in my presence from minute one. you cant call what Nesta did "hospitality" when all she did was insult Feyre when she didn't even care that Feyre had died, or lost her love bc of abuse, or that her body was changed against her will.
hospitality: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
did y'all read something different bc this for sure was nothing Nesta gave to her guests?
the rest of the anti post moves towards Rhysand and his actions UTM which I won't go into because I'm mainly just addressing the false interpretations this anti had to say about Feyre and her family.
I'm not sure how to sign off now lol, but I guess just that I hope this was enough to show how this anti's arguments were completely ludicrous and have absolutely no compassion for Feyre, and instead all the compassion for Feyre's abusers. This anti had a real spin on what the actual story was, and I hope the evidence I provided was enough to show that. Anyways yeah my brain is fried, and I'm done arguing with Feyre anti's for a while now, I need to go praise my queen Feyre so I can receive some semblance of peace.
anyways, stan Feyre for clear skin xx
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zellerysworld · 3 years
『 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬 』
Sukuna x GN!Reader
WC: 6.7k
Tags: Angst, murder, reincarnation, heavy violence, language, suggestive themes, heavy trauma, mentions of genocide, origin story, slight soft sukuna
I rewrote this bitch three times trying to perfect it- and I’m still not 100% happy with it because there’s so many ways I wanted to write this. Plus I didn’t get the promotion at work so I just got depressed. anyways I wrote the story but @cqcophobiq requested a gender neutral reader. <3
A/N: Readers abilities are touching people to make them sleep, transfer memories, and see past (for those with DID, talk to the souls within the persons mind). They serves as a informant by going inside victims heads to look in their pasts for curses that were around them; informing teammates of location and grade level. They can also gain powers from whomever they touch for a short period of time.
Ex: Sukuna can give Malevolent Shrine to them for battle, but after one use/within five minutes, it vanishes. If they use powers that are harsh on the body, (domain expansions or strong cursed manipulation) they faint/get nose bleeds. *Reader only has abilities in modern times*
Around 1000 years ago, you ventured out into the woods seeking to kill a god. 1000 years later, you are reincarnated so you may meet this god once again.
Fear: that is all you felt while you watched the mass murderer known as Ryomen Sukuna walk throughout the same forest you were in. It took so long to hunt him down, and now the moment has finally come. You have trained for years to defeat the villain of your story, but his presence was more intimidating than you had anticipated.
He stopped to bend down, putting out a hand to stroke a sleeping fox. Surrounding the regular-looking male was a meadow filled to the brim with tall grass and flowers, hidden away by bamboo and birch trees. Everything looked so peaceful around Sukuna, as if he was a Dryad. ‘How could he look so peaceful?’ You thought to yourself. It also felt as if you were lied to, since most people told you he had facial marks and four arms, which he did not have.
It looked as if he were another human; that was until you flimsily attempted to move forward. Having been hiding within a large bush, you couldn’t see what was beneath you. And just like, a cracking sound emitted from the twig below you. You closed your eyes and rolled your shoulders back, whispering to yourself, “Oh fu-.”
Now, how exactly did you get yourself into this situation? And why were you in the middle of an uncharted forest trying to stalk Ryomen Sukuna? Well, it is a rather gruesome story for you to look back upon.
The Heian Age is at its peak in Japan, while Jujutsu sorcery is also at its peak as a ripple effect. (Many young children in this period began to claim they have “seen” curses.) Ryomen Sukuna was a young sorcerer, having attended the very school you attended. While amid his fourth and final year, and in your first year, he burned down almost every inch of the school alongside slaughtering over half of the staff and students.
You took it upon yourself to track him down with the intent to kill for revenge. Teachers that survived had entrusted you with information about him after learning of your plans. Granted most told you not to do it, but the ones that supported it told you information of his appearance, how he secretly practiced sacred and forbidden jujutsu techniques, and his unwavering strength. With every day that passes, Sukuna grows stronger at rates nobody can foretell.
So here you are, three years after the incident. The reason for why he did it is still unknown; But you trained to your breaking point for this moment to happen- having bled, cried, screamed, and thrown up countless times. Your classmates called you insane for thinking you could beat Sukuna, but none of their words mattered to you. Sukuna stole people from your life that you could never get back.
Now, back to your current situation. Sukuna shot his head up to the sound, his lips curving to reveal blades for teeth, “Myyyyyy Myyyyy!!! Do I have a challenger?” His voice stunned you, fear engulfing your mind as his body morphed into a four armed and nearly 8 foot tall being with black markings wrapped around his body. Although barely visible, Sukuna first saw your eyes that had such a curious wonder that was tinted with rage.
Before you could even take your bandages off to fight, he was behind you and holding your neck, “A jujutsu sorcerer, huh?”
Air left your lungs faster than anticipated, causing you to slightly panic. You closed your eyes, then leaned your neck over in an attempt to play dead, which worked but to only half of its extent. When your neck rolled to the side, Sukuna slightly loosened his grip. This gave you room to breathe before catching him off guard with a back-kick to his ribs.
The unexpected hit made his brows furrow, anger stirring in his stomach at your cleverness. When your clogs hit the ground, you took off running as if an army of samurai were in pursuit behind. And although you were fast, Sukuna was faster. The sound of his footsteps gave the warning that he was gaining up to you.
Logs and fallen tree branches were dodged by your legs as your jumped over them, Sukuna following behind. The sound of crunching grass as the demon-like man pursued you made the experience even more terrifying, knowing that with every step you took, he took two. There were so many sounds, making it harder to think with the already small amount of time given to you.
You made the judgement call to stop, believing that you could backhand him from behind by catching him off guard. However, it became apparent that you made a grave mistake the second two muscular elbows hit the left side of your waist. The feeling of your ribs cracking on both of sides of your waist when you slammed against the tree made you scream out in pain. Your eyes widened at having never witnessed strength such as his nor pain such as this.
Out of response to the pain, tears formed at the edges of your squinting eyes as your back slid against the tree. Sukuna approached you, cracking his fingers in excitement of killing another jujutsu sorcerer such as yourself. However, you had a trump card that was now in play.
You bit down on a piece of cloth that held the bandages on your left hand together. Ripping the bandages off with your teeth, Sukuna let out a menacing laugh, “You really think jujutsu can help you now?”
His left hand strangled your neck, pulling you upwards to be eye level with him. When Sukuna noticed that your orbs showed no fear, his brows furrowed in curiosity. Just seconds before he was going to snap your neck, both of your hands latched onto his arm. You forced a nerve connection, sending sounds of people screaming, children crying, and raging fires into his head.
The sudden sounds caused Sukuna to release you from his grip, “What-what Is this…?” He looked around, trying to see where the sound was coming from. You leaned against the tree while holding your left side, “How could you forget?” He looked down to you, his eyes widening at the realization of where the sounds came from.
“Those are the sounds of the people you killed!”
Sukuna froze, realizing that you were not just an ordinary jujutsu user. Catching him while he was still confounded, you put all your force into an aggressive headbutt. He stumbled back a few feet before growling at the dripping blood from his scalp. When he looked up, a smirked was smeared across his blood-stained face, “You’ll die here.”
His hands joined, making the symbol for a domain expansion spell. However, you temporary gained his powers after touching his arm a few moments ago. As he opened his mouth, you cut him off while bringing your hands together, “Domain Expansion!”
Your eyes rolled back, “Malevolent shrine!”
The domain built around him, fear striking Sukuna’s mind at the sight of seeing you mimic his powers. His technique was too powerful for your body to handle though, causing you to stumble. You blinked twice before coughing up blood into your hands. Sukuna walked forward as the domain fell apart, his interest being piqued at how your powers work.
Looking up at Sukuna, blood fell from the crevices of your lips before you fell onto the ground. His powers completely defeated you from within, being too harsh on your body. When you hit the ground, all that was in your tunnel of vision was black. It felt like it was just a few minutes that you had been knocked out, but when you opened your eyes, the forest surrounding you was nearly pitch black.
“You snore.”
Hearing Sukuna’s voice, your body snapped up from the ground beneath you to find him sitting against an oak log. When you tried to use your hands to fight him, you quickly became aware that they were tied up. You huffed at the feeling of the rope while noticing the black kimono you wore had been taken off to reveal your white Cossack.
Sukuna’s lids opened to reveal crimson-colored eyes. In his current state, he was back to being inkless and having two arms. He glared at you with a sense of sternness, “Tell me how you did that.”
“Did what?” You snapped back, having no respect for him.
“Listen,” he stood and walked over to you, bending his knees down so his face would be in yours, “Only reason you are alive right now is because I say so. So, either tell me how you did it, or I’ll cut your hands off with my fingernails.” He sat down in front of you, crossing his legs and arms.
To be honest, death seemed better than having to deal with this situation. Before replying to him, you had to think if you really wanted to explain your powers. Either way around, you were going to die so it didn’t matter. Talking about your powers only delays your inevitable future. And it’s obviously been hours, so if help would have come, they were either killed by Sukuna or never came.
You sighed, leaning your head back before making eye contact with him. “My technique was used by ancient sorcerers; They call it ‘Somnium Nexum’.”
“I know all of the jujutsu techniques; how come I have never heard of yours?”
“Well, if you would shut the fuck up then I could explain.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes at your disrespect, “Why do the generations become more disrespectful with each passing year?”
“Do you really have room to talk about disrespect?” You huffed, continuing, “My technique hasn’t been seen for hundreds of years now. It went extinct, until I was born that is. My hands… I use them to transfer memories to people, see memories of people, and temporarily steal people’s powers. That’s how I did it.”
“Those sounds were the people I killed. You were there that day?”
“Of course I was!” You shouted, anger filling your voice as tears formed at the edges of your eyes, “You killed people I loved! You ruined peoples lives…. WHY?! WHAT DID YOU GAIN?”
“I gained revenge.”
Silence fell between the two of you. The moon’s reflected light shined against your eyes as tears rolled down your flustered cheeks. Your lips parted to speak, but there were no words. Revenge? It didn’t make sense to you. What did all those people do to cause an anger such as his to exist?
Sukuna broke the silence, “If you run, I’ll kill you.” He leaned forward and reached a hand behind you, his lips being uncomfortably close to yours. Your thoughts closed at hearing a ripping sound, his hand pulling back.
“Look into my memories, and whatever questions you have will be answered. But then you’ll answer mine.”
You hesitated to move your hands, feeling fear in the back of your mind at how calm he was. Just a few hours ago, this man was trying to murder you in cold blood, but now he is acting… soft? It didn’t settle in your gut too well, but you had no other choice than to do what he says. Complying to his request, you raised your hand to rest the palm of it on his lower check and jawline.
“Close your eyes.” You commanded while closing yours.
He obediently closed them, letting the connection into his nervous system open into yours. The tears that were made at the thought of your dead classmates shifted towards tears of pain upon seeing Sukuna’s memories.
You watched from the background as jujutsu sorcerers stormed his childhood village and burned everything to the ground, both curses and humans alike. A young Sukuna was in the middle of it all, screaming for his mother as the fire surrounded him. From the fires, a sorcerer ran through and picked him up.
Sukuna screamed and kicked at the masked sorcerer. You noticed though, that the very badge that was embroidered onto your shirt was the same badge of the sorcerer carrying him.
When you turned to see where he was being carried, you noticed only the children were spared. You covered your mouth in disgust, seeing crying kids from ages of newborns to 5-year-olds being carried away. You watched a young Sukuna let out a loud screeching sound, black markings appearing on his face as his eyes turned red.
He sunk his teeth into the sorcerers’ shoulder and killed them, trying to run away before being caught by two other sorcerers who put him to sleep. One said through his mask, “This one is strong with cursed energy, he needs to be cleansed.”
You watched them carry him away. When you turned back around, you saw another memory of Sukuna at a slightly older age being tortured on a table as an instruction screamed out, “YOU ARE A DISGRACE!” Another memory appeared, the child being much older now as he sat in his room and communicated with a curse in its own language.
Memories upon memories flashed before your eyes of him training, talking to curses, and being tortured by humans. Then the memory that stained your mind of blood had appeared. The boy used his malevolent shrine against students and teachers alike, causing chaos with curses following behind him wherever he stepped.
Squinting to notice, you saw a pained look within his eyes as he killed the students that tried to fight him. He bent down to one and closed their eyes, “Humans have become the virus of this world. Jujutsu scholars are the creators of the virus.”
You came out of the link, speechless at everything you had just seen. Taking a deep breath, you looked into Sukuna’s eyes, “Why did they burn your village?”
He turned his neck to look away from your eyes, not wanting to be the person that breaks the truth to you. Although Sukuna didn’t know your name, he still felt an aching sensation at the bottom of his heart for you. There was finally someone else that he could tell of his secrets, but they were too painful. Yet he knew if he didn’t tell you, and instead killed you or forced you to go back, that you would never have a normal life anyways.
“Tell me, what’s your name?”
“Y/n L/n- but my name is not important. Tell me why they did that…”
“Y/n, do you know who your parents are?”
“Of course not. They sent me to the school when I was…”
“When you were what?”
Excruciating amounts of pain began to fill your heart. You saw the point he was making, and it stung your heart in an abundance of different ways. Everything around you seemed to disappear as you tried to remember who you were before attending this school. All that was found was blankness.
The early morning sky that beamed with stars of different shades seemed to become brighter as everything began to click. Nature surrounded you in this moment of harsh realization. It was comforting knowing that possibly a forest god was watching over you in the greens of their garden, but nonetheless painful.
You whispered with a cracking voice, “Why… Why did they tell us our parents sent us here…?”
“It was a coverup. Japan has become innovative these past two centuries, meaning out with the old and in with the new. Jujutsu sorcerers were falling behind, meaning they would eventually die out. So, they resorted to pillaging children. Although our fight was short, I can see that you have great strength and intelligence with your powers. You must have been a newborn when you were taken; otherwise, you’d remember.”
So many emotions ran through your mind all at once. Sorrow, pain, anger, rage, weakness, all of it. You hesitated, “So... -So, I never even had a chance?”
Sukuna looked into your eyes, “No.”
You gasped, feeling as if your lungs were collapsing while your breathing grew erratic. Everything you ever knew was a lie, and everything you were ever told was a lie. Any relationships you ever had with teachers was a lie, while any relationship you ever had with your classmates was fake. Sukuna saw how you struggled to take this information in, but he didn’t know how to make it easier for you.
‘Is there even an easy way out of this information?’ He thought to himself. Sukuna always knew everything around him was not real, so he couldn’t imagine the things you were feeling.
“Why didn’t… why didn’t you tell anyone? Why didn’t you try to find a way out and save everyone?”
Sukuna snapped back, “All of those kids are brainwashed beyond oblivion. Did you forget what you tried to do to me a few hours ago? If I were a normal person, you would have killed with that thing you did with your hands; And If I tried to tell people everything they ever knew was a lie, I would be dead.”
You slowly crawled backwards as he moved forward, “Do you think I caused all of that destruction alone? No. I had the help of curses, who are the only damn things that see humans for the shit they are! Over the years I have been out here alone, training and preparing myself for when I can defeat even the strongest of sorcerers.”
When he realized how uncomfortable you had become by his advancing, Sukuna moved back. “There was no helping them. The only reason I told you was because you would be forced to believe me.”
He was right. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, Sukuna was right. They would all try to kill him if he told them what had known on all along. Humanity’s biggest fault will always be the fact that they are afraid of the unknown, and when someone tries to show them the truth of the unknown, they freak out in fear. The only reason you were not freaking out was because there was no unknown; you saw it all with your own eyes through his memories.
“Tell me, what are you going to do now?” He asked, slicing your thoughts in half.
That was a loaded question for the current situation, but it was a question that needed an answer. You cannot go back now, otherwise they would find out you know more than you should with how bad of a liar you are. For all they know, you are most likely dead right now and not worth looking for. You were just another slave to the elders’ horrific commands.
“I don’t know… Run away maybe? Get out the country while I can? But even then, sorcerers are all around the world. I would get caught and be killed eventually. Do the rest of the sorcerers around the world know about Japan’s doings?”
Sukuna scratched at his head, “I don’t know. I never tried to leave, but I was never bothered until now either.”
The sun began to rise, cracks of its light seeping through the forest trees as the night faded to the back of the forest. You bowed your head with a loud sigh, not knowing what your next move will be. Confusion filled your mind while the rising sun’s warmth worked to comfort you in this state of despair. With your emotions being thrown around like a tossed salad, the silence sounded so loud right now.
Sukuna broke the silence by hesitantly suggesting, “Stay here with me, y/n. Just for another day or two. I want to know more of these powers of yours. Maybe by then you’ll figure something out.”
You looked at him with such curious eyes, seeing him totally shift from the manic demon he was yesterday to this calm man who had a vengeful heart filled with pain. Crossing your arms, you asked with a sarcastic tone, “Where do you even live?”
“Are you suggesting I sleep in the woods like an animal?”
He rolled his eyes while clicking his tongue, “Farther up in the mountains. I live by a hidden spring.”
You tried to stand up with Sukuna, leaning on the tree for support. He forgot that a rib or two of yours had been broken upon contact when fighting with each other earlier, making him cringe at remembering how quick he was to become defensive. “Here.” He turned around, getting on his knees. Sukuna motioned for you to get on his back, it being easier on your ribs for him to carry you this way.
Click here for a nice theme song. <3
Sukuna carried you to a log cabin he had built in the time he spent out here. For a few days, your aching body rested there as you thought of your next move. However, those thoughts eventually fled your mind. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. Time passed on as you stayed hidden away deep within the forest with Sukuna. Over time, his vengeance was forgotten with you at his side. All both of you wanted was to enjoy the peace of solitude together.
Everything had been so peaceful over the years. Sometimes you and Sukuna would bicker as lovers do, especially since you two were the only ones you talked to besides curses, but ultimately both of you were happy. That was until the world decided peace was never a real option for anyone in this violently terrifying world.
Morning dew clung onto the windows of the cabin you shared with your husband. It was the break of dawn as you awoke next to a sleeping Sukuna. He lowly grumbled at your movements, pulling you back into the bed by your waist. “What are you doing?” He quietly asked with a scruffy morning voice while hovering over you. Loose strains of hair covered your eyes, Sukuna moving them so he could have a better look at you.
You held onto the back of his neck with your bandaged hands, “I’m going to the springs for a quick wash.”
The shirtless man lightly kissed at your cheek, moving lower to your neck as he gripped onto your hips to keep you below him. As tempting as it was to stay in bed with him and enjoy some morning affairs, your bones ached from the hunting that was done the day before. With a roll of your eyes, you pushed the built man from your body as if he was a feather.
He let out a loud groan while moaning, “I should have never trained you to become that strong.”
“Oh shush, I’ll be back soon you whiney child.”
You put on a long, white yukata before heading outside to greet the horses you and Sukuna had tamed. “Good morning Ryko,” you sang while petting the horse’s neck before mounting her. You rode just a few minutes upwards towards the east, where the hidden springs lied. Winter was beginning to fade as spring slowly made its way into season, so hunting is hard for you and Sukuna.
Usually in the winter months is when your back and sides ache from your fight all those years ago with him. The best way for you to sooth your pains is to relax in the warm springs that nature provided in the mornings or late afternoons.
Upon reaching the springs, you jumped off Ryko and led her towards a tree to keep her tied at. However, you began to feel uneasy at how Ryko kept neighing and trying to back away from the tree. “Shhh, girl. Nobody is here.”
The sound of other horses made you eat your words. Your eyes widened as you turned, jumping out of the way at the sound of a metal mechanism clicking and firing. Ryko was shot in the head, her body falling over and bleeding out in the snow. Panic filled your body, being caught completely off guard. What were they shooting with and why was it so fast? When you looked up, you noticed the people on the horses had the same symbol of your previous school.
“Son of a bitch…,” you spoke, furrowing your brows at the sight of them. You had no weapons on you, forgetting to bring your bow and arrow for long distance defense. From the bottom of your lungs, you screamed out, “SUKUNA!!”
As soon as you said the name, the sorcerers began to panic, “She said his name!”
“Quick, kill her before he comes! She must be a witch!”
“What if he kills us?!”
You were already on your feet, taking off as fast as you possibly could. As much as you wanted to fight with the physical strength you had gained over the years, you knew the helplessness of your abilities. Even if you could outsmart them and bruise their physical appearance, you were no match for 5 sorcerers with guns all at once with your jujutsu technique. You may be a powerful jujutsu sorcerer alongside Sukuna, but long-range fighting was never an option with your technique.
Speeding into the distance with all you had, the freezing temperature of the snow against bare human feet was only making it worse for you. You had hope that you could run into the woods just in time, but there is no shift in what a speeding bullet does to a human body.
While a few minutes away, the first shot had Sukuna on his feet. His eyes flung open, the nerve-wracking sound of a weapon he didn’t recognize that is not too far caused him to panic. His tattoos appeared as he walked out into the snow barefoot with only palazzos on. He began running into the direction of the sound, knowing he would be faster on foot than on horseback.
From the distance, Sukuna heard his name being screamed out by your voice, which struck fear into his heart. The scream was followed by another shot not even 30 seconds later. He picked up his speed, tears forming at the edges of his rageful crimson eyes.
When he appeared from the branches, the sorcerers were taking off. As much as he wanted to pursue them, he needed to find you first. Before he could even see you, the stench of blood coming from his left filled his nose. He turned, and everything seemed to go into slow motion. He ran at your side, seeing you struggle to breathe from the bullet wound in your chest.
“Y/N, Y/N SAY SOMETHING!” He screamed out, falling onto the ground next to you. He held you up, putting his hands over the wound to try to stop the bleeding, “Come on, come on stay with me. It’s okay, it’s fine-“
“Ry-Suk…I…,” you struggled to breathe, blood flowing out of your chest faster than Sukuna could react too. His tears fell onto your cheeks as his hands became covered in your blood. The white Yukata you were wearing was turning an awful shade of red.
He pulled your hand up to his lower cheek, closing his eyes so you can start a link between him and you. When it started, you transferred everything you had seen to his memories so he would know what happened without you having to speak. When he opened his eyes, your hand fell from his cheek as your body quickly lost energy.
Sukuna held you in his now bloodied arms, rocking you back and forth while whispering, “It’s alright, you’re fine. Look at me, I’m right here.” He watched as you slowly lost consciousness, your eyes losing the spark of curiosity in them that he adored.
You blinked a few times, each time your eyes getting heavier and harder to keep open. You gave him a meek smile and croaked out, “When the sun rises again, will you find me?”
Rapid tears fell from both your eyes and his as he leaned his head into your chest, “I’ll find you.”
You looked into the sky with lazy eyes before shutting them for the final time. Your neck fell backwards, and your breathing stopped; Sukuna felt your heart’s final beat. Feeling your soul leave your body, he let out a loud scream into your chest that could be heard from miles away.
He sobbed into your cold body, only to lift his head with a newfound rage that has set his body on fire. His tearstained face spoke millions of words, all of them meaning the same thing: destruction. He laid your body against Ryko, kissing your forehead and whispering, “I’ll be back.”
Standing up with your blood staining his hands and torso, he morphed into his full form. His lips spread into a devilish smile as he ran his hands through his hair. His speed was almost at light, taking off into the forest while chasing the horse tracks in the snow.
The sorcerers rode at a fast pace, but it wasn’t fast enough. Sukuna passed them up, turning on his heels to face the oncoming horses. When they got close enough, he raised both of his hands and grabbed onto the horses’ heads, pushing them down into the ground. Both the horses and sorcerers riding them died from the impact, striking fear into the other sorcerers following behind them.
“TURN, NOW!” One yelled out before their head was ripped from their body by Sukuna’s hands. He called out with a demonic look in his eyes, “Don’t be afraid to come out my friends!” Curses of all grades came out from behind trees, sending everyone into a panic.
“SPREAD OUT!” A female sorcerer yelled out, making Sukuna turn. He ran into the horse, sending her and the horse flying into a tree. She let out a loud scream of pain as the horse landed on her legs, rendering her powerless. Sukuna approached her, bending down to be eye level with her as she panicked.
He tilted his head, “The person you happened to kill was my partner. And a partner is a man’s peace, but when they are taken, they become a man’s rage.” He grabbed her hair, ripping her body in half. “If they cannot live, nobody can! Women, children, and men alike! IT’S GOING TO BE A MASSACRE!”
Curses killed the sorcerers left and right, slaughtering both them and their horses. Ryomen Sukuna has died, but the king of curses has been born. Curses obeyed his every command in fear of his jujutsu techniques and inhumane abilities. The beginning of his world domination had just begun…
Over a thousand years has passed since that day, which brings Sukuna to the present. Yuji was in conversation with Megumi and Nobara, while Sukuna was off wondering around in Yuji’s head. However, a certain name caught his attention.
“Yeah! I heard they use an ancient technique called ‘Somnium Nexium’, it’s only been seen a handful of times in the last few hundred years.” Nobara chanted while walking with her friends.
Sukuna turned his head at the sound, awakening on Yuji’s face, “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“Sukuna, go back!” Yuji yelled, groaning at the annoying curse.
He snapped back, “Oh shut the hell up. I heard Somnium Nexium.”
Megumi spoke, “There’s a new student. They use that power.”
“I bet your old ass has seen it before,” Nobara laughed.
Sukuna growled, “Matter of fact I have, and this brat could probably kill all of you with just one hand.”
Nobara’s shoulders shot up at his words, while Megumi cringed at the fact he’s most likely right. Yuji was just interested in getting to see them like the others though. However, the day was near its end, and everyone was heading into their rooms for the night. Yuji might have slept like a baby, but Sukuna stayed up in his mind all night.
He wanted to believe there was a possibility that it could be you, but from what the kids said, other people have been seen using the same ability. Wanting to dismiss the idea, Sukuna tried to not think on it and instead walk around Yuji’s head to annoy him, but that failed.
Night faded into day as the stars kissed the sky good morning. Another day began, and nothing was out of the usual. Just Sukuna being pissed he’s still in Yuji’s body after all of this time and training per usual.
Yuji made his way out of the dormitories after getting dressed, heading outside to see where Megumi was. He was also hoping to run into the new student so he could get to brag to Nobara that he meant them first. While walking down the outside corridor, Yuji pulled out his phone to text the group chat. In the midst of typing, he bumped into a student wearing a navy Hakama with a black kimono, the traditional sword training outfit for students.
For those who enjoy some theme music.(again hehe)
“Oh sor- Wait a second, you must be the new student! I’m Yuji Itadori.” He quickly bowed, giving you a large smile. Sukuna snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing Yuji’s thoughts when running into you; He hastily said within his mind, “Enchain!”
The sun took its place a tad higher in the sky to where it beamed against you. Your skin had a warm tone to it as the sun reflected into your eyes to create a small glint. Bowing your head as Sukuna took over Yuji’s body, you raised your head with closed eyes and smiled, “I’m Y/n L/n.”
When you opened your eyes, Yuji’s body had switched into Sukuna’s. It startled you before remembering that he was Sukuna’s vessel; yet it also felt as if you have meant Sukuna before. “You must be Sukuna. I feel honored that the king of curses took over Yuji just to see me,” you said with tremendous amounts of sarcasm.
Sukuna was speechless, his breathing going shaky at the sight of you. “Is it really you?”
You raised a brow while crossing your arms, “What are you talking about?”
He walked forward, wanting to get a closer look at your facial features. However, him walking closer caused you to back up out of discomfort. Your back hit against the railing of the wooden pathway, making you nervous. You snapped with a serious tone while ungloving your hands behind your back, “What do you want?!”
There was no response, just wide eyes, and a wide mouth. “Hey!” You yelled, but there was no response. Out of fear, you pulled your hand out and tried to grab his wrist to show something to scare him, but he already knew your move. Sukuna caught you by the wrist, then examined it to see if it was the same hand you had before.
Your eyes widened at how he knew what you were going to do, making fear begin to take over your body. “Don’t be afraid,” he spoke while moving your hand to his lower cheek. “Just… try to remember me.” So many questions ran throughout your mind, such as how did he know that people’s faces are what she touches? Either way, you were too afraid to decline what he was implying, so you closed your eyes at the same time as him.
The connection opened, allowing you to go into his memories. You walked around his mind, seeing yourself from his eyes whenever you first meant him over 1000 years ago. The memories flashed before your eyes, not understanding why you see yourself and how that was possible. Every bitter, sweet, intimate, aggressive, happy, and sad moment he ever had with you flashed before your eyes.
Colors you had never even seen before flashed past your eyes, showing you every detail of every moment you ever experienced with Sukuna. You saw a memory of yourself holding a bow and arrow, aiming it at a deer from far in the forest. When you took the shot, it struck the deer into the side.
You relaxed your shoulders, sighing in relief at making the hit. Sukuna watched with his arms crossed, “There’s so many ways that I love you, but by far my favorite way to love you is to watch you.”
With the roll of your eyes and a small smirk, you blushed and playfully punched his shoulder, “Let’s go get our dinner.”
Sukuna “loved” you? The sensations your body felt were foreign, making you feel nervous. There were moments where he held onto your hand while taking a walk through the forest, followed by other moments of him training with you in meadows. The moments you would hug his bare torso would turn into moments of intimacy, while moments of petty arguments would turn into moments of him holding you.
Love was the only thing you could feel from these memories. It was love that drove him to commit his crimes, and it was love when he would sit alone and ponder on what he’d do if he ever saw you again. He imagined that he would hug you tighter than he ever did before, destroy the world with you, and tell you everything he didn’t get to tell you before.
A squeezing sensation pained your heart, making you become so overwhelmed that you ripped away from the link. Sukuna looked into your eyes, seeing that curious look he saw in your eyes all those centuries ago when you first meant him in the forest. Shaking with anxiety, you moved forward to slowly wrap your arms over his body. He followed into the embrace, squeezing your back with his muscular arms while crying into your shoulder.
It felt unreasonable to fall into being the person you were in a past life, but you felt all the things he felt for you back then. Seeing his memories opened so many things in your life, when all along you thought you were just some regular jujutsu sorcerer who is the new kid at this school. In truth, you were never normal; seeing his memories just proves that. You grew up having dreams as a child that were always too blurry to see anything, but looking back you now understand that those weren’t dreams; They were your past.
When you closed your eyes, everything in your mind went blank. Upon opening them, they looked the same but had a slight change of hue that was barely noticeable. You pushed Sukuna away from you, starting to feel your old memories flood back in. He looked at you with a confused expression, not understanding what you were doing until you grabbed his face.
Your hands held his cheeks as you examined his eyes, “Sukuna? Is it really you?” You moved his face to see all the angles of his structure, trying to see if this was him. “Oh…,” There was hesitation in your eyes before tears began to fall from them, “You found me…” Sukuna pulled you back into the tight embrace of each other’s arms, holding onto one another like the world is falling apart around you.
From behind the corner, Megumi and Nobara watched with worried looks painted across their face. She whispered, “I feel like something bad just happened.”
There was rage within you, feeling your insides ache at the memory of how you died coming back to you. You were still the same person before gaining your memories back, but now enlightened of who you really were. Sukuna pulled back from the hug, looking beyond your eyes and into your soul. He could see the hungry look of vengeance within you.
Sukuna felt his time nearing its end as Yuji was fighting to come back in. He quickly held onto your shoulders with a crazed look in his crimson eyes, “Y/n, in due time we will take our revenge. Me and you, we will destroy the world.”
The next time the sun rises for Sukuna will be the last time it rises for the world.
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