#this blog is safe
fandomsoda · 2 months
Hey btw please reblog this if your blog will be safe from any sort of tricks, screamers, misinfo, pranks, lies, or any other kind of upsetting material on April fool’s day, please and thank you <3
This includes sudden changes in format/routine and/or anything else that could possibly be jarring to those who struggle with reality or drastic sudden change
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This blog is a safe place;
Always has been; always will be.
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
Ok, I’m just gonna say some things real quick.
Finding out that it truly was one anon harassing my friend Fantomette for literal weeks (and me, though you’d never know because I don’t acknowledge it, nor give a damn), AND finding some pretty solid evidence about who this person really is…
Just…my God.
It was obvious enough already, I guess, but now we essentially “confirmed” it, and I find it really draining to know this person just sits comfortably in the tumblr Bloodborne fandom and is really this callous and manipulative. We are dealing with the Logarius of this fandom, haha.
I’m genuinely angry, and that’s rare. I don’t care about petty dramas and squabbles in fandom. I don’t get involved. I really don’t care. That’s why I don’t respond to harassment. I moved passed my “internet drama addict” phase a long time ago. It’s just easier to breathe when you don’t bother with things you have no real control over. You deal with enough online bullies and go through enough abusive “cyber” relationships, and it eventually wakes you up to see the obvious. It’s just an endless cycle of immature behavior.
But just this once, and mainly because I feel the need to clear it up, I will explain something.
I am aware that there has been drama in this side of the Bloodborne fandom. I wasn’t there when it happened, but I caught up on it and observed. I know who was involved, and I know who basically “won” the favor of the broader public—if you can even call this diminished fandom that.
Here are my simple thoughts on it all.
I don’t consider it my problem or business. I don’t care.
To initially avoid conflict, I have reached out to people and had private conversations that some harassing anon would never know about. I have clarified and worked out some of the really important issues that people are concerned with. There are details and elements of this story that no one even knows except me, and you wouldn’t because even some of the people that were involved are no longer around.
From this gathering of insight, I have chosen who I trust and who I believe. I listened to both sides of the story. That was all I ever needed to do, and really all anyone would ever need to do in a situation like this.
Direct communication is so important. You never get anywhere complaining about someone to yourself or your friends. It takes some minerals, but going straight to a person and confronting them is actually the most powerful and effective thing you could do. God forbid you even sort out the problem without getting others involved.
For me, I did what I felt I needed to do and was able to feel confident in my choices about to approach a conflict-torn fan group.
And guess what? It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter to anyone. Why? Because aside from this post, you will never see me address or engage in this debacle. My blog is a safe space for everyone, and I mean everyone. No matter your identity or your PROBLEMS. You can have serious issues and talk to me and be my friend. I don’t mind at all. You can also feel safe to be my friend if you have a specific background or identify a certain way. I will show only love and support. I don’t hold judgements against people in general. It isn’t my nature.
If you are a bully? Manipulative? Cruel? If you repeatedly promote something violent or extremely harmful on your blog? I may withdraw in quietude and not associate so much, but that’s for MY mental health. It’s also to protect the mental health of my friends. I won’t spread that type of rhetoric or hate. I won’t even speak about it.
I am a journalist. I deal with controversy and human depravity on a regular basis. It’s my bloody day job. It weighs me down. I get easily depressed by it. That’s personal.
That won’t effect you or anyone else on my blog, because I use this blog to engage strictly in fandom. You won’t see me post about anything else related to life beyond the realm of casual entertainment. No intercultural crises, no politics, no social commentary, no current events. This blog simply isn’t for that. It’s my break *from* those exact issues.
I need this, and I won’t have it ruined. Fandom drama be damned.
I don’t care even if I make some theory post and get condescending vague-posts clearly in response to it literally a day later. Go for it, kids! I’m gonna keep sharing my ideas, and I will not start debates over it. I’m too tired for that.
This is my nest, and it’s where I’m going to hang out. If who I choose to befriend and speak to upsets you, even if you don’t have the full story or you are judging my entire character/belief system based on that interaction, that’s fine. Block my blog. Forget about me. If it makes you feel safer, then do it.
I’m going to live my own life, and that does not include catering to the particular needs of strangers in online fandoms. Harsh maybe, but I’m sure you can handle that.
My mutuals and friends deserve this same level of freedom, respect, and security. So anon…or rather person that we know is watching us and acting as a peaceful neighbor in the same fandom…you have your first and only acknowledgement from me. Go away from us, and leave my friends alone. I promise you’ll breathe a bit easier if you forget us.
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faded-euphoria · 2 years
This blog is safe for:
All gender identities
All sexuality
All races
All ages
This blog is pro-choice.
This blog has open dm's for anyone who needs to talk about anything.
This blog recognizes mental illnesses.
This blog is safe for you.
You are safe here.
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bigsistersyndrome · 4 years
sometimes privilege is curating your feeds so you don’t see the hate.
it’s hard to remember sometimes how prevalent it is and how lucky i am that they don’t force themselves into my life. i don’t really have to face it in the real world and i don’t have random angry anons in my inbox. and then just one look into the world, just a step outside the people i follow, and i see it. they call themselves open minded. they call themselves members of our communities. they call themselves warriors and martyrs.
if you’re excusionist, you’re not part of my community either. we don’t want you either.
thank you, everyone i follow for not being hateful. i hope i provide the safe space that you give to me.
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worldseer · 4 years
It’s Pride Month, b*tches!
Time to support each other, no matter their skin color, ethnicity, religion, identity, or sexuality.
Black lives matter.
LGBT+ lives matter.
This is a month for love, not hate. 
Stay safe, and stay home. You're loved, accepted, and worth it! ~Sophael
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thief-commander · 5 years
No screamers or April Fool’s jokes on this blog today
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I think I reblogged a post a few days ago saying that I wouldn't take part in April fools at all, so I just wanna amend that and say I won't post any serious April fools, such as shocking, disturbing, scary, ect... things. But maybe a few real dumb jokes
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lionowlonao3 · 7 years
it's the 1st of April. don't worry, i won't be playing any pranks on anyone
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Reblog if your blog is a safe place for younger women who feel attracted to older women
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not-pikachuurin · 8 years
Moment of silence for all of the non-American social media users that have to put up with all this election coverage.  
I’d rather be forced thru 10 Eurovisions than this election rn
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the-70s-source · 8 years
Everyone is accepted and respected when visiting/ following and interacting with this blog...
The other day I had a message sent to me asking whether or not I discriminate against certain races, genders, sexual orientations, etc... and I want you all to know that I don’t. This blog is safe for everyone. 
In this crazy world that is trying to make us like everyone else, I want you to find the courage to be yourself. Even though society may laugh at us for being different; whether it be the way we look or what our personalities may consist of, we should be able to laugh right back at them. I have realized that we have been taught to fear our bodies, our own mind, the words in which we speak that could express our true being, and especially our own souls. The small identities that we have held so close to us will soon become unruly. 
Our choices, more than our abilities, show who we really are. The way we reflect our attitude towards life and show how we deal with problems portrays us as born fighters. That's why we never lose sight of our goals and we won't give up before we reach them. That’s why we should be ourselves.
That being said... I want all of my followers and those who are just visiting to know that my blog accepts all genders, sexual orientations, and all races. Everyone is welcome here, and no one will be turned away.
Positive vibes to all of you loves! and don’t be afraid to send a message or ask my way, I love hearing from you all! -XO, The 70s Source
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komoii · 8 years
Hey y'all
So I keep seeing those posts like “this blog is () friendly” so I just thought I’d go ahead and say that this blog is everyone friendly.
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smoldoctor · 8 years
Hi- I'm wondering if this blog supports Gillian Anderson? Simply wondering bc of several trans misogynistic comments she has made and not apologized for, I as a trans girl x files fan don't feel safe following blogs that support her. Thank you!!
My apologies for not responding to this sooner, I’m not sure when it was sent but everyone might notice that I have been unable to keep this blog updated as of late due to school commitments.
This blog is strictly a Dana Scully character blog, however me as the human behind it is in support of Gillian Anderson, and I admit to being fully unaware of the comments she has made to which you are referring. If she has made some comments from which you find offense and makes you feel unsafe then I encourage you to unfollow whatever blogs make you feel that way - just know that this blog in particular is very very very much a safe place for all people regardless of gender, race, religion, etc. 
Please do what makes you feel safe and comfortable, and if seeing Gillian Anderson portraying Dana Scully will not do that then this is not a blog for you. I can say with conviction though that the only thing that will ever be posted from this blog is art or gifsets which I have made myself of Dana Scully the character and will never contain content of Gillian Anderson the actress.
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soonrongs · 8 years
God bless, Happy April Fools everyone
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thunder28 · 8 years
This blog is safe
Friday, April 1  April Fool's Day 2016          
-No screamers
-No april fools anything (sadly)
-No rick rolling
-Just normal content
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