#this chapter is CRAZY bro
strxnged · 1 year
ever just accidently press ctrl+z and lose all of your work on a post
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dizzybizz · 2 years
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"looks like i win! take that!"
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midnight-mourning · 2 days
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First of all, wowza
shame on me 😔😔 But anywho, thank you for 1,000 KUDOS and 26,000+ hits!!!
It's a crazy milestone and I appreciate you all very very much ^-^
I wish I had something special planned for just this but I do not >_<
HOWEVER, I do have some stuff already in the works for when I hit 100 followers (which again, is WILD) so I'll probably combine the two for extra fun :)
Thank you all again, can't wait to share more soon <3
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kacievvbbbb · 2 months
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I don't know especially with the lastest chapter (ch 265) this just feels so much like Yuuji.
Like especially in the first season people kept asking why he is doing all this, why he wants to save people, why he's beating himself up so much over people he barely knows. People kept wanting to know Yuuji's why and he couldn't explain it he was holding unto the promise he made to his granfther as an explanation but that wasnt really is.
And then you have Mahito who tried to force his own defintion of who yuuji was unto him and beat him down until Yuuji believed it too. He's just a machine killing curses because thats his nature vs Mahito killing humans cause thats his nature. They are beings of instinct slaves to their nature, cogs in the machine. And Yuuji internalizes that so much it weighs so heavily on him the idea that his job isnt to save people but kill curses doesn't sit right with him.
but then at what should be his lowest point he stares his biggest tormentor in the face and said you know what I don't particulalry care what you or anyone else thinks about my reasons. I don't think you have to have grand or innate reasons to do something. Sometimes you just do! and what yuuji wants, more than anything; more than killing curses more than keeping the "weak" safe, is to save his friends. And it's too late for a lot of them, Yuuji was too late but goddam it he won't be late for this. So fuck Sukuna he's bringing Megumi home.
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littiaye · 1 year
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just a couple scenes from a fic I've been rough drafting for a whiiiiiiiile
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raddestrose · 2 months
This regret of Cunshan is wildin
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goatyuuji · 8 months
Okay seeing a lot of people going “oh you don’t give a fuck about gojo he is happy dead” or “oh what will he do after he comes back from two pieces” and honestly SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP HONESTLY 😭
I need this man to see the absolute beast that he created out of his students, I still need him to give his last respects to Geto, I still need to see him interact with his students and I still need him to tell Megumi about Toji. You are telling me that his selfish dream to create a strong generation is coming true and this motherfucker is not alive to see that, bro fuck you. I need him to see the potential he saw in Yuuta and Yuuji coming true, I need him to experience life as not Gojo Satoru: the strongest but just as Gojo Satoru. And y’all can yap about how he is happy at airport heaven but I personally need him back because he left a lot of loose ends behind.
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Some color explorations, with just color and lineart :)
Tysm to @demi-ghosty for the color palettes!!!
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jazzistic · 3 months
I wonder if guns exist in the Wind Breaker universe
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huffle-dork · 5 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 25: Epilogue
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs|
Read SITCV | SATCV Masterpost | AO3 Link
Alt and Jackie find themselves in a pitch black space. And yet, somehow, they can still see themselves and each other. Just... nothing else. 
Anti appears behind them. "Okay," he says. "Let's--" 
And then, suddenly, someone else appears. Bro, with Mag still slung over his shoulder. And behind him, another Anti with an eye-patch and green scarf. "Okay," that Anti says. "Let's--" 
And then the two Antis lock eyes. And they stop.
Alt stops as soon as he hears the other voice and puts an arm up to hold Jackie back behind him protectively. 
Bro's eyes meet Alt's and he breaks out into a huge grin. "Y-You're okay!" 
Alt and Jackie look relieved, "Chase!" they say almost at the same time. They all look like they wanna run towards each other- but they glance at the antis warily. 
"... how come you guys got an Anti too?" Bro asks, tilting his head. 
"Bro- this one hasn't even met us!" Jackie says. 
"what??? How does that work??" 
"Heh. You guys think you're the only versions of yourselves out there?" The Anti with Bro grins. "Didn't you see that shit back there? Lots of different worlds that are all pretty similar. I thought I was the only one of me, though." 
The Anti with Jackie and Alt nods. "Same. Maybe it's just the two of us." 
The Anti with Bro has a short sleeve shirt, and behind his tightly-wound scarf there are bandages around his neck. The Anti with Alt and Jackie is wearing long sleeves, and his scarf is looser, showing a bare neck beneath it. 
"So." Short-sleeve Anti gestures at his neck. "You... took care if it, then? Jack is safe?" 
Long-sleeve Anti nods. "From them, at least. We're having some trouble with IRIS. Did those guys fuck with you?" 
"Oh yeah. Give 'em hell." 
"Oh believe me, I will." A pause. "So... how'd you meet these guys, then?"
Alt watches the conversation with a furrowed brow. "...I feel like you are being really causal about this and its kinda freaking me out..." 
Jackie looks like he's gonna have a crisis thinking about other hims that are like him in the moment. 
Bro adjusts Mag on his shoulder and genuinely seems unbothered. He wouldn't be able to comprehend what all this means anyways. 
Bro then looks at long sleeved Anti and grins, "Oh! We got blasted into his universe by some black magic glitchy fuckery and he helped to save our friends from the messed up guys in your universe! Which... I'm guessing are the same considering how you two are talking." 
"I don't understand," Alt says, glitching forward and in between the two Antis. "How... are you guys the same but- you don't know what the other did? Aren't... you from the same world? The same things happen to you and... that's what makes you.. you- right?"
"Well... yeah, I guess when you put it that way," Long-sleeve Anti says. "We have to have shared most experiences." 
"Otherwise we wouldn't be so similar." Short-sleeve Anti nods. "I think I understand. The moment you guys showed up in our universe, it must've split in two--the version where you showed up, and the version where you didn't. That's why he doesn't know you guys. Hey, d'you remember Marvin's museum heist? With that weird ass doorway in the middle of the exhibit?" 
Long-sleeve Anti nods. "What? Something happen there?" 
"Marvin shot his magic at me while in that doorway. That somehow summoned these guys and two of their friends." 
"Ah. That didn't happen with me. I glitched out of the way just before. So that's the point of divergence." 
"ooh!" Alt says, eyes sparkling as he understands. "It's... its a timeline split! Okay... okay that makes sense!" He laughs, "I dunno why that's easier for me to wrap my head around..." 
"Would make sense," Short-sleeve Anti muses. "Marvin got really fucking obsessed with other worlds after that. If he never met these guys... none of that would've happened." Sadness flashes across his expression. "Jack would be safe right now..." 
Long-sleeve Anti glitches over to him. "You'll get him back," he says. "I know what we're capable of, and I know you can get him back." Short-sleeve Anti smiles. "...thanks."
Bro and Alt look kinda guilty and look away from the tender Anti moment while Jackie blinks a bit in confusion. 
Alt looks back to the Anti they know with determination, "...my offer still stands you know. If you ever need back up we can be-" He then cuts himself off and it dawns on him that... he can't make that promise anymore. The TRVLR is gone. Frustrated tears perk up in his eyes and he quickly tries to blink them away. "...well... n-nevermind can't... really u-universe hop anymore..."
Short-sleeve Anti raises an eyebrow. "I'm guessing something happened to your TRVLR." 
"Sounds like some IRIS shit," Long-sleeve Anti mutters. 
"Ha! That's exactly what it is. They got it from another world with them, stole it." 
"Nice." Long-sleeve Anti pauses. "You don't... think it's related to the rifts, do you? This TRVLR thing?" 
"I don't think IRIS is capable of doing shit like that. But... they might be linked." Short-sleeve Anti looks at the guys. "Well? What happened?"
Alt curls his hands into fists, magic flickering and sparking around him in anger. "...we were tricked. We thought the TRVLR got broken during a trip we took to that medieval world I told you about which is... such a long story. But- we thought it would be okay to take Jackie to go meet his superhero self! But then... it kept breaking- taking us to new places instead of taking us home... and we found out it was all a plan to bring the TRVLR to the universe we were in b-before all this rift stuff happened... and he, another Anti... he took Mag's magic and he destroyed the TRVLR and said he was gonna go d-delete other universes and... we couldn't stop him. The TRVLR tried to warn us! it said the universe was under quarantine but... I..." He gets angrier as he looks towards the still passed out Mag, "Mag got a hold of me right away and I- I couldn't warn anyone or get away and he... he-" Alt takes a couple shaky breaths to keep from exploding in anger, or bursting to tears. He honestly feels on the brink of both. "He got it and... We got sucked into the rifts and separated in the places you both found us. I... I dunno where he is now... who knows how many things he might have destroyed..." His shoulders shake and his voice breaks as he whispers out, "A-and it's all my fault...!" 
"Hey! Alt d-don't say that," Bro says gently. "None of us could have prepared for this..."
The Antis stare, eyes getting wide as Alt tells his story. Then they look at each other. 
"Must've been one of the places with a connection, right?" Long-sleeve Anti says. 
"Yeah." Short-sleeve Anti nods. "Couldn't have been the place with the facility, I don't think the Anti there cares for deleting worlds. Same with that place with the time loop city. So... the other one." 
"Yeah." Long-sleeve Anti nods. "That must be why They sent out a call. Because that Anti escaped. He can't do that much, though, can he?" 
"...connection... call... what are you guys talking about?" Jackie tries to ask.
"Some universes have connections to other worlds," Long-sleeve Anti says. 
"It's hard to grasp, I know, just... accept it and it'll be easier," Short-sleeve Anti adds. 
"Oh.. okay," Jackie replies meekly. 
Short-sleeve Anti frowns. Then he turns to Alt. "Your brother's right," he says in a quiet voice. "Nobody could have prepared for that. It's not your fault, okay? He was already working on a way out. He would have found it eventually, even if you didn't show up. It's not your fault. Okay? For some reason, people love to blame themselves for things that others have done. Not sure why. All it does is let the actual perpetrators escape blame-free, because they don't usually feel the guilt that decent people do. You gonna let this guy get away blame-free while you take it all?" He shakes his head. "It's not your fault. Anyone else in your situation would've been tricked, I'm sure. Even me. Or, uh, us." He gestures at himself and the other Anti.
Alt is quiet and is fighting back tears. 
Bro sees how this is affecting Alt and he throws Mag to the... well what they're standing on- hard to tell with all this black. And then hurries over to come and hug him. 
Alt seems resistant at first but eventually leans in, sniffling. He laughs half-heartedly at Anti's point and shakes his head. "... no...you're right I just... feel responsible..." 
Bro shakes his head rests his on top of Alt's. "You're responsible for your actions only, Alt. No one else's." 
Alt snorts and rolls his eyes. "Okay, Dr. J." 
"He has very good points! That's why he gets paid to say this stuff!" Bro laughs as he nudges Alt. Then, he takes in all the blood on him and gasp. "Holy shit Alt-!" 
From the combination of being tossed to the floor like wet garbage and the sound of the siblings bickering, Mag's eyes finally blearily open. He pushes himself up and has a nice purple bruise forming next to his eye on his left side. He notices the fact they're in complete darkness and there's two Antis and blinks super slowly, trying to process. "...the fucking hell is happening...?" He mutters dazedly.
The moment Magnificent is awake, the two Antis snap their attention to him. "So... who the hell is this guy?" Long-sleeve Anti asks. "A Marvin?" 
"Yeah, as bad as ours," Short-sleeve Anti growls. "I put him on the list." 
"Oh." Whatever that means, it apparently immediately sours Long-sleeve Anti's opinion of Magnificent, and he glares at him. 
"...I dunno what the list is but I'm intrigued... maybe I should have a villains list." Bro muses. 
Alt laughs, "Why bother? We all know Mag is at the top." 
"Not true! ...Overdose is up there too. ...and that King bastard." Chase says with a shudder. 
Short-sleeve Anti glitches over to Mag, crouching by him where he's lying on the black 'ground.' "Here's the deal, Mag," he says. "Right now, you're somewhere that only I--or this other version of me--can navigate. We could very easily leave you here, and you wouldn't be able to do shit about it. So, I suggest you play nice. Otherwise we might decide to just take these three with us when we leave. And keep in mind, your mind tricks don't work on me. Either version."
Magnificent stumbles back as short-sleeved Anti appears in front of him and looks between the two with even wider eyes. "T-There's fucking two of you?!" He gasps and tries to back up. He tries to save face by glaring at the Anti in front of him and glances at the other. But, eventually he sighs and frowns at Anti. "... I suppose that's do-able. I can humor you... until you idiots figure out a way out of this mess, I guess." 
"Man- can't believe Mag is actually scared of you guys," Jackie grins. 
"I am not-!" Magnificent tries to argue.
"Heh." Short-sleeved Anti gives a wicked grin, then glitches back over to the rest. "Well. Clearly, you guys all need to get home. Though I know what you'll say. About that other Anti who's running loose through the multiverse. You'll want to help, won't you? Or... at least you two will." He nods at Bro and Alt. "I'm not as familiar with you, Jackie." 
"I'm starting to realize I might not be the... adventuring type," Jackie says quietly, rubbing at his arm. "B-But I'd like to help where I can...?"
Bro smiles sadly at Jackie and brings him into a side hug, "You've been doing amazing, Jackie..." 
"They can't exactly help if they don't have a way to go to other worlds, though," Long-sleeve Anti points out. 
"Yeah. Which is why we need to ask for Their help. If anyone can figure out something to fix all of this, it's Them."
Alt blinks in confusion and looks between the Antis, "umm... who's them?" 
Even Mag's eyes spark curiously.
"Oh... just the most powerful being in this branch of the multiverse," Long-sleeve Anti says, giving a little chuckle. 
"They sensed when the rifts started opening up and sent out a call for anyone who might be able to help with that," Short-sleeve Anti adds. "I answered. And it seems like I also answered." 
"Sounded urgent," Long-sleeve Anti shrugs. "Especially since They mentioned people were out of place.”
"Hold on a second, They'll probably be coming here any moment," Short-sleeve Anti says.
Jackie notices it first, followed shortly by Alt. The area around them is pitch black, except for a small green dot of light in the distance. It grows bigger, getting closer. Baseball size, then basketball size, then beachball size. It keeps going. The size of a sofa, the size of a room. 
Mag senses it more than sees it as it approaches. When he first entered that world with the horror creatures, he felt Cait Coill's power was an ocean. This is like a million oceans... a million oceans of acid. The closer it gets, the more clear it is that he does not want this power in his body. The size of a house, the size of a building, and the green glow just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger until the whole sky above them seems to be glowing green. And then, the green glow rolls. A rim of blue appears, followed by an expanse of black. It is a massive, glowing green eyeball.
Magnificent's jaw drops, shuddering as he feels the power wash over him. 
Alt and Jackie gasp loudly. Alt tries to glitch back but realizes soon enough it's futile. They're becoming the very sky themselves. 
Bro is confused at first, "...why is the sky glowing green." Then, he sees the rim of blue and black and he makes a pog face then points up at the sky, "GIANT SAM??!" 
Alt bursts into awed breathless laughter, "i... I guess so…!" 
"Yeah." The two Antis say in unison, nodding identically. 
"What the fuckkk??" Jackie breathes. 
"..i..it's okay," Alt tries to reply. 
"But, the Antis said you could help us, right?" Bro asks hopefully.
"What about their TRVLR?" Short-sleeve Anti asks. 
"And the Anti that's going to fucking 'delete' worlds?" Long-sleeve Anti adds. 
"I-If you could take us back to the world where we found it- we could just grab another one," Alt says, stepping forward. "There were so many more just lying around! All they need to work is my magic!"
"Couldn't you just give them a device with all the worlds marked?" Short-sleeve Anti asks. 
Alt deflates and sighs, holding his arms, "But then... didn't we already lose them? Our TRVLR was smashed into bits... How can you possibly find every piece and put them back together?" He bites his lips, feeling the pinprick of tears again, "...I don't want to lose our way to them... but.. i...i dunno..."
The two Antis look at each other. 
Alt is quiet for a second and Bro comes up and puts a hand on his shoulder. Eventually he sighs and looks up at Sam with a sad smile. "...I guess I'm gonna have to trust you guys... but I think I can do that...."
{VERY GOOD,} Sam says. 
"Well?" Long-sleeve Anti asks the other. "You or me? I think I have more free time." 
Short-sleeve Anti shakes his head. "I'm already involved in all this multiverse shit. I... have stuff to do back home, but I think I'm more qualified." 
"Hmm." Long-sleeve Anti purses his lips. "I guess... I've only really talked to that man who glitched into the In-Between and that young boy. You have these guys, they've visited your world and everything. But are you sure? What about your Jack?" 
Short-sleeve Anti hesitates. "I... have people who are helping. And I'm sure I can do both at the same time. Take care of your Jack, okay? I'd... rather that happen." 
"If you're sure," Long-sleeve Anti says quietly. 
Alt's eyes widen and he looks back at Sam with shock. "... You... was that... you? In the world where..." He swallows shakily. "...where i was corrupted...? or was that Sam... merely passing along the message?”
"You're from that world??" Bro asks, "How... does that work? How did you go from a tiny thing back there to this... massive fucking thing?!" He spreads out his arms as wide as he can to emphasize his point. 
Alt looks surprised too but does smile hearing about Jack. And shudders thinking about that Anti...
“Whattt???” Bro says, dumbfounded. 
“Do the guys back there know about that?” Jackie asks curiously.
"We should get them home then, shouldn't we?" Short-sleeve Anti asks, nodding towards the four others. 
Alt is quiet for a bit before he looks back up, “…how will you find us again? …none of us can get to here. And now we can’t travel to other universes… unless we use that doorway but… I don’t trust that thing one bit.” He glares at Mag who quickly looks away.
Short-sleeve Anti nods. "And I can get back to my home from anywhere."
“Damn lucky-“ Jackie giggles. 
Alt nods, “…alright. Then… I guess we’re all… good.” He still looks sad and uneasy about all this, anxiety about that escaped Anti clawing at his gut. 
“Our world is gonna be… safe, right? From that crazy Anti?” Bro asks quietly.
"If you see that crazy guy, I'll be right behind him," Short-sleeve Anti says. "Gonna fucking kick his ass for trying to reach you guys." 
Long-sleeve Anti raises an eyebrow. "You'd go that far?" 
Short-sleeve Anti pauses. "I guess I would."
“Awww have you grown a soft spot for us Anti~?” Bro taunts playfully. 
Alt smiles wide, laughing along. “…it’s good to know we can count on you, Anti.” 
Magnificent makes a gagging motion and Jackie kicks at him. Mag hisses at him.
Short-sleeve Anti gives a small smile. And at that, so does the other one. "Well... we should head home, shouldn't we?" he says. 
"We should. And you should too." Short-sleeve Anti nods at the four of them. 
“I guess… this is goodbye for now, then.” Bro says with a sad smile. 
Alt looks back at Sam, “thanks then… for all your help.” He smiles back at the Antis, “And you two too.” 
Jackie steps up next to his friends and laughs nervously, “Dunno if I’ll be doing another one of these things again anytime soon but… thanks.” 
Mag stays quiet and doesn’t look at anyone, rubbing at the bruise on his face.
The Anti in long sleeves nods. "Nice to meet you all. I can see why this other me got attached." 
The Anti they know rolls his eye. "You guys stay safe. I hope I'll see you all soon--to give you your TRVLR again." He glances at Mag. "And you." He doesn't say anything, just glares threateningly. 
Magnificent still flinches slightly- which have the other swaps giggling. 
Then Anti looks back to the others. "Here's to the future." 
{WHEN YOU ARE READY...} A bit of green lightning snaps down from the Sam high above. A small tear appears in the pitch-black of the Space In-Between, and through it... a familiar sight. Home. {STEP THROUGH. GOOD LUCK, AND GOODBYE.}
The swaps all watch in awe as the lightning strikes and then perk up at the small glimpse of home. Calling to them. 
Bro smiles and offers his hands to the others. “Together?”
Alt rolls his eyes with a chuckle. “Cheesy. But… yeah.” He takes Bro’s hand. 
Jackie grins, squeezing Bro’s hand, “One last hold for the road! Just in case it’s bumpy~” 
“By the gods your sentimentality makes me sick,” Mag grumbles. “Can we move on?” 
“Don’t be bitchy just cuz you’re jealous, Marv.” Jackie says, sticking out his tongue at Mag. 
Magnificent snorts but hides his look of anger. He teleports ahead of the others- just long enough to linger in the other side before he disappears from sight. 
The other swaps all roll their eyes and laugh- then, they step back through the portal, together.
They find themselves in a familiar place when they walk through the rift. The Brody brothers' apartment, right where they left. 
Magnificent is not with the three of them. When he walked through, he appears right where he left as well. In his warehouse.
The boys all look at each other and then collapse into different chairs or places to sit around the living room. They sit together in a long long silence- Their exhaustion palpable in the air. 
Finally, Bro speaks up, looking at Jackie. “…did you mean that back there, Jackie? That you don’t think you can… do these trips anymore?” 
Jackie doesn’t meet their eyes as he shrugs. He laughs uneasily. “Well… guess we do have a break now but… y-yeah… I think I… I need to step out of these.” Frightened tears come into his eyes. “…in the last world… I… I almost died- if Anti hadn’t found me in time… I… I…” he takes a shaky breath and holds his arms. “….all I could think about was Zara and the kids… never knowing what happened to me. I… I dunno if I can do that again…” 
Bro and Alt look at their friend with sadness and understanding. 
Then, the door to apartment opens quietly- before there’s a gasp, then an angry female voice yelling, “Jackie Finnigan Mann!! Where the hell have you been?!”
Jackie’s head snaps back to look at who’s at the door- it’s Zara. She looks a mix between angry and relived. “One day at most my ass! Where-?!” 
She gets cut off as Jackie clambers to get to her and almost knocks her over by hugging her tightly. “I’m sorry Zara! I’m so so sorry, love…” he whispers, voice breaking as he holds her tightly. 
Zara blinks slowly but then quickly hugs him back, “oh… love… you’re trembling…!” She rubs his back and kisses his cheek, “…I’m just glad you’re okay…” She looks to Bro and Alt with confusion, “what… happened?” 
Bro shakes his head, “it’s a long story, z… we can catch you up in a bit. I think we all need… some time.” 
Zara nods and squeezes Jackie before letting go- “here… you all look terrible and exhausted… come over to our house and I’ll make you all dinner okay?” Then she blinks and gasps, “holy fuck Alt! You’re hurt!” 
Alt blinks slowly and looks down, “…oh yeah-“ 
“Okay- first a trip to Ollie, then I’ll make you all dinner.” Zara says sternly. 
Alt laughs hollowly and nods, “okay… guess I can’t argue with that… Ollie has Glitches after all…” 
“Isn’t he not supposed to treat you now that you both are dating?” Bro asks with a smirk. 
Alt blushes and Zara snorts, “I think he’ll make an exception. Or we’ll see the other dooms I don’t care just-! C’mon you lot.” She leads Jackie out and Bro soon staggers up to follow after. He pats Alt on the shoulder and then walks out the door. 
Alt lingers for a second, noticing the empty feeling in his pocket more than ever. But, soon enough he follows after his friends. 
None of them had to do this alone.
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dustyspines · 5 months
rereading bits of painful eagerness as Market Research and upon control+f'ing the word kiss i realised (outside of scorbus obvs) the person who kisses/is kissed the most is miss polly... and now im weirdly missing my artsy blunt beautiful girl. love language physical touch for sure !
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rotisseries · 1 year
#come talk to me when you finish bloodmarked I reread legendborn last night and got to the gala bit#that I'd completely forgotten about where bree says something about how her nick and sel are all bonded to each other#and like. combined that with bloodmarked as a whole but especially chapters 51 and 58#I am absolutely fucking certain I'll die on the polyamory hill like THEY ARE ALL FUCKING BONDED ALL 3 OF THEM IT'S CONSTANTLY REITIRATED#NO WAY SHE PICKS JUST ONE IT WOULDN'T BE RIGHT#WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE POLY CODING. WHAT THE HELL.#every time I'm in the bathroom I start looking into the nearest mirror and start talking to myself crazily#about how actually fucking insane it is like I'm losing my mind tracy deonn what are you on can I take a hit#so yeah keep me posted on your reading progress lol#speaking of rereading legendborn though I'd forgotten just how mean nick and sel are to each other in the first book#and it was like. actually crazy to see that continue pretty much right up until the end bc they don't really get a chance for reconciliatio#and then to compare that with having also just recently finished bloodmarked#which is literally like. a complete fucking 180#idk if nick's month being kidnapped by his dad just gave him a lot of time to reflect or something#but he never has a genuinely bad thing to say about sel. like right from the start and his first appearances in bloodmarked#similarly for sel lmao#contrasted with the. everything in legendborn. like it's actually fucking crazy#what spending a month away from your magically bonded bro does to a mf#anyway. in regards to us always reading the same shit have you been keeping up with chloe gong's books?#bc I read foul lady fortune and last violent call earlier this week as well#ask#lyoshaland#hi lyosha!
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chaosoftheages · 7 months
so I wrote part 2 to the final battle of book 8 aka chapter 14 and was like "Holy shit I wonder how many words this is-OH MY HOLY MOTHER NATURE 3K WORDS"
Chapter 13 is almost SEVEN THOUSAND(its like 6.6 or 6.8k)
Book 5 is getting fucking d e t h r o n e d
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more than beliefs (11: a girl worth fighting for)
A/N: happy thursday!
WARNINGS: a bit of a scuffle and a black eye — i don't think there's much else but, as usual, if you spot something and think it should be flagged, please let me know!
Words: 5,884
here it is on AO3!
here are the MtB masterpost and the full Chivalry series masterpost!
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As much as Roman had mentioned her, none of them really thought the Dragon Witch would be a real person. Or, rather, real character. Someone this real. A house. A role. 
She was draped in very regal, medieval clothing. A scarf was wrapped around her hair, so long that the ends billowed and glittered above her cape. When she walked, it was hard to tell if her legs were moving down there or if she was just hovering in a line. Logan watched to see. He was impressed by the accuracy of her clothing. Sure, her dress was much closer to the fourteenth century than the fifth, when King Arthur allegedly ruled, but Roman must have put in a lot of thought to make her as accurate as he did to a time period, at least. And Logan was pretty sure that was an accurate way of pinning a headscarf. Roman must have done his research. Or Remus, because he seemed familiar with her.
Remus was chatting away in answer of her questions. Given that her home was on his side, it was probably safe to assume he knew her. Maybe they were friendly, even. That made her seem a little less of a stranger, like he were following the connected threads between them, though it still made her seem hostile. Someone that was friendly toward Roman and Remus both. Everyone was still trying to wrap their heads around the idea that the twins were friendly toward each other. Remus had seemed so concerned about his brother. 
Out of all of them, Janus just wanted to talk with Roman. That’s all. 
There hasn’t exactly been opportunity for it given Romans hatred of him now. But it was warranted somewhat. But if only Roman could understand that it was for Thomas’ good, that it was for the best.
If only he’d allow Janus to make his case. This was just so frustrating. 
And none of these advisors WERE Roman. Yes, it was good to talk with them, to hear bits and pieces of what Roman thought of him. The Damsel’s assertion (or, rather, laughter) over how little Roman liked him was enough to fully convince him that he needed to talk with Roman specifically. Not any part of him. No fragmented communication was as useful or as thorough as a direct conversation. But, well. Thomas nor Roman were known for their abilities of confrontation.
As they walked deeper into the cave, the sides began straightening and smoothing out, jagged red surfaces turning into carved walls. At some point, the torches and lanterns shifted into chandelier lights, and the scorched rock beneath their feet turned into a thick gray rug. 
The Damsel and the Thief were following closely after her as well. Janus brought up the rear, continuing to hide from view, but he wanted to get a better view. Virgil was next up at the front, eyeing everything with an air of distrust. This was technically Remus’ side, that’s where she lived. But this newcomer, the Witch, seemed to be influenced by both Creativities. Virgil was trying to size her up. 
“Should we introduce ourselves?” Patton whispered to Logan while they walked. 
It must not have been quiet enough because she turned to look over her shoulder at them. Patton let out a small “meep,” but she chuckled warmly. 
“You don’t have to, but you can if you would like. I know who you are, Morality,” the Witch had a cackle in her voice, just a little foreboding. 
“Makes sense. Did Roman tell you about us?” Virgil asked. 
She nodded. “A lot more than you would think. And Remus. I’ve heard a lot about you all over the years.”
Logan tilted his head at the phrasing. “Over the years?” he repeated. “How long have you existed?”
To that, the Dragon Witch just grinned. It was hard to tell if she meant it to be intimidating or if that happened accidentally, because she had rows of jagged dragon teeth. “Longer than you would expect, Logic.”
He glanced to the side, swallowing the excess water in his mouth. The motion made her laugh, at least, and she waved her hand.
“I was among the first forms that the Imagination made. Back when…Before Roman and Remus,” she sighed, looking back down the hall. “Come. The others are waiting for us.”
The Witch continued walking down the hall and, now, Remus was quiet. He was skipping, but he looked back at all of them with some kind of smugness. 
Happy that they understood. Or, rather, were going to understand. Maybe they understood nothing. These fuckers were SO confident in their everythings that when things like this, people like Vi and things like the Tree, evidence of their depth, whenever that was displayed, they all seemed to lose it. And Remus kind of reveled in it? He loved throwing them off, surprising them. It wasn’t that hard. But it felt fulfilling. 
Roman needed their help, though. Remus scowled at the thought, but that didn’t change how true it was. That’s half what he was, he was the truth-teller, he was the one without secrets. Without things to hide. He was an open book and the writing on the pages. Roman was the actor, the one who wanted no one to know anything about the reality of him. Remus was only ever a secret because no one, not Janus, not Thomas, no one ever wanted to ask.
Oh, he was going to beat the ever loving shit out of Roman for making him be responsible like this. Oh! The fucking nerve! 
At the end of the hall was an ornate door and a very normal looking shoe rack, almost homely, almost intimidating. Vi didn’t take off any shoes but Remus immediately dropped to the floor, one leg kicking out in a death drop, and then began trying to pull his knee-length boots off. 
Virgil, out of everyone, snorted at the motion. He’d been digging his nails into his palms for the whole walk, trying to size the Dragon Witch up. Unlike the Dragon or even the Damsel, it was hard. She was nothing like how she looked. Like, right now she just looked really pristine. But when she was a dragon, she was bigger than THE Dragon. Virgil had felt her nails. And she had Remus batting for her. 
It was enough of a threat that she was friends with Remus. But she was also with Roman. 
That was important, all of them were thinking. 
What did it mean, she’d known Remus and Roman before they were two separates? They could barely remember Creativity, when he was around. The split had happened when they were so young, when they first started daydreaming, really. Patton remembered him the most, but…only the wonder and the horror. 
They all had slowly taken off their shoes, dropping them near the shoe rack. Once everyone’s shoes were off, the Dragon Witch waved a hand toward the door, and its lock clicked unceremoniously. Inside was a homely foyer, like the inside of a Victorian house. Not much like a cave. 
Patton was the first in, as usual, looking around with less apprehension and more curiosity. He was followed almost immediately by Remus, who barged in and shouted, “HEY FUCKOS, GUESS WHO’S HOME!”
Logan took a moment to organize the shoes in a row out of the way of the hall, the last one into the house. Once he was in, the door snapped shut, with the Dragon Witch still standing by it. 
“Thank you,” she hummed. “You’re very organized.”
Logan didn’t know how to feel about that. He tried not to. “I do appreciate order,” he agreed. 
At that, she chuckled.
“AYOOOOOO REMUS,” they heard the Dragon shout from around an opening forward. It looked like it led to a kitchen of sorts. 
“You’re very afraid of disorder. I don’t know why. It doesn’t bite,” the Dragon Witch continued with Logan, and then she gestured toward the opening, saying louder for everyone, “Everyone’s in the dining room.”
The Sides didn’t seem very ready to move on. The foyer was huge, photos lining the walls, a coatrack with some cloaks and jackets that could belong to either of the twins. Patton was looking over the photos, many of which looked like paintings. Virgil was to one of his sides, eyeing Janus, who was at the other. 
The twins had managed to hide all of this. Janus’ eyes were glued to a photo, an old one, a polaroid that was framed. It was of Roman and Remus, both maybe ten years old. They were holding foam swords and standing on top of a dragon, looking proud — the very same Dragon Witch who was ushering them into the dining area.
“Everyone’s here. They bring updates, so I’ve heard,” the Dragon Witch explained as she drifted into the dining area.
The Thief and the Damsel were first to lead the pack in, but their departure drew Logan. The room was an interesting look into a past that none of them were privy to. Remus followed close behind, familiar with these things.
Around the room were mementos of the past. Family photos of Remus and Roman as children. As teenagers. The Dragon Witch in the background and holding hands with both, her hands curling over both of their shoulders like a proud mother. There were a few paintings and decor on the walls, too. One of Remus and Roman standing over her dragon form, as if having won a fight, and even she looked happy about it.
Patton stayed by the wall, eyes turned upward at everything. There was so much history here, so much he hadn’t known. They hadn’t even known Roman and Remus were friends, really. They seemed to not like each other quite a bit. So this was interesting. Even hearing the Damsel was calling Remus in to help was unexpected. But…well. He shouldn’t assume to know everything about Roman, right, after all of this. 
It was settling in, how much they’d all assumed. How much he’d assumed, Patton specifically. He thought he knew enough about Roman to be able to guess what he might be thinking or what he might want…but if he didn’t even know what Roman’s relationship to Remus looked like…
How much was Roman hiding? How much of his own feelings was he hiding? 
Had he been hiding them at all? Had Patton just not been looking, not been paying attention? Had none of them been paying enough attention? 
Had none of them asked? Even Virgil seemed surprised by everything, and Virgil had been on Roman’s side.
The Bard was helping bandage something on the Artist’s shoulder, his paint-covered hoodie sitting on the ground by his feet. It looks like they’d gotten into a scuffle with one of Remus’ creations, to which Remus acknowledged with a loud snort. The Artist shot him a glare. 
“Don’t hate the player,” Remus put his hands up in mock surrender. 
At least the playful sentiment got the Artist to roll his eyes. It must be a familiar argument. 
The Thief shuffled besides the Bard, who looked up to him with a wan grin. 
“Hey, hey,” he greeted, voice soft, but the smile dropped as he saw the Thief’s expression. “What’s wrong?”
The Thief, jaw firmly set, looked away. 
The Damsel, too, grimaced. Neither of them seemed to want to say anything about it. 
Janus would have been fine breaking the news had he not been wary of the other advisors being upset with him. Logan opened his mouth to explain, but the Dragon interrupted. 
“Wait,” the Dragon asked, wings falling to his sides with a scowl. “Where’s Gavin?” 
The Artist perked up, brow furrowing, and the Bard blinked in surprise. His eyes scanned through the crowd again — Virgil shoved his hands further into his pockets, dreading the upcoming confrontation — before he turned around to the Thief again. 
“....Eric, I’m so sorry,” the Bard whispered, tucking the final bit of bandage around the Artist’s arm quickly. “Eric, baby.”
The Artist stood, stepping away from the Bard and the Thief as he put his clothing back on. When he moved away, the Thief all but collapsed into his vacant seat, and the Bard quickly wrapped his arms around the Thief’s cloaked figure.
They pressed into each other, the Bard biting his lip worriedly, and the Thief just…curled up. His arms pressed into his chest and he fought against the safety of the Bard’s embrace, trying to keep himself from crying, because if he thought too hard about how he’d failed the Child…
“The Child has gone missing,” Logan explained, voice more gentle, now. 
No one interrupted. The Dragon nodded, mouth pressed into a firm line. The Damsel had shuffled to sit at the table beside him and he knocked his crowned head against the Dragon’s hip. 
“Do you have any-any theories, Logan? I have one, but I would-I am interested in-in your analysis,” the Damsel invited. 
Oh. Logan tried to keep his surprise to a minimum, but it was difficult. He hadn’t anticipated being called on like that. 
Patton wrapped his arm around Logan’s, though kept quiet, as if he understood how big this moment was. As if it were anything at all. Virgil sat down; Janus elected to stand closer to the Dragon Witch. The animosity was lowest here. 
“Well,” Logan began, clearing his throat. “Evidence tells us that something happened to the Playwright. And regardless of if he’d gone willingly to his assailant, it would stand to reason that, should they attack again, they would expect your guards to be up. Two is unlikely to be a coincidence, in this situation. I would hazard…that it could be three. That perhaps the Playwright and the Child are in the same place as Roman.”
The Damsel nodded in agreement, lips pursed. Janus, too, hummed softly. They were all on the same wavelength. They didn’t know where Roman went, but with advisors being kidnapped, it was all the more reason to believe either Roman too was kidnapped, or Roman…might be doing the kidnapping. To what ends, though? And is he alone?
“Hey, Eric,” the Artist asked. 
He’d put his jacket back on and was rotating the shoulder that the Bard had just bandaged. He wasn’t as much of a tactical fighter as he was a no-holds-barred-anything-goes fighter. He was struck and he’d live with that injury, since the Bard was trying to conserve energy. And his arms were full of the Thief. If only the Playwright were here, though….
The Thief turned ever so slightly toward the Artist, and Virgil got the sinking suspicion that no matter what the Artist asked, it wouldn’t end well. The Artist must have had a similar understanding, because he put his hands up in as nonthreatening a way as he could.
“I don’t mean this in like, a judgemental way, but…what happened?” 
Oh, god. No. 
Janus winced at the question, and Virgil hunched more in on himself. He was sitting by the Damsel, almost hidden behind him, with Patton to his other side. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too explosive. 
Whatever contrarian energy the Thief may have had earlier dissipated, though, as his shoulders slumped. Maybe it was the precursor that the Artist wasn’t trying to accuse, and maybe it was because they were searching for the same thing.
“Gav and I had an argument. He…He wanted to go out, help find Playwright with you all. I said we had to stay safe, stay home, keep everyone else out of trouble,” the Thief’s voice was heavy with grief as he explained. “I…when I was washing the dishes, I lost track of him. Or maybe even before that. I didn’t even hear the door open.”
He shook his head. The Artist winced at the explanation, as did the Dragon. And the Bard gave the Thief a squeeze. 
It seemed that everyone knew how harsh this blow was to him. Logan wondered, what did this mean for everyone, that they were so intertwined. What was the impact on Roman. You’d hope that it meant Roman was at ease with himself. 
After all, everyone was working together here. But Roman was the only outlier, he seemed to be in disagreement with all of them. 
There were rarely moments where Thomas was in disagreement with all of the Sides. Considering how these advisors were like Sides to Roman…Logan rubbed his jaw a little in thought. 
Thomas would turn on most of them if he was listening to one specifically. Similar to the play years ago, the one Deceit disguised as Patton had them put on, Thomas was only paying attention to one Side. 
Perhaps Roman was listening to only one of them. 
But all seven were here, in agreement, and Roman was nowhere to be found.
Were there seven?
“We didn’t find much over here,” the Artist confessed. “Just got here, actually, a few minutes before y’all.”
It felt like an effort to change to a more productive topic. The Artist blew out a long exhale before shaking his head. “I’m sorry, man. We’re going to find them.”
“I don’t know who…” the Thief’s voice trailed off. 
“I’m telling you, I didn’t do anything with anyone, and no one I’ve made’d really do that. Everyone with a brain knows not to meddle with you meddlesome kids!” Remus squeaked in dismay, and then he cocked his head to the side in thought. Then, he shook his head again. “Nope, none’ve them’d.”
“Them’d?” the Damsel asked, and Remus snorted at him. 
“I haven’t noticed anyone traversing too oddly, other than the border dweller. And even he’s been more reclusive lately,” the Dragon Witch agreed with a hum. 
“Oh, a new border dweller? You’ve got a neighbor?” Remus asked. 
Logan looked up immediately. That would make sense.
“We should stay on—” the Damsel tried to interrupt, but the Dragon Witch let out a small chuckle in continuation. His authority meant less here, anyway. And meant less to the Dragon Witch.
For good reason, too. “No, no, Roman’s border. The advisor,” the Dragon Witch waved a clawed hand. “He’s been lovely the few times we’ve spoken, but he’s a bit paranoid. He might know something.”
The word advisor sat with everyone for a long while. It took some understanding at the insinuation. 
An advisor, who lived near the border between Roman and Remus’ edges of the Imagination. The Damsel frowned in confusion at the Dragon Witch, mouthing “border?” to himself. The Dragon must not have caught the insinuation at all, because he seemed even more confused by everyone else’s silence. 
Slowly, the Thief peeled off the Bard with a squinted, teary-eyed face to stare at the Dragon Witch. Even the Artist was watching her, brow pinched but mouth hanging open. 
“Excuse me?” the Bard asked, teeth gritted. He seemed to have made the connection first. “Sorry, advisor like. Like us, advisor?”
“That’s who Roman has been listening to,” Logan said. 
Patton frowned, nudging his side gently. “What do you mean?”
“If the advisors are Roman’s Sides….well, we’ve seen what happens when Thomas only considers the opinions of one of us. He acts drastically and without much forethought. Roman seems to be acting the same way,” Logan explained, though he kept his gaze on the agitated advisors watching him. “It means he could be solely listening to another advisor.”
The Dragon Witch must not have known this border dweller was new, because she looked worried. She put a hand over her mouth and turned aside, breaking eye contact with the Bard.
He winced, waving his hand and approaching. “Hey. Hey, Vi. Do you mean advisor like us?”
“....Yes. No wonder he’s not here,” she responded. “I thought you knew of him. He mentioned he’s met some of you.”
The other advisors were missing something. Some sort of crucial information, some epiphany, some kind of connection, because it looked like something was happening in the brains of all of Roman’s advisors. The Dragon’s confused frown turned angry, the Damsel’s hardened into a scowl. The Bard was helpless, frown tight and nostrils flared as he glanced at the Artist, whose eyes were wide. His mouth was slightly open still, but now from breathing. 
Virgil reached over and held his hand. At the very least, the Artist gripped back tight. All this tension was going to make the search later a lot harder, no one’d be able to focus.
The only person who seemed to not be angry was the Thief, who had been staring idly at the Dragon Witch’s feet, eyebrows raising. He must have been making some kind of realization, though, because his hand shot up to his mouth. 
“Oh my god,” the Thief mumbled, voice muffled. “Oh my god, I think I’ve met him.”
The Artist turned so hard his back cracked, and he winced in pain, though he was undeterred from shouting, “YOU HAVE?”
The Thief nodded, eyes closing tight. He hadn’t thought it was real, but if this was someone new, someone who lived by the edge, and was going to start kidnapping them all….well. He always thought he was just good at escaping things. “I…I thought he was…I’ve-I probably have. Maybe I’m going insane. I don’t know. But I think I’ve been-I’ve had dreams where I wake up at the edge. And if there’s one of us that lives there, that’s on the border into the Subconscious normally, then it’s him. It has to be. It can’t not be.”
A dream. It sounded less plausible the more they turned it over in their minds. Janus scoffed — a dream — and Logan bit his tongue to not say anything, but the reality of their situation was damning. 
It didn’t sound likely that a dream was where this mysterious eighth would introduce themselves, though dreams were as real as reality here. More than just the other Sides must have drawn this conclusion, because the Damsel pointedly put his hands behind his back, shoulders stiff and hiked. Guarding his own thoughts, as always. Or maybe guarding himself from the riling Artist, whose hands were pulling through his hair hard enough to pull his bun out of order.
“I’d’ve thought the one of us who knew him was Playwright,” the Artist shouted finally. “That fucker was always knowing more than he ever fucking said. He fucking-God DAMNIT.”
The Dragon leaned over, putting his hands on the Artist’s back in as comforting a way as he could, but the Artist just let go of Virgil’s hand and shrugged the Dragon’s hands off of himself. He jumped to his feet, pacing with his fists curled. Anger dripped off him. 
The colors on his sweater, swirling and abstract, tinged orange. “He fucking-He promised Roman he’d find all of us. He probably fucking found this other guy—Vi, what’s his name?” 
Everyone’s eyes returned to the Dragon Witch, who’d backed up a step. Her hands smoothed down the front of her shirt and she cleared her throat softly. It was something more painful than fear that danced in her expression as she played with the hem of her cape.
“He called himself the Director,” she confessed. “I’m so sorry, I…when I met him, he seemed level-headed. I didn’t expect this of him.”
The Director. As ominous a name as the Damsel, or the Dragon, or the Thief. Their titles were telling. 
The Damsel turned the name over in his head. Director. Someone who sees themselves as a leader. But not in the same way as a Prince, no. They see it as fake. As a facade that they run and, well, more than lead. Direct. They have opinions. Strong ones. 
Immediately, he likens the Director to himself. And…when he was formed, he had some pretty objectionable goals. With the disappearance of the Playwright and the Child gone…with Roman gone…could this Director be a catalyst of some sort? Some other conflict-resolution member? Why would he be hiding in the woods? Why would he have waited all this time?
Had he been alone, holed up by himself, when the likeness to Roman faded away? Had the brown hair and brown eyes, charming voice and sturdy posture, faded away into something else without him understanding why? It had ostensibly been years since then, though the Sides only experienced it in mere months. Did Roman know about him? Or had Roman happened upon him? 
Did he get Roman to do this? 
Logan met his eyes in a quick glance. They must be thinking similar questions. 
They should get going. With a new player, there’s no telling what this Director would have Roman do. Even a name like that…gave implications.
“It sounds like a fair assumption, that Marlowe would know and wouldn’t say anything. He does seem the type to keep things close to his chest,” Janus quipped, shaking his head. “In any case, we should—”
The Artist’s fist collided with his snake eye before he could finish the sentence.
Janus was so surprised and there was so much energy rolled into the attack that he was knocked off his feet, stumbling backward and scooting away. Everyone was surprised; the Thief jumped to his feet, sword drawn immediately, while the Dragon’s tail wrapped around the Artist’s arm without warning. The Bard shouted, “DAVID!” in a scandalized way, just behind the Dragon while he pulled the Artist back. 
In a quick move, Janus was blocked by Virgil, whose arms were spread out in front of him. He leveled a glare at the Artist, panic and anger matched in tandem. Immediately, too, Patton hurried to Janus’ side, holding his arm and pulling him back even more into his own grip. 
The Artist’s eyes were wide, teeth grit in an angry, glaring grimace.
Virgil’s eyes were wider. His hands dropped in front of himself, preparing for the worst. If there were a fight, Virgil knew he could win. He wasn’t a fighter. Thomas wasn’t a fighter. But to protect one of them, he’d do fucking anything. 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Virgil hissed, voice dipping lower in panic. 
Logan stood by the Damsel, who was watching the scene play out. He glanced at the stoic prince, shoulders and back straight as he surveyed the turmoil, and stood solidly besides him. There wasn’t much they needed to do. 
Even while he got yanked away, the Artist’s fists were shaking, and when the Dragon wrapped him in his arms, the Artist tried pulling himself out. 
“Let me go, you stupid fucking—fuck,” he snarled. The Artist pointed rough at Janus, who was doing his best to not look over. “Keep Marlowe’s name out of your manipulative fuckin’ mouth, snake!”
The Dragon just sighed, holding him a little tighter. He cast Virgil a look that was bordering on apologetic, and Virgil didn’t move a bit. 
Behind him, Patton held Janus’ shoulders gently. Janus hadn’t expected to be attacked, no sir. He knew Roman was pissed at him, so the advisors must be mad with him, but this was out of left field. This was unexpected. He’d messed up, sure, but this was uncalled for. 
Roman was insane. He wasn’t in his right mind. Janus was fine to just say sorry and move on. Roman just had to stop being a dramatic baby, pushing him away, LITERALLY PUNCHING HIM. 
“Oh,” Patton tutted, and his thumb brushed over Janus’ cheekbone as he cupped his face. 
It was a soft hold, and Janus couldn’t help but lean into it ever so slightly. His eye was puffing up already, he could feel it. 
“That’s gonna be a black eye,” Patton assessed. “Hey, Logie, can you take a look?” 
God fucking damnit. Patton was always so gentle, so caring. 
They weren’t dating anymore. That was behind them all now. 
Patton leaned into a squat, looking back at Logan for advice, and Logan blinked as if he were surprised. An opportunity to be helpful and dispense some information wasn’t going underutilized, however, so Logan knelt down beside them and inspected Janus’ face as well. While he moved — while the Artist’s struggling in the Dragon’s arms grew weaker — while the Damsel and the Dragon Witch watched — the Bard pulled out his ukulele. 
“We’re getting a little too riled up here, eh?” he asked the Thief, who was now hiding his face in his hands, head leant against the Bard’s shoulder. 
“There’s a lot to get riled up over, Denny,” the Thief’s voice was muffled in his hands. 
The Bard tutted and began to play his ukulele. The sound that escaped was smooth, resonating around the room, soothing like calm waves over everyone in the area. It pushed and pulled attention. He didn’t sing, but the ukulele’s tune did its own work, though a soft pink light danced between the strings and the Bard’s fingers. Maybe it was just his painted nails. Maybe it was something else altogether. He hummed along to the tune. 
It was easy to forget the Bard’s healing magic when you weren’t paying attention to him. He swayed side to side as the song loosened the Thief’s shoulders and alleviated the tension behind Janus’ cheek, lifting some of the pain. He waved his hand at Logan and Patton, trying to dissuade worry, but Patton held his hand. 
Patton just held his hand. 
Janus held back. 
Logan stood, reaching down to help pull Janus up as well. Once he was standing, Janus fixed his hat and rubbed the scales by his eye gently. It was going to swell and bruise, but whatever.
In the Dragon’s arms, the Artist’s pushing turned to shaking, body pressed against the Dragon’s broad chest. He rubbed the Artist’s back tenderly before just stranding there, swaying to the Bard’s music as well. He smiled weakly at Janus when they made eye contact. 
Maybe the music wasn’t even magic. Maybe it was just the power of a pause in the action, a break in the narrative, giving everyone a moment to collect their thoughts and feelings. The Artist had even begun to cry. 
The song began to slow, until the Bard plucked the final string. His humming lasted a little longer, but not by much, and he finally gave the Damsel a smile and a wink. 
The Damsel returned the smile warmly. “Thank you, Bard. Your-Your calming nature is always welcomed.”
The Bard attempted a curtsy in his seat, and the Thief snorted at his attempt. “My pleasure, Princey. I hope your eye feels alright, Janey, wouldn’t want that pretty face getting too hurt.”
So forward. But maybe he should expect that from the Bard. He’s not exactly the most subtle one, and he’s often one of the more forgiving, understanding, and kind ones. Janus was still a bit afraid to make eye contact as he stood behind Virgil. 
“I do,” he said, staring at the back of Virgil’s hoodie. “Thank you.”
“This is…fine.”
Janus frowned, turning around. Patton and Logan to his either side, flanking him while Virgil still stood in front. While the threat of the Artist was gone, Virgil still seemed hesitant to let Janus and the other advisors talk face to face. 
“I’m glad,” the Damsel responded. 
His fingers drummed against his cane briefly before he pointed toward the Dragon Witch. “Guinevere. Are you able to take-to take us where you saw the other advisor?” 
“It’s going to work. I trust him. If he thinks it’s going to work, then it’s gonna fucking work.”
Janus turned around again. Someone was talking, almost begging something to be real. It wasn’t. It was a lie. 
He could hear someone lying to themselves, but everyone else was in front of him. It was so loud. They were lying about something very, very big, so big it was echoing. 
“I should be able to, but I don’t know where he lives,” the Dragon Witch explained, still planning with the others. “I can take you to the part of the edge where I saw him.”
Sometimes, he could hear it, when the other Sides told a lie. They were basically incapable of lying to him, he could hear that all the time, but when they were telling huge lies, he could hear it through walls. It was like a beacon drawing him closer. It was something to protect, for him. Something to hide.
He could hear someone lying to themselves. It wasn’t Roman, but it felt like Roman. He didn’t think he could hear the advisors like this, but it had been a long time since he’d been in the Imagination. And if the advisors had a part of Roman’s essence within them, then it stood to reason…
“Roman knows what he’s doing.”
Janus didn’t want to interrupt. He’d caused a lot of problems, and maybe he couldn’t identify them, but he knew they were problems. 
“That’s all we need,” the Damsel murmured. “If we poke around enough, we’re sure to find an-to find an entrance.”
“I hear someone,” Janus whispered, soft enough that only the other Sides around him could hear.
“It’s going to be perfect. This’ll….it’ll fix everything.” 
“What?” Virgil asked. 
“Oh, fuck off,” the Artist scoffed, and the Dragon shushed him harshly.
Janus’ brow furrowed. This plan. The person was trusting Roman and talking about a plan. This had been planned?
“Someone,” his voice was drawn out as he tried to focus on the voice. “Is lying.”
A brief pause floated over the group while they traded looks. Patton was the first to gesture around the room and ask, “Here?” 
Janus shook his head. “No,” he frowned at the ground.
“The kid’ll go away and-and Roman’ll be okay. It’ll be fine. It’ll be better than fine, Roman’ll be that much better. Without. The kid.”
Janus’ eyebrows raised. 
The implications were staggering, and the weight of the lie was getting stronger. Janus might be able to….
“I think the Director is lying to themself,” Janus stated, eyes wide enough to make his bruised one throb. 
“Can you hear it?” Logan asked. After Janus’ ability to hear and appear during heightened deceit was revealed during Roman’s previous breakdown, Logan had wondered how far reaching the ability went, and if it followed into the Imagination. It seemed as though it did. 
Janus nodded, then closed his eyes. He had to focus. 
“We don’t fucking need the kid. We don’t. We don’t, we don’t, we don’t, we don’t fucking need him.”
“I’m going,” Janus muttered. 
Then, he disappeared with a soft popping sound. Virgil flinched, turning around all the way, as if to confirm there was no one behind him now. “JANIE?!” Remus shouted in similar surprise, looking around. 
He hadn’t been very privy to the conversation, it seemed. Patton reached over, the lack of a hand in his making him search for Logan's. Luckily, Logan seemed aware, or at least he didn't seem to mind when Patton latched onto him. Virgil let out a long exhale and when he looked up at the other two, his determined gaze found two of the same.
The Damsel stood. With one hand, he patted Remus’ shoulder, and the other he used to lean on his cane. “We have to-We have to go, too, then,” he said, glancing at the Dragon Witch. “Please take us, Vi.”
“Of course, Prince.”
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sooouth · 2 years
guess who failed at drawing skeletons.
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thoughts on tendo and ishioda ?
if i had all the footage of me doing their fights during my y7 streams id post the funniest compilation right now
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