#this could be vos ig???
thegreatnure · 10 months
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Am I really going to post avout an AU three people know about? Yes. Will I not explain it in said post? Yes.
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
Was anyone going to tell me destroy boys has a song in spanish or was I supposed to find out by myself?
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lovelyvogrincic · 3 months
2 truths & 1 lie
Pairing: Enzo Vorgincic x fem reader
Warnings: None, just me (Mexican) trying to make Argentine dialogues 😭 sorry. Also sorry for any orthographic errors 😩
A/N: I saw this idea on ig, then I remembered a TikTok where the guys where hiking, and also the phrase “eres la mentirosa más adorable” stuck to my head since I heard it on Teresa, help¡!
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-Eh, (yn), estoy hablando con unos chicos del cast, quieren ir a acampar el finde, ¿querés acompañarnos?-Your brother said entering your room like it was his own, making you startled.
-¡Felipe, mirà lo que hiciste, ya tenía el delineado!- you said angry to your brother, still seeing the ruined makeup on the mirror.
-Dale,¿vas o no vas?- his feet moving impatiently for your answer.
-¿Quien más va? Que vos decís los chicos, y se te olvida que son como veinte- you said making him laugh and finally turning around to see him.
-Eh, sería Blas, Enzo, Mati y yo, podes llevar una amiga, si queres, pero decidí.- he was now sitting in the corner of your bed, still moving his feet.
-Dale, voy, le digo a Mia, y te aviso.
He nodded excited and still on your room, he started to text the guys.
-¿por qué seguís acá?- you asked lifting your eyebrows, it was weird that you brother hanged out in your room, usually you both were at the living room or in his room.
-Ay, no seas tan mala onda, yo solo quiero pasar tiempo con mi hermana, pero estás de un mal genio.- Felipe said rolling his eyes and finally getting up from your bed.- Quizá ver a Enzo te quite el mal humor.
He said quickly and you threw him a pillow that luckily he avoided, making him laugh.
“You see me in hindsight, tangled up with you all night, burning it down…”
The car stereo was blasting Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift, and your voice was also being heard loudly.
-Bájale un poco al volumen- Matías asked from the backseat next to Mia, your best friend who was vibing to Swift’s music.- No oigo ni mis pensamientos.
-No está tan fuerte Matías, no exageres tampoco.- you said annoyed while turning the volume down- Aparte, todos venimos escuchando en buen plan, sos vos el único que está amargado.
-Nah, eso no es así- Enzo said- Agradezco que hayan bajado la música, es que Felipe, ¿por qué la dejaste ir adelante?.
You shook your head and turned to see him and Matias. Enzo was on the first row of seats, next to Blas, who was asleep, and in the row behind, there was Matias and Mia, just enjoying the whole argument, your brother was driving while you were the co-pilot, just in charge of music, because the whole direction stuff was not your forte.
-Por qué él si apreciá mi música, y no es amargado como ustedes dos.- you answered and Felipe just laughed.- Pero Enzo- his eyes turned to meet yours, which made the butterflies on your stomach fly wildly- Hagamos una canción yo, y una vos, ¿dale?
He nodded excited while you passed him your cellphone so he could play his songs.
And that was how the rest of the trip went, Blas still asleep, Mia sharing earphones with Matias, Felipe vibing to all the songs and the radio playing, Taylor Swift, then Radiohead, after that Olivia Rodrigo, later a song from Pink Floyd and more Taylor Swift.
It was a good idea to do that, you added some new songs to your playlist and also did Enzo, who a little ashamed turned out to love Reputation.
-No, a ver, regresá Blas- Matias ordered to the curly guy while pushing him back to his position.
It was five minutes that he was trying to take a picture of his friends but they were not cooperating, meanwhile you and Mia were filming the ‘behind the scenes’ laughing.
-Eh no- Recalti said getting annoyed- Enzo, aja, quítate las gafas- which the mentioned did- ¡pero no, así no!- the photographer said tired.- Como, más galán.
Enzo tried to remember how he did but was laughing too, and you, were trying to not pee yourself from how hard you were laughing.
-Vos pipe, mira a la montaña- your brother’s mind was somewhere else and turned to see Enzo.- ¡No, Felipe, a la montaña!- he finally came to his senses and did it.
While Matias was setting the camera, Enzo saw you filming, he laughed and just pointed at you shaking his head.
-No vayás a subir esto, ¿eh?- he asked you laughing a little shy.
-Ey, ¿Y por qué no?- you told him, still filming and laughing.
-Eh, tn, no me distraigas a Enzo, por favor, que lo dejás con una mirada de enamorado terrible.
You just lift your shoulders and laughed, feeling your face getting red.
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Liked by blaspolidorii and 2,788 more
Mas de 10 minutos para sacar estas fotos. Mati no perdió la paciencia por suerte. 🫶🏻
@enzovogrincic @felipegonzalezotano
@matiasrecalti @blaspolidorii
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felipegonzalezotano: Pero las risas no faltaron, ¿eh?
enzovogrincic: pensé que no ibas a subir esto…
yn_otano: @enzovogrincic subí las fotos, no el video.
matiasrecalti: aún siento la tensión y desesperación 😭
After walking for a while, you were getting tired and your legs and feet couldn’t give more, the others were ahead walking and enjoying the nature.
-¿Queres que te ayude?- the Uruguayan asked you while holding out his hand for you to reach.
You saw his hand and hesitate to take it, you were tempted to, but didn’t know how the butterflies on your stomach would react.
-Eh, bueno, si, gracias…- you said after a few seconds and grabbed his hand- Esto no es lo mío, definitivamente, me gusta la naturaleza pero, bue, prefiero estar en casa, o en la ciudad, ¿sabés?
You were practically babbling but Enzo was nodding and agreeing to what you were saying.
-Perdón que hablo tanto, Felipe me ha dicho, pero no se, me ponés nerviosa supongo…- you both got quiet for some seconds- Me refiero a que, porque, no nos conocemos tanto, ¿no?
Enzo laughed and nodded, you were still walking behind him holding one of his hands, until you reached the group.
-Pero, ¿por qué se tardan tanto? Así vamos a llegar hasta la noche.- Matías said annoyed, again.
-Eh, pará Mati, no ves que yn apenas y puede caminar, y vos todo intenso.- Blas said interceding for you which you thanked him with a smile.
-Que para mi estaban de novios por allá.- Matías said pointing to you and Enzo with the head.- Ya, ¿por qué no se besan de una vez?
Your face was red again, and you looked down, nervous and flustered, they knew about your crush on Enzo but they promised to keep it as a secret.
-Dale Matias que nosotros no te molestamos con Mia, así que pará, si te molesta tanto que yn vaya lento, la llevo yo en la espalda- Felipe’s look when immediately to him, wanting to kill him- O Pipe también puede llevarla.- Enzo said trying to save his butt.
-Gracias chicos, pero voy bien, y ya Mati, relajaté, prometo ir más a prisa.
He rolled his eyes and continued moving, with the rest of the group behind him.
-¿Segura que vas bien?, puedo llevarte sin problema.- he smiled at you, making you blush and making the butterflies in your stomach move around.
-Segura, pero mientras, no me sueltes de la mano.
-No planeaba hacerlo.
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Liked by vorgrincicenzo and 3,111 others.
Gracias por no soltarme nunca 🩷. @vogrincicenzo
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VogrincicEnzo: Nunca te soltaré ❤️‍🩹
otanolover: cuando confirmen nos hacemos los sorprendidos, ¿va?
felipegonzalezotano: Cuidadito Vogrincic, cuidaditooooo.
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Que bonita salida ! Gracias por invitarme chicos 🫶🏻
Liked by matiasrecalti and 57 others.
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yn_otano: Aaay tqm Mia! Hiciste este viaje mil veces mejor 🫶🏻
matiasrecalti: Sos la mejor, la pasé genial.
It was night time finally, the tents were build, the fire on and the marshmallows warm and crispy, everyone was sitting around the fire, eating their marshmallows, Enzo was next to you and Mia too, you were calm and happy.
-¿Y si jugamos un juego?- Mia proposed and everyone agreed.
-¿A que, a la botella?- Blas asked making everyone laugh.
-No,no, algo menos extremos, que tal, ¿2 verdades y una mentira? ¿Ah?
-Si, si, yo juego- you second your friend.- ¿Vos Enzo, jugás?
He looked at you for a while, and then he just nodded and wrapped your shoulders with his arm, making you nervous and excited.
-Eh Vorgincic, pará de coquetear con mi hermana.- Felipe said looking at him, Enzo laughed and released you from the hug, making your brother to win a killer look from you.
-Empecemos mejor- Blas said breaking the tension- Empezá vos, Mía.
She nodded- Bien, uy dejen pienso…, ok, me gusta el futbol, tengo 5 perros y…- she thought a little more- Mis películas favoritas son los musicales.
You already knew the answer but decided to let the guys try to guess.
-Las últimas dos son las verdades, ¿no?- Recalti guessed, Mia nodded excited.
-¡si, adivinaste muy bien!
Everyone cheered and started to mess with them, making you laugh.
The game continued for a while until the most went to sleep, so you were alone with Enzo.
-Portaté bien, ¿eh?- Felipe said to you before leaving- y vos Vogrincic también.
The mentioned one just lifted his hands innocently and laughed.
-¿Una última ronda?- you proposed to him, whom nodded.- Vos empezá.
-Bien…, me gusta la fotografía, no me gustá actuar y me gustas vos.- he said with his head down, you thought for a while, the first one was true but the others two couldn’t be true.
-Te confundiste Encito, dijiste dos mentiras.- you said laughing and he shook his head.
-No, dije dos verdades.- he confirmed to you, finally having the courage to look at you.
-Eh, pero, pará, eso significa que… ¿vos gustás de mi?
He nodded again, you took a deep breath and looked away, not knowing what to say or do.
-Yo no lo sabía- you finally said after a while.
-Esta bien si vos no sentís lo mismo, no te preocupes, no pasa nada- he assured you.
You shook your head.- No, si siento lo mismo, solo me tomo por sorpresa, pensé que solo me veías como “la hermana menor de Pipe” por eso yo no dije nada pero, bueno… vos también me gustas Enzo.
He smiled at your confession and took your hands in his.
-¿De verdad o solo lo decís por quedar bien?
You giggled and with one hand cupped his cheek.
-Es la verdad Enzo, me gustas mucho, desde el primer día.
-No, el primer día te gustaba Juani- he told you making you laugh loudly- Shh, los vas a despertar.
-Perdón, pero es que, vos y tus cosas, yo nunca sentí nada por él,solo por vos- you reassured him, but honestly, you didn’t noticed Enzo until a few days later, but after that, your heart belong to him.
-Yo no sé, pero igual,sos la mentirosa más adorable que conozco.
And finally his lips met yours.
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Liked by yn_otano and 5,433 others.
Capturando arte en su maxima expresión. Sos muy linda @yn_otano
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yn_otano: El lindo sos vos 💋 y el mejor fotógrafo.
MiaLopez: Que bonita pareja! Que viva el amor! 😻
vogrincicgirl: llévalo a la luna por mi 🤧
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myxomat0s1s · 1 month
here are some things about my oc, homeski skater!
dislikes homestar, but LOVES bragging to him about his achievements. any time homestar tries to talk about something he’s done he’s kinda just like “oh cool! but i did this…” and constantly try to one up him. homestar gets pissed off pretty much any time he talks to him because he’s so pretentious.
thinks the pinnacle of sports is figure skating, which he’s built the most skill in(obvs, i mean he has skating blades for feet). it’s one of the only things he talks about, how graceful yet powerful he feels while he skates. he detests track and puts down homestar for doing it, which makes him even angrier at homeski.
he doesn’t come by often, only occasionally in the winter months. perhaps he lives in the arctic and strong sad sees him floating around sometimes. y’know, for the funnies. i also just don’t like inserting ocs into stuff with canon characters often so a little is good for me.
strong bad thinks he’s too snooty and brushes him off for that. “lookit the Mr. John Fancy-Pants here!” as @vo-vehc-base-audiopropprop-t put it. makes fun of him a lot.
most everybody else also shares that opinion, however a few think higher of him. strong mad just finds him very graceful and mesmerising and will watch him skate when he comes down. marzipan likes him because he’s “like a less clumsy, more caring, overall-great homestar.” she’d say smtn like that ig. she’s probably tried to get with him once just because he’s a lot more lucid than homestar(did not succeed). strong sad has HUGE envy over him, he pretends to dismiss him like everyone else but will sneak into the bushes near the ponds or lakes he skates and watch him, wishing he could skate like him. stalker type.
he doesn’t have a rhotacism, but a lisp!
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oyeevarnika · 5 months
1- What do you really wish you knew when you were younger?
2- What is your biggest fear?
3- Would you go through a boyfriend's phone if you could?
4- If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
Hey there,
A bit late but bade kehte hai der aaye durust aaye so here I am with all these heart warming/wrenching questions
1. Well there is a lot to figure out yet but abhi toh Jo samjh AA paaya vo yeh hai ki bachpan mein sapne dekhte waqt agar koi aapko Naa toke toh bade hokar aap unhein purey bhi kar sakte ho! Yaani there is enough time for everything you have ever dreamt for yourself so heads up princess 🌻🫶🏻
2. Darr sabko lagta hai gala sabka sukhta hai , hahaha par Jo kisi ka Darr hai shyad vo humare liye koi itna bada pointer ho bhi na so yeah ik many of the gurls will relate to this shit and I so want ki iss mein relatable Nahi hota toh the world would have been a better place to live so yeahh the fear is clearly to not get followed by creeps , not get molested or groped in a public chaotic place and everything around.
Trauma takes time but yeahh we will come back stronger girls 🫂
3. Well I think inn sab chijon ke liye badii ho gayi hu mai and phone vhone mein kya rakhaa hai Bhyi I would love to listen to all the vulnerabilities and put that guard down and it would all make sense 🥰
4. If I could go back in time I would go back to relieve my core memories ✨ first of all ig , and the things I would love to change would be the traumas that I could be a better self without and leave the places and people there and then only to save myself ❤️‍🩹🌻
Ye sab padhkar kuch jayada hi bhav vibhor ho gayi ig but yeahh sometimes we need to. But ig, you guys are doing good and if not it shall paas too🫂🌻
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
Do you write for the Tarn and the DJD? Like they're pretty intensely evil and I'm prety sure you could mage a good argument that some of them, Tarn and Koan, are cannonicaly yanderes. It occurred to ask for clarification because I saw some of your will not write characters and DJD kinda fit that vibe.
I’ve written for Tarn before, and a few of the other members, I think, so I’d be fine with writing the DJD- except for Helex and Tesarus- there’s just not much for those two in the comics, at least to me, even if I like Helex. And ig Nickel, too... I just wouldn’t know how to write for her.
So, if anyone ever requests for the DJD, only Tarn, Kaon, & Vos can be requested out of the group- unless i eventually decide to write the others.
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jackhkeynes · 1 year
Uneventful Alburg
excerpt in translation from the collected correspondence of Absolon Mortenszen, sixteenth-century playwright and commentator in Alburg, Denmark.
J'ay spien vos seyað fort parsanað des y mephit dont scavoist vos ne vossy pistol derran; I hope you are well recovered from the ague of which you spoke in your last missive;
Me stou bogr vos soumonir a cossirar y citað salir fin a fis sera y prepondranç a commarç. I need not remind you to consider leaving the city until the bulk of the trading has ended.
Inconnuð tojorn es cal contamen foran posn marcant galar, com sceus my granpaðr tesmognar. One never knows what foreign ills merchants may bring, as my grandfather could have attested.
Y bourg reman cojan equal des vossy sgaranç com sceye pre nossy acconnosc, vos plaç d'oïr. The town remains as dull since you departed as it was before we met, you will be pleased to hear.
Ja galað, y casatabr dijarbr sull'ig rif meðes surcay issugtessem posc toð gent de nis nell'oc bourg ablegar; In point of fact, even the decent lodging-house on the strand is poorer for having banned all the interesting people in town;
parcanç ig il me parmet jug d'entrar es mal me desconent, malgrað jo vil toð mod me sarvir dy ci sigt la tandic possibr. perhaps it speaks poorly of me that they yet allow me entrance, though I will at least avail myself of the views while I can.
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thegreatnure · 10 months
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Beloveds beloving
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chaanv · 2 years
Would it be weird if I look up to you and consider you as.. Umm.. like.. Like a 'mother figure'? Um.. But ig 'sister figure' would be more accurate. Lol. But no, seriously! I wish if I could meet you and hug you tightly and feel the warmth of that sisterly love. But you know, it just feels so nice to see you on my dash. Meri koi elder sister hoti aur agar vo aap jaise na hoti fr maine toh usse bedakhal hi kr dena tha fr. Lol.
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sydmarch · 2 years
OK I hope my readmore on mobile works. SPOILERS FOR INFINITY PIOL OBVIOUSLY these are just my post initial watch word vomit thoughts.
OK SO FIRST off god the arsthetic. obsessed. he has such an eye for framing. definitely felt extremely similar vibes to possessor with all the saturated blues & the cameras flipping upside down & the doubling scene. definitely similar vibes to the Vos possession scene. & huge similarities with the sex scenes too but that sex scene was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INSANE???
& god there's nothing like those moments where you get to be like I FUCKING KNEW IT!! he didn't lose his passport. the execution was from the doubles perspective this time around. he was never really one of them. it was a double not the detective under the sheet. kind of insane that it never came up that he couldn't afford more doubling on his own I was SO expecting at some point for it to come up that without em he couldn't afford it.
the fucking. commodification of violence. what are you willing to be complicit in if you can convince yourself what your hands are clean. the identity and personhood. how DO you know its the right one. like was the James who lived ti the end even the original James? it's possible that the dog was the original. he didn't know they had made a other double. they could've been switched out anytime.
& the way that all the "zombies" were so just. NORMAL at the end. compartmentalized everything. like their vacation selves are another kind of double. & how James is just not able to do that ig? even in the end after killing his double he's still not like them and never was. canr move on & go back to normal. at least that's the interpretation I came away with on an initial watch. I'll definitely jave to watch it more times to REALLY dig into it like with all of Brandon's stuff there's sooooo much going on its hard to get it all on one go.
& ok two small things that were just CRAZY to me. the scene w the pee splashing on the ground and then the cum on the ground. BONKERS!! & that fucking weird thing with the nipple during the hallucination coming back around with the bloody breastfeeding near the end. INSANE!!!
& probably a topic I'll dive into more another time but god I am thinking so much about the similarities between Syd & Vos & James. the way Brandon's protagonist are all these like. perpetual outsiders. these people who are just like INCAPABLE of being on the inside maybe not from the start in every case but by the end absolutely. the like. corruption arcs. all 3 of them get worse.
and on a less serious note James absolute candidate for new most pathetic man on earth. Jesus christ. even though I knew what was coming when she was like bring out the dog. Jesus fucking christ.
absolutely have to go see it again. one of the movies of all time. you crazy boatyard LOL I MEANT CRAZY BASTARD rereading whatbi wrote on the train without my glasses on god. you've done it again. my god I can't believe the scene where we we're watching the whole group getting executed and it pans over and we see them in the audience people in the theater were LAUGHING? one thing I think I learned from seeing crimes of the future in theaters 4 or was it 5 times. is that people are uncomfortable with their discomfort. because there was NOTHING funny about that scene it was fucking HARROWING!! that they could witness somwthing like that as if it was like. dinner theater.
the choice to open that scene on the doubles chatting & being dragged out as if they were the originals was just brilliant BRILLIANT GENIUS I CANT GET OVER IT like showing us what it's like from the other side which it seems like they just so easily dismiss. to the doubles it IS like they're the originals just being dragged to their deaths. so fucking crazy one of the best scenes absolutely.
ok I thibk that's all I've got for the moment but god. wow.
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ngemil · 7 months
✿ Self appreciation ❁
Following my psychiatrist' advice, she wants me to write down every positive thing from what i do every day. So here we go!
By Feb 26th 2024, I tried my very first voice recording after a while for a TikTok's draft. Capcut really made my day! I could learn how to recording narration with megaphone voice effect which makes its voice sounded deeper, more volumed, and in retro style.
I made another positive progress in my life! After daydreaming about making a vlog, babbling everything on it, i decided to do it today. I'm still sounded nervous, stammer, and couldn't deliver my speech seamlessly but it's okay. I'm SURE it'll gets better soon!
After made my first vlog about public speaking trouble i had, it really changed my mind a lot! I used to think my voice sounds weird, but it's actually not and same goes with my face. Nothing's weird at all :)
I'm keeping my promise to start making a vlog and self-narrating it once i buy a new tripod hehe
I NAILED IT! Been twice made new TikTok content and i voice-overed into it. Quite awkward at first but turns out I'm about to sticked to this new hobby. I really learned how to do VO, storytelling, and love to hear my own voice lol.
Finally my TikTok content reached 180k viewers as well as on IG i got 19k viewers😭
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holavosblog · 11 months
Excelente fin de semana por mi parte, en mi vida la Real.
Y en mi vida de la ilusión, me desperté el Sábado y lo primero que hice fue pensar en VOS, estabas arriba mío, en mi cama, te frotabas contra mi. Enseguida toda la sangre fluyo a mi sexo y me sentí endurecer y humedecer a la vez, también me moví, apoyándome en el aire, cerrando los ojos para sentir ahí tu respiración, tu olor. Quisiera sentir tus manos por todo mi cuerpo.. pero no estas. Quien si está es mi novia, y ya está despierta cambiándose en el baño a 2 metros de mí, de mi pensando en VOS. Así que ni siquiera puedo tocarme, ni respirar fuerte, ni gemir; mucho menos sacarme las ganas que me das. A levantarse!
Para colmo, no pasan mas de 5 minutos, lagaña en los ojos de por medio y abro el ig, pam! Natalia Oreiro cierra la marcha.. puta vida!
Vas a estar ahí, te imagino, te veo, toda emocionada VOS. Entre amor y admiración, emoción, la vibra de la gente que te rodeo; el calor que va a hacer en el día, tu sudor..
Y me acuerdo de la película Miss Tacuarembó, la fuimos a ver al cine? A veces no se si tengo recuerdos o fantasías con VOS.
Un block de notas random que encontre en la compu:
all these years have passed us by its amazing how we tried its not our time
will we ever get our chance prove to everyone that we could still be fine
maybe later on our lives possibly another one your with yours and im with mine but somehow i cant forget who you are
you said a thousand things now a thousand thoughts are on my mind dont you know that you were everything i wanted but sometimes a kiss only means its goodbye
Domingo otra vez VOS en mi cama. No podes estar apenas abro los ojos, no podes meterte así, como el fantasma que sos. Todo el día preguntarme como la pasaste ayer.
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entertainment · 5 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Adam Faison, Everything’s Gonna Be Okay
Actor Adam Faison stars in Freeform’s new series, Everything’s Gonna Be Okay. You may also recognize him from Into the Dark, HBO’s Here, Now, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Fosters, and Grace and Frankie. On the film front, he currently wrapped production on the upcoming Netflix film Yes Day, opposite Jennifer Garner. Adam took the time to answer some of our questions. Check it out:
What’s an issue that you’d love for the cast to tackle in an upcoming episode of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay?
Maybe Alex and Nicholas experimenting with opening up their relationship! It’s something that I, and I think many others in the queer community have experienced, so I feel it would resonate with a lot of people to see an atypical relationship depicted on screen.
Did you pull from any of your own experiences in your portrayal of Alex?
The relationship with Matilda and Alex is one that mirrors the one that Kayla and I have in real life! We got very close over the filming process: we’d run lines every Sunday on FaceTime, go to the Museum of Death because she is very into true crime and the paranormal (I got nauseous afterward which she still asserts is because I had dairy that day and I am lactose intolerant), and help each other with self- tapes (she is “very method” and one time for a scene she used a real “Kill Bill” style sword and another time she used a literal dead trout she bought from Ralph’s. Peep my IG for receipts). All this is to say that we got very close, so it naturally made it easier for us to connect on camera. I love her very much.
Do you have a favorite character arc from season one of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay?
I think the arc in one of the later episodes where Nicholas and Alex get a call from Matilda that she wants to host a threesome at the house. It’s a genuinely hilarious moment because these pseudo parental figures really fumble to try and figure out what to tell her.
Can you take us through a typical day on set?
Oy! Okay ready?
Wakeup, report to set.
Head to the dressing room to change and retrieve shooting “Sides” (an excerpt of scenes from the episode script that you will shooting that day)
Camera Blocking rehearsal (for the director/ DP/ heads of department to see how to scene will look so they can plan accordingly for their respective technical aspects).
Meet the bugs. So, if there are bugs in a scene we do a rundown with our groovy bug wrangler, Diana Terranova, wherein she gives us the low down on how to handle those particular insects. For example, tarantulas like to be cupped upside down in a hand because they feel safe that way and they like human warmth.
Run lines for pacing with other actors/ maybe director while waiting for cameras to finish setting up.
Get called back to set.
Rehearse for the camera again full out.
“Last looks” HMU touch-ups.
Break for lunch.
Look for “entities” on set with Kayla’s ghost hunting equipment.
Maybe play guitar and sing in my dressing room.
Report back to set for “touch-ups.”
Shoot again.
What’s the funniest photo that you have on your phone right now (either share or describe it)?
“We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other.”
If yk yk ;)
Do you have any fun facts about the making of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay that fans would be surprised to find out?
That all the sex scenes are real. Lol jk. Um. I guess that any quirks that we have IRL, Josh loves to put into the show. He loves that honesty. Like for example, I as Adam tend to mimic people’s mannerisms and vernacular when I am around them for an extended period of time. Lilia, who plays Drea on the show, told me it’s called “echolalia.” So Josh noticed this and when we're in argument scenes he would have Alex slip and say things that Nicholas would say. For example in episode 4 I say “bloody socks!” and in episode 8 I mirror the way he says “funny!” in his accent. It made for some really fun and genuine moments between our characters.
If you could have a conversation with any character that you’ve played in the past, who would you talk to and what would you talk about?
Josh from The Fosters. I look back and I can see that I was so married to my choices, I couldn’t be free. I wish I could’ve told myself to trust my instincts more, have fun, and just respond truthfully in the moment.
Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.
Sweet potato fries
What’s next for you?
I did VO [voice over] in a doc called P.S. Burn this Letter Please about unearthed letters between drag queens in the 50s/60s that’s premiering soon! I'm so excited to be a part of telling that untold queer history. And other than that, just living life. Soaking up the “joie de vivre” as one of my high school friends Chelsea King once said in a paper before she passed. I revisit that paper every year and it gives me new meaning each time I read it. I think right now for me it means playing more music, writing more poetry, and just taking in the sun more. It's cheesy but I actually stop and smell the roses these days. Have you ever done that? If not, you should really try it :)
Thanks for taking the time, Adam! Catch up on Season 1 of Everything’s Gonna Be Okay, now on Hulu. For more Everything’s Gonna Be Okay content, check out the Everything’s Gonna Be Okay Tumblr!
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purrvaire · 3 years
hehehehe for the character thingy: obi-wan, anakin eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cody
HI MY BELOVED YOU KNOW ME SO WELL (I'll answer for obi and cody bc I got another ask for anakin, the dramatic bitch <3)
• favourite thing about them
obi-wan: i could gush over this man for the whole day (AND YOU KNOW IT) but ill just quote doctor who and say "all that pain and misery and loneliness and it just made him kind" bc that's SO obi-wan and it's the reason my heart is close to burst anytime I think about this character jesus I'm such a sap I can't help it
also he's the sassiest motherfucker I've ever met 🤍
cody: he has the patience of a saint and he keeps his boyfriend general alive - a full time job he should get a raise - how can I not love him
• least favorite thing about them
obi-wan: tbh it's more about a fanon interpretation of him being like the type of person who wallows in self-pity and... the point is... that obi-wan is actually not that kind if person lol he probably does feel guilty about half of the things that happened in the galaxy but being a cry baby is not him
cody: not. enough. screen. time. I'm mad.
• favorite line
obi-wan: "I LIKE YOUR NEW LEGS THEY MAKE YOU LOOK TALLER" I SWEAR TO GOD WHO SAYS SHIT LIKE THAT PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can't help but think about this line everyday
cody: sometimes in war it's hard to be the one who survives (* starts wailing *)
• brOTP
obi-wan: more than a brotp do you know what what we stan in this houseld THEE SUPERIOR FRENEMY OF THEM ALL VENTRESS (brotp probably vos)
cody: 💗💗💗💗💗💗 REX 💗💗💗💗💗💗
obi-wan: 💗💗💗💗💗 obikin 💗💗💗💗💗💗 i do generally approve most of obi-wan related ships even if im not super invested in them but OBIKIN!!!! SOULMATES!!!!!!! FRIENDS TO LOVERS TO ENEMIES SUPREMACY!!!!! I would die for them.
cody: codywan duh but I have to say that I'm not the biggest fan
• nOTP
obi-wan: qui-gon. no. this is a big no from me. go away. maul and obi are not really my thing?? and I'm also not very big on obitine, my heart broke for obi but in the end... i don't really care lol
cody: meh anything involving other clones ig???
• random headcanon
obi-wan: he doesn't hug very much but I bet his hugs are the nicest hugs I'm sorry I wanted to come up with something better but I'm going through something
cody: can and will drink you under the table i just know it
• unpopular opinion
obi-wan: ig what i said up above + I don't really care about any Korkie related discourse
cody: nothing in particular i think?
• songs I associate with them
obi-wan: soldier, poet, king by The Oh Hellos and Light by Sleeping at Last ❤
cody: probably warriors the league of legends version
• favorite picture of them:
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💗💗 two beautiful men 💗💗
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Star Wars Battlefront III Wishlist
If we ever get a Battlefront III, here’s what I’d like to see
Part 2
Ground to Space Combat. which allows you to hop into a starship, offer support to ground troops, and then fly directly to space to join the battle there. A perfect example is the alpha trailer for the original Battlefront III
A Campaign for all 3 eras. Since Anthony Skordi is hinting on his twitter of more things for Admiral Versio, perhaps we could get a Clone Wars era campaign where we play as Garrick Versio? For Empire, we could play more as Iden Versio prior to her defection to the Rebellion. And finally, we play as Zay Versio and a new generation of Inferno Squad, which all ends with the battle of Exegol
Giving us every hero that came before and more.
Giving us every weapon in Star Wars canon
Actually giving us all 3 eras. Every major planet. Every major Starship. Every skin for the heroes and troopers and pretty much everything
Every trooper skin that came before, with the addition of Ahsoka’s  332nd Company, also all these skins should appear for the Imperials and FIrst Order 
Do what was done with Squadrons for Starfighter Assault
Every ground vehicles, including the Spider Droids and Hailfire Droid tank.
More Hunt modes. Ewok Hunt mode is great, but what I would kill to have Operation Knightfall, a Hunt mode between Jawas and droids, Tusken Raidiers and Jawas and hey we could even have a mode where Rey scavenges in Jakku
The Galactic Republic
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Confederacy of Independent Systems
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Death Watch
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Shadow Collective
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The Galactic Empire
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The Rebel Alliance
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The New Republic
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The Resistance
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The First Order
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Heroes and their skins
Anakin Skywalker
Jedi Knight(Default)
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General Skywalker
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Lord Vader
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Padme Amidala
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Queen Amidala
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Palace Battle Dress
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Clone Wars
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Ahsoka Tano
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Jedi Master(Default)
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General Kenobi
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Ben Kenobi
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Mace Windu
Jedi Master(Default)
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Qui-Gon Jinn
Jedi Master(Default)
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Jedi Master(Default)
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Bo-Katan Kryze
Nite Owl(Default)
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Captain Rex
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Commander Cody
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Darth Maul
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Crimson Dawn
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Old Master
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Count Dooku
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Darth Tyranus
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Jango Fett
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Cad Bane
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Asajj Ventress
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Bounty Hunter
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General Grievous
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Battle Damaged
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Pre Vizsla
Death Watch(Default)
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Luke Skywalker
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Throne Room
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Yavin Ceremony
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Grand Master
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Leia Organa
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Han Solo
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Seasoned Smuggler
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Beckett’s Crew
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Corellia Escape
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Carrying C-3PO
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Porg on shoulder
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Lando Calrissian
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Professional Sportsman
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Retired Smuggler
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Jyn Erso
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Imperial Disguise
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Cassian Andor
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Imperial Disguise
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Bodhi Rook
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Chirrut Îmwe
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Baze Malbus
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Kanan Jarrus
The Last Padawan(Default)
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Caleb Dume
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Ezra Bridger
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Hera Syndulla
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Sabine Wren
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Clan Wren(Default)
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Garazeb Orrelios
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Alexander Kallus
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Enfys Nest
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Cal Kestis
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Darth Vader
Dark Lord(Default)
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Battle Damaged
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The Senate
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Sith Eternal
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Boba Fett
Bounty Hunter(Default)
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Pristine Condition
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Grand Moff Tarkin
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Director Orson Krennic
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Tobias Beckett
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Drydon Vos
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Crimson Dawn(Default)
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Grand Admiral Thrawn
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The Grand Inquisitor
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Temple Guard
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The Seventh Sister
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The Second Sister
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Trilla Suduri
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Gar Saxon
The Emperor’s Hand(Default)
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Shadow Collective
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Din Djarin
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Pure Beskar(Default)
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Clan Of Two
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Din Djarin
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Cara Dune
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Moff Gideon
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Scavenger(choice between using Lightsaber or Quarterstaff and blaster)
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Full Gear
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Jedi Training
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Rey Skywalker(Default)
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Empress Palpatine
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Big Deal(with the choice to choose blaster or Lightsaber)
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Resistance Hero(Default)
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First Order Disguise
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Resistance Leader
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Poe Dameron
Best Pilot in The Resistance
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Black Squadron
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General Dameron
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Rose Tico
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First Order Disguise
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Commander Tico
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Kylo Ren
Jedi Killer(Default)
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Knight Of Ren
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Unmasked I
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Heir To Vader
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Unmasked II
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Supreme Leader
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Unmasked III
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Ben Solo
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General Armitage Hux
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Rabbid Curr
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Captain Phasma
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Battle Damaged
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Continued in Part 2
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 8 Cameo Explained
This Star Wars: The Bad Batch article contains spoilers.
Rumors of a cameo surrounded The Bad Batch in the days leading up to its eighth episode and “Reunion” doesn’t disappoint. The show has thus far worn its ties to The Clone Wars on its sleeve, down to its very protagonists, characters who were first formally introduced in season 7 of the Prequel era-set animated series. But it’s this cameo that solidifies The Bad Batch‘s place as a straight up sequel to The Clone Wars.
“Reunion” is a race against time to escape the Republic scrapyards of Bracca. Crosshair and a platoon of stormtroopers have the Bad Batch cornered inside the wreckage of an old Jedi cruiser and there’s little chance of an escape this time. But this is Star Wars, which means the heroes pull off the impossible by blowing up part of the cruiser’s engine, sending the nozzle tumbling through the scrap, a daring escape that could end with the heroes losing their lives. But again, this is Star Wars.
Unbeknownst to Hunter, there’s one last twist waiting for them by their ship. It’s Clone Wars bounty hunter Cad Bane (voiced once again by Corey Burton), the Duros Western-themed gunslinger who worked for the Separatists and Darth Sidious throughout the war with the Republic. This time, he’s been hired by the Kaminoans to bring Omega back to the cloning facility. Why they need Omega back and what’s they’re hiding still isn’t clear, but the fact that they’ve sent such a skilled bounty hunter to retrieve her means that she’s very important to Lama Su and Nala Se.
So, what do you need to know about Bane besides the fact that he’s a much faster shot than even a mutated super-clone like Hunter? During the Clone Wars, he had a reputation as the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, the mercenary you called for the most dangerous (or top-secret) missions. It’s why he became Darth Sidious’ gun of choice during the war. At one point, Bane even broke into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to steal a list of all of the known Force-sensitive children in the galaxy.
He also worked for Jabba the Hutt, alongside fellow bounty hunters Aurra Sing and IG-86, on a mission that led to a hostage situation in the Republic Senate building. Bane completed his mission — to free another Hutt gangster from a Coruscant prison — while subduing Anakin Skywalker with his team. Indeed, Bane is one of the few bounty hunters who could go toe to toe with powerful Jedi like Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Quinlan Vos.
In an interesting connection to Revenge of the Sith, Cad Bane was the villain originally hired to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine before General Grievous ever led an assault on Coruscant. But his mission to take Palpatine hostage while on a visit to Naboo was foiled by Obi-Wan just in the nick of time.
But how did Bane become such an elite bounty hunter in the first place? Well, he had a very good mentor: Jango Fett. The foremost bounty hunter of the Prequel era, whose DNA was used to create a massive Clone Army of the Republic, trained Bane in the ways of bounty hunting before the Mandalorian was killed on Geonosis.
In fact, Bane has a strong ties to both members of the Fett clan. When Boba Fett struck out on his own to become a bounty hunter like his father, it was Bane who took it upon himself to train the young clone as a way to return the favor to Jango. The name Boba Fett likely wouldn’t be as feared across the galaxy without Bane showing him the ropes.
But The Clone Wars once planned to pit Bane and Boba Fett against each other before the show ended its original run in 2014 (it returned in 2020 for 12-episode final season). An unproduced four-episode arc would have seen the two bounty hunters team up for a rescue mission on Tatooine. But this would have led to Bane and Boba Fett turning on each other, leading to a duel fans have been waiting to see since the storyline was first revealed by showrunner Dave Filoni.
An early animated version of the duel was finally revealed at a Star Wars Celebration 2017 panel:
As you can see, this scene would have explained how Boba Fett’s helmet got its signature dent, with Bane literally leaving his mark on the bounty hunter’s life. Meanwhile, the clip leaves Bane’s own fate open to interpretation. And to this day, fans continue to debate whether Bane dies in the scene…or somehow survives being shot in the head.
But now that Bane is on The Bad Batch, there’s an even better question to ask: does the bounty hunter’s reappearance mean we’ll finally get a fully-realized version of his duel with Boba Fett? Could the show even adapt part of that unproduced Clone Wars arc, making Omega the kidnapped kid Boba Fett is hired to rescue with the Bad Batch?
Either way, Cad Bane’s return brings up some very interesting possibilities, and we can’t wait to see how this all plays out.
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The post Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 8 Cameo Explained appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Sbs74w
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