#this definition was obviously based on the
xitsensunmoon · 2 days
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My first ever comic con! And first cosplay too. Of course it's gonna be my boy :] Ramblings about the process are under the cut(Let me know if?? You would want me to elaborate with process images for any of the steps?)
The costume took me forever to make, as I've never done any machine sewing, sculpting, fabric dying or spray painting before but learning all of these was so fucking fun!! I never realised just how many different skills go into making a cosplay but it was so worth it!!!
Almost all of the clothes(except the hat) were purchased first as bases, but all of the detailing was added by me. All of the fabric used was originally just scraps that I was given for free so I needed to learn how to dye and dye all of the stars, they were originally white.
The sewing machine was its own beast that brought me tons of frustration from the lack of skill and knowledge (it was devastating to find out that 95% of fuck ups were my fault and not the machine's lmao). But as a result, a hat sewn from scratch, all of the fur trims, embroidery on the corset, stars and the collar(which is very hard to see on the pictures unfortunately) was all added manually. The stars and the stripes(on the back of the cape) were attached using heat-and-bond adhesive (I WISH I knew about such thing just when I started working on this. It would save me so much time and nerves.)
Then I found out about polymorph(mouldable plastic) and it has become the next thing I wanted to learn, to sculpt the claws and the fangs(yes, they're handmade jfksjs). The claws I then primed and painted in trillion coats because I wasn't satisfied with the colour of the spray paint. The fangs I moulded to my own teeth and then stained with tea to match the colour of my teeth :)c
As for makeup, I used Mehron Paradise water activated paints. At first I wanted to try to save money and bought myself Snazaroo instead, which unfortunately turned out to be a waste. Snazaroo didn't hold on my face for longer than 2 hours, cracking and peeling awfully. Mehron on the other hand survived 11 hours of me smiling, talking, emoting and such and didn't even crease at the smile lines(I'm actually shocked about that). It obviously works like any other makeup which means your skin texture and wrinkles won't go anywhere but Mehron's elasticity pleasantly surprised me. It did obviously smear from sweat and saliva(if you're eating and licking your lips) but if you don't touch the skin it just dries again, self setting. But if it's dry it's fully smear-proof. Highly recommend!
And last but not least, I've decided against painting my hands as it was very risky that I will stain everything I touch at the smallest hint of sweat. So instead I got myself gloves-tights(? Not sure how they're called but it's made from the same fabric as tights) and painted them with normal acrylic paint(did you know you could dye fabric with acrylic paint? I personally didn't), then heat set with an iron and voilà, they're reusable, my hands are not stained after an exhausting day and I don't stain everything I touch. It worked wonderfully which honestly was a surprise as I was really sceptical that acrylic paint will somehow stay in place.
I think this whole thing took me minimum of 6 months with big-big breaks for my school and life in general. But I'm really proud! This project taught me so many new skills and I couldn't have been happier about learning new knowledge, even if it sucked to fail in the meantime.
Everyone at the con was really nice and gave me a large confidence boost even tho it was my first time and I had no idea what I was doing. Taking photos with other people was really awkward/new for me as I hate cameras so I really had no idea how to pose/behave in front of one. But that's okay I think. This whole experience definitely made me want to do this again, so I think that will come with experience. Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed this little summary :)
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kuromingiii · 1 day
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‘ • Anger management 🎀
when your gamer boyfie, cho lets his anger out on you.
(anger, br33ding, unprotected s3x, dacryphilia, missionary, D0m choso x sUb reader )
it was no day like any other, in by which you mean your boyfriend, Choso playing the game instead of showing his sweet affection to his lovely girlfriend, Y/N.
You honestly got so sick of it. It definitely had to be a problem. Who games this long?
So here you were, on his bed watching him play on game.
“You should seriously get off the game cho, I don’t think that’s healthy.”
“Y/n not right now..” Choso grumbles, his extremely fast fingers flying across the keyboard.
“No, seriously, just take a break babe.” You continue. You roll over the bed to look at his direction.
Choso doesn’t say anything, his jaw clenched and everything. He was so sure he was going to win, all concentrated, eyes narrowed and completely oblivious to his surroundings. But that’s when he basically lost it. When he died on whatever game he was playing, because usually, Choso never dies on the game.
“Y/n.” Choso lisped. His fingers tapping the keys, gently.
“Cho? Baby, you good?” You mutter.
The tall figure quickly got out of his chair, hovering over you.
“Bitch. Always telling me what to do.” He growled.
“Huh?” You mumbled.
“I lost because of you. always babbling to get off the game. I’ll fucking show you.” He scolded.
He then decided to pounce on you, just looking at his eyes meant trouble.
“Choso—wait!” You squirm
“chosoo..wait…” he mocked your pathetic, squeaky voice. He proceeds to pull you closer, grasping your lips in a brutal and messy kiss, but you couldn’t help enjoy the sweet serenade taste of his lips.
His juices mixing with yours, as it falls to the tip of your chin.“Choo.” you moan, muffling into the deep kiss. He breaks the kiss, letting you catch your breath.
“I’m gonna fucking fill you up with my children.” He moans, quickly pulling his pants down.
“W-what’s all this about, cho..what’s gotten into you?” You whimper. You never seen choso in a state like this before.
“Stop fucking calling me that, whore.”
Ouch. That one definitely hurt you right in the gut.
He slides of his boxers, lifting your legs and spreading them with all his might.
He could see the wet stain already on your pink laced panties
“Already fucking wet f’me.” He teased, doing a quick stroke against your covered slick.
Your body slightly jolts to his touch. He tugs at the hem of your panties, as he pulls them down to look at your sopping cunt that’s practically begging for his dick.
He rubs the nub of your clit, hearing your soft moans and whines.
“So reactive and whiny.” He taunted.
“If you’re this noisy i wonder how you’re gonna sound when you’re stuffed.” Choso snickers as he continues to brutally mess with your pussy.
“Mhf…” you wailed. The room filled with the squelching sounds of your sex being fingered by choso.
He wanted to break you, see how much you could take. He quickly stuffed you with one finger. That was probably enough to make you squirt.
“Let’s see how much you can take, baby.” He roars lowly, proceeding to fill you with another finger.
“Too much, cho!” You shrill, your legs shaking in pleasure.
Although you’re acting completely oblivious, this is what you desired from him for a long, long time.
His veiny fingers, pumping inside you made your walls clench, your juices completely coating the bases of his fingers. And he was harsh with it.
His breaths were husky and he let rough groans, obviously amused to the messy sight he created. He pulls out his fingers, tasting your sweet juices.
“Don’t want ya’ cumming just yet…” He croaked.
he pulls you closer to his cock head, his pinkish reddish base leaking with precum, glossing your clit.
Without warning he rams his shaft into you, causing your lips to part into an oh! You tried to peep a moan, but the sudden intrusion knocked the wind out of you.
“Fuck…” Choso squirms, rolling his hips into your puffy cunt.
Your toes curl, and your eyes roll back as you adjust to the size of his cock.
“Open your fucking mouth..” Choso hissed. You obeyed his demand as you lol out your tongue and without hesitation he spit in your mouth.
“Pathetic.” He shrieked, as he fastened his pace inside you, causing you to let out an ugly moan. You couldn’t take the pace so you attempted to close your legs. He quickly clasped your legs, spreading them further. He eyeballed you.
“Tryna be slick so badly,” Choso groaned, pulling out halfway your pussy and slamming himself back in, causing you to let out a squeak.
“Can’t— I can’t—“
“You will.” He demands. This time he’s just relentlessly pounding into your soaking vagina with no mercy.
“Cho..I’m so close.. need to cum!” You moan noisily.
He ignores your begging and instead licks his fingers to assault your clit. The sweat beads off chosos forehead, he knows he’s close too. And you could tell, when he let out soft whimpers.
You were basically milking him, the way your tight walls were clenching on his cock.
“Shit..ah..” choso mewled, squeezing his eyes tight as his pace slowed down slightly.
“Cumming..y/n..shit..ngh..” he wailed, spurting ropes of cum into your hole.
You let out an exasperated sigh, as he pulls out cumming some more on your stomach.
What a night.
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Hey, I have an intersex Salandit, who i originally thought was male as he was a rescue from a shiny breeding operation, but it turns out Ruth has enough "feminine" hormones that he could potentially evolve and I'm wondering if there's possible health problems that come from everstoning a salandit? Conversely, if an intersex salandit evolves are there health problems that come with that?
I've obviously scheduled a follow-up appointment with the vet to discuss this topic, and Ruth has his own particular health problems to consider, but I'm curious about the in-general answer? I am kind of interested in having a Salazzle, but I definitely care more about what's best for my special little guy.
oh, that's really cool!
salandit are a really interesting kind of pokemon because of their unique social and evolutionary structure. the sex of a salandit is an important determining factor for its role as either the leader or a member of a harem. salandit are also pokemon that heavily favor the production of male offspring, because a salazzle needs a sufficient number of males to help protect her eggs.
what's really neat about this, though, is that salandit's sex chromosomes are distributed in a way that should result in a 50/50 split in sex: XY males, XX females. the reason why there ends up being more males in the end is because salandit can actually change their anatomical sex while in the egg based on the temperatures they're incubated at. in very warm environments, with more resources, salandit with XX eggs remain anatomically female, but in colder environments where ensuring as many eggs survive as possible is more important, up to 35% of XX eggs will hatch anatomically male. they produce sperm and are able to fertilize eggs, though they can only supply X chromosomes.
im betting that's what's going on with ruth, especially since breeding mills aren't known to always provide ideal hatching parameters. the main concern if ruth evolved would pertain to his sex organs; while evidence of XX male salandit evolving is very rare, a specimen that was tracked and captured post-evolution ended up reversing sex again, i.e. turning into an anatomically and genetically female salandit.
we just don't know enough about this particular situation to know if there are any adverse affects caused by this kind of evolution. however, the good news is that, with proper management, most salandit dont need to evolve! they do very well with an everstone and rarely experience evolutionary stasis (it tends to only occur in female salandit kept with a large number of males). your vet will talk to you about watching for signs of any issues, but i think ruth will probably be okay as a funky little salandit.
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babehlockdemdoors · 10 hours
'Shared Sorrow Is Half A Sorrow'- Prologue
A 18+ Proxy (Masky, Hoodie and Toby -with a hint of Kate) x Reader Fanfic .
Notes: A big thank you to both of my inspirations @rottingworship ('Beg and Bargain' creator- also thanks for helping me decide on a name for the fic!) and @lordprettyflackotara ('Hitchhikers' creator). Without their wonderful work, I doubt I would have had the idea to write this! Also, this fic is from the POV of a female reader, so she/her will be used.
Minors DNI! There will most likely be future smut in other chapters, alongside darker subjects like drug/alcohol abuse, murder/torture and manipulation.
Four masked people, all surrounding a silver Ford Taurus. It was beaten up and old, it had definitely been a while since its last paint job- rust had begun forming on the doors of the vehicle and scratches covered the car, but you could only focus on one detail..
A small dent on the trunk's door was what caught your attention and you knew exactly where it came from. Glaring at it, you remember that only two months prior, you were kicking and screaming as you begged the men that stood beside you not to take you away- begging for your life thinking you were to die. And yet here you were, alive and working with the men who kidnapped you: the fact that you were standing next to them left a sour taste in your mouth but as much as you wanted to lash out, you knew it wouldn't end well. You had already come face to face with the Operator, a being so horrible the mere sight of it made you fall to your knees in disbelief.. or was it the pain and static in your head that made you do that? It doesn't matter, all that matters now is that you don't piss that monster off.
You glanced at one of the men, his alias was Masky. While not the tallest of the bunch, he definitely looked like he could pack a punch (and he definitely did, he was the one who knocked you out cold so you could be shoved in the trunk). His strength and brutality wasn't anything to be laughed at, and you were trying your best to stay on his better side if he did even have one.
Obviously you hadn't realised that Hoodie, the smartest of them, had noticed your glance and raised a brow under his mask. While he wasn't as strong as his friend, his stealth and quietness was horrifyingly creepy- the footage from his camcorder loaded onto his laptop and onto different tapes back at the ‘base’ was proof of that. Hours of footage of their previous victims, unaware that he was watching.
“If you got a question, you should really say it now,” Hoodie said as he crushed his unfinished water bottle and threw it carelessly to the side, “because I think it's about time we actually got on with what needs to be done.”
You bit your lip, unsure whether to ask the question you had in mind. And just as you opened your mouth, your question was immediately snatched from you by Toby. Or ‘Ticci Toby’ as he was also called, quite unfairly due to the fact you learned he has tourettes. He was the youngest, leanest and quickest and he was terrifyingly accurate with throwing his hatchets. He could probably kill you before you even blinked.
“Where's Kayy-Kate?” The young man stuttered out. “S-She not with us on this one, hm? Not like she e-ever really is…”
Kate the Chaser, the other female apart from yourself, had only seen and spoken to you once. At first she seemed cold, but you quickly figured she was just more reserved and quiet which was a welcome change to the banter and arguments you had to listen to between the men. While not particularly close to the Operator, she was the one who did most of its work, perhaps due to the fact that she was least likely to betray it because of the complete annihilation of her sanity. Mentally morphed by the Operator, what a saddening existence.
Masky huffed, dropping his cigarette to the dirt and snuffing it out under his boot, “You just answered your own question, dumbass. Now all of you get in the damn car, my patience is thin after dealing with her attitude.” You knew he was addressing you, it was obvious from his rage fuelled glare, and it made you scoff. Who knew that denying to make him a coffee would lead to a five minute argument?
After a minute of staring each other down, you opened the backseat car door and sat in the backseat- the others followed suit and took off their masks, there was no need for them to get caught due to something as stupid as wearing suspicious masks. You reached up towards your own mask and hesitated, deep inside you wanted to keep your mask on and hide your face from the men near you (even though they had seen your face before), it had grown to be sort of comforting to hide your face. But you knew that if you kept it on, it would be ripped off in an instant.
What a tiring life this will be..
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killakillabangbang · 2 days
Dean Winchester if I may be so bold as to ask, why would you 'Go for a hot cheerleader.' if you had to pick a costume? Hm? Can I also ask many many follow up questions?
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I just need one (1) roleplay fic that takes place after this ep where Sam swiped a couple of uniforms from the locker rooms on his visit to the school unbeknownst to Dean.
Till that night, Dean's getting out of the shower, body warm and red, his clothes are gone from where he left em and in their place is a pristine cheerleader uniform. Skirt and tank looking ironed even if Dean wasn't mistaken. This couldn't be what he imagined. It was either a prank or the hottest thing Sammy's ever thought of to do and based on his fidgety ass attitude on the way back to room and the too long stop he made Dean take at a CVS he was guessing the former.
But he couldn't be sure his heart wouldn't shut the fuck up so he could think. Almost like he could sense the panic from the other side Sam's voice called out.
"Put it on, Dean."
He couldn't stop the shiver or the goosebumps or the flush he felt blooming from his chest out to his fingers. Numbing them as he quickly dried off and slipped a suddenly wobbly leg into the skirt that surprisingly fit his size 32 waist. The tank followed and with stunning realization he spotted two piles of red and silver pom poms fallen over beside the toilet. He picked them up and with an absurd rush turned to the mirror. Chuckling more than anything he noted he definitely had the thighs and ass for the skirt.
"Come on out now Dean. I'm not gonna laugh. Believe me."
He opened the door and swaggered through with confidence he was definitely not feeling but knew at least to put a seat in his gait. Until he stopped short as he spotted what had to be a hallucination.
Sam Winchester sat back on his big brothers bed dressed in full highschool football uniform minus the shoes and helmet. His jersey is obviously looser than it should be without the pads but not by much, not after how huge Sam's gotten. His arms as thick as Dean's head and long muscled legs splayed out lewdly as he sat arms behind his head back against the headboard
Even his cheeks were painted black for visibility. "Hiya, Sammy."
"Hi Dean, you look... C'mere."
And then we pan to the fireplace.
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allastoredeer · 2 hours
No hate, just asking.
So you just personally like bottomAlastor and make every ship with him as bottom because of your personal likes. But this works the same way with bottomLucifer. People liking it and making him bottom in any ship. Or liking topAlastor and making him top in every ship. Maybe there are people who just go with trends in ship dynamics, but a lot of shippers just like it without any 'making mlm into hetero' meaning. Yes even when making Lucifer a bit more feminine since they do it in every ship simply cause more feminine Lucifer does things to them.
Exactly 👉👉 people like what they like and they don't need to defend or give me a list of reasons why they like it. I figured people liked bottom!Lucifer or top!Alastor because it scratches that itch for them (much like me with bottom!Alastor), otherwise they wouldn't be writing/drawing it at all.
It's why I don't seek out fans I disagree with or lurk on their pages/blogs to bombard them with reasons why I, personally, don't like how they depict radioapple (and because that's just a shitty thing to do in general, and no should be doing that. That's a one-way ticket to turning fandom into a very toxic place).
I keep my opinions and thoughts to my blog page for that reason. This is place where I can write about the things I like and dislike, post my art and fics, and interact with fans who share the same thoughts and feelings as I do. I'm sure a lot of fans would disagree, but, to me, most of the depictions of radioapple that I've seen come off as incredibly hetero coded, and a lot of the way Alastor is drawn/written squicks me out, especially when he tops. And that's not in the way that he's overly sexualized or anything, imma gonna sexualize that man to my heart's content, but Alastor's ace identity means a lot to me, and a lot of the time I just...don't feel it with him.
Now there's no "correct" way to write an ace character, as its a spectrum. There isn't a checklist of things you HAVE to follow. But with Alastor, especially when it's in a written work - especially when it's HIS pov - he doesn't feel ace. You can't tell that someone is ace based on how they talk or act - not usually - just like you can't assume a man is gay based on how he runs or talks, or a woman a lesbian because she has a short haircut. But in his POV, we're supposed to be in his head, we're seeing his thoughts and emotions. It's the perfect time to explore what he feels and thinks about relationships, sex, and everything in between, and yet most of the time he reads like any other non-ace character. It's like there's no real thought or consideration given to his identity and the experiences that come with it. Asexuality is more than "don't like sex" or "only like sex sometimes," there's so much more to it than that.
But I also know that this may be the first time some people are interacting or playing with an ace character, and just the fact that they're trying - however unintentionally aphobic it comes off sometimes - the effort is appreciated.
It's a real back and forth thing for me, obviously, LOL fandom culture and spaces can be so frustrating but so fascinating at the same time.
I don't think anyone is intentionally making the ship hetero, nor do they mean to - and besides, this is how I feel, and I know everyone isn't going to feel the exact same way. I'm sure there are people who see it as a very queer relationship, and I'm not going to judge or fight them over it. Everyone has different perspective, after all.
At the end of the day, I don't mind bottom!Lucifer (I see him as a switch, so he definitely enjoys bottoming), I just don't like how he's written/drawn with top!Alastor. It's the depiction of it that turns me off. I've seen top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer art before that I have liked, but its few and far between, and overall not worth diving into to root out the few pieces I've enjoyed.
I like feminine Lucifer, but not to the extent that I've seen. I like the masculine side of him too, especially because he's a shortie. I like masculine Alastor, but I adore his feminine side. Alastor exudes so much gender, it's insane. He pulls off masculine, feminine, and even non-binary so well. He's versatile ❤️ And it aggravates me when he's depicted as super masculine and all the other stuff is toned down, if not stripped away.
But, like I said, that's why I stay in my little corner and I focus on what I enjoy. Ranting about things you don't like in fandom isn't bad, especially with fans that agree with you. It's very cathartic actually, and I've felt more connected with the fandom than I have since the show aired. it's only when you make your emotions, thoughts, and opinions other people's problems that it becomes a negative thing.
I'm not here to rain on people's parades, so I support, encourage even, that those who do like the things I dislike (and don't enjoy seeing me clown on them) block me. No hard feelings from me. I get it.
Damn, these posts really run away from me. They get so much longer than I intend XD
But anyway, I'm glad people are having fun with super feminine bottom!Lucifer and super masculine top!Alastor, that's the whole point of fandom, but it just isn't for me, at all, and I will likely continue to rant/clown on it with the fans who also share my opinion. I'm not going to shove it anyone's face of course, I'm keeping it to my blog, and I am A-okay with being blocked if that's not something people want to see 😊
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My updated GMMTV 2024 lineup in order of my preference: (these are only the QLs. Most of the het shows fall under my Indifferent category. If I feel like it, I'll watch them.)
The Heart Killers. Pretty sure this is #1 on most of y'alls lists and for good reason too. My reasons? Pretty simple. I love action, mafia and romcom and this is all in one. And also FirstKhao and JoongDunk so-
Peaceful Property (part 1). After TayNew outdid themselves in the beautiful soft little thing that was Cherry Magic Thailand (anyone wanna join my Cherry Magic Th propaganda?), I can't wait for this series. Also: if they give me besties, it'll be a hard pill to swallow but I'll be fine, but if they give me bromance, I'll commit homicide.
Pluto the series. A GL? With NamtanFilm? I'm in.
Revamp. Previously: The Vampire Project. Love me some vampires <3. Also, BounPrem.
Sweeth Tooth, Good Dentist. The plot sounds super fluffy and cheesy, so of course I'm in. And no way I'm missing Mark Pakin first lead. (Also, as a dessert-loving person who had many teeth-related problems as a kid, the premise just sounds too relatable. Except the falling in love part with your dentist obviously.) But... JittiRain. I have complicated feelings for her works.
ThamePo/My Heart Skips A Beat. It seems soft and sweet, though it does have the secret/forbidden relationship overtones.
Ossan's Love. I found the trailer hilarious, but trailers, especially pilot trailers lie. Also, I'm not hearing the greatest things about the original, but I haven't watched it so I will reserve judgement. If I like it I'll like it I guess.
Us the series. You might ask how a GL ended up so low in my list. Personally, it's a bit jarring to see BLs have this safe space/bubble for their gay bois, but GLs are proclaiming love between women as "taboo" off the bat. I also saw this in 23.5, and yeah okay I get it, wlw is seen in a much harsher eye sometimes, but in 23.5 all Ongsa did was go on repeating "But we're both girls..." without explaining the why and resolving it properly. For now, I will not think too much into it, and worry about it when the time comes.
Perfect 10 liners. What put me off in the trailer itself is the clear discrimination based on looks/physical appearances. It also seems like at this point they're just trying to give each pairing some screen time this year but have run out of plots, and are thus shoving pairings into series like it's the metro/tube/subway/whatever you call it in your country during rush hour. Will I like it? We'll see. After New Siwaj gave me the masterpiece that is We Are, and crushed my doubts like mosquitoes, I'm willing to give Perfect 10 Liners a good strong chance. The premise still bothers me a bit, but I'm keeping an open mind.
The Trainee. Well, it's OffGun's usual tsundere seme/innocent uke. Office romance though- that's new. I guess they finally graduated from university 😭😂 I don't feel anything about it right now, but let's see what happens when it starts airing.
Currently Airing:
We Are. It's absolutely great for my tastes and I get to detox once every week. Love it. Has absolutely no plot but has loads of fluff, and it's something I didn't know I needed in my life until I had it. It's one of my favourite BLs ever, and it's definitely going on my comfort shows and re-watch list.
Only Boo. I kinda like it, but I have zero idea where they plan to go with the current storyline. Fluffy and cute, I'll keep watching, but it probably won't end up high on my favourites list. I'm behind on a couple of episodes (I'll catch up before ep. 12, no worries) and I was right. I do like it. It's something new, and I'd like GMM to explore this more, but it's not ending up very high on my favourites list.
Wandee Goodday. My favourite fake boyfriends with benefits! I'm behind a couple episodes with this too (sorry, my brain has been a little too obsessed with We Are T~T) but overall, I really like it. It's P'Golf, so I never had any doubts, but I do worry a little about the angst. It's bearable till now, so fingers crossed.
My Love Mix Up! Thailand. I'm still skeptical, not gonna lie. But it's GemFourth. And I didn't feel much about the first few eps of MSP either, and look what happened with that. I still don't know how hard the original will clash with Thai BL's specific style, but I'm willing to take the chance. Please don't disappoint me.
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goldenpinof · 13 hours
i told my mom about the domain thing and she said they might have done it solely so that any other random person wouldn't buy it. not sure if i got that twitter post at all (honestly i have a linguistics degree and know nothing about programming or whatever this is) but this meant like that they paid for this url to be theirs, right? in this case i don't think it's a 100% tour proof. although who knows
it definitely could be based on the dates, but why only till June 2025?
it can also be that they bought the domain for 10 years (also based on the dates. or for 5 years twice and already prolonged it once), and updated something else this May.
and the reason i think that is: i checked lilsimsie's merch shop (the one IRL Merch owns, allegedly) and you can see that they bought the domain till 01/11/2025, aka for 5 years, but it was updated on 18/06/2021. the thing is Kayla left IRL Merch either in 2023 or early 2024, so if they were prolonging the licence for the domain each year the update date would be 2023 till 2024. but no, the last update was in 2021, and i doubt it was about prolonging the licence.
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amazingphilshop.com and danandphilshop.com have a different situation. based on the dates, i'd say they are being prolonged yearly for some reason. all alleged, obviously. if anyone knows more about it or what it all means, please let us all know. also this website can't tell me anything on shop.danielhowell.com and the info on danielhowell.com is very strange (aka the domain being registered in 2004. edit: it was probably most definitely bought by Dan from someone else. replies here and screenshot of statuses below).
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sysig · 5 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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rainbowd00dles · 5 days
How are we feeling about Andrew having hickeys all over the insides of his thighs?
The goal is to make him look thoroughly fucked
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The fact that there is no dialogue with Karlach where Tav can suggest that she and Dammon maybe get to know each other a little better is tragic to me.
I want to set up my friend with the sweet tiefling blacksmith. LET ME SET THEM UP.
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snarkspawn · 1 year
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I can't decide if I want this to be a) a lost bet, b) for a mission, or c) Tankhun being bored
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bitchthefuck1 · 3 months
In case anyone else has the brain worm that makes them want exact details anytime people talk numbers, in Too Much Birthday the offer to buy Kendall out says that he has 12,904,663 shares of Waystar (worth ~2bil at $156/share), so assuming he didn't sell any stock after that and also that Shiv and Roman all had an equal stake, which the show implies, that means that when they sell the company at $192/share in the finale, each of the siblings gets just under $2.5 billion, half of it in Gojo stock, not counting whatever they inherit from Logan.
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asexual-juliet · 16 days
outsiders book purists you are allowed to have strong opinions about and fundamentally disagree with the musical changing the way dally’s suicide plays out but don’t act like they did it for no reason like it is abundantly clear why that choice was made
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timothylawrence · 6 months
it is a little sad that the game writers and the fandom are so blatantly in favour of astarion as the Designated Woobie, and then wyll, and even gale to an extent, get less content. and their stories get framed as jokes, or like they weren't ~really~ harmed because the person manipulating them was a hot woman... imagine the screaming if cazador was also a romance option and hung out unkillably in your camp? but somehow it's ok for mizora, and the writers themselves can say that gale is the most annoying companion and deserves to blow up. i feel like i usually get attached to the companion characters in rpgs with the least content, which is fine, but it's a weird energy when the writers themselves seem to dislike the character.
i think that's one thing from the writers that like. didn't surprise me at all in regards to them calling Gale annoying or that he deserves to blow up lmao. like, these are same writers who rewrote wyll based on racist ass fans feedback and gave final version Wyll his unfinished and weak story, with the least amount of romance scenes + dialogue of any origin characters. the writers also failed to give him a storyline that was strictly about him, not his father, not mizora, and not balduran lmfao. top it all off with the fact you can 'romance' his abuser and then be incredibly cruel and vile towards him afterwards... like the writers are racist as hell idk.
I'm not surprised they said these things abt Gale either when they have a very obvious favoritism issue going on with their writing and how they treat their own characters
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smashstappen · 6 days
So you have the best race in the last maybe 4 years, definitely the best this season so far, and the highest 'rank' is a 9.00 🤣
The people doing the aramco power ranking have no idea what racing is, do they 😂
They saw Max won and couldn't give a 10, what if F1 fans thought it was an amazing race 😱 we cannot have that 😤 9.00 it is and the rest downwards because if Max won 😳 it must have been a terrible race 🥱 we should know, we are completely unbiased 😏 but if anyone other than Max wins it's a 10 🤭, or as close as possible to one, we cannot give all a 10 🤫, even though they deserve it 👏 for beating that ✨️car✨️, you are all a 10 in our hearts 🤧 but we have to stay objective 😉
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