#this event actually is inspiring me a lot woah !
literallysigma · 5 months
★ // Es & Vertin !
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day 2 of lavender's silly week; two characters from different media you think should be siblings
...help I've never posted graphics...um... I took this chance to do this and challenge myself to make graphics...yay!
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
June 13, 2024
I.. don't think I'm as well-adjusted to grad school as I'd hoped. I feel behind but I'm not even sure how to "catch up" or what specifically I am not doing. I just want to do more but I feel intimidated by what "more" might be. My days are mostly empty outside of a single lab-based task that might take one to three hours. Admittedly, I did procrastinate myself out of that bioinformatics "course". I do intend to start that back up again. I do want to learn (I was intimidated by the homework (only recently did I realize that I literally do not actually have to do the homework if I don't want to lol, this is all asynchronous and semi-recreational for my own benefit)). I think that's a major part of why I feel like I could be doing more. My postdoc is working like 12 hour days or something while I come in and lounge for four hours or so (I've recently been making an effort to do six hours though, even if it's just me sitting and reading (fiction >.<) for most of the time (I'll start an anthropology book after this series I promise)).
I have started learning music theory though. Only barely, it feels like, but it's more than any true theory I'd absorbed through the years of band classes and orchestra rehearsals (I know what a "diminished sixth" means now (kinda) and can point it out in sheet music (most of the time)! I can differentiate between three different minor scales (most of the time)!). I plan to leisurely make my way through a semester's worth of lectures on it. I want a good understanding of why music works so I can hopefully get good at improvisation (also I need to relinquish the idea that I'm going to be some improv master at first try--because that's not going to happen. it'll likely take weeks of trials and lots of errors before I get any sort of feel for what sounds "decent").
I've been reading Jade City by Fonda Lee and woah. I think this would make an excellent television show. It's soooo good. Fantasy action, my genre beloved (and politics?? bro im in LOVE), but inspired by a totally different culture than what I typically read. The naming switcharoo took a bit of getting used to sure but it's far more immersive that way. I would love to see this in live action and thirst after Hilo bc you know the casting director would do him right. I'm glad I decided to stick with her on a whim.
I wish the pollen wasn't still so bad (I have to keep my windows open all the time bc no ac, and pollen flies in 24/7 and coats absolutely everything which is the worsttttt. thankfully my bed doesn't get too much of it but UGH), I'd love to spend more time outside. The flowers are lovely but I'm ready for the trees to pack it upppp.
My mom thinks I'm being too social for me to handle. I haven't had a full weekend to just isolate and chill in a month. There's just so much to do, though! I want to do it all now that the weather is warm. This area has lots of events all the time. I have to remember that I have five more years, I guess.
Today I'm thankful that at least I'm not being pushed too hard.
Brought to you from inside the lab (my postdoc has stepped out hehe) where I am desperately trying to find things to do. I think I'm going to register for some trainings or something.
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w0rld0flight · 3 months
Rest and Relaxation (Project X Zone fanfic)
Hello everyone! Before we start, I just want to say that it's been a while since I last wrote a fanfic, since the last time I wrote one was in 2023 (Last year!) so I decided to get back to writing for one this year.
I actually first started writing this in April of this year, because that month in particular has been really stressful. So this fanfic is a bit personal for me.
This fanfic is also inspired by the 101 Dalmatian Street episode "Dawkins Strikes Back"
Another thing to keep in mind is that this story takes place after the events of Project X Zone 2.
With those out of the way, please enjoy.
It was a long day for Reiji and Xiaomu, as they still have to do work, even after all of their adventures came to an end. Working has felt endless to them, much to their stress.
“UGH!!! THIS WEEK IS THE WORST!!!” Xiaomu yelled out in frustration.
“Woah! Calm down, what has gotten into you?” Reiji asked.
“Reiji, you don’t understand.” Xiaomu answered. “This week has been SO STRESSFUL FOR ME!!!” Out of anger, Xiaomu sat on the floor, which was then followed by Reiji sitting right next to her.
“Xiaomu…I understand how you feel.” Reiji responded. “This week has been very stressful for me too, so don’t worry.” Xiaomu then took a deep breath to calm herself down.
“Sorry about that, Reiji…but I feel calmer now” She apologized. “You know what? Let’s go outside, I think that would be nice.”
“Good deal.”
Reiji and Xiaomu have arrived at the park. Outdoors, it was very sunny, and the weather was very clear. Unfortunately, for Reiji, he doesn’t know what to do. In fact, he wanted to take a nap, but he just couldn’t fall asleep at all. Xiaomu, on the other hand, is playing a video game on her game console- a cozy video game at that- and she seemed to be really into it.
“Woah! Reiji! Look at this! I caught a big fish!” Xiaomu excitedly said, showing off her game console to her husband.
“Wow…that sure is big…” Reiji responded.
“You know, Reiji…this game is very chill and relaxing! You can customize your character, talk to the other residents, plant flowers and trees, catch sea creatures, create your own items, and even more! This game is a lot like real life...but better!”
“You’d rather live in a video game than in the real world?” Reiji asked.
“Reiji, dear, you just missed the point of the whole game, didn’t you?” Xiaomu questioned. “Yeah sure, the things you do in this game are also the things you do in real life, but more relaxing and less stressful!”
“Well that’s because you rely on game mechanics to do all the work.”
“Exactly! That’s what makes this game chill! Now time to go back to playing!”
Xiaomu returned to playing her cozy video game, while Reiji tried his best to fall asleep. But then suddenly, Xiaomu’s game console died down.
“Ugh, I should’ve charged it earlier.” She said, and so she put it away and just stared at the space in front of her. Sitting at a bench, all she saw was a huge lake.
“Okay, I just need to take off stress. This isn’t hard at all.” Xiaomu thought to herself. Except the thing was it was actually very hard. She just stared at the lake. She stared, and stared, and stared…but nothing is working. No matter what she was doing, she still felt very stressed out.
“Xiaomu? Reiji? Are you two okay?”
Xiaomu opened her eyes upon hearing the familiar-sounding voice. That voice belonged to none other than Valkyrie.
“Oh! Umm, hi Valkyrie.” Xiaomu said, feeling a bit down. “You see, we…um…” Valkyrie then noticed Xiaomu’s expression. She, along with Reiji, looked quite worried.
“Hmm…you two look quite stressed out.” Valkyrie commented. “What’s the cause behind it?”
“Well, as you can see, this week has been really stressful for the both of us.” Xiaomu answered.
“Oh…I see. In that case, why don’t you two follow me?” Valkyrie offered the both of them her hands, which they reached out to.
30 minutes have passed. Reiji, Xiaomu, and Valkyrie all have found themselves in a forest. This leaves the former two very confused, wondering why they are now in the woods of all places.
“Uhh, Valkyrie, why are we in a forest?” Reiji asked.
“You see, since the both of you seem very stressed, I wanted to take both of you to a very peaceful place.” Valkyrie answered.
“Oh, it sure is…uh, very peaceful.” Xiaomu responded, observing the environment around her.
The trio continued to traverse the forest. They walked and walked as they encounter different forms of nature, from the plant life to the little critters wandering around the woods.
“Wow, nature really is beautiful, huh?” Reiji commented.
“It sure is.” Xiaomu said. “It’s pretty serene too.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that, because we’re here!” Valkyrie said, and presented to them a spot in the forest: A huge open place surrounded by trees, grass, and the sunlight shining down.
“Amazing…I’m so impressed.” Reiji said.
“This place is a huge open space, so let’s sit down on the center.” Valkyrie said, and so the trio sat down.
It was quiet.
The forest was very tranquil, with the only sounds heard being the soft chirping of the birds and the gentle winds blowing.
“It’s very peaceful here.” Xiaomu said, smiling. “I like it.”
“It sure is. Now, let’s lie down on the grass, should we?” Valkyrie said, with the three of them following suit.
“The sunlight…it’s warm and relaxing.” Reiji said as he and Xiaomu felt the sunlight’s warmth bathing them. The two of them felt like they’re about to drift to sleep, their eyes slowly closing.
“It sure is.” Valkyrie responded. “Now, just relax and take a deep breath.” Valkyrie then did what she had said. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply through her nose, feeling a calm sensation in her body, mind, and soul. Then, she slowly and gently exhaled through her mouth, and felt like all her troubles dissolved.
“Now, can you two do it?”
Reiji and Xiaomu followed what she did. They both inhaled deeply, feeling the cool, clean forest air in their lungs. As they exhaled, they can feel all their stresses and worries fading away. Their minds and hearts now feel much calmer.
“Now, just let the gentle, calming winds bring peace to your minds and hearts. Let the sunlight shining down bring you warmth. Listen to the sounds of the rustling tree leaves and the songs of the birds. There’s nothing to worry about anymore. Only peace and the sounds of nature.”
And so, Reiji and Xiaomu, along with Valkyrie, have drifted off to a peaceful sleep in the forest.
An hour and 30 minutes later, Reiji, Xiaomu, and Valkyrie all woke up from their nap and stretched out their arms.
“Well, that felt good.” Reiji said. “How long were we asleep for?”
“Hmm…over an hour, it seems.” Valkyrie responded, to which Xiaomu giggled.
“Huh, it was worth it though. We feel much better now! Thank you, Valkyrie.”
“Anytime.” Valkyrie answered. “So, what are you two going to do now?”
“I guess we’ll stay here for a bit.” Reiji answered. “It’s really calming in here.”
“Sounds good. In that case, I’ll stay here with you two.”
And so, Reiji, Xiaomu, and Valkyrie all stayed in the forest for a little longer, just listening to the sounds of nature.
Thanks for reading everyone! Project X Zone is a series I got into this year, and I hope to make more fanfics for one of my favorite games ever :3
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shesnothingspecial · 3 years
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You're in love (A Vinnie Hacker Story) pt 2
Inspired by Taylor Swifts song 'You are in love'
It's been roughly two weeks since you've become aware of your feelings for Vinnie. The two of you always hang out, but more recently in the past two weeks you have been inseparable. The other day you guys went out and got lunch at this small restaurant, it was amazing. Last night you guys watched a ton of movies back to back in his room, and eventually you must've fallen asleep because today, you woke up in his room. You look around for Vinnie but he's nowhere to be found, you can't help but think you've somehow made it weird. Getting up you and out of his comfortable bed, you brush your teeth and gather yourself together.
You're about to head downstairs when you realize you've been in the same clothes since yesterday, so you make a quick trip to your room, grabbing and putting on the closest sweatshirt and shorts near you, and finally go downstairs. When you enter the kitchen you are welcomed by a cabinet door swinging open and almost hitting you.
"Woah!" You say, leaning back and catching the door with your hand. A surprised Vinnie makes himself known from the other side. "Oh shit sorry i didn't see you." He rambled out. You just shake your head, letting an amused smile bare itself on your face as you walk around him. Vinnie opens all the cabinets in the kitchen, and sorting through them.
"What are you looking for?" You ask. He glanced up, "The bread, i can't find it how do we lose brea-"
You cut him off, handing him the bread that was sitting on the counter top. He takes it with a ' i totally knew it was there' look, and takes two pieces of bread out, putting them in the toaster. "So.." He says turning around and crossing his arms. "So?" You reply, not knowing what to do with the awkward atmosphere that was just created. Silence falls and you two stand opposite of each other, his arms cross against his chest, your legs dangling off the countertop you sat upon.
"The weather?" He breaks the silence with the most horrendous question, and you can't help but burst out laughing.
"The weather?! That's the best you could come up with?" Tears make their way into your eyes as you try to catch your breathe from laughing. He shuffles his feet and looking down grinning.
"It was a solid question!" He replies trying to defend him and his awful attempt at making small talk. Silence falls over once more, but a comfortable one. One that feels like watching the sunset or letting yourself bask in the sun.
"Wait, is that mine?" He looks down at the sweatshirt you were wearing, causing you to look down.
"Oh, yeah i guess i forgot to give it back after that night, here I'll go change-" You start to make your way off the countertop
"It's okay, keep it. Looks better on you than it does me." Vinnie insists smiling. Just as you were about to say something, the smell of burning food becomes extremely aware to the two of you. Vinnie turns around and pops the toaster, and 3 attempts of trying to grab the bread later, you come face to face with beautifully burnt toast.
You can't help yourself, you just lose it. Probably sounding like a dying seal, you actually wipe tears from your eyes this time. Vinnie joins you in a fit of tears and half deep breaths of composure.
"I don't think that's edible" He says through his laughs, you don't say anything just nodding profusely. What an odd, eventful, great morning you think. "How about we just, uh" Vinnie blushes a little before he looks away, but you catch it. "Wanna go out for breakfast?" He asks with an almost pleading look. How could anyone ever so no to him? Not that you would, but how could anyone be capable of that. So obviously, you say yes. And so, the two of you went out for breakfast. To say the two of you have grown close would be the understatement of the century.
A few days after the burnt toast incident, you find yourself once again in Vinnie's room, this time it's under some different circumstances. Going out with one of the most recent well known influencers comes with a lot of backlash, paparazzi manage to snap a handful of pictures from your early outing with Vinnie. Soon the pictures were on the face of every social media imaginable, you literally saw yourself on your own 'for you page'. Nasty remarks found their way into comment sections of every member in the hype house, they even managed to find their way on to your tik tok page which you mad to make private to stop getting flooded from hate.
You could handle constructive criticism, but this? This was a lot. You were secure enough in yourself to not let comments about your appearance offend you, it's the comments about your character that hurt, because how can so many people just sit there and think they know every little thing about you. "Gold Digger". "Clout Chaser". "You're only with him for attention". So here you sat, on Vinnie's bed in the late night. You didn't notice the tears running down your face until one dropped on to your phone. You hated that these comments were bothering you, you just couldn't shake them. Vinnie came in, absolutely livid about the pictures and everyone's reaction to them, what was a happy memorable day turned sour. Almost instantly Vinnie notices you and the tears, he crouched down next to where you were sitting. His hands grab yours and turn off your phone. You sniff and look up, "I can't believe Im getting upset over this." You laugh but it gives more sadness than happiness. "Hey, follow me somewhere?" He asks with a nod, agreeing you get up and follow. He leads you the balcony, you've seen it in a few of his tik toks but it looked so much nicer in person.
For a couple of minutes, you two stood in silence leaning over the edge admiring all the things hidden in the darkness. You let out a shaky breath, "They think they know what I want and who I am, and they don't...they have one thought in their heads and run with it." You let out a frustrated groan while wiping your hands down your face. Vinnie's gaze drifts directly towards you, "Yeah, I get it. You honestly have two choices." He says. "Oh do share your great knowledge dear wise one" You roll your eyes at him, his eyes never leave yours when he gives you a small smile. "You can ignore it, and let them think whatever they want, Or you can go out there a prove them wrong." He finishes with a shrug. You look at him almost as if you're in awe. "Well, the second option seems pretty reasonable," You agree and tilt your head to the side while looking at him. He smiles and nods. "But I think I'm going to need some moral support along the way." You add, stepping within arms length away from him. You two stare for a moment, locking gazes with a cool breeze whipping by. Suddenly your bodies are flushed together, his hands on your waist, your hands on his chest. Vinnie looks down at you with the most boyish grin engraved on his face, "I'll be there, promise."
And he was, he was always there and never once did he doubt you. You would never know it but that was the night he fell in love with you. Head over heels in 2 seconds flat, Vinnie hacker fell in love with you. After that night, the two of you spent every waking moment together, you started to appear in his videos and tik toks on purpose. One night you two were sitting in his bed watching a movie, Out of the corner of your eye you can see Vinnie wasn't facing the screen, he was looking at you. You turn to face him, "Are you okay?" you ask. He doesn't say anything, he just stares and you with the most awe struck face. Confused you raise your brows. "Vinnie?" You question him once more. His eyes travel from your eyes, to your lips, then back to your eyes before finally opening his mouth to speak. "You're my best friend." He says smiling with that gorgeous goofy grin. His words surprise you, you weren't expecting it but you smile back, because in that moment, you knew he didn't mean you were his best friend, You knew what he meant, He's in love. So you did the only reasonable thing to do in that moment, you cupped his face and brought you lips to his.
Without saying the words, you both knew, you could feel it when you're driving, you can feel it in the deafening silences.
You're in love.
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epicqtefail · 2 years
Hey woah your art is inspiring to me. Your humour, your way of putting panels together. The punchlines. I’m a little in love with how your work makes me giggle.
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!!!!!?!?!?! HELLO i'm madly in love with how your message makes me want to draw forever, thank you oh my god! i'm so touched because i feel like you listed my weaknesses, especially with how i put panels together lol i'm a serial stacker, whenever i think of a comic it plays out in my mind in motion, like a short cartoon, so it's hard for me to visualise it on a page rather than just a series of events... I probably should get more creative with my panelling but hey, you've made me feel incredibly valid with what i'm doing, thank youuu <3
Honestly, i've been struggling a lot with drawing this year. im hoarding an ungodly amount of WIPs/ideas that date back to 2020 but i started to feel like there was nothing to them (less than that, like, just an obnoxiously boring eyesore), and that extended to the things i've already drawn & shared, and i'm still self-conscious that when i post this, anyone who reads it might wonder why im even getting a message like this :''D as if people are gonna be that judgemental! but I do really feel like i'm getting back on track with drawing again! i want to work on some old comic ideas and i'm excited about it!
there's just one obstacle: i can't draw connor's fucking eyes,,, i just can't get the endearing googlyness of them and never have and im determined to learn. but I swear i'm so close to just photoshopping his actual eyes over the drawings or drawing them in a different animation style for every panel.
but anyway, thank you so much for this and im so sorry for going off on a tangent, i commit such bad ask response etiquette because i cant shut up about my emo tions. .. i'm just excited about being excited to draw again! and you've really helped me find that giddiness today!! thank you again!
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
hi wonderful 💗 stopping by real quick for your 200 milestone event but please ignore this if you're done with the moodboards 😭 but maybe give me a hug instead 👀
i'd like a mb for iwaizumi (ofc, who else) with the song 'grow as we go' by ben platt in a monochromatic aesthetic 💗
sending lots of love & hope you're having a great day!! 🥰
Sabby Sabby Sabbyyyyyyy, you’re so precious ♥️♥️♥️ sending you tons and tons of hugs!!! This was actually pretty fun to make and since it’s monochromatic, I decided to make it pink to match it with your theme and I hope you like it 💕💕💕
Okay, if you’ve watched Parks and Recreation, there’s a certain scene that involves Leslie Knope and that scene inspired me to write this ♥️
Always in the Mood: 200 Followers Mini-Event (closed, slow updates)
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“Haji, where are you taking me?” you could hear the cacophonous sounds of the road whizzing by as you were blindfolded, so you couldn’t see which car he was taking you in. “Babe, it’s a surprise, so you’ll see soon,” Hajime Iwaizumi says with a smile as he goes into what seemed like a parking lot and parked the car. He got out of the car, and opened the door for you to exit slowly, only for you to trip a little bit and him to catch you. “Woah, woah, be careful, babe,” he chuckles, earning a scoff from you. “Haji, can I now open my eyes?” you snicker and he smiles, saying, “yes. I’m taking off the blindfolds now, so you should be able to see surprise #1.” No sooner were the blindfolds taken off your eyes than your mouth gaped wide. He brought you to an unknown location in a Corvette, that he claimed that he bought for the both of you. Your hands covered your mouth in shock as he continued, “The surprise is not over yet, let’s go to the 4th floor,” causing you to narrow your eyes, “wait, weren’t you #4 in Aoba Johsai?” He smirks, saying, “yes, but that’s not why I’m taking you there.” As you reach the 4th floor to a certain apartment, and you open the door to see everything was decorated in pink and everything looked aesthetically appealing. “Hajime, who’s house is this?” You inquire as you felt something ruffling on the ground. That’s when you turn around and see the 27 year old athletic trainer go down on one knee with a smile on his face, tears welling up on the corners of his eyes and says, “this house is ours, should you say yes to being mine forever. So, what do you say (Y/N) (L/N)?” He opens the ring box to show you the ring that you’ve always wanted to wear when you got married: his family ring. “Will you marry me?” His voice quivers as tears roll down his cheeks, the whole situation causing you to be in a state of shock. “Yes, yes, Hajime Iwaizumi, I will marry you,” you sob as you pick him up and kiss him on his lips. As you release yourself from the kiss, you wear the ring and look at it. “I can’t wait for you to be Mrs. Iwaizumi,” he says with a smile. Though you’d been apart distance wise, pursuing different goals, you never stopped loving each other and as your only hope was to grow as you two go forward into a new stage of life, together.
Tagging: @beware-of-the-rogue @mrskenmakozume @oikawas-milk-bread @lunaevangeline @kiiraes @hyeque @wakatshi and others 💕💕
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Random Lipstick Headcanons
I like red lipsticks and I like wearing lipstick when I want to feel like a bad bitch. Or when life’s being a badder bitch than me. I can at least struggle pretty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the bros reactions to you wearing a very complimentary, alluring lip color. Or power lip color. I don’t know what to call it. I guess this is gender neutral? I’m not trying to mention gender specifically.
They TOTALLYYYYY have a crush on you at this point. They just haven’t owned up to it. May take a crack at writing a second part for the Undateables. I’m at chapter 21/22 and feel like they’re not really mentioned :/. Not enough for me to really know what they’re like.
Is very surprised to see you wearing lipstick. In fact...it’s the first time, isn’t it?
His heart stutters, almost as if the color scares him. 
It doesn’t. It excites him. More than he imagines. There’s something about the pop of color that draws his eyes in immediately, like a moth to a flame
Or so he thinks. Lucifer thinks that sounds nicer. In truth, it’s like a magnet trying to drag him closer. Your lips are just suddenly...very enticing. He’s thought about kissing you a few times before now but he certainly doesn’t want to feel his resolve crumble because of some color!
And yet, it is the essence of beauty itself. He feels as if you should be immortalized in a painting. You exude a classic kind of charm that makes his dusty heart squeeze.
He’s a bit behind on human fancies, but is this an attempt at courtship?! You certainly have his attention! 
It doesn’t even have to be a glossy lip. No matter how tsundere Mammon acts, he’s INCREDIBLY perceptive when it comes to you. He notices the minutest of changes. 
Your new lip color makes you a cool, shiny thing and Mammon LOVES shiny things.
He’s gonna be stealing so many glances! 
You don’t even have to be trying for a sexy vibe to be sexy in Mammon’s eyes. You take his breath away with this lip color. He just---boy has to turn around and bite his lip.
His heart’s doing stuff it hasn’t done in centuries and oh baby, he wants that lip color all over him!
Will either act like you wearing lipstick is nothing special (like he doesn’t notice) or goes into mild interrogation mode. It’s not for some other demon, right?!
Wants to touch your lips and see what it feels like, but doesn’t.
Might try to drag you along to be a makeup rep for one of his photoshoots. Then you can try on lots of lipsticks and pose with him. They can do a kiss photo for swatches, right? Prove it’s transfer-proof or something?
His attention’s on you AAALLLLL day--especially your lips
If he notices it’s smudged, he’ll try to wipe it away or fix it with his finger. Might almost out himself with how gently he does so.
He’s no stranger to watching people do makeup--he’s a big fan of cosplay makeup and body paint transformation
There’s just...something different about when you do it. He tries to tell himself it’s because you live with him, but that doesn’t feel quite right
His eyes light up when he sees the way the color compliments your skin. It makes your eyes twinkle but he’s really focused on your lips
It wakes up something ancient and irrational in him; he wants to give you a pretty shell or rock for some reason??
He just gets all excited and wiggly. Even his tail wants to wiggle!
You’re just pretty, okay?! Not that you’re gonna know, dummy!
Subconsciously, he thinks it reminds him of beautiful, vivid scales. Then that sends him down a rabbit hole of how pretty you’d look if you had scales  
In general, I headcanon that Levi can see the slightest differences in colors. He and Asmo are basically tied in this, and they far outpace the other brothers. 
He’d be extra stoked if the color is from the blue or purple family because those can be hard to pull off but they often make really good looks
Being Levi, he can’t outright compliment you. He’ll just say ‘it’s probably good for a normie human lipstick, but have you seen THESE?!’ and shows you some of the flashier Devildom ones
Get one with a slight shimmer or color change. Or better yet, do a gradient!
Levi would absolutely explode if you wore his colors!
If you do a TSL-inspired look, he’s going to die. And have dreams of you saying sweet things to him, the yucky otaku, with your pretty, pretty lips
Much like Lucifer, he’d want to wax poetic about how the lip color gives you an enchanting aura
Quite stricken, very flustered. He can hardly muster a witty remark.
Satan is basically grasping at straws and hoping his usual cool, toothy grin hides the fact that he’s ready to blush himself straight into a sunburn
Mild teasing, all of it good natured. He’ll pepper in comparisons to Helen of Troy or historical figures that resemble you. It’s mostly to see you blush, but it’s his way of saying it indirectly
He hasn’t quite come to terms with how much he likes you yet but he knows when he sees that lip color, he wants to smear it all over your cheeks and down your chin.
The idea of making a mess of something so pretty and carefully crafted just really gets his blood going. It’s a wicked thing, isn’t it? Symbolism for a demon corrupting a human? You could be his pretty human, yes.
If he wants to think or make a coherent sentence, he can’t look at you when you’re wearing lipstick
Subtly moves one of the books from a nearby stack into his lap because boy has a boner.
If you decide not to hang around or get pulled away by one of his brothers, Satan will disappear to indulge his fantasies of you wrapping those pretty lips around his cock. He’s not even mad about it. Not in the moment; he feels bad a few days later.  
His darling human is spreading their little beauty wings? Oh be still his beating heart!
He’s the first to compliment you and actually takes an analytical approach before the idea of genuine compliments pop up in his head. It’ll take him an hour or two to start getting a little flustered by you ‘dressing up’ and silently tormenting himself with ‘Is it for me? Is it for someone else?!’
Asmo can’t help but coo over how well you know your color wheel and how you match your undertones
The type to hold your face in his hands and pat your cheeks or squeeze them a little
Teases you about making lipstick swatches on his lips or his arms (”Or, you know, wherever. You can kiss me anywhere you like!”)
Wants to drag you away and see if any of his colors will look good on you
You will soon have a matching lip color! He’ll make sure of it!
BEGS you to let him swatch his lip colors on you, or apply them. He’ll make sure to take care of your lips in between--a lip mask, exfoliation, the works! (”I’ll even kiss them for you!”)
He wants you to try on all his lip colors because he wants to memorize how breath-taking you look in all the colors. Even if it’s platonic with some lusty teasing, Asmo has a genuine love for bringing beauty to people
In some ways, it makes his heart ache. It reminds him of when he was Heaven’s Jewel.
But now he’s here in the Devildom, and he doesn’t really regret it because he met you. You can be his jewel now, and maybe he can be yours. Maybe it all starts with some lipstick, hm? 
He notices it but doesn’t really get the significance of it
Is there a reason? Is it for an event? Is this a dominance thing? An attraction thing?
Demon can see from a great distance, far greater than humans, and there’s a chance he sees you before you see him
In all honesty, he probably thinks you have something on your lips, like a sauce or something
It isn’t until you get closer that he realizes it’s some kind of lip product
If you’re happy, he’s happy
You always look cute but this color seems to make you happy and it gives you this bouncy glow about you. That makes Beel all warm inside, to the point where he wants to purr.
Sometimes when he gets really excited his wings want to buzz. They kind of want to buzz.
Doesn’t mean to, but can’t stop staring at your lips. It’s a color he’s not used to seeing on you and his brain recognizes that change
Wouldn’t be against you kissing him. What? It might transfer? He gets food and crumbs all over his face on the regular so it’s not a big deal.
You might be shy about it? Don’t want him to get teased? Well...you can always practice. You know, somewhere he can hide it. Just to test it, that is.
KISS HIS STOMACH! He’d be so damn close to a nut Beel would have to bite his own tongue or shove something in his mouth before you do it
Would wear your little kiss marks like a badge of pride so slap ‘em on wherever you want!
“Do they have orange lipsticks?” he asks. Blushes deeply immediately, not realizing he actually said it out loud. You should try one of those, he thinks. You know, because that’s his color and it’ll match his nails. He thinks that’d be neat.
Just wants you to kiss all over his chest and stomach. 
Wary of the lipstick. Doesn’t trust it
Looks like a nightmare for his pillows. Paranoid about you getting it on his sheets
If he’s half asleep and notices it, the color change will jolt him awake long enough to really observe it
“For me?” he teases as he rolls over or pull himself from under covers and pillows to really look at you
It’s pretty, for sure, but you’re not coming anywhere near his bed unless you can prove it’s not coming off on fabric!
What’s that? You can?
Belphie probably says something sarcastic and mildly asshole-ish but you defend your precious lip product, talking about human reviews and tests and things. “People have kissed their boyfriends and girlfriends on camera! It works!”
He makes you kiss your arm (he’s a fucking idiot, should’ve asked you to kiss HIS arm) to prove it won’t rub off before he lets you rest on his bed with him
Snuggles into you like he always does, playing with your hair just the tiniest bit. 
Belphie hopes it’s subtle but he’s slowing twining and inching his fingers closer to your face. Your lip color is almost mythical and he kind of wants to touch it after all the fuss he made.
Does it make your lips feel different? They look different. Would it react differently to demon skin?
Will tell you it looks nice and that you look pretty but if you ask him about it later, he totally denies it. Insists he must’ve been talking in his sleep
He dreams of you kissing him awake or kissing him to sleep with gentle cuddles and pretty lips
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hi claire, u alr know that i'm gonna send this whekhewksj but i really wanted to join your event so here i am. <3
aly, she/her, nineteen
i'm a type two enfj hehe def a people pleaser (u can figure that out with my mbti 😭), vv clingy (i will kiss and hug u every chance i get, only if u're comfortable tho), and a bit sarcastic at times (affectionate hehe)—that's all i can think of i hope that's enough hhhh
the kind of ppl i like—who can take care of me and will understand me, and like dominate me too idk + who's fun, can keep up with what i like, i want someone who is spontaneous hehe
my favorite drink is tequila ;)
so... uhm, i have a daddy kink? HEJSHSJ + praise and degrading kink, they're v contradicting but they can go together if u really look at it hsjshaka😔, impact play too aaaand bondage :>
my fandom is tokrev <3
ily, claire! happy 1k 🤍
Alyyy my darling, sorry but when I do matchup I need to be really inspired and that's why you had to wait a lot before your shift in the Savant Claire Brothel, enjoy your night with my your favourite guest:
Warnings: Smut, Daddy Kink, Alcohol Consumption, Drunk Sex, Praise Kink, Oral (receiving), Minors DNI, 18+
Tokyo Revengers: Chifuyu Matsuno
A.N: The pic isn't related to the age, Chifuyu is so cute with the pompadour and I wanted to post it, but he actually is 20 years old and he attends college.
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"Ahhh aly!!!" you hear a blondie saying and waving happily to you as soon his sharp blue eyes catch you, "Marry Christmas Chifuyu!" you say with a kind smile huggin him, "Mmm well, marry christmas to you too" he says scrathing his neck and giving you a gift, "Well you hadn't to do it!" you say giving him a cheek kiss, "Tonight we're going to drink something! My treat!" you say to him and running to the bar with his hand linked to yours you put his gift on the counter and start to open it while your colleagues smirk at you and prepares different shots of tequila, "Wh-what this?" he says with wide eyes but he distractes himself as soon as he sess your dreamy eyes "Chifuyu! I searched for them a lot of time! How? Thanks!" you say and kiss him on the cheeks, "It took some time but when I found them in my favourite manga store I knew I had to buy them. It's a rarity!" he says pointing to the bar code signaling the first press edition. Chifuyu and you knew each other at college and discovered to have the same passion, that's why instead of being at home for Christmas night, he's here for you at the brothel, he loves staying with you and giving you break time from assholes clients.
"I can't -ugh- aly no more!" Chifuyu says with dusted pinks completely wasted and feeling like throwin up as soon as you near the nth shot of tequila, "Cmon Chifuyu! Just another one, I will give you something you will not regret!" you say passing your index through his torso, "Mm, mh aly what are you doing?" he says suddenly feeling his pants too tight from your teasing, "Pussy!" is the last word he hears before he throws a punch directly in the nose of the unfortunate who decided to insult him, "If being a pussy it means that I'm not going to fuck my cock as soon as I enter here, then I'm a pussy!" he says proud but wobbling, "Chifuyu let's go" you say with a sad smile taking his arm and support yourself in your drunk state.
Pinks cheeks on both of you, Chifuyu stares intensely at you and seeing your teary eyes he says huggin you, "Woah aly I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! you kno- it's jus-" he can't complete the sentence because he feels ashamed but as soon as he stops speaking you say, "Chifuyu? It's real? I thought you liked me and now you say that" you say with tears in your eyes, "Wh-what? Is this because of what I said to that guy before?" he says while caressing your cheeks, cleaning from your tears, "So you want to fuck me?" you say while bending yourself towards his body, "You don't want this?" you say while nearing to his face, whispering these words "Brat girl, of course I want, I need you, it's not everyday I give gift to someone else!" he says while caressing your body and tighting the grip on your ass at the same time. Alcohol still flowing in both your bodies, lust eyes stare at each other, Chifuyu can't take it anymore and starts to kiss you hungrily, desperate to taste everything from you. "I want you, all of you" he says while ripping apart your dress and kissing your boobs and nipples, his fingers travelling down making you feel even more hot, "Oh oh Chifuyu!" you say as soon his fingers enters your pussy, "Daddy, it's daddy tonight give me this gift brat girl" he says while stopping the kiss and nearing your pussy he starts to lick it, "Ah yes daddy!" you shout when his tongue meets your clit making you squirm under his ministrations, "What? Do you need daddy to cum? Aren't you satisfied from all the cocks you took before me?" he says smirking, tears on your eyes, the pleasure is overwhelming and you can't formulate a simple sentence "Nn- no daddy - no cocks, people can't have this" you say in between moans, "Is this brat's pussy all for me? Relax I got you" he says strangely so bold from the alcohol he drank, "Fuck" it's the only words that comes out from your mouth before the coil in your stomach snaps, making you squirt all over him. "Woaah no one ever did that before aly!" he says before kissing you passionately, "M-more, daddy more!" you say in between pants, "As my bratty girl wish" he says before taking a condom and putting it into his erect cock, "Thanks!" it's what he says before sinking in your cunt shutting his eyes as soon as you engulfe him in your warm walls, "Oh shit, this is so tight, pretty" he says, a moan is what he ears before you take his ass and try to push him, "You better stop darling if you don't want to regret later" he says with a smirk before biting your blade shoulder, "M-more" you say as a beg before he snaps himself out, "F-fuck so greedy" he says as soon as he starts to move, "Ahh I love this!" you moand and putting your legs around his waist you start to move to meet his thrust "You love this? You love the only cock who gets to fuck you?" he says while taking both your legs on his shoulders and letting you admire him with his sweated forehead and blonde hairs, "M-more!" you repeat with doe eyes caressing his arms and chest, "More? You want more angel?" he says with a smirk, you look so vulnerable and submissive under him that's why he slows down, cock almost out making you whinier "You're so cute, here more for you!" he says before slamming his cock inside again and hitting your ass cheek with his hand, he feels your walls tightening him, he can't help but feel again the orgasm approaching, "More - oh fuck -is this the more you want?" he says while rutting his hips faster and hitting your ass from time to time, "Yes daddy like this! I'm going to cum!" a groan leaves his mouth as soon as the impact let you tighten around his cock, "Then you're going to cum with me angel!" he says taking both your legs and touching your clit, he gives some thrusts filling the rubber with spurts of cum, making him fall under while he moans your name unraveled by pleasure.
In the morning, you wake up seeing a painkiller on your nightstand, "Claire got you free, today go out with him got it?" you see in the note left beside the pills, "Mmm Aly" Chifuyu says still drowsy, "Oh fuck!" he shouts noticing he is naked, "Mmm I think everyone heard us, no one is ever going to call you pussy I think" you say with a smile, "Wanna go out for breakfast?" you say while snuggling into his warm body, "Ok but tell me something before getting up" "Spit it" you say smiling, "Was I too rude?" he says with concerned eyes, "Cute! Don't worry Chifuyu, I liked it, just a bit surprised I always thought of you as a vanilla boy" you say looking at him, "Oh so you did thought about it?" he says with a smirk, "LET'S GO FOR BREAKFAST BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!" you shout before he takes you in between his arms, "Thanks Aly this was a good gift".
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bi-bi-buckleydiaz · 4 years
dare night | owen joyner
requested; no, i got inspired while watching OTH for the hundredth time. but please request jatp or tom / peter things !!
words; 3.3K was not expecting it to be this long. kinda got away from me. also unedited I just wanted to get it out ;)
a/n; not me writing an OTH inspired fic for my new beau owen joyner...oop. anyway, hope ya like it. it is unedited because i just finished it and i really wanted to just get it out for y’all. 
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“I cannot believe I let you talk me into this.” 
“C’mon Owen it’ll be fun,” Charlie says, excitement pouring from him like a golden retriever puppy. Owen sighs at his best friend before looking at the rest of his friends behind Charlie. 
“Yeah, Owen, we’re only young once. And y’all only get Jadah and I unsupervised once in a blue moon, we have to appreciate that time.” The cast laughs as Madi smiles wide, probably more excited about this proclaimed ‘dare night’ than it’s creator. Speaking of...
“Listen, I already have the dare’s written up and I know you hate to waste paper.” Charlie’s practically pouting now, so Owen really can’t say no to that. 
“Fine, let’s get this over with.” Everyone cheers as the final member takes his place around the kitchen island. The cast, minus Cheyenne of course because he’s “too old to partake in this. It’s a teens only event.” “We’re in our twenties Charlie.” “SEMANTICS!”,  are gathered in Owen and Charlie’s apartment around their kitchen island, all waiting for their teams and dare card. 
“The rules are simple, boys versus girls. Then you each split into teams of two -” 
“But there’s an uneven amount on each team. Five against five.” Jadah points out, smiling at Charlie's small ‘shit’ and long sigh. He thinks for a minute before a metaphorical light bulb goes off above his head and he’s smiling again. 
“Then a boy and girl will have to be together. Just split the points at the end.” Satisfied with the idea, everyone nods. No one misses the way Jeremy and Carolynn smile at each other.  
“Now, you all have phones, you have to document one of you completing the dares either with a photo or a video. After the first dare is complete, you’ll get the second one. I’ve asked strangers around where your dare takes place to give you the next ones. They were very accommodating and are very excited to see y’all. We’ll all meet back here at midnight. Team that gets the most points, wins.” Charlie is practically vibrating by the time he’s finished, proud of his little game he put together and that everyone is just as excited as he is, well, minus Owen of course. But that’s because he’s nervous about doing unknown dares in public. Sure he puts on this face of being quirky and cool and fun, doesn’t mean some things don’t scare him. 
“So everyone, pick your partners, pick your card, and let the dares begin!” Madison and Jadah immediately jump for each other, Carolynn and Jeremy grabbing hands before Charlie is even done speaking. Savannah and Tori high give, Sacha and BooBoo look at each other and shrug, assuming the wonder twins will want to stick together. Everyone is shocked though when Charlie bounces over to Sacha and slings his arm around his shoulders, shooting Owen an apologetic look in the process. 
“Sorry bro, but I think we both know if we go at this together we’ll get nothing done and, I’d kinda like the boys to win.” Madi covers her mouth and the confession while the rest laugh. Owen groans and then goes red when BooBoo shoots him a look. 
“That was rude! I’m glad to be your partner BooBoo don’t get me wrong. Seriously, so excited.” Owen begins to panic and is set to keep babbling before BooBoo laughs and lightly punches Owen’s shoulder.
“Relax dude, let’s go kick some dare ass!” Everyone cheers and grabs a card off the table before rushing out the door to their respective vehicles, Madi managing to borrow her dad’s car for the night, thanking God that she passed her road test before season 2 started. 
“So, what dare did we get?” Owen asks when he and BooBoo reach the car. He starts it up while BooBoo rips open the envelope. 
“We...ooh no.” He starts to giggle before he can even finish. Owen can feel his heart start to race.
“Oh no, what’d we get?” 
“Hehe we, ha, we have to return some clothes...” Owen let’s out a sigh of relief. 
“That’s not too bad.” 
“While wearing them,” BooBoo finishes. Owen freezes. 
“Excuse me!?” BooBoo breaks into a loud laugh at Owen’s shock, handing him the card in the process. “No way! Is Charlie insane?” What the hell was he thinking? What if someone recognizes him while he’s taking off a shirt to return it? Wait, why is he the one doing the returning?
“No. Nope. No way, we lose this point. What’s the next one?” BooBoo is still laughing as he shakes his head. 
“You heard Charlie, we only get the next one if we complete this one.” Owen groans, accepting his fate. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this.” 
“Believe it drummer boy. Especially since you’re gonna be the one doing it.” Owen whips his head towards BooBoo, almost breaking his neck in the process. 
“No way. Dude, no. Way.” Owen is ready to get on his knees and beg. 
“Um, well, the sizes are on the card and they match you,” BooBoo says, watching Owen begin to pout and accept his fate. BooBoo would feel bad if he didn’t think this was going to be a hilarious night. “C’mon, get driving.” Owen groans once more before driving away, accepting his fate that this night will be a wreck. 
~ ~ ~
Shopping alone is boring. 
Y/N asked friends, obviously, but they were all busy doing something or someone, so she was left alone to shop for christmas gifts. Sure it’s early, like, two months early, but she learned a long time ago that when you live alone as a young adult, living paycheck to paycheck, it's best to shop for gifts in increments and not all at once near christmas time. So here she is, shopping alone in a mall near the stores closing times because that’s the only time she can spare. 
It’s not all bad, late night shopping means not a lot of people in the mall and those who are here are strung out college kids like here. Sure there have been some creepy guys eyeing her up and down, but when she felt those looks she made it clear to go to a store that had security in front of it, even if that meant staring longingly and things she can’t afford. 
Y/N’s about half an hour into shopping for her niece and nephew when she hears a commotion on the other side of the clothing store. She quickly glances over then looks back to the shirt she was admiring, before realizing what she saw couldn’t be quite right. She looks over again, and holy shit, her eyes weren’t deceiving her. There really is a guy at the cash register shirtless and in the middle of taking his pants off. 
Y/N takes back her previous statement, shopping alone is so not boring. 
It’s then she notices a security guard enter the store, hand on the walkie talkie on his shoulder. There’s no way that’s going to end good. She doesn't know why she does it, but one second she was holding a shirt for her nephew and the next she's pushing the rack of clothes in front of the guard and grabbing the near naked and guy and running. She hears a camera snap behind her and a ‘hey wait up’ but all she’s really focused on is getting the guy out of the mall before he’s arrested for public indecency or something. 
The hand in hers tugs her to stop just before the reach the mall doors, making her halt in her running. She looks back and ‘woah, he’s pretty.’ 
“Hey, not that I’m thankful but, my friend...” Pretty eyes trails off and he takes in a breath and wait, when did she start calling him pretty eyes. No! He’s a stranger. 
“Yeah well, your friend isn’t the one half naked in the mall getting chased by security.” He ponders it for a minute then nods. “So let’s go. I promise i’m not gonna murder you, just gonna take you to the parking lot so you don’t get arrested for public indecency and end up on the sex offender registry.” Pretty eyes get’s scared at that and then begins to nod vehemently. 
“Yeah, yeah that’s bad. Lets go!” As he says that, security appears behind them. She grabs his hand and they book it out of the mall and into the shockingly cold autumn air. She doesn’t know where this guy’s car is so she leads him to hers, praying she’s not making a mistake. 
~ ~ ~
Owen doesn’t know how he ended up here. He remembers putting the clothes that were in the locker on and he remembers going to the first store and returning the shoes, but after that he thinks the adrenaline kicked in and he blacked out from it. One minute he was taking his pants of trying not to die of utter embarrassment and the next, some girl was dragging him out of the mall and to her car in the parking lot. He doesn’t know why he let this stranger drag him out of the mall, but he’s not really complaining as she shoves him into the back of her car, away from prying eyes. He only begins to panic when she climbs in next to him and shuts the door. Once the silence settles around them does reality finally settle in and does he realize what he actually just did. 
“Holy shit. Holy shit what did I do! Oh my God that could have ended so bad! Oh my God!” He panics for another minute before a hand settles on his bare shoulder. 
“Hey. Hey! You’re fine. They didn’t follow us out, you’re not getting in trouble.” Her voice is soothing, he’ll admit, and he can feel the anxiety begin to ease back. But it doesn’t change the fact that he was just half naked in the mall where anyone could have recognized him and taken pictures. Granted, Charlie did think about that and put a random blue baseball cap and glasses in the bag of clothes too. But still, that’s like, nothing! He goes to grab his phone to check instagram before realizing he’s only in his underwear. In a random girls car. In a Vancouver mall parking lot. She seems to realize this at the same time because she clears her throat and scooches to the other side of the car. 
“Um, do you, do you like, have clothes or something I can go retrieve or...” He nods and goes to give her the key to the locker, then remembers, no pants. They chuckle at the same time and looks down at her purse, rummaging through it for her phone. He takes it from her with a small ‘thanks’ hoping his cheeks aren’t showing how flushed he feels. He quickly dials BooBoo’s number, giving him the details of what went down, asking the girl where they are and reporting it back to him, then hangs up. 
“Um, thanks. For that. And for saving me from being arrested. That was, thanks.” The girl giggles and nods. “I’m Owen, by the way. I don’t normally run around malls in my underwear.” He sticks his hand out, hoping she’ll take it and give a name in return. He’d really like the pretty girl's name. 
“I’m Y/N. I don’t normally take random, half naked strangers to my car.” He laughs at that and they shake hands. 
“Well, thanks for making an exception.” They stare at each other for another few seconds before a knock on his window makes them break apart. He looks over and sighs in relief at BooBoo and his clothes in his hand. He opens the door and jumps out, taking the clothes from BooBoo and immediately shoving his legs into his pants. The girl get’s out after him, smiling at him balancing on one foot and trying not to fall over. 
“Thanks, for saving him. No hard feelings for leaving me in the dust.” BooBoo smiles as he says it so Owen hopes the girl doesn’t take it too harshly. She laughs though and, woah, that’s a nice laugh. He’s so focused on her smile and the way she says her name that he puts his shirt on backwards. He doesn’t notice until BooBoo points it out, laughing as he does. When Owen is properly dressed again, he takes a deep breath and leans against the car. 
“When I see Charlie, I’m gonna murder him. We’ll have to film the rest of the season without him. Kenny can deal.” Owen only realizes what he’s said when BooBoo shoots him a look. Y/N looks at the two in confusion, before looking back at Owen. 
“You’re an actor?” He nods and watches as her face goes from confused to angry. “And you got undressed in a mall? How stupid are you?” She punctuates the last sentence with punches to his arm. BooBoo giggles in true BooBoo fashion as Owen rubs his arm. He watches her take out her phone and he looks over her shoulder as she opens twitter. She goes to the search bar, pauses, and then looks up at him. 
“Full name?” 
“Oh um, Owen Joyner.” He watches her type it in and breathes a sigh of relief as nothing but Alex edits pop up. She tries Instagram next, then TikTok, and gets the same answers as before. Nothing about him being naked in a mall, just fan edits of him and him as Alex. 
“You are so lucky no one saw you dude, your career would be over.” She says, closing her phone and putting in her pocket. “What were you thinking?” He can’t help but feel scolded and slightly cowers in response. She notices and immediately softens. “Sorry, I just met you, I shouldn't be so mean.” A pause. “But that was still really stupid.” BooBoo giggles and Owen shoots him a look before nodding and looking back at Y/N. 
“Yeah but, it was a dare.” 
“And you just accepted it?” Owen feels his cheeks go red and looks at his feet. 
“Well, yeah. We wanna win.” Y/N giggles and looks between the two boys. 
“Seriously? So what is this? Some sort of dare game night?” The boys nod, then BooBoo lights up and reaches into his pocket for the next dare. 
“Speaking of, the cashier at the store gave me the next dare. Are you ready?” Owen groans and BooBoo takes it as an affirmative. He opens the envelope and quickly glances at Y/N before reading it aloud for Owen. 
“Take a picture in a photo booth with a stranger.” Y/N glances at the card and sees words on the back too. 
“There’s something on the back.” BooBoo flips it and begins to giggle again. 
“No way. Oh man Owen.” 
“Me! Why me? I just walked naked around a mall!” 
“Because it’s asking you to kiss a stranger and my girl would kill me if I did this.” Y/N blanches at that and begins to slowly and hopefully discreetly back away from the two boys. But Owen catches her. 
“Hey.” He looks nervous and begins to fiddle with his fingers. “You don’t have to! Obviously! I mean, you already saved me once, but, like I kinda know you now and you’ve already seen me shirtless...” He trails off and flashes puppy dog eyes at the girl. She huffs and groans and finally, “Fine. Let’s get this over with. Y’all better win this stupid game though.” Owen smiles bright and Y/N tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach at the sight. She just met this boy for god sakes! 
The three young adults head back into the mall to one of the strips that has a photo booth. BooBoo giggles as he all but shoves the two into the small area, singsonging a “good luck” before pulling the curtain closed. 
Awkward silence falls over the two as they squeeze together on the small seat. They smile nervously at each other as they hear BooBoo drop coins into the slot outside. 
“Um, so, do you wanna like -” 
They giggle and look at the camera with smiles in time for the next one. 
Y/N looks back at Owen and, in a moment of confidence, grabs Owen’s shirt and brings his face closer to his. 
He glances at her lips, licks his own, then they’re kissing. His lips are soft and she sinks into him. She feels his tongue lick her bottom lip and almost lets a moan slip as she opens her mouth a bit for him. They don’t even hear the last snap, too caught up in each other. Her hands move to his hair and his hold her hips tight. They break for air eventually, eyes closed as they breathe in and giggle. 
“That was um...” Y/N nods. “Yeah. That was, yeah.” She feels him tilt his head towards her again for another kiss, but the curtain opening pulls them apart. They jump apart, as much as they can in the small booth, and stare at BooBoo like they were caught doing something bad. He’s smirking and shaking the photo strip in his hands. 
“Oh yeah, we’re definitely winning.” Owen breathes out a laugh and Y/N nods, taking BooBoo’s offered hand to help her out. 
“Um, I better, go, yeah, I should go. I hope you guys, uh, win or something.” Y/N hikes her purse up her shoulder and begins to walk away, eyes on her feet and hands shaking as they go into her pockets. She’s almost to the exit when a hand wraps around her upper arm. 
“Hey wait up!” Owen. “Um, I just, that was, that was something right? I wasn’t imagining that? That was like, could I have um, number? Could I have your number?” He’s stuttering, face red and hands shaking in his pockets. Y/N has to giggle, feeling a bit calmer knowing she’s not the only one who’s feeling something. 
“Yeah, that was number worthy.” They smile while exchanging numbers, then keep smiling as Owen leans and kisses her cheek. 
“Thanks for saving my ass twice tonight,” he whispers in her ear before leaning back. Y/N nods and begins to back away. 
“Yeah well, it’s a pretty nice ass.” With that she turns and practically runs back to her car, not believing what a night it's been. 
~ ~ ~
“And we’re tied! Although, there is one more dare on the table.” Charlie giggles, knowing exactly what it is, saving for last for a reason. Carolynn swipes it off the table before anyone else can, ripping it open and smiling at the words. 
“Kiss a member of your team.” She sees Jeremy smile and buff up, getting ready for smooch from his wife since they were partners. Carolynn smiles and leans towards him, before quickly grabbing Tori’s neck and giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. Everyone laughs and cheers, Jeremy pouting at his girl while she grabs his hand. 
“Well then, unless any of the boys kissed a stranger in a photo booth, the girls win.” BooBoo goes to raise his hand, but Owen stops him. BooBoo shoots him a look but Owen shakes his head, hoping he gets why. Why he doesn’t want to mention Y/N. Sweet, life-saving Y/N who didn’t even know who he was or hell, who BooBoo was. Who just saw a random guy in need of saving and didn’t think twice about helping him. BooBoo lets it go, and Owen nods a thanks. He cheers for the girls as they accept their win, hand rubbing the picture strip in his pocket, and mind preparing a text to Y/N as soon as he can escape to his room. 
Maybe dare night wasn’t such a bad idea.
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I have some fic recs for you. I am personally VERY picky when it comes to fics so I feel your pain. 1. "Cool Blue" (You already mentioned this one, but it is really good) 2. "The Boy with Bright Brown Eyes in a Bright Blue Sea" (Human Alberto AU, ao3 - @nyungies) 3. "the cut that always bleeds" (Wattpad - @cygnus, internalized homophobia) 4. The "The Storm and The Sea" Series (Wattpad - It's a hard read with TW warnings, but it's really good, @TaraZamir) Lastly, "The Knack" (ao3-PeppermintyBoy)
Thank you for the recs!! I think it's so interesting to see what other people are reading and enjoying!
Cool Blue by isonlyme (Glad to know it is good!!)
"I think you dropped this," It whispered, in such a soft and shy way Alberto took in a ragged breath. Okay, fish definitely didn't do that. Was this thing...actually talking to him? The creature stuck its webbed fingers from the pool and took the paintbrush, staring at it for a moment before handing it out to a speechless Alberto. "Woah! Uh...H-Hello?" Alberto breathed, gingerly taking back the brush. ---- Where Alberto is a human artist, and Luca is the sea monster boy, his subject matter.
The Boy with Bright Brown Eyes in a Bright Blue Sea by Nyugies (what a great title btw)
Alberto has always wanted to be a hero, so when he spots a sea creature swimming about, he takes the opportunity to kill it. What he didn't expect was coming face to face with the prettiest boy he's ever seen, and the fact that his life will never be the same. Human!Alberto AU where he was adopted by Massimo when he was 13 years old, Giulia's his sister, and he grew up in Portorosso.
The Knack by PeppermintyBoy
In the race of romance, Luca’s always coming in last. Giulia’s in a steady relationship with her girlfriend and Alberto’s been in more relationships than Luca can count. Luca’s never been with anyone and he’s a year into college now. When Alberto shares that he simply has the knack for romance, Luca asks him for romance lessons. Luca hopes it won’t take a lot of practice because there’s only one boy Luca wants to love like that. AU where the events of the movie happened ~2010s, so at the end of the events of the movie all three went to school together, inspired by the song “The Knack” by Mother Mother.
I... do not know how to use Wattpad and the website wouldn't let me search anything without making an account, which I don't feel like doing (I've had to make so many new passwords for work. I'm passworded out lol).
Would you mind sending me links to the other two?
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merakiui · 3 years
Oh, um, wow. Thank you for replying to my ask before. This will feel more like I'm asking for writing advice and I did say I have lots of questions, so in case you don't feel like answering it, feel free to ignore it ^^
I'm mostly interested in the dual narrative (is that the correct term) because both of the narrative/writing style is so different from one another. Where did you get the inspiration to do so? And what goes on in your mind when you design this?
And may I just say, woah you're so cool and the way you're able to pull the tale and mixing it with the actual events ✨✨✨ It added to the characterisation and the atmosphere you're building and the way that you do it without making it feel repetitive. The tale complements well to the actual story that's being told ✨✨✨ How do you craft a narrative that tells us all we need to know in 4 paragraphs only? What's your consideration in the process? And how do you makes it different than the actual story that's being told?
I hope I'm not burdening you too much. I'm so excited to hear your answer (if you do ^^) Thank you so much, Mera! 💗
- the anon with questions on Winter's Bride :)
I'm happy to answer your questions, even if it's about writing advice! I don't mind it at all! :D I'll put my answer under the cut just because it got somewhat long. I hope you won't mind!
1. Dual narrative is the correct term! The story itself is told from reader's POV, both past and present. The four paragraph fairytale is written in the POV of an individual known as Sir Winter (and at one point it gives some focus to another character known as Lady Snowflake). These two are meant to be parallels of Childe and the reader along with their situation.
When it comes to inspiration, the idea first came to me when the weather started getting really cold and it became apparent that winter was coming. I thought it would be really horrible to find yourself trapped in a forest during the frigid winter months with no way out. Babuchan's Frozen Girl also has the vibe of a very desolate, helpless place with snow and ice. Listening to it gave me some inspiration for the overall feelings I wanted to convey in the story.
Once I had the basic premise in mind, it didn't take that long to start writing it out. I think I wrote the entire first draft within a few hours before I went back in to subtract or add scenes. I put myself in the shoes of the reader and tried to imagine how she might feel and what she’d do after having fought with her father and then leaving her house in a frustrated rush. Her being out in the cold for three days mirrors Childe's three months in the Abyss and how when he emerged only three days had passed. 
Lots goes on inside my head when I’m making these sorts of additions to the story. Sometimes I won’t write anything substantial and will instead write out various ideas and connections to use within the story before I start it. Luckily, I had most of the plot crafted so I could write it with ease! But some stories aren’t so easily created, which often has me back at the drawing board to look at new angles. 
2. Ooh, the four paragraph fairytale!! Some of the lines went through various changes before I settled on what you see now. I wanted it to feel like a mystical rhyme with dark undertones. What’s fun about short narratives is that your brain often fills in the empty spaces for you, which allows you to create your own interpretations based on the little information you were given. You’re free to associate Sir Winter’s character with Childe’s because of their similarities, but you can also separate the two based on their differences. I considered using one sentence per part, but I scrapped that idea when I realized it would be better to use four paragraphs to tell the story.
My main consideration for the fairytale was that I wanted to write a tale that’s as cruel and cold as Snezhnaya is often described as, yet it still holds that whimsical feeling of a fairytale. I was going to take inspiration from the story of Snegurochka for the tale, but I thought it would be an interesting challenge to create something entirely different. I think what makes it stand out from the actual story is the gothic nature of everything and that in the end Lady Snowflake has always admired her groom, even if she’s just beginning to see the monstrous qualities he has. As for the reader, she can’t love Childe because she doesn’t know him well enough and she can only view him as a monster because that’s the side of him he chose to show her.
Thank you for your nice words, anon!! I’m very happy you like Winter’s Bride and that you were curious about my thought process. 💕 I hope my reply makes sense and is helpful advice! 
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mochegato · 4 years
Pixie Spy
Written for the Jasonette July Wayne Gala prompt.
Why?!? Why was she doing this again? Oh right, because John Constantine promised to give her some help with a particularly difficult part of the Grimoire if she did.  And he needed the information he was currently obtaining in order to give said help.  That is how she ended up with an invitation, still not sure how Constantine pulled that off, to the most exclusive event of the year, the Wayne Gala.  
Plus, Adrien was kind of right, ordinarily it would be a great opportunity to showcase her designs. The problem was on its surface, her dress wasn't one of her best works. The black dress had a high, cowl neckline in front and in back, adding a bit of drama and a small homage to the local heroes, vigilantes she silently corrected herself.  The high neckline also offset the incredibly short bubble skirt, making her legs look longer than the Nile.  Despite being a bit uncomfortable showing that much leg, it was necessary for this particular design and if she could actually feel like she had long legs for once, she was willing to deal with the discomfort.  She also added a glittery belt to show her shape and add some bling, which seemed like something the people at this particular event would value.  It was functional, not fashionable.  Not that it was ugly, just that it was designed to be passable, enough to fit in but not enough to get noticed.
She fidgeted slightly as she stood in the entryway trying to get past the people piling up trying to not so discretely pay homage to the king.  That king being Bruce Wayne. From her research, he actually did seem like he was a good guy. The list of charities he started or contributed to was longer than she was tall. She scowled at the voice in the back of her head that sounded suspiciously like Adrien's saying that wasn't much.  Adrien, who got out of coming tonight because the mission was to observe the Waynes unnoticed and Adrien Agreste would get a bit too much attention, that cat bastard.
Despite the laundry list of charity work, Marinette was still suspicious of Wayne.  First of all, he was rich, filthy rich.  Anyone that rich had to have some dark and twisted secrets they were hiding.  He wouldn’t be the first rich person to hide their illicit activities behind a veil of charity work.  Second, he chose to live in Gotham, the most crime-riddled city in the world.  And that is just the reported crime.  A great deal of the crime never got reported to or investigated by the police, whether through corruption or exhaustion.  The kind of place a rich person could be confident they would get away with literal murder.
But mostly, it was Constantine that made her suspicious of Bruce Wayne.  Not that Constantine had ever said anything negative about him, well nothing more than calling him a pain in the ass, but that was really not so much an insult as a compliment coming from Constantine.  But, Wayne had information Constantine needed to help them with the Grimoire and Constantine refused to say how Wayne had gotten that information. How and why would a playboy billionaire have that information?  There is absolutely no reason someone outside of the hero/villain/magic community would have that information.  And, if he was such a good guy, why would Constantine need to go to these lengths to get it without Wayne’s knowledge?  Unless it was related to one of his illicit secrets.
Her eyes darted around the room taking in its grandeur, muttering to herself about how ostentatious it all was.  Normally, she would be completely mesmerized by the grandeur and pomp of the scene.  The room was decorated to perfection.  Everything was absolutely exquisite.  However, she was too anxious and wary to enjoy it.  So instead of being inspired, each gorgeous detail grated on her. She reached up to tug on her hair before remembering her hair had been pulled up into an elegant twist held in place with a single silver pin. With her normal anxiety relief method unavailable, she instead shifted nervously from foot to foot while she scanned the room trying to catch sight of the rest of the Waynes, gently tightening and loosening her grip on her purse, trying not to crush Tikki.
She was so lost in her anxiety she didn't notice the dark haired man walking behind her take notice of her and stop.  He stood behind her with a nonchalance that didn’t seem to fit a man his size.  He watched her fidget and muttering to herself about “damn rich people” with a smile on his face.
“You don't seem excited to be here” he said quietly.
She turned around with wide eyes, shocked that someone had heard her.  Whatever she was expecting to see it was not what she saw in front of her.  The man towered over her.  Even in her ridiculously, dangerously high heels, Chloe insisted, her head didn’t even come up to his chin.  He was also extremely handsome, with chiseled features and the most gorgeous blue eyes she had ever seen.  Those eyes were going to be a problem.  They were clear and kind and roguish and hypnotizing.  His black hair with a shock of white was slightly tousled giving the impression of a rouge trying to look sophisticated.  Was it inappropriate to imagine running her hand through his hair and along his sharp jawline?  Yeah, probably not appropriate and likely not welcome.  Clean up your thoughts, girl!  Great, now Alya was in her head scolding her.  No, that’s not right, because that would definitely not be Alya’s advice.  
He was grinning at her with an impish look in his eyes. “What?  Not impressed with the ‘we care about whatever the point of this gala is, but we’re not hobos so let’s not skimp on the luxury for us’ décor?  Or maybe it is the illustrious, soul sucking, benefactors of Gotham that have set you on edge.”  The smile he shot her was guarded and critical. She chuckled lightly and looked away. “You have good judgement and a good reason to be suspicious.  But you made it to The event of the season, so you must have done something right… or wrong.”
She hummed and looked away.  “Have you ever had one of those days where everything went wrong and now you don't know how you got where you are or why you are there?”
“I’m familiar with the feeling,” he nodded.
“That's my life. All of it.  Every single fucking day.  This one included."
He barked out a laugh and looked at her again appraising her.  “Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine.  I think I like you.  You might just make this torture session more bearable.  See you around,” he chuckled as he walked away.
Marinette watched the man’s retreating back.  The night was already going better than she thought it would.  But the plan for the night wasn’t to find a date it was to act as a scout and keep tabs on the… enemy?  For all intents and purposes, that is what the Waynes were tonight, right?  They had information that she needed, that Paris needed, and they apparently weren’t going to part with it willingly, so they were the enemy.  No, enemy sounded too harsh she chided herself.  Opposition? Yes, they were the opposition.  That sounded much less hostile, more like a game… a game where people’s lives were on the line.  You know, just for fun, no pressure.
She found a spot against a wall she could use.  It was slightly raised but not well lit so it wouldn’t draw attention to her.  From her spot she could finally see the family. It was very thoughtful of them to group together like that.  She could see the little one, stiff and military-like posture, glowering at the people around him.  He was standing as far away from the rest of the people there as he could without actually leaving the room.  Much closer to the dancefloor, she could see the middle boy talking to a few business men. They all had fake smiles plastered on their faces as they made seemingly insignificant small talk.  She did not envy him that experience.  Between the two and to the side was the oldest son. He was chatting up some business person’s daughter, leaning in a lot closer than etiquette would dictate. Just the father then… there he was still not too far from the door talking to a dark haired woman.  He had his arm around her waist as she leaned into him. She must be the girlfriend then. Mari made a note that she should probably pay attention to where she was as well.  Fortunately, the spot she had chosen gave her a great vantage point.  Unfortunately, her observation spot wasn’t as unnoticed as she had hoped.
Jason made his way over to the bar and ordered a beer.  He still hadn’t spoken to his family to let them know he was there and he definitely needed a drink before he approached them.  Why the fuck was he here again?  Fucking Batman.  
Fresh glass of beer in hand, he made his way over to his brothers, refusing to acknowledge any of the partygoers along the way.  He watched as his brothers took note of his approach and excused themselves from their conversation partners.  Dick didn’t look too happy to turn away from the latest interest, smiling at her and giving her reassurances before sending her away.  Tim looked less happy to have to turn away from the men he was talking with. He should be thanking Jason really. He was giving him an out from having to deal with them and their god awful personalities and fashion. Seriously, who told that guy that tie was okay.  Even the Riddler would think that tie was obnoxious.
“Okay, I’m here,” Jason said taking a large swig of his drink.  “How long before I can ditch this bottomless pit of misery?”
“Woah, slow down there.  You’re going to get drunk before the announcement.”  Dick cautioned him.
“Do you want me here or do you want me sober?  You’re going to have to choose one.  They’re mutually exclusive, Dickweed.”
“Come on Jaybird, we all have to be here.  None of the rest of us are getting drunk.”
“That’s just because I’m smarter than you guys are,” he said tipping his glass to Tim who had scoffed at the suggestion and took another drink.  “There is no reason we all have to be here.  We shouldn’t all have to suffer.  And officially, I’m not even a member of this hellscape of a family anymore so I really shouldn’t have to be here.”
“If The Disappointment gets to leave, so do I. Someone should be patrolling tonight instead of all of us wasting our time entertaining these harpies.  And if one more person tries to touch me on my head I’m going to break a hand.”
“Stop it!  Nobody is leaving, Damian.  We’re in this together.  And Jason, if anyone got to go home it wouldn’t be you.  You are the reason we all have to be here in the first place; so we can ALL show our support when we officially announce that you are part of this ‘hellscape of a family’ again.  So enjoy it,” he said with a cutting smile.
“Not everyone enjoys getting groped by the gold-digging, trust fund whores.  I’ve found a way to cope.  It’s called alcohol.  Now if you’ll excuse me,” he downed the drink in his hand, “my drink is empty.  I’m going to go find another.”
“At least try not to interact with anyone. We don’t want to piss anyone off tonight.  And I don’t want to have to fix your messes.”
“Way ahead of you, Replacement.”  Jason turned and walked away before Dick could reprimand him again.  He needed to get away.  He could only handle his family in small does, very small doses, miniscule amounts, and he had already surpassed that limit.  
He grabbed two more drinks off of a passing waiter’s tray and looked for the Sunshine Girl.  He scanned the room sipping the champagne, trying not to make eye contact with anyone in the room.  His size and demeanor was usually enough to keep people away but making eye contact made people think he was open to talking.  He was not.  He had no interest in making nice with Gotham’s elite.  He wanted to get this night over with, with as little pain as possible.  
He finally spotted her off to the side of the room speaking with the obnoxious tie guy.  Jason watched as the man slid his hand up the side of her leg starting to move under her skirt.  Jason started to make his way over to them until he saw her move closer to the man.  She was close enough to whisper seductively into his ear now.  Ah, not uninvited then.  Maybe he had misread her.  Well there goes his hope of this party not sucking balls.  He started to turn away but noticed a pained expression on the man’s face.  He turned back to reexamine the scene.  She was holding the man’s hand at an unnatural angle.  It was a hold he’d used a few times himself, it was discrete but extremely effective, causing intense pain with a small movement.  He knew if she moved her hand just a few more centimeters, she could easily break his wrist.
She let go with a viscous look pushing him away from her as she did.  The man shook his hand and scowled at her.  He started back toward her and Jason took off running, not pausing to apologize to the people he bumped into along the way.  Before he could get to her, she had already taken care of it. She squared her shoulders and glared at the man, making it clear that she could and would continue with her actions if he persisted.  When she moved her hand ever so slightly, just enough so he could see it and remember what she had done, the man turned away and smiled at the people who had been standing behind him as though nothing had happened.  Jason chuckled to himself watching her move away from the man. She was definitely going to make this night more bearable.
“Looks like you don’t need me around for protection. Although I did bring a drink so maybe I can earn my keep that way,” he said handing her one of the glasses in his hand.  “That was extremely impressive.  How did you lean to handle yourself like that?”  
She accepted the glass and shrugged.  “You live in Paris long enough you pick up a few things.”
“That isn’t something you just ‘pick up’. That’s experience.”
“And that is exactly what you get when you have a supervillain terrorizing your streets and thoughts for 5 years; experience. And how do you know about that move?  Rich boy secretly a vigilante?” She raised an eyebrow at him giving him a daring smile and pretending to take a drink from the glass.  She was on a mission and she didn’t know him.  She wasn’t about to actually drink anything a stranger gave her, let alone get drunk.
“You don’t grow up in Gotham without learning how to take down someone trying to cop a feel.  And what do you mean about a supervillain in Paris?” he asked taking a step closer to her, concern edging into his stare.
“It doesn’t matter.  It’s not relevant for tonight.” She said taking a step away and scanning the room again to locate the Waynes.
He looked at her for a few moments taking her in, not just her appearance but how she held herself.  She stood with confidence and nonchalance.  She wasn’t acting coy, she wasn’t baiting him to ask her more questions, she was serious.  There was some kind of supervillain running around Paris that they had no idea about.  Well that piqued his interest.  He wanted to find out more about that and just his luck, the only person around who knew about it was the gorgeous and badass Sunshine Child in front of him. Guess he’ll just have to suffer and spend more time talking to her.  The things he does for Gotham, he smirked to himself. “I’m Jason,” he said putting his hand out for her to shake.
She looked at his hand before hesitantly taking it. His hand absolutely engulfed hers. “Nice to meet you Jason,” she said looking toward the dancefloor.  She had last seen the Waynes near the dancefloor and they couldn’t have gotten far, right?  They were likely to be near it.
Misinterpreting her focus he asked, “Wanna dance?” placing down his now empty glass.
She needed a better vantage point to locate the Waynes and even if they weren’t on the dancefloor anymore, the dancefloor would be the ideal place get an unobstructed, overall view of the room.  She could see the entire room from the dancefloor.  She just had to scope it out discretely so Jason didn’t get suspicious.  “Sure,” she said smiling at him and accepting the hand he had offered her.
He guided her out onto the dancefloor.  Jason noticed a little girl standing nervously next to the dancefloor looking at a group of kids nearby.  “Hold on just a second,” he said dropping her hand to kneel down next to the little girl.  “Hey, I just wanted to say what a beautiful dress you have.  I wish you had a smile to match.  Anything wrong, kid?” he asked gently.  The little girl gave him a nervous smile.
“Thanks.  My Mom said I could pick out a dress and I chose this one.  But Mom says it looks silly.  It’s too fluffy and gets in everyone’s way.”
At that Marinette kneeled down next to her as well. “Oh.  Well, let me fill you in on a little secret.  I’m a fashion designer and I can tell you there is nothing wrong with fluffy.  You did a great job picking it out.  It is perfect for you.  I couldn’t design anything better.  I wish I looked as confident and effortlessly beautiful as you do. ”
The smile the little girl gave her was genuine this time.  “You really like it?”
“I do,” Marinette responded.  
“I do, too.  I’m not a fashion designer, but I still think you look good, kid.  And if anyone tells you they don’t like it, scr… I mean, forget them.  Who cares what they think.  A fashion designer and a delinquent think it looks amazing.  Don’t let someone else tell you what you like.” Jason added.  The little girl beamed at both of them and bounded off to join the kids with much more confidence.
Marinette watched him as he watched the kid play with her friends making raucous noise as they played, a grin on his face until he saw some parents come to reprimand their kids for being so noisy.  So, rich boy has a heart and is really protective of kids.  Well that wasn’t going to help Marinette focus solely on the mission. “That was incredibly nice of you.  That’s not advice I would have expected from someone attending a party like this.” Marinette said taking Jason’s outstretched hand again.
“Just because we’re miserable here doesn’t mean she should be, too.  Kids should be happy.  It’s ridiculous to bring a kid to a party if you aren’t going to let them be a kid. Adults in Gotham expect too much of their kids.  They treat them like props instead of kids, tools to help them achieve a goal.” He said voice getting gruff as he spoke.  He looked back at her and shook his head as if to clear his head of his thoughts.  He smiled at her instead and took her waist with his free hand to start dancing with her.
“You know, I noticed you never did give me your name.”
She looked into his eyes for a just a moment before she looked back to the dancefloor, “You know, I noticed that too.”
“Hmmm.  Secretive. No name but a fashion designer from Paris,” he said.  Marinette paled slightly refusing to look back at him.  He was paying attention to her and noticing details.  She hadn’t expected that from this crowd.  She was going to have to be more careful about what she said.  ‘Not get noticed’ played over and over in her head.  She was supposed to slip in and out with nobody remembering her.  She might have blown the mission already.  But, was she ready to walk away from those blue eyes?  Surely, talking with him couldn’t do any harm, right?  “So, did you design the dress you’re wearing?”
She was brought back to reality with a jolt.  “Yes.  Not… not my best work, but it fit the uh, occasion,” she stuttered out.
“Was the occasion to look stunning?  Because you do.”  He grinned smugly as she blushed heavily under his praise.  This was fun.  This was his new mission for the night; to see how many times he could make her blush.  “Still not going to tell me your name, huh?”
She looked back at him before dropping her eyes again.  Stupid mission.  If it were just her here for herself, she could stay here dancing with Jason and gazing into his eyes for the rest of the night, and tomorrow, and the day after for that matter.  But she wasn’t here for herself.  She was here for a reason and that reason demanded she be anonymous and keep track of the Waynes.
She scanned the floor again and finally spotted the Waynes, confirming they were all there.  Nobody had snuck off.  They really liked sticking around each other didn’t they?
“No, it takes more than a pretty line from a pretty boy to get my name” she said looking back to Jason and plastering on a fake smile. “I don’t need any rich boys remembering me after this is over.  Tomorrow I’ll go back to my real life and it will be like none of this ever happened. I can report that I came, I danced, and I even smiled a few times, then never speak of it again.”
“Friends or family forced you to come because they thought you needed some excitement in your life, Pixie Pop?”
“Something like that… Pixie Pop?”
“You won’t tell me your name and I need to call you something.  You’re little and mischievous and can handle yourself… Pixie Pop. Honestly, you’re lucky I didn’t go with Odysseus.  Also, you think I’m pretty?”  He grinned down at her.
She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway, cheeks flushing slightly.  “I think that would have made you Polyphemus, which you certainly have the size for,” she grinned up at him.  “Anyway, that’s why I’m here.  How about you?”
“Oh, my family thinks I have enough fun already. I’m here because if they have to suffer, so do I.  And all to bolster the name of the illustrious Bruce Wayne.”
Marinette examined his face as he stared toward where she last seen Bruce Wayne.  He looked annoyed and frustrated.  This was a side of Mr. Wayne she had not heard about in her research, a side that frustrated native Gothamites.  A bit more information could be helpful for her to figure out what role he played in the Grimoire information Constantine was gathering, figure out whether or not he was a threat.  “Not a fan?” she asked delicately.
He looked back at her examining her face for any malice.  “Depends on the day.”
She hummed in response.  “What can you tell me about Bruce Wayne?” she finally asked.
“Why do you want to know?” he responded suspiciously. Most people looking for more information wanted it as a weapon.  Bruce might not be his favorite person, he might actually hate him right now, but he wasn’t going to help someone take him down unless it was him.
She shrugged, “everything I’ve seen shows an exemplary record for him.  You don’t seem to be a fan though and you’ve grown up in Gotham so you would have some good insights.  So, I’m wondering what your take on him is.  What he’s done to draw your ire.”
Jason nodded slightly seeming to mull over what she said.  “He does good things.  He helps a lot of charities.  He honestly does care about the city and the people and about making their lives better. His parenting skills could use some work though.  He could show his sons that he actually cares about them as more than tools, you know, whether they live or died…” he furrowed his brows and looked away for a few seconds before he schooled his expression.  His eyes got a wicked gleam to them and he leaned towards her to whisper conspiratorially “… and I hear he’s sleeping with Batman.”
Mari looks at him surprised.  “Huh, I guess he has a type then, supermodels, superheroes…”
“Supervillains…” Jason says under her breath looking back at Bruce and his date.
“Nothing,” he covered quickly, but the damage had already been done.  She had started thinking about Bruce’s involvement with the super community.  If he was sleeping with superheroes and super villains, that meant he was part of the same circles as Constantine… and Constantine liked dating in the super community.  Could Bruce Wayne be in the super community?  That would explain why he had information pertaining to the Grimoire.  And she might need to revisit exactly how Constantine knew Bruce Wayne.
“Are you okay?  I didn’t break you, did I?” he asked cautiously.
“Yeah, fine I could just maybe use some uh, water?” she gave an awkward smile.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, please?”  She just needed a bit of space to think.
Jason left to grab a glass of water and turned back to her.  She watched Bruce with her head crooked to the side.  He saw her finger discretely swiping to the right a few times as she stared intently at Bruce.  After a few times her finger swiped left instead and head straightened.  She looked around to the other members of the family as if she was counting, confirming something in her head.
Marinette’s eyes widened as she suddenly realized why Bruce Wayne could have information they needed and why Constantine needed her to keep an eye on the Waynes.  Shit. Shit shit shit shit. Shitshitshitshitshitshit. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.  She turned away quickly.  This could not be happening.  This. Could. Not. Be. Happening.  She did NOT help him break into the BATCAVE while she kept tabs on BATMAN.
And if Constantine was trying desperately to avoid him, like he did all his exes…That little…
Jason had no idea what happened but as he got closer to his Pixie he could hear her muttering under her breath in French.  His French was a bit rusty so even the pieces he could pick up were scarce and nonsensical.  Something about maybe “lying” and “Roast Beef” and “bat” and “shark” and “fucking”.  He couldn’t be positive about any of the words except two; “fucking” and “bat” those he was pretty familiar with.  Not to brag but he could swear like a sailor in at least 7 languages.  And “bat”, he knew that word in a few more languages for obvious reasons.
She was abruptly moving and ran right into him before she could take notice of her surroundings.  She looked at Jason with wide eyes, reexamining the man she had spent the evening speaking and dancing with.  Suddenly, everything clicking into place.  There was one more hero she hadn’t accounted for, Red Hood, who while he hid his face behind a mask, just so happened to have the same towering build as Jason. But Bruce Wayne didn’t have any more kids, right?  And if the other vigilantes were his sons, Red Hood should be too, right?  He just had the three boys and the two girls who were out of town.  That was it.  He had another son, but that son had died.  What was his name… She gasped loudly, “Oh God! You’re Jason,” she exclaimed out loud.  
“Yeah?”  He said confused.  They’d been over this before.
“You’re Jason Todd,” she said looking down and taking slow breaths.  “You’re Bruce Wayne’s son.”
He looked at her startled.  She put that together quicker than he was expecting especially since she didn’t seem to know much about the family. “For what it’s worth, I don’t feel like his son most of the time,” he tried to joke.  “Sorry for not telling you before.  I don’t like talking about being in the family, or being in the family at all, actually.” He winced looking at her wide eyes.
“I wasn’t supposed to get noticed by the Waynes. Shit!”
“Then you shouldn’t have worn that dress… or that face… or that smile, Pixie.”  He said grinning suavely.  
She examined him for a few seconds, emotions flittering across her face almost too quickly to identify them.  Confusion, bashful, flattered, hopeful, guilt, pain, melancholy.
“I have to go.” She finally spoke up.
“Wait.  What?”
“I… I have to go”
“Wait, is it… you have to go because I’m Wayne’s son?”
“No, I… shit.  Putain de bâtard.” Yep, that one he understood too.  Wait... “Me?” He asked pointing to himself.
“No, not you… Not because you’re a Wayne, well kind of because you’re a Wayne.  It’s…” she faltered for a few seconds then muttered under her breath again “Je vais tuer cette putain de mère.”
“Wait, who is the mother fucker you’re talking about? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.  I’m just going to kill a bitch when I get home.”
“Okay… Okay, first, that is a lot more swearing than I thought you were capable of and I’m extremely impressed… and turned on,” he chuckled as she rolled her eyes at him and mumbled under her breath “you should have heard what was going on in my head”.  He raised his eyebrows at her suggestion.  “Okay, you’re making it really hard not to make out with you right now.” He watched proudly as her cheeks suddenly blazed red at his comment. Another point for him tonight.
“Second, if you’re just worried about Bruce finding out you were here, it never happened.  I never saw you.  You were never here,” he assured her.  Instead of calming her she seemed more panicked, eyes darting from the door to him. This seemed like more than just not wanting to get noticed.  She was into something and didn’t want to be.  “Or, if you’re in trouble, I can help.  You just need to tell me what is going on.  You don’t seem like you would willingly work with someone out to hurt others, so whatever it is, I’m sure you aren’t willingly doing it.  If it is something bad.  I just really have no idea what is going on right now and I would like you to tell me.” He continued earnestly, looking her in her eyes to make sure she understood how deathly serious he was about it.  If she needed help, he WOULD help her.  Even if he didn’t like her, which he really did, he was going to help put that smile back on her face.
She looked at him for another few moments opening her mouth slightly to say something then seemed to think better of it and closed it again.  She narrowed her eyes and looked away scanning the room as she thought about what to say and do next.  She seemed to come to a conclusion as she turned back to him and set her feet firmly on the ground.
“I never told you why I was here, did I?” Even before he shook his head she continued.  “I’m here to keep an eye on the Waynes.  On you, apparently.  Didn’t know you were back from the dead though, so I wasn’t looking out for you. Congratulations on that, by the way, you know, on the whole not being dead thing.  That’s really amazing.  I’m glad you can be around to enjoy life and laugh and be sarcastic and look at me with those eyes and look like that in a suit… probably even better out of it.”  She muttered the last part under her breath.
“I’d love to see you out of that dress, too.” He smiled smugly at her.
She huffed out a breath, cheeks reddening again, “Yeah, not happening.  I’m burning this dress as soon as I get out of here.”
“I can help you with that, too.  I like setting fires.  Two birds, one pyrotechnic.” He preened for a moment enjoying the flirting. Wait, less flirting, more focusing back on the more important part of her earlier speech.
“Wait, why are you keeping an eye on us?” he asked apprehensively.
“So I could warn my… associate if any of you left. So he could have plenty of time to… what is the best way to say this…” she looked up to the ceiling and took a deep steadying breath thinking about the words she wanted to use.  None of this was part of the plan. “…so he could have plenty of time to evacuate your… lair? No, lair makes you sound like villains… your illicit… cavern of, actually I don’t know if it is a cavern… and it isn’t really illicit, is it?  Well, actually I guess it kind of is, but that still makes it sound like you’re a villain…your underground… no, I don’t even know if it is underground… to evacuate your… uh… secret… base of… um, operations?”
“My what?” Jason demanded now more than a little concerned. “Who are you?”
“Nobody.  Absolutely nobody of consequence. And nobody who should be here right now.”  She turned to walk away before Jason stopped her.
“No.  You don’t get to say something like that then try to slink away like nothing happened. Come on, we’re going to go talk to some people,” he said grabbing her arm a bit harder than strictly necessary and dragging her towards his brothers and Bruce.  She definitely figured out who they all were or at least who Bruce was and that they knew too, which put her in danger, and she was working with someone to break into the Batcave, which put them all in danger.  Everything about this situation was dangerous and bad and they needed to talk to the family to figure out the best next steps.
Marinette dug her heels into the ground pulling against him, a really bad idea considering how high her heels were. Instead of stopping him she stumbled into his chest allowing him the opportunity to wrap his arms around her, “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she said squirming to get out of his embrace. “This is between you guys.  I have neither the desire nor the interest to get involved in this little lover’s spat.  I have more important things to be doing right now.  Things that asshole was supposed to be doing instead of pulling practical jokes.”
“Jokes?  What do you mean jokes?  What the fuck is going on?”  He looked at her again.  She wasn’t afraid, she wasn’t gloating, she wasn’t even nervous.  She was annoyed verging on enraged.  
“Nothing you need to worry about, Red.” She threw in the moniker at him to get him to back down.  She knew how important secret identities were, and how finding out someone knew yours could throw you off your game.  She felt a bit of guilt as she used that knowledge against him but this was no longer fun.  Now this was infuriating.  John was playing games with his former lover, or current lover, whatever Bruce was to him, instead of just helping.  He was taking time she didn’t want to spend, time the people of Paris should not have to wait.  They had spent weeks planning this when he could have just walked in and asked for the information.  They had wasted so much time.
“I. Do. Not. Have. Time. For. This.  This is not a joke.  This is not some gag for you overgrown children to play at,” she said hitting her finger into his chest with each word.  “I have people in need relying on me.  I have children counting on me. Parents counting on me.  Single people, who also deserve to live just as much as everyone else, counting on me and all suffering while they wait.  I. Am. Done.  And I am leaving”
Jason listened to her shocked.  Something was happening and he had absolutely no idea what, but somehow they were involved.  He hated not knowing what was going on.  Apparently children were suffering because of all of this and he didn’t know why.  But, he was going to figure it out.  She was right.  They did not have time for this.  Whatever was going on, they were going to help.  He turned away loosening his grip on her waist to just laying his arm on her instead of encircling her.  He touched his hand to his ear to activate the com hidden inside, “Tim, can you check the security video for the uh… our base of operations?”
It appeared that Tim was giving Jason some resistance because Jason turned away even further and started yell whispering threats into the air.  He was trying to be as discrete as possible in the crowded room, which normally wouldn’t be such a concern but there was a group of dancers headed their way, just leaving the dance floor after the song ended.  Marinette took advantage of his distraction and the sudden cover to twist away from him and slip into the crowd.
Jason called after her and tried to grasp her arm but missed her.  He searched for her but the crowd was too thick, having had to bottleneck to get past the tables surrounding the dance floor.  He scanned the crowd for her twisted hair or the black dress, but couldn’t see her in the group.  She had effectively disappeared, but if she went into the crowd, she would have to come out and cross the dancefloor in order to leave.  He could just wait for her on the other side of the group and keep an eye on the dancefloor.  He moved to go around the table, but that side was just as crowded so he did the only rational, discrete thing he could in the situation, he slid across the top of the table landing on the dancefloor and waited to grab her there, but she never came out.
Marinette had a habit of catastrophizing.  She knew this.  Everyone who knew her knew this.  She thought of all of the worst case scenarios and tried to plan for them. Generally, it was a wasted effort that did little more than stress her out and annoy her teammates.  Today, however, today it paid off.  She had anticipated having to make a quick escape and once she decided it was time to go, she put her escape plan into action. Freeing herself from Jason, she pulled off her belt before even getting to the crowd.  As she entered the crowd of people, she pulled out her hair pin, letting her hair fall down.  She didn’t even have to hunch down much at all to disappear into the crowd as she weaved her way through them.  One advantage to being short.  She ran her left hand through her hair tousling it so her long raven hair cascaded around her shoulders.  With her right hand, she yanked at the cowl neckline of her dress, allowing the fabric overlay to drop forming a floor length skirt, revealing the bodice of her now red Harlow inspired dress that had been hidden underneath.  Her new dress hugged her body until it reached her hips then fell freely.  
Finally, she reached into her red purse, removed her phone, the cookie for Tikki, and Kaalki’s glasses, nodded to Tikki, turned her purse inside out revealing a now black purse with red detailing, and returned her phone, glasses, cookie, hairpin, and belt into it, leaving plenty of room for Tikki. The entire change took all of 10 seconds.  By the time she would walk out of the crowd, she would be completely unrecognizable, at least by anyone who didn’t already know her.  Unless that is, if they were looking for someone moving against the tide of people.  That would be a dead giveaway.  So instead, she pivoted and moved with the crowd instead of against it, parting with them after a few tables and moving laterally toward the exit.
Marinette made her way to the exit quickly, but not quickly enough to draw attention to herself.  She needed to get to Constantine before the “bat family”, as her research had called them, got to him.  They had reasons for keeping other superheroes out of Paris and she had no interest in having that particular awkward and slightly guilt laden (stupid gorgeous blue eyes she wanted to get lost in) conversation with them.  Especially when she was this utterly livid with Constantine, which was another reason she was rushing.  She needed to get to him so she could beat the asshole out of him. Oh, she was going to make him pay for this, and not in a way he would enjoy.  
She was angry and frustrated and guilty and grieved. She knew Jason didn’t deserve for her to snap at him like she had but she had been too frustrated to hold back and he was part of the problem.  She had been having fun with Jason.  She had been enjoying bantering with him and looking into his eyes.  She had really, really been enjoying having him look at her like she was the most interesting thing in Gotham and having him hold her closer than he had to while they danced.  And now it was gone.  She was a hero and he was a vigilante so he had to be kept at a distance.  A 3,670 mile distance to be precise, well approximate.
She was just about to cross through the exit when a voice stopped her.
“Hey,” a woman with short black hair and green eyes called out to her.  Marinette slowed down weighing the risk of just blowing her off vs the risk of stopping. She decided ignoring her might lead to the woman calling after her, which would bring unwanted attention, which she wanted to avoid.  Stopping seemed the safer answer.  As long as she didn’t look back at the gala or do anything else that might incriminate herself, she would be able to get away without any awkward conversations or fights.
“Yes” she answered with a strained smile.
“I saw that little quick change back there,” the woman responded.  Marinette’s eyes widened in panic.  Before anxiety could start going over all the worst case scenarios her mind could come up with, she was already in the midst of one of them in real life she really didn’t need to start thinking of worse things to add to it, the woman continued, nonchalantly scanning the people at the gala, “don’t worry, I’m not going to out you.  I just might have occasion to use a quick change myself from time to time, so I was hoping you might share where you got your dress.”  She shot Marinette a wicked smile.  ”Just because you’re hustling doesn’t mean you can’t look killer doing it.”
Marinette relaxed minutely and gave her a small smile, “it’s called MDC Designs.  She’s online. What’s your name so she’ll know who to look out for?”
“Thanks kitten.  I appreciate it.”  She said never looking back at Marinette.  “Selina.  Selina Kyle. I’d say nice to meet you, but we never met, did we?”
Marinette smiled to herself as she walked out the door. Maybe the night wasn’t a total loss. Hopefully, Constantine got the information they needed, she’ll get to punch his smug face as soon as she sees him, and she’ll get a new client.  Guess Adrien was right about showcasing her design after all.  He must never know.  Not such a bad night at all.
 Chapter 2
@fsketchart @jasonette-july-2k20
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
Class S: Love letters
This is the Class S+ Cecil love letters!! 
Please enjoy under the cut
From Riri:
Maybe it was his midnight-blue hair, or perhaps it was his ocean eyes, but the very moment I laid my eyes upon him my mind immediately thought, “Wow, he’s very good looking… charming... I really like his vibe.” That was the first reason why he piqued my interest, rather, the initial reason why I fancied him. My eyes were drawn to him and the fact that Kay bombarded me with a truckload of his pictures didn’t help at all, I just fell deeper into the hole. But as if that wasn’t enough, she started spamming me with utapri songs and I fell in love immediately. They are all such good singers but there’s one of them who sticks out to me the most, as expected, it’s Tokiya. His voice has this intricate and refined softness that seemed to caress my ears and touch my soul. He has such a sweet (and might I add a handsome) voice, kudos to Miyano Mamoru for that.
So I started watching the anime and through that, I got to know him better. At first, he seems cold with an air of loneliness and uneasiness dawning on him. But as the series progresses, I discovered that he’s a good-natured, warm, and dedicated person who loves singing and music with all his heart and all. He’s hardworking, dedicating everything to his craft. He has pride in it, so when he was told that his singing has no ‘heart’ it affected him a lot. That caused a lot of distress in his system, and the fact that his company is pushing him to pursue other things than being a singer added to that. His passion for his craft is burning, a fire that no one could put out. That’s one of the things that I love about him. He’s dedicated to everything he does. He’s a perfectionist but he’s also a caring person who cares a lot about the starish members. He’s genuinely a good person but that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. He strives for improvement and development all the time. He helps the members whenever they need. Most importantly, his attitude towards his passion is respectable and admirable.
I might’ve said a lot of things but I guess that only means I love a lot of things about him. He’s such a beautiful soul that inspires me to be more dedicated to my passion, to make my dreams come true no matter what it takes. His path towards his dream was rough, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows but that’s life, isn’t it? Despite that, he kept walking towards his dream. He’s admirable, respectable, and irresistibly loveable. That being said, I love all the things that made his character; that made Tokiya Ichinose be the kind of character that he is right now.
PS. Miyano Mamoru played a big part too. His insane talent gave life to Tokiya’s character.
From @poorlydrawnutapri:
When I first watched the Utapri anime like 6 years ago, having a best boy didn't cross my mind. At first, I was just most interested in Tokiya out of all the boys because I just thought he looked cool. I liked how mysterious he seemed and also, his hair, probably just because it was blue tbh. Either way, good design.
However, what really got me attached to him wasn't his looks. I then liked Tokiya's serious personality. I like how he starts off cold and stoic but how throughout the games and anime, he slowly softens up. I didn't just like his personality, I could also relate to his perfectionism and hard-working side, even when he exhausts himself, which is something I admit I also have. I continue to relate to him now after all this time, and that's why he's such a good character to me.
Besides that, his songs are nice to listen to and he has just a very pleasant voice. It's nice just to go listen to his voice after a long day. In a way, liking Tokiya also got me into the whole Utapri franchise: made some friends, made a couple of good memes, all that kinda stuff.
Also, I feel like it's a crime not to mention this so: he thicc. Like, dang, no wonder the guy only eats salads because all the fats he eats goes straight to that ass of his. (I am sorry that you had to read that.)
Overall, I just think he's neat. To me, he's relatable and has a nice character development. Tokiya is and will continue to be my best boy. :)
From @incorrect-jinguji-ren:
Ren Jinguji, the 5th member of Starish is without any shame my favorite character of the Uta no prince sama series. Though often disregarded Ren is and always will be my most favorite and I firmly believe that he has one of the most, if not the most depth in his character. I love Ren a lot however because of his surface charismatic attitude he is usually labeled as a “playboy” or a “lothario”. This is not correct and it should never define him, as he actually is one of the most gentle and compassionate characters of the series. Ren has a very deep surface characterization and personality that is never usually recognized unless you truly take the time to understand WHY Ren acts the way he does, and WHY he makes the choices that he makes. My favorite part about loving characters is being able to accept them for their demons and embrace what others would see as the “imperfections” in them. That Is the best way to truly love them. I love Ren because of his motives, choices, and most of all his passionate loving heart. Although the pain he hides and the personality of who he really is, is hidden under a mask of charisma, he never loses himself deep within.
He’s misunderstood, but he’s beautiful. He’s so deep, from the everlasting devotion to loving his passed on mother, to always cherishing memories and the past bond he had with his childhood best friend Masato, to going against what his brother wants of him because he wants to fight to have a choice and to be passionate about something that he wants to love, because HE wants to love it. Ren didn’t have the love that a lot of people had at such a young age, he made a path for himself and along the way succumbed to the human faults that we all falter from within the hardest times in our life or even dicult events. He almost gave up, just as I know many of us had almost done before, as I know and can relate to, and still do now.
But he dusted himself o and picked up where he left o, making himself happy from once the feeling of being a hollow shell with no reason why he even existed to realizing that the most important thing in the world to him was cherishing the people who made him see the world in colors and seeking the choices that had been stripped from him at such a young age. He broke free from the chains of his family, his past, and his regrets to spread a beautiful pair of rose wings, his own wings to fly. And I hope he always flies. I will always love him, and wish nothing but the best for him whatever that be.
From @chips-and-vodka:
Ren Jinguji- the sexy, charming and flirty member of the STARISH boys. The youngest of the Jinguji family, a troubled child who grew up without a mother. A person who possesses many charms and is blessed with the gift of beauty. A red rose he was, beautiful yet his thorns are to be avoided. Beneath his passionate and seductive mannerisms there is a boy that craves genuine affection, from the one he truly adores and cherishes.
Ren Jinguji to me initially was one with a beautiful, attractive deep baritone, who is voiced by none other than the legend- Suwabe Junichi himself. The voice is an accurate fit of how this stereotype of a charming bishie should be, youthful and sensitive, and at times warm and seductive. His portrayal brings out the appeal of the character, the emotions and thoughts a troubled young adult such as the ‘useless third son’ lived through. Many would see him as a romantic one, one who showers those around him with attention and passion. Within however lives a rebellious soul who distrusts many, but still somehow desires that ray of sunshine that brightens his lonely soul.
Ren Jinguji is one that deserves real love, someone who appreciates him for who he is.
From Jules:
Why do I like Syo, huh? Well, there are a lot of reasons! Some of them are more personal ones. First of all, Syo has always been my best boy, since UtaPri (the anime) exists. So ten long years now.
His fashion style is the first thing I noticed and it immediately intrigued me. I remember that my first thought, after seeing him in season one, was “Woah, he looks really cool!” even though Syo was just in his school uniform! I think what also made me interested in him was his energetic persona. The way he looked up to Ryuya Hyuga and wanted to follow in his footsteps was really sweet to me as well. Syo’s enthusiasm and positive attitude actually encouraged me to become stronger in a way too, if I’m being honest. I, personally, have always found his songs motivating and they made me feel better. I really came to love Syo in his episode in season one. When he talked about his childhood and how weak he was, I really felt with him. From that moment on I cheered him on and Syo definitely became my favorite character. My interest never wavered over the next seasons either.
I also have personal reasons why I love him so much. I just feel very connected and relate to him a lot, y’know? We have quite a few things in common. Syo and I have the same eye color, we have both played the violin since we were little, and were born weak and with pretty much the same health and heart issues. I like to say that Syo “saved” me, which is true. There is also the fact that the blonde and I are both on the shorter side (and regularly get teased for it), too! Though, I’m even a little shorter than him.
But to be more positive again, there is just so much more to him than meets the eye at first! Syo is more than just the stereotypical short sporty character. He really cares for his friends and wants the best for them. Syo’s friendship with every STARISH member is different but still close. He’s also protective of the ones around him. Syo really cares about his little twin brother too, which can be seen in the games and the few times he talked about him in the anime. Syo’s big heart easily balances out his, sometimes, tsundere behavior and I love him for that. This blonde idol is just a great guy and deserves all the love he’s getting and more.
Seriously, stan Syo Kurusu, guys!
From Vic:
Syo Kurusu is my favourite idol within the utapri games and any other form of media pertaining to the franchise. He is my favourite idol because of several factors, one of which being that his voice actor is Hiro Shimono, who voices Zenitsu from Demon slayer and Lucifer from “Devil is a part timer”. Syo is a very outgoing character and is talented in many aspects athletically. Born with a heart disease, he continues to persevere throughout the myriads of life’s problems in front of him.
He’s extremely outgoing and is proficient in the martial art of Karate and desires to strengthen his body more than what it is currently. He is best friends with Natsuki and can communicate with each other proficiently. Syo is my favourite character within the franchise because of his resolve, perseverance and great chemistry with Natsuki and his teammates. Hiro Shimono did the character justice by making his voice one of young, adventurous and energetic. With that said, Syo is a character I truly enjoy within the franchise and wish to see more of him.
From Anon:
Greetings, princes and princesses, and welcome to a world of princes, questionably talking cats, and magic! I’m of course talking about Cecil Aijima, our foreign prince of UtaPri! So, why do I like Cecil Aijima? It’s borderline ridiculous, but it’s because of Cecil’s birthday. More specifically, Cecil’s Birthday Cruise card. But, I should start at the beginning.
Back when I first watched the anime, I thought Cecil was a little bit of a brat towards literally everyone, and one of my least favorites at the time. After watching through the rest of the anime though, I started to like him a lot more than I did before. To me, he had matured a lot after season 2, and never turned back to that bratty self. And so, when playing SL, he might not have been my favorite, but I didn’t hate him. Then, that one fateful day, I decided to pull in his birthday gacha. To my surprise, I had gotten the card in my first pull! Then the story dragged me into the Cecil Appreciation Group. I thought the story was incredibly cute. Then I got more Cecil cards so I could read more stories. Then the cycle repeated itself again. And now, well, if I’m writing this, I think you know what happened to me afterwards. I’ll be here, doing my best for him.
From Eden: 
The boy with childish like demeanor but continues to have a heart of gold for his friends and wonderful composer.
I remember first watching Utapri in middle school and questioning. "Well shit- this is my life now..." and I didn't really have a favorite character at the time. I was always bouncing between characters like Syo, Otoya, even the teachers. However it was season 2 that made me realize who my true favorite was. Despite his at first cocky nature when he was first introduced, Cecil to me was amazing! His singing was magical, his origins even more fascinating. You wouldn't think Utapri would turn that down the magic route but it somehow did.
As the seasons went on, and as I got more into the series, he just became more of a love to me. His kindness and child-like nature and curiosity, he felt different than the other characters.
I love the other characters, yes but him?
Something about him just felt right! He not only seems to be a protector for those he cares about but also feels like he would be the best person to be around. Always wanting to do anything new and exciting just to peak his curiosity and to learn more. Ever since then, he has always been my favorite. The one and only Annapolis Prince, Aijima Cecil.
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fgodump · 4 years
Connections to “The Poppy War”
The setting and characters to The Poppy War has derived a lot of inspiration from historical events and myths alike. This is meant to discuss which characters have a relation to those preexisting. Of course, you do not need to know this information to enjoy the books, but I think knowing them will elevate your reading experience. None of this information is official. This is just the conclusions I came to while reading. Feel free to make comments
Nikara: Qing Dynasty. 
Mugen: Japan (Meiji Period)
Hesperia: Britain
The Hinterlands: Mongolia (unsure)
Murui: Yellow River
Tianshan: Kunlun
The different provinces were based off the Chinese Zodiac
The Poppy Wars: the Opium wars, as they have the heavy involvement of foreign invaders
Fang Runin: Rin’s character does not seem to take from a specific person, however the wiki stats that she was inspired by multiple people, such as Azula from ATLA and Mao Zedong
Chen Kitay: It's pretty obvious his character is inspired by Zhuge Liang in Romance of the Three kingdoms. In actual history, he wasn't that much, but in the book, Zhuge was a monster at strategy. 
In the first book, Irjah proposes a question, which Kitay replies “to bait the enemy into giving them arrows by rolling out a boat of strawmen”. This is something that Zhuge did as well.
Sring Venka: Honestly I'm blanking on Venka. I think perhaps Venka isnt supposed to represent a character at all, but instead all the comfort women and victims of the Rape of Nanking, based on what happened to her during Golyn niis. 
Yang Souji: He and his group the “Iron Wolves” remind me so much of the Shinsengumi. He even shares a name with Okita Souji, the captain of the first unit. 
The Shinsungumi were also nicknamed “The wolves of Mibu”
I know the glaring problem with this is that the Shisungumi are Japanese, and should have been Mugini in this book, but I think these parallels are pretty cool in any case.
Chiang Moag- Ching Shih. Woah, as soon as I heard Lady Pirate, it was undeniable who Moag is. Ching Shih, the most famous pirate in China perhaps, and she was a woman.
Their backstories share similarities too. Ching shih was a prostitute, just like rumors around Moag. 
The Cike: During the Zhou Dynasty, Wu Zetian (China’s only female emperor) had a secret police force that assassinated everyone she needed. This sounds incredibly similar to the way Daji used the Cike. 
Altan Trengsin: I believe that Altan is like Rin; either an amalgamation of many characters or simply someone Kuang made for the sake of the story.
Ramsa: I believe him to be Nikara’s representation of the creation of fireworks. Not based off a person, but instead one of the Four great inventions of China. Or maybe I’m looking too far into it lol, since he doesn't strike me as being inspired from a myth, since he is not a shaman
Baji: Zhu Bajie of Journey to the West. Based on his description and his name, I had him guessed before they even said anything about pig.
His weapon is even the same as Bajie’s, a nine-toothed rake. 
He also shares his desires, both of them being lusty for beautiful women
Suni: Sun Wukong. I had him guessed by his name as well. Although I believe the connection to be true, I cannot help but feel disappointed that the avatar of Sun Wukong was killed off so easily
The traits that these two characters share are pretty different, much more different than Baji had Bajie. 
For one, Suni is generally calm when he is not being taken over by his god, and is pretty gentle and nice actually. This is very unlike Sun Wukong, and also the reason why I think Suni was a bad body for Wukong to take over, since I think their desires do not match up like Rin and Phoenix
Aratasha: The last in the trio, Sha Wujing. I was confused at first, since Aratasha is no fighter, but I realized his name sounds incredibly similar to Sha Wujing. Wujing was a sand river demon in JTTW, so I don’t think it was a stretch to believe that Aratasha was based off of him (his god is a river god, after all)
Plus, Aratasha died before Baji and Suni did. Wujing in JTTW was weaker than both of his companions. 
Chaghan and Qara Suren: This may be a stretch, but I think Chaghan was inspired from Genghis khan. Gengis Kahn united the Mongols, like Chaghan united the Ketreids and Naimads. Even though the time period would be centuries apart (Genghis 1206, Qing Dynasty 1644-1912), it is the most likely option. It is unrecorded whether Gengis had any sisters, so I believe that Qara was made for the sake of plot (anchor). 
Yin Family: The entire Yin family was taken from the story of Nezha. You can read more about the original story by searching his name in Wikipedia. R F Kuang kept a lot of things from the original tale, and these notes are what I have noticed
Yin Vaisra- Li Jing. Li Jing was also a great general, and in other stories, he was the head general in the Jade Emperor's Heavenly Army. If you know about “Journey to the West”, it was him who attempted to subdue Sun Wukong. 
Yin Saikhara- Lady Yin
*its interesting how Kuang decided to make the mother’s name the family name for the Yins. Originally, I would have thought it was Li instead.
Muzha and Jinzha’s name were lifted directly from the source material
Mingzha is a character Kuang added, for Li Jing only had three sons (or 2 sons and a daughter in this case). There is no source material for how Muzha and Jinzha’s characters are; even in adaptations we rarely get to see any exploration of them.
Yin Nezha- Nezha:
Yin Nezha, like his original counterpart, was the third child of his father. Since Muzha was changed to a female, he is actually the second son. 
He has the powers of the Dragon of the Western river (TBG 392), likely referring to the White Dragon in myths, who is the dragon ruler of the western sea. 
Like the Nezha in the myth, Yin Nezha had an occurrence with a dragon that changed his life. 
At the first battle between Nezha and Rin in TBG, it is stated he wears golden rings around his wrists and ankles. Guanyin bodhisattva did this to Nezha in Journey to the West, in order to placate him. 
The Trifecta: All of the figures in the Trifecta were based on the Fengshen Yanyi (AKA the Investire of the Gods).
Jiang Ziya: His name was directly taken from the novel. 
Su Daji: Her name was directly taken from the novel, as well as some of her penchants for murder. Daji, in both history and the novel, was infamous for her torture methods. 
Jingzha being delivered back to his father in a dumpling holder would qualify as a toruture method. I applaud Kaung for being creative.
Yin Riga: I do not know if Riga is meant to be King Zhou or Ji Fa (the man who overthrew Zhou). Perhaps he was inspired by both of them, or neither. 
Since Kuang did not go into depth into which gods were in the pantheon, I will make a list to who I think is there
Gods mentioned in the books:
Erlang Shen
Sun Wukong *implied through Suni
Zhu Bajie *implied through Baji
Huxian *implied through Unegen, and also Daji
The Four Dragon Kings (Yin Riga was likely the Dragon of the East) *There is no confirmation that there are multiple dragons, but I believe it was strongly implied
Xi Wang Mu, Queen Mother of the West
Zhenniao *implied through Pipaji
The Four Guardians (Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and the Black Tortoise) *implied through Dulin, who summoned the Black Tortoise
Wong Tai sen *implied through Lianhua (Actually I am not sure, but I could not think of any other healer god in Chinese myths)
Gods not mentioned but I believe are in the Pantheon: 
Yudi: Usually depicted as the husband of Xiwangmu
Hou Yi (Since Chang’e is there. However, there is a possibility that he is in Chuulu Korikh as punishment for killing the sons of Yudi)
Shennong: He exists between Nuwa and Fuxi as the “human”
The Eight Deities
Guanyin: (Since Wukong is implied to be a god) showed up in JTTW
Yanwang: (Since Wukong is implied to be a god) showed up in JTTW
Other tidbits:
Arlong’s name may have been the combination of “Azure” and the chinese word for dragon “Long”. 
Aquebus are guns, but they shoot very slow. This aint a AK 47
The Red emperor could have been based off of Qin Shi Huang, or even the Jade Emperor himself.
Chuulu Korikh’s origin, although explained, has ties in Chinese myths. It was the mountain that encased Sun Wukong before he was broken out by Xuanzang. This means that the mountain was put there by the big B, Buddha. (Actually I can't remember if Kuang said who put the mountain down, but if she didnt specify this is what I think happened) 
I am more familiar with Chinese history and myths, rather than Japanese ones, so if im missing something feel free to correct
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onstoryladders · 2 years
gramblack lawyer fic anon: omg u r under no obligation to write it lol (but if you did id owe u my life) i was just putting it out there for any takers 👀 and ur so right i wanted to write it myself but i literally know negative things about the thai law system 😭
but literally i haven’t been able to stop thinking about the possibilities…..like imagine gram and black haven’t spoken since the events of the finale. and gram finished school and became a lawyer and works for a big firm, rich and successful. and black never went back to school and focused on doing activism where he could, underground and lowkey and alone. and gram lands black’s case as part of his pro bono work and they reunite as two people totally unsure as to where they’re at relationshipwise. ex best friends?? frenemies?? ‘oh this is an old buddy of mine’??? working on the case together gives them the opportunity to get to know each other again but also for the first time. black reminds gram, who’s gotten distracted over the years being a big successful lawyer, of what he used to believe in, of his roots. and how much he used to believe in black specifically and how much black inspired him. and maybe. the case gets bigger than they thought and people start coming after them and MAYBE gram gets kidnapped and black has to save him AND JUST MAYBE we have a scene of an injured gram riding behind black. maybe even todd comes back out of the wood works to help them out and truly bury the hatchet with black. maybe to win the case they need to get the whole gang back together. maybe at the end gram helps black go back to school and finish his law degree, and they talk about opening up a practice to help ppl in need. and maybe they make out. maybe they make out whooooooooooooooooooole lot.
(sorry. i know we’re trying to move on but the gramblack brainrot is permanent. my brain will never stop thinking of ways they can still end up together despite the mess gmmtv caused 😩)
Yooo, anon! Honestly I just thought your prompt was very interesting and it gave me Ideas™, so I started toying with it in my head. But since I have other stuff to write ATM I might never get to it – ’cause my mind is a VERY volatile thing lol
Woah, you wrote a whole novel there! Kudos to you, and thanks so much for sharing 😍 I can't see Gram ever forgetting his roots and what he stands for (although episodes 7-14 Gram could and I wouldn't be surprised) but the dynamic it'd create would be so interesting to explore! And I guess, since a lot can happen in a few years, one could make it work 🤔
Also I love how you included everyone and created a bigger context to bring back the themes of the series! And it's good you specified they make out a lot because that's something that can actually be so personal... and important... I'd say essential, even...
You know what, someone pass this ask to the GMMTV executives because they need to make this happen STAT. We need to see this – Gram getting through life with no motivation, dragging himself from day to day without purpose and with so many regrets on his conscience. But then destiny gives him a second chance, a chance to ask for forgiveness and find himself again...
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Anyway! We're not moving on any time soon, it's time we face the truth dynekdyeb this wound won't be quick to heal, but fics can help 🤧 or even just-- exchanging ideas like this ❤
So thanks again for sharing 🥰
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loverspersonas · 4 years
the most beautiful moment in life | viii
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pairing: ot7? x reader
genre: hyyh au, high school au, angst, drama, fluff, smut?
length: 5.5k
summary: Eight strangers with different stories happen to meet one day, by fate or some kind of cruel, exquisite happenstance, and realize that they’re not as different as they thought.
a/n: i realize i’m updating really slowly and the reason for that is online school which is taking up pretty much all my time BUT it hasn’t stopped me from writing at all. i actually have many different scenes written already, they’re just not in order, so i have to kind of make myself write the scenes that are happening first before any of those, which is hard sometimes cause i have so many ideas :) 
i realize that the pace of the fic is also kind of slow and that’s because i don’t want to have such a big overarching plot (like some kind of mystery to solve or a big villain) but rather small subplots happening at the same time. it feels easier to me to develop characters and relationships and i get to include a lot of different plot ideas that way (and there is so much happening in hyyh). it’s also hard writing this cause the bangtan universe is really complicated when you think too much about it, and we don’t even know everything about it, so i have to work with what we have and what i know. 
so thank you guys for liking what i’m writing! i hope i can do the hyyh era some (even if it’s the tiniest amount) justice, and i hope you guys enjoy it too. and if you have feedback or ideas, i’d love to hear it!
↳series masterlist
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Remembering details from a dream was a lot harder than a nightmare. Nightmares had you waking up in a cold sweat, sometimes plaguing your mind throughout the day if they were intense enough. Dreams, however, were only alive while you were asleep, and then they slipped away from your mind like they never even happened.
For the past few weeks, you’d been getting dreams that you could mostly or somewhat recall more often. Vague, obscure scenes or flashes that changed sporadically because even in your dream state, you had no control over your mind.
But you noticed that they tended to involve people in your life. Your mother, Sana, your old friends, and the seven boys you’d unconsciously formed a friendship with over the past month. Of course, it didn’t have to mean anything. But some of them strangely stood out more than others. 
One time, you saw Namjoon standing in a dark area with a single white light illuminating his silhouette from above, and a cigarette slipping from between his fingers. Another time, there was Hoseok at what looked like a train station. He was walking along the train tracks at night like he couldn’t see you watching him. And then, there was a scene of Jungkook walking on to the road, changing almost immediately before a car swerved right into him. That was one thing you couldn’t forget. Because you remembered it had been you driving that car.
The voice of the exact boy you were thinking of broke through your string of thoughts. When you looked up, you suddenly remembered where you were. 
There were a lot of nice vast areas of green fields that belonged to the Academy. With iron benches and tables and the smell of oak trees, it was an ideal setting for many fundraisers, picnics and outdoor events. You were currently sitting cross legged on top of one of those gray metal tables right beside a tall tree that cast a shade over you and the seven others sitting around you. Judging by the way some of them were looking at you, you must’ve missed something in the conversation.
“Hmm?” you asked, glancing at Jungkook who was sitting beside you, also on top of the table.
“See, I told you she wasn’t listening,” Taehyung said to the two taller boys on either side of him. “Face it, Namjoon. The books were boring.”
While Seokjin seemed thoroughly amused, Namjoon’s expression was just the slightest bit annoyed, so you could tell this argument might have been going on for a while. But his patience with Taehyung and the some of the other boys was astounding to you.
On the opposite side of the bench, Yoongi was sitting with Jimin and Hoseok, and quirked a brow in Taehyung’s way. “You literally said that you watched the Lord of the Rings a month ago.”
“Yeah, so?”
“So?” Namjoon repeated, and the tick in his jaw represented the snapping of his patience. “They have the exact same plot!”
You found yourself drifting from the rest of the conversation again, as some of the other boys began to chime in. On your lap was a notebook you realized you’d been scribbling in with a pencil while the others had been talking. It was hard to decide which was more concerning— the fact that you’d so effectively tuned out the boys, or that you were only vaguely aware that you’d been drawing at the same time.
You felt someone studying you in your peripheral vision. Jungkook decided to finally nudge you. “Not interested in fantasy novel series?”
“No, I—just spaced out for a second,” you answered lamely.
His earlier grin morphed into a slight frown. “Are you okay?”
Am I okay? “Yeah.”
His gaze dropped to your open book, widening a little in mild surprise. “I thought you said you couldn’t draw.”
“I don’t. Art class was an ironic choice that way.”
“What are you talking about?” Jimin said as he leaned over Jungkook to get a better look. Slowly, the others turned their attention towards you too. “This is pretty good.”
Hoseok, who was one of the ones in closest proximity to you, stretched out his hand so you could pass him the book. “Woah.” He went through a few various facial expressions, a lot of them where he scrunched up his eyebrows. “What’s the inspiration behind that?”
“Probably not those dry as hell books,” Taehyung retorted.
Namjoon didn’t hesitate to shove the loud mouthed boy off of the bench, earning more than a few laughs from everyone. Taehyung shot him a glare with an offended hey! 
“Nothing,” you answered him. “I just got distracted.”
The notebook was now in Namjoon’s hand and his expression was contemplative as he fixated his eyes onto the page. “You got distracted and absentmindedly drew this? With no idea in your head?”
“I had a dream.” You gave a shrug, stealing a few potato chips from Jungkook’s snack. “So, I drew it.”
“A dream like this?”
You looked back at him, trying not to frown. “Why, is it that weird?”
“Not weird,” he assured. “Just… a little unusual. I’ve never met anyone our age who would come up with stuff like this from their subconscious.”
“Who’s the boy supposed to be?” Yoongi asked after the book got rotated to him.
“I don’t know,” you answered. There hadn’t been a real chance to glimpse the boy from that scene. All you remembered was the black hair and the white shirt he was wearing as he stood looking out the only window in a plain room with only a mattress and white flower petals scattered on the floor. “Some random guy, I guess.”
“Everyone we see in our dreams are people we’ve seen at some point in our lives,” Namjoon said.
You gave this a considerative hum. Though you knew maybe thirty people who could fit in that description. “Well, I don’t remember then.”
“Let me see,” Seokjin said, taking the book in his hand. A moment later, his face morphed into something you couldn’t quite decipher. But it was like for that moment, he had understood something without realizing it.
“Why the hell are so many people out here at this time?” Jimin spoke up as a few students or groups of them began to appear on the field or pathway, spilling out from the building. “This is when it’s supposed to be the quietest here. I was looking forward to not seeing… pretty much everyone.”
“It’s not like we own this place,” Jungkook reminded him.
Jimin shrugged nonchalantly. “As long as the bright young things don’t show up…“
And just like on cue, the group of cheerleaders and jocks were walking on the opposite side of the field. You didn’t let your attention linger on the old group of friends you didn’t want anything to do with anymore. But as you glanced away, Yoongi caught your eyes as though he knew what you were thinking.
“Way to go, Jimin,” Hoseok said, giving the boy a light shove. “You just manifested it.”
Taehyung leaned back in his seat. “Seeing them this early in the day is really bad for my digestion.”
“Who told you to shove two chocolate muffins down your throat?” Yoongi said to him, referring to the now empty plastic container sitting beside you. You’d made a large quantity of them the other day and after recalling how Hoseok had liked your baking—and all his following requests over texts to make more— maybe the others would like something too. 
The younger boy didn’t acknowledge the harmless judging tone he’d used. “My inner subconscious, which by the way, I have no regrets about.”
“It’s great how you can say that so confidently about something in your life,” Namjoon said with slight skeptical wonder.
“Y/N made those muffins for us with all her heart and soul—“
“Actually, it was just flour and sugar...” you mumbled though your voice was mostly lost under theirs.
“I was just displaying my gratitude,” Taehyung said finally.
“The muffins were actually really good,” Seokjin said to you as he closed the sketchbook and handed it back to you. You made a mental note to ask him about it later.
“Y/N’s a good baker,” Hoseok affirmed before looking at you. “How long did you say you’ve been at it for?”
“Not that long.” You twisted your dyed blonde hair into a bun and slid the pencil you’d been drawing with through it to hold it in place. “I just picked it up this year.”
Taehyung looked at you with a grin. “I guess I’ll have to annoy you enough at work to get stuff for free.”
You returned it with an exaggerated smile. “You come to work during my shift, I’ll have security ask you to leave for harassment.”
His mouth fell open. “B-but I’ll tip!”
You shook your head, chuckling a little. “You’re ridiculous.”
With his arms folded over his chest, he glanced around sombrely. “This is how brittle friendship is, I guess. Like a dark chocolate bar.” 
Namjoon, hiding his amusement with an arched brow, said, “Taehyung, remind me to never ask you for poetry recommendations.”
Everyone seemed to fall into a silence, realizing that voice didn’t belong to any of you. They turned their heads towards the new arrival, but you didn’t have to look to know who’d approached the table. At first, you thought you could get away without saying anything, but the rest of the boys were casting imperceivable glances in your direction. Finally, one of the others did what you didn’t want to.
“Hi,” Namjoon said to the boy who’d once been the closest to you.
Min-hyuk stood there, as though expecting you to eventually say something to him. Then he looked around the group, smiling his friendly, star quarterback smile. “Sorry to interrupt. I’m Min-hyuk.”
“We know who you are,” Yoongi said, the cold undertones in his voice not going unheard by anyone. Leave it to him to keep things harsh but real.
Min-hyuk, probably not used to hearing that kind of tone with that sentence, stared at the boy, a little dumbfounded. “Oh…”
Namjoon—you reminded yourself to tell the guy what a blessing he was— stepped in again. It was probably good that it was him who was leading the conversation. You’d learned by now that none of the others were quite as sensible and level headed when they needed to be. “What he means is, do you need something?”
“Can we talk, Y/N?” Min-hyuk asked finally, the question you’d been dreading, because now it was explicitly directed at you.
You held back a defeated sigh and said, “I have class in a few—“
“It won’t take long, I promise.”
He seemed to be somewhat satisfied when you looked up at him and nodded just imperceptibly. He started to move away from the table, and you made a move to follow when a hand gently closed around your wrist.
“You know, you don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to,” Jungkook said quietly but firmly. His eyes held something like concern, and gazing around the table, the others wore similar expressions.
“Yeah,” you said. “But he won’t stop until I do.”
Jungkook released his hand from yours, watching as you got up and walked over to where Min-hyuk was waiting.
You put your hands in your pockets, right away saying, “Let’s get right to point this time, shall we?”
“I left you a note the other day,” he said, not happy with your attitude, but not able to say anything to it either. “You didn’t reply.”
“That was you?” you asked, dumbly. “I didn’t realize.”
“Come on, Y/N. Who else would write you that?” He paused. “My mother said she saw you at the hospital yesterday. Is everything okay?”
You didn’t meet his gaze, instead mostly looking at the ground. If your eyes drifted around too much, you were afraid to see that other students were watching you like a movie scene. You knew that the seven boys you’d just left were certainly doing that. “Uh huh,” you answered, without any emotion.
Min-hyuk held back an impatient noise. “Look, I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I just want to know you’re doing fine.”
This time, you did look up to meet his eyes. “Why?”
“Why?” He was partly taken aback with surprise at your response. “We might not be together anymore, but it’s not like I just don’t care all of a sudden.”
“You didn’t care before.”
He stared at your expression, like he was wondering if you meant it. “Do you really think that?“
“You were never on my side.”
Before, this would’ve been hard for you to talk about, because you’d only ever avoided it. To think about it would make you think about all the times you knew you should’ve walked away, the times that you stood there and just took everything when you knew you deserved better than that. But maybe it was time to rip the bandaid off. How long were you going to go back and forth like this? How long was he going to try to hold on to you when you wanted out?
“You wanted to know where it all went wrong,” you spoke. “How about when you stood there and let everyone, even our own friends, say all those things about me. And when I asked you to trust me, you didn’t.”
“It wasn’t that simple.” He shook his head. At least he had the decency to look apologetic, to sound like he meant what he thought. “I–I wanted to trust you—“
“I think I see it now.” It was taking a lot of courage for you to finally say what you needed to say, and now that you finally found it, you didn’t even care that other people were watching or listening. “We were both so good at acting like everything about us was perfect. And as soon as I stopped, things changed. The difference between us is that one of us still pretending.”
“Min-hyuk!” One of his friends from the football team—one of your former ones— came up beside him, tapping his shoulder. He looked at you with the kind of friendliness that was reserved for any random student in the hallway. “Hi, Y/N. What are you guys talking about?”
Min-hyuk seemed to have nothing to say, his gaze on you fixed, but his mind on the words you’d spoken. You were glad you had the ability to leave him speechless, to see him actually opening his eyes to a world outside that bubble he lived in. The bubble that you’d also been a part of, but were now glad to have found a way out.
“Well,” you said to both of them. “I have class now.”
With your bag over your shoulder, you turned and headed for the building without paying attention to any of the stares that followed you.
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By the end of the day, that courage and energy that had allowed you to speak up to Min-hyuk had dissipated. Hopefully, he wouldn’t approach you again any time soon. Was it asking too much to not be approached by anyone else at all?
Now, you were standing in front of the doors to the pool once again, looking inside, but not having the courage to go in. It was almost a metaphor for your life. You were standing on the outside of a part of your life from the past, not being able to actually go in and see it properly.
Yoongi’s figure materialized next to you, not saying anything at first as though he could tell you were deep in thought. So, you broke the silence first and asked, “Long day?”
“You have no idea,” he answered. “Guess which asshole of a teacher decided to assign us a 10 page paper due in less than a week?”
Glancing sideways at him, you grinned. “The one who probably has hypertension from having to teach you?”
He shot you a dry look, but the corners of his mouth twitched a little like he was also holding back a grin of his own. “You’re hilarious, princess. But also probably right.” He noticed your attention on the pool on the opposite of the doors. "What, are you not allowed to go in or something? Weren’t you on the swim team at some point?”
Instead of answering, you turned away from the doors and started walking down the hallway. “Weren’t you on the basketball team?”
As Yoongi walked alongside you, subtle surprise appeared on his face. “It’s been a while since anyone’s asked me that.”
“You were captain of the team too, right?” you asked. “That’s how I knew you.”
Something else flickered across his face, though you didn’t know what it was. To you, it was probably the face you wore when you were briefly and vaguely recalling something in your mind.  “Well, it’s always nice to hear that my reputation precedes me. And not just as a gothic, underground rapper.” He ignored your subtle roll of eyes. “I played shooting guard actually.”
You hummed, remembering all the basketball games you attended in the gymnasium with your old friends. As part of the cheerleading team, you’d had an obligation to be there, but some of the games actually got interesting to watch. The first time you’d noticed Yoongi was when one time you’d been running late and had been trying to not fall behind the rest of the team. You remembered dropping one of your pompoms while trying to tie your hair up, and in passing, he’d picked up and handed it to you. You didn’t think he remembered it, and maybe it was a little embarrassing that you did. 
“You were good too.” You stopped near the front doors, most of the students walking around you with no interest since it was the end of the school day. Yoongi shot you a slightly puzzled look. “I was a cheerleader, remember? I’ve been to a bunch of games.”
“I remember,” he said after a moment, and it didn’t sound like something you’d say to someone just to blindly agree with them, so that was why you ended up meeting his gaze. There was something underneath those deep gray eyes that you didn’t really understand, but somehow, still found it startling to hold eye contact.
You half forced a chuckle to move the attention away from you. “Besides, it’s kind of hard to miss the only guy on the team with dyed blonde hair.”
He chuckled. “I almost forgot about that.”
“How could you forget? You were literally my inspiration,” you said, gesturing to your own bleached hair. When he threw you a dubious side eye, you shouldn’t have been surprised. Surely, that would’ve tricked one of the other boys. “Alright, fine, you didn’t. You know, I definitely do not miss the 5 hour practices, or the tiny uniforms or Yuna screaming at some younger, clueless girl to stop slacking.”
“But the outfits were so cute,” Yoongi teased, and though you were glad the topic changed, you shot him an unamused glance. “It was a joke. On a related note… what did the ex-boyfriend want earlier?”
You arched a brow and held back an amused grin. “You can say his name, you know.”
“Yeah, but that would give him too much significance. Unnamed means unimportant.”
You hummed in agreement. “Nothing really.”
“Is that why you ditched us afterwards without so much as a word?” he asked skeptically.
You tried not to sound irritated about it, but you’d hoped you could make it through the day without having to talk about it. “I ditched you, because I wasn’t in the mood to be interrogated about it.”
“How quickly you assume we would interrogate you.”
“Well, wouldn’t you?”
“Fine,” he grumbled after some seconds. “At least 3/7ths of us might. Can you really blame us for being curious? It looked kind of intense.”
Folding your arms over your chest, you looked at him with a grin forming on your lips. “Remember how you said you didn’t care? Well, it’s starting to sound a little like you do.”
He scoffed. “Please. You mistake my blind curiosity for something it isn’t.” He watched you a little longer as you shrugged before saying, “Remember when you said I was good at deflecting? You’re not so bad at it yourself.”
A part of you thought that this was a good time as any to actually talk about it. About how you’d cut things off with Yuna and Min-hyuk, and why you’d wanted to. By now, you felt like you could tell any of the seven boys and they’d listen—actually listen—and Yoongi, despite coming off as aloof and indifferent, wouldn’t judge you or anything. But this recent bond with them felt like a new and good thing, and you just didn’t want to jeopardize it, like you did with most things.
"Do you a need ride home?” Yoongi asked when he realized you were too deep in your head to say anything else about it. “I’m giving Jungkook one too, so I can drop you off after.”
“You go ahead,” you answered. “I have some stuff to do first.”
At first, he seemed almost reluctant to leave you alone, but you had a feeling he wouldn’t insist or comment on it. It would contradict his indifference to most things. Only after he left did you turn and start aimlessly walking down the other side of the hallway. It wasn’t like you had anything to do. You just weren’t sure if you wanted to be around anyone with curiosity like Yoongi’s lingering above your head. Talking about yourself and your personal life was never fun.
Eventually, you ran into another familiar face. 
“Hey, what’s up?” Namjoon said as he approached you in the hall.
“If this is about this morning, I’d rather not talk about it,” you decided to say immediately because if anyone could get answers from you by asking the right questions, it was probably Namjoon.
Fortunately for you, Namjoon could’ve read that from a mile away and wasn’t one to pry. He nodded in understanding. “I figured as much. Oh, hold on a second.” From his backpack, he drew out some loose papers tucked into a notebook. “I went through some of these to find whatever was legible enough.”
You scanned the writing briefly. “Your English notes?”
“Yeah, I remember you said the last class went over your head.” 
“I just don’t understand why it’s bought and not buyed, but it’s walk and walked? Like why can’t they can’t follow the same rule for every past tense conjugation?” you complained, but still a little touched that he remembered something you’d probably said in passing. “But thanks.”
“Also, if you see Taehyung, can you let him know I can’t walk home with him today?”
You nodded. “Sure. Staying back for extra work?”
“No, I—I have a shift today.”
You wondered why he sounded reluctant to answer. “Where do you work?”
“It’s a library,” he said with a small shrug. “It’s on the other side of the city, so I like to leave a little earlier.”
You shot him an amused grin. “Were there no libraries nearby hiring? Because I know if they saw your GPA, they would not hesitate.”
“Uh, this one has a nicer collection.”
“Alright,” you said, deciding not to question his responses since he hadn’t questioned you. But for some reason, it felt like he was trying to hide something. “See you tomorrow then.”
Smiling, he said, “Thanks, Y/N.”
As he walked away, you had to stop the curiosity from getting to you. It truly was an ordeal to be so curious and not want to intrude upon things that didn’t concern you. You had to remind yourself that it was better that information came to you at the right time rather than forcing it. At first, the reminder was about other people, but sometimes, you thought it was also about yourself.
After exiting through the west doors, you noticed Taehyung at the bottom of the staircase right outside the building. He was leaning against the railing, hood over his head and concentrated on whatever game he was playing on his phone. You slowed your steps, approaching the stairs. “You’re still here.”
Taehyung glanced up at you, slipping his phone into his pocket as you came towards him.  “Waiting for Namjoon. The kid’s a genius, but his punctuality could use a little improvement.”
You quirked a brow. “Kid? He’s older than you.”
Folding his arms over his chest, he said pointedly, “And I’m older than you. So how about you don’t question me?”
You had to bite back a smile at his antics. It was hard to believe sometimes that most of these boys were older than you. “He told me to tell you he has work today, so he can’t make it.”
He let out a loud and dramatic groan, practically cringing at himself. “For real? I probably look like some idiot, waiting on the stairs for his even more of an idiot boyfriend.”
You shrugged, not hiding the smile this time. “Just a little.”
He looked back at you. “How are you getting home? I’ll walk with you.”
He already started walking, expecting you to follow, so you didn’t get a chance to reply. With a defeated sigh, you decided to go after him.
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Your first mistake was choosing to walk all the way home instead of taking the bus. Your second mistake was letting Taehyung take the lead, because that boy looked like he’d never had a plan a day in his life. While you somewhat admired the spontaneity, you were used to routine or a plan of some kind. Although you did suppose that this year, everything that had happened, and was happening now, was not planned at all.
“I’ve never gone this way before.” 
The buildings were older and a bit worn away, but almost in an intentional manner, posters and signs on the gray brick walls. You passed several small shops and restaurants and cafes that despite appearing quaint seemed very cute. The people that walked by were all in their own worlds, not so much as glancing at you or anyone near them. It was something like a secret tourist spot or a hidden gem.
“Really?” Taehyung said. He walked on your right, but a little ahead. You wanted to say it was because he was leading the way, but that presumed he knew where he was going. “This street’s pretty cool. Hidden away from the centre, though, so you don’t really know about it until you come yourself.”
You removed your eyes from an old bookstore with a chalkboard sign outside. “You must do a lot of exploring, huh?”
“Whatever gets me out of the house.” He stopped walking abruptly. When you stopped to ask what was wrong, you saw a mischievous smile form on his face. “I just had a brilliant idea.”
“Why am I kind of doubtful?”
Despite the many, many questions you asked, Taehyung didn’t answer any of them. He could try and be mysterious if he wanted, but you wouldn’t buy it, was what you said to him. Instead, you waited outside while he went into a convenience store for a few minutes. You shouldn’t have been so surprised when he emerged with a plastic bag in hand, full of bottles of spray paint. You opened your mouth to ask what he was planning, but he just tugged on your arm and made you follow him around the corner.
The street you stopped at had to be somewhat of a visual arts scene, because you recalled passing arts and crafts places and small galleries, and the wall that stood in front of you now was a graffiti wall.
“This is so cool,” you said in awe, all thoughts of skepticism at Taehyung’s actions gone. Your gaze roamed over the various artwork and writing, painted on by different kinds of paint and people and minds. It was like an anonymous outlet for creativity and self expression, something like in the olden days when things like freedom of expression was outlawed, so people had to get creative around it.
“I love all kinds of art,” Taehyung said, dropping his backpack and crouching near the ground. “But graffiti has become more interesting recently. Here.”
You looked to see that he was holding out a can of spray paint for you. “This is vandalizing.”
He half scoffed, half laughed. “This is an artistic statement.”
“They’re not mutually exclusive, Taehyung.”
“Relax, Y/N.” He placed the can in your hand himself after he decided that you wouldn’t take it, then took another out of the bag for himself. “I’ve done this billions of times. You won’t get caught.”
Despite yourself, there was an urge in you to just do it, get your hands a little messy. That was why you liked to bake after all, wasn’t it? That was why you chose art class. You could make a mess and make something good out of it. You could control something instead of being controlled. But turning back to the wall of art and messages and stories, you hesitated. “I can’t paint like this,” you tried lamely.
Taehyung shot you a look. “I saw your sketch today. It was far from shitty.” After a minute of waiting, he sighed. “Fine, I’ll go first.”
The way he walked up the an empty section of the wall with confidence, how he shook the paint can and effortlessly began to draw strokes in red paint told you that he wasn’t lying when he said he’d done this a lot. 
When he finished, he stepped back to where you stood, briefly appraising his work before saying, “Your turn. Don’t think too much. Just whatever’s on your mind, let it out.”
So, you found yourself closing your eyes briefly, and releasing a breath before stepping forward. You pushed on the paint can’s nozzle and let your mind take over for your hand and for a few minutes, all that was heard was the faint car engines in the distance and the spraying noise of the paint. Finally, you let your arm drop to see what you’d made. It was a pair of blue wings like a butterfly’s.
Taehyung studied the wall for a moment before humming, “Interesting.”
“By interesting, you mean awful.”
He shot you a look. “By interesting, I mean interesting. You and Namjoon might like to have second meanings to your sentences, but I’m a simple guy.”
“Uh huh.” You watched him move back to the wall and start painting something else. It was funny how before you’d known him, you had him pegged for some kind of reckless skater boy with a rebellious streak. He was actually more of an artsy boy with a rebellious streak. “I guess it would be easier if everyone wasn’t always pretending to be something they’re not.”
“Was Min-hyuk pretending to be a super nice guy again?” He only glanced over his shoulder at you when he didn’t get an answer. Of course this topic would’ve inevitable come up although you’d also assumed Taehyung would avoid uncomfortable conversations whenever he could. “None of those guys are all what they show. It’s good that you hit one of them. You might accidentally activate some part in the brain that knocks some sense into them.”
You nodded at this, slightly amused. “If that was how neurobiology worked.”
“Let’s experiment. Hit me over the head really hard and tomorrow, let’s see if I pass my math test.”
You were holding back a laugh when your gaze fell on part of his drawing. “Is that your signature?”
“Oh, that... it’s kind of like my alias,” Taehyung said almost like it was embarrassing for him to say. This must have been the first time he’d told someone about his side hobby. “For when I’m out painting.”
“For when you’re out vandalizing,” you remarked.
He mocked the face you’d made earlier and said, “They’re not mutually exclusive, Y/N.”
You let out a scoff, but couldn’t hide your amusement. “What does it mean? The V?”
“It’s short for Vante.”
You hummed. “Interesting.”
“You mean interesting good or interesting bad?”
“I mean interesting,” you said, deepening your voice a little to mock him.
The side of his mouth curved into a grin. “Touche.”
Returning your attention to the wall, your eyes began to study the various drawings, fleetingly going back to another wall and another drawing. “You haven’t seen anything like the hwa yang yeong hwa we saw before, have you?”
“No,” Taehyung answered, then gave it another thought. “Not that I’ve been to a lot of graffiti places outside of this area. But from where I have looked around, it’s made me think that maybe this... Smeraldo person isn’t a regular graffiti artist.”
“As in, this was just a one time thing for them?”
“I guess that means it’s not just graffiti we should be looking at,” you speculated. “It’s definitely a start but could be any art form.”
“Or maybe the art is just a way to get it out there.”
You frowned. “Meaning what? Someone’s trying to say something? To send a message?”
He shrugged. “It’s possible, yeah.”
His attention refocused on the drawing he’d started, but your mind began to run through possible explanations. What if somehow someone was trying to say something? More importantly, what if someone was trying to say something to you?
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The sun was beginning to lower by the time you reached Taehyung’s place. You didn’t even realize the two of you had been out for a while with his detour idea. 
You tilted your head up to observe the apartment building complex. Since you’d never been to this part of the city before, you couldn’t say much about it. But by the oldness and the obvious low maintenance of the building, you guessed that the rent was affordable. Taehyung, like you, wasn’t one of the richer kids of the Academy. You supposed that the talent that had gotten him in was art related, if not painting specifically.
“Is this where you live?” you asked to break the silence.
“Yup,” Taehyung said, popping the sound at the end. “Home sweet…” He trailed off a little as his faraway gaze crossed the building, instead turning back to you. “Do you live close by? I can walk with you.”
You made a dubious face. “Are you sure you want to walk there and then all the way back?”
“Hey, I may be lazy, but I’m not that lazy.”
“I don’t need protecting, if that’s what you were going to say.”
He scoffed. “Obviously not. You broke a guy’s fucking jaw!”
“It wasn’t actually broken,” you muttered before shaking your head. “Wouldn’t you rather go home? Your parents are probably waiting for you.”
“No one’s waiting for me.” Before you could say anything, he waved it away, his long hair hiding the expression on his face you were trying to read. “It’s fine. Forget it.”
But he didn’t make a move to walk towards the complex’s stairs that led up to the first floor. Even as you stood there for another minute and he just stood with you, you realized he wasn’t about to head home regardless of if you left now or stayed. And for a moment, you wondered if this was what he had meant that day weeks ago. No one’s waiting for me. It was a thought that had held a place in your mind for a long time too.
It’s better not to force information you don’t even need to know, a voice in the back of your head reminded. Finally, you said, “Are you hungry? I could go for some coffee, and the Brew’s not far from here.”
Taehyung turned to look at you. If he was grateful for the chance to avoid going home, he didn’t show it. “Will you give me a discount?”
“If you stop talking, I’ll pay for your entire order.”
The carefree smile that stretched across his face as he started dragging you towards the next street was enough for you to know that he was, in fact, at least a little grateful.
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chapter vii // chapter ix (coming soon)
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