#this goes for anyone else too btw if you want to draw any of my designs im gifting your father 20 cows as a dowry
rillette · 2 years
souperrrr I know you’re probably chill with this but I’d feel like a shmuck if I didn’t ask, if it’s alright with you if I draw your star sapphire design? I’m in love with her
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Absolutely, I would shit and cry even!!!!!!
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
Would you be willing to write how would the Cullens react to the reader asking to do/wanting to do their makeup?
Doing the Cullens' Makeup
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!
I tried to branch out a little and include some more dialogue in this one, so hopefully it’s good.
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He's a bit hesitant
He is one of the oldest ones
And the most old fashioned one
He will take some convincing
Mostly he just doesn't see why you want to do that
Like you have your own face
You would need to start out small
Put just like a liiiiittle bit of blush on his cheeks
He will never let you do a full face btw
So you're gonna have to settle with giving him some subtle eyeshadow, a bit of blush, and maybe some lipstick
Once he sees that it can still look natural and not super obvious he'd let you do it more often
He does draw the line at leaving the house like this though
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Of course
You didn't even need to ask
She would just sit there and talk your ear off for however long it takes
She would find it really relaxing
Even if you're not good at it she'd let you do her makeup all the time
She just won't leave the house with it on :')
She would be nice about it though
"Oh, you put blue eyeshadow on me and the dress I already had picked out was orange so I had to change the eyeshadow to be orange!"
Would never ever tell you if it's bad
Now if you're good at it tho...
Sorry that's your job now
She won't leave the house now without you doing her makeup
"Come on we have an hour before we need to leave you need to start my makeup now!"
Will tell anyone that asks that you did it
She's proud
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He's old fashioned
But I think he's so old to the point that he knows times are changing and he can adapt
So if you come up to him and ask he'll just be like
"Oh okay guys wear makeup now... noted"
And he lets you no questions asked
He will not leave the house with it on tho unfortunately
At least not with like mascara, eyeshadow, or eyeliner
But he would go out with some blush or some lipstick
He would really enjoy the intimacy of it
And he would love seeing you focus
He would really like the brushes on his face
Overall very relaxing
He wouldn't ever ask you to do it
But if you suggest it immediately he is sat and ready
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1000x yes
She loves being pampered just a little bit
And I feel like she already enjoyed doing your makeup before this
So yes of course you can
She has legitimately zero preference
You want to do rainbow eyeshadow and purple blush?
Okay go for it :)
If you're not good at it she'll still let you do her makeup
She will just sneak off to the bathroom afterwards to fix it up a little
And if you notice it looks different no you don't
"Did you redo your makeup?" "What no of course I didn't you just really did this good!"
Will make any colors you choose work as well
If she was planning on wearing something, oh well she's choosing something else that goes with her makeup
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He doesn't care
He thinks it's a fun bonding activity
But he will only let you do his makeup if he can do yours too
And be warned, he is bad at it
He's sort of eye-for-an-eye type
If you want him to go out wearing the makeup you did, then you have to go out in the makeup he did
So yeah best to leave it behind closed doors
He does actually try tho
Full tongue sticking out, really focused on trying to get an eyeliner wing
He just can't
Either way he doesn't mind
If it makes you happy then he's happy
Though he would prefer to get lipstick from kissing you ;)
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I feel like she has a makeup routine
And by routine I mean this is the makeup she's been doing every day for like 100 years or however old she is
So she is a little hesitant for you to do something different to her
And she finds comfort in the routine
She would let you try though
Maybe like... later at night when she has nowhere else to go
If you do a good job though she'll be pleasantly surprised
And she might even let you do her makeup if there's a special occasion
If you do a bad job though...
Let's just say your skills are solely for before-showering makeup
Sorry :)
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(I have been waiting to use this gif for FOREVER)
Anyway he's from a time when guys used makeup very consistently in higher society
So it's nothing new to him
It's just been a while since that's been popular
"You want to do my makeup? Oh, that's nice that that's back in fashion."
He doesn't mind at all
He won't go to work with it on though
He does have a professional appearance to uphold
But he'll indulge you at home as much as you want
And if you ask him nicely he might even do the makeup he used to do for you
I think it would be funny
He would tell you all of his stories while you work on him
Very fun
We love a man who's comfortable in his masculinity
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Vampire! Bella:
I feel like she's never been huge into makeup
In the movies we never see her put any on (not that Kristen isn't wearing any)
And there's no mention of it in the books that I remember
But again she's not opposed
I feel like she'd be really touchy around the eyes
"Stop blinking so much it's just eyeliner." "Sorry it tickles... and it feels weird."
She wouldn't know if you did a good job or not
She's never paid that much attention to makeup or what makes it look good or bad
So she would like it either way
Rose or Alice would have to be the ones to pull her aside and ask if she needs any help with her makeup if it looks bad
And she would say no and ask why because you did it
They just give sort of a "yikes" face
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dragongirltongue · 10 months
New Pinned post <3
Hi there, the name is Zelda, or one of like, 20 other names that may or may not be listed somewhere around here. If you know a name I go by that isn't findable here don't use it. <3
I'm bigender which is made up of girl and fem6oy, as such I use she/her and sometimes he/him pronouns when I'm feeling fem6oy enough <3
I'm in my 30s, not getting more specific than that until I decide it's not true enough to change it, don't try to find my exact age as I don't like sharing that information publicly, I don't even update it on my birthday <3
I'm a polyamorous bisexual voraphile freak and if you're over 18 you're welcome to talk to me about how much of a freak I am. I love to flirt and encourage it. Also happy to share my Other Blog with anyone interested, again as long as you're of age. <3
I'm a film graduate and currently working on doing something with that experience as well as working on a superhero comic and a 2D zelda style game. Feel free to bug me about any of those I love to discuss writing and media and want to encourage media literacy. <3
I'm also an ex-jehovahs witness and as a result I'm hugely into the holiday season in a very against my old god kinda way. Also big into sinning <3
Also I'm like, a dragon in probably an otherkin/thetadelta kinda way, like, it's core to who I am and how I understand myself so yeah. Despite this my fursona is a fox, the dragon in my icon is literally me <3
I also draw sometimes and when I do it'll be posted to @dragongirldrawings but always reblogged here too.
Also I'm a member of a plural system, feel free to check out the rest of the system over here @haven-sys <3
Further on the identity weirdness I'm an imaginary friend for the person who used to inhabit this body, they've been gone for like, over 20 years so it's not really relevant but I have started embracing my nature as a fictional creation, it's comforting.
Btw, if one of my posts containing my typing quirk ends up on your dash I take no responsibility for it. I use it in posts that are for me only and if they happen to resonate with others that's their choice to reblog.
I had intended to set tipping up on my blog for a while but adhd caused me to never get around to it sooo, homebrew tip button on my original posts. Feel free and outright encouraged to steal this idea <3
So yeah that's me, hiii I love you all <3
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this post is specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue
DNI list under the read more.
lmao imagine if I actually made one of those finally, that's how you'd know I've been replaced with an evil clone or something.
That being said if you're looking at my blog to send me an ask or dm about what someone gets off to please understand unless they're actively hurting someone I rly don't care. I have a lot of ignored and blocked anons about this.
This goes double if the person you're trying to alert me to is trans femme, we don't play that game here, especially given that I know I've been targetted for things as simple as engaging in vore the wrong way for some people or whatever.
Like, I just want to make it clear I rly don't give a fuck what another adult does in the bedroom, I rly don't care if the bedroom happens to include their blog and I rly don't care if they like to flirt about it with other adults on this website.
Also if your pinned post is a callout for anyone about anything it's likely to set off my paranoia around you, which is to say I will not be able to trust you if this is the case even if it's for someone who's actually a danger to a community, like, actively.
Like, this ain't a moral stance or anything, it's a mental health thing. I see that you want to make your first point of contact into a crosshair on someone else I'm gonna be scared you're gonna aim at me next even if it's completely reasonable that you'd never find anything objectionable with me. It scares me and I'm gonna spend every interaction walking on egg shells around you cos what if you're digging for dirt, like, I got no way of knowing.
Anyway as the opening joke implies I don't see any worth in having a list of things to not interact with me over cos the lived experience on this planet is so full of nuance and I've formed deem friendships with people who'd probably have avoided me if I had a DNI and they cared about it.
I think DNIs are dumb but this feels like a space to talk about some general limits on what I'm gonna put up with on this website. I'm just here for a good time with other freaks, anything else is optional. If you want to drag me into your discourse at this point then I guess this is whre I ask you to Do Not Interact. To anyone else, I love yall <3
If you've been directed here after sending an ask my way please apologize for wasting my time [here]
tl;dr DNIs are dumb but don't drag me into your personal grievances with others.
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this post is still specifically a6out tum6lr user Zelda dragongirltongue [tip]
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Hiii since you said you were interested in what others think about the whole Sami/Bron/MITB situation.... I have thoughts and it's a bit much to write in the comments so, Here goes... (this isn't even all the thoughts BTW 😂
@thesmallworldofsamizayn I got to agree a bit there, with your statement of Bron being unstoppable and Sami being the underdog, as well as getting sick of the comments being made about Sami being the Champ. Usually I don't really give into or pay much attention to all the talk, and if I do, it only makes me want to fight harder, but I'll be honest; this time round, Sami doesn't NEED the belt...
He's good enough on his own and he's proven it time and time again. It was a nice icing on the cake type situation (having the belt), but, the point is that there is and was plenty of delicious cake already there! (if that makes any sense) So bottom line, he'll survive without it, he can survive without it. If anything, it'll probably light a bigger fire under him, reigniting that fiery passion of his. The one that keeps drawing us to him and into his world.
Honestly, this is going to sound so bad, but I won't be overly upset if/when Sami drops the belt (note I too am an avid Sami fan and I'd be a bit sad, but not devastated). To me (personally), before he won the IC championship, and even though he had more loses than wins, he was more intriguing to watch. Idk why, and may be it's just me atm, after that long drawn out (weeksss of) Alpha Academy saga - may be that's what's got me feeling this way fn...
A few weeks ago I would have said that they are building up to Chad winning it, but now that Bron and Sheamus are involved who knows the hands the title will eventually fall into. Also, it's going to be hard to get Sami to drop the belt this quick (even though it's been what? A couple of months now already?) when it clearly (you can SEE it) means so much to him... It'll be hard but they'll eventually have to do it. So may be MITB will be it.
Also got to agree a bit here with @shanie too, I would love to see Sami get involved in the BL saga and if there's anyone who believes in redemption, always seeing the good in people, fighting for the greater good, and what's good and right AND against all odds, it's Sami Zayn. He's got the innate need to rescue people out of toxic situations and to fix said situation. So he would definitely fit the narrative if they decide to insert him into it.
BUT the big issue is with the fans. Again. There's quite certainly going to be a LOT of hate if this happens. I'm already hearing rumblings of people unhappy with just the mere thought of it. Saying he's not family so why is he involving himself in it, as much as that's true, have they completely forgotten that he in fact was a THE 'honorary Uce'? The closest an 'outsider' has ever gotten to the family or being 'family'? Heck he almost became 'Sami Uso'.
So in the end people can and will make up their own minds and there nothing anyone can do about it. And also in the end each to their own I guess... (BTW people need to chill out and remember this is fiction NOT real life 😭)
Anywayy just a few of my thoughts....sorry about the long winded answer 😂😅
(no pressure to to respond to this BTW 😊
hello! thank you very much for these detailed thoughts. youve actually articulated a lot of what i was feeling. first, the fact that a) i dont like seeing fans bitch about sami and b) i especially dont like it when they're kind of right. it is someone else's turn, and maybe yeah that person should have been chad. i was more than ready for it to be chad at catc personally. im not too mad that it's gone in a different direction cause it does actually look like they have other storyline ideas for chad now, but as far as sami's concerned, yeah the belt isn't doing anything more for him now than it has till this point. it's weird to think he hasn't held a title as a face since the nxt championship 10 years ago. but thinking back on that, and everything since, everything he's been so good at - yeah, im not sure that long term champion is the right look on him! he won it in 2014 and lost it devastatingly to kevin 2 months later, and i would not have wanted that to happen any other way.
thing is, i will be sad if sami loses to bron at mitb. especially if he loses clean, not unlike he did to kevin all those years ago, futilely continuing to kick out long after he should have quit until he's physically incapable of doing so. what's maybe harder to explain as a wrestling fan is that i want to be sad about sami zayn. i like those heavy emotions, i like feeling like my favourite character can't catch a break. that's the entire essence of the underdog appeal. further to that, this is kind of the state im most used to and therefore most comfortable in when it comes to characters im invested in. in the words of mitski, i bet on losing dogs. and sami winning was an incredible feeling and so deserved, but i really don't mind him losing! he's both more compelling overall and gets more interesting stories, and just inspires so much sympathy in that position. (look i also like seeing him in pain i'll say it. he clearly likes acting being in pain just as much so everyone's happy i think)
then there's the bloodline and yeah, i'd sit up to watch sami back with those guys especially roman. im apparently one of the few people who really doesn't want roman to come back as a face no matter how much the fans cheer him, but if he is going to have a face turn, it's got to involve sami god damn it. i was just talking with @milk-crater about this, how it makes more sense with sami being a bit more removed, because that makes him a better person to forgive roman, and to be his moral guide. also it's sami, if anyone in all pro wrestling would reach out a hand to a genuienly remorseful roman reigns it's him. all that and the two just have such great chemistry, and it was the baseline for everything that made the honorary uce arc so fantastic and beloved, and it'd be nice to come back to some of that. maybe show these smarks what they've forgotten about why sami is the absolute best again.
thanks again for hopping in my inbox and never worry about being long winded. anyone who's ever been in a conversation with me knows im the last person to take issue with that!
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dreamii-krybaby · 10 months
Y’all remember my raspberry swap au? Which is basically a doll and uzi role swap
Here are like some main ideas
Fist of all, Khan WAS the assigned colony leader but after getting murdered by the disassembly drones (N *cough cough*) alongside Nori, in his will he gave the role to one of his trusted friends, “Adán” (which is Doll’s father btw)
Adán is much more younger than Khan and didn’t have much experience, so getting the role of leader of the colony, plus the fact he is grieving Yeva’s death deeply and has to deal with Doll’s antics takes a heavy toll on him
Adán tried to give the job to someone else but no one wanted and he felt he would be disrespecting khan. So what’s up with his relationship with doll?
Its strained, due to Adán being new to the job and having to manage so many things, he is overworked and burned out and is not in the right headspace at all. And is in deep grieving, which has let him to not pay much attention to doll’s needs, he occasionally seems to be in his own bubble not paying attention to anyone or anything.
Doll is also grieving but in a different way, it has mostly affected her academically. And since her dad hasn’t been paying attention to her emotionally she occasionally lashes out, which lets to arguments which lets to her getting ground and things getting progressively more complicated.
She eventually makes a friend at school, lizzy :3
Meanwhile Uzi kinda goes the same path as Doll does in canon. She plans a whole revenge plan on prom night. On everyone favorite’s boy, N. Who takes more different personality.
Oh and Adán and Doll speak english! But with a very heavy russian accent, but there are scenes where they actually speak russian. Meanwhile Uzi speaks japanese! She got it from Nori.
Also Uzi’s home is similar to doll’s but different aesthetic as in the composition and colors. Also her parents corpse’s are on the living room (get it- haha)
She also has countless of gadgets and weapons littered around and buckets and bags full of drone parts and oil. Also, yes her house is infested with insects but like i was thinking that instead of roaches its like moths or spiders.
Also instead of Uzi bringing knifes she brings many little gadgets, but one of my ideas is that she carries a purse that actually turns into a sort of weapon but still thinking about it.
As for Doll, her equivalent of Uzi’s SAH railgun would be maybe a crossbow or a dagger with poison but am still thinking about it. May go with the crossbow
Also since Doll and Uzi are based on highschooler archetypes, i was thinking that Doll takes more on the “quiet true crimes artsy kid” meanwhile for Uzi, am still figuring her archetype, but definitely am thinking that she is that one kid who gets the highest marks without even trying.
As for Yeva and Nori, their personality wont change that much, as for now. Yeva is more unstable rather than unhinged. As in constant breakdowns, anxiety attacks and dwelling in unhealthy coping mechanisms (Smoking and drinking). She tried her best to make Doll think everything was ok but she became dependent a bit on Adán and all of this happened when she started getting the visions. And I was thinking that instead of doing drawings its maybe something with photography maybe, like collages maybe. But idk
Adán was there for Yeva but things got complicated as he couldn’t deal with how unstable Yeva became. And he blamed himself deeply after Yeva was murdered by the disassembly drones, by being shot in the head.
Also character design wise, Adán is almost the same as his canon design, Doll gets a wardrobe change, Uzi does too. Am still thinking about the rest.
If you have any ideas pleaseeee tell me. I would greatly appreciate it. Also you can ask me anything regarding this AU
Also Yeva’s and Nori’s and Khan’s death didn’t have a big time gap btw, maybe a few months apart.
Also I was thinking of Uzi trying to restrain N by building her own contraption :3
Edit: when the whole “leaving your kid to die” shit happens. When V and Doll team up and beat J’s and N’s ass and win. Adán immediately goes to hug doll and try to apologize but Doll shoves him away and call’s him out, telling him that she feels like she is being treated as nothing but as a burden. Then the rest plays out like in canon mostly
This let’s to Adán trying to find ways to cope (in a healthy way) and get some sort of help with managing the colony and his grief
Edit: Nori’s and Khan’s corpses display nanite acid and have parts that are completely burned or melted off.
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pixels1utz · 1 year
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Btw for this story I'll be calling him kuni as a short name because im too lazy for my own good
[Also this is fem reader]
And time was set for late night or really early in the morning before the sun rises
Also maybe fluffy Scara? Or soft idk
Hope you enjoy!
As you woke up and realised that paimon is asleep for once and your boyfriend kuni is awake you decide to ask him if he wanted to go on a walk
And he said yes so you got ready and waiting outside for him to get ready,soon as he walked out you two started your walk to the forest
Kuni is the one who always loves going to the forest for some fresh air when he was stressed or so
But during this morning his stress was on something else let's just say sensual
Since you two haven't really done anything yet ever since you had started your relationship
And he would like to drop obvious hints at you once in a while even when making out
But today he definitely wanted something he's been waiting for
But as he walked out he noticed your outfit it was something that showed your cleavage and how you wore a skirt
Already he couldn't take his eyes off you looking you up and down like a hungry lion watching his prey
He grabbed your hand and started walking to the forest
As you where just enjoy this moment with your boyfriend a sudden brush of cold air hits you, which makes you shiver
Kuni saw this and tried to pull you close to keep you warm and wrap his hands around you
As a small blush appears on your face since kuni wasn't usually this nice
Yes he was a caring boyfriend and would always help you when you where sick buy normally he would never make it obvious that he was trying to show affection
And you knew he did love you,so you always like to show back some sort of affection to him so he knows he's loved
And with his past it wasn't easy for him to trust anyone but with you he can unwind and enjoy himself
As you two interlock fingers you realise that the rain was starting to slowly come down
You mentioned it to kuni and you two start walking back to your place
Once you unlock the door kuni walks in and sits on the couch and the rain starts to pour down you knew that it would take a while before it would settle down so you join kuni on the couch
As you sit down you rest your head on Kunis shoulder and he interlocks your fingers once again and kisses your hand
You turn to look at him and give him a kiss on his lips and he cups your cheeks to press his lips closer to yours
As he starts to move his hands all around your body as he looks for a place to put his other hand and it finds itself by your waist
As he takes his lips off of yours leaving a string of saliva, his and your lips where now puffy and he goes down to your neck and places a kiss before biting in to it softy to make sure not to harm you in any way
As you let out a small moan, your hands make its ways to his chest as you rub your fingers across his chest drawing little imaginary hearts here and there
Him on the other hand was trying to savour this moment as much as he could but he knew his instincts would tell him other wise
As he lifts his hands and start to fiddle with your breasts he would closely listen to hear your moans
As he realised the bulge in his pants but you didn't seem to notice as he puts another hand to grasp your thighs and let's that hand snake it's way over to your damp underwear as he draws circles around your folds
You let out another moan practically begging for more, he seemed to get the message and slides the piece of fabric to the side as he uses Two fingers to draw circles around your folds once more
And after he puts one finger inside trying to help you get used to this, you moan out now
And soon after he placed another one in as he started pumping in and out but in a steady pace
As you arch your back he feels you tighten around his fingers and so you came all over his fingers
He doesn't hesitate putting those two fingers in his mouth though and now he's definitely turned on
You realized and started rubbing on his bulge as he lets out a groan
As you start rubbing and soon you pulled his pants down and started pumping him
He groans at your touch
Not long after he flips you over on the couch and rubs himself between your folds
He asks if he can put it in
And you nodded a yes in response
So as he was slowly pushing himself into you, during this you would grab onto his hair or the couch
Once he's bottomed out in you he starts pumping himself in and out and then speeds up in the process
And gets a bit more rougher
As the sounds of skin slapping one another gets louder, your moans would too
Soon you feel your stomach get warm and you start to get light headed
As he notices how you tighten around him he also feels like he's about to cum
As he asks if you can cum at the same time as him
You said yes in a muffled voice
And not long after you came and so did he filling you up with his liquids
As he collapsed on top of you, you'd put a hand on his head and play with his hair
Soon after you'd fall into a deep sleep
As you awoke you found yourself in clean clothes and kuni missing
You'd get up to see him in the kitchen trying to make pancakes for you and him
You couldn't help but giggle at the fact he was trying to cook
You'd end up helping him and they ended up not too bad
Soon after eating you two would end up having a cuddling session
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AHH I'm so happy I'm finally done but also sad it's dry af
So I deeply apologize about the fact a lot was rushed
And I promise next time I will try to make one better than whatever this is
But thank you so much for reading this garbage
This was originally published on my Wattpad account
-------- THANK YOU --------
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malka-lisitsa · 7 months
Why is your Katherine so obsessed with Stefan? I know she was obsessed with him in the show but you take it up a notch and it comes across as Stefan being Katherine's main personality trait. I think it leaves a poor taste for a woman's life to revolve around a man so much that it takes a big chunk of her autonomy. Stefan has done so much to her and it's overall a poor choice to me. I don't think Katherine - being the bad bitch that she is - would pine after Stefan after he has treated her in the worst ways :/
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I thought about this all day, and I decided to answer it anyway so here goes.
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Katherine is extremely obsessed with Stefan in the show too? Like the second she saw him that was her entire goal in life was to be with him? She watched him for 145 years while she planned her big break for freedom from Klaus so she could be with him for REAL- She ONLY came out of the shadows because Stefan started fucking around with Elena. "I came back for you." She literally screwed herself over revealing herself to them because of Stefan. She continues to help Stefan for the entire 3 year he absolutely treats her like shit.
Which btw she DOES fuck him up several times in retaliation but never stops trying to win him back even though he's spat in her face several times. She gets turned human literally tries to off herself and Stefan just says "Suck it up" and shes right back on the obsessive wagon to win Stefan back. He fucked her, snubbed her, literally SHATTERED HER ENTIRE WORLD- and she STILL snatched Elena's body with the goal of getting Stefan back. Which was the dumbest choice on her part- but you know what she was terrified of death, out of her damn MIND with paranoia and clinging to the thing she KNOWS makes her happier than anything else- STEFAN.
LITERALLY GETS SENT TO HELL AND COMES BACK AFTER STEFAN- So yes absolutely she pines after him despite all the shitty things he did to her.
The only thing that changes in my writing? Is I give the emotional insight to why she acts like that. The internal drive. The bond that she feels to him in detail as opposed to us just seeing her on screen saying she loves Stefan.
Katherine got Silas levels of the Doppelganger draw and it fucked her up badly. She absolutely was obsessed with Stefan she loves him more than anything or anyone. Katherine's goal has been LOVE since she was a human. She was literally a shadow of an extremely tragic love story. AND YET- while being completely bound to him in ways not even she fucking understands she still found a way to be the baddest bitch of all. She didnt LOSE anything by loving Stefan so hard. She CHOSE to dedicate everything she had to being with him because SHE WANTED her happy ending. Katherine decided what she wanted and KATHERINE went after it.
It didn't take anything away from her character at all and neither do I.
Saying Katherine is less of a bad bitch because she wants to be with Stefan so bad she acts a little stupid sometimes is the same bullshit as saying house wives are less than career women. Katherine decided what she wanted and she went for it. Just because she decided she wanted a man and not world domination doesnt take ANYTHING away from her. She was NEVER extremely ambitious she ONLY wanted to be HAPPY and STEFAN MADE HER HAPPY.
Katherine's main personality trait is that she wants her happy ending, she wants to be loved the way she loves, she wants to be able to keep and enjoy that love, and she wants what she fucking wants when she wants it. Shes a driven highly capable woman and her choice of main focus being Stefan doesnt take any of that shit away from her. Shes a BAD ASS with or without Stefan, but SHE wants STEFAN.
It would be so out of character to just have her decide she doesn't care that much and fuck off to do... what? Shes not a world domination type. She only wants safety and love- so if she ditched Stefan she'd just go after another lover. Oh wait like Elijah. And when that didnt work out she went right back to Stefan. So really idk what your beef is here. Katherine has always been a character whos main trait was she wants love. Just turns out the love she wants is Stefan's.
She makes shitty choices sometimes that get her in hot water regarding Stefan but none of her autonomy is ever taken from her unless Klaus is involved because he literally compels her. Katherine does what Katherine wants at all times PERIOD. Idk what kind of new age feminism you're trying to force on Katherine as a character but her being all about love and just wanting her happy ending doesn't make her any less of a bad ass and personally I think it's kinda sad that you'd say that.
Katherine was the fox that out ran the hound for 500 years both WITH and WITHOUT Stefan. She continued to thwart his plans and be a general thorn in his side, she continued to be the badest bitch, and an absolute legend ALL WHILE pining after Stefan. Katherine wanted to be happy and she knew Stefan made her happy. It takes nothing from her to have her goal be a happy ending with a man. Sorry that leaves a bad taste in your mouth but I will continue to keep her true to character and her love for Stefan in every verse it's applicable in thank you.
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hottakehoulihan · 2 months
"My Hero Academia", otherwise known as "Boku No Hero Academia" or BNHA, is a story about a world where EIGHTY PERCENT
(what the fuck)
of people get a super power.
In Worm (the story that matters. ...but I'm trying to be nice here and to have an open mind) powers end up with about one person in FOUR THOUSAND.
(oh, and for those of you on the outside? Wildbow has brain problems when it comes to math and numbers. I sympathize.)
Right, so I'm liveblogging this shit.
I mean stuff.
I'm five minutes in. Holy holy fuck but the dub is unendurable I had to stop and websearch to figure out how the new version of Crunchyroll lets you switch to Japanese language (which might also suck but I'm insulated by not actually knowing the language very well)
Somehow people are treated as being special for their powers even though....like everyone has them?
At least in "The Slime Tamer Goes On A Journey To Pick Up Trash" (or whatever it's called) it wasn't treated as unusual when a hugely normal thing was hugely normal.
Yeah; already I'm seeing some major logical flaws. Right now we've got a "Spiderman" fighting a "Big stompy" who is raging because he (I feel bad for him already) was stealing a *purse* and got cornered and ended up entering big stompy changery form.
Good luck to him, I wish. But I don't think it'll happen. I need alcohol for this. I might have a problem.
Nope. Before spidey's web could wrap the big guy up some other giant butt-lady jumped in and KO'd him. Looks like villains are an exception to the post-scarcity situation.
Episode one, and the biggest, stupidist, most unforgivable flaw is this "80%" bullshit.
Okay, classroom scene and...well the kids are all prima-donnas and maybe that's power-related but I think it's just because they're kids.
This series would at least pass the "guess who the protagonist is" test. Because the protag is no more odd-looking than anyone else.
That wasn't praise, but it wasn't a damn either.
I am NOT gonna judge how quality the drawing or animation is, BTW. That would be unfair. Even though the fan-animations Worm has (including "A Completely Normal Amy...") are better. Because Wildbow is a writer not an animator or sketching artist.
We're just looking at the story here, folks.
(Except for me, alas.)
(Sorry. I really don't want to hatewatch this.)
(There's a spiky-headed blonde guy being framed as a villainous hero-wannabe and...I bet our hero will be best friends with him eventually.)
No seriously, if only two out of ten don't have powers, why is it that ANYBODY is revered as amazing? That's like being amazed at people who can put their hair in a bun!
Thing is? 80% is also flawed because it's too SMALL. Boyo is treated as special at the moment because he didn't get anything, but that's also absurd given how he's in the 20%. That's like being "Whoah! A boy!? With BLUE EYES!? Fuuuuck. Wildbow's struggles with numbers are small potatoes compared to this stuff. ...and this stuff? Had a team of editors and assistant writers working on it.
Fail. Sauce.
But no. I must be strong and give it a chance and try to like it.
Boyo is crying because he isn't getting powers. Well. It does suck to learn you rolled a ...shit, we don't even have a good metaphor for a this. This ain't rolling a one on a 20-sided die. This isn't snakeeyes. This is more like getting a spade when you wanted any other suit and no game works like this.
He's getting tentacle-violated and I'm bored.
I have watched every Urotsukidoji movie ever made. This is unlike me.
A new hero has stopped it before it happened. I won't bother remembering them. They won't come up again. So to speak.
I'm not wired to care much about porn, but...shota ain't my thing and I can't remember the plot of Boku no Piko. And
No, actuallly I'm having fun now. Some goofy hero has the power to suck people into small bottles and imprison them. And before the protag can ask for an autograph, he finds out he's already got one. That's actually cute.
This is 100% the best part of this episode. It's pretty great.
This is a goofy gag anime like Love After The End Of The World or something.
And...the first episode doesn't count.
Nothing I've said so far counts.
Because the story hasn't started yet, really.
And this isn't the same genre as Worm no this is a gag anime. Like "Love At The End Of The World" (bad camel-case but I'm drinking and IDC) (Also it's called 'Proper Case" in this context)
Okay, episode end. Still bored, but I know from pre-reading the Wikipedia analysis that this weird boring hero will give powers to the kid-protag maybe?
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volvolts · 3 months
tell me about one of your new story projects, please? :)
ah im so sorry it took me awhile cuz i really wanted to draw more stuff on it thank you for letting me ramble <3 you've been warned
basically my recent project is im kinda sorta stealing my kynseed ocs for it and also One Guy but that One Guy is so different that if i didn't say anything im pretty sure that no one wouldve known lol
its a story about one man who gets saved by a mysterious deer who turned out to be a fae in disguise and grants this man very potent plant magic and everything that happens after
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(his name is oscar btw but he goes by Oz) more talking and also pictures and rambling under the read more
oz has spent his whole life being affected by the fae. they dont mean any harm but some of the more animal like fae get kinda aggressive sometimes so oz has had a lot of close calls in his life! seeing this deer and finding out it was a fae was probably something he was going to see one day but to be granted powers for protecting it (and nearly dying as a result) was not what he was expecting
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thing is oz doesnt want these powers! it's difficult for him to control and he didn't even ask for it (because the fae are supposed to ask him what he wants right? and how is that equivalent to his deed?) plus his powers are much stronger than any human could ever dream of. plant magic is already one of the hardest magic for a human to learn but not even experts can achieve what oz can now do accidentally. it feels like overkill for simply taking an arrow to the stomach for an odd doe. that and it now feels like they expect oz to owe them now for this power, which unsettles him if that is the case
also theres another guy, jonah
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(sorry for the big ref its all i got)
jonah is known has a sentinel, children blessed by very powerful fae at birth with golden eyes, long lives, among other traits. sentinels are always born as fraternal twins; one boy and one girl. at 18 theyre expected to help humans and fae get along. jonah's sister didn't want to do that and she left while jonah fulfilled his role. he's considered one of the best sentinels in history, known as the Dove for being a peacekeeper.
jonah nearly dies trying to fight a monster that threatens all life and his patron fae puts him in a magic coma in their last ditch effort to keep him alive. he's been slumbering inside a tree for about six(6) years before
until oz accidentally wakes him up with his powers
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jonah is a bit premature but he's mostly recovered so it's not too bad, however he's not at his peak health yet. while jonah is still trying to figure out the whole monster problem, oz wonders if he can have jonah find the fae that gave him his powers and negotiate for something else, which jonah thinks is stupid
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theres a lot more (like jonah's sister and a few others) but its already long and maybe when i have more drawings i can try to ramble more
anyway thank you for anyone who read this at all and honestly i would love feedback or even just questions about this story!
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(I dunno how to start this blog but I would love to interact with the toontown community more because I’ve been around for so dang long but never uploaded anything really. Toontown has always been my special interest, so I hope some of you enjoy these pictures and memes of my special boys, the cog bosses hold a special place in my heart! My username is just a really old username because my favorite cog boss was always CJ. I didn’t feel like getting a new one. But my two favorites of this blog will mostly consist of Chief Justice and Chief Finical officer. I love to ship these two as well in my AU. My least favorite is probably VP hes kinda overrated and gets too much art by everyone else in the fandom anyway. NO OFFENSE, its true though. So, I don’t draw VP much. Just a message before I upload :). Questions are open if you are interested in asking any of my versions of the bosses anyway! (THIS IS A AU AND NOT CANNON BTW) don’t be shy.)
-This is also my first Blog so I’m not very experienced in Tumblr lol.-I’m going to try to put out references for all my cog bosses but at the time of writing this I only have my CFO’s done: his name is Trayvon he’s really cool. :) give him some love.
just to rephrase again and give more details: my VP is called Vergil: Hes the shortest and weakest out of all the other guys. Hes the most edgy one out of the group, He’s into punk and emo things. He despises toons. Hes probably the most aggressive one. I wanted him to be different then the VP everyone goes for. Hes way colder emotionally then the other bosses, he still has fun with the other bosses and still are friends with them even though. he is a very bad workaholic and a perfectionist. He built a kid with him and CJ’s blueprints when CJ was still a male his name is Clay (Sinister). (and no its not a copy of Cathal, I thought of him since 2018) Nicknames:(CFO love to call him gaylord, but sometimes edgelord, or emo boy as a joke) CFO, Trayvon (Tray): hes the biggest, chunkiest cog boss in my au, its really cute and fits him well because hes really greedy/overindulgent! Hes SUPER headstrong and a bit dense, hes the funniest one though. The most out of pocket one and doesn’t really have a filter. He smokes a lot of weed. Him and the CJ in this au are a couple, he would murder anyone if they even looked at CJ the wrong way hes super protective of his loved ones! he loves to make CJ laugh (yes cogs can laugh in my au) Hes kinda like the class clown. Hes probably the most physically strong cog boss to make up for him being a bit dumb and slow in speed. In my au he can lift and throw safes at toons. He really hates toon too and despises them for stealing from him and what they did to CJ’s eyes in my au. he loves to eat. Fun fact is he gets hot and overheats a lot from being so big and chunky. Has a biological kid with CJ after a while called Clinton (Legal Tender) Nicknames:(CJ likes to mess with him calling him big daddy to make him flustered when they are being romantic. The other two men like to call him big d**k daddy to tease him.)
CJ, Clementine (Clem): he was at first built a man but transitioned to a woman! So, she goes by she/her now. Shes probably the second weakest cog boss physically. Shes super skinny and doesn’t have much strength because lawbots are more brain smart so she was never built to be very strong. Shes quite witty and kindhearted actually and a really caring cog to other cogs! She loves all the other bosses a lot and loves to hang out with them (all the bosses are friends with each other to clarify and are polyamorous). She loves to support her friends. Her and Trayvon/the CFO are a couple. She also unfortunately hates toon too because in my au toons attacked her on trial in the past when she was still a young cog and scratched her eyes and that’s why she’s PARCIALLY blind, she can still see a bit but it’s blurry/fuzzy. Is always cold from being close to the burrrgh and also in general when she visits other places (she loves to cuddle the CFO because hes always warm and warms her up ahhh or CFO usually just gives her his jacket all the time which she LOVES to wear his oversized things). Has a biological kid with CFO after a while called Clinton (Legal Tender) Is their favorite kid. Nicknames:(the bosses mostly just call her babe, or my love or something. CFO likes to call her “your Honor” randomly to tease her)
CEO, Chad: hes also quite edgy himself but hes more outgoing to cogs then Vergil is. him and Tray are besties/fwb, (I draw the two together a lot). He mostly just goes along with whatever everyone else is doing, hes quite chill. he loves to cause trouble (for toons and trouble in general) him and the CFO are very mischievous together. He loves to hype up and support his friends. He loves throwing banquets, usually he parties really hard and gets drunk off oil. He also loves doing golf shit with his friends (the other bosses, even though the other bosses don’t really like golf). He would die for the other bosses and to keep them safe. Probably is the least aggressive against the toons though unless they showed aggression first, then he would rip them apart if so LOL. He tries his best to manage the other bosses. (has no kids yet but I had a design with him and CJ’s kid for a long time his name is Mulligan. I might make it cannon.) Nicknames:(CJ likes to call him Chaddy LOL or Chaddy Chad to tease him. CFO likes to call him ball fondler to tease him.)
(ALL OF THE BOSSES IN THIS AU ARE POLYAMOROUS WITH EACHOTHER BTW) (there is also no chairman or boardbots in this au, but I drawn a chairman before but I would imagine he lives in cog nation, wherever that is. Their au is more like a toontown online au more then a clash au.)
-This is a very simplified version of everything about all of them btw.-Please don’t say super negative things about them. -I would love to see how you feel about them! thanks for reading. (sorry if the wording was all over the place.)
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maythearo · 2 years
Jamil Viper was found at the streets of Pernambuco, enjoying the Carnaval and dancing frevo! In a exclusive interview, he said his favorite food is acarajé and coxinha
Jokes aside, I really like the idea of Scarabia duo, Octatrio and Savannaclaw enjoying Brazil! And I really like that Malleus would use something similar to that Hawaiian shirt he bought in the Yasmina silk event (I really don't know what that shirts name, I just know its the same as the Genie in the end of Aladdin). And I also love thinking about Jamil using traditional São João outfit (mano, ele com uma camisa xadrez vermelha e preta... Oh homem lindo).
I want to claim Jamil as Brazilian, but I can't-
Do you have any HCs like that?
And omg you opened comissions!!!! I'm so happy, even if I don't have money for it, IM STILL VERY HAPPY FOR U FOR A REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY!
- The BR Jamil Simp Anon
First of all, you're so sweet, thank you 😫 and second ANON LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU'RE MAKING MY BRAIN GO NUTS CAUSE I WANNA DRAW ALL OF THAT, AS A GOOD BRAZILIAN ARTIST WOULD! Also hello Jamil bbygirl what are you doing here in Brazil haha twirls hair twirls hair
Omg I'm thinking on the spot rn of some good br headcanons, and I completely agree with you, out of all the dorms, Scarabia, Octavinelle and Savanaclaw would definitely vibe the most in Brazil. Hold on lemme breath in before I shove all my hcs into this post hold on. Eng speaking mutuals and followers I will hold yall hostage to listen to my insane rambles ok here we go
First and foremost, I just know Ruggie is brazilian 100%, and I think we can all agree to that, he's our boy 🙌 he would absolutely drag Leona and Jack around, getting them to try a little bit of everything whenever they get the chance. The hyena boy would pile a bunch of stuff on Jack's arms saying "You HAVE to try this snack- wait have some caldo de cana too... OH you can't forget this piece of candy-" and last thing you know Jack is just buried under pounds of little treats and trinkets.
I personally visited very little States here, but at least around São Paulo and Rio, one of my favorite things to do is to browse those classic, super pretty handmade jewelry they sell on the beach, decorated with crystals and stones, and I just want to get them all even though I might not even use half of the stuff I buy. But anyways, Leona doing that. Leona getting tererê de cabelo to go with the braids. He's gonna spend so much money with clothes and accessories and he's gonna look stunning doing it.
Btw btw I'm obsessed with a store called Atame (@/voudeatame on ig) they have the most brazilian jewelry and clothes ever and the designs are gorge, I should draw Leona wearing something inspired by that someday 😭
Bro if there's anything we all learn in major tourist spots is that you gotta be smart with prices and everything, keep an eye out to not get scammed, unfortunately... But you know what, Octavinelle is just chill with that. You think anyone can scam AZUL? That's impossible. Anyone tries anything with the octatrio, the person is just gonna get scammed back. Jokes aside, I picture Floyd wearing the good ol havaianas, shorts, and maybe #those glasses wherever he goes, Jade might even go along with it every now and then, why not.
This randomly reminds me of Ace cause his casual outfits definitely exclusively consist of that + a random football team shirt. I couldn't care less about football but listen. Corinthians. Simply cause he's annoying and that would be very in character of him (É MEMES, NAO ME MATEM CORINTHIANOS)
Have you ever noticed how Trey looks like the twst version of Zé Carioca. Let that sink in.
Thinking about Malleus, don't you think he would love to visit historical towns and monuments? There's so much history in our architecture, he'd find most fascinating I'm sure.
I just know Jamil and Kalim would absolutely own the dance floor in carnaval, like. No dobts about that. Kalim specially, would love to participate in any bloquinhos de carnaval if he could. Sounds exhausting for me to even be amongst a single one, but okay Kalim, get it I guess 💃 Scarabia and Brazil we share vibes!!!!!
You mentioned the São João fit, and I also thought of Epel, that boy invented Festa Junina, fr. He throws biribinha/estalinhos everywhere to piss off Vil. Also Jamil oh homem perfeito c é doido, n é possível uma coisa dessas.
São João stalls under the management of Octavinelle and it's hell on earth
Sam would open a famous lojinha de 1,99 for sure, I will not elaborate. Oh also whenever I stumble upon frog shaped reco-reco I think of him, I think he would sell them idk idk
Ruggie will show Kalim those brown colored glass plate sets every grandma got in their houses, and tell him they are indestructible.
"Jamil, Jamil! Check this out! Ruggie says these plates NEVER break! Oh we need to have them in Scarabia, pleeaseee!"
"What do you mean they never break? No, Kalim don't-"
Kalim throws it to the floor, it immediately shatters in a million pieces. "I think it hit a weird angle, that must be it."
Idia = alanzoka
Me @ Jamil:
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fyodior · 2 years
Alright bisch , im doing this
*slams my resume on your desk
K so Hi! I'm Noodles as you know by now and I go by she/they . Currently unemployed and finishing school and 18 years old.
Appearance wise I'm pretty lanky and tall(5'11) with short grey hair and blue eyes. I wear shit ton of hoodies and casual clothes that are more practical than for looks. (Side effect is I have always smth in my pockets like pens or money or gum, it's like Blackhole)
This feels weird talking about personality but hey whatever dhdh. I'm clearly an introvert but surprisingly I can thrive in social events too. I can easily talk to strangers and I would say even charm them if I put my mind to it , it just simply has a limit and after a while I fizzle out and feel like not talking. I like to give people things and help in any way, it brings me more joy than anything which translates into not handling affection well. I'm pretty chill and laid back compared to some people , I don't involve myself into dramas or issues since I prefer to watch afar. Even though I secretly might wanna punch some people who can't take the hint.(Violence is the answer sometimes kids) It's surprising how chill and unbothered I am but when shit goes down and I'm fed up I take the reigns and tell people what to do cause they're indecisive morons. It's not often but it fills me with pride when I can take the lead like this and people believe in me to be leader.
(I did the test but it's confusing a bit? If u know the other personality test I'm an INFP but thats a bit old now)
Some of my hobbies include drawing a shit ton of small doodles but never having the patience to stick with one piece too long. Piloting I would also consider a hobby , and reading and playing video games too in spare time. But lately taking walks has taken a big part in my life I have come to enjoy them too. I do bite my nails a lot unfortunately, old habit eeee
Likes and dislikes sheesh okay uh. I like people who don't lie about their feelings. Hate lies with passion. Those small white lies don't bother me but stuff like hiding your feelings and lying to another person's face whenever u like em or not makes my blood boil. I hate blueberries, lavender and coconut , Oblivious people and of course The current capitalistic system .
I like rats , snakes , birds ,cats and dogs of course . Creating anything brings me joy, whenever it be art , writing or even just ideas. My hands need to keep doing smth and creating is one way to do it. I also like winter and cold somehow , better than heat for sure
(U can go nsfw too but Its not a requirement btw heh)
(And for characters not to match with I don't think I'm comfy with mori much or nikolai sorryy)
Thank you for doing this event hon, and thank you for letting me participate , lov uuuuuuu
⚞ noodles x chuuya ⚟
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⋆ ok first of all i know you dont like pink but i think its cute so suck it up
⋆ second of all. i rly wanted to be more creative and give you someone not super obvious but chuuya just works so well like that is ur man
⋆ third of all you will always be shipped with me above anyone else ok u know this
⋆ he is so fucking. gender. and sexy we discuss this often
⋆ above all else you are a fucking people pleaser even to ur own detriment dkfjdkjdf and i truly think chuuya is among the few people who wouldn't abuse this. he'd entertain you because he knows its fulfilling for you, but make sure you arent running yourself dry
⋆ he would indulge in your praise kink at every turn. not even just sexually although he def would be telling you (depending on position/situation) how sexy you look or how good you're being or how good ur fucking him
↣ in everyday life too! how much he appreciates you and how thankful he is for u. behind closed doors this man is so fucking soft no matter how steely he acts in front of others.
⋆ chuuya will so let you peg him in fact he will request this
⋆ chuuya is also not a liar (irl, probably lies his ass off to PM ppl) and really wants someone who he can trust to always be honest with him, because he def has trust issues.
⋆ he will not hide his feelings either. again he probably has a good ass poker face just bc . pm exec and all that but he will always be so straightforward because that's just how he is. you'd never have to worry about him stewing silently or secretly being pissed off
⋆ it irks him so bad how much taller you are but he tries to not let it get to him too bad dkfkdjkjfkj
⋆ "violence is sometimes the answer kids" i am 100% positive he has said that before at some point in his life
↣ he'd be a horrible enabler tho like you'd be ranting how much you want to kill a peer/coworker and he'd be like fucking do it. whats stopping you and ur like PRISON IS ??????
⋆ he's the same when it comes to avoiding unnecessary drama. he thinks it's dumb as fuck and has absolutely no interest in getting involved. but he does like shit talking with you at home fjkdfkjdfj or going on rants abt how much he fucking hates dazai and ur sitting on the couch as he paces around the room like. uh huh yes honey for sure
⋆ you'd def always be drawing or doodling sketches of him and the paper ones he'd keep all of them and store them bc he finds it so endearing
⋆ chuuya is the same exact way when it comes to an introvert that's able to be charming as fuck. like you'd be able to attend dinners or parties or whatever and charm everyone there but you leave after like an hour fkdfkdkjfdjk and then sit in silence on the couch watching tv to recharge
⋆ i dont think he'd be great about letting you be the leader/taking the reigns in situatiions honestly but you'd also completely trust him to not be a fucking idiot and trust his decisions so does it rly matter
⋆ why do you hate lavender. i love lavender. chuuya probably loves lavender
⋆ your ability to stay unbothered would be really good for him and his incredibly short (like him) temper. you'd be like the only person who could calm him down and get him to chill the fuck out literally please do this my guy is so high strung sometimes
⋆ he'd absolutely fucking obliterate your ass in any video games
⋆ power couple. can i be the third pls
⋆ love u
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spatio-rift · 2 years
Sakuma will have parent that don't care about him,that why he so jalous or idk about kidou
Im the person about the ie timeline
Je suis pas fraiçais-e mais marocain-e
interesting.... i admit i dont really see how the two would correlate especially given kidous own family situation but maybe im just not understanding this the way you mean it so if you want to elaborate on why you think this i am all ears! as for what i personally think i will be honest i might have something of a controversial understanding of shin teikoku (?) because i genuinely dont think it says anything really significant about sakuma as a character... so im not a huge fan of using shin teikoku as a reference for his characterization or for drawing conclusions about other aspects of his life. but of course that is just me and everyone is free to do whatever they want im not here to police anyone on this.
also do keep in mind that i like the way these events unfold in the game more so thats what my reference is rather than the anime. so maybe we are already speaking about completely different things but here goes. this is long as hell so under a readmore this one goes too
to me shin teikoku doesnt really say much about sakuma and genda as people because so much of the 'issues' it brings to light are relevant on fudous manipulation and literal brainwashing using the aliea meteorite lol. also, the issue in the first place isnt something that is really proper to them or sakuma alone... the feelings fudou exploits to get them to join shin teikoku are something all of teikoku have experienced: the frustration of being stuck in the hospital, their humiliating defeat against zeus making them feel powerless, the slight bitterness about kidou leaving them and the subsequent awkwardness preventing them from staying in contact (they didnt want to be a bother while he was with raimon). even the desire to see through kidous eyes for once instead of just watching his back is something they all have felt--thats the kind of leader kidou was for teikoku, he led by example. he had to be the best to guide everyone else. hes not the kind of captain that walks beside you like endou is.
but the thing is, ultimately, their love of kidou is stronger than any of those negative feelings towards him. the other members of teikoku are fine. they respect kidous decision, even if its a little awkward and they miss him. none of them are self-destructively jealous and resentful of him. not naturally.
to me it could have been anyone from teikoku, because they all felt this way on some level, and they all could have been manipulated into joining shin teikoku (and also, rather than any personal characterization moment or growth, the purpose of having teikoku members in this chapter is more about them being used by kageyama to hurt kidou 🙃).
what fudou does with genda and sakuma is that he pushes and pushes until he pokes at these feelings deep inside, and strikes when theyre shaken and in doubt. genda and sakuma, on some level, worry that kidou abandoned them and that theyre not strong enough. what does fudou do, then? he keeps putting them down, criticizing them when they mess up, insulting them, so they feel even worse about themselves. he keeps insisting that kidou threw them away, that he left them all to rot, that he stabbed them in the back, so they feel actual anger and resentment towards him. coupled with the use of the aliea meteorite to literally brainwash them into doing things they dont want to. (they dont willingly use beast fang and kp1 btw. in sakumas own words, in the brief moment when he breaks free of the aliea brainwashing, "R-run! [Kidou], get out of here! Y-you don't stand a chance if you take him on now... He's going to make us use that special move!")
to come back to the jealousy aspect and wanting to get a taste of kidous power, thats something they admit to only realizing through this whole ordeal. thats not something they consciously felt before. and even then when they briefly broke free of the brainwashing, while they admitted wanting to feel as powerful as kidou, they urged him to flee because they didnt want to hurt him. so even if they ARE jealous in a way, i feel like its more of a "i want to be strong too" thing than a "i want to be better than kidou and stick it to him, specifically" thing, personally? <- im only mentioning this because ive occasionally seen some people talk about shin teikoku in that way kinda and its like. wild to me
if anything i think that arc says a lot more about kidou and his past relationship with the team and how they can change to grow into something more healthy (closing the gap between them by having kidou let them come close to him and for them to stop relying on and admiring him so much. incidentally, this is pretty much exactly what happens to kidou and sakuma in ie3! they are much more like actual close friends now, with no invisible line drawn between them!) than sakuma and genda themselves.
errrm all in all i dont think sakuma ever was particularly jealous of kidou out of shin teikoku or at least not any more than the others. his feelings just were taken advantage of and exploited by fudou and kageyama. also, the brainwashing is a huge part of it and i wish people acknowledged that more. sorry for going on a massive tangent about shin teikoku like this over this one short ask thats something ive always wanted to talk about in some way and well this was the occasion !
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For the fanfic asks, 💕Galesa💕 and 6, 13, 15, 51, 60
(I had to whittle it down… you may see me again for these two)
Well, this went absolutely overboard haha. Enjoy <3
6)Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
OH MY GOD, what a question. Who would beg the other not to leave. GOD. I think we both love Teresa and Gally together because they’re all hard edges and have to learn to open up a lot until they can be something. Trust, and more importantly admission of weakness does not come easy to them, so to beg the other not to leave… Wow, that is powerful.
So honestly, if Teresa were to beg Gally not to leave, I think Gally wouldn’t. Gally cares above all else to protect the people he loves, and if Teresa gave him such clear directions, I don't think he would be able to go against them in good conscience.
The other way around however I think Teresa would leave. Because she trusts her own judgement above anything—and anyone—else's. She's driven to do "the right thing", and she'll go to any length to do it (as we've seen very clearly in both the book and movie storyline). So if Teresa decided she needs to leave Gally to protect him, she’ll do it.
However, him begging will stay with her might very well set the founding stone for withering doubt that could turn into regret and revelation, leading to Teresa coming back and trying to tackle the battle together.
But oh to think of Gally begging……………………… Imagine how much pride he’d have to put aside for that. How much vulnerability. (Is it our fault for wanting to break Gally when he’s that easy to break………………..)
But having said that, I think if Gally truly felt he needed to leave to protect Teresa, he just wouldn’t tell her about it and leave in the dead of night. Because he would know he wouldn’t be strong enough to resist her reasoning (though actually it would be all about the emotional side of her plea. She has a draw too strong on Gally for him to be able—no, for him to want to resist).
He might even resist any possibilities of making them into a thing—or of letting whatever they have progress further than the bare minimum he cannot resist. (If he knew he had to leave, I mean.)
To conclude this, I want to say that I think both Teresa and Gally are absolutely the types who would come up with the idea they had to leave to protect the other. I think both are prone to deduce themselves as an exaggerated source of danger or suffering, due to highly self-critical senses of self.
I think that’s true in canonverse or in AUs. (In AUs I’d imagine this revolving around mental health issues, and leaving to protect the other from the (anticipated, or already present) effects. —Kinda like that Thomesa fic of mine 'Peace'.
13)Who’s the bigger tease?
Asldkjfaklsd. I wanna say Teresa—or let’s say it comes more easily to her. But what I’d really die for is to see Gally develop a comfortable enough sense of self around Teresa to start to tease her. And once he does, once he has figured out exactly how to make her blush or scoff indignantly, he only has to do the mental equivalent of flexing his little finger to get her.
When other people witness this, it may surprise them—and they might have a moment of epiphany where they see just how much Galesa bring out in each other. <3 (GOD i'm feeling so soft about them)
15)Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
I think so, yes. They’re both too earnest and sweet to not do it.
51)What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Hugging. The type where you fall into each other.
Generally physical touch. I’ve had this image for a while where Teresa’s sitting on her computer, working, and Gally just kind of steps up behind her and lays a hand on her shoulder, and she relaxes under it.
I also see them giving each other gifts from time to time; flowers or other small things.
The gifting of flowers goes both ways btw, Gally gets flowers as well (and likes them a lot). (I’m such a fan of making my male characters enjoy “”””””””””””””””””feminime””””””””””””””””” things. Like what even are gender norms.)
I think the big thing about this, especially for Gally, is that the presents can be small, sweet things that don't necessarily hold for very long, and hence don't serve any "practical purpose" except for saying "i love you".
60) Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping
Uhh I’ve never been a cuddler during sleeping so I’m finding this one hard to answer lskadjfa. Maybe Gally? Bc he’s some sort of gruff sleeper, yknow. So he’d draw a bear arm out for Teresa.
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myfaveisnormal · 2 years
heyy, I saw you rb a post about ocs and was wondering if you wanted to share about them possibly? I love hearing about people's ocs, but if not that's totally cool!
ogbbhh sure!! ill put a readmore so it doesnt fuck up anyones dash lmao
basically the ss taresh-kar is a vulcan science academy ship and they go from planet to planet researching things (usually checking if some planets are good to be terraformed or checking planetary anomalies)
this is the crew i have for now:
- Michael Miriam: human, transgener and jewish, works as the ships repairman. has a power rangers holodeck program w his beautiful wife salem (hes the red ranger btw ofc)
- Jaris Kahn: joined trill, yes kahn as in lenara kahn i didnt feel like making a new symbiont name, has trill autism, doctorate in xenobiology, bug enthusiast and fanfiction writer. works in missions w animals and bugs bc they always warm up to him for some reason
- Salem: vulcan, transgener and space jewish. married to mike. especializes in anomalies. kind of a rebellious vulcan, drawing inspiration from the human punk movement (if anyone fights her abt jt she goes "i find your aversion to my choice of clothing illogical". queen) she also plays the blue ranger in her and miriams holoprogram
- Arastrata: from a planet i havent named yet, and a species i also havent named yet. his planet is getting things ready to join the federation, and he, as the current head of states son, was sent to study at the vsa as kind of a peace token or smth. he specializes in mathematics and star charting bc his planets culture are centered around those things. has to wear mobility aids bc his body is adjusted to lighter gravity. i rlly should name his planet
- K'dal: klingon, intersex. typical klingon Qapla'! warrior trope but shes in sciences. uses any pronouns bc hasnt reached what i call the "age of choosing" (basically like klingon intersex folks can pick what to be called as once theyve reached a certain age at least thats my awesome hc). has a bunch of scars that he says he got in epic battles and stuff but it was actually for shit reasons like falling and hitting her head as a baby. loves luzia more than anything
- Luzia: castro type android. made by a brazilian engineer. she has the physical appearance of an 8 year old bc the planet she was built in didnt have many resources. has goofy features like if you keep her at a cool temperature and snap any part od her body her eyes start glowing like a glowstick. but shes also nore fragile than soong type androids, unable to carry heavy things and cant stand too much pressure. she has gravity controls tho and can adapt to every planet/planetoid w lighter atmosphere than Qo'noS (anything else is too heavy for her and she might break)
- Toni: vulcan cringefail man raised on earth. tries to act tough bc hes a vulcan and shit but he always fails. straight up crybaby i love him
there are more bc i also made a crew for the cargo ship that delivers their cargo and a starfleet ship that often crosses path w the taresh-kar, but ive procrastinated answering this ask for long enough so! ty for asking
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Gotta love seeing RP blogs interacting with each other in anyway. Even when fighting. (Yea I just saw RP blogs fighting... it was fun!)
Oh anyways I know I said that @hiddeninsideaninsanemind was a writing blog but it's also a role-playing blog too. I usually do so via asks which is why I hardly ever did that.
Uhm... if anyone ain't a minor go ahead and send asks please.
If you are a minor or don't wanna go to that blog the go ahead and send asks to literally any other blog of mine but for role-playing go to @shy-the-fox
I might be bored... like in the sense of I wanna answer asks! (And pray Tumblr don't eat them... which is why I recommend going to an RP blog of mine. I have many.)
Actually if anyone wanna talk specifically Fnaf or Undertale I got my Aus that I allow random talk on btw.
I also got the dead plate one which I'm thinking of rebranding soon. But uh it's open. I just might be confused a bit of you talk about some things that are main game knowledge as I have been focusing on friends... oh and I started drawing again!
You all gotta wait a bit before I post the art but I will try to remember to post my art here later.
It will be OC art.. I have way too many OCs but eh. Soke say you can never have too many!
Oh actually I am taking drawing requests! I kinda do more cutesy drawings or a kinda horror realism... I don't have the drawings I made recently ready to show off but when I do I'll try to make sure you all can see what I mean.
(Oh and I was thinking of trying to figure out how to sell art or crafts of mine... like pins. Maybe mental health awareness, LGBTQIA+, physical disability awarenesses, or uhm I dunno quite yet but yeah... maybe some furry or therian things for people qho want that. I mean like pins... I uhm... have a pin maker. That's what I bring it up. I just gotta unbury the pin maker and the box with extra button making material.)
Actually was thinking of getting money for a mic... was thinking of maybe doing some um... talking videos... or like asmr? I dunno...
Uhm... yeah... I wanna do stuff if you can't tell. I also wanna clean my house up... but like... I gotta hangout with friends too! (I will go insane if I stop seeing friends... Not even a joke... I kinda wish it was.)
So yay... sadly I need money to do some of what I want. So a job might be nessicary soon... actually I really should have had a job by now and it sucks that I don't. I know it's mostly my fault but still!
Just a lot going on... and I really have the urge to just... get enough money to leave this house for like a year... longer if possible. I already was thinking of prices to do that... I just need people to live with and I might be able to afford it... I can't really drive so that's also why I uhm want to maybe live with someone else for a little while. Maybe... so far I only know maybe two people who can drive that isn't family. Then one who was trying to get their license... at least one. I uhm... don't have money to take the tests... and honestly... I'm not sure I can do the driving... sure I can drive a 4-wheeler but... I can only go maybe 40 to 60 on it before I start panicking and sometimes lose control of just that vehicle... like panicking as I realize how fast I was going and that I was slightly going to the side... likely I had my grandpa with me. Otherwise I could've gotten hurt or even lost the vehicle in a ditch... or side of the road over there. (They live in less populated area, hence us even being allowed to drive them around honestly. But the roads are dirt mostly and on both sides are large dips ghat are barely large as like the vehiclebut like it's l Iike a hole that goes from town passed where my grandparents over there live and to a mountain, may it's a volcano?)
anyways I should stop talking for now.
But if anyone wanna talk go ahead. And I am sorry if I accidentally deleted your messages or if Tumblr did. Also sometimes I answer asks via my notifications so I may accidentally forget to answer them as the notifications won't tell me if I pressed them versus looking at them and reloading the screen. And sometimes I do know my tumblr glitches and doesn't give me the notification until the next day/next time I turn either tumblr off or my phone.
At least for main, usually it does better for my other blogs... sometimes it doesn't even give me a notification too which is weird. I try looking at my asks tho as much as possible but I had one inbox try glitching... said I had two asks yet only showed one and I didn't see one in the drafts and I know I answered the rest so I may have to restart my phone soon or go ask hunting of it doesn't get fixed soon.
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