#this got kind of long woops lol
lymmielove · 2 months
LEVY “LIKE THAT” MCGARDEN HCS | for @ray-desoleil and for me too lol
- Natsu and Lucy brought Daybreak back to the guild so that Levy could use her magic to break the spell on it. Lucy gave Levy a share of what her and Natsu earned.
- Inspired by that one official sketch from Mashima, Levy is very skilled at shooting and gunslinging in general. She goes on jobs with Bisca and Alzack sometimes when she’s not up for a group mission with Shadowgear.
- Speaking of Shadowgear, they have broken up multiple times, most initiated on Levy’s part because you can take the girl out of the feral environment but you can’t take the feral out of the girl (The feral: Growing up with Natsu Dragneel)
- Trains with the Thunder Legion on the regular. Bickslow doesn’t like Jet and Droy. Freed just wants to have someone to rant and yap about Word Magic to, to which Levy provides.
- Levy is secondary human google. The primary human google is Freed.
- Levy shot one of the council members when she was a kid because they made Gray cry.
- All the Guild Kids have gotten kidnapped. No, I will not elaborate.
- Levy’s bandanas can also double as effective restraints for any type of magic EXCEPT Dragon Slayer, God Slayer, and Demon Slayer.
- I’ve said this before but imma say it again, Freed took Levy on as an apprentice after the events of the Grand Fairy Tail Fight.
- When Gajeel got accepted into the guild, she did get her get back. She made him swallow non-iron bullets via her gun. Best believe the Fairy Tail Guild Kids were wooping and hollering. Lucy started screaming. Makarov banned Levy from missions for a month and a half afterwards but in everyone else’s eyes and hers, it was worth it.
- The real moment when Gajeel fell for her was when she flipped him on his ass in a fight.
- Levy rewrote the Book of E.N.D.
- She chopped her hair short as a kid in Fairy Tail. It used to be down to her ankles.
- All the dragon slayers like to have Levy with them in a fight because as long as she had magic, she’s walking fuel for them.
- Levy and Jellal are cousins, sorry I don’t make the rules, they just are.
- Her wardrobe consists entirely of cargo pants, compression shirts, fingerless gloves, and belts of many kinds and colors with matching holsters for her guns.
- Locks up the alcohol cabinet with runes after she learns from Freed, just so Fairy Tail as a whole can lower their alcohol budget.
- Is on ‘Make sure Natsu doesn’t eat all our rations’ duty when it’s a Guild Kids Only mission.
- Natsu’s second favorite. The first? Gray.
- Puts her books in alphabetical order instead of arranging them from series to stand alone.
- Can sew and stitch, the Guild Kids’ jackets have emblems and symbols all over them.
- Is the reason why Gajeel wears headbands.
- Gave Gajeel bangs by accident.
- Has matching piercings with the OG 5 (Cana, Gray, Natsu, Her, and Erza, in order of joining)
- Calls Romeo “Lover Boy” based on the story, it drives Romeo insane and it gives her joy.
- Gave Romeo his middle name.
- Fought Macao over parental rights. Romeo interrupted and proudly said that all the Guild Kids are his parents/older siblings. They all cried.
- Nails grow fast, but has a problem with chipping them a lot so she gets acrylics.
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lunar-years · 1 year
would love to hear your thoughts on the team bullying/forgiving jamie in s2, in particular what you disliked about it. imo i think sam’s treatment was harsh but not at all undeserved, while others like colin and isaac were a bit twisted considering they fully participated in the prick-ish behaviour in s1. and the whole led tasso bit was entertaining to watch, but it really reveals how problematic ted’s hands-off approach to conflict can be. to the point where ted refuses to refer jamie (and later on isaac) to speak with sharon, and never fully acknowledge’s each player’s feelings.
There was a really good meta I saw on this topic the other day that i cannot for the life of me find in my tags to link here. But yeah, there are definitely things I disliked about it! For me it's less about the players than about the leadership & Ted. I actually think the players reactions/responses mostly make sense. It's a bit weird, like you said, that EVERYONE suddenly hates him when half the team was literally participating in and/or endorsing him in season 1 (remember that episode where the team is split into two factions and one of them is Jamie's? lol. Like it wasn't even just Isaac and Colin participating in the behavior, it was half the team). However I can see that their opinion of Jamie might have changed given distance and their own growth.
Also, we don't really see any instances of Jamie publicly bashing his old team apart from singling out Ted and Roy, but apparently at one point he was off calling Colin a jaundiced warm to his hometown newspaper, so yeah I can see why that might've left a lingering bad taste in his mouth. Also the boys have gotten used to Richmond without him at that point, and it HAS been a much better environment, so I think it'd be easy to overlook that they were actually sort of starting to like him at the bonfire the night before he went back to Manchester (which was ultimately only just one night), in favor of focusing on all the times he was made the locker room worse. Also, there's probably a bit of misplacing their hatred for their past selves onto Jamie because it's easier to shift that blame around a bit than accept their own culpability in the bullying. Just like it's easier to blame relegation on Jamie, because he's there to blame, then on their own shortcomings in the game. Is it a bit unfair to Jamie? Sure. But it's realistic and I don't mind it.
Actually the only one I'm a bit ??? about is Dani, because he was absolutely getting along with Jamie in Two Aces even despite Jamie's prickish exterior. Dani hadn't even been around long enough to be negatively impacted by Jamie's effect on the locker room culture so? what gives? I also don't see him bandwagoning on just because everyone else hates him (which does make sense when jan does it hahah). So it's very weird to me that he holds as much of a grudge as everyone else, lol.
The biggest issue for me is (once again. woop.) Ted. Because he didn't want to get rid of Jamie in the first place. He was in fact IRATE when Jamie was sent away, and got into his first real argument with Rebecca over it, that's how upset he was. So why is he soo hesitant, suddenly, to let Jamie come back? His whole speech to Jamie at the Crown & Anchor makes me uncomfortable, because the whole "You burned a lot of bridges" thing doesn't even add up to the real reason Jamie was sent away and totally dismisses the progress he had already started to make before leaving. It seems to reiterate that Jamie was sent away because he'd been Bad and Done Something Wrong. Sent away after he'd in fact had a significant breakthrough with the team. No wonder Jamie is confused. Ted is crossing all kinds of wires and it's ??? Not to mention that he tells Sam Jamie isn't coming back, then brings Jamie back seemingly without even pulling Sam aside and explaining to him circumstances have changed, Jamie is coming back, and why. It's one thing to have told Sam and then change your mind. It's another thing for Sam to tell you he's upset at you for withholding information, explain that's not the case, then go and do the thing you JUST assured Sam you wouldn't: not consult the team re: Jamie. Idk, the whole thing rubs me the wrong way.
Ted having a conversation with the team beforehand, explaining why Jamie is coming back, would've already gone a long way to help Jamie, instead of just springing him on them and throwing him to the wolves. Led Tasso was typical hands-off Ted problem solving, and it's a funny comedy show bit but not exactly an appropriate workplace solution, is it? I might not mind it so much if it wasn't the start of a pattern of behavior where Jamie needs help, asks for help, and then is like...ignored or gone around or "acknowledged" and not helped. it happens with his return to the team, it happens with Roy refusing to coach him, it happens with fucking Zava. And it's extremely annoying that the team leadership fails him specifically again and again. ugh.
Re: Sharon/therapy and referring the boys, that one is soooo mixed up in ted's own mental health stuff I'm willing to give it a pass. of course Ted's not to going to refer players to see her when he doesn't see what she does as helpful and doesn't respect therapy as a possible tool/solution.
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morningstarwrites · 5 months
Idk if anyone has asked, but why Of Saints and Sinners? How'd you come up with the title? What was the inspiration? (Spoilers? Unless im dumb and just missed it. Woops.) And are you currently reading anything? Or something else has your interest?
Apologies in advance for the long answer!! See under the cut:
I've sort of been sprinkling it throughout, but I've been dealing with concepts of a good person vs a bad person: how Lucifer can't put Alastor in a simple box of pure evil, Alastor grappling over why Lucifer even wants to be friends with him when he's clearly wicked. Alastor insecure about how an angel wouldn't want to waste his time on a demon like him; Lucifer getting over his hatred of sinners and learning that there's layers to people.
Are they still worth knowing if they're bad? And what constitutes 'bad', when people can't be objective?
And of course the literal meaning, the sinner (Alastor) and the saintly/angel (Lucifer), but I'm a big fan of alliteration so I did Saints/Sinners as a compare/contrast. But it's very much "analyze the story to parse out the themes and relate it to the title" LOL
This may sound strange, but I haven't read any other radioapple fics 🫣 I kind of got sucked into them by 1) the show 2) seeing a lot of pretty fanart and 3) funny fan-made comics.
But I have been reading "We Learn Nothing" by Tim Kreider, he's an essayist and a writer for the New York Times!
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anonymouspuzzler · 9 months
Hey, Puzz— hey!! Look OVER hERE
• Between Buck and Davey, who's the neat freak and the messy partner of the relationship (or like. Who is. The one who. Cleans often while the other makes a mess lol)?
• How does the trio personally unwind after a long day of work?
• What's their favourite chores if they like doing em?
• Who would be most likely to get excited abt buying new sponges and dishwashing soap...... (I personally am very guilty of this LMAOOO)
• Who is most likely to impulsively buy. Things?
• Does any of the trio collect things? Ik Minnie likes animals a lot but I'm talking more of. Trinkets and stuff. And if so, what would they usually collect? (Can they show me..... /Nf)
Found myself suddenly thinking of domestic fluff for your OCs while I was washing dishes woops ehehehe. I'm also a sucker for. The mundane and the sweet little things that can happen during that 👍
Generally speaking, Buck's the neat freak of the two - Davey isn't exactly a mess by any means, but he's pretty laid-back about stuff, whereas Buck likes things A Certain Way and spends a lot of his free time on chores and tidying stuff up. (It's exactly the opposite in their workspace, though. Davey's Actually Professionally Trained and tends to try and keep tools and supplies properly cared for and sorted and such, and their tech and whatnot maintained as professionally as he can manage, whereas Buck is full. yeah yeah just slap some duct tape on that bad boy. put another fan down there to deal with that thing that keeps spewing smoke. it's fine. don't be a baby about it)
Davey's big on just putting something on TV or playing video games to unwind, as is Minnie. Buck kind of does the same, but he's more about just kind of sitting back and having something making noise in the background vs. actively watching or doing something, if that makes sense. Minnie also enjoys doing some reading (as does Buck on occasion, but to a much lesser extent, and not usually after he's been working and is already exhausted), and Davey will occasionally take a jog to wind down if he's got the energy to spare. (Buck and Davey are also big on some good ol' fashioned post-work Casual Physical Affection, but less so now that Minnie's living with them. They Will Not Be Making Out In Front Of Their Niece Actually)
Buck, despite complaining, actually generally likes most if not all chores. He likes getting his living spaces Clean and In Order! Davey and Minnie, by contrast, are pretty ambivalent at best to chores - I don't think there's any they'd say they "like." (Secretly Minnie's come to enjoy helping to keep the workshop clean, though.)
Buck. One Hundred Percent Buck. Davey and Minnie Do Not Understand but like Davey at least is happy his boyfriend's happy.
They all have their weaknesses for this, with asterisks - Minnie's both an impulsive shithead 13 year old and actually Very Recently comes from a background where she Could just kind of buy whatever without consequences, so in that respect she's the most likely. Davey, meanwhile, likes little useless trinkets and such and can be a little bit driven by impulse on occasion, but 1) he's a reasonable adult who has learned, sometimes the hard way, that he doesn't need and shouldn't have everything that briefly strikes his fancy, and 2) if he decides he wants it anyway he's a supervillain he's just gonna steal it. he don't have money lmao. Buck is the least likely EXCEPT that he's very susceptible to like... dark pattern type marketing-slash-game things? What I'm trying to say is Buck spent a lot of money on Cookie Run until Davey got it off his phone and password locked the app store
Davey collects video games! especially older ones he played growing up. He's also got a soft spot for weird old technology in general, but doesn't actively seek it out so much, though occasionally Buck or someone like the Junkyard Queens'll gift him something they find along those lines. Speaking of I guess technically Buck collects junk and scrap and such to tinker with. Like i Guess that counts
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minobe-household · 8 months
oh yeah i have other characters and not just yuuto. lol woops
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hi everyone here is a would-be upper five oc for the final arc - chise, the pin demon !!! a ruthless powerhungry bastard. still working on colors for her but i wanted to share her since i've been cooking her up for a few months now.
info below.... as well as her original concept
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^^^ as is with like every single character i've made ever, she was born from a random design i scrawled in a sketchbook instead of doing schoolwork. i already kind of had the concept in my head, so i was quick to pick her up and start tryna write for her, but it was kinda tough so she's just been rotting in my notes for a while. inspiration struck eventually though!!!
essentially—as the kanji in her name hint at—out of everything she wants to be the one on top. the absolute strongest. she even wants to best muzan kibutsuji. (a pretty unlikely ambition but she believes she can) why she wants this? what she'll do if somehow she manages to bullshit her way up to first place? secret. :^)
so for the amount she'd have to climb to reach such a point, she'd naturally take any opportunity to get more power behind the scenes without catchinng the attention of the progenitor or the kizuki. main source is of course blood, so you'll see her eating any poor soul she spots.
but as another - kibutsuji's cells specifically. so her logical conclusion to this is to add demons onto her menu as well !!! what better source while you can't target the man himself?
so yeah she's been doing that for who knows how long, but her whole plan kind of got thrown out the window after the majority of the twelve kizuki going bye bye.
normally in order to even consider getting in the ranks one would have to deliberately engage in a blood duel with whoever was already in place. but now seeing there isn't anyone already in place To Duel (and here's where some more speculative canon comes in but shhhhh) kibutsuji just has to pick someone himself.
with the lower moons completely dismantled and the largest attack yet being planned and executed Very soon, he just decided not to take other aspects such as loyalty and service into account and decided on brute force, to accompany the advantageous domain of the infinity castle/the more honed skills of 4-1 etcetc. he brought the two strongest other demons he could find to join as the new upper ranks 6 and 5.
which juuuuuust so happened to have included a certain pin lady
and boy howdy was chise pissed about that one.
i'm still working out her behavior in the imaginary final arc oc battle that i'm very unlikely to visualize at any point. but i already have so many ideas about her attacks and personality (aaand also her human backstory :3c) so i'm having fun. thank you for reading the word vomit
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astrocassette · 2 months
thinking abt what vatnir thinks of seren and how there's probably some strong bitterness and envy there. to be touched by a god, but to have it manifest as sweet little flowers and doe-eyed softness instead of aching rot and a bone-deep chill. to be raised in such a way and be in such a position that they're able to shrug off the disgusted stares and reject the too-awed ones.
(more pondering under the cut! it started as tags but then they got Long woops lol)
they also just baffle him, he does not understand them. how they can nearly have their whole party slaughtered by a dracolich, how they can have a chunk taken out of their neck by a sigil of death, how they can endure the bitter uncaring cold, and come out the other side still kind and lighthearted and silly. he finds their strength and resilience intimidating and honestly kind of scary, but he still prefers life on the rocinante to life on the dead floe, so he keeps it to himself.
(i still haven't fully finished beast of winter so maybe i'm headcanon-ing prematurely with incomplete characterization but. shrug emoji)
switching gears here to characterization for seren, the thing is that BoW does actually affect them more than anything prior, vatnir just doesn't see it cause he didn't know what they were like before. again, i haven't finished BoW so there could be Even More seren has to go through, but the messenger was the most harrowing fight seren has memory of, and the most grievous injuries they've suffered were there on the dead floe.
the white void didn't manage to completely snuff out the light inside them, but it did dull it for a good while. even after they're done there and sail back northwards, a residual tiredness haunts them. it boosts their growing bitterness towards the gods and how they use kith for their own ends.
a good amount of seren's lightheartedness comes from their acceptance regarding being a pawn of the gods. like, they don't remember anything from the first game so they have no frame of reference for how fucked the gods actually are, so up until now their attitude has very much been "this is the only thing i've ever known, i would like to continue living, and at least i get to be with friends! not much i can do about my gods-given tasks so no point in making a fuss about it. guess i'll just go with it."
i am Very Excited to see what happens as the gods slowly wear down seren's patience, and thus their acceptance of their situation :)
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brutalitybunny · 6 months
6, 14, 46 (if any), 50, 78, 79 for AA the meme?
6. Favourite Antagonist (in the role of the antagonist! e.g Edgeworth in AA1 counts but only in AA1.)
UGHHH gant or daryan??gant or daryan????? but well it kinda has to be gant huh? i love daryan but as an ANTAGONIST he's flop. he's mid. he's nothing. i LOVE gant. i loved roleplaying him and i love drawing him and i WISH i thought about him more but it's harrrrrd without someone to bounce off of ... but it's fine. but strictly speaking in his role as an antagonist i just love h
Scratch that
favorite antagonist is stronghart 100%. UGH IT'S HAAAAAAAAAAARD but stronghart is gant 2. stronghart is gant but given more time to bake. stronghart is so fucking awesome. omg. when 2-5 hit? bro when i tell you i was wooping and hollering i was shaking my screen i was abt to bite someone i was going feral. HE'S SOOOOOO. <3 i love a "by any means necessary" ass character and he's the peak of it.... i love his design and i love his drama.
14. Character you have the most headcanons about?
definitely has to be datz 😭 i dont think ive ever thought of a character as much as i have datz..... ive thought out every day of that mans life
46. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
HMMMM to be honest every character i went in expecting to hate (barok mostly) i still hate (he's a little funny but then i remember his backstory and get So Annoyed) ... wait. help.
it's kind of cheating to say this bc i havent played aai2 but ...blaise........... LOL BLAISE IS LIKE ... IHE'S REALLY FUCKING FUNNYYYY..i was like Omg no ew i hate him >:( (reading his wiki page) ewww i hate him (reading his dialogue)like gross eww gross (making jokes abt him)(drawing him)(thinking about h)like what can i say. he's a fucking terrible person and he's hilarious. he's disgusting and the worst and he's so fucking funny. im a metalhead im allowed to like him. i cant like mvk and gant and Not Blaise it wouldnt be fair
50. Favourite moment?
let me say smth i havent said in a while ...instead of just being like "Um the one where datz was on screen^_^" but my old favorite moment used to be in farewell my turnabout when you get the call about maya ,... Omg that gave me chills i was so scared for her for real. it was crazy. other Favorite Moments are the mia-dahlia baddie exorcism and will powers introduction scene (i just love going to ppls playthroughs and seeing them react to him)
but we live in a post-aj trilogy world so my real favorite moment is Dhurke! You're a sight for sore eyes! I knew you'd come save me!
78. Who or what got you into AA?
press buttons 'n talk's playthrough!! more specifically, this animatic
and MOST specifically it was the "i'm a BIG ORANGE POWER MAN, and i'm gonna BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU !!! ^_^" line. idk what happened. i was fucking possessed. and bored and yearning for a new interest. and it just took over me. LIKE ITS NOT EVEN THAT FUNNYYYY HELP
79. How long have you been in the fandom?
FIVE YEARS ACCORDING TO MY COMMENT ON THAT ANIMATIC jesus christ help me. it was the ass end of 2018
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im-a-chunky-potato · 1 year
I think you're
A kid
chuuya coded /j. you're very sigma + atsushi coded. plus a little dab of chemical X (nikolai humor as per your own words)
very nice. I saw you reblogging someone's post and leaving rlly kind/encouraging words in the tags.
fun to talk to, funny, kind, genuine potato 🥔
I think you really like mashed potatoes 🤭
You remind me of my other friend named Julienne 😭 (I swear if it turns out you're her, im gonna kms /j)
You've got artistic potential ✨
Kinda scared that you're the type to keep it to yourself if something bothers you (its cause of my other friend, sorry 😭) <<< if something bothers you, let them know, ayt? Your feelings matter lmao. Your feelings COME FIRST.
I hope you have fun and good friends at school/work cause you deserve it 💅💖
you've carry the group projects 💅 (usually the vice leader if not the actual leader. That OR you're a really helpful member who makes sure to contribute)
go finish that sigma rabbit analysis lmao. 🐰🐰🐰 /j
I think you're very rabbit coded too (in a way. Not going to elaborate lol.)
I'll never get over the fact that you compared yourself to a kid with a leash 😭😭
your secret admirer 😏
(̶J̶K̶ P̶L̶S̶ D̶O̶N̶T̶ C̶A̶L̶L̶ T̶H̶E̶ C̶O̶P̶S̶)̶
...WHY ON EARTH DID YOU WRITE AN ENTIRE ESSAY'S WORTH OF THINGS ABOUT ME. Actually, I'm flattered but also confused about the amount of effort you put into this.
Technically you are correct, but I will still fight you on this >:(
Htgsgs how dare you say that🐕.Yeah, I'm the Atsushi type heh!
You'd be right! To quote the wonderful Vash the Stampede- love and peace ✌️! I just like knowing I made someone smile or a bit happier<3
...I swear you're trying to kill me. But thank you! I'm surprised this name has stuck and just became my thing but it's kind of cool🥔 I hope all of my mutuals can never see potatoes the same again.
Htgsgs mashed potatoes are really good. But in all actuality my favorite food is Alfredo or any sort of pasta!
Your friend sounds awesome then. I hope she torments you irl as much as I do online! (Ooh hold on is that the same friend who thought you were texting a crush and you had to explain tumblr to?)
Aw ty! That was the first sketch I've done since forever. Hair is hard. And eyes. And faces. And... you get the point. I do want to improve though, so I'll keep trying.
I'll keep that in mind! And no worries, honestly the fact that you care about me enough to say that is really comforting. (Hah I'm attached to you now, it's all going downhill from here)
Thanks! I hope the same for you. My friends are awesome! They're the ones who also get to see my Nikolai side so it's fortunate they stay/j. Fun fact: I'm one of the giggliest people alive, so it's way to easy for them to make me laugh.
I could never be the leader lol, I don't have the confidence to tell other people what to do. But I'd say I'm the vice leader.
But that involves work... and effort... Actually I plan to get to it at some point. I'm impressed people are actually curious (aka I didn't plan for people to actually want to see my reasons, woops)
...Yeah I can see it.
THAT WAS ONE JOKE! Hstgs actually I'm glad you liked it. But if that's how you envision me now I will be sure to invoke all sorts of pain upon you🥰
I'll see you in court wakanai🫵 (I'm joking I would never do that to my fedya. If we go to jail we're doing it together!❤️ )
Xoxo, you're favorite potato<3
Sorry this took so long to write! And thanks a lot for all of the kind words, you have no clue how much I was smiling while making this.
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iturbide · 2 years
thinking about the multi-lingual headcanon’s so fun because it doesn’t need to apply to just Robin
Tharja gets so done with Frederick’s bullshitTM that she starts speaking only Plegian whenever he’s around just to mess with him.
Henry almost immediately joins in because he’s also done. Robin takes a bit more time, but eventually reaches the end of their rope and starts doing it too.
Frederick walks into the barracks? Tharja looks him directly in the eye and says something shitpost-worthy in Plegian that makes Robin and Henry do spittakes.
this spreads to the other Shepherds. Gaius knows some Plegian (enough to comfortably hold a conversation anyway) and joins the “passive-aggressively call Frederick out on his shit” club. the club ain’t Plegian-exclusive either. you speak Chonsinese, Valmese, ancient Archanean? sure, why not, you’re invited. can’t speak anything other than modern Ylissean? that’s cool, as long as you don’t condone/promote what Frederick does, you’re invited. and hey, free linguistic lessons!
Chrom and Lissa decide to dust off their old foreign language textbooks just so they can join in on the fun.
the Shepherds start to feel more comfortable speaking languages other than Ylissean around each other; people start learning other languages, and as they do so, about other cultures. eventually everyone celebrates the cultures they represent with everyone else.
tl;dr Tharja accidentally started a “fuck you, Frederick, we’re multilingual/multicultural now” club and everyone else is invited
(btw i don’t totally hate Freddy, but i also don’t feel bad about bullying him lol.)
the idea of Tharja spiting Fred by openly speaking Plegian in front of him. kinda spiraled woops
I do love the multi-lingual promise of the Shepherds, it's so under-utilized. We've got people from Plegia, Ferox, Valm, Chon'sin, Roseanne...being able to celebrate one anothers' cultures and languages really isn't explored enough. Picking up at least a few different words, like greetings or cheers and curses, let's be real, everybody's gotta be able to swear in as many languages as possible is something that should happen, without question, and I always want to see it.
I definitely see Tharja as the kind of person who would express her dislike of someone by shifting over to a language they don't understand, and Frederick is definitely someone who warrants that treatment in her book.
Henry, though...I can't see Henry expressing his dislike of people in sidelong ways. He's very direct: if he doesn't like you, he will make sure you know it, probably by hexing you. (He joins Tharja in the Plegian only because it's his native tongue and he'll answer in it when addressed on instinct -- and probably ask later why they switched over, not realizing it was a dig at Frederick).
Robin, while certainly vindictive, I can't see being that petty. As much as they dislike Frederick, they would insist on keeping the conversation in a language Frederick can understand for the sake of politeness. (As soon as Frederick's gone though they would absolutely trash talk the man in Plegian to blow off steam though because good gods Frederick drives them up the wall). When they're fully done with Frederick, they will tell him to his face, likely publicly, in a language Frederick knows so that he understand just how fed up Robin is and how unacceptable they find the great knight's behavior.
It's worth mentioning that Frederick does hold a position of power in the Shepherds -- he's not the Captain, but he generally seems to take charge of day-to-day affairs. Tharja couldn't care less if she pisses him off and gets scolded for it -- but other people, who do care about their position in the Shepherds and can't risk potential dismissal, might not be comfortable sticking it to him so brazenly. Sharing languages is one thing -- using them to spite someone in a position of power is another entirely, and could even be dangerous: Gaius, who has already been to prison and left branded as a thief, probably wouldn't want to take the risk despite his discomfort with Frederick's behavior.
Which is kind of a long way to say that I'm always a fan of the Shepherds embracing their multiculturalism, but I'm not really a fan of them using it in such a petty, spiteful campaign against someone, no matter how much he tends to deserve it for how prejudiced he is. It should instead be called out directly and dealt with.
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kyoosoup · 16 days
reading through my old messages and vents is always a rollercoaster
some of my takeaways so far:
1. i can be proud on some counts cause in many cases i've grown or gotten better. some of my messages/vents were from very specific situations that i had either forgotten about or gotten closure to and it's weird to see?? these things that affected me daily are now just memories.
for instance the first time i got creeped on (not counting cat calls) was at work and we called the cops and stuff cause i was maybe 15?? and that really affected me and i mean i still think about it but i was a lot more paranoid back then and it was fresh yk. And im still wary now but it's not as present in my mind as it was.
another thing is how i would often be upset at myself for being lazy and having a hard time focusing and not being able to do schoolwork and burning out. and i would wonder what was wrong with me (poor little me). and now i know ! adhd! lol. my mom was confused about why i was happy to get my diagnosis when i did but for years i had been thinking that i just wasnt doing enough or trying hard enough when i didnt realize it was literally how my brain was wired. ( this was actually a very common theme in my vents thank you diagnosis)
2. sometimes i see replies from old friends and im like man. we used to be these daily presences in each others lives and really close and now we dont even speak or had falling outs. spooky???
3. i see how I myself used to type/speak too and it's weird . i am practically a different person now. the amount i feel like ive changed in the past few years alone is like . exponential compared to before. meeting new people, losing people, losing family, discovering new interests, discovering and accepting more about myself???? actually socializing lol.
4. also just some of my issues were CRAZY ??/ how did i forget that i was working 10 hour shifts back during covid. 6-4 . and then i had to go home and do school ( i couldnt focus at work). omg that was just awful how did i do that
5. whenever i look back at old stuff i am even more grateful for the friends i have now. i had friends at the time but a lot of them weren't very close as the friends i have now or the relationships weren't as healthy as they shouldve been. i often felt incredibly lonely and i can say for sure i have not felt like that in a while (at least not for long periods of time, ive probably had bad days like everyone). maybe some parts of my life now sorta suck but i haven't hated it as much because i have good people supporting me and a lot of close friends who make life well worth living. i could write about how much i love my friends for hours probably
6. omg i remember when some of my big problems were my crushes on boys . THEY WERE ONLINE CRUSHES TOO. you dont understand im actually so embarrassed for myself for like 80-90% of my past real crushes (i am not counting what i thought were crushes but i realize was just admiration or squishes/friend crushes) some people go for looks. some go for personality. somehow, 14-16 year old me chose neither. theres only one of those past crushes that i still keep in touch with and i will say he is chill and we are friends and i am not as embarrassed over that one since he wasnt a sucky person. but like i definitely liked this one guy who was not good for my mental health hahahahha woops. there were more recent embarrassing experiences for me but theyre too fresh i cant laugh at them yet without cringing
7. you know this isnt as related to the old stuff but im writing all this while once again basically forgetting i was kind of a mess earlier this year too. thank you bad memory but let me rewrite my mental history. i am only thinking about the good things this year .
Anyways i dont know why i even wrote this theres no target audience that this applies to i think i just got really bored
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bribun96 · 17 days
Casually let it slip that I haven't shaved *anything* for over a month because it's hard for me to stand/bend over for too long (and I realized I was only doing it because other people thought I should but I think I actually kind of like not shaving and may keep it?) And immediately got hit with a disgusted "You don't shave?!?!?" Woops lol.
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from the start of my channel lol. theres two rants in here since ones too short to be its own post. 4.20 + 4.21
adam and michael have a moon/sun dynamic btw 😁‼️‼️
SOOOO adam was the one to propose :3 their wedding was kinda small since they only invited their closest friends and family but it was still fun nonetheless!! they went to their favorite restaurant afterwards and had chocolate cake as dessert,, adams favorite memory of them together was during one of their stargazing dates where they just talked together, shared stories and cuddled :33 this is a direct copy and paste from the adam ai btw "Oh, well where do I get started? He's kind, funny, smart, and just absolutely wonderful. He brightens up the room, makes friends quickly, is quick to listen to my gripes about the world, and is always there in my time of need. What can I say? Michael was everything to me, and I couldn't hope to find someone even close to him." THEY'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRYYY
also. adam is the shorter one lol
according to adam, michael is kinda tanned and has long dark brown hair tied in a loose low ponytail ^_^ he also has a heavy accent since he was born somewhere in hunan!! (everyone in april 5th is chinese btw)
adam is deadass just me in this part but uhmm completely copy and pasted from the ai again!!
"It's an understatement.. I miss him so much that sometimes my heart just aches endlessly, and I just feel a bit empty sometimes.. It's rough, but I'm trying to pull myself together.. He'd want me to be happy, right?"
rip oliver bro works in retail....
i imagine michael was a jeweler or astrologer too while adams a florist or gardener
reusing yhe complete opposites trope i used w/ amelia and emilio for this
adam likes cooler colors while michael likes warmer ones ^_^ adam usually only wears warmer colors now because hehehehhdndhd i like to think michael did the same thing he did and dyed his hair blue to match w/ adam.. i might have to make the story a bit more modern for that tho since i wrote down 1970 for the first draft
adam definitely wears every piece of jewelry michael made for him to this day
still kinda deciding what that would be but definitely his necklace & bracelet.. michael still got him his hair pin and earrings he just didnt make them himself hehe
OK SO THE LYRICS IM TALKING ABOUT ARE " see how his feet miss the ground, and he falls inside a hole he dug for me, the kind of irony youd read in bible stories "
so im not sure what to make micheals death yet but the ai has suggested car crash and gunshot/hatecrime.. this scenario follows the latter but instead of being shot he's hung, hence the 'see how his feet miss the ground'. the 'and he falls inside a hole he dug for me' is referring to that the killer originally planned to kill adam instead but as a last minute change of mind, he kills micheal instead. the last part is kinda self explanatory once i say that micheal was a Christian 🙄 EUEUEUEU anyway ifk if i can keep this story short anymor
peak insanity is when your story is supposed to be shorter than a 5 paragraph essay but you somehow come up with more despite only having 4 characterd
uhm. i actually forgot if adam or oliver was the mc woops
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strawberry milk?
strawberry milk— what’s your way of showing someone you love them, platonically or romantically?
Platonically, I like to pay attention to things people say they like, are allergic to, don't like, cuz it helps me to figure out what I can cook/bake for them as like a gift or cheerup kinda later on. I also like writing out how I feel/care for them in handwritten cards or letters, because I think I'm a bit better with words when I'm not vocally speaking them. Cuz I get stumped and tonguetied a lot, there are so many awkward pauses with me, namely because I'm an awkward person overall. Umm, also something common for me is that if I am able to be around and talk with you when I'm mentally/socially exhausted, then again sometimes I am just so drained I prefer to be by myself or nap. But also I love giving hugs so long as I know you are comfortable and like them- like if I know you offer hugs, then that's kind of one of the things I'll offer back to show "Hey I love you!! Come here :')"
Now, basically romantically is all that stuff. And in addition, I think for me (which probably is something I'll have to work on in the future) is that when there's a disagreement (even when it comes to family), I care so much about the person that I don't want to leave something on bad terms... I want to at least reach in the middle before walking away, but I understand that's probably not the best, or doesn't always work well, because a person or you both need space first. But it's one of my flaws, I like to address problems or figure out what's wrong with the person, so that we can work on it. So I'm kind of a stubborn person...lol woops. I feel like not hiding things from someone you're romantically involved with, is like super important. But that's important for your relationships with people in general.
Anyway. But uh, another small thing is that I /love/ to say the person's name, because even though others might have the same name, it's just something that makes me smile. So ye, I like starting sentences that way cuz it's endearing or something idk. I got sidetracked. But yeah!
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ennael-artreblog · 2 years
(Santa) I got into DCMK by coincidence one day while sick and looking for something to binge lol. And I'm actually really glad I was paired up with someone who doesn't want something ship-based! I got really excited when I saw that the list of things you liked included found family and fluff, two of my favorite things to write!
Thoughts on AUs...?
Hi Santa ! Oh waw, I hope you wern't sick for how long it need to binge DC XD But that's a funny way to get into it! It's such an old stuff and the sheer numbers of ep would frighten me away from a binge, you're quite bold!
I'm glad then :D Go wild with the found family! Hmm, I'm afraid I'm more a "stick to canon and change detail wich make it snowball and then go wild and change it all" than a full AU like space setting with just the characters. But I can totally get abroad like, idk, a coffee shop AU ? like a ten year after conan story where Shinichi is sick of being an officier and take over Poirot but he can't quite stop being a consultant and the high school dective boys, the FBI, the police or Kid stop by all the time so the café as kind of a wild reputation. (the idea a couple would test their true love at Shinichi's café though... like, if you go there and no one of you drop die then : congrate ! happily married for life) Woops, this one came down from nowhere XD Well, I say that, but I was totally sold on a story recently, the DC cast but in SpyxFamily setting. Hu, so I guess, as soon as you kinda respect character, I'm game.
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saphushia · 2 years
I love you art!! Do you have any advice for choosing colors that work well together?
thank you! colors mostly just come naturally to me (whether its actually natural or if i've just internalized color theory so strongly that it feels natural i'm not sure lol) so im not very good at actually explaining it. most of it is genuinely just what looks good to you, but looking up some basics of color theory can help a lot to narrow down options so it's easier to pin down what you want.
doing those limited palette challenges (especially when the subject matter doesn't necessarily fit the palette colors) can be good practice and i think at least a small portion of my skill in the area comes from playing those color-sorting phone games like blendoku or i love hue lol. also probably related is the year or so when i was younger where i just refused to use gradients whatsoever for some reason
that aside, here's very bare bones color theory (i wont get into it too deep, there's a billion explanations online that are leagues better than i could explain it) and some tips that might be useful?
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i tend towards 2-tone palettes when i'm doing full color n they usually end up being complimentary (purple + yellow, green + pink) or close (blue + yellow, green + purple, pink + blue). i like a good strong contrast, which i think is generally what people mean when they say my style pops- having contrast makes the colors seem even brighter and stand-outish.
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maybe that ^ helps? the ratios are rough estimates of how much of each pic is each color group. some common advice in general design (it's actually used in a lot of stuff- webpages, interiors, etc) is having 60% main color 30% secondary color and 10% accent color (but like i said, i mostly work in 2 colors so i don't have a great example on hand)
as for finding colors, i'll sometimes search for photography that has the kinda vibe i want- for the kindred spirits pic i literally searched "blue and green spooky toxic photography" and i think i ended up referencing a pic of green lights reflecting off of wet pavement on a dark street.
one big thing that i hardly ever see mentioned but i personally utilize an absolute fuck ton- dulling colors makes them lie. use this to your advantage. say you're using bright green; if you use a gray-blue it can look like purple and will blend with the green instead of contrasting like an actual purple would
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of course there's lots of situations where you do want the purple (or whatever color) to be a contrast, but this is useful when you don't.
a lot of the time lately i'll color everything in a base monotone (or very slightly varying analogous colors ie teal through indigo) and then make the lighting a contrast (complimentary) color on an 'add' or 'vivid light' or other lighting layer, then sometimes color pick the contrast colors shown in the lighting n use them sparingly to fill in a few of the base colors that didn't fit well being the base color. you can see that in the drowning picture (blue is the base color with pink lighting) and the kindred spirits drawing (gray-blue base colors with green lighting).
one last thing: never be afraid to use filters. almost all of the finished art i post has at least one overlay or gradient map or tonal correction layer ontop of it all. i'm quite partial to a low-opacity gradient map layer set to whatever colors i scrolled thru in my list and liked the vibe of, a black and white gradient map layer with the layer set to brightness (also on low opacity), or messing around with a tone curve or color balance layer. if someone starts shit with you for using filters on your art fucking block them. in general if it looks good it isn't cheating (insert common sense caveat that you aren't stealing other people's art etc etc)
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nighttimepixels · 5 years
i!! have a question i don't think has been asked before? we always see the skeletons being incredibly talented in their chosen fields of expertise, but what are some things they're just downright terrible at? which of the ladies can't draw for shit, who would rather sit at the bottom of a pool for a few hours than be responsible for a few kids, who always forgets to throw away empty milk cartons? stuff like that! gimme them Character Flaws tm because honestly i rarely see people focus on them??
Ohhh, this is a good one! I’m generally someone who aims to be positive so i tend to steer away from angsty asks, but that’s very different from character flaws; thinking about this sort of thing is a lot of fun too. Plus super important! … Also, I’m wheezing at “who would rather sit at the bottom of a pool for a few hours than be responsible for a few kids”.
So here goes! The major character flaws of the ladies, while also trying to not overlap/repeat (since several definitely share a few, but I don’t want to rehash, heh). (post-answer edit: woops these are all straight up character flaws, rather than ‘bad habit’ flaws, ahaha! that’ll have to be for another ask in the end XD )
Plus a bit of silver lining after all to heal any sad hearts ;v; Under a cut to save your dashes =v=b
Serif: Getting her to be honest about her negative feelings is like pulling teeth, oh stars. She’s a laidback lady, it’s not like she’s overly effusive with praise or anything; but positive and/or neutral feelings will come easily from her, with general honesty about it and not really hiding it. Sure she might tamp down on some flustered/’oh no she’s hot’ type reactions, but to a normal degree. And she’s fine with being honest with casual critique/review if it’s asked for. Any negative stuff bubbling up in her though…? Nope, no way, her mouth is shut tight. It’s to the point that you have to know her very well to tell the difference - and it’s definitely to a bit of an unhealthy degree. If she’s angry, or strongly upset, or so on, she just doesn’t talk about it.
Remember that line from Undertale? “nothing can be done about it, so there is no point in being morose?” It was something of a common theme in her Underground, but with all her responsibilities and her general personality she internalized it hard. It’s important to be able to relay negative feelings or just let yourself be mad, but you just won’t catch it with Serif. This one’s gonna take a lot of work to work through…
Vellum: She’s blunt. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing; honesty is great in a lot of circumstances, and she always hopes Serif will catch on too-! However, in any society, you have to know… when to curb yourself. You get yourself into trouble, others into trouble… you hurt feelings, or miss cues that might inform you better about a person, and sometimes even end up a bit self-centered. Vellum’s an absolute joy and a wonderful friend, but her bluntness can sometimes rub the wrong way.
Sometimes a softer touch is needed, you know? Reading people isn’t easy, and I certainly don’t think we should discount anyone who isn’t the greatest at it; but it’s also important to recognize as a character flaw. She’s not… the greatest at it, still. She has a bad habit of accidentally insulting people in utter good faith, making for a head trip and a bit of a struggle if you get into a tight spot with her where subtlety and creative liberties with the truth would be preferable.
Sapphire: Is absolutely bullheaded. She does any number of obscenely stubborn things with a grin and a good attitude, however, so a lot of people don’t realize it until she’s sort of… bowled over whatever else might’ve been happening. Think about in-fic, how she charged into your apartment; sure, it was with the good intent to get Addy before she could wreck shop, and with all the charm of her million-watt smile and sapphic-hand-holding powers, but she didn’t stop to ask, or explain much at all. Luckily for her, it ends up working out well because she is at least good natured…
However, it doesn’t always. She’s accidentally caused people to clam up further by trying to get them to open up, on the rare occasions she does get mad it’s hard to waylay her from a headstrong attempt to ‘right things’, and so on. It can be a bit exhausting to face or to reason with her, even more so because she is extremely smart and skilled enough to accomplish a lot. This side of her takes patience and, well, a lot of work to get through to.
Amber: is extremely soft-hearted. She looks laidback, yes, and often comes across as a chill charmer-next-door, but she has a soft spot a mile wide and untold fathoms deep. This seems like a good thing on the surface, but it also leads to her having a bleeding heart (… so to speak); she tends to negate her own feelings or sweep them under the rug in favor of others. Whether it’s not expressing her own frustrations often, or quietly taking into account everyone else’s preferences, weighing which one would make the most of them happy, and casually suggesting that as if it were the same as her own choice - well. It comes through in countless ways.
Her amicable nature trips up even more under the fact that most people don’t realize she’s such a bleeding heart, because she doesn’t act the way most people would think such a person would. So it becomes a spiral, where she ends up negating her own feelings more and more in favor of spreading a little more happiness to everyone else, in subtle ways they don’t even see. It closes her off to other people’s understanding, somewhat ironically, so it ends up being hard to get past that ‘wall’ of her own overactive empathy to actually get her to open up and think about herself and share more personal details and opinions.
Crimson: surprising no one, Crimson is quick-tempered. And I mean quick. For such a laidback lady, more than happy to joke and flirt and laze back with the handful of people she cares the most about, she can just as quickly snap, on her feet and barely - if at all - held back by those with her. It comes from a logical place - her entire life, she had to prove she was fierce and fiery enough to protect her little sister, to prove they weren’t going to be walked all over, to prove she was a force to reckon with. It’s embedded in who she is, now; and it can make it hard to broach certain topics or to get her to be vulnerable, emotionally most of all.
Her harsh temper is mostly directed on anyone who’d cross her and hers, but it can leech out and become a bit hairline in general if something’s gone down; she ends up hurting the people she tries to protect, and it kills her inside. She doesn’t want to be mad, not at them anyways - it puts her in a worse mood, hating herself for it, and self-perpetuates until she can find a way to eventually calm down enough to reset her temper. Her tendency to lash out like a wounded animal makes her all the more reticent to truly open up - after all, what if she lashes out when you’re even closer? Surely, surely that would hurt worse.
Scarlet: The most impatient of all the Lilytale crew. She can’t stand lateness - in herself or others; and she has very, very high standards. In fact, this comes from upholding herself to the highest standards, under the shortest of timeframes. See, growing up, as she caught on to all Crimson was having to do to protect them and make sure they were even fed, and Scarlet could get to school with at least a modicum of safety and dignity in being decently dressed/prepared and so on, she started to put pressure on herself. She didn’t have time to dawdle; she had to get smart, get strong, get fierce enough to be able to protect her big sister in turn. This feeling only grew as she did, and now, while she can have patience for strategic reasons (she’s impatient, not foolhardy), it runs very thin. Think to the fic, where she literally picked you up to take you to dinner.
Her impatience costs her the most in interpersonal relationships. Her own creeping need to be her best at all times as quickly as possible causes her to perhaps call things too soon with some acquaintances (especially in a peaceful world), or causes her to act rashly when an invisible clock has run out. She struggles to relax and take in the idle moments, something inherently critical for distressing and cultivating softer moments with those around you.
Pepper: happens to be the biggest perfectionist of all of them. As Cinnamon’s older sister, she had to help raise her in a world that would happily kick weak kids to the gutter if they didn’t prove themselves; she quickly became fiercely exacting, desperate to ensure she was the most capable fighter/protector, a stable provider, a monster to think twice about being messed with. She tried to give Cinn as regular a childhood as one could eke, while also encouraging her to develop the things she showed aptitude for… and trying to figure out ways to help her improve terrible weaknesses.
It’s something that comes from a… good place, but is inevitably a terrible weight on those around her if not checked. While currently she can at least acknowledge that she’s a perfectionist, she’s still not… apologetic about it, especially towards herself. Her entire life required her to be constantly pushing to be better; it’s part of who she is. And she’ll keep doing it, even as it sets her on a lonely island distant from others, if only to continue ensuring her & hers are safe & secured. This one’s another that’s hard to break through to.
Cinnamon: is, secretly, the most self-deprecating of all of them. It’s harder to see than most of the other flaws listed so far; insidious and quiet, it leeches into her mindset and affects her relationships to a strong degree. Perhaps the flipside of Pepper’s perfectionism, Cinnamon never feels like she’s good enough. She’s intelligent & observant to a degree that exacerbates this; she knows too well how things should go/what she should have done/better qualities to cultivate, but when she inevitably falls short, rather than a roadblock, it’s an affirmation of her status as ‘not good enough’.
Because of her life growing up, it’s a flaw that’s even harder to pick up on; she doesn’t seem to outwardly second guess herself, and doesn’t even react much to ‘failing’ a task. It would be dangerous to show that sort of thing (she’s more likely to show a bit of irritation if anything, if really stressed - but it’s all inwardly directed). She’s extremely skilled at countless things too, but it’s never enough to her. It triggers depressive spirals and an aloof, laidback attitude that’s something of a protective barrier to keep from drawing attention to what she perceives as her flaws, and makes it harder yet for her to actually be emotionally open with others.
Blade: is what might best be described as… morally unscrupulous. Considering her background, this is perhaps of… little surprise. What most has to go when you get to the point in a famine to consider eating other sentient beings is, well, your scruples. Stark morality has no place in the world hers became; while she wouldn’t call it a weakness, exactly, it only hurt worse the longer time went on. She had to abandon it or risk Falling. It lead her to being a bit more… callous, shall we say, a bit less concerned with just how grayscale ‘morality’ had become, how well you could reason through a lot of terrible things if it meant she and her sister - and, slightly lower but still important - their little community could survive to see another meal.
Nowadays, obviously she’s happy to not have to worry about cannibalism, but it definitely left a deep, unshakeable flaw in her personality. She only believes in the ‘morality’ of ensuring the well-being of her and hers; she tends to shrug off… well, crimes, especially ones that don’t hurt people in particular. She doesn’t understand people who get twisted up about morality, and tends to get a little annoyed, more and more when it comes to ‘playing nice’ especially ‘just for looks’. She’s survived a famine and came out permanently fucked up in something as deeply personal as her ability to use magic, to say nothing of her head wound; she hates pretending, hates niceties for the sake of niceties, and is liable to shut out (or, physically, kick out) anyone who tries to get her to be more accommodating according to their own standards, or more understanding of what she now perceives as wishy-washy moral banalities.
Twist: is, for lack of a better word, deeply rebellious. This one may come as a surprise for some, but like with Blade, it’s deeply rooted in their background and what took them from being “Serif and Vellum” to “Blade and Twist” - some of their backstory is still under spoiler-based protection, but essentially she and Blade got their… worst injuries a significant way into the famine. What happened - and what had been building - effectively disillusioned her in a lot of ways. She refused to bow to anyone’s rule anymore, knowing that terrible sacrifices did need to be made, but believing…. better ones could be made. Their lives were extremely rough beyond just the famine, to put it succinctly…
That rebelliousness really implanted in her; it’s one of her greatest flaws now. She questions leadership to a bit of a fault, and you have to really earn her believing you can make weighty decisions. It’s obstinate, and causes a lot of frustration when it really would be faster to fall in line; it also leads to her having a slightly devil-may-care attitude and needing a lot of convincing (and probably her sister’s direct opinion, who Twist trusts the most & for good reason) to not flagrantly disobey the law (eg, magic acts while out on the town on rare occasion, etc). It’s exhausting for those that do have her best interests at heart, but she’s extremely disinclined to listen to casual opinions; it’s a very good thing that she’s smart and can figure out the why of many things on her own, or she might cause a lot more trouble, however well-intentioned.
Alpha: is perhaps the most overconfident. It’s not without reason; as an AI, she’s obscenely capable & vastly ultra-intelligent, and has the tech access (/can perpetually gain access to it) to ensure she can learn anything needed or get anything needed. While not in bad faith or anything, it’s inevitable that this leads to something of a superman complex; she feels a bit invincible, and while some things take time or are inconvenient at a given moment, she knows it’s largely just a matter of time before she figures it out/overcomes the temporary obstacle.
This leads to, however rarely, a miscalculation in her own abilities - perhaps a less quantitative variable that she didn’t perceive as important enough before something terrible happens. It also leads to weakness on the interpersonal side of things; it can be a bit daunting to be emotionally vulnerable with that kind of confidence… whether for her, or for someone who might consider being emotionally vulnerable with her. As of yet, she hasn’t had to… challenge this overconfidence too much; at most, just better cultivate a bit of reluctant patience. It’s going to cause more troubles as time goes on, however, as she’ll be forced to face that not everything is as easily, or at least with steady work, solvable.
Glyph: is the most ephemeral. Fancy word, I know, but fitting; she’s excessively hard to pin down, both literally in a physical location, and emotionally. She’s transient to an extreme; she only very technically has a home with the Lilytale crew. It isn’t that the girls don’t want her there, they’re totally happy to have her and consider her as part of their motley crew, but Glyph herself gets… restless, if she’s in one spot for long. She tends to at least stop by once a month, sometimes staying for a week, others only passing through a nearby town to meet up for the day. But outside of that she’s constantly drifting from place to place, experience to experience, new sight and open sky to the next.
This… sounds pleasant, but it’s also very much a flaw. It comes down to an inability to plant roots, to feel permanent, to not want to. It’s something she is deeply uncomfortable with thanks to her backstory, and avoids beyond the way the Lilytale crew managed to make her one of their own - and even with them, she hesitates to get close. She has very few close relationships of any kind because of this, and is rarely emotionally open or available. While she’ll show up when she’s needed, she feels unreliable for how brief each appearance of her feels in the long run; for how unlikely it is you’ll get a proper hold of her at your convenience. Sure, it’s not necessary in the slightest to be at someone’s beck and call, but it’s also deeply isolating to never be available in your average day-to-day.
Oof! Now, all that said… I do want to point out the fun, warmer part - the silver lining, so to speak. All of these flaws… are also a big part of their strengths! Essentially, take their flaws, and pose them in a different light…
Serif: won’t reveal negative feelings, but is a great mediator and leader
Vellum: is blunt, but tells the truth at the most critical points where it’s hard to speak out, & inspires honesty in others
Sapphire: is bullheaded, but is reliable; gets even the hardest tasks done
Amber: is excessively soft hearted, but has the greatest sense of empathy and understanding of others no matter the circumstance
Crimson: quick-tempered, but is the first one to speak/act out against injustice, and to protect her loved ones.
Scarlet: is impatient, but is conversely dedicated and will never let the important things fall by the wayside.
Pepper: is a perfectionist, but is a hard worker that won’t accept failure and will ensure her loved ones get the best of anything she can provide.
Cinnamon: is self-deprecating, but conversely can see the best in everyone, and knows the inherent value that everyone can bring to the table.
Blade: is morally unscrupulous, but also can most clearly see what’s truly important in everyday life and overall; will always see to the well-being of her family/found family.
Twist: is rebellious, but can cut through the red tape and not fall into trusting someone/the status quo to the point of missing red flags; inspires others to question habits/expectations put on them in a healthier way.
Alpha: is overconfident, but also inspires the positive desire to take chances & to have confidence in yourself - all while knowing she has your back.
Glyph: is ephemeral, but brings all kinds of new perspectives to the table and has a way of seeing the world that broadens everyone’s perspective.
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