#this has siblings energy
dropped-the-soap · 2 years
Mafia II - Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home
I was driving all the time in the army! 
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Personally I think that Azula should have been redeemed simply so that she can become Zuko's horrible little advisor who whispers evil little plans to him so that he can do the exact opposite
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choochooboss · 1 year
How to smile (feat. Marnie!)
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A silly comic from last July, inspired by Ingo's in game dialogue in Masters EX! Hope you enjoyed it!
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jazzkrebber · 10 months
Jes (endearing) vs Jes (derogatory)
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trainwreckgenerator · 9 months
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𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖟
sketches & timelapse under the cut!
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iris-drawing-stuff · 4 months
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I just found a translation by doctorbunny of the voice lines in the Milgram earphone collab, so here's some doodles of the prisoners recording their lines. I imagine that Es just handed them the script and then shoved them into a recording booth.
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maxsix · 9 months
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Jason is unlovable like wolves and sharp teeth and getting ousted from the pack and harsh rules and justice and Thalia is unlovable like lightning and uncontrollable rage and the lust for power
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chaosgenasi · 2 years
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you see one [drawing] that's just dark, black scribbles on the page. just this voided hole.
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apotelesmaa · 2 years
Norma is objectively one of the funniest psychonauts characters though. she immediately assumes this 10 year old is the mole taking down the psychonauts from the inside and decides the best way to gather information is to stalk his dad. Ruins ford and raz’s plan to defeat maligula by being a snitch. Helped save the day by fixing the problem she caused. Is now in hell because she was wrong and all the other kids make her fortnite dance and shout go snitch girl go. Her sister got all the cool genes and now she’s stuck being an insufferable nerd. Probably says “well actually” at least ten times a day. Beefing with a 10 year old. Let’s give it up for pathetic & annoying female characters (fond).
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taiturner · 10 months
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Adrian Lyles as JET HSMTMTS ◆ Season 4
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bonker-bananas · 1 year
i just think it’s really funny that despite the fact that zeb is older than the rest of the ghost crew, he acts like he’s the same age as ezra for the majority of the show. they are such younger siblings.
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Lydia: Hi, Mama. It’s me again. I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away. Maybe send me an angel! The coolest angel you’ve met.
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asena-queenslayer · 2 months
kaeya 🤝 aventurine
unique eyes
coin flipping idle
younger sibling
trauma out the wazoo
last of their peoples / their people's "only hope"
mission to destroy the place they are in/have been sent to
fandom mischaracterized to hell
chest window
i love them both they are so precious to me if mhy kills them off i will be DEVASTATED
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have-kake · 2 months
Big Brother [2/3]
Three instances of big brother instincts within the chain. [Ao3 Link]
[Part 1: Wind] [Part 2: Twilight] [Part 3: Warriors]
Twilight pauses when he thinks he hears shouting. He's far from camp, and he can't usually hear the others from this far. He quickly changes directions and starts back. If monsters showed up, he'd rather be a part of the fight than find out he missed the entire thing.
The shouting gets clearer the closer he gets. He's careful to keep quiet as he hurries along. The last thing he needs is for any potential enemies to hear him.
"You don't need to know how to read to work a fucking map!!" Legend practically roars.
Twilight stumbles to a halt in his surprise.
Wild screams his own retort back.
Twilight runs a hand over his face with a long sigh. Of course they're arguing over how to travel. When do they not argue about how to travel?
He doesn't bother rushing for the rest of the walk back. They're screaming at each other, but it doesn't seem all that serious yet either.
He stops at the edge of camp where he can get a good look at them. He's not surprised to see Legend and Wild squaring up, but he is surprised to see Hyrule doing the same. He even seems to be on Wild's side too.
He looks around the camp to see where the others are. Sky and Four are both gone. Wind sits with Wars and they're both snickering at the arguing trio. And Time is doing a wonderful job at ignore everything.
He lets out a weary sigh. How did he end up being the only adult in the group? He's not even part of the oldest three! Yet he always gets stuck breaking up the stupid fights.
Hyrule and Wind play with a chuchu from Wild's era? Time's there to glare at all of them in disappointment.
Everyone places bets on whether Four can win against a like-like in tug-of-war? Time's there to lecture everyone and glare at them in disappointment.
Four and Wild nearly come to blows over what a tomato is? Twilight's there to calm them down.
Legend and Sky start fighting over religion and which Goddesses are real? Twilight's there to separate them.
Wild and Hyrule gang up on Legend about how to travel? Twilight's left to resolve the issue.
"That's soundin' like a pretty serious argument y'all are having," Twilight comments as he steps up to the trio. Instantly all three of them start shouting again as they try to talk over one another to give their side of the story first.
Normally, Twilight doesn't mind. He's used to breaking up arguments and fights between the kids in the his village. But these are grown adults! And none of the other adults bother to do shit!
Without warning, he hits all three of them on the head. "Shut up!" He snaps.
Hyrule falls silent in shock. Legend just crosses his arms with a huff. Wild tries to talk back, but a glare has him backing down.
"Y'all gettin this fight every other day!" He snaps. He doesn't even care about how the others are gonna pick on his accent. "I am sick 'n tired of hearin' it!"
"Then go somewhere else!" Wild yells as Hyrule tries to blame Legend for something.
Twilight reaches out and grabs both of them. He picks them up with ease. He makes sure to hold them extra tight so they don't slip free and so it's uncomfortable.
Legend snorts.
Twilight glares at him and the vet immediately falls silent.
Wild tries to break free so he tightens his grip, and he keeps tightening until Wild starts yelling. "Okay, stop, stop! That hurts!" He shouts finally stopping his struggle.
Twilight stops tightening his grip, but he doesn't loosen it either. "If I gotta hear this stupid dang fight one more time!" He threatens. "Imma rat the three o' y'all to Time!"
That seems to get the Old Man's attention.
Legend narrows his eyes up at Twilight. "You wouldn't," he whispers.
"Watch me," he looks away to find Time watching them carefully. "Hey, Old Man, y'ever wonder how yer fancy shoulder armor got all chewed up?"
Legend's eyes widen comically wide. Twilight would laugh if he wasn't so annoyed. He has to fix his hold on Hyrule as the poor boy also tenses. Two birds with one stone.
Time's single eye narrows. "Yes," he says slowly. "As a matter of fact, I do."
Twilight turns back to Legend with a triumphant smirk. He even focus on the two in his arms for good measure. Can't let Time know for sure who did it.
"Or maybe I'll tell Sky which o' y'all spilled that weird gunk on the Master Sword," Twilight continues feeling Wild and Hyrule flinch. "Or Wars who tore up his scarf." The scarf had actually been Four, but having the Captain's attention increase the tension helps.
"Okay, okay! We'll stop!" Wild says.
Hyrule's quick to nod along. "No more fighting! Got it!"
Twilight lets go abruptly. Hyrule tries to catch himself, but still ends up with a mouthful of dirt. Wild doesn't even bother trying and just flops to the ground with a quiet grunt.
He waits until they've picked themselves up to cross his arms. "Well?"
"Sorry, Twilight," they say with varying degrees of reluctance.
"I ain't the one y'all should be apologizin' to," though he does appreciate it.
Legend and Wild grumble while Hyrule simply shuffles in place.
"I'm waiting."
Hyrule sighs. "Sorry, Legend."
"Yeah, sorry," Wild adds.
Legend huffs. "I'm sorry, too, I guess."
Twilight claps both Legend and Wild on the shoulder. He smiles at the way they both jump. "See, that ain't so hard."
The three of them disperse and wander to different parts of the camp. Twilight sighs and makes his way over to the fire. There goes his plans to transform for a few hours. He's too exhausted to even think of running around. Shame he can't take them out to chop wood. Like Fado liked to say: you got energy to fight, you got energy to work! 
Wind snickers as he walks by. "Looks like even big brother Twilight has his limits," he stage whispers to Wars who snorts.
Twilight stops to raise an eyebrow at both of them. "Y'all two fixin' to join in?"
Wars and Wind both hold up their hands. "Nope, we're all good," Wars says.
"What he said," Wind agrees.
He ignores them and goes to take a seat. He lets out a long breath as he gets settled.
Time leans over to him. "Who was it?"
"Who messed up my pauldron?"
"Dunno what you're talking 'bout," he replies.
Time frowns. "But you said–?"
"And they stopped," he shrugs, "so s'far as I'm concerned, I dunno what you're talkin' bout."
Wars laughs. "A true brother's honor!"
Some time later, Sky finally wanders into camp. He looks around and raises an eyebrow at Four and Wild as they cook. "Did they finally finish fighting?"
Twilight glares at him.
Wind leans forward from his spot by Time. "You should've seen it!" He says excitedly. "Twi really let 'em have it!"
"He went full farm boy on them, too," Warriors adds. "Thick accent and all!"
Sky looks surprised as he takes a seat next to Warriors. "Really?"
Twilight's still glaring at him. "And where were you?" He asks. "You were supposed to be watchin' the camp with Wars 'n the Old Man."
"The fighting was getting annoying, so I went for a walk," he shrugs.
Twilight simply nods.
In the morning when they head out on the road again, Twilight lets Legend know Sky's the one who accidentally dumped his pack a few days ago. He leaves to scout ahead just as Legend starts shouting. Maybe one day Sky will act his age. Until then, Twilight will keep treating him like one of the kids from the village too.
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aha-chuu · 9 months
Something I've never really understood is why the majority of people seem to think that in Ragbros Diluc is the older sibling.
Cos, firstly, there isn't anything in game (to my knowledge) that says he's older. And I've seen people say that it's implied, but really?
Diluc is more immature than Kaeya is. He has worse emotional regulation, for one. Kaeya is described as "his shadow", but to me that was more because Diluc is the honoured prodigy heir and Kaeya is the adoptee outsider, not because Kaeya is younger.
And Kaeya also just acts older? Diluc is giving petulant angsty teenager and Kaeya is giving teasing older brother who's refusing to take Diluc seriously.
Also half of this is just. Diluc is 22. Based on webtoon info he is one of the few characters with a confirmed age (give or take a year). I can't imagine Kaeya as younger than 22. I can barely wrap my head around Diluc as 22 when you remember he's unhinged and traumatised enough to cosplay as a 45 year old, but Kaeya? The Kaeya with such uncle energy over Klee? Who's implied to have taught Bennett how the swordfight? Who teases Noelle?
Ik Hoyo makes all these characters weirdly young because they wanna play early-twenties-impact but if Kaeya isn't at least mid twenties then I think this whole world is a lie, nevermind the sky.
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