#this idea popped into my head the other day and wouldn't leave so I bashed it out
Strange Gifts
Armand/Daniel drabble, also featuring Louis and Lestat. Set on Night Island, sometime post-canon. Possibly the stupidest thing I've ever written.
“I've got a gift for you” Daniel announced as he turned the corner to where Louis and Armand were waiting.  
“What is it?” Armand said, eyes still glued to the screen of his iPhone, casting a light blue glow onto his face.  
“Lizard’s tail.”  
That got Armand’s attention, his phone was immediately pocketed, and ghostly white hands stretched out to take the gruesome token, which Daniel was tactfully pinching by the very tip of the scaly appendage.  
While Armand examined the object, turning it round in his hands, peering at the cross section of muscle and bone left where the tail had broken off from the frightened creature that dropped it, Louis looked between him and the bringer of the gift with an arched brow.  
“Where did you even find that?” Louis stepped closer to look over Armand’s shoulder as he bent the tail back and forth, testing it’s flexibility.  
“Just on the porch, I dunno if the storm earlier today had anything to do with it or if the lizard was just trying to escape something, but it seems fresh, must be from today.” 
The pair stood in silence watching Armand play with his new toy, now squeezing the tail near the base to see the effect on the flesh and bone as they grinded together under pressure.  
Daniel shook his head affectionately, looking back to Louis. 
“Where’s the big guy then? I know he likes to be fashionably late, but has anyone actually checked that he remembers he’s supposed to be coming with us tonight?”  
The four of them, Daniel, Armand, Louis and Lestat, had arrived at Night Island the day before, and were due to take a boat to the mainland to feed, and just explore Miami for a while.  
“I’m not Lestat’s keeper, phone him and tell him to hurry up.” 
Before Daniel could even reach to take his phone out his pocket, his eye was drawn back to Armand as he raised his hand and darted his head forward to lick at the blood oozing from the detached tail.  
“Armand, don’t do that!” Daniel barked a surprised laugh, making a futile grab for the gift he was starting to regret giving. Louis for his part simply sighed as he leaned against the glass railing, shaking his head as Armand’s face briefly screwed up in disgust, before returning to his trademark blank stare as he considered the tail, as though adding his observations to whatever analysis he was making of the fleshy specimen.  
“I take it you’re happy with the gift then?” Daniel asked, still laughing incredulously at Armand’s antics. 
Armand fixed Daniel with an intense, almost predatory stare. His grin, however, made it seem more like the look of a housecat hunting for sport, than any predator chasing down it’s meal out of hunger.  
“Very happy lover. Let me show you.” He leapt at Daniel, arm reaching to catch him by the back of the neck to pull him into a kiss.  
Had he still been a mortal Daniel would have had no chance at evading him, but even as young in the blood as he was, Daniel still managed to lean away just quickly enough that Armand couldn’t quite get the grip on him he needed to share a lizard-blood laced kiss with his fledgling.  
“Absolutely not” Daniel broke away and started running back down the veranda, his laugh echoing off the marble floors and glass wall. Armand didn’t make much of a chase however, not wanting to damage the delicate gift, he headed back inside to find a jar to preserve it in with alcohol and to investigate what was holding their Prince up for so long.  
With the tail safely stored in the kitchen for later, Armand walked back outside to find Louis looking out over the water, and Daniel on his phone, distracted.  
Walking up to his fledgling, Armand spoke in the softest voice he could manage; “Daniel?” 
Daniel made a small noise of acknowledgement before glancing up from his phone. He dropped his arm entirely as Armand ran his fingers up it, leaning up to close the distance between them until he met Daniel’s lips with his own.  
Daniel had leaned into the kiss for several moments before he remembered why he had been trying to avoid kissing Armand just minutes earlier. He pushed away from Armand, hand rushing to wipe at his mouth dramatically while Armand cackled in delight.  
“I am here! Are we ready to go?” Lestat bounded through the doorway with a grin, which faded as he looked upon the scene, where Louis, exasperated, but more amused than he would admit, was already walking ahead towards the private dock, leaving behind Armand who had laughed himself into tears, next to Daniel who was still putting on a commendable performance of disgust, with mutterings of “I can’t believe you did that” and “do we still have any mouthwash upstairs” even as he held back his own laughter.   
“What did I miss?” Lestat pouted at having been left out on a joke.  
“I brought Armand a gift and it backfired, now let's go, I need to find some piece-of-shit to wash my mouth out with.” Daniel draped an arm over a smug Armand, and together they headed to catch up with Louis.  
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frenziedslashers · 3 years
Can I request another Lester one shot? I love the way you write him so much. Plus, I've been bite with the Lester Sinclair hyperfixation bug. Can I get Lester finding out that his SO is secretly a witch and practice witchcraft? Like he thought she just really liked rocks and dried plants. Bonus points if it freaks the hell out of Bo, lol.
Oml I love this so much 😭 sorry this took me so long! I had a bit of a writers block for a while there!
Lester Sinclair with a Witch S/O:
You were sitting at the desk in one of his spare rooms when you heard the door open in the front room. The familiar sound of keys clattering against the wall as he hung them up, his boots being kicked off by the door, and the sound of his footsteps nearing the room you were in. Turning to face the door when he got close enough to it. Smiling softly at his messy figure. Most people would hate his messiness, but to you? Well, you love it, quite a lot, actually.
"I figured I'd find ya in here," He walked over to you with a grin. Giving you a quick kiss before handing you a bag of cool bones and plants that he found out in the woods sure that you would love them.
"What's this?" You asked, and Lester shrugged. "Just a gift for my amazing plant nerd." Plant nerd, it made you chuckle. I guess that was one way to explain your infatuation with plants.
You peaked inside the bag, a wide grin falling onto your lips. Inside it you saw crow, fox, deer, and cattle bones. Along with smaller clear bags. That looked like they held a variety of flowers he deemed pretty, some wild goat weed, Lizard's Tail, and Elderberry. Plus a few other plants. A smile growing on your face as you reached up to cup his face. Catching his lips with yours in a rather heated, thank you kiss.
When you pulled back he was in absolute heaven. His eyes half lidded. As if he was trying to figure out where he was and what day it even was. His thoughts all coming to a halt, his lips tingling. A dumb smile resting on his lips. A small sigh leaving them as well. "Well I'll be damned," He cooed with a chuckle. "I'll have to get you more stuff next time to see what else you'll reward me with. He told you with a wink. Rolling your eyes with a giggle. Shoving a bit. "Perv," "Hey, you're the one who kissed my soul out of my body." He teased with a giggle. Kissing your cheek. "I have to run some stuff to Bo, he has a head cold. Did ya wanna go? We can hit the swamp and look for more plants and bones if ya wan'?" He asked, to which you nodded.
" I think I have something I made that might help him," You told Lester with a small smile. Your boyfriend watching you with a grin. "Really? Like a soup?" You couldn't help the giggle that left your lips. "Well, no, not exactly." "Then what is it?" He asked with a cocked brow. "More like a cough syrup." "Well, he does have a horrid cough. 'M sure it could wake the dead." You rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a grin. Grabbing the bottle from your cabinet over your desk. Standing up to cup his face with your free hand.
"Lester," He cocked his head, "You're adorable." It wasn't everyday that he was called names, but he always appreciated them. Especially when they were from you. A small blush dusting his cheeks and ears. Eyes darting to the side with a bashful smile. "Ah gee, you are too." He popped back. Tapping your nose with the tip of his index finger. Both of you chuckling at his actions.
It wasn't long before the two of you were in his truck, heading into town to tend to Bo's sickness. Lester was sure that you wouldn't be able to give him anything. Since he hardly trusted you and your 'Witchy bullshit.' Lester had no idea what he meant. It was just homemade medicines and other stuff that you made. If anything. He thought it was amazing that you put a type of mud or whatever it was over Bo's chest and his wound from that arrow felt like it had never happened. Not only that, but you helped them catch the brats that nearly destroyed your guys home.
"Hey, Bo." Lester called out when the two of you had made it into town and went inside the house. A groan coming from upstairs. Signalling the both of you that he was 'dying' in his room.
When he saw you he almost got up and walked out. But it was too hot for him to move, and also too cold for him to unwrap himself from his blankets.
"Get away from me with your bullshit." He mumbled towards you. Lester rolling his eyes with a sigh. "Bo, they only wanna help." "Sure they do, just wait 'til they're sacrificing us to a God." He snarled. Making you roll your eyes with a snort.
"I'm not a cultist, you weirdo. You delusional now or something?" You asked. Stepping over to the bed with a water. That you may have slipped your potion into.
"I just don't trust witches." He growled. Now it was Lester's turn to laugh. "Maybe he is delusional!" He added with a sigh after his small fit of laughter. Bo glaring over at his baby brother. Lester taking the water from you to hand to his brother. "C'mon, It's just water. I brought you some cough syrup, 'lright?" He offered. Bo giving the two of you a questioning look before taking the water, hesitatingly. Taking a drink with a sigh. It was rather refreshing. Taking another swig, and then another. Then it was gone. It was probably the most refreshing glass of water that he had ever had.
"Now, here's the cough syrup. I'll be back later to bring you some food. 'lright?" Lester added. Bo unable to take his eyes off of you. As if worried you would spray him down with some sort of acid. "Fine, but they better not be the one who made the food." "Nah, I'm making you my cold cure soup. Sure to clear your sinus' with all the peppers in it." Bo rolled his eyes. Lying back down on his side. His back now facing the both of you.
"Whatever, as long as you make it."
And that Lester did, though you may have snuck a few of your own ingredients into Bo's bowl.
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day three of this thought popping into my head bc of how we talked about dom/sub prefs a while ago so now i inflict it on you.
there was this one fic idea i discussed, at length, with a friend, about yandere!satan, but like, a very unassuming, soft sort of yandere.
instead of imprisoning you or threatening you or anything, satan just feeds into your most unhealthy traits and turns you into a pillow prince/ess that only he would be willing to indulge.
you're a bit anxious around new people? very fair, especially in the devildom. demons are absolutely wicked. he wouldn't put it past them to sneer at you while sounding polite, or attack you if a conversation goes south.
did your partner ask you to go down on them? that is ridiculous, actually. you should never have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.
you don't need to reciprocate at all, he'll go down on you right now, actually - you don't have to move, even.
if you get a bit spoiled, a bit testy, maybe you're impatient and easily annoyed - he placates you immediately, soothes you, reads your moods so well and adapts perfectly.
satan sets your standards so high that you're not willing to accept anything less. he'll catch you and keep you by virtue of being the only one who will work hard enough for it.
and if you're not good at making friends, if other people often piss you off, if you find yourself hanging out in his room most of the time and just lounging and texting him impatiently and waiting for him to get back, because it's the most comfortable for you, and he keeps it like that...
well, that's just your choice, isn't it? he isn't forcing you to stay or anything. he's just making sure you'll never want to leave.
Ohhhhh. I like this. Yanderes has always been something I really, really enjoyed in fiction, but I like a very specific yandere type. I don't really like yanderes that are willing to hurt you, or have a desire to. I see the whole appeal of a yandere being like, they're a villain. They're willing to burn the whole world down to the ground to keep you safe. They're still extremely delusional and toxic, but in more of a "I have to be the most important person to them. And I have to have them be near me all the time. And I have to keep them safe" way than, "I have to hurt and abuse them so they don't run away." Sort of way. Not bashing anyone who does like that kind of yandere, God can yu imagine *me* throwing stones? Talk about glass houses lol. This is why I mostly prefer sfw or sub yanderes, as I find even unlabeled NSFW yandere works still come across as very dommy.
But anyway. I really like this yandere!Satan. I definitely think it's very interesting, and it seems more in character than a more violent Satan. Seeing as Satan doesn't like to be violent and wrathful, as it reminds him of his connection to Lucifer. So it makes sense why he wouldn't want to show his darling that side of him, and associate him with Lucifer.
Satan is also very smart, so I can see him less of a purely delusional yandere and more of a yandere that knows what they're doing is wrong. Or that their darling wouldn't like what they're doing if they knew what was up. So he knows he has to be more sneaky and careful. Slowly isolating you instead.
Satan making it so you're the most comfortable around him is definitely interesting. I can see him justifying it to himself like, you're the most important person to him, isn't it fair that he tries to make himself your most important person? He only wants to talk to *you*, he only wants to be around *you*, shouldn't you feel the same way?
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nessaxc · 3 years
You've Already Got Me || Oikawa Tooru
You become jealous when you see your friend, Oikawa cracking jokes with a girl at the volleyball court. Upset, you storm back to your house and when Oikawa comes over to your place, he finds you curled up in your bed. When he finds out what's bothering you, he has a good idea of what could cheer you up.
~ Words: 6k
~ NSFW 18+
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You were on your way to visit Oikawa one night when you saw something that made your stomach twist in knots. You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard him cracking jokes and laughing with a girl on the volleyball court. A frown was quick to mar your features as you watched from a far distance. You didn't know why you bothered watching the way the young woman's dimples peeked through at the corners of her mouth or the way his grin widened as he made her giggle.
Whatever the next thing he said must have been the funniest joke ever told because she was laughing so much that she was nearly breathless, and she reached over to throw her hand down on his shoulder as she did. That was it.
Your heart throbbed heavily in your chest upon the sight and you lingered for a moment too long before you walked off, eyes still focused on them even as you left the scene until they were completely out of sight. You quickly found yourself running back home so you could suffer in silence about what you just witnessed, wanting nothing more than to crawl up under the comfort of your blanket and hide there until this feeling went away.
You two were just friends, he wasn't even yours, so you didn't have a right to be envious of the girl he was merely conversing with, but it still hurt, a lot more than you wish it did. As you made your way to your house, your feet didn't stop its rapid movements even for a second, you were too concentrated on hiding from the rest of the world so no one could see you like this, all crumpled up and frail.
When you made it to the safe cradle of your bed, you scrambled on it until you reached for the blanket and flung it over your entire body. You heaved a deep sigh, blinking away the tears that threatened to come pouring out but you wouldn't allow them because you didn't want to feel more pathetic than you already did. You rolled on your side, trying to erase the image of them together in your mind but to no avail, they still kept popping up every time you attempted to distract yourself with any other thoughts. You didn't think that Oikawa, the one you had been yearning for as long as you could remember, would ever want you when he could likely have any girl he wanted. That idea made you think up every single one of your insecurities and the next thing you knew, you were making a list of all the things you didn't like about yourself.
You hugged the blanket closer to yourself, wanting nothing more than to nap the day away so you wouldn't have to think about this for a second longer. You remained there on the bed, completely restless, and shifted around in an attempt to find a comfortable position but that didn't seem to work out so well. You whined in defeat and that was when there was a loud tap on your door.
You pulled the blanket off enough so that it only reached under your chin before you called out, "Come in!"
The door opened instantly at that and then came in Oikawa, a wide smile on his face as he peeked his head in to look at you, but you didn't return it, instead you faced the wall and uttered a quiet, "Hey."
"Hey right back to you," he replied with a low chuckle. "You don't mind if I just left myself in right?" he asked, but by the time he did, he was already inside of your room.
"Sure, you're here already," you mumbled under your breath and continued to gaze at the wall in front of you, not even glancing his way.
"Okay," he drawled, chuckling and finding this uncomfortable situation to be humorous nonetheless. He perched himself at the end of your bed, his body near your feet. "What did I do this time?" he questioned, a smug smirk turning the corners of his mouth.
"I was about to take a nap but obviously you're here and rudely interrupted that," you said matter-of-factly, and he snorted, leaning forward and his hand reached to grab your chin, pulling it forward so that your eyes met his.
"Why the sass?" he asked as he quirked an eyebrow. "You on the rag or something? You don't have to hide that from me," he laughed as his crinkled eyes locked on yours, and it made your heart thump loudly in your chest, making you forget for a second why you were so upset in the first place. You merely shook your head, wondering how long it would be until he figured it out. He was clever, and he always knew when something was bothering you and what exactly it was without you even having to say it. You two were just that close, and that was one of the many reasons why you didn't want to admit what was wrong.
"I don't really want to talk about it," you muttered, and he allowed your chin to drop, his fingers slipping away and returning to his side.
"C'mon, don't leave me in the dark here, Y/N, you know I don't really like it here, not unless you're there," he teased, poking at your shoulder to see how you would react and you merely looked down at the bed sheets just to avoid his stare.
"I said I don't want to talk about it," you repeated in a murmur, eyes drifting shut for a moment and then that image you were trying to desperately push away, returned yet again.
"Didn't see you today, I thought that was kind of strange," he shrugged before he reached his hand out to stroke the curve of your shoulder, fingers pressing against the skin, and it made heat spread across your cheeks almost immediately in response, wishing that the simplest of touches coming from him didn't have such an effect on you.
"Didn't feel like coming over I guess," you told him before you uttered a long sigh.
"Well you're gonna have to talk to me, sooner or later, because I'm not going anywhere, so don't even try to kick me out," he said with a shrug of his shoulders and he pressed his chin to the length of your arm, looking down at your face with a wide smile stretched across his.
"I just saw something today that made me feel really pathetic, okay? Happy now?" you blurted out, hoping he would drop it but knowing full well that he wouldn't, especially after hearing that. He lifted his head up from your arm, eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"What are you not telling me?" he asked, eyes narrowed as he pulled your chin back to him again so that you would look him in the eye when you spoke. "You can tell me anything you know that," he promised, a chuckle spilling from his lips because he found this situation to be amusing. "And if you don't speak up, we'll be here all day, until I figure it out, of course."
"I just feel like I'm not all that great," you admitted without giving it much thought, your mouth moving before your brain could catch up, "there's nothing special about me, and when I saw you talking to that girl-"
He cut you off the second he heard the last word, and then he was able to piece it all together why you were behaving this way. "Wait, are you jealous?" he questioned, bursting out in laughter.
"What? I-"
"You're jealous," he interrupted you again and chuckled loudly like it was the funniest thing. He quickly added, "Of that girl, huh? The one I was talking to earlier, which I'm assuming you saw," he continued laughing after he finished.
You were not very fond of being teased, especially about something like this, that involved your insecurities but he never took anything seriously so you shouldn't be surprised. "She's really pretty, and she probably likes you," you said meekly, finding it difficult to hold anything back now that he knew.
"Don't have an interest in her, not even a little. Y/N, you don't have to compete with anyone, or get all misty on me about how you think I'm going to propose to her," he jested, still snickering about it, and then he crawled over to the left side of your bed so he was in your sights which made your heart catch in your throat that he was this close, that if he just moved an inch his body would be against yours.
"But are you sure? She seemed to be really enjoying your company, and you clearly enjoy hers," you replied as he scooted closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours which made it a little difficult to speak but you still managed. You stared back, finding it all too easy to get lost in those deep, piercing eyes of his.
"She's just an acquaintance, nothing more," he told you, smirk widening as he noticed the look of relief spread across your features and the small smile that joined it. "I only got eyes for you, babe, no one else, and you're seriously another level of stupid if you didn't know that already," he taunted, and your eyes fixated on him, your heart speeding up at such a frantic pace you were almost sure he could hear it being this close.
"Oh," you paused for a long moment before you added in a bashful tone, "you really feel that way?"
"Yes, I got a thing for girls who are stupid like you," he teased in a playful tone so you knew he was joking but you still felt really stupid just like he said. He liked you, he really did, it was real, you had nothing to worry about. What a relief that was. "You're beautiful, and so much more fun. You don't ever have to compete with another person on this earth when you're that cute," he said and pressed his finger against the tip of your nose, accentuating his point by the way your nose scrunched up immediately at the gesture which made him laugh. "And just for the sake of being cheesy, you take my breath away," he added with a smug smile.
"Tooru," you breathed, unable to find the right words or any words in general besides his name. There was a short silence between you two after the laughing ceased, which made you feel like your heart was going to beat right out of your chest, skin prickling with the anticipation of what was going to happen next.
"Why don't I show you exactly what I mean huh?" he suggested. You were all for that.
You kissed him then, before he was able to make the first move. Your hand reached behind his head and your fingers tightened in his hair to press his lips firmly against yours. A faint noise escaped the back of your throat that sounded rather pleased, and just like that you were lost in the moment. Love and desire and the desperate need you had for him overtook you and he gently grasped the back of your neck in order to take control of the kiss. It was oh-so reassuring of any concerns that you had left about what he felt for you.
Holding each other close, you both continued to kiss each other deeply. You matched his passion just as strongly and even fought with him for dominance at one point, catching his bottom lip ever so slightly between your teeth. The mixture of pleasure and that little bit of pain was enough to cause him to nearly lose all sense of control, and he let out a deep groan as he laid you back further on the bed, breaking the kiss then.
"Why do you have to be so fucking cute?" he said with a low chuckle as he made his way on top of your body, the heat of his pressed against your own, making you shudder at the much needed contact. Surely this must be part of a dream. You let yourself sink back into it only to be pulled out again when his lips sought and found yours.
His tongue explored the shape of your lips, seeking entry. You relaxed your mouth, shivering as his questing tongue slid in and met the tip of his. The kiss burned against your lips, banishing all thoughts of a dream. You returned it, intensifying the pressure, nipping at the tip of his tongue. Your hand slipped to the back of his head, winding your fingers into the silk of his hair, holding his lips fiercely against yours.
He parted from your lips only to say, "You're the prettiest girl, you know that? You fucking drive me crazy."
Your lips captured his lower lip and drew it between your teeth. You nibbled it gently and then released it to whisper a simple, "Thank you."
His laugh thundered through his chest before his lips claimed yours once more, harder this time, clamping down to steal the very breath from your lungs. You dug your fingers into his thick hair, pulling his mouth down even harder, making the soft skin of your lips tingle and redden. His tongue thrust deep into your mouth and yours was quick to meet his, licking him back, tasting him, savoring him.
He groaned deep in his chest, and the sound sent chills down your spine. You responded in kind, tiny moans escaping your throat with every breath, urging him on, building his heat even higher, as well as yours.
"I need to feel you, I can't take it," he said, both hands holding the hem of your shirt, awaiting for you to nod your head to grant him permission which you quickly did when he didn't proceed further, and he tossed it over your head so that your silky black bra came into view. He took a moment to ogle the way the bra clung to your skin before he unclasped it from behind, setting your skin free and revealing your breasts to him completely. You felt exposed but you found that you quickly didn't mind with the way he was looking at you.
"Fuck, these are my favorite boobs by far, they're so perky," he said almost breathlessly, which instantly brought a smile on your face, a soft laugh spilling through your lips. He slipped his shirt off next, tossing it to the side, and he emitted a low groan when your hard nipples pressed against the skin of his chest.
He slid his hand down to cup your breast, his strong fingers were gentle on your nipple and then firmer, stroking and squeezing, pulling as you arched up against him with soft noises of approval.
"Your body is perfect, you're perfect, fuck," he praised as his hand moved to stroke your chest, curling his fingers to allow his nails to gently scrape a trail downward, teasing the nerves and making your nipples rise hard and aching. He found one and pinched it between his fingers, sending little shocks of pleasure coursing through your body. He teased and turned it almost to the point of pain, but backing off to squeeze gently and then abandon it to explore the soft, delicate curves of your breasts. He briefly slid them back down to rid you of your rucked up skirt, nearly ripping it off of you in his impatience. Then he hooked his fingers under the waistband of your panties only to bring them down with your skirt, tugging them both off in one motion. He gave himself a moment to drink in the sight of you, how your flesh was already glistening and slick just for him, only for him, and the look of pure, unadulterated lust in his face suggested that it took everything in him not to take you right then and there.
"No one compares to you, so don't you forget it," he whispered hoarsely, and you nodded your head, still speechless and surprised that your jealousy led to this, looks like it was good for something. You were so desperate to explore tonight with him because of how powerful and dominating he was in his arousal.
"Tooru, you sure know how to make a girl blush," you told him in a soft murmur, your cheeks heating up and it spread across your whole face.
He kissed you hard, teeth scraping your lips, nose bumping into yours with the intensity and impatience of it, a strand of his hair sweeping across your sensitive skin. He shifted until he was leaning over you, pinning you, demanding that you finish what you had started.
His mouth trailed down your neck, kissing, licking, biting gently and just to the point of pain. You arched back, giving him access, moaning as his mouth fastened on the tender skin at the base of your throat. He nipped and sucked hard, torturing your flesh with his teeth, leaving light bruises that would mark you as his.
"The things you fucking do to me," he drawled, trailing off before he continued, "there's not a thing I wouldn't do for you, fuck, I'd do anything just to keep you here with me like this."
You were feeling particularly bold at his words so you reached your hand out, fingernails scrapping teasingly across his nipple and then began a slow and tortuous journey downward. His stomach was tight with sheaths of muscles yet smooth to your questing fingers. It rippled beneath your hand, pleasantly responding to your touch. You traced the muscles, appreciating their definition, and he purred at your ministrations, encouraging you.
"I just fucking love how flushed your body looks right now, makes you look even cuter," he murmured, his gruff voice making sparks go off in your veins. You could listen to him talk all day.
He continued the tiny kisses and licks and paused to suck at your burning skin. He was rock hard in his pants yet whisper soft with you, a living oxymoron and it was driving you mad. He was slow with you, only because he wanted to take the time to appreciate your body. You expected to be taken again and again, only to have him continue to tease you with his mouth. Your nipples were so hard they were painful by the time he finally reached and claimed one between his lips.
"You taste so fucking good, we have got so much lost time to make up for," he chuckled against your skin, and it vibrated around your nipple, making you arch up in response. He sucked softly at first and then harder, scraping the engorged flesh with sharp white teeth. You pressed up against him, urging him to continue, your voice in a whisper and raw with whimpers of desire.
Your arms slid around him, pressing and pulling, stroking the skin at his back before sliding your hands down his sides, caressing and marveling at his beautiful body. You slipped your hand down between where your bodies joined to pop the button to his pants open and then tugged the zipper down. You shoved his pants down along with his boxers as far as they could go, but thankfully he kicked them off for you as his mouth created such a searing suction around your nipple. You loved touching him, loved touching his smooth muscles covered by warm skin that felt silken under your fingers. You reveled in the hair on his chest, the delicacy of his back and the curve at the base of his spine that separated flaring upward and rounding into perfection. When you skimmed your fingernails along the line of his ass he tensed and his teeth pinched your nipple more firmly, both of you shivering with the sensation.
"Shit," he pulled away momentarily to curse under his ragged breath, "you drive me mad, Y/N, you're the only one for me, you got that? Only you," he admitted, and you nodded your head frantically, making him smile widely because of the mere effect he had on you. He shifted his attentions to your other nipple, gifting it with the same slow, loving affection as he had the first one. You wanted to pull his mouth away and haul him up until he was in position so that you could arch up and take him within. You ached for him, feeling hollow and empty, your inner walls clenching, needing, only to be tortured by tongue and lips that were in no hurry to abandon you.
His hands held you, turning you easily so that he had access, caressing and teasing, skimming your burning skin as low as your waist only to maddeningly stop and slide upward again. His palms felt soft against your skin as he stroked first firmly and then almost to a tickle before grasping you and lifting you to turn you for better access to your breast. He continued to suckle one while his entire hand encompassed the other, the way his long fingers toyed with the delicate mound sent a hot wave of electricity straight down to your core.
Your breath came and went in a soft moan that never quite stopped. You were beyond speech. You wished that it didn't have to take an interaction with another girl and your jealousy to lead to this, but it all worked out in the end and you weren't one to complain when his mouth was watering at the mere sight of you before him. Your moans rose in volume when his lips abandoned your nipple to slide downward over your rib cage then to the narrows of your waist.
"You look even more beautiful when you're wrecked baby, who knew," he whispered to you in a coo. His face was upraised to you, hair hanging in tangles that moved with him, pulling forth even more sensation from your skin.
"You're such a tease," you replied with a soft giggle shortly after the words came out, and it drew one from him right after. He bent his head down to place a soft kiss to your navel, his hot breath covering the skin there. You slid your fingers deep into his hair, tugging gently which certainly caught his attention. "Please take me, Tooru, I need you."
He chuckled, the rumble of it quaking against your body. "Oh believe me, I will, but you've got to be patient," he told you with a smirk stretched across his face, "I'm not sure you believe you're as beautiful as I say you are, so allow me to continue demonstrating," he crooned, and you looked back at him with a weak smile. He was right, and if you both waited, it would make tonight last longer and that was exactly what you knew you wanted deep down despite your need to be filled in that empty space between your legs.
"Okay," you breathed out softly in answer.
His lips descended again and you could feel his smug smile against your skin. He licked and sucked at the skin of your stomach, his hand moving down your thigh and sliding it below to find the tender place behind your knee. You bent your leg to give him better access and he slowly drew his fingers upward, tracing the muscles along the inside of your thigh. He brushed his hand there slowly before he descended your other leg. You whimpered in protest as his fingers passed the center of you without more than a feather-light touch against the hot flesh there.
He squeezed the inside of your thigh, pulling at the flesh, marveling at the way your leg moved instinctively to give him more room. His lips trailed down over your stomach to pause at the softness there. He could feel the hard abdominal muscles tensing, but they were padded by delicate skin. He rested his head on your stomach for a moment to appreciate the way it went taut, and then his lips to your skin started the fire anew.
You could barely reach him as he slid further down your body. You twined your fingers into his hair and let the strands run through your fingers. His hair splayed out over your skin, moving like silk when he turned his head, it was warm and soft and sent delicious tingles throughout your every nerve. The brown locks caught the blue of the night outside and reflected it back, shimmering across his whole body. The breeze coming from your window soothed your hot skin, slipping over your hard nipples like a silken kiss.
He looked up at you, his brown eyes darkened with lust. You gazed at him, caught in the moment, there was no one else in the world but you two. The wind howled outside, but here there was only heat and lust and pleasure. He held your gaze for a moment longer, continuing to drink in the sight of you, half hidden in shadow, bathed in moonlight. He wanted to remember the way you looked forever.
"More," you whispered, "make me yours."
The corners of his eyes crinkled with amusement. His voice was hoarse, yet that playful tone still remained. "You already are, and you always will be. That's a promise I intend on keeping," he assured with a deep purr.
You smiled softly at that, cheeks flushing even more so after hearing the promise in his voice and seeing the smile on his face. He kissed your stomach again and then started to slide lower. He was pinning one leg beneath him, but the other, the one he had been squeezing, bent and pushed your hips upward, begging him for what you hoped was to come. He stopped to nuzzle the velvet-soft line underneath your stomach before he traveled further down. Eagerly, he bent down until his lips met your sex. He sucked the flesh and laved it with his tongue, moving and exploring around to appreciate your flavor, pressing his chin into you as he tasted the hot skin.
Slowly, tortuously, he moved even lower, pausing when he came to the center of you. You were open, moist, begging for his attention. He bent down further and kissed you reverently; inhaling the intoxicating scent you exuded. It surrounded him, swirling in a dance to delight the senses. He lifted a little so that he could see you, waiting for him. Your sex sparkled with tiny beads of moisture that caught the moonlight, and he wanted nothing more in that moment than to dive right in.
"You've got such a pretty pussy baby, just like I knew you would," he said with a hum, "fuck, how is it possible to be this irresistible," he murmured more to himself than to you.
When his tongue touched you and then slid over the swollen nub in one sudden motion, you arched up crying out with need, giving yourself up to pleasure and every single brush of his talented tongue. He felt your muscles ripple beneath his hands, and he continued to pepper kisses along the moist skin. His chin and nose pressed against you as the softness of his lips teased you. He licked tentatively, exploring, feeling out what you liked and where you were the most sensitive. He glided his tongue around with maddening slowness, completely unhurried and allowing himself to become familiar with your taste.
Your back arched up higher while he mapped you, and your fingers grasped reflexively at his hair, nails digging into his scalp as you attempted to bring him closer even though he was a close as could be. When he learned what he needed to know, he delved into you, thrusting deeply with his tongue. He prodded and licked and nipped so gently that you shuddered and pressed upward, demanding more, firmer, deeper. He gave it to you. He licked with long strokes, stripes of his saliva drizzling down to your entrance.
You cried out and felt him smile against you, lips curling from all the sounds that endlessly spilled from your lips. He looked up at you, moisture beads twinkling on his lips, dark eyes black with feral lust. He held your eyes for a long moment, committing your expression and responding smile to memory. He knew that you wouldn't ever look as beautiful as you did now.
He slid his hand up the inside of your thigh, his fingers brushing against your opening gently, teasingly. When he had gathered enough of your juices, he slipped a finger into you and then another as you moaned out his name, opening yourself for him. He went deep, stretching the tender tissue and scissoring them around to coat your wetness all over his fingers. He pushed and pushed, sending ripples of pleasure up your abdomen. Then he stopped and went in quest of his prize.
He found it knuckle-deep on the top surface, a fragile sponge of nerve endings. When he curled his fingers, you cried out, yanking his hair painfully tight in your passion. He fought against the pull, gluing his lips to yours, licking hard and fast as he worked on you. You gave one lunge upward and climaxed with a moan of his name, gasping as the pleasure swirled around you and then concentrated on the center of your being. As you relaxed he eased up to touches and kisses that didn't over stimulate. You took great sobbing breaths and reached down to pet the hair you had pulled.
"Fuck, I need you, I need you, I need you," he breathed out, his tone like gravel, and it almost sounded like he was confessing his love for you, but maybe it was just your imagination or what you thought you heard.
In an instant he moved back down, kissing softly before rubbing with the tip of his tongue. He licked and tickled and slid well moistened fingers into you to bring back the heat, teasing you for only a couple of moments, making sure you were nice and ready for him. When your fingers started to tug at his hair again, he moved upward, sliding his body along yours, pinning you with his superior weight.
"I'm going to make you feel so good, baby, exactly how you deserve it," he told you around an indrawn hiss. He kissed you and you leaned into it, your tongue meeting his, flicking the moisture from his lips. You tasted yourself, slick and soft and salty. The warmth of your own aroma filling the room. His hair spilled across your face, cocooning you into a kiss that drew the very breath from your lungs. When your breath was sobbing in your throat he released you and moved back down your body, his erection trailing fire as it traced along the line of your belly down lower.
"Please give it to me, Tooru, please, I need it," you begged, your voice completely and utterly breathless.
"Oh I'm going to give it to you alright," he purred low in his throat. You lifted up and he positioned himself. He held himself and stroked upwards, pulling the foreskin back and running the sensitive head along the wet, soft bloom of you, rolling your clit around in slow, circles before he slipped downwards and pressed at your opening. You thrust upward, seeking to capture him. He teased you once, twice, and then thrust forward as you pushed against him.
Thick and long, he slid deep into you, grunting with pleasure as your hot inner walls clenched around him immediately. It was almost enough to drive him over the edge, but he paused, and regained control. He took a deep breath and thrust hard into you after he gave himself a moment. You felt spread and stretched because of his size, but you absolutely loved the sting as he sunk into your slick passage. Spurred on even more, you lifted one leg slightly to give him better access.
He moved slightly and put a strong hand under your thigh, helping to hold your leg up. It sent his cock into you at a better angle, allowing him to hit that sweet spot inside of you. The burst of pleasure you felt was like an electric shock. You started pushing down, wiggling your hips to press into him harder. He obliged you, sliding deep into you only to withdraw almost completely and then rolled forward again. You rose to meet him, surging forward like the tide, surrounding him, completely relentless in your pace.
"Fuck, you're squeezing me so tight, I can't fucking get enough of it," he hissed out, breath growing more ragged by the second. You pushed upward as he thrust, withdrawing as he pulled out. You found his rhythm and matched it, mimicking him as close as possible. Your muscles gripped him tighter, refusing to ever let him go as you both rolled together. As your passion rose higher he accompanied you.
It was a dance and he both led and followed. He thrust and churned, within you, his lips scorching over the flesh on your chest and breasts, alternately sucking and gasping as he found and gave pleasure. He twisted more, lifting your leg higher and rammed himself deeper into you, searing your inner walls with demanding movements of his hips. Your motions grew more desperate, more ragged as you both neared climax. He shut his eyes tight, doing his best to hold on even as his body threatened to tip over the edge.
As you felt your orgasm approaching, he changed to rhythmic thrusting that rocked you with a steady beat. There was nothing in the universe but the two of you and the stars that looked down unmoved by your heated desire. Your eyes dilated with lust, and you were blind to everything except both of your pleasure. You were faintly aware that he was there whispering sweet nothings in your ears as he slammed his hips into you harder, faster, it was everything you needed. You reached your orgasm first, arching so high and hard that you lifted him up, your inner walls clenching and milking him, your pleasure sending him crashing into his own climax.
He cursed low and deep, his words rumbling in his chest as he rammed forward again and again, filling you. He froze, shivers chasing each other up and down his spine as his body pumped into you. The aftershocks made him jerk inside you, bringing forth soft moans of completion and pleasure. He was completely spent as you were. His muscles had gone slack with satiation and he rolled to the opposite side of you as he stared at you with heavily lidded eyes, panting hard as he laid a hand over his chest. You laid there for a long moment, attempting to get your breathing under control and just soaking up what just occurred before you finally turned to look at him with a weak smile on your face.
"Feeling better now?" he asked, still out of breath, a long smirk playing on his lips.
"Mhmm," you told him and rested your head on his bare chest. He stroked your hair with his hand, toying with the strands as he let out a sigh of contentment. One of his arms securely wrapped around your waist, and your legs were tangled together, the slight chill in the air was no match for your shared body heat. You made a pleased little noise as you nuzzled closer to the warmth of his chest.
"You don't need to worry about a thing, Y/N, you've already got me," he reassured with a small chuckle. "I didn't know you could be so cute when you were jealous though, it's a good look for you," he teased, and you let out a puff, feeling your cheeks light up with embarrassment.
"That wasn't cute, stop it, meanie," you moved back slightly to nudge him in the chest with your elbow, and he laughed at that. You leaned in to press a soft, chaste kiss on his lips, silently thanking him for tonight. You reached out to grab his hand and he took yours in an instant, entwining your fingers together in a tight lock. He lifted your hand up to place a quick kiss upon it before he dropped it back down.
"Thank you," you whispered as you looked up at him with a soft smile.
"I should be the one thanking you for that orgasm, and for letting me fuck you, you felt fucking amazing," he said with a low, possessive growl as he yanked you closer, making you emit a loud giggle from the affectionate gesture.
You didn't have anything to worry about, like he said, he was yours, and now you couldn't even remember why you were jealous in the first place as you snuggled up to him and fell asleep listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat.
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jjaeong · 4 years
Airports, And Convenience Stores.
Series: KPOP Girl Group: 이달의 소녀 (LOONA).
Pairing: Kim Hyunjin & Idol Female Reader.
Summary: If you told Y/N that a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with her favorite idol at a convenience store from way back in her trainee days would be stuck on the idol's mind for years—she wouldn't believe you. Well, until the said idol bumps into her again at a public setting and asks for her number infront of every news outlet there is.
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"I'll be going now!"
"Don't forget my cider!"
"I won't!" shutting the door behind you, the familiar tune of the door signalling that it's locked played as you made your way down the hallway, adjusting the strap of your tote bag that you usually brought with you whenever you went out to do some grocery shopping. You pushed your hands into the pockets of your hoodie, making your way into the elevator and pressing the key to the ground floor before humming a song that had been going on repeat in your head ever since you first listened to it. Of course, the song was LOONA Kim Hyunjin's solo song "Around You" that had came out just a few months ago. You stumbled upon it just as when their four-member group had released their most recent song "Love&Live" which had you hooked in no time—making you get into the entire discography, and after playing everything on repeat, Kim Hyunjin just slipped her way into your heart. Maybe it was how her voice just sounds so soothing in her song, or how odd the plot of her music video was yet it reminded you of the feeling of home—you couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about Kim Hyunjin that just spoke to you.
Well, it could also be that she's very pretty too.
You were never the one for such things, but you were drawn to the rookie idol who has yet proven herself to the audience. Somehow, this seemed to be even more attractive to you—a company that popped out of nowhere with the idea that releasing a new member every month, accompanied by a lore that keeps you reeled in every comeback..
There's so much to look forward to, and you've just been introduced to the first unit.
Your mind wanders about the lore as you walked out of the dorm's building, your feet leading you to the usual convenience store you know that was open around this time of the morning. Sometimes, you choose to stay in the store to converse with the staff that had always been kind to you, not minding at all that you were one of the most anticipated trainees to debut in your current lineup considering that articles had already spread about a monster rookie girl group to debut under SM Entertainment with your stage name highlighted on it. It was astonishing how your hard work had seemed to pay off, but with your already growing fanbase, it even further fueled the burning passion inside you to keep working harder to be able to become strong even after you debut.
Before entering the store, you stopped infront of the glass doors to pull your phone out to check if there had been any more requests from your members. This pattern with making sure to check your phone before entering the store had also been engraved in you once you came back with a bag full of snacks for your group, only to be caught by your manager and them to confiscate it all because you were on a diet—could've been avoided if only you checked the warning messages from your unnies that they sent you before you came back.
2:25AM, it read on the screen.
"Ah, Y/N. It's always nice when you drop by~"
"I can't stay for long unnie, I need to go back to the practice room after I buy these.." you motioned to the list on your phone, nose scrunched as you grabbed a basket while the pretty store clerk, Haejin, pouted at you.
"Busier and busier, huh.. Why—are you debuting tomorrow already??" you walked past her and made your way to the shelves, laughing at the eagerness in her tone as your eyes scanned the snacks for the specific ones your members had requested.
"I'm sure that if I had the date already, It'd be postponed before I even manage to tell my parents about it."
"They're so strict about that." Haejin groaned from the counter as you smiled to yourself, shrugging as if she could even see you.
"They're leading for a reason."
"I just hope you'll still be able to do these types of things once you debut, I'll barricade the doors from your saesangs if I have to."
"Unnie, how do I know you're not going to be one of my sasaengs?"
"Ah—this kid, really!" your laugh echoed through the empty convenience store yet again, the soft melody of whatever was on the radio playing in the background as you walked around the place. You pointed out numerous new items on the shelves that Haejin didn't hesitate to tell you about when they arrived, along with the reviews about them—you swear that this girl was the most enthusiastic convenience store employee you've ever encountered in your life but you guessed that it was because the girl liked your company's idols and they often drop by on her shift as well.
Haejin, as much as college seemed to have her in a chokehold—enjoyed beeing a store clerk for the reason of satiating her inner fangirl over her idols being friends with her because she worked there.
As you pulled open one of the fridge doors to look for a tub of your member's specified brand of ice cream, you heard the bells ring by the entrance, indicating a customer entering the store. You heard Haejin greet them, low voices conversing as you finally found the ice cream you were looking for and walked over to the beverage fridge, knowing exactly where the cider your unnie asked for was located.
"The bread is on that aisle." Haejin's polite voice told the customer whos footsteps you could hear was about a few shelves behind you. Managing to finish contemplating it over in your head if you wanted cider as well, you settled on grabbing strawberry milk instead and turned to make your way to the counter when you failed to feel the approaching presence from behind you. You gasped when you felt the collision of your heads against each other just before your body crashed into theirs, practically pushing the both of you to the shelves if it wasn't for you quickly stepping back and grabbing the stranger by both of their arms, dropping your basket to the ground.
"I'm so sorry, are you alright? I should've watched where I was going I—" the girl who had her head down, phone in hand against her head as she clutched a cream bun in her other looked disoriented just from how she stood as you kept a firm grip on her arms to keep her steady. You leaned over to look at her face to see if she really was alright but you could barely make out her features through her hair, brows furrowed and eyes closed.
"Ah.. I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry.." you kept trying to apologize when she quickly shook her head, rubbing her hand that held her phone on the spot where your head had hit hers.
"No, no.. I thought you weren't that close—it's my fault."
"You took it harder than I did, do you want to sit down for a while? Maybe I can—" your breath hitched when the girl finally lifted her face, brows furrowed and a frown set on her lips as her eyes stayed stuck scanning the ground. You could feel how almost instantly your heart started racing, the sound almost blocking your ears from the radio playing in the background, eyes scanning her features as she stood there in all of her glory looking as distraught as ever.
Yet very, very ethereal.
Oh my God it's Kim Hyunjin, holy sh—
"My cream bread.." her airy voice quickly snapped you back into the present, looking down at the crushed bread in her hand before eyeing the now less disoriented girl that stood infront of you. You didn't even notice how long you were just staring at her as she stared down at her bread, until she connected her eyes with you, blinking before tilting her head.
Her eyes are so pretty—
"You're that trainee in the articles." Kim Hyunjin mumbled, and only if you were paying any extra attention—you would've heard how much in awe she was, but you quickly panicked once you realized that she recognized you.
Kim Hyunjin knows who you are.
"I'm so sorry! I'll buy you two cream buns to compensate for my actions! I didn't mean to bump into you like this—I'm sorry for being a junior leaving such a bad impression! Please let me make it up to you, sunbaenim!" Hyunjin's face consorted into pure confusion when you quickly pulled your hands off her arms, taking a step back and doing a full 90° bow infront of her. She scanned you for a moment, eyeing your basket full of snacks and rocking back on the soles of her feet before leaning over to get on the same level as you, hands on her knees.
"Just.. Two cream buns?" she asked, making direct eye contact with you as you slightly turned your face to meet hers, instantly flushing at her expectant look.
"As many as you'd like, sunbaenim!" you rephrased in haste, Hyunjin's expectant look changed into amusement before a bashful smile made it's way on her lips. She reached over to pat your head gently, the action taking your breath away for a moment but she didn't seem to think that much about it, standing up straight before lightly rubbing on the spot where your heads met, looking as if she's contemplating something. You took this as a sign that she took offer, still it didn't stop you from anxiously getting back up on normal level as her eyes scanned the fridge behind you.
"I..I'll go get them for you quickly—"
"What's your name?" Hyunjin asked just as you made a move to retrieve the bread, you stopped on your tracks to look back at the older girl. Her eyes pierced through yours as if she was looking for something in them but at the moment, you could barely think about anything else other than appeasing the idol.
"Y/L/N Y/N, I'm just a trainee.." your eyes widened at your introduction, knowing damn well Hyunjin just said that she knew you were a trainee. You internally face palmed yourself but Hyunjin didn't seem to mind, if anything—the girl could almost feel your panic and as much as it pained her, she couldn't help but find your flustered state endearing.
And if you could only hear how many times Hyunjin's inner voice tried to convince her to ask for your number, or edge you more into keeping contact with her to make up for such a small mistake.. Hyunjin didn't want to be mean to you, but she's currently thinking of ways to keep you from leaving without giving her your number.
"Ah.. That rings a bell.." Hyunjin dragged her words slowly, nodding to herself as you stood there almost shaking in your spot. She looks down at her crushed bread in hand, thinking if you noticed her crushing it literally after you collided when she caught a glimpse of who exactly she bumped into.
Ofcourse she'd exaggerate her disorientation.
"Is everything okay here..?" Haejin walked over to you two, eyeing your flushed state before staring directly at Hyunjin. Haejin's brows shot up quickly, as if it was the first time she actually looked at the customer before she motioned to the girl.
"You're that Girl of the Month thing." you tensed next to the clerk to which Hyunjin's lips quickly pulled up into a big grin, finding it amusing how the clerk didn't even know which one she was but it was nice to know that their group was getting recognition. You however, something in Hyunjin just knew you knew her specifically.
"I'm the second girl, Kim Hyunjin."
"Ah! Kim Hyunjin.." Haejin furrows her brows as if she remembered the name before, hitting her fist in her palm at the sudden realization, "..the cat head girl? Around you? Y/N, you told me to play that song here all the time! Isn't this her?" Hyunjin's eyes moved to yours as you looked at Haejin in alarm, reaching over to hit her arm but stopping mid-way when you saw Hyunjin's soft eyes directed at you.
"I.. Yeah, of course. It was my favorite solo song, but I listen to Rain 51db more these days.." now you really had Hyunjin's attention, you basically outed yourself as a fan and now Hyunjin will not let you leave the store without your number in her phone.
"The 90's karaoke one?"
"Heejin-sunbaenim is really cool.."
Heejin? And you said Hyunjin's solo song was your favorite?
"I'll get sunbae's bread—" you were cut off when your phone started vibrating in the pocket of your hoodie, you pulled it out to find your manager's name on your screen calling you. Your eyes widened as the call could only mean one thing—reminding you of the practice room that was supposed to be your destination right after buying your snacks.
"Practice?" Hyunjin softly asked as you frowned at your phone before looking up at her, finding warm eyes locked on yours.
"I'll make it up to you. Next time we see each other—"
"I want your phone number." Haejin audibly choked next to you as you flustered as deeply as before.
"R-right now?" Hyunjin stared at you for a moment before shaking her head—deciding against her initial plan of making sure to not let you leave without giving her your number—reaching over to grab your basket on the ground to hand it to you. You quickly grabbed ahold of the handles as Hyunjin ran her fingers through her hair, looking around the convenience store with a shrug.
"No, the next time we meet." you stared at her, completely baffled beyond words to even form a reply and so you just nodded, staring at her and trying to memorize her features as much as you can, knowing that this is the moment you part ways.
"I'm sorry.. I hope we meet again someday, in a better manner, Hyunjin-sunbaenim.." you bowed yet again at Hyunjin who oddly felt her heart warm at her name rolling off your lips smoothly, as if you've always been saying her name—in which she didn't doubt that you did, you were a fan afterall. You gave her one last shy smile before turning to Haejin, motioning to the counter to which Haejin only grinned at, following after you but not before glancing at Hyunjin who's eyes seemed to only follow your retreating figure.
"I think she likes you~"
"Be quiet! She can still hear us!"
Hyunjin reatreated back to the bread aisle as you quickly paid for all of your snacks, she listened closely when the bells at the entrance signal that you've left, to which Hyunjin felt her mood dampen at. Practically pouting to herself the entire time she walked around to look for whatever she needed to buy, she finally walked over to pay over the counter, Haejin packing her items in a bag as Hyunjin reached over to hand the clerk her card when Haejin smirked at her.
"Y/N told me to just charge it to her account, whatever it is you bought." Hyunjin raised a brow the information, to which Haejin shrugged at but still kept the smirk on her face.
"If I were you, I'd grab a few more.. you know, to make her feel like she atleast made up for it." Haejin could only look at Hyunjin's ruined cream bun and strawberry milk that she only took because it reminded her of the contents in your basket. Hyunjin shook her head at Haejin's mischievious attempt behind your back, instead, smiling softly at the ruined bread as Haejin handed her the bag.
"It's alright, she'll make up for it next time. I'm sure."
"Hi! Hello! They're so cute!!" your member waves at your fans as you stand next to her, trying your best not to squint your eyes at the rapid flashes that went off as you aligned yourself with your group, smiling at how you were all being greeted with such heavy enthusiasm. Making your group introduction, you all bowed before your manager motioned that it was time to head over inside, in which you grabbed onto one of your unnies as you slid through the crowd with your bodyguards doing their best to keep anyone from being too close to your members. As you just passed the entrance however, the flashes seemed a bit stronger and the deafening clicking of shutters, followed by screaming fans became stronger.
Your ears perked up at the familiar names, to which your members that walked in front caught your attention when they started squealing. Your eyes settled on a few of your members being smothered by the familiar group that had just seemed to arrive, Chuu's bright smile as she hugged two of your members quickly, Choerry wildly waving at them as they bowed while Jinsoul and Yves seemed to tease them a bit.
Your groups seemed to be in the middle of paparazzis, fans, and curious gazes—in the middle of a very busy airport lobby. The crowd that circled around both groups was almost overbearing if it weren't for your bodyguards making as much space for your groups as possible. You tried to keep your distance, not wanting any sort of drama to build upon any group's name considering how heavy your own seemed to be even in your group, but then a familiar voice started to call your name.
"Y/N-unnie! Y/L/N Y/N-unnie!" your eyes instantly snapped over to find a small figure practically bouncing over to you, making you pull away from your member to insantly beam at the short girl whom you've bonded with at a variety show once. It was once but you can't seriously not love LOONA's maknae.
"Yeojin.." she instantly hugged you, giggling as you leaned over so that you can hug her back, patting her hair softly before she pulled away to smile up at you.
"What are you doing all the way here? Come on, Haseul-unnie wants to meet you!" she started tugging at your hand to which you only pursed your lips at.
"Yeojin, I'm kind of.. not good to be caught on camera with right now."
"Why not? You're practically as famous as us right now! I mean, even if you weren't it's still okay! We're friends!" Yeojin tried to reassure you but something just didn't sit right with the manager telling you a few days back that your name was at such a high place right now, and they wanted you to take care of it and make sure you didn't get into any sort of trouble or your group was going to plummet.
It was repulsive how they highlighted the idea that since you were on the first of all brand reputations since your groups debut, it was up to you to keep your group's name afloat. And if that type of toxicity rubs any other groups the wrong way..
"Oh.. we have to leave.." Yeojin mumbles, sounding disheartened as she looked up to find you giving her a sad smile. She shook her head, hugging you again before giving you a pointed look.
"I'll call you the moment we get back to the dorms, and then we'll plan another meetup. I promise—no paparazzis, we'll have lots of fun then, alright Y/N-unnie? I promise!" your heart dropped as Yeojin slowly made her way over to her group's retreating figures, she waved at you, still smiling brightly and just like that—your heart feels a little bit better at the girl's energy. Yeojin quickly bumped into Haseul, hugging her as Haseul's eyes moved to yours, you gave her a small smile and she reciprocated along with a wave.
Their group had always felt oddly comforting, but in a good way.
As your group slowly moved away from LOONA, you turned to face the direction of where you were supposed to be heading when your eyes seemed to have found themselves locking with stunningly familiar ones, eyes that would always seem to remind you of a cat's. You quickly turned away though, thinking that the woman who made your heart race about two years ago—now with striking dyed red hair—wouldn't even remember you at all. But your mind seemed to have stopped functioning completely when her usually soft, and airy voice boomed through the lobby and all of the commotion just to call your name.
"Hey! Y/L/N Y/N!" almost everyone around the both of you looked rattled out of their minds, watching silently as the two last members of each group stood only but a few feet apart, members standing behind them stopping on their tracks to understand what it was all about. Heejin whom was standing next to Hyunjin looked scared for a moment, only for her eyes to soften when they landed on your figure.
Jinsoul on the other hand had no filter, literally saying, "What is this? This is how you get a girl's attention, Kim Hyunjin?" before Kim Lip bursted into her iconic laughing face, grabbing Jinsoul's arm and shaking her. Chuu smiled widely at you, she always had but this time it's as if there was some meaning to it, with Cheorry turning from waving at a fan to grin at you—along with Yves smirking and Vivi giving Haseul a side eye.
Even Olivia Hye looked intrigued by the commotion, with Gowon drowsily clinging onto her but looking around as if she was confused.
"Y/L/N Y/N.." Hyunjin said softly this time, eyes only on you. You swallowed sharply, quickly bowing with the usual 90° degrees before eyeing all of the cameras that seemed to surround the both of you.
"Hyunjin, maybe another time.." Heejin tried to tell her bestfriend but she barely paid any attention to it. Instead, LOONA's Kim Hyunjin walked over to Y/L/N, in the middle of every single news outlet there is, every single fansite, every single curious gaze—she stood infront of you with a determined look on her face that had you shuddering slightly on your spot. She looked more mature up close, if you had a major change from losing some of your baby fat, Hyunjin looked almost nothing like the soft featured sunbaenim you met in that store two years before your debut. She looked like an actual sunbae now—if that made sense—as she stared right back at you, the soft gaze was still there but her aura emitted such strength, a newfound sense of maturity that wasn't exactly present when you bumped into her that morning.
"Hyunjin-sunbaenim." Hyunjin felt slightly taken aback by how your voice seemed so different from how it always used to echo in her head since that day, you no longer looked like kid and instead—if it was even possible, you looked way more beautiful than the first time she saw you in that damn article. And God, you've aged well since she last bumped into you, even though you look as if you could easily be knocked off on your feet from the pressure of all the eyes on you right now..
Hyunjin wanted to tell you that you'll be fine, that you're doing great.
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
But Hyunjin wasn't that good with words, she proved that to herself when countless of times she'd hear Yeojin talking about her day with you, how she always said you were bound for a great career ahead. Hyunjin could barely ask Yeojin for your number, she wanted to just have it so many times but that was your deal, she wanted to get it from you because she respected you—and it took her two years.
Two years to find the guts to stand infront of her favorite junior, practically the only junior that had caught her attention ever since.
"Here, type in your number." if your eyes could only bulge out of it's sockets right now, it would've. Collective gasps and camera flashes started going off as Hyunjin held out her phone infront of you, looking as laid back as ever while your mind goes into a complete shut down.
"What did she say?"
"Hyunjin just asked for Y/N's number? Here?!"
"Oh my God, this is—what??"
"Alright, alright—you're not seriously doing this here, aren't you, Kim Hyunjin-ssi?" Yves calls out from behind Hyunjin but the girl didn't even hint at acknowledging it, making Heejin sigh and turn to Yves with a knowing look, the challenging smile on Yves' lips dropping into a confused pout as Jinsoul let out yet another one of her amazed laugh.
"Wah! This is really happening!" Chuu and Kim Lip bursts into a fit of laughter, the sound bringing you back from your trance to scan your sunbaenim's now flushed face.
Kim Hyunjin is.. flustered?
"Hyunjin is fine." your eyes moved to the awestruck people around you, trying to find both of your managers only to find your members holding your own back—and LOONA's manager watching the interaction with an amused look.
"Are you going to make it up to me or not? I'm not the one with a flight to catch, Y/L/N Y/N." Hyunjin rolled her eyes but only in a teasing manner, tilting her head at you as she lightly waved her phone onto your confused face before it registered to you that she was talking about the convenience store incident. You instantly flushed, cursing internally at how you could forget your own words like that before nodding quickly, reaching over to grab her phone only for it to be pulled away by Hyunjin which confused you once again.
"I want your number, not your manager's, not your members', not the number you give for business transactions—I want the number on your actual phone," Hyunjin stated firmly, leaning her face to yours and staring at you intently. You nodded slowly as you reached over to grab her phone, but she pulled it away yet again, "I want to be your friend, Y/N." she finished, placing her phone in your hand before pulling away to lower her eyes at you as she crossed her arms on her chest.
And just like that, there goes all of your worries about everyone's prying eyes and your spot on the brand reputation rankings..
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm the sudden burning feeling in your entire body as you quickly typed in your number—cautiously eyeing her intimidating stance before grabbing your phone from your back pocket, pressing the call button on Hyunjin's phone for your own to start ringing. Once Hyunjin looked satisfied, you typed your group's name and then your name before handing Hyunjin her phone.
"Assa! Unnie~" Gowon cheered from behind Hyunjin, with Olivia Hye looking at the back of Hyunjin's head as if she's impressed.
That didn't stop Kim Lip from cackling loudly with Jinsoul, Chuu, Yeojin and Choerry though.
"Kim Hyunjin! Just like always!" Heejin cheered, grinning when Hyunjin turned to glare at them.
"Yeojin said she'd call me when you're all back to the dorms.."
"Not if I call you first." Hyunjin stated firmly with a knowing look, as if she already knew she was going to win.
To which you only softly smiled at.
"It's a thirteen hour flight to the US, you know that right?"
"Hyunjin! We need to go!"
"I know!" Hyunjin's eyes widened, waving her hands dismissively, "That's not directed to you, Y/N—I can't ever get mad at you." Hyunjin frowned to herself to which you only shortly laugh at, nodding before glancing at your own members making heart poses but the others also pointing to the gates. You faced Hyunjin who looked almost like an abandoned cat who didn't want you to leave.
"I should get going.."
"See you around, Hyunjin." you bowed yet again, but this time it was a quick one and with a smile—different from the ones that were shy, and apologetic—it was an actual smile, a smile that Hyunjin felt as if the butterflies in her stomach were going wild as you did the simple action.
"See you, Y/N." Hyunjin watched as you retreated back slowly to your members, hesitant yet making your way back to them. You were just about to disappear from her view when you heard her call you again, to which you almost automatically turn at, but you did anyways, stopping on your tracks yet again to find the image of a giddy looking red haired Kim Hyunjin smiling from ear to ear, eyes crinkled as she did.
"You're still going to make it up to me, right Y/N?" she asked sweetly, making you all flustered yet again as everyone around you seemed to find this interaction sweet.
"Ofcourse, I promised."
And with that, Kim Hyunjin practically skipped all the way to the van—staring at your contact name she changed on her phone.
My Favorite Hoobae.
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This acc is dedicated to writing loona ideas that I have, maybe some day I'll take requests who knows—but for now, I'm going to focus on writing alot of imagines for Kim Hyunjin because she's my bias and I.. Don't.. See.. Much.. Hyunjin.. Imagines..? So yeah, if y'all want to follow, by all means we're chill here~ but thanks for reading! I hope this was as entertaining to you as it was for me writing it!
Also, I make the gifs myself, but to give credit to the original source I will always put the link of the video and the channel name from where I got it from at the bottom of each author's note. If any of these sources do not want their work to be displayed like this, please inform me immediately and i will get rid of the gif and.. find another source that wouldn't mind. I just use specific visuals for the ideas so..
May Kim Hyunjin guide me to write even more..
Laters (for now),
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> ovc: NewsenTV (200120)
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kisskissbanggang · 4 years
chan in the teacher's office with a massive praise kink that you just wouldn't give to him :DDDDDD
[sub!idol, dom!reader, femdom, rivals, praise kink, elements of rough sex, elements of brat taming, elements of corruption kink, taunting, degradation, dirty talk, face-sitting, semi-public,
Someone was a two-faced snake, and you had a good idea who it could be. Of all the names on the list to apply for the TA opening, you didn’t put it past the candidate who got the job to have thrown you under the bus to get there.
In fact, Chan had been there when you went to drop off your application materials in person between class sessions. The only problem was you had been running miserably late for your next class when you hadn’t found the professor in his office like you’d originally attempted.
“Are you looking for the professor?” He’d curiously asked, sitting in the front row of the lecture hall and packing up his things. He looked a bit familiar, and you wondered where you’d seen him as he introduced himself even though you didn’t have much time or desire to care. When you told him you had something to give to the professor, Chan had simply grinned and warmly offered to take whatever you had and make sure it was delivered if you had to leave. You had felt uneasy, but there was no way you’d get to class on time if you waited.
So now Chan was the TA. And now you only wanted to get back at him.
You did some quick research, of course. No one really noticed or cared that you sat in on a lecture one afternoon when your schedule allowed, and tapped around on your laptop to see if you could find any info on Chan. Now you knew why you thought you recognized him. He was everywhere. Debate club, soccer team, president of his frat — he was seasoned at clawing his way to the top, apparently. You also realized you’d heard his name whispered around. Chan was incredibly attractive and capable, but thoroughly unapproachable as he was constantly busy with school and cold to anyone who presented a distraction. Even then, however, you learned from some friends that word around campus was he was a sucker for blowing off steam with the occasional pickup from the library.
So you went to the library. Every day, for the next week, you hung out at the library until after dark to study and work, practically living in a study station as close to the front entrance as you could get. Eventually, your diligence paid off and you saw him browsing the shelves. You’d made sure to evoke the look of the girls you’d heard he’d fooled around with — cute, eager, and susceptible. You packed up your bag and made to cross the library floor as Chan headed down between the tables, and pretended to be obliviously startled as you bumped into him and dropped your books.
You were sure to look sheepish. Chan beamed at you as he helped you pick up your books. “Hey, are you alright?”
“Yeah,” you giggled demurely as you dusted yourself off. “I’m so sorry — hey, don’t I know you?”
Chan’s eyes shined with opportunity. He clearly recognized you, but you didn’t recognize him? “No, I don’t think we know each other,” he innocently shrugged, “but I sure would like to.”
You let Chan buy you a coffee at the library cafe that evening. You let him buy you a coffee the next day at the cafe in the student lounge, too. You even let him walk you to class, and you even went to the library together to study that afternoon. It was then, as he got up to look for a book, that you peered into his bag. Nothing out of the ordinary — until you spied what you were looking for. Nonetheless, you had ended the night telling Chan, “You’re the best,” and his winning smile had the smallest edge of smugness to it that you couldn’t deny.
This ruse with Chan continued for a whole week (you even got a dinner out of it) until you decided to make your move. Of all the pretty boy alpha types you ever came across in school, Chan wasn’t as obnoxious, but he was still every bit as insufferable, and your need to one-up him hadn’t waned whatsoever. Part of his tasks as TA were to get into the professor’s office and copy the grades and feedback into the web portal for records and student access. This was normally best done during the professor’s lunch, since he didn’t have his next class until much later that afternoon and this left Chan plenty of time. He just wasn’t expecting to see someone sitting in the professor’s chair when he came in this time.
You spun in the chair, giving him a knowing smile when you faced him. “Hey.”
“Hey yourself,” Chan grinned, more confused than surprised. “What’re you doing here?”
“I missed you,” you pouted. Chan’s eyes were glued to your knees under your skirt as you uncrossed your legs and leaned forward, hands set apparently eager upon your thighs. “I wanted to see you.”
Chan, that idiot. He dropped his bag as he closed the door behind him and instantly approached you. You tried to hold back, not wanting to give anything away, and you let him duck down to cup your face before he just went for it and kissed you for the first time. It was nice, admittedly, his soft lips pressed to yours just hard enough to let his desire become apparent. “I’ve been waiting for this,” he smiled radiantly.
“So have I,” you nodded sweetly.
“Come on,” Chan kissed you again, murmuring against your lips as he pulled on your hand, “let’s go back to my place.”
“Mmph, no,” you whined as you sat back in the chair and let your knees fall open, “I want you right here, professor.”
Chan paused, his ego clouding his mind and getting distracted when you teasingly ran your fingers down his chest and over his belt. To really sell the ruse for the past week, you had seemed too bashful to really even hold hands this whole time, so this was proving effective as Chan stood a bit stunned, lips parted like he was trying to find any words at all when you finally pulled at his shirt and brought him back down to kiss you again.
This seemed to ignite something in Chan, as he groaned in your kiss and instantly dropped to his knees in front of you. “You want it?” He asked, his voice already growing husky from arousal. You nodded, seemingly desperate before he slid a hand up your knee and he kissed you harder now, his tongue hungrily prodding into your mouth while his fingers brazenly brushed against your panties.
“Oh, professor,” you moaned cutely, which only served to fuel Chan’s motivations as he massaged your accumulating wetness into you with his fingertips. You knew what would be coming. He’d heard you gush that he was the best for the past week and now he only wanted to hear you moan it for him while he fucked you. However, even then he didn’t want to rush you too much. He waited until the moment you reached for his belt. If he had been thinking more clearly, Chan would’ve considered what the consequences could be if he got caught fucking in the professor’s office, but that much consideration was a pipe dream the second you pulled his jeans open and exposed his hard member.
Chan clawed into your hips and pulled you to the edge of the professor’s chair before he nudged your soaked panties to the side and lined up against you. His hushed gasp was even sort of cute when he finally began to rock his hips into you. It was almost distracting, the way his brows furrowed and the way his cheeks flushed as he worked his way deep inside you. But you wouldn’t allow yourself to get distracted. Instead, you forced yourself to be starkly silent.
It didn’t take long for Chan to notice. His groans sounded more frustrated within minutes, no matter how hard he tried to cover it up. “Come on, baby, I know it’s so good,” he panted. “Tell me how good it is.”
“Yeah,” you clearly placated, “it’s so good.”
Chan was pretty much flabbergasted, practically stupefied before he decided to try something else. Clearly, this had never happened before. More than likely, every girl who had ever wrapped her legs around him made him feel like a deity before you came along. Chan stubbornly scooped you up from the chair and picked you up to perch you on the professor’s desk before he began fucking you in earnest again. “There we go,” he groaned in satisfaction, “that’s much better, isn’t it?”
“It is,” you casually agreed, “it’s way better.”
“What is your deal?!” Chan finally broke, but his hips didn’t stop snapping against you.
“Nothing,” you shrugged innocently, trying hard not to squeal from how amazing Chan felt inside you.
“No no, you don’t get to pull that,” Chan shook his head adamantly, “I’m an amazing lay, don’t play games with me.”
“Who’s playing games?” You asked. “I just thought you were going to fuck me like you did when you ruined my chances of getting the TA position.”
“The what?!” Chan backed up, his cock popping out of your dripping pussy before you fiercely clutched his shirt to pull him close again.
“The TA position, you fucking asshole,” you growled, “don’t play dumb now.”
“So you did recognize me,” Chan snapped, even as he still recovered from you suddenly saying anything more severe than dang. You rolled your eyes despite his slick length prodding back inside you.
“Of course I did, stupid. So who’s worse: me for lying, or you for wanting to rub your victory in my face by being some sex god?”
“Look, it isn’t like that—“
“Oh my god, Chan, I’m being rhetorical, of course it’s you. Trying to have your cake and eat it too? How predictable. And what were you gonna do? Make me worship your dick and bask in my stupidity?”
“You’re making it sound so much worse!” Chan laughed defensively, even as his dick was currently filling you out again. “Maybe I thought if you didn’t recognize me I’d actually have a chance with you? You can stop pretending this isn’t good and just hate me like a normal fucking person.”
“Or you could actually earn it instead of just insisting on it,” you grinned. “It’s fine though, I won’t tell anyone you’re just alright in the sack. Only you and I will know... but that would drive you crazy, wouldn’t it?”
“You are such a conniving bitch!”
“Then why are you still fucking me, stupid? Admit you want to earn it and maybe we’ll make some progress here. You clearly fucked my chances so you’re lucky I’m in this for sport and not reporting you to the deans.”
“Why would you?! You have no proof—“
Chan shut up, instantly, as you plucked open a button on your blouse to pull the stolen application you’d found in his bag out from where it was tucked in your bra. “Earn it, stupid. Earn it or I’m reporting you to the deans.”
He swallowed down his retort as he eyed the application in your hand. “I'm guessing you have a picture of that application sitting in my bag where you found it,” he muttered as he tried to catch his breath.
“Of course I do, you dumb cock. Now admit you want to earn your gold star; you’re making this less fun the more you pussyfoot around it.”
Chan paused, staring down the piece of paper as you folded it back up and reached forward to tuck it in his pocket. It was that tiny gesture that assured him of something he’d wondered since you first exposed your plot. Hadn’t you been getting along? It couldn’t have all been a lie. Suddenly, Chan felt much more at ease once you put the application in his pocket. This was a game, or just sportsmanship, like you said — and he was an awful loser.
“Fine, I want it,” Chan admitted with disgust, “I want you to tell me how good I am. Tell me how to get it.”
“Oh, now I have to tell you?” You laughed out loud even while you tried your hardest to keep your voice steady. “You wouldn’t need me to tell you if you were such an amazing lay.”
Chan’s cheeks flushed immediately at the comeback. “Do you want it or not, you bitch.” It was almost a pout, and you loved how pathetic it was.
“On the floor, slut.”
Your command was simple but the humiliation burned Chan enough that he didn’t even have a retort for you while he slipped back out of you and lowered himself to the floor. His leaking member was still standing tall even when you raised a foot to playfully shove into his shoulder to lay him down. You stepped closer, like you were circling prey and taking your time before you were soon stood with your flats on either side of his head on the professor’s office floor. He sucked in a gasp as he got a great view up your skirt until you lowered yourself fully onto his face and reached forward to grab onto his cock. Chan shivered.
“See? You could’ve been having this much fun this whole time,” you purred as you massaged his length. “You just had to find someone to make you stop trying to pretend to be some top dog alpha male.”
“Please,” Chan moaned against you, “you taste so fucking good but please let me fuck you again.” He was muffled once you ground your soaked pussy against his plush lips, swollen and red by now. His hands gripped hard onto your thighs where you straddled his face, caught between trying to breathe and trying to lick every inch of you.
“You sure, slut?” You grinned. “You sure I won’t be bored into thinking about my thesis research?”
“I told you that subject is way too broad--” Chan bit back until you shut him back up again. You took mercy as he whined into you. “I want it,” he gasped once you lifted off of him again. “You won’t be bored if you tell me what to do. I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Anything to succeed, huh?” You taunted. You could almost feel him blush harder under you. Admittedly, Chan was accelerating your arousal more than you ever wanted to admit. For being such a cocky jerk, he was incredibly good with his tongue — maybe his loud mouth was good for something after all. Worse still, you did want to feel his cock inside you again.
You tried to seem nonchalant as you arose to your feet, because the last thing you wanted was to give away your excitement while you turned and sat yourself down on Chan’s hips. “Look at me, Chan,” you softly directed, one hand steadying yourself by pressing into his shoulder and your other hand raked back into his hair. He did look at you, all puppy dog eyes and his lips slick with you as he still tried to catch his breath while you slowly slid his warmth back inside you. You both groaned now, and he immediately lit up at your response as you began to roll your hips against his.
He practically whimpered the second you moaned again, and if you’d known you just needed to train him to respond to any reaction out of you to get you so fired up, you wouldn’t have even bothered with making him fight for any praise. Chan groaned and whined under you as you roughly rode him and angled your hips so you could still grind your clit against him. “You want it?” You mewled. “You want me to tell you how good you are?”
“Yes,” Chan gasped, followed by a quick sigh of pleasure as you teasingly dragged a fingernail down his neck. He gave a shocked cry as you grabbed his shoulder, hauling him over with you to roll over and land between your legs.
“Earn it, baby,” you taunted, and Chan took the bait. He spread you wide on the floor and grabbed onto one of your legs to throw it over his shoulder and keep you open for his fingers to tease at your clit. You were honestly impressed. Apparently he just needed some pushing to get creative. And, like this, he was good. He was an amazing lay, but you were still a bit begrudged to admit it. But that was being a sore loser, wasn’t it? “Chan,” you finally gasped as he angled right into your most sensitive spot.
“What?” He panted, not letting up his pace as he drilled into that sweet little target. That peak seemed to be approaching much faster than you originally thought.
“Chan,” you repeated, more desperately now, “you’re the best, you’re the fucking best, make me finish—“
Chan responded with a broken moan, a harried whimper as you finally shattered to pieces on his cock and came way harder than you’d previously saw coming. He seemed to be right on your trail as well as his fingertips dug into your hips, even as you’d pretty much gone limp aside from the small tremors felt through to your toes. “Holy shit,” he croaked, “you’re so goddamn good, I’m gonna—”
“—Cum,” you sighed with relief, fast enough to practically be another command for him to follow. Chan did, still obediently following orders as he clawed into you. His hips stuttered against you and he climaxed with a hoarse cry, his orgasm flowing hot and causing you both to melt into each other.
Chan collapsed onto your chest after he relinquished your leg, but made sure to roll more to your side so he wouldn’t suffocate you. You both gasped for air now. He was oddly sweet, his lips nuzzling against your neck and under your ear. “So... Are we even?” He finally panted.
“Hardly,” you cooed as you kissed his hair and sat up. You rolled him the rest of the way off of you and he looked up at you with those puppy eyes again. It was awful, how cute he was, but it was starting to grow on you. “Now I just hate you like a normal person.”
If Chan was as smart as you knew he was, he would figure you out. If he wanted to keep playing, he had to see the move you were setting up.
“Fine,” he grinned. You were actually relieved. “Give me a few tries and we’ll see how you feel then.”
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deans-baby-momma · 6 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 44
A/N: Wanted to give a quick shout out to my best friend, Maddie  ( @xxdragonagequeenxx ). If it wasn’t for her letting me bounce ideas off her, this story wouldn’t have been written.
The internet exploded after Dani's comment and within 10 minutes Jensen was trending, whatever that meant. In another 15 minutes,  Jensen's publicist was on the phone. I tuned it all out and just focused all my energy and attention toward my son, the truly innocent party in this whole ordeal.
I could hear Jensen in the other room, just the sound of his voice, the tone, put me on edge. What would the people in his life, his publicist, his bosses, his co-workers, his friends and family on set and off say? Would they be understanding or would people disapprove of it all? Loathe my existence and in doing so, condemn my child? That pissed me off the most!
Jensen walked back into the room as I went about feeding Jackson. I just sat there, awaiting the fallout. “Well Kelly said this is the shitstorm of all shitstorms,” he said, plopping down in the chair across from me. “Said Dee should've kept her mouth shut but what's done is done. She's gonna try to get control of the situation, try to do some damage control, get things back to our side.”
“Our side?”I questioned. “Do we even have a side? I mean, everything they have said is true. We not only had a baby out of wedlock, which I know nowadays is no big deal but you're still married Jay! Maybe we should've just kept quiet and let people make their own assumptions over the pictures yesterday.”
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“Well, excuse me-” Jensen spat as he stood from the chair. “-for being proud of my son! To want to tell the world about him. You agreed to it.”
I was in shock, never had I ever heard Jensen raise his voice before. Not even to Dani when they discussed JJ or her care; not when JJ was sick and Dani refused to let Jensen have her for the weekend, did he shout at her like he just had at me. I felt the tears burning my eyelids and I willed them to stay hidden. I wasn't going to let him see how much his outburst affected me.
I held Jackson to my breast, covering his head with my free hand. “Could you please not shout near him?” I asked, hoping to keep my own tone of voice neutral and not let on how upset I was, realizing I failed when my voice wavered. I looked away from Jensen but still caught a glimpse of his contrite expression.
“Baby I’m sorry,” he said in a more normal tone. “With all this crap Dani has decided to start and then you saying we should’ve waited, I just let my emotions take over. I’m so fucking proud of you and him and I want the world to know. I should’ve known she’d do something like this though.” He joined me on the sofa, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and using the other the rub Jackson’s back. “I’m sorry little man. Daddy shouldn’t have yelled.”
A few days after Jackson’s birth and Jensen’s Instagram announcement, life was slowly getting back to normal. Well, the new normal with a newborn in the house. I was sleep deprived, hadn’t bathed in days and I was sure my hair looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days. Wait, had I brushed my hair lately? I couldn’t even remember. Jensen was back in Vancouver finishing up filming for the season. He had only gotten a couple days reprieve for Jackson’s birth before having to fly back, leaving me to do it all. I wasn’t going to complain though, I knew this is what I had signed up for when I decided to have a relationship with an actor and have a child with him. Kelly, Jensen’s publicist had  done her best to get everything under control but I was still receiving threats and hatred through his social media. This is one instance that I was glad I didn't have any online accounts; the only way I knew about the animosity was through Kelly and then Jensen telling me to ignore it like he was. Which wasn't hard unless one of the many talk shows would mention it. I eventually went back to keeping the television turned off.
Jackson was down for his late morning nap when the phone rang; Gen's name popping up on the caller id. “Hey! I thought you could use some adult conversation,  I know I could!” she said after I answered.
“God yes,”I sighed. “I haven't talk to another adult since mine and Jay's Skype call yesterday. How have you been? How're the boys?”
“Rambunctious,” Gen laughed. “But I wouldn't’ have them any other way. They’re actually the reason I’m calling. Tom keeps asking to see Jackson. I showed him the pictures you sent me but he says he wants to see him in person.”
“Well yea, he is adorable in pictures but even more in person,” I laughed. “What are you all doing tomorrow? We’ll come by. Jackson needs to meet his best friends anyway.”
Gen and I planned for Jackson and I to come by their home after his morning nap and quickly hung up.  I was happy to be able to get out and have adult interactions. I love my son but Momma needs to have conversations with someone who does more than gurgle and spit. That night when Jensen video-called I told him of our plans and he was hesitant at first until I told him I needed to get out of the house. He talked to Jackson while I was holding him in front of the computer; we didn’t want to take the chance that his son wouldn’t recognize the sound of his own father’s voice. I had done it for him and Dani with JJ when they were both off working on set.
Seeing Tom and Shep take to Jackson like he was just another part of the family warmed my heart. But I guess Jackson was a part of their family; Jared and Jensen had acted alongside one another for 10 years, had both grown up and gotten married, had kids. They had their own little mismatched, ragtag family and Jackson was part of it. As soon as the door had opened after I knocked, Tom was begging to see Jackson. I had him in his carrier with a thin blanket draped over him so Tom couldn’t lay eyes on him yet. Jackson sat there in his carrier taking it all in, from the little boys in his face to the brown haired woman cooing over him. Tom and Shep took turns playing peek-a-boo with my son, each covering his head up with the blanket and jerking it away making Jackson laugh. Tom had helped me change Jackson’s diaper, saying he was an expert since helping change Shep’s; Shep fed, with my assistance of course, Jackson and when it was time to burp him and put him down for his nap, both boys scurried off to play in their room. Gen insists on holding Jackson while he naps, feigning baby fever. She goes on to tell me how she would love to have another little one once Shep is out of diapers officially.
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“God, Drea! Holding him makes me want another one so bad.”
“So have another.”
“If only it were that easy,” she says and sighs as she kissed Jackson on the forehead.
“Genevieve Padalecki, did you just sniff my son?” I asked, shocked but laughing.
“Yes, I love that baby smell. It’s not the lotion or the baby wash but something about a baby smell is so soothing to me,” she laughed, making sure not to wake him.
“So, why can’t you have another? Jared not want anymore?” I asked not really thinking that was the reason. Jared seemed to love kids and sometimes act like he is more on their level than an actual adult.
“No uh,” she pauses for a minute and I wait for her to continue. “After Shep, there were some complications and well I don’t have the parts anymore to be able to bear children,” she tells me. I hear her voice crack and see the tears in her eyes.
“Oh Gen. I’m so sorry.” I say, not really knowing what to say.  To know that the choice whether to have more children or not was taken away breaks my heart for my friend.
Jensen’s POV
At the end of the week after filming, instead of coming back home to Texas, Jared and I are headed to Chicago for a convention. Neither of us were prepared for the chaos that would go down. At the Sunday panel a fan approached the microphone and we both welcomed her to the convention and asked if she was having a good time. “Uh, yea I am,” she answered. “My question is for Jensen.”
“Ok. I’m sure I can have an answer for you. Ask away!” I tell her and join Jared in chuckling as I await the woman’s query. “So, we’ve all seen your Instagram post a few weeks ago. Congratulations on your son!” At this, I smile and nod at her. “Thank you darling.” But my smile soon changes to anger when the woman continues. “So I was just wondering...how could you do it? How could you cheat on Danneel and be so happy that you had a child from that affair?” An audible gasp is heard throughout the auditorium and I can tell by the way the convention volunteers are scrambling around, trying to reach the woman at the microphone that her question wasn’t a con-approved one. The volunteer closest to that side of the stage taps the woman on the shoulder and motions for her to head toward the exit. The fan who asked the question looks up at the stage and at me like she is awaiting her answer so I take a breath and bring the mic up to my lips.
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"I'll answer it one time and one time only." I hold up my index finger and look out over the crowd. "Yes, I have a newborn son. No, the mother isn't Dee. This might be all new information to you all and makes it look as if I am in the wrong. But let me just clarify, Dee and I were split up for months, MONTHS, before my son was conceived. Yes we kept the split private because there is a young child, our daughter JJ, to think of. I still get to spend time with her even though the break up wasn't exactly amicable but that's neither here nor there. I am proud of both of my kids and I love them both very much. I will always be there for them. The woman I'm with now is wonderful and I don't want anyone bashing her for something she didn't do," I paused to take a breath. Jared patted me on the shoulder as a show of solidarity.  "You're going to hear, probably from Dani that she was wronged, but that isn't the case. So before any of you go saying anything bad or taking her side just stop and think about it. You wouldn't want people bashing your family, would you?" After answering the questions I prayed that everyone else had the dignity to let the subject rest. I was saying no more about it and if it were brought up again I might just have to leave the panel. I wasn’t going to let these fans, these people who supposedly love us so much, ruin a good thing. And Jackson and Drea was a good thing. At the end of the panel after the last question, Jared and I finished it off with our signature fist bump and walked backstage. I grabbed a bottle of water and opened it, downing half of it in one gulp. Jared joined me at the table and placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You okay, dude?” he asked me in his caring way.
“Yea,” I answered. “I mean I should’ve seen it coming. With all the shit Dee’s been posting online, I should’ve realized some fans would take her side.”
I was glad this was the last panel of the day and all I had left to do was an hour of autos and an hour of photo ops then we could head home to our families.
@xxdragonagequeenxx @carryonmywaywardcaptain @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex @sis-tafics @wayward-gypsy @sea040561 @pretty-fortune @squirrelnotsam @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44 @internationalmusicteacher @kricketc27 @natura1phenomenon @mannls @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30 @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl @i-just-wanna-run-hell
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