#this is HELL
callsign-relic · 2 days
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me when I finally uploaded some art to redbubble for sticker and print sales but the fucking website has to process the fucking designs and it’s gonna apparently take 5 fucking days
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bitchfitch · 2 years
my cousin gave the family less than a 24 hr heads-up that he was getting married today. sent via text message.
Which to be fair to him, that was about 12 hrs more heads-up than we got when his sister married and apparently 20 hrs more than my parents gave, and 24 more than I plan to give.
But. i am going to murder him for this.
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Working on resumes and reels takes so much brain space and at the end you’re like. I just wasted a bunch of time and don’t even feel the warm buzz of accomplishment. Just the crushing weight of graduation looming with a bleak job market before me.
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companion-showdown · 4 months
Who is your favourite companion?
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propaganda under the cut
Martha Jones
the doctor to ten's mentally unstable bus driver of all time. every day she clocks into the horrors bc she absolutely will not let this stupid alien get himself killed no matter how terrible he is to be around. it's rotten work not to me not if it's you but evil. she is quite literally bound to the doctor by their shared senses of self-sacrifice—in their first episode the way they prove themselves to the other by laying down their lives for the people in the hospital and this informs their entire insanity dynamic going forward. she is the first companion of nuwho to walk away from the doctor bc she realizes she cannot keep saving this unsaveable person who keeps refusing help and she has to stop and prioritize herself and the people she can save (her family)—and, yet, she still becomes the most like the doctor than any other ten era companion. anyway rtd bring her back for fifteen era and treat her better or i'll beat you to death w hammers (@aq2003 )
Bill Potts
have you ever died horrifically but came back (mostly) correct because of your immortal sludge girlfriend. she's quite literally everything she is THE quintessential companion of moffat's whole era she is so terminally some guy and she is so special for it!!! she saved twelve's life multiple times, saved humanity through her memories of her mother, and she always holds on despite everything (the monks. the cybermen) and still always looks at the universe with wonder and curiosity and love and her storyline ruined my life. oh good lord WHEN the "i would rather die as i am than live as something else" hits and WHEN that directly ties into twelve's own refusal to regenerate. anyway bbc i am asking you to bring her back for the 70th and give her a happy ending or [gif of bill shooting twelve with a gun] (@aq2003 )
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burythecarnival · 6 months
i am so tired of this fucking pain. and feeling like i have a respiratory infection & the flu every single fucking day of my life. this is no way to live. even while i lie here as still as can be, tears will slowly flow from my eyes & the tears feel like boiling water on my skin. i grew up in a stoic irish family where you handle. your. shit. but, i have learned that bottling emotions is toxic & i am trying to get better at "sharing."
my sleep has been plagued with nightmares stemming from my pain of having limbs amputated, being stabbed, being burned etc. my sleep is terrible, i am not eating substantial meals & just feel alone even when people are around.
if you made it this far, bless your sweet face. i appreciate those of you who check on me. if you want to help me with meals & a couple of my prescriptions this week, it is of course incredibly appreciated.
cashapp: $dryboneslive / venmo: dryboneslive
luv, cuddles & cauldron bubbles, the ghost queen 👻
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nic-coughlan · 3 days
two weeks today
14 days
*eye twitching* we got this
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xhilki · 7 months
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There is no shot this team is not cursed. Anyways it’s been a bit! I’ve been cooking but not finishing so my bad.
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lockoutkey · 1 year
thank god for the word queer because i’m once again going through a sexuality crisis where i can’t tell if i’m attracted to men or if i’m getting gender envy. goodbye being a lesbian i’m sticking to queer for now it’s safe enough
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princessfbi · 3 months
ABC did all this work for our weewoo show and the local news just took it out with a pick up truck held together by duct tape.
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imnotzuza · 3 months
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the fact that they refuse to give us the 4th episodes title gives me live but also is the cause of my death. thank you.
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prjwl10 · 3 months
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Heaven looked good on him but he thrived in hell
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taranza-stan · 5 months
Because of reasons that DEFINITELY do not include dropping my phone into an actual pit of rocks I had to use YouTube without an Adblocker for the first time in… years??? And Oh my god. Holy Shit. Some people actually live like this??? This is horrendous, HOW did it get this bad.
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boncottontail · 7 months
All things considered, Cellbit definitely isn’t going to kill off his character this way.
First of all, it would fucking suck as an ending for a character of his caliber. Cellbit wouldn’t just end everything while other lore arcs have barely started / are still ongoing and he definitely wouldn’t leave Roier hanging (taking into account how intertwined their individual lores are).
There was also Roier’s reaction to it. Heart shattering roleplaying aside, I have a strong feeling that he wasn’t aware of Cellbit’s plans for his character, especially when you consider their talk (as ccs) after the server closed.
So what I think happened was: Q!Cellbit gave up. He’d done everything in his power and even gave into his murderous instincts just to get Richarlyson back—only for his son to be taken away again. Not even Dapper, the only egg who was freed, made it out.
In the end, he couldn’t handle his grief. In the end, after his husband escaped safely, Q!Cellbit stayed. Just like Q!Baghera did.
On a meta note, Cellbit did say he was going to take a break from Minecraft for a while and Roier also has a 3-week long participation in Spreen’s hardcore event, so we might be stripped of guapoduo content until the end of the year.
…Although Roier did say he’s streaming tomorrow. Brace yourselves for angst, guys.
Which begs the question, if only six people made it back to the island, what now?
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morgue-friends · 1 year
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Evil Dead Rise | Deadite! Ellie x Female Reader
Summary: Being a babysitter for a single mom and her three kids shouldn't be this scary.
(Plotline follows the plot of the movie except the kandarian demon wins, of course.)
Warnings: Very nsfw, a lot of gore, oral sex, age gap, dub-con, multiple character deaths, and the kandarian demon is his own warning.
"See, doesn't this look so much better?"
You put the pink barbie hair brush on the table and handed Kassie her amalgamation of a plaything. Sitting on your lap were clumps of blonde plastic doll hair. The other two children looked at their younger sister and smiled at her profound weirdness for her self crafted guardian, 'Staffanie'.
"If she hurts someone with that, I'm blaming you." Beth took a look at your handiwork and simply shook her head.
"I'm also blaming you!" Ellie's playful voice chimed in from the kitchen. The two of you locked eyes for what felt like forever. Her piercing blue eyes were so beautifully expressive to you. They made every little expression she made for each of her different emotions look so elegant. You could only dream of having eyes like hers.
The eye contact between you two broke when Beth picked up her backpack and started passing around gifts. She handed you a rusty silver keychain that was in the shape of a guitar.
"Sorry, I got caught in the rain with this one. My bag was drenched." She clenched her stomach in pain and hunched over.
"Hey, you good?" You gave her a questioning look, and she offered you a pitiful smile. "Ate some shitty foreign food." You didn't question her further and the conversation moved on to the topic of Ellie's freshly dyed hair. Everyone at the table complimented her on it, but when it was your turn, her children looked at you with knowing faces.
"Oh, I almost forgot! I got this for your dad." Beth pridefully brandished the cheap tourist mug at the table, and everyone's faces fell flat.
"Uh, I'm going to take the kids to get pizza…" You expected Ellie to give you a look of approval, but she only kept her intense stare with her sister. There was a lot of sorrow and hurt within her eyes.
"Danny can do it. You can go home for the night. Thank you." The way she said was completely robotic and monotone, she was clearly upset, and you didn't want to press her on it. She hired you to babysit the kids while she worked, and that's all your job was, nothing more and nothing less.
Feeling out of place, you said goodnight to everyone, grabbed your stuff, and left. You weren't going to debate with her as they weren't your kids, and you've only known them for a couple of months. You had just moved in and needed a cheap enough place to stay that you can balance with your college tuition when she offered you the job.
Ellie couldn't afford to pay you after the first month, but you still stayed and helped out. With not having any kids of your own and barely knowing anyone in the city, you felt like you had a genuine family and a home away from home. You'd be a complete liar if you said you didn't have any kind of romantic feelings for the single mother.
You got in the elevator and watched as the kids came running behind you. They all had somber faces, but it was Kassie that leaned her face into your side and let you hold her until the elevator stopped at your floor.
"Don't fuck the pizzeria up please I like eating there too. Call me when you get back in the house." With that their eyes perked up and brightened and they all had smiles once again. The elevator closed behind you and you let your shoulders slump. You put the key in your apartment door and didn't even have to look in the mirror beside your front door to know your eyes were watery and you were moments from crying.
You felt like such an idiot, she hadn't even divorced yet, she was practically your boss, and she was old enough to be your own mother yet here you were catching feelings like they were sicknesses. You threw your guitar keychain against the wall and buried your face into your couch.
You were going to sleep this off. Yeah, that's exactly what you were going to do. Just get up in the morning and do your online classes while babysitting the kids and hope that this would all be swept over in the morning.
You hadn't even realized you dozed off face down on the couch until the room shaking awoke you. With hair strewn wildly across your face, you got down on the ground and braced yourself for the earthquake. When it was over and you were still alive you almost thanked God until you realized the kids had never called you to let you know they were home and the Earth had just decided to fucking shake a few moments ago.
With shaking hands, you snatched your phone off the floor and panicked when you realized there was no service. This was common after earthquakes but not at all good in your predicament. You left your stuff, and more than likely, your front door unlocked and ran upstairs just to see the kids coming out of the elevator.
"You're alright!" You were practically going to hug them until Ellie took all three of them into a tight embrace. Her black flower tattoo displayed beautifully on her arm as she pulled Danny closer.
Before you could back up, she used her left hand to give you a gesture indicating you to come over and join the hug. She didn't have to ask twice because you were over there in an instant. Her arm wrapped around you, and she pulled you tighter into the hug with the kids.
As the kids headed back into the apartment, they were complaining about the dropped pizza and you were going to go in too until Ellie stopped you. She gave her sister a look, telling her to go inside and give the both of you a minute alone.
"Listen I-"
"Wait. Let me speak."
She interrupted you by putting her finger in the air.
"You need to get some sleep. You look tired as hell. Get some sleep, and I'll call you later, or I'll go down to see you, and then we can have this conversation. Sounds good?"
You were too stunned to speak, so she put both of her hands around the sides of your head and made you nod 'yes' to her question.
"Now go get some rest." The way she leaned in was so close that your lips were almost touching. She was quite taller than you, so if you wanted to let your lips meet hers, you'd have to stand on your tippy toes to compete with her god-given model height.
With that, you went back downstairs feeling like you were on cloud nine without even having to get a kiss. Just the implication was enough for you. It was almost pathetic. You could bet you even had a bit of a skip in your walk as you returned back to your apartment. Once you got in, you took a hot shower and changed into some fresh pajamas. You were going to watch a movie, but there was still no service or cable connection.
You grabbed a couple of your textbooks and dropped them on the bed with a sigh. Ellie told you to get some rest, but you were far too excited to sleep. She told you she'd either call you or come see you after the kids were asleep and that had your all nerves on high alert. For her to think you'd go to sleep after hearing something like that was comical.
After a while you had your phone sitting on your desk far away from you so you could get some work done without having to check to see if you had service or see the time to see if there was still a chance of Ellie coming.
You had no indication of how time was passing unless you wanted to measure your growing anxiety and fatigue. It was getting to the point that it was becoming difficult just to keep your eyes open. They felt heavy, and if you didn't focus hard enough, you were sure you were going to fall asleep right there.
A gentle knock at the door startled you momentarily. That wasn't Ellie's usual knock, so you disregarded it to probably a tenant knocking at the wrong door.
The knock came again, albeit much more forceful this time.
"Ellie?" Your question sounded much more excited than you intended to out loud, and you were hoping she wouldn't think youb being too giddy about this whole thing was obnoxious. You got closer to the door and tried to look through the peephole. Someone's hand was clearly in front of it. There was nothing but darkness in what should have been a well lit hallway.
"I'm sorry I left you waiting, I had to do some laundry, and the kids wouldn't go to bed." Her voice sounded relatively normal, but something was clearly off.
"Are the lights out cause I can't see out of the peephole?" You had to pause for a minute and realize what you've just said. There was no reason to feel like you needed to see out of the peephole to let Ellie in. You two have known each other for months, and you trusted her. All that and yet your gut was still telling you that you needed to see who you were unlocking the door for.
"No, the lights are fine. And isn't it too late to start playing peekaboo?"
Her last remark sounded rather sarcastic, and you began to feel bad about making her wait. Carefully, you undid the door lock and the dead bolt and allowed the door to swing open. You felt too embarrassed about the whole situation and what happened earlier to even look at her when she came in.
She closed the door behind herself, and you plopped down on the couch. You moved your textbooks off the other side of the couch and stared at the black TV screen.
"So, uh- about earlier, I'm really trying not to get involved more than I already am, but -"
You were cut off when you started to smell something odd in the room. You sniffed the air more intently for a moment. Something just didn't smell right. The air smelled rotten if that was even how you'd even describe it. There was also something lingering with it, possibly sulfur. You finally turned around to look at her. She was staring dead in your face, as well as being much closer than you expected her to be.
You quickly got off the couch and your jaw practically dropped. You backed up from the sight in front of you and knocked a glass vase off the living room table. Shards of glass sprinkled themselves across the floor at your feet upon impact. You wanted to scream, but no noise would leave your mouth.
What stood in front of you was not Ellie. It was just wearing her as a costume for the time being... She was soaked in water, and her hair was practically still dripping onto the floor as if she had just taken a shower in all her clothes. Dark red splatters coagulated against her skin. It looked clumpy and uneven in some areas, meaning it was possibly a mixture of blood and scattered pieces of flesh.
Her face appeared gaunt and hollow, and those once beautiful eyes of hers were sunken and looked somewhat swollen. Her face stayed in the same expression you saw while you were sitting on the couch. She had the widest smile you've ever seen her with. It looked utterly unnatural, and like her skin was pulled in that direction.
"What were you saying again?" When she held out her hand to gesture for you to continue talking, you could see that it was visibly coated in blood.
She had a set of uneven black long claws on her fingers. Her nails were nothing like that when you saw her earlier. They looked like they belonged to some kind of feral animal, and they looked abhorrently dangerous.
"Ellie what happened to you-"
"-Finissssh what you were saying."
Her voice was abnormally deep and distorted, just hearing it made you feel like you should have dragged your own nails through your face until you felt bone. Tears began to fall from your eyes, and that only made her smile even wider.
"I was saying t-that, I don't want to get too involved in your life and with your kids." Her fingers indicated for you to go on, and you did.
"It's just- I like you, I always have."
Your hands went to your face to wipe off the assault of tears that were hurdling down. Ellie's smile dropped, and her facial expression fell flat. Her eyes were completely unreadable. It was almost like she was dead. She was silent for a moment, staring at you in an unnatural and unnerving way.
"That's so sweet of you to say… I'll pass the message down to Ellie and her fatherless children in hell."
You could feel your back press up against the wall as you wanted to do nothing more to put distance in between you and whatever this thing was. It seemed like the more you moved away from Ellie, the closer she would get to you, as if you two were moving in sync.
"What the fuck are you?!" That felt like a stupid question to ask as you weren't even sure if you wanted the answer. You could see a box cutter sitting on the window sill to your left, and you slowly moved in the direction while making sure to keep eye contact with this intruder.
"Where are the kids?" Your voice cracked up with a whine as it felt like your heart was sinking. Ellie, not answering either of the questions, caused you to sob and clench your chest. It just stood there and stared at you, as if this was funny to it. Once you were finally in front of the window, you gripped the box cutter tightly and held it behind your back.
The closer she moved toward you, the more of her you could see. Just looking at the open wounds and gashes on her made your stomach clench in disgust. There was a severed finger hanging on what appeared to be a tendon attached to her foot. The finger was small…
"Don't come any closer!" You held up the box cutter and ejected the blade. Ellie was unphased by your threat as she stepped slowly onto the shards of glass from the shattered vase. Her smile remained unwavering as the glass crunched under weight, and the soles of her feet began to bleed.
Her clawed bloody hand snatched up yours in what felt like the pins and needles against your skin from how tight of a grip she had. The grip made your hand squeeze painfully around the silver box cutter. The screams you let out were so loud as you hoped you woke up someone, anyone to come help you.
Involuntarily, your hand holding the box cutter began to move toward her face. All you could do was wince and look away as she made you carve into the delicate flesh of her forehead. The sounds of skin ripping under the blade felt like listening to nails on a chalkboard. You looked up at her and saw she had used your hand to carve a giant thick pentagram into her face.
The cackle she let out was so distorted and broken up that it sounded like she was choking. Her clawed hand wrapped around your neck, making you drop the box cutter, and she lifted you up and pinned you against the window. You shut your eyes tightly and tried to force yourself to believe you were sleeping and that this was all one long bad nightmare.
An impossibly long tongue slipped out of her mouth, and it grazed against the side of your face. Her licking you was only the dreaded reaffirmation you needed to know that this was in the real world and not your imagination.
"You think I can't smell that?" The expression of confusion was evident on your face while she held you up even higher.
Ellie took a long, deep inhale of the air before she exhaled. She did it again before her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Droplets of blood from freshly carved pentagram in her face leaked into her corneas and made it appear like she was crying blood. You had no idea what she was smelling in the air other than the putrid, metallic smell of the trail of blood she brought into your home.
"You reek of sin." She used her free hand to drag her claw up your leg and before stopping at your inner thigh. The burning sting of your skin being sliced made your knee jerk into her stomach, and she promptly responded by banging your head against the wall.
She resumed what she was doing prior to assaulting you, and you tried your hardest to stay still.
One of her bloody clawed fingers slipped into your pajama shorts, and you couldn't stop yourself from squeezing your legs shut.
"Uh-uh." She shook her finger at you in response, and her smile only deepened until you could see the internal pink muscles of her cheeks.
"You shut your legs now as if you weren't about to spread them for this whore." It would be fraudulent denial to act like you weren't the slightest bit aroused when you heard Ellie at the door, you thought you'd be getting laid not having to be battered around by this blood soaked pretender.
"You're not Ellie!"
"Does it matter?" The tone of her voice switched to its normal sound and depth as if this thing was trying to manipulate you. You were going to protest further until her hand creeped deeper into your shorts while you had your guard down, making you yelp. Her fingers ghosted over the folds of your cunt as you struggled desperately to get away.
"I slit the groupie's unborn bastard baby from the womb of her corpse, and I'll rip yours open next."
Within an instant you stopped moving and remained entirely limp under her grasp.
"See, now you're being good. Remember, only good girls get rewarded."
Your jaw dropped when she said that, as you would frequently tell the youngest child Kassie to prevent her from getting into physical altercations with her siblings with the promise of her favorite candy.
"I don't have any candy, but I may just let you walk away alive to tell their story." Ellie's sing-songy voice made you feel like that statement was a complete lie.
You responded in silence, and that made her giggle. It was Ellie's giggle, but the person holding you against the wall wasn't Ellie. They may have looked and sounded like her, but there was no indication of life behind those glassy eyes.
Slowly, she loosened her grip around you, and you began to slide down the window. You butt hit the window sill, and your back pressed back against the glass panes only to hear the wooden frame creak. This was an old and cheap apartment building, and you both knew that there was no way the window would support your weight being pressed against it.
"Imagine falling from this height." You didn't have to imagine it because your brain had already pictured the hundred different scenarios that could lead to you falling to your death. Her comment sounded more like she was curious about seeing you splatter and turn into a red stain on the pavement of the alleyway rather than a threat.
You were snapped back to reality when your shorts and underwear were yanked down your legs. Ellie sank down onto her knees, and both of your legs were pulled up around her shoulders. There was literally nothing you could do to get yourself out of this. There was no way you could save yourself because it's not like you even knew what this damned thing really was.
Her unnaturally long tongue creeped out of her mouth, and it slowly started lapping at your wet heat. This thing, it was teasing you. You were dripping wet, and it was going to tease you. It banged your head against the wall, crushed your hand, sliced open your thigh with one of its claws, and it was going to sit here and tease you… All while masquerading around in Ellie's body.
You bit your lip to keep a whimper from escaping your mouth and let your head hit back against the window panel. The window frame gave you another warning creak, and you just about sobbed. Ellie paid your crisis no mind as she used her tongue to rub wet circles around your clitoris.
Her tongue appeared incredibly darkened in color to the point it looked black, and the saliva dangling around it was abnormally thick. It was almost like a slime. It had been a while since you'd touched yourself, so your body felt far too sensitive for its own good. This senseless pleasure, unfortunately, did not distract your mind from how you would meet your impending death.
This thing in Ellie's body was just aching to kill you, and you doubted that letting it touch you like this would change its mind. For something so dangerous, she was using her tongue against you rather softly. The lewd noises that your body made in response to her generous licking held a veil of shame over your face. You've just never felt so conflicted like this.
When the tips of her black claws pierced your thighs, it was almost like she was reminding you not to get too comfortable. Your head practically slammed itself against the window when she thrusted her unusual tongue into your pleading hole. Several gasps left your lips as her tongue explored you internally and teased the insides of your walls, making your nails dig into the wooden window sill.
The window gave you another warning creak, and this one was far louder than the others. One of her hands left from around your thighs and relocated to between your legs and resumed the same movements her tongue did around your clitoris just this time, it felt much more aggressive. Her thumb applied pressure around your sensitive bundle of nerves while her tongue danced along the flesh of the insides of your walls.
That dead expression in her eyes never changed throughout any of this, those soulless blue orbs stared at you so intensely that you were worried at any moment she'd change her mind about sparing your life. The pace of her thumb quickened, and that familiar knot began to form in your lower stomach, indicating that you were getting close to climaxing.
Slowly but steadily, you were tetering at the brim of being on the edge of orgasming. Just when you could feel your cunt start to clench up, her tongue poked and prodded at your g-spot and as a response the muscles of your pelvis tightened up and you came brutally with a rocking of your hips. You could feel the gush of your release start to drip down over your puckered hole.
Without a warning, she completely stopped everything she was doing and removed her tongue from your slick heat.
"What did I do -"
A clawed hand tangled itself into your hair, and you weren't allowed to resist when she forced both of your mouths to connect. The pressure of the added weight against the window caused the glass panes to crack. That darkened black tongue slipped into your mouth and forced itself down your throat. It felt like she was trying to suffocate you to death with it. The taste of blood and the juices of your release overwhelmed the senses of your tastebuds.
The taste was intoxicating, and the lack of oxygen was making you feel lightheaded. After that, even your jaw was beginning to hurt. She yanked her tongue out of your mouth abruptly, and you watched the long appendage slowly slide back into her mouth. Those empty eyes stared at you for a moment without saying anything. You feared for the worse and tightly shut your eyes, praying that maybe the window would collapse before this thing could do whatever it had planned for you.
"I think I'll keep you."
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