#this is NOT the cowboy Kara au
ekingston · 1 year
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The Shape of Soup (rated M)
Lena looks at her, a conspiratorial glint in her eye. “You know,” she confides, leaning in close, “I am your boss’ boss. There’s no end to the strings I could pull for you.”
Kara huffs out a breathy laugh. This kind of work-related banter at last feels like familiar ground, and Kara wants to kneel down and kiss it with relief. “Buying the company to save my job feels a little bigger than ‘pulling strings’,” she retorts. “And, I’m sorry, but weren’t you the one who worried about showing favoritism?”
“Are you saying I shouldn't?” Lena’s voice lilts out of the corner of her mouth, drawing Kara’s eye to one of her glinting cuspids. “Imagine the gossip,” she drawls, “if the editorial staff somehow made the connection between the favors I’ve done you, and me asking you to come to my apartment and take off your clothes.”
Kara feels as if she’s been blindfolded and spun around violently a few times. There’s something unmistakably predatory now in the set of Lena’s jaw, and Kara is getting the distinct impression that Lena is waiting for Kara to do something about it.
But she can’t for the life of her figure out what that something might be.
In which Kara makes a tiny new enemy, Alex has an actual functioning gaydar, and Lena breaks up with James only to immediately start dating someone else. And Kara is fine! Except for the part where she’s really, really not.
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halstaff · 7 months
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#26 Remove • #28 Sparkle • #27 Beast
“Alice, go get in the wagon.” 🤠
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assumingminds19 · 8 months
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watch for the sunrise
Lena Luthor, a titan of industry, buys and sells land with mechanical precision. Her life has been reduced to a never-ending cycle of numbers and percentages, her heart now dedicated solely to her brother. Weary and disengaged, she journeys to the heartland of America for yet another sale and purchase of a town. There, she meets a dusty cowboy, brimming with fury and defiance, who refuses to surrender her land without a fight.
Kara Zorel is a fighter, but her existence is one of perpetual struggle. Unending drought, unrelenting debt, and a father who drowns his sorrows in alcohol have left her unable to rest or even keep her head above water on her desolate piece of land. The arrival of a development executive poses a threat to all she holds dear. Driven to despise Lena, Kara finds herself with a choice: succumb to the insurmountable odds or convince this strikingly beautiful woman to reconsider her plans.
Chapter 19/20 up now
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chairhere · 2 years
i have this idea that Lena wants to dance one day, but like dance in front of people and be treated like any other person. So, Kara being Kara, says ~hold my beer~ and tells Lena to put on her oldest pair of jeans, an *actual* flannel (not some designer piece), and some boots she can walk in if shes got them and tennis shoes if she doesn’t. She tells her she’ll be back at the penthouse in 5 minutes and zooms out the balcony door. Lena is confused as *hell* but does as suggested. When she gets changed and starts heading back to the balcony she looks up and almost falls on her face. Kara is there wearing square toed cowboy boots that have teal leather inlay outlined in rhinestones, jeans that have a hole in the perfect spot to see the she does indeed buy the Supergirl underwear in the form of blue boxers with the iconic “S” repeated over the fabric. As Lena’s eyes go further up she sees Kara’s tucked in red and white flannel buttoned all the way up with a bolo tie around her neck. But that’s not what gets her. What gets Lena is the tan cowboy hat Kara is wearing on top of her blonde curls that she’s left down.
Anyways that’s what I’ve got so far. Love it? Hate it? Want more of it? (hello Tim McGraw)
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innamorament0 · 8 months
20 questions game
Thank you, @luthordamnvers, for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
At this moment 9, though most of them are on hold and 1 is an art
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
206 916 at the moment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Supercorp with a dash of Dansen, Brainia and Rojarias as side pairings. No other pair had this much grip over me, so I would start writing fics for them. =D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
how to interrupt the spellcasting (Explicit, smut 1 shot) When you move, I'm moved (Explicit, Ice Dance AU, non-trad a/b/o, multichapter, ongoing) Cold never bothered me anyway (Explicit, smut 1 shot) When those walls come tumbling down (Mature (for now) post-season 6 canon compliant, my first work that I intend to rewrite because it's a mess) I hope you're the end of my story (Mature (for now) Cowboy Kara AU, non-trad a/b/o, on hold now, but I will finish it!)
yeah.... people like smut XD
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always reply! It may take me a day or two especially when I am busy at work but I read them and try to answer something more or less meaningful <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am terrible at writing angst and all my fics ends well because I am a fluff-loving bitch =D
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have happy endings, but I think, the most satisfying is in I slithered here from Eden . Or I am just biased. But it's most domestic and hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Got some nasty comments, from some famous haters in a SC fandom
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
oh yes, that's my speciality XD Most of my fic contains explicit smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, not yet but I never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I am not so popular too
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially, no, but I ran fics through the translator to read it many years ago when my English was worse.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not in the full meaning of this word, but I count my Beta as my co-writer because he does a lot of work to make it readable, because English is not my native language and the raw text is... terrifying not gonna lie.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Supercorp, I think they overshade all my previous favourite ships. But I can't say I love my other ships less, so <3 you Xena/Gabrielle, Sylvaina and Pharmercy!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I want to finish all my WIP's, I had a writing draught for a year because of an illness and now coming back to it and focusing on one/two at a time with the occasional 1-shot in the middle
16. What are your writing strengths?
I guess I am good at writing adventures ( thus I focus on action-heavy AU's) and smut. To be honest I needed to write smut first but I try not to seem too thirsty XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst. Idk, I just don't have a mental capacity for it I guess
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If we dismiss the fact that English is not my first or even second language, yes, I thought that when I will write Red Daughter I would write her dialogue in Russian ( which is another language I freely speak)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I never wrote for fandoms before, so my first texts were about my OC's
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I would say that it is From Eden . First of all it is full of action and I love writing combat scenes and adventures, second of all it was for SCBB and I never participated in anything like that so it added to the fun. And last - it is my only finished long work so I am kinda sorta proud of it =D
I think all writers I know are already tagged so I spread it to anyone who wants to fill it up! <3
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musetotheworld · 1 year
Victory Ficlet anon here- wouldn't mind an expansion on that bodyguard/princess ficlet but if you want to keep things separate, would cowboy/wild west be a prompt of interest to you...? 👀
I'm not feeling an expansion (that's how you get WIPs) but a wild west AU I can definitely do!
"I'm not sure how much further it'll be safe, ma'am," Kara says as she helps her new boss over a fallen log. The path back to Cat's holding is still rough, too rough for a wagon to make it through. Kara's working on it, but with so much still needing done it's not a high priority. There's still plenty of time before she needs to lay in supplies for the winter.
"If it's safe enough for you, it's safe enough for me," Cat say stubbornly. She's made it a lot further than Kara'd expected her to, she'll give her that. But in her full skirts and dainty shoes, Kara's not sure how long that'll last. And any further than this it'll be just as hard to turn back as it will be to continue.
Another tree, this one smaller, and then they get to the rocks. "Beggin' your pardon, ma'am. But the rest of the trail is awful rough. We're gettin' close to the cabin, but it's not easy road from here on out."
"I suppose you'd call the first part of the trip easy then, would you?" Cat asks, resting against a boulder for a moment to catch her breath. "A nice quiet stroll in the woods?"
"Well, easy ain't my first thought," Kara admits. "Not with a pack full of goods plus watchin' for bears or anything else out there." Not that it's been difficult, but she's not about to admit that to Cat. Not when her new boss is paying so handsomely for her to get the holding set up.
Cat looks suspiciously at the woods around them, then pushes herself upright. "The sooner we get there, the better for us both, then. I can handle a little rough trail, I'd just very much like to be done walking."
Kara will also give Cat that much, she doesn't back down from a challenge. Even with spending most of her time after Cat hired her out in the woods getting things taken care of, she's spotted that much.
Of course, gumption only gets you so far when you're not properly dressed for the terrain, and they're almost to the holding when Cat slips, one ankle twisting under her as she tries to keep her balance. Only Kara's quick reactions keep her from going down completely, and it's not quick enough to completely save her from injury.
"It's definitely sprained," Cat says as she tries to put weight on it. "I don't think it's broken though, or it'd hurt a lot more."
Looking around to place exactly where they are, Kara debates what to do. They don't have too much further to go, but it's over terrain bad enough she doesn't think Cat will be able to make it on her own, even if Kara can find wood to make a quick crutch for her. Which means she'll need Kara's help, and that'll be difficult with the size of the pack she's carrying.
She could leave the pack here and get Cat to the cabin, but she really needs these supplies. Leaving them behind is just asking for something to go wrong. But there's no way in hell she'd leave Cat by herself out here. Not when she hadn't fully been joking about the bears in the area.
Well, nothing for it, then. "Ma'am, we're nearly to the cabin, but I don't think you'd fare well on the path between here and there, not with that ankle of yours. So if you'll let me, I think I'm gonna have to carry you the rest of the way."
Cat stares at her in disbelief for a long moment, then glances down at her ankle and lets out a sigh. "If you think that's the best way, I'll just have to trust you, now won't I? Not like I have much of a choice."
"I promise I'll be careful," Kara says, slightly stung by the response but trying not to show it as she carefully scoops Cat into her arms. "Path might be rough, but I've got the shoes for it, and I know it well enough to be safe."
With Cat in her arms like this it's hard for Kara to focus, but she'd run away from 'civilized' society years ago for a reason. She's not about to do something stupid now.
"Oop," Cat yelps as Kara picks her up, clutching at her shoulders until she feels settled. "That's not what I- oh drat it all, Kara Danvers. I do trust you. I just don't do well with pain. Now if you and your inconveniently convenient muscles would get us to the cabin, I'd really like to be done walking now."
"Inconveniently convenient?" Kara can't help wondering, stuck on that phrase even as she starts carefully walking forward.
She's surprised to see a blush on Cat's face, but the woman won't actually look at her, staring determinedly out into the woods instead.
Well then. That'll be a fun thought for Kara to puzzle over for the next few days while they're stuck in the cabin waiting for Cat's ankle to heal up.
But for now, she's got to get them there safely.
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cyclone-rachel · 1 year
The Green Lantern Brainy AU Masterpost
how it all started:
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short fanfics:
Idea: Brainy as a human wanting a new costume, and Clark trying to help him design a new one.
As soon as Kara can get a good look at him, her eyes light up in excitement.
Brainysupes + “Please, don’t go”
Brainysupes + “I came to say goodbye”
Brainysupes + “And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
Any AU + monachopsis
Brainy's hair growing out and Clark telling him he looks cuter with long hair.
Any AU + “what the hell happened to you?”
Any AU + “knock it off”
Clark visiting Brainy when he's taking a break from the Legion.
Brainy’s face actually resembling Kaja’s
Any AU + “why are you looking at me like that”
Clark finding out Brainy grew his hair out longer
Brainysupes + “don’t cover your face. I want to see you”
any AU + “why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
AU where Brainy was already a Green Lantern when he joined the Legion
any AU + “did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
King Protea + Brainysupes
more post-No Connection
any AU + bonifate
Brainysupes + “give it back”
Brainysupes + a kiss pressed to each fingertip
any AU + “do you think you can teach me that?”
any ship + “I can take care of myself just fine”
“this place is creepy”
more general GL Brainy fic
“all the best cowboys have daddy issues”
this thing
brainysupes + “you can’t leave without letting me hug you first”
Clark and Brainy + 22
brainysupes + caressed
“Don’t tell me I can’t get killed”
longer fanfics:
No Connection epilogue
Hope Burns Bright (tumblr link, AO3 link)
Brainy and Kaja
Brainy take 2
more Brainy
No Connection epilogue
Brainy making a construct version of his robot mode
Brainy and Aya
assorted other thoughts:
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youronlybean · 1 year
Today on AUs I’m Too Lazy To Write Myself:
Chilled - local Sheriff 
Courtilly - local Deputy (this is based on their matching cowboy skins from their last FCT stream)
Ze - local single father in crushing debt (he steals and stuff to provide for his kid, and unlike canon Lore™ he’s a good dad)
Cheesy - local child of said father (i live for little Cheese AUs)
Speedy - local outlaw gang leader (the gang being The Crew. Obviously)
Sidearms - local right-hand guy for Speedy 
Kara - local singer at local saloon/local crime syndicate head honcho (shh twist villain don’t tell… whoops.) (and she’s still Cheesy’s mother)
Jeremy - leader of less local outlaw gang (FAHC? Maybe, but also he could literally just be a solo outlaw cause he’s so slay)
Tay - pissed off civilian with a gun/local vigilante
Junk - local saloon owner (also pissed off)
I don’t know if I’ll ever write this (or if someone else will??) so here’s the plot:
Ze owes Many Debts to Kara and The Crew (they work for Kara, technically) so he has to steal to provide for his son (Cheems)
Cheesy finds out about this and runs away because Stealing is BAD and he doesn’t know any better 
Sheriff Chilled finds him and he takes Cheesy in because “it's his duty” and “it’s only temporary”
Meanwhile Ze is running around like the mother from that brandon rogers video like “HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SON???” whilst also avoiding the crime syndicate that he still owes money to
They eventually find him and they’re gonna kill him bc he doesn’t have the money but then Tay swoops in and saves his ass YAY
Chilled is busy trying to teach Cheesy how to shoot a gun and Court is busy trying to stop him so Jeremy moves in on the Crew’s territory
Gang war breaks out, Chilled and Court have to fuck shit up and save the day, Tay helps out and Ze maybe gets reunited with his son? 
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teutlidraws · 3 years
I was thinking about cowgirls the other day.
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ihavethewrongglass · 4 years
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SuperCorp Western AU
“My hat looks lovely on you, Mrs. Luthor-Danvers.”
“Shut up and kiss me, Mrs. Luthor-Danvers.”
“That would be my pleasure, Ma’am.”
This is my gift to the fantastic and wonderful @lisamar1exo for the @creatorsguildsc SuperCorp Through The Ages Gift Exchange. I had a heap of fun making this and I really hope you like it, wifey!
Click for better resolution!
Ko-Fi | Commissions | Print Shop | 
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ekingston · 8 months
any fic ideas u are working on atm?
always! entirely against my usual principles i am actually (eek) juggling a handful at once. there’s:
- the multi-chapter Lena POV cowboy Kara AU (TFOT) that i’ve fully outlined and partially drafted. i’m not quite ready to fully commit to it until life settles down some, but i do sneak small bites of it from time to time;
- the foodie oneshot i figured i’d fit in in the meantime, which has morphed overnight into something very different and much more elaborate than i was counting on (funny how that happens), and likely won't remain a oneshot;
- the bodyguard oneshot (that will absolutely remain a oneshot), currently consisting of just over 2.5k words of duct taped dialogue and question marks (fingers crossed for this one)
- the frankly frightening 5k word long stream-of-consciousness fever dream that’s Red K Kara AU;
- the huntsman and the wolf fairytale AU (Rootbound) which has continued to refuse to come together the way i want it to (fantasy is officially not where my talents lie).
i’m still waiting for one of them to definitively take over my brain, which i hope will happen before january. in the meantime please keep sending me kind comments and interested anons and coffee, they're a wonderful boost while these works are on their way!
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oreoambitions · 4 years
HI so the au I REALLY REALLY WANT is one where Kara pretends to be a man so that she can be a cowboy and roam the wild west in freedom, only she comes across a band of thieves who have kidnapped a beautiful woman (Lena, obviously) and are holding her for ransom and Kara decides to go all gunslinger on everybody and try to pull off the most ridiculously risky rescue mission in history. And it works. Only now she’s in the middle of nowhere with the youngest Luthor, and golly, Lena is the first good reason Kara’s ever had to leave the wilds behind.
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assumingminds19 · 1 year
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watch for the sunrise
Lena Luthor, a titan of industry, buys and sells land with mechanical precision. Her life has been reduced to a never-ending cycle of numbers and percentages, her heart now dedicated solely to her brother. Weary and disengaged, she journeys to the heartland of America for yet another sale and purchase of a town. There, she meets a dusty cowboy, brimming with fury and defiance, who refuses to surrender her land without a fight.
Kara Zorel is a fighter, but her existence is one of perpetual struggle. Unending drought, unrelenting debt, and a father who drowns his sorrows in alcohol have left her unable to rest or even keep her head above water on her desolate piece of land. The arrival of a development executive poses a threat to all she holds dear. Driven to despise Lena, Kara finds herself with a choice: succumb to the insurmountable odds or convince this strikingly beautiful woman to reconsider her plans.
Chapter 18 now up
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chairhere · 2 years
added another chapter to the fic, my friends!
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innamorament0 · 3 years
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I have more AUs in mind and I will draw them all. I think. I hope.
Supercorp AU where Kara is a sheriff in a small (very small like 900 ppl live here) town in Texas. Lets call it Midvale. Nothing really happened there, except maybe some drunk brawls outside the bar, where Kara lost her right canine. But 2 years ago someone bought a big chunk of land on the outskirts and started to dig and build. Soon a skyscraper (ok it was only 28 floors but it still stood like a middle finger above all buildings) was built. L-Corp it said on a side of the building. 
Everyone joked that L stands for lesbian, thought nobody knew who is the owner of L-Corp, but everyone assumed it is an old white dude. And then she came, driving her black Porsche, wearing expensive clothes and speaking with weird accent. Lena Luthor.
At start everything in her irritated Kara, not only her red lipstick and her stilettos but also her trucks that came over L-Corp with needed stuff, and helicopters and private planes that made glass in all Midvale tremble. 
But then Lena befriended local trans girl Nia and her boyfriend Barney and started to hang out in the city. And Kara crawled into the small restaurant owned by John and Megan Johns sat at her table and tried to steal something edible from Lena’s plate to piss her off. It didn’t work of course, Lena was sweet and let her do whatever, thought there was nothing to steal, Lena ate greens and chicken breast like some freaking elf. Later Kara invited her to truck races and bbq fests and desperately flexed after she caught Lena’s thirsty look when she saw Kara’s abs and biceps. 
I came up with this AU while listening to LIl Nas X Old Town Road https://youtu.be/r7qovpFAGrQ And shamelessly stole his outfit for Kara XD
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hellotherekenobi · 4 years
concept: Obi Wan Kenobi as a bull rider.
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