#this is a blogging site! blog in your own space besties!!!
swordsmans · 1 year
hmhmhmm. if you will allow me a hater moment... it irks me when people put personal-ish text posts in character, ship, show, etc. tags. u dont need to tag your thoughts with every possible thing related to your thoughts... it's okay just to post for you and your followers...
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cdragons · 1 year
Truce Part 3
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Pairing(s): Ikaris x Persephone!Reader, Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader Word Count: 4.1k Prompt/Summary: Part 3 of Truce Miniseries! Warning: SMUTTY TOPICS (Ikaris is a horndog), Neurodivergent reader is neurodivergent, Hecate!Reader bestie is her own warning, Ikaris was kind of a douche (but he gets better), Phastos needs a raise and some aspirin Note: I cannot believe that I managed to update this miniseries so quickly, but my longer fics that forever to write out smh. ANYWAY, once again, thank you to the most wonderful beta reader a new fanfic writer can ask for in the history of everything, @valeskafics ! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia , my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site! If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!
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“Ikaris,” you breathily purred out, “come with me to my room.”
The second your lips touched the outer rim of his ear, and breathily whispered out your near silent command, Ikaris thought that he must have died and reached paradise. The idea of coming into your bedroom, alone with you, and with no risk of interruptions. He fucked his hand more times than he was willing to admit at the idea. But in every fantasy that entered his mind, that took hold of his body every time you so much as smiled his way, it was you who initiated the coupling. The first thing he registered was the intense wave of your fragrance that overwhelmed his senses, followed by the thought of how the sight of your bed was begging him to throw you on top of the covers, and ravage you until the only word you could remember was his name.
In every reverie that his mind could possibly conjure, you would slowly strip yourself bare before shyly crawling to your bed and draping your figure with coverings. And after he would remove his own armor, he would remove the covers in order to witness you in all of your bare glory, before crawling on top of you. He would be patient with you, only holding you in his arms so that you could feel the rapid beating of his heart. No matter what, Ikaris wanted you to understand that while out of the two of you- he may have been the fighter, but it was you who held the power.
He would treat you with only the utmost tenderness and care that was necessary for an ethereal being such as yourself. He’d kiss you- softly, sweetly- taking in the memory of your lips pressed against his, before he would slowly make his way in devouring you. He often wondered if you tasted as sweet as you smelled. After taking his fill with your lips, he would lay kisses across your jaw, and down your neck until he would pause to take in the view of your perfect breasts.
Oh, to be able to hold your chest in his hands would be a dream come true. To mark your supple skin with his kisses would be his greatest dream. The idea of hearing you moan out his name was enough to get him hard. The only part of you that could rival the glory of your chest was the marvel of your perfect ass. Under no circumstances was there to be any space on your skin unblemished by his design, all leading that moment when he will find your clit, with hopes to find you soaked. And if you needed more stimulation, he would be more than happy to help you climax in any way; tongue, fingers, cock, his body was yours. He would not stop kissing, marking, and breathing in you until there was not a single part of your body that wasn’t completely and thoroughly loved by him.
Granted, when you told Ikaris to walk with you to your private quarters at the Domo, he probably should have known it was too good to be true that you would ever intend to be… “physical” with him.
But never in his wildest imagination would he have thought that the room conjoining your bed quarters would house such an impressive field hosting dozens of different kinds of fruits and vegetation, each having an impressive number of subspecies. Nor would he have expected to be in the position of harvesting said crops with you as you begin to talk his ear off about you design the crop, and what qualifications need to be met before you can properly introduce and integrate them to humanity’s budding culture. Ikaris tried his best to follow along, but the moment you uttered the words “sustainable agriculture” he was completely lost. But all hope in maintaining his composure was lost when you reached your grove of root vegetables. Due to some more deeply rooted than others, you had to crouch on your knees in order to gain a steady enough foundation to grip the crop by its stalk to pull it out, forcing Ikaris to test his willpower as he tried his best to not stare too long at the sight of your glorious backside.
And when the two of you moved on, he swore that he wasn’t imagining how tightly you’d grip his cock as he furiously took you from behind, or to have you crouch in front of him as you took his cock in your mouth, or to-
“Ikaris,” your voice brought him back to reality and away from his shameful imagination, “would you mind tasting these Morbus nigra for me? I can’t decide if I should make them sweeter.” You were standing in front him holding the dark fruit to his lips, its dark pigment staining your skin with its juices.
Ikaris’ Adam’s apple bobbed as he silently nodded in order to not voice his impulse to pin you down and ravish you with only the fruits of your labor and research as the witnesses to him worshipping you. Stiffly leaning down to eat the fruit, Ikaris’ tongue brushed against the tips of your purple-stained fingers. An explosion of tart and sweetness burst within his mouth, and Ikaris held his gaze to you as he gave his answer.
“…It’s perfect,” he replied, “once again you’ve outdone yourself, Sephia.”
Ikaris would have fought a thousand deviants alone if you could keep smiling the way you did now.
About 2 hours must have passed of you and Ikaris inspecting, harvesting, and taste-testing in your little paradise. It wasn’t until you were satisfied with the yield resulting from your and Ikaris’ efforts that you rushed Ikaris away to wash off the dirt in your private showers, and was instructed to meet you in the kitchen area of the Domo. And as Ikaris stood in your bathroom, stripping himself of his azure and gold armor, he couldn’t help but to take in all the details of the room’s interior. Each bedroom of the Domo was identical in both layout and furnishing, but as time passed, each Eternal started to leave subtle hints that hallmarked their individuality.
Assuming that your room would be neat and systemic, he was amazed to see the cartography of beautiful disorder and chaos from vines creeping up your walls, bundles of flowers hung to dry, tins of stones and pebbles covering the surface of your desk, and several heaps of bound paper filled to the brim with notes from past observations and hopes for future experiments scattered on the floor. To see the inside of your lodgings allowed him to look into your mind, to see a part of you that was so carefully tucked away from everyone else, and it was driving him mad.
Realizing that he was standing in the middle of your room naked, Ikaris retreated back to the bathroom to turn on the water and quickly washed off any evidence of dirt and sweat from his skin before he met up with you. He made sure to close his eyes to center himself. If he thought too long of how he was in your shower, and would use your soaps and oils to result in him smelling like you for the rest of the day, then he would be forced to rush his pleasure and your image deserved to be savored.
Redressing himself, Ikaris quickly walked over to your arranged location, and when he saw you standing behind the island counter, washing the vegetables, he could only stand in awe. While there wasn’t a time he hadn’t thought you weren’t beautiful. Ikaris was utterly enchanted at the sight of you now. Your body was slightly swaying to a tune you once heard at one of the many gatherings held in their honor. Unaware that you were humming, you were so focused on preparing your harvest that you hadn’t heard Ikaris enter the room. It seems that you also washed yourself, as evidenced by the messy bun with a few stubborn damp tendrils escaping and clinging to your brow. Your face was beautifully flushed, as he was sure as was the rest of you, despite being hidden by your Eternal’s uniform. You were the image of serenity and beauty.
Clearing his throat to gain your attention, you quickly turned around and flushed in embarrassment.
“Oh Ikaris,” you exclaimed, “I’m sorry, were you standing there for long?”
“No, I just got here,” he replied, “I’m sorry for taking so long, and you should have just let me use my own shower if you wanted to take one yourself.”
Waving your hand to dismiss him as you chuckled, “No, no, no! Don’t worry about that! I just showered in Kaety’s room! Besides it’s only fair considered how many times she’s used mine.”
…What? Why would- why would Kaetlyn- huh?
Furrowing his slight displeasure at this new knowledge, Ikaris quickly asked you to clarify, “Wait, what do you mean by that?”
“Oh, you didn’t know?” You seemed genuinely surprised at his question, but you shrugged it off, “Phastos had to design 2 extra rooms because Kaety ended up making a secret lab for her dissections and practices out of her original room. She transformed the bed into a surgical table, filling the room with weird jars- which is how I ended up helping her with the preserving solution since the bodies would degrade so quickly- and it got to the point where Phastos ended up FAINTING when he accidentally walked into the room because Cerbie left the door open. Can you hand me a few of those Allium praecox, they’re the ones that look like big white spheres?”
“…But why did she use your shower?” Maybe it was stupid for Ikaris to feel so jealous at an event that happened so long ago, but he hated your friend more than ever now.
“Well, she and I ended up sharing my room because she transformed her bed, so we slept in the same bed and everything! And I love Kaety, but she smelled HORRIBLE after dealing with Deviants, so I always made her shower before coming to bed. She would be soaked in that blood- and I know that our uniforms are made of energy that allow them to clean and mend themselves, but the smell still stuck to her skin, her hair- there was even blood under her fingernails!”
Your body shuddered at remembering it before continuing, “So I made it kind of a rule that whenever you enter my room, you have to shower. Otherwise, you were barred from entering my room. Can you please pass me the Allium praecox now- oh, and the Allium sativum? They look like the Allium praecox, but they’re smaller, and look kind of lumpy. Anyway, Kaety ended up getting her own room and a lab, and then I kind of wanted an area that I could have full control over what I could grow- so, I ended doing the same thing but instead of blood, it was dirt.”
Head still screaming questions, Ikaris only silently handed you the bulbous vegetables as you continue with your tasks. For the rest of the time being, he just handed you whatever ingredients you needed, and observed you as you prepared everything to cook them. Watching you calmed his temper immensely, as he made sure to make minimal comments and only asking questions whenever there was something he was truly confused by. Soon, there was no speaking necessary as the two of you worked in amicable silence.
When Ikaris was focusing on mashing the Cicer arietinum into a smooth paste with the mortar and pastel per your instructions, you couldn’t help but take in the man beside you. You couldn’t believe how much he’s changed since you first acquainted yourself with him.
You were always aware of Ikaris since the moment you stepped off the Domo to first meet humanity, one couldn’t help but always be aware of him. Ikaris always had such a commanding presence, an attitude that demanded all attention from everyone in the same room as him- even the way he walked and stood screamed for attention.
From the beginning, it was obvious to you that he only pretended to try to get along with you so that he could gain Sersi’s affections. That was the other thing that made Ikaris so unbearable to you initially, his hubris. He had an inane talent of holding himself to such a high degree of competency that it baffled you whenever you saw someone as sweet as Sersi smiling and laughing with him. Sersi may not have been as close to you as Kaety, but you and her grew very close as you worked together in aiding humanity with their crops and developing their agriculture. As such, you saw it as your duty to warn her of Ikaris’ intentions, not wanting her to fall victim to such a pathetic man- no matter how much Ajak trusted him. Furthermore, it enraged you to no end how he would have the temerity to instruct YOU of all people on how to properly plant and harvest the crops YOU designed! He would even go out of his way to critique your reluctance in interacting with humanity, constantly comparing you to the other team members, mostly Sersi and himself. It was unbearable, and every time he would finish his “lecture,” you would lock yourself in your room to try to stop the cruel voices in your head that doubted you. Every time you saw him, your detest grew and grew until a boiling point had been reached, and the limits of your patience had passed the point of no return.
That was the day Ikaris thought it would be a good idea to publicly critique your behavior in front of the team, and question whether or not you were trying to hold them back with your inattentiveness and lack of commitment.
And that was the comment that broke the metaphorical camel’s back.
Not even Makkari was quick enough to stop you as you launched yourself to Ikaris, and delivered a slap with the most satisfying crack as a result of all of your strength being poured into it. You were done. If Ikaris had ever thought you to be a meek little flower before, that was officially over as you began to scream your anger at his deplorable behavior and complete lack of respect. You told him exactly how you felt every time: he wasted your time intruding on your duties to flirt with your friend, made snide comments of your crop designs and purpose, and would only pretend to be cordial to you whenever Sersi was looking, only to revert back to his neanderthal ways the second she turned away.
By the time you were done, you could feel your body vibrating with the adrenaline from your outburst. Ikaris- along with everyone else on the team- stood still and slack jawed at the event they just witnessed. Not wanting to risk the embarrassment from your impulsivity taking over, you quickly left the Domo to find a quiet place for your own thoughts. It was late at night, and so you quickly managed to find a private area of the gardens. But it wasn’t long until Kaet ended up finding you- as she always does, thank Arishem for that. She didn’t say a word as she laid by your side before she gathered you in her arms, and letting your head rest in the crook of her neck.
You loved so many things about Kaety- her courage, her intellect, her kindness and overwhelming empathy- but if there was anything you were grateful for, it was that she had the ability to understand you without the need for words. You knew she was proud that you stood up for yourself- that you finally defended yourself against your oppressor- but that wasn’t what you needed then. At that moment, your senses were going into overdrive. Your heart was beating so fast, and you just wanted everything but Kaety to disappear. Your brain felt so wired, but your body was beyond exhausted. Conjuring up a blanket, she covered the two of you as you let yourself simply feel- crying yourself to sleep as your best friend’s arms protected you from the rest of the world.
The sun rose from the west, the world still stood, and everything from the night before remained. You dreaded the idea of seeing the team, but Kaety knew you and her needed to return.
“Don’t you dare lower your head,” she told you, “don’t you dare let him take this from you.”
And so, with the both of you returning the starship, you refused to let yourself acknowledge the stares of everyone at you. Kaety was your steady boulder, stopping anyone who approached the two of you with just a single stare. The two of you managed to make it back to your room before you felt all the air leave your body as you sunk to the ground. Knowing that you haven’t even washed yourself after working in the fields yesterday, Kaet ordered you to take a long shower. She hadn’t even left the room as you did so, going so far as to tuck you into bed, assuring you that she will inform Ajak that you would take no visitors or interruptions. She even left a little part of her shadow to guard your entrance from the hall, giving it strict instruction to inform her immediately if anyone so much as tried to knock on your door.
The next few weeks went by with your mind in a slight haze. Druig and Phastos congratulated you for standing up to Ikaris, along with promising protection should their leader’s second-in-command attempt to say anything about you behind your back. You and Phastos had always been very close to one another, as you always liked to ask questions about his inventions, and made sure to offer encouragements whenever Ajak had to reject them for being too advanced- but Druig was a surprise.
While you and the telepath were well-acquainted with one another due to the other’s relationship with Kaetlyn, you and him were never truly close. However, your outburst changed that, opening a doorway to a strange, but comforting friendship a bit similar to the one you shared with Phastos. 
You were worried about Sersi, as you enjoyed your time with her and didn’t want things to be awkward with the two of you. So, you were shocked when you saw her apologize to you for missing all the signs of Ikaris’ inappropriate behavior. You dismissed all of her worries, assuring her that she was not to blame for Ikaris being himself. Luckily, it was as if nothing had changed- a huge comfort to you to say the least.
All was peaceful within the team until Ikaris would approach you to “apologize.” An attempt that would always result in you ignoring him, refusing to give the neither the satisfaction nor the time of day. It wasn’t until he declared that you were acting like a child for not even seeing that he was doing his best to make amends. But you quickly shut him down, outright stating that he had done nothing to show his remorse, and that you had better things to do than to waste your time on someone who thought himself a leader, but couldn’t even admit his own mistakes. You pushed past him, thinking that was the final attempt, and Ikaris would forever remain the man with too much pride and not enough humility to gain your respect.
But despite all your doubts, Ikaris proved himself capable of admitting his own mistakes, and showed genuine remorse and actively changed his behavior. He would no longer approach you with such haughty behavior, and would genuinely ask for your help when he had trouble understanding something. He would no longer try to deflect whenever you pointed out a mistake, and would be patient in your explanation. And try as hard as you did, you couldn’t help but see Ikaris in a different light. You forgave him, and you were so glad to at this moment.
Still staring at him, you took in all his features with keen observation. While Kaet still insistently compared the flying Eternal’s physical features to a sight less pleasant than having a Deviant’s gonads shoved in your face, you could admit that the man before was an extremely handsome one. Despite all his bravado and apparent confidence, you could more than understand why so many female humans were enamored at the sight of him. Even you occasionally couldn’t help but admire Ikaris’ deep blue eyes, eyes that were staring back at you at this very moment.
“Something on my face?” He asked with a raised brow that only further highlighted his sharp features. You blinked for a bit.
“Sorry, I was just thinking that you are very handsome.” You revealed with a straight face.
Not bothering to hide the pleased expression on his face with a light tint of red on his cheeks, Ikaris turned his body to fully face you.
“Handsome, am I?” He smugly asked, “Careful Sephia, you might risk filling my ego if continue those sweet words.”
Now it was your turn to blush.
“Oh, come off it,” you snarked as you rolled your eyes, “don’t bother to pretend you don’t know how the women always clamor to get your attention at every gathering since we first came here.”
“I assure you I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do you scoundrel.”
“Scoundrel?” Ikaris mocked, “Do you really think this face belongs to that of a scoundrel?”
“Yes, it absolutely does” you replied- before pretending to be deep in thought, “Your face shows me that you are about...48% scoundrel- no wait, now it’s 67% because of that smirk.”
Eyebrows lifted and lips tucked in, Ikaris closed his eyes and gave a deep nod- if only to show that he took your 67% scoundrel assessment very seriously. Seeing him like that must have pleased you, as you began to smile.
“You know,” you began, “you should smile a lot more. It makes you look more approachable, and maybe Kaety wouldn’t give you such a hard time if she saw you like I’m seeing you now.”
Ikaris stood there, contemplating what you just said. It wasn’t that he was incapable of showing his vulnerable sides, you just had that natural ability to bring out the parts of himself that he hadn’t thought were there to begin with- maybe, it was a gift that only you possessed. But at the mention of your friend’s name, Ikaris suddenly remembered why he sought out your company in the first place.
“Sephia,” he began- lowering his voice a bit to steel himself, “about you and Kaetlyn- I just wanted-”
He couldn’t even finish his question at the sight of your full attention at him. Not wanting to ruin all the mood, he decided that he would just leave it for another time.
“I wanted to let you know that- I’m glad,” he ended up stating, “I’m glad that Kaetlyn is someone you can always rely on- even if she and I don’t get along, it makes me happy to know that you’ll always be safe with her around.”
Unable to hide how touched you were by his words- knowing fully well how little he and Kaet got along- you flung yourself to Ikaris, wrapping your arms around his neck, and gave him the biggest hug like you have only ever given to Kaety. And although he was a bit caught off-guard, Ikaris gladly reciprocated your embrace, burrowing his face in your shoulder, bliss filling his entire frame.
“Ikaris,” you whispered, “you have no idea how much that means to me.”
The two of you stood there for a few more minutes before you unwrapped yourself from him, and immediately resumed cooking. Although no words were exchanged, there was a lightness and warmth added to the atmosphere of the room that was not there before. Soon enough, the two of you finished and set the dishes on the counter before tucking into your well-deserved meal.
“…Did Phastos really faint after seeing Kaetlyn’s room?”
“YES! Oh, it was so funny- well, at least to Kaety, but I admit that she may have gone too far when she placed his body on top of her surgery table, and put on a deviant’s skull and stood over him when he woke up- he ended up fainting all over again!”
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Please like, comment, reblog, and/or share this post with anyone who might enjoy it! Please be kind, and live an extraordinary life!
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majoringinsarcasm · 4 months
I just be talking. But about fanfic related things this time
“I wish ao3 was an app that would use an algorithm to recommend me fics I like based on my past reads”
So you have learned nothing? The for you pages on tumblr and Twitter taught you nothing? Based on your likes has taught you nothing? The nanosecond you are recommended something against your tastes despite not following that author because The Algorithm randomly dropped it in you’d lose your mind. I know it’s easy to get caught up in just reading when you have a lot of fics to pick from. But please please remember that they exist because people decided to share them with others. Fandom is a shared space and a back and forth. It is not a restaurant. If you want something specific from ao3 or any other fanfic site you search for it. You learn how to use said search functions just like how you learned tumblr and Twitter and YouTube.
Having an app would not Make It Better. So so so SO many websites that used to host blogs and GAMES are fucking dead. We need to keep websites around so they don’t get shoved under a monolith that can suppress and erase and delete data and user accounts just because they feel like it.
My ao3 bookmark is my own profile and I have it saved and it’s Better than an app because I don’t need to worry about mine or other users world being deleted because sponsors and shareholders and whoever is in charge of the money wanted it done.
And leave a comment when you can it really helps authors know they are reaching that community they posted for
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
Actually one of my favorite instances of "people being dicks about IDW Optimus on posts about IDW/Optimus/MegOP" was when I saw a commentator claim with their whole ass "Megatron deserves better than Optimus" like.
Megatron killed billions of people.
He himself would deny the notion that he "deserves" anything bc he's incredibly depressed about wasting his life on atrocities and, by the end of the series, thinks wholeheartedly that submitting to a trial to give the galaxy its justice is more important to him than living a carefree life.
And even if you don't ship MegOP, Megatron speaks positively of Optimus multiple times and is happy, or at least more animated, whenever he speaks to OP.
It's just so funny to talk about "deserving a better lover" in reference to a blood stained imperialist who himself would admit to his own villainy and doesn't see himself as superior to anyone just because he was right once upon a time. Like bestie your own blorbo would not agree with your take that Optimus is just The Worst and completely unrespectable. So funny.
Actually wait no. My FAVORITE (and imagine I say "favorite" with intense scorn and disgust) instance of someone being a dick about IDW OP in a space about IDW OP, was someone commenting on an IDW MegOP multichapter fic-- clearly something the author must love and put a lot of effort in to write like 300,000 words about them-- to go "WHINE WHINE WHY ARE YOU WRITING IDW OPTIMUS HE SUCKS, MOAN MOAN NOBODY WRITES ABOUT IDW MEGOP BC IT'S BORING AND MEGATRON DESERVES BETTER, BITCH BITCH WHINE YOU SHOULD WRITE MEGAROD OR MEGSMAGS INSTEAD"
The sheer fucking entitlement of coming onto someone's IDW Megop fic to insult the character and ship they're writing about, then demand they write about YOUR favorite ship bc you think their ship is stupid and boring. Ough it was literally the worst thing I'd ever seen short of actively harassing and trying to get someone to quit writing (those instances weren't IDW OP related, just trolls being assholes).
Or the various times scrolling the Megop tag going "oh wow cool fanart :) " and then the tags are "this isn't IDW OP btw because he SUCKS ASS and I hate him." Or going "oh wow this artist makes a lot of megop let me check their blog" and seeing a seemingly innocuous post of them talking about G1 Megop, then out of nowhere they go "btw fuck IDW OP". Or just going on someone's blog bc they make cool content in general and seeing them go "IDW Megatron is so cool! [Sentences about why they enjoy him.] Also I think IDW OP should die in a ditch."
I kinda assumed that MegOP spaces would be safe, since y'know if they ship MegOP it makes sense that they like both characters? Plus, Megatron is sooo hated and there's so much discourse around him, but that means that Megatron fans probably guard their own spaces against hate and know what it's like to have their faves shit on constantly with tons of petty drama? NOPE literally met multiple IDW Megatron stans who would get so mad about people calling their fave problematic, then would turn around and go "lmao who would like IDW Optimus, no one likes him, I ship Megatron with dockworker or archivist OP because they're so much better than him. IDW OP is a fucking asshole I hate him." Like MMMMMMMM I kinda thought that in a space dedicated to liking Optimus/Megatron/Optimus and Megatron kissing each other, there wouldn't be people randomly shitting on the characters, but oh well. Just leave those spaces.
Well not to worry, I can always go to AO3 and look at fic, that's an archive site and not social media, and all I need to do is filter the tags to IDW Megop and I'll have everything I need!
>Fic 1: Tagged IDW MegOP, author says it's continuity soup with archivist Orion
>Fic 2: Tagged IDW MegOP. Archivist Orion.
>Fic 3: Tagged IDW MegOP. Dockworker Orion. The author thoughtfully includes a tag/author's note solely dedicated to talking about how IDW OP fucking sucks so they replaced him with a Better Optimus
>Fic infinity: Tagged IDW MegOP. Continuity soup with archivist Orion again.
>Fic infinity+1: Tagged IDW MegOP. Actually is about IDW Megatron and IDW Optimus. Posted in 2014. Has not been updated since 2018.
>Fic infinity+n: Tagged IDW MegOP. Actually IDW MegOP. I have already read them. Every single one. They were posted years ago. They were last updated years ago. The authors have long since gone to other fandoms, never to return and finish their fics.
>I give up and decide the only IDW MegOP fic I'll ever get will be my own.
So many times. <:) And that kids is why I don't talk to anyone else in the fandom unless they're mutuals or a friend of a friend. The fandom is small when you can't go looking for new, cool people any more bc seemingly all of them will randomly pop off about how much they hate your blorbo with no provocation at all.
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mischas · 3 months
I know that thankfully people who send you asks here are pretty much always willing to discuss the things the show did wrong, but have you ever tried to talk about your feelings towards the shitty writing (or should I just say shitty WRITER?) to someone who prefers to only see/remember the ~good things- about the show? I feel so silenced whenever I try to talk about shitty writing in this other fandom I’m in… some people make sure to warn me from the start they like to talk about the good things only and pretend the bad didn’t happen and I’m like,,, I’m really grateful about everything this show made me feel, I love parts of it so very much—so passionately—that I can’t ignore how they screwed my favorite characters over for nothing. It’s really frustrating and I just felt like asking if you ever felt like that at some point and tell you to please never stop pointing out how THE OC’s writers could have treated their precious iconic characters so, so much better! X
It's a nice community over here, and I think it helps that it's always been a safe space for Marissa fans which the larger fandom spaces (in my experience) are not. And this has been true for 20 years. I think often about the Mischa/Marissa girlies who were bullied off of TWoP and made their own sites. And the other actors had fansites too fwiw, but TWoP was very toxic for Marissa/Mischa defenders in particular.
I have always been and am still personally pretty diligent in how I engage with this show so no one I ever talk to is like "What are you talking about? It's a family show and everything was rainbows". Like, people are perfectly entitled to that feeling and TPTB still try to peddle that stuff, but I think this blog attracts more people who are like "Damn, that was shitty, I hate how they ruined that thing I loved" which is like my entire blog's ethos lol. So I am purposefully insulated, which helps. Making my answer to your question a simple no. I don't talk to people like that, and haven't tried to since I was a teenager in the 2010s. Back then I was on FanForum and still mostly kept to Marissa/RM threads, so I was insulating my fandom experience even back then.
But I can get really in my own head about feeling negative thoughts about this stuff sometimes, and can be triggered by random things when my mental health is already suffering. And this show in particular can be really draining when I let it drain me. I wish it wasn't the case! But hyperfixations be hyperfixating, I guess. It helps massively, massively to be able to talk to a fandom friend about it. Like it makes a world of difference, truly. One of my besties I talk to daily is someone I met on here who was an OG Marissa fan and has helped me just fucking vent when I need to vent. I would never go onto the sub and be like "this show sucks, and anyone who hates Marissa and thinks she deserved bad things also sucks and hates women" but that's not to say I don't actually feel that way, lmao.
Fandom makes us parasocial and protective. It is what it is. I'm available via DM if you ever want to chat privately :)
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holllandtrash · 1 year
So this is gonna be a looong one, so stay with me.
I gotta say I'm thrilled that I've found your blog. I found it bc of the Lando fic (which I adored very much 😍), and later on, I discovered you have a podcast and an insta account. I don't know which you had first, tumblr account and then everything else f1, but it's amazing that someone that I found on tumblr, I can then see on other platforms.
So for me tumblr was an escape to let my fantasies run wild and to not feel bad about liking the guys in f1 and there are a lot of great writers here on tumblr so I indulge my inner f1 wag. And then I see you on insta, and you talk about the racing and the drivers in such a diverse way.
I started watching f1 bc of DTS just before the 2021 season, and I got into it because of Lando, Carlos and Mclaren. As I started getting into it more (my dad has always been a fan and since we watched dts together we've been watching the races together) I learned about the sport on my own and I love the racing part as much as I love anything else in the sport. I've listened to other podcasts, and I follow other influencers, but you guys are just something different.
Today, I watched your reveal about crushes, and I swear I have the same ones. I found out about Pato O'ward when I saw him in mclaren videos with Lando and since then I've followed him (even though I haven't watched indy cuz it's hard when I'm from Europe). I love that you guys are doing this, and I relate soooooo much to everything you're saying. I feel like I'm watching best friends sitting in a cafe, casually talking and fangirling about everything f1. I usually stay anonymous on tumblr asks, but what the hell, I just feel comfortable in everything you put out, and I shouldn't be ashamed in loving everything that I do about f1.
Sorry, I said this is gonna be a long one 😅
my goodness i can't believe i didn't see this message until right now!! never apologise for such kind words i genuinely want to cry thank you so much for making my whole year and for the support on all of my platforms. im so so glad you find track talk and my tumblr such a safe space, we only ever wanted to give off the bestie vibes because at our core we are fangirls and we're not going to shy away from that. i def use tumblr as an escape too and honestly, everyone on this site does. never feel ashamed for loving something the way you do, its your type passion and joy that is just so pure and exciting to see and i love it, i love u ♡
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hhawks · 3 years
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hi, i'm hera!
☾ you can call me agora/gorie too :> ☾ 21 ☾ they/them ☾ lesbian ☾ gemini ☼, leo ☾, cancer ↑ ☾ infp-t, 4w3 ☾ nbpoc ☾ neurodivergent
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☼ this is an nsfw blog, i cannot stop minors from reading but do not interact. i will block any follower that does not indicate their age in their bio/blog.
☼ i write for aot, jjk, mha, hq, & kny!
☼ inbox rules. read before asking! CLOSED FOR REQUESTS.
☼ i am open to most requests except for content including:
• scat • gore • necrophilia • explicit violence • illnesses that i do not have prior knowledge about • mental illness • infidelity (reader gets cheated on) • stories with more than 2 characters*.
subject to change! * content i will not personally write, but may interact with on this blog.
☼ as much as i would love to fulfil all requests i get, i will only write those that genuinely interest me and adhere to all of my rules.
☼ unless otherwise stated, all fics of mine are of fem bodied readers. i am an afab nb person, and i just feel most comfortable writing in this style.
☼ spam like without following = blocked. i don’t make the rules
☼ i do not tolerate any kind of malicious intent or hate towards anybody. do not speak on my behalf unless i express permission to do so. i often do not like to engage in controversy or drama so please do not rope me into matters that do not concern me.
☼ do not post any of my content on tiktok or other social media. do not repost my work or translate it and upload it to another site.
☼ this is a blog that will interact with dark content, so do block tags accordingly. most dark content pieces will be tagged #darkhera, other more specific ones can be found here.
☼ i am open to messages and dms! however, i struggle with my own mental health, so please do not unload anything heavy or triggering onto me without warning. i am not your therapist, but i am your friend. i can only do so much for you.
☼ i do not write for any other intention but for myself and my own self expression. if you have a problem with me make sure it's valid before speaking to me about it. i try to avoid conflict so i will always resolve things as best i can.
☼ also please don’t call me bestie or girlie. makes me uncomfy. thanks
☼ my blog is a safe space for everyone. all are welcome to read, and i want to make sure everyone is comfortable and loved. enjoy your stay at the hotel. ♥️
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
The thing is there isn’t anything suspicious about Joe being WB. If there is, it’s all in your head when it’s 100 percent a fact that Joe is WB. Taylor confirmed this herself. She is literally the source. She said it was him not just once but even in her Grammy acceptance speech. It’s not up for debate imho. The only thing that’s not up for debate is her songwriting, and her belief that artists should own their work. It’s the only thing I believe that is 100 percent black and white. Her dating history, whatever who cares. Her stance on artists work and giving credit where it is due, 100 percent facts and not even something I would want to question. It’s the only thing I’d ever take at face value. She has been the same since debut, and I have been on tumblr since Speak Now and in the fandom since Fearless. I watched her livestream about Speak Now. She hasn’t changed. She literally said during Speak Now that she wrote her songs alone and only credits them where the credit is due (if this was a movie is the only song where she has a co-writer). This is literally the only thing she has ever made 100 percent clear since she signed her record deal. It’s the only I can literally site year after year where her stance did not change. There’s not much you could argue that it’s not him.
i decide what’s up for debate (or rather discussion) on this blog not you bestie sorry
this space may not be for you since a big premise of it is taylor obfuscates the truth sometimes (see: haylor for example and john mayer and taylor lautner etc etc plus her trying to walk back the katy perry fight when i know for a fact from bts info that she absolutely intended bad blood to be about her i could go on and on)
i promise y’all taylor is not gonna see us wondering what’s up with joe and get upset it’s really ok to question white multimillionaires no one gets that rich without telling a few lies.
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joi-in-the-tardis · 5 years
Top 10 of the 2010′s
I was tagged by both @megabadbunny and @jemsauce to list off my Top Ten of the 2010′s.  So... here goes!
I got my first real job all on my own.  I had had a job previously doing daycare for a friend (who was actually in the process of shutting down her home business).  While that was technically a real job- I had to be finger-printed!- it was pretty much handed to me.  In 2010, I started my baking job.  I know I do a lot of complaining about it... and it’s mostly earned... But, this job was my first step to real freedom.  As angry as I get with the company, they were the only company to call me back in a year of submitting applications.
A few months later I got my first apartment all on my own, also.  I had never lived on my own, having moved from my parents house to living with my best friend and her hubby and then to his parents’ house.  I remember how nervous I was at the thought of spending so much time alone.  What would it be like not to come home to people?  I’m an introvert, but I was used to having people.  I’ve loved the hell out of living by myself.  Sure, I would love to find a partner (for lots of reasons) but this time to myself has taught me how to relax and just be.  Coming home to a space that is all mine was exactly what I needed.  I sometimes wonder if I can being re-domesticated. lol
I took out a loan on a car almost all by myself (my dad co-signed my loan) and paid it off all by myself and when it quit on me recently I bought a brand new car on my own (for real this time).  So much adulting!
I got a kitty of my own.  I’ve had kitty companions all my life, but this one is all mine (and she doesn’t really like anyone else so it’s for the best! ha!).  I won’t sully my previous companions by saying she’s the best kitty ever, but she is the best kitty of this decade.  She’s exactly who I need- smart, sassy, and incredibly cuddly.
I fell in love and got my heart broken.  I know that sounds sad and on my worst days I wonder if it was worth it.  But on all the other days I’m grateful that I know what it felt like- that I was capable of such a strong feeling for someone.
Because I fell in love I wound up on Tumblr!  When those bad days hit I sit and think of all you guys... I wouldn’t know any of you if it weren’t for the heartbreak and you guys are more than worth it.  In my Tumblr time I: fell in love with Doctor Who, discovered David Tennant and subsequently fell for him too, learned that there’s drama in an social setting no matter how nice everyone may seem, but that even in the midst of that you can forge lasting bonds that are worth the trouble.  
Through Tumblr I also discovered a whole new queer vocabulary.  I went through a number of labels before settling on biro ace enby (and I still hold the right to change my mind, all things being fluid).  Bonding with other queer folks here has been a godsend that I hope I repay by trying to pass on all the encouragement that they’ve given me (and that I desperately needed when I was younger).  Special shout out to @skyler10fic who taught me ace labels I didn’t even know existed and who’s transparency and authenticity on this site made me want to be more open, both to myself and others.
I discovered two of the people that I consider my dearest friends: I think my first real chat with @jemsauce centered around accidentally coming out to my best friend as an enby and omg-I-needed-to-talk-to-someone-about-it!  Though, I think there was mutual blog commenting before that.  In any case, it’s spawned what I consider an epic friendship that’s only gotten stronger in the interim.  Jem you’re sharp, strong, funny and supportive in all the best measures.  Your creativity never ceases to amaze me and watching your art continue to bloom/improve has been a pleasure (and especially awesome when it’s mine ngl! haha!).  Our chats are a highlight of my week and each visit with you has been a highlight of the 2010s.  When I’m with you and yours I feel like I’m part of the family.  The other person is @onthedriftinthetardis: from Sour Blob, to my showing up a bit schnockered and upset in your chatbox, to nerding out over dinosaurs (and anything else we find interesting!), to your uncanny ability to curate amazing goodie-boxes...  You are one of the most accepting, supportive, generous, clever (especially with awful puns lol), unfailingly-kind people I know.  I love our serious and silly moments.  Visiting with you and seeing baby turtles (!!!!!) was such a fun time and attending your wedding was an absolute honor.
I rediscovered my love of baking from scratch and sculpting.  I’ve done both all of my life in one form or another... But things really took off this decade.  I discovered that I rather like abstract sculpting thanks to my Bestie’s Art Party Prompts.  I hope to play with more clay in the coming year.  As for the baking... Doing it for a living helped me learn new things and realize some things I thought were hard, just aren’t.  The 2010′s saw me learn how to make bread, bagels, muffins, and oodles of different cookies.  I’m hoping in the next decade I can successfully tackle pastry!
I learned who I was.  I was 24 at the beginning of this decade.  I was dragging around a lot of labels from my teens and early twenties... Things that people told me I was.  Half-baked ideas of who I might be.  Crippling fears and uncertainties abounded.  But, really?  My life as something that was wholly mine started in 2010.  My job, my car, my home, my cat, my art, my found family.  I hope to walk in to the 2020′s with all that to bolster me as I find more self-discovery and keep working towards improvement.
Some other names I would like to drop (please if you’re not listed... assume I’m a doof before you assume I don’t love you!): @davinasgirlfriend // @wordsintimeandspace // @draco9236 // @creativebec // @ktrosesworld // @chocolatequeennk // @fleurdeneuf // @maitre-kuroneko // @acreasy1 // @stupidsatsuma // @pellaaearien // @darthtella // @courtxxvincent // @aapicula // @spiritwho // @getbacktoblogwarts // @blueboxesandtrafficcones // @colourinside // @caricature-of-a-witch // @fracturedmind // @lastbluetardis // @thedoctorofsteel // @emeraldlady // @bad-----wolf // @sequencefairy
Also, if I’ve tagged you then you have an excuse to do the thing.  Or if you’re reading it, bless your heart. lols
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Motivational Volleyball Closet Space Speeches.
Martha Search possesses over 180 path presents on her scorecard, strolling for the similarity Balmain, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Miu Miu, and also Louis Vuitton, but you possibly understand the 26-year-old greatest coming from her opportunity spent suited up in underwear as well as wings for Victoria's Secret and also for being besties with Taylor Swift In reality, I believe this's in fact prohibited at this point to discuss the North Carolina-born design without name-checking her angel-status affiliation along with the underwear giant or even using the hashtag #squad. Concerning Weblog - On The Laid Back Homemaker blog site, get terrific tips for dishes, organization & cleansing recommendations, way of life hacks, crafts & repair suggestions, do it on the economical ideas, as well as so much more! After being introduced to the Oriental skincare regimen and producing my own, I've expanded to love and enjoy my night care program. The objective is actually to invest time with your youngster and to reveal them that also when you're a full-grown, you may always keep getting involved and playing in sporting activities. Bioelements Personalized Blended Facial Treatment as well as Customized Blended retail skin layer treatment products - scheduling my next face session today. And, glucose or even no sugar, constantly apply a wide scale sunblock in the end from your early morning skin treatment regimen to remain shielded coming from UV exposure. Anti-spasmodic anti-inflammatory, violet is actually remarkable for skin layer treatment components due to the fact that that is comforting and also relaxing to the skin, specifically skin that has actually been damaged, pressured, and also irritated. Seniorly tracks assisted residing openings to promote short-term keep in neighborhoods that traditionally only give longer-term care options. 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Generally these types give authorization for your medical care provider and anyone under his/her direction or even instructions to offer care for you. Regarding Weblog - Just what is actually Developing is a publication regarding the craft draft beer activity in BC, Canada. You correct regarding the antioxidant skin sunscreen-- passion, adore the structure yet just how i preferred the spf was higher. So I'm attempting to decide on a new pair from trainers, and I wish you individuals to help me. I'm trying to compose my mind - Athletics versus Casual. This round moves to and fro all over the skin of the watch with the flow of the user's arm movements; yet as soon as the ABACUS gets to a straight position; the round moves as if by magic - or even a minimum of through seductiveness - to the right" point in time". About Blog post - Well-balanced way of life and physical fitness blogging site offered you through Youfit Wellness Clubs. 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Concerning Weblog - Locate all the most up to date gymnastics updates and expert study on Telegraph Sporting activity. Establish just what sport interests you and also your social team the absolute most, including softball, soccer, volley ball, ping pong, etc
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maicajanica · 7 years
Patch it up!
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Patching things up now. I am going to transfer my blog to “Wordpress” starting from now on, so here we go! In order for me to become an official blogger I have to transfer my blog to that site and for a few more weeks I think I’m gonna get my own domain name. I also thought about transferring my old posts here to that website but nah, I want to make a new memories from that but don’t worry! I am still going to keep this tumblr blog alive and updated! You might wanna ask why right? But don’t worry, I ain’t gonna deprive you the answer. It’s just that I got to keep tracks about everything starting from now on. Including about the number of people who often visit my site, for you to be able to subscribe, comment your hearts out and you know, just like an official blogger do is simply to get their own website! I am pretty much excited about this because I am finally doing it! Just give me some more time while I work on with this. And also, my new website would be https://maicajanica.wordpress.com/ don’t forget to give a peek on that!
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Also, I am going to team up with one of my besties in blogging. Don’t get confused by the way. I’ll have two blog accounts one of this day, including my original blog and the one with my bestie. You might even wonder why I don’t combine original blog to that one to lessen the hassle instead? It’s because it’s my own personal blog. I know that we besties are different individuals that have two different separate lives so this one is like my own space. And I pretty much love my space that I can’t even give this one up. (Why don’t I join the NASA instead? What ya’ think?) I mean, don’t get me wrong but the other will be like what we both like to do and thoughts we have in mind, places we soon are gonna be and what both crazy people like us will share with you. And this one is for my private thoughts. SOON! Just hold on. It’s still in process since we’re not both living in the same apartment anymore after she moved out so the schedule is really mixed up. 
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I am as well not sure if I have to bring this one up now but we’re also discussing about making our own Vlog account in Youtube. Since when we were in college, we watched Vlogs and admired these people and last year we were talking about this stuff and finally! We’ve decided to make our own Channel in Youtube! I hope you guys support us with this as we get to our blogging and vlogging journey! I hope to hear more from you soon so don’t forget to subscribe to this blog account and to our future accounts! Thanks for reading by the way! 
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Photos by: Jeevann Deguilmo Bonaoy
Follow me on my accounts at
Facebook: Maica Janica
Twitter: @maica_janica
Instagram: @maica_janica
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siliconwebx · 6 years
Local SEO: An Easy to Understand Guide
Your SEO strategy is strong. But have you thought about honing in on your local community? With a focus on local SEO, you can benefit from both general internet searches as well as specialized traffic that will bring in local customers and foot traffic.
If you have a physical location, targeting locals can be even more important than general internet traffic. Because 46% of all Google searches are for local businesses, and 78% of those searches resulting in offline purchases.
Local SEO does need a slightly different strategy than traditional, organic SEO, but it’s nothing to be afraid of. We are going to walk you through the basics and then some advanced tactics so that you can convert those Yelp reviews and Facebook likes into dollars in your pocket.
Local SEO: The Basics
In case you weren’t aware, there are a few differences in local SEO and organic SEO. The primary one being that local SEO takes the business and searcher’s locations into consideration when ranking. Ranking for keywords is important (just as in traditional organic SEO) but you have to add in various geographical metrics to make sure you’re found by the people who want to walk directly into your space.
1. Content is Still King
Keyword stuffing is still your enemy. You don’t want to have copy on your site that sounds like a bad radio advertisement:“Come on down to Besties in Your Town, USA for the best deals Your Town has ever seen. Remember, if you need this product, drop on by Besties in downtown Your Town, USA today.”
People cringe at reading stuff like that, and Google knows what you’re doing. You don’t necessarily have to blog to create content. That’s a misunderstanding about what web content is. You will want in-depth, well-written, SEO-optimized copy. It should go into pretty specific detail about what services you offer, for whom they are offered, and why you’re the best choice for the customer.
Tailor your landing pages, product pages, and about pages specifically to your ideal, local customer. Show them that you’re a part of the community. Doing so will build goodwill as well as show that you’re the choice they should make.
And if you do want to blog, feel free. You can write a ton about your community and general area. Which only boosts your ranking. Your business enriches the community and your content can provide the same kind of enrichment. You can highlight customers and community members, look at events going on in your area, or even discuss local history as it pertains to your business. Regardless, blogging doesn’t have to be on your content schedule. But if it is, you’ll see a benefit if you keep at it.
2. City Names and Neighborhoods Reign Supreme
Most of the time when people search for something near them they use the name of their neighborhood, city, region, etc. You absolutely want to use these as keywords on your site.
Sure, your business niche keywords are important. If you’re a plumber, you want to go into what services people in your area will be searching for. But just as important, you want to make sure that you target very specific parts of your city where you will be providing those services.
You might be based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, but you may be more local to the Maple Grove suburb and driving across the Twin Cities may not be worth the business. So you will want to make sure you target Maple Grove, MN more than the greater metro area.
Nicknames are just as important in SEO as actual city names. The city I live in is Florence, Alabama. However, the locals more often refer to the general area of the 4 closest towns as The Shoals. So while businesses local to me do list whether they are in Florence, Muscle Shoals, Tuscumbia, or Sheffield, they tend to mainly focus their efforts on the phrase/keyword The Shoals or just Shoals.
We will go into greater depth as to how you can do this later on, but keeping those names in your URLs, headings (especially H1s), blog post titles (and tags and categories, too), image alt tags, page copy, and general website title (or at least the SEO title that you set through plugins like Yoast).
If potential customers are searching for a local business and they have several choices, but one of those choices has several pages that refer to a more specific location they are looking for, that’s the site they’re more likely to visit. Even if that page isn’t necessarily ranked #1.
3. Make Connections with Other Local Businesses
Your goal should be providing the best content you can for your target customers. And sometimes, that means pointing them into a direction of a business that may not be yours. You provide your services, and what some customers need just won’t fall within those boundaries. I would be willing to bet, however, there is another business in your area that could handle their request. And chances are, you know the folks who run that business personally.
Speak with them about their own web presence. You can easily come to agreements to include links to them on your site (and vice versa) — which are great because they’re generally incredibly high quality. You can work with each other for deals and such that are cross-promoted. That way, both businesses will benefit from real-life people who are potential customers.
By partnering up with other local businesses, social networks also open up to you, with more opportunities for commercial growth via YouTube and Facebook search. While these are not as popular as Google in terms of general search, folks look for recommendations for local businesses frequently on Facebook. The more times your business is mentioned, the more you will show up in results and recommendations.
If any of your local businesses run blogs on their site, consider asking them if you can toss a post or two up there. You can generally get a new backlink, reach a new audience, and promote goodwill among your community. Guest blogging may seem like a relic of 2008, but it’s not. If your focus is local SEO, guest blogging is as relevant as ever.
4. Design for Mobile
Everyone is telling us to focus on mobile-first design. That’s never been more important than when focusing on local SEO because 89% of people search for something local on their cellphone at least once a week. Those mobile searchers are also 16% more likely to travel to your physical location within 1 day than desktop-based users. Even more useful than that, 18% of all mobile, local searches result in sales within 1 day. That’s a lot of revenue you don’t want to leave unaccounted for.
To specifically cater to this demographic, there are a few guidelines you should keep in mind specifically for local SEO that may not seem as important for general mobile design.
First, you want to make sure that your business name, address, and phone number (also known as a NAP or citation) are on your home page, prominent, readable, and (most importantly) clickable. 68% of visitors will either click the phone number to call you or click the address to open up directions to your location. Keep in mind, however, that you will want this NAP to be consistent everywhere — so as you set up your Google My Business page, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and so on, keep the same formatting and information. Otherwise, it confuses both the algorithms and users.
While it has nothing to do with SEO itself, integrating a live chat feature, such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, can increase conversions, too. People are used to messaging on mobile devices. It’s a natural extension to reach out to you directly.
Local SEO: Advanced Tactics and Specifics
As you’ve seen above, the basics of local SEO are similar to traditional strategies, but just different enough to warrant special attention. However, if you want to move beyond those foundational tips and truly rank in your local searches, you’re going to need to apply some specific tactics. These can take a while to get in place, but if you’re willing to put in the elbow grease to get them working, they’ll serve you well for a long time.
1. Claim Your Google My Business Page
Outside of having a website of your own, the single most important thing you need to succeed at local SEO is a Google My Business (or GMB) page. Essentially, this is what people see when they search Google for anything remotely related to your business
You will have reviews, location, maps, questions, website links, phone numbers, etc. on the page. The ultimate NAP, really. Additionally, this information is aggregated by Google automatically, but you can take an extra step. I have highlighted the “Own This Business?” link in the image above. You can get much more out of your GMB page by claiming ownership of it, you basically get to post directly to Google as though it were your own blog. That’s awesome.
Once you’ve verified ownership of your business, start customizing the GMB page using the same strategies as above.
2. Leverage Review Sites
Similarly to GMB, review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, Airbnb, YP.com, Facebook, and so many more are paramount to your local SEO efforts. If you haven’t claimed these business pages, go to the sites and grab them. You get many of the same benefits as you do with GMB — the customization for keywords, URLs, and the domain authority from links make this worth your time.
Additionally, you can use a plugin like WP Business Reviews to aggregate and grab multiple reviews that you want to highlight as testimonials on your site. Because Google loves testimonials for local SEO. They’re a trust signal that indicates to both the algorithms and people that you do what you say you do.
3. Utilize Facebook Groups
This one is quick and easy. If you keep up with your Facebook page as a local business (and you should because of the number of searches that can direct to you), a good habit to get into is posting in your local buy, sell, trade groups. Make checking these groups a regular part of your social strategy. Don’t spam them, obviously, but these are generally public groups that show up in searches, and depending on your area, can be incredibly active with hundreds of posts per day and thousands of users. That’s a lot of traffic for your menu or new products or anything else that you post.
Just make sure to follow any and all group guidelines so you don’t get blacklisted or worse…a bad reputation.
Finding these groups is pretty straightforward. Simply searching (inside Facebook) for MyCityName buy sell trade will likely bring many of them up. For my local area, the term sale barn is popular for groups, and other keywords like swap and marketplace and bazaar tend to work their way into titles.
You can also use this strategy to post items for sale in the official Facebook Marketplace (it’s in the main toolbar of the mobile app). Do this sparingly, but as you post items or services within your business niche, many people who searched for similar things in the past will get notifications of your new post.
4. Get Listed in Local and Niche Directories
Your local Chamber of Commerce probably has a directory of local businesses that are members. Those are links with good domain authority (probably) and generally decent traffic. You may have a state-wide directory like Alabama does through AL.com. Note that our local Chamber of Commerce shows up.
(When I was working on a book festival a few years ago, I found a niche directory made up of local festivals of all kinds in Alabama. Multiple people told me they found us through it, too. That impressed on me how useful those tools can be!)
These kinds of directories are great because they tend to target the exact demographics that you do. So take the time, search them out, and get a few links back to your site. Just make sure that you’re submitting to reputable sites. Not every directory is worth having a link from, but many are. Not only will you show up in their interior searches, but your individual page will come up in results and give people your NAP.
Moz has a good overview of how to vet the local business directories you come across. It’s a good read, like pretty much everything from Moz.
5. Make Sure Your Schema is Right
Schema.org does a lot of good for websites. Many SEO plugins like Yoast already optimize your site’s schema to talk to the search engines correctly. But you will want to make sure that your own website’s schema is also optimized with the local business markup that Schema.org lists. When you look through that list, you might be overwhelmed. I kind of am, so don’t feel bad. That’s why there are tons of schema plugins out there like Structured Data Schema or WPSSO that let you customize exactly how you want your data to appear.
6. Use Moz Local
This one may not be for everyone, as Moz Local is a paid tool that can come with a hefty price tag (from $99 to $249 per year). But if you can afford it and really want to take your local SEO game to the next level, check out the small business tool. You won’t be disappointed.
Moz is my personal favorite of all the SERP and SEM tools online, and with Moz Local, it’s drilling down another level. You get rankings and analytics of much of the stuff we talked about in this article already, and you don’t have to do the legwork yourself.
For a lot of people, that will be worth the price of admission. For others, maybe not. Regardless, the tool is pretty nifty and worth at least a cursory glance.
Final Thoughts
Local SEO is not necessary for everyone. If you don’t need local traffic and do most of your business online to audiences abroad, you should absolutely stick to worrying about traditional SEO tactics. But if you do have a physical location that makes up for a sizable portion (or really any portion) of your business done, you should focus on local SEO.
They say that word-of-mouth is the best advertising, and these days, word-of-mouth seems to happen on Yelp and Facebook and Google more often than in person. So do an audit of your site, traditional SEO strategies, and current local SEO strategies. Then you can start from the top of this post, work your way down, and watch those numbers in your ledger rise.
What is your strategy for standing out with local SEO?
Article featured image by Aa Amie / shutterstock.com
The post Local SEO: An Easy to Understand Guide appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.
😉SiliconWeb Dev. | 🌐ElegantThemes
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templified · 6 years
Marilyn, Feminine Lifestyle Blog Theme From BluChic | Templified
New Post has been published on https://templified.com/marilyn/
Marilyn, Feminine Lifestyle Blog Theme From BluChic
BluChic is the best creator of elegant, feminine WordPress themes on the market. A nicely made feminine WordPress theme is an amazing way to attract attention if you’re posting for women, the design may be exceptionally important in hooking up with your viewers. A competently constructed, amazing and extremely well-designed WordPress theme can help your business in a million ways, because it can make operating your blog a lot easier, and affords you the precise style and design you need. Saving time is just the beginning though.  before I forget, check out this other page demo below. Should you need a perfectly well crafted, responsive WordPress feminine blog or business theme, this theme could be just what you’ve been hunting for. When you need a perfectly warm, responsive WordPress theme, you are in for a surprise with a BluChic theme like Marilyn.  This Marilyn WordPress theme is completely responsive, therefore it looks great on every system, irrespective of size or shape. Well build, responsive themes are incredibly critical, since they provide the people a great user experience on any kind of computer, each and every time. Which makes for an excellent end user experience.
No more worrying about what your site will look like on any sort of device, this theme is perfect responsive.  Worried about an ugly, non-mobile optimized website?  Never again!  Your website will fit every screen, from desktop to tablet and mobile.
Pick from a cool, easy to use and convenient color wheel.  That’s what the BluChic customizer does to help make your site unique and simple to use.  You can even preview the changes you make with absolutely no coding or CSS knowledge necessary.
BluChic has included a Photoshop file of the header, that means you can get started straight away with the HTML way of editing your logo.  Then again, you can easily upload your own unique header through  the BluChic customizer.
Showcase your content with an auto-slider at the homepage. Upload any image and link to any page. You can switch the slider off or on at any time.
Bluchic themes come with pre-stylings form for the Mailchimp next to the slider, so you can build your email list easily and grow your subscribers.
Give your site visitors easy access to your navigation with a sticky menu that stays at the top of the page. You can disable or enable this at any time.
You can set your homepage as static or show your blog posts. Choose the layout you want in Theme Options to your heart’s content:
Show excerpt posts with thumbnails
Show classic full posts
Show your content at full width
Change sidebar position – left or right
Place 3 featured widgets at the bottom of the page. Upload an image, place a call-to-action by linking to your pages or social media to get more followers.
You can place banner ads at the top of your site (above the header) or below your posts; or use this space for your newsletter signup banner image.
Display social media icons at the bottom of the page, linked to your accounts through the Theme Options or place with a custom widget on the sidebar.
Bluchic themes come with schema.org microdata built-in to help search engines easily read your site’s content & displays relevant snippets in search result.
Our documentation will be your bestie throughout the setup of your new theme. But if you run into any difficulty, submit a support ticket – we’re here to help.
Bluchic themes are translation-ready, so you can easily translate your theme into your language using the .po/.mo files included in the package.
For the rest of the BluChic themes, check out our collection here. Demo Get Hosting
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wayneooverton · 7 years
My Spanish summer holiday in photos
Sometimes we just need to hit the reset button on our lives.
Personally, I need to reset mine about once a month. But does that ever happen? Nope.
Thanks to my blog, I get to travel all over the world. Every day I wake up and am so grateful I’ve managed to turn my dreams into reality. But it takes it’s toll. Travel for the sake of travel or a holiday is not the same as traveling for work. And, when you’re job is to travel like a holiday? Well, that’s just downright confusing.
I’m not quite sure what I am saying except that I am almost never not working. Even when I’m traveling, I’m working 24/7, and it’s exhausting.
So for the first time in quite a long time, I decided to take a vacation. You know, like a real one.
I took a week for myself when I was in Europe in May after traveling with my parents around Ireland (exhausting), and did what normal people do, I booked myself a holiday.
Where does one go on holiday when she quite literally has the world at her fingertips? Back to one of my favorite haunts, Spain.
Spain is where it all began for me and this blog, seven years ago when I was an English teacher, and I have definitely left part of my soul there. I love Spain so much, and miss it a lot now that I live on the exact opposite side of the world – New Zealand.
And where in Spain was calling me the most? Asturias in the far north.
Asturias: Spain’s best-kept secret
For me, northern Spain will always hold a piece of my heart. It’s a place that’s often overlooked by travelers to Spain, even Spaniards, yet it’s one of my absolute favorite places on earth. From wild beaches to beautiful mountains to quaint villages to delicious food and cider, Asturias has it all.
I booked myself a cheap flight down to Oviedo from London and rented a car. This was actually my first time driving in Spain, and I was ridiculously excited about it. When I lived in Spain in university and as an English teacher, I could never afford to rent a car, especially as I can only drive automatics (American over here) and those are much more expensive to rent than a manual car in Spain.
Needless to say, I felt very grown up. Especially when the nice lady at the desk upgraded me to a zippy red Audi.
Zoom zoom!
I booked an adorable Airbnb in an old village outside Villaviciosa.
I wanted to stay in a small quaint apartment where I could just hide away, cook my own meals and have a nice view and feel at home. I spent 40 euros on all my food for the week (quite a bit of it was cured ham and wine), again a nice change from the hundreds of dollars it costs to feed myself in Wanaka.
Don’t forget you can join Airbnb today using my code for $30 off your trip.
The last time I was in Asturias was two years ago, and I completely fell in love with it. I was excited to come back on my own on vacation and take my time there.
I divided my time equally between just being a hermit in the apartment and going exploring. I returned to a few of my favorite spots from the last trip there and also spent some time wandering around back roads and taking in new sites.
While I certainly took photos, I didn’t take anywhere near as many as I would have had I been working or on a campaign. Instead I used my vacation as a change to really fall back in love with photography, shooting what I wanted to without an agenda or any pressure.
Sometimes I didn’t bring my cameras with me. And I definitely didn’t take photos of things where I just wanted to be present. It was exactly what I needed when I needed it.
Here are some of my favorite places, spaces and moments from a weeklong holiday in Asturias I wanted to share with you all, enjoy!
Have you been to Asturias or even heard of it? Where do you go when you need to hit the reset button?
Cudillero is definitely one of the prettiest seaside villages in Spain.
Don’t you want to live here?
Many of the seaside villages in Asturias are whitewashed and colorful like Cudillero.
First things first, dulce de leche ice cream in the sunshine.
View from my Airbnb outside Villaviciosa – it’s a tiny village and many of the historic houses are abandoned or being restored.
A church in Niembro, Llanes.
Seaside village of Llanes.
The mountainous village of Sotres.
If you visit Asturias, you’ve got to head into the Picos de Europa National Park.
It’s lush and full of hidden little spots like this bridge.
Mountains upon mountains await you when you travel Asturias Spain.
The iconic Naranjo de Bulnes peak in Asturias – unmissable.
Rocking my Blinders Optics sunnies, started by one of my college besties
Río Cares cuts through the mountains of Asturias
Hot wheels car! Very fun on the winding mountain roads in Asturias.
Checking out the seaside village of Tazones
Exploring the historic mountain site around Covadonga
The Sanctuary of Covadonga which commemorates the famous Battle of Covadonga, where Iberian Christians defeated the Moors for the first time in 722 and started the Reconquista
One of my favorite coastal towns in Asturias is Lastres
The post My Spanish summer holiday in photos appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress http://ift.tt/2g5oTfL
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mialipsky-blog · 7 years
10 Jaw-Dropping Bachelorette Party Vacation Home Rentals
From friends you grew up with, to college besties, work wives and family members, bachelorette parties are perfect bonding opportunities. However with such a big group, staying in a hotel isn't always ideal, as it can be cost prohibitive to rent so many rooms. Plus, there's less private communal space for group gatherings and activities. That's why so many bachelorette parties these days are choosing to rent an amazing vacation home on sites like Airbnb or VRBO! With your own house, you can decorate how you please, cook group meals, and have plenty of space to celebrate and with fun group activities! We've rounded up 10 perfect bachelorette party rentals in top destinations so you can have the best weekend with your girls ever!   Continue reading on Style Me Pretty 10 Jaw-Dropping Bachelorette Party Vacation Home Rentals published first on their blog to my feed
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After all the crazyness around writing the last post about the new supermodels and other topics I got to refer the Fashion Bloggers but didn’t put them in any group on that articule. Letting others guessing of what for me this group was since I told you I don’t join them with insta-girls.
Made some research to be the closest I could with the reality on this especific group. As I always thought their life is more than a plum job where you have designer clothes, invites and access, jetsetting to the most instagrammable destinations. And who proved me I was right (not really needed them to know I was right but You know what I mean) was  The Atlantic new study about the “reality and what’s seen of fashion blogging” where they gave fouco to 38 top-ranked female bloggers to find the hard truth.
Bloggers work for many hours to start making creative busisnes like creating a personal brand, than they need to maintain it so they can keep their fans and sponsors. Including that they need to make sure they are paid considering that sometimes there are someone else who offer to do the same but for free.
According to the study made by Brooke Duffy and Emily Hund from Temple University plus Pennsylvlvanis’s Communication school, bloggers work between 80-100hours per week. Without counting the permenent online status on social media because if they decide to take some time off their site,  it will freak their followers out. Believe I heard that that happened with Nicole Warne. As well as her fellow Zanita Whittington once said “Having to be constantly present is literally the worst thing about working in social media. I don’t really dare to research into it — ignorance is bliss! — but I’m sure it’s bad for my mental health”.
As everythng in life this job have his side effects, working hard but making it look easy goes above and beyond what’s expeted in most jobs. To just starting to getting followers to mantain them. It’s a bit different story. Every blogger need to inovate the most they can on the least space of time they can and that’s not easy. So if you think that choosing one filter and the caption for your insta was difficult just imagine this. Everyday they say hello to more 1,000 new competition what makes difficult to get the brands partnerships.
The study found fashion blogging to be “a bellwether for the changing nature of consumerism and self-expression in the digital era”. The fact is that fashion blogging is becoming more validated as a carrer as many people are calling themselves bloggers now.
On my point of view this bad side of the story is obviously truth but I let my self believe, I mean on my opinion, they do it because they wanted it and still want. They worked their ass off to be where they are and let’s be honest if you want to be well classified in your work be that what it is you need to work really hard. And to pervent to be replaced you need to get better and better till you can be more relaxed because it’s just your job. So believe that: first they wished that so much that if they really love do what they do is like playgrouund and second if they don’t as soon as they can they should just quit. How much I wish to could get a job where I could see clothes and choose the best ones to form outfits and be able to write about them. At the end of the day I would be exausted of course as anyone but till I closed my eyes thinking of how I’m passionated about my work I would never really give up but if I thought that I wasn’t really happy and passionated about it I would give up as soon as I would get another “good” job. But It’s just me saying with 19 years old and I know I don’t know nothing about life but it’s just how I think now and hope to keep thinking. And with this I wanted to remember you that one of the reason why many people wish to become bloggers aren’t really about the clothes and the really base of fashion yet all they want is to become famous and start a hollywood kind of lifestyle.
Being passionated with clothes and everything about fashion as I’m ( I believe I getting more and more everyday. Specially because of this blog and insta) I get sad because of the reasons of this people not being for the best reason and seeing many people who really enjoy it for what it is and representes not being recognised is just sad.
On top of all it’s the career almost every girl wish and is trying since the past two/three years and I say hurray to that because we are on a era of technology  and using internet to get our business done is not news to anyone and I’m glad fashion is getting technlogic with the pass of the years.
Here is 9 of the most influencial style bloggers in 2016:
  The 29 years old, -italian based in Los Angels is right in the first spot on the list. Have more than 5.6 milian instagram followers, 1.2 on facebook subscrivers and one of the most popular websites in U.S and Italy. These days, she makes the bulk of her money through her growing shoe line, Chiara Ferragni Collection, which has sold  at 300 retailers around the world and brought in $10 million last year. In 2016, she’s set to open her own store in Milan and launch an e-store at theblondesalad.com. Ferragni was also recently named a global ambassador of Pantene and is the face of Amazon Fashion in Europe. She has appeared on more than 25 international magazine covers.
      Aimee Song an 29 years old interior designer with a casual sense of style, was one of the first bloggers to rise to celebrity.  With 3.4 million Instagram followers, solid website traffic, a popular Pinterest page and a strong YouTube presence. She also has small apparel and jewelry lines.
    When this 22-year-old Swiss model/blogger was named a brand ambassador for L’Oreal Paris in October.  With more than 2 million subscribers, Kristina Bazan boasts the highest Facebook following of any blogger on this list, and has more than 2.3 million Instagram followers. She’s also beloved by high-end brands like Dior, Balmain, Louis Vuitton and Valentino.
    An 29 year old girl based in london but birth from Span.Model/blogger/DJ have already launched her own clothing line, done in collaboration with her uncle, Spanish designer Adolfo Domínguez. Her highly trafficked website and strong presence onsocial mediahave helped land her in campaigns with Loewe, H&M and Mango, among others.
      From Sydney, Australia, Nicole Warne first launched Gary Pepper Girl as an e-commerce site for vintage wares in 2009, for which she would model and write. In 2011, she said goodbye to her e-comm business and turned her attention full-time to blogging, scoring covers for Lucky, Elle Australia, Nylon and Net-a-Porter’s The Edit, and collaborating with such prestigious names as Chanel, Valentino and Chopard along the way.
      and other names like:
Negin Mirsalehi, Wendy Nguyen, Susie Lau, Bryan Grey Yambao
    Hope you liked this post.  I will post another one that I’m making with my instagram bestie (since I started VITBC insta) in the midle of the week. I hope we can end it about that time. She’s on vation and I had a huge exam so we couldn’t made it sooner. And by the end of the month right on next Sunday (post day) I will post another. With a new theme that will be post every last sunday of the month. And it will be called: The Favorites of the Month: January.
    Fashion bloggers world After all the crazyness around writing the last post about the new supermodels and other topics I got to refer the Fashion Bloggers but didn't put them in any group on that articule.
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