#this is a bowhunt thing
coffeebooh · 2 years
jim harper calling superboy brother 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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cer-rata · 5 months
Goddesses That Would Be Better Wonder Woman Antagonists Than Hera
Enough with Hera as a bitter, manipulative, shortsighted hag!!!
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I'm so sick of media making Hera a flat, hysterical cunt, especially compared to the general moral nuance that her entire pantheon represents. It's just lazy at this point and done to death, and for Wonder Woman to have to fight a woman who's main grievance is being cheated on and generally mistreated by her husband again and again again and again like...optics people.
So here are my choice picks for goddesses of other pantheons (and one Greek on) that would be interesting obstacles to Diana, both ideologically and materially. Also! I say antagonists on purpose, because generally in polytheism, gods aren't truly evil, even if they have negative attributes, it's always more complicated than that, and while these ladies WILL cause some conflict, they're all more than just flat villains. Most could reasonably also be allies, and Diana is all about making her foes into friends.
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A goddess and Jotunn, Skadi is the queen of bowhunting, skiing and winter, generally. Famous for storming Asgard alone to avenge her father, and being intimidating enough for Odin to choose to attempt to appease her instead, Skadi is intense, and fittingly cold, but also fair and capable of seeing reason. Her tentative truce with Odin and her failed marriage to the god of the summer, Njord, could be ripe to twist into reasons to cast her eye towards current events, both divine and mortal. A proud, mighty giantess that will do what she deems necessary to see justice done to herself? You can do stuff there.
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The Shinto creation deity turned goddess of death, Izanami is upset! Very upset! And fairly so! She's like if Eurydice got really livid after Orpheus ignored her simple instructions and vowed to break all of his little toys. Because that is exactly what happened, they almost have the same myth. As revenge for him messing up her resurrection, Izanami vowed to kill 1k people each day to hurt her husband, Izanagi, the other creator deity. Izanagi responded by making 1.5k new people each day, which...I mean solves maybe the wrong end of the problem but...
Unlike Hera, she poses an active threat to mortals and has the power to make dealing with her difficult. Maybe Diana and Amaterasu have to team up to deal with her insane...uh...step mother? Kind of? It's a little complicated, I'm not going into it, Wikipedia is your friend.
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I'm going to be honest she's my mythology blorbo and I made this post for her okay--
The Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, conquest, divine law, the Queen of Heaven, patron of queer folk (No I'm not making that up, she's down for the gays mythologically speaking), Ishtar is complicated, a little strange, and funny, so funny. She's got a short temper, is easily offended, yet is generally fair and uninterested in harm coming to mortals. Her bit thing is how her conquest domain often manifests. She doesn't care about leading armies or whatever, she goes to attempts to swindle or fight other gods for their domains. Her big famous myth is about her hubris in attempting to single-handedly storm the underworld to steal the seat from her sister. She's incredibly powerful and self assured, a little petty, but not cruel. If you want a goddess who will show up, slap Diana down a city block and intend it as a friendly hello, while also vaguely suggesting that they make out, it's Ishtar. She's a perfect occasional antagonist/ally depending on her whims, and she's so disinterested in bothering humanity that you can really have mostly consequence free god fights. An arc where she decides that Ares is starting to embarrass the war god community and she's going to beat his ass and take his job? Diana has to try to get her to stop without offending her and making it a personal problem? Because again this woman is crazy, she has beaten a mountain to death because it wouldn't bow. It was not a sentient mountain. She'd be so much fun!
And we're going to ignore the version of her that showed up in "Black Adam" because that was boring, lame, and focused completely on the sexual angle, because straight men can only focus on one trait at a time--
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Polynesian goddess of volcanoes, Pele fills a lot of the same niche's as Ishtar here, in that her rage and displeasure is catastrophic, befitting the personification of a volcano. Though even as a volcano god she's notably scary, in some tellings the previous volcano god who occupied the volcano she lives in now, caught wind that she was coming in his general direction--not specifically for him mind you, just in his direction--and he fled for his life, vacating the volcano. She's as multifaceted as a volcano though, bringing life as well as destruction. But you know. Her domain IS a natural disaster, so it's not hard to create a scenario where Diana would need to try to stop that from being a thing. Bonus points if she's irritated about the colonization of Hawaii, that could be an interesting narrative for Diana to contend with.
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DC dropped the ball here as well, don't look her up, you REALLY don't want to see her design, it's nasty.
Anyway, Nemesis is the goddess of retribution, but SPECIFICALLY for the crime of "hubris" or arrogance against the gods. She punishes you for thinking you're hot stuff in comparison to the divine. She's the reason Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection and died. She did that. She thought he was a bitch, and she was correct. Why is that distinction important? Because she's not just vengeance, she's a tool to defend the honor and ego of the gods. Who in the DC universe would make the Greek gods feel disrespected and threatened? An alien who is willing to punch them in the face perhaps? We could have Diana desperately trying to stop this divine terminator from messing up her super friends who really don't understand the levels of petty the her pantheon is willing to stoop to to save face. Shes a winged warrior goddess with a heart of stone!!! Give us that fight!!!
Anything but Hera!!! Anything!!! Leave her alone!!!!
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jrob64 · 1 year
Silly Songs With Killian - a CS Modern AU One-shot
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You can blame @sotangledupinit for this silly, but sweet, little story! She posted a prompt on Discord which caused my muse to jump to attention, and I wrote it in two days. If you're not familiar with the Veggie Tales videos, you'll still be able to enjoy this, but do yourself a favor and check out the songs on Spotify here. You don't have to be a kid to enjoy them and I guarantee they'll make you laugh!
Special thanks to Kit for making young Henry look even younger for the pic set, Mary for being my beta, and Krystal for being a second set of eyes for the Silly Songs lyrics and also for the pic set I created. It pays to have wonderful fandom friends!
Summary: After a frustrating and exhausting day, Emma Cassidy is relieved when her little boy, Henry, is entertained by a gorgeous musician at a restaurant, giving her a chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy the music (and the view!) It gets even better when the singer, Killian, sings some of Henry’s favorite Silly Songs from his favorite videos, Veggie Tales. 
Rating: T
Words: 3946
Also posted to Ao3 and ffn
It’s been one hell of a day. It wasn’t supposed to be this exhausting, but of course my ex, Neal, had to complicate things.
I was looking forward to going wedding dress shopping with my future sister-in-law Mary Margaret and her other bridesmaids, sipping champagne and giving my input on each of the possibilities. It was going to be so much fun.
And then...remember the saying that was popular many years ago - shit happens? Well, Neal can be used interchangeably with shit - they’re one and the same.
It was his scheduled weekend with our three-year-old, Henry, which was one reason why Mary Margaret chose this day. Then on Friday, almost an hour after Neal was supposed to pick Henry up at my apartment, he sent me a text: Something came up. Can’t make it this weekend. Tell Henry I’m sorry.
Apparently he turned off his phone after sending it, because he didn’t answer any of my increasingly volatile texts - eighteen of them, to be exact - or phone calls. I had to sit Henry in front of the television so I could go into my bedroom to leave some choice words on Neal’s voicemail.
Fortunately (or unfortunately for my sweet little boy) Henry is used to being let down by his father. In the eighteen months since we called it quits, Neal has skipped out on more weekend visits than he’s kept. I guess being a lying piece of shit takes up way too much of his time and he can’t spare any for his son.
Also unfortunately, all of the people who usually babysit for Henry were unable to watch him. Most of them were included in the shopping trip, my brother David was busy because he was painting the living room of the house he and his fiancée just bought, and Ruby’s Granny was off bowhunting with her new beau. (Bowhunting with her beau has been a running joke ever since she left a week ago.)
So instead of enjoying a carefree day of shopping with Mary Margaret, Belle, Ruby and Elsa, I had to keep an active, inquisitive toddler entertained in one bridal shop after another. We were all relieved when he finally fell asleep in the third shop, until the manager woke him up by screeching about how he was going to drool on the green velvet upholstery. That cost her any business she might have had from us (though in all honesty, her gowns were all hideous and looked like something only the Wicked Witch of the West might wear.)
Eventually, Mary Margaret said ‘yes to the dress’ in the fifth shop late in the afternoon, then we all decided to get an early dinner at a nearby restaurant that serves kids’ meals and has outdoor seating. If Henry has to spend one more minute inside today, I think he might have a complete meltdown.
After placing my order and getting Henry situated with the provided coloring sheet and obligatory four crayons, I hear someone speaking into a microphone and look over to see a guy standing on a small stage with a guitar. A very, VERY attractive guy.
“Good evening, everyone,” he says, and my jaw drops at the sound of his British accent. “My name is Killian and I hope you enjoy the music tonight. I do take requests. Feel free to sing along or dance in this nice, open area in front of me.”
“Oh, wow!” Belle gasps. “He’s very handsome, isn’t he, Emma?”
My jaw snaps shut and I turn to look at her. Seeing her sly smile, I teasingly say, “Why are you asking me? We all have eyes, you know.”
“Yes, but we all have significant others, too,” Ruby adds, which is completely unnecessary but, sadly, also completely true.
While my self pity begins to set in, the guy - Killian - strums his guitar and launches into the Eagles classic “Take it Easy”. Henry, who by this point has scribbled all over the coloring sheet, somehow managed to break his crayon into at least four pieces and, judging by the color of his teeth, took a bite of it as well, looks up with bright eyes. Since I allowed him to kneel on a chair instead of trying to strap him into a booster seat, he takes advantage of it and hops down.
Before I can chase after him, he makes a beeline for the open space in front of the admittedly gorgeous singer and begins jumping around in what passes for a three-year-old’s version of dancing. I sigh and start to get up, but Mary Margaret stops me with a hand on my arm. “Let him go. He’s been very good all day and deserves to burn off some energy. Besides, he’s only a few feet away and we can see him clearly from here.”
It doesn’t take much convincing for me to heed her advice. If someone else can entertain Henry for a while, I’m not going to complain.
When the song comes to an end, Killian acknowledges the smattering of applause and plays the extremely recognizable first chords of “All Right Now”. Henry doesn’t miss a beat, throwing himself around like a rag doll while all of us at our table, as well as most of the other diners, laugh delightedly at his exuberance.
By the time Killian is in the middle of his third song, “Old Time Rock and Roll”, our food arrives and I face the dreaded task of dragging my son back to the table to eat. I nibble at my fish and chips until the song ends, then dash to the makeshift dance floor to cajole Henry. When he shows the expected resistance, Killian chuckles and helpfully says, “Go with your mum, lad. I’ll play a slow song that’s not as much fun for dancing.”
True to his word, he croons the song “Everything I Do, I Do It For You” as Henry acquiesces and comes back to his seat to shove French fries into his mouth as fast as possible. It might not be a good song for Henry’s style of dancing, but Killian’s smooth voice singing the beautiful lyrics is sending pleasant chills down my spine.
Another song with a slow tempo follows, during which my little man polishes off his fries. But when Killian starts “Footloose”, all bets are off and Henry is back on the dance floor with a chicken nugget squeezed into both of his chubby fists.
After we finish our meals, Belle, Ruby and Elsa leave to spend the rest of the evening with their boyfriends. Mary Margaret lingers, telling me she’ll stay to keep me company, because she’d rather not have to help David clean up his painting mess. We don’t want to take up a table, so we move to some empty seats along the edge of the patio from where we can still see my little dancing king.
“You’d think his battery would run down soon,” Mary Margaret comments.
“Are you serious? That kid is like the Energizer bunny, plus he’s been cooped up in stuffy dress shops all day. My money is on the singer wearing out before Henry.”
She’s uncharacteristically quiet for several minutes. When she finally speaks, she says quietly, “He really is very handsome and seems like a nice guy.”
Her statement is out of left field and I’m confused. “Who?”
“The singer - Killian,” she clarifies.
I narrow my eyes at her. “What’s your point?”
“No point. I was just making a comment,” she shrugs, all innocence.
I don’t believe her. Mary Margaret is the queen of set-ups and wears the crown proudly. She introduced Belle to Will, Ruby to Jefferson and Elsa, well, she introduced Elsa to Victor, but that didn’t work out very well. Elsa met Graham on her own.
“I’m not looking for someone to date, Mary Margaret. I’m still dealing with my idiot ex and trying to concentrate on raising my son not to follow in his father’s footsteps.”
“I understand, but…”
And it’s at this point I resign myself to the fact she’s going to spout some argument that’s going to weaken my resolve not to date.
“If Henry had a really good male role model in his life, it would help you in raising him to be a gentleman.”
“Seems to me David does a pretty good job of that, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“I know,” she sighs, “but between working, getting the house ready and planning the wedding, his time with Henry is very limited.”
“The house will be ready before you get married and the wedding is in less than five months. After the honeymoon, he’ll have more time.”
“Oh, but then we’ll have children of our own, and you know how much time that takes.”
“Is this your way of telling me you’re pregnant, Mary Margaret?”
‘’What?” she gasps. “No! I’m just saying…”
“I know what you’re saying and I hear you. If the right guy comes along, I wouldn’t be opposed to dating him, but I’m not gonna try to force something to happen.”
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have a date for the wedding, though?” she presses.
“Henry will be my date. He’ll be very dapper in his little tux.”
“No buts, Mary Margaret. I don’t want to be set up with someone just so I don’t look pathetic at your wedding.”
We both fall silent as we watch Henry continue to dance in front of the bemused musician. Glancing at the time on my phone, I realize he’s been at it for well over an hour and isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. It’s beginning to get dark and I know I’ll have to wrangle him into the car before too much longer for his bath and bedtime.
I feel a little sorry for Killian, though. Nobody else has taken him up on his offer to dance, despite his repeated invitations. In fact, most of the diners aren’t paying attention to him at all. I hate to take his number one fan home, especially when I’m able to sit back and relax while listening to some seriously good music.
“I’m going to take a little break and then I’ll be back,” Killian announces, lifting the guitar strap over his head.
“Well, I guess that’s my cue to take Henry home,” I say to Mary Margaret.
“I suppose so,” she agrees. “Let me say goodbye to him and then I have to be on my way, too. According to his text, David is anxious for me to see how the living room turned out.”
We both stand up and move toward the stage, but I stop in my tracks. Killian is squatting down in front of Henry, listening to him with a huge smile on his face. I don’t know what Henry is saying, and I’m not sure Killian will be able to understand it anyway. Henry has an extensive vocabulary for a three-year-old, but I listen to him with ‘mom ears’, which means I can actually decipher what he’s trying to say.
When we reach them, Killian looks up at us and whatever I was going to say flies right out of my head. From a distance, the man is handsome. Close up, he’s nothing short of breathtaking. Carefully trimmed scruff covers a jawline sharp enough to cut glass, his cheekbones would put every male model to shame, and his dark hair is swept back from his forehead with a few rogue strands hanging down enticingly. Even his slightly pointed ears are adorable.
But it’s his eyes that shut down the functioning part of my brain. To say they are blue is like saying the sun is a tad bit warm, and the way the waning light catches them makes them shine like sapphires. I’m aware that my mouth is hanging open like a fish on dry land, but I can’t seem to make it form actual words.
“Hello, Killian. We’ve been thoroughly enjoying your music tonight, even if we haven’t been showing it as much as this little guy.”
Thank God for the natural chattiness of Mary Margaret.
Killian reaches out to ruffle Henry’s sweaty hair, then stands up. “I’m very happy to hear that,” he says in that beautiful, lilting accent. “I was just telling young Henry here that I’ll play some special songs for him after the break.”
I finally find my tongue. “Oh, but I was coming to tell Henry it’s time to go home.”
My little con artist turns his baby browns on me. “Please, Mommy. I be a good boy, I pwomise.”
That’s just great. Now if I take him home, I’ll have to forfeit my Mom of the Year award.
Mary Margaret laughs. “Well, Henry and Emma may be able to stay, but I really have to go.”
Why did she emphasize my name so much? As if I don’t already know.
She hugs Henry and me, tells Killian goodbye, and winks at me as she passes by. Even without trying to set me up, she’s setting me up.
I look back at Killian, who finishes chugging a bottle of water and grins at me. Reaching out to take my hand, he shakes it and says, “It’s nice to meet you, Emma, and little Henry.”
“Nice to meet you, too, Killian. Thanks for entertaining my son tonight.”
“It’s been my pleasure. I love how uninhibited kids are, and how joyful.”
“Well, his day certainly didn’t start out joyfully at all.” I shouldn’t have said it, but I’m still boiling about what Neal did to his own son, especially when this stranger seems so happy to spend time with him.
“No?” Killian questions. “May I ask what happened?”
I glance down at Henry, not wanting to bash his no-good father in front of him. He’s happily lining up little stones he collected along the edge of the patio, oblivious to the conversation going on above him.
“He was supposed to be with his dad this weekend, but he canceled. Again. So Henry was stuck shopping for wedding dresses with us all day.”
“I see.” He ponders for a second. “Would that wedding dress be for the lovely lass who just left…or someone else?”
“Yeah, it’s for Mary Margaret. She’s engaged to my brother.”
“I’m very glad I was able to make Henry’s day better, because his dancing did the same for me.” We watch Henry play, babbling to himself. “He seems like a happy little lad,” Killian observes.
“I do my best, but as a single mom, I make a lot of mistakes.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, Love. All parents make mistakes. It’s a good thing kids have perfect aunts and uncles,” he says with a smirk.
“So, are you an imperfect father or a perfect uncle?” Am I really flirting with him right now?
“I have two nieces, so that would make me the latter.”
“Do you get to see them very often?”
“Aye, they live just a few miles from me, so I spoil them as often as possible. They’re my brother Liam’s girls.”
“Doesn’t sound like you’re originally from the U.S., if you don’t mind me saying.”
He chuckles again, rubbing his finger behind his right ear. “We were born in England and lived there until I was fourteen, then my father took a job here so we moved across the pond.”
“That explains the accent.”
He nods and checks his watch, blowing out a breath. “I should probably get back to my set. Will you allow young Henry to stay for a few more songs?”
I shrug my shoulders. “Sure. What’s another fifteen minutes in the grand scheme of things?”
A genuine smile splits his face. “Excellent! I think he’ll particularly like the next three or four songs I play.” He looks around and grabs a nearby chair from an empty table, setting it down beside me. “Won’t you please have a seat, Emma?”
“Such a gentleman,” I say, sinking onto the offered chair.
“Oh, I’m always a gentleman.”
Somehow I don’t mind him flirting with me.
He steps back on the stage, slips his guitar into place, and positions himself in front of the microphone. After giving me a wink, he announces in an overly accented, squeaky voice, “And now it’s time for Silly Songs with Killian. The part of the show where Killian comes out and sings…a silly song.”
I burst out laughing at the very familiar words. Henry is addicted to Veggie Tales, the wacky shows featuring talking fruits and vegetables. I love them because they teach good moral values; he loves them because they’re hilarious. His favorite part of every video is Silly Songs with Larry the Cucumber, which we watch over and over and over again. Apparently he conveyed this obsession to Killian.
Killian closes his eyes, somberly strums his guitar, and sings, “Oh, where is my hairbrush? Oh, where is my hairbrush? Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh wherrrrrrrre…is my hairbrush?”
Henry is jumping up and down like a kangaroo on a pogo stick, shouting, “Mommy! Mommy! It’s the Lawwy song! Keeyin is singin’ the Lawwy song!”
Wiping tears of laughter from my eyes, I look around at the half-dozen people at the tables, who are looking at the musician like he’s lost his damn mind. Bunch of sticks in the mud. Lighten up.
But Killian isn’t bothered by their response, or lack thereof. He smoothly transitions to another of Henry’s favorite silly songs. “Oh, everybody’s got a water buffalo. Yours is fast, but mine is slow. Oh, where’d we get them, I don’t know. But everybody’s got a water buffalo, oooooo.”
Henry is beside himself with excitement. He’s running around in a circle, waving his arms in the air in his best impression of a rabid chimpanzee.
Killian moves on to sing a few lines of “I Love My Lips” (I can’t help thinking I’m quite fond of them, too), followed by “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything”.
By this time, the diners have relaxed, laughing and clapping along with the crazy tunes. Meanwhile, my son has finally worn himself out, collapsing in a small heap in front of the stage, looking up at Killian adoringly.
“...and we’ve never been to Boston in the falllllll,” Killian concludes with a flourish and takes a deep, dramatic bow.
I dig into my purse and pull out a twenty dollar bill. I always try to watch my budget, but I’ll skip getting a chocolate caramel latte for a few days to compensate. It’s worth it for what Killian did for Henry tonight.
Walking up to the stage, I drop the bill into the tip jar, smiling up at the singer. He’s between songs, so I say, “Thank you so much, Killian. You’re my hero for entertaining Henry tonight. It was great and he loved it, didn’t you, kid?”
Henry jumps to his feet. “I weally did, Keeyin! I love Lawwy songs!”
“What do you tell him?” I prompt.
“Thank you, Keeyin,” he says obediently.
“You’re very welcome, lad. I play here again in three weeks. Perhaps you can stop in and see me again?” He’s talking to Henry, but he’s looking at me.
“Can we, Mommy?” Henry pleads.
I know we probably can’t. This restaurant is all the way across the city from where we live, plus it’s pretty expensive. Mary Margaret footed the bill today, but twelve bucks for a kid’s meal is a little steep and I won’t pay it. I don’t want to say any of this though, because my tired son is walking a thin line between lingering happiness and an emotional collapse. So I use the parental standard, “We’ll see.”
Taking Henry’s hand, I say, “Thanks, again, Killian. Have a good evening.”
Something that looks like slight panic flashes through those gorgeous eyes of his and he speaks into the microphone, “I’ll be back in five, folks.” He slides his guitar around to his back and steps off the stage, placing himself directly in front of me. “Emma, if I may be so bold, and if you’re not already dating someone, would you consider going out with me?”
“Wh-what?” Apparently, getting asked out by the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on renders me a bit stupid.
He lightly wraps his hand around my wrist and pulls me further toward the side of the patio for some privacy. “Even though we just met, I would really like to get to know you better.”
“But…but you don’t even know my last name.”
“What is it?”
“Mine is Jones, so now we know each other a little better already.”
I stare at him, trying to think of a single reason why I should say no to him. “I…we…um…Henry and I, we…uh…we come as a packaged set.” That’s the way, Emma. Use your kid to try to scare him off. And you did it so gracefully, too.
“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m really quite fond of your son. That’s not a deal breaker,” he states firmly. He still hasn’t let go of my wrist and now he’s rubbing his thumb over it. I find I don’t mind at all.
“Mommy, potty!” Henry announces.
Oh, geez. Killian has to get back to his set and Henry has to pee. I’m running out of time.
Dropping Henry’s hand, I rummage through my purse, trying to find a pen. “Got a piece of paper?” I ask, mid-rummage.
Killian dashes to his guitar case and pulls out a piece of sheet music, returning with it just as I locate the elusive pen. He plants his foot on a chair and slaps the paper down on his knee so I can scribble my number on it.
When I finish, I lift Henry into my arms and take off to find a bathroom. Before disappearing inside the restaurant, I glance back at Killian. He’s still standing where I left him, a broad smile on his face as he grips the paper in his hand. Raising my free hand, I give him a little wave and he returns it.
After I’ve had time to think about it, I might regret giving him my number. Right now I just have to keep my kid from peeing down the front of my dress.
A year ago, Killian Jones was my hero for giving me a chance to relax while he entertained my son. Five months later, he was once again my hero by being my date to Mary Margaret and David’s wedding. Today, he’s still my hero because he’s continuously proving that not all men are incomparable asses.
On the contrary, he’s everything I dreamed a man should be, once upon a time. Killian Jones is talented, intelligent, funny, considerate, masculine, caring, loving, passionate, and a great conversationalist, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous (if I didn’t mention that, it would be a crime.) He’s the total package and I’m head-over-heels in love with him.
Oh, and he’s a fantastic role model for my little boy. I usually hate to admit when Mary Margaret is right, but in this case, she was unequivocally correct. He and Henry absolutely adore each other and it makes my heart so happy. They do everything together - read books, play Star Wars with lightsabers, build block towers, climb trees, ride bikes, you name it.
And Henry loves singing silly songs with his soon-to-be stepfather. What more could a mother want for her son? Except, perhaps, a sibling.
Killian and I are working on that…and thoroughly enjoying every second of it.
Thank you for reading. I hope it brightened your day!
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lieutenanthowell · 7 months
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TASK 001. 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚎𝚛.
Guin Cadair Howell
Balto, Grizzly Adams, etc. Balto came from his knack with sled dogs (and his tendency to do the head tilt thing). Togo led the hardest leg of that serum run, where's his statue? Where's his fucking Disney movie? There is a Togo movie? Okay. Does he want to watch it? Fuck no. Grizzly Adams was inspired by the fact that despite his "freakass feral survivalist" upbringing, he's entirely incapable of growing a wild-man level beard.
Burn Gorman
Scarred up like a fight dog or an old stag - the most immediately noticeable of these are on the left side of his face: a gouge through both lips, another in his eyebrow, and several scattered across his cheek. Callused hands reflecting firearm use, unarmed fighting, and physical labour, with some slight skewing to his little and ring fingers on, again, the left side.
Has three color tattoos, all got during his late-teenage years in the army and at least somewhat damaged by injuries sustained in service of the Foundation: a wolf’s head biting a human hand, on his left bicep, a bear’s head with fireweed on his right bicep, and an owl, wings open, across his chest. He’s also got stick and pokes of, on the inside of his left and right forearms, respectively: the constellation Orion, with special emphasis on Mintaka, the first star in the "belt" to rise and set, on the left, and on the right, Cassiopeia, the Little Dipper, and the Big Dipper, with the North Star emphasized between. Done by his dad when he was a kid to help him remember how to navigate by the stars (all of these constellations being useful landmarks). Pierced right ear. Never wears anything in it on duty.
𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐃.𝐎.𝐁.
45, 06/12/1978
He doesn't know! And doesn't care! I don't know, but I googled! Sagittarius, Earth Horse. Which makes total sense because he can bowhunt AND like a horse he will stomp someone into the earth if he takes the mind to. Am I doing this star thing right -
Doesn't have one. Born somewhere in the Unorganized Borough, Alaska; Galena is listed as place of birth on the paperwork only because that's where his birth certificate was issued.
David Howell, father, status unknown; Bronwyn Howell, mother, reported missing in 1987.
Cis male / he.
Divorced (2014). Single since then. Complicated lately.
Focused, practical, perceptive.
Blunt, independent, aloof.
Smoking. Scotch, ideally Glenfiddich. Fidgeting with a butterfly knife lifted off a dickhead in Xi-13, carpenter's pencils (he likes the shape better, and does chew the ends), peeling wrappers off things unless the stickiness is the kind that annoys him, swinging keys on lanyards until they wrap around his hand then back the other way, tying knots, and so on. Avoiding eye contact unless absolutely necessary. Stopping at the nearest bathhouse or sauna anywhere in the world there's one available after a shitty day on the job.
Photography. Hiking. Camping. Finding new places to eat and trying every new food he can.
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MTF Operative
MTF Operative, primarily, in several MTFs, most notably Gamma-4, "Green Stags" and Beta-777, "Hecate's Spear"; Tactical Response Officer and Security Officer.
MTF Xi-13, "Sequere Nos" - Platoon-strength rapid response unit, tasked with responding quickly to dangerous and/or anomalous situations where the threat has not yet been identified but military-grade force is deemed likely, including but not limited to large scale containment and security breaches.
Marksmanship, combatives including knifework, tracking, and general survivalist skills, including field first aid, hunting, trapping, foraging, rock-climbing, swimming, horseback riding, and dog-mushing.
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[Dying Breed] was effectively recruited in the field by MTFC Anatoly Kuryakov, then in command of MTF Delta-14. The Task Force encountered [Dying Breed], then a Private First Class stationed in Fort Wainwright, Alaska, while in pursuit of SCP-121959-1; following an initial interrogation, MTFC Kuryakov employed him as a guide. Impressed by his skills and steadiness, Kuryakov not only neglected to administer any amnestic once SCP-121959-1 was secured, but returned to Site-31 with [Dying Breed] in tow, ready to apply. 
Enlisted at only nineteen, [Dying Breed] was cleared for fieldwork by twenty-one after rotations in Security, Parazoology, and Tactical Theology. The record and reputation he has established since is marked by contrasts. He’s exceptionally effective in achieving objectives; like his recruiter, he’s also known to achieve this by bending protocol and sidewinding around orders, and to justify his borderline insubordination without remorse. He has served the Foundation’s purpose to the utmost of his ability and at great personal cost, but actively refuses (and, arguably, sabotages) opportunities for more prestigious promotions. He’s intensely loyal to the few fellow operatives who earn his trust - such as [Elevator Music], with whom he has maintained close contact despite a brief marriage and briefer divorce - but largely keeps to himself, detached and impersonal. It is generally believed that [Dying Breed] is only more disciplined than decorated because of the enemies he’s made throughout his long, tumultuous career. Regular personnel interviews determined that this did not disturb him in the slightest, and that he intended to continue serving until such a point as he was deemed inarguably unfit to do so.
As such, his request for an extended leave of absence was a surprise, even considering the circumstances. The events involved in the Foundation’s encounter with SCP-192001-1, unclear as they remain, are detailed elsewhere. For the purposes of this file, we highlight the following aspects: the alleged violent breakdown of [Live Wire]’s cognitohazard resistance, the alleged friendly-fire wounding of Senior Researcher Tom Dalton, inconsistent eyewitness and medical reports of [Dying Breed]’s own injuries, and [Dying Breed]’s response to descriptions of [Live Wire]’s conduct. [Dying Breed] has never requested extended leave prior to this incident; however, he has also never lost a colleague as close as Senior Researcher Tom Dalton.  
(See record of service for assignment history, from 02/12/1999-; see also personnel off-duty surveillance records, from that date. These resources may also be referenced for further information on the relationship, personal and working, of [Dying Breed] and [Elevator Music], who was married to Senior Researcher Dalton at the time of his death.)
Upon emerging from a medically induced coma administered by [Elevator Music], [Dying Breed] completed extended debriefing, a disciplinary hearing re: the unauthorized decommission of SCP-192001-1, and an application for leave, to begin immediately. All three were resolved to the satisfaction of the Foundation. His last known location, prior to his timely return for post-leave assessment, was Fairbanks International Airport, Alaska. Routine attempts to monitor his movements between 18/12/2022 and 24/01/2024 proved largely unsuccessful; his activities during this time remain of special interest, as do any medical reports, interpersonal complaints, and/or other assessments in relation to this operative. 
Old... Friends? Frenemies? Fuck-Yous? Foundation acquaintance. Guin's been on staff at the Foundation since he was nineteen, so, math, that's... twenty-six years. Any characters who've been around the place that long, especially if they were at all involved with MTFs Delta-14, Gamma-4 or Xi-13, could have run into him and that could've gone... however it did! Up for anything, here - positive, negative, long-term or one-time-only. How did they leave whatever it was they had going on, dynamic wise? How's it feel, to be face to face again on a new Mobile Task Force, and such a fraught one, at that? Stop. Stop It. Unlikely friend. Whoever this is, for one reason or another, they've decided they've got a bone to pick with the old dog. What that means is up to you - well-intentioned badgering, mutual friction that just won't quit, some hierarchical crap, anything that strikes your fancy! Whatever their reason or tactics, he'll weather it with that weird motherfucking zen of his, which could easily be mistaken for tolerance, fondness, dismissal, or something else it's probably not. But might be. Who knows? Maybe not even him. Don't ask. Team Spirit. Fellow antisocial bastard OR pain in the ass. Guin is, usually, a functional loner; he works with a team more than within one, and this tends to get stood for by superiors given the nature of his skills and usual role. But MTF Chi-00 isn't likely to leave him the same degree of license. Open to characters who are similarly not into that OR a total keener for the whole team bonding... thing. Hoo Hoo, Motherfucker. A fellow night owl, mutually putting up with something like company. Isn't this nice? Not really talking. In the near-total dark. Several yards apart. Fantastic. It'd be a real shame if somebody ruined this by saying some weird shit about how the last job went. Yeah, better not. The Unkickable Puppy. What am I saying - he'd never kick a dog. But this junior team member has, somehow, wound up in Guin's good books. Maybe he just likes the cut of their jib. Maybe they're actually an absolute goddamn liability in his eyes and he's sick of it, but their wet cat levels are so off the charts that he can't manage to come down too hard on them. Either way, they need a hand with those ropes. Regrettably, he might be that. Don't Feed the - Things. SCP sympathizer. It'd be easy to assume certain things about Guin's perspective on SCPs based on his job description and certain rumours, but - you know what they say about assuming. Nonetheless, he's also lost a hell of a lot to the damage an unsecured, uncontained anomaly can do. The tension here, between a sympathizer's well-meant, humane compassion and his hard-headed, pragmatic drive to protect what he can is going to result in some fantastic fires, no doubt!!
Broken Ace, Brutal Honesty, Combat Pragmatist, Conditioned to Accept Horror, Crazy Survivalist, I Did What I Had To Do, Kick the Son of a Bitch, Loners Are Freaks, No Social Skills, Old Soldier, Pet The Dog, Sergeant Rough, Thousand-Yard Stare, The Unfettered, Unreliable Narrator, What You Are in the Dark, and others REDACTED for spoilers.
Rust Cohle (True Detective), Amos Burton (The Expanse), Nikolai (Eastern Promises), Dick Proenneke, Wooded Landscape in Snow by Ludvig Munthe, The Wolf by Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski, Man Proposes, God Disposes by Edwin Landseer, New Moon by David Lados, The Ritual, The Blair Witch Project, and others REDACTED for spoilers.
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osterby · 3 months
One thing I like to think about with my WoLs is jobs and classes that they learned not as combat skills or professions, but as part of a childhood education.
Ostercat grew up in Gridania, the youngest (and spoiled) son of a comfortably middle class family. He was taught the basics of conjury alongside harpisichord, history, and mathematics.
Alivion's childhood was spent in pre-plot-point Ala Mhigo. He learned a non-combat version of Monk that was taught a spiritual practice and dance form.
Indil'li is non-Gridanian Shroud Miqo'te. He was bowhunting quite literally before he could walk (Miqittens learn to climb long before they're walking on two feet), it's as natural to him as eating with a fork is to you. Bard was a new discipline, but walked into that guild as probably a lvl 90 archer.
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shefanispeculator · 1 year
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Shelton explained that hunting is how he unwinds after the long hours on The Voice. He said, “Sometimes I’ll go hunting for caribou in Canada, or elk hunting. But bowhunting white-tailed deer in Oklahoma is my favorite thing. It takes me back to my childhood. There’s just so many memories and special things that have happened to me that revolve around deer season, honestly. It’s my favorite time of year.”
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zackastor · 1 year
starter for: @jakehawk
location: forest outside of Redwood
Freaking bowhunting. Of course it made sense that they couldn't waste ammo and just shoot animals with a rifle, but bowhunting? Like those elves in those nerdy movies? Felt kind of ridiculous. But in spite of that, he liked being a hunter. Probably was a fitting job for someone like him. Running outside of Redwood in the mud and dirt, killing things. And it was better than being stuck inside and unable to go out because of whatever rules this place had.
Despite his normally shitty attitude, he didn't mind going out there alone. You couldn't do solo tours in the military, unless you wanted to be sent to the clouds. And when he'd come back to the outbreak, he had his wolves with him. Now, his fellow hunters had to do.
"So, Jake-" Zack turned around to cast a glance at the guy he was currently tracking through the forest with. Jake Hawk. Some big name Hollywood actor Zack was half sure he'd seen in a movie or another. "I've been meaning to ask you. Why did ya choose to hunt?"
He let his eyes trail over the man with a measuring glance. "Like, David an' me I get. We're kinda used to killing things. But you're one of them frilly Hollywood actors right? Not the type to go out there and get elbow deep into deer guts."
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hi, could I potentially get some name ideas?
I'm looking for a strong-sounding feminine name, something that kinda screams resilience/tough bitch if you get me? it could also be similar to the name izumi potentially, but no worries if it isn't, I know that's a bit much to ask!
Athena- From the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare
Alexandra- Greek name meaning defender
Bellatrix- Latin origin meaning female warrior
Freya/Freyja- Norse goddess associated with gold, love, war, sex beauty and fertility
Skadi/Skade/Skathi- Norse goddess associated with bowhunting, winter, mountains, and skiing.
Hel- In Norse mythology, she is daughter of the infamous god of trouble, Loki
Elli- Goddess of old age, who despite taking the appearance of an old woman, is extremely powerful
Artemis- Greek goddess of the moon and archery, among many other things
Taz- Idk I just thought of Taz from Vast Error on this one, she's a strong badass bitch okay
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tirstyspngirl · 2 years
Training or Soccer, Sam Picks Soccer
@spnfluffbingo square filled: Hurt Playing a Sport
Warnings: none
Pairing: Dean & Sam (Not wincest)
Word Count: 959
Dean sat in the parking lot of the middle school, the sun starting to set leaving the lot bathed in a soft glow. His hands tapped to the rhythm of the Led Zeppelin song playing in the background. He couldn’t help but think to himself how much happier Sam seemed since joining the soccer team. It had been a hard fought battle, one that almost reached explosive levels between Sam and their father. If Dean hadn’t stepped in it might have even progressed to blows. Luckily, Dean was able to reason with his dad that soccer would keep Sam’s fitness up and work the strategy part of Sam’s brain. Dean was pretty sure that was the only reason that John had caved; it would help with hunts.
With that said, he left strict instructions with Dean that Sam was to spend his Saturday afternoons (because Sam had practice and some games on Saturday mornings) were to be spent practicing with the crossbow. Unfortunately one the more recent hunts required the use of one and Sam fumbled it causing his dad to be extremely upset and harp on practicing those skills specifically. John expected nothing less than perfection. Dean understood since hunting was not something to be lax with, but he was frequently way too harsh on Sam in his opinion.
Luckily for Sam (and Dean realistically), John had taken a string of hunts with Caleb and left the boys for several weeks. John was due to return in a week, but the boys knew that could be extended yet again in an instant. John had left enough money for Dean to find a job that didn’t care about past experience (or lack of proof of) so long as he got the work done.
Dean was shaken out of his thoughts as he saw a shaggy-headed lanky teenager emerge from the building. The first thing that Dean noticed was Sam walking funny. The second thing he noticed was that Sam was trying to cover up the awkward gait. Dean sighed, he had a good idea of how the night would progress and just how much angst he was going to get from the stubborn kid.
“Hey kiddo, how was practice”
“It was fine.”
“Just fine?”
“Alright, let’s go scrounge up some grub and head to bed. We’ve got a long day tomorrow. After your practice we gotta go work on some more bowhunting.”
Sam sighed “More? Haven’t I improved a ton over the last few weeks? I can handle my own, Dean.”
“I know you can Sammy. But dad left strict instructions. Besides, nothing wrong with extra practice. We can always get better.”
Sam grumbled something under his breath that sounded quite derogatory towards their father to Dean. “What was that?” he asked
“Nothing. Let’s just go home. I want to get as much sleep as possible tonight.”
“Sure thing, Sammy.”
Neither boy spoke for the remainder of the drive. Sam stared out the open window, enjoying the breeze that passed across his face and through his hair. Dean sang softly and tapped to the beat on the steering wheel. Both boys seemed quite content with the world in those few moments.
When the sleek black car pulled up in front of the motel door, Sam grimaced. It was easy to pretend his ankle wasn’t on fire when he wasn’t putting any weight on it. Now he was gonna have to walk into the motel room with his brother, and he wasn’t sure how he was gonna pull off the non-injury. Sam only lasted a few steps, before making a soft whine. His ankle felt way more sore walking on it now than it did leaving the school. But Sam was determined. He kept going, flopping down into the first chair he could once inside the room.
“Alright princess, you can give up the act. I know you’re hurting.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Come on Sammy, I’m not an idiot.”
Sam sighed again and rubbed his hand down his face. He thought he’d at least be able to pull it off until morning. “Alright fine, I twisted my ankle pretty good while doing some drills at the end of practice.”
“Yeah, I figured as much. Let me see.”
Dean knelt down in front of his brother and carefully untied his shoe and pulled off the sock underneath. Sam was always struck with just how gentle his brother could be. His brother was such a dichotomy, gentle and caring older brother opposite of a lethal killer when hunting the things that go bump in the night.
“It looks pretty swollen. I’ll get it wrapped up nice and tight and we’ll get you horizontal on the bed over there. Get some pillows under it and some ibuprofen into you.”
“I don’t need any pain meds, Dean. It’s really not that bad, especially when I’m resting it.”
“It’ll help with the swelling too, Sam. Between the ibuprofen, elevation, ice and wrapping it, you’ll be like new in no time.”
“Like before dad gets home in no time?” Sam asked, his lip caught in between his teeth in nervousness.
Sam continued to fret thinking about his father’s reaction to an injury from an activity he didn’t want him doing in the first place.
“Don’t worry about him Sam, I’ll take care of it if he’s back before you heal up.”
“Thanks, Dean.” Sam said. Dean watched as he visibly relaxed knowing that his big brother was looking out for him.
Dean gave Sam a noogie on the head. It was the easiest way for him to show his love for his little brother without inducing a chick flick moment. Because you know the rules, no chick flick moments allowed.
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lightning-arias · 2 months
"Another You" + Young Justice
Muse of your choice
Avatar the last airbender
Elva and Jordan
We'll do Jordan for Young Justice this time
Jordan is roughly 16 when he's first introduced in season 1. He shows up unexpectedly to help on a mission, much to Wally's delight, as apparently he's met him and Roy before, having helped both of them on missions they both tried to run on their own before regarding museum robberies, all of stuff on the ancient Greeks. Jordan mentions he likes going to Star City to show up Green Arrow. Robin's a bit uncertain of him, as he's mentioned that Batman doesn't trust him as he's part of some unknown organization. Jordan teases him for this and flirts a bit with both M'gann and Artemis. Wally says that even Jordan is a better fit for their archer than Artemis is, which Jordan feigns hurt for, but admits some admiration for Red Arrow. There's a point during the mission where Artemis confronts him for making a shot that was "literally impossible" which only earns her a cheeky grin and remark that maybe he's just better than her and is blessed by Apollo, and that her secret is safe with him.
Later, at the end of the end of the season, Jordan reveals he knows Artemis wasn't trained by Green Arrow because she fired completely differently, not that just anyone would have noticed that, and Diana asks The Team where they found that Demi-god after Jordan's left to gods know where and that he is indeed bless by Apollo.
Season 2 Jordan is mentioned the first time during Depths, where he's called to be asked to be part of the mission. He declines, saying that while he'd be thrilled to fight alongside the goddess of archery again, that he's still recovering from surgery. Wally is grumpy about this compliment, but Artemis tells him not to worry about it.
There's a few times throughout the season where it seems that Jordan is working with the Light and feeding them information. It's revealed during these interactions that Jordan is a son of Ares.
When Roy Harper(original) is brought to the hospital, Ollie and Red Arrow(Will) briefly discuss how will Roy adjust, and Will mentions that they already know a one armed archer who might be willing to help if Roy wants to be an archer again. Before Will goes to find Ollie he briefly calls someone to ask a favor. There's a brief pause before Jordan answers and says, "Anything for you."
He's shown again for the first time during the episode "True Colors" trying to train Arsenal, and both of them just pissing the other off. Later he's shown hanging out with Will, complaining about training Roy. Will points out that he reminds him a lot of Jordan when he was younger and Jordan says "yeah but you liked me better." and asks how they're going to handle names, and Will admits he doesn't know yet. And Jordan tells him "well I know a thing or too about changing names if you want help."
Jordan is part of the Intervention mission and the Summit. There's a few moments where it might be thought Jordan is a traitor to the Team and the Justice League as his org is mentioned having interest in The Reach and The Light. Only for it to be revealed they were double agents. Though Jordan was not aware of Kaldur's involvement. He helps hunt down the drones.
Season 3 Jordan is at the Bowhunter's security office when Dick and the others arrive, and helps Will tear into Dick about neglecting the outsiders. Dick is surprised that Jordan is there and how he knows about The Outsiders, and Will tells him that Jordan figured it out all on his own... and he might have walked in on Halo using her powers. As for why he's there, Jordan says that they're friends and can't they hang out? And when Dick insists he doesn't remember Will and Jordan being that close Jordan says "things change." When the others are strong armed into going on the security detail, Roy asks why Jordan isn't coming too, and Jordan says that he has "other plans" and he's not the one who's asking for the favor. While Jim makes a joke that Jordan might fist fight Roy if they have to work together again.
While they're on the mission Jim teases Will about Jordan again which Will denies the teasing. Jordan does later join them for busting the Meta-Human trafficking ring, and tells Will he still looks great in the suit.
Jordan is at one point captured for the Meta-Human trafficking, but when he's found to not be a meta human he's drugged and turns half feral and is let loose on The Team when they rescue him. Not knowing where to take him, they bring him to Will, who takes care of him.
After Will and Artemis have their date Jordan is shown to be very jealous and angry, which confuses Will. At the end of the season, Jordan and Will kiss.
During season four, Jordan is fully in a relationship with Roy, but they aren't living together yet. Jordan accompanies Ollie and Will to escort Onyx, and is bit short with Ollie, to Will's embarrassment. Will begs both Roy and Jordan not to destroy shit, and Jordan yells back that he's always careful, only to get socked in the face and break a window with his arrows. Jordan agrees with Will that they can't be certain if the two League of Shadows defectors are villains or not, but sides with Artemis that they have to wait and see what the truth is. He thinks something's off with how Cassandra S holds herself with her missing arm but can't place what.
Jade hates Jordan as she wishes she could be in his place.
Jordan is made a Justice League Reservist and Roy finally asks him to move in with him. During M'gann and Conner's wedding Jordan shows some symptoms that he might be pregnant.
Obviously Elva is a firebender lol. She's descended from the Sun Warriors. She lives in Republic city during Avatar Korra's time and is a singer. She's quite well known but isn't one to live extravagantly. While Korra and Bolin are excited to meet her, she isn't involved much in the plot other than being a repeating background figure and meeting team Korra, where she admits she's a fan of Korra too.
Jordan is harder to pin down. I think he's an earth bender, also during the time of Korra. He bends earth like he's fire bending. He has a bounty hunter and has a prosthetic made of metal bending. Again, he's not much involved in the plot but he does help stop other slimier bounty hunters from capturing the new air benders
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gorgonarcher · 3 months
14th Game - Modern AGE
Green Ronin acquired the license to do a TTRPG based on Dragon Age and created the "Adventure Gaming Engine" to build it around. They then worked with Wil Wheaton and Geek & Sundry to create the Titangrave RPG using the same engine.
Following that they created Fantasy AGE as a toolkit RPG for players and gamemasters to build their own settings. Modern AGE came out of that as a similar toolkit RPG for playing other settings mostly focusing on 20th and 21st century Earth, though with tips for playing near-future and older periods like the Victorian, Georgian, Regency, Colonial, and Western periods.
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I'll probably do Fantasy AGE later but when I asked opinions on which game to do next, Modern AGE was the one that got interest.
There are some optional rules about bringing in non-human species from the Fantasy RPG and we'll be using those. Found them, they're in the Modern AGE Companion, and they're mostly unique origins based on Fantasy AGE races. There's a couple of ways to integrate these, we're going to go with basically adding an extra step of adding a "People" step alongside an "Origin" in the Background step.
There are nine steps of character creation as follows:
1 - Concept
2 - Abilities
3 - Backgrounds
4 - Profession
5 - Drive
6 - Resources and Equipment
7 - Health, Defense, Toughness, and Speed
8 - Goals, Ties, and Relationships
9 - Name and Description
That sounds like a lot of steps, but some of them would likely be included under the same step in other games.
Step One - Concept
Okay, we're going to have a gorgon archer in a modern setting at this point. I'm going to assume the campaign at least starts in a rural township and she does bowhunting to supplement her groceries and maybe sells leather or antler goods as well on the side.
At least that's the thought right now. I'm going to be using more of the default options, which involve rolling for backgrounds and such, rather than my normal tendency to go for the optional "just pick what you like". This means my concept of this character is going to change as we move along.
Step Two - Abilities
Modern AGE goes back to the days of rolling for abilities. By default you roll your stats in order and assign them. Point buy and roll and assign as desired are optional methods.
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I think I'm going ahead and going with the default. I tend to think that Concept should come after Abilities if you're rolling for Abilities. That said, the rolling in this game is far more forgiving than in D&D and stats are easy to increase over time since you get a point to increase abilities every level.
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There are nine Abilities and for them I roll:
Accuracy 12 - 2
Communication 12 - 2
Constitution 10 - 1
Dexterity 14 - 2
Fighting 14 - 2
Intelligence 13 - 2
Perception 11 - 1
Strength 11 - 1
Willpower 7 - 0
So, I can't really complain here. It's 1 point more than I would get for doing a point buy built. But it is a bit samey at this point. That said, she's generally better than the average person at most things.
At this point.
See, in addition to abilities going up every level, they're also going to go up based on the next few steps we're going to take. We're also going to gain Ability Focuses which give further bonuses to different activities.
Step Three - Backgrounds
Okay, as I said, we're taking the option where the People is added as an option on top of an origin. This creates a slightly more powerful character than usual but that's fine. To start, we're going to roll for background. By default that's this chart:
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However, we're going for a fantastical setting so we're going to incorporate the optional chart and backgrounds from the Companion:
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So some explanation of these backgrounds:
Academic (Core) - A history of scholarship.
Anomaly (Companion) - There's something weird about you.
Aristocratic (Core) - You come from money.
Bohemian (Core) - Grew up in eccentric or creative communities.
Corporate (Core) - You're from corporate culture.
Cosmopolitan (Core) - You come from a true melting pot.
Exile (Core) - You've been driven from your past life.
Jacked In (Companion) - You're deep in hacktivist culture.
Laborer (Core) - You've been a manual laborer.
Legacy (Companion) - You come from a line of powerful people.
Military (Core) - You were in a military of some form.
Outlander (Companion) - You're from another world.
Outcast (Core) - You're forced to exist on the fringes.
Paranormal (Companion) - You were raised around the supernatural.
Scavenger (Companion) - You scavenge abandoned tech.
Suburban (Core) - You're from the suburbs.
Tagalong (Companion) - You were raised by world-saving heroes.
Thrall (Companion) - You've recently been freed from an entity.
Trade (Core) - You have a history as a skilled expert in a trade.
Urban (Core) - You're from the big city.
This will also give me some world-building thoughts on where our character lives.
So the first roll is 4, Middle Class. And the second roll is a 2, Paranormal. So now we apply the Paranormal additions.
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I'm going to choose Willpower (Courage) as befitting the "archer" thought over "Occultism" in this case. This means that if she's rolling a test that deals with Courage, her Willpower gains a +2 for a total of +4. Now, we can give her Knowledge, Observation, or any Psychic power talent.
I'm probably going with Observation, but let me check the psychic talents. Let's see, Cryokinesis, Empathy, ESP, Projection, Pyrokinesis, Shielding, Telekinesis, and Telepathy.
Okay, Projection has Psychic Blast which could be used to represent the Gorgon's Gaze... ESP is also tempting for that witchy "I know stuff" vibe. And technically, she doesn't qualify for Observation (currently her Perception is too low) but at character creation that doesn't matter.
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I think I will go for the Psychic Projection Talent as it sits higher on my priority list than Observation and ESP do by dint of being a possible way to do the gorgon gaze. (albeight not a stoning gaze... unless that's how the psychic attack manifests in the target's mind).
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As a note, this means that her 0 Willpower is suddenly very important as characters gain Power Points at level 1 equal to 10+Willpower+1d6, gain Willpower + 1d6 from levels 2 to 10, and gain Willpower (minimum 1) every level after. I rolled a 4 so she has 14 PP.
Willpower also determines the Force of her powers, which is similar to a saving throw. It's the number opponents need to beat to resist her powers. Force is 10 + Willpower + Power Focus... so for our character it's a 10. Pretty weak. Almost minimal some would say (she could have had a negative Willpower, so there's that).
Currently, I only have access to the four powers included for each Power Talent in the base game, so the two novice powers are going to be Hallucination and Psychic Blast.
We now roll on the Origin benefit chart and I get a 10. Which is a focus for Bargaining. This is kind of leaning into my original idea of the person on the fringes who sells odd things to cover her costs. However, we have the added bit that she's used to living among spirits, psychics, and mystics now.
Now, we're going to add a People from the Companion. While there isn't a specific "Gorgon" option (that's part of the challenge) there is the Spirit-Born. I would like to note that "Human" is its own people with a list of benefits as well. Though it's unfortunately that common humans=average cliche with an advantage called "Underdog". So it's a bit of a mixed bag.
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What I'm going to say is that the community or commune that our character grew up in performs real working seances and rituals. And at least one of those resorted in her parents conceiving her, knowingly or otherwise. I'm leading mostly towards "oops, accident" but also hey, consensual polyam with spirits sure, I'm cool with that. Regardless, I'm thinking happy, healthy family life right now.
So, hey, look, We got a +1 Perception now. I'm also going to take that Occultism Focus now. So she's courageous and has been told about the Occult.
Oh... those Talent options.
ESP is tempting. But Attractive and Quick Reflexes are ALSO tempting.
Okay, so going to do my normal thing when I can't decide: roll. And if I start trying to convince myself to reroll, then obviously I didn't want really that option. And at the very least I'll pare off options until I get to the one I want.
First, setting up the results: 1-2 Attractive, 3-4 Quick Reflexes, 5-6 ESP.
2 - Attractive. All right then. Sexy, sexy, snake ladies.
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Okay, and then we move to Cultural Benefits roll. I rolled a 5, getting a focus in Persuasion.
Okay then. So for easy of finding this later when I sum up the character this is what the Background step has resulted in:
+1 Communication for a total of 3
+1 Perception for a total of 2
Willpower (Courage) focus
Communication (Bargaining) focus
Intelligence (Occultism) focus
Communication (Persuasion) focus
Spirit Born Danger Sense
Novice Psychic Projection - 14 PP - Force 10
Novice Attractive
Step Five - Profession
This is where we're going to go with choosing a Profession instead of rolling for one. And we're going to choose one that's a bit below our rolled social class. This will net a bit more resources than that Profession usually starts with. Specifically, we're going with "Survivalist."
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And now we're going to grab Accuracy: Bows as a focus and I'm going to go with the idea that she's from a group that sort of lives on the fringes, though the Middle Class background makes me think they're doing well for themselves. And I'm guessing that if this is a world where the supernatural is unknown that they didn't want to much documented info on the character's birth. So, I'm going with Living on the Fringe.
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That covers Profession. Which we can summarize as:
Accuracy (Bows) focus
Novice Living on the Fringe
Health 21
Resources 3 (Outsider profession, Middle Class background)
Step Five - Drive
Now we choose a Drive, and for this, I'm going to go with a random roll again. 1-3 Column 1, 4-6 Column 2, which is the default in the text... no idea why it's not included on the chart.
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Rolled a 6 so it's a column 2 Drive. And then a 5, so Survivor.
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Okay, so what I'm seeing is that sometime between when she was born and her life now, her family and possible cult (in the neutral original sense that Scion uses rather than the negative layperson sense we commonly use now) came on hard times. That may explain how they went from Middle Class to fringe living. Perhaps they ran afoul of darker occult forces.
Now, here we have a choice. We can either improve Living on the Fringe to Journeyman or we can take Novice Tactical Awareness. I am amused these are the same Talent options as Survivalist gave, but anyway. I think I will go with Tactical Awareness, just to spread out her skills a bit. Also, this lets her do some of that quick moving gorgon archer stuff that happens in movies or games whenever they want to pull Medusa out.
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As a note, the default description of this Drive being cynical does not mean we can't still make her friendly and cheerful. The fact that you're always preparing for bad stuff doesn't necessarily mean you're grumpy all the time.
Now we also get an improvement and have the option between:
Health +5
Reputation 1 rank
Resources +2
I like the idea that she still has some reputation with her family's cult, even if they are scattered a bit these days. So that's what I'm taking. Reputations are typically a reward earned in play and by the looks of things, they don't really have ranks? I'm guessing they just mean "gain one Reputation" and this is comes in the form of an honorific like "Bane of Criminals", "Superlative Lover", "Savior of the Town" etc. In this case, I'm going with one of the example reputations of "Friendly Face" in that she has a reputation for being friendly and approachable. Not quite what I was thinking when I chose this option, but I can work with it.
This leads to the following summary:
Novice Tactical Awareness
Reputation: Friendly Face
Step 6 - Resources and Equipment
We already know her Resources score is a 3 based on her social class and Profession. This is a nebulous score that is used like an ability for purchasing anything in game. How the characters gain resources depends on the game mode of the campaign:
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I'm planning to do some leveling on this character, which is unusual for these builds, so we'll discuss game mode then.
As for starting Equipment, it's pretty simple:
Ordinary clothing.
The essential tools or items of the character's profession. So basic camouflage, woodworking and tanning gear, survivalist gear, etc
Any weapon the character has an associated focus or talent for using. ie: she has a bow. And this is why I chose the Survivalist profession. It was the only way I saw to definitely get a bow focus.
Step 7 - Derived Statistics
This is fairly simple.
Health: 21 (20 + Constitution per Survivalist profession)
Defense: 12 (10 + Dexterity)
Toughness: 1 (Constitution)
Speed: 12 (10 + Dexterity)
We're also going to go ahead and choose game mode here (this would normally be done before character creation as part of session 0) and I'm going to opt for the Cinematic mode for the extra power because why not?
This affects what Toughness applies to:
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Step 8 - Goals, Ties, and Relationships
Goals are similar to Deeds in Scion, these are a list of short-term and long-term things that you want your character to accomplish. These appear to be primarily used for RP guidance and don't have mechanics attached to them. For our character here, I'm going with the following:
Short-Term: Find a stable source of income.
Short-Term: Make contact with other cult mystics.
Long-Term: Find out why we scattered.
Ties are ways that you know the other player characters in the party. Let's say these are the party:
Jaden Ellis (Lower Class, Origin: Urban, People: Shapeshifter, Profession: Security, Drive: Rebel)
Chelsea Orr (Outsider, Origin: Bohemian, People: Orc, Profession: Artist, Drive: Judge)
Saif al-Salem (Upper Class, Cosmopolitan, People: Human, Profession: Expert, Drive: Caregiver)
And for ties, I'm going assume the following:
Jaden helped get her family safely to where she currently lives.
Chelsea is a local hermit whom she sells raw materials to.
Saif is a rich paranaturalist who she's acted as a guide for the local area before.
For Relationships you gain a number of Relationship Slots equal to your Communication, in this case three. And in character creation you can up Relationships up to a level 2 intensity. Towards that end, she's going to the choose the following:
Megan Odom, Town Mayor: Intensity 1
Chelsea Orr: Intensity 1
Agent Tonga, FBI Occult Division: Intensity 1
So, she is friendly with the local government, one of the other PCs, and with a federal agent, who I expect is something of a fringe rebel themselves.
We now move on to Name and Description. I went to a random name generator for "Hippie names" (seriously, FantasyNameGenerators.com has a smorgasboard of good options) and one of the suggested ones was "Promise". I like a good virtue name and this sounds very much in keeping with the idea that her parents conceived her during some ritual. So I'm going with that.
Promise has long, dark hair that seems to be perpetually in braids that are somehow still light enough to sway in the wind. They seem to be constantly in motion. People with eyes to see know that her "hair" are actually ebony serpents. She has deep brown skin, a square face and flat nose. She doesn't seem to fit the standards of beauty on paper, but most people who meet her smiling face agree that she's one of the loveliest people they've ever met, both physically and personality-wise.
As a note, there is an optional stat called "Conviction" which I will include. Spending these allows you to spend them to do things like Dodge an attack, Re-Roll a check, or get an extra action. It starts at 3 and increases as you level. You regain spent Conviction by leaning into your Drive. So Promise would regain Conviction either when she makes a special effort to be prepared for something, or when she leans into cynicism and her tendency to expect the worst causes problems.
Promise - Modern Gorgon Archer - Level 1
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Origin: Paranormal
People: Spirit-Born (Gorgon)
Profession: Survivalist
Drive: Survivor
Accuracy 2 (Bows)
Communication 3 (Bargaining, Persuasion)
Constitution 1
Dexterity 2
Fighting 2
Intelligence 2 (Occultism)
Perception 2
Strength 1
Willpower 0 (Courage)
Novice Attractive
Novice Living on the Fringe
Novice Psychic Projection
Novice Tactical Awareness
Psychic Traits
Power Points: 14
Force: 10
Psychic Blast
Other Traits
Health: 21
Defense: 12
Toughness: 1
Speed: 12
Conviction: 3
Resources: 3
Spirit-Born Danger Sense
Social Traits
Reputation: Friendly Face
Relationship 1: Mayor Megan Odom (Always holds me welcome)
Relationship 1: Chelsea Orr (My first and best customer)
Relationship 1: Agent Tonga (We travel the same fringes)
Survivalist Gear
So, we're going to advance Promise to Level 12. Some advancement is based on the campaign mode and she is in a Cinematic game (Green line)
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Combined with the stuff that's standard for all modes, she gets the following each level:
1d6 + Constitution Health
1d6 + Willpower Power Points
+1 Toughness and Defense every 4th level
+1 Resources per level (plus story rewards)
+1 Conviction every odd-numbered level
+1 to an Ability every level (see below for rules)
New Ability Focus every level
Level 11+ you may improve an existing Focus from +2 to +3
A new Talent degree every level, going to say every 3rd level can be a psychic or arcane talent.
A specialization Talent at levels 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, and 16. In addition to the normal Talent.
She cannot improve the same Ability twice in a row, and once an Ability gets to 5, it costs two improvements to increase. So increasing Dexterity from 5 to 6 would take three levels at least because a character can't take Dexterity twice in a row.
With that in mind these are her level advancements:
Level 2
Health +4 (25), Power Points +6 (20)
+1 Resources (4)
+1 Willpower (1) (improvements to Power Points already figured in)
Perception (Tracking) Ability Focus
Novice Archery talent
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Level 3
Health +2 (27), Power Points +6 (26)
+1 Resources (5)
+1 Conviction (4)
+1 Accuracy (3)
Willpower (Psychic Projection) Ability Focus
Novice ESP Psychic Talent
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Level 4
Health +7 (34), Power Points +10 (36)
+1 Toughness (2) and Defense (13)
+1 Resources (6)
+1 Willpower (2) (improvements to Power Points already figured in)
Dexterity (Stealth) Ability Focus
Expert Archery Talent
Novice Hunter Specialization Talent, her Prey is "Servitors", creatures summoned or crafted by mages.
Also, she gains a new Relationship slot here. Going to apply it to Saif al-Salem.
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Level 5
Health +9 (43), Power Points +5 (41)
+1 Resources (7)
+1 Conviction (5)
+1 Constitution (2) (Improvements to Health already figured in)
Constitution (Tolerance) Ability Focus
Novice Scouting Talent
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Level 6
Health +3 (46), Power Points +3 (44)
+1 Resources (8)
+1 Dexterity (3)
Fighting (Snake Hair) Ability Focus
Novice Inhuman Legacy: Inhuman Weapon
Expert Hunter Specialist Talent
Inhuman Legacy is from a fifth AGE game called Cthulhu Awakens which is far more horror oriented than what I was thinking for this but the Talent meshes well with the talents in Modern AGE as far as power level and mechanics go, so I went with it. I do like that she is both absurdly attractive and blatantly inhuman. I'm assuming at this point her snake hair is now physical rather than spirit and she must hide it in more conventional way when dealing with people who find the supernatural disturbing.
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Level 7
Health +8 (54), Power Points +6 (50)
+1 Resources (9)
+1 Conviction (6)
+1 Communication (4)
Communication (Seduction) Ability Focus
Expert Attractive
With her Communication going up she gains a new Relationship Slot, going to apply it to Jaden Ellis.
Level 8
Health +5 (59), Power Points +7 (57)
+1 Toughness (4) - Constitution improved earlier
+1 Defense (15) - Dexterity improved earlier
+1 Resources (10)
+1 Accuracy (4)
Willpower (Faith) Ability Focus
Master Archery
Master Hunter Specialization
She gains another Relationship tie here, going to say she now has a girlfriend: Evie Awad. Huh, Evie... and I used an Egyptian surname. Accidental Mummy reference for the win.
Level 9
Health +3 (62), Power Points +12 (69)
+1 Resources (11)
+1 Conviction (7)
+1 Willpower (3) (improvements to Power Points already figured in)
Communication (Etiquette) Ability Focus
Expert Inhuman Legacy, choosing One with the Unnatural
Level 10
Health +3 (65), Power Points +4 (73)
+1 Resources (12)
+1 Dexterity (4)
Intelligence (Tactics) Ability Focus
Master Attractive
Level 11
Health +3 (68), Power Points +4 (77)
+1 Resources (13)
+1 Conviction (8)
+1 Communication (5)
Communication (Etiquette) Ability Focus improves
Expert Tactical Awareness
Communication goes up so she gets a Relationship slot, going to intensify the Evie one to rank 2.
Level 12
Health +3 (71), Power Points +4 (81)
+1 Toughness (5)
+1 Defense (17) - Dexterity improved earlier
+1 Resources (14)
+1 Accuracy (5)
Ability Focus (Bows) improved
Master Inhuman Legacy: Inhuman Ability (Communication)
Novice Liaison Specialization Talent
She gets two Relationship slots here, one from her level and one from her Communication going up (Inhuman ability breaks the 2 advance rule for normal Ability improvement). Going to add both to Evie... I'm sure there's some people accusing Promise of using some sort of mind control... but that just isn't one of her powers.
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Note that "Liaison" as a specialty requires a Membership and I'll just assume that she earns that somewhere in game play. You can't gain it in level-ups on its own. As a farther note, the Modern AGE Companion has rules for taking Talents and Specializations past Master degree, but I decided not to use those rules. I wanted to take things to Level 12 to get to the second specialization and to have a chance of getting an improved Ability focus. The Resource improvement assumes that she doesn't lose any resources over the course of the game.
For the Liaison, I'm giving her the following Organizational Focuses:
FBI Occult Investigations
Anima (spirits associated with worldly things)
Timber Fields (town she starts in)
Sacred Dark Cult (her family's cult)
In any case at level 12, she is an accomplished hunter, but now she's also become an incredibly beautiful, clearly inhuman being that serves as a friendly bridge between humans and the supernatural. If the setting began with the supernatural covered up then I don't think it really is any longer. I'm going to give her some random Reputations.
In any case, here's the wrap up.
Promise - Incarnate Spirit-Born - Level 12
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Origin: Paranormal
People: Spirit-Born (Gorgon)
Profession: Survivalist
Drive: Survivor
Accuracy 5 (Bows)
Communication 6 (Bargaining, Persuasion, Seduction, Etiquette)
Constitution 2 (Tolerance)
Dexterity 4 (Stealth)
Fighting 2 (Snake Hair)
Intelligence 2 (Occultism)
Perception 2 (Tracking)
Strength 1
Willpower 3 (Courage, Psychic Projection, Faith)
Organizational Focuses
FBI Occult Investigations
Anima (spirits associated with worldly things)
Timber Fields (town she starts in)
Sacred Dark Cult (her family's cult)
Master Archery
Master Attractive
Novice ESP
Master Inhuman Legacy
Novice Living on the Fringe
Novice Psychic Projection
Novice Scouting
Expert Tactical Awareness
Master Hunter
Novice Liaison
Psychic Traits
Power Points: 81
Force: 13, Psychic Projection: 15
(Psychic Projection) Psychic Blast
(Psychic Projection) Hallucination
(ESP) Psychic Sense
(ESP) Premonition
Inhuman Traits
Inhuman Weapon: Snake Hair 1d6+Strength Impact damage
One with the Unnatural: Animist Spirits and Spirit-Born
Inhuman Ability: Communication
Other Traits
Health: 71
Defense: 17
Toughness: 5
Speed: 14
Conviction: 8
Resources: 14
Spirit-Born Danger Sense
Social Traits
Reputation Honorfic: Friendly Face
Reputation Honorfic: The Rainbow Serpent
Reputation Honorfic: Bane of Abusers
Reputation Honorfic: Pain of Pundits
Membership 3: Sacred Dark Cult
Membership 4: Timber Fields LGBTQ+
Membership 1: Twitch Partner
Relationship 1: Mayor Megan Odom (Always holds me welcome)
Relationship 1: Chelsea Orr (My first and best customer)
Relationship 1: Agent Tonga (We travel the same fringes)
Relationship 1: Saif al-Salem (He helps me with my legacy)
Relationship 1: Jaden Ellis (Neither of us trust the politicians)
Relationship 4: Evie Awad (My anchor, my heart, my love, and the center of life.)
Survivalist Gear
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maybe i already have 12 hours in rdr2 and maybe i’m only on chapter two but sometimes things happen (i have been using it almost exclusively as a bowhunting simulator)
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johobot · 1 year
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A quick watercolor I did during a recent bowhunting trip! A little hodag action to keep things spicy.
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awillaway · 1 year
everythorn - “but every thorn, has gotta have a rose”, jake’s line
markedhuntress - bc of her birthmark
wantednormalcy - “all I wanted was a normal life”
destinedhuntress - just another thing about bein huntsgirl
destinymarked - same thing haha!
dragnmark if there's a way to change it.
Bowhunted or acroninja or... bloomingactress or blossomingactress.... or any birthmark urls just flops
To be deleted right after.
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honoshauntisgnosis · 1 year
About Silje Ward, née Ejnarsdóttir.
Silje is pronounced as "seal-yah"
Goes by Ward for professional reasons; it's an aunt's surname as well.
sooo, the wife of do.ctor stra.nge in another dimension, probably.
born in Reykjavík, Iceland on June 6th, 1985 (depending), to Ejnar Jóhannson and Margrét Bjornsdóttir. an only child, but loved dearly.
loved archery and became very good at it. bowhunted quite often with her father.
also loved winter, the snow, etc quite a bit
fairly good childhood, was pretty close to both of her parents
lived in New York with her parents between the ages of 15-18, due to a work assignment for her father
decided to stay in the US to attend college, hoping to eventually get into medical school, while her parents moved back to Iceland
met stephen in senior year of college, had decided by then to study neuroscience rather than medicine
stayed in a relationship with him while he went to med school and she went to pursue her masters (at St. John's in Queens). had a courthouse wedding with him just after he graduated
she also went on to pursue her phd
didn't know he was cheating on her with christine for a long time
chose to forgive his dumb ass anyway
stayed with him while he built his career; she ended up getting a research job in a SHIELD division, basically as a neuropsychologist for baddies, but also doing general research (on aliens, superheroes, villains, etc)
had a pretty fractured relationship with stephen close to the time of his accident. she wasn't with him (basically told him to take christine to the conference oops), but was devastated
sort of rekindled their relationship in that she devoted a lot of time, mental energy, resources, etc. into helping him heal, even helping him look into alternative medicine
tw drugs/addiction: he'd developed an addiction to pain killers, and she helped him through that, though his infidelity (that had been okay for a while) was slowly killing her
because alternate dimension, loki had been captured and she was 'studying' him and his jotnar magic. tbh she was feeling pretty bad for him and was tinkering with the idea of freeing him. probably starting to develop an emotional affair oops
tbh the best thing stephe did was disappear on her for a year (to go find the ancient one, heal his hands, become a sorcerer, etc). when he did try to come back, she'd sold their flat and was basically living near her workplace, having been devoting all of her time into that to pretend she didn't have depression, also getting closer to loki... whom she had freed, but no one knew that (yet)
during stephen's absence, her remaining parent-- her father-- passed away. this was devastating for her, because they were very close, and if there was ever a time she needed her goddamn husband, it was then. but... he wasn't there. loki, however, was.
she basically dragged him with to Iceland to take care of estate stuff. and because this is my goddamn story, there was something left to her... specifically, a necklace with a pendant that resembled frost, wrapped in a piece of paper with old norse written on it. she had no idea what this was, hadn't seen it before, and didn't really know why it was left to her. kept it anyway.
loki sort of figured it out right away, but didn't say anything because why men?
a few weeks staying in Iceland was pretty uneventful, just sad. she does kiss the idiot for the first time though, sort of giving up on her marriage (not divorced yet tho)
one day, there are literal monsters on her parent's property, trying to eat her. what the fuck. turns out that necklace was calling to them-- with jotnar magic. loki spills the beans and she's like what the fuck.
remembers the note and asks loki, aloud, what the hell "burt til fjalla minna, heimili mitt í hæðinni, til dalanna og giljanna, tinda ljóssins!" means (away to my mountains, my home in the height, to the glens and the gorges, the summits of light!)
insert sailor moon esque transformation scene that i don't want to write atm, but she gains a frost-covered axe, magic arrows, some sick old norse armor, and bulks up because we stan the hulk and we stan jane fo.ster (thooor)
she's a reincarnation of the goddam jotunn goddess Skaði wtf
loki is all like, haha yeah, and she's like you didn't tell me??
so it turns out there are monsters that are attracted to her newfound magic, particularly beasts that had been slayed by Skadi. it's silje's problem now though
around this time, SHIELD knows she's the one who freed loki, so guess she doesn't have to work on monday
she eventually reunites with stephen after the events of the first dr st.range movie (still married), and omg he's not as douchey now?? he still has that stupid smile and wears his wedding band and wtf, she hates that she still loves him but she can't really trust him
and then there's loki....
more to be added when i find the rest of my notes rip
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volpil · 1 year
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity <3
My family
Bowhunting and nature
Weight lifting
A good blunt
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