#this is a reoccurring theme
mushroomslovesyou · 1 year
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boy, this Ishmael guy sure knows how to end a chapter
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hufflepuffhabs · 1 year
Sorry, but I'm gonna need approximately 10-100 business days to recover from how cute Ansu and his family looked
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nevarroes · 4 months
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mornings in the keep
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macaulaytwins · 9 months
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vampyr3wife · 5 months
Tagged by the lovely @snvffpuppie ^-^
Six selfies of the year 2023! ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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[ I’m not 100% sure who is comfy w showing their face so no pressure !! mwah ] tagging @lovesickbrat @g0thpet @vacuiterror @brunettebabbydoll @amandagpanda @imabiteurankles @onlinemisery @ttrulese @urbones @yayodolls @666bedbugs @150151
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sammigy · 4 days
forever thinking about how important names are in the aftg universe… like neil and nathaniel obviously but also jean and jean-yves (or johnny), renee and natalie, dan and hennessey, andrew having been referred to as andrew “doe” for most of his childhood, jeremy asking people to not call him by his last name… like damn
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wolfythewitch · 3 months
Hey! Did you discover tma because you knew about the mechanisms first?
So years ago I was into the podcast scene but never really got into tma
Then a few days ago I was watching some F1 movie with my brother and out of morbid curiosity I went to check the AO3 fics to see what kind of tags were in there. Then I was craving some hurt/comfort fics but well the Odyssey tag is a bit sparse. Then I was like hey isn't the tma fandom like rife with hurt/comfort and I was RIGHT. I binged a bit of the fics and then realized that maybe I should listen to the podcast first so now here I am
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reunitedinterlude · 5 months
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countdown to phil’s 37th bday - a year in review [25/30]
ASs - a (mini) compilation
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solargeist · 2 months
I had a dream last night where Mumbo went to a hermit pool party but wore his suit the entire time, even in the water
He also shaved his moustache off for some reason, but wouldn’t look Grian in the face and Grian was like "wait what-WAIT WHAT”
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hazeofhearts · 7 months
teedles said “you are my leader and i care about you. we’re also family so i can fuck with you. bye, bitch!”
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cognitohazard · 1 month
i found a folder of images we made with neuralblender when it was still fun and in its "just churning out vaguely recognizable slop" phase and am wildly missing those days man take me fucking back
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jestroer · 10 months
I miss Iskall and Mumbo talking about how fucking stupid flat earthers are every single stream they had together
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harbingersglory · 2 months
miko is SO REAL for that, two switches fighting over who gets to dom is the best dynamic. if you have time/want to i'd be curious to hear any sub headcanons you have for lisa, ei, ningguang and/or kafka!
this is so incredibly self indulgent because i see ningguang, ei and kafka in the same sentence and explode. everyone pretend i didnt accidentally pick a fav here um
ningguang i already see as a pillow princess more than anything she fits this so well. absolutely adores going slow + worship. treat this woman like royalty and lord you will not regret it. she goes all out to make the night as perfect as possible. will not let you have a hand in any of it sorry!! this is her turf. perfect atmosphere suited to your tastes (tons of candles, if you like that, or just going by moonlight is also her style). incense, taking a few minutes beforehand just to really get settled in the mood (usually by cuddling, but shes not against just taking a moment for some tea or even a game of chess).
you'll also probably need all that extra time to sort through whatever shes bought this time. when i said she goes the whole nine yards i mean it. she has money and she will use it. very expensive lingerie for herself (and you, if thats your thing.) and literally anything you could ever want. it heavily depends on what you both want out of the night but she spares no mora making it the best she can.
the non-sexual intimacy before hand (and especially after) is important to her she takes it very seriously (for the both of you). you'll probably get dragged into taking a long bath afterwards before actually going to bed. hope you arent too tired! because its gonna be a while before you actually sleep.
because this woman has stamina. technically. she's just really pent up and theres no better way to get that stress out then soft sex with her partner. shes not picky about positions really but she has a soft spot for laying on her stomach with a pillow to prop up her hips (really accentuates the pillow princess part, huh /j). if you start massaging her she's gonna wake up the entirety of liyue. she's normally quiet but lord knows she needs it and she cant keep quiet for the life of her.
genuinely just very soft and gentle. she just needs some good pampering after a long day to unwind (preferably with a glass of wine, but thats for later).
ei..is very awkward about it. she probably gets embarrassed if you bring it up but shes not. opposed per se. she's just used to domming that she has no idea what to do. genuinely a mess the first time around but she gets the hang of it quick (shes a quick learner :])
also you just really get to see a side of her you usually never do! she's usually big on topping and shes pretty calm and composed about it (usually). not cold, just..she doesn't outwardly express things often. except when shes subbing. its like a switch flipped
just dont tease her about how visibly flustered and awkward she is about it. because she is. horribly so. shes still pretty quiet but thats just ei, to be fair. its like a cute, nervous puppy. call her a good girl though and she might short circuit so badly the shogun comes out
though i also see ei as someone who prefers giving even when subbing. a dangerous combo considering her body is a puppet and, yknow, cant get tired. you will have to pry this woman off you shes lowkey insatiable when it comes to pleasing you. 100% less of a brat, though. you give her an order shes following through with it before you can blink. efficient!
kafka is similar to miko, imo. maybe yelan too?? she gives off big brat vibes when she subs. she wont use suggestion in bed unless your 100% cool with it and even then its usually when she doms but when she subs? shes a menace. bit of a masochist, to be honest. she'll push your buttons until you crack and decide to punish her but woops, thats just what she wants so she wins anyway!
she cant feel fear but she certainly enjoys a good thrill. specifically sensory deprivation. cover her eyes with a blindfold and keep her guessing. its probably her favorite part, the closest she can get to fear. especially if you add a bit of pain into it.
choking, spanking, bit of blood..this woman is smiling through it all like she's the happiest woman in the world. especially if it makes you frustrated. shes like it desperate and rough.
if thats not your speed, though, she can get that thrill in other ways. semi public sex is her jam so sandwich her against a wall in some random supply closet and make her scream. shes not quiet even in the comfort of whatever room shes booked this time and you'll have to physically shut her up if you dont want to get caught. shes still a brat at heart, though. put your fingers in her mouth and she'll bite. your gonna need the patience of a saint to dom kafka.
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mspaint-flower · 9 months
Very very smol flower
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pet that small thang
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vounnasi · 7 months
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old friends [wip]
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tea-cat-arts · 6 days
Something I've wondered about for a while now with mdzs: Did Mo Xuanyu actually harass anyone, or was he just openly gay in a homophobic society where every interaction he had with another dude was interpreted as him trying to flirt?
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