#this is a very lighthearted post about the fact that i got stuck and started crying and had to stop writing for the night
ifuckingloveryoshu · 6 months
Im beyond pissed, tumblr crashed in the middle of me doing this so this is going to be so much shorter than I want it to be. NON RYOSHU RELATED POST ABOUT THE HEATHCLIFF. DON'T TAKE WHAT I SAY AS FACT I AM NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS. LOOK AT THE LINKS I CITE FOR MORE INFORMATION! You can click them when their mentioned. Im not citing in the proper format. This was done on 5 hours of sleep, two eggs, and a box of banana milk.
The Erlkonig or Erlking is this figure in German Mythology who kidnapps children. When he touches you, he kills you. This poem made by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe then adapted to this song is what you see. Erlkoning Heathcliff is trying to intice Heathcliff to die by telling him that it's his fault Cathy is dead. All identities refer to the sinner as "child" when you look into their uptie stories. Mili and the singer of the video here use the same technique of changing the tone and pitch of their voice to differntiate two characters.
The Wild Hunt is a part of Norse Mythology where Odin, mounted on his sixed legged horse Sleipnir, goes through the forest. According to norse-mythology.org, anyone who gets caught up in The Wild Hunt, spotted or seen, gets carried away. Your soul will get incorporated into The Wild Hunt. We all know Erlking Heathcliff did, the rising of the bodies. The Wild Hunt is also mostly describe as having hounds, and who was a hound? Hindleys.
From the same website, on the page of Sleipnir reads,
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Also, the horse that heath rides on has a weird liney pattern on it's 4 legs that kind of look like that runestone. There's more connection here, I just don't want to type it again.
How did Project Moon mix two diffrent mythological ideas together? (Its not just two, they mixed so many more.) Meet human mistranslation and the progression of oral tradition and story telling throught time. I don't kno where to start. There was mistranslation poem when, according to ancient-origins.net Johann Gottfried Herder wrote a seperate ballad from the one I linked at the start called Erlkönigs Tochter.
The Anglo-Saxons were early German settlers. This is where things get messy because I have several more potential leaders of the Wild Hunt but here are two, King Herla and Herne The Hunter.
Herne The Hunter: Popularized by Shakespeare potentially from a play called The Merry Wives of Windsor. This man called Jacobb Grimm said that Hene The Hunter was related to Odin. Herne the hunter is this ghost. ( https://mythopedia.com/topics/herne-the-hunter ) Im trying to say there are other media that connect the Erlking to the Wild Hunt but its on Wikipedia so it makes it seem fishy. Another Link Here
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King Herla: A british king who attended a dwarf wedding. When he left the wedding, the world had changed. Unbeknowst to him, 300 years had passed and he was claimed to be missing. When his men tried to get off their horses, they turned into dust so they were stuck like that. Read it here, its short. Someone better and more credible than me summed the story up better than I did, historian Chrissy Senecal. Read right here. An additional link to cross refrence if you'd like. King Herla and Odin got conflated together when really, their diffrent people
I found this other website article about Wild Hunts which kind of brings me to the next thing, the Harlequinn. They weild clubs, their devils, the image of them is popularly joyful? Maybe goofy and lighthearted? Perhaps associated with cards? Matt, or Heathcliff's portrayal of Matt. Now, I'm looking at Wikipedia and I see this section.
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What do we have here? A mention of the Erlkönig, Dante's Inferno, masked, club weilding giant. Heathcliff's not giant but hes pretty tall, at least by my standards but whatever, im very short. DANTE'S INFERNO, Canto 11 and 12. What the fuck Project Moon, are you playing 5d chess?
Back on topic, Hellequin is the fairy king, and this figure pops up in German, French, Italian, and English folklore. I can't do proper research when all my search results are mixed with random junk and I'm becoming nutty. You will not normally be able to access this article without paying but here's the link anyways. Journal Article from this book on a section about horned deities made in 1922 speaks of a group of ghost riding, who are also huntsman.
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And also another mention of Dante's Inferno. The name, Herne The Hunter is mentioned again.
All and all, The link between The Erlkonig and The Wild Hunt isn't as wild and unexplainable as I originally thought. It's just so cool to see all these concepts intersect. There still so much to touch upon like the headless horseman refrence and the Dullahans, RYOSHU COMPARING THE WILD HUNT TO THE PARADE OF 100 SPIRTS, something along that line, I forgot the name. I'm just not the right person to yell about this but I will anyways. The writers mixed so many symbols of death into one character. Such a wild and nutty Canto. Thank you so much Project Moon.
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huntunderironskies · 1 year
moooooooom @gristlegrinder is trying to get me to explain the edgy battle idol boy microgenre to unsuspecting innocent people againnnnn
Anyway. Ask meme time! I always feel bad tagging people in these because I can never tell if someone finds it annoying or if someone would do them but doesn't get tagged most of the time and therefore feels left out, so if you're reading this consider it an invitation to participate. That is an @ everyone I guess. All that said, I'm going to pick randomly from both old friends (@braintapes @elderdragonapologist @darkprincecait) and some people who I see interacting with my posts a lot but who I've never really held conversations with (@brieflyinfatuated @parasitic--saint @6-piece-chicken-mcnobody) just to kick things off. Again, if I didn't tag you but this looks like fun, you can do it! But I like giving people notifications and I also like multiples of three so that's why I only actively tagged six people by name.
I went way off the rails talking about stuff so I made it harder than it should be to find the categories. For the record the categories we are talking about are: Last Song Listened To, Currently Watching, Currently Reading, and Current Obsessions should you decide to do this meme. Without further ado....
Last Song Listened To: If we're talking "listened to because I was actively seeking out music," it was apparently No Matter What by The Cat's Whiskers according to Spotify. If we're talking incidental background music, it's whatever that one BGM is in the Grammaphone Cafe in Cassette Beasts.
Currently Watching: Kingohger. Kind of. I'm way behind at the moment, I am really sorry, Cait. If drama tracks/radioplays count I've been picking through Magatsunote and just wrapped up the first season. It's slow going because I have to translate it from Japanese which I absolutely do not speak fluently, I'm trying to finish it before Executioner starts putting out theirs in earnest. I am probably not going to make it in time.
Currently Reading: I finished An Unauthorised Fan Treatise in like. A single sitting which is rare for me, my attention span and memory retention has shrunken to nothing over the past few weeks for various reasons. A mystery novella was apparently just what the doctor ordered. What I'm actively reading now is The Backwater Sermons by Jay Hulme since poems are so much easier for me to get through when I'm having those kinds of moments.
Currently Obssessed With:
So. I'll start with the answer you're fishing for...
...but it's under a cut because I got very wordy given that I'm kind of intense about the things I like.
I don't know how to describe this other than the fact that hit music project Hypnosis Mic, in which the matriarchal government that takes over Japan after World War III legally mandates psychic damage-based bloodsports as a form of conflict resolution, absolutely printed money.
To the best of my reckoning the reason why is that a lot of the women (and a not insubstantial amount of transmascs from what I've observed, me included) who'd grown up on male idol projects like Uta no Prince-Sama and fluffy otomuke were older now and were no longer able to relate to lighthearted high school antics. But being stuck in a miserable adulthood with a world that feels like it's getting worse and worse around you and you have to struggle against the crushing pressure of a system you never asked to be born into, sometimes pitting you against people and things you love? That's relatable. Meanwhile, you still get the fun of identifying and fighting for a musical group? And there are anime boys who are in their mid-twenties to early thirties and are therefore age-appropriate for you to be thirsting after? And and the music is really good? Total goldmine.
And so a bunch of other corporations with an interest in the joseimuke market decided to make their own music projects that (mostly) take place in the dystopian near future and feature a lot of suffering and bloodshed and homoeroticism and some kind of plot they can shoehorn idol units into.
I have nicknamed this microgenre the Edgy Idol Boy Battle Anime and appointed myself the foremost expert on this esteemed field. @missmadril (...who I guess I have now tagged so she can do this tag game also now, have at it bestie) will probably back me up on having claim to it since I have no standards and will immediately watch/listen to anything that falls under that genre, also I have very little competition for that role because I'm pretty sure the EN-side fandom for Magatsunote and Executioner is literally just me.
I got onboard very early with Hypnosis Mic pre-first season and immediately knew the second that I saw Jakurai that he was going to rewrite my brain chemistry. He's a white haired (....well, grey, close enough) angel-themed character who has committed terrible crimes in the past and is wracked with guilt over it, doing everything he can to make up for his misdeeds to the point of needless self-sacrifice. What was I supposed to do, not fall madly in love with him? Now, I am still very occupied with hpmi but we're currently between plot arcs waiting for the third round of...whatever is going on after all those plot twists so in lieu of content I have been fixated on different franchises. More specifically, certain characters. I accidentally wrote essays about them. Sorry.
The shitty pictures are because, once again, the EN-side fanbase of these is me and me alone. As such there are like, zero resources out there including art assets. I tried very hard to make these screenshots of the official webpages. Please clap.
Momiji Beniyashiki
Remember how I knew sight unseen that Jakurai was going to rewrite my brain chemistry? If you forgot, just scroll up, it's like just two paragraphs above. Then you will remember.
Alright, well, here's the second character who's going to do that. Executioner only has its story/character teasers and a single out right now but so did hpmi when I first got into it and I could just instinctively feel it in my otomuke/joseimuke old guard bones. It feels like a bad arthritis day, for the record.
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Now, those of you who have been in my presence for some time may be thinking "Hey, he's not Raz's type at all, since when have they been into pink haired alt fashion anime boys?" Well, you have judged me wrongly. I am somewhat less superficial than that. You see, it's all in the personality and backstory.
Momiji is an orphan who was adopted by a phantom thief who stole from the rich to give to the poor, and after finding out his dad's secret decided he was going to become a phantom thief too, owing to his own strong sense of justice. He's a pacifist with a reckless streak who sells his soul to a demon to save the world and that's why he's part of a demon-possessed visual-kei tokusatsu unit, and the other members are his adoptive brothers who are also phantom thieves. I would say this makes sense in context, but it doesn't.
I am entranced by his tboy swag and dedication to doing the right thing in defiance of conventional moral codes. For approximately one second in the latest single teaser (the full single is happening on Friday) (sorry in advance to anyone who talks to me on Friday), he was animated parkouring about the screen and I was so excited I began to vibrate quickly enough that I started clipping through the furniture like a character in a badly programmed video game. If the Asta drama track doesn't get dropped soon I will simply chew my own arm off from frustrated anticipation. I barely speak any Japanese and I've been trying to translate every single line of dialogue and lyrics he's had in my spare time just so I can keep thinking about him during this content gap. I've bookmarked a kanji dictionary because I'm functionally illiterate and I can get through maybe one sentence a day. Why must it not be Friday. I need it to be Friday.
At any rate, stan Asta because one of your alternatives is stanning for the unit that consists mostly of cops, and I think it is a moral good to join the war on crime on the side of the criminals. There's like, a bunch of medical professionals or whatever as the other alternative I guess. But come on. Heroic phantom thief siblings. There's a clear correct choice here.
Now that we have established the objectively best character in any of these edgy idol projects ever, let's move onto the next person who has infested my brain like a culture of cordyceps.
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"Oh, there's the white-haired anime boy!" you may be saying. To which I respond, "Shut up, a gentleman is allowed to indulge in certain vices."
Now, I know he did conduct a semi-judicial summary execution of a man who had resorted to crime in order to feed his family due in part to the inherently horrific socially stratified dystopia everyone lives in, and that was within the first five minutes of his appearance. So, not a great first impression. Like, the guy was threatening to shoot a hostage, but it was kind of overkill to take his head off without a second of hesitation. At least his corpse got used for like, fertilizer or Soylent Green or something, it's not totally clear other than ominous implications as to what happens to dead people in this setting. Truly a win for all the utilitarians out there!
He has a sense of justice in the worst possible way where he's completely unforgiving, uncompromising, fanatically dedicated to the group that he thinks is helping save humanity, and is incapable of seeing nuance. However, when compared to all of the unrepentant war criminals and the habitual arson-murderer and the omnicidal cult leader and the guy heavily implied to be conducting immoral medical trials on his patients, he starts looking like the least bad option. He is in the unique position of being capable of feeling remorse and he was brainwashed (as in, the cyberpunk corporation running everything rewired his neurons and memories in addition to the mundane definition of the word) so that kind of accounts for some of the "being a terrible person" thing.
He, uh, gets better about the whole fanatical devotion issue? Character growth. Like I said, least awful person in Magatsunote is a low bar to clear but he did it. Good job buddy, I am feeling an emotion roughly adjacent to pride for you.
I very, very rarely get the "I want to treat this character as my personal chew toy" response that other people seem to have. Then l I started watching Magatsunote and suddenly my list of characters I would put into a blender if given half the chance has increased tenfold. You can set a clock by the fact that whenever you think someone is redeemable, they will immediately do something that lets you down a scene after at the latest, but they're at least doing it in an interesting way. I have the most affection for Masamune in the sense I would like to gently pick him up, pat him on the head, and then fling him off a cliff instead of immediately succumbing to my own homicidal impulses. I probably don't need to though because every single person in the series is trying to kill each other, up to and including inter-unit violence and backstabbing. Why get involved when other people are going to do my work for me?
Don't take this as a knock against the series, it has some of the best writing chops out of what's otherwise a guilty pleasure genre for me, but it is very hard to recommend to people due to the absolutely bizarre premise even by the microgenre's standards (I honestly don't know how to start explaining it) and all of the characters being kind of. Like that. You need a specific mindset, part of which is an extremely high tolerance for weird anime bullshit and thinking horrible people ruining each others' lives is good wholesome fun, to genuinely enjoy it.
Wait, I'm supposed to be trying to convince people to listen to music. Uh. Stan ARK Kansakyoku, the least of many evils. Also Libra is a good song so, you know, there's that. That's the best pitch I can give his unit.
On a more normal person note, I've been having a lot of fun with Octopath Traveler 2 and I refuse to say which character has been occupying most of my brainspace because some of you will never let me live it down even though I think it is very cruel of the writers to genetically engineer a man designed to appeal to me and me alone, specifically, and I have already said way too much about my taste in men within just this post alone. Don't worry, though! I'm bi! And my taste in women is even worse. It starts with Rodya from Limbus Company and then it's all downhill from there. Listen, she was at least a tiny bit justified in that murder, don't judge me.
Actually, now that I'm thinking on it, Temenos needs to grow his hair out a few inches longer to be truly perfect for my awful tastes. So maybe this isn't a conspiracy against me. Nevertheless, further research into this concerning trend of white-haired anime boys seemingly tailored to my very specific desires is needed.
The last real obsession I have as of late is monster collecting games. I've mostly been doing a SwSh speedrun (to get Rapid Strikes Urshifu, Regileki and Spectrier) (yes, this is for competitive reasons) (at literally every turn where I had a choice I made the wrong meta one my first go around) and playing through Cassette Beasts as a more casual option. Cassette Beasts is super fun! I think it's really more of a Persona-alike than a monster catching game despite how it's been advertised but it 100% nails the late eighties/early nineties nostalgia in the best possible way. I'm so happy I got it on sale but TBH I'd say it would have still been worth it at full price with the amount of fun I've had playing it. It's also really well-designed from a mechanical standpoint IMO and I like its unique take on how type matchups should work, the fact that it uses status effects instead of just a damage multiplier gives so much more tactical weight to combat.
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rebelpeas · 2 years
good news: wrote 2k tonight !
bad news: 2k is not enough to post so i don’t even get attention for it. what the fuck
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lunarblazes · 3 years
SIGHS. in case you were wondering, here is the context for the piece i rbed from @mikartisa earlier today! luna posting writing on main not clickbait? wild.
written for the mother spore au, an au made by me and a few awesome discord friends across a few servers!
tw: mild body horror, slight disassociation (not meant to be but can be read as such), self-neglecting behavior
Grian gets home late. He said he’d sleep, he promised he’d sleep. With the amount of promises he’s broken recently, he feels like he has to at least try for this one. Mumbo was so worried, and even if he didn’t know what was going on, he should at least try.
And besides, Scar and Mumbo would be over to look at his wings tomorrow, and he didn’t want them to realize that the phantoms were only kept off his scent by Bdubs’ diligent server sleep.
Which is a problem, because he knows for a fact that his wings are ruined. He doesn’t know how it got that bad, he doesn’t know how he didn’t see it, and worst of all, he doesn’t know why he can’t seem to care. But they’re coming over tomorrow, so. He’ll have to explain what little he knows about the fatigue and the pressure in his head to his friends. He isn’t looking forward to it. At all.
He lays down, properly this time, because Mumbo doesn’t count it as real sleep if it’s in a shulker box (and if he was to be completely honest with himself, he didn’t want to think about what the rot rooted bone-deep in his wings could do to him trapped in a box for hours). Grian closes his eyes and counts to ten, a tip he picked up from Scar after one too many a late-night building session. He opens them again and freezes, confused.
[You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.]
He sits up, electric apprehension shocking him more awake than he’s felt in weeks (or maybe, ever). What?
Grian lays down again.
[You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.]
His wings are too heavy for his bones, now, he’s sure of it, either that or his skin has tightened, or the spike that’s been driving itself through his forehead like a demented unicorn’s horn finally reached the core of his brain, or— or it’s the.
He blinks, one moment certain that he’s lit up all of his base and all of the caves below, and there should be no reason to get that message on his comm.
The next blink flares out into spirals of black and white film, blossoming in his vision and casting the dark spruce around him in a rotting gray color. He swears he can even see the vignette at the edges, the fraying of the illusion, even the noise on the reels, but this isn’t a movie. He’s lying in bed, too heavy to move, glitching out. Trapped, his mind supplies, and the thought of the word makes his breath hitch in his throat.
He cannot be trapped, not ever, not by anyone— the hermits know better than to try it, after he nearly mauled Iskall for pranking him with an obsidian AFK box in season 6. It was a lot more lighthearted than the trapped he’s feeling right now, but it still sent a message.
On instinct, he starts running his talons through his wings, trying to pick out the rot. It clumps around his fingers, but there’s always more, and suddenly he realizes he can’t get it off his fingertips. It’s stuck like tar, strands like spider silk webbing off of his claws and greasily shining in the dusty noir moonlight. Gray scales fleck off into the air. His breath hitches again, but for a different reason.
This is… this is bad. This is so bad. He can’t move.
Suddenly, he is floating in the noir vision. His body goes pins-and-needles numb, and if he thought he couldn’t move before, well. He’s being crushed now. He can’t find out why he needs to care.
Of course it is, Grian wants to argue, snap at whatever part of his brain is debating this, I am light, I am the flames, I am the sparks, the lightning in the very sky, quicksilver and mercury and mercy embodied.
His friends call him sunny, like a solar flare, like the sunlight hitting the waves of the shopping district, so bright it’s blinding. What would they do without his light?
Something hazy, like syrup flowing from a tree tap, answers quietly but firmly, no, you are dark and dirt and isolation and run and hide and secrecy. you will be, after this.
He wishes he had the air in his throat to protest, but it’s taking knives to his throat, pressing the air out of his lungs at swordtip and the smell of gunpowder is overpowering, even though he knows that none is around.
He can’t blink. The filter remains steady, vignettes and noise. The pressure behind his eyes builds into tears, and he still can’t blink.
He lays there for god knows how long, with the watery moonlight as his only companion, and when it’s finally over, he can’t feel any part of himself. There is a feeling of his wings dragging behind him, of the warm, sticky jungle breeze blowing through the entrance of his trading hall, the jungle he knows Scar and Mumbo are in. There is the feeling of stumbling around, of learning how to walk again (it’s all so new, and he couldn’t describe it if he wanted to).
Grian drags himself to the outside of the hall, his wings like a leaden blanket wrapping his back in a static coating. He feels more like he’s been thrown into the x-ray machine and met the radiation head and heart first.
He looks out over the jungle.
Scar and Mumbo are going to see his wings tomorrow.
He can’t let them see his wings tomorrow.
(They’ll follow me, he realizes, deep inside his chest. I can’t let them know what’s happened. They’ll follow me.
The rot around his throat and lungs constricts, making him hack and cough. run, run, flightless one, run)
His body moves before he does. But in the end, it’s the same result.
[You may not rest now, there are monsters nearby.]
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ask-feederjin · 3 years
Hi!!~~ <3 So... How much has Jungkook's physical condition changed?
Do you think he tires easily with physical tasks? I can only imagine him puffing all the time ><
Jin had just put the final revisions on a work project when a notification popped up on his computer.
“Hi!!~~ <3 So... How much has Jungkook's physical condition changed?
Do you think he tires easily with physical tasks? I can only imagine him puffing all the time ><”
Oh if only, Jin sighs softly. He wishes he could say that their youngest does, but that would be a lie. Either way, Anon needs an answer!
Oh, he wishes! Poor Jungkook has a ridiculously fast metabolism, much to his dismay. It was great for him when he was a gym rat, effortlessly maintaining his washboard abs. But now it is his ultimate curse.
We’ve been doing research on how to lower or, in Jungkook’s words, “completely ruin” his metabolism.
So far, we’ve chosen to have him switch to a completely sedentary activity level, bulk up on carbs, flip into “starvation mode” between stuffings and replacing that banana milk he likes to drink with soda. We also heard that lack of sleep can contribute to a drop in metabolism, but I vetoed that one. Jungkook may be willing to suffer sleep deprivation to get fatter, but that’s not something I’m willing to support.
On the topic of him getting tired… Hmm… I think it would only really happen if he was going out of his way to be active? Like, him just walking around or lifting basic things doesn’t phase him yet, but exercise on the other hand… Give me one second!
“Jungkook!” Jin called out.
“Yeah?” He heard back. It sounded like Jungkook had just woken up from a post breakfast nap.
“Could you come here please, baby?” Jin was now curious. How has his physicality changed in the past two months? Would he get out of breath easily? Or has his years of exercise and healthy eating still blocked that?
“Do I have to?” He whined. Jin felt butterflies in his stomach at just how lazy his boyfriend has gotten.
“Yes!” Jin laughed.
After what sounded like some shuffling and grunting, Jungkook sleepily wandered into Jin’s office.
“You never make me come to you…” The youngest complained halfheartedly, scratching his tummy.
“Forgive me just this once, your highness.” Jin snarked back. “I just wanted to… do a little test.”
Jungkook perked up the the word ‘test’. Jin knew he would never pass up an opportunity to prove himself.
“What do I need to do?” The younger man asked excitedly, watching as Jin pushed his rolling desk chair to the corner of the room.
“Well… first I’m going to need you to stand riiiight here. There, perfect!” Jin maneuvered the taller boy to stand right in front of his computer screen. “Wait just a second, babe.”
The screen suddenly changed from spreadsheets to a camera screen. Jin pressed record…
The video starts off in a well kept room. Orderly bookshelves line the background, tiny potted vines trailing down the fronts.
Pulling away from the screen, you catch a blurry glimpse of knobby knuckles and trimmed nails. Front and center stands a rather tall young man. He has short, shiny black hair and warm brown eyes. Said eyes are currently large with confusion.
The young man is wearing a rather ill-fitting set of pajamas. The bottoms fit well enough, but the top’s buttons are slightly strained. A soft looking paunch hangs out from the too small shirt, wobbling as the young man shifts uncertainly. He rests both hands on the mass, rubbing slowly.
“Okay, -ahem-.” You hear a man’s voice says off camera say. “Hello, everyone! This is the first video I’ll be uploading to the blog, yay! It was originally going to be the third month weigh in, but it seems I just couldn’t wait.”
The young man on screen chuckles a bit, relaxing at the lighthearted conversation.
The voice resumes speaking, “Either way! We’re here now! This is Jungkook, some of you might recognize his face from the profile section of the blog, but if you haven’t then here he is! Say hi, Kookie.”
Jungkook blushes, waving at the camera. “Hi guys… I’m uh, I’m Jungkook.”
“Oh! And I’m Jin!” The disembodied voice frantically shouts. Jungkook bursts into giggles. “I’m Jin! The owner of the blog! I’m also apparently an idiot.” Jin ducks his head into the camera, giving you an unattractive, sideways close up of his eyes and nose.
“Veryprofessional, Jin.” Jungkook grins teasingly.
Jin’s too-close head turns, presumably to glare at the focus of the video. “Yes, I am a professional thank you very much. Now take your shirt off, fatty.”
Jin walks to the side of the room again, giving you a nearly full view of Jungkook’s body. The young man blushes again, levity gone, and starts to unbutton his sleep shirt.
With each button undone, the fabric gratefully springs to the side. Soon the boy’s tan tummy lays bare, angry looking stretchmarks decorating the lower part of it.
Jungkook tosses his shirt off camera, breathing slowly and evenly. “Wh-what now?”
“Jiggle it.”
Jungkook’s breath hitched, eyes closing slightly. He brings both large hands to his jello like gut and proceeds to bounce it up and down. For a minute of two, he shakes it briefly, only to let go and wait for the jiggly mass to settle. He stares at the camera, as if he’s watching himself in the feedback footage.
One hand slides up to cup his soft chest, while the other slaps gently at his belly entranced by the bounce.
“Now, turn to your side.” Jin’s voice startles Jungkook out of his self exploration. Jin himself walks towards the now sideways Jungkook, pressing up against his back. Jin reaches his arms around Jungkook to lift the younger man’s pot belly. He squeezes, pinches and lets it drop to watch it wobble.
“Tsk tsk tsk…” He pokes a long finger into the pliant flesh. “Someone’s let himself go it seems…”
“Ah~! I- I have!” Jungkook moans. “I’m soooo lazy, and- and greedy.”
“Lazy is right you little piggy.” Jin pulls away from playing with the taller boy’s belly button, walking back off screen. “Why don’t we give our viewer’s a little show? See how out of shape you’ve really gotten?”
Jungkook can only nod, face a bright red.
“Gimme fifty jumping jacks.”
“Fifty?! Jin! That’s too many!” Jungkook gapes at the man off screen.
“You used to do sets of eighty not even a year ago, I’m sure your fat ass can manage one set of fifty.”
“I’ll try I guess…” Jungkook doesn’t look optimistic. He gets in position anyway and starts counting out loud.
“One, two, three, four, five, six…”
The up and down movement vigorously shakes his little jelly belly, truly revealing just how much fat had accumulated there.
“Fifteen, sixteen, seh-seventeen, eight -hah hah- eighteen…” The poor boy’s face was tomato red and shiny with sudden sweat. His arms keep perfect time, but his legs move less far apart with each jump.
“Nine-hah-teen, twenty!” Jungkook is huffing now, tiny breasts quaking each time he lands. He is so out of breath now that he only mutters what vaguely sounds like numbers with each jumping jack.
“Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three…” Jin picks up where the out of breath young man left off. “Come on tubby, you were doing this in your sleep six months ago! What happened?”
Jungkook is gasping now, arms waving less with each jump, feet not even moving apart. A drop of sweat hangs precariously off of a perky nipple, only to fall onto his gut not even a second later.
“Are you seriously this out of shape?” Jin sounds genuinely surprised now, instead of teasing. Jungkook plops onto the floor panting. His previously neat hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, neck and chest pink from effort. “Kookie, you only did 31 jumping jacks.”
“I- gasp- I can’t…” The chubby boy leans back against the bookshelf. “I’m too fat…”
“Oh no. I’ll be the one to tell you when you’re too fat. Right now?” Jin squats down and smacks Jungkook’s sweaty belly, eliciting a moan from the boy. “You’re barely overweight.”
“I’ll get bigger! I promise!” The younger man pleads, having seemingly forgotten about the fact that he’s being recorded.
“Bigger? Eating like you are now? I don’t think so. You’re going to have to pick up the pace if you want to be the fattest boy in the house. Even Hobi will get bigger than you at this rate.” Jin gave Jungkook’s red, sweaty paunch one last wobbling pat before standing back up again. Jungkook stays on the ground, not even bothering to hide the bulge in his pajama pants.
“Okay guys!” The older man addresses the camera, winking. “It looks like Jungkook can still do thirty one jumping jacks before he gives up. You could say his stamina isn’t what it used to be! I’m gonna get this little piggy back to bed now. I think the poor thing’ll need another nap after so much exercise. Thank you for watching!”
Jin leans forward
The screen goes black.
I went ahead and attached a video instead of just writing down the answer ^-^;
I hope you don’t mind using headphones, haha! It got a little steamy there for a second… I should really get a video editing program so I can cut out those bits of me turning the camera on and off. Maybe even use my phone next time or something.
Oh well, lessons for later.
I hope that answers your question, Anon!
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adorethedistance · 4 years
City Slicker, Cowboyfriend - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, nerves, mentions of covid.
Words: 2163
Summary: You’re starting to have doubts about moving all the way to Norman until a shopping trip to Ikea turns into the meet-cute you’ve been waiting for.
A/n: This isn’t a request or one of my Valentines day fics, this is just something that I have had stuck in my head ever since Owen posted this on IG and bc I’m facing total writers block with my other pieces I cranked this one out in a few hours to get the ball rolling again. Hopefully. Enjoy this totally unproofed, fluffy madness!! (Because who doesn’t need more Owen content in their life?)
There are perks to moving and one of them is undoubtedly: shopping. For furniture, home decor, kitchen utensils, whatever! Granted, shopping alone can be tedious and, for some, like pulling teeth, thus, I’ve enlisted the help of my best friends Leila and Chelsea. I didn’t even have to bribe them to come because everyone loves getting lost in Ikea. It’s one of the best things about the human experience.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been in an Ikea,” Leila says to no one in particular as we walk through the onslaught of staged bedrooms.
“What?! Are you telling me you don’t get meatballs and lawn chairs on a weekly basis?” My exaggeration makes Leila laugh as she steps into one of the display kitchens. Looking between me and Chelsea she asks,
“What would you do if I turned the handle then a jet of water sprayed out?”
“Die, I guess.”
The three of us continue through the faux house displays and past the mattresses despite Leila’s urge to jump on every single one. As we walk through the section of different lighting features, I sigh with a frown as I think about college. I changed my bachelor’s to an associate’s so I could graduate in two years. Chelsea’s parents moved out here at the end of our senior year in high school, and she moved with them to study in Norman. Leila in turn went to Arizona for an athletic physical therapy gig, leaving me to face college alone in L.A.. In the two years the three of us were apart, we missed each other more and more, and after determining which of the three states we lived in was cheapest, we packed up and headed East. Covid kind of delayed our plans. But after a few months, I picked Leila up from Arizona and together we chased open job opportunities into Norman, Oklahoma. The three of us found an apartment space to live in together and thus, we ended up in Ikea on this fine Sunday afternoon.
Snapping back into reality I see Leila standing directly under a light that’s hanging very low from the ceiling. Once standing directly underneath it, she pulls down her mask and opens her mouth, rising to her toes to eat the fixture.
“Leila, don’t you dare fellate that light bulb! You’re gonna get us kicked out.”
I swear I’m practically their mom when it comes to behaving in public. Figuring they can’t hurt themselves in the college dorm section, I lead them quickly through it and into the giant furniture warehouse section. On the far wall, I see a large poster of a couple smiling brightly behind Chelsea, but I don’t bother to read the text. Leila and I spot the poster at the same time, and the imagery jogs her memory.
“Chelsea, how’s Hunter? Haven’t heard from him slash about him in like a week,” she asks about Chelsea’s boyfriend of a year.
“Oh, yeah, he tore a ligament in his wrist.”
“Yeah, I guess he moved it wrong or something and put too much stress on the area that it just tore. He was moving hay bales into the horse stables.”
“As opposed to the chicken stables,” Leila judges under her breath, which makes me snicker as a result.
“I still can’t believe you’re dating a literal cowboy,” I interject, “Like, I know we’re in Oklahoma, and he’s from Tennessee, but we saw Texas on the way out here and that’s cowboy country. Norman seems more...” I trail off in search of delicate phrasing.
“Just barely marry your cousin territory, but still downing chewing tobacco whilst driving a lifted truck?” Leila hits the nail squarely on the head.
“Yeah, that sounds about right-” Before I can continue giving my thoughts on Norman, I cut myself off at the sound of laughter behind me.
“Sorry. We weren’t trying to eavesdrop, that was just really funny.” When I turn around, I see a guy roughly our age dressed in all black with bleach-blonde hair, speaking through light, broken laughter.
“No worries,” I dismiss the apology as we pass by one another, and out from the dressers section. The three of us continue into the different sections, and come to a stop once I see we’re exactly where we need to be: dining room shit!
“Cowboy boyfriends aside- oh my gosh: cowboy boyfriends. Cowboyfriends,” I say getting lost in my new terminology. Both of my friends share a mix of laughter and gasps and my ingeniousness. “Anyway. Cowboyfriends aside, how is Avery?” I ask Leila who begins blushing madly.
“She’s really good. We were just making plans for our three year anniversary, which reminds me to tell y’all I’m flying back to Phoenix to surprise her.”
“Awwww,” I nearly tear up and the sweet image of Leila and her girlfriend reuniting, “Y’all are so cute. Both of you and your partners. You know, being the only single friend in this group has made life suck a lot. Y’all are so happy and in love and not dead inside. Honestly? Get fucked both of you.” Despite my harsh words, the three of us break into a lighthearted conglomerate of laughter.
“We’ll find you someone… eventually.” Leila pretends she also can’t hear the last part of her sentence despite being the one saying it.
“I know, but I don’t think it’s in the cards for me to find love in Norman. I don’t need a cowboyfriend, and we’re not gonna find a true city slicker here either.”
When I finish my statement, I see our blonde friend seems to have followed us. I observe he comes to a stop in front of another guy in a flannel with a shopping cart. The way they jump into conversation with one another parallels the animated body language Leila, Chelsey, and I share. I continue to watch their exchange as Chelsea speaks up.
“Maybe you need someone right down the middle.”
“Yeah, like a guy who drives a truck but uses it to transport Ikea furniture instead of a whole ass tree that he’ll carve into a chair.” A small laugh escapes my lips, at both Leila’s statement, and the scene ahead of Blondie pretending to strangle his friend over something. I’m snapped out of my nosy yet endeared stare as a third guy appears. He’s a sandy blonde with billowing locks tucked under a trucker hat. And he came from behind me and my two friends to place something in their cart which keeps his back toward me. When he turns back around, my mind goes blank. Any thoughts of shopping for dining room chairs has left my mind. He is wearing a face mask, but he has such nice eyes that he could have a giraffe snout under the mask for all I care. I see him look up from the shelves, directly into my eyes. We stay locked for a moment before he breaks away and turns to his friends. I slowly turn to my friends too who are both giving me the exact same look of excitement and conspiracy.
“He’s really cute,” I sigh out with a laugh, swooning much louder than I’d have preferred.
“He has a face mask on,” Leila points out, her expression dropping from excited to cynical.
“Still! I can just tell.”
“Girl, what are you doing? Talk to him!” Chelsea whisper-shrieks.
“Shhh, I cannot take you anywhere!”
Glancing back at the handsome stranger, we connect eyes once more and I feel my face heat furiously as I realize he was already looking at me. I’m the first to break; I consult my friends for the best course of action and as I’m turned 180 to face them, Chelsea starts pretending to hyperventilate excitedly. Leila looks over my shoulder for me, discreetly surveying the other trio in the dining chairs aisle.
“Don’t look now, but he’s talking to his friends and looking between them and you.” I can hear in her voice she’s trying her best not to smile despite wearing a face mask.
“Should I give him my number?”
“What are you waiting for?”
“I’m nervous! What if he’s gay?”
“Will you just get over there? I promise you a gay man would not be wearing what he’s wearing right now. Maybe a lesbian,” Leila adds for good measure.
“You guys are freaking me out, I need you to leave so I know you’re not judging my flirting.” I shoo my best friends out of the aisle as inconspicuous as possible. Kinda wish blondie would’ve done the same because when I turn back around, the other trio hasn’t moved and the only one looking at me is the one in all black. He quickly averts his eyes though and I take one last deep breath before walking over to the stranger. I tilt my chin up ever so slightly to fake a sense of confidence that I unmistakably don’t have right now.
“Hey.” Really, Y/n? Hey??
“Hey,” he greets back breathily. Why is he nervous? I’m the one who gets to be nervous! Man, he’s really cute. I can’t fuck this one up. I’m not doing so stellar right now. Perhaps you should say something else, dipshit?
“Uhm,” I should’ve scripted this. “I just wanted to say that-” You’ve got this. Don’t be a bummer. “I-uh, I think you’re really cute and I was wondering if I could give you my number?” My speech is slow, each word deliberate in spite of the fact that I feel like I’m having an out of body experience right now. I’m not the one in control of the words that are coming out of my mouth.
Upon realizing why I walked over, blondie’s friends take the question as a sign to leave and less than inconspicuously back away from the two of us. Trucker hat spares them one last glance over his left shoulder and judging by the look flannel gives him, they were definitely talking about me in their team huddle.
“Uh, yeah. I was gonna ask for your instagram- if you have one, that is.”
“I’m cool with both.” The two of us reach for our phones and unlock them with anxious hands. I move to hand him my phone with instagram open, and he trades me for his which has a new contact open. I type my name and put my favorite heart emoji next to it after triple checking the number is correct. Wow, you’re just so ballsy today, Y/n!!!!! I give him back the phone, scanning the instagram account he’s just opened and followed for me. I hear him exhale a little harder as a small laugh and can only imagine it’s from the stupid heart emoji.
“Owen,” I say in a hushed, endeared voice, fully not intending to say it out loud. “You have a million followers?! Oh, you’re an actor. OH… You’re an actor.” I really don’t need to be speaking my entire thought process right now in the middle of this Ikea. Exhaling a small laugh of my own, I see we already have a small bunch of mutuals, one of which is… Chelsea??? Looking up from my phone I turn around to see Chelsea and Leila watching the interaction from around the corner of one of the industrial shelves.
In the flurry of scattered likes, I see him find my account and follow me back. I accept the request, nervous of what he thinks of me without a face mask on. What do I think of him without a face mask on? Going back to his account, seeing his entire face is even better than just his eyes. I was right, Leila: he is cute.
“You’re really pretty,” I hear him almost sigh as he combs through the grid of my account. The comment makes my heart beat all the much faster and I finally look upward to get a glimpse of Owen in the flesh. Still as beautiful as the last time I checked!
Sparing a quick glance over my shoulder, he looks back down at me and laughs,
“I think your friends got tired of waiting.”
“I think yours did, too.” The other members of our trios come back into the aisle we had kicked them from more or less two minutes ago. We connect eyes once more and stare longingly, wordlessly at one another, so lost in each other’s beauty our friends have to break up the staring contest of infatuation.
“Y/n?” I hear Leila behind me.
“Uh, well, I have to get back to chair shopping, but- text me later?”
“For sure.”
“For sure,” I mimic his voice.
“Guess I’ll see you later. Y/n.”
“Yeah.” And with that, we’re pulled apart by our respective best friends, through the vast expanse of the Norman Ikea.
“What was that?” Chelsea asks, excitedly linking arms with me.
“I don’t know I- Wait, you have some explaining to do!”
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13 @kaitlyn2907 @itz-jas @crybabyddl @kcd15 @kinda-really-lost @calamitykaty @morganayennefertyrell @n0wornever @dream-a-little-bigger-x @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys @amazinggracy @kaitieskidmore1 @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99 @ifilwtmfc @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker @lovesanimals @thebloodthirstyvampress @bumbleberry-pie @losers-club6 @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz @talk-on-the-street @phantompogues @konciousdreamer @sunsetcurvej @warmnesss0ul @lilyjoyner 
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knifefather · 4 years
Could I ask for a s/o and/or platonic reader with the Bucci gang who likes to smoke weed a bit or a lot? 😅 I mainly do it for anxiety but I can be fun and goofy or philosophical when high and I love the boys lol. It's alright if you aren't comfortable with this ask!
You got it bae!! I love weedie requests, this is a fave lol. I’m going to go with s/o this time because my last weed hcs post was for a platonic reader!
𝙱����𝚌𝚌𝚒 𝙶𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚂/𝙾 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚍 (𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚕𝚢)
content warnings: marijuana usage, mentions of sex and alcohol abuse *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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💨 Bruno doesn’t smoke weed as much as you do, but he’s mostly supportive of the fact that you smoke. This is especially if you smoke to help regulate your emotions, sleep, work up an appetite, etc. He would probably discourage you from smoking every day unless they needed to.
💨 Will definitely have a smoke sesh with you! After he gets home from a long day’s work, you would be waiting for him with a fat joint rolled, dinner on the table, and a smile on your face, and honestly? Bruno cannot complain. He enjoys your cooking and then your handiwork while the two of you smoke on the back porch. If you aren’t good at rolling, you’ll pack a glass piece and make sure that it’s clean for him.
💨 Bruno shows a lot of his affection through gift-giving, and he uses your love of a weed as a basis for giving you presents. Often, he’ll buy you extremely exotic buds and the two of you will sample them together. It makes for a very romantic evening in that often ends in the two of you having high sex. 
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💨 Giorno is indifferent about you smoking frequently. Giorno doesn’t smoke weed himself, but he’s fine with others doing it. He doesn’t exactly encourage you to smoke, but he doesn’t discourage you, either. 
💨 He feels more comfortable with you smoking pot if there’s someone around you when you do it. For example, he’s perfectly fine with you smoking while he’s around. Giorno is also okay with someone trusted keeping an eye on you, like Bruno or Abbacchio. He would prefer it if you were upfront with him about your usage and didn’t try to hide it from him.
💨 He enjoys that you get can philosophical while you’re stoned, especially if you’re talking about life. Life is something that Giorno understands very well because he’s seen so much of it. It’s always interesting to hear your high take on a certain fact of life. Of course, there are lighthearted conversations that take place that put you both in a giggly mood. Even if he’s not stoned, he always feeds into the conversation and matches the same goofy energy that you give off. 
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💨 Would be absolutely fucking elated if you were a stoner like him. You would smoke together all the time, morning, afternoon, and evening. Mista will often try to be romantic and wake you up with a blunt. The smell is so potent that pulls you from unconsciousness, almost as if it were an alarm clock of sorts lol. You normally smile lazily and hit it a few times before giving him a kiss as a way of saying thank you. 
💨 On your one year anniversary, Mista takes you to a nearby beach in Napoli and you have a picnic there. By the time you exchange gifts, he has a wicked grin on his face. “I have one more thing to give you. Close your eyes and put out your hands,” he says, reaching for his pocket already. You obey, and he set something soft and aromatic in your hand. When you open your eyes, it was a rose petal blunt wrapped in fresh petals. You’re elated, throwing your arms around him and hugging him. “You can thank me after we’ve sparked it up, baby,” he says, handing you a lighter. 
💨 This bastard is super clumsy and has dropped your open grinder once or twice. You always forgive him but... ow. Your soul hurts. 
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💨 Narancia is as excited as Mista is that you smoke weed, but tenfold. Nara is blazing every day, 24/7. He is always wanting to smoke with you because the cuddles and kisses are so good when he’s high. He kisses all over your face, touching you, holding your hand, the contact is just wonderful to him. 
💨 Is the kind of person to have awesome high thoughts. The kind of shit that he thinks about while using weed is hilarious. He is definitely the kind of guy that would say something like “When we yawn, do deaf people think we are just screaming?” His eyes are super red as he considers this. You can’t keep it together and end up laughing you ass off, the drink you were consuming coming out of your nose. This makes Narancia laugh, and you guys are stuck in a giggle fit. 
💨 He’s the kind of stoner that becomes very social, so he’s incredibly chatty. Narancia talks your ear off whenever he’s buzzed, and he usually feels the best if he’s with you and his friends.
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💨 Doesn’t smoke, will not tolerate you smoking weed recreationally. He would basically demand that you quit if you start dating on the grounds that he cares about your health. He might actually break up with you because of it, especially if you decided to go behind his back and use it anyway.
💨 If you smoke because you already have a health issue, he would be more understanding, but he is still very distrustful of marijuana and doesn’t want you using it unless absolutely necessary.
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💨 Abbacchio doesn’t smoke weed very often. He usually only smokes if you do.
💨 Weed is a bonding point for you and Abbacchio. When he gets stoned, he’s a lot more outgoing and open than when he’s drunk. You try to get him to switch to bud instead of drinking, and it helps with his emotional problems a bit. He’ll get stoned and open up to you about certain thoughts and experiences that he kept under wraps. It’s very good for your relationship, it helps you communicate when Abbacchio becomes insecure.  
💨 Leone is the kind of weed smoker that smokes to relax. He doesn’t require a lot of conversation, he seldom gets the munchies, he just wants to chill. He’s not a fan of going out and doing shit while he’s stoned, so he saves it for the evening most of the time. He loves to cuddle while high, holding you close and enjoying your company. 
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💨 She doesn’t smoke as much as some of the others, but she’s still pleased to know that you smoke too. One of your favorite things to do as a couple is smoke weed and then go get pedicures. Trish is so funny when she’s stoned, and the two of you share many laughs while in the nail salon. She’s similar to Narancia because they both giggle at practically nothing. 
💨 Is the QUEEN of getting weed nugs stuck in her hair!! You’re always pulling them out before you go out. One time you even found one in her bra after the two of you came home from dinner and wine. When you discover it, she just giggles and says “Oops” before kissing you and dragging you closer by the front of your shirt. She’s a menace, really. 
💨 Trish gets really sleepy when she smokes weed, so expect a lot of weed naps in the middle of the day. She never likes to take them alone, so you end up smoking with her and lay by her side after you blaze it for awhile. 
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nitewrighter · 3 years
Does Hanzo ever find out what Genji went through/what he was like during Blackwatch? If so, how does he react?
I think he does eventually, like... Genji lets him know that he was in a very difficult physical and emotional place with Blackwatch, and Hanzo’s able to pick up from Mercy that “Okay no, I don’t think you understand, it was really bad”--but she’s also fairly light on the details mostly for Genji’s sake like “Hey, I’m not going to tell you any more than Genji was comfortable with telling you.” And Zenyatta hangs back for the same reasons, and also he wasn’t there so he doesn’t want to distort the details from what Genji’s told him. So the one person Hanzo can actually get the full story from... is McCree.
Also this fic references the first meeting fic so yeah!
“Well?” Hanzo had one elbow resting on the bar. Music was faintly playing but it blended in with the humming murmur of the other patrons. Snowflakes were buffeting the glass of the windowpanes just outside and both of them had shrugged off their heavier coats. The bar itself had a homey, lived-in quality to it. Not dirty, but with a definite age to it that seemed to lend a further brightness to the bodies gliding through it and chatting. The icy Andean wind had heightened the redness of Hanzo’s nose and cheeks well before any alcohol had. It contrasted against the cold discernment of his dark brown eyes.
“I’m gonna answer your question with a question--” McCree started.
“Which isn’t an answer--”
McCree leaned back in his bar seat, folding his arms across himself. He almost looked sagely. “Are you asking this because you genuinely think it will help you get a gauge on your shit and move forward, or are you freaking out because things are going more okay than you think you deserve and feel a need to kick yourself square in the Rocky Mountain oysters?”
“Rocky Mountain--?”
“It’s this fried--I’m talking about--” McCree sighed and sipped his whiskey, “I’m saying you’re doing... you’re doing really well, Hanzo. You’re touching base with the team, reachin’ out, you seem to be sleeping and eating better, hell, you’re clutch on missions, but now you’re asking about this, and it worries me.”
“Why should it worry you?” Hanzo’s eyes narrowed.
“Because--y’know... I care about you. You’re a part of this team and I care about you... in a..” McCree cleared his throat, “Team-y way. And... you were stuck in a dark lonely place and I ain’t itchin’ to give you the means to go back there. ”
“But you can understand that the fact that I don’t have the full story distresses me more, can you not?” said Hanzo, “As well as the fact that knowing the more the truth of it is obscured with me, the worse I can assume the situation was.”
McCree scratched at his beard, frowning. “Yeah... yeah I can understand it--but I can also understand Mercy and Zen not spillin’ the beans on Genji’s account.”
“Mm...” Hanzo glanced off and sipped his own drink.
McCree twisted his glass slowly, “Then again, sometimes I think Reyes brought me on the team to begin with because I have a pretty high success rate with the whole, ‘Beg forgiveness before asking permission’ rate.”
Ana called you a charmer, the words almost slipped out of Hanzo but he wasn’t sure how they would land, so he held them in. Instead, Hanzo only mildly gestured at the bartender to refill McCree’s glass.
“Don’t think you’re getting it just because you’re gettin’ me drunk. It ain’t exactly a pretty story,” said McCree.
“I’m prepared,” said Hanzo.
McCree studied him a few moments longer, one hand still wrapped around his glass and one corner of his mouth pulled up with indecision before he closed his eyes and exhaled. “All right,” he said, “If only to keep you from kicking your own ass over what you don’t know.”
“I want you to start at the beginning,” said Hanzo, his stare steady.
“Well t’be fair, Blackwatch was casin’ Hanamura for months, even before your old man passed--er---my condolences--”
Hanzo snorted a little. “It’s... fine,” he said a bit awkwardly. He was more disarmed than really upset at the idea that McCree may have been far better versed in the activities of the Shimada Clan than he had really anticipated.
“Gérard, that is, our UN Attaché, had this whole thing about ‘pulling everything out to the light,’---And the fella was good at it. Could sniff out paper trails and track down dirty money like no other. The initial plan was to get Genji on possession charges and drag the whole clan out behind him. Your old man’s passin’--again, condolences--threw the whole schedule off though. And then we received additional intel that the Shimada dragons might be more.... uh... what’s the word for ‘unusual’ but it’s like... more business-y unusual?”
Hanzo shrugged.
“Un... Im... Uhhh.... Anomalous! That’s the word! Might be more anomalous than we thought and ‘warranting further investigation’ or whatever,” McCree seemed to be easing into the story now, plucking up details from debriefings, “SEP and all its affiliates had been more or less shut down post-Crisis, but there were still worries about human experimentation... strange abilities, and the like. And the dragon stories had been floating around your family for decades, but only when things got destabilized did we consider they might be more than stories. Then we got word that the wheels had been set in motion that the clan would kill Genji before we could get our hands on him--Arrest mission became extraction mission, and extraction mission became rescue mission. The time frame was so sudden we had to bring the Doc along because we thought she would be our best chance at saving him--She wasn’t in Blackwatch, you understand. Wasn’t too keen on undermining the Japanese government either. But... it turns out bringing her along was the right choice.”
Hanzo seemed to be maintaining a veneer of calm, but there was an unmistakeable new undercurrent of tension in his movements and expression as he sipped his own drink.
“You know what he looked like when you left him,” said McCree, “Do you really want me to go into the details there?”
“Yes,” said Hanzo.
McCree huffed and took another gulp of whiskey. The burn of alcohol rasped the first few words of his next sentence. “So it was me, Reyes, the Doc, and a handful of Blackwatch extraction medics touching down in Hanamura that night. Apparently the Shimada clan’s forces were decentralized from the castle. We infiltrated the castle grounds. Found a handful of your security already dead. Took out one more... left his body with the others. Didn’t have time to run a full investigation, or lock anything down. Finding Genji was the top priority. And we found him. Three limbs gone. Puddle of his own blood. Looked midway between... someone had dropped him in a garbage disposal but at the same time... not right--just... gone. The limbs were gone. The wounds were too clean but still bleedin’ out.”
Hanzo’s knuckles curled in, white and shaking as he took a steadying breath. “Consumed,” Hanzo said quietly, “The dragon consumed them.”
“I can stop--” McCree started.
“Finish what you start, Cowboy,” Hanzo’s voice was steady.
McCree swallowed. “I’d seen some fucked up shit under Reyes, but this... yeah, it was new. I kind of froze up, not quite scared, but just trying to make sense of it. But then I snapped out of it as the Doc rushed to him first. I had a vantage point in case other castle security showed up. Reyes was at the opening to that big-ass balcony so he could flag down our evac. So uh, what you need to understand here is that we uh... we actually had very little solid intel as to what the Shimada dragons were capable of.”
“...but I had left the scene well before this,” said Hanzo, trying to puzzle out the timeline of his own fleeing the castle grounds.
“Yeah it... wasn’t your dragon we saw,” said McCree, “See, the Doc, she had to do this... staff... defibrillation thing? I didn’t get a good look at it but Genji, he uh...started thrashin’ and this light sprang out of him. Bright green. Never seen anything like it. He was screaming. Next thing I know he’s grabbing Mercy’s neck.”
Hanzo flinched with some alertness. “What?”
“I mean--first instinct, I’m saying to Reyes, ‘Boss, I got a shot’--like, I know the mission was asset acquisition, but light show or not I wasn’t about to let him kill Angela, but then she hollers out ‘Don’t shoot him!’ And I’m stuck there looking to Reyes like, ‘You’re gonna override that, right?’ And... and Reyes was so calm... I--I could see him doing the math. Breaking people down to resources... breaking their deaths down to trade-offs...”
“You... thought you had to shoot Genji--” Hanzo’s brow was crinkling.
“If Reyes gave me the word,” McCree shrugged, then itched at the brim of his hat, “I never thought someone would hesitate on saving the doc like he was doing right there, though. But.... then she said something to Genji. Never asked what it was, but it seemed to calm him down before he passed out.”
“And you’re saying he grabbed her neck when they first met,” Hanzo’s eyes were narrowed, “But they’re...”
“Well, he was only half-conscious and in this full-on survival mode and she had just... jammed a huge amount of biotic-whatever into his chest. He didn’t know if she was helping or trying to... y’know it was like those times you nearly punched me in the face when I was trying to wake you up from those night terrors.”
“I’m sorry for that,” said Hanzo.
“Psh. If I had a nickel for every time someone took a swing at me out of some kind of traumatic reflex...” he smiled to try and make this seem more lighthearted than it actually was, but Hanzo seemed to still be processing everything, so McCree cleared his throat. “Word of advice, though, don’t make any ‘I guess you’re into that’ jokes with the doc,” he said with a nervous laugh, “No it uh... it took them both a while. I mean, there was this thing there, definitely, but yeah, they were both neck-deep in a whole bunch of shit for a while before they really acknowledged anything.”
“Did Genji take a swing at you?” asked Hanzo.
“Not outside of a Blackwatch sparring ring,” said McCree, “But Jesus, he was scary on the training floor. Still is, sometimes.” McCree paused for a few seconds. “He was obsessed with killing you, y’know. Taking down the whole clan and killing you. Every mission where he got a sniff of you, every mission he thought you might be there and you weren’t, he’d come back snarling.” 
Hanzo blinked a few times and glanced down. He knew it made sense, given the idea of justice their family had ingrained in them, but there was still an odd sting to the idea. But I’m his brother, he thought, but then he thought, But that didn’t stop me. 
McCree seemed to take Hanzo’s silence as permission to go on. “ I’d try to distract him... try to get his head out of his ass sometimes, but a lot of the time... you see any living thing in a state like that, all you can do is give it space. Genji did give us a decent amount of intel on the Shimada clan’s bigger operations... but when it came to actually getting in there... he was always the first one on the ground. As you can imagine, it was personal for him. There were a handful of bullshit ‘stakeouts’ in Japan where Genji would ditch me... I knew Reyes wasn’t telling me the whole story, then again, it wasn’t my job to know the whole story.” McCree sipped his drink. “Doesn’t mean I didn’t know what he was doing, though.”
“...killing heads of the clan,” Hanzo said quietly.
“Can’t exactly confirm or deny that but... yeah,” said McCree. A prickle of alarm seemed to go through him. “Look, I don’t want to kick off any more brother-killing fuckery--”
“You’re not, Jesse,” Hanzo’s voice was subdued, “I was the right hand of the clan... and the destruction wrought by Genji was, if anything, a product of my own actions.”
“Also his actions--He was fucking nightmare--I mean I liked him, but he was a fucking nightmare, sometimes. Lashed out--like... you didn’t really think of him as giving a shit about you with all that seething over the Shimada clan--- but then he’d know how to say something that hurts, and he knows exactly how it hurts, and you wouldn’t know if he learned how to hurt that bad from your family or just because he was hurtin’ that bad and---” McCree seemed to catch the alarmed look in Hanzo’s eyes, then took a steadying breath before sipping his drink again, “Look... this stuff... it’s all in the past. And he is a lot better now. And he is one of my best friends. Kind of wild how someone who hurt you that deeply can be a best friend like that, but... that’s kind of how life works. Kind of how this shit works when you don’t know if you’re coming back from that next mission. We’re all fucked up here. It’s about learning to take the fucked up parts of yourself and trying to make it into something that helps the people that mean something to you. ”
“The people that mean something to me...” Hanzo repeated quietly.  He remembered McCree’s words from his second night on the watchpoint. ‘We’re all just background noise to you. You’re just here so you can stop kicking your own ass after Genji.’ Then he remembered Genji’s words. ‘Well... you’ve been traveling the world for a decade... has there... been anyone? Anyone special? Anyone you loved?’
“...I feel like I’ve let that part of me atrophy,” Hanzo said quietly. Answering Genji’s question, not McCree’s words.
“Atrophy?” McCree repeated.
“When you don’t use a muscle for a long time and... it ceases to be able to functi--”
“I know what ‘Atrophy’ means--” McCree wasn’t making eye contact, “You let... caring about other people... atrophy,” he parsed, trying to trace out Hanzo’s thought process.
“Mm,” Hanzo took a sip of his own drink, “So while I was wandering in grief, Genji was consumed by pain and rage.”
“Which... he’s told you,” said McCree. 
“Well, yes, but he didn’t go into details,” said Hanzo, “I know, this might be difficult or painful to talk about, but I really do appreciate getting a more complete picture of what happened to him after my actions.” 
McCree tilted his own glass back and forth on the bar counter, letting the whiskey rock around the interior.“I know, but...don’t heap all this on yourself. Reyes always said he wanted the cockroach motherfuckers, and he was more than happy to let Genji snap and swear and lash out and burn the house down because that suited Blackwatch’s agenda better than, I dunno, therapy? Only when we got benched after the Venice incident did he yank in Genji’s leash, because hey, it turned out having a PTSD cyborg tearin’ around the base cussin’ people out wasn’t a good look for Blackwatch.” 
Hanzo huffed a little. There was an odd comfort in that. But then he paused, running over the course of McCree’s words in his mind. “...you keep bringing up Reyes,” Hanzo said, fixing his eyes on McCree.
“Sorry--I--I know this should be about Genji,” said McCree.
“No it... it gives some perspective,” said Hanzo, “You trusted Reyes, didn’t you?”
McCree’s mouth tightened for a few seconds before he drew in a short breath through his nostrils. “Yeah... yeah, I did. He just... I mean I’d keep telling myself I was my own person, that I did things with my own style, but so did he. So like... whether it’s ‘your own style’ from fuckin’ Santa Fe or Los Angeles... is there really that much of a difference? If you still picture yourself in their boots, give or take a decade or so?”
“Hm,” Hanzo was thoughtful at this, “I imagined myself in my father’s position so long that when everything came apart and I found myself wandering the world, dodging the clan’s assassins I felt... like a stranger.” 
“Kind of liked being a stranger,” said McCree with slight shrug, “Stranger’s from nowhere. Got nothing to prove.... guess it probably hits different if you got a whole... magical crime lord prince destiny thing, huh?”
“The dragon is not magical,” said Hanzo flatly, but a smile was tugging at his lips. 
“Debatable,” said McCree, “First of all: It’s a dragon.”
Hanzo snorted and a quiet pause passed between them. Not uncomfortable, but definitely tired, letting McCree’s words and all the pain and memory that came with them drift and dissipate into the warm air of the bar.
“...I could tell you more if you want,” said McCree, after a few beats. “I do have funnier stories... wasn’t all... ‘he was fucked up.’ And--Genji did seem to be getting better-ish towards the end there, once they put him on Tracer’s strike team... but by then Overwatch itself was coming apart.” He snorted. “I guess that’s kind of a running theme with this stuff.”
“I appreciate the offer,” said Hanzo with a slight chuckle. He paused. “Tracer’s strike team?”
“Well, she and Winston probably got more stories there than I do,” said McCree, “And maybe the doc, if it’s in good faith.” He sipped his drink. “You’re welcome to run off to try and ask them about it.”
“I think... this is enough for now,” said Hanzo. After a few beats he said, “You’re not... all background noise to me.”
“What?” said McCree.
“That... you said that on the second night,” said Hanzo, “It’s... it’s not that I don’t value life, or other people--I’m just... it’s been a very long time since I’ve worked with other people, since I’ve talked to other people on a regular basis like this, since I’ve stayed in one place this long, and...”  he trailed off, then took a sip of his own drink with some resolve, “I’m afraid,” he said, letting those words sit in the air for a few seconds, “I’m afraid of lending my abilities to another organization that’s used people to hurt other people and then tossed them aside. When your only connection to other people for most of your life was this twisted blood loyalty...” Hanzo trailed off.
“I’m scared of makin’ the same mistakes too, for what it’s worth,” said McCree, “I don’t think fear like that ever goes away.”
“Redemption’s a bitch?” said Hanzo with a slight smile.
McCree broke into chuckles. “You should swear more often. I feel like that’ll help.”
“You’ve sworn plenty for the both of us, tonight,” said Hanzo crisply, sipping his own drink.
“Still, I’m gonna make it a mission to get a ‘fuck’ out of you,” said McCree and Hanzo choked and sputtered. “I didn’t mean it like that! You know what I mean!” McCree was laughing as Hanzo’s attention was split between choking and laughing and desperately looking around for a napkin after spitting his drink. The bartender swooped by with a napkin and the laughs boiled down into chuckles as Hanzo cleaned up a bit. There was another pause then, that same settling of understanding.
“Thank you,” Hanzo said after a few beats.
“You already thanked me--don’t know what’s worth thanking about saying ‘hey your brother was fucked up and so were we.’”
“Honesty. I appreciate honesty.”
McCree smiled and then shrugged.“Hey--y’know, for all the shit I give you,” McCree started and trailed off, “What I said that night about... all of us being background noise... I know that.. that wasn’t really fair. You really didn’t know any of us and, y’know, as far as the general public is concerned, we’re a whole bunch of mercenary weirdoes doing vigilante shit.” 
“And Genji was the only person here I knew, and was really...” Hanzo sighed, “I suppose, I fixed him in my mind to be my last chance at humanity--and made myself out to be a monster to all of you in pursuing that.”
“Well... you’re doing better, I can tell you that much. And... y’know folks are warming up to you.”
“Except Angela,” said Hanzo, with a weary smile. 
“She needs time on that... I wouldn’t try to force it,” said McCree, “Baby steps and all that.” 
Hanzo huffed a little.
“Hey,” McCree lifted his glass, “To baby steps and runnin’ the hell away from all our old role models.”
“Indeed,” Hanzo clinked his glass against Genji’s. Both sipped their drinks and another pause passed over them. Hanzo felt McCree’s eyes on him and looked over at him.l
“Hey just so we’re clear,” McCree’s chin was in his hand, “I didn’t accidentally kick off some huge new bloody vengeance thing by telling you all this, right?”
“You did not,” said Hanzo with a wry smile.
“Oh thank god.” 
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rbbalmung · 4 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Character Analysis P2
Hey all! I was going to call this “Gym Leader Analysis”, but I really wanted to talk about Leon and Sonia too. We’re just keeping this series going! Keep an eye out for P3 (It’ll probably be posted in the same night).
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AGE: 26
ETHNICITY: Half Hispanic, Half Black
Leon is definitely cool uncle friend. I know he is a hot mess and can barely look after himself, but I just feel like he is so good at taking care of other people. 
Leon is a man of many faces. He can pump up a crowd one moment and rid his face of emotion the next. It is definitely jarring when someone first gets to know him. 
Leon is pansexual. He pretty much flirts with anyone (within his age range, of course). That being said, he isn’t out to the public yet. He isn’t ashamed of it at all; he just doesn’t want his sexuality to be the only thing he’s known for. 
Speaking of flirting, there is nobody he flirts harder with than Raihan ;) 
Leon was 12 when his dad died, and it hit him really hard. Since the rest of his family took it even harder than he did, he internalised a lot of his pain and focused on trying to help raise Hop. He doesn’t really feel like he ever got the closure he needed. 
Oh boy, is Leon protective over Hop. There is a 10 year age difference between them, so he will always feel like Hop is his “Baby Brother”. 
(Fun fact: He develops a similar relationship to Gloria when he becomes her Champion Mentor). 
Leon is a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He doesn’t really process the fact that some of the things he deals with are incredibly dangerous, which is a bit concerning to his friends. On a more lighthearted note, this means that he will ride any roller coaster without breaking a sweat. 
Cannot cook to save his life. 
Leon, like Hop, has ADD. That’s why he’s always getting lost/seems to have trouble keeping focus. 
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AGE: 26
Sonia is the smartest out of our gaggle of characters and she knows it. 
She and Leon entered the GPL together, but she dropped out before going to Hammerlock. Sonia originally joined the league thinking it was something she wanted to do because she was good at pokemon battles, but she quickly learned that the rigorous lifestyle trainers live wasn’t for her. 
Sonia had an uncertain period of her life where her best friends had all become gym leaders and she was stuck in Wedgehurst helping her grandmother. She definitely had imposter syndrome when hanging around them, so for a few years, she kept her distance. Attending University really helped her start to find her footing, though she wasn’t sure what branch of pokemon studies she wanted to focus on (until the game starts). 
She has a strong pokemon team, but she doesn’t fight with them anymore. She mostly keeps them around for company and they help her with her research! 
Sonia is super close with Hop. After becoming champion, Leon asked her to keep an eye on him. They very much have a sibling relationship (though neither will admit it). 
She is the friend that is overly invested in everyone’s love lives. Sonia is constantly trying to set everyone up together because she “just loves love”. 
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AGE: 25
Tall boy! Raihan is freaking huge, and being around everyone else in the League only heightens this fact. He jokes that the one thing he will always hold over Leon is their height difference. 
You would think Sonia is the biggest gossip, but we all know that Raihan is. You can trust him if it’s something serious, but you have to preface that. If you don’t, you may as well kiss your secrets goodbye. 
Raihan is the best person to go to when you need help. He has big Gryffindor energy and will literally do anything you need him to. If he doesn’t, you just have to call him out for “being a coward”. His pride will definitely be the death of him. 
Raihan has the biggest social media presence despite not being champion. He is really good to his fans and will try to interact with them as much as possible. Will always sign autographs or stop to take a picture. 
He met Sonia, Leon, and Nessa through the GPL (they were all in the same season). He beat out Nessa but lost to Leon in the finals. Raihan took the defeat pretty hard and made it his goal to dethrone Leon, so he fought Hammerlocke’s previous gym leader and the rest is history. 
He really wants to impress Leon ;)
Bede once challenged his for his throne, but lost. Raihan always brings this up to him now that they’re both gym leaders just to piss Bede off. 
He really likes egging on his friends. Raihan never crosses the line, but he’ll say just the right thing to make you challenge him to a pokemon battle. 
Puts on a brave face, but definitely lets negative comments get to him.
The chaotic one in the friend group. 
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AGE: 22
Such a pure, soft boy. Literally the nicest, chillest person. He just scares people off with his edgy demeanour. 
He cares a lot about the people in his town. Since Spikemuth is small, it definitely feels like everyone there is a family. It was the main reason he refused to move the Dark Type Gym to a different location to obtain a Dynamax hotspot. (That, and he hates Dynamaxing). 
Speaking of, he is fairly new as a gym leader! Leon nominated him to participate in the GPL after noticing his raw talent in the GJPL (Galarian Junior Pokemon League). Piers didn’t expect to make it as far as he did, but he was truly the dark horse of his season. He made it all the way to finals and wiped the floor with the gym leaders he went up against. He did end up losing, but he used the newfound fame he received from participating to kickstart his band.
Two years later, Leon approached him again and asked if he was still interested in becoming a new gym leader. It started as a small, non league Gym, but his notoriety quickly gained Spikemuth new attention. He joined the League only one year after debuting. 
Despite being crazy talented at being a pokemon trainer, Piers really isn’t interested in it anymore. He likes the freedom that comes with pursuing his music career. (It definitely helped that his little sister shaped up to be an astounding pokemon trainer herself). 
Coolest big brother ever. Marnie chastises him for pampering her, but they are definitely best friends. They’re the type of siblings that, if one of them goes to the grocery store, the other will just tag along. 
Dad Friend. 100% a Dad Friend. Literally adopts Marnie’s friends the second he sees them. (Who are these twerps? Ok, I guess they’re my children now). Would never admit to this fact. 
Piers and Marnie grew up in an artsy family with three other brothers (he is the exact middle child). They weren’t rich, but they are all super close and supportive of each other. 
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AGE: 25
Looks are definitely deceiving with this one. Nessa is good at keeping a serene face, but if she loses, she is definitely seething underneath. 
So pretty, oh my god. She was scouted by a modelling agent during her GPL season. Nessa only signed after she lost the Finals Tournament. Her career started as something to keep food on the table now that she couldn’t become champion, but she has grown to respect her craft. She likes to use it to promote small businesses and make political statements. 
Nessa was trained by the previous gym leader of Hulbury (another water type trainer), so it was no surprise to anybody when she tried to hand their title off to her. Nessa refused to take it without winning a pokemon battle, fair and square. 
She is super athletic! Nessa was on the swimming team throughout school and won several region championships! Sometimes during the off season, she’ll help teach swim classes to younger kids. 
Best friends to lovers with Sonia! They met during their GPL but didn’t start to get romantic feelings towards each other until 6 years later. Everyone knows that Nessa has a girlfriend, but she keeps the fact that it is Sonia private because she doesn’t want the crazy fanboys to target her. 
Nessa takes on a big-sister-role to all of the new female gym leaders (Gloria, Marnie, and Bea). She and Melody will literally strike down anyone who even looks at their girls funny. 
Her relationship with Milo is hilarious to anyone who isn’t them. Nessa is convinced that they are rivals and must constantly train against each other in order to get stronger. Milo sees her as his best friend and will bake her treats for when they meet up. (Also, Kabu is their dad. I’m just stating facts). 
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dogin8 · 3 years
Hello dogin! With the red banquet being today, what has been your favorite dsmp event so far?
So I've got 3 things to talk about here because I'm not actually sure if 2 of them count as "events", so I added 1 definite event at the end just in case. So:
The Community House (Or to make it more of an event, The day before doomsday): THE EMOTIONS HERE WERE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, Tommy and Techno turning up to hear Dream framing Tommy for the destruction of the community house, then when he appears and starts trying to convince everyone that he didn't and the murmurs of anger and disbelief from everyone until Techno appears to back him up and their anger suddenly changes, they're outraged at Tommy for teaming up with Techno. There were so many emotions and the emotions were LOUD, I loved it, Tommy was shouting, Dream was shouting, Techno was shouting, the crowd was shouting and most importantly: Tubbo was shouting, something that doesn't happen very often but when it DOES, it's amazing, Tubbo is insanely good at acting and he really shines when it comes to anger (due to the generally calm lighthearted nature of his character, the contrast certainly helps) This was also shown later when Tubbo confronted Quackity about wanting to execute Ranboo, absolutely amazing. ALSO: The line "THE DISCS WERE WORTH MORE THAN YOU EVER WERE!" and everyone going totally silent, The delivery was perfect the reactions from the other characters were perfect, EVERYTHING AHH!!
The 2nd "Event" that's more of a scene (The event being Nov 16th) Is Schlatt's death: WOW it hurt, Like I just wanna talk about how by reducing the Malevolent Powerful Dictator to a grovelling alcoholic mess, they stripped the characters and the audience of any of the satisfaction of victory, nobody got to kill Schlatt except for his own bad habits, unless 👀 (HC that Quackity poisoned Schlatt my beloved) Also it was a really good writing decision making the "victory" of beating Schlatt not feel like a victory at all, it not only left us wanting/expecting more out of the stream but also foreshadowed how there would be no victory after all "If I die this country is going down with me" and it did (Also I don't think I say this enough but regardless what you think of the cc, Schlatts acting is fucking insane (when he tries)). AND on top of that, it hit us with the emotional PUNCH of seeing that Schlatt, The asshole, the dictator, the evil tyrant, HAD EMOTIONS. This for me really was the first time when I saw them use the intricacies of their platform to the fullest in the writing, I'll explain this a bit further: Schlatt and Dream are the two biggest "POV-less" characters, and as such, we don't get nearly as much insight into their heads as we would with say Tommy, AND THEY USED THAT FACT TO IT'S EXTREME WITH SCHLATT. Schlatt is the asshole, he does malicious things on purpose and laughs about it, he doesn't show care for anyone around him and he is never vulnerable or open about his emotions, that is... he wasn't, not until the very end when it all came out at once, this terrifying transformation from the cold person we knew we could hate to... something afraid, something vulnerable, something... pitiful, and altogether human. "Don't kill me I'm scared of that/death"(can't remember which word), There's an amazing animatic of it (here). Also just how it highlighted that... he was alone, he pushed people away and then when it came down to it? he was entirely alone, Fundy who had stucked by his side the longest was the final straw, the amount of pain in his voice just saying "Fundy?" AHHH. "In my time of need everybody left" IS LITERALLY A LINE, Clear as day he is aknowledging that he had a "time of need" he needed people around him but his own actions pushed them away. Okay I could talk about this scene for hours and hours but I'll cut it short just for the answer (might make a standalone post abt it later tho)
Lastly the only actual Event, and a genuindly hot take, The event on the dream smp that I would consider my favourite so far: Doomsday
A lot of people have brought up incredibly valid reasons why they dislike Doomsday, but I can't help but love how it turned out. Two of the people on the server who spend the most time preparing for war (Dream and Techno) + the person who probably plays more minecraft than 90% of players and has never died on the server so has never lost his equipment (Phil) fighting agaainst a ragtag bunch of broken people, it was the epitome of An Unstoppable force, except in this analogy there was no immovable object. Not to mention the Tommy & Sapnap reconciliation (chaos twins supremacy) and how Sapnap actually got so insanely close to killing Techno right in the middle of doomsday, the man might be a himbo but he's also insanely good at PVP and I love him. ALSO MORE SHOUTING!!! Genuinely we got so many banger emotionally charged lines from multiple characters during doomsday and it was... amazing. "People, PEOPLE are above the government" "I AM A PERSON" "You are and so are WE!!!"
All lines that I absolutely love, regardless of whether or not they are even slightly true, Brilliant brilliant, BRILLIANT,
now I'm just gonna post this quickly without looking back over it too much because I've already accidentally deleted this answer once and I don't want to do it again
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Why these ships
Yesterday Admin 1 posted a rather complex post (x), so today we thought we’ll take it a little easier and instead talk about our ships and why we ship the ships we ship. Seems fun, right? This isn’t meant as some kind of detailed analysis of moments or a way to convince others of why these ships are superior somehow, because that’s not something we do around here. 
This is simply meant as something lighthearted and for you to get an idea of who types these posts and the POV we have when looking at ship content, as well as what got us into being vminies and namjinists.
Since Admin 1 is a very wordy person, we’ll start with Admin 2. Let’s go!
Admin 2, who ships vmin
My bias is Tae and my bias wrecker is Namjoon. When it comes to Tae, it isn’t about his stunning visuals or whatnot, but more his artistic soul that captivated me. Because of that I feel like I can understand him, just like I can understand Namjoon though I’d never be able to reach such intellectual heights like him. 
In my opinion, if there is a romantic couple within BTS, the most likely option would be Jimin and Taehyung. I’m not basing my opinion on any concerts or things like RUN since I’m aware that BTS are idols and places/events/shows such as those are more like theatre in that they are playing a role, playing up certain things to get a reaction out of the crowd and alike, or is being used as a way too push or highlight a certain member or members.
Any time I see Tae and Jimin interact with each other I get this feeling that they have some kind of mystery about them, that they’re like + and -, two very different people, and yet there’s this something about them that brings them together. Perhaps it is simply the sole fact that they are so different that makes them so intriguing not only to each other, but also for me. Observing all the materials we have of these seven years, it’s been interesting to see how they’ve changed both physically and mentally, how they went from being these ‘bad boys’ at the beginning of BTS career and how that transformed over time until they became the boys we know today. I think over the years they simply got the chance to explore and find and be who they are, together but also as separate people. Looking at Tae, he’s changed a lot over the years and I don’t mean it in the sense of “he became quiet”, but rather that his mannerisms and personality changed, that he got to show more of himself and who he wants to be and as who he wants to be seen by others. Same goes for Jimin, who in the first years struggled with being one person until he finally started to evolve into who he wanted to be and simply became Jimin instead of whatever others wanted, which he even praised himself for.
And along with that I also think they got to explore parts of themselves they might’ve not even been quite aware of being there at first, in terms of what they mean for them as individuals but also as two people together. In that regard I think they’ve changed the most out of all the members, and really, in such a way, only they have visibly changed in such a way. They got to explore deep parts of themselves and live them together.
“I’m from the moon, you’re from the stars”, as in they are both different, not from earth, but they got the chance to be different together.
There’s also the fact that they themselves call each other soulmates is for me very intriguing since I understand soulmates as either two people being very similar to each other (the same mentality, interests, tastes etc) or two people who found their romantic other half that, in a sense, completes them. I don’t see vmin as the former, since they are so different, but I think they’ve simply found and worked so hard with together to meet each other on another level which led them to become the second. That’s my theory and my feeling. 
I adore how, even though they get so comparatively little screen time together in the last few years, whenever we do see them interact with each other their interactions are always so different, so full of warmth, softness and gentleness, romantic even, and fully of mutual respect. It’s endearing to me how shy Tae seems to get whenever Jimin shows him more affection on camera. I applaud Tae for how he showcases his feelings for Jimin so “openly” on Weverse through the pictures and posts he makes that involve him, though most don’t want to see it as such. 
Them saying that it’s enough for them to look at each other and they immediately know what the other is thinking, how they basically almost have conversations with each other just through looking into each others eyes, honestly made my heart sing with cuteness and fondness.
These are my feelings when I see them. When it comes to more substantial reasonings as to why I think they may be real and why I think so, that’s a post for another time since it’ll take much more preparations and thoughts. But at the same time I want to say that I’m one of those people who thinks that if not vmin and not namjin, then none of the ships are real in a romantic sense. In a friendship way, all of them are real. But that too is also something for another post in the future.
The most important thing in it all for me was Tae stating that 95z is love, but that, too, is something for another time.
Admin 1, who ships vmin and namjin
I’d like to preface my part of this by saying that while I do ship vmin and namjin, I’m not the kind of person who will try to find definitive proof that they are real (especially if that means overanalyzing the most minute interactions and split second touches because, to me, that feels obsessive and invasive and not every one second shared glance must mean anything) and proceed to force my opinion onto others, or get into fights why my ships are more valid than someone else’s. That’s not who I am and that’s not the kind of experience I’m looking for while being ARMY. At the end of the day while I do believe that there are good chances (and reasons to believe so) that these ships are real, vmin probably more than namjin, I won’t insist on that having to be true and I also don’t really care all that much either? It’s their private lives after all, so for me this is all mostly for fun and for discussions, if that makes sense. Should one day any member of my ships come forward and say he’s in a relationship with someone outside of my ship, I don’t be angry or disappointed, I’ll be happy for them regardless.
That being said, similar to Admin 2, whenever I see Jimin and Taehyung together, there’s just this special something about them that just does it for me. I’ll admit that when I first got into BTS and became ARMY, I didn’t care about shipping at all. It’s not that I wasn’t familiar with RPS, I’ve read plenty of that as young teen, but rather that I was so enamored with their music and friendships that those simply seemed more important to me. With time I started to pay more attention to the individual dynamics and bonds within the group and soon I realized that Jimin and Taehyung stood out to me without a question or doubt. I’ll admit that I do read fanfic, so out of curiosity I checked out the other maknae ships (the actual ships as well as their fanfic counterparts) and came to the conclusion that they didn’t have that something for me, felt more like brothers, and that I kept on going back to vmin every time.
There’s this sense of belonging (to each other) I feel when I watch Jimin and Taehyung together, how they’ve grown together over the years, their bond going through phases and changes and how they only seemed to get closer and closer, even during the time when people claimed vmin were over and we were in a drought. I look at them, their interactions, the fondness in their eyes and the gentleness with which they treat each other and I think this is it. It’s so easy to see how much they care about each other, and how important they are for each other, I can’t help but love and admire it, and in the end it turned me into a vminie.
As for namjin, this one is a little less clear cut, perhaps. Something that hasn’t been mentioned yet is that I’m a Namjoon bias. He was the one who caught my attention first when I discovered BTS and he’s been my bias ever since, so I enjoyed seeing his interactions with the other members, how he has this mutual respect with them yet how when he says something, everyone else listens because he’s the leader. Plus, his mind is honestly the greatest and most wondrous thing. Anyway. I adore the dynamics that Namjoon has with the other members and how different they are, but the one he shares with Seokjin has caught my attention that little bit more and stood out to me more, just like with vmin.
Namjoon and Seokjin have been close ever since Seokjin joined BigHit, at first simply because they needed to figure out how to get the rest of the group to listen to Namjoon despite him not being the eldest, and then simply because they liked it. I’ll never forget that video they made together around christmas time which ends with Seokjin singing All I Want For Christmas Is You. The date vibe of that video? Off the charts. Over the years as they’ve matured, so did their bond, and while they’re certainly not as clingy and touchy with each other anymore as they used to be after debut, it makes their interactions and little ways of showing affection for each other that much more special.
Their mutual respect, admiration and influence on each other is also something that’s always drawn me to them, how some things Seokjin told Namjoon years ago stuck with him for years and he found ways to incorporate them into his philosophy and ending ments at concerts showing how even these small things affected him, touched him. There’s also things like Namjoon helping Seokjin with his music, the way they praise each other and get shy about it, or tiny details such as Namjoon holding Seokjin’s hand and trying to hide it from the camera behind Namjoon’s thigh (which obviously didn’t work out since we did end up seeing it). It’s these little things about them that do it for me, how when they hug it simply feels so special, so meaningful, the way Namjoon looks so fondly and proudly at Seokjin sometimes and vice versa, and how calm and also absolutely chaotic they are when they’re together. Brilliant.
So, as much as I’m a vminie, I’m certainly also a namjinist.
As for other ships, I’ll call myself a Sope enthusiast since those two together definitely have a certain something about them too. At the end of the day though I love BTS, will always be OT7 and their true family type bond, as they have called it themselves as such many of times, will always stand above all else for me.
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heartsandmuses · 4 years
tiktok famous
for @stonyweek​ 2020 // prompt: “social media”
steve rogers/tony stark. rated g. 1.8k. universe: mcu.
Two months after the rest of the team gets TikTok, Steve finally caves and makes an account of his own.
He doesn’t tell anyone though, because while his grasp on technology is better than what most would assume, part of the fun is letting people think he’s completely helpless. It’s made for some pretty amusing afternoons, between Clint trying to teach him for an hour straight exactly how to empty the recycle bin on his laptop and Bruce attempting to talk him through uploading a photo onto his Google Drive, and Steve figures that the team’s exasperation at his supposed tech incompetency might make for a few good videos.
And it does — his popularity soars seemingly overnight, and it’s only a matter of days before people start to catch on to the fact that Captain America’s making TikToks now and barely a week before he’s amassed hundreds of thousands of followers.
Unfortunately, that means the team’s caught on too.
It’s a bit of a disappointment that he can’t continue to be—as Clint would say—a troll, now that they know he’s not as much of an old man as previously thought, but there’s still plenty else he can do on the app. In the week after his account gets verified, Steve isn’t sure how many videos he gets dragged into, but between all the dance covers Natasha teaches him, all the easy food hacks Bruce does, and all the workouts Thor records, he’s certain that he’s made an appearance in well over a hundred drafts for the other Avengers’ profiles.
Not that he minds all that much. It gives him a chance to explore the full scope of TikTok in a way he probably wouldn’t on his own.
—   —   —
It’s Peter who introduces Steve to the concept of TikTok “challenges,” which, really, consist of anything ranging from simple choreography to lighthearted pranks, and Steve takes it upon himself to scroll through the kid’s profile for some fresh ideas.
It’s a slow weekend anyway, no missions planned or battles to fight, and the renovations in the gym thanks to Hulk’s latest tantrum means that all team training sessions are cancelled until next week. Outside, rain patters against the windows of the common room; the TV’s on low, playing a rerun of some competitive cooking show that Tony, sprawled out on the other side of the couch, fell asleep in front of, having lost interest about halfway through. Steve smiles as he lets his gaze trace over Tony’s profile—his messy hair, the curve of his nose, the way his eyelashes fan over his cheeks—and when his eyes finally turn back towards his phone...
Steve blinks.
Because the next video he lands on is tagged #KissYourBestFriendChallenge. And if he happened to miss the tiny print at the bottom of the screen, a text bubble pops up in the first few seconds with exactly the same words.
The video starts off innocently enough, with Peter and Ned laughing and joking around in what Steve assumes is Peter’s bedroom, both of them sitting on the floor with a half-finished Lego Death Star between them. Steve has the volume turned on low, but he can still hear Ned’s breathy Vader impression, as he holds up one of the figurines and walks it along the carpet. Peter laughs, and when his gaze shifts from the Lego figurine back up to Ned’s face, bright and beaming, his grin softens at the edges, expression turning into something much more... wistful and wanting and affectionate.
Something smitten.
Ned’s gaze meets Peter’s once again, and he trails off in the middle of his sentence when he sees him leaning in, closer and closer until their lips finally meet. It’s a tender kiss, a hesitant one, but Ned pulls away after a moment, partly in surprise and partly to search Peter’s face, a look of— of astonishment, of realization, coming over his own. And just like that, he leans back in and kisses him silly, smiling against Peter’s mouth.
Steve’s heart clenches, his eyes drifting back down to the bottom of the screen, and right next to the extensive list of hashtags, the caption reads: he feels the same way, followed by a row of heart emojis.
He’s known for a while that Peter’s been going out with Ned, but Steve had no idea that this is how they got together, and as he thinks about that look of mutual longing that they’d shared, he can’t help but glance back over at Tony, still blissfully asleep and snoring soundly.
—   —   —
Steve can’t get the idea out of his head.
It might have something to do with the fact that he’s spent the past few days going through the hashtag, watching as people have their dreams come true or—equally as often—dashed. But Steve’s a strategist, he needs to consider all possible outcomes before he can start to even plan, and while there’s a very large, very scared part of him that wants to call the whole thing off before it can even really begin, he knows, deep in his gut, that no better opportunity would ever present itself to tell Tony how he feels.
Steve’s brave, but he’s not the kind of brave that can go up to his best friend directly and confess his love to him. He’s learned that lesson all too well from silently pining around Bucky for the better part of a decade, and Steve knows he won’t be able to go through the same thing again. Even if Tony does reject him—which is a possibility he’s certainly preparing himself for—at least he’ll know for sure that he doesn’t have a chance, instead of being stuck in the familiar limbo of wondering and wanting and hoping.
And if that does happen, if Tony turns him down, Steve’s reassured by the fact that he can play it off as a joke, say it was all just for the challenge. That’s been his biggest concern in the past, whenever he would consider taking the leap and asking Tony out, the risk of something shattering between them. Their friendship, their closeness, what they have right now — none of it is worth throwing away just because Steve can’t tamp down his desire.
He’s thrown himself into some hastily thought-out plans in the past, but this one feels pretty foolproof.
—   —   —
Steve isn’t sure how it’s possible, really, but there’s just something about the sight of Tony laughing—crow’s feet crinkling at the corners of his eyes, lips curling into a grin—that makes him about ten times more handsome than he usually is. It’s just as heart-stopping as it is distracting, and it takes a good five minutes for Steve to even remember why he’d come down to the lab in the first place.
Officially, the excuse he gave Tony is that he needs some input on which TikTok to post next; unofficially, Steve’s just trying to calm his racing heart as he watches his best friend go through the entirety of his drafts folder, trying to muster up every ounce of courage he has, for one little moment. One little kiss.
“I think this one’s a real winner,” Tony says, turning the phone back towards Steve, and on the screen is a time-lapse of him sketching the Tower. He has a few others like that up on his profile already, quick little drawings of the common room or of the team, and Steve realizes with some embarrassment that if Tony went into his camera roll he would find more than a few real-time recordings of Steve sketching full pages of those warm, brown eyes and those long, fanning eyelashes. “The pranks and storytimes are fun and all, but I like the videos of your art the best.”
There’s such a startling sincerity in his words that it makes Steve’s heart skip a beat. He feels warm and nervous all at once, stomach churning and palms sweating, and he gets so lost in the adoring look in Tony’s eyes that he doesn’t notice for a long moment how close they really are. And it doesn’t stop, either. They just keep getting closer and closer and—
Steve’s leaning in, he realizes. He’s leaning in and he can see Tony’s tongue dart out to wet his lips, can see Tony’s gaze dropping to Steve’s mouth, can see a flicker of want in his eyes, pure and desperate, and that’s all Steve needs to know before he kisses him.
For days all he could imagine were the countless ways that Tony might let him down gently, pulling back with a laugh and a friendly squeeze to his shoulder, shaking his head and telling him that they’re better off as friends. But Tony doesn’t do any of that. He kisses back almost instantly, hands coming up to cup Steve’s cheeks, and Steve absolutely melts into the touch. It’s sweet and gentle and perfect, and now that he doesn’t have to worry about playing it off as a prank anymore, he pours everything he’s feeling into it — everything he’s been feeling, for all these years. All of his longing, his fondness, his desire.
All of his love.
The kiss seems to last somewhere between a second and an eternity, and when he finally pulls back to look into Tony’s eyes, he can see it all, every thought and feeling written out so clearly in his expression, a picture-perfect mirror of his own. Steve smiles, as a rush of relief fills his chest, and he can’t help but lean in again, just as his heart flutters and his stomach swoops and he thinks, with absolute certainty, he feels the same way.
—   —   —
JARVIS catches the entire exchange on video for him, along with the elated and impromptu make-out session that had ensued immediately afterwards, and while Steve plays back the footage of that initial kiss at least a hundred times, smiling stupidly at his phone, he doesn’t upload it.
It just feels too... intimate, too personal, for the rest of the world to see, at least right now. Steve just wants to keep the moment—and Tony—to himself for a little longer, and so, what he posts instead is the time-lapse of him drawing the large, looming Tower and the cityscape surrounding it.
—   —   —
Days later, he posts another sped-up sketch. This time, it’s one of Tony, with that big, gorgeous grin, that familiar twinkle in his eyes; it’s the exact expression that came over his face after Steve had kissed him, and it feels good, committing it not only to memory, but to paper as well.
But his followers aren’t completely clueless, he knows that, and it’s over the next few weeks—during which Steve gets a little more confident in uploading his drawings of Tony—that they begin to suspect something might be going on between the two of them.
Steve, of course, never outright confirms nor denies their claims, though he does, three months into their relationship, film that “walk into the room naked and record your boyfriend’s reaction” challenge, and that pretty much says it all.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
hello hello (ha see what i did there) i would like R, O, M, A for "latest nostalgia, or happily ever after", T, E for "i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind", S, aaaand I for the fanfic ask game! love youuu -megs 💙
hahahaha hello hello how clever of you you are the most intelligent person in this dorm room. omg i see what you did with the letters you really ARE the most intelligent person in this dorm room. maybe i'll put a read more on this it's kind of long
fanfic ask games
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? actually it's interesting i feel my answer for this has maybe changed a bit? obviously helen (miss @calumcest) was the Biggest Influence when i started writing and also was the reason i started writing and while i am sure in a subtle way she's had a lasting impact on how i write fic i think that i have diverged significantly from my days of being singularly helen-influenced.
i think @reveriesofawriter is an influence mostly in the sense that i think everything she writes is beautiful and fantastic and i strive to be that good with words. also meghna is really good at keeping a story lighthearted whereas i often get lost in the angsty realism weeds so to speak, and i would like more of her skill to focus in on the more entertaining parts of life. because you know. as some guy named Lee Ross once said: "The world can be a horrible, cruel place, and at the same time it can be wonderful and abundant. These are both truths. There is not a halfway point; there is only choosing which truth to put in your personal foreground.” i just spent so many minutes looking for that quote only to make the point that meghna is good at putting a lighter perspective in the foreground, though also packing a punch with a few words. if i want to pack a punch i usually spent many paragraphs doing it. sometimes i find myself describing a feeling or thought in great detail and then have to be like, am i using too many words to say something that can be said, perhaps more powerfully, in fewer words than this. and then i have to delete it and make it shorter. and meghna is good at putting a lot of meaning into a few words. the irony of me writing this long ass paragraph just to fuckin say that. can't help but be as bella as possible at all times. anyway.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters? uhhhh the plot i'm pretty sure. i'm pretty flexible about pairings and characters generally speaking so unless there's something character-specific that would force me to use one, like ashton with his younger siblings, i typically just go based on what i'm feelin.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share? well i mentioned one to team here but let me see if i have any others. hmm i had an idea for a 5+1 that's "five times alex makes tea for jack and one time the reverse" idk if or when i'll write it but it sounds cute. most of the other ones i can think of are ones i don't wanna give away.
A: How did you come up with the title to latest nostalgia, or happily ever after? well i will tell you! i kind of trapped myself with the spideyverse series by giving the first fic a title from heroes by all time low (basically) because i posted it kind of in a speedy rush and i didnt want to get stuck on it and i'm pretty sure i half intended to change it (in fact if you look at the notes of the lashton spideyverse fic it says:)
Tumblr media
so then for the malum parallel installment i was like i should take another lyric from heroes. but heroes is kind of a fuck you song so it's actually not tonally appropriate at all for spideyverse so i had limited options. i kind of like the title of that one though because it has that very ambiguous "this is just artistic enough to sound meaningful but if you look too closely the whole thing falls apart" vibe and i'm always striving for that.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? i will once again refuse to attempt to re-answer this since i already failed to do so here
E: If you wrote a sequel to i hope i never lose the bruises that you left behind, what would it be about? INTERESTING YOU SHOULD ASK, because i actually have a prompt from @werewolfashton sitting in my inbox waiting for me to eventually write a follow-up fic to this one. so hopefully one day i actually WILL write a sequel of sorts, although it'll probably be more like a one-shot check-in just to see how the characters are getting along. it would probably involve luke meeting ashton's housemates. i don't know what it would be "about" though it wouldn't be "about" anything it would just be some bants and some laughs and some new friendships i guess. also this is completely unrelated but finding the links for the two fics you asked me about made me realize my fic notes on ao3 used to be soooo short. a time before the club. wild.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? i think i answered this one here. ooh wait i like texting in fics though that's one i didn't mention like when they have a text conversation or a group chat i really can't resist that shit i love funny texting i feel like it's the earmark of a strong relationship
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? i said one already but let me see if i can come up with another. okay well in terms of writings i definitely have some guilty pleasures most of which involve giving characters my taste in music, snacks/foods/drinks (tea), tv shows, etc. also i like to overdescribe whenever a character plays guitar basically just to establish the fact that i know enough about guitar to talk about it with a moderate level of expertise, even though i know very well that literally no one gives a shit. and DEFINITELY talking about psych in fic. that jalex fic i wrote for peyton where jack is studying AP psych was the most self-indulgent bullshit ever. basically i try to make characters as much like me as possible <3
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kieraswriting · 5 years
Roman’s Turn
More Than The Sum Of Our Parts
Previous  Next
Patton had an idea. It was a good idea, Roman couldn’t say that it wasn’t. But he didn’t want to do it.
“--And we could all hang out in our animal forms for a day! Well, Logan might prefer just his wings, but I think both Virgil and I like being all one or the other, rather than in the middle.”
Virgil and Logan had reluctantly agreed, but Roman had managed to give some kind of non-committal answer and leave. He didn’t like it. Virgil and Patton were cute, and Logan looked so cool, but what was he? A raccoon. Vermin. And they had only recently had to deal with all the mess Remus had made while he was here, and with him being a raccoon, it put the animal in an even worse light than before.
He couldn’t help but think of how he and Virgil had enjoyed their night with Patton, how they had all wanted to pet Virgil while he was a cat, and how everyone was now very willing to help Logan preen his wings. It was so… enticing. And accepting. He knew that all of them felt a great relaxing if they slipped into their animal forms, and that it wasn’t like the other sides would kick him out, that it really was a good idea to do as Patton had suggested. But he couldn’t help but think that it could never be the same for him.
The day was set. Roman made the imagination into a perfect clearing in the woods, with bright sun coming down on thick grass, and shade from the trees all around. They had checked to be sure that Thomas didn’t have anything planned that they’d need to be more available for. Patton had even made a massive picnic lunch.  
“Alright. Are we all ready?” Patton asked. 
“I do believe we are,” Logan said, letting his wings out. Ever since he had made a habit of letting them out more often, they had seemed to grow larger. Not by much, but definitely larger, and definitely brighter. They glistened in the sunlight, looking impressive as Logan stretched them out to their full length. 
Virgil’s face screwed up, and his eyes were suddenly slitted, with a purple sheen to them, before he shrunk down into his cat form. He went to the edge of the blanket where there was a large patch of sun and curled up. 
Patton’s transformation was more instantaneous. One second he was himself, and the next second Roman was being tackled by a giant friendly dog. 
“What about you, Roman?” Logan said.
“Me? Oh, uh, I think I’ll just stay like this. I can be the ‘designated human’ in case there’s an emergency.”
Logan looked down at himself. “I’m quite human at the moment, I believe we will be fine.”
“Just in case, though.” 
Logan frowned slightly, “I suppose extra caution can’t hurt us, but I must say, I wouldn’t have expected you to be the one to bring up a concern like this.”
Roman shrugged and ran off to play with Patton. 
It worked out well until lunch time, but then Virgil turned back. “I can trade with you, if you want.”
“No, no I’m fine. You just keep enjoying yourself.”
Virgil’s eyes narrowed slightly. 
“Come on,” Roman said, mostly to preempt Virgil from saying anything. “I haven’t gotten to pet you in a long while. It’ll be plenty of fun for me too!”
Virgil ducked his head and looked away. 
“Are you certain you don’t want to-” Logan started.
“No, but I will next time.” Roman lied. 
At the words next time, Patton barked and wriggled all over in happiness.
After they had eaten, and Logan and Patton were off playing, Virgil did walk near Roman. Roman smiled down at him and rubbed around his ears and chin. Soon Virgil was dozing on his lap and purring. 
As the afternoon stretched on, Roman nodded off himself. 
It was only a few weeks before Patton insisted on repeating the Animal Day, as he had called it. And this time he wanted to invite Deceit. Roman knew that he wouldn’t be able to get out of it nearly as easily this time, and got stressed every time it was brought up. 
Virgil kept sending him odd looks, but at least he hadn’t said anything yet.
The day came, and this time they were even more prepared. They had various toys that they had each guessed they might want to play with while in their animal forms, and Deceit had agreed to come, though not to stay for the whole day. 
All too soon, it arrived. Roman was happy to help prepare, but then came the time when everything was ready. 
Deceit looked slightly nervous, but all the other sides were happy. Logan, Patton, and Virgil transformed with almost no hesitation. 
Roman stood awkwardly, shifting his weight slightly. 
“What about you, Roman?” Logan asked. 
“I’m, just not feeling like it.”
Virgil shifted back. “Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, I’m just not feeling well.”
Deceit eyed him. 
“Roman, I can feel anxiety rolling off of you,” Virgil said. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing! It’s not a crime if I’m not perfectly glittery all the time.”
Deceit opened his mouth, but closed it again. 
After what looked like several failed attempts to shift back human, Patton leaned heavily against Roman’s leg. 
“Would you rather we postpone this to another day?” Logan asked. 
“No. You’ve all been looking forward to it, I don’t want to ruin it.”
“He’sss not been telling the truth,” Deceit said quietly, hissing slightly. 
“Do you not want to shift into your animal form?” Logan asked kindly. 
Deceit shook his head slightly. 
“What?!” Roman exploded. “If I’d’ve said yes you would have said the same! There isn’t a true answer to that question!”
“Then what is the truth?” Virgil asked. 
There was silence for several seconds. 
“I hate my animal form,” Roman said bitterly. 
Deceit shook his head again. 
Roman looked into several expectant faces, he clenched his jaw. “It’s that you all are going to hate me in my animal form.”
They all looked at Deceit. 
“Roman, that may be what you believe, but that doesssn’t make it true.” 
“No, it’s not true!” Virgil insisted. “No matter what it is, even if we’re scared of it, we’d never hate you for it!”
“We all have animal forms that we can shift into,” Logan said. “It wouldn’t make you different. It wouldn’t make you unlikable in any way.”
Roman sank to the ground. Patton leaned on him more heavily and nosed at his face. 
“How do I know I can believe you?” He asked, his voice only coming out in a quiet whisper. 
Virgil knelt in front of him, but Roman couldn’t bring himself to look in his eyes. “Shift for us, let us prove it.”
Roman curled in on himself. He didn’t really have a choice, did he? They knew now, and if it were him he wouldn’t just leave it alone. He shifted. 
Almost immediately he was gathered into a lap. He didn’t look up to see who it was. He kept his eyes screwed shut, even as a hand softly ran over his head and down his back. 
He could tell that the others left him and whoever mostly alone. He could hear Patton nearby, laying on the ground and thumping his tail. Whoever was holding him didn’t say anything, or maybe he just didn’t pay attention. They pet him gently. 
After a while he adjusted his position to be more comfortable. It was a long time before he looked up. It was Virgil. 
“Feeling better?” Virgil asked. 
Roman nodded. 
“Do you want to stay here or go play with the others?”
Roman hunkered down further into Virgil’s lap. 
Several minutes later Patton came over. He stuck his nose into Roman’s side. Roman turned to face him. 
“I’m sorry,” he wasn’t sure why, but he felt he had to say it, despite the fact that it came out as a chittering sound, and not words at all. He put a hand on Patton’s snout. 
Patton looked as happy as a dog could be, and licked him. Then he ran off to bother Logan, who was talking with Deceit. 
Roman drapes himself over one of Virgil’s legs, where he could watch the others. Virgil kept petting him softly, as if he were afraid he’d hurt him with anything more. Roman didn’t mind. It was actually really pleasant. 
“If I was going to plan another Animal Day, would you want to go?” Patton asked. 
Roman was surprised that he could honestly say, “Yeah, I think I’d like that, Padre.”
Deceit squiggled along just a bit too close, and Roman knew without being told that it was a taunt. He jumped down on top of Deceit, who thrashed and hissed. He let him go, but a minute later he did it again. It was a wonderful little game, and Deceit made himself harder to catch each time. 
It was fun, and lighthearted, which is why Roman never anticipated Deceit wrapping around him and baring his fangs just under his chin. Roman squeaked and froze. Deceit let him go. 
Oh, now it was on!
After several more rounds, Deceit turned back. He was genuinely laughing, which was rare. 
“Remussss alssso alwaysss fallss for the ssswitch!”
“You play this with Remus?” Roman, who had also shifted back, asked. 
“Infrequently.” Deceit replied. Roman wasn’t sure whether he was lying or not. 
“Should we invite him too?” Patton asked. Patton was the designated human this time, a post that they had discovered was actually needed. 
“He bitess for real,” Deceit warned. 
“We are sides of a personality, any damage from one another does not last.” Logan said. He was laying on his stomach near Patton, who was combing through his feathers. 
Logan, to everyone’s surprise, turned fully into a falcon to dive bomb Remus from the sky. Soon Remus was screaming and being carried off in Logan’s talons. 
Remus was, undoubtedly, the most violent in the games he suggested, but no one had expected Logan to rise to the occasion in the way he had. Remus, of course, loved it, though he was willing to accommodate the less violent of them since it meant he’d be invited back again. 
Roman didn’t mind wrestling with Remus now and again, and Virgil even got in on it sometimes, though being a cat gave him a bit of a disadvantage. 
Patton never fought anyone, for real or play. The closest thing he’d do was tug of war with the designated human. 
They all enjoyed Animal Day, and it became a regular biweekly part of their schedule. 
Roman was in bed, writing in his ideas notebook. He had woken up hours earlier than usual, but couldn’t seem to fall back asleep. 
His door creaked open a crack, and a shadow jumped quietly onto the foot of his bed. 
Virgil meowed and walked up next to his leg. Roman reached out a hand and waited until Virgil rubbed his head against it to start scratching around his ears and chin. 
“You know, I can’t even imagine us doing something like this a few months ago. It was… hard, to show each of us our animal forms, but I think it was worth it. And I’m thinking, maybe we could show Thomas?”
Virgil bit his hand. 
“Ok, ok. That’s fine. Not yet then. But can at least discuss it.”
Virgil meowed, and Roman petted him. 
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moogiwarah · 4 years
Hi! I want to have comprehensive list of the BL manga/manhwa etc. that I’ve read because I want to spread the love for this genre 💜.  This post is a list of works that I’ve read which is not in this page yet + my comments on each work. I hope some people will find something that they like here ^__^
🐣 All BL recs from me 
manhwa  🐓
💜 Never Understand
Yuri, one of the school's most handsome guys,and Jaerim, one of the school's ugliest, collide!...or don't they? Can't understand what's going on between these two! It's Out of Control! 
shounen-ai, completed, 87 chapters
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THE STORY IS SOOOO GOOD. The art also improved by a lot upon reaching the later chapters. Jae-rim is dubbed as “ugly” (he’s a whole cutie tho) and I’m glad to see a non conventional character design for an MC! I highly recommend reading this!!  👌💯
A sequel to “Never Understand” which is focused on Cho Ayeon’s story after being free from Soyeon’s control.
yaoi, completed, 8 chapters
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This has few chapters so maybe that explains the fast pacing. Nonetheless, it was a nice read, I have a really soft spot for Jae-rim so seeing his r-18 experiences with Yuri really got me ahkdjashdkajshd ;W;
💜 Dirty Vibrations
Best friends Yeong and Nohae thought it was a joke when they downloaded the infamous “cursed” app. It’s said to command the user to perform…sexual acts and punishes those who disobey or delete it. It started with making them kiss. When they disobeyed its order…the punishment was anything but a joke. 
yaoi, ongoing
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This one is from Fujoking (author of Youjin)! In all honesty, I love this for its sex scenes. They are so well made, the art, the dialogue, the expressions, and just *chef’s kiss* 👌. When it comes to expressing sexual scenes in BL, my top authors would have to be Fujoking for manhwa and Zaria for manga.
💜 Paid
Executive director Heejae is nicknamed "Chaebol Prince" by the public. But his life is turned upside down when documents linking him to an embezzlement scheme are unexpectedly found by an accounting collegian Taekyung! So he pretends to have a crush on him, but.. Taekyung wants more than just flirting! 
yaoi, ongoing
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This is another one from Fujoking! This has a heavier plot as compared to Dirty Vibrations, so you get amazing smut AND an engaging story! 
💜 On or Off
Yiyoung is building a startup with his college friends. They get a chance to present their proposal to SJ Corporation, one of the leading companies in the country. But in the meeting room he sees Kang Daehyung, the extremely handsome company big shot that's so very much his type, and Yiyoung's heart starts to race...! Can pretty-faced Yiyoung win both in love and his career? 
yaoi, ongoing
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Okay this! It’s really funny and the pacing is nice and the characters are nice and the art is nice and the perfect mix of romance comedy and slice of life i just HUHDADKAJDHJK it’s rly a feel good read and both MCs are SO ATTRACTIVE.
Penthouse XXX
Siyeon, a contract killer, has declared a boycott on men after being screwed over by his ex. That is, until he moves into a penthouse owned by Taekyung, a rich heir with killer looks.
yaoi, completed, 49 chapters
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It has meme worthy illustrations xD. The graphics are nice but I found Taekyung (one of the MCs) to be a little toxic. Also, some parts of the story were not wrapped up/discussed enough imo. But overall, it was a pleasant read.
Home Sweet Home
The last thing Jungyeon expected was for his mom to ask if she could remarry. The new man was kind, considerate, a perfect match for his mother but there’s a catch: he has a younger son. Sunwoo is an introvert. He’s shy and has trouble opening up to others, until he meets Jungyeon and finds himself opening up for the first time. As their parents get closer to marrying, they become close, too close, and that’s when Sunwoo learns Jungyeon is already seeing another man.
yaoi, completed, 57 chapters
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I honestly don’t know why this has quite a low rating on mangago because I found it to be a good read! It’s like sitting through a romance-drama movie. I liked the ending and the relationship between the main couple.
K’s Secret
Employee Kim Doyoon has been working for 5 years. He has one secret that he can't tell anyone else - the fact that he's a half-vampire born between a human and a vampire.
yaoi, ongoing
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The art is so good in the recent chapters ugh. Also the sex scenes are well made. The plot is a little unclear though, and I feel like the relationship of the two MCs are kinda forced and unnatural hahaskdhakjdh. Still reading it tho since it’s ongoing.
💜 I have a Boyfriend
Kang Hyeon Ho, who belongs in the university soccer team goes into a breadth class and encounters the person he went to middle school together with and was his first love, Han Gyeol. 
yaoi, completed, 44 chapters
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THIS IS BASICALLY COLLEGE AU ROM COM ADDITIONAL TAG: FIRST LOVE AND IT’S AMAZING. Just a really well rounded story with the right amount of drama to bring out its slice of life  😭💘 Also, this is tagged as yaoi but the sex scenes were few and not that explicit.
💜 Voice of Love
After experiencing a traumatic incident involving a previous lover, Jiho is too afraid to tell his classmate Soohan that he likes him. Thankfully, Soohan can hear otherpeople's thoughts and asks him out first. But, as we all know, love isn't always that easy. Will Jiho and Soohan really get their happily ever after?
shounen-ai, completed, 37 chapters
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Just a really cute story about mind reading and high school boys being in love. Ah, youth. This will make you feel good like ,,, awww young love :( <3
Base to Base
The elite Sung Moon High is fields one the country's top 5 high school baseball teams. Kim Soohyun was the ace pitcher of his middle school now started his first year at Moon high baseball team...since his beloved sunbae Choi Woojin(captain/catcher) is there....Kim Soohyun is an cutie puppy with stalker tendency exclusive for his beloved sunbae. 
shounen-ai, completed, 28 chapters
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Sports manga/anime always had a little (or lots) of gay, well this one made it officially gay! A cute rom-com bUT I feel like the ending was rushed. I would have loved it if there was more, but nonetheless, a good read! :)
manga  🐓
💜 I Seriously Can’t Believe You  
"I don't think you've realized your true nature yet." That's what Kon tells Iida, the hottest guy at school, wondering how anyone could be so proper. As popular as he is, Iida doesn't seem interested in any of the girls who come after him. Kon and his buddies try to look into the matter by flipping a coin and having Kon approach him with his confession of love, just to see if he's really interested in guys. "I've... never looked at guys like that..." says Iida, falling for Kon's ruse. Kon takes him home, hoping to straighten out the misunderstanding, when Iida suddenly grabs him by the shoulder, and... A story about a mysterious hottie at school and a prince of a certain kind. 
yaoi, completed, 5 chapters
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💜 Yoru to Asa no Uta 
(Chapter 0) ; (Sequel)
Asaichi can't play any instruments, his voice is average, and he's only in the band for the girls and the sex. Plus, he's homophobic. For some reason, the new bassist is infatuated with him despite the treatment Asaichi gives him.
yaoi, completed, 1 + 8 + 8  = 16 chapters
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It’s by Harada (author of ‘Yatamomo’ and ‘Color Recipe’) so expect dark themes. Trigger warning for rape. I suggest you skip the rape if you can’t handle it because this manga is so good. Its art and story (much like Harada’s other works) will really suck you in. This left a deep impression on me because the characters felt so alive. I respect Harada so much for that ability.
💜 Eigyou Nika!
Sakisaka, stationed in the second Sales Division, has an unrequited love for Toujou, his directing senpai. He had no intention of confessing his feelings. However, Toujou has been awfully touchy-feely lately… Is there a glimmer of hope? Please don’t let it be a misunderstanding! Which path will these vexing feelings flow down to?
yaoi, completed, 10 chapters
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I had fun reading this because it’s so fluffy!! aaaAAAA I love friends to lovers and cuddling and the sweetness that comes from a relationship that is a more than friendship but less than lovers. A lighthearted read <3
💜 Mou Ichido, Nando Demo
On his way home from picking up a rings for himself and his lover, Fuji Takahiro is hit by a car. His resulting amnesia degrades his live-in lover Kotou Tarou to a mere flatmate, and a series of misunderstandings threatens to tear the couple apart. Tossed around by desperation and confusion, can Tarou and Takahiro rebuild their once blissful relationship? 
yaoi, completed, 11 chapters
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This is like watching a really good mature drama. The characters feel real and the situations presented in the manga were also something one can easily imagine themselves being put into. A short and good read.
💜Ookami-kun wa Kowakunai
The world is filled with animals that can evolve into beastmen. There is a young and earnest wolf who was always mistaken for a showy person because of his flashy looks. The easily mistaken wolf has fallen for an attractive looking rabbit named Usami, who is cautious of carnivores.
yaoi, completed, 6 chapters
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I mEAN,,, LOOK AT THEM!!! This is wholesome and very fluffy huhuhuhu no more words needed. A short and cute read! <3
💜Ookami He No Yomeiri
Kaede is a rabbit person chosen to be the 'bride' of a distinguished wolf family. Although he does not wish to marry a wolf, his family pleads for him to go so that they can have enough supplies to last for the next two years. However, how will his new husband act towards a little bunny rabbit stuck in the wolf's den?
yaoi, completed, 8 chapters
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The art is good and the story is cute :((( They’re so cute aaaa I’m a sucker for grumpy looking x ray of sunshine it’s just uGH the contrast never gets old.
💜 Encirclement Love
Ryou had a sleepover and saw his friends - Issei and Tadahiro - kissing while they thought he was asleep. He asks them about it and feels betrayed as a childhood friend when they pretend nothing happened. Determined to catch them red-handed, Ryou ends up inside a closet with Issei's little brother - Yuusei -, who has a unexpected reaction to the situation.
yaoi, completed, 6 chapters
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It’s basically four high school boys being horny. All four of them are friends and I find their dynamics really funny. Also, they’re all hOT 🥵 I had lots of fun reading this!
Mother’s Spirit
University employee Ryouichirou is ordered by the Chairman to take in an exchange student. That exchange student, Qaltaqa, is a native from a developing country who can't understand Japanese!! Though he is a warrior of his tribe and a man of great beauty, seeing him afraid of the phone and the TV, and even the toilet, Ryouichirou gets fed up… But while being called "Ryouichirou" in such a clumsy manner, he has a change of heart!?
yaoi, completed, 13 chapters
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This is funny and interesting! A short read to boost your mood and get your yaoi fix ;D
Dakaretai Otoko Ichii Ni Odosarete Imasu 
Saijou Takato's 5 year reign as the "Most Huggable No. 1" has been snatched. Stealing his thunder is the newbie actor with a 3-year debut, Azumaya! Towards the stuffy hostile Takato, Azumaya's sincere sparkling smile starts to become effective. Even as Takato sets his alert level on MAX, Azumaya catches Takato in his shameful drunken state and uses it to blackmail him! In exchange for Azumaya's silence, Azumaya states, "Please let me hold you"'?! "Embrace me, who was the Most Huggable No.1? What the heck is he saying!" 
yaoi, ongoing
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I remember dropping this because MC was obviously raped, but upon watching the first episode of the anime adaptation, they made the sex consensual (thank God) and the story is not so bad after all. I suggest skipping the first chapter altogether and just start off at episode 1 in the anime, then you can pick it up in the manga to see the explicit scenes xD
That’s it for now! Will continue updating in this tumblr acc. as I continue on reading more BL ehe. Hmu on my twt if u wanna talk about BL and/or anime and manga in general hehe. Love lots~ 💜🐓
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zeleniafic · 4 years
I don't know much Auriga, and that is a travesty cause I love hp ocs. Please tell me more about her so we can fix that!
I’ve never posted about her before!! Auriga has existed in word docs and emails and notes for several years but I’ve never posted anything about her/her fic. She’s very dear to my heart and it’s like... weirdly difficult to throw info about her up here now after just working on it in private for so long?!
Warning that this is INSANELY long even though I tried to condense it, I am so sorry lmao. Auriga means so much to me and I have a LOT of stuff for her from over the years... this really is the “short” version LOL
So anyway... Auriga is Sirius’ twin. She spawned out of a desire to explore the Black family dynamics, and have a character that is not so polarized as Sirius... and, in some characterizations, Regulus too. The story does address Sirius’ darker side (like, say, sending a schoolyard nemesis to potentially get eaten by a werewolf?! bro.......) but for the majority Auriga is the shade of gray in the middle of the brothers, in a sense. She never strays toward Voldemort like Regulus did at first, but she is not as stereotypically “good” as Sirius, as far as the general consensus of the wizarding world is concerned. The “light v dark” / “good v evil” system being SO SO RIGID in HP is something I passionately hate and I consistently reject it in my writings, even with more lighthearted characters. Auriga, in essence, was created directly because of that. She is not a “light” witch nor is she a “dark” witch, and in fact, she rejects that entire dichotomy as I also usually do. She’s just... Auriga. Not a goody two shoes Order member who won’t aim to kill if she needs to, but also not a murdering bigot like the Death Eaters.
Unfortunately, her willingness to get her hands dirty without remorse puts her at odds with the Order more often than not, while her refusal to follow Voldemort makes her a target. She very much gets stuck as a lone wolf figure, which... she kind of always was, tbh. She was very close with both Sirius and Regulus growing up, but the older they get the more fractured it is - she is always stuck in the middle of their fighting or unspoken tension at home, and her being sorted into Slytherin distances her from Sirius. She so desperately wants them to stop fighting and for the three of them to be a united front again the way they were as children, but it just never happens. As soon as Sirius is sorted, there’s a fault line between the brothers and she is left straddling the divide trying not to fall. Regulus’ death is something that fractures her as a person, and she sees it as her greatest failure in life that she could not save him. There is also some other stuff going on in her life, and some decisions she made with lasting repercussions, that make her feel like it is her fault he ended up where he did.
Auriga is... kind of repressed, tbh? The way she was raised, she’s just really emotionally stunted. Sirius and Regulus are too but it displays a bit differently for each of them, and for her it’s being the perfect pureblood princess and having trouble displaying her “improper” emotions or having agency for herself beyond the family’s uses and expectations for her as a daughter.
To be frank, I think her fic is the darkest and grimmest of any of my WIPs. It’s just a very ADULT story, in terms of the themes that play a big role in it and the difficult subjects it tackles, if that makes sense? It looks at a lot of aspects of pureblood culture that are just footnotes in canon, and it builds from there. Walburga and Orion’s parenting being directly abusive in several ways, and the psychological/emotional aspect of growing up in the culture and household that the Black kids did. It grapples with the commonly accepted sense of morality, and how it gets murky in wartimes. And it also tackles the patriarchal elements of pureblood society - betrothals, arranged or even FORCED marriages, and the potential lack of agency/lack of consent for witches in particular that stems from a blood/lineage/name obsessed culture. One of the rifts that forms between Auriga and Sirius as they get older is that he does NOT understand what it is like to be a pureblood witch from a family like theirs, and how different it is from his lot. They can commiserate about their family and their upbringing, but so much of his freedoms are not available to her. When he runs away to the Potters’ and she refuses to go with him, unwilling to abandon Regulus, this comes to a head. Walburga is furious about Sirius of course, and this is shown by how much more controlling she is over the two remaining children - Regulus being pushed toward Voldemort, and Auriga being pushed into a betrothal she was diplomatically resisting beforehand. This is a whoooooole fiasco and plotline that deals with forced marriages, lack of consent, and mental manipulation/use of mind-altering magic in order to trap Auriga into the marriage.
After escaping this, she’s... pretty traumatized, understandably. She changes fundamentally as a character after this, becoming less stoic and composed “pureblood heiress” and instead lets out all the anger that’s been collecting inside her all this time. She leaves the family after she’s mentally coherent again, in a pretty theatrical way, but she is VERY angry with Sirius and - illogical or not - she throws a lot of blame his way for what happened to her, so she refuses to show up at the Potters and instead makes her own way. This is a BIG fracturing moment for the siblings.
A lot of her seventh year is dealing with the repercussions of that forced marriage, both physically and mentally. She’s in a really bad place when the year starts. The silver lining is, she 100% gets her revenge on the fiance AND on Walburga for what they did to her, and eventually she starts to be more of herself - her true self, the one she was hiding behind the mask all those years. She finally is able to pursue the relationship between herself and Remus, which had been building for years but which she consistently denied because she was afraid to make him a target of her family. By the end of the seventh year, she has completely the family off and they are in a relationship.
The golden few years here in the middle, ironically, take place during a war. She has mostly patched things up with Sirius, and she and Remus are dating and sickeningly happy, she’s got true friends for the first time in her life. Things are really good on a personal level, even as they are fighting a war.
Unfortunately, things fall apart again. After Peter’s betrayal and Sirius’ framing, she has a falling out with Remus over his believing the story. Despite all the issues between herself and Sirius, she never EVER doubts his innocence. EVER. She completely cuts Remus off when he starts believing it, and the both of them are spiraling after that. This is worsened by the fact that shortly later she is wanted as a supposed accomplice of Sirius and has to go on the run. It’s not surprising - she was the Slytherin, she was always darker than him, she’d committed lesser crimes or toed the line of what the Ministry approves of... if they named Sirius Black, infamously defiant of his family and a loud and proud Gryffindor, as a Death Eater... it’s a lot easier to make the leap that she was one too. The public wholeheartedly accepts it and she is hated intensely, and is forever on the run after that. By the time it gets to Harry’s time, she’s a pretty dangerous character, even more so than before. She and Sirius reunite, and eventually she and Remus patch things up. There are some lasting complications from earlier plotlines I won’t delve into right now, and tbh their ending is... pretty fucking depressing?! They don’t ride off into the sunset in any way shape or form. But they do get closure, and they do find their own kind of peace before the end. And I think it suits them, and the story, in the end. Auriga’s story was never intended to be a fix-it fic or even really address major HP canon lot elements, it’s very much just about HER as an individual and the different dynamics of what it means to be someone like her in that culture, society, and world.
So basically I’m really mean to Auri but writing about and really diving into difficult topics through her POV is really cathartic for me for various personal reasons and despite her entire life being a FUCKING TRAGEDY, she’s been around for a long time for me and I love her so much and she means a lot to me!! :’)
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