#this is abt work and reading comprehension btw
girl-bateman · 1 year
I think I've spent waaaay too much time on tumblr today. I've witnessed a concerning amount of rancid takes, had to unfollow a bunch of people for agreeing with said takes, and now I feel like I'm falling into the rabbit hole of really lame discourse. Like super duper lame. Epically lame.
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oathofkaslana · 10 months
you know it would be soooo awesome if you explained Cyno lore/your analysis of him (I’m so incredibly lost; my brain is too full of insane scientists for comprehension of him by himself.)
:3 see the frustrating thing abt cyno is that his character stories barely tell about his lore in the way you’d want it to. his affiliation is stated as with the temple of silence and there’s next to nothing else about them in the entire fucking game. BUT THAT ASIDE!!
from what we know of cyno’s ethnically from the desert but he wasn’t raised there. (his job as the general mahamatra allows him to take visit the desert a lot though. a lot of his work is there.) he made a pact with the god inside of him (hermanubis) and because of this, the akademiya wanted to run experiments on him. he was protected from these experiments by professor cyrus who took him in! he’s cyno’s adoptive father :)
now with the pact he quite literally describes himself as a vessel for hermanubis and he calls upon his powers during his burst! hermanubis initially caused cyno a lot of pain but their relationship somehow got better to the current point of their relationship where they work in tandem as vessel and god.
he and lisa were kinda classmates (they were both spantamad) but lisa is his senior. their relationship is very familial-like :3 (there’s a part in 3.5 windblume where they explain that the darshans can be akin to an academic-based family :’] and she teases him by referring to him with the little brother honorific (弟弟/ didi)
lisa sent a letter to cyrus asking for help in collei’s sake and cyrus sent cyno :3 hence why he came to mond, sealed collei’s archon residue, and eventually led collei back to gandharva ville to live under the tutelage of his best friend, tighnari.
ALSO. he and candace are literally complements to each other :’) (cyno being the sun and candace being the moon, one having the eye of ra and the other having the eye of horus, both sharing a signature polearm, both having connections to either al ahmar or kasala, al ahmar’s faithful priest)
OK SO. this is all in my head btw.
- in my head the experiments cyno was almost subjected to were apart of dottore’s extended attempts to elevate humanity to the gods. (other actual parts of his motive are his experiments on collei and scara).
- cyno recognized collei as someone inflicted with archon residue after reading his letter. i don’t think he realizes both the experiments she was apart of and he could’ve been apart of are linked, but i do think he feels incredibly guilty for not being able to prevent it (even if he quite literally couldn’t have known/done anything)
- in fact! i think part of the reason why he became the general mahamatra is because he believed the experiments he could’ve been subjected to was a show of the akademiya’s corruption. i think he trusted the akademiya very much because cyrus was apart of the akademiya and because he loves cyrus and cyrus loves him so so much :’) i think he wanted to prevent that from ever happening again.
- in my head this is also why he’s so so adamant on keeping to the six cardinal sins.
- i think this is also why he felt so so strongly about figuring out the sage’s corruption and betrayal in the sumeru archon quest. so mcuh so that he quit without mention and went on to do his own investigation and prevention. to me this also explains why he was so distrustful of al haitham to the point of literally attacking him the way he did kfbdjdhdjd.
- also related to the human experimentation but i think it could be compelling commentary for medical exploitation of marginalized communities and cyno being from the desert and that happening to him is sooo.. it’s something. (it’s not perfect of course i’d still rather him yk. not be a fucking cop but.)
- he and collei are very obvious narrative parallels in a way that makes me so so sick especially bc in collei’s vl about him we learn that thinking about the sealing ritual can bring her very painful flashbacks to it. even now she slips up and forgets to refer to him informally. he kinda understands how she feels (though he’ll never get it). he just wants her to be safe. and collei doesn’t know! when she leaves with cyno we know nothing about hermanubis! all we knew is that cyno clearly took inspiration from anubis! AND THAT MAKES ME SO SICK (it’s also a big part of my webtoon spin off au which is a character study following collei and cyno’s way to sumeru and collei’s first few weeks or so in gandharva ville. the entire this is heavily collei-centric of course but the first part is a big character study on cyno and collei and their tumultuous relationship w both each other and themselves.)
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uroboros-if · 2 years
Okay, okay, okay. So, my theory is that MC is actually the deity of time! This mostly comes from the fact that time is eternal, but still kind of a human construct. You've said before that the second wave of gods are more abt human concepts rather than elements.
Time is how humans measure change; time never stops moving. Things never stop changing. Even if people didn't keep track of time, it still happens. There's nothing you can do to stop it. I hope that makes sense, lol.
hmmm MC could also be the deity of change...
I haven't seen a deity with the domain of time while going through the character spotlights, and that's what sparked this idea. If there is one and I missed it... well shit lmao.
Also, when I hear 'All That Lasts Forever' I think of time first; actually time is the only thing I can think of that's really eternal.... along with change lmao
How MC would be mislabeled is a mystery to me, tho. I'll go scrolling again to see if there's something I've missed which is very likely ;=;
Idk if any of this makes any kind of sense ;-; I have a hard time conveying my thoughts properly through writing so I hope it does. Anyway, that's it so far. I don't have as much evidence as I want, but I'll take whatever my little racoon hands can reach lol.
~Alpha theory anon(Cracking up abt the 'alpha' part btw)
!!! This is a great theory, Anon!
It's interesting you say time is a human concept! It's true that time is real, but it's also not fundamentally real. Reading Slaughterhouse Five, I remember the aliens who experience every moment of a person's life, all at once, and thus death does not scare them; it is just another moment in a person's life. Humans do not perceive in this way. They see time is linear, so for them, they are scared of the passage of time.
You're right, though, there are no deities that I've revealed, or are otherwise not MC, who is the god of time!
As far as how MC was labeled, this is something you'll find out for yourself when the demo comes out, as the prologue will cover exactly that.
Otherwise, I think you have some amazing points, and I think you'll find that as the IF progresses, what you'll find and read will only strengthen your position. I know you said you're uncertain about your theory, but trust me -- it all totally makes sense, and a lot of the ideas you expressed, I'd been hoping to convey as some of the themes and message of the story!
If this is true, MC might actually hold a lot of power that is not immediately known. The only thing I'll confirm is that MC does essentially embody a concept that is timeless and eternal, even transcending human comprehension and thought.
Hopefully you'll gain more evidence as I said, which I think you will. The prologue may be of particular interest to you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to formulate your thoughts. Theory crafting is intimate to the work, which is why I feel blessed you took the time (aha) and effort into investing in putting this together. It means a lot to me alpha theory anon ♥️
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mekatrio · 1 year
ok organized my thoughts and reread some bits so this is the better worded long post where i complain abt why novel 6 and novel 7 rubbed me the wrong way, but specifically in regards to how it handled shintaro as a Main Character
firstly the 180 from kano's hatred towards shintaro to a current admiration is very jarring. it feels very rushed, and its very weird how kano practically has 0 lingering resentment towards him. like just two days ago he was psychologically torturing shintaro, and now he thinks of him like this?
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^all of this is kano's gay ass pov regarding shintaro btw
like i completely understand now why people ship kanoshin now bc this 100% reads like a kid crushing on their older sibling's friend. it might just be really strange localization, but with the lack of fan translations for this novel, this is all i can go off from. but it honestly feels so bizarre and like, not in a funnily comforting way but like... a strange misogynistic way?! but ill get to that in a second.
anyways i understand that kano just had the biggest breakdown of his life in the ending of novel 5, and his facade essentially broke apart entirely. and now without the need to put up a front, kano is able to recognize how much shintaro has changed from the guy from two years ago who would turn away from everything in front of him. but despite that rationalization, its still an overall pretty weird dynamic bc well..... what connects these two individuals is a currently deceased ayano, but i feel like she doesnt play a significant enough role in their assessments of one another.
and this is what i mean by the fact that this kanoshin dynamic feels strangely misogynistic. if shintaro's feelings towards kano was like, "i owe it to you to get your sister back, because it was my arrogance in the past that led her to not confide in me", then that wouldve been fine, and would have also been what i expected. but instead it feels more like a "hey, youre not that bad of a guy, shintaro!" "haha you too kano! guffaw guffaw", like.. what?
but to get to the crux of it, what bothers me the most abt their dynamic is that kano (and the rest of the dan) is now suddenly relying on shintaro. like all of a sudden he's being given rein to create a gameplan for them to survive the summer. like what? this is what i mean by shintaro's Main Character Complex, where hes placed into this type of position seemingly just bc he is the Main Character of the story.
i have many issues with the fact that shintaro was the main planner for this infiltration scheme. i think it was a big mistake that only a few members worked on it, cuz something this important shouldve involved the whole group's input, so its off-putting that it didnt. hibiya apparently played a big role, but this was only mentioned in passing by kano, instead of actually being shown. maybe the final novel might show a more comprehensive picture of this plan being put together by the whole group, and if it does, ill be happy to eat my words.
but not just that, but also how extremely similar this plan is to the one that momo devised against the terrorists in novel 1. both of them hinged themselves on the same trick, with kido appearing out of thin air with mary by her side. but momo devised her plan in a much more stressful setting, in a hostage situation with only a cellphone, with way less members at her disposal and an even lesser understanding of everyone's powers. and yet momo is not shown to have put in any input in this new plan, and the similarities and her clever ideas from the first plan are not acknowledged at all, like??? despite momo being shown to be just as capable as shintaro, if not even more so, it feels like she got pushed to the side so shintaro could have more time Being The Main Character. not to mention that im also iffy with the fact that shintaro spent more time around kids her age than momo herself did, with momo instead running around with hibiya since novel 4?!
so instead of the concoction of the final climatic infiltration plan being a group effort, and rather than having momo play a bigger role which she very much deserved to, shintaro is randomly made leader of this plot instead. bc he is the Main Character; which is then justified bc of the intellect he possesses, which honestly feels like something that was hamfisted into the narrative.
shintaro's intellect has a difficult time fitting into the story. this intellect is meant to be the reason why he was brazenly arrogant, this arrogance then being the flaw of his former self (did not reach out to ayano in a way that mattered), but the strength of his current self (the confidence and resourcefulness to create a climatic infiltration plan). but as i pointed out, it's manner of fitting itself into the current day plot, came at the expense of making kano bizarrely forgiving, and copying momo's brilliance but without any of the acknowledgement.
and this then relates itself to novel 6, which similarly threw itself out of balance in order to have a pretty big focus on harushin. like i understand the importance of harushin, its supposed to be a significant parallel to shintaro's strange friendship with konoha. i get that. but it feels a bit Too skewed to harushin? i can recognize the harutaka but like ive said before, considering that takane's whole novel practically revolved around haruka, with shinaya playing a very small part, it feels unbalanced when haruka's novel almost focuses more on shintaro than it does takane?? but ok thats not the main thing thats out of balance that really gripes me, whats really irritating me is this:
WHEREEEEE THE HELL IS SHINAYA. LIKE. THERES NO SHINAYA?? like it just feels so unbalanced?? we got our harutaka, cool (all of novel 2 + some of novel 6). a few helpings of ayataka along the way, nice (ayano encouraging takane to confess her feelings 2 years ago + ayano's email to ene). novel 6 coming in with some sweet hot harushin, and a little sprinkle of haruaya, very nice. now wheres the shinaya? where is it. huh. Where... THERE... IS NO.... SHINAYA..... they are like, completely and utterly subtextual. it is almost parody. LIKE...
like on one hand i understand that this could be interpreted as a cool, deliberate effect; shinaya's relationship haunts the story and they haunt one another, they talk about how their absence affect each other and all that, but we never actually see them interact meaningfully in the story.
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^relevant remind blue lyrics pertaining to shinaya (IN MY GRANDIOSE AND CORRECT OPINION)
i get that, thats cool. its just.... UGHHH its just super extremely frustrating. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. shintaro literally does not let up at all like he is INCREDIBLY unlikeable when he is a student so ayano's crush on him just feels incredibly deranged. HE DIDNT EVEN REMEMBER HER BIRTHDAY????? like for me to be ok with this, all of this needs to be remorsefully acknowledged or something and we need to get our penultimate shinaya moment in the daze or SOMETHING cuz this is. getting.. ridiculous..
ok but basically to wrap it up, very annoying that shintaro spent more time with kido, mary, and kano than momo did; very annoying that hes being relied on for making a crucial gameplan that practically ripped momo's brilliant ideas off with no acknowledgement; and very annoying that he played a massive role in haruka's novel, while shinaya continues to be the most subtextual of subtexts. GRAHHH
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starberry-skies · 1 year
jupiter what is your favorite font i need to hear it. mine is oswald
oswald is a Fantastic font choice 10/10,,, hmmm ok. my fav font. hmmmm.
OK WAIT I GOT IT. atkinson hyperledgible!!!!
SO this font is absoooooolutely amazing!! i use it basically everywhere i can (docs, my blog, it's basically my go-to font lol). so like the name! it's an accessible font that's meant to be legible by basically everyone. and "atkinson" came from the founder of the braille institute himself, robert atkinson! there's so many subtle changes in atkinson hyperledgible but it still looks amazing:
so characters in fonts are Meant to be similar and uniform, right? that's what makes them look cohesive! take futura (which i absolutely love btw, no hate to it <3):
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as much as i love this font, it's just not accessible yk? the b and 8 look similar, the capital I and lowercase L are basically the same with only a *bit* of height difference, and there's virtually no difference between c, o, p, q, b, & d at all! all they did was rotate one line around a circle. to be fair, futura was never meant to be a read as a text font at small sizes, but my point still stands: it's difficult to tell apart!
enter, atkinson hyperledgible. each chracter is different from the other in small ways that make a big difference. the serif on the lowercase I along with the distinctly rounded dot makes it stand out against the lowercase L, which also has a slight tail. the 8 is heavily pear shaped while the B is more even with less curves bumps. at small sizes or read by someone w/ impared vision, it's much easier to read.
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and the best part? it looks good!! it's still cohesive and doesn't stand out too much, but it's still a bit fun and quirky yk?
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i love this font sm. it blends two of my fav things: typography and accessibility. there's just so much abt it aaaaa <3 my personal fav chracters are the "0", with a backwards slash that makes it stand out from a capital "O", and the lowecase "G", with large counters and a diagonally terminated tail. it should look weird or off bc of how the proportions are so different, but they made it work! it's just so amazing :D
id for that last image under the cut!
[ID: A grapic titled, "Atkinson Hyperlegible". Small text underneath the name reads: "A bold proclamation of a name, sure, but that's why it's here." The body of text reads:
Atkinson Hyperlegible is a typeface created in partnership with Braille Institute. It has been developed specifically to increase legibility for readers with low vision, and to improve comprehension.
04 - Four fonts, including two weights, in both roman and oblique
992 - Nine hundred and ninety-two total glyphs across all fonts
248 - Two hundred and forty-eight glyphs per font
Åä - Adobe Latin 2 character map
Named for the founder of Braille Institute, Atkinson Hyperlegible is a traditional grotesque sans-serif at its core. It departs from tradition to incorporate unambiguous, distinctive elements-and at times unexpected forms-always with the goal to increase character recognition, and ultimately improve readability.
Braille Institute is a nonprofit organization that embraces the unique challenges of sight loss and low vision, and rejects perceived limitations. Atkinson Hyperlegible will be made available to all designers producing materials for people across the entire visual-ability spectrum.
The image is signed with, "Braille Institute" along with its logo. /End ID]
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 years
ahhh i understand what you mean! the winter is intolerable when you have things to do outside😫
i remember reading that part colt talking about his parents but it’s been a while since i’d read that so now seeing what he said about them broke my heart… thanks for reminding me🥲🥲🥲 and he was younger when he said that so he probably grew up thinking he is just their “warrior” child… it’s really sad, honestly.
usually in fiction, characters who goes through traumatic experiences end up also having had a even more traumatic past so one of my favorite things about sith is how much of a normal life y/n led until she was chosen as a candidate (as much as normal an eldian’s life can be). therefore i love reading bits about her “former” life and how it contrasts what is going on currently. her parents, especially her dad, are so normal and reading them struggle to navigate their daughter’s new reality is interesting🤔
friedrich being so smug about colt’s crush got me thinking like does colt know about friedrich’s feelings towards y/n? i can’t believe that i haven’t wondered about this until now?? like i get that colt was jealous after thinking that they ran away together but that doesn’t necessarily mean that he KNOWS that friedrich has feelings for her.
i also think that colt would be a great father😭 isayama did him so dirty. i agree that angst hits harder when it’s balanced with lighter parts! even though i love reading angst so much, i also love reading chapters that build to that angst. we get to connect to the story more, know the characters better, appreciate their relationships and when things go downhill, it makes you even sadder at the end😭😭 btw, 65 chapters causing trauma for the trio… i won’t probably survive that🫠
i CAN’T stand reading stuff that are too poetic. like i physically can’t. i know it sounds dramatic but if you have a good plot in your hands and characters that can drive that plot, why would you make it harder to read that comprehensive work with unnecessary fancy words?? unless it is done for figurative reasons and it has a purpose, i can’t stand reading too “flowery” fiction. but sith is perfectly balanced for me in that sense. you’ve done a great job in my opinion!
btw i’m so sorry if my asks are too long to read🫠 but i enjoy talking about the things i read!
I’m just a big hater of dreary cold gross weather…like maybe I wouldn’t mind as much if it was nice winter?? But all we get where I live is cold rain and grey skies :(
Yes I think he’s always kind of been resigned to the fact that he’s a ticket to safety first and their child second. I don’t think he ever really resented it because that’s what he knows and what he’s used to but seeing how y/n’s parents are with her definitely makes him sad because he realized he kind of missed out
MY FAVORITE THING ABT MR. L/N IS THAT HE’S TRULY JUST SOME GUY 😭 like y/n’s mother has ties to the restorationists and a sad backstory because of her relationship w Colt’s uncle but y/n’s father is truly just a regular person 🥹 he loves his daughter and his wife and nothing would make him happier than sitting by the fire and doing the crossword with y/n while Mrs. L/N reads a book and that’s all really ☹️
And I agree w what you said about y/n’s backstory!! While colt and friedrich didn’t really have any say in signing up for the candidacy program (colt needed to save his family and friedrich needed money for wilhelm) y/n is the poster child for how one choice can completely alter your life. If she hadn’t signed up for the candidacy she ofc never would’ve gone to war and as far as eldians in liberio go she probably would’ve been quite happy! The juxtaposition of her new self and her old life is so tragic because of that and because of how hard it is for her parents to adjust.
HAHAHA I’m going to be honest I can’t remember if I’ve explicitly mentioned in the fic whether colt knows or not so I’m going to go with no but if you see somewhere that colt does know then take that as canon. In my mind rn he definitely suspects it but I don’t think friedrich would tell him — he’s very selfless which is why he’s such a colt x y/n shipper!! he knows that that way he’s the only one who gets hurt and he’s willing to live with that as long as his best friends are happy
I think a balance is key!! I saw an analogy once that if you start with the lights on (aka fluffy or sweet chapters) it’s easy to show a contrast by “turning the lights off” and making it darker (aka angstier) but if you start out dark it’s incredibly difficult to make it darker because like darkness is darkness lol. I think giving characters hope and then taking it away is much more painful for the readers than just grimdark sadness and death all of the time.
I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE SAYING AND AGREE!! I think a lot of the times people try to cover up weaker plot points of characters with fancy words and superfluously flowery writing but it ends up just feeling hollow and shoved in for the sake of it. While it’s important to have varied vocabulary, it should make sense and not be too heavy because that detracts from the story — in my opinion ofc!! I know some people feel differently haha. But I’m glad to hear you think SitH is working well 😊 it means a lot!!
OMG PLEASE DON’T APOLOGIZE I LOVEEEE TALKING TO READERS AND LONG ASKS LITERALLY MAKE MY DAY!! It takes me a second to respond to them sometimes because I get so excited and end up writing so much in response but I literally love getting the little tumblr notifications and seeing I got an ask!! and ofc I love asks no matter what but the super long ones are so nice because it shows that people really enjoy what I’m writing and are thinking about it and whatnot 🙏🏼 which as a writer is super validating!!
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Not being able to get over a small, annoying thing that's happened feels like knowingly tripping over the same uneven ground again and again
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arabnico · 2 years
very odd how some of you don’t feel comfortable with the term ‘lesbian’ but feel more than cool with casually throwing around ‘dyke’. very telling.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Same anon I agree u try to be fair to lily. by gaslighting i meant JP's behavior to SS&LE is downplayed and normalized. JP is made head boy, so SB&RL's attitudes seem rampant. Look at what LE is told about The Prank or when JP lies abt hexing SS. She is given only certain facts. I've shipped Snily forever but Lily's choice to break w ties was an attempt to protect herself during the war. And I always assumed she smirked bc she knew who invented Levicorpus.
Hello again. 🙂
Aight, let’s get to work (AGAIN):
Same anon
I can tell.
I agree u try to be fair to lily.
Wait a second anon... I need to check something.
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Wait.. I notice something. Let’s look closer.
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Hold on now.. what is that? Let’s look a little bit closer, shall we?
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Well there it is. You say “Idk if it’s fair for you to judge her so harshly” then you come and claim that “I agree u try to be fair to lily.” Interesting.. I think—I think—I sense a little bit of some self-contradiction over here 🤔
by gaslighting i meant JP's behavior to SS&LE is downplayed and normalized.
1. Then why didn’t you say so, anon??
2. I don’t exactly think that falls under the category of “gaslighting.”
JP is made head boy,
1. Because Dumbledore’s a biased twat. Nothing to do with Lily.
2. This was after James “changed” so I’m certain Lily didn’t think too much of it, given how dense she appears to be in the memories.
so SB&RL's attitudes seem rampant
This was after James and (I’m pretty sure) the other Marauders stopped hexing people in the halls. Lily didn’t know anything about it.
Look at what LE is told about The Prank or when JP lies abt hexing SS.
*looks at it* Aight, what’s your point?
She is given only certain facts.
Facts?? I hate to be the bearer of bad news (that’s a lie, I live for it)… but I think you might be lacking in the reading comprehension department.
I've shipped Snily forever
Respectfully, tell someone who cares.
but Lily's choice to break w ties was an attempt to protect herself during the war.
How about you give me some proof of that claim? Does that sound fair, Nonnie?
And I always assumed she smirked bc she knew who invented Levicorpus.
1. That’s all it is: An assumption.
2. ..Can I please just say how messed up that actually is? Why would she smile at her best friend being practically tortured and stripped right in front of her? Because he invented the spell (that’s use is never specified btw)? Really?
3. Are you saying that if the inventor of knives was stabbed and killed by one, and the inventor’s friend was standing right there, not doing anything, and then actually smiling… that would be justified simply because the person who was stabbed was the person who invented knives in the first place? That logic is seriously flawed.
Anyway, please just stop sending me these asks or I’ll have to block you. Have a pleasant evening.
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sotorubio · 3 years
I know its not the point of the post and is pretty minor but you mentioning Lou using a neutral nickname over the feminine name the teacher says, reminded me of how annoying it was to see how she’s listed in the finale credits. Idk if its a deadname if she’s cis? But it was pretty surprising considering this is supposedly a season about being trans. Even if she’s cis, it still doesn’t sit right that she insisted on using one name and showed distaste for the other (and the gncness of her preference and her character can’t be ignored there) and then its framed just as a nickname? Idk. So many things this season were off.
oh yeah absolutely! i thought so too. like not once was she referred to by her full name by the other characters (at least not that i know of) so it's strange that they still kept that in the credits especially since after hearing lou turn down her "real" name n call herself smth else, isi also introduced themselves as isi (as early as ep 1!) which i thought is pretty significant n speaks volumes abt the importance of lou's name. whether or not it should be considered a deadname i'm not sure since it seems that she's supposed to be read as cis (? maybe. i think so) but cis ppl can be uncomfortable w their given names too & not want to use them or even get them changed so that decision should be respected regardless of gender.
like the whole scene where lou helps isi dress in all the crazy outfits n tries to show them it's okay to be who u are screams "everybody has the right to express themselves however they want" and should be enough to view her name as smth she has chosen for herself bc that's more who she is. her experiences are clearly similar to isi's so her name should get the same treatment.
actually, this is a bit off topic n feel free to stop reading but since we mentioned lou being cis (or not), i wanna bring up my annoyance w this too like... in the first clip she was in i think we all assumed she was also nonbinary? and was going to be a role model for isi or just the sort of person to open that door for isi, a bit like eskild. and yeah she sort of did do that, she was an integral part of isi daring to be themselves more but her gender identity was never brought up at all which is kind of a problem imo regarding the fact that isi's identity was barely explored either.
bc due to the lack of talk abt lou's gender i assume she's supposed to be cis. and i mean not every form of representation has to be explicitly stated on screen but u'd think that if the person helping a nonbinary person live more freely as themselves is also nonbinary, they should mention that... like the whole point of isi & lou's friendship is that they're very similar their experiences overlap, the gnc clothes, just unusual style in general, using a different name, getting judged/or being afraid of judgment for being themselves. so... it would've made sense for lou to be like btw i'm nonbinary n then it starts clicking for isi like wait so the first person who truly understands this side of me and who i relate to is nonbinary? could this say smth abt me?
but bc her identity was never explained she just comes off as a cis gnc girl (and now to make sure everyone here has reading comprehension: i don't mean that being cis is the default for characters or that they can't be trans unless explicitly stated to be so, but the whole paragraph above was me explaining why in the context of this specific season, it doesn't work to make her identity subtext and it should be explicitly stated if she is anything but cis) which makes the nonbinary "rep" in the season seem even worse somehow.
like don't get me wrong ofc nonbinary ppl can have experiences in common with cis or trans gnc ppl but since isi never even said "i think i'm nonbinary" or anything like that it's a bit... annoying that the person they relate to when it comes to gender/gender expression is apparently a cis gnc person. bc then HOW are young nonbinary ppl watching the season supposed to make the distinction for themselves like i relate to this but am i like lou who just wants to be gnc or am i like isi who's trans/or how are uneducated but open minded cis ppl supposed to grasp the difference between gnc ppl and nonbinary ppl*. like i'll be honest here. if i didn't know abt eren's identity, i probably would've thought that isi is a gnc guy for the majority of the season specifically bc they get the support and strength from a gnc cis person. n i'd assume instead of struggling w gender identity they were struggling w gender norms. like they rly should've either confirmed that lou is nonbinary as well OR confirmed that shes cis and had isi talk w her abt how regardless of their similar experiences they actually feel like they're not cis.
*and one more media literacy check point bc i don't wanna have to explain my point over and over again: not all shows have to hold the audience's hand and walk them through the identities of the characters. sometimes u have lgbt characters that just exist and fight monsters or go on adventures w/o ever having a conversation abt the specifics of their identity & experiences but skam has always been an educational show and aimed at young ppl to represent them. from my understanding this is even more significant for druck since funk (?) is funded by taxes & their whole thing is making educational content. so in this context it actually is important to explore the main character's identity.
i'm sorry this got so long especially since half of this had nothing to do w ur original ask but i've been thinking abt the whole cis lou thing n this seemed like a good time to write abt it w/o having to make a whole post abt it
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Hello! this is lingna (he/they) and i’m a hobbyist who animate and write OCs when ever I have time!
English is not my first language so you’ll notice a trend of me having poor reading comprehension btw😂 (Italic texts = comics)
It’s raining
Quinn’s world: Quinn & Malee’s centric art dump!
Monaxia silly doodles
Q&A: Monaxia
Hann’s camouflaged friends 1 , 2
Second respawn
Hann’s world: Hann’s centric art dump!
Q&A: Does summerdream need to eat , Hannah’s glasses , Anna’s motivation, shitpost
Transient part1 , part2
Malee’s world: kaleidoscope , Malee’s centric art dump! , a sincere person , someone you hated the most
Q&A: does Malee have schizophrenia , patricide anon part1 , part2 , Malee’s real mom
An intermission in Baby Hotline
Anna’s world: Blue hour
Q&A: what does Anna’s world looks like , enemy to surprise cuddle
A fun fishing trip
Tiny summerdream
Q&A: Hann’s family bg, Grandpa & Malee’s friends , Malee’s unbraced teeth part1 , part2 , preteen clothes swapped , Hann pining part1 , part2 , why is Hann holding a candle?
About Malee (Quinn & Hann)
Highschool doodles: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
Q&A: Malee’s hotglued banana peel , Malee’s undiagnosed dylexia
Q&A: Anna’s injured eye(feat c!tommy) , what if the separation happened with different pair, why Malee and Anna can’t be alone together part1 , part2
Q&A: abt Hann & Anna part1 , part2, part3 , Hann tiktok anon part1 , part2
Q&A: adults summerdream job , the social situations part1 , part2 , part3 , part4 , part5
may day
(We’re) terrible
Boring day
Tsundere act doesn’t usually work in everyday life, mint
Mini heart
Self dependent
Vivia & Viola’s 17th birthday
No snake + Ton-or’s centric art dump!
Vivia + friends arts
Hero meme , Buttercup concept arts
Flynn & Rio
Q&A: Vivia & Mint’s neighbors, how open is Vivia abt Viola , Reason for Vivia’s moving + Mint’s old relationships, is Ton-or an alien part1 , part2 , Rio’s face mark , Ton-or & Satin 1 , 2 , does Mint eat mint
Q&A: teacher and the doc timelime overlaps
twin’s voyage
Cosmic microwave
The hospital visit to my dearest twin sister for the last time
Viola’s introduction
Viola’s doc’s centric art dump!
How did viola find a new body
Viola and Vivia’s bows
Cake and Viola’s relationship
Q&A: about the cross , who is “that guy” , Viola’s illness ,lore explanation part1 , part2
Last continue (summerdream fantasy au)
summerdream Slice-of-life version
Is it something you learn when alone(Mint & Vivia space au)
Hallow21 night 1-4 (summerdream halloween 2021 au)
Halloween2022 designs!
Zombie apocalypse (summerdream)
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dolciume · 2 years
explains everything you posted so far under your #funny tag. how would you react this way if it actually affected the american working class? if you had to pay for everything as a working class citizen? because this bitch's death is going to make the british working class cost tons, if not millions of taxes. americans don't know sympathy, you just like to laugh at others' misfortune. too far from your home to care, you just like the jokes. #landofthefree
this shows u have genuine lack of reading comprehension and that u think u actually know me. also ur a freak for refreshing to look for my answer cuz i’m online rn posting. also ur a pussy bitch for not coming to me directly instead of on anon. hoe
do u think that i truly believe that the thousands of people that the queen has indirectly and probably some directly killed is the funny part? do u think that i believe innocent working class and poor should suffer for the monarch’s sake? never. death to the royal family and i’m glad this old bitch is dead for what she did not just to british people but to all the places she helped colonize harm and kill off civilians and try to force to conform to colonialism. may she rot and suffer in hell forever where she fucking belongs. u think i think that’s funny? the uk has a big fucking storm coming for cost of living. do u think i find that funny?
i’m not gonna write abt how americans go thru this as well cuz it’s not about us right now! we have our own circus of politics w the dumbest fucking clowns but the UK is abt to go SUFFERING MODE and i, NO, do NOT find that funny
do i think the memes of making fun of this old cunt’s death are funny? yes. also, if u were someone who actually followed me, u wud know all of this just by the casual things i post.
btw just to reiterate ur a fucking loser and also kill urself. amen
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sol1056 · 5 years
wuxia/xianxia: a loose and somewhat second-hand introduction to the genre, pt1
Sorry for the unconventional q, but i keep seeing Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation everywhere and I kinda want to get into it but a) don't know where to start (web series? live action adaptation?? wait how many are there!) and b) i don't really "get" wuxia / xianxia, that sorta stuff, i find it really hard to cross that cultural barrier and chinese mentality seems very alien. (it's not that i have no experience w different mentalities but chinese in particular is v hard to grasp w/o sources).
So if you have the time and patience, I'd love to hear a summary of it (like, a coherent summary bc all i get on the wikis is a shower of names and concepts that don't make sense to me) and perhaps some "intro for dummies" abt the relevant parts of chinese history and mentality tied to it? not just the cultivation / buddhist part but also re: familial relationships, philosophy and all that. (v brief and low effort of course) Thank you and sorry for bothering you!
("brief and low effort" referring to what I'm asking from you, not to what I need for me - as in i asked for it so i'm more than ready for a complicated essay, but you can write with as much detail as you like, I don't want to ask for some sort of comprehensive tome)
Okay first, you do realize that if you want “brief and low” for anything, you’re asking the wrong person? I was a philosophy major. brief got drilled out of me a long time ago. 
Second... well, explaining what makes The Untamed / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (mdzs for short, from the chinese title, Mo Dao Zu Shi) such a standout story does require understanding some of the wuxia conventions it subverts -- as well as some that it plays straight (so to speak) very, very well. 
I figure the best approach (again, sadly not brief) is to first get a handle on the genre of wuxia. Gonna break this post into two, so you’re not reading in a single three-hour stretch or something. I’ll do a follow-up about mdzs, to hopefully make it a bit more accessible for you. 
before I do that, let me first say: I didn’t grow up with this genre, so there’s going to be parts that I may miscast unintentionally. for an insider’s view, my go-to voices are @guzhuangheaven, @atthewaterside, @dramatic-gwynne, @the50-person and @drunkensword. if any of them are reading this and can point to more/other/better voices, please do.
I have three analogies -- like cultural doorways --  and like all analogies, they break down when you get into the finer details. In the broad strokes, though, they mostly work, and if nothing else, hopefully they’ll demonstrate that wuxia may be a chinese-specific version, but part of a storytelling tradition that’s nearly universal.
The three doorways are: the american wild west, the samurai era, and the british arthurian romances. And, in a tangential way, the regency period in the romance genre. 
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The term ‘wuxia’ can be translated several ways, but I prefer ‘martial chivalry’. Most wuxia takes place in the jianghu, a harder term to unpack. Generally, though, ‘the jianghu’ has connotations not all that different from what americans mean when they reference the wild west. 
More of a concept than a physical place, the jianghu (like the ‘wild’ west) exists beyond the reach of the law and/or civilization. It’s occupied by a diverse cast of farmers, merchants, beggars, and so on, but also by outlaws, gangs, hermits, pretty much all those who don’t like the suffocating nature of the civilized world, for whatever reason. It’s not a lawless place (except to outsiders); it does have laws, but those are only unto itself. 
So, jianghu is a world to itself, for the most part -- which also makes it kind of timeless. Tang dynasty, Song dynasty, Ming dynasty, it could be any of them and all of them and none of them. Just as the heyday of the cowboys and the cattle drives was barely a decade long, a culture’s romanticized history stretches into lifetimes that exist separate from any date you could pin down on a calendar. 
The average wuxia protagonist would fit in reasonably well as knight errants in an arthurian romance, with one important detail in difference: they’re rarely aristocrats. Wuxia protagonists are just as likely (if not more so) to be lower-born, whether the child of farmers, or servants, some common caste. 
This is where wuxia diverges from the british and japanese traditions, which have a bit more noblesse oblige going on (knights and samurai both being upper-class types). Even ‘aristocratic’ characters tend to be so only within the jianghu -- sort of like the way a territory’s elected leader in the wild west would’ve had no pull in Washington, given they weren’t from a fully-recognized state. 
Wuxia does often have politics, between competing sects (think schools of learning), but that political infighting is independent of the capital’s rules or wishes. A lot of stories -- in the rare cases the topic even comes up -- tends to speak of ‘the capital’ in disparaging terms. 
That’s not to say wuxia is all about the flat social systems (it’s definitely not), but most commonly a rank implies some level of competence/study. The title of sect leader isn’t granted, it's earned. Children inherit, but it’s also a common storyline to have an heir with no skills (who then goes through all the trials and tribulations to finally level up and earn that position in turn).
What makes wuxia hard to grasp is its vernacular: the conventions that form the backbone that make something recognizably ‘wuxia’ and not just ‘historical drama set on a frontier in a loosely-defined time period’. 
Frex: in a Wild West story, convention is two gunfighters at opposite ends of the street, and at least one of them is wearing a holster tied to his leg with string in a way that no real gunfighter wore, ever, but Hollywood came up with the idea and now it’s a permanent part of our imagination. In the arthurian romances,  convention is carrying the token of one’s lady love (a distant, untouchable figure who rarely appears on-page), or meeting the unnamed knight in black on the jousting field. Convention are the samurai who’ll die for their lord’s honor, always touchy and prickly at the first sign of disrespect. 
These are things granted the most remarkable gravity, that to an outsider might seem ridiculous. (Why is there always tumbleweed?) 
Now, wuxia is the latest evolution in a long-lived literary tradition (and by ‘long’ I mean like 2000+ years) -- but like any living tradition, each subsequent generation reinvents it for their time. Part of that reinvention comes from particularly influential writers, who put their own spin on things, and their interpretation becomes the next generation’s standard for the genre -- “of course wuxia must have X” or “a protagonist never does Y”. (Like how Tolkien almost single-handedly changed western concepts of elves, in fiction.)
And here’s where I explain what regency romance has to do with it. Another short-lived period, in real history, but along came Georgette Heyer, who took bits and pieces of actual research, blended them with her reactionary politics, exaggerating some things and ignoring other things completely. The result is a time-that-never-was, but she cast (and still casts) a shadow so vast that I’ve seen multiple romance writers complain that readers will see a footnoted-and-researched version as wrong, if it contradicts one of Heyer’s made-up conventions. 
Modern wuxia has its own Heyer-sized influencers -- like Jin Yong (the Condor trilogy, Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils), Wen Rui'an (The Four), Gu Long (The Legend of Flying Daggers, The Proud Twins), to name a few of the biggest. If you have a chance or are inclined, the big names get remade on a pretty regular basis, and catching one will at least let you see some ur-tropes in action. 
But it also means that you can’t really extrapolate, in the sense of saying, “in wuxia, people do X, ergo, X is also a factor in Chinese culture.” It’s like... take any western made in the 50s, and the vernacular is simple. The bad guys wear black hats, the good guys wear white hats, the prostitutes wear bright-colored dresses with frills and the good women wear subdued colors buttoned up to their neck. It told an audience exactly what character filled what role, but that’d tell you zero about real people you might meet in Nebraska or Utah, let alone New York City. 
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Almost forgot: xianxia is basically wuxia but with ‘immortal heroes’ -- so there’s gods, divine influences, non-human beings as characters (main or NPC), etc. (Btw, by ‘immortal’ I mean exactly that, like this character is six hundred years old, that one’s a thousand years old, etc.) You can think of xianxia as wuxia, but amped way up on the mystical scale. 
Xianxia will sometimes take place on earth (jianghu) but sometimes in the celestial realm (heaven). Or a mix of both, like stories where a character falls (or is banished, or defects) from heaven and has to go through various trials and tribulations as a mortal human in order to regain a power, rise in rank, fall in love, or whatever their goal is. 
A number of wuxia stories are driven by some sort of mcguffin, but in xianxia, the mcguffin is more likely to be a powerful spiritual weapon. But I can also think of a number of wuxia in which the mcguffin would fit right in, in xianxia (some near-mystical thing with significant positive, or negative, power independent of the wielder, which often amplifies or boosts the wielder to an inhuman degree, etc). 
Thing is, the mcguffin being divine/infernal supernatural isn’t enough alone to make the story xianxia. I’m pretty sure you need non-human or super-human immortals and/or creatures to be considered in the xianxia genre. 
part two
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jalboyhenthusiast · 4 years
Not you comparing bg with holivia. Lmao dude this pr stunt or whatever actually benefiting your fav he is gaining attention . bg and beards didn't profit louis at all. It's pathetic that you always drag louis in your fav's bs. You harries are so disgusting. Why can't you and your minions stop talking abt louis. Wht did he do to y'all why you hate on him 24/7 what's wrong with you . And btw If you wanna compare harry's stunt with louis' stunt then first answer my question why didn't sony promoted louis the way they promoted your fav
i know reading comprehension is a hard skill but work on yours before coming into my inbox and putting words in my mouth mf you’ve just wasted my time and yours
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jooheongif · 6 years
it's theory anon,hi!!how are YOU?i'm really good rn thanks:)) thank you for your kindness again,i'm really happy i could somehow help to help you feel even a tiny bit better and hope you're doing well now,too(and it's ok to not rest on your day off but it's also ok to do so if that's what you feel is right for you atm!).about the mf(ilm), i thought the same thing, it felt like a parallel universe type of story!i also really love plotlines about friendship, (again cont.i'll try to be briefer!)
(i’m so sorry i wrote a rly long reply so i’m gonna put this under read more !!)
2. friendship is beautiful and i feel oftentimes underappreciated(but not mx!there they go again being amazing) so i love the concept. personally i like not knowing what exactly the producers were thinking because having my own interpretation of something and seeing other ppl have their own fills me with wonder,like,that's art!so many people think so many different things and no one's wrong i love it!!your thoughts about them appreciating everything they've done so far,you're absolutely right(cont) 3. i hope they are able to bc everything's so hectic for the.i get lost just looking at their official schedule,i don't know how they do it but i also hope they are aware of all these things bc those are all mindblowingly huge accomplishments in my opinion and i just want them to feel like their hard work is worth it,yknow?(is this comprehensible?)and i know they feel pressure because as you said the business is nasty but yea i hope at the end of the day they can feel like (cont.???again 4. everything they've put so much of themselves into is worth it,i love their energy and fierce determination and i just don't want them to lose it but maybe as you said feel less pressured..but then the only way would realistically be to make sure they get awarded in the Real World so we're all doing our best in the system&hating it as you said:/ they just mean so much to so many people i want them to feel that too!i try to contain myself but here i go again! sorry it's so long AND i have more(con 5. also!thank you for your big reply and sharing your thoughts i mostly just agreed with (but you're right so what else can i do),i don't have mbb friends to vent to and fanperson(is there a gender neutral term for fanboy/fangirl?) over mx with and this is really nice and fulfilling(again,if i'm boring you,you can just delete the messages and not reply!) so THANKS!it's great to strive to be a better person but i feel like one(you) should also acknowledge the good things they're already doing(cont?) 6. you showed such pure kindness and really melted someone's(my) heart and that's a Big Deal!djkghddgwe can agree that we both inspired each other :') also please i feel like you're such a wonderful soul and you really deserve every bit of gratitude and appreciation i managed to express(i feel a lot moreprobably) so!yeah!reminder that you're lovely and deserve to be appreciated and i'm also very,very happy you're here!you made my day brighter for the 2nd time now wow!thanks! i hope you and(cont.:() 7. your gorgeous heart are taking good care and enjoying your day/night! and this cb!i really like it i haven't had time to listen to the entire album but jealousy!is a bop honestly it's my type of jam and the choreo is stunning and so are their voices!iwas so skeptical about the lyrics(they could've been like hero or stuck and those made me a bit >:/ honestly) but i really should've known they wouldn't fail me in any way ever!i can't wait to hear the rest of the songs i hope you enjoy them too!bye
hi theory anon, it's nice to hear from u again ! firstly, i am so sorry for the slow reply to this ! but im rly glad to know that u are doing good :-) i'm doing ok too thank u !! how are u ? kfjjfdsjfdf sorry that u had to read my tags but thank u for saying that !! i just feel so guilty when i do nothing bc im absolutely terrified of time passing too quickly ? just the thought of letting a few minutes go to waste is overwhelming ? even though i know it's not rational to think like this but ??? theres just this constant feeling that im running out of time so i try to get rid of it by always doing smth ?? and feel bad when i dont ? idk ?? but anyway im working on it and ill be ok ! sorry..not to be dramatic and tmi and all that kjdfdj istg this blog gives me too much freedom to say...too much :( (hope the internet folks that collect metadata never read the garbage i write bc..yikes they aren't gonna hav the best time) anyway..yea. what a paragraph to start off this reply :( sorry for the honesty and saying so much all the time btw :( not that being honest is necessarily a bad thing but ! idk every time i write smth i suddenly feel extra self conscious and feel like deleting it bc im rly embarrassed and always end up having big regret later when i reread anything ive typed up !! but i just keep writing them anyway bc...idk ?? i'd rly hate it if someone got discouraged from sharing their thoughts/worries/feelings which i think is a rly important human thing :( so  yea im rly embarrassed w anything i write but i'll keep doing it anyway bc i'm all for that kind of stuff and sometimes i know its not easy and it takes someone a lot to share that and its a good thing and i dont ever want anyone to feel discouraged from doing that ! anyway i just felt like i rly needed to say all of this..but pls dont feel obliged to reply to this mess !! anyway back to mx ! you are right :( i also hope mx feel like what they've done is worth smth w/e their definition or standard of that is :( like.. all of the hard work they've put into being mx it certainly means so much to fans but i hope all the hard work they've put into being mx also means smth to them at the end of the day and they are happy w what they're doing and what they've achieved so far :( and yes we'd love mx to always be rewarded in the real world :( though we love them and we want to get them a win, i know that everyone has their commitments, means and different circumstances and we can only do so much :( but even if u think its just a small contribution, everything adds up and counts and i know that all mbb hav contributed in some way in helping them get another win for this cb ! there are some mbb who can't buy albums or streaming passes and things and i hope they don't feel bad for this :( even if all you can do is watch the mv once or twice, even if you could only vote, i hope you know that it all counts and matters !! abt mx's schedule, i get tired just by looking at their weekly one idk how they can even put up w it all ?? after this they'll hav their japanese album and things and then they'll have their concerts and on top of all that apparently [some of them are also studying] ????? they are so hardworking :( HOW do they do it !! just..thinking abt their schedule is overwhelming !!! also pls dont think that you're boring me or anything like that :( im so thankful for any msg i receive and the fact that u actually took the time to type out smth to send to me ?? im so grateful ?? u are never boring !! honestly even if u sent me a stainless steel dishwasher manual w the page length of like..23 bibles, i'd still love u for it and i'd prob read all of it :( btw thank u sm for saying all those kind things !!! receiving kindness for the 3rd time is rly !!!!!!! and once again i've done nothing to deserve it :( i dont even know what i can say to you that will ever be enough to thank u again or to top what u hav already said ! if there was like a...maslows hierarchy of kindness of smth, ur at the very top of that triangle and anything i say will never be as kind as what you have said !! for you, i can agree that we both inspired each other :-) but really thank u so much from the bottom of my heart :( i hope you know how kind and lovely u are too ! if nobody told u this today, i wanted to say that im rly grateful to know u and i'm happy that you're here !! thank u again for being so kind and thoughtful and for making me smile !! :( same, i havent properly listened to the whole album either bc ive just been letting it stream in the background (but i dont count that as a proper listen unless i listen w headphones tbh) ill give it a good listen one day ! also im a repeat 1 kind of garbage person until i feel the need to listen to a new song ?? and rn jealousy to me is a song that gets better w every listen ??? shes too powerful atm :( one day ill listen to another song but today is not that day ! Actually.....I think jealousy is my fav mx song ???? before this cb i didnt hav a fav bc i couldnt pick the song i liked most out of blue moon/blind/fighter/incomparable. i was just gonna base it off the one w the most play count out of those 4 but now i know its jealousy ! what are ur fav mx songs ?? btw i know im always saying that anything mx releases is always a masterpiece no matter what, but in all seriousness its ok if u didn't like smth they released. i don't think it makes u any less of a mbb if u didn't enjoy a certain release or if u only liked one aspect of a thing but not so much the rest of the thing. anyway not to sound so...stale and commonplace but for lack of a better word/sentence, at the end of the day your own reactions and feelings to a piece of art like music...it's all just subjective isnt it ?? not liking that thing doesnt mean that its not a masterpiece or its any less of a masterpiece to someone else either so !! it's ok !! anyway this is rly....ive written a lot and its all over the place and incoherent probably :( i'm sorry !! feel free to reply whenever u feel like it, or no pressure on never replying at all btw ! also feel free to disagree w anything i say ! thank u sm for talking to me abt mx bc ive also got no mbb friends so !!! thank you :( theres so many times where i rly want to start a conversation w someone but im too scared and also i've got no clue abt how to initiate conversation ! and the times when i do manage to...i get stuck on how to keep the conversation going ? but when i figure smth out then im coming for u @ friendship !! i hope u had a good weekend and that you got some rest and that ur doing ok wherever u are !! until next time, take care ❤️❤️❤️
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foxstens · 5 years
long ass post ahead don’t read
idk what the popular stance is on this but i think listening is a very important part of language-learning
i mean of course it depends on what the target language is and what you want to do with it and what kind of learning methods work for you
but i’ve realized that if i personally want to learn any given language i definitely gotta focus on listening to it, especially as a beginner
like i wouldn’t even consider learning an entire language if i didn’t like how it sounds
but i should have at least like 50% listening comprehension before i even think abt trying to read or speak it, especially if it’s something like japanese
bc trying to learn kanji kanji on their own does nothing to me, but if i’m familiar with them in an audio context that definitely helps the process of relating the character to its reading and its meaning
i’m definitely not articulating this in a way that can be understood but basically what i’m saying is that for me to be able to jump into learning a language i gotta flood my brain with audio material as much as possible - doesn’t matter the ‘level’ or the content or where it’s from  it just has to be audio and, like, fast
and this is especially important in the beginning when i can’t even make out the individual sounds
but it’s also important later on bc it’s basically a really easy way to pick up vocabulary and pronunciation and sentence patterns and a bunch of other things
of course it’s probably best if you can kind of do the listening and the reading at the same time but if that’s not a possibility i’d definitely choose to focus on the listening
but then once you got reasonable reading comprehension reading one thing and listening to another is probably a good idea
speaking and writing don’t matter unless you want them to matter lmfao
and i guess this would be a thing i’d do if i was learning a european language as well?
bc while the reading part would definitely be easier in some ways, i still wouldn’t find it wise to try to force myself to read if i don’t know how most of the words in a sentence are pronounced
i guess
also btw how tf do people use anki for language learning and like it?
i tried to use it for history but it was so fucking weird like
and i always say that learning words on  their own but i’m sort of at the point where learning sentences on their own is also something  i wouldn’t do
actually the word ‘learning’ aka memorizing is just smth i don’t stand by when it comes to language
like any given language has a ton of words so why would i limit myself to memorizing the words i already know or have already encountered in some way before (bc i had to have done that in order to put them in a flashcard)
when instead i could just expose myself to as much new material as possible and in the process i’d definitely re-encounter some words or notice new patterns or just magically gain comprehension 
or whatever
idk what im saying
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