#this is actually happening
raggedy-spaceman · 1 year
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Still can't believe this is real
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0nlyhere4phil · 21 days
is it weird that i got chills knowing that people are currently in a theater waiting to see dan and phil perform together live for the 1st time in 7 years. there are people listening to a playlist made by dan and phil as they wait to see dan and phil.
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sophfandoms53 · 3 months
Shadow’s inhibitor rings finally being an official ability he has in the games again since 06 is so important to me like you guys don’t understand this section made me cry 🥹
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brightlotusmoon · 10 months
Froot Loops Is in Hot Water
End Wokeness, an account on X, formerly Twitter, with more than 1.9 million followers, shared photos of the Froot Loop boxes in question, alongside information regarding the brand's digital library. "Fruit Loops is now encouraging kids to go online and read their free library of woke propaganda," read a caption alongside the images.
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offshoreblogupdates · 5 months
A snippet of the first story
This is 'rewritten' for better understanding; the original is riddled with notes and player's actions, etc
Bing awakes alongside Titus, in his hand. He shifts a tad, causing Titus' fingers flinch back. Bing glances up at him, but Titus is focused on writing something down. 
At this point, Bing glances over the edge of Titus' fingers to see what he was writing. It appears to be a description of the metal object that sat no more that a few inches from his notebook. Titus occasionally would pick it up, examining it, then continue to write something down. He also tried to sketch it out as well. Sunny, Titus' sister was asleep in the side of the room, book open in hand. 'Mechanics for dummies' is what the title reads.
After a few moments, Bing taps against Titus' hand to gain his attention. it's gained almost immediately.
"What's up?" Titus asks, barely noticeably caressing him on the back.
"What're you doing?" Bing asks
Titus looks at his paper then back at him. "Uh well.. I'm trying to figure out what this is from." He explains.
Bing quickly crawls out of Titus' cupped hand and slides to the notebook to get a better look.
"Have you found out anything yet?" Bing asks, looking over the paper. Bing can read somewhat, but not well.
"Well it's man made for sure.. But it's nothing detectable or anything I've seen before." Titus starts, rubbing his neck 'sheepishly'.
"What about Sunny?" Bing asked, gesturing to Sunny by looking in her direction. Titus glances up to see her and kind of grimaces.
"She fell asleep on the job." He remarks, then notices the book she was reading. "But she had the intentions right, I guess."
Some time passes but soon Titus holds his hand out for Bing to climb on. He looks at questionly, a bit confused.
"Should head to bed." Titus says, soft smile on his face.
Bing made a silent 'ohh' as he rushed back to Titus, crawling onto his hand. Once situated, Titus lifts his fingers around Bing, like a guardrail, as he stands up.
".. How'd you fall asleep so quickly earlier?" Titus remarks as he sets Bing 'somewhere' to sleep (like a blanket on a bed side table)
"Asleep.." Bing turned to look at Titus, almost horrified. The atmosphere changes.
"Yea.. you've been asleep for the last couple hours. I just figured you were really tired." Titus' voice fades out to Bing as it seems he is immediately thrown into a million thoughts. It seems to last forever..
"Bing." Titus' words snap him out of it . "Are you okay?"
"Yeah.. I'm good." Bing, who is obviously not okay, sheepishly smiles softly and crawls onto his bed, curling up, turning away from Titus. Titus' doesn't seem convinced, but decided not to press any further.
"Okay.. sleep well."
I have yet to revise this one.. because it was the first I wrote, rewriting it and editing has been a challenge. Buuuuut I'm about finished with it, and then I can move on to something else. Every other story I have planned is already finished also, so I may do some rewritten snippets of some of those as well--
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helsex-moved · 9 months
oh also like 7/13 pmv frames completed btw
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Propaganda below the cut:
First-person accounts of people going through situations in their lives. No narrator, just one person telling you about something that happened to them.
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majorbullmoose · 4 days
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Let’s Go!!!!!!!!!!!
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aceontheline · 2 years
Ladies and Gentlemen...
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I got em'!!! :3
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madamealtruist · 6 months
Hey, guys, Gwen here! With certain events having sadly reared their ugly heads, I am in dire need of some extra cash. So what am I doing? I'm opening commissions! Albeit, I'll be selling written work and not design work since I still lack any real visual artistic skills. But, my writing skills are still sharp, so I hope you'll be ready to see what I have to offer! But first I'd like to lay out a few ground rules!
I have the right to refuse any commission in violation of these rules. So, PLEASE respect and read them!
No graphic sex scenes. This includes heavy topics that I will not name at this moment.
No hate speech. Racial slurs or remarks against any groups of individuals will not be written in my stories.
If you want to have your story have gore, please tell me the amount of it you want in it. I cannot stress this enough, as I want to ensure you are comfortable with your results.
Payment will be made via PayPal.
I'm new to commissions, so please bear with me if I make errors.
Fantasy/Science Fiction/Science Fantasy
AUs that differ from existing material/reinventions of existing material
Nonfiction Drama
AUs/Fanfiction that makes little to no change from existing material
Assistance with Homework Assignments
Alright, with the ground rules all settled, let's move on to prices. Keep in mind, that I will be using flat prices, so don't worry about having to pay per hour. Moreover, I'll be offering typical story writing, so if you want me to write a short story, or help out with a longer series, I can do that. I'm also offering special assistance sessions for writers who have ideas in mind but might need a helping hand in fleshing out said ideas for their stories.
Small Work (Less than 1,000 words): 30 USD
Large Work (Over 1,000 words): 45 USD
Longer Projects: 25 USD per chapter
Character Creation: 20 USD
Worldbuilding: 50 USD
Plot Assistance: 35 USD
If you've read this far, congratulations! You're ready to begin! Now, if you'd like any examples of my writing, feel free to ask me over at my Discord (thegrimoiresvoice) and we'll be in business. I look forward to working with you all and hope to see you soon!
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jeremiah-arkham · 1 year
Tumblr thinks I'm a lesbian and keeps showing me lesbian memes. How do I fix this? I'm not a lesbian.
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falldiewakefly · 2 years
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Uhhh. Oh my God?
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tododeku-or-bust · 7 months
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
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malkmori · 1 month
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Uhh... I'm just gonna put it here..
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liquidstar · 11 months
If my mom sees a significant amount of blood she gets lightheaded, and has fainted on some occasions. Once it happened when we were kids, I wasn't there to witness it but I heard the story from my dad. Basically my brothers, around 7 or 8 at the time, were playing outside while my mom was making their lunch, and she accidentally cut her finger. It wasn't anything serious, but it drew a fair bit of blood and she passed out. My dad saw this and rushed over, but he didn't really know what to do so he just sort of started slapping her to wake her up (not recommended, but he had no idea and panicked)
At that exact moment my brothers both came in from playing, and all they saw was our mom unconscious on the floor and our dad slapping her. So, like, without even saying a word to each other they both just INSTANTLY start whaling on him, like, full blown attack mode to defend our mom. Which obviously didn't help the situation, but she did wake up and everything was fine.
Now our dad says that he's actually really glad they attacked him over what they thought was going on, because it means he raised good boys. And I still think that's true, they're very good boys.
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dcl-650 · 1 month
I've been getting trapped in loops, I guess there are some glitches in apps like Tumblr, YouTube and Tiktok that can make a loop of posts and videos. Sometimes Spotify will play on shuffle the same songs after a while never mind the fact my playlist is +3k songs long... However two weeks ago I got caught into a geographical loop and now I'm worried it's becoming something more serious...
Anyways I'm so tired right now, might update this later.
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