#this is also a little bit of the injury tending one bc that is just where my mind went Oops
astrobei · 1 year
byler + 35 for touch prompt asks: kissing their bruises and scars  (+ some bonus injury tending!)
“I can’t believe you.”
“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.”
Mike tries for a grin, a last-ditch attempt at lightening the mood, at playing it off cool, at proving that he’s not hurt half as bad as Will’s convinced himself he is. That backfires at once, though, as he winces involuntarily with his next step, and Will’s frown immediately deepens. 
“Mike,” Will chides, wholly unamused. He’s not smiling. Mike wants to tell him to lighten up, that it’s only a scratch, that it’s superficial and Mike’s faced worse after tripping and falling on the Hawkins Elementary playground. He doesn’t think it’ll matter, though, because Will is looking at him with equal parts concern and exasperation and the kind of irritatingly steadfast stubbornness that makes Mike want to grab him by the shoulders and shake. Hard. 
“It’s not that bad,” he repeats anyway, fighting back a second wince with everything he has as they clear the top few steps of the stairs. “Really.”
“Your leg,” Will points out, reaching a hand out as Mike lets out a slow exhale, “is bleeding. A lot.”
Mike takes his hand and lets himself be hauled up over the last stair. He glances down, sees the red seeping slowly through the rough denim of his jeans, cut open from his ankle up his shin and the back of his calf. “It’s not a lot,” he insists, because it’s really not. “It’s just a little scratch.”
Will stares at him, still holding loosely onto his hand. They’re standing in the upstairs hallway, and they’re tracking mud and dirt and, yes, okay, just a little bit of blood all over the carpet but honestly? Mike can’t find it in himself to care. “I can’t believe you,” Will says at last, but he looks like he’s trying his hardest not to smile. His eyes are giving it away, just like always– sparkling, going creased at the corners like they do whenever he thinks Mike is being funny but won’t give him the satisfaction of saying so. “You went and got yourself all cut up–”
“I got scraped by a vine,” Mike grunts, limping gently as Will hauls him into the bathroom. “That’s not cut up.”
“It is in my books,” Will says, and then Mike is lifting himself up into the counter by the sink and Will is digging through the drawers for a clean towel. “Because there’s you, and there’s a cut, and the rest is pretty self-explanatory.”
Mike watches him move, grabbing the soap from under the sink, brows furrowed and jaw set in quiet determination, the same way it is every time he’s upset. “You’re being dramatic,” he says quietly.
Will doesn’t look up. “I’m not.”
“You are,” Mike presses, as Will turns the faucet on. “Will–”
“I’m being perfectly reasonable,” Will says coolly, then sticks the towel underneath. “Go get yourself all cut up then. See if I care.”
He does care. The front isn’t even an attempt at authenticity, and Mike reaches out to still Will’s wrist as he turns off the water. “Will. Hey. Just– can you look at me?”
Will looks up. His eyes are a bit watery, and he blinks once, twice, glancing between Mike’s own eyes before looking away. “What?”
Mike immediately feels the sour rush of guilt wash over him, even in the warm lighting of the bathroom and the heady, steadying safety of Will standing in front of him, bracketed by his legs. “Hey,” he whispers, tugging him closer by the wrist. Will catches himself on the counter with the other hand, towel still clutched tightly, and looks back at him. “Are you okay?”
“Am I–” Will stares at him, blinking again. He shakes his head, laughing a little incredulously. “Yeah, I’m fine, Mike. You’re the one that’s hurt.”
“I didn’t mean to worry you,” Mike says earnestly. “I swear, it came out of nowhere and I just didn’t react fast enough.”
Will’s hand comes to rest gently just above his knee. They’re face to face like this, the low counter making up for the few inches Mike still has on him. Up close, Mike can see the shadows his eyelashes are casting across his cheek, stark in the bright overhead light. He could count them all, if he wanted, and the sparse smattering of freckles across his nose. 
“I know,” Will sighs at last, those dark lashes fluttering closed. “I just–”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Mike reaches out, cups Will’s jaw with one hand. “Just– look at me, okay? I’m fine. It’s just a scratch. And you can patch me up and I’ll be good as new and also I’ll know to jump out of the way when the vines start moving next time.”
Will cracks a smile, and then huffs out a laugh, dropping his head to Mike’s shoulder. “You’re insane,” he says, a little muffled. “You’re the one that’s hurt, you shouldn’t be comforting me.”
“Did it work?”
“Maybe a little,” Will admits, pushing himself up and away, pressing a fleeting kiss to Mike’s cheek on his way to. The contact is light, brief, but Mike feels himself grow warm at the gesture anyway.
“And,” he gets out, trying his hardest to make sure his voice does not give out on him in the middle of a sentence. “You can kiss me all better afterwards.”
“I’m starting to think you did this on purpose,” Will murmurs, but he’s grinning now, so he can’t be all that mad. “We’ll see. Stick your leg out.”
Mike does. “Going to patch me up now?”
Will rolls the tattered remnants of denim out of the way. “I’ll try,” he says, studying the wound. “It doesn’t look deep, but– you know, what do I know?”
“Reassuring,” Mike mutters.
“It might scar,” Will warns him. “I feel like this kind of thing always scars. And, uh, this might sting,” he adds, holding up the towel.
“That’s cool. Scars are cool,” Mike says, “and I can deal if it– ow, holy shit!”
It does scar, obviously, because at some point along the way, the universe decided that Mike can’t have nice things. It’s cool, though. It’s pretty neat, and Will’s a good doctor, and it was shallow and blessedly not-infected and now he’s got a pretty gnarly pink line of a scar winding its way up the back of his calf. 
“Wow,” Will says simply, when Mike pulls the leg of his pants up to show him. “That’s cool.”
“It’s awesome,” Mike grins, then flops back down onto the bed. Will is still hovering over him, Mike’s leg propped up on his lap, the leg of his sweatpants rolled up to his knee. “Isn’t it?”
“It’s a scar,” Will laughs. “How cool can it be?”
“Very. If anyone asks, I got knifed.”
Will runs one hand down the side of Mike’s calf, palm flat to the skin and his expression contemplative. Soft. “In the leg?”
Mike shrugs. “It could happen!”
“Right,” Will laughs again. “Is that cooler than a supernatural interdimensional vine?”
“Getting knifed is a story I can tell to people who are not from Hawkins, Indiana,” Mike says matter-of-factly. He pushes himself up onto his elbows to see Will better– the sloping width of his shoulders in Mike’s borrowed tee, the way his hair is still a little wet around his neck from the shower. The easy, languid way he’s sitting, curled up on Mike’s bed with one hand splayed across Mike’s ankle. Appreciative. Absentminded, like these are all things he’s doing without really being aware of them.
Will hums softly, then trails a gentle finger up Mike’s ankle, around his shin, up his calf. He stops right below the back of his knee, right where the skin starts to get soft and ticklish. Mike jerks in a full-body twitch. “Will!”
“Sorry,” Will grins, not looking even a little bit sorry. “You’re right. It’s a cool scar.”
“Thank you,” Mike says, then pulls Will down onto him the rest of the way. Will lets out a small, startled little noise before catching himself, one hand on either side of Mike’s head.
“One of these days, you’re going to kill me,” he grumbles, easing himself down onto his side next to Mike, who gravitates towards the alluring warmth of his body like it’s a magnetic thing.
“If I knife you, you can also have a cool scar,” Mike mumbles, tucking his face into the hollow of Will’s throat. “We can match.”
“Are you going to get me in the leg too?”
“Nah,” Mike whispers. “It’s a cool scar, but it’s ugly. I wouldn’t want that on you.”
“It’s not an ugly scar on you,” Will says immediately. The sound reverberates through Mike’s body from where his ear is pressed up against Will’s sternum. “You wear it well.”
“What, like an accessory?” Mike laughs, turning and pressing a light kiss below Will’s Adam’s apple. 
Will hums appreciatively. “Sure,” he laughs. “You could make it work.”
“Not all of them,” Mike says, too distracted by the all-encompassing warmth of Will’s body to really be paying too much attention to what he’s saying.
Will pauses. He cranes his neck so he can see Mike, and says, “What?”
“My scars, I mean,” Mike yawns. It’s not that late– barely eleven– but it’s been a long day. He’s had a warm shower. He’s lying in bed with a very warm, very comfortable, very pretty boy, and things are starting to go a little hazy around the edges. “They’re not all that nice looking.”
Will doesn’t say anything for a moment. Mike listens to the faint, rhythmic sound of his pulse, eyes almost fluttering closed, when–
“Show me,” Will says.
Mike’s eyes fly open again. He frowns. “What?”
Will’s arms tighten around Mike’s shoulders. “You should show me,” he repeats. “If you want. I’d– I want to see.”
Mike is confused, a little. “What?” he says again. “Why?”
Will looks thoroughly baffled by the question. “Because they’re you,” he says, like this is obvious. “I don’t think there’s any part of you that’s not all that nice-looking.”
If Mike were even ten percent more awake, he’d try to protest. As it is, it’s taking most of his brainpower to even understand what Will is saying, but his brain-to-muscle communication must be better than he thought, because he’s tilting his face up before he can even register the action.
“Here,” he says, tapping at his chin with one hand. “Troy pushed me over at school. I hit my chin on a rock.”
The mark is mostly faded now, he knows, but it’s there if you squint, if you lean in and look real close. Will’s eyes dart down, then he hooks a careful finger around Mike’s chin, tilting his face upwards before pressing a kiss there, to the underside of his jaw. It’s light. Gentle. It sends Mike’s heart soaring anyway.
“You’re a sap,” Mike says, trying and failing to hide the violent red that his face is probably turning. “What was that?”
“You asked me to kiss it better,” Will says. “There you go.”
Mike rolls his eyes. “You’re about four years too late, okay?”
Will ignores him. “I like that one,” he smiles. “It’s cute. I can’t imagine your face without it.”
“It’s–! Okay,” Mike splutters, and Will laughs quietly. “Moving on.”
“Next one,” Will coaxes, but Mike shakes his head.
“Your turn.”
“I can’t be the only one embarrassed here,” Mike says. He taps a finger against Will’s cheek. “Go on. Tell me your secrets.”
“Mike,” Will tries, but Mike fixes him with his best patented Mike Wheeler Look, and Will gives in. “You’re impossible,” he groans. “Anyone ever told you that?”
“Yeah,” Mike laughs, “you. Now come on! Tell me things about you!”
Will huffs and says, “You know everything about me,” which maybe is a little true, but it doesn’t mean Mike doesn’t like finding out stuff about him anyway. “And, uh, here,” Will is saying, tapping above his left eyebrow. “I ran into the doorway when I was six. My mom lost her shit. It wasn’t a lot of blood but I was a small kid so it looked a lot worse than it was.”
Mike’s first instinct is to laugh, which he does. He’s surprised at how it comes out– sharp, delighted. Happy, because this is one thing he hadn’t known about Will before that he does now. He can see the scar; it’s small and it’s faint, especially now that Will’s lost any vestige of a summer tan he might have had, but it’s there.
“It’s cute!” Mike runs the pad of his thumb along it, palm pressed up against Will’s cheek, then leans in, brushing his lips over the warm skin there before pulling it away. “There you go.”
If nothing else, at least Will is also turning a very entertaining shade of pink. “Who’s the sap now?”
“It was your idea,” Mike shrugs happily. He kisses Will there again, just because he can, more firmly this time. A proper forehead kiss, stroking one thumb gently under Will’s eyes. “Ta-da.”
“Idiot,” Will whispers fondly, but he holds loosely onto Mike’s wrist anyway, his own thumb rubbing loose circles on Mike’s knuckles. “Okay. Now you.”
“This feels like show and tell,” Mike says. “Like when we were in elementary school.”
“Sure,” Will giggles. “Okay. What did you bring to class today?”
Mike grins. “Um. Here.” He rolls up the sleeve of his t-shirt, points to a spot halfway between his shoulder and elbow. “From the mall. There was broken glass everywhere, so I’m honestly surprised this was it.”
Will is silent for a moment. He brings his hand up to Mike’s arm, runs his thumb back and forth over the small white line there. It’s not big, and Mike hadn’t even noticed it until his parents arrived, too hopped up on adrenaline to feel it. His mom had seen the blood and promptly freaked out. Privately, Mike had thought about Billy Hargrove and figured he should count his blessings.
“I wish you hadn’t gotten anything,” Will says. It’s quiet. Sad.
”Just cuts and scrapes,” Mike says, watching Will watch him. They’ve been through some shit. Cute and scrapes are unavoidable.
“It doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Will sniffs, leaning forward to press a kiss there too. His lips are warm against the cool skin of Mike’s arm, and he lingers for a moment, his hair brushing against Mike’s chin. He kisses him again, quick. “There.”
Mike wants to say something– anything– but he can’t be sure that whatever comes out of his mouth right now won’t be the most embarrassing thing he’s ever said out loud. Will has plenty of ammunition on him already, and Mike’s voice cracking in the middle of a sentence after Will kissed him– and not even on the mouth!– does not need to be added to the list. “Hey,” he whispers instead, and Will looks up. “It’s barely a scratch.”
Will rests his forehead against Mike’s. “Shut up,” he says, but there’s no bite to it. “I’ll worry if I want to worry.”
“It was years ago,” Mike protests. “It basically healed by the time we got home.”
“Don’t care.”
Mike sighs. He’s stubborn, but his boyfriend is almost more so, and one thing he knows now that he didn’t before is to cut his losses while he can. “Your turn,” he says instead, dropping a placating kiss on Will’s cheek.
Will makes a small, happy noise. “Um. I don’t know. I have this one here,” he points to the back of his hand, “from when Jonathan and I built Castle Byers. One of the branches was really sharp and– well, you know. It’s not even big. I don’t know why it left a scar.”
The funny thing is that Mike has seen these before, but it’s not really something he notices. Little marks, littered over Will’s body– maybe it’s a testament to how long Mike spends just looking at him, but in his head, these are all just Will. He’s so used to them that it rarely occurs to ask where they’d come from. They’re just Will.
“I think it’s charming,” Mike decides, and Will lets out a small snort of laughter. 
“Charming? Really?”
“Yes,” Mike says, “because then I can do this.” He brings Will’s hand up to his face, brushes his lips across the back of his knuckles, and bites back a laugh at the way Will immediately turns extremely pink.
“You are so, so ridiculous,” Will gets out. “Charming? Seriously?”
“Yes,” Mike says again. “You heard me.”
He’s still holding Will’s hand, and he’s not very inclined to let go, so he slots their fingers together and squeezes, once.
“Ridiculous,” Will repeats, but it’s weaker this time. “Now you.”
“Um,” Mike balks. Any semblance of brainpower he gathered up for their conversation so far is rapidly being washed away, every second he spends with Will pressed up against him like this rendering him even more incoherent. He fights back a yawn, and is mostly successful when he says, “I can’t remember.”
“You can’t– okay,” Will laughs. He kisses Mike on top of his head. “Go to sleep, then.”
Mike shakes his head. “Go again. I want to hear.”
“You just want to kiss me,” Will mutters. “You have an agenda.”
Mike grins shamelessly, despite himself. “Maybe.”
“I don’t know,” Will admits. He runs a hand down Mike’s back and then pulls him in until their bodies are flush. “I don’t know what else there is.”
Mike yawns again. “I do,” he whispers, then taps a cautious hand against Will’s side, right against his ribs. “Here.”
Will stops. Takes in a soft, sharp breath. “Right.”
“Sorry,” Mike backtracks immediately, pulling his hand away. “You don’t have to talk about that one, I was just–”
But Will just shakes his head. “No, it’s okay,” he says, lips moving gently over the top of Mike’s hair as he talks. “I just– you already know about that one. And I thought we were talking about the cute little scars, you know. Like, the silly ones.”
“I’m glad my chin got all banged up just for you to think it’s cute and silly,” Mike huffs. And then, “Seriously. You don’t have to.”
“Well, there’s nothing I can say that you don’t know,” Will says, twitching slightly as Mike’s fingers dip under the hem of his borrowed t-shirt. The scar there isn’t big at all, but Mike can feel where the skin goes smooth under his fingertips. He’s seen it– he wasn’t there when it happened but he knows what it looks like. Will hadn’t said anything until they’d gone swimming at the lake that summer– tugging his shirt off and not giving it a second thought until Mike’s eyes had nearly popped right out of his head.
“I’m sorry,” he says, instead of bringing up any of that. “That it happened to you.”
“Don’t be,” Will says immediately. Mike tucks his face further into the curve of Will’s neck. “I’m glad she got it out.”
Mike hums in unsatisfied relent. “Still. I’m sorry.”
“Okay,” Will whispers. “Thank you.”
“I’d kiss it better but that requires a lot of moving,” Mike says, punctuating his point with yet another yawn. Will makes a quiet noise of amusement above him. “But it’s cool. I can be flexible.”
“What are you–” Will starts, before Mike cuts him off, leaning up and off the pillow to catch his lips in a kiss.
“See,” Mike whispers, smiling. “I can make do.”
“With every passing second, I become more convinced that this was a scheme,” Will sighs.
“So no kiss?”
“I didn’t say that,” Will says, then leans back in, tilting Mike’s head back until he’s lying against the pillow again, hand still splayed across his lower back. It’s warm, and it’s soft, and it’s–
“Wow,” Will says. “I’m sorry, Mike, am I boring you?”
“No,” Mike says, around yet another yawn. “I’m not even–”
“You are so even,” Will laughs, then pulls away. “Sleep. I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know,” Mike hums, then kisses Will again. Just for the hell of it. “I know you’re not.”
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 months
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summary: if he can push and pull a big obnoxious yellow lamborghini, imagine what he can do!!! well, you don't need to imagine. i did it for you. but still!!!
warnings: bunch of cute things & various smut elements. chances are i'll steal some of these in my fics later on bc i love repeating myself but i felt inspired to gather the random thoughts in one place. 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2100
photo credit: me @/gyllenhaalstories / divider credits: @/firefly-graphics
notes: even if all my fics are written with a fat reader in mind, it just feels so good to put the emphasis on it! this is so incredibly self-indulgent and i am not sorry about it. 🥰 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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Dalton wears very form fitting clothes, like his vast collection of the tightest shorts imaginable that he's worn on the octagon. But you will notice a gradual shift in his clothing preferences. The more he hangs out with you, the looser his clothes will get. Especially his hoodies and his patterned shirts. You will also notice how he accidentally leaves pieces of clothing at your place when he visits. He just likes to drop hints that he wants you to wear his clothes because he wants you to wear his clothes.
The first time he catches you putting on his hoodie if you're feeling a bit chilly or wearing his flowery shirt on a hot day? He's losing it. He'll have a dumb smile on his face all day because this is a big victory just like winning a fight. Maybe even more so when you start sharing clothes casually.
Also he's large. He just is. He takes space both literally and metaphorically. He makes you feel small in the best way. He opens jars for you in a twist of his wrist, he carries all the bags in one trip after grocery shopping, he shoves the laundry basket full of heavy wet clothes on his hip and holds you close with his free arm so you can hang clothes to dry outside. When Dalton locks eyes with you, he just has a way of making you feel so much smaller than him. This size difference, whether it be literal or not, feels good. It feels right. He will never shut up about it, if you ever tell him that you like the size difference. He might love it as much as you.
One of his love languages is you tending to his injuries and wounds. The lovely sound of your voice as you reprimand him and tell him he's too old to break into fights at any minor inconveniences. The gentle touch of your hands when you're cleaning him up with a washcloth and wincing at how much it must hurt... Except it barely hurts anymore he's just so used to it, although he might say it does so you baby him a little more. The adorable band-aids you put on him that he wears like a badge of honour. Eventually, you learn to carry a first-aid kit with you as often as you can. Just in case.
Beach dates. Did I say beach dates? Beach dates. He loves them. Dalton loves to hang out by the ocean and watch the sun rise and set. He loves it even more when you're with him. Holding hands or with his arms wrapped around you, he loves to share this moment with you. It feels so intimate. You can see him in his most peaceful and relaxed head space where the chaos of the Road House doesn't seem to affect him. He could stay there with you forever, with your feet in the water and the ocean breeze tickling your face.
He'd love to invite you to hang out at the Road House during his shifts, but he rarely lets you visit him at work. He's scared you will get injured or hurt by one of the drunk idiots or worse. He prefers to know you are safe and sound, far away from all the danger.
Dalton still tries to spend a lot of time with you. He likes it when you drive his car around and he can just be the passenger princess and enjoy the view, which means you. He likes it when you cook meals and desserts he hasn't had in forever due to years of intense training and strict diets. He'll always be around you to taste the food or steal a bite of a burning hot cookie that is fresh out the oven. The small things are very important for him.
Small things like slapping your butt when he walks behind you, and you doing the same when the roles are reversed. Small things like going shopping for the most obnoxious shirts that scream elderly dad on vacation vibes. Small things like dropping him off and picking him up when he works at the Road House. Small things like bringing you with him when he trains so that you can just exist in his presence, within a safe distance, and so that you can look at him when he gets all hot and sweaty. Small things like you laughing at his jokes about how everyone seems a little aggressive when he casually beats people up for a living. Small things like telling you that you smell so good and getting new perfumes so when he wears his clothes and you were his, he gets to carry your smell all day long. Small things like looking at you with big doe eyes and a dumb little grin on his face because he likes you so much. He likes the little things, because so often in his life he was living on the edge and he was depraved of those calm, harmless, insignificant little droplets of happiness.
What is the most important thing for him? Protecting you. He is so protective of you. Dalton wants to make sure you are safe and that you aren't involved in any shenanigans he gets himself into. He wants to make sure that nobody and nothing can hurt you. He's quick to remind anyone who crosses your way that they should be minding their own business. It may cause some issues between you, you have to remind him that you are a grown adult and that you can take care of yourself. He believes you, he knows you're strong and capable of anything you want to achieve, but he can't fight his protective instincts. He takes your security and your well-being very seriously. He wants you to know that he cherishes you, that he loves you and that he cares for you.
Dalton is a big fan of proving you wrong, but with gentle persuasion. When the two of you start hooking up and dating, he will not put on too big of a show because he's scared to hurt you. He'll start slow, let things escalate at their own pace. He'll pull you closer by the hand for a kiss, surprising you by how he does that so effortlessly. He'll bring your body closer and wrap his arm around you to keep you pressed against him while you cuddle. He'll pull on your ankles to get you closer to the edge of the bed. He'll flip you over on the bed after a little warning that barely gives you enough time to register what he did. He'll hook his arms under your thighs to stop you from squirming away after he makes you cum and he doesn't want to stop just yet.
As much as he wants to chase the high, to show you just how much he can do and how far he can take you, he does it all gradually. He checks in often, maybe too many times at first. Tons of "are you alright? you good, you wanna continue? did it hurt, are you okay?" will be spoken to make sure he doesn't hurt you accidentally. He'll be careful not to hurt you, unless you ask him to.
He's flexible and he will adjust to your body. He'll make it work. You don't have to worry about it. If he can hold his opponent down like a pretzel until they tap out, he certainly can do the same to you. He'll push on your thighs to hold your legs down. He'll spread your pussy open and grunt at how you react when his nose bumps against your clit or when you whimper while he licks your puffy pussy lips. He'll pull on the skin of your cheeks to keep your ass open so he can access what he craves. He'll praise you when you help him, making it easier for him to fuck you good like you deserve.
On the topic of flexibility, he'd love to help you out with yours if you want to. He'll teach you exercises and show you how to relax your body. He'll also respect your limitations. You won't catch him be mad when you say your stomach is in the way or that you struggle to ride him so he has to use you as a fleshlight while you're on top. However, you will catch him rolling his eyes if you say you can't open your legs wider while he knows full well that you do when he's fucking you.
He loves when you sit on his face, no matter how many times he must remind you that he can take it, that you won't hurt him, that he can hold his breath long enough until you coat his tongue with your wetness. He enjoys every second of it.
He's loud. Dalton is a grunter. He grunts when he's fucking you deep with slow but rough thrusts. He grunts when he pulls out so he doesn't cum too fast at the heavenly feeling of your pussy on his hard cock. He grunts when he feels you gag around his cock. He grunts when he tastes your pussy on his tongue and feel your clit pulsate while he sucks on it. He's so fucking loud and he will do whatever he can to make you as loud as him. He wants you to get lost in the moment and forget about your fears and insecurities. He wants you to ride the waves of your orgasms with him until both of you forget how to speak and you can't take it anymore.
The things he must have seen and touched during his career in the UFC make it so that he's unbothered by extra skin to move around, or pretty much anything of the sort. He'll find a way to always make it work and he won't complain. In fact, he loves it. He loves feeling your body on him. He loves the skin-to-skin contact, the closeness. The sweat, the friction, the more he gets the more he wants.
He swells with pride and happiness when he sees you trying to process of the aftermath. Out of breath, flustered, shocked, stuck somewhere between needing three business days to recover and wanting to do it all over again right away. He loves seeing you fucked out of your mind, blissful and satisfied. Dalton loves knowing that he's the one helping you get there, helping you feel so good.
And he knows you love admiring him just as much. The feeling of worship is very much so mutual. He adores the marks, pearls of sweat and trails of euphoric tears he leaves on you. And you adore to watch his muscles and veins bulge after he's had his way with you.
Unlike his trainings of his fights, he doesn't end up in a human sized bucket of ice, but he loves the ritual of cleaning up in the shower or taking a bath with you. He loves to gently touch your body, paying close attention to where his hands might have left bruises earlier. He loves to show you his love with his touch rather than with his caring words or worried questions. It makes Dalton's heart flutter when you do the same, when you soap up his toned body and you wash away the mess of sweat and cum you made together. It often ends up with the two of you going at it again, or simply just jerking each other off with no intention to cum but rather to just feel closer and relax while the hot water heals your bodies.
To put it briefly, Dalton is built for the plus size girlies. He's got the strength, he's got the stamina. He's got it all to make you feel good, to make you feel like you're the hottest person alive because, to him, you very much so are. He cares for you and wants to make you feel comfortable. The more he explores your body and the more he discovers what you love and how to make you moan louder and cum harder, the freakier he will become. Dalton likes it hot and dirty, but he also loves it deep and passionate. He's gonna adapt to what you like and what you can physically do. He's gonna put in the work. He's gonna do what it takes to make you cum so hard you feel like he knocked you out in the best way possible.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
HAI EMMY!!! i've always wanted to send this request since it's been on the back of my mind for a while now;;
i just wanna know how kita shinsuke would act if he had a crush. likeeee would he be straightforward about it, or would he shy away from his feelings, OR OR OR IMAGINE IF HE BECAME ALL CLUMSY BECAUSE READER HAS SUCH A SOFT SPOT IN HIS PURE LITTLE HEART. AUGUAHAHHUH he's so cute and pinchable it hurts.
you don't have to tend to this request right away, of course. ^^ I JUST HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL AND PLSPLSPLS DO STAY HYDRATED!!! ・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜
*sneezes* you got me in my feelings mate 🥺❤️❤️ also this is pre-timeskip bc I needed the boys for support dont @ me
Because kita shinsuke- the man, the myth, the love of my life and the reason I wake up in the morning…
Is SO. DANG. BAD. when it comes to having a crush, because all his steadiness and confidence and grounding is completely gone, and he turns into a mess. With most feelings, it’s easy for him, the love he feels for his granny is complete adoration, his teammates are admiration, and you… he doesn’t know what you are, because you feel different than he is used to.
All his ducks were lined up if anyone were to ask how his emotions were sorted. Then you came along out of seemingly no where.
He doesn’t know what happened; he’s known you for years, you’ve been in similar classes and know each others name, but then you started showing up when Suna Rintaro came along, even sitting quietly at practice while the second-year played. While people noticed your arrival- namely the twins- Suna would immediately shut them down with a snap of his fingers and a dominating “absolutely not.”
From then, Kita just assumed you were off limits. Not that he had specific feelings for you regardless, but he kept his distance just in case.
One day, Rintaro fell at practice and twisted his ankle, and while you had indeed helped him to the bench and laid ice on it, your scolding was just a loud hiss as practice continued.
He… liked, that you weren’t going to sugar coat the magnitude of injuries.
After that, for some unholy reason, you’ve absolutely plagued his mind.
His serves are off, he’s working harder and harder in practice as if to impress you, talking more in class for you to hear his voice. He tries to find shoes to make him look taller, shirts that tone him a bit more, he tries to style his hair a little different, anything and everything to be more visible to you.
All that seems to do, however, is make the twins notice him.
“You could be a long lost twin,” Osamu snickers on a rare day you’re not at practice, taking a sip from his water. He raises his hands in defense when Kita shoots him a small glare, “I’m serious! Cant say I don’t appreciate the style but… why?”
“Because captain’s in looooove,” Atsumu sings, dramatically resting his head on Kita’s shoulder. Kita blinks down unamused at the blonde, but everyone sees right through him as his back tenses and eyes blow out slightly. His cheeks give a small flush, and he’s so full of it, it hurts.
“Being in love implies that there’s a two party consent,” he defends. “I have absolutely no indication that she has any feelings other than platonic for me.”
“Not true! Suna’s in love with you!”
“See? The love Suna has for me, is not part of a two party consent. Not quite the same as being in love.”
Kita ignores the completely offended middle blocker, giving Atsumu a small shrug of his shoulder to make him raise his head. The setter does, but not without continuing the conversation, “come onnnn! What have you got to lose by confessing? Huh? Plus you gotta be in love, because you’re so nervous for those feelings to not be mutual, if you weren’t you wouldn’t care!”
And gosh, he does have Kita there. Why do you make him so nervous? Truly! Maybe it’s his fault, perhaps he sees you as a fond younger class man, despite being in the same years… in… fact you may be older than him? But that’s beside the point,
“You know Kita-San, I’ve never seen you so… out of it,” Osamu continues. “You’re usually like, cold and stoic and straightforward-“
“Benched me three practices ago when I kept fooling around,” Suna snickers.
“Yeah! Now you’re smiling at your phone and laughing more during drills at our crap and just… happier. It’s strange.”
A thick brow cocks in confusion for Osamu’s words, “im… I didn’t think those were bad characteristics to have?”
Finally, to mend the situation, Aran sighs and stands up to clap Kita on the back, “I think what our eloquent second hears are trying to say, is that she’s good for you… maybe you pursue something with her and get some answers.”
Maybe he should.
Kita thinks he should sleep on it.
But in fact, all Kita does is toss and turn. All night. Thinking about all the outcomes if he does, or doesn’t, confess to you and how you may or may not feel about him in return.
In fact, Kita spends the whole rest of the day thinking and day dreaming about you and the mere idea that you could return any of the affections he could share. He shambles uncharacteristically like a zombie, a complete 180 from his usual composed self.
With all love in the world… you’re ruining his life.
He’s barely able to comprehend his movements, if he didn’t have a team relying on him, he’d immediately try to go home for the day and shake whatever remnants of you are on his mind.
His team, who look at him with cocked brows as Kita enters the gym with a massive, book in his hand; and listen… he doesn’t really know where he got it either.
But it has your name on it. He can’t remember if you left it, or forgot it, or… honestly, he may have stole the thing on a subconscious whim to talk to you.
Either way, he’s got it and not you.
“Whatcha got there, cap?”
“Her book,” he says flatly. “She… left it on her desk… I think. She needs it for her homework.” He looks at the second year who’s glancing back up at him with sharp eyes. “I was wondering if you could bring it to her on your walks home.”
“Or,” Suna says, hopping back onto his feet once his shoes are tied. “You could return it, and maybe then tell her how you feel?” He takes out his phone and immediately, his fingers start to fly.
“Oh… I’m not sure about that-“
“Too late,” he says indifferently. “I already texted her that you were on your way; she was on her way here after digging for it, so,” he claps his captain on the back. “Have at thee.”
Kita sighs in defeat, “remind me to force a phone-ban when I get back.”
“That’s my captain,” Suna teases. But he does send Kita an encouraging push on his back, and the captain takes a deep breath before shuffling out.
And his thoughts of what to say run over and over and over and over again, creating a string of words to fire out at anything and everything you could say.
He just wants to confess at this point. He can’t go on being so stiff and distracted; he needs you to either like him back, or reject him.
That, of course, dissipates when he sees you on the other end of the hall.
Your face brightens up as you see him, bouncing relieved on your toes and he approaches with his usual small smile.
“You are a godsend,” you praise, and Kita’s ears turn hot pink at your words. “I just completely blanked on grabbing it, thank you, thank you.”
“It’s no trouble,” he assures. He then swallows thickly as he continues to watch you place the book in your bag and then trying to make your way to the gym to watch Suna and the boys.
He, subconsciously, steps in front of you.
“I… think you look pretty today,” he says, gnawing his lip and keeping very intense eye contact with you. You tip your head and, in an attempt to ease his nerves, crack a joke.
This, evidently, was a bad idea.
“Huh. Am I not pretty everyday?”
You almost hear the whimper in his throat, and before you can tell him that you’re just joking, the word fountains turn on and he’s off.
“Of course you are! It’s just that today in class, I couldn’t stop glancing over at you and the way you were chewing on your pen- because even though that’s bad for your teeth it made you look positively focused and your eyes were kept on the board and no one else and I couldn’t help but look at you because I like the way you look when your focused, I like the way you look when you do anything-“ he takes a deep breath while you blink in surprise.
“-And I don’t know how to stop liking the way that you look but the way that it’s making me feel is making me feel confused and almost a little frightened because I’ve never had these feelings before but apparently Suna has similar feelings and according to Atsumu that’s normal to have feelings that may be unreciprocated-“
“-But he’s the one that encouraged me to do this because I’ve been such a fool with everything I do because I can’t stop thinking about you and Atsumu said that it’s easier to get an answer rather than guess and-“ there’s small snickering around the corner, and the shy, rambling Kita snaps back to his usual composed, captain form, “atsumu, I hear you over there. 50 push ups and 3 laps around the court when I come back to practice!”
“Suna’s here too!” A voice whines.
“Then both of you! OUT!”
There’s a dash of sneakers down the hallway. He takes a deep breath and finally looks back at you, completely flushed and out of breath from the past minute and a half.
He clears his throat before he cards his hair back, “for… for reference, I have no desire of pursuing a relationship with Suna.”
You blink. Then, you snort to try and hide a giggle.
Then, you’re laughing, you’re laughing straight into his face and clutching your sides, and he could almost cry from embarrassment, swallowing thickly and looking down the hall where the twins were hiding.
“I understand,” he says quietly. “I do hope you continue to support our team-“
“Kita-San,” you say, trying to gather yourself. You reach for his hand, which is clammy and he feels bad for, but you don’t seem to mind. “I’m laughing because I like you too; I’m always staring at you too, Mr. Perfect, even when you do see it.” You plant a small kiss to his knuckles and he nearly faints.
“I was laughing, because Suna is basically obsessed with you, I tease him for it constantly on our walks home; just the idea that you had to clarify to me that you were indifferent towards that was just silly.” He opens and closes his mouth like a fish to try and reply, but you shake your head with a smile, “I like the way you look. I like the way you put your heart and soul into everything you do. I like the way you always have some money incase someone needs something for the vending machine.” You beam up at him, and he feels like he’s floating, but he finally cracks a smile back, and when you open your palm in an attempt to initiate hand-holding, he laces his fingers with yours happily.
As you walk down the hall, only the sound of footsteps ring through the air, and kita is happy, he’s thrilled that not only do you feel the same, but you had no judgement towards him. You liked him for all the reasons he couldn’t see, and that meant the world to him.
Then, you hum, and he casts you a look.
“Is it really that bad to chew on the end of your pen?”
“Horrendous,” he chuckles. “The enamel of your teeth wears down.” You laugh and shake your head at the silly fact.
“But that’s okay,” he continues. “I like when you do it. It’s endearing.”
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absurdumsid · 5 months
I need info on saejun an you obviously know him better than me, so can i have you favorite hcs, theories (how he joined the mtt), or interactions on him w/ the mtt :)
OF COURSE U CAN !! so sorry, it took me a bit to compile all of this from my older notes aaaa have a compensation doodle bc i took SOO long GHGHHHGH
anyway saejun nation pspspspss
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saejun !! THE beloved if u will
he regularly speaks korean but learned english after meeting nightmare and killer
i love to think he's very very strong, he can beat the mtt in a fistfight kind of strong (not like he would, but he'd win)
he can cook decently but he'd choose his brother's cooking any day (even if pilsu is still um learning)
he also really likes spicy dishes !! he bonds over that with dust !
he'd forgive ppl who steal from the farm but he wouldn't forgive harming the crops
he HATES pesticides (i think this is canon actually) but also really hates strong smells in general
sleepy 24/7 he lays in the grass to photosynthesize (he just passes out, pilsu wakes him almost every time)
probably knows a lot of offhand herbology/biology trivia (he can explain the aerobic and anaerobic cycle by heart)
his general attitude toward the mtt/bad sanses is not to pry unless they're the ones who open up to him (even now he only rlly learns about their situations through nightmare who doesn't talk that much about it anyway)
he accepts mtt with open arms and its that accepting (almost forgiving) nature that makes them so super attached to him !!
for me, it's the concept of meeting a version of yourself that lives the most peaceful life and being happy for him, but ALSO not being shunned by that alternate version for being violent and hurting the people that you both love
as for how saejun met mtt, my general interpretation of it is that nightmare struck a deal with saejun for food supplies in exchange for manual labour (so mtt and nightmare help a lot with the harvests! the only ones who really know about it is pilsu, saejun, anseung, and suggu)
killer // 고통씨 (Mr. Misery/Grief)
saejun meets killer first and was the only one helping around the farm
i don't think saejun would be the type to pry into their pasts so he doesn't question killer about himself or anything
killer is the one who opens up to him one stormy night after a stage 3 episode where he holed himself up in the shed and saejun found him cold, shaking, and curled up embracing himself
he calms killer down and tells nightmare abt it and that's how he finds out about killer's past (he doesn't bring it up, but he's always there to help killer after his panic attacks)
he likes to do the chores with killer most of the time just in case he has a run in with chorongi or suggu (the kids are very silly and tend to mess with him and he doesn't know how killer is with children)
they photosynthesize together and sometimes nightmare just comes to get killer in the evening and finds them in the grass
horror // 취급주의 (Handle with Care) or 주주씨 (Mr. Vermillion)
he meets horror second (after he gets kidnapped by nightmare) and saejun isn't really scared of him because he figured that he probably has some hidden issues like killer
saejun thought horror was really fragile at first (because he was very thin and had a skull injury) so he actually had him do mostly little chores like going to the market or gathering eggs from the chickens
after a few months killer doesn't come in (was sent to a mission somewhere else) and saejun needs someone to handle the heavy hay bales (<- he could've done it himself but hes lazy) and horror just kinda Does It and surprises saejun
he starts to depend on horror more and actually admits that he was underestimating him out of concern for his wellbeing and horror says its ok because he was also underestimating saejun (until he saw him carry killer AND a bunch of crops home that one time)
they start to cook together and do the heavier chores (while making silly jokes abt killer) together
horror starts to learn korean by talking with dorihye, saejun, and pilsu as well as asking nightmare for some reading material ! (after finding out that dust also speaks korean, he starts practicing conversation with him !)
dust // 유골씨 (Mr. Ashes)
saejun's meeting with dust was noooot planned at all, nightmare just kinda forced mtt into a portal to farmtale during one of errors visits
horror mostly stayed with dust at first who was just dead silent and stayed in one spot (saejun asked if he wanted any drinks and it took ten excruciating seconds before horror had to answer water for him)
its not until pilsu comes into the house and greets killer and horror and makes a remark about a new brother that he starts to actually talk
dust doesn't exactly warm up to pilsu and more like forces himself to because pilsu starts to ask him what his favourite pasttimes are, his favourite food, if he wants any snacks, etc (killer and horror went through the same thing)
dust eventually gets carried off to the kitchen to cook with pilsu and that's how pilsu finds out dust speaks fluent korean even though they have different dialects
saejun goes into the kitchen and has a little talk with dust (where he learns they both speak korean !! and that that's why dust wasn't speaking that much !) and they bond over pilsu's silliness (dust talks about how his papyrus also loved to cook etc etc, saejun notices that its in past tense but doesn't dig any deeper)
dust eventually starts to visit farmtale with horror frequently to exchange makguksu and ramyeon recipes with pilsu !!
dust is also relatively close with dorihye, anseung, and suggu who tend to remark that "the other saejuns dont really talk much" to which horror always chuckles
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anxiefics · 2 years
if you haven’t watched the new cutscene for scara’s boss: https://youtu.be/1l9FktKnBAU
reader manages to catch scara in time before he hits the ground and escapes carrying him bridal style (make them stronger than him just bc😁); reader ends up taking care of him (patching up his scars (let’s pretend he has flesh) washing his hair and stuff) but he has that blank stare until we put him in bed and end up hugging him nd thats the moment he violently brakes down like full on meltdown👍
this man deserves so much better😕
: ̗̀➛ ft. scaramouche
: ̗̀➛ warnings: injuries, angst (reverse hurt/comfort), 3.2 archon quest spoilers (also written before i played through it)
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
one step. two. his arm reached out for the heart he craved, the heart he needed, the heart he—
kusanali held the gnosis in her little hand, a determined yet soft look on her face, a silent apology. for what exactly? scaramouche couldn't tell. for ruining his revenge? for taking the one thing that made him feel alive? that made him feel like he had a purpose? or was it on behalf of all the miseries that he endured, the many 'betrayals' he went through?
wind shrieked in his ears, as he was falling, falling fast. he wanted to cry out, to grab hold of something, anything, whether that be a helping hand, or the hem of his mother's kimono. hell, he'd even take one of the many parts of the shouki no kami to stop his fall. instead he was motionless, like a limp doll broken beyond repair. and really, was that such an implausible description of him? he let himself fall, fall fast, and closed his eyes.
you pushed your way past aether, who did nothing but stand there and gawk as you ran to catch him. for someone who was hailed a hero, you'd think that he would do something. but alas, it seemed like you were the only one who cared, just a little, about the indigo-haired man. for good reason too— he did cause unspeakable amounts of damage across multiple regions, not to mention he was just about to murder them. yet something told you he was hurting inside, and the pained look on his face when kusanali extracted the gnosis gave you enough confirmation you needed. it made a part of you want to forgive him of all the crimes he committed, though you waved it off as an irrational thought.
⋆ ★
he felt strong arms grab hold of him, instead of the cold touch of the cracked floor. his eyes flickered open, catching a glimpse of your concerned face, before succumbing to the haven in the back of his mind.
⋆ ★
"i trust you can handle this mess yourselves." you gave them a nod, before running out with scaramouche still in your hands. they had no time to answer as you were already out and on the way to your house.
why? you asked yourself. why were you helping him? perhaps it was because of your 'weak' heart, empathizing with those in need, regardless of their questionable morals. but no, you didn't think that was the case. though you pitied the treasure hoarders you fought, as they were only trying to make a living, it wasn't the same. you felt drawn to him, to his marionette self trying to break free of the electro archon's strings. maybe he reminded you of yourself. of the anemo vision tied securely at your hip, a symbol of freedom.
by the time your musing was over, you were already at the door of your humble abode on the outskirts of sumeru city. you laid scaramouche down on your plush couch, as he blinked awake. his eyes were empty, holding no hatred nor sorrow— the blank slate he wanted to achieve. a perfect puppet, to be used for the safekeeping of his mother, no, creator's gnosis. yet, after all that talk about "scrubbing away every last bit of human emotion," he still failed. he still had the gnosis stripped of him, taken away by the god he was supposed to overtake. he still was the imperfect prototype, abandoned and left to rot.
he let you tend to his injuries, dried blood (was that his or someone else's?) washed away by the soothing touch of water. he let you bandage them gently so that they sat comfortably against his porcelain skin. he let you rinse the specks of dirt out of his hair, drying it until it was all ruffled and soft. he let you give him light, cotton clothes to change into (you were too shy to dress him yourself, not that he would've minded otherwise.)
scaramouche sat back down on the sofa, long, white robes adorning his small figure. he stared blankly into space, focusing on you when you came into view. the both of you blinked at each other for a few seconds, being the socially awkward pair you are. you decided to walk up to him slowly, a tiny smile on your face. your arms enveloped him tenderly, a touch he hadn't felt in centuries. his arms were limp at his sides, before wrapping them around your shoulders. one second. two. the empty shell he once was faded, replaced with bitter tears hidden by rage for who knows how long.
his cries came in heaving sobs that racked his entire body. scaramouche's hushed sniffles and soft breaths echoed through the room. lithe fingers grabbed your back tightly, holding on to you for dear life. a silent plea begging, please don't leave me. you squeezed back. i would never. no words had to be said, the both of your actions spoke far louder than they ever could. he left your shoulder damp, but you didn't care. you offered all that you could, in hopes of lessening the agony of his afflicted mind. you rubbed his back softly, mindlessly tracing circles and swirls to soothe him.
as his tears dried, and as you slowly let go of each other, the close proximity you two shared began to seep into your minds. you jumped back in surprise, and he ducked his head down to hide the growing blush on his face.
"i.. thank you," he mumbled.
you looked up at him in shock, because did the scaramouche just say thank you? is this his character development arc? nevermind that.
you smiled. "anytime."
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
a/n: at first i was avoiding spoilers but i already saw a part of it from a tiktok so i went "fuck it" and watched the whole thing (curiosity got the best of me lmao) also i made kusanali more forgiving here because i feel like she had smth to do with scara's change (i haven't played through the archon quest yet so idk if its said there) that being said i am avoiding the rest of the 3.2 spoilers like crazy now lmao
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mooncheese3 · 10 months
the man called otto au, old man!sj and the luo family. he was not able to escape wyz in the iac bc wyz decided not to sneak into it, instead spending that week in a brothel to waste away a truly big bag of coin he was lucky enough to snatch.
cw // suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts
bc of this sj wasnt able to find out what happened to yq and cultivate,and so stayed a mortal. one day wyz comes across another kid, and tries to off sj since he'd outlived his usefulness. sj outsmarts him, so wyz just leaves with his new assistant, not finding sj enough of a risk to keep alive.
sj wanders, able to get by with money he'd acquired via the things wyz taught him--all very much illegal. one day he stays a bit longer in a town, and ends up staying the night in a brothel. apparently when you assist them in kicking out a horrible customer, they wouldnt mind it so much if you were to sleep in their storage room for free. (his pretty face also helped lmao. the only privelege sj has is pretty privelege, but even that doesnt come often). one night turns into a few days, and a few days turns into a week, and suddenly sj works there.
there he becomes friends with some of the prostitutes, and finds himself with a pseudo little sister with the name sisi
a few years pass; by this point hes a young adult. sj decides to travel around. he still hasnt accepted that yq could be dead (even if his head tells him its very likely yq is), so traveling would mean possibly getting closer to wherever yq may be. he moves in the general direction of cqms, as that was yq's destination. he goes through towns, cities, forests and roads, takes on odd jobs and errands but never begs--never again--yet despite all of that no hide nor hair of his older brother can be found. sj considers going to cqms directly, but if he were being honest...
yq tended to see the good in people. while not a bad thing in itself, it usually led to shitty things happening to people like them. added with the fact that yq was a runaway child slave with no money, wore clothes that kept the cold in rather than out, was illiterate and never learned how to mapread, had never traveled so far on his own with only a vague sense of where he was going, with unkown humans, demons, creatures and plants everywhere on his trek,,, the chances of sj finding his older brother decaying rather than breathing was too high
going to cang qiong and not finding yq there... to him, it would be as close to a confirmation that yq was dead. so he avoids it. (he doesnt stop himself from listening in on conversations about cang qiong, though)
thats how he spends most of his life, traveling and seeing the world, learning about all sorts of things on the way. he spends the freedom hed fought for in what he feels to be the fullest without being around people he doesnt already know. if yq really was dead, then hed be seeing the world for both of them while he could.
when days are too hard and the thought that he'd sent his qige to his death is too strong, sj feels the temptation to follow yq into the afterlife. the sword hed stolen and the dagger up his sleeve find themselves in his hands all too often on those nights, yet no injury ever appears on himself and he breathes just fine the following morning
one day he goes back to the brothel he used to work in, and discovers that sisi isnt there anymore. after catching up with his old friends he travels again, southward where the brothel theyd transferred some of their staff stood
eventually he and sisi reunite. she introduces him to her friend, meng shi, and her son, meng yao. hes appalled when he finds meng yao reading a fake cultivation manual, so he teaches meng yao how to tell a fake from a legitimate one. he also teaches him how to /get/ a legitimate one under a fair and affordable price. sisi wheedles sj into teaching meng yao more, so he does
sj goes back on the road, and somewhere along the way settles in a hut along the luo river. but even when he lives on the outskirts of the village, which was already a decent distance away from any cultivational sect, he still hears news of the head disciple of qiong ding peak's achievements in the defeat of tianlangjun. one thing leads to another and sj finds out that yqy is in fact his yq
a confrontation happens; yqy is beyond happy that sj is alive, if a little shocked and scared that all hes seeing is a ghost his mind conjured up. like canon sj asks why yqy didnt come back, and since yqy is a do or don't there is no try person (this mentality really fucks him up), yqy doesnt give any "excuse" as to why he was gone. he was a coward, incompetent and careless in his rush to go back to the qiu manor. the fact that he went back too late and /tried/ to save sj but found the estate in ashes didnt matter. to yqy, it is the end result that matters, not the effort and process it takes for him to get there. he didnt save sj, and that was that.
in the face of what sj went through, what he experienced was miniscule. look at them! while yqy was dressed in expensive fabrics with a face that looked no older than 20 bc of his high cultivation, sj was dressed in simple and cheap robes with signs of age, hardship, and days under the sun. what right did he have to stand here and make himself seem pitiful and sympathetic when he couldnt even save sj? in the end, all he says is a wretched "im sorry for not saving you."
(hc that yqy always had this mentality, it was just worsened by his shizun. yes hes totally downplaying everything he went through on his quest to try to save sj. yqy has serious self-worth issues)
sj refuses to go to cqms with yqy. hes far too old to cultivate so all he'll end up doing there is be a servant. in sj's view that was akin to returning to his old life, just under a different master in a far bigger "estate"
yqy visits often, leaving behind trinkets sj could pawn or sell and bags of money to keep himself fed and warm. he tries to reconnect with sj, but (like canon, just even worse) sj is not having it. to sj, these "gifts" are bribes for him to stay quiet to keep yqy's pristine reputation. sj drives yqy away, but always finds himself watching as yqy leaves. it seems that therell always be a small part of him that wants his older brother back.
as sj gets older he gets sicker, experiencing aches and pains and dreaded headaches.
yqy notices, and so starts to leave medicine as well.
the longer this goes on, the more yqy looks sad and regretful. the dark cloud that hangs above his head grows darker each time he arrives and is chased away
sj abruptly thinks that he should disappear. when he was gone, yqy was doing well. its only after he showed back up in his life that yqy seemed to start being more miserable.
it of course didnt help that sometimes one of yqy's martial siblings accompanied him on his visits. always staying on the outskirts of his property, but always with an odd and/or dissaproving look on their face. sometimes, sj would faintly hear them tell yqy that coming here wasnt worth it, or at least something similar to it (sj doesnt see the harsh and downright terrifying look yqy would then send that person)
the first time he seriously tries to end his life, it is unexpectedly cut short by a rapid knocking on his door
THIS IS WHERE THE LUO FAMILY COME IN!!! mme luo comes knocking on his door one day, carrying a small feverish toddler. she has no money to go to the nearest doctor (this particular doctor likes charging too high), and the closest neighbor that hasnt already ignored her pleas for help is sj
sj aggrievedly lets her in, giving mme luo an appropriate dose of medicine so she could be the one to coax the kid into ingesting it. the child ends up recovering fairly quickly, and as thanks mme luo leaves a delicious plate of fish in a woven basket for sj
sj returns the basket. mme luo fills it again with another dish, this time with a bowl of sweet and sour pork with bokchoy soup
following the movie, everytime sj (otto) tries to khs, his attempts are unkowingly thwarted by the people hes shown kindness to
at some point mengyao (now very newly named jgy!!) encounters sj again. jgy doesnt stay long, since he does have to return to the jin sect, but he helps around the house. he cooks sj breakfast, teaches binghe etiquette, and becomes an indulgent culinary student to a very eager to show off binghe
each time someone barges into his life, sj always tells them to fuck off. most times he lets them in anyway, but others he shuts them out.
he goes too far one day, so mme luo does her mom thing and somehow gets him to open up. shes always tried to get him to do that, but sj always closed himself from others. this one time, sj tells her about his past and explains why he acts the way he does
while it is indeed the only time hes done so, he begins to allow himself to grow closer with others and let them get to know him, just as much as he gets to know about them
eventually, very slowly, qijiu begin to reconcile. yqy finds the courage to tell sj that he was hasty and was trapped within the ling xi caves, that he did go back, just too late. while theyll never be like they were before, they still had each other in the end
it would be nice if, unlike canon, him helping people inadvertently gets him to live, yk? kindness spreads kindness, that sort of thing
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flutteringfable · 1 year
venti appearance hcs bc i love him he is so silly and has never done anything wrong at all
khanri'ah? destroyed? haha i have no idea what you’re talking about venti is so innocent and soft and would never do such a thing
all jokes aside, i like thinking about scars he might have, or little quirks about his outfit etc. enjoy my silly brainrot about this goofball
this post got very long but honestly considering its about one of my favorite blorbos i’m not surprised
no content warnings aside from maybe mentions of injuries and scars? nothing crazy tho 👍
starting at the top, his hair!
venti tends to sleep in trees a lot (he probably has his own actual house somewhere but he likes to nap in the wild for some reason), so he often has leaves or moss in his hair. he does his best to brush or wash it out when he can, but he hangs out outdoors so often it kind of doesn’t help
the tips of his braids glow when he’s excited, angry, flustered, etc.
no one (except for a choice few people, of course) has really guessed that the hair glow happens because he’s an archon
venti is so eccentric that people are just like “yeah we dunno he’s just like that it’s probs something to do w his vision idk”
sometimes, on particularly hot days or when he needs to keep it out of his face, he pulls it into a sort of half-up ponytail and pins his bangs to the side.
he likes to put feathers in the ends of his braids! he finds finch feathers pretty, and he also likes to use dvalin’s feathers sometimes
dvalin’s feathers glow with his hair, for some reason. maybe its the anemo? maybe it’s their strong connection? who knows
his hair is very fluffy and soft. he washes it often, and it tends to fluff out a little bit when it gets dry. having it braided and then undoing it after a while adds to the fluff.
moving down a bit, his face!
*clears throat into mic, standing in front of thousands of venti fans* glowy freckles.
he has a mix of regular and glowy freckles! they’re a lot more prominent when he’s been out in the sun
he has a really bad habit of chewing on his lips when he’s writing or thinking very hard about something, so while they are soft, there’s always marks and cracks from where he bites them.
his cheeks are almost always rosy since he spends a lot of time outside.
he has some small scars around the edges of his face from when dvalin was a baby and liked to climb all over him (mostly onto his head)
i know archons technically don’t suffer ailments like eyestrain as badly as mortals do, but venti has been writing poetry for thousands of years. he probably gets migraines, and might wear reading glasses to write sometimes.
the glasses are intricately designed, and they’re one of the only things he’s ever saved up money for other than alcohol.
he just liked the pretty ones a lot, especially since they had a sort of winged/angelic theme to their design
i’m not really sure what shape the lenses would be, but i like the idea of them being round. they have a little chain on them that has a feather charm attached. the frames are golden (not actual gold, of course. though venti may or may not have been willing to pay the extra expenses had they been real gold.)
the handles are also golden, and they have feather shaped accents near where the frames connect.
anyway, he wears them out once in a while when he wants to work on his wips at the tavern or on the barbatos statue. he doesn’t drink much when he has them with him, because of course he would prefer to not break his favorite and only pair of glasses by passing out or otherwise.
venti has a bad habit of staying up too long and losing track of time, so occasionally he gets dark circles under his eyes
next up, his build and scars etc!
venti stands at about 5’ 4” (~163 cm)
his clothing hides a lot of the way he’s built, aside from his legs
he has a soft chest and tummy (perfect for putting ur head on for a nice nap)
he has surprisingly toned arms? he’s not noticeably buff like alhaitham or itto but he has a lot of muscle in his arms from using his bow.
speaking of his bow, he has a lot of scars from when he was still learning to use it
there’s a mark on his inner left arm from when he accidentally hit it with his bowstring. it used to happen so often that there’s a faint permanent scar there.
he has a lot of soreness and issues with his hands and wrists because he writes and uses his bow a lot, but it used to be MUCH worse when he was still learning
nowadays he knows how to handle the cramps and aches, but when he was learning, he had no idea how to ease them. he could barely write or play his lyre for a while because archery combined with composing music and poetry was taking a serious toll on his arms and hands.
he gets ink marks on his hands a lot
he paints his nails! he has a lot of different colored polishes but his favorite is a soft teal.
everyone knows about the archon markings on his chest and leg, but i raise you:
archon markings where his wings should be when he isn’t in his god form
which is why he wears the cape, since all his markings tend to glow dimly all the time and his shirt is kind of thin.
and finally, his outfit!
in his mortal form, venti loves to collect feathers, crystals, and flowers. he puts them wherever he can fit them, since he oftentimes doesn’t have a pocket or bag aside from his mora pouch. so, when he goes out to windrise for inspiration (or a nap) m, expect him to return with a windwheel aster weaved into a braid and maybe a dove feather tucked behind his ear.
when he’s embarrassed, venti will pull up both sides of his cape to hide his face in
he also tends to fidget with it and his hair when he’s nervous or bored
in my heart he wears thigh highs, idc what hoyoverse reveals them as if they ever do
somehow, venti has some sort of crazy luck and his socks always stay up. they might get a little bunched up in some places after battles, but they never fall completely.
is it archon stuff? black magic? just a venti thing? top ten questions science still can’t answer
he tends to keep a lot of things in his hat. he doesn’t carry much very often, so he can put a quill, his notebook, and a corked bottle of ink underneath it and carry it wherever he pleases.
the ribbon on his cape is only decorative. the cape actually has a small button and a loop that connects to keep it fastened.
that’s about it! if i think of any more i might edit this list, but i think i got everything i wanted out there. hope you enjoyed, and feel free to share your own venti headcanons! i love him sm i would love new perspectives on him from people who are just as normal about him as me <3
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rainy-astrology · 8 months
BTS Suga Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not an expert. May change later
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March 9th, 1993
Daegu, South Korea
Unknown time
Pisces sun is artsy, creative, sensitive, and empathetic. It should positively aspect his Pisces mercury. He genuinely seems like an emotionally intelligent person (esp with his interest in pyschology) as he's very patient and understanding. He's never raised his voice at the members or get very angry in general (except ofc for the few times he did fight with RM...I still wonder how Joon was able to get Yoongi so mad to the point of throwing things at him lol. But they were both very young and both have Cancer mars, an emotionally charged mars sign).
Virgo moon is reserved, prefer to detach and analyze their feelings and thoughts. This could be why he may seem "cold" to people. He's not, he's just calm and more controlled about his emotional expression like a majority of Virgo moons.
Having a Pisces sun and mercury though, he is able to comfortably express his deeper emotions through a creative outlet: his rap and lyrics writing skills. Music has always been his comfort and love. His song "First Love" is the best example for this.
Aries venus is in detriment. Being a Pisces sun, Suga is sweet and even a little idealistic at times, but Aries venus can make it awkward to express that. It's either he doesn't know how to initiate affection (e.g wanting to hold hands with the members but not knowing how to ask) or can be quite bold (e.g wanting a red string tattoo with the members. Could also be linked to his Pisces' romanticism lol)
Seems like a grand square is in his chart, which indicates many struggles and hardships. He's been very open about all the harsh things he's endured, so seeing this isn't surprising. Having to survive on small amount of money and working other jobs to support his career that was at high risk of failing, having unsupportive parents, shoulder and ear injury, mental illnesses, etc...
Possible rising: Aries. I have seen this to be his rumoured rising and I agree tbh. I'm not too sure about Venus in 1st considering how reserved he is (could be in his 12th). Mars could be in either 3rd or 4th. I am leaning towards 4th bc I know his parents weren't the most supportive of his career and he has made some implications that his parents were just a bit strict in general.
Sun and Mercury would be in 12th. Sun in 12th is perceptive and internal, preferring to observe from afar. A sense of detachment. Mercury in 12th keeps thoughts and feelings to self, so essentially a quiet and private person, which he is. Both are quite intuitive placements.
He has the passion and determined nature of an Aries. Capricorn MC also helps with the good self discipline and hardworking ethic that Yoongi has. Capricorn MC can also make one look serious and private, maybe a bit cold and workaholic, which a lot of people tend to say about him. Both signs share the ambitious and success seeking trait, which is very Yoongi.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
Kpop astrology list
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hypnoneghoul · 10 months
dont feel presured to respond to this if you dont want to bc it is a slightly different niche than you tend to write and i understand if youre not interested in it
been thinking a lot about phantom whos a regressor whos also hypermobile. rain freaking out because “NO DONT BEND YOUR [insert whatever joint] LIKE THAT YOURE GONNA GET HURT” bc they know from experience. little phantom getting confused bc to them its just. a fun thing. really enjoyable. they arent prone to getting hurt but rain doesnt want to risk the one time they do get hurt to be when theyre small (because that SUCKS, rain also knows that from experience)
wohooo im here!!! took me so long because i didn't have any fun idea so its also super short, I just don't wanna keep you waiting any more, sorry it's shit. also, rain is not exactly freaking out, just worried about the lil bug and he gets a bit sad, oops <3
"Rain, Phantom duty," Swiss announced popping his head into Rain's room and disappearing immediately after, barely letting his words leave his mouth.
"Wait, what?" they jumped but there was no one left to answer. Rain sighed, shuffled into their slippers and left their room to go look for Phantom, because whatever Swiss meant by 'duty'' was obviously about the quintessence ghoul. He wasn't in his bedroom, Swiss' door was locked.
Rain padded over to the commons, and then into the kitchen, wanting to at least get themself a snack, even if the Phantom wasn't there. But he was and the water ghoul understood what Swiss meant.
He was sitting on the counter, cross-legged, twisting and cracking their fingers like a fidget toy, his tail in his mouth as he hummed some soft tune around it.
First, Rain made a mental note to yell at Swiss for leaving Phantom alone in the kitchen when regressed. Then, "Sweetheart, please don't do that!"
Phantom lifted his head, cocking it to the side and looked at Rain with a curious little noise escaping his mouth.
"Come here, love," Rain sighed, opening their arms as an additional encouragement. Phantom all but jumped off of the counter and fell into the water ghoul's chest, "Hi, little one."
The quintessence ghoul immediately started purring, rubbing his face over Rain's shoulder and rocking on the sides of his feet, "Love, you can't do that."
"Huh?" Phantom looked up at them with confused eyes.
"Your feet, you'll get hurt."
"But 's fun," he pouted and Rain's heart nearly broke in half. They knew it could be fun, especially when little, but it didn't change the fact it could lead to getting injured. They knew it well enough from their own experience, and that it sucked even more to get injured while being small. They didn't want Phantom to experience that, ever.
He wasn't as prone to getting actual injuries because of his hypermobility as Rain or Zephyr, but the water ghoul was impossibly protective of Phantom either way, and they'd do everything in their power to keep him from getting hurt. Especially when little.
"I know, baby, but I don't want you to be in pain," they cooed, running one of their hands through Phantom's hair, the other rubbing his back soothingly. "You can get hurt if you do that."
"Is... is 't like with you?" the quintessence ghoul asked. "Like your legs?"
"Yes, love," Rain chuckled, their heart squeezing slightly as Phantom's brows furrowed in concern.
"'m sad when your legs don' work," he mumbled, deflated, hiding in Rain's neck as they pet his hair.
"Oh, sweetheart. It's just what it is, it's okay," they hugged Phantom closer. "But I would be sad if your legs would stop working. And that we can prevent, yes?"
"Mhm," he grumbled, "'ll be good."
"You're always good, baby. Such a great kid." Rain leaned down to kiss Phantom's horn. "Now, come with me and I'll show you some toys you can play with, instead of your fingers."
The water ghoul giggled when Phantom jumped up exictedly with a happiest little squeak, gripping their hand, ready to see the aforementioned toys.
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holybananaoafshoe · 8 months
✨️Team Dynamics✨️
I wrote this waiting for photoshop to load <3
Tired Cryo Dads
They meet Freminet when Klee gets lost while diving and starts to cry because she can’t find big bro Kaeya anywhere
I feel like a current would get them separated, it's a new place and Klee is small--the current would definitely catch her off guard
And she's been told no more bombs by mister Wrio, and she's not about to go back to the courts and get Kaeya in trouble
Freminet finds Klee during his dive and he's a little confused why a kid is alone so he brings Klee to the shore and lets her hold Percy for a bit because Percy helps him calm down when he’s upset
In the meantime, he's trying to figure out what to do? Surely her guardiens are nearby, but Lyney used to tell him it's best to stay in one spot when he got lost as a kid.....so wouldn't it be better to keep Klee in one spot?
Meanwhile, Kaeya is the epitome of the “Timmy! The mother’s adrenaline is kicking in” meme because Alice and Klee’s father are so good to him and Archon's Damn It All he can’t loose Klee
Wrio is equally anxious, but he’s at least the calmer of the two. To be fair, he’s basically the law, so he’s pretty confident they’ll find Klee
They find her on the shore with Freminet exchanging stories about Percy and Dodoco
Cue both of them being Proud™ of their kids getting along, and Kaeya and Klee hugging bc that was something neither wants to repeat
Wrio looks after Freminet bc he secretly worries about him and his siblings, but mostly Freminet who is way too pale for his liking.
He knows the kid is probably pale from all the diving he does, but still, the kid doesn’t smile often, and damnit, does he have a soft spot for kids.
So what if he takes Freminet out for tea and a hot meal after he gets back from his dives? The kid is shivering, okay?
And maybe he makes sure the kid gets home safe because his deeper dives have him out way too late at night for his liking
(Lyney is secretly thankful for Wrio’s extra protection over the youngest sibling. He and Lynette would look after him, but their magic shows tend to run late)
He also may or may not have scolded Freminet a few times when he dives too deep and gets in trouble/injured--all while drying the kid off and tending to his injuries
And when they were in prison, he made sure to give them the best treatment he could because he knows it’s not the trio’s fault, it was the Fatui’s, he just needed to wait for the circumstances to come up in court to free them
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quirkle2 · 21 days
Any head canons about Zombie Mob and after he's cured?
hrrmmmmm still kinda changin little things around for how zombies work in general bc im indecisive but im gonna use this ask as an excuse to talk abt How He Works
the other day i was thinkin abt his protectiveness over ritsu, and how it only reaches so far before it makes a full stop. it Would seem like he'd be alarmed at ritsu being hurt in any capacity, but that's not always the case. rly, it depends entirely on how ritsu reacts to the injury
remember, zombies don't have a good grasp on past events beyond their turning—a lot of them can remember faces and names and basic concepts but most things are lost in the froth. since zombies don't feel pain and therefore do not feel the consequences of an injury, their association with things like blood and seeing open wounds is not negative—why would it be, when they've experienced nothing negative from them? it is simply a Neutral Thing in their eyes
however, zombies are still human, and when healthy humans are hurt, they usually scream or cry or Something. hearing another human yell in pain is often a little harrowing, and on pure instinct zombies will sometimes flock to this noise in a very innocent mindset of wanting to aid. the thought process of hungry zombies hearing that is a little different, and they will prolly try to eat whatever is vulnerable and hurting. zombies that aren't hungry atm tho will simply wanna check it out
hearing ritsu scream will trigger that protective instinct in mob. seeing his brother's arm torn to shreds tho? Only if he's actively acting distressed. if ritsu got a gash in his leg but he's toughing it out even as it seeps blood, mob will simply just.stare. right at the open wound. and be Unbothered. he doesn't quite understand anymore that a hole in ur flesh is painful—he does understand pained sounds, tho
if ritsu is actively upset for other reasons aka the 17 mental illnesses he's developed mob will start getting antsy. u ever heard of animals actin weird before a big storm rolls in? kinda like that. he's distressed that his brother is distressed and he doesn't rly know how to make it better, so he just starts shuffling his feet and acting like he doesn't know where to go next. he also tends to plop his head down on ritsu's shoulder like i've mentioned (i think) and it's a 50/50 chance on whether that makes it any better
on the subject of his constant exhaustion, when ritsu finally does get mob to fall sleep he is Out and Unmoving and his body is so desperate for energy that he doesn't wake up for the next 21 fucking hours or more. ritsu actually regularly gets worried abt how long he sleeps. he's simply resigned himself to being 40% more stressed during his naps
zombie mob also loves water ! another remnant of Before—they had a stream in their backyard before everything went to shit and they had to leave, and mob Loved that thing. he'd sit in the backyard and listen to the sound of the water trickling for hours. nowadays, if they find any sort of stream or source of flowing water, it's very hard to get mob to leave. he loves listening to it and if it's coming from above and splashing to the ground he'll stand in the stream and be the most content zombie that ever lived. unfortunately he's also wet now. sorry ritsu
hrrmmmmm vaguely related to the first thing... mob is a bit like a cat that keeps knocking shit over when it comes to sneaking around settlement patrols. ritsu does his absolute best to steer clear of patrols by a long shot in general, but sometimes it's necessary to squeeze past one. normal mob is quiet and his steps are soft and while he's not the most graceful he's not a walking hazard—zombie mob is tho <3
he doesn't rly Understand that the goal is to not be seen and these people have guns and those guns can hashtag kill you to death, and ritsu can only do so much to "tell" mob to be quiet. he doesn't understand any of the hand signals he gives him, any of the Shush gestures, and mob is absolutely fascinated by this vase—oh it broke. oh neat, footsteps and yelling that's fun
most of the time they get by unscathed.but sometimes mob will do the worst possible thing at the worst possible moment and those r the times ritsu gets truly and genuinely frustrated w him. poor guy can't help it he's a zombie.ritsu knows this .he pushes on
in regards to patrols, actually, it's interesting to think about how zombies Learn. they,, seemingly don't. a lot of the times, the consequences of something bad they do is either pain, or death, and since they don't feel pain ... well u can't exactly learn from that. a lot of the times, zombies will keep doing one thing over and over again, even if it's actively killing them, until they die from it
zombies are attracted to noises and smells, so it stands to reason that mob might be inclined to walk right up to a patrol car. there's people here ! let's check it out. and zombies do this all the time. all a patrol car has to do, rly, is keep its engine running, and zombies within earshot of it will flock and then get killed
mob, interestingly, is in a position to Learn as a zombie. not many zombies keep their lives after running into a patrol car, but mob has protection, and people looking after him. mob has walked away from patrol cars w his life many times. and i think he starts to understand that they're dangerous once ritsu gets hurt
it takes a couple rounds of it to get it through his head, but the next patrol car he sees and considers venturing to, he thinks about what happened last time this occurred—the screaming from ritsu, mainly—and he stops. if mob were suddenly alone, and ritsu was gone, he'd surely walk right up to that patrol car and get shot in the head for it. it's not like he'll feel it. but ritsu is with him, and he doesn't want his little brother to scream like that again, so he decides not to, and lets himself get led away from the car
tome notes this change in behavior w Great interest and ritsu is honestly just glad he'll now experience approximately 3 less heart attacks per month
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chazmcfreelyhater · 8 months
omg. so I realised that after I drew Chaz/TOBOR content one time that i haven’t actually shared how important they are to me. erm. so I have made a silly little document of background/headcanons that could have been pages long but I didn’t want to be TOO insane.
also BIG DISCLAIMER the TOBOR headcanons and art at the bottom belong to Chiptoons on Insta/Chipt00ns on Twitter. SHE IS AMAZING and helped me to edit this doc so thank u for ur service chippy. thank you for inventing tobor mysims
They became friends because we were friends and it was like dragging our children along to a function and being like “ok now go play w the other kids” lol. lmao.
We both have OCs x canon with the robots so that's pretty much where it all started from- I probably won’t do a whole timeline at least for now but basically Makoto, Naomi (Louie’s OC) and Vivian (Chippy’s OC) would all spend time together regularly until they started inviting the bohs along
TOBOR was. a bit suspicious of Chaz at first since he had some pretty bad trust issues when it came to humans, and also because that’s usually the normal reaction to meeting Chaz, but he honestly wasn’t super phased by it. Chaz was used to people being kinda cold towards him yet also had a tendency to latch onto them anyway. Even though he spent hours actively trying to annoy him and talk about bike mechanics, which was pretty much just his attempt at being friendly and having fun- the biggest thing for TOBOR was that Chaz would never use the fact that he was a robot against him. Like he would never treat him like any less of a person, to Chaz he literally was just Some cool dude with a green head
Even when they become like Friend friends they still are surprisingly careful around eachothers’ boundaries. Tbh a lot of their relationship is built off things most people wouldn’t expect from them, as in the two scary bitch boys are actually very respectful of eachother and keep secretz and look out for the other n their bffs. It’s not OOC if we make the chars. IDGAF
They actually didn’t think they’d get as close as they did: TOBOR and Chaz essentially see eachother as brothers at this point, since they (mostly through accident) found out they had a surprising amount in common, with the way people kinda assumed stuff about them beforehand and were not the nicest . Chaz considers him one of his best friends bc he is CRINGE and is still constantly out to annoy him but at this point TOBOR just effortlessly shows him up. Chaz also likes to bully him on account of he hearts Vivian and you know what who doesn’t. They both got parental issues too which they also kinda relate to each other with; sometimes there will be stuff between them that they tease eachother for RELENTLESSLY, but if anyone else were to bring it up at all they would be killed within the second. TOBOR tends to stick up for Chaz a lot since he is more naïve and struggles to see when people are actually trying to upset him instead of just being Chaz Haterz for fun. Defending people and having their backs is his love language.
There is also a whole thing in the future with him/Makoto being more closely associated with the Delarosarenas but I don’t want to overshare or b cringe but Kerry literally adores TOBOR and the fact he loves cooking :> he simply IS her new son and she displays interest in hiring him one day. If the lab thing doesn’t work out. Which it is not. Again they r like BROTHERS make no mistake we do not ship them.
Silly little HC list for the fun of it:
Chaz likes to attempt to tackle TOBOR every time he sees him and it always ends in an injury.
TOBOR is secretly very good w Chaz’s younger family members.
TOBOR attempted to teach Travis how to cook for Chaz romantic style. After it all went to shit he informed the Englishman the only way to save it would be to fake his own death.
Chaz’s favourite name for TOBOR is “Flat Head Ass”, closely followed by “Toby”. His bro name for them is “Chobor”. TOBOR is repulsed by every single thing that comes out of his mouth.
TOBOR considers Naomi a little sister. Not super relevant but when Chippy said he probably did I wept. oh how I wept
Toborviv bridal party at Chavis wedding. I may be cringe but I am free.
TOBOR succumbs to the fact he is in love with Vivian. Instead of confessing, he panics and asks Chaz, who has NO electronic experience, to program it out of him. They both damn near die, bro style
TOBOR LETS HIM INFODUMP he is happy that Chaz trusts him ahehe
WTF!!! Da gallery:
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soullikethesea · 10 months
I'm going to eat and then exercise and then finish packing and then work more on the Before-During-After plan. And/or do more reading for work...
I also took the first progesterone-only birth control after all. The migraines sucked so badly and nothing (except for talking to upset parts!!!) seemed to help. I just want to try this for three months and if I don't have a single migraine during that time then maybe it is worth it. Or if it doesn't have any effects, then I'll know I can just stay on the other BC. If it sucks with other side-effects, I'll just discuss with the Dr. Perhaps they'll be OK with me going off of BC for a while to see how the endometriosis would respond (not sure if I'm down for that, but idk).
I talked to my mum and she never had migraines anymore after going through menopause. Of course menopause also sucks in other ways, so... ugh.
Maybe more research will be available over time in terms of bone density and this BC. I just really don't want to fall during exercise and freaking break my ankle or something like that. Whenever I see older women do this I hold my heart a little and wish they wouldn't. (Just because of the risks for injury).
Well, we'll see. There's just not enough data on this & every body responds a little differently.
Maybe for the Before-During-After plan, I could tell one of my colleagues about the trauma. I just really don't want to, but it could be good to have someone who understands why I might act a bit weird/rigid/withdrawn/scared. Why's do tend to help.
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miroslavcloset · 1 year
Even now, you remain my light [Neuller +18 Fic] Chapter 2
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~Manu used to be in Thomas' presence almost 24/7, between being at home with him and training with Bayern, is rare to not have his comforting aura around him, but with an injury, their routines have to be separated. Today Thomas will be home a little earlier than usual and Manu is feeling a little clingier than usual, so his boyfriend will make sure to take care of him and make him feel as loved as possible.~
A/N: So, yesterday we almost lost against Leipzig, and to get my anger out I wrote smut and felt better. Btw first time writing (and actually publishing) smut. I tend to first write everything in my native language and then manually translate everything, here I had to write everything straight in English bc I was having a crisis finding words that didn't sound like shit. Anyways, enjoy c: I'm a hoe for this two dorks in love.
Warning: Smut under the cut, read at your own risk.
Somehow, the bathroom was the coldest room in the house, but this time it wasn't the reason why Manuel's skin was standing on end. With Thomas' help, he sat on the chair that served as support for him in the shower. Suddenly he felt Thomas's hands going up his back under his shirt, startled, he turned and tried unsuccessfully to grab his lover's wrists. -What are you doing…?- Asked shyly. -Well, we'll take a shower, honey. I hope you don't plan to do it with our clothes on.- He said in a comical tone, then leaned towards Manuel until he barely touched his ear with his lips and whispered, -Also, remember that I came here to take care of you… - Without waiting for any reply, he continued with the upward movement of his hands on Manuel's back, while he brought his mouth closer and gently bit his ear, proceeding to go down and plant a wet kiss on his neck. He traced a short line with the tip of his tongue to the back of his neck where he moved away for a moment to remove Manuel's shirt altogether, placed it on the bathroom floor without paying too much attention, and went to stand in front of his partner. Careful not to move the place of the injury, he took a spot between Manuel's legs, knelt there, and placed a hand on each of the knees in front of him, spreading them further apart with a delicate push. He stopped for a moment without removing his hands and looked up until his blue-green met Manuel's deep blue, he observed how his boyfriend's breathing was more accelerated and the blush on his cheeks did not give any sign of disappearing anytime soon. That was enough to remember why he had fallen in love with that exceptional person in front of him. He put his thumbs inside the corner of both Manuel's pants and boxers and began to pull them down. Supporting his hands on the armrests of the chair, he raised his hips enough for Thomas to remove both items of clothing from him in a single movement and discard them, placing them on the floor behind him. With one hand Manuel caressed Thomas's cheek, brushing his thumb over his lips, touching them from one side to the other, prompting him to open his mouth, Thomas licked it just as he knew he wanted and took it into his mouth, closing his lips around them.
He never took his eyes off Manuel's, delighting in every reaction that this simple action was generating in him and now that there was no cloth to hide it, he could trust the honesty of Manuel's naked body. After releasing the digits, Thomas put a hand under Manuel's left knee, lifting it up and exposing him further, then guided his leg onto one of the chair's armrests and moved closer until Manuel could feel Thomas's breath on his half-hard dick, which only made his blush deepen. -Just look at you, Manu, I wish you could see yourself as I do, you're so beautiful.- He stuck out his tongue and passed it under the erection in front of him, obtaining a sweet moan from Manuel. He began to lick it, drawing broad strokes with his tongue over his skin and occasionally licking up the drops that formed on the tip of it. He caressed Manuel's abdomen with his hands, using his nails to lightly scratch his hips.
When he felt that Manu was already hard enough, he moved away and in a quick movement stood up, took off his shirt pulling it over his head, lowered his pants, and discarded the clothes along with the others behind him, leaving himself only in his underwear. He looked at Manu with lust in his eyes, appreciating his work, Manuel sitting in front of him with a deep blush and rapid breathing, his legs open and a drop slipping down Manuel's penis. His mouth was watering and he felt that the eroticism of that sight made his own member react instantly; he made a conscious effort to retain this image in his mind as long as possible… Manuel was too beautiful for his own good. He approached Manu and gently held his chin upwards, placing his index and middle fingers on his lips. -Lick them for me, love…- Breathed Thomas. Manuel obeyed and opened his mouth, letting him introduce the digits. He began to circle each other with his tongue, staring at Thomas at all times and the reaction he caused in him, delighting himself in how Thomas saw him with lust and a mischievous smile. Manuel put his hand in front of his partner's boxers, feeling how his penis reacted instantly, he caressed it with the palm of his hand as he continued with the requested task, then, wanting more contact, he began to insert his hand into the last remaining piece of fabric, finally touching the warm skin of Thomas' dick.
Thomas sighed and with ragged breaths he made an effort not to get carried away by the delicious touch, he took his fingers out of Manuel's mouth slowly and knelt down again, not even leaving Manu time to react, he took the goalkeeper's wet member with one hand and this time he fully put it into his mouth, feeling the tip touch the back of his throat. Manuel let out a moan that sent vibrations directly to Thomas's penis, who felt the fabric of his boxers tightening more and more around his growing erection. He began to move his head up and down, at first in a slow rhythm, making sure that his tongue went through all the areas that he knew would turn on Manuel even more. At this point, Manuel tried to hide the sounds that this pleasure generated in him by covering his mouth with the back of his hand, but the more Thomas licked, the more difficult the task became for him. With his other hand, he caressed Thomas's face, running his fingers over his cheeks and finally threading his fingers through his blond hair. Involuntarily his hips began to move, half-fucking his face looking for more friction from his partner's mouth. He tried to control himself since he did not want to hurt him in any way, but Thomas knew exactly how to move his mouth, moving and circling his tongue at the tip. He could feel his breath on his skin, the hot air over his lower abdomen only adding to the stimulation.
Taking advantage of how immersed Manu was in the movements of his mouth on him, he brought his index finger still wet with saliva and introduced it into Manu's entrance. The entrance of the slightly cold digit made him let out a gasp, holding Thomas' hair even tighter. He was always so careful with him, starting with only a finger and caressing his insides in soft but constant motions just enough for Manu to get used to it.
When he felt him loose, he added a second digit, twisting his hand and curling his fingers to try and find exactly that place he knew would make him climax in no time. Manu was moving alongside his erratic breaths and Thomas had to hold his left leg in place to keep him open. He felt how an almost melodic moan left Manu's mouth effortlessly and suddenly his fingers were being held inside even tighter. Found it.
-T…Thomas, Thommy, please… Wait, wait.- He moaned in a desperate tone. But he felt Thomas did quite the opposite, touching and pressing the sensitive spot even more, this alongside the tongue in his dick was about to make him finish there, inside his lover's mouth.
-Babe… Stop, please, I'm gonna…- Manuel kept begging, being more vocal than he usually was, turning Thomas on even more, his boyfriend haven't even laid a finger on him, and just pleasuring him and hearing those delightful mewls got him hard enough to enter Manuel right away if he wanted to. But for now, that wasn't on his plans, at least not right here. There was a slight chance he might hurt Manu, taking on count he was just recovering from an injury that got him out of the whole season and the last thing he wanted was to put the person he loved the most in even more physical pain.
Instead, he made sure Manu's leg was in a safe position over the armrest and lowered his hand to touch himself, matching the rhythm of moving his hand up and down his dick with the pace at which he was stimulating his lover. Manuel curved his back and hold Thomas' head if possible even closer to his hips and this accompanied by short-breathed pleads were the right warnings Thomas had before feeling the taste of the hot liquid spread into his mouth. The feeling made him fasten the pace at which he was masturbating wanting to cum at the sensation of Manu's orgasm. The taste of Manuel was addictive, and without thinking twice he swallowed everything… He waited until the last squirt of semen left Manu to slowly slide his lips from the base to the tip, releasing him. -Sorry, baby I'm so sorry.- Manuel purred, his voice softened with the intensity of the afterglow. Thomas looked up at hearing those words, and the view before him was enough to make him cum on the spot. Manuel Neuer completely naked, delicate drops of sweat distributed over his frame, spread open, with an adorable blush from ears to neck and whining after cumming, everything for him and him only. Thomas clenched his teeth feeling the wave of his own climax taking over his body, soon after the hot drops of his cum escaped his fingers, most of the liquid falling onto the shower's floor. He sighed deeply at the feeling and finally gave Manu a delicate kiss on his inner thigh. Manuel's breaths became steadier, finally opening his eyes to see Thomas giving him a loving look. -Thomas?- -Yes, love?- He doubted before giving up, -Will you just…hold me? Please?- Thomas smiled softly at the request, feeling a warmth in his chest. -I’m not going anywhere, baby.- He got up and placed himself behind Manuel, placing a kiss on the top of his head and another on his cheek. -I love you.- -But I love you even more.- He heard the sound of the shower faucet followed by the pleasant sensation of hot water falling on his back, accompanied by Thomas' caresses relaxed his muscles giving him comfort that lately with his injury was quite difficult to find. -Nope, this time it's my turn.- Manuel laughed at the answer. -So when will it be my turn?- He played along. -Let me think about it, I'll try to give you an answer one of these days. Maybe.- It was the first time that Manuel had taken a shower with Thomas. He had always had a somewhat reserved attitude about it, insisting that he would be fine on his own. This time, having missed his boyfriend made him lower his defenses, allowing himself to be vulnerable and share this moment with him. He had to admit that he felt a little embarrassed about it, but after a while, it was even comfortable being able to trust him even with things like this.
The casual intimacy of taking a bath together and the little gestures that made him feel like he would melt at any moment, like when Thomas put a hand on his forehead as he washed his hair to keep any drops of shampoo from getting into his eyes. Manu smiled to himself, wanting to take Thomas by the arm and throw him over himself to kiss him until he expressed without words the gratitude he felt for having him by his side. He made a mental note to do it later when there was no risk of slipping and falling as they were both wet now, giving himself the task of explaining the whole situation to his doctor afterward and obviously not going into details like 'I wanted to kiss to Thomas Muller while we were showering together'. When he finished, Thomas turned off the shower and reached for the towels hanging on the side, drying himself with quick movements and tying it around his waist, then with the remaining towel he proceeded to dry Manu, who tried to help him do it by putting his hands on top of his. He finally helped him to his feet and tied the towel the same way around his partner's body. As he walked out of the bathroom, leaning on Thomas's shoulder, night had fallen over the city, leaving the room with nothing but the light of a bedside lamp that gave the place an air of rest and privacy. It wasn't the first time that Thomas helped him get dressed, so they didn't take further time in it, and giving a natural course to the night, they raised the covers on the bed and let the night cover them while, as close as they were able to hug each other, they let the feeling of sleep and comfort of being together take over them.
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dragooned-speaks · 3 months
Yay, first ask is exciting!
April Showers and May Flowers is a neat title, it sounds like it'll be a pretty fun one!
Writing for fandoms is hard...I tried a little bit but I never wrote very much because I just wasn't suited for it...I bet you'll do great tho bc I tend to give up too easy sometimes
Also word vomits are the best! Do it some more and talk about whatever you want, it's enjoyable!
I reached out bc I saw you read my Fallen Angel story earlier and I wanna thank you for the like, it was fun to see someone new show up since I'm not popular at all
Tell me about your ocs, if you don't mind!
Hello again! (Big word vomit under cut.) This is platonic ppl.
TWs: Abuse, emotional manipulation (does it count if it doesn't work?), dehumanization ig?, orphans, hybrids, spoilers for a future work?
April Showers should be the angst buildup and healing while May Flowers is the final healing and fluff.
So, there are four characters: Willa, Mina, Retribution (idk what his civillian name should be, so I'm taking suggestions!), and Tao. I have the character's physical traits (and a few more personality traits) and a bit of plot and worldbuilding before I write! So, I'll start with Willa, the protagonist!
Three are orphans and the other's parents aren't mentioned because I am not going through the pain of writing parents. This is a superhero (dystopian?) world about the classic superheroes aren't always good, but I made the villain adopters vigilante friends.
Willa is a she / her female who was born in May (see what I did?). Her power is a healing voice, like a switch when she sings. She's a nightingale avian hybrid and she's really quiet, and when she talks, she kinda half sings because her power works to some degree. Her power's drawback is after healing, her voice will get scratchy and hurt or just stop working, depending on the severity of the injury.
She wanted to help the heroes because they're good! ...Right? Well, they're not, and when she joins the Hero Healing Program (so creative, ik), she is immediantly singled out because she's an avian and her power doesn't have a CRAZY drawback like pain or... idk, so they try to force an imprint. Unknown to them, she imprinted on a certain hero trainee named... you guessed it, Mina. Of course, forced healing doesn't work half as well, but the Hero Corporate doesn't know that!
She's cautious and nervous because she has been punished for breathing too loud. Breathing too loud. Crazy, right? She preens herself, but she's self taught and the heroes clipped her wings to keep her around and a tracker. Later, she and Mina run away to Mina's friend Retribution. Slowly, she heals and we get May Flowers' fluff! They run away to be vigilantes, and she becomes Nightingale!
A background worker helping her friends, she gets a power to force people to dance lol. But she has stage fright.
Anyways, onto Mina! She joined the Hero Program because she looked up to heroes as a kid, believing the world to be black and white, so she joined the hero commitee to join the well, "good" side. Her power is luck bending, and she gives good luck to those she thinks is good and bad to those who she thinks are bad.
She's with Mina because they were roomed together as dormmates (is that a word?) and she's a work all day kind of person, but she will stay up until 4 to be with a friend, so she's pretty friendly to her allies. If you're a stranger, she'll ignore you. They became friends after Willa pushed these guys who were bullying Mina because she's a hybrid (because they were technically insulting her too). Mina's a moth hybrid, and also keeps a little canister of poison gas, hence why she wears a gas mask when patrolling.
She's the quiet, serious girl who always repays debts. At the age of 12, she was enrolled in the program (you can start at 10), and she joined as soon as possible. Around this time, Willa is like 9. Later she becomes Karma the vigilante after pretending to retire as a hero (they were too busy looking for a certain lost avian to notice lol). Also, her hero name was Mothra.
There's Lotl, another orphan, but he's crashing with Retribution. Lotl is a lizard / axolotl creature hybrid. He's based off the Tuatara lizard, the three eyed lizard that loses it later. He has a third eye that can scare most people to the point of paralysis, but that power disappears as he grows older, and subsequently, more human. He gains the power to control celestial matter (stars, nebula, etc) but he's like only a year older than Karma so he isn't able to do too much yet. Mainly using some weak sparks from stars to light up and some wind. He's close buds with Retribution, and he's like that one hero who poses for the news evem if he's illegal. He's chill, he's easygoing, and yeah. Karma tells him to hurry up and kick the bad guy already too often lol. Also, he can slit his eyes because cool stuff right there. His civillian name is Tio.
Finally, Retribution. He actually has parents (shocking I know) but we don't see them. They just kinda gave him a floor of the house and don't interact. His family's rich, but he doesn't really care. His power is emotion manipulation, and he always tries to talk before attacking. He sees enotions as clouds, colored dusty pibk to thundering, and can kinda cover his mind in clouds so mind readers can't read his mind. Speaking of, he can mind read in flashes of the clouds, and kinda paints the clouds to change emotions. He can do this best focusing on one person but if he focuses he can do it on a small crowd before almost passing out. He's scary serious, like way more than Karma, and he's really short, even though he's a few months older than Lotl, he's like 4'7.
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hellshire-harlot · 1 year
Mk no one asked for a Cotl/LN crossover but I have brain worms. Basic ideas + placeholder picrews below the cut bc I need to scream about this
So what I have so far is that they were killed in canon, including Narinder, and once each of them died they just sort of ‘woke up’ as human kids in the Little Nightmares universe. Probably in the Pale City, though Heket feels like she’d navigate the Maw easily and I feel like one of them survived the Nest at some point. They have no memories of their previous lives at first, but memories of godhood slowly start bleeding in after they reunite. Shamura finds Narinder first, and then Heket, Kallamar, and Leshy, and something in each of them just tells them that they’re siblings. They don’t question it, and though they look nothing alike, as far as any of them are concerned they’re kin. To easily identify each other (and because they used to wear black and gold robes), they all wear a visible yellow/gold garment.
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Shamura is the oldest at about 12 years old, mentally and physically. Their head was injured during an escape with a group of other children from the Maw, resulting in them developing echolachia, short-term memory loss, and frequent migraines. Their pet spider, Cradle, spins silk which Shamura uses to make bandages and articles of clothes for themself and their siblings. They tend to be very quick to Choose Violence and are the best fighter among their family. Their main weapon is the axe they’re carrying.
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Narinder was always a bit of a loose cannon. He and Shamura found each other in the Maw, where Narinder was leading a small group of escaped children to safety (among them Baal and Aym, though I haven’t made picrews for them yet). They immediately recognized each other as family and banded together. Nari always felt drawn towards cats and so he had Shamura sew a set of ears and a tail onto his hood and robe. He is also a fighter, but less explosive than Shamura- he’s more of a persistence hunter. He’s about 11 and his main weapons are his bone, and his pet cat Nile. You can’t see it but his arms are heavily bandaged and injured from defending Shamura and his band of escaped kids from the twin chefs. The injuries make his hands very shaky and sensitive.
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Heket was found by Shamura and Narinder hiding out in the Forest, where she used her knowledge of plants and animals to forage for food. She has a voracious appetite and has been known to bite into still-living enemies when hungry enough. Her throat is bandaged and she wears the mask to hide her scarred lower face, both injuries she sustained after narrowly dodging a shotgun blast from the Hunter. The wounds left her completely unable to talk for a long time, but with her herbal knowledge and the help of Shamura and Kallamar, she’s healed enough to be able to speak, albeit with a much more grating voice than she once had. Her voice also tends to cut out abruptly. She’s the provider of the group, using her knowledge of what things are safe to eat and her resourcefulness to collect food for her siblings. She’s also their resident cook! Her pet frog, Anura, helped her find the strength to recover after her injury, and she wears that mushroom cap on her head so that she can blend in when in the wilderness. She’s a little over 10 years old, but looks and acts much older than she is because she had to be alone for so long.
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Kallamar is a nervous wreck. His injury came after he was traveling the crumbling buildings of the Pale City and narrowly survived a structural collapse, but was trapped inside the falling building. The sheer volume of the collapse left him almost completely deaf for a time, but his hearing slowly recovered to the point that he CAN hear, but sounds will fade in and out for him. He spent a long time in the Hospital utilizing the supplies and his knowledge of medicine to help himself recover, until Shamura, Narinder, and Heket found him. His weapon, that needle, and his necklace were both stolen from the Hospital- the crystal necklace from a body in the morgue, and the needle from right under the Doctor’s nose. His nome companion, Anchor, helped alert him to audio cues of danger while he was healing, hence the name. Kallamar himself is 9 and serves as the resident healer of the family.
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And finally, Leshy, the chaos goblin. He spent a lot of his life in the Forest, being a general menace to the Hunter, until he wandered into the School and started causing chaos for the Teacher and the Bullies. He’s not entirely blind anymore, but his vision is incredibly sensitive, and he prefers to wear his blindfold for the sake of not having a sensory overload everytime a light is a little too bright. The injury itself came from a group of Bullies who managed to catch him and held a candle so close to his face that it temporarily blinded him. He used his pet Leech, Darkwood, as a seeing-eye pet while his vision slowly returned. He’s 8, but most mistake him for being either a lot older (due to his size) or a lot younger (due to his behavior). His little flower headband was a gift from Heket! His stick doubles as both a weapon and a navigation cane. He serves as the family’s scout, scoping out locations and forming plans, as well as a distraction against enemies that they can’t take down on their own.
I have plans to include Baal and Aym in the future as well as possibly the Lamb and maybe even the Witnesses, but we’ll see. Right now I really just wanna write about these dumbasses fucking with the enemies.
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