#this is also why i’m very pro-ao3 not censoring stuff
autistic-katara · 1 year
dunno if this is a hot take but there shouldnt be stuff ur not allowed to write abt. like put age restrictions on things sure and if someones portraying smthn objectively bad in a good light we should 100% be allowed to judge them but the fact that theres stuff u legally cant publish is weird as fuck
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the-great-ladyg · 10 months
I genuinely don’t know what thevfuck to do after learning that. Like, I’m just flabbergasted. I have no idea what in the hell to do. If it weren’t for AO3, I wouldn’t read stories.
I love fan works and transformative content but now the biggest supporter of it also comes out as anti-Palestine. I literally wouldn’t be a reader if it weren’t for AO3. I’ve been a part of the AO3 fandom and I’ve enjoyed so much stuff from them. I’ve found so much joy from fan works over the years and now I just…
I’m tired lad/lass/nb (can’t remember of the top of my head what you identify as so I’m just covering my bases). I just am tired. I wish the world was a better place. Just… why even try at this point man?
(Don't worry, I'm fine with either of them <3)
I really understand what you mean, AO3 is like this safe place for things sites like wattpad or ffnet would have already banned, not for problematic but for being explicit or mature works, I've published a couple of works there and I use AO3 on a regular basis, but now knowing what happened I just...
I think the best we can do aside from boycotting (it can also work, but it can also shoot back at us by losing our only site for fanworks) is making it known we are not okay with what they're doing, just as we made it very clear how opposed we were with some candidates, we can do the same with this censorship, people have done this with many brands, I think we can do the same with OTW. Just as Tumblr users did something when this site tried to censor pro-Palestine posts, there's something we can do with OTW, specially since users who donate have a saying in some choices or things
I want to think there's hope and we can do something about this and change things, but I get it, I'm also tired about it and... people's reactions don't make this any easier
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spiraldancing · 2 years
you know, i’ve been watching the whole explosion over the AO3 board of directors voting thing and what really really really gets to me is all the antis who are trying to decry AO3 over and over for the fact that it hosts “pedophilic” content or “it has rape/non-con fic!” really not understanding it.
yes, i know antis are stubborn and that you can point out over and over and over that just because people write or draw this stuff does not mean that people want to see it happening in real life. i myself have written non-con & incest & very gory things over the years. but does that matter to antis? no. because i like to write/read non-con & incest fic, it obviously means that that’s something i actually support in real life. it obviously means that i am someone who should be told “go kys” as i have seen antis do over and over. i’ve never seen a proshipper harass someone; i’m not saying it hasn’t happened, it possibly/probably has, but the discrepancy here is that i see antis being the ones to throw around death threats, harassment, and more much more often. the amount of times i’ve read “proshitters” by this point just has me sigh so loudly.
but here’s the thing.
the reason why the whole thing with Tiffany G is so fucking huge for we humble peddlers of our ships and wares is that it is indeed a fucking censorship run. i know that many antis are too young to remember the purging of FF.net when they suddenly struck down the whole notion of NC-17 fics ( though you can still absolutely post them on FF.net the site is a wasteland and i return there only to reread really old favorites of mine ) and now those fics must be posted as M. or, hell --- the whole fucking thing with livejournal which was also censorship. there were many communities on livejournal which i loved because they had such great content.
and then the banning of queer content began to roll out.
why did that happen? russia bought the rights to livejournal. and we know that russia has a very deep seated history of censoring LGBTQ+ content. they host the servers, they declare what can and can’t happen on the site even now, and it is very literally proof that a foreign nation can absolutely influence the way a website is run and dictate what is and isn’t allowed on it. and if that means that queer content is going to be sanitized from a place that had hundreds of communities of all kinds, from fandom to writing to roleplay and the sharing of doujins and ships and more? well, that’s a big reason why it’s so concerning.
i used to love the community weepingcock on livejournal which was a hilarious place to go read professionally published writing that involved smut. it was great. i have no idea if it’s still alive or not but the point is that when russia acquired it, there were justifiable fears over what it meant for the sake of censorship. those fears panned out as well. there are many dead and defunct communities on livejournal now. i haven’t ever looked at dreamwidth which is where i know many livejournal users migrated, but the point here is is this.
that for every anti going and saying that people who are very pro-fiction and pro-ship and more are overreacting to this? no, we’re not. i remember livejournal. i remember ff.net. i remember them both thriving and then the censorship began to roll through and that is why the Tiffany G situation is so concerning. just because you want to strike down those fics holding such content and you want to sanitize it doesn’t mean that that is going to ever stop those from being written. it doesn’t mean that we’ll ever stop making the works we want to see.
the fact that she is also basing her platform on very easily disproven lies is something else as well. i am very aware that media in china is strictly controlled and that the Great Firewall of China is very much a known thing; the fact that people from China are speaking out against Tiffany G should say everything in how they believe she’ll enforce the censorship. censorship is how people want to enforce the ability to control things. i don’t mean by fic in general. i am talking broad strokes here; there’s a reason why there’s always lists of banned books circulating around. there’s a reason why books such as 1984, Fahrenheit 451, To Kill A Mockingbird, Lolita, Maus, and more are on those lists. these are books that are beloved and books that involve subject matter that can and does make people in positions of power uncomfortable.
but just because you think that the censorship should be enforced or that the fics should be taken down doesn’t mean anything. all it means is that the works which get removed start with what’s seen as “socially unacceptable” and it moves on from there. if the censorship strikes down our works, then it will strike down your works too. and if you think that your way of doing things is so much better because you claim that you’re morally superior for the fact that you condemn someone for wanting to see two fictional characters kiss? then i am sorry for you. i am sorry because you are deliberately remaining insular against so much potential.
i understand there are likely many antis out there who may feel trapped into things, that they want to get out of it - and you can. but for those who want to remain stubbornly in their position? please, go experience life. there’s so much more to it than trying to berate people for what they enjoy consuming in fiction.
life is so much more nuanced than people want to believe. fic and art explore those nuances. i fully respect anyone who looks at something and goes “that is not my cup of tea” because, let’s be honest -- everyone will have different reactions to the same movie or show or story. that’s the beauty of creativity. the ability to see the nuances of how someone has interpreted something is brilliant; it’s a wonder to behold. and censorship would strip that away from us. AO3 is a godsend of a website. it is wonderful for archiving things. there has been so much fic lost out there because archives have gone down. there has been so much artwork forever vanished to the sands of time because websites have died.
so even if you disagree with the site, even if you disagree with the content that’s hosted on there, even if you want to yell and scream about AO3 and the things you can find on it? you should at least respect it for what it represents, especially to those of us who understand the very real danger of censorship and the removal of things from the internet. because if it can happen to us? then it can and will happen to you.
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freyanistics · 2 years
Actually, I don't think ao3 is actually gonna crack down against the incest/rape/underage shit :/ at least not since the candidate for board member that is "pro-censorship"(that is how she's being described) is very unpopular and is unlikely to be elected. I do have my fingers crossed for ao3 to take into account some of her ideas bc even if everyone is allowed to write whatever they want, romanticizing incest and being so obviously into it is fucking disgusting
I hope it does get censored too because the shit I’ve seen on that site is absolutely atrocious. Some people have also said there’s raceplay/racism in there and while I haven’t ran into it yet I have ran into incest, pedophilia, and the rape shit. The fact that people write this shit to get off is nasty and should be talked about. And then people are like “Let them be! It’s fictional!” If I say I’m against pedophilia but I turn around and write a fic pertaining to a child and adult are y’all going to think I’m not into it?
If you’re not into that kind of stuff then why are you writing it? Why do you WANT to write it? For your audience? So you admit you have an audience that enjoys that type of content and you’re pandering to them? Make it make sense
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awed-frog · 3 years
Do you think maybe banning that stuff from AO3 could be a good thing?
I don’t know. I don’t like censorship, and I think it’s very hard to know which stuff one should censor in the first place. I do wish some people would not share what they share, that’s for sure. I think maybe there should be a system that recognizes how long you’ve had a page open - sometimes people will open a fic with weird tags in a kind of Dead Dove moment then close it, but the result is that some truly upsetting works have a very high number of hits, which pushes them at the top of any search. And I also think that stuff that’s just porn shouldn’t be in the same place as other stuff. I know the distinction is problematic, but again - writers should be more honest about what they’re writing. A lot of things you find on AO3 are one-chapter PWPs or ‘one kink per chapter’ fics, and imo those don’t belong in the same category as a long fic with two explicit sex scenes in it. And also: maybe some tags should show up only if you’re specifically looking for them. Like, if a fic is tagged ‘castration’, then it only shows up in your search if you’re typing in “enemies-to-lovers, castration” so that if you type “enemies-to-lovers” you don’t get pretty weird porn you never asked for. 
Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I think people often underestimate the damages porn can do, and while movies are worse for lots of reasons (chief among them, the presence of real human performers who’re often abused on screen, or whose work is shown and sold without their permission), fiction is not great either. It can still normalize stuff that shouldn’t be normalized, and desensitize us to stuff we should find unusual, unacceptable or shocking. 
And while fanfiction is not the whole problem here (published books are doing what they can to close the gap), I think it is still part of the problem. 
(Anyway: I say porn, but there is a lot of other stuff that’s harder to catch but a lot more dangerous - mostly the way some ‘romances’ are written.)
Most of all, I wish that people would stop spreading these ideas:
1) It’s okay because it’s not real. Yeah, no. Fiction matters, it shapes how we see the world and how we respond to it. Obviously this is more complicated than *sees Se7en, becomes serial killer*, but fiction is central in our life as humans and that should not be taken lightly.
2) It’s okay because trauma. As far as I know, there is zero research into who writes and reads the most extreme stuff out there, and even if those were all trauma survivors working through their stuff and not, say, people who get off on child porn or whatever else, there is still no reason to put that stuff out there.
3) It’s okay because Nabokov. A sex scene in a book (or long fic) is very different from a PWP, or a story built around porn. I’m not a prude, and I don’t think all porn is necessarily bad, but comparing some of the filth that’s out there to the Decameron is a bit much.
4) It’s okay because libraries. This is what irritates me the most. Libraries don’t keep everything, and they don’t keep everything for a reason. If you ask for white supremacy propaganda, for instance, you’re likely not to find anything unless it’s a university library, in which case it will be a heavily annotated edition and not simply a random ‘Jews are bad’ pamphlet. And another thing: a librarian won’t say, ‘Since you enjoyed If This Is A Man, try Mein Kampf.’ People recognize the two works are different even if they can both be tagged as ‘history, memoir, WW2, holocaust’. AO3 doesn’t do this (and as far as I understand it, it’s a deliberate choice). If you enjoy Coffeeshop AUs, it will happily offer you a fic that’s 90% about bestiality set in a Starbucks. And I know the argument - readers should search better - but the thing is, 1) I won’t necessarily know what I don’t want to read and 2) some stuff is just tagged the same when it comes to the main tags, but obviously it doesn’t mean the two stories are similar in any way.
5) It’s okay because free speech. Well: free speech has limits. We regulate some of it, as there are laws against hate speech, genocide deniers, Neo-Nazis, threats, bullying, harassment, and a lot of other things. So free speech doesn’t mean you get to regurgitate whatever bs into the world.
6) Children are old enough to protect themselves. Literally no, they are not. Any sane person should recognize a child is not an adult and that there are certain choices about his life he shouldn’t get to make (for instance, you wouldn’t allow a child of 12 to join the army no matter how much he begged you). Now the internet has become a central tool for education and lots of stuff of everyday life, it’s absurd that we ask children to do the right thing and that’s it. I mean, you wouldn’t have a bakery near a school sell meth by the croissants and then be like ‘It’s labelled as meth! I asked this kid if he truly wanted it and he said yes, it’s not my job as a random adult to decide stuff for him!’. Like - what the fuck? In a way, yes, it is your job. Children are raised by the entire community. We should do what we can to make sure they have more good choices than bad, and in my opinion that includes not having stuff that’s objectively awful freely available and sitting right next the cuddly and fluffy stuff.
(A stupid example from real life: this school I taught at had a convenience store next to it, and some kids would sneak in there during breaks to buy energy drinks. While that’s legal, and it was also allowed for them to leave the school grounds, energy drinks still have a lot of caffeine and are not healthy for 13-yo kids. After this happened regularly with the same kids for about a month, the owner refused to sell them anymore of the stuff and went to talk to the teachers instead. The school started a whole project - on the one hand, they had kids doing science experiments and learning why energy drinks are bad, and on the other, they offered support and free breakfast to anyone who needed it - and specifically to those who normally skipped a meal because their families had to leave for work very early - and the gorging on energy drinks and chips at 10am stopped.) 
I don’t know. I’m very conflicted about this. I wrote fanfiction and though my style is pretty consistent, I know my own stuff has issues. There are days I reconsider even having it out there, tbh, especially when I got yelled out for forgetting to tag something or I see a particularly callously libertarian pro-AO3 post, but rn I don’t have the time or energy to make a decision about that. 
I just wish we would all think of each other a bit more, that’s all.
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orionsangel86 · 4 years
How are y'all puzzled by the end and how TPTB, Dabb and Singer seemingly got the wrong message about fandom, when I've seen countless of Destiel shippers being "pro-ship". Advocating to treat incest, pedo*lia and best*ality the same as queer ships, and how it's totally ok. How often "meta crew" called me terf, fascist for saying it shouldn't be accepted into our queer spaces. It got Bobo to write a char for superwiki. They prob thought we're all just thirsty women who want to see two dudes b*ng
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I’m not puzzled. I know some fuckery went down. I’ve stated my opinions countless times now over the past few months over on Twitter and since coming back to Tumblr properly on my conspiracies post:
TPTB are all business, and they made a last minute business decision based on backing the Walker horse and not wanting Destiel to distract from Jared/Sam, whilst being fearful of the gAY scaring away the CisHet Male audience that they so desperately wanted to cling on to for Walker.
Singer has always been a bronly. Has always seen any queer subtext purely as homoeroticism and is definitely the kind of person who would queerbait fans to get views.
Dabb was weak. He backed down and let his script get butchered.
I don’t know what you mean by destiel shippers advocating those things? Unless you mean supporting AO3 not being censored and regulated of course? Because if you are one of these people that thinks that AO3 needs censoring then you are part of the problem. Believe me, no one in Destiel fandom that I know of is normalising incest, pedophilia or bestiality. No one thinks those things are part of queer spaces.
Some people multiship though. So long as they respect tagging systems and don’t force other people to have to see nasty stuff like what you’ve mentioned, then let people be into what they’re into. I might personally find it gross, and a bit strange, but people are always gonna wanna explore fucked up topics for all manner of reasons. We ain’t purity police here.
Also something I feel I need to be very clear on, which I haven’t mentioned before but um “meta crew”. Which meta crew would that be? There are many many meta writers in spn fandom. We are not a hive mind. Some are some of the nicest people I have ever met, some I don’t interact with much but write some really beautiful stuff and seem to be good people, but there are others who call themselves meta writers who are just bullies, who mock and harass anyone who disagrees with their opinion. Do NOT lump us all into the same boat.
Why any meta writers would call you a terf or a fascist without a good reason is beyond me. I don’t have context here do i? Could you look back over what you said and consider if it sounded terfy? Or fascist? I dunno man I don’t have a say in this, if people have called you out for something you’ve said, maybe look back over what you said and try to see it from their angle? Especially if it was transphobic.
A general rule of thumb for interacting with any fandom:
Ship and let Ship - in other words, don’t judge people on the pairings they like, even if they are problematic, so long as those pairings are well tagged and labelled so people can block as necessary.
Your kink is not my kink - Don’t kink shame people. If people wanna write really fucked up shit, that’s their right. Again, so long as it is all tagged and clearly labelled with content warnings, then there shouldn’t be a problem. It’s not on you to psychoanalyse people for their reasons for being into twisted things. Some people may genuinely be abuse survivors who are using it as a coping mechanism. You don’t know.
The Archive is a fandom holy place - it is protected. It is adored. Do not attack it or you will feel the wrath of 100 different fandoms coming at you. The archive is free from censorship, free from corporate manipulation, free from outside sources trying to mess with it. The archive belongs to US.
Just generally don’t be an asshole. Fandoms tend to attract people who are different from the general norms of society. We were the nerds and losers in school, the queer kids, the ones struggling with MHI. We all have a lot of shit and are all just trying to navigate our way through life via our passions. Don’t shit on peoples passions. You’ll come across a load of people who disagree with you, and occassionally you might be unfortunate enough to come across actual bullies. But most of the time, it won’t take much to rub someone the wrong way because everyone in these spaces tends to be at least kind of emotional, and attached to their passions. So you really do have to be polite. I can’t even tell you how many people in this fandom hate me - some to the point of obsession and slander. I’ve got a block list a mile long and continue to add people to it. There are posts out there with my name and screenshots from my SM spreading lies and hate about me, encouraging people to laugh at me and accusing me of doing things that I have never had the time or the energy to do. Shit happens. Don’t be those people, and you’re golden.
Superwiki is well known by SPN writers for being a bible of information for the show. The writers have previously confirmed that they refer to the SuperWiki when wanting quick research for their episodes. Yes, Bobo named a character after the person who runs the wiki, but I doubt Bobo is aware of how problematic that person is. The name was just in honour of someone who put a lot of work into building the wiki, hell, even I use the wiki! But I certainly don’t support any of Jules personal views. Don’t read into things like that. It never means what you think.
The thirsty women part I would have agreed with back 6 years ago. But they have adapted with us now. We are no longer Becky in season 4. We became Charlie remember? And after that we became intelligent teenagers wanted to tell an exciting story. If they thought destiel shippers were all about the hot guys banging, they certainly wouldn’t have made the love story canon, and they did that. Remember? Cas confessed his love for Dean, and it was the most beautiful, touching, heartfelt moment in the entire series. They did that. Not because they wanted us to objectify the actors, but because they knew how much that love story meant to us. Unfortunately, the network had other ideas for the actual finale. But that doesn’t take away the writers intentions up to that point. So please don’t erase what they worked for.
Ultimately I’m not sure what point you were trying to make with this ask, but this post is I suppose my very long way of saying you are wrong.
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otp-armada · 5 years
A Time Capsule
I’ve been lurking across several fandoms spanning a decade now, since my days of reading “Bones” fanfics on fanfiction.net. Before any inkling of Ao3’s existence. Maybe longer, my memory is murky at times.
I’ve never made a splash in any fandom, so to speak. I’ve always been content to stand shrouded in anonymity, residing on the edges of fandom, never an active participant. Perfectly at peace to never have a voice. Never brave enough to want to be heard. It has only been in the last few years that I discovered Tumblr and felt comfortable enough in taking advantage of its anon feature to interact mostly with The 100/Bellarke crowd, “conversing” with one user in particular. In the instances I chose to speak, there was safety in knowing my words never had an identity attached. A safety that lent itself to sending anon asks a fairly common activity until I wrote one recently sharing a remnant of my “The 100” viewing experience. The warm response from the users who read it left me smiling for the rest of the day. Their reply took a direction I didn’t expect. They encouraged me to take credit for my words under my username, which of course, I didn’t have, not being a Tumblr user.
I was flattered by the response, bolstering me to continue the line of conversation with another ask and was met with reiterated sentiments.
In the wise words of one of those awesome people,
“I was the ultimate lurker for a long, long time. I had a Tumblr account for four years before I ever made a single post, and even then I had to be talked into it. And you know what? When I finally starting “talking,” it was so freeing! Even if no one else was listening, even if I was speaking into the void, I was no longer dependent on anyone else to share my thoughts and opinions. I could do that myself.”
I took the compliment but waived the advice. Tumblr is made of communities built upon sharing and I have always been unto myself an island. It goes against my shy, introverted nature to take part in a community. I have no business pretending I have a place there. None at all.
And yet, despite my misgivings, the idea wouldn’t leave me as I believed it would. I started to genuinely ponder the merits of creating a blog.
There are strong reasons to support the affirmative.
First, the utilitarian benefits. In the absence of a blog, I turned to alternative methods of archiving appealing posts. If by some miracle, the item count of my browser reading list hasn’t yet ascended to the thousands mark, it most assuredly rests in the hundreds. My camera roll queue has indubitably reached the thousands count, currently sitting pretty at 3,300. I shudder to think of the sheer number of my bookmarks. One hundred and eighty notes on my phone. The final frontier has been broken, at last, habitually inundating my laptop with screenshots. Long has it been overdue to clean house.
Second, I find writing to be a herculean undertaking I enjoy in the moments it doesn’t drive me to the brink. A slow-going process, but when I’m able to appreciate the fruits of my labor, marvel at the polished product, I often feel quite proud. Writing is a skill I’ve lost touch with over years of disuse but found incrementally returning while expressing my opinions via Tumblr asks. Like any skill, it can be honed with time and practice. Transferring my streams of consciousness onto written medium challenges me to think critically, ask myself if my POV genuinely holds true or falls apart, requiring further reflection. If nothing else, it’s a good way to process thoughts and emotions. I find it easier than and therefore preferable to oral communication. I am a perpetual editor, always amending my statements which can’t really be done as effectively in speech.
Third, if there was ever a time to join the Tumblr fandom I’ve found a home in for the last three years, why not in time for the show’s last ride? The night I signed up for Tumblr coincided the first day of “The 100” cast and crew filming their 100th and poetically final episode. Around the same space of time, we got a release date and the nostalgic goodbyes of a few cast members rolled in. I know when Bellarke crosses the last threshold, I’d want it plastered all over my dash and I’d be able to make it happen.
But where there are pros, the cons inevitably follow.
Do I really need a further distraction from my responsibilities, spending additional hours and expending more energy I should not spare online? The too easy potential for more hours behind a screen when prone to headaches and horrid habits of not regulating my eating and sleeping schedules? The answer is a clear and resounding “No.” Would maintaining a blog be harmful to my mental and emotional health? Remaining anonymous has historically done a fine job of insulating me from general rebuke, which has mitigated the risk of reproach at least. No corner of the internet can be designated as a safe space. I knew I would in all likelihood have to work diligently to curate and be responsible for my experience, leading me to doubt how the effort could possibly be worth it. How could it be worth feeling exposed, self-conscious? Constantly second-guessing myself, debating whether or not my thoughts are best kept within the privacy of my mind to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes? Combating the periodic skepticism that my thoughts possess value worth writing?
There was always the lingering possibility I was overthinking the decision to my detriment, as is my norm. After all, it seemed silly and dramatic to regard one obscure little blog in a sea of hundreds of millions of social media users as momentous. But I know myself better than that. It is a really fucking big deal for me.
I vacillated between both sides of the argument for days before deciding not to follow through with the venture.
And then one night, a single stray observation ran through my mind. One observation became another, became another and before I knew it, I had formed the grounds for an entire meta post. It didn’t end there. More ideas filtered through. I expanded on those ideas. More traction gained. Another meta formed. More jumping off previous points. Before long, I had mentally written the foundations for four metas. And I was so excited and proud of forming these connections to this puzzle without even trying that I wanted to share it. I sat down to write them in my trusty Notes, outlining, trying to jot the main points down before they fizzled away from memory. I saw how long-winded these spiels had gotten sans the full writeup, subsequently rationalizing…well, not blowing up someone’s inbox is just good manners, isn’t it? And terribly inefficient to boot. More to the point, it seemed a disservice to myself to censor my rumination to fit the small confines of a Tumblr ask box.
The part of me that wanted to push forward envisioned what the future of my blogging efforts may look like. That part knows that this blog is for me and only me. What makes me laugh, what makes me cry. Smile. Rage. Flail. Think. Whatever the hell I want. I get to say what I want, however, I want. It’s incredibly nerve-wracking. It’s also exciting, thrilling, and yes, freeing. The notion of carving out a tiny space for me to fill to the endless brim with whatever brings me joy makes me…really damn happy. It’s not an easy feat to accept and harder to retain. I should be ok, so long as I never forget that I get to be in control of what happens here. It’s within my right to block anyone I don’t want to engage or associate with. It’s my full right to not care what anyone else has to say if I don’t want to. Block out anything negative I don’t want to endure with only a few clicks. If I decide I want to walk away, permanently or otherwise, for any reason, it’s within my right to do that too. It’s comforting.
There was a time when I “knew” I would never sign up for an Ao3 account until one of my favorite authors withdrew the majority of her stories from public consumption. I “knew” I was never going to post commentary until I did. I “knew” my username would never be seen by anyone aside from me, never to be affiliated with my commentary until it was.
I did. Each and every time I thought I would never, I did. I broke my own barriers with patience and some courage. Maybe the most intimidating aspect of something new is simply the beginning. I said earlier that I’ve been an island for nearly as long as I can remember. It’s still true, I don’t expect overnight results. It’s probably going to be true for a long time. Perhaps forever. But maybe it’s all the more reason why I should take this step toward peeking out of my self-imposed shell. Do what scares you, or whatever it is they say.
I wish I could say it was enough to reverse my earlier verdict.
Nope, I had to agonize some more.
What can I say? Fear is a damn powerful inhibitor.
Lo and behold, as if the universe took pity on me, I got the chance to communicate directly with the same awesome lady whom I quoted above and she kindly offered some more merciful wisdom to a truly maddeningly indecisive individual:
“When you create a blog, you are STILL anonymous. You have a username, yes, but it doesn’t lead back to you unless you want it to. You still have your personal privacy. Tumblr isn’t Facebook. If you want to disclose personal information, you can, but you certainly don’t have to.
And second, your blog is for you, not for anyone else. It’s for you to express your own opinions. Or create gifs or other visuals. Or just repost what other people create. You can be on every day, or just once a week. It’s also a great way to save stuff you might want to look at again. And then… and then… when brilliance suddenly hits you, you have somewhere to let it hang out! 😁”
It was much I had already considered, but it helped immeasurably to have my reasoning reaffirmed from an external source I respect. I logged into Tumblr for the first time the very same night.
After much deliberation, an uncharacteristic burst of bravery and a grueling four hours I owe to technological ineptitude, I have, tentatively and cautiously, opted to give this Tumblr thing a go.
With luck, a day will never arrive when I dust this preamble off for a much-needed pep talk. Instead, it is my hope that one day, this memo-to-me will stand as proof that I don’t always need to be afraid of the unknown. Not all endeavors have to be as frightening as they may appear. And if I can apply this attitude to all else suppressing my personal growth, I might just be peachy someday.
Bearing this in mind…
…here we go.
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tonya-the-chicken · 5 years
Ok, someone (@gucciasswitch ) dared me to do whole list and who am I to resist
1. What was your first OTP? 
Probably Royai. FullMetal Alchemist was my first anime I watched on TV and I immediately fell in love with relationships between Riza and Roy. I used to fantasize about them all the time. I still do love them.
Also I remember I wanted Zuko to end up with Katara
2. What is your current OTP?
Definitely EnjiRei. I think about them and their family all the time. That's just what I do when I ship - I maladaptive daydream. What I like about them is ice and fire aesthetics is how fucked up everything is but Rei still somehow can forgive him or at least try to? He somehow remember her favourite things? I want to know more about them. Like, how exactly Enji found her? What happened to Touya?
I also like BakuCamie, ShinTsuyu, ZenNezu, still Royai, Huwumi, Natsuo x his girlfriend, maybe MomoIida, Jeankasa, Sabigiuy, Levihan, Miritama, Levifar
3. Do you have any OT3/OT+ ships? What are your favorites?
Mmmmmm, probably no. Though, I once saw OchaTodoDeku and it looks wholesome
4. What is/are your favorite trope(s)?
Tropes, tropes... I like what is called "unsexy erotica" by some author on ao3. Like, when characters are processing their feelings and it's the end it's not really sexy though it still somehow amazes me. It's not really a trope though, I saw only one fanfic with that.
I love redemption arcs made well, bad people turning good and having the love no one ever gave them before (duh)
5. What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
Definitely soulmates au, it makes me cringe somehow. Or is it not a trope? Whatever
6. Do you have a certain kind of ship you’re more attracted to?
I often ship canon ships. Also for whatever reason I enjoy different-sex couples more often. Also if I see a person with fire powers I'll connect the dots them with someone with water/ice, it's just math... Jk... Unless
7. Are most of your ships “pure” or “problematic”?
Actually, they are mostly pure. But also I ship EnjiRei and someone gonna send me anon hate for this, ehhh
8. Who is the most shippable person you can think of?
Objectively it will be the main character of any series cause they have the most interactions. For me personally it's Enji cause I love him right now and I like to explore his relationship with everyone, like, I can occasionally ship him with Hawks, All Might, Burnin', Rei and some OCs
9. Are there any fandoms you don’t have any ships for?
The ones I am not in, duh. Actually, I am not really active shipper... In one punch man I don't ship anyone? But it's not like I am really in fandom khkhkh
10. Do characters have to have canon interactions for you to ship them?
Yeah, if it's not ship with OC (obviously). There can be exceptions like hetalia cause characters are basically countries
11. What makes a great ship in your own opinion?
Logic and some shared life philosophy/goal/struggles. Or just deep feeling and will to understand one another. Dunno
12. What drives you away from a ship?
If I don't understand why, basically. Also any mentor x student relationships are very big no-no for me. I don't like this power dynamic when one person is doomed to see another as they are above them. And also incest is nah
13. Is there anything you ship but refuse to interact with the community for?
Probably EnjiRei? I am kinda scared cause I don't want people to treat me badly based on that, ya know? Actually, I am trying to be more open about it cause fuck society, I am tired of your shit
14. Has a fanbase ever made you ship or not ship something? Why?
I stopped shipping eruri cause I got very fed up with fans being nasty, I guess. Like, they always tried to prove that it is canon and I just got tried and switched to levihan?.. Also I probably started to ship huwumi because of fanbase. I just never thought of the ship. But the most important deed is that fanbase brought me Dabi is Touya theory. Thank you, strangers on youtube
15. Do you like/participate in ship wars? Why or why not?
Define "ship war"? I sometimes enjoy observing people arguing but mostly I am annoyed when someone shit on character or ship. So sometimes I guess I can write something like "bitch can you stop" but usually I try to stay out of it. I guess I am pro-shiping and anti anti most of the time
16. Are there any ships you just can’t/don’t understand? What are they?
Ereri, Dekumight, RoyEd... Do you see the pattern? I highly dislike mentor x student ships. Also incest ships are no-no even if everyone is an adult for a simple reason - I actually have brothers and this shit creeps me out
17. Are there any popular ships that you just don’t like? What are they?
Ereri. It's the only banned tag I have (edit: not anymore, I am trying to ban enji antis). Also probably RoyEd but FMA fandom is not really active or I am not really into it
18. What is your favorite unpopular ship?
19. Do you prefer fluff, angst, or smut for your ships? 
It depends. I mostly don't like smut just for smut but if there's some feelings and processing of them, ya know... Angst goes well with everything though I recently found out I kinda dislike seeing violence and suffering in fanart... I actually like comedy more than pure fluff, I am kinda Mr Nighteye and believe in power of humor
20. Do you prefer bigger fanbases or smaller ones?
Bigger ones cause bigger fanbase = more content to CONSUME
21. Have you ever received hate for a ship you liked? 
The most close thing to hate I received was this: https://tonya-the-chicken.tumblr.com/post/189156146100/you-ship-enjirei-and-call-urself-a-feminist
Nothing more probably...
22. Do you have any ships that you ship, but would never want to see as canon?
I think no. I am quite ok with any of my ships becoming canon
23. Have you ever had a ship become canon, but you didn’t like how it was portrayed?
Nah... Though it still can happen since many of my fandoms have actively running mangas/animes
24. What is your favorite canon ship?
Define "canon ship"? Probably Royai
25. What are your favorite ships from a dead fandom?
Sweden x Ukraine from Hetalia. I used to ship ot hard XD I had a whole blog dedicated to it! I just don't know dead fandoms, ok
26. What are your favorite shipping scenes?
Nothing in particular but when a characters does something stupid/risk his life to save/help their love interest. Like, when Zenitsu wet to spiders forest to save Nezuko... Or when Jean saved Mikasa from titan.
27. What are your views on reader x canon ships?
You do you, I guess, but my opinion is NO
28. What is your best shipping advice?
Have fun yourself and don't ruin it for others. You are free to block anyone and anything, it doesn't make you a bad person. And also try to think critically about views shared on social networks, like, not everything in true.
I'll also add here about media affecting reality: aS A fuTuRE PSyChoLoGisT I can say that YES, THEY DO AFFECT EACH OTHER. But often Internet can't get all the nuances and ends up censoring everything. In university we had an assignment where we analyzed modern media. And TV news collected around 30 media risks meaning that materials can affect (usually child's) brain in negative way. What now, are we supposed to not show violence and war? "Destroy everything that can traumatize a child" is a bad solution because of many reasons. Kids are not supposed to read 18+ content, kids are not supposed to spend time on Internet without parental control, kids are not supposed to watch a lot of stuff without an adult's presence. But they do and it's not fault of people who create 18+ / "problematic" content.
29. Do you like OCs (Original Characters)?
Yes, I do, if it's not self-insert OC, you know? I have some myself but usually not for shipping
30. What are some of your favorite shipping blogs?
What is shipping blog?.. Ok, I guess that people who post about ship or what??? Eh...
I'll recommend you to just look up blogs I follow, whatever, I'm tired
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