#this is coming from a pansexual so please dont take this too seriously
naughtygeek49 · 1 year
Characters that are clearly bisexual in my opinion but others may disagree
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I know there is loads of controversy around Enola's sexuality but I love her relationship with Tewkesbury and i want her to be not straight so...
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Could see her being a lesbian but I like her relationship with Ajax. Every time she was on the screen I was like "Okay it's a metaphor we get it"
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
- you're only allowed to call me Liza/Liz
- to ask me specific questions or anykind of stuff you want to put
- submit your arts or anykind of gifts you'd like to give me here by mentioning me
- give me an art request ONE at a time- chat stuff about Smg3/Smg4
- G0r3, Angst, Fluff, any drama stuff- just don't come overboard too much-
- If you'd like to DM with me you can! Keep things appropriate please, I'll be likingly to ignore people who're going a bit too far...
- talk out theories, research, lores, analysis from recent smg4 stuffs besides SMG34 too!
- ask permission if you want to repost or download my comics but if you couldn't just give credits ♡ (if not I'm blocking you out.)
NOT Allowed-
- You're not allowed to call me Eliza/El-
- I don't support AI arts or voices and I only use them sometimes for fun.
- I don't ship Smg4 x Mario or even Mario x Meggy so if you're in my blog get out. But if you want to stay- then you could- I don't want to mention much from those two ships
- I dont like people talking about F3T!SH stuff ITS GROSS. GET TF OUT.
- If you keep calling my pronouns HE/HIM or SHE/HER I won't be hesitating on blocking you.
- teasing or bullying here is not fun.
- If you have a problem about smg34 being an 'actual ship' saying "but aren't they brothers?" You're the one to touch some grass and rinse your eyes
- Make jokes about a character getting hurt/trauma physically and Mentally
- Art critisizing (this is MY art and I could change it whenever I want)
- ask me 2 or more art requests I will insist myself if I did gave permission on that- not allowed to steal my HARDWORK/ARTS/FICS or even my artstyle.
- I dont take any of those people who ask me from askbox about Tari x four or something like Meggy x Mario (I know some people here ship them but sorry I cant accept it, please consider my apology in advance. No I'm not starting a war or even hating about it I just dont have the guts for that)
SHIPS- (From Smg4)
OTP- Red
Maybe? - Orange
Friendzone only - Green
NO. JUST- NO - Purple
I mean I dunno not there yet Ig - Pink
Melony x Axol
I'm not there yet but I can see it-
Smg1 x Smg2
Tari x Meggy
Maybe? I dunno-
Niles x Smg0
Tari x Saiko
Meggy x Desti
Chris x Swag
Kaizo x Saiko
Platonic <3<3
Smg1 x bob
Mario x Meggy
Mario x Smg4
Mario x Smg3
NO just NO.
Mario x Smg3 x Smg4 (but if its only for friendship ways then its a friendzone/rather than a ship)
Meggy x Smg3
Tari x Smg4
Dasani x Smg4
Death Coffee x Smg3
Mario x PV (please don't take it seriously)
Meggy Spletzer- Demisexual
Tari- Demisexual / QueerPlatonic
Saiko- Asexual
SMG4- Bisexual
SMG3- Pansexual
Mario- AroAce (he loves spaghetti)
Swag- Gay
Chris- Queer
Luigi- Bisexual
Bowser- Demiromantic
Peach- Lesbian
Bob bobowski- Straight Aly
Melony- Straight Aly
Axol- Straight Aly
SMG1- Demisexual
SMG2- Panromantic
Karen- Straight Aly
PuzzleVision- ?¿?¿?
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About Me
I just realized I never told you guys anything about myself. I wanna do that now, cause I want you guys to feel more like friends than just some strangers to me. So let's go!
My name is Kamryn! It isnt my birth name because-
I am nonbinary! I wont tell you guys what my birth gender was in case anyone isnt accepting of that and wants to misgender me. And speaking of that, if you arent accepting of trans, gay, bi, lesbian, pan etc. people, unfollow or block me right now. I dont accept that shit.
I am pansexual myself, and I have a beautiful girlfriend who I love very much.
I am 22 years old! My birthday is Feburary 16th. Which, yes, means my birthday was a few days ago. I thought of posting something about it but 1. my social anxiety prevented me from doing so in fear it made you guys think I was pressuring you guys into celebrating it and 2. my apartment lost water due to the winter storm that hit and I needed to deal with that.
I live in Louisiana, thus me mentioning the winter storm. Dont worry, it's mostly passed!
Speaking of anxiety, I have many mental health issues, including but not limited to social anxiety, bi-polar, and adhd. So if any of you are struggling with these issues, you can message me and I will try to help, though keep in mind I'm a writer, not a therapist. Also, dont be afraid to message me if you just want to talk. I love making new friends!
I've been writing since second grade. I won 3rd place in a Young Author's contest in 4th grade, which may not seem that impressive, but I'm still very proud of it.
Danganronpa isnt my only special interest. It's not even my latest! It is my strongest at the moment though. My latest special interest is My Hero Academia. My favorite characters are Tokoyami and Iida ^_^ I havent seen the whole show yet, only up to the camp arc, so please no spoilers!
My other interests include Undertale, Rise of the Guardians, The Walking Dead(video game only), Death Note, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!(The 2003 version, havent seen the other ones)
I was the outcast/unpopular kid in school. I didnt make my first real friend until high school, and even then it turned out they werent a true friend. Now, I'm surrounded by incredible and supportive people and I couldnt feel more loved.
I have two half sisters and one nonbinary half sibling! I grew up with the sibling but not the sisters.
Without going into too much detail, my sibling and I were raised by our grandparents on our mom's side. They were really great, even if we didnt get along all the time.
I have a VERY bad memory. Like, Dory levels of bad. So if you request or commission something and it takes a while, please be patient, cause it's a mix of my lack of motivation(cause I get it in bursts) and my memory being nonexistent.
I curse, like, ALL the time. Like, sailors would be ashamed, make your mother faint, wash my mouth out with soap all the time. I've tried to curb it on here, but people who know me irl will know I have no restraint when it comes to bad language.
I'm working on an original story. It's no where near completion, but if you guys wanna learn about it, let me know!
And last but not least, I have a TON of Danganronpa ocs(and also MHA ocs. Like seriously, it's a problem), but my most prominent one is my Ultimate Tattoo artist, Chino Nakano. If you guys are interested in me going more into detail on him and/or my other ocs, you can let me know about that too!
And that's it! That's everything I could think about to tell you guys about myself! I hope this helped you all feel closer to me! I love you all, and thank you for being apart of my blog! 🥰
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im kinda new to tumblr cos ive not used it since like 2015 but im in a real tough situ. i dont get paid til feb for my new job. my rent is due monday so i need money by sunday and even then i still have all my bills for feb!
i’ve scheduled loads of posts saying ‘by sunday’ on them BECAUSE i am lazy. i am working. i dont have too much time for tumblr but im hoping someone somewhere will see my posts and have empathy. 
a little bit of background to flesh out
im saide, im 24 coming 25, i use they/them pronouns and im pansexual. i have bpd and dyslexia. th
e only ‘close’ family i have is my dad and my younger brother who dont like anywhere near me. my dad is seriously disabled and my brother is his full-time carer, they have their own problems. i dont have anyone else irl really who can help - my friends are all queer and poor and asking for a loan of a large amount of money from my already poor friends is a dick move. 
i broke up with my long term partner in late 2017. since then ive been sharing a flat with two friends of friends. out rent is 850 at whole, meaning i paid £283 a month however, in october, one of my flatmates moved back to china... meaning we pay 425 each for now. we’re meant to be getting a new flatmate but its not happened yet. we a a joint tenancy as opposed to single leases so we HAVE to cover the whole rent. ive been late for the rent and messed up me and my flatmates payments the last few months.
i was a full-time student until very recently. my student loan helped me through as well as savings i had from my last job so i didnt need to work. however, my mental health couldnt take uni and i dropped out before xmas. ive struggled to find a job and didnt ‘sign on’ for benefits cos i didnt wanna go through the hassle (it takes aaages here) to then find a job and have all my effort wasting. im now working full time and will make enough to make ends meet JUST (and will be comfortable once we get a new flatmate). 
i cant pay my rent late again & fuck over me and my flatmate. our landlord is a bit of a dick and might fine us. 
i need money to live for this month - thats it. i’ll be fine after this. it’s too late for social assistance and i already got a crisis grant from the council before the new year due to the stopping of my student loan.
this is my one and only time i’ll be e-begging. in the future, ill plan. ill go to the dwp/my local council. if i get excessive donations, i’ll donate the money to a couple of charities (recommendations would be helpful)
ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/selfawarenesscat1994
paypal - paypal.me/sflecture1
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beardbot · 5 years
As pride month comes to an end, I wanted to post a thing. Please forgive the large amount of text in the thing! Also I tried to throw in a picture!!
So, I usually don't talk about sexuality or relationships. This is partially because I'm just reserved (and fine, a bit prudish too), partially because I've only recently figured out myself, and partially because I feel like I don't need these spaces as much as other people, and it's selfish to claim them.
On that last point, my own identities are more quietly invisible, and less under direct attack, than others. Asexuality is dismissed and erased, but people believing it isn't a real thing is not as damaging as actual physical harm or denial of human rights. It's "weird" but it's not seen as violating anyone's religion or "family values" or lifestyle, or whatever else is used to justify violence and bigotry against others. (Unless you count men who are offended you don't want to be Graced with the Royal Penis after getting an unsolicited dick pic.) Bi- and pansexuality are more dramatically erased, and with additional risks, but at least I'm placed under the umbrella of "has a serious boyfriend." Either way, I've either been pushed out of communities or simply felt like I didn't need them. The latter 90% of the time.
Regardless, here I am going on about it anyway! Placing my flag on pride month. My identity, what I joke about being my "alphabet soup version," is panromantic demisexual. If that sounds confusing to you, don't worry, I get it. I grew up in Florida 😂 seriously though, I didn't settle on this until graduate school. Once I even did figure it out, I didn't label it until later. Most of the time, my identity is bisexual when I don't want to argue about asexuality, and asexual when I don't want to argue about bisexuality. But I want to just be more open about it.
Panromantic demisexual. Panromantic meaning romantically attracted to anyone across sex and gender (not just men, or women, or exclusively men and women). Basically "bisexual" but with romantic attraction, and without a strict binary of men and women. Demisexual meaning only sexually attracted after being emotionally involved first, for me usually romantically attracted. Basically "not into one-night stands" you could say. I guess first you need to accept that romantic and sexual attraction are two separate things, which I was not even conscious of for the longest time. Shout out to terrible sex education! 👌
I grew up confused when lumping these two things together - having crushes and wanting to date people, but simultaneously being repulsed by the idea of sexual intimacy with them (or anyone), at least for a long time. Thinking I was broken, or indecisive, or unstable. But alas! Two separate things.
The easiest example is being sexually attracted to someone, but not romantically (you don't want to date them, have emotional intimacy, etc.) "Hit it and quit it" 😂 so then, why is it so difficult the other way around? It sounds so bizarre to other people, the idea that you can be romantically attracted to someone, but not sexually. That you maybe want to hold hands and cuddle and go on cute dates with someone, but that's not a ticket to ride on (no pun intended) the Train to Bang Town. But maybe you can think of examples yourself. Maybe you had a *very* close friend, whom you spent all of your time with, whom you shared all of your secrets with, who was the first person you thought of when anything important happened to you, but NO HOMO I'M NOT GAY LIKE THAT we're just close friends. Maybe you have crushes on men and women but you only want to sleep with women. All normal! TWO SEPARATE THINGS! They can be aligned but still two separate things.
I first identified as asexual. Nope, I'm just not into anyone in that way. Even celebrity crushes, I wanted to do things like walk through parks, hang out and eat ice cream, read them poems (emo kids unite?), a number things, but none of them sexual in nature. Later on, I would date boys, but either dump them or be dumped pretty early on ("prudes" unite). Something was "off," different. I felt different. Different from what I saw in TV and movies, heard in music, in conversations of other people my age. Still, I vividly remember the day I realized what people ACTUALLY mean when they say someone is "hot." (I was too old and too naive to not know, but my brain just didn't think that way.) Not just aesthetically pleasing. The older I got, the more I felt like an alien. Probably sounded like one. "Ah, yes, his face is indeed aesthetically pleasing." ... "Take me to your leader!"
You could call me a "late bloomer," but it's not even just that. Late introspector? Late learner? Yes, I eventually did go "farther" with partners, and have lovely relationships with people who are patient and put up with me. But I still wouldn't call myself "bloomed." I'm still different from most other people. And I'm proud to not be labeling myself with things that don't reflect me.
Going back to my own development. So, I settled on "ace" and anonymously joined forums and such. It felt right... but only for a time. Eventually I felt a little different from that too. I talked with people who were aromantic, and people who were sex-repulsed. Wait a minute, is that me too? No, I dont quite feel that way. Well, what the f-
Flash forward, I finally settled on "demisexual." Okay, I'm kinda asexual, but also kinda in my sexy feelings for someone after bonding and feeling emotionally safe with them. I want to be more than friends. Maybe try out some other things, but only with you. Today I feel like demisexual is the best fit. Maybe "gray" too but I think emotional closeness is the key for me.
But wait, do I like girls too? Or do I even care what sex or gender they are? Yes, I've had intense crushes on many girls. If you want to stick with socialized norms, I liked feminine girls, and masculine girls. Eventually I liked one woman, who later identified as a man, after having his own journey through gender and sexuality (which I think is especially hard in bible-belt Jacksonville). I still thought he was cute and smart and funny.
No, I don't really care about sex or gender - I just care that you like dogs and 90s music and video games like me. Neat!
I dont really know how to end this. I'll just say, I do consider myself a member of the LGBTQIA community, in which my B stands for bisexual (but actually panromantic) and my A stands for asexual (but actually the asexuality spectrum). I'm overjoyed to see more openness and acceptance in my lifetime, and I hope that continues for kids growing up now, who may be "confused" or "indecisive" - and maybe they will not have to wait until after college to figure it out. Nuance is important in something this complex and... well, nuanced.
Thank you to anyone who read this until the bitter end!
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webcorekin · 3 years
i feel very sorry for you honestly. I've always seen bi/pan sexuality as similar but not the same, and always respected any of my friends who came out as either and their choices regarding it. You don't have to like the term pansexuality or what it means but excluding a whole group of people who haven't even done anything too you is childish and honestly very harmful if you think about it seriously.
I really hope the best comes to you and that the ruder anons leave you alone. Your opinion is yours and mine is mine at the end of the day, but excluding a group of people from a space because you simply dont agree with their sexuality when you are part of the LGBT space yourself is both hypocritical and really upsetting to see. Please try and take a look at yourself and think on why you clearly feel threatened by your fellow LGBT brothers/sisters/nb siblings.
Stay safe. ♡
i dont hate every single pansexual person in the world. as u said, i hate the term, but i have better things to do than despise every single pan person there is out there.
pansexual as a label is both transphobic and biphobic, and as a trans bisexual person, i wish that people who identify with the term does not interact with me. it would be a bigger problem if i was saying “lesbians dni” or something, because lesbian as a label is not harmful to anyone else and it shouldnt be. pansexual, on the other hand, is harmful. ive linked this carrd over and over and i will continue to do so until people understand.
i cannot make every single pan person NOT be pan. thats impossible, pansexuality is such a popular label that trying to deem it as harmful now is not possible. at all. 
thank you for being respectful, i appreciate it greatly.
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videcoeur · 4 years
Sir’s Bio
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Art by @rancidartstudio​
“If you don’t want to meet pirates, then don’t be at sea!”
Name:  Sir Age: 250 Age at Death:  220 Height: 8′7″ Occupation:  Pirate Captain Sexuality:  Pansexual
Extended bio under the cut.
Sir used to have a name but decided it wasn't nice enough. In fact, if you call him anything but Sir, he'll be displeased with you. Even 'captain' doesn't cut it, and the only person allowed to call him that is his right hand, his most trustworthy crewmate.
Despite that finicky little thing with his name, Sir is rather amiable, unless you meet at sea. The sea is his territory. Asphodel's seas are quite small, so the competition over them is fierce. None have succeeded in dethroning the pirate king yet and Sir isn't someone you can easily steal from. All the members of his crew, him included, seem to have rather strange powers...
To say that he looks like a pirate is an understantement. He is the physical embodiment of what an english wannabe-pirate would look like. High white socks, frills, red and gold clothes, scarves- he looks like a man who grew up on the sea. A sailor through and through, but maybe he's taking the whole pirate thing a little too seriously. In a modern era, his outfit looks more like a costume than anything. Don't you dare insult his fashion style though.
• Old school pirate fashion
• Fighting & Looting
• Being called a pig (meant as an insult, he’ll take it as a compliment)
• Alcohol & Food
• Freedom to come and go as he pleases
• Anyone addressing him with anything other than Sir
• Having his fashion mocked
• People saying the pirate era is over
• Weaklings that want to join his crew but dont have anything to offer
• The mafia
Though he is affiliated with the mafia, he's not fond of them. He thinks most people in that mafia are pompous jackasses who don't know how to let loose, and as a pirate, he can't stress how boring he finds that. 
He may not be friends with them, but their deals are beneficial to both parties.
 Sir likes to dress like a pirate because he's too into it and believes himself to be the reincarnation of Calico Jack. He has completely forgotten his previous life, so he formed his new persona around the fact that he is a pirate reincarnated on Asphodel.
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rtvside · 4 years
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 a peek into band management :  𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐎𝐍 .
𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒 :
NAME: caroline diana champion 
AGE: twenty - four 
GENDER: cis woman 
PRONOUNS: she / her / hers 
HOMETOWN: london , england 
OCCUPATION: fortune 500 company heir , band manager for some saints .
TRAITS: + purposeful , erudite , composed - reserved , despondent , reluctant 
HOGWARTS HOUSE: ravenclaw 
MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful good
ORIENTATION: pansexual
𝟎𝟎𝟐. 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐁𝐈𝐎 :
caro was born in london into a musical family . her dad was the founder and ceo of famed record label champ records , and her mother was a retired singer akin to the likes of celine dion who now worked as a consultant
being mixed race in the uk was tough for caro , who was never quite enough for either identity . she grew up the youngest of 3 , but always got the sense that she was alone despite being surrounded by people . her family was well known and even better off , so she felt guilty with the sense that she was missing something , but kept her sentiments to herself
she escaped into the realm of books , mowing through her family library voraciously . she skips a year almost as soon as she starts school , an unquenchable thirst to learn and improve making her even more notable than the famous champion surname she totes .
her parents are kind but oblivious to their daughter’s sense of isolation due to their own busy schedules , so caro takes it upon herself to make something of herself . she’s writing almost as early as she can remember , just a few lines here and there , but eventually penning whole songs over bare boned melodies she hums at the family grand piano . though she’d never picture herself sharing these with anyone , her music and her writings give her an outlet to pour herself into
she grows into a stunning young woman who benefits greatly from a double dose of a wealthy upbringing and pretty privilege , though a stern father who forged his own path ensures she stays humble despite the hordes of people bending over backwards to please her . she struggles in her teen years to form true friendships , fearing that the friends she makes are only after her celebrity recognition or trying to get to her father through her . this distrust only forces her further into herself , focusing on her studies and believing people will come second
she dates someone casually as she’s ready to apply to universities , a musician who is the first person she shows her compositions to , truly feeling herself open up until they ask to come to her father’s workplace to meet the man themself . caroline , feeling a repeat of being taken advantage of , cuts them off and erases all thought of her own musical career , feeling she will never be able to properly achieve her dream without the constant reminder that half her life was already handed to her .
instead , she heads to the US for business school and graduates with honors from an ivy league university , deciding to stay in the family business but beginning with quite the project , some saint and their revolving door of management teams . knowing a challenge is the only thing she can properly put her mind to , she takes the boys on and directs her way into their best sales within months of their new direction . it’s difficult work , but with their talent and her brain for strategy , she runs a tight ship on her end and is managing to ensure they get the recognition they deserve and then some ( though their publicist hates them all , manager included )
she’s not sure what will come next , but she does know she wants to keep making a platform to help others succeed while she remains behind the scenes . she starts the champion foundation , a non-profit that teaches young girls different business skills in order to encourage them to pursue their own positions of power . it’s one of her proudest accomplishments and she diverts lots of her free time to events for it
caroline is forever putting the needs of others before herself . though she’s not a pushover by any means ( and can actually be rather frigid and aloof ) she’s constantly working herself to her brink without taking any time to herself 
very much a know it all and due to being quite large brained , she tends to be right . she moves at lightning speed and hates feeling unproductive . she reads at every meal and has replaced listening to music with usually listening to audiobooks . caro prides herself in being the most well - educated person in the room , as her appearance can lend to her not being taken seriously , and being the know - all , end - all can usually silence skeptics as soon as she opens her mouth
she’s incredibly composed and carries herself almost like a politician . never a hair out of place , never a crease in her outfit , never a smudge in her glasses . caro is obsessed with accomplishing exactly what her high expectations are set to and will stop at very little to ensure she gets there . she will often work herself into sleepless nights and insist a quick power nap and a green eye will be enough to prepare her for the next meeting she has 
people have joked that if she were american she should run for president and she doesnt disagree !
despite a persona of complete control , caro still struggles to let herself enjoy things due to her fear of failure and being seen only for her lineage . she never partied growing up and actually wouldn’t mind doing so , but fears that she never has a moment to let herself enjoy things because good things never last and she’ll only waste her own time
control freak who doesnt like distractions and is SO self - critical of herself , truly has never given herself credit in her LIFE just keeps wanting to work until she drops 
she’s scary but a hot , ‘ im the captain now ’ kind of scary sksks . she has a p high tolerance for people she has to impress but if she’s in charge ? she’ll hand ur ass to u w that lil accent and not a SINGLE hesitation and then turn around and smile so cutely for the cameras 
caro is INTENSE about her passions but feels herself readily closing off the moment things go wrong . she can’t handle attachment and figures it’s best to keep things at a safe distance rather than to risk the dangers of ruining things . 
inspired by the EVER iconic hermione granger ( who is one of her heroes ,) meredith grey , and maybe a bit of spencer hastings ?? prob also michaela from htgawm ! her vibe ( and music and accent ) are based off jorja smith so if u need to picture caro , put on an interview w miss smith , close ur eyes , and it’s caro luv :)
𝟎𝟎𝟒. 𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐒 :
secret exes bc i DEF know she wouldnt be out letting her personal life become public ! this would have been TOUGH to get into caro’s inner circle so maybe this was a friendship first or someone she shouldnt have  been attracted to but she just was bc they balanced her out ? anyways PLEASE i beg that they ended and there’s angst
PUBLIC exes because i feel she would 100% be like ‘this would be mutually beneficial and my team agrees we dont even have to touch in public’ askskks i love a fake dating plot !
inner circle of one or two friends , just the few people she trusts and lowkey opens up to on tour ?
booty call — i would LAUGH if this is someone she is SO not supposed to be in bed with and she covers their mouth every time they meet and is like ‘please don’t fucking speak you’re so annoying’ but the chem is just too fire !
fashion buddies ! caro does a ton of modeling on the side to build her brand and i’d love if she knew ur muse from one of these campaigns and they were friendly !
ex friends , they used to be close until maybe your muse did something that freaked caro out and made her cut ur muse off for barely any reason ?
skinny love , i would LOVEEE if someone opened caro up and made her feel comfortable being herself for once , maybe takes her to parties or has sleepovers with her and they’re just soft and sweet but the slow burn HURTS bc theyre both in love with each other and unwilling to admit it ! extra points if they have drama behind why they cant actually date !
good influence — caro is 100% a fuckin’ mom friend but a SCARY mom so besides the band boys it would be funny to me if she was like ‘not u too’ when she has to pull up at 3 am to come get ur muse from a club bc theyre too faded to see straight and she lectures ur muse the whole way home before tucking them in and snuggling next to them to make sure they sleep ok
someone she hates but they keep donating to her foundation so she has to play nice 
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bangtanhug · 7 years
a little rant...
In the last 2 weeks I noticed many things again which about I had alredy talked but! -  right now, it seems it needs to be voiced out again.
 Don’t pressure your fellow ARMYs with calling them out for not voting that much and threating them with harmful comments like: You are not a true army if you don’t vote everyday, //  you have no right to be happy when Bangtan win because you didn’t put in as much effort as I did ...etc
 => STOP THIS! not everyone has that much time as for example a high school kid has or doesn’t have all day available Internet connection either. Please don’t drag them down, many people already feel bad for not being able to vote or stream etc because of their circumstances. We all have different lifestyle but we love the same band who we all try to support based on our abilities and limits. Everyone is thankful for those who can put more effort to the voting or the whole supporting thing, believe me,  but it’s funny how some people look down on those who can’t be on the same level as them. 
=> Please be considerate, we already have too many unnecessary haters therefore we don’t need badmouthing in our own fandom - it’s toxic and unnecessary. 
=> Also be always humble whenever we win. You can be happy and call Bangtan your king etc but do all of these joy without bashing on other band who lost against us. for example dont call the other fandom losers as many people did before -.-”
=> please....PLEASE!!!!! I don’t know what’s so hard to understand about this but you know when a member has a solo vlive it means he wants to have a little chat with fans, probably the other members are busy or asleep which MEANS THAT ONE PERSON MADE TIME FOR US,  THROWING AWAY HIS SLEEPING HOUR OR OTHER TASKS! 
=> I hate repeating myself or bringing up the most painful event but...some ARMY actually made Hoseok sad and basically made him to drop his solo VLive broadcast because they were keep asking for others, so he gave the phone to Jimin and left....HE LEFT ALTHOUGH HE TURNED THE CAMER ON TO HAVE A CHAT!!
I can’t believe that we still have to address this issue....
=> Don’t ask the members in the chat or during vlive if they are dating each other. I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANOTHER “namjiin is real?” question when Namjoon hosts ...I don’t want to see another “when do Jikook date?” when Jimin does and etc...there are many others...OR don’t send -is yoonmin real?-  to reporters who ask the fandom for questions before they actually interview the band. I did a post about this before and I remembered some comments of it which I will answer here once again:
But I just want to know if they are aware of their ships? 
        - Yes, they are aware. They read SNS, they stalk us too also shipping two male members is not a foreign concept in Asian culture. Some companies play with this concept a lot and of course there is a reason why BL was born.    -> Great, now you know that they know, please stop. 
But shipping is not a bad thing!  
         - Yes, you’re right. Shipping isn’t a bad thing, everyone has the right to do it and have fanatasy. HOWEVER: keep it for yourself or among your friends, and even when you talk about shipping stuff online for god sake DON’T TAG BANGTAN’S TWITTER IN IT. Of course we can always argue about where is the real limit of shipping: are fanfics over the limit? is fanvideo too much? or analyzis? etc...it’s hard to decide but there is one thing which about most people agree - you don’t force your shipping imagination on real people, you don’t ask people about their sexuality straightforwardly and no, shipping questions can never be asked from the main characters ....
 - Seriously tho...can you imagine yourself standing in front of Namjoon and asking him face to face if he is dating with Jin ergo is he gay or bisexual, pansexual etc???....are you for real people?!?!?!
Okay but how do you know if my ship is real or not, huh?  
            - Dude, I don’t know, nobody knows but honestly IT’S NOBODY’S BUSINESS... only theirs. The members dating life, sexuality, or who they sleep with are not our business. If they want to share something with us they will, but just to clarify because of the pressure of public they are careful with their personal life. Please don’t dig your nose into there - it’s out of a fan’s limit. As a fan we have boundaries and this is part of it...this whole thing! I don’t think I have to give a rant about who we call sasaengs right? 
and not lastly....ship wars
=> as we all know, you can ship whoever you want (between the mentioned limits), you can call your ship the real otp, you can look at their interactions fondly etc. BUT do it without calling out the members for destroying your ship moments, do it without getting angry at other people who ships Jikook instead of Jinkook BEcause there is no point of it. 
I will tell you a secret...people see whatever they want in their ship. They interpret their interactions the way they want it. You probably ship two people because their interaction seems lovely to you also probably you secretly wish to have a relationship like them - filled with funny, cute, savage etc moments. Most people secretly craves for their shipped people’ bond which is fine, as I said many many times, shipping is not a bad thing.
Here is an example for all of you. There was a bangtan bomb where Jungkook- Tae- Jimin were sitting next to each other.  Taekook shippers said Kookie was jealous whenever Tae turned away from him since he poked his mouth inside with his tongue then the Vmin shippers said, Jimin had heart eyes when Tae carefully talked about his feelings of the Wings era. 
  => SEE?!?!? we all interpret a situation the way we want and if you ship taekook or vmin this moment will be special to you for a reason. BUT you have to let others to decide how they want to think about this moment, how they want to remember it. You can’t call Vmin shippers stupid for believing in whatever they see because what a taekook shipper sees has the same value as the vmin has. Do you see my point? 
I know that there are many young people in our fandom which is cool, ( hello cuties wlecom here ^^/) but I know how overwhelming your life can be. Kpop is fun, you can interact with many people, it’s a sweet escape from reality and problems, something always happens and there is no rest.
Yeah...kpop is fun but it’s not a life goal.
I know that school, university etc are boring, studying is the worst thing but you have duties to do. You have to improve to get into university or you have to learn to get a degree. You need job to feed yourself and establish your life and you have real friends too who are waiting for you to hang out. 
Never ignore your exams, your deadlines because everything will pile up at a certain point and maybe in the end you will collapse under the pressure. 
Try to divide your online life and real life a little bit more; don’t forget that if you miss a Vlive, Bangtan bomb or concert video that won’t equal that you are not a fan, that you don’t like the band.
Being late from celebrating a win is still okay, because there are others who are late too thanks to time zone’s differences or other duties which they had to fulfill.
Risk with care - I’m not a saint,  I stayed up late night to catch Bangtan on the red carpet before because!!! I knew that I didn’t have morning class, neither exam the next day. I knew that I could have 4 hours sleep just once in a while....so yeah, sometimes we all get tempted but as I said think twice before you fall for it :)
If you can, follow a schedule: It’s hard to get rid of a bad habit so let’s take it slow - in the beginning after you wrote your homework or memorize what you have to do, reward yourself by watching something on youtube. Or do your duties first, don’t turn on your computer  until you’re done and just after that come online. - it seems hard but it’s important for your future. 
I know that many of you will roll your eyes, saying how stupid this is but belive me...most people who have been in kpop for decade or years they all went through the same like you...we all learnt from our mistakes and because of that we try our best to help on you, the new “generation”. I was always a good student so I didn’t struggle as much as one of my friend did but even I realized that sometimes I was too much into this world which was so far away from me.....that’s why I’m talking now, that’s why I give you the same tipps which I gave to my friend who was once really obsessed. 
I hope we can live peacefully in this fandom and that we can love our boys without throwing fist at each other. Let’s not make this fandom toxic, it would be such a waste after we went through and we still have to go through.
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theknightgwaine · 7 years
something i don’t talk about and is probably oversharing and maybe doesn’t make sense but gives me a lot of pain (you can skip to the bolded part at the end, because the rest is just wordy backstory shit that makes up a whole lot of my fucked up existence but isn’t really an important part of this post)
specifically this is about my gender and my need to (or not to) present or be validated as anything other than a female.
I appear (for the most part, unless you’re maybe not cis or used to NB styling that make people ask pronouns if they’re In The Know) to be a female person.
When I was young I wore skirts up until the age of five or so when I started school and wore my little blue and white checkered dress for three days in a row before someone asked me why I wore the same dress for three days. I answered that it was my only comfortable dress and then they asked “why don’t you wear pants?” and I was BAFFLED. I had no idea I was allowed to wear pants. My mom didn’t wear pants, and quite frankly the concept that I was able to wear pants meant I wore ONLY pants until I was in 5th grade and my grandmother convinced me to wear a skirt to my first ever band concert.
At this time, at 5 years old I saw my first penis. Up until this point the idea that Boys were “different” than Girls didn’t really click (except for the dress thing which I had just assumed was a fact I made up and that girls who wore dresses just didn’t know that they didn’t have to and that the boys I knew were just let in on that secret early in life). Then my friend brought me into his home’s bathroom and pulled down his pants, under the belief that I would in fact ‘show him mine’ if he ‘showed me his’. I was again BAFFLED by what I saw and MORTIFIED that I didn’t have a penis, so I ran out of the room and hid in his garage for at least ten minutes, totally spooked.
My dog, Penny, was a cocker spaniel with a docked tail, and that fact connected with my lack-of-penis to equal that someone had CUT OFF MY PENIS. I had no idea why someone would do this. Luckily, within weeks my mother gave me The Talk (not a good talk, mind you, a really basic & abstract talk) which gave me vital information: I had a vagina, and no one had cut my penis off.
Around this time, I began having a re-occurring nightmare. The nightmare centered around a factory where there were a bunch of little kids, all naked, and their genitals were getting cut off. The genitals would then travel via conveyor belt to other little children and then would be attached to said children. This dream ended with me getting a vagina attached to my body. I would usually be in a full state of panic upon waking. (this is how my nightmares work, I freeze up, and my head hurts and i feel my heart race- just like how my panic attacks present).
The dreams continued until I was in 7th or 8th grade (around the end of puberty for me). There were other things I presented during that time all of which were dealt with Very Badly by my parents.
Around the beginning of puberty(4th-6th grade) I became extremely depressed, by 7th grade I was actively suicidal and heavily drug dependent to get through my day to day life (I do not mean prescribed drugs, I mean 20+ pain killers taken over the course of each day so that I could not THINK enough to be miserable at school). I tried cutting but I liked the pills better (I feel like this leads people to believe that I didn’t really self harm, but I did... just as quietly as possible).
During this time I dissociated regularly, I experienced horrific gender dysphoria that lead to self hatred and more depression and a horrendous body image issue. I wrote multiple letters to help blogs on the internet - ALL of which told me that my dissatisfaction with my body was because of puberty, that I just wasn’t USED to looking how I did. I remember watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy where a young ‘girl’ found out that their health issues were being caused by the fact that they were, in fact, intersex and had testes. The character, George, helped HIM cut his hair and present more masculine. THIS WAS ALL I WANTED. I was shocked that it could be so easy. And so I began to pray as hard as possible (at, you know, the age of 12) that I would PLEASE get sick and PLEASE actually be a boy.
Yeah, no such luck. At this point, I still didn’t really know that trans people existed (or, I did, I just figured it was only Trans Women who existed because I had seen Priscilla, Queen of the Desert like 198347 times and Bernadette was my all time favorite character and I just wanted her to be happy- still feel this way). And either way, the idea that I was trans didn’t connect in my head.
And then, my friend came out as a lesbian.
And then, that same friend came out as a trans-boy.
And then, I didn’t know what to do anymore, because HOLY SHIT yes that made sense, I was that, I was that too! But, unfortunately, my anxiety was taking full reins of my life and I was convinced that if I had the same sort of revelation that I would be stealing that from my friend. At this same time I was reading a lot of fanfiction and I was trying really hard to convince myself that the reason I was feeling like maybe I was meant to be a boy was just because I read a lot of “slash” fiction. (SPOILER: I was reading a lot of slash fiction because I didn’t identify with any females in fiction so if I were to read romance I just couldn’t identify with the female characters and god if het-fanfiction doesn’t just want you to identify with female characters)
And I came out to my friends as asexual (in 8th grade) and not much later I wondered if I was lying because I wasn’t sex-repulsed so then I came out to my friends as pansexual. And I never once during highschool came out to them as Trans because I still felt as if I would somehow be stealing that identity from someone else, because I still felt that somehow I was not “As Trans” as he was and was therefore a Liar.
So, thanks to tumblr (like seriously, who knew I would be thanking this hellsite), I got some more information about gender identity and felt the courage to “come out” (to my friends ONLY) and not once have I asked any of them to refer to me by my preferred name or my preferred pronouns. And it’s not because I don’t feel that those pronouns or my name are important. It’s not because I don’t care. It’s because I CARE SO FUCKING MUCH THAT I CAN’T BRING MYSELF TO GET THE COURAGE TO EVER ASK THAT OF THEM. I CANT BRING MYSELF TO GET MY HOPES UP THAT THEY WOULD DO IT BECAUSE WHAT IF THEY DON’T. AND HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO HANDLE IT IF THEY DO AND MY FAMILY STILL DOESNT IF STRANGERS DON’T DO IT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL WITH THAT KIND OF DENIAL
i would rather never ask that then be disapointed and denied it
if i dont ask for people to call me by my name and my pronouns then i cannot be refused that respect and i won’t have to deal with that disappointment
i cannot let myself want that sort of validation because i honestly dont think i can handle being refused it and i dont know what i would do
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