#this is completely out of nowhere
theribbajack · 2 months
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"Now, the vow will be honoured, and my Lord brother's soul will return."
Radahn stans keep winning, but I personally am in Miyazaki's walls rn
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4 MINUTES (2024) I 1.03
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feelingthedisaster · 8 months
writing is so amazing in the way we just invent things as they go, its all pure imagination, everything is "this happens because i think of it" no matter how unrealistic it is, we are creators of worlds, of people, of everything we think of,
just because we can
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wasyago · 1 year
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the kind of chemistry these two have is very entertaining
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grandquest · 7 days
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We are buddy buddy buddies
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natjennie · 2 years
the most fucked up part of long long time is that the bill/frank storyline only took 40 minutes. the rest of the episode is still monumentally important dont get me wrong but it's so fucking wild that they did. THAT. in 40 minutes. what most movies can't do in two plus hours, what most tv shows can't accomplish in seasons. its mind-boggling. the most touching, poignant, well acted, genuine, down to earth, bittersweet romance. between two men in their fifties and beyond. a first love. a life of good days making it worth the bad. like. just sandwiched casually in the middle of an apocalyptic drama. what the fuck??
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oobbbear · 1 year
A compilation of my ‘look like a mess drawings I do once a blue moon’ I love these beautiful trash
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Character from the drawing 6&7 belongs to @pinkiepig (Hi pinkie sorry for the tag :’])
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hoshinaideas4all · 1 month
Hoshina who comes home from work one day to find that his lover, along with her belongings, have gone missing. Not a single letter or note explaining why, but he knows you well enough to have a few guesses already. Three hours have passed and he's still sitting in their his couch thinking about you.
Then a stinging sensation courses through his heart and onto his eyes. You're crying— God, you must be crying. Tears start swelling in his eyes as the realization hits him. He's flooded with guilt as he remembers how you always needed someone to hold you when you cry. But who'll be there for you now that you're alone? It must be because of him, right? Why else would you leave if not for him—why else would you be crying right now? Maybe he'd done something wrong...or maybe you just couldn't take him any longer. Not when he's barely home nowadays due to the spike of Kaiju attacks. And certainly not when he could come home as a cold corpse at any moment. His insecurities are getting to him and he didn't blame you for leaving.
In his weakest moment, Hoshina bolts out the door and makes his way to a nearby train station. Maybe if he drowned himself in his work, he wouldn't have to feel the pain that threatened to creep into his professional facade.
My, oh my. Had Hoshina stayed in your shared home for longer, maybe he would've found the positive pregnancy test lying in the bathroom's trashbin.
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jeezlouiseoncheese · 2 months
Honestly, I feel like Basira being in a teaching position makes so much sense with her character, because like being a cop it comes with a position of authority (that can be abused) but it’s also clear that Basira is someone who wants to help people, even if in TMA that led her down a path where she did the opposite. So her choosing education in this one, especially ones higher up like a deputy headmistress— where you both have more power and respect but as a result more ability to create positive change— is actually a really great reflection on who she is as a person and her values.
(and now it’s making me wonder where Daisy would be in this universe— then again, she probably wouldn’t even be Daisy because she wouldn’t have had that experience with Calvin Benchley and such. But I think that also means she could be working in a completely different place since I feel like the Hunt had a lot more of an influence for her becoming a cop than Basira did.)
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mortellanarts · 3 months
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fandom sleeping on the most toxic yuri pairing in the entire series simply because they never spoke in canon smh
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actual-changeling · 1 year
See, but there's something about the first fight in episode 1 that just doesn't really. fit. It very much feels like we are missing information here.
I have been thinking about this show all day, as one does, but in particular why Crowley gets angry enough to shoot literal lightning at a nearby building. We have experienced him upset before, but never to that specific degree, and their disagreement over Gabriel just does not explain it for me.
My hypothesis: a big, important fight happened right before season 2 picks up that left Crowley feeling rejected and Aziraphale neglected.
The biggest clue is the snippet of conversation about myself vs. ourselves.
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"I thought we had carved it out for ourselves"
He almost sounds offended when he says that, yet Crowley reacts with equal parts hurt and anger, like he is referencing something that we, the viewer, do not have any knowledge of.
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"So did I"
However, Aziraphale seems to understand whatever Crowley is referring to and does not respond with anything in return. Yet whatever wound they just opened keeps bleeding, and when Aziraphale tells him, packaged nicely, to fuck off, Crowley seems more sad than upset to me.
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The to go? is almost said softly and with an initial confusion that hides a LOT of unspoken pain. Plus the HAND MOTION? The gesturing between the two of them while saying "oh, so this is how you wanna do this?" - call me insane, but to me that very much sounds like "oh so this is how you want to break up?"
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The funny part is, if Aziraphale had simply shut up after saying "I want you to help me take care of him", I can GUARANTEE YOU that Crowley would have begrudgingly agreed. But he doesn't. He keeps going and this is the first moment this season where he is genuinely and truly bitchy.
"But if you won't, you won't" with the demonstrative sit-down and turning away from him, eyes forward. It pokes at whatever wound is still open and bleeding between them. Aziraphale wants Crowley to jump over his shadow and come help him, ignoring his boundaries. Meanwhile Crowley feels fundamentally misunderstood and rejected and wants Aziraphale to SHOW that he cares about Crowley more than he cares about fucking Gabriel of all people.
That he cares about them more than about heaven.
And now we have finally reached Crowley's breaking-point. he is so deeply hurt by what Aziraphale just said and did, choosing heaven over them, that the pain turns into anger because he has no other way of expressing or feeling it in the first place.
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You're on your own with this one.
That last look is filled with such disappointed heartbreak, he turns around simply to give Aziraphale a chance to ask him to stay, to apologize, something. Yet again, he does not. He doesn't even meet his gaze, he is looking away.
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To me, he seems almost spiteful, like this entire argument is only superficially about Gabriel but about something entirely else deeper down.
Which - that's the point, isn't it?
Crowley comes back and apologizes because Aziraphale matters more to him than stupid arguments or choosing sides, keeping him safe is the only thing he cares about when it comes down to it. He swallows down his hurt and betrayal and does what Aziraphale wants: ignoring the entire argument and pretending nothing ever happened so they can continue like before.
Only that they can't. The entire season shows just how much they cannot go back to their arrangement, no matter how hard Crowley tries to mold himself to Aziraphale's will. Their final argument simply reflects all of that and more. The same wound that first one was about gets reopened very violently and they're bleeding all over each other with no way to stop it because they're too fucking stubborn to admit that it exists in the first place.
Aziraphale and Crowley can only fix their relationship when they acknowledge the reason the rift between them opened up. Until then, Crowley feels truly rejected and Aziraphale feels entirely neglected, and there is nothing anyone can do to make them confront that.
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bookshelf-in-progress · 4 months
Everyone dreams of finding the other half of their heartsong. You know your heartsong from birth, grow up surrounded by the music that is you, and after a certain age, you're always listening for the one person in all the world--your soulmate--whose song exactly matches yours.
My sister found her soulmate in kindergarten; all through school, they sat by each other as often as they could, their heartsongs all the brighter for being shared.
I know girls who tricked themselves half a dozen times into thinking that they'd found the one, only noticing the clashing notes of their songs after the relationship had crashed and burned.
There are entire streaming services for heartsongs--in college, my friends listened to almost nothing else, waiting desperately to hear the song that would align with theirs.
I was no different than other girls. I tried all the usual tactics. I developed a good ear--maybe too good, because I always noticed the subtle differences in the closest matches. I dated a few of those, hoping the theory would prove true that heartsongs could develop over time so we'd grow to match each other. Every one of those relationships ended the moment the guy heard the heartsong of his true soulmate.
I went to countless social events. I tried the sites online. I even did a bit of world traveling, in case my soulmate had been hiding all this time on the other side of the globe.
As year after year (after year after year after year) went by with no success, I was forced to accept the truth--I had no soulmate.
Maybe my soulmate had died. Maybe I was too strange to have a match. However it had happened, I was a superfluous person, doomed to be always alone.
The revelation crushed me at first. I was strange, unlovable, incomplete. I was half a person whose heartsong would never be whole.
My mom came over the night of my revelation and found me weeping on the floor of my kitchen. She hugged me, let me cry, and then cooked me a meal.
By the time my tears had dried enough to let me take a bite of the spaghetti, I noticed her heartsong was clearer than ever--and it meshed with mine. It wasn't a match--it was better than that. My heartsong served as a descant to hers, our two melodies blending into a new song.
After that, I stopped trying to listen for one specific song, and started listening to every song. My friends had heartsongs that blended with mine in different ways--when a group of us were together, we became a symphony. My brother's heartsong was a lower version of mine--our growing up together had given us a shared bond. When the grocery store cashier and I shared a laugh, for just a moment, our heartsongs fell into harmony.
There was not one song, one relationship, that defined and completed my life. Every relationship was important. Every relationship was beautiful.
It's possible, I suppose, that my soulmate is out there. Maybe one day I'll hear that song that perfectly matches mine, and enjoy a bond that different than any of the others in my life.
But if I don't find him, it doesn't matter.
Because I'm more than one half of an incomplete song.
I am a vital part of countless symphonies.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Teddy bear Danny au strikes again! With its partner in crime being the Uncle Waylon au!
So, Teddy Bear Danny ends up in Gotham because he heard his dad mention some man named Waylon in passing, so he decided to put his (figurative) big boy pants on and head out to find him!
He even had a little bag his mom made him, that he filled up with snacks, his allowance, and various Fenton gadgets he could get his hands on without his parents noticing- like the lipstick. It could also, and he's never sure how his parents managed to do it, hold way more stuff than it should looking at how small it is.
So then he left Amity Park with his family none the wiser, thinking about how awesome it would be when he shows up with his uncle!
He went through a few cities, getting weird looks here and there, playing with some kids he's met, being kidnapped by a few, being kidnapped by decidedly not children, practicing stranger danger- sometimes and others following random people he's just met when they said they knew who Waylon Jones was after he showed them a picture!
A picture he drew himself in crayon, thank you very much. His family said he was quite the artist!
He never managed to actually find his uncle though, even with showing random people his picture. So eventually, he always had to hop buses to the next city he could, though he was unfortunately running low on his allowance...
So low that, when he managed to think about it, could only drop his off at one more city, if he didn't want to impose on the amount he set aside to get him and Waylon back to Amity Park. So, he set his sights on Gotham City, hoping that he would be able to find his uncle there!
When he did get there, he psyched himself up, striking a few poses he saw on Tv once and then running off to go find his uncle.
Once again, a few people looked at him weirdly, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to, but for some reason he got kidnapped more so than usual, not even by kids! Which were his usual kidnappers, sometimes they even tried to mug him for some reason.
So he gave them a snack.
Some took it and let him leave, others... not so much. So he had run away from those ones, fading through a wall or hiding behind a dumpster, or losing them in the crowd were all very effective methods!
He showed some people his drawing, and nobody still didn't know who he was asking about! Which was stupid, in his opinion, because his drawing was very detailed and very accurate! He was about to give him, thinking that nobody would be able to help him, and was just about to head back home.
At least until he ran into somebody, quite literally falling over due to his sides. It was an accident, but still! People should really be considerate of Teddy bears roaming around!
The guy bent down and apologized for running into him, which was a very rare thing when he stepped out of Amity! So this guy had an instant improve on him on that alone, so he got up, dusted himself off and showed him the drawing of his uncle.
The guy who introduced himself as Brucie Wayne actually recognized him too! He said he was on his way to meet him, to be exact, and Danny saw an opportunity when he saw one, so he climbed onto Bruce Wayne and practically forced the guy to take him alone.
He gave him one of his favorite snacks as payment.
Actually two, because he was nice and fun. But no more than that because these are his snacks, and some were also for his uncle!
So when he got to the place his uncle was being held at- Arkham Asylum-, he was informed that his uncle is currently held here in captivity for something, something, something that he didn't bother to remember if he was being honest.
So of course, the most natural thing and reaction to do was to plan a prison break.
He stayed on Bruce's shoulder, using him as a free ride throughout Arkham Asylum while directing him towards his uncle via picture. It took a while of insistence, but they eventually got to his uncles, so he got down, gave Bruce a handshake, phased through the glass of his uncles cell and stared up.
And up.
And up.
And up.
Sweet macaroni! He didn't know his uncle was so tall! he was practically taller than his Pa! Which said something considering he was like, the tallest person he'd ever seen in the history of ever. But regardless he managed to find him, so he jumped around him a bit in happiness, and showed him the picture.
Waylon Jones, otherwise known as Killer Croc, was exceedingly confused about why there was a tiny, sentient teddy bear in his cell. Who seemed happy being in his presence of all things.
It showed him a crudely drawn picture of him after jumping up and down around him, and he doesn't exactly know the significance of it, but it implied that the toy was trying to find him, he watched it dig through its bag and pull out a wide variety of snacks, all of which were thrown at him.
Quite literally.
So he decided to just, sit down and eat them. Not everyday he gets free snacks like this, so.
While he was chowing down, it took out a crayon and paper and started drawing, then after that it showed him a picture of Jack- helpfully labeled- and his family, which the teddy bear was on there along with another girl in the kids section.
Which, huh, he supposes he has a nephew and niece.
Then in the middle of eating the last snack, guards stepped into his cell to extract his nephew. His nephew's time was up, it seemed, so he waved goodbye and stared trying to plan a prison break to meet his nephew outside of prison the next time they saw each other.
He could have never expected for him to be turned into a smaller, stuffed version of himself and phasing through the walls of his cell.
Danny liked his uncle, he was nice! But it was a bit unfair that he was still way taller than him, even when turned into a doll.
Anyways, he had a prison break to complete, and then he could drag his uncle back home to his family's utterly surprised faces!
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emilyyyts · 13 days
Chapter 17 foreshadowing/why I think Fushiguro Megumi might be in love with Itadori Yuuji
I've never understood the reason why Gege will add that line of Todo (i mean the special mention of the "it can be a guy")
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The idea could've been perfectly understood even if the line wasn't added, but Gege purposefully sat on their desk and decided to draw this panel and add that specific line.
This means opening the possibility of Megumi liking guys, right?
I might be overthinking this, but text and dialogs are super important in mangas. Practically everything that it's said has (or should have) a purpose .
Dialogue scenes move the story forward, for instance, by giving important information about the characters, their relationships, the milieu, and the evolving events; they can also build suspense and reorientate the narrative.
So why then adding this?
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We've seen several times that Fushiguro often thought of Itadori as a kind person—even since the beginning.
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(It's literally Itadori being described)
If we go back some chapters, we can easily notice this is how Itadori is first introduced in the Manga: as a compassionate person, a good person with the intent of helping others.
In fact, Compassion its a highlighted feature Itadori has always showed through the entire series.
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Even at Sukuna's final moment, he shows himself compassionate offering help to him.
Many had thought Itadori fits that description of Megumi, and now I'll explain why I think this is a possibility.
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We know the relationship between them its centric in the story —it practically started because Megumi decided he wanted to save Yuuji.
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We've see them caring for each other over and over again, many decisions they take are influenced by the thought of benefiting/trying to help the other.
And then we got Itadori really trying hard for an entire arc to save Fushiguro, and when the opportunity comes, he tells him it's okay if he doesn't want to live anymore, but at the same time addmiting he will miss him if he goes.
This scales to the point its practically the love they hold for each other that helps to completely defeat Sukuna
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I would also like to add this panel and why I think Fushiguro was projecting himself with the desire of his sister being with someone like Itadori.
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The line is Fushiguro stating he wanted his sister —a person we know he LOVES and thinks very highly of— to be with someone as good as Itadori.
He thinks very highly of the two of them.
Theyre both good persons so they deserve each other?
Therefore, he projects himself that way:
He might think it's Tsumiki who deserves to be with Yuuji because she was good, and Yuuji is good too, so logically they deserve each other, right?
He loves Yuuji, but he might not be worth his love because it was him who introduced Yuuji into the jujutsu world (a painful life full of lost and worries).
But maybe someone else might be worth, maybe his sister.
This is how he imagine a perfect peaceful life, he's trasmitng and projecting his desires.
It's not her who wants to be with Yuuji. It's you.
So gathering all the pieces together gives us the big picture, and Megumi's words might feel more like a foreshadowing of their relationship rather than simple words for introducing Todo in the Manga (tho it works in both ways). The response Megumi gives open the possibility for such feelings between the two of them.
So basically, everything we saw to this point that involves the two of them has been development and profundization in their relationship for this last punchline we got of Megumi realizing that he wants to keep trying because its worth living out of love
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After all, love IS a centric theme in the story. It's mentioned several times along the series. Gojo describes it as the worst curse, Itadori thinks Sukuna acts that way because of the lack of it. And if we add this new layer, Megumi thinks its woth living out of it.
Ultimately, what's going on between them is inherently love— aside if it's or not romantic
I can't fully explain my ideas cause i can't put them in orden, sorry :/
This is just my opinion btw 🤷‍♀️ also there's only 3 chapters left so I might end up as a big fucking clown 🤡 literally anything could happen but we'll see
Anyway, tell me your thoughts on this 👇
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kkoct-ik · 5 days
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some vaguely on model doodles as i try to work out what is wrong with them (what they look like)
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natp20 · 4 months
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