#this is engagement bait
bitchfitch · 8 months
Wait thats a legitimate question
if youre normal about dog training and not into shock collars as a sex thing but know someone who would buy one for either reason, select that option, I want this as biased and unreliable as possible bc that will be funny. Commit to the bit with me.
this is to get an extremely biased data point about whether more shock collars are being bought for dog behavioral issues, or for people with specific fetishes.
reblog for reach <3
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Genuinely, and I mean this kindly, but learning to recognize bait and not engaging with it will change your fandom experience.
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wavetapper · 2 months
rb this and tag your favourite soundtracks! they can be anything like games or movies or shows or whatever i wanna know what the best ones are 👀
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larachelledrawsfe · 1 year
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A very, very late FE anniversary scribble.
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cyber-therian · 3 months
Pt: Everyone block @.conservativezoomer
The troll is back, they just want to hurt
you and make you mad. Do not interact.
Do not engage. For the sake of your
community block and give this user NO
ATTENTION. Report for hate speech or
harassment if you are able to, but be
CW FOR: pedophilia, ableist slurs and beliefs, racist slurs and beliefs, transphobic slurs and beliefs, pro-Israel content, anti-Palestine content, sysphobic content, fake-claiming, and so much more.
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gingerteaonthetardis · 3 months
my favorite thing about rose tyler (besides everything) is that she still has misogynists genuinely seething after more than a decade. like. they just cannot keep her name out of their mouths and it's because her impact—the impact of a literal teenager with no power, no money, and human flaws—was that profound!!! incredible. keep talking shit forever, we know it's because you can never forget her <3
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ohbo-ohno · 4 months
just fell down a twitter thread of people arguing about whether or not pup play sexualizes dogs 😭😭😭😭😭 tell me why a post saying "why are you as a gay man cosplaying as a dog for your sexual fantasies" has SIX THOUSAND LIKES ohhhhhh we're cooked, we're absolutely cooked
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moonsidesong · 1 day
i generally dont have that many sexuality headcanons for bfdi characters and if anything i dont think 99% of them even think about that kind of thing themselves but i do think there would be a bit where announcer's like. Im So Disappointed, You Guys. It's June. And None Of You Even Wished Me A Happy Pride Month At All. and the other contestants are like 'announcer are you gay? i dont think you ever told us that' and hes just like. No It's Fine. Whatever. Sheesh . and then the scene just carries on like normal
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glorioustragedykid · 9 months
I'm legitimately curious, If you could reboot a cartoon, which cartoon would it be?
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admiral-arelami · 8 months
Canonically Bad Thrawn
Why are some people so obsessed with whether Thrawn is "good" or "bad"? This isn't middle school, where everything must be either/or, black or white, yes or no. These are false dichotomies. Not every work of literature exists to teach readers a "moral lesson." Good fiction rarely deals in moral absolutes. Nor, in fact, does real life. Readers are interested in morally dubious characters for a host of reasons, most of which have little or nothing to do with their real-life beliefs or actions. Hate to break it to you, but a hot, blue, *fictional* alien isn't the one responsible for the resurgence of real-life fascism. Thrawn isn't going to turn your impressionable teenager into a fascist or neo-Nazi. Most people who like Thrawn aren't fascists or neo-Nazis. Nor, I suspect, is Timothy Zahn a member of some secret fascist cult, promulgating conspiracy theories while he awaits the Apocalypse in his fortified bunker.
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museaway · 2 months
"there is unlimited power once you invoke the handwave "AU where." you can do anything. you are unstoppable." you will still get criticism if your AU sucks though
If you're trying to get blocked, you've found an excellent way to do it.
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badaziraphaletakes · 5 months
What the actual factual fuck did I just read
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I don't know what we could possibly say about a take that isn't even trying to be in good faith. Most of the takes we talk about here have unconscious bias in them or lack of general understanding, this is just a vicious attack with no basis in any kind of reality or clear motivation. It's like reading an incel's take on dating. They're not even trying to pretend to be fans of the show anymore. Literally just a nasty troll at this point.
But anyway, let's go. Let's assume something can be said about this. *sighs*
Usually I'd dive into canon here and analyse and nitpick how wrong this is, how poor at best and ill-intentioned at worst of an interpretation it is, and how the text is not telling us ANY of what OP claims, not by a long shot.
But at this point I think it's best to just think for a moment WHY, oh why do you treat these two characters SO DIFFERENTLY when they do the same things that are narratively supposed to PARALLEL EACH OTHER. Not in a one is good/one is evil manner, but in a THEY'RE THE SAME manner.
I could dive into the ableism and misogyny of projecting every single mean person you've ever encountered in your life into the autistic-coded effeminate character, of interpreting every single thing he does as harmful and narcissistic (even when he's SELFLESS), and when his partner does the same thing they're praise-worthy (even when those things are questionable like having a collection of SOULS).
But truly, at this point some ppl are just being cruel, and they don't even try to pretend that they aren't anymore. They're not hiding behind several paragraphs of fake analysis anymore.
They're enjoying the bullying.
And before haters come at us: yes, I KNOW he's fictional but several people in the community identify with him bc of his autistic traits, his trauma and his femininity, so these attacks FEEL personal. And this kind of prejudiced behaviour has consequences irl, as we've said here a thousand times.
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edraculation · 4 months
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shiraishi--kanade · 16 days
I am going to say something and I need you all to be chill about it. There is absolutely a huge misogyny issue in pjsk fandom but you won't achieve anything by talking about it in a guilt-trippy/"reflect on it" manner on Tumbrl specifically because the bulk of the sexist people in this fandom is Decidedly Not Here.
Pjsk active fandom is actually very small on Tumbrl. Like it's way, way smaller than on both Tiktok and Twitter, it's like. Not comparable. There's stan accounts with thousands of followers on either platform, meanwhile on tumbrl every pjsk blog is my mutual-twice-removed, if that. Like two handshakes apart thing. It's tiny. Whenever something blows up it's just the "not actively in fandom but like this media enough" people finding it, who might or might not count as fandom depending on your definition of it. But even so it rarely breaks the 2k notes bracket.
And due to specifics of tumbrl and the fact that people generally tend to keep each other in check (just by sheer peer pressure-ness of it) in small fandoms like this have you really seen anyone being misogynist on tumbrl with their full chest? I didn't. If they are here, it's not frequent.
My point is not to stop discussing it, my point is to chill it a bit with "if you like x but don't like y you're sexist! :)" posts. Because a) surface level, basic, often poorly worded and not necessarily even true b) will never reach their target audience and make them consider their stance but instead make people who are likely already aware of the issue feel guilty, self-conscious and defensive.
Which is like. Do you really think it's worth it? You're on a website where the fandom is overwhelmingly on your side. You're achieving a net neutral at best. It's not making any meaningful change and you're probably aware of that. If you really want to defend female characters you'd be better off actually engaging with them and posting about it over posts like that. Peace.
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tonyzaret · 2 years
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airbus-a350 · 2 months
i think over time ive come to care the most about sincerity in art posted here on this website. it can be technically beautiful and polished as can be but it's always possible to tell when it's drawn for engagement. like all my furry art was drawn for the sake of a cool visual style but I had no emotional attachment to it whatsoever. It was not sincere and had no relation to what actually interested me. In this way, the people here who are closest to truly and honestly posting their sincerest passions are fetish artists
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