#this is exactly the content i want in nightbringer
ineveryfandom · 1 year
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hmm not sure how to feel about obey me running the same pop quiz concurrently in both games
there's a weird disconnect - the new ui and sfx of nightbringer did a good job of giving that disjointed feeling of being somewhere unfamiliar, but given that the pop quiz seems to be taking place in the present that mc came from, the nightbringer ui just feels.... off in the wrong way
given that i've got more resources there i'll probably keep using the original game to play the pop quizzes, but since you can get devil points for s ranking a rhythm stage in nightbringer, seems like these events will be a good place to farm some!
(though in the first place i'd rather they finish the nightbringer story before adding supplementary content like this)
#obey me#i guess there's also the argument to be made that this kind of makes the original game defunct for players who've finished s4#if the pop quizzes are in both games there's no new content unique to the og to warrant keeping it#also i wonder (since the event nightmares are shared) are the devilgram stories the same?#i know that most people playing nightbringer came from the original but there's always going to be some people new to the series#and in the first place it just feels jarring to be midway through a story where the point is that the brothers are unfamiliar#only for the pop quiz to just kinda go 'yah forget that'#also the longer i've had to think about it the more worried i've gotten about whether or not mc's actually gonna go back to the present#given solomon's odd line about remembering that that's where you belong#in a way i guess i wouldn't want mc to leave the brothers behind in this more vulnerable phase#but in another if they stayed it kind of undoes what they've done from og s1 onwards#also i still wanna know how this isn't creating the world's biggest time paradox#if past asmo already has a pact with solomon now what's gonna happen when they meet at that bar where they're supposed to have made it??#depending on that bit in (was it s4 or s3??) where mc + satan end up in the celestial realm#was it that they went back in time or was it an illusion or something??#anyway i've seen some people say that the angel brothers don't remember exactly meeting them#but they still feel their influence afterwards#so maybe that's the case for mc in nightbringer??#anyway. sorry for rambling in tags again
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sister-lucifer · 19 days
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One Must Stake His Claim: Chapter One 
Or: The Game Begins 
[Prologue] [Masterlist]
Nightbringer Diavolo + Lucifer x Male Reader 
Genre: Fluff, I suppose. Not overly sweet, though. 
Summary: After a fair bit of tension, Lucifer finally decides to make his move. 
Content/Warnings: He/him Reader, Jealous Luci, competition, not exactly a love triangle since Reader is completely unaware of the bullshit they’re in the middle of, praise, Luci is bad at flirting, suggestive but not NSFW, inappropriate and unprofessional touching, a few instances of profanity 
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If tension was a tangible thing, one could cut through the current fog of competition with a knife. 
All day Lucifer and Diavolo have practically been circling each other, staring each other down like territorial animals, both of them more than prepared to fight but neither wanting to make the first move. 
After all, war is not a subject to be taken lightly. One must keep his deniability in tact should the worst come. 
You, on the other hand, have been carrying on quite as usual. Regardless of how the game escalates, neither Diavolo nor Lucifer are particularly fond of the idea of bringing your attention to the situation. Perhaps it’s simply easier that way, or perhaps on some level they can’t bear to even imagine the look on your face when the realization of their childish squabbles comes to light. To some extent they’re both aware of the ridiculous brawl that will inevitably become of this—not that it’s completely reasonable to begin with—but they both fall to the whims of their pride. 
That is to say, they would both sooner eat glass before they concede to the other. 
They’ve both been keeping a watchful eye on you as you flitter about the House of Lamentation. Every now and then you’ll look up at just the right time and catch one of them staring you down with more intensity than he means, but you’ve yet to raise any sort of question about it. It’s not all that odd, really; they all did that when you first showed up. If you looked just a bit closer you might be able to see that swimming fury in the back of their eyes, but staring in through the window’s of a demon’s soul for too long will send shivers down your spine. 
Over the past hour or so Lucifer has been slowly working up the courage to approach you. He’s been wary about striking first, but he just can’t wait any longer; he needs to out-play Diavolo, and in order to get one up on as skilled a strategist as the demon prince he has to have quite the reserve of courage. It’ll be unexpected, too, especially with Barbatos currently occupying Diavolo with some royal responsibility he can’t sneak away from. 
The pieces of quite the sly plan have been slowly coming together in his mind. He’s got to have the perfect mix of wit, gall and charisma to pull this off, to pull you in without overwhelming you or putting you off. He has to carry himself with confidence but not arrogance when he approaches you, and he has to choose every word carefully. On top of that, he has to make his move at exactly the right time, as even a second of miscalculation could completely ruin everything that he’s— 
“Oh, Lucifer! I finished that paperwork you asked me to!”
He nearly jumps out of his skin, suddenly ripped from his thoughts by the sound of your voice. 
It looks like you’ve made the decision for him. 
The thick stack of papers falls into his desk with a hard thud a moment later. He looks up to meet your eyes, and the proud smile on your face makes his heart skip a beat. 
“I did it,” you say, “I’ve gotten everything from the contractors in order, and I’ve gotten all the budget reports back. Now we can officially move on to the next stage of building R.A.D.!”
Lucifer’s lips part just slightly, but no words come out. He hates being at a loss for words, but he you have an odd way of doing that to him with the most minuscule gestures. It’s not even a gesture, really, he asked you to go this, but…
He manages to snap out of it quickly, clearing his throat. 
“Ah, I see. This…will surely take quite a bit off of my work load.” 
The words sound much more forced than they should be. Lucifer inwardly cringes when you raise a brow curiously. 
“Are you, um, alright, Lucifer?” 
He quickly nods, waving his hand dismissively. 
“Of course, of course. Just a bit, you know, worn out. This sort of thing is quite demanding.” 
“Definitely,” you agree with a nod, “let me know if you need anything else. I could always grab you a coffee, or maybe some tea if—“
“That won’t be necessary.” 
The rejection is far more firm than he means it to be, and for a split second he braces for the worst, only to breathe an internal sigh of relief when you shrug and turn to walk away. 
…Hold on, walk away? 
Wait, no! 
This is his chance, and he was completely caught off guard! He can’t let you leave now, not when this is the perfect opportunity to show Diavolo what he’s capable of! 
And yet, he’s not moving. 
He’s just watching this moment slip through his fingers in slow motion, like a miserable fool. His hands twitch uselessly against his desk without pushing him to stand. 
Dammit, dammit, dammit! 
It shouldn’t be this hard. 
It really shouldn’t be this hard, but something about you makes his mouth go dry and wrings every last drop of intelligence out of his brain. Goodness, he didn’t even thank you! He had meant to, surely, but he choked. 
No more waiting. No more letting Diavolo have the power. This is more than just a stupid competition for your attention, this is Lucifer’s chance to prove that he won’t roll over and be an obedient lapdog for the Devildom crown. 
With a sudden burst of energy he pushes himself up from his desk, making quick strides towards you. The aggressive clicking of his dress shoes on the tile startles you enough to make you turn around. 
“Lucifer—?” you start, but you don’t get to finish. 
Two strong, gloved hands come down on your shoulders. When you look up and see the deathly serious look on Lucifer’s face, you gulp. Shit, are you in trouble?
“Human,” he says, his deep voice booming in your ears despite his composure. 
You struggle to look him in the eyes, mentally bracing for the verbal misery that is surely about to be inflicted on you as punishment for whatever sin you’ve committed against law and order in the House of Lamentation. 
“…Thank you.”
Despite your best efforts to stay neutral, you can’t fight the look of skepticism that twists your features. 
“Thank you,” Lucifer repeats upon seeing your expression, though it doesn’t make the words coming out of his mouth any less surreal for either of you, “you’ve done me a great favor. You always work diligently when given a task, and I…” 
There’s a pause.  
The silence is deafening. 
He can’t believe he’s going to say this. 
“…I couldn’t do it without you.” 
No. Fucking. Way. 
Fireworks go off in your head, exploding in vibrant blooms of every color you’ve ever seen and some you’ve never even imagined. For a brief moment a wave of pastel paint strokes sweeps through your world like the still life of a Rococo painting, all synapses firing with bursts of star-bright mirth. 
Such high praise from Lucifer! Great heavens, someone wake the King! 
The wide grin that spreads across your face threatens to split your visage in two, and Lucifer nearly forgets himself at the sight. 
Yes, he thinks, he said the right words! He’s done it! 
You can barely stop yourself from jumping for joy. You manage to thank Lucifer in return through your utter elation, and he even lets you see him smile. It’s nothing big, just the smallest quirk of his lips, but it’s priceless to you. It’s as if in this moment you and Lucifer are the only ones who exist, and really, all he can see now is you. 
He wasn’t expecting the mere sight of your genuine smile to affect him so deeply, but it does.  It sparks a gentle fire deep in the core of his being that warms him like nothing has since his wings were white. 
Damn, that feels good. 
He gives your shoulders a pat before releasing you. 
“Go on, then,” he says, not taking his eyes off of yours, “I’m sure you’ve got other tasks to attend you. I shall call if I need you.” 
You nod, giving a quick goodbye before you turn on your heel to take your leave… 
…only to instead run right into Diavolo’s chest. 
Suddenly all of that joy is draining from Lucifer at an alarming rate, like water through his fingers. He can feel Diavolo’s booming laughter burrowing into the recesses of his brain and promising to induce a horrid migraine. He doesn’t know why Diavolo is here, but from what Lucifer has observed of the prince he can tell he has something of a sixth sense for when someone is trying to usurp any sort of power from him. It’s an important talent for any royalty to have. 
You have to crane your neck to look up at the demon prince towering over you.  Your lips part to speak an apology, but you choke on your words when he reaches out to cup your chin with a gentleness unbecoming of Devildom royalty. 
In a moment your face has become unbearably hot. 
“I must agree with you, dear Lucifer,” Diavolo says, not looking up at the other demon, “our little human here has been quite the asset to our cause. I simply can’t imagine where we would be without his efforts.” 
His voice carries a sickly-sweet sense of self satisfaction that only registers to Lucifer‘s ears. He could kill him right here and end the royal bloodline for good, he thinks. A horrible choice that would be, but the last thread of his composure is quite strained and threatening to snap right in two, with the break being helpfully hastened by that awfully smug look on Diavolo’s face. 
You stammer, unsure what to say. You’re completely flustered. 
It would be cute if Lucifer weren’t so angry at the cause of your foolish stuttering. 
For a brief moment Diavolo looks up, and he makes eye contact with Lucifer. In his eyes Lucifer sees none of that gracious persona he’s putting on, all he sees is ‘I’m better than you.’ 
This cannot be allowed to stand. 
Lucifer steps closer, his front nearly against your back. You squeak in surprise and slight confusion. 
“L-Lucifer, what—?” 
“I must say, Diavolo,” he interrupts, forcing a polite smile of his own, “it’s even beyond that. I dare say we’re all better in character because of this human. Wouldn’t you say?” 
His hand finds its way onto your back, sliding a bit lower than you were ready for before settling into a stop. He can feel you shiver at the touch. My stars, you’re small, he thinks. He hadn’t realized the true size disparity until now. 
You’re frozen, sandwiched between the strong bodies of two demons who practically dwarf you. Alas, the perils of being a human in this world; you may not ever fully realize how different you are from them. 
Diavolo’s hands move to your arms, giving you a little squeeze and making you jump. You’re nearly engulfed by them as they lean over you to speak to each other. 
“You’re certainly right, Lucifer,” Diavolo replies, “I hesitate to compare a human to an angel, but I must say I’m at a loss for any other equivalent.” 
His grip on you gets just a fair bit tighter. 
You can’t take much more of this. You may just melt into a whimpering little puddle. 
“I’d say it’s a far enough comparison,” Lucifer says with a nod and just a hint of a growl in his voice. 
“I do hope so; I hate to brag, but I do think the demon prince himself should know best,” Diavolo  states with an air of certainty beyond what his words would imply. 
“Now, now, let’s not get cocky,” Lucifer bites back. 
“I’m only suggesting the truth,” Diavolo replies firmly. 
“And for what reason do you think this to be the truth, hm?” 
“Well, I’ve yet to seen this disproven, especially by you.” 
“Perhaps you’re merely not looking hard enough. Must be awfully hard to see over that silver spoon in your mouth.” 
“Do you truly think—“ 
“Wait. Diavolo—“ 
“No, no, Lucifer, let me finish—“ 
“Diavolo.  The human has left.” 
“The hu— what?” 
There’s a pause as they both look down at the empty space you were occupying moments ago, then to the doorway just in time to see the last sliver of you before you’re gone. 
Diavolo blinks. 
“Where do you think we lost him?”
Lucifer sighs. 
“Around your stupid angel comment, I’d say.”
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Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out. 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated.
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azuretl · 7 months
Obey Me! The Comic
I wanted to write a bit about my experiences and working on the Obey Me! Manga!!! It’d be fun to dive into the process and challenges and just overall experience.
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Read more under the cut!
Sooooo I first found out about seven seas licensing it when they announced it on their Twitter. I emailed my project manager and told her that I worked on the game some years ago! (I was translating events and phone messages and updates through an agency. I don’t remember exactly which events I got to do now, but I think I translated the bunny costume cards and event… one of the mammon birthday events… a Christmas one… and many many others!! Getting the OM job was how I was introduced to them!)
So, I was put on the project. I still remembered a lot of rules and regulations about the boys and their speech style and personalities, AND I was still playing Nightbringer at the time, so it wasn’t hard for me to pick this up. (Thank goodness I also kept all of my notes!)
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This manga was a lot different from the previous manga work I’ve done…mainly because it’s based on a game and used a lot of text from the game.
There are two routes we can take when we work on works that have previously translated and published content. We can either retranslate everything from scratch, or…we dive into the translated content and try to stick as closely to it as possible.
I always prefer option 2, because in the eyes or the reader/fans, that’s what they’re most familiar with. There are legal issues with that sometimes, so not everyone is given that luxury… but luckily I was able to for this book.
I cracked open my Obey Me! game and diligently went through the first few lessons
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I don’t think I’m allowed to show my script, but every time the book used lines from the game, I’d copy it from the game and highlight it, making a comment to the editor about exactly which lesson it’s from so that the editor will know that these are direct lines from the game.
The whole reason I bothered doing this (and it takes way more time pulling lines than translating the text myself btw) is because I thought, as a fan, seeing the familiar text would feel more welcoming. If I was a reader, I’d feel so happy and I might even start comparing the game and the book just to see the same text… because this is the Obey Me world, made for the fans and for the people. If the Japanese audience got to experience the same text as it’s pulled from the game, then the English audience should too…at least, that’s how I felt!
A bit about the translation process… once the script is handed in, I have little to no idea about how much of that script ends up in the final product. So for this title, I had SO MANY NOTES to the editor to tell them about things that can’t be changed (example- The Great Mammon is mammon’s way of addressing himself. Don’t change that!! And there’s mammon’s iconic yell- d’aaaah!). I took a quick flip through volume 1 and I’m really glad the editors kept what needed to be kept and did an absolutely fantastic job with this title! 💕💕💕
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I’ve been wanting to write something about OM for a while, but it took a really long time for the company to send me copy of the book 😅
But this is actually because they had very limited copies left… I guess it sold really well?!?! I never had a book with this issue before…
So to end this blog post off, I want to thank all of you for purchasing the book and supporting OM!! Thank you so much for loving this world…and I’m always so honored to be able to bring some of that to the western world.
Keep loving the boys ❤️ and please look forward to the next few volumes!!
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Ending this iconically with Mammon’s sexy ass 💕
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666writingcafe · 4 months
Author's Note: So basically the first two parts of this rewrite are me setting up a bit of backstory, since I didn't think MC randomly being transported into the past made much sense. After all, I'm trying to create one cohesive story out of the existing content from the original Obey Me game and its Nightbringer spinoff.
The fact that we actually managed to spend some time downtown without our plan going sideways is a feat within itself. If I was with anyone else, we would have been on Plan E by now, and that's on a good day.
But then I happen to notice the back of someone's head and thought their ombre hair looked rather familiar. Stupidly, I ask Solomon to confirm my suspicions, and rather than verbally answer me, he walks up to them and taps them on the shoulder. They whip around, revealing themselves to be exactly who I thought they were.
And now she's got him backed against an alley wall with a dagger pressed against his throat.
"Who are you, and what have you done to my Solomon?" Thirteen hisses. I've only met her once before, but I figured that she would have this kind of reaction. After all, she is a reaper; I'm sure she's able to tell the age of someone's soul simply by looking at them, and no amount of illusion is going to hide that reality from her.
"I promise I can explain," Solomon gasps. "Just...could you possibly let me breathe?" Thirteen narrows her eyes but nevertheless takes a step back, making sure her dagger is still visible as she crosses her arms.
"Thanks," he responds, his voice sounding less hoarse. "The simple answer is that we're from a future timeline. We're here to gather information so that we're able to help someone back home." Thirteen glances at me, but then does a double take as her eyes widen.
"I know you," she tells me. "You've been popping in and out of my cave recently."
"I...I don't know what you're talking about," I meekly reply.
"Of course you wouldn't. I haven't seen you before." I'm confused. She just contradicted herself.
"Then how--"
"The soul," Thirteen interrupts. "It's this bright white light that's been dancing around different parts of my cave. I've heard it whispering, but it was always out of reach, and every time I would try to get closer to hear it better, it would always fly off somewhere." She pauses. "Question is, what is it doing inside a demon?"
"It's a disguise," Solomon answers.
"I wasn't talking to you," Thirteen snaps at him. "So you'd best keep your mouth shut until I'm ready to speak to you again. As it is, you're incredibly lucky I haven't just gone ahead and slit your throat already." I knew she was feisty, but damn. Didn't expect her to threaten Solomon's life.
"Hold out your hand," she instructs, focusing her attention back on me. Not wanting to upset her any more, I do as she asks, and she sandwiches it between her own hands.
"Now, look into my eyes."
"You're not going to charm me, are you?" The dumb question escapes my mouth before I can stop it.
"What? No! I mean, not that you're not attractive, but that's not why I'm doing this. I need to take a better look at your soul, and that's best done through skin-to-skin contact."
"Oh." For a few moments, I find myself magically drowning in Thirteen's eyes as she does whatever she's doing to examine my soul. What is she trying to find in there, anyway?
She suddenly lets go of my hand, stepping away from me.
"Well, that explains that," she murmurs before clearing her throat. "Alright. I believe you, Solomon." He breathes a sigh of relief.
"I wouldn't get too comfortable," she warns him. "If you've retained any of your old habits, I might just have to set a trap or two on you to teach you a lesson."
"Understood." There's a slight smirk on his face. Does he not think that she'll follow through on her threat? A slight blush dusts Thirteen's cheeks as she guides us out of the alley and back onto the street. I would question it, but I don't want to set her off again, so I just keep my mouth shut.
"About a month ago, the Prince put an ad in all the local newspapers," Thirteen states to Solomon as we're walking. "He's looking for an attendant to help six fallen angels and a freshly-born demon settle into life in the Devildom. He's held auditions, but all of them have ended in disaster. Based on what I saw, your friend here would be perfect for the job."
"Is that where we're going now?" Solomon asks.
"Yes. Although when we get there, I need to have a few words with him and his butler first. They need to understand the situation." She turns her head towards me. "By the way, what's the deal with the two names? Your birth name would have been just fine in your current form."
"I didn't think it would fit a demon," I quietly answer, surprised that she dug that bit of information out of my soul. "Plus, I thought that it would be confusing to have two MCs exist in history."
"Fair enough. So, MC in private, Zephyr in public?" I nod my head, and Thirteen reaches down and grabs my hand.
"It's alright," she whispers. "There's no need to be nervous. I'll make sure you don't get in trouble. Just focus on getting the position, okay?"
"What did you see?" I ask her quietly, curious about what looking into my soul revealed to her.
"Enough to tell me that you're a good person who's helped these guys once before."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr
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winter-sol · 1 year
still with you
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word count: 1,5k pairing: GN! reader / Leviathan contents: GN reader, SFW. angst and loneliness.
After MC time travels in Nightbringer, they find themselves longing for their loved one's presence and affection. But in the past, things are different, and their relationship with Leviathan is not the same.
Short angsty one-shot. uwu. also at ao3 here ♥
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For some reason, the walls of the corridor seem endless today. Your pace is slow, you’re not in a hurry since his invitation pointed at you to come exactly at 10:20 pm. You were ready to end your day and rest at Cocytus Hall, but apparently this new DLC for a game of his promised to be really good and he wanted to try it with a second player because “It’s not like I’m asking you to play with me, ok? I only need a partner. Though, not that kind of partner!”.
That was slightly nostalgic, but also oddly… disheartening. For him to be so ambiguous and nervous again.
That’s the way things are right now. May as well do something about it and not just keep him at arm length. You could never, not when you miss him so much, even if you see him every day.
“Hey! Another victory for me, LOL, you suck at this game, MC.”
“I- Ah! It’s not fair, you’ve played this one much more than I have!”
“Nope. No excuses, hehehe.”
Yes, you lost again, but not that you really care. You barely know this game, and to be honest, it’s not becoming one of your favorites. Leviathan is a pro at basically every game he lays a finger on, statistically speaking, yes, you were going to lose.
But to think you’d be able to play this game one day… In the present, as he told you once, it had been discontinued for a couple hundred years.
It’s hard to believe, but that’s the reality you had to accept.
The screen is passing some cutscenes recapitulating the fight both of your characters went through, the loud music turning into background noise as your attention has gone to the aquarium. It lacks a certain member. But so do many things in this room, in this house.
Most of them look the same, though. Turns out that the House of Lamentation and every room have looked the way you remember them since the beginning, with small adaptations of course. But you can’t decide if it’s better or worse, to see it all look the same but for everything to be that different.
“…in there… that kick… was not…”
Even that voice. It’s the same tone, the same color. It’s as soothing and pretty as ever. But it’s not his voice. It’s not… your Levi.
“… even there?... MC…”
Of course he is, and you know you’ll fall in love with him again (if you aren’t already), and with enough luck he may fall in love with you too. But it’s not the same…
“What? Ahh… Sorry, I got distracted. You were saying?”
“Oh. Don’t worry” A short pause, and he adds in a fast speech. “I’m not boring you, right?”
You haven’t heard that one in a while, since before you two were a thing. In the present, that is.
“No, of course not. Sorry, I’ve been kinda spaced out today.”
“Oh, s-sure! Uhmmm…” Another moment of silence, a bit more tense. “I’ll go grab some drinks! I think we finished the last can of soda. Uhm, I’ll be right back, stay here!”
Clearly uncomfortable, Leviathan stands and hurriedly leaves his room, leaving you there to wait for him.
Even this awkwardness… It’s been so long since Levi felt that way with you. You two had come a long way, from the demon who tried to kill you for losing a stupid quiz, to your friend, to your best friend, and to your lover.
And now, it’s like everything simply was taken away from you. And you can’t do anything about it, not for now. You can’t even confide in him; share the pain you’re going through like you used to with all your concerns and burdens in the present.
You can’t snuggle with him in his bathtub, closed space making you stay too close to each other while one of you rants about their day, about the council, the exams, the other brothers, about anything and everything.
You can’t hide beneath the covers of your bed when it’s too cold and text him to come with you, to spend the night with you so he can warm you up. To fall asleep in his arms, with the dim lights of the tree and the heat emanating from his body lulling you into your dreams.  Such a simple act, to cherish his company just because you can, just because you want to.
But now, you can only look at the bathtub you forced him to accommodate for you in the present, unable to even think about stepping a foot in it.
You can only look at the similar lights you’ve placed in your new room every night, looking for a sense of familiarity, before you cry yourself to sleep.
Suddenly overwhelmed, you close your eyes.
A strange wave of sadness makes its way into your brain and your heart.
Can you even take this? Deal with this for who knows how long?
How is he even doing in the present? Does he somehow know you’re in here? Or is he worried, anxious and depressed at your disappearance?
He always worries a bit too much, let his thoughts go to the darkest places, expecting the worst. If only there was a way to send him a message, to let him know you’re ok, that you’re right here by his side, even if it’s not the same, even if his past self has no idea who you actually are.
It’s such a lonely concept, to be in the same place as your loved ones, but for them to be unable to see you. You love all of them, in different ways, but you do. You long for those days where everything was lively and chaotic, and they were your family, and you were theirs.
You open your eyes before you let your thoughts consume you.
Right now, there’s nothing you can do but stay right there for them, right there where they need you, and hope you can be a positive presence for them again. For now, you can only confide in Solomon, and that gives some peace to your heart.
But still, if only…
As if on cue, Leviathan enters the room carrying a bunch of cans in his arms.
“Hey! I’m back. Oh? That’s still on the screen?” He points out at the same sequence repeating, clearly indicating you hadn’t touched the game since he left.
“Ah, yeah, well, since I don’t know the game at all, I didn’t want to press anything and mess it up.” You tell him that instead of saying something like ‘I’m so sad I forgot it was even there in the first place.’ He doesn’t need to know.
“Right. Don’t worry, I’ll press it. Here. Also, I brought these ones, do you like that flavor? I heard it’s popular in here.”
You honestly have no idea what flavor of soda that is, as it doesn’t exist anymore in the present. But you can’t tell the truth since you’re supposed to be a native demon.
“It’s ok, but I prefer that other one”.
“Sure! Take it!”
He seems fine now, not uncomfortable anymore so you hide your true feelings at the back of your heart and end up playing again with him.
You guess you can’t really complain, you’re right here by your beloved demon’s side, enjoying your time together. Hopefully, Leviathan will remember a that certain someone used to spend time with him in the past, and that he was never truly alone during such hard times.
You look at his face and you can notice how bright he looks. He’s enjoying his game, laughing, making jokes, trying to sound cocky but ending up teaching you a few tricks. This scene where both of you are sitting right here, in this place, it’s so familiar. It’s nice. He’s happy with you.
He’s still the same, so you shouldn’t be sad, right?
“That was so cool, you got really good at this, you know?”
“Meh, I guess it’s thanks to you. You gave me all those tips. Also, who wouldn’t get better with such a handsome and cool Player 1, right?”
“MC, shut up! Hahaha.”
He laughs and tries to hide his blushed expression at the flirty comment you just threw at him. After he notices you smiling as well, he circles his arms even tighter around you, pressing his head on your shoulder, and gives you a tender kiss on your cheek.
“MC… Don’t ever leave me, ok?”
That was slightly unexpected, but you notice a sweet warmth enveloping you at his honest words.
“Idiot. I’m not going anywhere. In fact, you’ll end up looking for ways to get rid of me.”
“-! No, don’t say that! I would never!”
You only smiled and kissed his lips, reassuring him you won’t leave, not if you can help it.
That was a conversation you two had one lazy afternoon, in the same place you are right now.
But he was behind you, holding you tight against his chest while you played some stupid game together. You were loved by him, not trying to get his trust and friendship all over again.
Turns out you didn’t keep your word. You weren't powerful enough.
What a joke of a sorcerer.
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♥ also, if you want to talk and share your ideas feel free to hit the ask button ;)
thanks for reading ♥
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A rant from a tired Beel enjoyer
I can't find a nicer way to get into this, so I'm just gonna go all out and say it: Why did Solmare make our chats and calls with Beel so damn boring?
I swear, ALL this man ever talks to us about is food. No matter the situation, with Beel, it always circles back to eating somehow. He either wants an opinion on food, or he's asking us to accompany him to a new restaurant, or he's arguing with someone because of food. I mean, even our first call with him on NB it's just him calling us on accident when he actually wanted to order pizza ( a trope that has already been recycled from another call in the og game, by the way ).
And I have to say, it's tiring. It's tiring because I love this character so much and I was so ready to get better Beel content when NB came out. But no, the calls and chats with him have somehow become even more bland. And now when I get a chat notification from him I just get this overwhelming feeling of boredom, because I know exactly what's going to happen: it's going to be yet another chat where we talk about food. 🙃
You can just see there's no effort being put into these convos, especially when compared with the other characters, who we get to talk about a variety of things with. And this has been a problem ever since OMSWD, since the majority of our chats with him there were also about food. But at least we got some that weren't, for example, one of my favorites, where Beel confesses that the reason he had been missing was that he was taking care of this dying flower. Or the other chats where he talks to us about training and Fangol, or just little things like sleeping on MC's lap and wanting to do it again or whatever.
But on Nightbringer? I swear, all chats and calls so far have been nothing but repetitive and forgettable ( at least for me, that is ). And it bothers me soooo much because this only happens with him! We get plenty of different topics to talk about with the others, but Beel? Beel can only ever talk about food, or Belphie, which is… not great at all…
And it sucks because Beel has so much potential, being the lovable character that he is. But the devs only give 3 layers to him: The meathead, the family protector with survivor's guilt, and… Belphegor's twin brother 😐. That's all, we get nothing more and it's left to us to give him more depth and make him less one-dimensional.
It's disappointing, to say the least. And I haven't seen a lot of people discuss this before, so yeah.
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thornlock-obey-me · 3 months
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About This Blog!!!
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This is a side blog that will only contain Obey Me/Nightbringer content!
I will mostly be writing about my MC, Eden, and the lore of their family!
I do have headcanon/changes to the main canon that will be in my writing with Eden.
I MAY write adult content, and I WILL certainly write about darker topics that may trigger people. All of these will have warnings and tags, so you may avoid reading it.
I am of the opinion that the demon characters are exactly that: demons! So I will write about them acting as such, they will not always be sweet and cuddly and if you don't like that 👉🚪 there's the door.
I also believe the Avatars of Sin to be more of "brothers in arms" versus them actually seeing each other as brothers. The game has stated many times that they aren't related biologically and that the "brothers" title stems from everyone in the Celestial Realm being "brothers in arms" because of how Catholicism is. All of God's "children" are "brothers in arms". So I'm going with the relationship dynamic of that and the war trauma really forcing them together. They are friends/comrades/roommates who have been living together for so long that they can't picture it any other way.
That being said, I don't plan to write or talk a lot about "demoncest", but when I do, it will be tagged.
Luke is a child, and anything involving him will be child appropriate! I will block anyone who asks or accuses me of writing that stuff about Luke!
So with that all said, those who want to stay: welcome and behave! Those who'd like to leave: block and scroll sweetie!
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Masterlist of my main story: Tales Through the Rose's Eyes
Disclaimers & Warnings!!
Her Garden: A memory of Eden's garden and a little present moment between them and Mammon.
Water Fight!: A continuation into the mentioned water fight in 'Her Garden'. You don't really need to read the first one to understand this one.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
SO. I finally finally finished season four so I’m all caught up with the main story. I wanted to get through it before Nightbringer came out and I have done it.
I would like to begin by saying that I am in love with Thirteen. She's perfection.
I wasn’t sure about Raphael at first but he grew on me by the end. His enjoyment of Solomon’s cooking is concerning, but at least someone likes it??
I actively disliked Mephistopheles at first but he also grew on me by the end. Now I’d say I'm willing to give him a chance and I find him intriguing.
I still don’t feel like I know these characters well enough to write for them though. 😮‍💨 I need more content!
I have some OPINIONS but they’re spoilery so I’m gonna put them under the cut in case anybody wants to read them.
I mean, I already knew that he was human now so it’s not like I was surprised or anything. Even if I hadn’t encountered this truth by spending too much time in the fandom, it’s pretty easy to guess.
But I’m annoyed because it MAKES NO SENSE.
I really enjoyed season three and I loved the angels running the cafe, all of that was great. And I get that this happened because Simeon was already a human by that point, but there could have easily been a different reason for it.
This game isn’t exactly known for being consistent or even making sense most of the time, but this whole Simeon is a human thing feels even more haphazard than the usual stuff.
First, what even is the angel’s blessing? How does not having access to it make Simeon straight up human instead of just an angel without powers? Is he mortal now? Is he gonna start aging like a human would?
Second, Simeon saved MC and/or Lucifer’s life (depending on your choice iirc) by taking the Ring of Light. MC’s powers were so great that it was causing actual harm in the world that would only get worse. The Ring of Light fixed that without anyone having to die. Isn’t that more important than the fact that Simeon took it without permission? Is the Celestial Realm so weird about rules that they can’t see past them when it’s necessary?
I’m not exactly fond of the Celestial Realm in general. I know the brothers always seem to be like we miss it and oh yes what a lovely place and blah blah, but it sounds bonkers. They're stuck up, overly strict, and too fond of punishments that don’t fit the crime. I much prefer the Devildom where that sort of thing only really manifests as a leftover in Lucifer, at least in my opinion. (I mean, the punishment for skipping class at RAD is detention and while writing lines is pretty old school, Simeon's line was "I may smile all the time, but I'm scary when I'm angry! ♡" So you know.)
Third, Lucifer said that Simeon couldn’t go back to the Celestial Realm now. So does this mean they not only took away the angel’s blessing, but also straight up kicked him out? Or is it more like you just physically can’t get there without the blessing?
Fourth, Lucifer also suggests that Raphael is there to watch over Simeon. I find the motivations here questionable. If Raphael volunteered to be an exchange student for the express purpose of looking out for Simeon, that would make sense. Raphael seems to be genuinely fond of Simeon. So if the motivation was his own and he just wants to look out for his friend, that checks out. And it makes me like him more. But if it was more like the Celestial Realm (Michael??) being like, hey Raphael can you go watch that guy for us? Then I find it concerning.
I thought all of this might make some sense if Simeon is meant to fall completely at some point and become a demon, but no. That still makes no sense. Lucifer and his brothers fell after a major war, it wasn't like they gradually started going down or anything. And there is no mention of any other angels falling and becoming demons, so I don't know if it's even happened again.
I just don’t get where they’re going with this. Is MC supposed to help Simeon get his power back somehow? Because while I would like that to happen, it’s annoying that it had to happen in the first place. Especially since Simeon DID THE RIGHT THING.
Thirteen is obviously still living in her cave, which is fine and all, but is she like one of many? It sounds like she is. And apparently they don't belong to any one realm, so are there reapers living in all the three worlds? Do they have some kind of leader? How many candles do each of them keep in their own caves? Like there are a lot of humans so there must be a pretty decent amount of reapers needed to keep track of all the deaths and what not. The existence of the brothers' candles also implies that they can in fact die, especially since that was the whole reason for going to the cave to begin with. But I'm confused about how that even happens. Like do demons just live a really really long time, but then at some point they age rapidly and fade away? Or is it more like at some point they just meet with a terrible accident or something?
I think the big issue for me personally with all of this is that I want EXPLANATIONS but this is not really an explanation sort of game. The focus really is on MC's relationships with the brothers and others, not really about how the Devildom/Celestial Realm/magic works.
But because I have so many questions, I have a tendency to want to fill in the missing information for myself. I could absolutely answer all these questions in fic form in a way that makes sense to me personally, you know? Do I have the time to do that, no not really, but do I very much want to? YES.
We'll see, maybe I'll do some more long form stories exploring some of this stuff. But I'll probably wait until after Nightbringer because with any luck they'll give us some answers! At the very least, they seem to be about to give us some Barbatos and Solomon backstory which is another thing that I HAVE MANY QUESTIONS ABOUT.
And don't even get me started on the whole student council joining nonsense, what even was all that about? A dark crevasse, really?
All I really want is for Barbatos to say he loves MC in the main story. Is that too much to ask?! You can leave all my other stuff unanswered if I can just have that. (Though it'd be really funny if that actually has happened and I just forgot about it. I wouldn't be surprised haha. But I can't remember him ever saying that or anything close to it in the main story.)
I just love him so much and I really thought he was going to say something about his feelings at the end, especially when you choose to say I love you to him, but he didn't. Even if you choose the other option, he doesn't. I want to both shake him and smother him with kisses.
Okay, okay, rant over. Clearly the brain rot is all consuming. I didn't even realize I had quite this much to say and I could keep going. Now I'm also greatly concerned for my own sanity.
But it's okay, it's about to get worse because I'm ready for Nightbringer! I can't believe it's coming out so soon! But there's no doubt in my mind that it's going to increase my obsession.
If you read this whole post, you are truly a lovely person and I appreciate you. Also if there are inaccuracies in what I've said because I forgot something or misinterpreted something, please let me know!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
kind of serious post time
I had something planned but it got delayed due to a retake exam.
I'm not ready to reveal a lot for now but please do not send me nightbringer spoilers/content via asks, dms and stuff. I will be blocking the tag as well just in case.
I think if I work hard and don't have to retake another exam I'll be able to get the 'something' done in the next few weeks, but keep in mind I have stuff outside of the things I do online going on, so I don't know when exactly I'll be done. But since it's part of something I've always wanted I'll try my best to hurry up.
Thank you so much, have a great day!
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To Ascend Again
Summary: After falling from the Celestial Realm, the seven brothers must rely on each other emotionally to cope with the loss of their sister, Lilith. Meanwhile, they are also trying to adjust to their new forms and heal both the physical and emotional wounds caused by the Celestial War. Their bonds become stronger than ever since the fall, and they learn to rise again from the calamity that befell them.
Genre: Angst/Hurt
CW: Nothing really in this chapter, but there is slight discrimination against the brothers.
A/N: Chapter 9 is here! I hope you are all enjoying! Since Nightbringer came out, i've been feeling very inspired yet also very overwhelmed with all the content. I'm currently starting lesson 11, and there's so much I can include. Please, if you guys have any scenes you want to see, please send me an ask or a message!! I will gladly include what you guys want to read as well! It will also help me narrow it down. But I do have the worry and fear that it'll drag too much if it's too long, I hope i'm wrong T_T. Please let me know your thoughts! Enjoy some fluff with Satan! He deserves it. As usual, reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
Taglist: @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar
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Moon dividers are by @/firefly-graphics
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Chapter 9: The Return
A couple of days had passed since Satan’s outburst. Diavolo and Barbatos had whisked Satan away to the castle for the time being, and the house was now eerily quiet. Lucifer didn’t want to admit it, but he felt guilty for granting the Demon Prince permission to take little brother away. He was only a young demon, and his creation was no one’s fault but his. The eldest demon sat in his study, staring down at a single paper that Diavolo had given him to sign. He rubbed his temples as he read the one statement over and over again. 
I, Lucifer Morningstar, grant Diavolo, the next in line as King of the Devildom, permission to hold Satan, The Avatar of Wrath, within my care for the safety of all Devildom citizens until he’s of age.
Normally, Lucifer wouldn’t even question it and sign it without a second thought. But he felt…responsible, and it was eating at him like a crow pecking at a rotting corpse. A knock on the door interrupted his internal stewing. “Come in.” he sighed. He glanced up to see Mammon poking his head in the door. “Uh, Hi. Is this a good time?” Lucifer nodded, gesturing for the 2nd born to enter. Mammon strolled in, taking a seat at one of the chairs at Lucifer’s desk. He leaned forward, folding his arms together and resting his head in them. “What are you doing here, Mammon?” the raven haired demon asked. He glanced down at Mammon’s exposed forearm, which was wrapped tightly in bandages after being bitten by Satan. “Uhh so… you aren’t gonna actually sign that are ya?” Mammon asked hesitantly, taking a quick glance at the paper on his desk. Lucifer sighed, pushing himself out of his chair and going to stand at one of the large windows. Thunder sounded in the distance and he watched intently as rain droplets began to fall in waves against the glass. “I…don’t know,” he finally replied. “Aren’t they just throwing him in a cell in the Castle dungeon? He’s just…” Mammon lifted up his head from his arms, his golden-blue gaze filled with worry. “He’s just a kid…yanno?” Lucifer sighed, turning around to meet Mammon’s eyes. “I know. I can’t help but feel he’d be safer here, even if he absolutely despises us.” Mammon nodded in agreement. “You should talk to him.” Lucifer’s crimson eyes widened at the suggestion. “About what, exactly?” Mammon shrugged. “I dunno, about everything? Like, you haven’t exactly been a great brother to him either.” Lucifer crossed his arms against his chest. “Excuse me? I haven’t exactly had an opportunity where he isn’t lunging at my throat or someone else’s.” Lucifer sniffed, glancing away from his younger brother and sadly looking down at his feet. “His eyes fill with nothing but wrath every single time he looks at me.” Mammon got up out of the chair, slowly making his way over to Lucifer. “I know that. But we have to teach him a buncha other things besides wrath, right? So how the hell is that gonna happen when he’s locked away in a prison cell?” Lucifer raised his head, meeting Mammon’s intense stare. “...You’re right. I’ll talk to Diavolo immediately.” 
Lucifer had shooed Mammon away to go check on Beel. The 6th born had also obtained minor injuries from Satan’s temper tantrum, and it’s been a little bit since he’s checked in. He also just wanted to call up Diavolo and get this discussion over with. Lucifer took a deep breath and tapped the little sigil of a phone next to the Demon Prince’s icon on his D.D.D. He listened as it rang only twice before Diavolo’s voice could be heard over the line, “Hello? Lucifer, what’s going on?” Lucifer shook his head, “Ah, Diavolo, hello. I was only wishing to speak with you about something…it’s regarding Satan’s current arrangements.” 
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That evening, Lucifer called a meeting with all of his brothers in the living room. The 5 of them all wandered in, curious about what Lucifer had to say. They knew that Satan had been taken away, and to be honest neither of them were feeling very good about the decision even though Beel and Mammon had been hurt by his hand. Once everyone was settled, Lucifer cleared his throat. “We’ve decided to bring Satan back here.” To his surprise, they all let out a sigh of relief. “Oh thank goodness.” Asmo breathed, bringing a hand to his chest. “I know he hurt us but…the poor little dear doesn’t deserve to be locked away all alone.” Levi nodded in agreement, hugging a pillow to his chest. “Y-Yeah, I know he can be scary sometimes but…” Lucifer smiled softly and glanced over at Beel and Belphie. “What do you two think about this?” Beel wore a tank top which exposed the now healing cuts and scrapes that he had obtained from Satan himself. The pair of sweatpants he also wore covered the rest, but Lucifer had seen them all the day it happened. Because of this, he was worried about Beel’s opinion on the matter. “I think it’s the right choice.” Beel finally said, fidgeting with his hands. Belphie nodded. “If Beel thinks it’s okay, then I do too.” Lucifer dipped his head. “Then it’s settled. Diavolo agreed to the matter as well, as long as we keep him confined to his room for right now.” Mammon scratched his head, looking conflicted. “But that’s still keepin’ him prisoner…” Lucifer nodded. “I know. But we’ll work with him. He’s got to learn how to keep his wrath in check, and at least he’ll be home.” The others nodded in agreement. 
Suddenly, a knock on the door made everyone freeze. “That must be Diavolo.” Lucifer said, getting up from his spot on the couch. He made his way to the front door, opening it to meet Diavolo and Barbatos. Next to them was Satan. His wrists were bound in shackles, and he wore a gray, tattered looking oversized shirt. He looked exhausted, dark bags under his eyes and his blonde hair sticking out all over. “Come in.” Lucifer said, guiding them into the entryway. “You didn’t have to come all this way in the storm.” Diavolo shook his head and smiled. “That’s why we have Barbatos now isn’t it? Now, allow us to assist Satan here to his room.” Lucifer nodded, leading them up the stairs and down the hallway to Satan’s bedroom. Mammon, who had been eavesdropping, followed behind, anticipating Lucifer’s need for assistance. “I apologize for his unruly state, but he kept tearing apart anything we gave him and he refused to get any rest…” Barbatos whispered. Lucifer shook his head as they opened Satan’s bedroom door. “It’s quite alright, I understand. We’ll get him cleaned up.” They led Satan into the room, and gently sat him down on his bed. Mammon stood in the doorway, his claws unsheathed and wings spread in the event that Satan has yet another tantrum. “Now Satan, we’re leaving you here okay? Please remember what we’ve told you and go easy on your brothers. Otherwise you know what your consequences will be.” Satan lifted his head up to gaze at Diavolo, his emerald green eyes dull in color. “Okay.” he said, his voice quivering slightly. Barbatos kneeled in front of him on the floor. “Please allow them to help you get cleaned up and ready for bed.” Diavolo turned to Lucifer. “We’ve begun to work with him a little regarding his emotions. I trust you and your brothers will be up to continue the process.” Lucifer nodded, glancing at Mammon in the doorway who was also shaking his head. “Of course. We’ve already discussed it. I believe… we’re ready.” Diavolo smiled, patting Lucifer on the shoulder. “If you should need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to call us.” 
After a few more goodbyes to Satan, Lucifer and Mammon were left alone to tend to the child. Lucifer slowly approached Satan, sitting next to him on his bed. “Satan, would you mind if we helped you get ready for bed?” Satan glanced up at Lucifer, a flash of wrath glimmering in his eyes, but only for a second. He didn’t seem to have enough energy to fight. “N-No…” Lucifer gestured for Mammon to come closer. “Very well, we’ll get a bath started for you. Does that sound okay?” Satan swallowed nervously, but nodded. “Satan, do you want to use my special bathtub?” A voice sounded from the doorway. They all looked up to see Asmo, who was holding out his hand. Satan’s eyes widened at the offer. “Y-Your bathtub?” he asked hesitantly. Asmo gave him a wide smile. “Yeah, my GIANT fancy bathtub, remember? You were all fighting over it when we first got here. Let’s go, I’ll even put some bubble bath in it for you!” Lucifer and Mammon glanced at each other in surprise as Satan hopped up from his bed and ran over to take Asmo’s hand as best as he could with his wrists in the shackles. “I’ll take it from here.” Asmo winked before leading Satan down to his room. “Thank the Devildom for Asmodeus.” Lucifer sighed, rubbing his forehead.
Sometime later, Lucifer decided to head down the hall to Asmo’s room to check in. He knocked gently on the door, and after a few seconds it opened. “Shhh, he’s sleeping.” Asmo whispered, pulling Lucifer in with him. Satan was fast asleep on Asmo’s bed wrapped up in a very large, fluffy towel. He also took notice of how Asmo had already decorated his room, which was mostly now adorned with flowers. “Asmo, how did you…?” The 5th born only giggled. “I talked Barbatos into showing me a spell or two for the flowers. They’ll never die! Isn’t it lovely?” Lucifer nodded, taking in the strong, floral scent. It was a very familiar fragrance, and he found himself being transported back to the Celestial Realm. Asmo smiled at his realization, “I couldn’t help myself. I’m going to miss walking through the gardens…” Lucifer smiled sadly, watching as his brother’s face fell. “I think it’s a very charming decision, Asmodeus. They’re beautiful.” Asmo’s eyes shot up to meet Lucifer’s crimson gaze. “Lucifer…thank you.” he said, his voice slightly wavering. Lucifer dipped his head and cleared his throat. “I should probably get Satan back to his room.” Lucifer said, taking a step towards the bed. He saw that the shackles were no longer around his wrists. “Wait, did you take off…?” Asmo pouted, “Yes, the shackles. But he was fine I promise! He had so much fun. But here…” he said, reaching for the metal object on his dresser. Lucifer nodded as he took them from him. “Thank you. I should really get him back to his room.” He gently lifted Satan into his arms, who thankfully remained asleep. “Thank you again Asmo. This was a huge help.” Asmo gave him a wide smile. “Of course! He’s welcome anytime to share my bathtub.” Lucifer made his way back to Satan’s bedroom where Mammon was waiting to help get Satan dressed and tucked into bed. The 4th born sighed softly and stretched as they got him into some clean clothes and under the soft covers. Lucifer sighed in relief, thanking all the possible forces of the Devildom that Satan hadn’t woken up. “Oh, one more thing.” he pulled out the shackles he had tucked away in his pocket. He delicately clasped them to Satan’s wrists. “Good night, Satan.” he murmured before leaving his room, locking the door behind him. 
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A few days later, their RAD uniforms arrived. The boys were bustling with excitement as they tried them on right there in the living room. Lucifer had forced them all to go with the same style of jackets, undershirts, and pants, but allowed them the freedom of choosing the color and styles of their ties. Lucifer himself had chosen a longer version of the jacket, reaching down past his knees. He also chose to wear a black undershirt with a mandarin style collar which was adorned with 7 buttons traveling down his neck. Of course, his brothers didn’t think it was fair, but he was the oldest and was assigned to be working as Diavolo’s assistant. “Speaking of jobs,” Lucifer stated, and they all groaned. “You all should be starting to look for a source of income.” Mammon’s eyes lit up. “We can do that, huh?” Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Legal sources of income are preferred. Diavolo has granted us permission to go to the village for school supplies if you’d like to look around at job opportunities.” Asmo spun his head around from helping Satan adjust his tie. “Yes, let’s do it! I want to go!” Lucifer chuckled, “Alright, let’s break in our new uniforms. But please try not to get them dirty.” 
They all began to head down to the village, the air smelling like rain and the pavement still wet from the rain that had persisted the past few nights. Asmo was bouncing excitedly as he held Satan’s hand. Levi however, looked nervous. “G-Guys, are you sure this is okay? I mean we haven’t been out at all, really…a-and Satan…” he said, anxiously. “Come on Levi, it’ll be alright! Just stick by us.” Mammon said, patting his back. “Satan has promised to be on his best behavior today as well, isn’t that right?” Lucifer asked, glancing at the small boy. Satan briefly looked back at Lucifer, shooting him a nasty glare. However Asmo squeezed his hand once more, and he turned his attention back in front of him. Once they entered the village, all eyes were on them. The cobblestone road was bustling with demons of all kinds. Lucifer swallowed, trying not to let their judging stares take a hit to his pride. “Let’s keep going. Just ignore them, and don’t start any trouble.” he murmured to his brothers. They decided to keep walking to a less crowded area, where they came across a store with a variety of magical objects on display in the window. “Hocus Pocus?” Belphie said, reading the large sign that hung outside the shop. “Oh, this is perfect. Let’s have a look.” Lucifer said, guiding them all through the door. They were browsing for only a few moments when they heard a voice from the shop counter. “Excuse me, I'm terribly sorry, but we don’t sell to Angels.” A pang of anger began to bubble in Lucifer’s chest. “I’m sorry, what was that?” he said, his crimson eyes locking with the older demon sitting at the register. “I said, we don’t sell to your kind. Now please leave.” Now he was angry. “I’ll have you know, we are among the most powerful demons here in the Devildom. I would advise you to rethink your decision.” Lucifer hissed. The shopkeeper didn’t seem phased. “And I would advise you to get out, or I’ll be taking measures to have you removed.” Suddenly, a hand rested on Lucifer’s shoulder, causing him to flinch. “Let’s get outta here Lucifer. Ya told us not to start trouble, right?” Mammon whispered in his ear. Lucifer sighed and shot the shopkeeper one last deadly gaze before heading out the door. 
“So you’re telling me none of these places are going to sell anything to us? Because they think we’re still Angels?” Asmo asked, sadly. Lucifer sunk down onto a nearby bench, rubbing his forehead. “I have no idea. Most demons here are born and raised in the Devildom. We, however, are not…” He glanced up as Beel walked over, holding Belphie’s hand in one and a bag of some sort of food in the other. “Yo Beel, where’d ya get that?” Mammon asked, pointing at the bag. “They’re Demon Zebra Churros. I got them at that cart over there.” he said, pointing over to a small street food cart. “So they sold something to Beel? Maybe not every place will do that to us then.” Levi said with hope filling his voice. “Yeah, and that puts a downer on the whole job search too, huh?” Mammon grumbled. Lucifer sighed and stood up from the bench. “We’ll just have to find out, won’t we?” The rest of the day carried on, and they were surprisingly successful with buying a few items that they needed such as bags, quills and ink, and other supplies they’ll need for RAD starting the very next week. Unfortunately, there was still no luck with either of the brothers getting a part time job, as they were all immediately rejected almost before they could even get the question out. Despite the disappointment, they ended their outing with getting a take out dinner from Hell’s Kitchen and headed back home to the House of Lamentation to enjoy their food. Once they were done, Lucifer stood up, ready to head to his room for the evening. “As you all know, RAD starts next week. You’ll be expected to attend the classes on your provided schedule. As for Satan,” he said, glancing down at the youngest, “You shall be staying by my side as I attend classes, and when I'm helping Diavolo, Asmodeus will take over.” Satan huffed, shoving his hands down onto his lap. “Ugh, I don’t want to be stuck with babysitters all day. Especially if it’s you.” Lucifer frowned. “Likewise, but until you can be trusted to behave accordingly, this is how it will have to be.” Satan shot him a glare before jumping up from his place at the table. “I’ll be going to my room now.” 
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Satan half-heartedly slammed his bedroom door behind him. He could barely do anything with these stupid shackles on his wrists. His tail lashed in anger as he paced back and forth. “I don’t want to go to this stupid school…” he muttered, sitting down on his bed with a growl. One of his brothers would be coming to get him ready for bed soon and he wanted to savor the time he had by himself. He leaned back on his bed, turning his head to stare out the large window above him. The moon was unusually bright that evening, shining rays of pale blue light into the room. Satan sighed as he thought back to the events of the past few days. Being held in a cold, dirty prison cell. Finding himself truly alone for the first time since his unforeseen birth into this world. Tears of sadness and anger pricked his eyes as he remembered actually missing his brothers in that moment. It was a strange feeling, and almost felt wrong. He also thought back to the unfamiliar feeling of joy he felt when Asmo offered to let him use his bathtub that was so large, he could practically swim in it. And lastly, the feeling of belonging he had today while exploring the town with his brothers. Despite his urges to lash out, he found himself holding it in. He really didn’t mean to start trouble, he hated being a disappointment. Satan sobbed quietly, allowing the tears to finally fall. His chest heaved and ached. What are these feelings? Why do they hurt so much? He thought. His brain was so scrambled from all of these different emotions, and he had no idea how to handle such overwhelming feelings. Suddenly, his door cracked open, allowing light from the hallway to shine in. “Satan, are you ready?” Asmo asked, inviting himself into the younger demon’s room. Satan sat up quickly, attempting to use his bound hands to wipe the tears from his eyes. “Oh, darling, are you okay?” Asmo asked, quickly trotting over to his bed to sit down next to him. Satan shook his head. “N-No…It’s all so confusing…” he mumbled. Asmo offered him a small smile as he held out his arms. “Do you want a hug?” Satan blinked, confused at the offer. He stared at Asmo’s outstretched arms, unsure about how to proceed. “I-It’s okay, you don’t have to!” The 5th born said, laughing awkwardly. Satan’s emerald eyes welled up once more, and he suddenly threw himself into his brother’s arms. Asmo gasped at the sudden force hitting his chest, but very quickly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. “Oh, Satan…” he sighed as he began to rub his back. Satan was a sobbing mess, leaving tears and snot all over the front of Asmo’s shirt. Normally the Avatar of Lust would be completely grossed out, but this just felt…different. “It’s going to be okay, Satan. You’re already learning so many things! I’m so proud of you.” Satan sniffed, his eyes now puffy from crying. “T-Thank you, Asmo…” he whispered. Asmo smiled, running a hand through Satan’s blonde locks. “Of course! It’s what brothers are for. Now, let’s get you to bed shall we?” 
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stellariah · 6 months
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lost to the dark — Leviathan x reader
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⊹ word count: 1.0k
⊹ content: sfw, angst, hurt/not so much comfort lol, reader/MC is referred to by you/yours, Leviathan is not handling the Fountain of Knowledge incident well.
⊹ warnings: mention of minor character death (Lilith), reader/MC is unconscious, Levi is struggling with anxiety and self-depreciation.
⊹ a/n: based on Nightbringer lesson 11 to 12 (so spoilers). Repost of an old fic. More feelings about the NB plot that you now get because I can't fall asleep. Also, this is written from Levi's POV - I don't think Levi is the way he describes himself in this fic. I love Levi a lot and his parts in these lessons made me bawl.
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Leviathan wishes he wasn’t so useless.
He watched in horror as your body went limp, the curse taking hold. He watched the colour drain from your face, a tear rolling down your cheek as Lucifer scooped your body from the ground. He watched and offered nothing beyond panicked shouts, asking everyone else what could be done.
The look on Lilith’s face when she fell from the Celestial Realm was almost exactly the same as yours that day.
The last two nights he woke in terror, his sister’s cries and the thunk of your body hitting the ground of the Fountain of Knowledge haunting him every time he closed his eyes. So tonight, he just stays awake, filling the silence of his room with the pings and dings of games and the voices of anime characters. He wants to feel nothing, but he feels everything all at once. It’s too much. It hurts so much.
He’s not even sure how he ended up outside your—no, the spare room’s door. His entire body is trembling, the scales of his tail scratching the floor tiles. It still doesn’t really feel like a part of him, a foreign limb that feels numb. He can feel the scraping, but so faintly he barely registers it. What he can feel is the anxiety building an uncomfortable lump in his throat. The sweat beading on his palms that makes the doorknob slippery. The racing of his demonic heart.
It takes a couple of tries before he can grasp the handle firmly enough to turn it. And even when the door is open, he waits at the threshold. He wanted to see you. His body unconsciously brought him here. But now that he’s actually here, he’s terrified.
He’s crying before he steps over the threshold. He shakily enters the room, winding his hands around each other. He’s thankful that the tears make you a bit blurry—it made the shock a bit more stomachable. Leviathan moves to your bedside slowly, the twisting of his gut getting worse with each step.
He reaches out, running his thumb across your forehead to dry up the sweat that’s gathered on your skin. There’s a little jolt when he touches you, an electric surge of joy at the intimacy of it. Every time he touched you, he felt the same thing. But this time it’s followed by a pain through his chest. 
What if he never hears you call his name again?
He leans in a bit closer, bracing himself against the bed frame trying to collect himself. He has to be strong this time, for you, because he’s already let you down. He breathes, the smell of you soothing his anxiety. He breathes deeper, committing it to memory.
When Leviathan calls your name, he swears he sees your lips move to answer him. He waits, staring intently at your mouth, anticipating the voice he loves so much.
“Can you hear me…?”
No response.
He wants to be strong for you, but he can’t. Leviathan cries. He doesn’t even bother trying to stop it.
He continues to run his fingers along your skin because at least this soothes him. He runs them across your forehead until it’s dry. Then he trails them down your cheeks, along your nose, against the slant of your jaw. He’s brave enough to touch your lips—only once, and only for a fleeting moment—but he does it. He hopes you felt it. He hopes you’re proud of him.
“I don’t know whether you can actually hear me, but…,” Leviathan whimpers, his voice coming out choked. 
He needs you to know what happened. He needs you to know that they’re all okay, but also all falling apart. He needs you to know how much they need you—how much he needs you.
He talks about what happened at the Fountain of Knowledge and the three agonising days since then without you. He tries to reassure you that Solomon encouraged them to keep you safe with them and that Beel got home safely. He tells you that he wishes you told him that you’re human because he would’ve helped you.
“I wonder…” he says, self-doubt creeping in the same way it always does. “Even if I’d known, would it have mattered? Would I have been able to help you at all?”
He feels your cheek twitch under his palm. It startles him enough that he doesn’t continue with that train of thought. It’s almost like your body is trying to talk to him—trying to comfort him and ease the doubt in that way only you can.
He loves you. He thinks he’s probably in love with you. So he rambles. He tells you about all the things he wants to do together when you wake up. Not if, but when. You make him feel definite and secure and safe. He imagines a date with you, that sharp pain transforming into a soft fuzz. His head feels floaty.
“What I’m saying is…I want to go somewhere with you… Just the two of us, I mean,” he mumbles, rushing the next words out to make the intimacy of them feel less scary. “And I don’t normally say stuff like that, you know? So this is a pretty big deal.”
But he looks down—down to your blank, unconscious face—and feels the pain and the nerves and the fear return. The tears well again and he knows it’s time to leave. He doesn’t want to be around you like this anymore.
“Come back to us. And soon…”
Leviathan takes one more deep breath, steeling his nerves as he leans down to press a fleeting kiss to your forehead. One of the tears drops at your hairline and he sweeps it up with his thumb before he pulls away.
“I love you… so hurry up and wake up you big dummy.”
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©stellariah 2024 | do not copy, repost, translate, or feed my work to AI
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baby-beelzeburger · 3 years
⁎⁑  Rules  ⁑⁎
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DNI: Minors, bigots, etc. anyone who’s here to cause drama just turn back now cause I’m not going to give you the time of day.
This blog is 18+ Please respect my boundaries and don’t interact if you’re under 18. I’ll block you if I catch you doing so. Blank blogs will get the same treatment.
This blog is not spoiler free! I tag any spoilers, so make sure you have those filtered [tags i use are: obey me spoilers and obey me event spoilers and nightbringer spoilers]
I don’t write for MHA anymore! If you found me from my old MHA works then follow with caution. I don’t want anyone to be dissapointed. 
Unless stated otherwise, the readers in my works are gender neutral. If you're requesting, please be specific about what pronouns you'd like me to use, if there's any preference. Otherwise, I'll use they/them as default. 
No drama whatsoever. If you show up trying to start fights then you’ll be blocked. I’ll try to keep talk about discourse to a minimum as well. Any posts about discourse will be tagged accordingly.
Please be kind! We’re just here to have fun, so any hate at all will not be tolerated. This is a safe space for me and my followers, that’s it. I want to create a loving space here, so no hate of any kind is permitted.
I only write x reader fics. No character x character ships, though I may occasionally talk about shipping.
If I post something that triggers you in any way, please let me know! The comfort of my followers comes first, so please don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll tag it with a trigger warning for you. That goes for content that isn’t exactly triggering, but still upsets or bothers you. 
Please check to make sure requests are open before requesting something. It will always be said here in the rules if my requests are open. If they aren’t then your request will sit in my inbox and collect dust until I’m ready to take requests again. 
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I'm working on keeping up a schedule, but it may be hard for me to always keep up with it. Please be patient with me, and please don’t show up in my inbox asking when the next fic will be up either. Doing so will get your ask deleted. I’m trying my best to get content out as often as possible, but it isn’t always so easy for me. Please be patient.
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acciomanorian · 4 years
Pandemonium One-Shot
Hi Y’all, it seems I spent forever on writing this one-shot, even though I had only finished the book 2 weeks ago. This is a continuation of a scene from Pandemonium by Willow Anderson (which I highly recommend. Please go read it). The beginning line was brought over from the original book, as well as some of the dialogue, but just about every thing else in original content from yours truly. 
This fic does get a little heated so recommend 16+.
“You have lovely taste.” His fingers trailed over her satin sheets, and Lace blushed. It was strange, having the Ringmaster in her room. Sure, he may have sent those boxes with the beautiful dresses, but those were only pieces of him, not him. 
Slowly, his hand moved from her bed to her face, softly cupping her cheek. Lace flinched back, his hands cold against her skin. “Don’t you trust me?” His voice was soft, sensitive, vulnerable. Lace itched to reach out, to cover his hand with her own.
“How can I trust you? You have put me and every other winner at risk time and time again. A man died tonight.” 
“And I mean it when I say, that wasn’t supposed to happen. Nobody was supposed to get hurt.”  Lace nodded softly, not believing him entirely, but she could see the remorse in his eyes, behind the mask. 
“Can you really give me the name I seek?” She said nothing else, but the Ringmaster knew exactly what Lace was talking about. 
“Yes,” he whispered softly, drawing his hand away from where it still remained on her cheek. It didn’t go far, though, moving to rest on her hand where it rested against the bed frame. The Ringmaster began to draw circles on the back of her hand, soothing her but also inciting another reaction. One she couldn’t quite place yet. 
The Ringmaster took a step forward. “What do you want?” he asked, bringing his face dangerously close to Lace’s. He smelled like a nice mix of mint and caramel, strange for a normal person, but perhaps not so much for someone who led Pandemonium. It wasn’t unpleasant, and for a brief moment, Lace thought that it wouldn’t be so bad to wake up to the scent.
“I intend to be the victor of the contest.” She stepped closer to the Ringmaster, not daring to breathe. 
If anybody walked in on them now, if those damned guards outside her door woke up and decided it would be a good idea to check on their princess, the position would be compromising, but perhaps Lace didn’t care. Especially not as her hand found the back of his neck, as the Ringmaster’s hands slid up to her shoulders, her face, to hold the sides of her face, thumbs brushing her lips. 
Her eyes traced his lips, even as he leaned forward, brushing a simple kiss across her own. Lace closed her eyes at the sensation, leaning her head back as the Ringmaster began a series of butterfly kisses, ending at her collarbone before working back up to her lips. Her answering sigh was enough encouragement for the Ringmaster, as he again caught her lips with his own.
Lace’s hands moved to his hair as they kissed with a new vigor, his hands sliding down to her waist. Her fingers tangled with the ties of the mask still covering his face, but they neither tightened or loosened, as if tied together by magic. Magic that kept the mask in place. 
They pulled each other closer, pressing against each other even as they moved closer to the side of the bed, the back of Lace’s knees hitting the very covers the Ringmaster had commented on earlier that evening. They remained that way, even as Lace removed her hands from the Ringmaster’s hair and started to untie the laces from the back of her dress. The Ringmaster also helped, moving one hand to the back of her neck to keep them steady while the other hand began to undo the buttons that also held the dress together. 
It wasn’t long until her dress found itself on the floor, along with the Ringmaster’s jacket and shirt. Still wearing her shift, Lace pushed back onto the pillows, dragging the Ringmaster with her and pulling him back down with her. 
Although Lace had never done anything like this before, aside from the small kiss she had shared with Killian two nights ago, she seemed to take charge, the Ringmaster allowing her to lead. She let instinct take over, flipping them around so that she was on top, her legs wrapping around his waist, her shift sliding up her thighs. Again, she felt the Ringmaster’s cold hands on her skin, as they wrapped around her exposed thighs. This time, however, she didn’t recoil, and instead welcomed the feeling against her heated body. 
Deepening the kiss even more, the Ringmaster slid his tongue inside of her mouth. Lace shifted, and as she did so, felt the Ringmaster, hard against her backside. It awakened something deep inside of her, and Lace began to grind herself against him, trying to relieve some of the pressure, to no avail. 
The Ringmaster placed his hands on her hips, pulling up her clothes and his hands moved up her back rubbing softly before coming around to her breasts. From the position of her shift, it wasn’t hard for the Ringmaster to remove his mouth from her own and find its way to her left breast, leaving a kiss directly over her heart. She moaned, even as her skin prickled and goosebumps formed along her arms. He sucked on the skin for a brief moment, leaving a tiny mark before repeating the action on the right side. 
Leaning down, Lace began to kiss the corner of his lips, his chin, his neck, down his chest right to the dip in his waist, where her access was limited thanks to the pants still covering his bottom half. The Ringmaster’s breath hitched as she trailed her fingers along the line caused by his pants, and then slid her fingers in deeper, pushing back the hem for more access to his body. 
Lace heard footsteps in the hallway, coming towards her bedroom door. “Shit!” she cried, leaping up from the bed to where her dress and the Ringmaster’s clothes had ended up on the floor. She had been so caught up in the moment, so caught up in the Ringmaster, that it seemed they had forever to lay in bed, forever to revel in each other's company.  “You have to leave. If they know you were here, what we were doing, Robert would kill me, that is, if Rochelle and Erik don’t get to me first.” 
Without even bothering to get fully dressed, the Ringmaster walked over to wear Lace standing, and leaned over to plant another kiss on Lace’s lips. His dark eyes were shining with desire, and Lace felt butterflies in her stomach, despite the trouble she could be in if caught. “For the record, I know you will win.”
A knock on her door had Lace looking away, and when she looked back towards the Ringmaster, the space in front of her was missing. The only reminder of what she had experienced was a box sitting on the floor, the color a deep red, the color of the blood spilled earlier today.
If you want to be tagged, send me an ask… some of you aren’t permanent tags, but if you want to be, just tell me. I hope you all enjoyed!
@nightbringer @frucienforever @bookittothelibrary @ireallyshouldsleeprn @theoceanfaewriter @ilyriangarden @willowandersonauthor
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