#this is fun and exciting i Cannot Wait for the first notification about me probably having a higher sex drive than usual
ewil · 1 month
okay im tracking my periods now in an app lets see what this thing everyone else is doing for some reason is all about
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mana-jjk · 1 month
Share ur fav inuokko artists/arts pls......
sorry for the month long wait anon ;; i had to buckle down to get my degree and graduate lol
but anyway, you probably know these artists immediately because they’re so talented and a staple in our community !!
for obvious reasons i won’t be posting any of their art, but i will tag them and share the links to where you can check them out yourself !
i love their deception of inuokko !! they can be such little creatures who tease each other and their dynamic is so fun lol
but i also love the cozy vibes and atmospheres they convey, literally want to steal their clothes sometimes too. i’m also a huge fan of tan yuuta and fluffy hair toge agenda !! it’s really hard to convey character dynamics, but looking at their art is like reading a story about them and i always have new ideas after seeing their new content !
do i have to explain ? ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ you would think talented people might have an area of weakness, but no they’re a triple threat with art, analysis, and writing like ?? especially pairing them together to make written and visual content for us ??
i love the texture of their art if that makes sense, it’s so appealing i want to eat it. but like, with my eyes, in a positive way. the colors also make me feel like a toddler watching cocomelon because i could sit there for a day just mooning over the expressions, dynamics, colors, background, and so on. especially being a huge fan of the soft expressions inuokko have for each other like omg ;;
this account is 18+ so keep in mind !! but omg their comics are so much fun and feed my unhinged yuuta agenda. they’re also so high quality and keep us sustained ! y’all, they made a GAME ! like ?? they are ensuring we do not starve and i have to give them so many kudos for that.
i love how pretty toge is and how sweet yuuta looks until the switch is flipped and the dead fish eyes come out, i think they have such a good handle on their dynamic and it’s just so much fun to scroll through their art ! the bar is in space and they put it there, we thank them for their service !!
@sensushimi on Twitter: https://x.com/sensushimi?s=21&t=DQOzVQHmSufn5IQXoFJsNw
some of their art is 18+ but we cannot talk about inuokko without mentioning them, like they are such a staple to me it’s not even funny. this was the first artist i found when looking into inuokko content and they’ve released banger after banger. again, i want to eat their art with my eyes and fall apart into tears because how the hell is it so good ? ;;
the fluffy hair, the warm hands, the cozy atmosphere, i get so excited to see notifications and want to interact with them so badly but i’m way too shy on twitter lol but every time their inuokko interact, they look so soft and squishable that i get cute aggression and fall apart lol
@araramyeon on Twitter: https://x.com/araramyeon?s=21&t=DQOzVQHmSufn5IQXoFJsNw
again some art is 18+ ! but another staple of my time with inuokko, their comics are so funny and charming and give so much of their dynamic it’s so cute lol i love how much of a troll their toge is without being too overtly out of character. and i also love yuuta being mischievous and innocent all at once ;;
i also enjoy the pathetic yuuta content because he’s just a lil loser who loves his boyfriend fr and their art gives me so much of that content lol their eyes are so shiny and expressive that i want to eat them in a good way
@svifian8 on Twitter: https://x.com/svifian8?s=21&t=DQOzVQHmSufn5IQXoFJsNw
not just their inuokko but the entire second year inclusion is some of my absolute favorite !! they’re always so natural and cute together that i actually will burst into tears. their toge and yuuta are both so squishy and pretty and the colors are so pretty i have no thoughts only heart emoticons !!
their fem!inuokko in particular is my favorite, i have it bookmarked just so i can go back and moon and cry over it every single day. they’re so pretty in all of the art and the dynamic is so good and the ideas i get by just looking at them is enough to send me to tears you do not understand !! i am on my hands and knees
i don’t want this to get too long, so hopefully this was helpful to you anon !! again i apologize for the delay, i had to prioritize education for some reason (*´-`) but feel free to send more asks, i love dumping my thoughts everywhere non-coherently <3
i do want to say that even if i didn’t mention a specific artists, including any that might be reading this, please know that i and everyone else appreciates you beyond words !! content creation is so incredibly hard, and whether you are an artist, editor, or writer, this community would not be what it is without you. you are essential, appreciated, and so talented that words cannot begin to describe the impact you make.
anyway, guess who got accepted to graduate school lol, some poor school has no idea they hired someone who just has queer brain rot about characters <3 my official graduation is next week tee-hee
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sungtaro · 7 months
to my beloved mutuals who contributed to the big birthday project spearheaded by millie i truly can't tell you how special and loved you all made me feel 🥹 it really means so much that all of you would take the time to share such thoughtful and lovely things. now that i have had all day to process and time to sit down to thank all of you ... let's gaaaur 😎
roro! @sunghanbin thank you always for your kind words and for seeing in me what i can only believe is the warmth reflected back from what you put out into the world 💖 i'm glad you've stood by me from my filtering nct era to my full on nctzenization without even batting a lash, even if my bias reveal was unexpected 🤭 #thanks_jaehyun
vianey! @souladies thank you so much for taking the time to wish me well and contribute to this. you are such an integral presence in my tumblr experience, i am always so happy to see your creations in my tag after a long stretch of not being here, and in so many ways it's you who always makes me feel welcome back 🥹
aweks! @awek-s my sweet bean, i hope you know i'm always cheering for you! i wish for a world where everyone can feel seen, heard, and supported by their healthcare team - i know it's far from the reality, but i'll always work hard to be at least be that nurse myself. you are so important to the world and to me, pls don't forget it 💖
rosie! @kimjiwoong I MISS U first of all and thank you so much for adding your love to the mix 💖 i cannot remember the day we first talked but that's probably because it's just felt like you've always been here, and i'm always excited to see you 🥹
lili! @ninqz my little crabby ... thank you for taking the time to contribute to this (and make me a gifset!) when i know it's been a hard and busy semester. thank you for always entertaining my random fun facts and for thinking they're fun in the first place ahbgjha and i hope we'll get to catch up more soon 💖
brina! @aquablues my babieeee and of course my little sibling 4ever (4brina). i'm so proud of you and learn a lot from the way you live so true to yourself. honored to be a virtual big sister and excited to see where life keeps taking u !! my love will be in that cargo pants pocket every step 😎
lulu! @fushigojos as you know i am always so fond of u ! even if we aren't living txt comeback to txt comeback together anymore . i'm glad we both feel the same 'forever-friend' kind of love. i'll always be in your corner !! 💖
sofi! @yeofi thank you for always caring about me and sticking around since the beginning of it all! no matter how busy we may get or how hard both of us are working (sometimes too hard) we always have each other's back 💖
miha! @jaebeomtual i got emotional for real 😭 thank you for being so generous with your love, i'm someone who i think struggles with putting affection into words and you make it look so easy while still feeling so genuine and managing to make me laugh at the same time as i am like my heart is going to burst rn . i'm so grateful to call you loml and hope you know how much positivity and peace and laughter i get from you.
aléks! @possession1981 one day we will hang out irl and it will be the easiest and best time ever. i'm always here for you and so glad that you trust me and that i can be like a big sister to you when you need it 💖 i always admire you and am so grateful for our friendship!
rachel! @gnanii my ate 💖 though we are definitely different, i think that's what makes us strong. i think i've said it before but i always have had a hard time letting people take care of me, and yet you manage to make me feel so taken care of in a way that's easy. thank you for being willing to travel for me, for sharing the pain of teumeism with me, for every jae selfie you make sure i see bc we all know i don't get weverse notifications, for sharing the highs and lows of real life as well as kpop, and for being the amazing friend and person you are. can't wait until we see each other again 🤗
mary! @dongkwan so weird to tag you in a tumblr post when we spend all the time just texting each other lol but i have to give you a shoutout for somehow managing not to tell me that this was being plotted. i'm so glad that i decided to get into kpop, immediately told you about it, and for how much it's continued to bring us together ever since. looking forward to embarrassing myself at omega x with you soon 💖
meg! @hozierbyrne what can i say really ... thank you for everything you did to help make this happen. you are a wizard of making me feel special and listened to all the time but it never ceases to lift me up regardless. i read all the things you think about me as a friend and i'm like no way, that's you! but i think it goes to show that we really are aligned in what we look for in a friendship, which is probably also why it's felt like we've been friends for decades instead of whenever things escalated on tumblr to the point of me being like sure i will get on a plane and share a bed with this person i've never met , . and i'm glad we keep getting on planes and i'm so excited for when you'll get on one to see me here. i promise to have the best, most cancelable powerpoint yet ready to present to you 💖 love u
millie! @berryjaellie clears throat what the heck this was so unbelievably lovely of you i can't believe you even considered for half a second that i wouldn't like it. i loved it !!! thank you for taking so much time to consider all of these Things About Me and talking to people about them and then putting it all together in this incredibly thoughtful, detailed, super cute package that i cannot stop staring at and have shared with my parents + irl friends because of how much it meant to me. and of course for everything you yourself had to share and say. ever since the first time you said something along the lines of 'not just a friend like you, but you as a friend' i really have started thinking more in that way and using that because it really makes a difference and i want you to know that i'm just as glad to have not a friend like you, but you as a friend. i laughed, i cried, i felt so treasured as i looked through this (multiple times) and that's all you and your thoughtfulness. thank you for being the first to wish me a happy birthday in the most powerful, loving way. it, and you, mean so much to me 💖
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“Seth? Right? C’mon in. Your brother told you who I am? Good. Want a beer?... Here you go. Let’s go out to the back deck. The sun went down, and the cool evening air is starting to kick in. Have a seat…. Ok. Seth, do you know why you are here? Let me be blunt. Your brother David owes me a lot of money. A lot. He’s been doing jobs for me that I need someone I can trust to do. But that’s barely covering the interest. I told him he needs to start working down the principal. So, he offered me… you….
“That’s right he sold you to me. You are going to whore off his debt…. Shut the fuck up. The deal is set. Have some more beer; it will help you to deal with what I need to go over with you….
“Your brother probably told you that I am a powerful man. Hopefully he didn’t tell you what I did. I will share with you one part of my business that you will be a part of. I have several whore agencies across several states. They ain’t like the whorehouses in the movies. The girls never see money; they show up at a set time and do whatever the man wants. They do not say no. They get to live in city, and they show their clients the best the city has to offer. They have everything paid for and get a nice credit card too.
“A few years ago—hell it’s more like ten or so, —I was convinced to do the same but on the fag side. Now, I knew nothing about fag sex, and it disgusted me. Once I got over the visuals, the business was just like the girls. The difference I found out was that I had to have two sets of whores—fag boys like yourself, and men old enough to be your father.
“It was Frankie, one of my goons, who told me that there is a lot money to be made by men taking the dominant role. I didn’t believe it. So, he arranged for me to watch him from a distance him work over this faggot. He didn’t tell me how much he was earning. When I saw this fag hand over three hundred bucks, I knew I needed to get into this. I mean my guy did barely anything other than smack the fag around, call him names, and sit on the faggot’s face at the end. That fag ate that fat ass while pounding its pud. Frankie even went over to the fag’s wallet and took an additional hundred out of it. And wouldn’t you know, that fag boy was loving life.
“Needless to say, that was how I got into the fag whoring business. I had Frankie lead it; he even got somewhat in shape, and now he’s my most popular whore men. Wait a minute, you know him. He fucked you behind a dumpster in the alley behind that fag bar a couple weeks ago. When I saw you at David’s birthday partner at my tavern and he told me that you were his sperm burping brother, I sent Frankie to find out more about you. I know that you can take a good pounding, face slaps, rough housing. Frankie also told me that you cleaned off his cock after we was done and that you drank his piss. You even begged him for more as he walked away from you, naked covered in piss behind the dumpster. That’s all I needed to hear.
“After meeting with your brother, all I had to do was press the massive debt. I knew how self-serving he was. He sold you out so fucking fast. And now I own you. Now strip faggot….
“You do realize who I am? No one ever disobeys one of my direct commands. Now think about your next move real carefully. STRIP YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. Take your time standing up. That drug I put in your beer will make you kinda dizzy if you stand too fast. Yeah, I didn’t want you to run back to your car. Kid, when you came in that door, you were mine. That’s it. Accept your fate. Good boy.
“Yeah, after Frankie roughed up that fag, I was curious. He arranged for me to use one of his regulars who was blindfolded. It was so much fun to kick and punch that faggot only to have him crawl to me, begging for more. With each time, I got more wicked, and they wanted more. I had a few fags over the years locked up and had the best of all worlds. My wife provides me with companionship. My girlfriend offers sensual making love and snuggling. And my faggot takes all my rage filled abuse.
“Underwear needs to go too. Let’s see what you have. Not bad. Looks like you are excited about being naked in front of me. That’s a lot of pre-cum. Decent sized balls. I’d say you are about six inches long. The shaft is a bit thin, but the head is good size. Your foreskin is not too long. That’s good. If there’s going to be one sweaty stinky dick around here, it will be mine. If yours becomes a problem, we’ll get you circumcised.
“What? Faggot, you are nothing more to me than my pickup. If I want to modify you out, I sure as hell am going to. I modify all my property. Tattoos, piercing, permanent hair removal, castration, branding, and so on. But actually, I am a bit cautious. I made the mistake of castrating a fag and regretted it afterwards. He just didn’t seem right to me. The cutter I went to tried to put in fake balls, but it still didn’t seem right. I ended up replacing that fag with another.
“I am looking for my perfect fag. I’m planning on letting my girlfriend go, but sometimes I need that close touch. Not going to do that with my wife. Every day now I realize that I want to be with faggots over women. Faggots are so much easier to mold into what I want. And every now and then I might snuggle with one.
“I like what I see. I want to see your cumload. Jerk off for me. I’ll give you a few minutes to do so. When you do, shoot in your spare hand. I want to see the quantity. I’m going to get your collar; it’s probably done charging. I’m also going to take your car keys. You ain’t going anywhere. Continue jacking….
“….Did you cum? You did! Good fag. When was the last time you came? Yesterday morning? Well that’s a good load. Here, lock this collar around your neck. Ok, so here’s the deal. You can jack off as often as you like, whenever you like as long as I am not using you. If I catch you jacking off, don’t stop. If you are watching porn, continue. But know this, no matter if you haven’t cum in days or you just had a massive orgasm, should I require your use, I fully expect 100% horniness and enthusiasm.
“This remote is hooked up to your collar. With this button… you fall to the floor just like that. Hurt’s like a mother fucker hunh? That’s on low. Remember that. It is also set up to shock you should you cross a 20-foot perimeter of the house. I am notified by an app on my phone when you do something that stupid. Also, the garage and my office on the third floor are completely off limits. You will not fare well should you cross that threshold without me.
“Bring your cock over here. Is your dick head sensitive. It is! Fuck yes! As you get soft, it’s driving you crazy. Good. Good. I see a problem here. Your pubic hair is all over the place. You shouldn’t have hair down here. Look how long this hair is. There’s enough so that I can twirl a bunch around my finger. With a firm yank,… it comes out in one clump. Aww shut the fuck up. Most of the time your screams of pain will turn me on, but now it’s just annoying. Another clump on the other side, and it doesn’t even look like you lost any.
“Look at me faggot. Say ‘Thank you.’ Good fag. Open your mouth. Here eat your pubic hair. Go on chew it. Nasty? I know, now swallow. And here’s… another bunch. Swallow these…. And these… And these… You’ll be permanently shaved in the near future so you won’t have to do much pubic hair eating.
“While you finish your snack, let me take you around the place and show you your duties. This is the kitchen. David told me that you went to culinary school but then dropped out. Well, you will be doing all the cooking here. Cleaning too.
“Let’s go downstairs…. This is your room, although you really don’t have privacy. Over there is your cot. Next to it is the plug you will put into your collar every night. I am notified on my app should the power level drop below 75%. That’s equivalent for not charging for a full week. Unless I just slam you with shocks, I should never get one of those notifications.
“You have a wash basin there, and your toilet is there. There’s your douche hose over there in the shower. No, I haven’t gotten around to buying it a toilet seat; the cold porcelain is fine. And I haven’t hooked up the hot water down here.
“Let’s go up to the Master bedroom…. You never climb into my bed unless I invite you in. In fact no non-sexual furniture for you either without permission. Through that door is the master bath. You will keep this place spotless. That includes licking clean my toilet. The rimseat next to it is when I want to make you toilet paper or a full toilet.
“And here’s the playroom. It’s totally soundproofed. You are going to suffer a lot in here. Screaming is encouraged. In fact, what time is it? Seven. Well we might as well start now. Get on all fours—knees and elbows. Spread those knees wide. Every night you will present yourself in this position, as you will every morning.
“Don’t get too excited. I am going to fuck you good, long, and deep. But that won’t until the end. We got a long way to go. You see, the only people who knows my affinity for preferring the boys to the girls are Frankie, me, and now you. Your brother thinks I’m adding you to my harem of fags. This is something that cannot get out. And if it does, I will know it came from you, and I want you to know the perpetual hell that will come your way.
“Tonight is a test of what you can expect, but keep in mind, tonight’s suffering will be only five hours long, much shorter than what will be if my preference is ever widely known.
“And after the paddling your ass to a welted mess, whipping your back until it turns to bloody hamburger, kicking your balls until they are swollen to twice their size, bruising up your face, and fucking you with very little lube, I may feel the need to snuggle up with you afterwards.
“But first, there’s a lot to do before we do that. Oh look your balls are just ripe for a good old fashioned full-force kick. Every night and every morning you will get one to always remind you what you are.
“Faggot right now with this kick your hell begins.”
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railroad-migraine · 3 years
Could I please oh please have some EXU headcanons, where they (individually) raise a child with the reader?
Ps, I'm such a fan of your writings - tumblr has started giving me notifs when you've posted with ''they're your fave'' lol. I hope you have a nice day
Heheh I'm flattered! <3 I had a lot of fun writing this.
Oh! And I don't specify whether it's through adoption, pregnancy, etc so it's still gender neutral for all to enjoy :)
Requests are open!
~ Poet
You literally have to tear him down from whatever rooftop he clambers onto - he's ready to burst with excitement when you bring up the idea of having kids, and his first instinct is to shout from the top of a building "I'm gonna be a dad!"
Has some doubts in the back of his head though. He's not proud about some aspects of his past; sure, being a criminal is hella fun sometimes! And it can lead to adventures with a bunch of new friends... But it's not a career he's hoping his kid will pursue. He promises to keep them on the straight path to goodness - with a side of chaos when you're not looking.
Refers to the rest of the EXU Crew/Crown Keepers as the aunts and uncles, so happy and comfortable with the family he's found in them, in you, and the child you're raising together. He invites them up to visit for all the milestones such as birthdays and graduations - anything for an excuse to catch up and party.
Loves toddlers in particular - they're able to walk and understand basic language and in Dariax's eyes those are the perfect requirements for a sidekick.
Asks you so many times if a child is what you really want - he's a little unsure about how fit he would be in the role of a parent, but he won't say it to your face. He doesn't really have much experience with kids, and the thought of having his own frightens him.
Despite his fears, he makes a great effort and becomes decent role model for your little one. Being a bard, he has an abundance of stories and lullabies at his disposal, so bedtimes quickly becomes his favourite thing ever. Is the type to have nightly routine, and without a beat kisses his child's forehead at the exact same time every evening before sleep catches up with them.
You probably already guessed this, but it becomes his mission to teach your kid how important music is to him, and guide them on that route if they grow to love it too. Child sized lutes, lyres, drums, flutes and tambourines litter the floors in your home, as Dorian's personal quest becomes finding an instrument that really speaks to your child.
He is at perfect ease with kids who are just shy of their teenage years, because they still need him to lend a hand from time to time but aren't constantly depending on him. He's told you how he feels, late in the night while you're winding down for bed, about his worries for the future when the teenage years start. Sit with him and assure him that while change is inevitable, it's not always a dreadful thing. He takes your advice and cherishes every moment he has with your kid, through good times and bad.
Is. So. Excited! She mothers Little Mister constantly and already calls herself 'Mama,' she'd be a natural parent. She cannot wait to start a new chapter in your relationship, and with her grandmother's example to follow, she is arguably the best mom ever.
You're pleasantly surprised with how easily she is with parenthood. Fearne loves spending time with the child in the garden, even if they're too young to do anything yet. She insists they should be familiar with the outdoors and learn to respect nature from a young age, just as she did.
She's also the type of mom to teach her kid not to put up with any form of intolerance - in her loving, gentle way, she tells your child that if anyone pushes their buttons to a certain point, it's perfectly acceptable to do the same back. Harder.
Loves kids of all ages, but has a soft spot for babies. Little grabby hands and curious faces remind her of her first baby (Mister) and she could coo at the little bundle all day if given the chance.
Not naturally maternal in the slightest - the whole Nancy scenario revealed this very early on in your relationship. She initially thinks you're joking when you mention raising a kid with her, and is speechless when you don't deliver a punchline.
Might need a little convincing in the beginning, and a lot of encouragement. She's unsure if now is the right moment, but you remind her she won't be doing it alone and it's teamwork that could make it a worthwhile and rewarding adventure - she perks up at this, and the idea of raising a life that's influenced partially by you and partially by her does sound exciting.
If you guys don't live near Byroden she takes the kid there annually to make sure they're in touch with her side of the family and get to know the traditions she grew up with. This includes visiting her childhood home, eating tons of pies throughout the day, and taking part in festival activities. She would absolutely beam with pride if they take any interest in the pageant.
Opal would definitely be the type of mom that wants her kids to think of her as a best friend more than anything. She probably gets on best with teenagers; she listens to their anxieties; she gets all the latest tea and gossip from school; she helps style their clothing the way they want to express themselves. She's just really good with helping their maturity grow and flourish, but in a fun way.
He's already kept his friends alive up until this point - how hard could raising a child be? Well, while he's not so confident at first, Orym has a natural gentleness and understanding that would make him a perfect father, even if he doesn't realise it himself. He wants this. He's just nervous, is all.
Would be the parent that's known around school as the "cool dad." This tattooed, agile, fighter Halfling has quite the reputation among both students and adults - your kid's friends all swarm around him when he does pick ups, trying to get a glance at his sword or prod at his shield, and the teachers are a bit in awe. He gets a little flustered with the attention but eventually relishes in it. He's a great example for what a father should be.
Absolutely puts his Druidcraft cantrip to good use - the fruit you both had bought from the market that was days away from being ripe is suddenly sweet and saturated in colour, there are flower crowns aplenty, and harmless sensory illusions and effects are some of the ways he impresses your child in day to day life.
He loves kids young enough that they're not quite as tall as him just yet. Babies and toddlers are a little overwhelming to him in the beginning, but it's a nice role reversal where he's no longer the short one in your little family. He has a little sling to keep the kid swaddled to his chest when you guys leave your home to meander around town - I don't care if you've been married for years, it's super cute and this man will blush bright red if you tell him so.
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
wait wait... did you say you might be writing for Ezra??! Did I miss the boat on this convo? I was on vacay for a while earlier this month so totally off my tumblr notifs... tell ME ABOUT IT LJ
excuse me while i lose my goddamn mind
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also very excited about your Westworld Whiskey (that just rolls off the tongue so well) 😍😍
I know he's gonna be a menace (affectionate) 🥰
@mandoblowmybackout is to blame for me wanting to write some Ezra. I was watching Nightmare Alley a while back and the little nefarious thought of, "Man, Ezra would be a great carnie," popped in. And then we got to talking and oh noooooo it's probably happening.
Carnie Ezra would definitely have his eye on a young sweet thing coming to his freak show while he's in a small town. And he cannot help but want to take such a sweet pretty thing and dirty her up a bit...it's so filthy I'm blushing just thinking about it but also I'm not stopping
Westworld Whiskey has a first draft done! Jack has been a very fun Pedro boy to write for, and it reminded me of how much I liked S1 of Westworld. He will absolutely be a menace (very affectionate).
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simplybakugou · 3 years
three year anniversary post
genuinely can't believe this blog has made it to three years. i didn't even think i would be able to keep this up for one let alone three.
this year has been hectic and unfortunately i wasn't able to make an event like i had initially wanted but instead i'd like to thank some people that i've met along on this three year journey :)
@nejiraez izzy my rock, my love, my wife. i genuinely cannot thank you enough for your friendship. the fact that we've been moots for almost three years is insaneee. you were one of the first blogs i followed on here and i couldn't believe it when i got a follow back but now look at us, sending tiktoks to each other and shit LMAO. ilysm and tysm for always hearing me out whether that it for my thousands of smau ideas or in general. again ily
@lovely-angst you were one of the OG blogs i followed and i remember screaming when you followed me back. i loved watching your blog do a whole 360 from writing bakugou angst to giyuu and now back to bakugou lol. i love your content and tysm for being a part of my three year journey
@bakugou-tm the original bakugou stan account omg. your blog was what inspired me to make my own bakugou writing blog and i remember loving our interactions, especially since you've fueled my villain!bakugou needs lmao. i love your content and it makes me so happy to see you writing again :)
@sipsteainanxiety SHAYY MY LOVE. i miss you :( and i loved everytime i saw your comments on my fics. i was so excited when i found out you were desi as well and it has just been a pleasure to be able to call you my friend
@shoutogepi rosieeee hi :) i know we haven't talked that much lately but i genuinely want to tysm for being such a genuine part of my tumblr experience. you're so sweet and ily
@dimplesum faye omg i still can't believe we're moots LMAO. you were always one of those "big" blogs to me (for obvious reasons cause you're so talented and deserve all of the support you get) and i've always wanted to created content the way you do. ty for always being so sweet and lovely to me
@rat-zuki ANNIEEEE you're probably one of the moots i'm most surprised to be mutuals with LMAO only cause you're so cool and i remember being so blown away by your blog/content when i first followed you. i couldn't believe someone as talented as you followed me and you'll always have a special place in my heart, my fellow mallu
@mirakeul bianca i always appreciate the comments you've left on my work. it's been such a pleasure reading your content and i can't wait to see how your account grows in the future
@kurinhimenezu i've always loved and appreciated every comment you've left on my work. your username always feels so familiar when i see it and i can't ty enough for your support
@sassi-sunflower SUNNY it's been so long since we last spoke but it's always so fun to talk to you. you're comments give me LIFE and ilysm
@xtsundere-princess @boosyboo9206 @serowotonin @life-is-not-daijobu anytime i see any of your comments on my work, it makes my day. you're the type of people that i think of whenever i'm writing and i smile whenever i see your usernames in my notifs. ily all so much
@reddriot z, you're so talented and such an angel. i know we haven't spoken in a while but i love going through your account and seeing your edits and your work and you never fail to amaze me
@sheerxradiance SHEEEEER my first emoji anon and the first anon i had like a whole little friendship with. i remember being so shocked when i found out you were the 🥰 anon because i would always try and figure out who you were but i was way off. i remember seeing your username pop in my notifs from time to time and everytime i talk to you i can't help but smile, ilysm
@todosweetheart val :) you're so talented and your art blows my mind everytime. it's such an honor to be able to see your art and call you one of my moots. ilysm
@katsuhera hera i know we haven't known each other for long but your writing is the epitome of *chef's kiss* i remember screaming when i found out you listen to GD/bigbang and i got so excited. thank you for being a part of my journey
@k-atsukidayo fey i know you haven't been active lately but i hope you see this. you're one of my favorite writers on this app and i hope to be able to write like you someday. your writing is so magical and jaw dropping and i cannot believe i get to call you my moot. ilysm
anyone and everyone who has supported me:
i started this blog july 9 of 2018 without any expectations. i used to write on wattpad and after i got into bnha and falling in love with bakugou's character, i immediately wanted to write scenarios about him. never did i imagine that i would still be writing three years later. it feels surreal. it's even more surreal that i've got so much support. every single like, comment, reblog, and follow makes me overjoyed and i always see anytime anyone interacts with my blog. these interactions are what keeps my blog going most days.
here's to three more years hopefully lol so i hope you look forward to the content that i'll continue to make :)
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Shut Up and Drive
Part 3 of We Dance Together Now
An O’Knutzy au where Leo and Logan are still playing for the Lions, but Finn is a musician they met by chance on a roadie to Montreal.
Here are the first few parts!
Part 1 - Jingle Bell Rock
Part 2 - This City
I hope you like it!!! :):)
Also, this is getting kind of crazy long, so I’m going to stick it up on AO3 too :)
These beautiful characters and their world belong to the incredible @lumosinlove
Finn was standing at his bathroom sink, brushing his teeth, when he heard his phone buzz in the other room. He wandered out to look for it, toothbrush hanging from his mouth. When it wasn’t immediately visible, he just shrugged and headed back to the bathroom. It was probably just his mom. She texted to say goodnight sometimes, which was adorable but didn’t require an urgent response.
But then the phone went off a second time while he was rinsing his mouth, and a third while he was pulling on his sleep pants. Definitely not his mom. Curious now, he grabbed his book off the nightstand and headed off in search of the mysterious messages. He padded out to the living room, spotting the phone on the couch and flopping down next to it just as a fourth notification went off. He scooped it up and swiped open his messages. He was surprised to see Logan’s contact come up. He figured they would be busy tonight after their game.
Logan: Finn!
Logan: FINN!
Logan: We won!
Finn smiled at Logan’s excitement. He had actually seen the alert for the team’s win flash across his phone a few hours earlier. He’d set up notifications for Lions game results a few weeks ago, after an embarrassing evening of asking them how the game went, not knowing they had lost. He would only make that mistake once.
             Finn: I saw. Congrats! 😊
Logan’s response was immediate.
             Logan: You’re alive! Come celebrate with us.
Finn’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. That was unexpected. He knew that after winning games they usually went out with the guys from their team. That’s why he had gotten ready for an early night.
             Finn: Aren’t you out with the team?
Logan: Yes! Leo says to tell you they’re cool if you join us. They want to see you again. They remember you from Montreal.  
Finn chewed his lip, looking longingly between his book and the phone in his hand. Usually he would love to see them - the trio had become nearly inseparable over the past month - but he had been looking forward to reading tonight. He hadn’t had much opportunity since school had started back up. Plus, he had to be up early tomorrow.
             Finn: Ordinarily I would be all over that. But I’m almost in bed
             Logan: Your bed will still be there in a few hours!
             Finn: But it looks so comfy right now.  
             Logan: Pleeeeaaase? Dancing isn’t fun without you any more
Finn melted a little at that one, his conviction starting to waver even as he texted back.
Finn: I don’t give in to peer pressure!
He watched the screen, waiting for an answer, when a message from Leo popped up at the top. A picture. He swiped it open, curious, and his jaw dropped.
It was a picture of Logan, taken from close up. His head was tilted, his messy curls falling over one eye, and he was pouting, his lower lip jutting out just slightly. He was looking directly into the camera, and his eyes… Finn took one look at the wide, green, puppy dog gaze, and knew he had just been made a liar. There was absolutely no way he was not going to do whatever Logan asked if this was how he asked it. He stood up and sent one final text.
             Finn: Where are you?
Two hours later Finn was in the middle of a dance floor, sweat dripping in his eyes as he leaned over to put his hands on his knees, trying to stop laughing long enough to catch his breath.
His efforts were futile, as Logan chose that moment to expand on his interpretation of the Toosie Slide dance, one that had been getting more and more extravagant every time they heard the song at a club. As he slid dramatically across the floor, he almost knocked over a poor, unsuspecting woman. He hadn’t actually crashed into her, but it was close enough to scare her into turning toward him with a very angry look and Finn cackled as he watched Logan’s face turn from mischief to horror, nearly knocking her over a second time as he rushed to apologize. His amusement was short-lived, however, as the woman gave Logan a once-over and did a complete 180, from angry to impossibly seductive, in less than the time it took her to introduce herself. Finn looked to Leo, hoping for a distraction, only to find him in a similar position with the first woman’s friend.
Finn stood up, laughter draining quickly from his system as his smile turned wry. This was a familiar scene. Girls were not shy with Leo and Logan. And it’s not like he could blame them- he was painfully aware of how beautiful they both were. He just didn’t usually let himself get caught having to watch it. He had quickly learned to spot the girls coming before they did, to extract himself from the situation before he had to watch it unfold. This was the first time since that first night at the Burrow that he’d been caught off guard. And it was… painful. So much for keeping your feelings in check, I guess, he thought drily.
He waited for a moment, until Leo and Logan were both fully distracted, and took the opportunity to sneak away quietly, back to the table where he had been introduced to the team earlier. He slid into the seat he had previously abandoned, next to Kasey Winter, and shot him a quick smile when he welcomed him back. He pretended to be interested in the conversation he was having with Sirius Black, across from him, but his mind was elsewhere, and he jumped when a voice sounded in his ear.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He recognized Leo’s teasing voice and a small smile crept onto his face. “We lost you out there. Logan thought you might be getting a drink.”
Finn turned to look at him, taking in his dance-flushed cheeks and bright, dimpled smile. One thing he had learned after spending enough time with him, was that a genuine Leo Knut smile could light up a room. Usually that smile caused a warm glow in Finn’s chest, but right now all he could picture was the woman from the dance floor being on the receiving end of it.
Finn shook his head. “Nope, just needed a quick break.”
Leo’s brow furrowed at that, and his head tilted as he looked at Finn, assessing. His eyes flickered between Finn’s, and across his face, radiating kindness. His expression softened and he reached up to place a gentle hand on Finn’s shoulder. “Hey, are you ok?”
“Ya, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Finn tried to paste on his biggest smile, but he could tell Leo wasn’t fully convinced.
“Are you sure? You know you can talk to me, right? I –“
Whatever Leo was going to say was cut off by Logan returning to the table, loudly. Finn took a second to thank whatever divine intervention had prevented him from having to come up with an excuse for his moping, before turning his attention to what appeared to be a very passionate argument between Logan and Thomas Walker.
“I’m just saying Talkie, that can’t possibly be true.”
“Logan. Explain to me why it cannot be true.”
“No! You explain to me why it can be true!”
Finn caught on to what Logan was doing. He had seen him try it before, on Leo, and on himself a few times as well. But it had never worked.
“It was on the Discovery Channel Tremz! Why would they lie?”
“I’m not saying they’re lying, I’m just saying you haven’t convinced me that they’re telling the truth.”
Thomas’ jaw dropped at that one, disbelief on his face. “Logan, I-, what?? That’s- this is ridiculous! Aardvarks exist! Fucking Google them!”
Logan just shook his head cheerfully, popping a cheese fry into his mouth. “Nah.”
Finn couldn’t help but laugh at Thomas’ exasperated face as he stood from the table. “I’m going to the washroom. I can’t handle you right now.” He gave Logan a playful shove in the back of the head as he walked behind him.
Logan just laughed into his drink, looking smug.
“So,” Finn picked up his own drink, “is antagonizing your friends on purpose a personal hobby?”
“No.” “Yes.”
Logan and Leo spoke over one another.
Finn looked between them, amused, as Logan pretended to be offended.
Leo just looked at Logan, eyebrows raised and a corner of his mouth pulled up affectionately. “Getting people worked up is Logan’s favourite game, but he’ll pretend he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kasey, overhearing, leaned back over to Finn. “We’ve all just learned to ignore it. Talkie’s the only one he can still get to.”
Finn chuckled at that. “You know aggravating people on purpose isn’t very nice, right?” He cocked his head at Logan.
Logan just smiled innocently. “I have no idea what you mean.”
Leo gestured pointedly toward him.  “See?”
Just then, there was a flurry of movement from the other end of the table as people started getting ready to go. As the three of them stood together to join them, Finn was reminded of something.
“Hey, before I forget, you guys have tomorrow off right?”
Leo nodded, shoving his arms through his jacket sleeves. “Ya, we do. What are we doing?”
Finn loved that it had become natural for them to just assume they would be doing something together on a day off. He started walking backward toward the door of the bar and grinned at the other two as they followed.
“We, my friends, are going on an adventure. Dress for being outside, and be ready at 9am sharp.”
At exactly 9 o’clock the next morning, Finn watched as Logan yanked open the door to his car and flopped into the front seat. His hair tousled, eyes bleary, he leaned back against the headrest with a groan. “Whyyy are we awake right now Finn?” His voice was still raspy from sleep. “Early bird gets the worm!” Finn chirped back at him with a smile. He gave a noncommittal grunt, but perked up as Finn passed him a coffee.
He took a sip, eyes closed. “Mmmmm. Ok you’re forgiven.”
“You’re welcome. Are you awake now? I need you to tell me how to get to Leo’s place.”
Finn had picked up the two of them from Logan’s place a few times over the past couple of weeks, swinging by on his way home from campus and driving them to his place to play video games or to Sid’s for dinner. He knew Leo didn’t live at Dumo’s too, but he had never actually picked him up from his own house.
“Why didn’t you pick him up first?” Grumbled Logan, his eyes still half closed as he tried to stifle a yawn.
“I picked you up first because I know where you live, and you know where Leo lives. It’s called logic. Now give me directions, Sir Yawns-a-Lot. We have places to be!”
“Mmm.” Logan grunted back in his still sleep-rasped voice. “I actually don’t remember where he’s staying right now, let me give him a call.”
Finn furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “What? Where he’s staying right now? Does he not always stay in the same place?”
But Logan waved him off as Leo picked up the phone, and Finn was left to wonder impatiently for the short duration of the call.
“Ok, he’s downtown. At the Hogwarts Hotel, right across from the arena. It’s like 5 minutes from here. You know it?”
“Yeees…” Finn dragged the word out, still trying to piece this together. “… can I ask why he’s at a hotel?”
It was Logan’s turn to look confused. “He’s always at a hotel? He’s a rookie, that’s usually what happens.”
Finn was caught off guard. “Seriously? Like for the whole year? Did you do that too?”
“Ya, I guess for the whole year. And no, I didn’t do it. I got really lucky the year I came, Dumo had an open room. He invited me to billet and I’ve just never left. They’re like a second family to me now.” He paused, running his finger around the lid of his coffee cup.
“I feel really bad for Leo though. It was hard enough coming here when I had Dumo’s family to rely on, I don’t know how he’s doing it.” He shook his head, looking up at Finn. “He tries to pretend it doesn’t bother him, bouncing around between hotel rooms, but you can tell he’s homesick sometimes, you know? I try and drag him over here to crash on my floor when he looks really down, but it’s still just another strange place for the night.”
Finn nodded. He knew how hard it had been for him moving to Gryffindor- the loneliness he had felt, exhausted from working hard all day and dreading coming home to an empty apartment. He had spent many sleepless nights talking himself out of dropping out and moving back home to his parents, his brother. June. It was during that time he had written This City, the song he had played at the Burrow the first time Leo and Logan came to see him play.
He thought about how Leo had responded to his explanation that the song had been about moving to Gryffindor. It wasn’t a happy song. Finn didn’t like that Leo could relate to it.
He put the car in drive, mulling an idea around in his brain as he headed to Gryffindor Hotel.
Leo sat in the middle of the backseat of Finn’s car, watching the roads they passed and trying to discern where exactly they were headed. So far all he could tell was that whatever they were doing, they weren’t doing it in downtown Gryffindor. He didn’t like not knowing things, it made him feel on edge. He sighed, deciding to try one more time. “Finn. We’ve been driving for fifteen minutes. Are you going to tell us where we’re going yet?”
“Actually, yes!”
Well, that was pleasantly unexpected. Finn had been denying Logan an answer since before Leo had even gotten in the car.
“Just one second…”
Leo watched from the backseat as Finn checked his blind spot, merged off of the entrance ramp, and…
Leo looked outside the window. They were on a freeway. Was Finn… excited about the freeway?
He shared a glance with Logan, who looked equally confused.
“Finn,” Logan started slowly, “what do you mean ‘ta-da’? Is this where we are going? The freeway? You said to bring clothes for outside. We can’t go outside when there are cars driving by at 80 miles per hour.”
Finn was unphased. “The freeway is our gateway to adventure, boys.” He explained cheerfully. “Everyone knows a road trip doesn’t begin until you get onto a highway.”
“We’re going on a road trip?” Leo’s interest was piqued. “A road trip to where?”
“I’m glad you asked!”
“We’ve asked ten times and you ignored us. NOW you’re glad?” asked Logan incredulously.
“Yes,” Finn explained patiently, “because I couldn’t tell you before. Not until the road trip started. Remember the rules of the list?”
“We decided that was bullshit!”
“You decided it was bullshit. I never agreed.”
Logan opened his mouth to retort, and Leo decided it was time to interject. “The road trip started now. Can you please tell us?”
He watched Finn’s smile through the rear-view mirror. Leo rarely had the opportunity to observe Finn like this, without him noticing, and he was trying not to make it obvious that he was taking advantage. But they were headed East, and the morning sun that came through the windshield was drawing out these tiny gold flecks in his wide brown eyes, and Leo couldn’t look away. He was just thinking that he wanted to see those flecks up close when Finn suddenly met his gaze in the mirror. He jerked his eyes away immediately, cursing himself as his heart skipped a beat. Then he realized that just made him look even more guilty, so he looked back up and raised his eyebrows at Finn, pretending that he had just been looking at him to hear his answer.
Finn held out for a dramatic pause before responding smugly. “I have found us the perfect adventure.”
Logan groaned, and Finn glanced over at him, sticking out his tongue. Leo noticed his cheeks had a flush that matched his own. He must have realized Leo was staring. Fuck.
The smug look fell away when he spoke again, and he sounded almost nervous. “So, there’s this town called Ilvermorny, over on the coast. I heard about it a while ago from a customer at the Burrow, apparently people love to go there because it’s super beautiful and you can walk around and explore the whole place in a day.”
Logan looked over at him, interested. “Sounds cool.”
Finn looked relieved for a second, and then an excited grin took back over. “I’m glad you think so. But that’s not the best part.” He wiggled his eyebrows excitedly. “I have received some excellent intel, that not only is this place all picturesque and shit, but, Leo…” he waited for Leo to meet his eyes in the mirror again. “They also have THE best authentic Cajun food this side of Louisiana.”
Leo felt his jaw drop, and he couldn’t stop the huge smile that he felt stretching across his face. He’s been so homesick for the food his mom made for him back in New Orleans. He leaned forward between the front seats. “Are you serious? Finn. Are you for real?”
Finn just laughed, eyes on the road.
“Logan!” Leo turned to Logan, who had one corner of his mouth quirked up into an amused smile as he watched Leo’s excited reaction.  “If this is real- and I swear to god Finn this better be real or I might actually cry- I can finally introduce you to food from home.”
He flopped back into his seat, his mouth already watering at the thought of real, authentic Cajun food. “Not having a kitchen has been absolutely killing me in Gryffindor. I miss the food from home so much.”
Logan turned back to look at him, surprised. “Really? You’ve never mentioned that you like to cook.”
Leo groaned, his eyes closing. “I love to cook. I never mention it because it just makes me sad. But nothing can make me sad right now if you’ve just put shrimp étouffée on the table.”
“I have no idea what you just said, but I’m glad you’re happy.”
He heard the amusement in Finn’s voice and cracked an eye to see him flickering his eyes between the road and the mirror. “Best. Surprise. Ever.”
Finn looked so pleased, it made Leo’s heart swell.
“Now can you please talk about something else to distract me from the fact that I have to wait hours to get to this place?”
“Yes!” Logan jumped in quickly. “We can talk about what the hell this road trip playlist is.”
Finn startled, glancing over at Logan. “What do you mean?”
“What are we listening to??”
Finn looked scandalized. “It’s the Eagles, Logan.”
“The Eagles?! What are you, 60 years old?”  
“They’re iconic!”
“They’re old. Now give me the phone cable.”
Logan didn’t wait for Finn’s response before unceremoniously yanking the cord out of Finn’s phone and plugging in his own, scrolling through his music library.
Finn wasn’t done defending his choices. “Being old doesn’t make you less iconic! Plus, I like the way they write. And so do like, a hundred million other people! We can’t all be wrong!”
Logan finally stopped scrolling and interrupted the incensed redhead. “Hey, Finn?”
Finn glanced over one more time. “What?”
Logan just grinned, and pressed play. The opening notes of Rihanna’s ‘Shut Up and Drive’ filled the car and Leo just smiled and shook his head as Finn’s offended spluttering was drowned out by the sound of electric guitar and Logan’s self-satisfied cackle.
When the boys arrived in Ilvermorny, it was only 11am. Finn had packed them a big breakfast for the car and they still weren’t hungry enough for a full lunch, so they decided to grab a quick snack for now and leave the restaurant for dinner. There was a bakery across the street from the Information Center they had parked beside, and as Logan headed in to get their order, Leo stood outside with Finn and looked around. Finn had been right, this was a super quaint little town, all brightly coloured shop fronts and cute wooden sidewalks. He winced as a cool wind blew by, regretting that he had chosen to wear a snapback instead of a beanie. He still wasn’t used to the winter weather here.
“Hey, trade me.”
He turned to see Finn tugging off his beanie and gave him a questioning look. “Sorry, what?”
“You’re cold already, it’s just going to get worse over the day. Give me your hat and you can have this one.”
Leo was caught off guard. “Oh, my god, Finn. No. I was the idiot who didn’t bring a proper hat. I’m not going to make you freeze your ears for my mistake.”
Finn just reached up and plucked Leo’s snapback off his head, dropping it onto his own before using both hands to pull his beanie down low over Leo’s curls. Leo immediately felt the warmth, both of the wool over his ears, and of the blush moving up his cheeks to reach the place where his skin tingled from the brush of Finn’s fingers.  
Finn’s wide eyes were kind as he smiled up at Leo. “I have a hood,” he said, voice soft, “you don’t. I’ll just pull mine up if I get cold.”
“Thank you.” Leo swallowed, trying and failing to pull his gaze from where it was locked onto Finn’s. Those damn gold flecks were still there. The pull he had felt since the day he had met him had never been stronger, and he felt himself start to move closer when the chime of the bakery door startled both of them.
He spun around, cursing himself internally. Stupid, stupid. Get it together. He’s not into you. You can’t be into him.
A gust of warm air blew over him as Logan stepped out with an armful of drinks and baked goods.
“Hey guys, sorry that took a minute, they were out of chocolate croissants, so I had to get something different.” His voice trailed off as he spotted Leo’s snapback over Finn’s red locks, and his gaze shot up to where Finn’s beanie was now snug over Leo’s ears.
A strange look crossed over his face, so quickly that Leo almost thought he imagined it. But it was gone before he could figure it out, replaced by a happy smile as he handed out coffees and they set to walking.
The three of them spent the afternoon checking out every recommendation from a guide-book Leo had snagged from the Information Center.  
They toured what was apparently one of the oldest functioning lighthouses in America, tried (and failed) to spot whales from coin operated binoculars on the winter-emptied fishing pier, and stopped to watch a local artist creating beautiful framed scenes out of ocean glass she collected herself from her front yard. Finn bought one of her pieces. “A memory!” He told Leo and Logan.
They meandered down the entire length of the boardwalk, perusing heated stalls selling local goods and goading one another into walking down to the icy shore to test the temperature of the calm ocean water. When they stuck their hands in, it was so cold that it burned. When they finally needed to warm up, they had gone back into the little town to wander in and out of the local shops, talking and joking with the owners and with one another.
When they walked out of their final store, a chocolate shop that Logan in particular had been itching to check out, the sun was just disappearing behind the cliffs overlooking the town. They must have been in there for a while. Longer than Finn had thought, for sure.
Finn stood next to Leo, who was checking out the guidebook again, and watched Logan walk out of the shop after them, a bag of carefully selected chocolates held in his hand. He took a few steps away from the building and stopped, closing his eyes and tilting his head back to pull in a deep breath of seaside air. Finn watched as he breathed out, relaxed. It was something he did often, just taking a moment to take in the fresh air after a long time inside. Finn had noticed him doing the first time they had met, back in Montreal, and it had become engrained in his mind as something quintessentially Logan.
Finn’s stomach gave a loud grumble then, and he pulled his attention from Logan to nudge Leo. “Hey. It’s getting late, no? Do you guys want to get dinner now?”
“I’ve been waiting all day for you to say that!” Leo joked. Logan came back over to join them, and Leo passed him the guidebook as he stretched his arms above his head.
“And Logan can double check, but I actually think we’ve checked off everything in that book now, so the timing is perfect.” He dropped his arms. “Let’s head over?”
Finn led the way through the cheerful streets, scanning storefront signs until he saw the one they were looking for. Feeling dramatic, he grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, bowing deeply to Leo. “After you, my Louisian Lord.” He frowned at the way the word sounded and looked up to Leo for help. “Louisianian? Louisianan?... Orleanian??”
Leo just looked at him. “You’re ridiculous.”
Finn stood and shrugged. “Maybe. But you still have to go in first. Lo and I don’t know shit about Cajun food. You need to make us look cultured.”
Leo let out a snort at that, but led them into the restaurant anyway, looking around happily as they were led to a table.
The moment they had menus in their hands, Leo immediately took to describing every dish with an over-the-top enthusiasm his composed self rarely showed, and Finn gave up reading his own menu in favour of leaning back and listening to his version of the dishes instead.
A few minutes later, Logan joined suit, closing his menu with a shake of his head.
“Nut, they should hire you to rewrite these descriptions. You make me want to eat everything.”
Leo’s eyes shined. “We should! Let’s just order a bunch of things and share them. There are so many things you need to try.”
Finn shrugged amenably. “Works for me. Will you order? I wanna go wash my hands.” He stood as Leo nodded, eyes still glued to the menu. “Get something with sausage, ok?”
Alone in the washroom, Finn sighed happily as he let the warm water run over his chilled fingers, looking up at his own reflection in the mirror and smiling dopily as he thought about how well his planned day had gone. His eyes moved up to lock on to where he was still wearing Leo’s snapback, and his smile dimmed a bit as he flashed back to the moment he had had with him this morning.
Despite having told himself regularly for the past month that he needed to keep his feelings in check, not let his heart get too attached, this was now the second day in a row that he had let himself get caught with his guard down. Somehow he was getting worse at it, instead of better.
He had a tendency to get lost in the bubble he shared with Leo and Logan whenever they were together, forgetting to remember that for them, it was different. That for them, he was just a friend. And he had still been feeling a little exposed after last night’s crushing reminder of that when he had, without thinking, pulled his own beanie over Leo’s ears that morning. Then Leo’s eyes had locked onto his with that look, that indecipherable look, and he hadn’t been able to dredge up the willpower to turn away. Or, you know. Breathe.
But, he thought to himself, smile returning, Leo hadn’t seemed to notice anything off, or if he had, he had let it go, and the rest of their day had been incredible. Only with Leo and Logan could a winter day in a beach town, of all places, be this much fun. He’d never had this kind of a friendship with anyone before. He dried his hands, wondering vaguely if this was what the characters in Friends felt like with each other. He figured if it was, then Leo and Logan must be his Ross and Chandler.
And he knew he would fight anyone, even his own heart, to ensure they could remain that way.
When Finn came back to the table Leo was just finishing up their order. As the waitress walked away, he relaxed happily back into is seat, the warm light of the restaurant lanterns caught his hair in a way that made it glow like spun gold. His eyes were shining as he looked up at Finn, his smile bright and content.
“Alright, Finn?”
“So alright. And so ready to eat.”
Logan snorted at that. “Nut just ordered half the restaurant, so I hope you’re serious about that.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” Leo rolled his eyes. “I ordered a completely reasonable amount of food.”
Finn smirked as a memory resurfaced. “Mmm. Completely reasonable in the way that Logan is a ‘completely reasonable player’?”
Logan gasped at that, looking offended. “Finn! Why do you remember that!”
Finn laughed openly as he dodged the sugar packet Logan threw at him. “How could I forget you beating up Leo on the streets of Montreal?”
Logan leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest and a grumpy look on his face that only made Finn laugh more. “You still haven’t come to watch a game. You have no idea how totally reasonable I am.”
“Fair enough.” Finn acquiesced, still chuckling. He caught sight of a server walking toward them with a gigantic tray of food, and his eyes widened in alarm. “But if you and Leo have the same definition of reasonable, I’m thinking it’s going to be an interesting game.”
At that, Leo followed Finn’s gaze and let out a moan so obscene that Finn was sure he would be thinking about it for days. “Oh my god, you guys. Best. Day. Ever.”
Finn just grinned and prepared himself to feast.
Leo ordered too much food.
Despite joking about it while he ordered it, Logan had actually been surprised when their order was dropped at the table. Leo was usually so concerned about food waste, but there had hardly been room for their plates with everything the servers delivered. He knew they were definitely not going to be able to eat it all. He had almost teased him about it, but then Leo had taken his first bite of the jambalaya that he claimed to be ‘exactly like home’, and there was no way Logan was going to say anything that might take that look off of Leo’s face.
But now, after trying to eat as much of the excessive, and admittedly, phenomenal, food as he could, Logan was feeling very full, and very much less inclined to indulge Leo’s desires, which at the moment involved ‘sitting back and letting it digest’. Absolutely not. He needed to move.
It only took a few minutes of pleading to get them standing up, and Logan led them out of the restaurant and onto the street before flipping open the guidebook. “Ok, so Finn said there’s a lookout around here somewhere that we can walk up to. They don’t have it listed as a thing to do in here but I think this is a picture of it. It looks like it’s supposed to be more for watching the sunset, but I think it’ll still be cool to look down at the town, even though it’s already dark.”
Leo voiced his agreement from where he was leaning against the wall of the restaurant. “Let’s do it. Finn, do you know how to get to it?”
“Ummm,” Finn pulled out his phone. “I don’t remember exactly, but I know it’s a trail, not a road to get up there, and it starts closer to where we parked the car.”
“Ok cool,” Logan stomped his feet against the chillier evening air, “lets go to the car then, and we can pull up a map once we’re closer. We should start moving before we get cold.”
Leo pushed off the wall as Finn tucked his phone back into his pocket, and the three of them started moving back down the sidewalk- much more sluggish than they had been before dinner. They didn’t really fit three across, and Logan let Leo and Finn pull in front of him as they talked about the history of Cajun cooking. Logan wasn’t particularly interested in the topic—he couldn’t cook, like Leo could, and he wasn’t all that interested in history, like Finn was—so he let his mind wander as he fell into step behind them.
Seeing the two of them side by side reminded him of this morning, that weird moment outside of the bakery when he had felt, for a moment, as though he was interrupting something. Between them.
It was the way they had both looked vaguely flustered, Leo taking that step back, away from Finn, that had triggered his imagination. He had brushed it off almost immediately; he knew he was projecting, letting the old feelings for Leo that he had been pushing down for so long, and the new ones he was trying desperately to avoid for Finn, make him see things that weren’t there. They had clearly just switched hats, which explained it. It was ridiculous, really, and he knew that. But…
As he walked along behind the two other boys, Logan allowed himself to picture it, just for a moment. The idea of the two of them being together. He thought it would make him sad, but he was surprised to realize that it didn’t. That he liked imagining it.
At least, he liked it until he remembered that if the two of them had each other, there wouldn’t be a place for him anymore. The thought made his heart twist. Even though he knew he would never be able to have either one of them the way he really, truly wanted them, he loved having them like this. As friends.
It was funny, he thought to himself as he watched Leo and Finn chatting casually in front of him. He and Leo had gotten along well from the time they met, but they were definitely closer now. Something about Finn and his chaotic open-heartedness had made them more open too. And as a result, they had gotten closer not just with him, but with each other as well.  He would die before he would admit it, but he was glad Leo had dragged him up on that stage.
“Hello, earth to Tremzy?” Logan jolted himself out of his thoughts with a flush, realizing they had reached the car without him noticing.
“Sorry, I got distracted. What’s up?”
Finn was holding up his phone up with his usual cheerfulness, waiting for Logan to look at the map he had pulled up.
“Look, we found the trail head!”
He pointed off the side of the road, where they could just see the very top of a short sign sticking out of the snow. It was very clear that nobody else had gone up to the lookout that winter. The snow was deep and untouched.
“I’m thinking that maybe we could throw on our snow pants and give it a try? And if it turns out to be impossible, we’ll just turn around and roll back down.” Finn tilted his head at Logan and Leo, lips pulled up into an eager, hopeful smile. It was adorable. “What do you think?”
Logan couldn’t help but smile back. “Well, we brought snow pants, might as well get some good use out of them.”
Ten minutes later Finn could hear Logan cursing as he sank in the snow.
“Tabarnak! This is insane! Why am I in the front?? You both have longer legs than me, this snow is over my hips!” He complained.
“You’re Canadian, Tremz. I thought you would know how to handle snow.” Leo was focused on the ground in front of him, picking his way carefully through the trail Logan broke for them. “Plus,” he added thoughtfully, “this is the first time you’ve ever admitted to being short.”
Finn laughed as Logan whirled around with a glare, bending to grab a handful of snow. Leo ducked, laughing, as the snowball flew past his head.
“He’s got goalie reflexes Lo, you’re gonna have to do better than that!” Finn called up over the sounds of Leo’s bright laughter. Logan lifted a hand over his head to flip them off without turning around and they continued their trek up the hill.
By the time they reached the observation deck all three boys were panting.
“Oh my god, it’s hot.” Finn whined as he made his way over to the railing, pulling down his hood. He opened his mouth to say more, but his complaints stuck in his throat as the sight below them came into view.
“Whoa.” He breathed out the word.
He felt Leo and Logan lean against the railing next to him.
“It looks like a postcard.” Leo sounded as awed as Finn, and a quick glance at Logan showed he felt the same.
The town glowed softly below them, the warm light of the streetlamps sparkling prettily off the blanket of snow that covered every peaked roof. The lighthouse they had visited earlier that day was lit up, sending a beautiful reflection rippling through the waves of the never-ending blackness of the ocean in front of it. The moon was full, and the sky was clear, and Finn felt like they had just stepped into the fairy tale. He almost wanted to hold his breath.
The spell was broken when Leo took a step back from the railing to unwind his scarf. He looked apologetic as the other two turned to watch him. “I’m sorry guys, I’m just too hot.”
“You don’t have to apologize for being warm, Leo,” said Finn, smiling at him and taking the opportunity to look around the rest of the platform they stood on.
The observation deck was surrounded by the pristine sparkle of a fresh snowfall, and Finn suddenly had an idea. He trudged through the snow to the other side of the deck, hoisting himself up on to the railing as Logan and Leo looked on in confusion. “What are you doing?” Logan eyed him suspiciously. “I,” he grinned down at them, “am cooling off. And so are you. Come on!” He felt his smile widen as he watched the two boys look between him and the snow on the other side of the railing and connect the dots. To his surprise it was Leo who grinned and climbed up next to him first, looking back at Logan expectantly. “Absolutely not.” Logan shook his head from where he stood resolutely on the deck floor. “It’s gonna be cold.” “Come on Lo,” Finn pouted at him, “it’s not like we’re jumping in the ocean. It’s a snow pile. You have a winter clothes on. Get up here!” Leo joined in, eyes twinkling as he teased his stubborn teammate, “Come on Tremz. All your friends are about to jump off a cliff. Aren’t you gonna do it too?” Logan snorted. “The edge is on the other side of the deck. You’re going to jump ON to a cliff. And no. No, I’m not.”
“I remember saying something similarly ‘no’-like when I was being peer pressured into leaving my nice warm house yesterday.” Finn reminded him pointedly. “I’m sure you will recall how that worked out for me.” “I do.” Logan’s expression suddenly shifted into something more mischievous and his voice turned teasing. “And what made you give in, Finn?”
Finn felt his face go warm as Logan held his gaze. Was he…?
No. He was just trying to get him worked up. Leo had said Logan loved to push people’s buttons. Finn had seen Logan do it. But being on the receiving end of that look was sending a burning feeling straight down to Finn’s core, and he needed to change the subject before it became a much more noticeable problem. “I looked up the menu.” He blurted out. “They had cheese fries” Smooth. Idiot. Finn mentally facepalmed as he put on his best fake haughty expression and looked anywhere but at Logan for a moment as he reined himself in.
Thankfully, Leo came to the rescue, laughing at Finn before looking back at a now grumpy Logan, who was upset that his goading hadn’t worked. “Please Tremz?” He held out a hand, giving him a very exaggerated pout. “You know you want to jump with us.”
Logan looked back and forth between the two of them for a second before rolling his eyes and dropping his arms.
“Fine.” He sighed, resigned. “But if I get sick I’m telling coach both of you threw me in.”
Finn, calm now, beamed at Logan as he batted Leo’s hand away and climbed up on Finn’s other side. “That’s the spirit!”
“Shut up.”
But Finn could see the smile Logan was hiding now as he looked down at the untouched snow below them. “On the count of three?”
They looked between one another as Leo took the lead.
“One. Two. THREE!”
They jumped in sync, screeching as they cannonballed down into fluffy drifts.
Leo immediately scrambled to his feet, eyes sparkling with excitement as he looked down at Finn and Logan. “Again!”
Finn chuckled at that, rolling around to find his own leverage. “Alright then.”
The three boys spent the next hour of the evening concocting ever more complex dives into the deep snow. Finn was delighted to find that apparently when it came to snow, it was reasonable, level-headed Leo who was the instigator of the most ridiculous ideas. It was him who came up with the idea of catapulting one another off the railing, making a game of who could knock the snow from the highest branches.
After one final jump, which brought him absolutely nowhere near the record-holding branch, Finn let himself flop backward into the snow, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. “My entire body is exhausted.” He groaned. “How do you guys do this for a living?”
Leo and Logan joined him on the ground as Leo responded to him, amusement in his voice. “You really need to come and watch a game if you think this is what we do for a living.”
Finn just laughed. “I meant the exerting yourself part, not the jumping in the snow part. I’m not completely oblivious.”
“Mmhmm. Whatever you say, O’Hara.” Logan was smiling as he leaned back to join Finn looking up at the sky.
Leo laid down on Finn’s other side and the three of them stayed in comfortable silence for a few moments, catching their breath again.
Finn could see their faces in his periphery, the moonlight glowing on Logan’s tan skin, reflecting off of Leo’s golden curls. He felt peaceful, relaxed in their quiet company.
It was Leo who broke the silence, his quiet voice carrying through the late evening calm.
“I haven’t seen the stars like this since I was home.”
Logan leaned up on an elbow to look at him, on the other side of Finn. “Really?”
“Ya.” His voice was almost a whisper now, and Finn turned to look at him too, catching the wistful look in his eyes as he watched the sky. “You can see so many of them at home. I didn’t know I would miss them so much.”
“Knutty…” Logan made a move as though he wanted to reach out, but stopped himself, simply looking at Leo for a moment before lying back down instead. “I didn’t know.”
“I never told you.” Leo responded gently; his eyes still turned up.
Finn followed his gaze up to the glittering ceiling, so high above them. “I get why you would miss them. You never see anything like this in the cities. It’s beautiful.”
“It is.” He agreed, his smile sad.
But then his voice turned playful again, and he smirked as he sat up to look at Finn and Logan, flat on their backs next to him. “Too bad you have to freeze your ass off to see them here. Time to go!” He dug his hands down beside him, flicked handfuls of snow up at both of them, and was up and running to the car before either of them could register the shock of the cold sliding down their faces.
The drive back home that night was peaceful. Logan and Leo relaxed in their seats, listening to Finn singing quietly along to the radio as he drove. Logan had teased Finn for knowing all the lyrics to every song that came on (“it’s literally my job, Lo.”), but he had also been the one to ask him to keep singing as he dozed off against his window in the backseat. All three of them were pleasantly sleepy from the day spent out in the cold air.
When they arrived back in Gryffindor, Finn drove past downtown, where Leo’s hotel was, to drop off Logan first. When Logan questioned him about it, Finn simply replied, “You get picked up first, you get dropped off first. I don’t make the rules Lo, I just follow them.”
Logan seemed to be too tired to argue with that logic, so he just shrugged and carried on singing softly with Finn until they reached Dumo’s driveway.
“See you guys later.” He clapped their shoulders, looking tired but happy as he climbed out of the back seat. “Thanks for today, Finn. I had fun.”
“You’re welcome, Lo. Anytime.” Finn smiled at him.
“See you in the morning, Tremz.” Leo added, and the two of them watched as Logan walked up the front steps.
When Logan was safely inside, Finn started the short drive back to the hotel. Leo was still quiet, looking content with his head against the window, studying what little he could see of the stars now that they were back in the city.
Finn kept sneaking glances at him as he went over a plan in his head. He had a reason for dropping Logan off first- he wanted an opportunity to catch Leo alone. Had been waiting for it all day. But now that he had it, he was nervous, and before he knew it they were pulling up in front of the hotel.
“Thanks for today Finn, I had an incredible time.” Leo smiled sincerely at him and turned to open his door. Finn panicked then, not wanting him to leave, and practically screeched his name.
“Leo, wait!”
Leo jumped, eyes wide in confused surprise as he looked back at Finn.
Goddamn, those eyes. Finn had never seen eyes so blue. He had to look away to find his voice again.
“Uh. Sorry. I didn’t mean to yell that.”
“That’s fine, Harz. What’s up?”
Finn took a breath to steady himself and brought his gaze back up to meet Leo’s.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were living in hotels?”
Leo’s expression grew even more confused.
“I don’t know… I guess it never came up. It’s not a big deal, rookies do it all the time.”
Finn nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay…” Leo nodded too, waiting for Finn to speak again. When he didn’t, Leo turned to the door again. “Well, thanks again for today, I’ll –“
“You should come and live with me.” Finn blurted it out, and then held his breath as he waited to for a response. He hoped he hadn’t crossed a line. But it made him so sad to think of Leo, kind, sweet Leo, all alone in strange hotel rooms every night. Especially after tonight, after seeing how homesick he really was.
Leo’s eyebrows shot up, and he opened and closed his mouth several times before managing to stammer out, “I- what?”
Finn looked back down at the steering wheel, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. He spoke quickly, nervously. “Obviously you don’t have to do that. I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you or anything, that’s definitely not my intention, I just- I mean, I have the space, you know that… and just, the idea of you not having a place that you can call home right now…” He paused for a moment. “I don’t know. I don’t want you to have to experience that. Not when I can help.”
He kept his gaze focused on the steering wheel, the stitching of it suddenly very interesting.
“Finn,” said Leo softly. Finn swallowed once and forced himself to look back up at the younger boy. There was an odd look on his face. Finn hoped it wasn’t a bad sign. “Thank you, for offering.”
Finn nodded, swallowing again even though his mouth felt desert dry.
Leo looked out the window, up at the façade of the Hogwarts Hotel, thoughtful. Finn would have given anything at that moment to know what he was thinking. Leo and his stupid goalie face.
After a moment, he turned back to him. “Are you serious?”
Finn nodded quickly, his confidence starting to return when Leo didn’t laugh at him. “Of course. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. But I’m also serious when I say I won’t be offended if you’re not interested. I know sometimes people don’t like sharing a space.”
Leo let out a breath through his nose and chewed his lip as he considered Finn for a few more moments.
“I think I would like that.” He said, his features softening as he started to smile.
“Really?” Finn was pleasantly surprised. “You would?”
Leo laughed. “I would.”
“Sweet! Ok. Tell me which room you want and I’ll make sure it’s all cleared out for you. Whenever you want to come. You could literally come tomorrow. I have nothing scheduled in those rooms”
Leo leaned back against the seat, shaking his head fondly at Finn’s trademark earnestness. “I’m booked in here until the end of the week. I was supposed to move to another hotel on Friday. Is that too early?”
“No! That’s perfect.”
“Well. Alright then. I guess I’ll be there on Friday.”
“Cool.” They smiled at each other awkwardly for a second, and Leo burst into laughter.
“Okay, now its weird. Goodnight Finn.” He stepped out of the car.
“Goodnight, Leo.”
Finn couldn’t stop grinning the whole way home.
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refinedbuffoonery · 3 years
Looking Through A Window (2)
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macriley married undercover au
Oh man. My dudes. I received so much love and support and excited feedback on the first chapter that I thought my heart was going to explode. Y’all are so wonderful. Keep it up. <3
Luckily, Matty lets them take the Phoenix jet to Houston. Flying commercial would make today even more tortuous than it already promises to be, albeit for a different reason. 
No matter how hard he tries to distract himself, Mac cannot stop staring at the diamond ring on Riley’s finger. The princess cut gem is stunning and ridiculously large, but it suits her cover as a lucrative arms dealer. A white gold wedding band sits below it. Riley left her usual assortment of rings at home, and Mac can’t help but think her long, delicate fingers look bare without them. 
He tears his eyes away from the rings again and again, both on the plane and while driving to the safe house. Riley drives with just her left hand, her right elbow resting on the center console. Mac likes driving, but there’s something relaxing about riding shotgun while Riley drives instead. He’s never been able to put a finger on it, but the sense of ease washes over him all the same. Admiring the way sunlight illuminates her engagement ring is simply a bonus. 
He doesn’t let himself imagine what he might give her, in an alternate future where she reciprocates his feelings and one day wants to marry him. 
Harley obediently lays in the backseat, staring out the windshield. She's been on her best behavior the entire twenty four hours Mac's known her, ever the professional. 
Which puts her completely at odds with Mac and Riley's shenanigans—cracking jokes, dancing on the plane and in the car, doing purposefully bad impersonations of Russ. These are the best parts of going on ops alone with Riley. They can let loose in a way they just couldn’t when anyone else other than Bozer was around. Everyone else is professional all the time; Mac and Riley are only professional when they have to be. 
Riley taps the steering wheel in time to the classic rock song on the radio. “What do you want for dinner?” 
“Dinner? We haven’t even had lunch yet!” 
“True.” Riley chuckles. “Can you tell I’m hungry?” 
Mac gives her a sly look. “Not at all.” 
They settle on Texas barbecue for lunch on their way to the safe house, because that’s what Jack would choose if he was here. If only the old man could see them now, all grown up and getting sent to take down terrorists unsupervised. 
Seated in a booth in the far corner of the restaurant, Mac raises his brisket sandwich in a toast to Jack, in whatever afterlife he found himself in. Hopefully it’s the one with an endless supply of good barbecue. 
“Oh man, Jack would’ve loved this,” Riley says through a mouthful of food. She sneaks Harley a piece of brisket. 
Mac smiles. “Yeah, he would’ve.” 
It’s easier, now, to talk about him. At first, Mac hadn’t been sure he could ever get to a point where talking about Jack didn’t make him want to hit something or just curl up and sob. 
But here he is, on the other side. Him and Riley both. 
Their safe house is another twenty minutes away from the restaurant, in a nice neighborhood full of trees and children playing on the sidewalks. It’s so much greener than a California neighborhood could ever dream of being. There’s even a park across the street from their apartment complex. It’s exactly the sort of place a young, affluent couple would want to live. 
Riley parks in their designated space, and the pair ascend the stairs to apartment number 202. Outside of the car, they don’t dare use each other’s real names until they’re sure the apartment is free of bugs. The place was furnished earlier that week by other Phoenix agents, but Mac and Riley do a thorough sweep of every room just in case. 
It’s a nice apartment. Wood flooring, granite countertops, matching cabinets throughout. There are pictures on the walls, but Mac doesn’t bother to stop and check what they are. 
Riley clears the space from back to front, so Mac does the opposite. He clears the kitchen first, frowning at the absence of any sort of food, before moving on to the living room. 
Mac stops dead in his tracks when he enters the bedroom. The singular bedroom. With a singular, queen-sized bed. 
Oh no. This is not happening. 
Mac shakes his head and rubs his eyes, hoping his mind is just playing tricks on him and that there’s actually two beds. Or a whole other room he missed before. 
The one and only bed seems to mock him. 
He walks back out, finding Riley already sitting at the kitchen table, turning on her laptop. “Uhh, Riles? There’s only—”
“One bed,” she finishes, not bothering to look up. “I know.” 
Oh god. He can’t do this. He can’t. Not with his dignity still intact. Mac stammers, “I’ll, uhh, sleep on the couch. You can have it.”
That gets Riley’s attention. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re going to be here for weeks. You’ll hurt your back sleeping on the couch that long. Just sleep with me.” Riley’s eyes widen as she realizes what she just said. “In the bed,” she quickly adds. 
Mac ducks his head to hide his blush. 
“What are you working on?” he asks in a feeble attempt to distract himself from their sleeping situation. Because it will definitely be a situation if Mac’s not careful. 
“Connecting to the Wi-Fi,” Riley says in a slow, “What else would I be doing?” sort of way. 
“Right.” Mac silently curses himself. Of course that’s what she’s doing. “Anyway, I’m assuming you already know this, since you probably opened the fridge too, but we have no food.” 
“I saw.” She’s multitasking again, manicured fingers flying faster across her keyboard than Mac can keep track of. “Why don’t you unload our bags while I finish this, and then we can go.” 
Unable to help feeling like he’s been dismissed, Mac complies without protest. 
Soon they’re back in the car, headed to the grocery store, and the whole thing feels ridiculously domestic. Mac’s never been a fan of grocery shopping, but Riley makes it almost...fun. For starters, she’s not methodical about it the way Bozer and Desi are. But more than that, getting to spend time with her doing mundane, non-work stuff is a nice reminder that their relationship is more than just the job. They’re friends too. 
Mac wishes there is a way to tell her all that without it sounding weird. 
They come home, unload the groceries, and take Harley for a long walk, and that feels easy too. It feels normal, even though literally nothing about this situation is normal, and Mac already knows he’ll miss this when the op is over. 
But normalcy ends when Riley beckons Mac to sit beside her at the kitchen table, and together they write an advertisement for their arms dealing business. Once they’re satisfied with it, Riley sends it off into the dark web, and there’s nothing to do but wait, like a spider after spinning her web. 
The waiting is the worst part. 
Mac is contemplating taking Harley for a second walk when Riley asks, “Want to help me make dinner?” He takes one look at her hands on her hips and the “you don’t actually have a choice” look on her face and knows he’ll be left to fend for himself if he doesn’t help now. Mac learned that the hard way back when he and Riley lived together. 
They work in comfortable silence. Mac chops vegetables and grates cheese for their quesadillas while Riley does the actual cooking part. Even though they are doing separate tasks, Mac is acutely aware of every move Riley makes, no matter how insignificant. Flexing her long, thin fingers around a knife. Itching the back of her calf with her foot. Dancing in place, spatula in hand, while she waits to flip the quesadillas sizzling in the pan. 
Mac smiles softly. Her random little dances are cute. He’s noticed them more and more since realizing he has feelings for her, but if Mac is being honest, he’s always thought the dances are cute. 
Riley hisses as she peeks under the tortilla, checking to see if it’s browned yet. 
“You good?” Mac asks, frowning. 
“Yeah, I touched the pan by accident.” Riley runs her thumb under cold water. 
Her laptop dings while they eat. Wide-eyed, Mac glances at Riley. That was fast. She grimaces before sliding the laptop closer and checking the notification. 
“Is it them?” he asks tentatively. That’s the hard part about this; in order for their business to look more legit, they had to just put an ad out and hope for a response, rather than target the terrorist organization directly. 
Riley exhales. “No, it’s not them. It’s someone else.” 
Swallowing another bite of quesadilla, Mac says, “I don’t know whether I’m relieved or if that’s worse.” 
There are no more responses that night.
Mac wakes up in the same position he fell asleep in—on his side, facing outward, with as much space between him and Riley as possible. When they crawled into bed the night before, Riley did the same. 
Harley spent the night on the couch. 
She’s a very guarded dog, Mac is slowly realizing. Tolerating, but not trusting. Mac supposes he would be like that too if he was a dog and he got stuck with a bunch of strangers after his human suddenly disappeared one day. 
He makes coffee, feeds Harley breakfast, and takes a shower, all before Riley loses her battle with the snooze button and finally gets out of bed. While she showers, Mac takes Harley for a walk in hopes that the cool, spring air will ease the anxiety that took root the moment Riley released their ad into the void. 
It doesn’t. 
Dark, puffy clouds loom on the horizon, and the few birds Mac hears shriek at each other in warning. It looks like a storm is coming. 
When Mac returns, he’s met with a grim expression, one he understands without Riley uttering a single word. “They answered,” she confirms. 
“What did they say?” Unclipping Harley’s leash, Mac moves to stand behind Riley, resting his hands on the back of her chair. The scent of her shampoo tickles his nose, and he forces himself to ignore it and focus on what Riley’s saying. 
“They want to meet. Today.” 
“Time or place?” 
Riley points at a small box on her screen. “Just an address.” 
“What’s there?” 
“A warehouse,” Riley says. “Owned by the same shell corporation other Phoenix techs already tied to the organization.” 
“Not very clandestine, are they?” 
“No, they’re not.” Riley looks up at him, her head bumping his sternum, and butterflies ricochet inside Mac’s rib cage. There’s something soft in Riley’s expression that makes Mac want to kiss her. “Are you ready for this?” 
Mac sighs. “As ready as I ever am. Are you?” 
“Yeah,” she says, but her confidence falters. Without thinking, Mac squeezes her shoulders in reassurance before walking away to change.
The warehouse is located on the edge of the city, in an industrial area that has certainly seen better days. Even from a distance, Mac can see cobwebs decorating the warehouse windows and rust creeping up the roller doors. Aside from Riley, there’s not another soul in sight. 
As per the directions the organization sent after Riley confirmed the meeting, Mac parks on the south side of the building, near the only functional-looking door. He doesn’t look at Riley as they get out of the car, instead desperately trying not to cringe at the cold, heavy weight of the gun holstered at his side, hidden beneath his jacket. 
High-end arms dealers couldn’t walk around unarmed, unfortunately. 
Although her hands are occupied with holding Harley’s leash, there’s a gun hidden beneath Riley’s suit jacket as well. Mac’s stomach churns. The second Riley emerged from their bedroom earlier wearing that jet black suit, she was a different person. She was wholly Genevieve Turner, and no matter how hard Mac tried, he couldn’t find even a single trace of his best friend beneath the icy exterior. 
Locking their SUV, Mac smooths the lapels of his own black suit and slips into character as well. 
The dark clouds Mac noticed earlier are directly overhead now. Mac has never believed in omens the way Jack did, but he can’t help hearing Jack’s voice in his head, warning him that black clouds are a sign of certain doom. Or something like that. 
There’s no one inside the warehouse, at least as far as Mac can see. “Hello?” he calls, the word echoing slightly in the open space. Aside from a few random wooden crates, the room is empty. 
A door slams, and then an older man comes into view. He’s probably in his late fifties, with graying hair and a beer belly his shirt doesn’t quite cover. The man swaggers like he owns the place, although Mac doubts the leader of a terrorist cell would deign to play tour guide. 
No doubt there’s a quip on the edge of Riley’s tongue about entitled white men, but she doesn’t share it. 
The man extends a hand to Mac in introduction. “Conrad.” His sneer doesn’t reach his eyes. 
Mac frowns, keeping his hands at his sides. “Last name?” 
“Doesn’t matter.” 
What he’s about to say might screw everything up before it even starts, but Mac says it anyway. In his gut, he knows it’s the right call. “If it doesn’t matter, then we’re done here. My wife and I have no interest in entering a business relationship with someone too inexperienced to understand that trust is integral to any transaction.” Mac spins on his heel and strides toward the door, Riley falling into step beside him. 
“Wait!” the man calls. They pause, turning around slowly. “Deacon. Conrad Deacon.” The man seems to know he’s already lost. Good. “Welcome to the cause.” He gestures for Mac and Riley to follow him. 
Mac stands his ground. In his peripheral, Riley stands utterly still, the perfect mask of cool, collected neutrality. Almost bored, even. It’s scary how easily she becomes her cover. 
“Come on now,” Conrad says, taking a single step forward. “We have much to discuss.” 
That’s enough of the power play, Mac thinks, but just as he’s about to give in and follow Conrad, Riley utters a single, sharp command that rings through the room. “Sit.” 
Harley obeys. 
Riley’s lips curve in a cruel, taunting smile. “Then enlighten us.” Mac suppresses a shiver; he’s seen this side of Riley plenty of times before, watched her hone it over the years, but it’s still unnerving. Admittedly, it’s also kind of hot. 
Conrad ignores her entirely. He croons, “Why don’t we start with your names?” It’s phrased like a question. It sounds like a question, but Mac sees the demand for what it really is. 
Mac gestures to Riley. “This is my wife, Genevieve Turner. And my name is James.” His father’s name tastes like ash on Mac’s tongue. 
“And the dog?” 
“Killer,” Riley sneers. Mac isn’t sure if she’s kidding or not. 
Again, Conrad doesn’t acknowledge her. “James, why don’t I give you the tour and explain what we do here.” 
“We’ll go on the tour, but we are not here to join your cause.” It takes every ounce of Mac’s willpower to maintain his neutral tone. “All we care about is what you’d like us to provide and how much you’ll pay for it.” 
Conrad doesn’t hide his displeasure. “Fine. Follow me.” 
Mac and Riley are led through the open warehouse. The layout is straightforward and nearly impossible to get lost in. But after Conrad shows them a room full of rifles—countless hung on the walls, floor to ceiling, the rest in half-open crates—Mac finds himself counting the number of wooden shipping crates scattered around the building. 
He doesn’t like his final number. 
Arming terrorists doesn’t sit well with Mac, even if it serves a purpose. It makes him sick, knowing he will likely be indirectly responsible for their next attack. 
Especially because those crates are no doubt full of the kind of rifles designed to kill people most effectively. The ones hanging on the wall are military grade, probably cutting-edge. Desi would know exactly what they are and how they work. 
Trusting Riley is paying close attention, Mac only half listens to Conrad babble about the cause. But then the older man says something that stops Mac in his tracks. “Our country is being run into the ground by whiny do-nothings,” Conrad asserts, “who waste our money and spew garbage that some people matter more than others. Well, you know what? Hardworking, everyday Americans matter. But no,” he scoffs, “those damn liberals don’t like it when we remind them of the truth. Once we’re rid of them and the insufferables who elected them, this country will be better off.” 
The ground sways under Mac’s feet. He knows these people believe this, read it in Matty’s extensive briefing notes. But it’s another thing entirely to hear someone say it to his face. 
He can only imagine what Riley must be thinking. 
Clearing his throat, Mac tries to redirect the conversation. “Like I said, we don’t care about your cause. Just tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll be on our way.” 
Conrad eyes him suspiciously, but complies. “We’re looking for something a little more than what you can get at the store, you know?” 
Mac doesn’t, not exactly. He’ll have to ask Desi later. “I do,” he lies. 
“Good. Here’s what we’re willing to pay for it.” He hands Mac a folded piece of paper, and Mac does a double take when he reads the number. There are a lot of zeroes. “And as a show of good faith, we’d like it delivered tomorrow.” 
“Tomorrow?” Riley splutters. Mac feels it then, the broiling rage slipping through a crack in her persona. He needs to get her out of there. Now. Not just to preserve the op, but for Riley’s wellbeing. Some audacity Matty has making Riley play nice with men like this. 
Mac slides his hands into his pockets, using the movement as a cover to brush his knuckles against Riley’s fist. I know. I’m here. I’m sorry. 
For the first time, Conrad addresses Riley directly. “Yes. Tomorrow. Unless that’s something you can’t do?” 
“We can do that,” she replies calmly, and the difference between her reactions is like night and day. As quickly as that crack appeared, it was gone. 
“Excellent.” Conrad takes another step toward Riley, offering to shake hands, but Harley’s low, menacing growl keeps him at bay. Rewarding the dog with a quick scratch on the head, Riley closes the gap and shakes Conrad’s still-outstretched hand. 
“It’s a deal,” she says. Following suit, Mac shakes Conrad’s hand as well and follows Riley out the door, neither of them uttering another word. 
Mac drives. One look at Riley’s trembling fist decides for him. 
By the time the warehouse disappears from the rearview mirror, he can’t take the silence anymore. “Hey,” Mac starts, but Riley cuts him off with a hand. 
“Not until we’re inside.” 
They hit every single red light between the warehouse and the apartment, and Mac anxiously taps the steering wheel. Raindrops land on the windshield. They’re small at first, but soon the drops are large and numerous enough to refract the streetlights, and Mac struggles to see where he’s going. He adjusts the windshield wipers over and over, never landing on the right speed. 
Too slow. Too fast. Too slow. Too fast. 
Mac settles on a setting that’s slightly too fast, and the squeak of rubber on glass nearly matches his heart thudding in his chest. 
Riley stares straight ahead, unmoving, unblinking. Mac wants to reach out, to let a gentle touch say what he verbally can’t, but the road is slick enough to make him keep two hands on the wheel. We’re almost there, he reassures himself. 
By the time he parks, it’s pouring hard enough that the ten second walk from the car to the door soaks them to the bone. Riley’s hands shake as she unlocks the apartment door. 
Once they’re inside and Mac unclips Harley’s leash, Riley turns to him with pained, pleading eyes. His heart breaking all over again, Mac draws her in for a long, tight hug. She doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t have to. 
Mac just cradles the back of her head and sways gently, wishing he could fix the world for her. 
Neither pulls away, even when Riley suddenly says, “If Conrad was smart, he would’ve had someone bug our car while he paraded us around the warehouse. I don’t think he’s actually smart enough to do that, but we should check first, just in case.” 
Mac curses himself for not thinking of that. “Good call.” He rubs Riley’s back, hoping the gesture is soothing. “I hate the way he treated you,” he snarls. “Like you weren’t even worth acknowledging.” 
“Welcome to being a woman.” 
It was more than that. They both know it. But neither say it.
“You need what?” Matty shrieks over the phone. 
Mac winces. “Sorry.” He’d called Desi first, to ask what kind of guns Conrad meant with his innuendo, and received a verbal lashing for not asking any follow-up questions. But she made her best guess anyway. Now on the phone with Matty, it doesn’t take even a single brain cell to know that her reaction will be much, much worse. 
“He wants us to prove ourselves,” Riley adds. “As a show of good faith.” The words come out dripping in venom, but their boss doesn’t comment. Mac takes a second to study her; Riley changed into leggings and an oversized flannel shirt, and there are still remnants of dark makeup smudges under her eyes. Now, she’s sitting on the kitchen counter with her knees tucked into her chest. It’s weird to see her take up so little space. 
Matty sighs, deeply and loudly in a way conveys her annoyance more than words ever could. “Fine. A few weeks ago, Border Control confiscated a huge shipment of smuggled guns near El Paso, so I’ll see if we can borrow those. But next time, Blondie, don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He doesn’t correct Matty in that it was Riley who made the deal. That would only add fuel to the fire. 
“Thank you,” he says, and Matty hangs up. Mac runs a hand through his damp hair. “That went well.” Riley’s lips twitch, but it’s not the amused reaction he hopes for. He’s at a complete loss regarding what to say to her, so Mac gently asks, “What can I do?” 
Riley slides off the counter, and Mac reaches for her automatically, although he doesn’t actually touch her; his hand hovers just beside Riley’s elbow. She doesn’t shrink away, but she makes no move to touch him either. 
“Help me put him and everyone like him in a deep, dark hole where they can’t hurt anybody. And then just…” she trails off, taking a deep breath. “Keep being you.” 
With that, she walks away, leaving Mac alone in the kitchen, racking his brain to figure out what that last part means.
Later that night, Mac tosses and turns, replaying Conrad’s words. Once we’re rid of them and the insufferables who elected them, this country will be better off. They seem off-kilter, like what the man said and what he really meant are misaligned. Mac sighs, rubbing his face. 
Another bolt of lightning illuminates the bedroom, and Mac automatically counts the seconds until he hears thunder rumbling in the distance. The storm is moving closer. 
Beside him, Riley lies on her back with her eyes closed, although her breathing is too light for her to be asleep. Mac wonders if her mind is just as loud and chaotic as his. 
For Riley’s sake, he hopes it’s not.
Sleep never finds Mac. 
The storm rages all through the night, but by the time dawn arrives, the thunder and wind dissipate, leaving just the steady downpour. The clouds are dark enough that Mac can hardly tell the sun even bothered to rise this morning. 
When Riley’s alarm goes off, it’s like the shrill tone is mocking Mac for being awake. Riley groans as she shuts it off. 
“Morning,” he mumbles. His throat hurts. He needs water. “Did you sleep well?”
Another groan. “No.” 
“At least you slept,” Mac mutters.
Riley rolls onto her side, drawing one of the extra pillows into her chest. “Do you always toss and turn that much?”
It was his fault, he realizes, that she didn’t sleep. Mac suddenly feels guilty. “Sorry. And no.” 
He expects Riley to be upset at being kept awake, but she isn’t. With a look that just might be understanding, she softly asks, “What were you thinking about?” 
Mac can’t say that his thoughts whip around his mind like raindrops in last night’s storm. Not without sounding crazy, at least. So instead he says, “I don’t even know. I just have a bad feeling about this.” 
“Me too,” Riley admits. “It feels off.” Her eyes are heavy, and Mac’s had enough early mornings with Riley to know it’s not just the lack of sleep weighing her down. 
“Go back to sleep. I can handle the delivery.” 
Riley rolls her eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not letting you do that by yourself.” 
He doesn’t argue. “Okay.” 
A moment passes between them. It’s been happening more and more lately—holding eye contact a little too long, sharing smirks when no one else is looking, stealing moments where it’s just the two of them and nothing else matters. Each one gives him hope that there’s not a wall between them, but instead, a door. Someone just has to be brave enough to open it. 
Sitting up, Riley quipps, “Just don’t make me regret letting you sleep in the bed with me.” Mac snorts. 
“No promises.”
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aitarose · 3 years
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hi! i’ve been so inactive lately and wanted to post something today, and i realized i haven’t made an appreciation post for my moots in a hot minute—so hey hotties, here’s some cute words about uu. oh and this isn’t all of my mutuals, just the one’s i’ve spoken to outside of the discord lol asjfdkl
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@hesthermay —❥ you’re one of my best friends and ilysm and i hope that we get to meet in person one day, so you can endlessly hear me talk about how much i love jimmy woo. also i want to get matching marvel bracelets or smth, gonna look on etsy later for us ajskdlf
@probablydisgusting —❥ you’re like actually so funny and sweet, whenever you pop in the gc on snap just to say goodmorning or goodnight—it really makes everyone’s day and we love having you around. plus, you were one of the first people to pop into my inbox when i was an atla blog and i think that’s so nice.
@imarizaki —❥ i literaly love you sm mari, like you’re adorable and i want to give you a hug, i feel like you give rlly good hugs. and congrats on 400!! you deserve it and i hope 500 comes rolling around fast so you can hit another milestone in the near future ajskfdl
@tsukishumai —❥ cam i swear i know your name like I SWEAR I DO! you’re like an older sister to everyone in the discord and you bring such a comforting presence like it’s so nice to have you in the chat whenever you choose to pop in. you’re quite literally the calm to our insanity
@fukurodianthus —❥ dani you’re asleep rn but when you wake up and see this i want you do know that ily wifey. pls i love it when you harass me in my inbox, i think it’s so funny AND IM GOING TO FLOOD YOUR’S EVENTUALLY I JUST NEED TO BECOME ACTIVE AGAIN ASDJKL
@missmorosis —❥ you’re literally one of my favorite moots ever and you’re always so sweet to me and everyone else around you, it’s so heartwarming to see your positivity and happiness on tumblr and how hard you work! pls ilysm
@ray-ofmoonlight —❥ I LOVE TALKING TO YOU ABOUT THE BACHELOR. i haven’t responded in a hot minute, but dw i’ll answer in a bit i have to go through my messages jaksfld. you’re so nice and fun, and literally the sweetest ever
@diorzumi​ —❥ hi rheya! i’m so glad you took the time and all that hard work to make the server, like that’s insane and i still can’t believe you did all of that. pls the amount of effort you put into keeping it up is so evident and amazing!! also ur rlly pretty, like RLLY pretty
@luvoikawa​ —❥ gigi!! my face literally lights up whenever i see you in my notifs or on my dash pls. i love your energy sm and the presence you bring to the discord. like idk, you just seem really cool to me, does that make sense? like you have cool girl energy.
@sugas-cookie​ —❥ hello rissie. you should be sleeping rn, but ily and you’re my favorite and only child, and no matter what i say i would never bring you back to the ditch. but like...the frogs? i fucking hate the frogs, abolish all frogs they make me physically cringe i cannot.
@kei7ime​ —❥ CHLOEEE!! every time i see your theme i feel so satisfied, like it’s so pretty it rlly is. you’re so fun and i love talking to you or just popping in your inbox to say hi. omg hi chloe!! ok ok ily
@pxnk-velvet​ —❥ angie your drawing of us are so cute and i love them sm, and i can’t wait to read the story that you’ve been writing of our gc as a volleyball team, like pls i’m so excited. also the line “just shut up already, angie” lives in my head rent free
@miyalove​ —❥ hi dylan! i haven’t popped in your inbox in a while but i just wanted to tell you that i love u and you’re so nice and sweet and ilysm. you give off hot girl energy dylan, like for real, you rlly do.
@iwaizoom​ —❥ HI JADE. you’re so nice and your blog is so pretty, like the light green jaskljl PLS ITS SO PRETTY. i love the vibes you give off like you’re so chill and so easy to talk to sjakljdkl pls ilysm
@kageyuji​ —❥ lore i love you. like i love you. every time i talk to you i just feel happy like idk it’s this overwhelming feeling, you just have this gift where people feel comfortable when they’re talking to you. and your blog is so pretty pls asdjl
@hikariakaashi​ —❥ you’re one of my favorite moots, firstly bc of our interactions on tumblr in the early days of the discord and now on snap too. you have rlly good style, like rlly good style—and whenever you do your voice asks, your voice is like rlly pretty! girl you have a rlly pretty voice!
@ceci-chan​ —❥ hi twinnie! pls i think it’s so funny that we have literally the exact same nose, that’s actually wild. it’s so fun to watch your blog grow and your events are so cute and ily
@nekomabvc​ —❥ i buried you in here so you’d have to search for your part. literally going to say nothing i’m tired of writing about you goodbye. you called me a whore this morning. that’s not very swag of you, i’m going to report you to mab and cancel you on corpse tumblr.
@bellesowl​ —❥ hi isa! we haven’t interacted all that much, but in the times we have you’ve been so kind. and you’re rlly pretty, just sayin. you’re blog is also super aesthetic and i literally live for it, pls the muted tones are everything ajsdlk
@gellysticks​ —❥ angela pls you’re actually so funny like you’re so funny. every time your tiktoks come up in my suggested they literally make me laugh pls—but the frogs are terrible. abort frogs. this is a frog slandering blog. me and all my homies HATE frogs.
@cafemiya​ —❥ issy you give off such hot girl energy (and you are a hot girl anyways) and your energy is so contagious, like idk how it just is. you bring this positivity to the discord just by being there and i know everyone is so thankful that you’re so interactive with us jaskfdl
@biqherosix​ —❥ DANIZA I HAVEN’T OPENED YOUR SNAP YET BUT I RLLY WANT TO HEAR YOUR BAND PLAY. pls that’s literally so cool, like i wish i was in a cool band with my friends jsakdljkl. i love talking to you and we’ve been friends for like a good three months now which is crazy
@velvetfireworks​ —❥ rach i literally never read fics but yours are so good and they live in my head rent free. PLS THE SAKUSA ONE FOR THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB AUDHS. you’re so nice and so talented and i reread your masterlist OMG I JUST REMEMBERED THE MOB AU ONE THAT ONE IS PERFECTION.
@hajiswife​ —❥ hi gabbie! your blog is gorgeous and your so nice pls!! like i literally can’t believe we’re mutuals it hits me like a brick. i love your works and your energy sjaklfdjl i’ll probably be popping in your inbox later just to say hi lol
@svgashi​ —❥ NIKE!!! omg we’re literally sister wives. you’re the first moot i had on tumblr that understood how great sugawara is and it’s like a breath of fresh air from the constant slandering my friends give him. ILY
@sexy-bee-juice​ —❥ aja!! i love getting your messages and just saying the most out of pocket things with you, and your reblogs make me laugh so hard like you’re rlly funny. also my broken french is terrible but i’m glad it makes you laugh ajskfdl
@koutarousangel​ —❥ MICKEY PLS YOURE SO FUNNY. I LOVE YOUR VIBES AND EVERYTHING LIKE YOURE FUNNY. and ily too. just putting that in there in case i haven’t said it in a while <3
@hvnlydmn​ —❥ hi ains! congrats on 5k!! that’s literally so insane like omg you must be reeling rn jadskfl you really really deserve it tho, everyone sees how hard you work and how much content you produce in such a short amount of time CONGRATS ILY
@akaashi-bby​ —❥ victoria you were the first person i talked to teen wolf with in like three years pls. i’m listening to a song from the show atm and it’s making me sad but ilysm and i love talking to you about literally anything
@laineywritesstuff​ —❥ LAINE!! hi! you’re so pretty like you look like you give the warmest hugs and i feel like if i ever met you in person i’d just get engulfed does that make sense? you’re so nice and ilysm and i hope you’re have a fantastic day!
@kiyoalex​ —❥ you’re rlly funny. like rlly funny. and i feel like we match each other’s energy pretty well in pms. pls my insanity is too real back there BUT IT’S OK I THINK BC YOU SEEM TO UNDERSTAND IT LOL ILY
@shoutamajiki​ —❥ hi nana!! you’re so nice and i’m so glad you joined the discord! and i’m so sorry i added you to my terrible private story on snap pls it’s so bad i’m very very sorry about that jksalfjdl
@sunacity​ —❥ nea i love your works so much like literally they LIVE in my head. you’re so talented and i can’t believe we’re mutuals that’s literally insane bc i love your stuff pls. and on top of being talented you’re so nice, like the nicest jaskdflj i can’t
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ok ok i think that’s it for now, this isn’t all of my mutuals—but it’s the one’s i interact with the most and if we are moots and i didn’t include you pls my inbox or pms are always open to just like go insane in. ok have a great rest of your day!!
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Y/n is worried their night was ruined
A/n: I was reading a Bucky fic that I cannot find again of course that kind of inspired this? It was about Bucky taking reader to dinner and then getting upset bc she flirted with the waiter so he revenge flirted with a waitress. Idk it was messy but somewhere along the way came this. 
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Family was the top priority in Chris’s life. But as much as he wanted to be, he wasn’t around his family near as much as he wished he could be. Filming kept him busy, and even when he could be home, it was difficult to find time where everyone could come together. It made you feel bad, whenever he couldn’t see his family, or they were there with some missing pieces.
Over the fall break, you wanted to have everyone show up, surprise Chris, and have a fun family reunion- something that has been long overdue. You spent months planning and prepping, and tonight was finally the night. The afternoon was spent making calls, positive that everyone was ready and at the restaurant when you showed up.
“What kind of restaurant is this?” Chris asked as he walked into the master bathroom. You were finishing up your makeup when he walked in, still in your favorite pajamas, waiting until right before you left to change. “I mean are we talking formal, casual? You going in that?”
You look up, making eye contact with him though the mirror, and roll your eyes as a small smile rose on your face. “I’ll wear mine if you wear yours,” you tease before changing to a more serious answer. “I’d say it’s a bit in between? I don’t think a suit is expected, but if you wore one, it wouldn’t be questioned.”
Chris looked thoughtful for a second before nodding his head. “I think I got it,” he said before turning and walking into the closet. You finished your makeup and made your way to the closet as well, moving to your side knowing exactly what you wanted to wear for the evening. It was your absolute favorite outfit that didn’t get worn often, but each time it was, you couldn’t get enough of it. “You look gorgeous,” Chris said, watching as you stand in front of the mirror.
You smile, moving to where he stood as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Thank you,” you whisper as you look down, you hands moving up his clothed chest. “This was a good choice, I like it.”
“Gotta keep up you somehow,” he joked. “Let’s go.” He held his hand out, allowing you to walk ahead of him. You checked your phone, noticing a text notification.
Scottie: If you’re not here in 3, I’m ordering without you❤️
You couldn’t help but laugh causing Chris to ask who text.
“My brother,” you told him, shaking your head. “He’s just an idiot.”
. . .
The drive to the restaurant was short, Chris ironically talking about something his sister said that was really funny. It made the excitement build even more, knowing how happy he would be once he saw everyone.
“Reservation for Evans,” he told the hostess once you were inside. She nodded, talking into her head piece before instructing you to follow her. Chris’s hand was on your back as the girl lead you to a private dining room.
“Surprise,” you whisper to him right before you get to the door. You heard Chris mutter a confused what as you quickly enter the private room, smiling to the Evans family before moving out of the way for Chris to enter.
“Surprise!” They all shout in unison, Chris jumping slightly before yelling back holy shit in excitement, immediately moving to hug his mom first. You smile, accepting hugs from everyone as well before finally getting seated. The waiter brought the menus out, now that everyone was finally present, and took drink orders. You sat back, watching as Chris and his dad spoke of some football stats they were obviously pumped for. The waiter came back shortly with trays full of drinks. You weren’t paying attention as he made his way to you, but you felt the cold liquid as it fell down your front. You saw the five or six empty cups on the floor after the waiter tripped over the rug. Chris immediately handed you his napkin, trying to help as best he could.
“I am so sorry!” The waitor exclaimed immediately, looking at you with concern. You were so shocked, you didn’t know what to say.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about,” you tell him, almost as if it were scripted. You felt as if you couldn’t look up from your top. “I’m gonna go to the restroom,” you announce standing from the chair.
“I’ll go with you,” his sister offered, beginning to stand as well.
“No,” you declined. “Don’t worry about. It’s fine, I’ll be right back.” You turn, asking where the restroom was before walking out the door, out of sight.
“There’s a sweater in the car,” Chris told them. “I’ll go get that for her.” He stood and walked out as well, moving as fast as he could without causing a scene to unknowing guests.
“I feel so bad for her,” Scott said, looking at his mother.
“I’m gonna go check on her, see if I can help,” Carly stood up. She maneuvered her way through the restaurant to the bathroom. She found you standing in front of the sink, using paper towels to get as much of the moister out of the fabric as possible. A single sniff grabbed her attention. “You okay?” She asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you answered, but you couldn’t help the subtle shake to your voice. “I’m fine.” The presence of another person strangely making the tears come faster.
“Why are you crying? It’s okay.”
“I just.. I really just need a second to myself,” you tell her honestly. “I don’t want to be rude, but-“
“No, I get it. I’ll go,” she reassured you. “But I just wanted to let you know Chris went to grab you something else to change into.”
She turned, leaving you behind the door but bumping into Chris soon after. “Hey, can you take this to y/n?” He asked, not wanting to barge into the ladies room.
“No,” she answered honestly. Chris was taken aback, never expecting to hear it. She looked back at the door before speaking again. “She’s crying. I don’t know if she’s embarrassed or what happened, but she said she wanted to be by herself. You should probably be the one.”
“She’s crying?” He repeated, as if he didn’t hear his sister correctly. She nodded her head. “Ok, give us a second.” Without waiting for a reply, Chris walked past her, moving to the bathroom door. He gently knocked before peaking his head in.
“What’s up, buttercup?” He asked as he entered, knowing the cheesy lines always make you laugh. Usually. You didn’t even look up. “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head, not even wanting to talk about it. Chris placed a hand on your waist, waiting for you to say anything. “I feel like I ruined it,” you admitted to him, your voice barely over a whisper.
“Baby,” he sighed, completely shocked by your answer. “You didn’t ruin anything. None of this was your fault, it was just an accident. You could never have predicted something like that.”
You sniffle, catching your breathe. “I just wanted you to have a fun night with them, and not worry about me getting in the way.”
“Y/n, you are the absolute best women in the world. Doing this was incredible in itself, but this is a family. Mistakes happen all the time, especially when we’re all together. It easily could’ve been me or Scott. Preferably Scott, actually, that would’ve been a great laugh.” You finally turn your head to look at him, silently agreeing with his subtle joke. “The night was not ruined. One day we’re all going to look back; we’ll remember the fond memories, we’ll laugh about that clumsy waiter, and then we’ll smile thinking of how you made this all possible. You made this night, baby. Not the other way around.”
He reached up, gently wiping a tear from your face. He pressed gentle kisses all over your face, making you scrunch your nose, before capturing your lips with his. “I love you,” you declare, finding your voice.
“And I love you,” he repeated, placing one last kiss before turning his attention to the sweater slung over his shoulder. “Here- I grabbed this. Can’t have you uncomfortable at your own dinner party.” You tossed your top to the side, letting Chris help slide the bigger one over your torso. The warmth so inviting after being in a wet one for so long. “We can head back whenever you’re ready.”
You sighed, almost not wanting to face your in-laws again after being so dramatic, but you knew you had to. Grabbing one last paper towel, you clean yourself up. No traces of smeared makeup left on your face. You threw it away, and immediately walked into Chris’s arms for a hug. “Thank you.”
He smiled, wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back soothingly. “It’s what I’m here for.” You pulled away, turning to grab your shirt only for Chris to take it from you, silently offering to carry it. You got back to the table, noticing two small glasses filled with clear liquid in front of your seat.
“Shots on me,” Scott announced when he saw you. “Figured you could use some alcohol after that.”
You laughed, appreciating his humor in the moment. “You know me too well,” you reply as you sit down. Picking up the first glass, you all cheers before downing the liquor, one right after the other. You notice the same waiter walk back in, this time with food. He made sure to be extra careful of where he was stepping this time. He stopped to let you know that he would bring you any dessert you wanted, on the house, for his mistake. You thanked him and watched as he exited the room, his right side bumping into the doorframe slightly, making him stumble.
“What a klutz.”
. . .
we’re leaving that last comment up for debate on who said it. 
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woozi · 3 years
if you had to describe your friendship with your moots as seventeen ships (boochan, jeongcheol etc) which moots would it be and why? is it dynamics? your undying love for each other? rivalry? sorry if this doesnt make sense ^^
it does make perfect sense don’t be sorry!! <3 also i don’t really see myself as just a single member of svt (although i am eerily similar to jihoon irl, surprise!! JDFJKDFK) so going through 12 pairings through a single member may not be very telling for my r/s with my moots sdksjkdjsd that being said i’m just gonna go through a few select ones!! some of these also don't exactly match svt's dynamics, but for the sake of answering, i would say they're pretty similar, lol.
cheol x gyu — i’m not associating rhys (@heartgyus) with cheolgyu’s dynamics just becase she used to bias one and now biases the other (👀), but i think they simply encapsulate our relationship perfectly as well <3 what am i if not the older sibling that roughhouses and gets roughhoused by the younger one JKDSJKDSJK i think we can also be jihan but this is exclusive to what happens (uhh... evil things) in the DMs lmfao. and maybe because people always think there’s something going on between us dsjkjkdjkds
junhao — cliche as fuck but i can’t help it it’s how e (@junhaoshua) and i are KJSDJKDS i was actually going through the list when it hit me.. we ARE junhao <3 jun’s (who would be me in this case) the older and more playful one out of the two, but hao also does his fair share of crazy antics ESPECIALLY with jun. i also think e is so cool (just like hao is). that’s MY bestie right there!! inseparable. fond. loyal. a pact made in blood. perfect for e and i <3
jeonghan x hoshi — partners in crime. mother and child. this is also what aya (@bonknanab) is to me <3 when i think of jeonghan and hoshi, i get reminded of their vlives (which always give me comfort and a sense of familiarity like aya does) just like seokhan. i feel like i can talk about literally anything and everything with aya! and just like when hoshi is with jeonghan, i tend to be a little more grounded while still somehow retaining the potential crazy antics. my fun older sister <3
soonhoon — pure energy vs solid wall. it’s carrie (@art-hao) and i <3 can i just say that when i made this connection between us and soonhoon... i literally felt like i ascendeDDDD not to toot my own horn but im SO SMART for this JDKKJSD u all don’t understand because this is literally how we are (both as individuals and as a pair). i cannot explain it but i, for sure, can most certainly attest that if any of these pairings i’ve mentioned/will be mentioning just reflect similarities, soonyoung and jihoon are EXACTLY as carrie and i are. i don’t even need to explain it i’m just gonna link all of u to soonhoon vids <3
seoksoon — belle (@xuseokgyu) is literally the seok to my soon <3 as they say, it’s literally almost canon JDSJKSJ i also love how we recognized this because of one of the carat anon ask games, but u know what they are absolutely right lol. belle is my positive ball of sunshine who also guides me when i’m going off the rails (just like how seokmin is the part-time hoshi wrangler). just as seoksoon has their own little world sometimes, i think no one connects with me and gets me (esp my dino tunnel vision) like belle does and i think that’s special <3
soonwoo — no one balances hoshi’s external chaos better than wonu, and i think belle (@gotseventeens) does exactly that when we’re together <3 at first, people think wonu’s cold and intimidating, but in reality he’s just a calm ball of internal chaos and other miscellaneous knowledge DSJKJDSDSKLSD this is literally how i thought of belle at first (minus the cold part), but as soon as we actually got to some proper talking, i realized that i literally cannot go without this person. friends for life, just like soonwoo!! <3
seokhan — one of the first things i think of when i think about jeonghan and dk together is that iconic eating vlive in their dorm, and i think that sums cora (@ohoshi) and i’s relationship KJDSJKDS i don’t think we personally match jeonghan and dk’s personalities, but we do dynamic-wise (or at least I think we do DSKJDJKS)! cora’s also just very supportive of me, just like how jeonghan is to dk. and although we don’t talk much lately (just like how seokhan aren’t able to share hotel rooms anymore bc.. well.. they have nowhere to go lmfao), i still treasure this bond with her <3
verkwan — ok but literally oona (@vernons) and i <3 foremost, oona is just here vibing like vernon and i absolutely love that omg. she’s also very collected and keeps to herself for the most part but when she reaches out, her gestures are always so heartfelt, which again, is like vernon! i really admire oona just like how boo does vernon, and the way i see it, i’m the loud friend (boo) whose antics vernon always witnesses, but when it comes to things they’re also a confidant. 10/10 vibes on this one!! <3
seungkwan x dk — wholesome. besties. it’s chey (@soonhoonsol) and i <3 like cora and i with seokhan, chey and i aren’t really similar to booseok but when they’re together i just think of happy and good things, which is what i get reminded of when i think of chey. <3 going through the list, i think they are also what we’re most similar to? i don’t think our dynamic can be compared to one of svt’s but this is the closest (maybe chey can suggest a better one JDSSDKDSJK)!! another one i can probably compare it to is wonwoo x vernon because i just feel like i can rely on chey just like vernon does wonwoo. <3 and like the two who have their personal humor codes, i also feel this special bond and fondness with and for chey!
hoshi x mingyu — am i about to steal your wallet. am i gonna get pissy that you beat me in a worthless competition (i know u will <3). that’s it that’s the post for emily (@iiasha)​. SDJKJDSJKDS mingyu’s also the prime witness and the reaction-machine to hoshi’s shenanigans and that’s literally how emily is with me, especially when i first got into caratblr (icb she saw the dinonara in me even before i did oh M YGODD). also emily is my getaway driver so this checks out. <3
jeonghan x wonwoo — i just realized that these are two of anna’s (@haniehae) boys but maybe the things and people we like also say a lot about us jdkjsdjdsjkds. i think our dynamic would be similar to jeonghan and wonu! jeonghan always like starting shit up (like i do <3), but wonu (like anna) always handles it very well and elegantly at that lol. i also just can’t describe why i feel like we fit this vibe, but i just get the Feeling™ JSDJKSDJKDS together, these two aren’t very chaotic, but i think they are quite the powerful pair (esp when they combine their sexie brain power and scheme together, just like what we did for HourlyHannie - shameless promo DKJSKJSDJKDS). also anna has Cool As A Cucumber vibes like wonu as well so <3
jeonghan x woozi — i always think of the time during svt’s trainee days wherein jeonghan was intimidated of woozi DKJKSDJ that’s also how i thought of izzie (@coupsnim) when i first entered caratblr bc i thought she was so cool (she still is!! <3) i also see that jeonghan has a lot of respect for jihoon and i do likewise for izzie. like jihoon as well, izzie mentioned that she’s not good at conveying things, but i feel it when she tags me here and there in little things (which i also might have missed some bc i have not been checking my notifs JDSJJDSJS ILY IZZIE). she’s one of the constants here as jihoon is central to svt, and i think of izzie very highly <3
boochan — lee (@uriboogyu) and i aren’t frenemies (but maybe we will have this arc soon JDSJKSDJSD JK!!!!!!!!!!), and i don’t really know where i’m getting this vibe from either, but when i think of lee and i boochan comes to mind. i think it’s because we’re always screaming at each other JKDSKJSJKSD. but as i think more about it, i believe it’s also because lee is a bit like dino as she’s the younger sibling that always reaches out to grumpy old people like me (and boo JDSKJSDKJ). both are very confident too!! also boochan lives for the show, and i won’t elaborate, but lee and i do too JDSKKJD
hoshi x seungkwan — target practice. waiting for each other’s downfall. still besties nonetheless <3 @mulberry-rose. i’m always excited to see if boo and hosh are gonna be friends or enemies a certain day and this is exactly what happens to monet and i lol. she’s one of the people who snipe me for my bias list, but we love to see it <3
soonchan — FOND FOND FOND FOND FOND!! when i think of soonchan i think of that vlive inside boo’s hotel room wherein they were hugging and calling each other 😭 or that one time in isac where dino’s just resting on soonyoung’s lap 😭 that’s exactly the feeling i get with mina (@mango-mina). i treasure this one right here! the absolute sweetest <3
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notbigondoors · 3 years
{out of equations} I am a little afraid that I’m being misunderstood because of how it appears I am running my blogs. The truth is, I am a shy, derpy potato, and I suspect I’m just coming across in a much different way than I wish to. Below is my attempt to clear some of that up, so that hopefully anyone whom I’ve inadvertently made to feel like I am ignoring them or don’t want to write with them can feel better. Thank you for reading, if you do, and otherwise I hope everyone is having a lovely day. =)
I don’t know if this is actually a thing or not, but it occurs to me that I may be giving people the wrong idea about my blogs. It’s been so for a while that I keep getting compliments on my writing/portrayals, but then so many of my mutuals never interact with me and eventually unfollow, or start threads and drop them after a few replies. Now, people are entitled to lurk, change their minds, become disinterested, lose muse for a thread, and/or decide they don’t like writing with me or feel that my writing doesn’t measure up to theirs once they start. That’s perfectly okay! I’m not mad, I’m not calling anybody out, that’s absolutely okay! Right now, I’m talking to any of my mutuals who feel intimidated by me, feel I don’t want to write with them because I haven’t reached out to them first, or feel like I’m basically telling them they’re not good enough to write with me because I haven’t started something with them. I want to take the time to say how wrong all of that is and to give you an idea of how I really run my blogs.
First of all, real life has not been easy for me lately, as I’m sure it hasn’t been for everyone, given various things going on in the world. Between what’s in the news lately, the pandemic, and a chronic illness of mine coming out of remission after 20-ish years, I am definitely not at my best. I am on many medications for my chronic illness that come with a shopping list of side effects that make me feel physically horrible on a daily basis, but also they cause brain fog. I’m legitimately having trouble remembering things, which means that starter I told you I’d write you and then never did? Yeah, I don’t hate you, and it’s not that I don’t want to write with you, I just have honestly forgotten I even said I would do it. Combine that with my Tumblr notifications not working properly and a large influx of new writers and interactions lately due to WandaVision, and I am really honestly forgetting what I’ve said to whom on here. Side effects of my meds also include insomnia (which I already had, so it’s gotten worse... yay?) which means I’m not getting enough sleep and that’s compounding everything else that’s already making it hard for me to keep everything straight.
In addition to that, I have very bad anxiety, of the kind that interferes with my ability to do everyday things. Social anxiety is a huge facet of my generalized anxiety disorder. Simply put, I am introverted, shy, and terrified of talking to new people, even online. Even messaging with people I know can sometimes drain me mentally. It is not that I dislike you, or that I don’t want to talk to you, or that you are bothering me. None of those are true. I just am not good socially. I don’t know what to say, I don’t know what to do, and I feel so intimidated, especially with so much amazing talent on here. I would like to think that I am a nice and approachable person, but I rarely ever reach out to people. Liking a starter call almost gives me a panic attack. Sometimes I sit and stare at one for an hour, really wanting to do it, but then I think... well I’d have to put my url since all my active rp blogs right now are sides. Would they get mad that I’m not just hitting like? Is that already too complicated and they’d just ignore me? Yeah, they probably wouldn’t want to write with me anyway. Aaaaand I close Tumblr and never like the post, heh.
I see talented writers on here all the time, I read their really great, funny, interesting, harrowing, or exciting threads and think... I wish I could write threads like those. But I just lack the social skills to get involved. My anxiety tells me things that aren’t true all the time, like that I’m extraneous, people have their groups and I should leave them to have fun in peace because I’d only be bothering them. It is not my intention to always make others do all of the work by waiting for them to reach out, or hoping they write that first starter instead of me, or waiting for that indisputable starter call that finally makes me feel comfortable enough that yes, they want to rp with someone like me... it’s just unfortunately where I’m at mentally right now.
Time is also an issue. I work full-time online as a teacher for a university, I have about 160 students, and I have students all around the world in all different time zones, so my job is pretty much 24/7. I am constantly answering student emails, grading assignments, dealing with technical site issues, etc. Sometimes I really want to interact with new writers on here, but I don’t bother because I am afraid that my activity level won’t be what they want or expect. That’s a big reason why I haven’t been expanding my roleplaying to Discord or joining large rpg groups. I can’t guarantee activity. Sometimes I will be very active, sometimes I won’t be active at all... and I won’t always know ahead of time. 
Anyway, this is a lot of rambling and I’m sorry for that, but I wanted to clear up any notion that I am aloof, that I am super selective and that’s why I’m not rping with you, or that if I seem to be ignoring you, I am. SO. NOT. TRUE. It’s a combination of my being too afraid to reach out, having health issues that make me very forgetful at times, and feeling like I have to hold back because of scheduling issues or a lack of free time. So... yeah. That’s that. If you’ve gotten this far in reading this post, you are sweet and precious and a wonderful human being. Thank you for taking the time to do so. If I said I would write you a starter and never did, please remind me. I am 99.9% sure the reason is that I just plum forgot. If I appear to have dropped a thread you really loved, please remind me about it. I may not have even seen your reply with Tumblr’s crappy notifications not showing up for me. And if you want to rp with me, I don’t bite, I’m not intimidating, yes I want you to reply to that open starter, yes I want you to randomly tag me in a starter or drop something into my ask box, I am honestly just a scared potato who really cannot Social™ well.
Wanda, Vision, and Pietro are most active right now. Please bother them. I have a leafling OC who is very adorable and versatile, I promise you. Please bother him. I also rp Gizmo. Please bother him.
Bother whoever you like, ask me questions about them, answer open starters (literally any of my blogs you can just search for “open starter” and they’ll all come up), and send in memes.
~ Silence, a.k.a. Si, a.k.a. Shy Derpy Potato, out. (^-^)/
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voidcat · 4 years
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– 3: level 5 of friendship (wc: 1.8k)
prev ; next ; m.list
a/n: a filler-ish type of character. according to my ao3 a/n i kinda felt out of this chapter by the time i sat down to write so yea,,, + the text copy pasted from ao3 again so bolds and italics may be gone.
>[Hey I’ll go to the café a little earlier and sit around for a while. I’ll send you the address and you can meet me there.]
>[btw they don’t only serve pastry so if u r hungry after practice, you can eat there.]
>[k bye see ya]
You were up hours before you received a message from Iwaizumi. A simple “Good Morning.” blinking at you from the corner of your eye. Sending a short reply, you went back to your book. The house completely silent, save for your creaking footsteps; your parents have already left, typical as always.
It was odd for you to be up before your alarm. You brush the possibilities off, trying not think too much about it. The air feels nice and the chirping of birds isn’t exactly distracting, I might as well do some reading. That is how you decided to begin your day, pushing all your thoughts aside and entering a brand new world.
The heavy silence starting to weight on you after a while, you change your clothes, send these texts to Iwaizumi and head out.
Finding a good spot to sit by the window side, in case Iwaizumi cannot find the place, you order a drink as you pick your book up where you left off. You must’ve dozed off because you don’t realize him until he sits down.
“Oh, hi. Glad you could make it.” It’s weird to see him without the school uniform now. The tshirt looks like he changed into it after practice. The jacket hanging from his seat and the bag by his side, both carrying the trademark colors for Aoba Johsai sports clubs indicating your assumption further. His face seems redder than usual, he must’ve left a short while ago.
You stare at one another for a moment. “So, how was practice?”
“As usual. We tried switching positions and had some 2-against-2 matches a little.”
“Ah, that… sounds good? I think. No, maybe a bit intense too? I’m not sure.” Shaking your head as you speak, you can hear him chuckle, probably at you.
“How about your morning?”
“As usual.”
“So you do wake up before noon on weekends, huh.” You can’t help but smile at that.
“Except for that part, then.” You look up to find him smiling at you warmly. This only makes your smile bigger.
One of the staff approaches your table and drops a single menu between the two of you. When will cafes stop assuming two people of the opposite sex as a couple and bring only one menu?..
Iwaizumi makes a gesture, signaling you to take a look and choose first.
“You go ahead, I have some inside information on their products.” You say with a smile as if you really are sharing a top secret. What’s up with the never ending smiles today? It couldn’t possibly be because of meeting with him, right? No way. And yet, the smiles appear before your face all natural, feeling familiar; so you let it keep happening. Change once in a while never killed anybody.
Eyes wandering around, examining each furniture, each plant, the expressions people wear; trying to distinct the source of each smell, guessing what it is, you wait for Iwaizumi to choose. The air is calm, no one is too loud and you can hear relaxing songs playing through the speakers. I hope the harmony of this place isn’t disturbed during the rush hours, you can’t help but think.
Getting tired of the pastel ambiance after a while, you divert your gaze back to Iwaizumi. Only to see a frustrated face staring at the menu he’s holding. He almost looks like it insulted him or better yet, attacked him. Your hand reaches to it before you can realize. You lower the menu a little.
“Need help?” He almost looks embarrassed to nod does it any way.
“Yeah, I’m torn between Americano and filter coffee… But what exactly is the difference between the two?” The excitement inside you hard to conceal, your hands jump into the air, digits spread wide.
“Oh, oh! I know this!” The look Iwaizumi gives you makes you stop. He seems… at ease. He has one of these small smiles you’ve witnessed before. There’s also a hint of something in his eyes, a gleam is there sure and a little bit of playfulness, but also something else you can’t put your finger on. Whatever it is, it suits him and you’d like to see him like this more often. You shake your head at your last thought.
“No, don’t give me that look. I only know about types of coffee because one of my friends is a caffeine addict.” And so you start to talk about different types of coffee, milk and espresso ratios, all in detail.
Five minutes into speedtalking about coffee and you give up at the look of defeat you are met with. “Just order Americano, you seem the type any way.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” You ignore the question.
A minute of waiting and awkward stare passes, then another minute of ordering is added to the pile. Iwaizumi, following your advice and ordering Americano, you asking for chai latte and the ‘cake of the day’. You two fall back into silence.
No conversation starters coming into mind, your eyes keep wandering around. Stealing glances at him once in a while, only for the both of you to make eye contact and immediately diverting your gazes, the unsettling silence starts to take its toll.
“I… I need to use the restroom.” You dash out before he can say anything, hoping the door you saw earlier does lead to the restroom. Splashing water to your face to calm your nerves, why would my nerves even be not calm in the first place??, you slowly head out and pray to whatever force out there that your orders have arrived.
You’re either lucky or you’ve used up your daily dose of luck because your prayers seem to be answered. The steam coming from your beverages is numbing and the cake looks heavenly to you. Light cream between the layers and on top, surrounded with fresh fruits and some jam spilled over the plate to make a twirling shape for a good presentation…
There are two sets of cutlery.
Because bringing a single menu was not enough and they just had to bring two sets of cutlery, still assuming you’re a couple. Not to worry, it’s not worth losing your cool over. You take a deep breath and sit as you breathe down, a not so genuine smile plastered on your face.
“So, how is the coffee?”
“Good. I suppose you were right about ‘my type’” he does air quotes as he speaks. Another smile breaks free of your mask.
“If it’s any consolation, I usually prefer coffee without sweeteners, so it is a little my type too.” A knowing nod at that.
“And the cake?..”
“Well, it looks good. You can try if you want, they did bring another fork anyway.” He doesn’t too eager at that. Cutting a part of the cake and putting it to one side of the plate, you shrug and start eating.
An easy flow of conversation comes after.
It starts with something that catches your eye in the street, starting to look through the window and creating fun little scenarios, the air around you gets warmer.
Excitingly pointing at a cat passing by, Iwaizumi learns how fond of cats you are, even so that you have one at home.
Inspecting the trees nearby and trying to guess what species, you find out he has an eye for it. He knows most of the trees and flowers out there.
He asks you your favorite genre to play on piano and in return you ask him his preferred sports drink. It goes like this. Beverages already drunk, cake long eaten, you two get lost in small things and what-nots.
The sun at the top, shining through and drowning the world under its golden light, everything seems to be at peace. Not a single customer around talking too loud, or maybe they do but you’re too out of it to notice… The temperature just right, your thoughts at bay, all harmless. Almost as if it’s a regular weekend day-out, the way it feels so familiar.
Feeling relaxed and loosened up, ready to doze off to sleep at any given moment, you slowly find yourself getting lost in pale green eyes, and vice versa.
Whatever unseen force that was holding the entire place, including you, in a calm trance, falls apart at the sudden sound of an unwelcome beep.
Both of you reaching out to your phones, you see a notification alert
Staring at your screen for a while, a sincere smile blooms on your face, giddy with excitement and happy, you feel unstoppable at that very moment.
“Good news I hope. Care to share?” Iwaizumi’s words reach your ears a few seconds too late. Still holding your phone with both hands grinning like an idiot now, you shake your head a little.
“You need to reach level 5 of friendship with me to access this story, sorry.” You can see him laughing lightly at the back of his hand.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh nothing. It’s just… I expected at least a level 10.” It’s your turn to laugh now, and so it seems.
“You’ve listened to me playing the piano. That gives you a 5 level headstart already.”
“You’re really that secretive about that?” All that joy from a moment ago has died down and replaced with confusion. You avoid his eyes and focus on a spot near him again, just like the first time.
“Secretive is not the best choice of words. More like… insecure? I guess, I’m not sure.”
“Well, that’s just dumb.”
“I- What? Excuse me?!”
“I’ve said what I said. You already play well and only a fool wouldn’t notice the way you give your all as you play. There is no logical reason for you to be insecure about that.”
“Yes but- you see…” Words die out at your throat, hand hanging in the air.
Another thing you learn about Iwaizumi Hajime right then and there. He is honest and as harsh as truth can be.
You wonder if he is like that all the time, if he is as open when it comes to himself. Or does he hide behind a façade like the rest of the world.
Noticing how tense you are getting, Iwaizumi ends your misery at last, asking about the book you were reading and you two fall back into another quiet chatter of everything and nothing until you  call it a day.
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
200 appreciation post
um hello so as the title said i hit 200 today.
whether you followed me bc i followed you first or bc you truly enjoy my writing i want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart 🥺💖 just knowing there are people who enjoy my work makes me really happy. please don’t be shy to talk to me even if its on anon!!
i just wanted to take the time to say thank you to some people i’ve met!!
@lunarkawa my wife!!!! fun fact you’re the first person i dmed first bc i’m a shy bean. thankful to have met you and to thirst w you and be soft w you. also thankful for listening to me rant and help me stay levelheaded. i can’t wait to see your blog grow and scream more about domestic haikyuu later 💖💖💖
@mochiimii i hope you know that you put a smile on my face everytime you pop up in my notifs. no matter if its writing or me shit posting you like it and leave comments. you’re one of the sweetest souls i’ve ever met 💖
@1-800-imagine jara!!! we don’t talk much (bc i’m shy af but,,) i get excited whenever you pop up in my notifs or home page. you’re so nice all the time and your writing is amazing!! ty for always supporting me can’t wait to see more of your works!! 💖💖
@krynnza hello wifey 😙 you’re a joy to see on my timeline and idk bout you but we probably gotta get ready to beat up lexi’s oikawa anon,,, i know she loves us all but 😤😤😤
@tetsou wlakdksk we don’t talk a lot but when we do my heart kind flip flops 🥺 i enjoy our random spur of the moment thirsting HAHAH i can’t wait for that karasuno fic 🤪
@kuroosrighttoe hey i just met you,, and this is crazy,, but here’s my tumblr (number) so call me maybe 😳 ty for being so sweet when we first met even though i was being weird!!!
@tttournesolll @ohkiyo @rana-kun sam yue and zinniya!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH literally three angels. thank you for being so kind all the time, randomly popping up to brighten my day!!
@snazzieyama shoutout to my new found canadian friend who loves tim hortons as much as i do. love your writing and your art its some of the most gorgeous work i’ve seen 😤
@newfriendjen HI JEN!! ty for opening my eyes to ennoshita. youre one of the most supportive people i’ve ever met like you’re always commenting on everyone’s work you give me such big sis vibes i’m soft 🥺💖
if you’re readinf this and i didn’t tag you,,, SORRY IM SO SHY I LITERALLT CANNOT TALK TO PEOPLE EVEN THE PEOPLE TAGGED I ONLY TALK TO EVERY SO OFTEN BC IDK HOW TO HOLD A CONVERSATION. but i’ll try my best bc a lot of you seem really cool and i wanna be friends 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
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Hiraeth (C.H.)
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Hiraeth: a homesickness for a home you can never return to, a home which maybe never was. 
a/n: welcome back. please enjoy this entirely too long calum hood boarding school au. I did my best, but if there are any discrepancies PLEASE send me an ask and tell me!!! I included the women of 5sos for more character diversity and I low-key kind of love it! this is about the first 10 pages and theres dozens more to come that are already written! come hell or high-water, I am committing to finishing this wip, please feel free to send me thoughts and questions!!!
“Crap.” Sierra muttered under her breath when she noticed the sign on the old RA’s door. Even though she wouldn’t have considered them friends, Sierra was at least comfortable enough with the old RA to go to her when Sierra needed to get into her room. She really had to start keeping track of her keys better.
Stalking back down the hallway, she went to go find Kaykay, knowing her roommate would definitely have her keys.
“A new RA?” Calum sounded skeptical over dinner the next day. “It’s kind of late in the school year for that.”
“What do you care, Hood?” Michael rested his weight on his elbows on the table and smirked at Hood over his sandwich. “Afraid of a little competition?”
“What competition?” Luke looked up from his latest novel, some clunky old thing he was reading in french.
“Competition for the best RA, duh.” Kaykay kicked her feet up onto the table, only to have Hood shove them back onto the ground. Hood never let her have her feet on the table when they were eating but that didn't stop her from putting them up there. One day, one day she would be able to keep them up there for the entirety of the lunch. It was like her white whale. “Maybe this one will let us play poker on her floor.”
“Yeah, well, she’s not off to a great start. I got locked out earlier and had to find Kaykay to let me into our room.” Sierra was still a little bothered by that. Even though rationally she knew she should cut the new RA some slack, her blisters were making it kinda hard to forget her trek.
“Come on now, Si. A little walking never killed anybody.” Michael gave Sierra a grin that stretched wide across his face, but if there was anyone who could resist it, it was Sierra.
“You’re not the one who had to walk all the way across campus.” Sierra was grumbling into her food, but it was still audible to Kaykay, who smothered a snicker.
“Give her a chance, Sierra. The new RA was probably still moving in. Be nice.” Crystal was palming orange slices into Luke’s hands as he read, who was robotically eating them. Kaykay, on the other hand, was blowing her straw wrapper at Luke’s face, cheering when she hit him. Luke didn’t seem to register either one of them.
“Coach says we’re getting someone new on the soccer team. Maybe it’s also the new RA?” Kaykay picked at her food absentmindedly, as if contemplating the odds of it being the same person. Kaykay was pretty good friends with everyone on the team, but she was on JV and the coach said the new girl would be on varsity.
“Maybe. Everyone finish up. Curfew’s in 15 minutes, and you all need to be back in the dorms by then.” Hood didn’t seem like he put much thought into the conversation that had gone down at the table, more concerned with corralling his bunch into following the rules. It almost never happened, but Hood still tried.
“It’s not like it’ll matter much. Sierra and I don’t have anyone there to tell us we're late.” Kaykay was still playing the cat and mouse game with Hood, her doc martens gracing the table with their presence once more. Hood, to his credit, pushed them off not even a minute later.
Crystal stood up, dragging Luke with her. “Yeah, but we do.”
“Do you think she’ll be nice? Or like super strict? God, I hope she’s not super strict. Maybe we’ll get super lucky and get someone like Hood. Michael and Luke are so lucky.” Sierra was kind of nervous. She always got like this when she was gearing up to meet new people. Yet, her rambling subsided when she heard voices echoing down the mahogany hallways.
“No, you cannot set their rooms on fire. I don't care that they replaced your lip gloss with jelly, arson is not the answer. Please just shave their eyebrows like normal students. And go late at night so you don’t get caught. If you get caught, I’ll have to play dumb and that’s kinda hard for the valedictorian.” Kaykay and Sierra watched as two sophomores ran giggling down the hallway, armed with freshly acquired shaving cream and devious new plans.
Sierra and Kaykay locked eyes then spoke in unison. “Definitely cool.”
They took the short walk down to your doorway, where you were leaning and watching the two girls run off. You wore casual clothes, white school t-shirt, blue plaid men’s boxers, and mix-matched socks, one short with an avocado on it and one tall with mini corgis. You were chugging iced coffee through straw like your life depended on it. Sierra took it all in, deciding she liked you by the time her eyes made it up to your metal straw.
You took one look at Sierra and Kaykay, almost studying them. “You heard nothing.”
Sierra was quick to reply, already wanting your approval. “Not a peep. I’m Sierra, and this is Kaykay. We’re on your floor.”
“Ah. Cool beans.” You introduced yourself, looking at Kaykay a second longer than Sierra. “You’re on the soccer team, right?”
“Yeah.” Unlike Sierra, Kaykay clammed up around people she didn’t know, and she was still quiet around the ones she did. “Are you the new girl the coach told us about?”
“I am indeed. I start practicing with you guys tomorrow.” You glanced at a notification that popped up on your phone, scrunching up your eyes a bit to read it. “It’s kinda late. Shouldn’t you two youngsters be asleep? You’ll need it if you wanna grow up big and strong.”
“Yeah, yes, of course. We promise we won't set anyone’s room on fire either.” After a withering glance from you, Sierra grinned. “Not that we would ever do that. Where would someone even get an idea like that?”
You smirked right back at them. “You know where I am if you ever need anything. But be warned, I’m not a morning person.”
With that you turned and shut your door, leaving Sierra and Kaykay standing in the hallway right outside your door.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Sierra’s smile was as wide as her face allowed. She had a devious look on her face, one that only a person who had illegally downloaded thousands of shows on her laptop could have.
“I never am. I’m pretty sure no one ever is.” Kaykay was skeptical, knowing that whatever was going on in that genius brain of Sierra’s could not be good. Sierra had a nose for sticking her nose in other people’s business.
“Her, plus Hood, equals literally the most perfect couple in the world. Maybe to ever exist.” Oh, she could already see them together, holding hands, you making Hood laugh for once in his life. Him cheering you on at your soccer games. You cheering him on at his if the gang could force him to have fun. Oh, this was perfect. Beyond perfect.
“Are you sure? We probably shouldn’t meddle in other people’s love lives. It might be kinda rude.” Kaykay scrunched up her nose, allowing Sierra to drag her by the wrist back to their room. Kaykay wasn’t a particularly nosy person.She was a big fan of giving herself rules to not get attached, such as ‘hey, don't insert yourself into other people’s love lives.’
“Oh, hush, I’m literally the best cupid. I even have the wings for it.” Sierra was jogging a little now, so many plans already rushing through her head. Sierra had always considered herself a bit of genius, but she had outdone herself this time.
“Hello, my darlings!” Sierra was buzzing with excitement. This was a big moment for her. Her scheme was about to be set into motion, and god, was she excited. Hood was stuck in a floor meeting for Lincoln house, which meant you were, too. She took the timing of the meeting as a sign from the gods that this was meant to be. “Listen up please. I have news.”
Sierra remained standing as the others gathered round and took their seats. She waited until everyone sat down and was too busy with their food to interrupt her.
“So. Kaykay and I have met the new RA, and let me tell you, she is amazing.”  Sierra grinned leaning forward on the table. Her words all came out a teensy bit rushed, as they were prone to do when she was excited.
“Weren’t you just hating on that chick yesterday? What changed your mind?” Michael was halfway through his eggs, and three-quarters of the way awake. Sierra could be loud when she got excited, and he wasn’t looking to be all the way awake yet.
“Hush, your leader is speaking. Anywho, she is not a chick, she is a queen. She is also perfect for one pseudo dad floor advisor we know.” Sierra was swatting at Kaykay, who was barely awake, trying to get her to pay attention to her all-knowing speech. Kaykay to her credit, hummed in agreement, albeit with her eyes closed.
“Wait, perfect as in like dating?” Luke looked almost disgusted at the idea of two people in a relationship. Crystal almost let Luke catch her smiling, but hid it at the last second. Crystal guessed he was still in the ‘girls have cooties’ phase, and it amused her to no end.
“She’s pretty cool.” Kaykay's words were soft with sleep, but there was enough of a lull in the conversation from everyone to hear her. “She’s on the soccer team with me.”
“As the most responsible person here, I cannot condone this and will not partake in any scheme you may or may not dream up. However, I also know I can’t stop you. Please just don’t do anything too stupid.” Crystal was sipping a glass of tea, trying not to look bemused by the idea of Hood in a relationship. Even though he was only a year younger than her, she reminisced on her own young love. It would be good for him, Crystal thought to herself. Plus, she had seen you around the library quite a bit. The two of you had chatted, and Crystal already liked you. Maybe she wouldn't have an active role in the forging of the relationship, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t support it.
“I dunno. I’d have to meet her before I could make a judgment on whether she’s good enough for Hood.” Even though Micahel didn’t care to admit it, Hood was the dad to their little group of misfits. Michael didn't want him to get hurt, especially if it would be their fault.
Sierra was grinning her ‘I’m a genius and this is genius’ grin again. “Oh, trust me. She is.”  
You were lying on a couch in the commons when their gaggle found you, chewing forbidden gum and texting on a forbidden phone. You had seen them approaching, but still didn’t care enough to put your phone away. You hadn’t taken either of the girls you met last night as a snitch, and from the looks of the girl in the against dress code denim jacket, you were probably right to assume the same about all of them.
“Sup kiddies.” You didn’t even glance up at them. If they weren’t screaming, it wasn’t an emergency. And if it wasn’t an emergency, it wasn’t worth looking up from your intense game of 8-ball for.
“We require assistance.” Sierra was acting as the pseudo leader of the group, speaking up before the others got the chance.
“In what form? We talking ‘hide a body’ or ‘I got locked out’  kind of assistance?” This time you looked up, taking in seven sets of eyes upon you, including Crystal and a different senior you didn’t know. Immediately, you were suspicious. Why would two seniors be needing your help?
“More of the second one, but also not.” You sighed and stood up, stretching as you did so. Nothing like a second-day, midafternoon crisis to get your blood flowing.
“What’s up?” You introduced yourself to the rest of the bunch and gave a quick nod to Crystal. “You’ve got me for 20 minutes and then I have a soccer practice. Actually, you do too, Kaykay.”
“This won’t take long. You have extra library privileges since you're a RA, right?” Sierra took off as soon as you stood up, the rest of the group following, clearly already knowing whatever plan they had formed. You stayed silent, waiting for them to explain more before you promised to be able to help. It was a bit confusing why they needed your help since Crystal actually worked in the library.
“Moving on. We wanna rent out a study room for a little bit this evening and...,” there was a pregnant pause as they all made eye contact between Sierra’s words, “study.”
“Yeah, I’m still not seeing how any of this involves me.” You were near the back next to Crystal, noting Sierra’s wild hairstyle and purple lip gloss, and Kaykay’s various piercings. The group didn’t exactly seem like the rule following type, which made you even more perplexed for their need for you. What could they be getting at?
“We need you to persuade the librarian to bump one of the study room spots open. They’re all filled.” Ah, finally, the truth came out. Luckily for them, you had made good with the librarian after spending most of your free time with her. Being the new kid, plus the pressure from your parents to keep your grades up, equaled having you living in the library. But none of them knew that except for Crystal.
The need for your help in the library made you pause for a second. Crystal worked in the library. She could definitely be of more help than you, and you were pretty sure everyone in the group knew it.
“They like you. They just don’t know how to ask to hangout with you in a normal way.” Crystal lowered her voice, almost whispering. She loved her little band of misfits, but their methods were...unique sometimes. Crystal still tried to support them as much as she could, even if she had to spoil their dramatics sometimes.
“Ah. I see.” You nodded thoughtfully. Crystal was a level headed person. But you could tell she definitely had a fun side, too. “Follow my lead?”
After a smirk and a quick nod, you tried to act thoughtful for a second.
“I dunno. Ms. Robins is a real rule follower. It’s gonna be a hard sell to get her to bend the rules our way. I might need some incentive to help me want to risk getting caught.”  And just like that you had a scheme of your own.
“What are you saying?” Michael, he said his name was, was eyeing you. It was pretty clear he didn’t trust you. It wasn’t your problem, but you figured you should try and look approachable as a new RA.  After all, it was kind of your job.
“Just that. Like, if someone was to offer to buy me a coffee as a thank you, I would be much more willing to take part in your little scheme.” Luke, the young one, opened his mouth as if to deny your calling what they were doing a scheme. “Don’t even deny it, boyo. This is most definitely a scheme.”
The younger kid huffed out a ‘fine,’ easily defeated.
“Back to the matter at hand. What’s in it for me?” You smirked back at them, adrenaline buzzing through your veins.
You could have sworn you heard Kaykay mutter ‘a boyfriend.’
Sierra covered, not that you were sure anything was actually said. “Ashton has a car. He can take you to town and stuff.”
You made eye contact with Ashton, the one who allegedly had a car. It was a bit tempting. Really tempting. There was a coffee shop on campus, and you had a keurig in your room, but it was nothing compared to the taste of mass-manufactured Dunkin Doughnuts coffee. Plus, off campus meant no uniform. That was a win enough.
“Well, then. I think we have ourselves a deal.”  You could already taste the coffee.
God, these kids were not slick. You were chatting with Ms. Robins about nothing in particular, not even broaching the subject of the study rooms. You knew Ms. Robins would bump one if you asked, but it was way more fun to do it the hard way. It was kind of funny to watch the little group you were with try to be slick and spy on the conversation without getting spotted, but not one of them was successful.
“Hey, is the room for RAs empty?” There was a study room set aside for RAs when they needed a break from the typical chaos on the floors of the dorms. You wouldn’t call it secret, per say, but you could agree that not well-known was a fitting term.
“Of course dear. It’s all yours if you want it. Do you need the key?”
You said no and thanked the kinder older lady. It was like you said, sometimes it was more fun to do it the hard way.
Everyone gathered around as you walked back to where Crystal and Ashton had been sitting and chatting.
“Bad news. Robins wouldn’t budge.”  You sighed and leaned on the table suppressing a smirk. You had to draw them in first to have a big reveal.
“Damn.” Ashton swore under his breath.
“But…” You raised your finger and cocked your head, finally allowing a grin to cross your face. “I know a secret room.”
“A what?” You finally had Kaykay’s attention, at least. Probably the secret part of your sentence.
“A secret room. Follow.” The floor advisor study room was at the very end of the hallway and had the overhead light above the door flickering, which only added to the “secret room” illusion.
Michael reached the door first, shaking the older knob, which did not open. It was locked, after all. “What now?”
They all looked at you expectantly, but you had come prepared.
“Step aside, peasants.” You whipped out your student I.D., sliding it into the gap between the door and the frame. With a quick swipe and twist of your wrist, the door opened with a click.
Sierra looked like she could hug you, Luke was already in the room, and Michael nodded his head approvingly. Ashton and Kaykay both gave you a high five, though.
“You gotta teach me how to do that!” Kaykay was practically beaming at you, as if you were the coolest person she knew.
“Uh, no. There’s no telling what you would do with that knowledge.” Crystal crossed her arms, but she winked at you as she crossed the threshold into the room.
“Alrighty. Kaykay and I have to get a move on lest we want to run laps til we puke. Enjoy don’t destroy kiddos.” You shut the door behind you and Kaykay, grinning at your little rhyme.
“So?” Sierra was excited, and for good reason. She was right. You were perfect, both in general and for Hood.
“Alright, Si, you got me. She’s pretty cool.” Michael was letting his features transform to a smile, ready to hear out the rest of Sierra’s plan. It was official. He was now an accomplice.
“I like her. She’s...fun.” Ashton was studying the corners of the room, finding it up to his posh standards. There was no way this was just a “secret hidden” room, but he didn’t particularly care to give up their new friend’s ruse. “But I’m with Crystal. I’m not going to be a willing participant.”
Sierra gave him her best puppy dog eyes. She had already planned up to step twelve of your and Hood’s relationship, and they would need Ashton’s help if they wanted to get past step five.
“Fine. I will not be an active participant.” They were relentless. Ashton knew that if he didn’t agree now, he’d end up caving later. Might as well agree now on his own terms.
“I think she’s cool. You don’t meet very many people who know how to pick locks any more. Hey, did you guys know that that specific type of lock is actually-” Luke was starting to spiral into obscure facts, as he did sometimes.
“Good, so we're all in agreement.” Sierra was ready. It was time to tell everyone the first few steps of operation “lovebirds.”
The name was a work in progress.
You had been adopted. Well, in a way you were. The group from the library had adopted you as one of their own, but you had already adopted all of them as your children. Minus Crystal and Ashton, of course. They had also adopted the younger kids, Crystal in a maternal way and Ashton in an uncle sort of way. But a fun uncle.
You had been eating with them at meals, walking to and from the various buildings with each other, even turning the lounge you had broken them into into your own little hangout. It was kind of nice to be a part of their own little family.
That’s exactly what it was. A family. There was just one piece missing. The “dad”.
Pretty much all the younger kids did was talk about him, making it clear that he was basically their dad. And that he was a “super cool person if you didn’t count the stick up his ass,” according to Kaykay. You had yet to find out his name. Well, his real name. Apparently, he was the RA to your own brother dorm in Lincoln house and you had still yet to meet him. He was clearly a huge part of this group, though. That just kind of added to your puzzling view of him.
He most definitely was a mystery.
Whenever you brought him up to the group, all they did was look at each other and do a poor job at hiding their smiles. You ignored it for the most part, though. If you were destined to meet Hood, you would. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t.
Still you couldn’t help but wonder about him. Who he was, what he watched on Netflix, what he looked like.
You were in fact thinking about these very things in your morning elevator ride up to your first class of the day. You were still kind of out of it, only on your second cup of coffee and still in your zombie mode.
But, you were awake enough to hear a voice calling out to stop the elevator. And lucid enough to stick your hand in the doors a second before the closed.
Into the elevator rushed a guy about your age, taller and definitely cute. His dark hair was kind of shaggy, but that only added to his appeal for you.
“Thanks.” His voice was deep, but still soft. If you were any more awake, you’d ask for his number.
“No problem.” Instead of laying on the moves, you resigned yourself to taking another long slurp of your coffee, relaxing back against the railing of the elevator.
“You, um, you have something in your hair.” You looked up at him, cocking your eyebrow. Of course you had something in your hair. With the cutest guy you've met at this school thus far staring at you. Yet again, the stranger burst into your thoughts. “Can I get it for you?”
“That’d be great. I’d hate to walk around looking like an idiot all day.” You gave him your most witty, charming smile as you turned to face elevator guy.
“Got it.” You gave him a smile in lieu of a thanks, trying not to embarrass yourself any further. It was unlikely, but hey, worth a shot. It was then elevator guy chose to mutter something under his breath.
“I’m sorry?” With all the muttering that was happening lately you were starting to contemplate getting your hearing checked. It’d be a worthy investment. You were under the impression that private school kids would be a bit more poised and able to speak a touch more clear. You were wrong yet again.
“Um, your hair smells nice.” Elevator guy was now a bright shade of red. Like a cute tomato. You looked down at your shoes, rolling your lips into your mouth but smiling. Yeah, definitely still smiling.
“Thanks.” You were smirking at him now. You kinda liked having all the power in the elevator, considering elevator guy looked like he was ready to die at any second now. “I’d repay the compliment but I’ve yet to catch a whiff of your shampoo.”
“I’m Cal.” He stuck out his hand, as if suddenly remembering he went to private school. A handshake, like you two were CEOs of companies or something. It was endearing. You took another sip of your coffee, maintaining eye contact, before you reached your hand out and joined it with his.
You had just finished the last syllable of your name when the elevator pinged, announcing your arrival on your floor. You walked out of the elevator without another word, knowing that Cal’s eyes were following you the whole time.
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