#this is gonna be an abstract kinda pain
spud-works · 2 years
To anyone here following my AO3 work on Signalis
Chapter 2 is up
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 5 months
I’ve been dissecting Ragatha’s character with surgical tools because I am not the least bit normal about this damn doll, and something that I’ve gathered upon rewatch is how much responsibility Ragatha has been taking for Pomni’s first day. Prepare for another character analysis about everyone’s favorite confirmed girl failure
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Useless Lesbian jokes aside, it’s so interesting to me how much Ragatha cares about Pomni liking her. To the point where she believes Pomni’s terrible awful no good very bad first day has some relevance to how she thinks Pomni thinks of her.
At first I thought this was just the result of her people pleasing tendencies that needs everyone to like her for her to have any degree of self worth (no I’m not projecting, shut up), but she doesn’t seem to be this pushy about getting along with anyone else.
Another possible reason for this behavior was that she just wants to make the newcomer feel as comfortable and welcomed as possible to lessen the blow of being trapped, and she’s doing such a bad job of it that it’s making her think less of herself for failing. But here she’s specifically talking about the “horrible experience” of having to deal with Kaufmo’s abstraction.
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Here Ragatha is literally writhing in pain from glitching after getting her ass handed to her by Kaufmo and she briefly stops Pomni from leaving to get the help she needs to apologize to her about having a bad first day.
Honestly, Pomni’s awkward response to this was hella fitting.
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Like, Jesus Christ, Ragatha. Priorities girl.
When I first watched this, I thought her little apology fell under the same category as someone apologizing for hearing bad news, (y’know like a “I’m sorry your dog died” kinda thing) said in a way to express sympathy over a bad situation. But in episode 2, it really feels like she actually blames herself for what happened.
and I think I know why.
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It was Ragatha’s idea to go see Kaufmo in the first place and introduce Pomni to him. We know that she honestly believes that participating in the adventures are essential to persevering a person’s sanity. And yet she didn’t suggest to play along with the game Caine left for them. Instead, she thought it would be nice to check up on a friend who was suspiciously absent. And was, according to what Kinger told them before they left, slipping off the deep end.
I know hindsight is 20/20, but these should have been major red flags for her that Kaufmo may not have been alright and they should’ve all probably stayed away. And I think she realized that too late, which is what might’ve led to that awkward apology to Pomni in the hallway.
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Kinger is right to reassure Ragatha that Pomni doesn’t blame her for what happened (which is why she thought Ragatha was being weird for apologizing in the first place), but I imagine Ragatha is the type of person who can’t help but dwell on the “should’ve, would’ve, could’ve”s of life. So it makes sense that she would continue to take things personally. And I bet it got even worse after
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…yeah. That.
Of course, I don’t think Ragatha could’ve known that was gonna be the outcome. But she was very wary when Pomni suggested it, loudly wondering if that was even “allowed”. But she went along with it cuz it made Pomni happy.
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Yeah this woman’s self esteem so about to go into the negatives. Which is why I’m really hoping for a good heart-to-heart between these two. Cuz they both really need it. Ragatha especially.
I think it would really help her to know Pomni wouldn’t want her to feel like less than nothing.
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calling skz clingy headcanons ◦ ot8
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Paring◦ ot8 x reader
Words◦ 3,578
Genre ◦ hurt and comfort
Warnings ◦ reader blows up at the boys a few times, mild cussing I think, hyunjin is lowkey toxic in this but the reader is more toxic, honestly all of our boys are pretty dramatic lmao, they keep getting lazier and lazier😭, I fucking hate y/n in this like fr I'm gonna kick her sorry little ass, seungmins is... suggestive...dirty talk and fingering only for like one line, so is hans lmao all happy endings because I am not sadistic... or realistic
Taglist ◦ @thetoastghost222, @ur-fav-lvr
A/N ◦ honestly this is my super random chaotic thoughts I had at 2am bc I was really hating the way I was writing a love lived between the stars and the sea so I wanted to take a small break and clear my pallet I hope you all like it even though it lowkey sucks lmao <33
Also im lowkey fucking with making headcannons this is kinda fun...
~cookiecreates 🍪
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I feel like Chan would be the most emotionally mature about the whole thing, especially when he sees the storm brewing in your eyes before you even spit those venomous words.
"Fuck Chris, do you have to be so clingy all the time?" You shout, your mouth curling in a disgusted sneer. 
You've never flinched away from him like that, never been so mean-
He's first hurt then he sees it-
There are cracks in your demeanor; large gashes in your heart; he could read you like an open book; the stories your soul wished to tell resided in your glassy eyes.
Hurt people hurt people.
You didn't think he was clingy; no, you loved his touch. You were simply overwhelmed, overflowing with so many simmering feelings—his love did not have room to shimmy through.
So he makes room-
He tilts your chin up with a sincere voice and asks, "What's the real reason why you are shutting me out?"
The unadulterated dedication in his words leaves you in shambles. 
Chan would tear open his heart before your eyes just to prove that there are openings for your soul to pour all your pain into him.
and he would still find a way not to spill a drop
"It’s so hard,” you sob. “They told me you were too good for me, that I wasn’t enough. They said I should shut you out, run away before I got too attached. I had to make you hate me so that I could never weigh you down again."
Chan is fuming.
He wants to ask who said that? He wants to ask where they live? He wants to ask if you want to witness their destruction? He wants to ask if he should use a knife or a gun?
But instead, he says, ‘Darling, you would have more luck breaking the bounds of the moon than untangling the way you are threaded into my soul."
what. the. fuck.
Chan the next William Shakespeare up in here
...was this based on something I wrote for my new series...yes. am I ashamed... no.
I'm a hopeless romantic who wants to marry a poet.
Sue me.
You never thought the apocalypse would be so rewarding, because you are reeling, spinning out of orbit, a meteor spit out into space, hurling towards unknown destruction—destruction that tasted like fresh morning dew.
Chan was perfect.
what the fuck were you thinking?
He holds you through the night, chasing away the whistling of the cold winter wind, his warm arms creating a home around your heart.
lee know
do not ever ever ever ever ever ever ever call Lee Know clingy unless you are willing to dedicate your life into creating the next wheel of time because after you plant the seed in his head, he will blossom a garden of newfound insecurities.
"Can you please not be so clingy right now? I'm having a really bad headache," you whisper through the thick fog clouding your brain; you have been living with a red hot rod skewed through the back of your brain all day. You didn't mean to say the word clingy, but it is futile to search a thesaurus from a blurry page, and right now the world seems to be nothing more than a piece of abstract art.
He just wanted to hold you and you call him clingy??
To others, the sentence would be like water rolling off their backs, but to him, it was a ragged shard of glass stabbed straight into his chest.
Lee Know is extremely inexperienced in the world of intimacy, often clumsy with his actions—hesitant with his words, so why would you say such a thing?
Knowing how insecure he is??
You would only ever say it if you meant it fully and completely??
Honestly, in his head, he would be lowkey, really dramatic, but he's so beyond hurt, feeling like you're just picking at a gaping wound.
like I said, dramatic.
justified. yes.
dramatic... also yes.
I am a firm believer that his tough-guy act is only that.
an act.
He was pretending like he didn't care what you said, but when he gets into the other room, it takes everything in him not to shatter into a million different pieces, feeling so overwhelmed with how many emotions are coursing through him.
No matter how much you apologize after that, no matter how much you prove what you said was nothing more than your head foggy and in pain, it still will take lifetimes for that scar to fade.
and he will only ever get over it with a million reassurances and a thousand conversations
which you are willing to do as long as he needs it
Honestly, I dont really have a clue with this one, but I am definitely leaning towards him being more like Chan in the emotional mature way he handles it, but instead of comforting you at the drop of a hat, he just leaves the room and lets you stew on your sorrows.
"Your so clingy," you groan, shoving his arm off; rolling your eyes as the mattress shifts with his weight. You just want to be left alone. You weren't sad. You weren't mad. You were just tired and did not want to be touched.
In perspective, could you have handled it better? Yes, but what can you do now? I'm going to punch this bitch in the face I swear I hate y/n and I'm creating her
He's first very confused, then the hurt hits like a falling star crashing into his chest.
What do you mean he's clingy??
"Fine," he states, still dizzy from the utter whiplash you were giving him.
like what the hell?
Sleeps on the couch that night (bad idea don't do this)
He stews about it far past the dreams in his head
That is, until you trudge out of your bed in the morning with red-rimmed eyes and a face filled with regret.
After a shitty nights sleep without the heat of your boyfriend's arms, you realized very quickly what it would feel like if you were to never feel it again, and all of a sudden, you never want to be left alone like ever again.
The grudge he was previously trying to hold drained out of him, and in that instance, he jumps up, pulling you into his arms.
He is very quick to forgive you, when you voice your reason for snapping at him, was nothing but compressed frustrations manifested into the wrong source.
hyunjin. hyunjin. hyunjin.
I feel like in a fit of both hurt and the toxic trait of self-isolation, he would be petty and stay at the boy's house for a few days.
He had tried to give you a good morning kiss that day, but you were stressed and late for work, rushing to put on your clothes. The way he whined about wanting to be touched ground your gears beyond belief. You got stuck in your shirt, which was too tight after you shrunk it in the dryer, and your firm has yet to give you another one. Hyunjin's flighty hands wrapped around your waist, trying to help you untangle yourself from the mess of fabric, only for the button to get caught in your hair, pain ripping through your scalp.
"Stop it hyunjin!" you shout, attempting to unthread the way your hair has meshed into the slits of the button. "You're so fuckin' clingy."
It was all a mess—your heap of shifting fabric and jerking limbs, hair sticking up at every angle. His heart was crushed somewhere in a pulp on the floor in front of him.
He just wanted to help...
Your red-hot anger quickly bled into a tightening anxiety that pulled underneath your ribs as you imagined the look on your boss's face when you came in disheveled and late.
"I just wanted to help," Hyunjin sniffles, bouncing his eyes around the room, filling with tears. You heartlessly roll your eyes.
"Here come the waterworks," your voice is steady, flaming with annoyance mixed with a sickening tilt of mockery. His jaw drops.
you're being so mean
His ears burn when you glare at him, disgusted by the tears streaming down his cheeks. He desperately wipes his emotions away with the back of his hand, suddenly embarrassed to even be showing you the cracks in his soul.
He runs away, like, quite literally runs out the door, sprinting to his car and driving straight to the group's house, collapsing in a fit of sobs in Chan's arms.
He stays there for a good 3 days, ignoring all your calls and texts.
No matter how much it hurts his heart not to talk to you, he shuts you out in a weak attempt to show you what it would be like to live without him.
But this tactic is short-lived when you arrive at the boys' house, snot sobbing into his chest.
"i-im so sorry," you repeat over and over and over into his skin, hoping the further you dig into his chest, the closer the words will hit his heart. 
He's not going to lie; no matter how much you cry, a little bit of pettiness will still stay during the conversation, a small scar of his hurt dictating his choices.
"Why didn't you come home? I thought we were over?"
"I thought that asking to sleep in the same bed as you would be too clingy"
Your heart cracks. He sees it, immediately regretting all his words.
"I'm sorry!" he yelps, pulling your head straight into his chest again.
You shake your head remorsefully, "No, I deserved that."
Even though so much of him still wants to be petty, his love for you trumps the feeling.
(I'm not forgiving you though wtf)
han (this one is long asf)
Han is freaking out.
I mean like the devil's bony hand gripping at the base of his spine, stale breath wafting down the skin of his neck type of freaking the fuck out.
You had a job that required you to go on-site, on-call often, like Han’s—that’s why you were so understanding about his busy schedule; yours was just as bad.
Today was a nightmare. Your coworker, the devil in disguise, didn't show up for the presentation she had created, and since she threw you under the bus saying you helped her (you didn't), you were forced to come in and present it.
Leaving Han at the restaurant waiting for you to arrive-
You forgot-
It was debatably the biggest presentation of the year, showing off her new design to multiple new investors, and yet your phone kept buzzing.
You told Han this was important
You never sent the message
You don't think you have ever seen your boss so furious
From Han's point of view, he's been sitting here for 2 hours, and you are still not here.
There are so many scenarios flying around in his head—
Are you okay?
Did you stand him up?
Are you breaking up with him?
Did you get kidnapped??
Han got tunnel vision when he was scared, his restless brain shooting out dire scenarios faster than he could decipher the impossibility of them. It was overwhelming. The walls were closing in on him. Nowhere in the world was safe. His head was swimming, the room was spinning, the earth was popping through space.
He keeps texting and calling and voice mailing. The icy anxiety crystallizing in the pit of his core turns his fingers brittle, creaking as he jams them into his phone screen.
He can't breathe.
Too many possibilities.
Your boss got fed up with your phone ringing, screaming at you to go answer it since it was clearly more important than your job.
he was a prick
You answer it, the heat of your building anger curdling a deadly brew inside your soul. Without looking at the 200+ messages Han had sent you, you answer the 50th call of the day, immediately hissing into the speaker, "Do you know what you just did, Han? I got yelled at by my boss in the middle of a presentation because your clingy ass can’t exist without constantly needing my attention for more than 5 minutes. Stop texting me." Your finger smashes the end call button before unruffling your skirt and walking right back into the room.
Han feels like he might just melt straight into the seats, the way his whole body burns.
The whole world stops for a moment, the earth bleeding down the walls, swirling into pools of muddy color. He was sinking, lungs filling with the ink of a million different sweltering elements.
He ruins everything.
He was so wholly overwhelmed he could barely crawl into his car, desperately gripping the steering wheel while the earth collapsed in on him.
He ruins everything.
It's almost impossible to get to his house the way his tears blur the road.
(that's actually fr dangerous don't drive while crying)
He ruins everything.
He doesn't cry when you walk through the door.
He doesn't touch you when you run to him, standing over him, huddled on the floor.
He doesn't breathe as you cry over his body, twinkling in and out of consciousness.
He ruins everything.
Your makeup runs down your cheeks as you try to shake him awake.
He fainted in the kitchen. It wasn't uncommon when he was alone during his panic attacks, the anxiety ripping harsh bouts of oxygen from his lungs.
You squish his cheeks together, forcing his lips into a pout, shoving your faces together, pouring unadulterated passion into his system.
He short c i r c u i t s.
"I'm so sorry," you sob against his lips. "I didn't mean to be so mean. I didn't mean anything I said. I was just stressed, and I thought I sent the message telling you not to text me, and I didn't. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Your voice is high and wet, pushing his mouth deeper into yours.
It would be sceintifically impossible for your lips to get any closer-
and yet his tries.
He pulls your trembling body into his lap, fireworks exploding from the ashes where your words had lain.
"So you don't think I'm clingy?" His voice cracks, fresh tears collecting on the outer corners of his eyes. You have never shaken your head so adamantly in your whole life.
"No, never, never ever."
"Then come here."
You two have never been so close before in your life, hearts tangling in your chests as he presses your body into his.
You were going to prove just how much you loved his touch.
Oh Felix, my kind sweethearted boy that deserves nothing less than prince treatment. He’s so kind, even though he’s so hurt. He’s actually scared he’s annoying you, so he makes himself more distant so he doesn’t bother you.
""Fuck, Felix, can you not see I am clearly just trying to relax? I mean, you don’t always have to be up my ass all the time," you snap, curling back up into the sheets Felix ripped off. You were exhausted—there was no excuse; you were just really tired. Felix, being the loving boyfriend he is, wanted to hold you while you slept, but of course, you being the dumb idiot you are, shouted at him.
are you stupid like fr cause like THE LEE FELIX WANTS TO HOLD YOU AND YOU SHOO HIM AWAY
you deserve federal prison
Felix is so many synonyms for destroyed that it should be physically impossible to still be alive with a heart that lies shattered in the pit of his stomach.
Felix doesnt know how to feel sad, angry, hurt, upest, embarrassed.
He just clenches his jaw, trying to keep his bottom lip from trembling.
Felix has always been secretly self-conscious about the way he expresses his love toward people, often being very touchy-feely. He understands that this isn’t everybody's favorite thing and how it can get fairly annoying.
He’s already so terrified you’re going to leave him; he overanalyzes every interaction.
But this interaction did not need to be analyzed to know what you meant. You were very direct about that.
The way your venomous words attached to his stomach, pumping him with poison that swirled his stomach sick.
You don’t apologize when you wake up, not believing you need to justify yourself. He was being clingy, and you had every right to express your opinion about it.
im going to punch this bitch in the face
As surprising as this is, he actually doesn’t cry about it. He doesn’t cry about it because he is so worried that him crying about it would annoy you, so he would rather let his sadness seep into the back of his brain than show you emotions that could potentially turn you off.
Like I said, destructively kind.
He really takes what you said to heart, trying his best not to give you any skinship unless it’s to guide you through a crowded room or pull you away from the bustling activity of the road, holding your hand until you get to your destination.
He actually feels like he can’t function without your touch, but he muscles through it, relishing in the small actions he can get.
He tries to show his love in other little things that aren’t physical touch. It gets to the point where he is so deep in his head he shies away when you try to initiate skinship, terrified he’s going to get back into the habit of the joy of touching you and make himself seem annoying again.
He’s so beyond scared of being a nuisance.
It’s been two weeks with this flighty physical touch, and it all finally starts to click when you notice his smile isn’t nearly as bright anymore and some of the stars in his eyes have faded away.
"I want you to be clingy again, please, please, please. I mean, cling wrap, Kola. If you ever think you’re being too clingy, please hug me a little tighter. I’m an idiot, a complete and utter moron. Really, I should be evaluated on why I am even able to exist in society."
His heart literally bursts so relieved he can finally touch you again.
He gives you the most dopamine-coddling, brain-boggling cuddles known to mankind that night.
Your skin is so close together it feels like there isn’t a part of your body Felix doesn’t occupy.
He has created a home in your heart that no other man will ever stay, where he will rest until the day you fade away.
Oh bro is pissed
"You're so clingy," you deadpan as his arms wrap around your waist. You had seen a stupid TikTok prank on your For You page and had the brilliant idea to try it on your boyfriend. But the way his whole body tenses against your skin, muscles rippling underneath your fingertips, you know you are so beyond fucked. "What did you just say to me, baby?"
well you just signed your death certificate
So many ideas brewing in that beautiful head of his-
Like, your ass will be red, your stomach will be painted, your mouth will be filled, and you will be descending into the grave. Like all the rest are lovey-dovey 'I’m sorrys,' no—your sorry will be told on your knees.
He will edge you intill you are teetering on the ledge of oblivion
"You want to cum, baby?" He's so condescending, easily lifting your waist from the sheets, his sticky fingers creating bruises when he pins your legs down to gain more access to ruthlessly abuse your g-spot.
"Yes, Yes, Yes, please," you beg, body trembling on the bed, large qaukes of pleasure rushing through your bones as his mean fingers plunge into your messy cunt.
"But that would be too clingy wouldn't it?"
oh how i want his fingers
(this one is really short bc i hate writing smut but i feel like this would be smutty)
I honestly have no clue. I feel like he’d be more confused than anything because, like, me?
mf I barely touch you?
Honestly, kind of annoyed more than sad—like pissed that as soon as he wants to touch you, you think he's clingy. But he's like Chan in the fact that he sees past your words and into the anger brewing in your eyes, allowing both you and him to cool off before he says something he will regret.
He just walks out of the room and lets you calm down.
I am also a firm believer that this man is healthy as hell.
He could tell that his heart was starting to beat a little too hard and his head was getting a little too fuzzy with all the raging words he wanted to say. But instead, he just walks away and lets you calm down, then talks to you about it before you go to bed because he is also an extremely firm believer in the fact that you should NEVER go to bed angry.
this one is shorter bc like I'm lowkey running out of motivation and ideas
did you like this? check out my new series a love lived in between the stars and the sea here
or maybe read doomsday here
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rh3maji · 3 months
Lil rant abt Caine
Caine is just a lil guy, despite it all. From a design standpoint I thought I was gonna absolutely fucking hate looking at him because those chattering teeth toys make my skin crawl- but the art direction really helps make him look more appealing and whimsical than a disembodied pair of talking dentures sounds on paper.
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The thing with Caine is I didn't initially like him that much after the pilot. While his interactions with Bubble were quite funny, that one episode left me feeling like he'd just end up being kinda one note or at the very least one note in a way that'd get on my nerves. Then everything changed when Pomni Wake Up Time to Go On an Adventure! attacked
The comedic timing throughout that announcement video was so fucking funny and thanks to his line deliveries and animation/model [?] upgrades- CAINE LOOKED AND SOUNDED SO ADORABLE!!
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Legit it wasn't until this came out that I realized I actually could be on board with Caine as a character and it's been uphill from there. Episode 2 was better than the pilot not only comedically and visually but also in terms of showcasing just how actually unsettling Caine can be as an antagonist. Not because he's vengeful or malicious, but because he's so oblivious to how people work. His mind's always buzzing with terrible ideas and he's so so eager about these adventures, but at the end of the day he really really doesn't get the circus crew. Try as he might to include them, keep them engaged [ZOOBLE WAIT!], or even give them what they want [Exit doors] he doesn't realize how traumatic and distressing their current situation can be. The very nature of being trapped in a digital world is bad enough but it's especially rough here bc not only does its god have limited capabilities, you also are very well acquainted with him, and he can't fully understand your pain nor can he truly save you from it. He won't mourn your abstraction. He will not attend your funeral. He will not understand the distress of your arrival, nor the weight of your departure.
This isn't just sad from the pov of the circus gang, it's also very sad for Caine- not because i think he'll ever feel sad about it himself necessarily, but instead because the situation is sad. New members appear over and over, you craft adventures and games and distractions like [i'm assuming] they'd asked you to, but over and over, one by one, they abstract. They stop laughing at your jokes. They don't like you. They want you to leave them alone. It's confusing and maybe even inconvenient.
Where I'm hoping the series takes Caine is that this dissonance between Caine's intentions and the distress of the circus gang gets worse and worse and worse until something's got to give. I'm hoping that maybe at some point a character will try to sit down and talk with him and for it to either sorta get through to him but completely backfire in some form because he misinterprets what the others want from him OR i'd also be down for him to listen, but not understand any of it and proceed as tho nothing happened. I don't want Caine to come around really, it'd be interesting to see how Goose would go about having him come around to being a better host that empathizes more with humans, but personally I do prefer him to keep on keepin' on being this oblivious and eager antagonist.
My favorite Caine lines/line deliveries so far:
"You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen!…e-except for swearing."
"And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake, or engage in ridery at the digital carnival!"
"What do you think of XDDCC? You're right, terrible, LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN!"
"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?"
"Bubble you can't say that"
"Why are you all just standing there?! The- The Canyon- C-Candy Canyon Kingdom needs you now!" [according to his VA, this was an actual line flub but hoo boy am i glad they use it bc it's hilarious]
"I know you guys love your NPCs, but if I start losing track of who's a human and who's an NPC, who knows...what. could. happen..."
That last line there specifically surprised me the most because up until he said that I was under the impression Caine was linked to every single NPC. I even thought he could see through their eyes if he so chose thanks to his "hundreds of all seeing eyes" line in the pilot. Him saying this here implies lots of things. Has Caine forgotten before? Is someone in the circus secretly an NPC ooooooooh~
"Who knows what could happen..."
Honestly, when Caine first said this I did immediately theorize Jax as being an NPC but now that it's been *checks calendar* three months since I watched episode 2, I don't think this is the case anymore. Jax being an NPC would be...something. Jax not knowing he's an NPC would be interesting [i like it when ppl's realities get shattered], but honestly I think this line was a way to telegraph to the audience that no Caine isn't actually all knowing. He didn't know Gummigoo was coming through that portal until he saw him with his own two eyes. My theory is that Caine is only able to teleport, create, censor, transform, and destroy the world around him, but isn't able to see all of it at once unless he tries to. I think Caine's default state is one where he only knows what he sees directly in front of him/what he himself has left waiting for someone else. And rather than implying someone in the gang is an NPC, I think that line in episode 2 was mainly implying Caine can be tricked, that it's possible to hide something from him, to surprise him even. Though I'm not opposed to an NPC we haven't met trying to join under the guise of being human, it'd potentially create some fun tension assuming the audience was given enough reason to care about them.
Jax is actually my favorite character in tadc, but i couldn't fill an entire post with things to say abt him. Caine seems to be- at least as of right now- the easiest of all the characters to try and wrap my head around. I'll probably have a lot more to say about Jax as he exists in canon as the episodes come out [EPISODE 6 MY BELOVED]
but uhhhh yeah, that's all the things i had to say abt Caine. Pls go watch/listen to the fansong Digital Land bye!
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r0semultiverse · 11 months
Digital Circus AMA Notes
Digital Circus is getting a season 1 at some point!!!!
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#webcore aesthetic board for the series design
Pomni was going to be a frog originally. 🐸
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90s toys Zooble inspo
Caine is an antagonist, but not by active choice, he doesn't know he's not helping. He doesn't feel a whole spectrum of human emotions (he's an AI).
"Caine canonically just lets things happen if he thinks it's funny."
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Characters eat like Chao in Chao garden in Sonic. The characters can eat the food, but they can't digest it.
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Jax's favorite food is spaghetti.
Pomni likes salmon.
Q "Was the ending a 'Last Supper' reference?" A "in a very superficial kinda way yeah." Religious stuff is sometimes just used for the funny.
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Gooseworx tumblr sketches MAY or MAY NOT be canon to the series, so it's up in the air for every single one.
People can abstract from feeling too much pain if it breaks their mind from it being too much. Characters feel pain from things, but not as intensely as they would in real life.
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Zooble is gonna swap parts every episode (implying they have spare parts) except their body & head.
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Jax chose his own name & gooseworx likes to think he chose Gangle's name.
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Ragatha was named "Emmy" originally.
They (the cast of characters trapped in the circus) can't change their clothes but Caine can. It's part of their skin sorta kinda.
There's empty space under Pomni's hat because video game model physics.
Spamton was partially inspo for Caine, Caine's VA did Spamton dubs.
Gangle only has 2 masks. Why's it (her hapiness mask) break all the time? Mental state, but the "real her" is "harder to break."
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Kaumfo was gonna be part of the main cast originally before Jax.
Kaufmo's model has nothing below the waist at this time, but was made for that promotional image on twitter.
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Q "What kinda person was Kaufmo?" A "He was the same as Ragatha in a sense, goofy & cheery, sometimes toxic levels of positivity."
I'm paraphrasing for the sake of note taking in real time, go watch the stream playback for more context & details if you want.
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thelonelyempath · 2 years
Sick Prompts II
1. “If you even so much as look like you’re about to pass out, I’m taking you to the hospital.”
2. “You don’t have to pretend you’re fine for me.”
3. “You were so sound asleep you would’ve missed the fire alarm going off if I didn’t wake you.”
4. “I’ll bring you some food.  It’s almost time to take your meds anyway.”
5. “If I see you leave that bed even once, I’m going to physically manhandle you back into it.”
6. “No kisses until you’re better!”
7. “Baby, it’s just a stomach ache.  You’ll be fine.”
8. “I told you eating that would make you sick.”
9. “Darling, look at me.  How many fingers am I holding up?”
10. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.”
11. “Don’t even think about going to work/class today.”
12. “After all of the times I’ve told you it’s a bad idea, you still insist on going out to play in the rain.”
13. “You know I love you more than anything else in the world, but please cover your mouth when you sneeze.”
14. “We’re almost there, love.  Just stay with me a little bit longer.”
15. “Nightmare, huh?  Must’ve been a fever dream.”
16. “Scoot over.  It’s cuddle time.”
17. “Would you rather go to work/class and suffer because you obviously don’t feel well or stay in bed and get cuddles and forehead kisses and watch movies?”
18. “You can’t say the words vomit and okay in the same sentence.”
19. “You’re sick.  Let me baby you.”
20. “No one is expecting you to get over this immediately.”
21. “Why are you so dramatic whenever you get sick?”
22. “Can you even keep water down right now?”
23. “I know you hate hospitals and all, but I’m taking you to one.  Get in the car.”
24. “Okay Ms./Mr. I’m-not-sick, tell me why you sneezed five times in the span of an hour.”
25. “Please take your medicine, love.  It’ll help you get better.”
“26. “Well considering the fact that you’re shivering, the circles under your eyes are five times darker than they were two days ago, and your forehead feels like it’s on fire, yeah I’d say there’s a pretty good chance you’re sick.”
27. “I love you.  I really do.  But your immune system is shit.”
28. “Go to bed, darling.  You need to be resting.”
29. “You’ll live.”
30. “Oh my, 103.  That’s not good.”
31. “When we get home, I’m gonna wrap you like a burrito in my thickest blanket and put on your favorite movie.”
32. “I’ll be honest, babe.  You’re kinda cute when you’re all cranky.”
33. “You need to eat, love.  Just a little bit for me.”
34. “You look absolutely miserable.”
35. “Ooh.  That cough sounded like it hurt.”
36. “How bad is the pain right now from 0 to 10?”
37. “Aw, poor thing.”
38. “How’s your head feeling?”
39. “Would it make you feel better if I put a warm towel on your head played with your hair?”
40. “Don’t just stand around doing nothing!  Get him/her some water for god’s sake!”
41. “We’re not gonna watch a sad movie.  If you cry, you’ll get more congested.”
42. “As adorable as you look in my hoodie, I’m gonna ask that you please wash it before giving it back.”
43. “Come to bed, love.  I’d be kind of a terrible boyfriend/girlfriend/partner if I just let you sleep on the bathroom floor.”
44. “I find it really odd that you act all big and tough, but become a baby when you’re sick.  But that’s okay.  You’re my baby.”
45. “Don’t even try and tell me you’re not delirious.  You have spent all day mumbling abstract nonsense to yourself.”
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deltaswapjevil · 4 months
Caine Aus
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New thing where I take a character and do them in a swap universe, fell universe, and horror universe (based on arguably the three most popular Undertale Aus Underswap, Underfell, Horrortale). Swapping them with another character in their universe. Making them evil (or good if they already were evil)+angsty. And then making them in some sort of horror universe. Today's specimen is Caine from TADC
Swap: The Amazing Digital Funfair
Caine takes the role of bubble. He's a chatty little chattering teeth set that's always just yapping much to Bubbles annoyance. Not as unhinged as Bubble but is constantly interrupting Bubble and rambling so bubble forcefully shuts his trap, knocking all his teeth out
Fell: The Terrible Digital Circus
Caine is the main antagonist of this Au. He loves torturing the cast for amusement. He sets them on impossible missions that they are doomed to fail from the start and usually ends with all of them dying painfully only to be revived to do it all over again. He particularly likes to pick on Jax and sometimes Pomni. He is unable to feel any empathy so he sees the "Circus Freaks" as toys to play with and if he gets bored of a toy he'll make them more interesting like altering Gangles Mask to be angry or practically brainwashing Kinger to make him like a mini Caine. Some notes are that the shaded parts are meant to actually be golden not grey/black and also his one fang doesn't merge with his eye it goes behind it
Horror: The Amazing Digital Battle Royale
To make this different from the popular horror au Freakshow by @hootbon (tho I did take alot of inspiration) this one is set in a Hunger Games style Battle Royale but a bit worse. While they are battling to the death Caine will bring all the losers back to life after the battle to compete again so they're stuck in an infinite loop of dying and killing each other. If the battles too dull he'll add something interesting like acid candy, piranha like Gloinks, poison gas, or a psycho yandere moon. If the players refuse to fight each other Caine will have Bubble spread misinformation about each other in their voices (like uses Ragathas to make Pomni think she's gonna betray her) if that doesn't work he might take control of one of their bodies and force them to kill and maybe cannibalize their fellow players all while still conscious of their actions. But if a player is just too boring he'll abstract them by causing their insides to slowly destroy themselves giving them a slow painful death. So in short: He's kinda a meanie :(
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
i’m interested to see how joel would react to doc getting killed!! or bitten…. i love the angst tbh! 😅 maybe during that awkward time period where they weren’t really talking but still hooking up.. they still loved eachother so much couldn’t say it because they “hated” eachother 😮
OMG Hi Bestie! 
OK so because I'm a masochist (who shares in this fun hobby of tormenting myself with images of pain with someone who shall remain nameless) I've thought about this a lot. Shared below, with permission, is some of the noodling I've done on this topic with the aforementioned anonymous person who likes to give me INCREDIBLY ANGSTY AND DEPRESSING THOUGHT EXERCISES I SWEAR THIS IS A TWO WAY STREET Y'ALL. Please note that none of this is in story format and Doc is she instead of you because that's how I think about the fic in abstract terms? I guess? I don't know lol it's a mess in my head.
Putting this below the cut because it's probably a step beyond angst. I cannot stress enough that this is like... super depressing and also COMPLETELY RAW AND UNEDITED, all I did was pull out comments/prompts from the other person out of respect for them. So please limit your judgement as much as possible this stuff is real bad lol 
Below is Joel if she got bit on the Harvard run.
how terrified he was when he thought she might be bitten, how the first place his mind went was "I can kill her and I'll only need to be around for a few seconds after she's gone"If she got bit and he needed to kill her, he'd try so hard to keep it together for her. She'd be low key panicking and be like "Please don't let me turn into one of those things, please just kill me, please" and he'd just brush her hair back and hold her face in his hand all gentle and be like "I won't baby, not gonna let you go through that, OK? I've got you, it's OK. It'll be real quick, won't feel a thing and I'll be right behind you, OK? I'm right behind you, it's OK" and he'd hold her when he did it so she didn't feel alone and he'd keep holding her when he did it to himself, too
If Doc died in the tub the night that Joel left her in the QZ 
Joel is trying to avoid herTommy goes to the clinic that day and she's not there, which he expects because she's not supposed to be there on Sundays, but hears someone say her name and how they aren't sure how they're going to cover everything without her and there's a "...I still really miss her" at the end and he's like "wtf' and so he asks until he finds someone who will actually talk to him and he's like "no, we're old friends, I just haven't seen her in a few weeks, what happened?" and Marta just kinda looks at him like "how can you not know this" and says "She died. They weren't really sure how, if she did it on purpose or if she passed out but she drowned in her bathtub" and Tommy is, of course, reeling because he loved her, too. But he's also like "Oh fuck I have to tell Joel" and he's kind of in a daze and just walks around the QZ for a few hours and he gets home and Joel is just like "the fuck is your problem" and he's like "Joel... brother, you... I need you to sit down, OK? Need you to just... stay calm for me, OK?" and he says her name and then kinda stops and Joel gets this bad feeling and is like "what" and Tommy is quiet and he's like "what, Tommy. What is it. She fuck up something else, what'd she do, what's going on" and he's just like "She's dead, Joel." and Joel is silent for a minute and then asks what happened and how and Tommy really doesn't want to tell Joel what they told him and so Joel just gets up and Tommy tries to stop him and he's like "Don't fucking touch me" and he goes to Andrew's and he pounds on the door until Andrew answers and Andrew looks like hell, he's lost weight and he looks like he's hardly slept and he looks kind of dead in the eyes until he sees Joel and then he just looks like he wants to just set him on fire and he's like "The fuck are you doing here"
and Joel is like "what happened, you have to know what happened, please, fuck, please tell me what happened to her" and Andrew shoves him and just yells "You! You happened, you fucking happened! She died that night you fucking asshole, she lived for you and she fucking died for you, too. I hope you're fucking happy" and Joel is just practically frozen there and just lets Andrew wail on him for a minute before he looks at him and goes "you must fuckin hate me, right?" "Oh I more than hate you you fucking..." "Good. Kill me. Don't... don't care how just... please, fuck just..." and Andrew just kind of laughs at him darkly and says "No, no I'm not doing you any fucking favors, Miller. I have to live with the fact that I left her alone that night. You get to live with the fact that her blood's on your hands." Jess pulls Andrew back inside and Joel just trudges home but Tommy is kind of waiting for him, he's already stashed all the guns and the knives and he got Tess because he knows what Joel is like when he loses someone like thatand Joel only asked Andrew to do it because he couldn't risk flinching again, he had to do it right this time and he goes for where he keeps his gun as soon as he's in the door and it's gone and Tommy is just crying and he's like "Joel, you can't, I'm sorry..." and he's like "Just give me the fuckin' gun, Tommy! I can't do this, not again, I can't, I can't" and he just drops to his knees and Tommy holds onto him Tommy and Tess take turns, he's literally never alone for months. Eventually they think he can be trusted on his own and he's OK for a while but I think it wouldn't take all that long before he's gone, too it wouldn't be as obvious as a gun, it'd be him making a stupid mistake and getting bit or shot or an accident on a job in the qzand all the time in between he'd be such a shell of himself, Tess and Tommy always sharing a look when it's especially bad like "this has to get better at some point, right?"and when it eventually happens, neither Tess or Tommy are ever sure if it's really an accident or not. Joel wasn't really sure either, he just knew that the last thing he thought of was that last morning before Doc flew back to New York where he got her pregnant in the water and her and Sarah made French toast
SO YEAH that's just the most depressing shit in the world lol 
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I’m back with more Funnybunny. I’m not sure how well I did with this one, since it kinda just… emerged. Like my last one. It discusses some heavy stuff, but there’s a big fat gross kiss at the end to compensate. Also, Kinger and Zooble cameo at the beginning.
T/W: Depression and discussions of/tasteless Jax jokes about s*icide
Strange Bedfellows
The Stage was empty in the morning. Caine was nowhere to be found. It would be eerily quiet in the tent were it not for Kinger’s mumbling. The oldest performer at the circus paced in a circle around the stage
Kinger: *nervous sing-song* Caine’s not here, Caine’s not here, Caine’s not here…~ We’re gonna miss doing the introooo, Caine’s not here…
*Zooble and Pomni enter from backstage. Zooble rolls their eyes*
Zooble: Ugh, I knew it. KINGER!
*Kinger yelps, flailing his hands around before relaxing a tiny bit*
Kinger: Zooble! New girl! I forgot you were there!
Pomni: Uh, we weren’t-
*Kinger hurries over to them, panting almost comically loud*
Kinger: Caine’s not here! I looked everywhere! *counting on his fingers* The tent, outside, the tent, my room, the basement, the tent- *he grabbed his head* But he’s nowhere! We’re gonna miss the intro and I don’t wanna break the ruuuules!
Zooble: *putting a claw to their forehead* %€$&$ €#£!$#, Kinger, it’s update day. Caine isn’t here because he’s getting a software update. He told us yesterday. And the day before that.
*Kinger suddenly stands up a lot straighter*
Kinger: Oh. So… no adventure today?
Pomni: R-Right. No adventure today.
Zooble: And you’re out here keeping me awake. Come on, Peepaw, let’s get you to bed.
*Zooble takes Kinger’s hand and walks him back towards the bedrooms*
Kinger: My name is Kinger, actually.
*The three of them head back into the hallway. Zooble pauses to look at Pomni*
Zooble: Hey, Pomni. Word of advice. Try and enjoy the quiet moments. They don’t happen all that often.
Kinger: And remember! If you’re quiet and you stay still, they won’t notice you as quickly!
Pomni: Uh… thanks guys. Enjoy your day off.
Pomni waved goodbye and sighed a bit. It wasn’t like she wanted to hang out with “the gang,” but… it beat being alone with her thoughts. She wasn’t quite sure where everyone had gone… unless literally EVERY OTHER PERSON was asleep. Which… was possible, admittedly. She chewed her lip a bit before going back to her room.
Pomni: Enjoy the quiet… *she sighs*
Being alone with her thoughts and no distractions, no way that could go wrong. Sure enough, not long after she shut the door, a creeping misery drooled into her belly. She was never getting out of here… no ifs, ands, or buts. If she didn’t go crazy and turn into one of those abstract creatures, she’d end up a paranoid wreck like Kinger, and everyone else would go crazy. There was no winning. Game over. You lose. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Pomni: I don’t care. *she lies out loud to herself.*
She flopped lifelessly onto her bed, staring at the wall. Maybe if she closed her eyes, she could convince her overcharged brain that it needed some rest. The dark only made her more aware of how much it hurt inside. God did it ever hurt… It wasn’t like a cut where the pain went away after a while. It was like a burn, it just kept on flaring up with new pain long after the initial damage. There was no point to anything… she was a jester forever, a fool for people to laugh at. Not even people… for FAKE people to laugh at. Less than zero.
Pomni: Someone shoot me…
Jax: I got a squirt gun.
Pomni’s eyes flew open, finding her face just a few inches from Jax’s, who rested on the other side of the bed with a big, smarmy grin on his face.
Pomni: JAX-! *she jolts back, scrabbling on the bedsheets for something to grab but ultimately falling off the bed onto her butt*
Jax: Hey Pompom. Comfy bed you got here.
Pomni rose to her feet, hands curled into fists.
Pomni: What the #%!! are you-
Jax: Doing in your room? You left the door unlocked when you went out with Zooble. You gotta get better about that if you want privacy.
Pomni: Jax. I don’t… *tries to start talking, and stops* Can you… Can I… I just want to be alone okay?
Jax: So you can do… what?
Pomni: Sleep.
Jax: You weren’t sleeping.
Pomni: I was trying to.
Jax: Sounded more like you were feelin’ sorry for yourself.
Pomni: Sometimes I can do both, okay? Now get off my bed.
Jax gave an exaggerated stretch before snuggling deeper into Pomni’s pillow. The jester quaked with frustration before turning and stomping to her door. If Jax wanted to be an ass, she’d just go find somewhere else to mope.
Jax: So why do you want to get shot?
Pomni stopped in her tracks.
Pomni: Why do you think?
Jax: Why do I think? Could be for any reason. Maybe you read some of Gangle’s fanfiction. One chapter of that would have me reaching for the Clorox.
Pomni: *fake, derisive laughter* Ha ha ha, you’re sooo funny.
Jax: I’m just sayin’, Pompom, you-
Pomni: Don’t. Call me. POMPOM!
The ensuing silence was palpable. Pomni gave a small gasp and covered her mouth with one hand. She couldn’t remember the last time she had shouted at somebody like that. Sure, she had told off Jax before, but that shout came from somewhere dark and primal…
Jax: Yowza.
Pomni: …I… I didn’t mean to shout like that. I’m sorry… Are you okay?
Jax: *looks back and forth* Yeah? Are you?
Pomni: No.
Jax: Dumb question. Anyway, I’ve razzed you enough. I’ll let you be alone.
Jax hops down off the bed, tucking his hands behind his head and walking towards the door. A hand grabbed him by the back pocket of his overalls.
Jax: Uh-
Pomni: …I’m sorry. *she looks down at the floor*
Jax: It’s… fine?
Pomni: …Jax, I don’t want you to leave. I’m sorry.
Jax: You already said you’re sorry. Can you let go of my pants?
Pomni: I’m sorry, I didn’t… *she lets go* I’m sorry…
Jax: Pomni. What are you sorry for?
Pomni: I… I yelled at you, I-
Jax: I get yelled at all the time. It’s sorta my thing. *awkward smirk*
Pomni: Don’t go… I’m sorry.
Jax: Okay. Come on. You need to calm down.
Without warning, Jax puts his hands under Pomni’s armpits and hoists her up off her feet.
Pomni: Wh- HEY! Jax, what are you-?!
Jax: You’re in one of those… loops. I know how it works. Also, WOW, you weigh like six pounds.
He plopped her onto her bed. Pomni barely had time to register what just happened before Jax sat beside her.
Jax: Look, Pompom… Sorry. Pomni. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be depressed. It’s okay to yell sometimes. But…
He sighed and thought a minute. A faint blush lit up his face.
Jax: You don’t… need to do all that by yourself. I don’t want you to hurt all alone.
Pomni: …Is that why you snuck here? You were worried about me?
The pink on Jax’s cheeks grew more pronounced as he crossed his arms.
Jax: Y-Yeah, whatever you want to believe.
Pomni took his hand, a tiny, grateful smile across her face. Jax tried his best to look uninterested, but it wasn’t a very convincing look. Pomni held his other hand and there was an electric silence as they looked at each other.
Pomni: I… don’t…
The invisible barrier fell down and their lips met. It was a kiss of both inexperience and pent-up emotion. Both the jester and the rabbit felt all their reservations melt away as they kissed each other. It didn’t matter if someone found out. It didn’t matter if one of them was going to die later… they wanted this. They NEEDED this.
Jax fell onto his back as Pomni climbed on top of him. There was a moment of hesitation before they began to kiss again. Tender but eager. Pomni let out a fluttery sigh from the very back of her throat as she felt Jax’s hand on the back of her head. Gentle, wordless encouragement…
At some point, the kiss broke and they laid apart from each other on opposite sides of the bed, flushed and panting.
Pomni: …Are you okay?
Jax: Y-Yeah. Better than okay.
Pomni: I think I am too. I’m… I…
Pomni blinked in surprise.
Pomni: …I’m tired.
Jax: That’s okay.
Pomni: …Will you stay with me?
Jax: Yeah. Course. Definitely.
Pomni could tell he was still processing what just happened. But it was okay. Maybe it wouldn’t be okay later… but for now it was okay. She rolled over and laid her head on his chest, holding his hand. She felt him squeeze it.
Moments later she fell asleep.
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milimeters-morales · 6 months
it is so difficult to write miles coming out as gay to hobie because i know that hobie’s fine with it but it’s so hard to. like me and hobie are on the same levels of sexuality abstraction and as i’m writing Miles i have to write from Miles’s POV of it, so he’s much more… simple. about it. but knows that Hobie is on another level entirely with understanding. i’m not even being rude, it’s like when you’re being trained at work and you know there’s way more they aren’t telling you but it’s more of learned personal things, like how to get in the trance state to pass time, stuff you can’t just know immediately if you already have walls around yourself to be “the good one” or something similar. ygetit. continues under cut
but anyway hobie comes off, sort of, as “i don’t care, this wasn’t important at all to me” and i. ughhhh like. as a black autistic guy this moment is important to me because i always come off like that even when shit is super vital to me, i’m gonna remember it forever, i’ll have dreams about it, etc etc. but at the same time, sometimes it just doesn’t reach me emotionally as much as it would the average person, so i can’t force myself to show that average amount of happiness or excitement. and i know hobie wouldn’t do that either! and miles is very sensitive in a moment like this, so it feels painful writing miles as this “hobie didn’t get hyped immediately i need to never come out again” type because we’ve never seen him (atsv version) in a state like this, it feels like i’m faking this entire fic. which. i am. but you get it right?? you see my issue???
anyway hobie: calm and happy that miles came out, already suspected it but stayed silent, is already tired, kind of thought him being chill would make miles be chill because he’s aware that miles is more of a low-key type of person
miles: just told the second coolest person he knows and admires his deep secret and another person’s (ganke’s) deep secret after being given an ultimatum for their relationship, did not even think to tell his parents and already failed telling his twin, who also told him that ganke might have had a crush on another girl in the story before they met, is met with Hobie’s stony face and shrug, every emotion hits at once. guilt guilt guilt at lashing out.
he sees hobie as having it all figured out and being rude, thinking “i already know this so i don’t realize how hard it is for you to get to this point, whatever get out of here i was trying to sleep” and feels. HE FEELS.
n e ways. that’s kinda how i want this to go but knowing me and the characters that take over when i’m not looking, this probably wont stick lol. watch i take this moment out entirely i’ll be soooo pissed if i do that. :/
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bogbees · 11 months
I was gonna go to bed but I think I came up with a soulmate au perfect for Matt n Gil 7:48 AM · Apr 20, 2020
so it goes like this: when you touch somebody, their mark appears in your palm. there's several placements you can have, like for family bonds (mother's will generally always be the first bond a person has), friendship, love, probably hatred idk
over time, when a person dies or the bond fades, the mark scars, becoming the abstract background for new relationships you make
so Matt n Gil are pretty much immortal in canon. not so much Gil anymore, but he's been around a long time, so his palms are probably scared to fuck with marks —
everywhere but the love area. sure, some friendships skittered around the area, but while he might hate soulmates with his old age, he's stupid ab the idea of true love.
it's kinda fucked him up a bit in the modern era lmao. been alive so long and yet here he is
so canon au would have Matt touch Gilbert first. he doesn't know who owns this mark, bc he doesn't pay attention, so he thinks it's some mortal and he's kinda sad ab it, bc it's big, at the very centre of his palm and those are like, Best Kind, but c'est la vie
(while Gilbert has been having the opposite problem, mortals finding their love in him lmao)
while Matt and Gil have no idea the other exists (well ish. Francis probably goes off ab the other to them all the time), Matt discovers love in mortals to patch up the horrid fact he never even got to meet The One. a couple marks scar a ring around his centre mark
until one day in like, the 60s, he notices "yo this never scarred. it's always been solid" and goes maniac with glee and relief and a weird sense of wasted mourning
Al finds it funny that no one picked up on that fact all this time. bc their family all has solid centre marks and their friend family marks are still pretty solid
some of Matt's lovers picked up on it, but he dismissed it as "I don't know who they are" and it's dismissed and they better make the best of what they have
Francis tells Gilbert ab the delightful news "oh Matieu never lost his soulmate after all!! he's immortal!" and Gilbert is like pained smile grumble "oh good for him!" while painfully recalling every conversation Francis had ab Matt's current so
he figures it makes sense but good god
they can't figure out who the fuck out of their entire group is Matt's so. Francis wants to hold an event bc he's dying to know, but Matt's like, "I thought they were dead for 500 years, I'm cool to find out naturally."
Arthur casts a divination after and he n Francis go nuts once they learn the truth of the matter. Francis drinks so much he needs his stomach pumped. Gilbert calls him, and just hearing his voice, Francis gets into a giggle fit, they don't talk for like, 4 years
over the next 40 years, Matt n Gil will Wonder ab the whole soulmate thing. Matt bc he can't imagine who it could be, and Gil bc he's like, sad he himself doesn't even have that clue that they're even out there
they properly meet in 2009, the whole pancake and maple syrup thing, but no one touches. they form a bond of course, mutual understanding of loneliness, turns out they're like two peas in a pod
Francis has no idea they even became friends until 2016. he peaks at the palms of their hands, and is delighted to see Gilbert's centre is finally marked
and it's not for another ten years that they realise they're each other's soul mate 😔 7:48 AM · Apr 20, 2020
actually that's a dumb ending, bc I was falling asleep 5:09 PM · Apr 20, 2020
new ending: Gilbert always touches the ppl he likes. pulls them in for hugs, slaps on the back, drags them off to do things. the first time he crashes at Matt's bc he thinks they're best buds, he slaps Matt across the back for being a goof
he is of course surprised by how solid Matt is, and wow his hand actually hurts, so he rubs at it and notices the mark. he short circuits.
Matt is like "dude you didn't break your hand did you? sorry oh my god lemme go get the first aid kit for a splint til we get to the hospital ah fuck"
and Gil is like "no no no I'm fine! don't worry about it! hah hah hah I'm gonna go nap I'm actually pretty tired, jet lag"
Matt thinks it's weird bc he was just do animated a moment ago, but shrugs it off, can't be too bad right?
only Gilbert doesn't pop up for dinner. doesn't come out of his room at all. matt's like "damn he must have been real tired," leaves him a note saying he's got leftovers in the fridge
but Gilbert is just going insane. the note didn't help bc it implies smth surely.
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. so the dude Matt thought was dead for the last 500 years was him??? if they interacted back then, why didn't Gil touch him??? what the fuck Happened
Gil frantically texts everyone he knows. Liz, Antonio, Al, they all just congratulate him. His brother gives him a five paragraph lecture on being nice. Feli sends him a bunch of cute ideas on how to tell Matt. Roderick has him blocked.
Francis. Francis grins like a loon the moment he sees the text and calls Matt "mon garçon," he starts, "your heart is closer than you think" and Matt, tired of this old man's cryptic romantic bullshit hangs up sighing heavily
Al visits too. now he knows and he wants to play wingman. that's his brother damn it. so starts the most horrible wingman stunt. everyone is so uncomfortable. when it doesn't work, Al goes to sulk in his guest bedroom
"that was weird even for him" Matt laments. Gilbert, knowing full well what brought it on just cringes. how the fuck did ppl do this whole thing??
Matthew isn't like. bothered? at first he was curious to know if Gil got a mark for him, but after seeing he didn't get any new ones, he was resigned to their friendship not meaning anything. sure he had hoped but ugh, best not to think about it
and Gilbert is freaking out like "why isn't he questioning if they have each other's marks??" he knows ppl do that, he's done it himself! god knows they've been stuck to each other's hip this last month so why?!
so he decides to just ask. "hey did you get my mark?" "oh no, I never got it." and he fuckinh blanks.
then Matt brings up his hand, showing Gil his palm, and there in the dead centre is Gil's mark surrounded by a ring of love. "see," Matt says, "it's the same as when we first met."
Gil had seen Matt's palms a couple times before the revelation. he didn't think seeing it now would affect him much but boy, he's gone brain dead
Gilbert raises his own palm, "mine isn't," and he knows Matt knows he's never had a mark in the dead centre. but there's one now.
"oh," Matt goes, thinking ab all the ppl he and Gil have met over the month, "congratulations, I suppose we'll have to find out who it is…"
which makes Gil go crazy, "no, no, no, how did you—no, Matthew it's you." Matt stares at him like "are you off your rocker?" and Gil recounts the event that gave him the mark, and telling everyone asking for help and how Francis was no help at all
and Matt's like "Yo! Francis called me that evening, saying how my heart was closer than I thought. I thought that he was just drunk, but if…. Tabarnak!" pacing around the room suddenly speaking quick french
there are tears suddenly but he's not wailing, instead smiling wildly, "I thought you were dead!" and Gilbert grins back "I thought you didn't even exist!"
(and idk ab you but this last bit gets me grinning wildly bc Gilbert Will Die, and Matt is usually forgotten to the point he can go ghost. he he he)
so they like. just exist with each other being stupid ab how stupid it all is 8:05 PM · Apr 20, 2020
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nolanhollogay · 9 months
"can I ask... what happened?" for whoever u want!!
mikeyedgar talk about rafe... cue everyone throwing up everywhere
Edgar wouldn't tell anyone where he got the bruises or the split lip from. Not even JJ, which made Mikey's anxiety skyrocket. Yeah, Edgar was a self sacrificing kinda guy, who liked to keep his problems to himself – Nova said it was a Catholic thing – but when it was serious, he always reached out for help. And if someone had hurt him, it was obviously serious.
Mikey knew he wouldn't be his first choice to talk to about whatever happened, but maybe that was why he would. There was no emotional weight between them, not like with JJ or Mags.
He was sitting on his bedroom floor when Mikey knocked on the open door, staring into space with his headphones. He startled at the sound, grabbing his CD player as if that could protect him.
Exhaling in relief when he saw who was there, he said, "Oh, hey, Mikey. What's up?"
"Wanted to hang out," he said, crossing the threshold and flopping onto the floor beside him. "Whatya listening to?"
"American Boyfriend by Kevin Abstract," he replied, yanking his headphones out. "It's like, my favorite album of all time. Besides Channel Orange by Frank Ocean."
Mikey smiled but shook his head. "I dunno either of those."
"Yeah, cause you only listen to Maroon 5."
He scoffed. "What do have against Maroon 5?"
Ten minutes later, they were lying on their backs staring up at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling. They'd been a gift from Pope when Edgar mentioned he'd always wanted them as a kid, but was never able to get any. They'd lined them up in the shapes of real constellations because they were nerds.
"That's Cassiopeia," he explained, pointing at what just looked like a cluster of stickers to Mikey's untrained eyes.
His gaze locked onto the bruises circling his wrist. They were obviously from someone's hand, the lines too straight and the circles too pronounced to be anything but fingerprints.
He grabbed his arm, holding it in place. "Can I ask... What happened?"
Edgar pulled his arm out of his hold and sat up, astronomy lesson obviously over. "I really don't want to talk about it."
Mikey sat up as well, sending him a frown. "You can't just not tell us what happened. Someone obviously hurt you. You can't just keep that to yourself."
"I can do whatever I want," Edgar replied, but there was no venom in his words.
Mikey sighed. "Well, yeah, obviously. But you'll feel better once you talk about it."
He huffed, rubbing a hand over his face. "I don't think I will, but since I can tell you're not gonna let it go: It was Rafe."
Mikey's blood froze.
"You see? That look on your face is why I haven't said anything," he muttered.
After a long three seconds of silence, Mikey managed to spit out, "Are you okay?"
Edgar's expression softened, ever so slightly, making him look much more Edgarlike. "I'm fine. He didn't do anything other than creep me out."
It was counterproductive but Mikey wanted to hit him for dismissing his own pain. "And bruise you! And split your lip!"
"I've been through much worse than a split lip," he replied with a laugh.
"What happened? Did he corner you somewhere?"
Edgar bit his lip, obviously considering if he wanted to keep talking. "He got me when I was in kitchen–"
Mikey gasped. "He attacked you in your own kitchen?"
"Attack is a strong word. He just, like, held my wrists so I couldn't move, and held a knife to my throat."
Why was he being so casual about this? Why was someone so sweet so accustomed to violence?
Mikey blinked away tears, trying to keep himself in check. If he reacted emotionally, Edgar would definitely shut the conversation down. "What did he want?"
"To talk to me. He tried to get us to back off the gold. He said he didn't want me to get hurt."
That didn't sound like Rafe at all. He must've had some kind of ulterior motive.
"Does JJ know?" he asked, instead of voicing that concern.
Edgar nodded. "I just told him not to tell you guys cause I didn't want you to worry. Him and my mom fretting over me is more than enough people."
"We only worry cause we love you," Mikey said, frowning yet again. Edgar's view of himself was really bumming him out.
He laughed, and grabbed his hands, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. Ever the affectionate one. "I know, but I don't want you to. I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about."
That was hard to believe with his the way his hands were shaking, and the purple bags under his eyes, but Mikey nodded in agreement anyway.
"Of course, Eddie," he said. "Tell me more about the constellations."
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answrs · 2 years
Wrote this and 2 days later had to euthanize my favorite fish I’ve had since the beginning of lockdown for the beginnings of a terminal & painful condition. which is certainly a form of irony i do not appreciate or wish to tempt from the universe so I’m not gonna edit it any more than i already had done before that.
(this is Mystery Skulls, not pokemon, for the new followers, btw)
I think I'm having feelings about holding a companion past their time, fighting tooth and claw against the universe instead of letting them rest, how human it is to want every moment possible with a loved one, and how it's taking a step back and assessing what's truly best for them may be letting them go.
possibly exploring ghosts being warped funhouse reflections of a person?
Lewis very accidentally kills Arthur in a confrontation where he reveals himself. (possibly not-realizing-how-violently-he's-shaking-the-guy-he's-holding-while-screaming-at-him-for-answers accidentally aggravating past head trauma or something similar?) in the moment Artie's very tired and rather unhealthy mind is kinda "oh we found Lewis yay I completed my purpose I can rest now" and is peacefully-if-woozily dozing off as he passes into the After, when Vivi uses some heretofore unknown and extremely not very understood spirit magic to grab his departing soul and strangle it back onto the living plane.
((fuck it mystery is… idk. licking his wounded pride off in the desert somewhere for a year post-Shiromiri or whatever. maybe I'll edit him in later. or not.))
((they did not, in fact, edit him in later.))
Lewis skedaddles immediately seeing what horrible thing he's done, terror at himself, how could he have done that he just wanted to know W H Y and oh gods he's not safe to be around and he has to get a w a y
Arthur as a ghost is very much formed by those last calmer moments combined with a life of compartmentalizing and shoving issues to the back of his mind to avoid them. so he's actually a very chill, laid-back ghost who just wants to sleep, he's so tired, but-
similar to the one fic I did where viv necromances her way to keeping artie stable and unknowingly causing him to suffer but this time Vivi refuses to give Arthur's anchor to him, since because his spirit has no purpose remaining here he'd pass on and she Will Not Lose Her Friend She Will Not Tolerate Being Alone. Arthur repeatedly tells her that Lewis would happily stay with her, keep her company, but Shut Up! she didn't know this person before and she certainly wants absolutely nothing to do with him now!
not that she really enjoys being around this Arthur that's nothing like he Should be. why did he have to come back wrong!? she tries to hide it but he just gives her a sad, knowing look and goes back to trying to doze where he's floating at her shoulder.
it's a near daily occurrence, far past the end of her rope, that in frustration she yells back at his Wrong words or Wrong actions and gives an order- Shut up and take this seriously! Stop trying to sleep! -and watches the blue crackle of her power snap his mouth shut, straighten him at attention. she begs and pleads for forgiveness, she didn't mean it, he doesn't have to, it was a mistake - to be met with a drooped smile, a nod brushing away the concern. often Arthur mustering up the energy to try and cheer her up, suggest they go do something fun so she can de-stress.
his permanently distracted mind always wanders back to Lewis and it never really settles in (his spirit not holding a grudge for his death and because of that only really understanding Vivi's absolute hatred in an abstract sense), he suggests they find him again, the cycle restarts anew.
meanwhile Lewis, devastated and now constantly fighting his unfinished business to seeing his friends safe to stay away only sees Arthur's tethered spirit a few months later when his will breaks and he allows himself to watch from a distance.
but it's not a ghost is a ghost is a ghost and that's that. he sees nothing so sinister as shackles or chains. but a ghost that forms has always done so for a purpose, or regrets, or Anything that gives them a reason to not pass on, a tether they hold to the mortal plane. but the shade bobbing along at heel has nothing of its own. a blue string keeps him like a balloon, wrapped a thousand times around its holder's hands for fear of it slipping away in the wind.
concern overrides common sense, as is wont to do. he approaches and Vivi nearly manages to smite him on sight, only held back because she doesn't actually know how to properly do so. but after bats are (begrudgingly) put away and skulls are re-aquired from across the parking lot, it stings to see Arthur some of the most aware he's ever been as he greets the ghost.
she sees his murderer, he sees only an old friend. 
Vivi is (extremely understandably) both infuriated and devastated in turns. she wants less than nothing to do with this Monster, but the man she's spent so long night and day begging to come back to her is responding positively to its presence. she is truly in her worst lose-lose situation
Lewis keeps his distance as best he can in the time after, he sees the fine threads of connection weaving when he talks with the shadow, bringing it ever slowly back to them. but is it right, or merely cruel to do so? to convince a soul that should be at peace to turn itself back, bind it to existence just because they aren't ready to let go of their friend? is Arthur doing this for himself, or for them, or is he even aware enough of it to be doing it on purpose? he still says he's tired, that he just wants to sleep. they're together again, he's happy, seeming oblivious the two are steadfastly avoiding all but the most required interaction with the other. are they coercing him into ghostlihood by encouraging these ties he likely doesn't even notice are forming? tying him to a reality that doesn't exist?
((I don't know. I don't know if he stays and regains himself. I don't know if they let him go. I don't know what happens after except in all cases they must mourn what was lost, what will never be the same again.))
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tea-dragonz · 1 year
Theorizing about Korina’s mother because yes (long post)
So, the mystery of who Korina’s mother is has been around since OoO and has yet to be solved at the time of writing this. It seems like we might get an answer this week (?) so I thought I’d throw all of my theorizing out in the open before the reveal.
Information we have on Korina’s mother:
Light blue eyes and blue hair with stars - It has been pointed out multiple times how Korina bears a very strong resemblance to her mother, and Thanatos put emphasis on her eyes and hair. She clearly doesn’t get those features from Morpheus, so it’s safe to assume that they’re from her mother.
Association with stars / the night sky - Her hair has stars in it, the star orb in Morpheus’ library appears to be a gift from her, Thanatos describes her as having a “reach that extended beyond the stars”, and when Korina’s mother talks to her through her dreams the background is the galaxy (very distinct from Korina and Thanatos’ white void dreamscape and Mors’ black void dreamscape).
Wings (but it’s complicated?) - Thanatos mentions that it is strange how Korina didn’t get wings considering that both of her parents have them. When Korina asks if her mother has wings, he says “It’s complicated”. We also have no clue on what they could look like, so they might be feathered, butterfly/other insect wings, bat wings, or something more abstract.
Not a mortal - For the above reasons, it’s safe to assume that Korina’s mother isn’t a mortal (at least, not fully). Of course, the possibility of her mother being a demigod or legacy still can’t be ruled out.
Unknown whereabouts - self-explanatory
Information that may not be relevant but is still interesting:
Height (this one is also kinda weird) - Thanatos at the beginning of the series describes her as small and says that Korina will probably end up being taller than her. More recently, when commenting on how tall Korina has gotten, he says that it “must be her mother’s blood”. So either Korina’s mother is just small in a family of giants or somethin else idk
She has a pretty decently high alcohol tolerance, much more so than Morpheus apparently
She has light magic, which Korina ends up inheriting. It is noted that both she and Morpheus were never one for fighting.
Had chronic back pain that may or may not be related to her wings (and if Korina’s pain is anything to go off of, it may have eventually evolved into full body pain)
So with all this info laid out, let’s list potential candidates. I’m gonna be assuming that her mother is a god for this, though if we want to go with the demigod/legacy idea we can consider them descendants from this list of gods. Other pantheons such as the Norse and Egyptian ones have been mentioned, so all pantheons are on the table. Listed from who seems least likely to who seems most likely.
Citlalicue (Latin American creator goddess associated with stars, “Star Garment”)
She is associated with the Earth, stars, and Milky Way, which lines up with the associations with the stars
She is also associated with death and darkness, which ties into Korina’s relationship with Mors
Different pantheon could explain her absence
There is no mention of her having wings, and there is just very little concrete information on her in general
Tala (Tagalog goddess of stars, “Bright Star”)
Tala is involved with the creation of the stars and the Tagalog traditional constellation
She uses orbs of light to guide people to safety at night, which is reminiscent of the star orb that Morpheus keeps as a reminder of Korina’s mother
Different pantheon could explain her absence
There is no mention of wings and just very little information on her in general
Nyx (Greek primordial goddess of the night)
Nyx is the embodiment of the night, which ties back to the stars
She is also always depicted with wings
The big problem with this one is the awkward family dynamic. Nyx is the mother of Thanatos and mother/grandmother of Morpheus in the myths. In Korina’s Origin, they have a brotherly bond and are stated to have no blood relation. Kat herself has said that she doesn’t plan on introducing Nyx anytime soon because of how complex things would get as a result, so that idea’s dead in the water.
Nut (Egyptian goddess of the night sky)
Nut is a goddess of the sky, stars, cosmos, astronomy and the universe, which ties in with Korina’s star imagery
She is also a goddess of motherhood, which ties into Korina’s altruistic nature
Another role she has is as a protector of the dead, which ties in with Korina’s relationship with Mors
While Nut being from a different pantheon would explain her absence, the Greek and Egyptian pantheons are also quite interconnected in canon, which makes interactions between the two fairly plausible
Nut has never been depicted with wings as far as we know
She is also commonly associated with cows, which Korina has so far not been associated with. However, demigods in OoO don’t always take after all of their parents’ traits so it is still plausible
Astraea (Greek goddess of Justice, “Starry Maiden”)
She fulfils the requirement of wings and association with stars
Her role as a goddess of justice and the personification of the Virgo constellation ties into Korina’s altruistic and at times innocent personality
Something interesting to note is that Korina means “maiden” and Astraea is referred to as “Starry Maiden”.
However, she is a virgin goddess and as such would probably not have had children as a result. Also, one of her most prominent myths involves her leaving Earth to return to Olympus, so the gods should know of her whereabouts. Despite these being prominent traits in the original myths, they may still have changed them in Korina’s Origin or even used them as the reasons for her absence.
Asteria (Titaness of falling stars and nighttime divination)
Asteria is a goddess of falling stars, which ties in with the star association
She is known for transforming into a quail, which would give her wings and put Thanatos’ “It’s complicated” line into context
The “nighttime divination” part of her skillset refers to oneiromancy, or in short, prophetic dreams, which ties in with Korina and Morpheus’ abilities. In one source I found she is referred to as the “Queen of ghosts” which could tie into Korina’s relationship with Mors and Thanatos, though I don’t know how “canon” this can be considered.
The big elephant in the room comes once again from her most prominent myth. According to the myth, she transformed herself into an island with no way to move or transform back as far as we know. Again, this might be used as the reason for her absence.
Now that we’ve covered possible candidates, let’s talk about possible reasons as to why Korina’s mother is out of the picture:
Death has automatically been ruled out. - If she was dead, Thanatos would know about it but it’s been well established that even he doesn’t know where she is.
Living in another pantheon or realm, such as the human realm, making a conscious decision not to return to the gods for one reason or another
Trapped / Imprisoned by an outside force
It’s an Elfilin / Elfilis situation or a Brypu kids situation - Basically, Korina is her mother or a part of her mother’s soul made into a completely new person via magical means.
This post has gone on for long enough and I think I’ve gone over all of my thoughts and theories, so I’ll come back with a follow up to this whenever the big reveal happens.
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pondslime · 1 year
sam i swear that anon asking about ur sideblog tags has the right idea IT FEELS FIC TAGGY??? it might not be but am i gonna be surprised if its like. the next big masterpiece you write? NO imma be the creator of the ventiswampwater conspiracy crew
every monday wednesday & thursday is when u *think* we’ll be meeting but its actually an every day 9-5 life experience. its ingrained, its forever. its devotion is what it is. smh im a lil goofy for ur fics
next exit does feel very thoroughfare isaiah abram taking ethel cain west in a very manipulative, cannibalistic way!!! not healthy whatsoever!!! nasty fuckery vibes, rancid ho binclair vibes i tell ye!!!
nice weather we’re having eh?
AAAAAA lan 😭💕not the ventiswampwater conspiracy crew jhdfsjhfdjhdf I'm yellin
here's a lil tag directory post to kinda explain a lil bit of the method behind the madness!! my stupid ass is tethered forever 2 the Aesthetic, sadly hdsfjdfsjhdfsj so I cannot just have NORMAL tags💀
had to hop over bc as soon as I went to answer this, I FULLY forgot every single tag I use jfdhjhfdjhfds
but anyway!! a lil breakdown
places to be (forgotten): basically any location that gives me big ambrose vibes
memoirs: sinclair bro childhood vibes!! oh yikes!!!
nightmares: kinda. the reader's fears/unpleasant realities inspo
sitting on the shelves of your mind: things you can find around the house! or alternately! the house that is the reader's psyche!
visage: reader outfit/pose inspo/abstract perception of self. lots of deer in here!! what's that all about!! (not supposed to actually represent what the reader looks like. bc the reader is a nondescript blob of pain n agony. but like. the Vibes. u know)
on the turntable: song inspo!
b/v/l: specific inspo for boseph, vinny, and les
going forward I'll probably have a tag for each new fic I'm brainstorming!! next exit (yes, the fic title is a reference to an interpol song!! bc this is me. ofc it is lmao) is the first one I've used so far bc I have concert fuckery and sweatyweird chance encounters w/bongo sinclogo on my mind atm. regrettably.
and YES!!! he is very rancid in this fic!! in a weird way!!! I just. LOVE writing him when he's on his theater kid shit. and he really gets into it here. he's taken the night off from murderfuck to go drip w/sweat @ a concert and pretend he's a normal person. well, normal is a stretch. but he isn't murderfucking tonight!! so that's smthn (nothing). 🤡🪦
mwah mwah love u tysm for giving me an excuse to holler on abt the dumb shit I'm writing MWAH
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actias-android · 2 years
Realized I never made a pinned post so I'm gonna do that...
Last updated 5/21/24.
Anyway hello! My name is Nevi. If you recognize me from anywhere else, no you don't.
Previously astral-actias.
I'm almost 40! Hooray for me, it's kinda great.
I'm disabled, less hooray for me lol.
I got the ADHD and autism wombo combo. If you think I'm being intentionally obtuse or inflammatory, but I haven't directly told you to go fuck yourself, it's probably just that my tone doesn't carry via text.
99% of the time I'm not actually trying to start shit.
You will know if I am trying to start shit, believe me. I'm not subtle. I do not try to be subtle. I will directly tell you to go fuck yourself or some variant thereof if I'm actually trying to start shit, because I don't believe in making people read between the lines.
I sometimes get far enough into my own head that I'll lose the thread of conversations, especially if they're fairly abstract.
I'm fairly openly trans masculine, he/him or they/them pronouns.
Also I'm a traumagenic system but it's kinda neither here nor there with regards to this particular blog. You can safely just refer to me singly.
I'm mainly a reploid, from the Mega Man X series. Not any specific one, I'm just me, though I do think of myself as fictional all the same. I do not categorize this as either spiritual or psychological; I am whatever makes me happiest to be, and being a reploid makes me happy.
I'm also a luna moth-like fae. This hasn't stopped being true, but it's very in the background now, and I don't really do anything with it.
That being said I also identify as human too, because I'm living a human life in a human body in human society with fellow humans.
I am emphatically not otherkin. Please do not call me otherkin, I will be pissed if I have to correct you more than once (though you do get a free strike or several if you're acting in good faith, because I know remembering everyone's terminology is a pain). You can call me a reploid, a robot, an android, a computer, robotic, fae, a faery, human+, transspecies, ontopunk, or just simply nonhuman. I have serious qualms with the otherkin subculture and am not a part of it any further than interacting with some members of it.
I have very strong opinions.
Like just in general, but especially on the topic of whether one can choose to be nonhuman.
Short answer: yes. Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.
More seriously I post about it with some frequency so you can probably find my thoughts on it easily enough.
I don't care for DNIs. I don't have one. If I don't want to interact with someone, I just won't. If you're a gatekeeper or a shit stirrer, I can and will just block on sight and save us all the trouble.
If you don't want to interact with me, feel free to block me. I do not feel any kind of way about this and I would rather have no exchange than an unpleasant exchange. I am not entitled to your time, space, or energy just as you are not entitled to mine.
If you have a DNI, I probably won't notice it. I mostly don't think it's reasonable to expect someone to have to find a list that may be hidden in a funky blog theme and know a bunch of discourse stance names before even reblogging something.
That said, the two that come up the most seem to be anti/pro fiction and endogenic systems, so I guess I can state what I think about those real briefly and you can make up your own mind:
Fiction, reality, and censorship are far too complex to boil down into two opposing stances of "literally anything is permissable" and "won't somebody think of the children." I do not subscribe to either 'side' because they're both gravely oversimplifying the issue. This is not the same as neutral or undecided. This is a distinct third opinion.
If someone tells me their mind(s) works in a way, I believe them, because they live there and I do not. There is no endpoint in the human experience that cannot be reached via several different means. I think there's a lot more commonality between types of plurality than there are differences, and exploring that is not possible while people are entrenched into two opposing camps. I think it's entirely possible to be supportive to all types of plurality without treating it as some kind of zero-sum game.
Anyway I also do not at all care for coining new micro terms, making up flags, or mood boards. I block blogs who specialize in these so I don't have to look at them in tag searches. Nothing personal.
I will update this over time as I see fit.
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