#this is her formal wear btw
amethyst-halo · 10 months
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a pass at a riju redesign ive been researching so much for her. lays on the floor
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trensu · 1 year
chrissy the vampire slayer
Chrissy screamed. She KNEW taking the shortcut was a bad idea. A cheerleader in the woods after dark by herself? That's the start of at least three different horror movies, she's pretty sure. But Jason had ditched her after winning the game for some victory party with the rest of his basketball buddies and he had been her ride home.
A hulking man pounded after her. Chrissy pushed her legs to run faster, faster. It was a miracle she hadn't tripped over a branch or gotten her foot caught in one of the many hidey-holes the cute little forest critters burrowed into ground. This was a stupid way to die, she berated herself. Jason hadn't even gotten the winning shot in, the dick. It was the upperclassman, Steve Harrington, who did that but Jason was such a suck up that of course he immediately followed Steve to the stupid party like the world's stupidest dog.
How had the man not caught up with her yet? He easily had a foot on her in height. She chanced a look over her shoulder and screamed again as she saw he was still determinedly chasing her.
She broke into a clearing. Except it wasn't a clearing, it was a graveyard because why not make it easier for the creep to hide her body after murdering her? A hysterical giggle got caught in her throat as she quickly came up to a gravestone. Her momentum was not going to allow her to swerve around it without toppling over and then it would be lights out for her forever.
She took a wild leap, closing her eyes in an effort to brace for the inevitable collision, but shockingly she bounded over it like a freaking star track runner. The man behind her crashed into it but before Chrissy could thank her lucky stars for the reprieve, the gravestone instead of tripping up her pursuer freaking broke in half under the force of his impact.
Chrissy sobbed and continued to run blindly through the empty cold graveyard. How was she still running? She was panting for breath but out of sheer fear rather than exhaustion. The man didn't sound out of breath at all as he came after her with the doggedness of an oncoming training. If she didn't know better, she'd say he wasn't breathing at all.
She hastily scrubbed her arm over her eyes to clear the tears away and in that moment of temporary blindness, crashed into the side of the mausoleum with a pained grunt. She scrabbled to stay on her feet. The man, seeing her cornered, slowed to a stop before her and she turned to see him clearly for the first time in the clear full moon light.
Chrissy shrieked when she saw his face. It was...wrong. His brow was deformed, making his sickly yellow eyes look sunken into his face. He grinned at her, revealing disturbingly pointed teeth. He chuckled.
"Poor little girl," he said. "All alone after dark."
He prowled closer and Chrissy felt panic overwhelm her. But then another voice broke the night.
"Hey, cheer queen, catch!"
Chrissy and the man with the deformed face both instinctively turned to look at whoever spoke. Something was thrown at her and Chrissy caught it right out of the air like some kind of major league baseball player. Her hand wrapped around the object and some part of her recognized the feel of it.
It triggered something in her mind and, with no input from any higher thought process, Chrissy twirled the thing in her hand and threw herself forward at the man that had terrorized her. The thing pierced right through the man's rib cage like a hot knife through butter. The man only had enough time to look at her with surprised, widened eyes before he burst into a cloud of dust.
She gasped, accidentally breathed in some of the dust, and devolved into a coughing fit. By the time she was able to catch her breath, the person who had thrown the thing at her, had reached her side.
"So, you're the new slayer."
Chrissy looked up to see Eddie the Freak Munson. Her grip on the thing in her hand tightened as her whole body tensed again. Eddie noticed and hopped back hurriedly with his hands raised up. He smiled benignly at her.
"What is this? What did you call me?" Chrissy asked, gesturing the thing in her hand.
"That," Eddie said in a tone far too chipper for the graveyard and pile of dust nearby, "is a stake, commonly used to fight vampires. And you, cheer queen, are now the slayer. Congrats! Now c'mon, you should talk to my uncle."
Eddie bent down to pick up a black tin lunchbox he must've dropped earlier and then started to saunter off.
"I'm not going anywhere with you," Chrissy squeaked. "Are you kidding me? I just got attacked and I stabbed someone and, and, and what the fuck is a slayer?"
Chrissy was not proud at how her words ended in a shriek, but the last hour had been very very stressful and she thought she was entitled to a little hysteria. Eddie halted and turned around. His face softened for a moment.
"I get it, it's been really scary so far," he said, more kindly than before. "Being a slayer is no joke, I know, but you'll feel better after talking to my uncle. Hopefully."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Chrissy hiccuped. She felt her eyes get teary again. Eddie huffed, his patience clearly wearing thin but trying to keep it under wraps.
"Look, do you want to stay here all alone? In a graveyard? At night?"
"Then let's go."
Eddie stalked off. Chrissy hurried after him, a deathgrip still on the stake he had thrown at her.
"What were you doing here anyway?" she asked. Eddie rattled the lunchbox he held.
"The ambience here is good for business. Jocks keep their transactions short, with minimal threats. Especially after a winning game. Your boytoy do you proud?" Eddie slanted his eyes at her and waggled his eyebrows. Chrissy grimaced at the phrasing but shook her head.
"No, Steve scored the winning shot. I think he's in your grade?"
"Steeeve Harrington," Eddie drawled with derision. "Of course he did. Douchebag's going to be insufferable."
"Hey," Chrissy protested. She liked Steve. He was funny and he treated all the cheerleaders respectfully, unlike some of the other jocks. "Steve's a nice guy. He's sweet."
"Ha! Hate to break it to you, cheer queen, but there's no way a guy that loaded and that pretty is anything but a douchebag," Eddie snorted.
"So you think he's pretty?" Chrissy snarked back, feeling oddly defensive of Steve. True, Steve could get...prickly...sometimes, but she'd also seen him stop to help a middle school kid find his missing lizard or whatever it was, so she knew he wasn't all that bad.
Eddie stumbled and his cheeks pinked.
"I never said that," he spluttered, eye darting at her and away very quickly. "It's, it's just what all the girls say about him. And he's always strutting around everywhere expecting everyone to fawn over him like he's some kind of Prince Charming. It's distracting. Uh, annoying, I mean."
Oh. Chrissy thought of the trumpet girl in the school band and how she always managed to catch Chrissy's attention no matter what she was doing. The way the girl smiled at her bandmates, the way her brow furrowed while playing...Chrissy felt herself flush, too. Well, that was something to tuck away in a mental box to think about later. Much later. Like, maybe in ten years later. She wondered if Eddie the Freak Munson had a mental box like hers too.
The silence stretched awkwardly between them as they exited the graveyard. Eddie opened the door to his van and bowed dramatically at her as she levered herself in. He made his way around the vehicle and clambered into the driver's seat. The old thing started up on the second try. As Eddie jolted them along the empty road and headed towards the trailer park, it occurred to Chrissy she should ask.
"Why would your uncle be able to help me?"
"You mean aside from being the best guy in all of Hawkins? He used to be a Watcher. He knows how all this goes."
That answered absolutely nothing. Chrissy frowned but kept quiet. She had a feeling Eddie wouldn't say any more about it until they'd met with Wayne Munson anyway.
#trensu tells stories#stranger things#chrissy cunningham#eddie munson#buckingham#steddie#vampires#chrissy the vampire slayer#btvs#eddie is the son of a slayer here#just btw#wayne obviously was her watcher and was devastated when she died#killed in the line of duty to be more accurate#leaving behind little 5yo eddie#wayne had been around so much by then that eddie already knew him as 'uncle' wayne#so when he gave up watcherhood and formally adopted eddie he let him continue thinking of him as his uncle#the black leather jacket eddie wears every day used to belong to his mom#and jsyk steve plays the role of cordelia in this fic#except that he doesn't bully chrissy because he's always focused on eddie#he's REALLY bitchy at him which eddie finds kind of hot though he'd never ever admit it even under torture#meanwhile chrissy is a total mess around one robin buckley who never gives her the time of day because she's mooning over vickie#chrissy eventually gets her girl but not without a lot of pining and shenanigans#im thinking robin and steve get swept up in some supernatural conspiracy accidentally and chrissy has to save them#robin watching chrissy punching and staking vampires left and right in her cheer uniform: i hope this doesn't awaken anything in me#steve watching eddie pick the lock keeping them trapped with his tongue poking out in concentration: oh no he's hot#apparently steve is into bad boys#*judas priest's breaking the law plays in the background*#robin on the other hand has a whole new appreciation for both the flexibility required for cheer and how short those skirts are
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ancientgreekyuri · 6 months
i was gonna ask this in the tags but then realized thats not the best way to ask a question LOL — but what's the story behind az's new outfit u posted ? as in, is it a postgame outfit for her or smth like an alt with floette in masters? :o (@dmclr)
thank you for the question ^.^ to preface this I am #Addicted to putting AZ in outfits I think it's such fun 😭 I have a few different "post-game" outfits AZ would wear but for this particular drawing... Well when I was colouring it I realized it looked like something Lysandre might wear 😭 so the story is simply is that the nephew gave a recommendation on what may make a nice classy fit (and floette got a matching ribbon bc I love them accessorizing together... World's silliest sisters) and AZ decided to follow suit about it... Though I did think about it being an alt in masters too :~)
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queenofthepunks · 10 months
More of Piriza!
Yeah yall are gonna be seeing a lot of her on this page! (Even with Tropy lmao)
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N. Tropy's Immediate reaction to seeing his GORGEOUS alien wife in her retro style dress.
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
hey another prompt; r is a teacher in Abbott for years now and has a specific styling of clothes. More of baggy loose clothes. As if her wardrobe are full off oversized pants and button up shirts and either a loafers or converse high lugged. And for some days, she dresses horribly, like more horribly than Janine and one time even managed to put on different shoes 🤦🏻‍♀️. Ava pokes fun of it and Barb and Janine even tried to help r out with dressing up, offering a shopping get together and sort but she declines says she's happy with what she wears and it's comfy. Mel joins teasing r once in a while tho and r just gonna roll her eyes playfully 'cause she's friends with her and knows that Mel was just a lil jealous that r can wear such comfy clothes tho it looks horrible. Then one day there will be like a school visit from.the district and Ava recquired all of the staff to wear formal or casual attire,ofc she makes fun of r again asking what horrible choices of clothes again is she gonna wear. Barb and Janine offered help and again she declines. Then the next day they're all in the staff room talking about it and when Mel is about to say something, r strode inside wearing nice clothes, even nicer than Ava and shocked to see she's wearing skirt and slaying the high heels without stuttering or wobbling. Mel, who's have her mouth agape and having a hard time taking her eyes off the teacher now became the new center of teasing as the teacher walks up to her and closed her mouth saying she might catch fly with a smirk on her face before leaving the break room to start her class.
Hello! This was cute and funny and I enjoyed writing this fic! I hope it turned out how you wanted. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m getting through your prompts. I got 8 left and one extra. I also started the next chapter of worth it and got a Marilyn one shot idea. I also got an idea for a Melissa one shot. So lots in store in the future! Btw I’ve noticed that there’s not as many people who reads the Chessy ones, even though it’s the same actress🤔
Warnings: jealous Mel 😏, smut, fluff
Words: 3.4K
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You walk into the break room with sweats and an oversized shirt on.
“Woah girl, I think you need a wardrobe change. You do realise it’s spring right?” Ava says as soon as you walk in and she sees your outfit.
You sit down at Melissa and Barb’s table and Melissa looks at you and smiles. “I have to agree with Ava, and I thought Janine’s outfits were bad, but yours are a whole other level.” She tells you and you roll your eyes.
“Heeyyy.” Janine complains when she heard what Melissa said and Melissa just smirks.
“Sweetheart, I was thinking that you, me and Janine can go to the thrift store and get some new clothes tomorrow morning.” Barb offers.
“Thanks, but I’m good. I like my clothes, might not be the most stylish but they’re comfortable.” You tell her.
“Girl, your clothes ain’t stylish at all. Like you got two patterns on, they don’t even match.” Ava says.
“Don’t you have some influencing to do? You know, anything besides your actual job?” You tell her and she leaves.
“Why do you have two different patterns on your outfit?” Melissa asks.
“First 2 things I grabbed.” You tell her with a shrug and she shakes her head at you. “You’re just jealous because I don’t care about what I look like and wear comfy clothes.” You tell her and she snorts.
“Hon, there’s comfy and there’s comfy disaster. Which category do you think you fall under?” She asks you and you huff.
“I still think you’re jealous.”
“Keep thinking that hon. Doesn’t make it any more true.” She says back to you. “By the way you realise you have 2 different shoes on right?” She asks you and you look at your feet.
“I do…now.” You tell her and she shakes her head and smiles.
On Monday you walk in with a similar outfit on and Melissa rolls her eyes at you when you sit down. Ava walks in not too long after.
“Listen up, dorks! Tomorrow the school district is coming over for a tour and I need everyone to look good. And I’m mostly talking to you, walking disaster.” She says and looks at you, you just roll your eyes. “Tomorrow can you at least wear something that matches.” She tells you.
“I’ll think about it.” You tell her and she leaves.
“Sweetheart, tonight Janine and I can go to a thrift store with you for an outfit for tomorrow.” Barb tells you and Janine nods her head.
“I’m good, I think I know what outfit to wear tomorrow.” You tell them and Barb looks at you sceptically.
“Are you sure?” She asks and you nod your head.
“Can't wait to see your best mismatched outfit tomorrow.” Melissa teases you and you smile.
Tomorrow morning, everyone is in the break room. Melissa, Barb and Janine are discussing their outfits and then it lands on your outfit.
“What do you think she’s gonna wear today?” Janine asks as she’s getting coffee ready.
Barb shrugs, and when Melissa goes to speak, you waltz in and her eyes go wide and she freezes.
You walk in with heeled boots, black tights, a nice black skirt that ends mid thigh with a nice belt, and a blue blouse that you tucked into the skirt. Melissa’s eyes roam your entire body and you smile.
“Daammn girl. Where has all of this been for 2 years?” Ava says.
“Not needed.” You tell her and you see Melissa’s reaction. You walk over to go put your lunch box in the fridge and you stop at her. You put a hand out to her and place it under her chin, she looks up at you and grin. You then push her mouth closed. “You don’t want to catch flies.” You tease her and everyone hides a snicker. You put your lunchbox in the fridge and then you walk out to your classroom.
“What was that?” Janine asks as everyone stares at where you just were.
“Don’t know, but I approve.” Ava says.
“Even though she looked better than you?” Jacob says and Ava glares.
“Hey.” She tells him sternly. “She looks good today but not better than me, thank you very much.” Ava says, she flips her hair and then walks out.
Melissa is still stunned, she knew you were beautiful underneath all those baggy clothes, and you had a pretty face, but that shocked her. You were stunning and she doesn’t know how to react.
“Melissa?” Barb says and snaps her fingers at her and Melissa jumps and looks at her.
“What?!?” She asks and everyone snickers.
“You ok? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.” Barb says.
“Or she got a crush.” Jacob adds and Melissa whips her head around to him.
“I do not have a crush on her. Just didn’t expect her to look like that today.” She tells him and then turns back around.
Everyone drops it, knowing that Melissa won’t budge, but they don’t forget it.
At lunch, you’re in the break room getting your coffee ready when Melissa walks in. Normally you say hi to her but it seems a teacher is talking to you today. Melissa sees you and the teacher talking and when she gets closer she hears the conversation and realises the teacher is flirting with you. Most of the staff know you’re gay as you’re open about it, and it seems another gay teacher has taken an interest in you today. Melissa doesn’t like it to be honest. She liked it better when you didn’t catch anyone’s eye except hers. She sits down with a sigh and you glance around.
“Oh hi Melissa, didn’t hear you come in.” You tell her with a smile.
“Ya I can see that.” She tells you, a bit snippy and you look at her confused. You bring your attention back on the teacher and she continues whatever she was talking about with you. Melissa is sulking on her phone while glancing at you and the teacher talking, who moved from the coffee machine to the couch. Barb keeps glancing at Melissa, knowing she’s jealous of the teacher flirting with you.
Everyone else seems to be in conversation but that all comes to a halt when they hear the other teacher ask you out and they all spare a glance at Melissa. Melissa freezes and all colour drains from her face. Not wanting to hear your answer, she grabs her things and walks out.
You hear the teacher ask you out and you freeze, you hear the room go silent for some reason and then you see Melissa get up and leave. You look over at everyone else and they all seem to be given a worried look at where Melissa was just standing.
“I’m flattered but no, sorry.” You tell the teacher.
“Are you sure?” She asks again with a smile.
“Ya, I’m interested in someone else.” You tell her and then get up and you walk to Barb. “Is Melissa ok?” You ask her and she shrugs.
“I don’t know dear. Didn’t have time to ask her. Maybe you can go check on her.” She tells you and you nod your head then walk out of the break room.
“This is getting interesting.” Jacob says and everyone agrees.
“Did you see her rocking those heels though, and she didn’t even stumble once today.” Janine says and Jacob looks at her interested in the topic.
“I did ya. She looks good in them too.” He adds.
You walk down the hall to Melissa’s classroom and you knock them open her door. You peak in and catch the tail end of Melissa’s pout before she goes to a neutral face and looks at the door.
“Hey Melissa.” You say to her.
“Hey hon.” She says to you and forces a smile.
“Is it safe to come in?” You ask her and she nods. You open the door more and walk in and then close the door behind you. “Just wanted to check if you were ok. Saw you almost storming out and Barb didn’t know if you were ok either. She suggested I come to make sure you’re alright.” You tell her and she sighs.
Of course Barb told you to come talk to her. She’s been trying to get her to admit her feelings for you for a few months now.
“Ya I’m alright, thanks for asking.” She tells you and you don’t look convinced in the slightest.
“Wanna tell me that while looking at me?” You ask her while she taps a pen on her desk.
“Why should I do that?” She asks and then looks up at you.
“Because it would seem more convincing then the lame ass attempt you already did.” You tell her and she snorts. She makes no attempt at saying it to you though and that worries you a bit. Melissa has never been able to lie to you while looking at you so the fact that she’s not telling you she’s alright while looking at you, it worries you.
You go and grab one of the students chairs and bring it over to sit beside her desk.
“What’s wrong?” You ask her and she looks at you then looks at her pen in her hands.
“Nothing.” She says and you place a finger under her chin and get her to look at you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask her again and she can’t concentrate. All she focuses on is your hand under her chin and she gulps. “I know something is bothering you, so what is it?” You gently push.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” She tells you while looking at you and you nod.
“Are you sure? Cause I’m a great listener.” You tell her with a smile and she smiles back at you.
“Ya I’m sure.” She tells you and you nod.
“Alright well if you change your mind then you know where to find me.” You tell her and you put the chair back and then leave.
As you exit her classroom you bump into a teacher and you apologise to them.
“Y/n? Wow, I almost didn’t recognise you. You look pretty!” The teacher says to you and you smile and thank them. Melissa sees the interaction and presses down on the desk with her pen and the tip of the pen almost breaks.
At the end of the day, you’re all helping your students get ready to leave. You’re zipping up a sweater for one of them and Melissa sees a parent checking you out as your cleavage is showing to them at that angle. You then stand up and tell the student that he’s ready to go. The mom of the student starts a conversation with you and she laughs at whatever you said. Melissa glares the entire time. When all of hers and your students leave, she walks over to you to where the mom is still in conversation with you and Melissa grabs your arm.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt but I need to borrow y/n.” She says and pulls you with her back to her classroom.
“Melissa, what’s going on?” You ask her as she closes the door and walks over to you. “Why did you pull me away from the conversation with the pa-” You don’t get to finish your sentence as her lips on yours interrupt you. She pulls back a couple seconds later and you stare at her with wide eyes.
“That’s what’s going on.” She tells you. “I’m attracted to you. I have been for a few months now. I wasn’t planning on acting on it but then you get all this attention today because of your outfit and I just can’t take it.” She tells you and you are just staring like she was this morning.
“You like me?” You tell her and she sighs.
“Ya hon, I do. That’s why I walked out when that teacher asked you out.” She tells you.
“Melissa, for the record, I turned her offer down.” You say and she looks at you.
“Why?” She asks and you roll your eyes at her.
“Because, it’s hard to show interest in someone when you’re interested in someone else.” You tell her and she looks confused.
“You’re interested in someone else?” She asks and you nod. “W-who?”
“You.” You tell her and her breathe hitches.
“Me?” She asks you and you nod.
“I tried flirting with you a few months ago but you didn’t seem to show any interest back so I stopped.” You tell her. She stares at you for a few seconds then leans forward and captures your lips on hers again. This time she doesn’t pull back and you kiss her back. She pulls your body more to hers and you gasp. Melissa takes the opportunity and slips her tongue in your mouth. You back up as Melissa is starting to push a lot and you end up getting pinned between her and her desk. She lifts you up to sit on her desk and she moves in between your legs. She trails down to your neck and sucks on a sensitive spot and you moan.
She sneaks her hands under you shirt and trails them up until they land on your bra. You aren’t stopping her so she takes that as permission to unclip your bra and again, you don’t stop her. She cups your breasts while still sucking on your neck and you buck your hips. She starts moving her hands in a circular motion and you hum. She then rubs both your nipples and you buck your hips and gasp. “Mel-Melissa, please.” You start to beg and she smirks.
“Begging already? I’ve barely touched you.” She teases and you whine. She takes pity on you and pulls your tights and underwear down and places her hand on your pussy. You moan and she kisses you to keep you quiet. She rubs a finger through your folds and smirks when she feels how wet you already are. “Oh baby, you’re already soaking and I barely touched you. What got you so turned on?” She asks and you can barely think right now. “If you answer then I’ll stick a finger in you.” She whispers next to your ear.
“You.” You stutter out.
“Me? But I barely touched you.” She says and you whine.
“Y-your shirt and y-your k-kisses.” You stutter out and she looks confused and looks down at her shirt. She sees it’s just a normal shirt that she’s worn before and then it clicks.
“Oh, were you staring at my chest today?” She teases you and you nod. “Hmm, good girl.” She tells you with a smirk. She kisses you and then as promised, sticks a finger in your entrance. You gasp into the kiss. She slides her finger in and out and feels your hands wandering on her shirt. She grabs one of your hands and guides it under her shirt and on her bra. Your other hand follows and then she unclips her bra and you slightly pull your hands back. She puts one of your hands on her breast and once again, your other hand follows. You start playing with her breasts and you both moan. She then places one of her legs on the other side of yours and she starts grinding on your thigh while fingering you.
She slides another finger in and you gasp. The one hand that’s not fingering you she places on your back and pushes you to her a bit more. She then suddenly pulls out and pulls away from your lips, you go to complain but then covers your mouth with her hand. You’re in shock but then you hear Barb knocking on her door and calling her name. You both quickly get dressed and then Melissa opens her door while you lean against her desk.
“Hey Barb what’s up?” She asks as casually as she can.
“Nothing just… oh hi y/n.” She says when she sees you and then notices a hickey on your neck that wasn’t there at lunch. She then really looks at Melissa and sees smudged lip gloss and puts 2 and 2 together.
“Hey Barb, I was just talking to Melissa.” You say and Barb smiles.
“Ya I bet. Might want to cover up your hickey and fix your lip gloss.” She says and then walks away. “Good night you two.” She yells and Melissa is blushing.
She turns back to you and walks towards you with a smirk. “Come on, I want to finish you in my car.” She says and grabs your hand and pulls you all the way to her car. She unlocks it and she pushes you into the backseat and climbs on top of you. She closes the door and then immediately takes your top off.
“Melissa what if someone sees.” You ask her and cover yourself with your arms.
“Relax, no other cars in the parking lot except ours.” She tells you and then grabs your hands and gets you to uncover yourself. She then unclips your bra and looks at you. “I knew you had a beautiful body underneath all those baggy clothes.” She says softly and you smile. “Such a shame you hide it, you should be showing it off.” She tells you and you blush.
“When I don’t cover it, then I get attention like I did today.” You tell her and she hums.
“That’s alright if you cover up, that means I don’t have to punch anyone. More for me.” She says and wraps her mouth around a nipple. You moan at her touch and tilt your head back. She goes to the other nipple and you buck your hips. She pulls back and then takes her shirt and bra off.
“Wow.” You say as you look at her. She grabs your chin.
“Speechless are we?” She teases and you nod. You then lean forward and take the nippe in your mouth and she gasps. She holds the sides of the front seats to stabilise herself as you pleasure her breasts with your amazing tongue and mouth. When you pull back she immediately pulls your skirt, tights and underwear down to your ankles. She spreads your legs a bit and looks at you bare before her and smiles. She then goes and rubs your clit and you buck your hips. She rubs it for a few seconds then trails down and sees you're very wet again. She then slides two fingers in immediately and you gasp. You try and spread your legs more but your tights and skirt are preventing you. Melissa sees your struggle and without pulling her fingers out or stopping, she takes your boots off then takes off your clothes. You then immediately spread your legs and Melissa is enjoying the view. She then takes her pants and underwear off then grinds your leg again. Melissa seems to be closer to an orgasm than you are and then she thinks that maybe you only come with clitoral stimulation, so she brings her thumb to your clit. You gasp and in no time you catch up to Melissa and you come a few seconds before she does.
You two stay as you are and catch your breath, she slowly pulls out of you. You look at Melissa and smile at her.
“See something you like hon?” She asks and you smile wider.
“Ya I do actually.” You tell her and you cup her cheek. “You.” You tell her and she smiles back at you.
She hums and leans in closer to you, her breasts pressed up against you and your breathing speeds up. “How about I take you to my place, I cook you dinner and then I don’t keep my hands to myself for the rest of the evening?” She asks and you smile at her.
“I like the sound of that.” And she smiles and winks at you.
You both get dressed and she does exactly what she suggested, although she had trouble keeping her hands to herself the entire time, not just after dinner.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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py-dreamer · 1 month
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so if anyone's concerned, no I'm not dead.
Thankfully the digital studio is intact this year (thank god I would've had another mental breakdown istg-)
to all my lovely marshiemallows, thank y'all so much for your patience omg!!!!
(and to all my mutuals, @furornocturna and @violetjedisylveon in particular I'm so sorry I haven't been responding or active online at all, I'm so sorry-)
But to sum it up:
I'm on holiday in my home country rn and have been having a blast personally. Meeting relatives, childhood friends, the food, familiar places ect.
and I'll admit I do have a lot of free time outside that but honestly I do feel a wee bit burnt out ngl.
And with my spare time, I've jumped down the demon slayer rabbit hole
(huh who would've guessed)
Basically it's all been a huge break for me.
But I will still post lmk stuff dw. Though don't be surprised if you see a kny thingy pop up somewhere in the dreamscape!!
And for those curious about the fic:
I'm sorry I haven't updated at all, the wips are still in my drafts. I have no formal posting schedule but after returning and getting some work sorted out I'll see what I can do! But no promises!
Regardless, about the pic then.
It is a WIP. It's a sketch for a shadowalkers piece (Wooh! Haven't heard of that au in a while eh?)
I have redesigned mostly Bai He's outfit and added a little pouch for Macaca. The change was mostly so I had more freedom to do different top designs for the new members of the fam!
If anyone has suggestions for outfit designs or accessories or jewelery, hair, anything! let me know pls!
This is just the WIP stage and I really want to achieve that semi-wild, untamed but mysterious and refined gypsy look.
(Also its a guilty pleasure of mine to dress up my characters in aus or just for the fun of it lol)
And fun fact: Wukong's the only one in the fam wearing shoes lol.
Another fun fact: That brick pattern rag he's wearing? Was once a part of tripitaka's cassock from their days on the mountain. (see shadowalkers lore summary for context)
I didn't forget their tails this time! Wheeee!!
Oooh! Ooooh! Also the top half of Wukong's body? I did that myself sans references!!! Woooooooh!!!
Not that there's anything wrong with references of course. Pros and beginners use them and I do recommend them for poses, ideas and such.
Though I am proud I could think of something off like memory and make it work! I think...you can tell me otherwise lol
(BTW this is the after of the main plot where shadowpeach reconciles, they escape the town and Bai He gains a new stepbrother!)
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milkemie · 1 month
you are honestly being so disrespectful towards the japanese culture. you clearly fetishize asians and someone even told you kindly that its not realistic to wear kimonos inside because they are uncomfortable and you just completely IGNORED that person, saying that you dont like to play realistically but thats so disrespectful?? you clearly have no respect for real japanese people and the way that your sim maya, a BLACK woman participates in the japanese culture and pretends to be japanese is SO WEIRD. you clearly have a fetish and need help. also i have seen you talk japanese in twitter and honestly get off google translate, youre being disgusting… and the way in one of your posts shin calls mayumi "mayumi-chan" is weird considering that youre not even japanese and it sounds like fetishizing… you clearly watch too much anime and have no idea what kind of country japan really is so stop acting like you know the culture when in reality youre just a anime obsessed weeb who probably doesnt even shower!
i can & will make my sims wear kimonos at home, i sometimes make them wear formal american clothes at home too. the person who made the comment about the kimono even said they totally understood me, so why don't you? i've also seen plenty of japanese simmers who have sims who wear kimonos all the time, shin & maya wore kimonos at home in one video and you're acting like i insulted the whole japanese population
yes maya is black, that doesn't mean she can't participate in japanese culture, her husband is japanese and they live in mt komorebi so of course she will participate in japanese culture. are you saying that we can only play with asian sims in mt komorebi?? i myself have been to japan before and participated in japanese culture, i even went to a traditional onsen where i had to wear a yukata, so you saying i have no idea what japan is like is a little funny
most of my asian mutuals are japanese and they actively support my content, you are clearly not japanese but for some reason you think you can speak for them as if they can't speak for themselves which is so paternalistic
i don't need google translate to write まゆみちゃん, shin is japanese and he will keep calling his child 'mayumi-chan'; my japanese mutuals call mayumi まゆみちゃん too
5. you're a coward for doing all of this anonymously lmao, for someone who hates me you sure seem to keep a very close watch on all of my content, you're obsessed with me in a very weird way but no matter how hard you try, you will not scare me into stopping sharing shin & maya's story so stay mad i guess? i will not reply to your messages anymore btw, i've given you enough attention
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luminalunii97 · 2 years
I've seen non Iranians admiring the Islamic Republic national football team for not singing the national anthem. And then they were confused as to why iranians were happy that the team lost. Yes not singing the anthem might have consequences for them, but it won't change the fact that these people went to visit Raisi, the Islamic Republic president and bowed to him, posed happily for pictures while we were dealing with Kiam Pirfalak news, and said they don't care about politics and what's going on Iran in an interview, stating that they will focus on the game only. Not singing the anthem is nothing in comparison. And you might think they were under pressure. So were other athletes in Iran, let's see what they did:
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Picture on the right is Elnaz Rekabi, an Iranian rock climber who was the first athlete to take off her hijab during Mahsa Amini protests to show her solidarity with people. She's currently under house arrest. she wasn't the first Iranian woman ever doing that. On the left, that's Shohreh Bayat, her story is so sad.
In many interviews I've seen of her, she always cries when she says her story. She was to referee the final of the Women's World Chess Championship a couple of years ago. While in another country she decided to wear her hijab loosely in an act of rebellion. She got warning from Islamic Republic twice and everytime she made it worse. She was asked to apologize but she refused, saying that she wouldn't apologize for what she believes in. At last, even though she wasn't ready to leave everything behind and start from scratch in a foreign country, she decided to ditch the compulsory hijab completely and never come back to Iran, because her life would be in danger if she did. Because of her choice she can't come back to visit her family anymore. her family supported her which made the authorities to force her father to resign (her father was the president of chess association in Gilan, Iran).
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Then we had Iranian national beach soccer team. I think they were the first group who refused to sing Islamic republic national anthem. And after they got threatened to sing the anthem, they did something even more iconic. One of the players cut his imaginary hair after he scored.
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Then we had these two scenes after scoring. They were recreating an inhuman thing Islamic republic did. The guy on the right is Khodanoor Lajei. He was murdered on bloody Friday in Zahedan. He was a Baloch guy. I'm going to post about Balochs and the thing that's been done to them by Islamic republic in details. For now know that this guy got killed in protests but this picture of him is for a couple of months back. He insulted a Basiji guy or something, Islamic republic police chained him to a pole in the middle of the city to make him an example for others, after beating him. When he asked for water they brought him a cup but they put it out of his reach in front of him and laughed at his thirst. (You see why we hate Islamic Republic, IRGC and Basij?!) The picture got out only after his death because Baloch people didn't think the rest of Iran would care about them enough to react. That broke my heart unspeakably much.
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With so much bravery, our national girl's basketball team has been posting photos without mandatory hijab ever since the protests have begun.
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Last but not least, Parmida Ghasemi, iranian archer ditching mandatory hijab inside of iran. She took it out for receiving the prize and while she was being photographed.
(Btw, non of these women "forgot" their hijab accidentally. If you're iranian you learn to never forget your hijab since you're 7, the age you start school. Without a formal head wearing you won't be allowed to attend school classes. When you grow up with it, you'll get used to it. You have no idea how weird it feels to not wear a veil in public, I'm still getting used to it.)
we've witnessed many iconic brave moves by our athletes but non of them said we don't give a shit about what's happening in Iran before the game. I'm not saying they won't be redeemed one day, I'm just saying they should work to win their respect back.
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theemissuniverse · 1 year
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SUMMARY : You and Mileena are in a debate of who’s the “man” in the relationship. To be clear you are slightly a masculine woman. (Not fully just have some masculine traits). This is based on a shameless episode btw. This is a joke to poke FUN at the ridiculousness of the running gag that there has to be a “man” in the relationship. Do not take it seriously
WARNINGS : I don’t think any but maybe gender “traditional” for some??? It’s a happy ending either way so don’t cry in my comments pls. I just thought it was a funny concept
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Mileena was prepping up the palace for a ball she was having. As she did so, your Earthrealm comrades were sitting at the table eating with Kitana. You were on your phone.
Your Empress had walked up to you and showed you a pretty black ball dress. “Look, (Y/N)! This would look stunning on you!”
You took a look at it and practically gagged a little. “No thanks.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
You gave your girlfriend a look like it was obvious. “Does it look like I wear dresses, sweetheart?”
Mileena handed the dress to one of her servants before angrily turning to you. “Aren’t you a girl?”
“Are you saying all girls have to wear dresses? Not very gender inclusive of you.” You taunted at her a little and when you seen the death glare she shot at you, you immediately shut up.
Johnny Cage placed his fork down before looking at the two of you. “Which one of you is the man in the relationship anyway?” They all turned to give him a look and he shrugged as if he didn’t say anything wrong. “What? I’m asking the real questions.”
“I am.” You and Mileena both said at the same time.
You erupted with laughter. Mileena gave you a dirty look. “What? What is so funny?”
You stood up from your seat and swung your arm around her. “Mileena you are not close to being the man in the relationship.”
Mileena removed your arm around her. “Excuse you but who killed the spider last Friday? Me.”
“Spider phobia is a real thing.”
“Arachnophobia.” Raiden quickly corrected you.
Johnny intervened. “Alright I can quickly settle this. Who does the hitting in the relationship?”
Mileena quickly slapped you to prove a point. “I do.”
You felt your face and gave her a ‘what the fuck’ look. “Um…OW!”
Johnny looked to see your reaction. He nodded and went back to eating. “(Y/N), let you hit her. She’s the man.”
You laughed in Mileena’s face and Mileena gave Johnny a look. “How does that prove anything?!”
“It just does.”
Kitana shook her head. “You all are ridiculous…but if I had to pick who then Mileena.”
This time, Mileena laughed in your face and you rolled your eyes. “What criteria does she reach for you to assume that?”
“Last time I checked, Mileena is the one that always defends your honor.”
Kung Lao decided to speak. “Who does the cooking and cleaning?”
“I do.” You said.
“Yeah, Mileena’s the man.”
You scoffed. “Oh? Sue me because I like a nice and clean lifestyle with a home cooked meal while this one likes to live like we’re at the barn in Charlotte’s Webb.” You said all while pointing at Mileena.
Mileena slapped your shoulder with a gasp. “I do not! I just don’t have time to clean or cook. Unlike you I have a palace to run.”
“Right because throwing the 10,000th annual ball for the third time this week really sums up as ‘I’m busy.’”
“Oh god…they even fight like a married couple.” Kenshi said.
You turned your attention to Raiden. “Raiden. Buddy. Please help my girlfriend’s insanity and tell her the truth!”
Raiden sighed. “I do not want to be part of this ridiculous argument.” When he seen your puppy dog eyes he shook his head. “That was a very feminine thing to do, (Y/N).”
“Dammit!” You stomped your foot and Mileena laughed. Liu Kang finally joined the table. He sat down and you thought this was your one hope. “Lord Liu Kang. Be honest. Who’s the man in the relationship? Me? Or the woman that was literally formally a princess?” When he was about to say something, you cut him off. “And if you say you’re too high and mighty to have this conversation-so help the Elder Gods, I will burn this place to the ground.”
Liu Kang leaned back in his seat as if to think of it. Then he spoke. “Mileena.”
“What?” You asked shocked. “Who’s side are you on? So much for my mentor.”
“Wait a second.” Kenshi said. “Who’s on top when you guys go at it?”
“Me.” You and Mileena both say again.
You gave Mileena a look. “You being on top every third Tuesday of the month does not count.”
“We should’ve led up with that question…” Johnny trailed off. “Yeah, (Y/N) is the man. Debate over.”
Mileena gasped as if she was outraged. “You know what? I don’t even care! I just wanted you to wear the dress! Can’t you do anything I ask of you?”
She stormed off. You watch her walk off and you turned back to your friends. “So that temper tantrum solidified me being the man right?” Everyone nodded saying a ‘yeah’ “Good.”
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Mileena’s ball was happening. She sat on the throne wearing her pink dress. You hadn’t arrived. She was starting to think that you were actually mad at her.
She sighed, fiddling with her drink with the straw. That’s when she heard footsteps reach her throne. She looked up and there she saw you.
There you stood in the black ball gown that she had showed you earlier. Mileena smiled big. “(Y/N).”
“You are so lucky this is an all black dress.”
Mileena set her drink down and went to hug you. You hugged her back lovingly. She pulled back and noticed you wearing black sneakers.
“I don’t do heels.”
Mileena didn’t care though. You were wearing the dress. “That’s sweet of you, lover but if you were really uncomfortable with wearing the dress then you didn’t have to wear it.”
You shrugged a little. “It’s not a big deal. You like it so I like it. Plus, I look hot.”
“That you do.” She gave you a peck on the lips. “Let’s go dance. I’m leading.”
“Yeah, you wish.”
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TAG GING : @zhivaxo , @sinclxirx , @roseflowerbed12 , @daeneeryss , @blexel
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gaeforwom3n · 30 days
Fake Dating
Pair: Vada Cavell x fem!oc
Warning: this is dog water ahh writing and I’m just doing this for shits and giggles
A/n: I’m sorry for not posting for 3 months..
This is a series btw.. part 2 (coming soon)
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Parental alienation, your parents were narcissistic manipulators. Your sister was always the daughter who was always on the podium, the center of attention and applause. You were the scapegoat, the mistreated little princess who was waiting for her prince charming... Or not, annoying your parents became a hobby, especially on your sister's wedding day.
A luxurious cruise, elegant cabins, unlimited drinks... the perfect wedding, 'if it weren't for the presence of your strange sister' they said. Well, maybe they were right, you did everything to irritate your parents and your sister, including ruining your sister's big day by bringing an unexpected date. Vada Cavell, your high school classmate, in a quick definition, is everything that your parents abhor. Lesbian, following defeminization, freckled Latina, humble family. Heavens how they hated it was written all over their faces. You weren't dating, in fact, you had to promise Vada that you would do all her homework for a whole semester, but it was worth it, the shocked faces made it worth it.
Vada held your hand, intertwining their fingers right in front of the crowd of guests. McKenzie, your sister, glared at you both from the other side of the cruise, just waiting for one more slip-up to whine for your parents to send you away
"Fake dating was my favorite literary trope."
Vada rambled while observing how luxurious the place was. She dressed formally, as requested in the invitation, in an expensive suit that you paid for her with your parents' money. It wasn't what they expected she would wear, but they couldn't complain, she was still on theme.
"If looks could kill, we would both be buried by now... or left in some ditch"
Vada says jokingly, noticing that her sister didn't take her eyes off you, as if you were murderers or crazy.
“I’m so tired of my shitty parents,” I muttered, my voice shaking with anger. “They needed this.”
Vada chuckled at your comment, nodding as she glanced over her shoulder, only to see the annoyed faces of your parents... They were fuming, even more than usual. Oh how fun this was. If only you had brought a camera to document the annoyed faces they had now.
Vada looked back at you, gently nudging against you with her shoulder, a smirk plastered across her face.
"They look about to explode. How much do you think it'll take for you to get kicked out and disowned?"
London smirked and said, "Kiss me."
Vada raised an eyebrow at your suggestion, a smirk still visible on her face. She chuckled, leaning against you, their faces a couple of centimeters apart.
"Why? So we can shock them even more?"
Vada said in a whisper, her breath brushing against your lips. She was daring you to do it, to cause more chaos in this room
London’s smirk widened as she said, “Trust me, this kiss will make them even angrier.”
Vada smiled, leaning forward so her lips hovered over your ear. Her voice was low and sultry as she whispered her answer.
"It will make them furious. It'll be like pouring gasoline onto the fire that already burns in their hearts for how much they loathe me."
Vada said, a hint of mischief in her voice. She knew this would push your family into a whole new level of anger.
London’s eyes locked onto Vada as she wrapped her arms around Vada’s neck. With a playful challenge in her voice, she asked, "Are you going to kiss me or not?"
Vada smirked as you placed your arms around her neck, her arms slowly wrapping around your waist. She chuckled, looking at you with a mixture of amusement and desire.
"Of course. How could I refuse such a tempting offer?"
Without hesitation, Vada leaned in closer, their lips gently meeting yours in a passionate kiss.
London cups her face and deepens the kiss
Vada's hands tightened around your waist, pulling you even closer to her as the kiss continued. Her lips moved against yours with ease, each movement sending electric sparks through her body. It wasn't just for the sake of pissing off your family, there was a real passion and intensity in that kiss.
Just as you deepened the kiss, Mrs. Thomas stormed over angrily, causing both of you to pull away abruptly.
As you broke the kiss, Vada couldn't help but internally wince at the sight of your mother approaching. She discreetly placed a bit of distance between the two of you, standing a bit more formal to try and earn some kind of point with your family.
"Mrs. Thomas," Vada said as your mother walked up, a polite smile on her face but a knowing glance directed towards you.
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anshares · 5 months
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He Xuan a niche mukbang youtuber suddenly gets an invite to do a collab video by a super popular influencer who also happens to be his online crush!
How will he survive this?!
Click more for full plot!
Modern AU Youtubers - (M/F Flavor Beefleaf)
He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan are Youtubers, the former runs a mukbang and cooking channel and goes by the handle name BlackWater but fans call him Mingyi, his color preferences (and home decor) are mostly in black.
He has pet piranhas, he talks about them most of the time while streaming the cooking segment. His favorite is King Crab Legs; it is often featured in his mukbang videos.
He Xuan is super picky with food, some isn't up to his taste so he learned how to prepare it, hence the cooking channel segment. He also accepts requests from his fans on which food he’ll make next because hey more food to discover and eat for him.
He has a decent following but not that popular, he’s been a niche youtuber for 2 years now.
While the latter is a super popular youtuber who goes by the handle name Windy, the make up master she runs a makeup tutorial channel where she also shares her skin and hair care regimen.
Also does some daily life vlogs occasionally. Shi Qingxuan has a million subscribers and followers on all her socials, she is sponsored by various companies (sometimes her brother’s business partners) and does product giveaways.
She shows a peppy persona which her fans love, always wears fashionable outfits and takes a lot of selfies. She has an older brother who is a business tycoon but he doesn’t support her vlogging work but there’s nothing he can do about it.
Hua Cheng is He Xuan's agent (and debt collector), they knew each other for quite a long time now and can communicate by facial expressions,
Also the piranhas are the reason why He Xuan is in debt with Hua Cheng (that and his equipment are all sponsored by Hua Cheng) and Xie lian is SQX manager and agent, they were best friends back in college.
Fun Fact:
SQX text with lots of emojis a text from her ain't complete without those, if there's no emoji that means it's serious or she is going through something. He xuan text dry one word responses.
Xie lian would probably types so formally with complete sentences with no grammatical error, that's why his text ends up so essay-like
Hua Cheng is full of shortcuts sometimes with numbers.
He Xuan was doing one of his live mukbang when suddenly he chokes on food (it became a viral meme btw), it's because he got a certain notif that a certain popular user followed him so he got shocked and choked on his food. He was happy that one of his fave bloggers followed him back.
They sometimes interact in the comments section. SQX enjoys his vids and often comments on it
Sqx: omg!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 thats so awesome how did you do that?!?!?!!? (゜ロ゜)!!ヽ(゚д゚ヽ)(ノ゚д゚)ノ!! You truly are amazing ming-xiong (*/□\*)
Hx: Thanks
Their agents suggested that they do a collab video so SQX being the way she is super friendly and open to new things reached out first and sent him a DM to invite him into doing a collab with her
where He Xuan will voice over SQX makeup routine and SQX will do the spicy wing challenge (cooked by He Xuan). He Xuan accepted of course it's not everyday that your favorite youtuber (and crush) invites you to do a collaboration with them.
The funny thing is He xuan was SQX fan first and he saw her as a rival vlogger, kinda hate her at first because he found her peppy persona annoying but after a while he got endeared to it
so when she offered to do a collab he jumped for joy all over the room before sitting down and sending a very dry OK to her in response to the collab offer. Hua Cheng just gave him a side eye for being a weirdo.
It was their first time meeting in real life and SQX thought that HX is handsome in person and had a “Oh no he is hot!!” moment. She actually found one of HX videos while she was trying to find food recipes on the internet.
Her brother is on a business trip and XL was sleeping over but being a terrible cook and calamity of the kitchen she took matters into her own hands to avoid food poisoning (never again she swears)
Hua Cheng trolls HX all the time by introducing him or calling HX to SQX as “your biggest fan” or “your secret admirer” and HX denies all allegations with a straight face "I like her a normal amount, I'm not a crazed fan"
but got worried if sqx hated him afterwards because of how he seemed cold in their first meeting.
They are about to shoot their first video collab which is the Spicy wing Challenge, he wants to impress her with his cooking skills.
SQX watches Ming-xiong (she calls him that) prepare and cook the food and the progression of her reaction from heart eyes (because c'mon have you seen him he is hot, such an eye candy and preparing food just for her) to
Oh shit I'm gonna die because of the amount of spice being put into the chicken. Basically she went from (🤩😍🙂😰😨😱) because of the pure hellish torture that awaits her.
He Xuan wants to prepare his favorite dish for the girl of his dreams but didn’t know her shit spice tolerance level and his only taste tester is hua cheng who has dead taste buds who likes the lunch that XL prepared an ominous violet looking food(?)
Off cam
Xl: here san lang do you want to have a taste *ominous looking violet goop*
San lang: i would be honored gege
HC: *looking fine and even liked it* it's very delicious gege
Sqx: what the?? He must have a stomach made of steel
Hx: *nods in agreement*
She was gonna go easy with HX but then the spicy wings incident happened so she went with a Goth makeup routine as revenge for making her eat Mt. Tonglu level spicy food but
she made HX too pretty and it went viral. Viewers got a moment of internal confusion over live chat because of the viral vid HX got a lot of subscribers.
Afterwards they do a lot of collabs and she posts their selfies on insta (dates under the guise of collab vid shooting). Also while shopping SQX buys them silly earrings, Fish bone for HX and leaf for her.
People started to wonder if they were because of their insane chemistry, their fans started calling them beefleaf (they may also use that as titles for their collab videos, SQX idea because she likes the name and emoji for it.)
It's actually their agents who are dating now not them, NOPE NEVER
also before Hualian dated during one of the “double date” aka collab vid shootin. They also do Q & A livestream
Question: Are you two dating?
SQX: Nope, this is my GOOD FRIEND Ming-xiong
HX: we are not friends
SQX: Ming xiong you are so mean!!!
HX: I don't want to be friends with you
Viewers: *Eye emoji* our ship is sailing
viewers can see what HX means but Ms. Windy cant, you have a long way to go Ming-xiong……Fighting!
He Xuan also asked XL what he liked about HC but the way XL describe Hua Cheng is soo….makes him like a dream boat so HX is confused if they are still talking about the same person…
Also he xuan being in denial of his feelings he tries to take an online quiz to find out that he is indeed in love with SQX
Windy went on a short hiatus because one anonymous user (Reverend of Empty Words) kept harassing her and leaves negative comments on all her videos, she tried to ignore it but it became too much.
HX will make a video called “Reading Windy’s Hate Comments and Proving Haters Wrong) he will roast so hard, he did this when SQX was down in the dumps because of that anonymous user.
XL sents the YT link to SQX who is avoiding social media at the moment to cheer her friend up. The anti was mass reported and taken down.
After the reverend's empty words fiasco, she starts seeing him as a man because he supported and defended her and was there for her at her lowest.
She now changed his contact name for HX it is now Ming-xiong ❤️❤️❤️
Cue in SQX vid series of “how to seduce your good friend” plus throw in how to mix and match outfit and make up tutorial in there too but it becomes a running gag that Shi wudu cockblocks them and it's not staged.
They shoot over SQX house cuz she has a bigger kitchen for another cooking segment but ofc SQX has a different goal here, she asks HX to teach her how to cook so there are plenty of being in close contact as he guides her how to use a knife.
She thinks she is the one being seduced instead, beefleaf fans are eating it up and request they do more domestic stuff. The beefleaf fandom watches old videos to see who liked who first so like when they got to that origin vid of that meme of his.
They'll probably see the live chat on the side of the video and see the "coincidence" and right timing of when he choked. Blackwater fans thought it's because he ate to fast back then BUT OH BOI IT WAS ACTUALLY WHEN BEEFLEAF STARTED. It'll probably be named beefleaf day.
SQX likes reading their meta and analysis of the beefleaf videos and how He Xuan subtle hints, SQX may not notice but the fans do and they are great source of info for SQX but ofc she needs affirmation from HX own mouth because all of these are fan speculations by the end of the day.
Only their agents know this but Beefleaf have each other as their phone wallpaper (candid cooking photo of HX for SQX and SQX Selfie for HX) its because they always caught them staring and do a pining sigh at their phones multiple times a day.
Ever since they started the cooking show with the both of them, HX always wears the “kiss the cook" apron he got from HC as a prank gift.
SQX thinks about it a lot should she be straight forward and just go for it but then again she doesn’t want their current relationship ruined just cuz she read his signals wrong…
Hualian are the mods of the beefleaf fan page. Crimson rain makes merch and scrap collector provides scarily accurate meta about beefleaf, All in the name of supporting their friend /investment. Xl gives SQX beefleaf merch pretending that he found it at cons.
Also people are starting to wonder if HC and HX are just business partners or friends, they bicker like siblings but when asked if "Are you sure you two aren't friends?" They just deny it and just say that their relationship is based on money/business.
HC claims that He Xuan has debts to pay to him, which is true. He has to lay the cost of the apartment studio, camera equipment, Food ingredients, restaurant bills and pet care that He Xuan owes him.
XL and SQX think that HC and HX are besties.
During the pining era sqx tries to be proactive and make her feelings obvious hoping that he xuan will take a hint. She also sought the advice of xie lian and hua cheng about this and created a 10 step confession plan, psyched herself up and tried to encourage herself. Prepared for it and all.
She is going all in!! She is getting her man and confess her feelings!!! And then they will date and be happy if not well she will call xie lian and ask to buy 2 tubs of ice cream while she marathons romcom films but NO NEGATIVITY HERE only good things SHE WILL SUCCEED she swears it.
So here they are grocery shopping for their next vid, they are picking out ingredients (so domestic she thinks it'll be even better once she nabs him and becomes her boyfriend)
she hopes that he xuan notices her outfit and makeup and new perfume something gentle cuz he likes those but all she got is a deadpan stare
(on the inside he xuan is internal screaming like is there something up today why is she all dressed up and extra pretty does this woman know what she is doing to his heart pls have mercy on this poor man's soul)
the confession is so normal and sudden, she was planning to like after grocery shopping they go out and eat and she will confess at this beautiful park after they left the groceries in the car.
Okay grocery shopping done. Check
Retouched makeup check and eyeliner is on point
Finding the right moment. Working on it. So while in the parking lot loading up their groceries in the car,
she asked he xuan if they could go to the park and like walk around for a lil while she said she found it while browsing on the internet and she wants to check it out for their other collab vids if its a nice place and he xuan just suddenly goes, "sure thing babe"
*record scratch* hold on rewind did she hear right??? he xuan doesnt use pet names and he called her babe?! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!?!
Sqx: wait...what did you just call me?? say it again
He xuan: say what again?
Sqx: dont play dumb! You called me babe!!
He xuan: yeah and?
*sqx turns into a goldfish due to her being shocked speechless
Sqx: i.. huh-- what?? Omg?? Wait hold on give me a minute you want me to be your babe???? Did i hear right???
Hx: you heard right....
Sqx: 0////////0
Hx:I'm sorry if you don't like it we could pretend i -
Then theyll hug or kiss him on the cheek shyly
Also While they are hugging
Sqx: you meeaaaniieeeee, i made a ten step confession plan and tried to find a park to set up the romantic atmosphere but you beat me to it in the middle of a parking lot too!!!!!
Hx: *chuckles*
Now that they are dating they are contemplating whether or not they should announce it right away to their fans but at the same time they just want to keep it to themselves, so they decided to just tell the fans later but…they are really bad at hiding it…
So they are doing one of their cooking videos again (it's one of the most requested videos of the beefleaf fans they love gow domestic it is and all) so he xuan cooking segments always feature sqx now and the kiss the cook apron (but this time she will kiss the cook)
So he xuan be like pass me the salt so sqx does and he be like thanks hun and sqx kisses him on the cheek you're welcome with a bright smile.
Off cam he xuan cooks for sqx so this became a normal thing for them that they forgot they are doing it live so they froze for a moment and saw the chat went wild
"Omfg did you see that they kissed"
"Noooo waaaayyyy"
"Incoherent screaming"
"My ship is canon!!!!!!!!!"
Then beefleaf be like hahah well there's no use hiding it now, he xuan hugs her from behind as she says
"Yes beefleaf is now canon"
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 6 months
@starsidesky replied:
Wait, was that actually what Aylin was sent to do? Protect Isobel? I thought she was just sent as an emissary of Selune?
Isobel mentions they were elated to get visited by "an emissary of Selûne", yeah. But Ketheric will tell you she was specifically sent to protect his family - and the Thorms were a family that was at the time famously devoted to Selûne, in charge of a very prominently selûnite region, so it makes sense! It's in the conversation you get if you turn her in and go talk to him on the tower rooftop.
Player: What of the Nightsong? Ketheric Thorm: I'll keep her close. Aylin was her name - an angel of Selûne's own brood, sent to guide and guard my line. Until she failed me. Ketheric Thorm: Now she is Nightsong. Balthazar's greatest creation, and the source of my greatest strength. Ketheric Thorm: How often our burdens can be made into boons, with the right encouragement.
(Gross, and there's a bit of that "Nightsong" stuff I was referring to right there.)
Which adds more painful layers to the whole tragedy. This would mean Isobel getting killed and the ensuing spectacularly horrifying downfall of the Thorms and entire region was exactly what Aylin was supposed to prevent (especially since it just has the reek of "sharran plot" all over it), as her divine mission and the reason she was even there in the first place. Not even touching on the godawful fact this woman who just got murdered was the love of her life, can you imagine the guilt and sense of failure she got to stew in for a century, and with Ketheric's betrayal and heaping the blame on her, too? Just, damn.
This also leads to one of my favourite responses to Ketheric, btw:
Player: Every god you served granted you power in their way. Hardly a burden.
I actually have a lot of feelings re: Ketheric and Aylin's formal relationship which does have a liege lord and knight aspect to it (even if it's obviously not as straightforwardly that as it would be if she were a random paladin sworn to his service - and also, they were both ultimately paladins in service to Selûne). While also being basically father-in-law and daughter-in-law. So his betrayal and treatment and use of her has several different layers of egregiousness.
Also ties into the reasons I really really love Aylin's "Now you wear a face to match your soul, oathbreaker" line, and the utter scorn in her delivery.
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hinamie · 2 months
hi hina! if you were yuuji, megumi, and nobara's personal stylist (you already kind of are 🙂‍↕️) what's an outfit you would pick that represents their casual style and one look that represents fancy attire? and what's an absolute No for each of them?
SORRY FOR GETTING TO THIS LATE i have . fashion opinions and need 2 articulate them Properly. gomen ik this isn't /exactly/ what u asked this is moreso just. my style headcanons fr each of them but i think it more or less gets the point across gFGHDSHFGJ.
will get long btw :')
yuuji:  casual: 
i loveloveLOVE him in jean jackets . since a hoodie is a staple for him that + a jean jacket i think is The Go-To fit for him hands down i think he pulls it off so well. u can even ditch the hoodie to opt for a baggy graphic T shirt but the jean jacket carries the fit.  it’s so casual n classic which helps it be ~versitile~ and it's just boyish enough to rly suit yuuji’s character. I have him in distressed jeans (grey or dark wash blue, as long as it’s a different shade of denim) whenever i can bc i think it looks good but athletic pants (think like adidas jogger-shaped) work also . add red sneakers of choice accessorize that boy with a gym bag or backpack Bam yuuji fit. 
i feel very strongly about yuuji in a dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up. no suit jacket fr him but definitely a tie and a waistcoat + straight leg trousers. i want to keep a pop of red on him so the safe option wld b to make his tie red but i think maybe he could pull off a maroon dress shirt + black everything else combo. important thing is He Wears Red :)
honestly I can picture yuuji in most anything but i don’t think he wears long structured jackets, even fr fancy outfits. he’s too stocky of a build and i think a long jacket makes him look shapeless in a bad way i think mid-thigh is as long as i’d be willing 2 go for his outerwear, though im sure with the right fit i could b convinced otherwise
megumi:  casual: 
tl;dr: loose sweater over turtleneck/over collared shirt i feel SO strongly about megumi in loose straight silhouettes. HEAVY on the grey/black neutrals with the occasional cool jewel tone (green or teal u know how it is) though i do also like him in a chocolate brown! it is important 2 me also that whatever pants he wears r not too baggy since his top will have a lot of that Chunkiness to it and u need some shape n slimness 2 the leg 2 balance it out. this overall silhouette on megu >>>>>>>
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unlike yuuji i Do think megumi could pull off a suit jacket or maybe even a blazer but whatever it is u best bet this boy is in All Black . I also like him in a turtleneck instead of a dress shirt but if we button him up Completely i think it achieves more or less the same look 
ok i have a couple but my biggest one is Fushiguro Megumi Does Not Wear Shorts end of story no further elaboration. also, this is slightly more forgiveable but like w yuuji i would avoid him in long jackets Also, altho fr the opposite reason . it’s not tht he’s too stocky for it rather i think he’s too lanky n a long coat runs the risk of drowning him — again situational tho !!!!! he would probably look good in a black wool coat so i will entertain the possibility . 
also listen. this is a personal headcanon and ik it likely puts me in the minority and i may even get flack fr this . but i do not think fushiguro megumi would have piercings. i know ive drawn him with earrings before but listen those were for Me . those were for the fit. he was an acting mannequin. but just him??? his personal feelings?? i just have a hard time thinking that boy is th type 2 put metal in his face sue me :’/ 
nobara:  casual: 
this is so hard because a. women’s fashion has SO many more options b. nobara is 100% the type to have a different style every week and c. she looks good in all of it. I think though i like her best in long skirts and layers so something along these lines is a Hard yes from me, though possibly with a brighter colour palette
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i had Other ideas but god just spoke to me through pinterest by showing me this dress and this is all i want to see nobara in actually. 
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(((real talk tho in terms of fancy dresses I like her in black/gold/red/pink for colours, either baby doll or bell skirts, strapless sweetheart necklines,, etc etc etc)))
similar to yuuji, I don’t have many things that i picture as off-limits for nobara fashion-wise bc she seems the type to experiment :’) I think any faux-pas i can name r just my own fashion icks so i’ll just go with those: no low rise and no full skin-tight fits (ik i said she seems down for anything but i think she draws the line @ athleisure). also maybe a pocket pick but i don't think she would wear orange or hot pink on account of her hair
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
It's not about how/whether/how much someone sweats. I have a pair of satin formal pants. They are loose. But they have a lining inside that ends just above the knee. This so that the fall is better, sweats stains if any do not show and it gives the pants some weight since they are so loose and long. If I, a normal person buying regular clothes without a stylist can wear the appropriate clothes without being taught about it, then she can too. I would excuse this for a regular person. But she has a whole team whose only job is to make her look like an aspirational diva. She can factor in "sweat stains" while planing her wardrobe. Her hair also looks sweaty btw. And that's probably because she has too many extensions in and just tied it in a ponytail herself.
100% agree. She is paying for dozens PR articles right now calling her a fashion icon. In order for people to buy your bullshit your words have to match your actions. Yet, here we are stuck with looking at her crotch sweat. So aspirational!
Listen the sweat aside, it was a terrible outfit to begin with. I saw the pictures as I was going to bed (pre sweat pics). She was swimming in the outfit, and the skirt looks cheaper than something you can get at Shein.
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zombiezonurlawn · 8 months
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It’s utterly insane that vivziepop created a wide variety of characters with entirely different backgrounds and personalities and somehow made them all look entirely the same. You died in the 1920s? Tuxedo. You died in the 2000s? Tuxedo. You’re a fucking angel from literal heaven? Tuxedo. Not to mention the way they speak, their senses of humor, and their motivations.
Anyway with these redesigns I wanted to emphasize a variety of colors and textures to express the character’s personalities. With Charlie I thought her design worked well enough, I even let her keep the silly bowtie(she’s the only one allowed to have it now) apparently she’s supposed to be like a doll? (Does not communicate) kind of dropping that but I guess you can say she has a Barbie doll type artifice about her, I like to imagine her skin feels like plastic and her hair is like that waxy Barbie hair when you get it right out of the box.
Vaggie has legitimately one of the most confused designs I’ve ever seen. Why is she wearing a skirt with formal wear if she’s supposed to be a practical, pragmatic fighter?? Also I dropped the moth thing bc it’s DUMMMBBB she’s all function now. Made her spear head shaped like a heart bc she’s supposed to be driven like love.
Very cold take but her and Charlie’s chemistry is literally nonexistent so a quick rewrite I’d do is instead of her just being annoyed at Charlie’s optimism now she’s hopeful in the hotel as well but has lower energy than Charlie and spends most of her time trying to keep up with her and is constantly surprised by all the crazy stuff she does. Anyway this show sucks.
Ermmm this is a WIP btw I’ll talk abt Angel and Alastor and Husk and the Vs once I finish this up or if I even do lols.
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romana-after-dark · 2 months
Room's on Fire: So Afraid
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader
Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader
Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader
Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna learns her power.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Extra warnings for chapter: I dont wanna spoint things so just proceed with caution. DM me if you'd like specifics before reading. I dont think its as bad as other things but.... you'll see
3.1k words (so sorry)
Support artists, like and reblog!
BTW if you dont read the lyrics usually i feel it really hits hard this time
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I been alone All the years So many ways to count the tears I never change I never will I'm so afraid the way I feel Days when the rain and the sun are gone Black as night Agony's torn at my heart too long So afraid Slip and I fall and I die. ~ Go Insane, Fleetwood Mac
“He’s fucking unraveling.”
Ben is pacing inside the sanctuary, Will leaned against the wall listening to him rant. They were waiting for the others and Madonna, having to perform a healing ritual. As far as Will could tell, she was going to be okay outside the lasting scars and the mental terror, and she was past the point of miscarrying from the incident, but the people needed assurance. They needed to feel a part of something. The doors were opened other guard had seen what had happened, and from what he and Ben had heard from the rumblings of the people, they were nervous. Unsettled.
Will had to set the course straight, concocting a story of possession and torment by demons to explain Santi’s behaviors… which of course cleared Santi of responsibility but still left Delta scarred. He continued to listen to Ben’s rants.
“He’s gonna fuck it all up. Doesn’t he know more than anyone what we’re doing here? He could have killed the savior.”
“And Madonna.” Will reminds him, but Ben turns to glare at him.
“I’m aware of that. I’m aware of how important Madonna is, you don’t think I love her too? You don’t think I’ve spend every night in her bed-”
“Next to Frankie.”
Ben stopped, stepping forward and looking like he might start a fight. He was drunk, and when Ben was drunk he was either madly horny or ripe for anger fits. Will’d seen him kill a man with his bare hands at a orgy for kissing Frankie. Orgies were orgies, but Santi kept rules around Frankie, rules that had been enforced by Ben’s rage he pushed down below his crown of sunshine on his hair.
But then Frankie opened the door.
“Hey guys.” He walked in his formal wear, and Will had to admit he understood why everyone wanted a piece of him. His eyes were bright in the yellow light.
“Where’s Madonna?” Will asks.
“She’s finishing eating, Rey’s with her. I wanted to talk to you guys alone.”
Will nods.
Ben seems frustrated, crossing his arms in that pout he likes to do. ”I don’t like her alone with him.”
“He’s her personal guard, Benjamin. We have to trust him.”
He shakes his head. “We should rotate her guard so no one gets attached. You know how she breaks down everyones walls better than anyone, Frank.” There was a bit more bite than Frankie expected after the close nights they’d been spending in each other's arms next to Madonna, but when Ben was drinking it was always a bit of a guess.
“He’s her only friend. The first friend she’s had since we decided to set her dad on fire. I think we can allow her-”
“UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHH” Ben rolls his eyes and his whole head in annoyance. “Can’t she just be friends with Iris?”
Will spoke up now. “I think you ensured that won’t happen.”
“And you ensured she can’t trust Jonah” Frankie snapped, not sure why he was defending Ben. He didn’t know he did anything half the time.
Sighing, Will scrubbed his face and then held out his hands. “Both of you relax. I’ve got it taken care of. I doubt Rey has any interest in Madonna, but considering I don’t this Iris is putting out with him, we can’t be too sure. And considering what Pope did to her, we can’t have her falling into his arms. I’ve got it.”
Frankie nodded. “Rey doesn’t have eyes for anyone but Iris.”
Ben’s drunk anger shifted to his horny drunk. “To bad Madonna doesn’t have eyes for Iris.” He looked far away, smiling, no doubt thinking of their wife fucking the pretty cook. Will couldn’t deny she was beautiful… it was a wonder she was unclaimed by the time her punishment began.
A smack from Frabkie broke Ben out of his thoughts. “Ow!”
“You’re sick, you know that?”
“I can dream!”
Will was about to shout at them all to shut up when Pope opened the door. He wore a red tunic, reminding Will of pictures he’d seen of pentecost robes from the before. Not as tight as Frankie, but Frankie gained more weight in recent years. 
“Gentlemen.” He greeted, eyes raking over Frankie’s form. “Are we ready?”
Everyone nodded, Frankie doing his best to hide the anger, the furry, the disgust he felt at Santi. He could hurt him, but how dare he hurt Madonna?
Will nodded over to the entry to the church. “Frank, Ben, start the prayers. We’ll come out in a bit when Madonna arrives.”
Pope narrowed his eyes, but told Ben and Frankie to go, watching Frankie’s ass as he walked through the curtains to the congregation. 
“You couldn’t be more obvious, you know.”
He breaks Santi out of his lustful view.
“Everyone knows you want Frankie more than anything. Can’t keep your eyes off him.”
Santi attempts to brush his concerns away with a whisk of his hand. “I love all my spouses.”
“You love Frankie.”
“I love him, Ben, you, Madonna.”
“You just want the savior-”
Rushing close to Will, Santi presses his chest against his lover and whispers in a harsh tone. “The savior is a part of her!”
Will grips his tunic, keeping them pulled close as he whispers in his ear. “You need. To calm. Down. Breaking her breaks the savior. Breaking her breaks the whole community. You are losing touch with reality and if you do not get. Your shit. Together. Everything will come crumbling down.” He pulls back just far rough to meet his eye and walks forward, backing Santi up until his ass hits the slab of marble they all deflowered their wife on. A faint trace of her blood remained.
Santi was panting, chest heaving and his cock rose in his robes. “Everything I do is for our community. Who do you think got her pregnant? We’re going to save this doomed earth, we’re bring The One Mighty and Strong to earth and Divine Mother will finally let us all be happy.”
“Santi…” Will caressed Santi’s face, enjoying how easily Santi submitted. Frankie was easy. Frankie melts at the simplest touch of anyone who shows him affection. Santi only submits to him. “You need to relax. She’s pregnant, and she’ll be okay. The savior is coming. You just need to-”
“Don’t tell me what to-” He begins to snap at Will, but before he can finish he’s turned around and bent over the altar. His tunic is being pulled up, and when his hands move to stop him, they are pinned down to the cold stone. “WHat are you doing?”
Spitting on his hole, Will lines his cock up at Santi’s ass and leans in. “You hurt Madonna. You need to learn a lesson.”
You enter at your cue, giving Rey’s hand a squeeze before he lets go to open the door. You hated this, you hated being out in public knowing everyone knew what was done to you. Will said Pope was possessed, that he was fighting a battle with the devil, spiritual warfare and he needed prayers, he needed your strength. You had to be strong for him. You forgave your husband and felt sympathy he was in so much pain… But why do you still want to recoil when he touches you? You were sleeping in your bed again, but one always accompanied you to help if the nightmares returned…. You never slept when it was Santi’s arms around you
Francisco and Ben were leading the congregation in prayers, praying for Pope’s strength in his battle and you prayed along, Francisco getting up to walk you down to the raised area. You remember, as you always did, walking down the aisle on your wedding day, unable to bare looking at them for too long, finding solace in Jonah’s eyes… Now he was talking nonsense, and you were worried about him.
The other day, early morning, you’d slipped out of Ben’s arms to find something to eat. Baby was kicking, apparently wanting sugar and you hoped Iris wasn’t up. Things were tense between you, and you could make your own pancakes. You had, of course, thanked her profusely for caring for you when… when it happened, genuinely grateful for the care she showed you… You wanted to be her friend again, god you really did, you wanted to go back to singing with Rey and her and Jonah in the kitchen… but something in the air had shifted.
Wish granted, Iris wasn’t there. Jonah was. He was drinking coffee, PJ pants slung low on his hips… No shirt. He had a lean body even at his age, hip bones prominent below the weak elastic and a trail of hair going down-
When the floor under you squeaks, Jonah stands up fully, shuffling to move behind the kitchen table. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be alone…”
“Baby wants pancakes.” You rub your stomach. He’s not looking at you. You make a move to the cabinets, But Jonah cuts off your path.
“I got it, you should rest.”
Your shoulders slump. “I’m not a baby, I’m just carrying one. Let me do it.”
Jonah shakes his head. “Please, just… let me.” He gives you a small smile. “I know you’re not a kid. They should all be afraid of you, Madonna.”
He made good pancakes.
Will and Pope returned from their prayers in the sanctuary, Pope looking… Off. He looked ruffled, confused, his eyes a little glassy… maybe Will exercised the demon out?
Pope began his prayers. “Our beloved Madonna, Holy and Beautiful, our maternal bride, has suffered pain and scarring from the demonic attacks of the devil, we must pray for heeling over her body.”
Will’s hands reach for the back of your dress, lowering the zipper when you gasp, jolting away and turning back to him. “What are you doing?!” You whisper, eyes watering with panic. Francisco mutters Will’s name, but he ignores him, opting to pull you close. He cups your face, whispering in your ear.
“They need to see the wounds, Madonna. They need to see you’re healing, they're worried.”
“But… I don’t wanna be naked, Will.” You turn to glance at the crowd, catching Pope glare. You shiver. “There’s people here who made fun of me…”
His fingers lay your hair down. “It’s just your dress, Madonna. Don’t worry, we’re right here. Trust me.” 
Echoes of the past flitter in your head.
I’m going to touch you, just stand there and take it. Trust me.
Will unzipped your dress, the fabric pooling down around your ankles. Murmurs wave over your body, whispers from the people who loved you. Were they mocking you? Were they laughing?
Just down to her underwear, Francisco.
Your bandages were off, but the skin was marred horrifically. It was bad enough those in the back could see it spreading over your pregnant stomach. Were there jealous women in the crown? Your dorm mates that didn’t understand why you were chosen?
Will’s hands find the clasp of your bra, and you tense again. “Will?”
“Just relax, Madonna. Relax for me. Don’t worry.”
It’s just me, it’s just external, don’t worry.
When his hands went for your underwear, you didn’t protest. 
You stood naked, your scared body on display for the whole congregation.
Your husbands stood at your side, each laying a hand on your stomach as the crowd began to pray. You felt like you were being punished, humiliated. What did you do wrong? Your lip quivers, panic rising in your chest again. No, no you would not melt down here. You see a woman who was particularly nasty to you… she tried to make you eat a worm because you didn’t say hi to her when you were 10 and she was 12… You were in one of your “no talking episodes” as your dad called them, the playground was too loud, your new bra you had to wear adding a sensation to your skin you hated… she took it personal, and tormented you for the next 12 years. She was smirking. 
You feel Ben’s hand on your ass, coping a feel.
You think of Will’s lies.
You look at Santi, his eyes only on your stomach. 
You look at Francisco, not saying the prayers and looking at Be’s hand on your ass.. Did you and the baby even matter to him? Why was he so disconnected?
You didn’t feel sad anymore.
You were angry.
Your voice, while quiet, makes the four of them turn to you, surprised by you. But no one moves.
“Kneel. If you’re praying for my healing, kneel.” You don’t look at them.
Santi speaks. “We don’t kneel to you, Madonna. You kneel to us.”
Your body wants to shake, you want to fold like you do every time a boundary is crossed but you don’t. 
“I am carrying the savior. I am more important than your ego.” You say, firm in your stance and keeping your voice steady. “Pray to the divine mother to protect me, if you really want this child,” you turn to Pope. “And to forgive your sins.” You turn to Francisco now, his eyes wide with fear. “Get on your knees. I know you know how.”
There was a beat of silence, everyone waiting for Pope’s movement, you knew. Then, Francisco kneels to you. Then Will. Then Pope. Then Ben, only ever following in what the others do.
When they do, a hush falls over the crowd.
You raise your arms, shouting. “We pray for a hedge of protection around me and my child.”
A voice from the crowd shouts, “hail to the mother and the savior!”
All throughout the room, the congregation echos the sentiments, shouting your praises as the smile grew on your face. They adored you. They loved you. Standing naked wasn’t humiliating, it was power. You feel Francisco’s thumb caress over your bare skin. He smiles as he mouths ‘Hail to the mother.’
You were running high on the endorphins, even excited enough to ride Will’s dick despite your protruding stomach. It was an amazing high, knowing the power you held, the power to make Santiago- Pope, you mean- to make Pope kneel at your command… he owed you. He owed you this. When Will fell asleep, you were still wide awake, unable to get the giddiness out of your system… So you slip a nightie over your body, pulling panties on and sneak out of the room. Jonah had said he’d make you more pancakes tonight if you were hungry and boy, baby was hungry. Rey, as predicted, was snoring in his chair and you have to stifle a giggle as you creepy past him, bare feet light on the wood flooring. 
The kitchen was dark, no Jonah… maybe you should go get him. Turning on the kitchen lights you go to exit out the other door, the servants entrance leading to the rooms of Jonah, Iris, and the other guards, but when you did, Jonah was there.
Right away, you knew something was wrong. He wreaked of alcohol, looked like he hadn't slept in days and was piss drunk, stumbling into the kitchen so hard he crashed into you. 
“Jonah-oh- I… was gonna take you up on the pancakes…” You mutter, backing away. “But maybe I can make some for you, you seem-”
He catches your wrist.
“I don’t want pancakes.” His voice is gruffer than you ever have known it. Pressing you against the counter, he crowds you in. 
Your heart beat picks up, instincts telling you to run, run, run…. But you can’t.
“What… what are you…”
His lips brush your neck before you can blink, his movements clunky and strange. “I want you.”
You try to push him away, but he’s much stronger. “Jonah stop! You’re talking crazy, you haven't been well, please, just-” Again, you try to wiggle away but his hand grabs your waist. “Just go to bed.”
Jonah scoffs, laughing sardonically. “Just like that? I tell you I want to fuck you and you say to sleep it off? Jesus christ, do you have no survival instincts? At all?”
“Please… please stop touching me Jonah…” You want to stop feeling his breath on your skin. “I won’t tell anyone. Just stop!” The tears come, crying and scared and trying to smack his hands away desperately and still trying to push out of his grasp.
“You should be screaming, honey, what is wrong with you?” His hand grips your hip, and you need him away from your baby, now.
With a closed mouth scream, you kick his shin and the shock is enough for him to let go so you take off, but he gives chase. Once again, you are pinned to the door. You knew you could scream. You start screaming, and Rey, or Will, or any of the others will be on their way in seconds and you’d be safe… ‘’
“Why are you doing this?” You sob in his arms, his fingers entangling in your hair. He pulls on it, and you close your mouth intime to not yell.
His hand caresses down your arm, making you shiver and feel so, so sick to your stomach. “God dammit, have the broken every fucking piece of you? Is that it?” Why was he so angry at you? What did you do wrong? Did you tempt him? He hand on your waste again, he keeps almost moving it up towards your breasts or down to your ass but never going far. Jonah rests his forehead on yours. “Why won’t you SCREAM!” He shouts his last word so loud in your face, the strong smell of alcohol bursting on your skin and you shout out loud.
“BECAUSE THEY’LL KILL YOU!” Your whole body heaves, panicing and you feel you might throw up. “ThEY’LL KILL YOU AND I’LL LOSE MY DAD AGAIN!”
His face turns into something pained, and while his hand reminds gripped in your hair to keep you there, he pulls back just enough for you to see him run a hand over his wet face. Right before he slammed it through the wall. You couldn’t help it, your body forced you to scream before your mouth stopped the voice, Jonah’s fist curling tightening and pulling your hair against your scalp as you continued to shout. He continued to punch the wall next to your head.
When Will burst through the door, everything went blank. As soon as Jonah was pulled off you, your body slid down the wall where you watched Will pummel Jonah. At some point, arms were wrapped around you, but you couldn’t tell if it was Rey or Frankie. Only the smell of weed narrowed it down.
You didn’t hear much, your ears ringing as you watched blood fly out of Jonah's mouth. Muffles words weren't as loud as the beats to Jonah's body. You were sure other people were in the room... there was shouting... but you couldn't see anything except Jonah going limp, only jolting weakly at each slam of Will's fists.
You aren’t even sure how you made it back to bed.
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Shout out to @hornystan for editing, our beloved Frankie in his formal wear
Okay. So that happened.
JONAH what are you DOING BESTIE??????
PLEASE leave your THOOOTTSS and THOUGHTS!!! Frankie kneelings? Madonna chaneling hr anger??? Jonah doing... ALL THAT!!!!!!!
What are we thinking?
love you all so much! I know theres a lot of bullshit happening in the fandom but just know, dont trust everything you hear. I know at the very least one person the stupid confessions page is attacking is genuinely a kind, amazing person who was in the right <3 If there is a writer you dont think is nice or friendly enough... just keep it to yourself or talk to a few friends. You dont need to air it out publically.
Lets keep it chill, I say to me and my uuhhhh 30 readers B)
Im like 60 followers away from 1000 followers on this account and i have a fun event planned!!!
I did this poll befoe, but its been like 10 chapters soooooooo
Save the children (which has absolutely nothing to do with QAnon who hijacked their hashtag) our currently supporting relief efforts in the Congo above our listed some quick facts that I hope you’ll take a moment to read, and if you can afford it, please consider making a donation. I have made a small one, but if we band together small donations make a difference
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