#this is just too funny so it must see the light of tumblr day
arsonistmoth · 5 months
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So have yall ever seen that one John Wayne clip of yeeting a kid in a river? IF YOU HAVENT PLZ. ITS HILARIOUS. Anyway Nari is such a great grand-dad to Baal's kits. Teachin em valuable life skills young >:3 Ft: @circuscountdowns 's lovely Narinder and lamb and my silly lil Baal kit, Ender. Bonus doodle because I drew all this with severe thunderstorms, tornado warnings, hail, all that good shit goin on behind me- So last night's storms eh?
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onlydrawnbad · 10 months
Do you ever read 570,000+ word, 130+ chapter fanfics that were started nearly 8 years ago and have current year updates, and as you get to the end of certain chapters along the way, you keep going "wow, I would have hated to be here in 201x and have to wait for THAT cliffhanger, those poor readers, those sad, desperate historical souls" and you're just so glad for yourself because you know you don't have to stop until chapter 139, and you arrogantly assume that's probably just extended epilogues or something (because you were previously conditioned by another fic to believe that), so everything will be fine?
Only to get to chapter 139 and SCREAM OUT LOUD because you jinxed yourself right into THE NEWEST WAVE OF CLIMATIC PLOT CHAPTERS WHERE ALL THE SHIT IS GOING DOWN and now you, too, have become the reader you felt such pity for?
Wait, you don't?
THEN GO OVER THERE AND DO WHAT I DID SO I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE IN MY HUBRIS. It comes with art. So. Much. Wonderful. Comic. Art.
I would like to stress (as I have done before) that I have never played this game. Not once. I had never even heard of it originally. Yet this is now the second absolutely massive Sans x reader/OC fic I have read in this fandom. Everything I know about Undertale, I learned because one day on a whim I decided to read a 480,000+ word, 170+ chapter fanfic because I liked the way @tricktster used words on some tumblr post (don't ask me which one, I've forgotten). I have re-read that fic at least once a year, if not more, for multiple years in a row because it's like a favorite book to me now.
If anyone needs me, I'll be comfort-reading it, again.
And then probably going back and re-reading JoAT, because oh my god that fic. I'm just so in love with it for a million reasons.
(Yes, it took me this long to see there was another glorious treasure in plain sight under @capnhanbers despite following @mod2amaryllis and it's just really embarrassing to be confronted by that kind of obliviousness, okay? Can I blame it on how, multiple times now over the years, I've gone months and months without looking at this app unless it notified me of something specific?)
I swear, I have never read fic in any other fandom where it was this easy to immerse myself in it with nothing more than some light googling along the way (the first time with CoBC), and the googling was just because I'm me and I like to know all the things. In both cases, you don't have to come to the table with anything other than an interest in supernatural-elements stories (monsters, magic, etc) and a love for snappy dialogue and funny (dad) jokes and HEART-WRENCHING FEELS and watching the author having a life journey in the notes.
(And yes, sure, an open mind about a skeleton monster and a human having magical sex, but if you know you're in a rated fic about monsters and humans, you must know that's going to be a thing.)
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yuurivoice · 5 months
Ever since I found out that you’re a Black Butler fan as well I have to ask do you like the anime or the manga?
And which voice actor do you like J. Michael Tatum or Daisuke Ono for Sebastian?
I personally like both anime, manga and voice actors 😁
Sorry if it sounds like I’m excited. I just happy to know that my favorite ASMR voice actor likes Black Butler too.
I tried to catch up with the Manga years ago but I sorta just gave up lol my introduction was the anime when it came to Netflix back in the day!
It wouldn't have been something I'd watch at the time, I was buried deep in the closet in a long term relationship...but old girl was TOTALLY the type to watch Black Butler and I was along for the ride. I ended up loving it, and it was definitely responsible for me shedding a lot of my typical masculine bullshit. Silly that it could lead me in that direction, but sometimes it just takes a nudge.
Sebastian was everything to me. Dub was my exposure to it, and Tatum is one of my VA goats, so it was awesome. Ono is obviously godlike in his own right so you really can't go wrong.
Obviously there's SO MUCH wrong with the fandom's ships, etc and so forth, and in my older age and maturity I don't feel like wading back through the ick just because I love sexy butlers and the Victorian aesthetic, but the series really marked a huge turning point in my life so it has a special place in my heart. 😭
Also, Grell was probably my gateway character to wanting to learn more about trans folks and breaking out of a lot of the ingrained phobias that young men are conditioned into. Not sure what really made the light bulb go off, but I'm pretty sure that it was me hopping on Tumblr and seeing how people felt about Grell (despite the problems with the depiction as well) and realizing...oh shit this is a thing. It's been a thing and I didn't really get it. Then I got it. Or at least got it enough to want to learn more and be more considerate. It's funny because maybe nowadays the concept of having to have an aha moment about gender issues seems like you must live under a rock, but I was a lil baby when Ace Ventura came out. If you know what I mean by that, then you know 90's kids were raised on trans issues being a punchline at best, but usually outright hateful. So yes, the silly little hypersexual trans anime character did in fact have a positive impact despite being imperfect. 😂
Sorry for the yap session, I just have a lot of feelings about Black Butler. It's so flawed, but so special to me at the same time. It set off a whole chain of events that led me in a much more positive direction. That's dope.
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ursaribbon · 1 year
What Modern Pokemon Means to Me
I've felt this way for so long, and I can't just not talk about it anymore. I'm hoping to find more people who feel this way, and I think Tumblr is the best place to do so. (cw: su/c/de)
In elementary school, I was cheerful and loud all the time, and people thought I was weird for it. I had been told my whole life that I was so unique and special, and since I only got that validation from adults, I would do everything in my power to get more validation by doing whatever adults told me to do and valuing whatever they told me to value. I was almost blindly obedient, and I sought academic validation. I started masking my ADHD. I was so stiff on the outside that I rarely cried anymore, especially at things other people would cry over. I felt like there was something wrong with me, or that I really was emotionless.
When puberty started and genetic mental illnesses came into play, I became a husk. I never displayed emotion, and people called me a zombie. I was frustrated. What did they want from me if I couldn't be loud or quiet? Classmates would ask me unprompted if I was depressed, exchange an amused look with their friends if they were paired with me for a group project, and whisper about me when they thought I couldn't hear.
Since I was a preteen, I would continually push away the people in my life because I had mental health issues that made it draining to talk to people. I wanted to spend all my time alone because I wanted to rest--I constantly wanted to be left alone in silence because everything going through my head was already too stimulating. My younger brother, my biggest supporter, would try asking me to play with him or try to talk to me about something he was excited about, and I pushed him away every time. He thought it was because I was tired and lazy all the time, because that was what I told him. He began to resent me for always leaving him alone, and even though I never tried explaining myself or even going to him for support, I thoroughly believed it was my fault for leaving him behind.
People who make fun of "teenage angst" are just making fun of themselves for what they see as "dramatic" looking back. It's easy to forget that regardless of what hormones generate them, feelings of depression are real and harmful. It felt like no matter where I turned, there was no light to overcome the darkness.
Gens 7 and 8 of Pokemon have gotten me through the worst of my teenage and pre-teen years. I had been following the Gen 6 anime by the time it was ending, and I was so excited for the next chapter of Ash's journey. I remember going around school telling everyone, "ASH LEAVES KALOS ON THURSDAY! NOVEMBER 17!!!" Not many people wanted to hear it, but for what felt like the first time in forever, I didn't care. I was already known as a zombie at school, and there weren't many things I unapologetically loved so much.
I was in middle school when covid hit. During online school, I felt lonely, scared, and sad. I had the rest and lack of stimulation I had always wanted, but I didn't realize how much it helped to be at school where I was forced to interact with other people. When I was really alone with my thoughts, I couldn't find a reason to live anymore. I was having s//c/d/l thoughts. One day during my lunch time, as I nibbled at my sandwich with my head down on the desk, I decided I may as well catch up on the latest episodes of Pokemon Journeys.
The Beautifly episode was playing, but I was only half paying attention, barely able to focus on anything. Ash had misheard and thought they were going to watch Beautifly hydrate, and Goh had a short fantasy about a Beautifly laying on the beach with a cup of juice before realizing the mistake.
He phrased it something like:
"Yeah, they look so peaceful when theY HYDRA-HOLD ON!!!!"
And I just died laughing.
I knew the joke wasn't funny. The funny part was Zeno Robinson's delivery. I must have replayed it ten times. It was the first time in months that I'd felt like everything was okay.
I even showed the scene to my brother. We both laughed at it for at least ten minutes. It was so nice to share something with him.
I became a bigger fan of the show, and started shipping Ash and Goh. It wasn't because Goh was flamboyant, although I won't deny that many fans assert him to be a certain sexuality based on how he presents himself, which is stereotyping at best and homophobic fetishization at worst. I ship the characters because I think they're compatible and are just cute together. That was when I found the Satogou Discord server.
I had never really had online friends like the ones I had on that server. For what felt like the first time, I had found people I could talk about anything with for hours. While progress wasn't a straight line, I was beginning to have s//c/d/al thoughts less and less because the people and media in my life filled me with light to overcome that darkness.
And then episode 62 aired.
In that episode, Goh's Sobble evolves into Drizzile. It was so excited to be an Inteleon that it didn't realize there was a middle stage in between. It couldn't even use Water Gun properly anymore, and other Pokemon made fun of it for that. It began isolating itself, and when Cinderace forced it to come out of its cave, it ran away in tears.
When Goh finds Drizzile, he tells it about his own childhood, when he was pointed out as being different for reasons even he didn't fully understand. When he asked himself "Why?" he only felt frustrated. This is what he tells Drizzile:
"I don't understand, but that's okay. And I don't need immediate answers, either. ... I'm fine if you just want to be who you are. ... If it helps you to nest, just do it. And if at some point you feel like being with a friend..."
"...I'll be there whenever you need me."
I didn't cry. I almost cried, but I didn't. And I didn't need a reason why anymore. Anyone else may have cried. I might have been a zombie or a husk for not crying.
...Maybe it was because I wasn't overwhelmed by what was going through my head anymore. It made me remember what I had been through, but the way these characters reached out to me was so much more meaningful than anything that came before.
The media that allowed me to laugh and to live and to make friends with ease once again provided light to me, not blinding me, but providing for me a moment of clarity.
I know not everyone likes the newer seasons of Pokemon. It doesn't fit the formula that provided light to those who have been fans for a longer time, and believe me, I understand how important these things are, but goddamnit, it's one thing to dislike a piece of media and an entirely different thing to continue arguing when you find out it means something to someone else. I respect those who don't like the newer seasons, and I won't tell you they're better than the ones that came before because, at least to me, they simply can't be compared to each other.
I know not everyone likes Goh, but I miss him so much for what he represented, and I can't thank the creators of Pokemon 2019 enough for what they went through to make what they did.
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somethingblu3 · 7 months
The Discovery Of Love (Chapter 1) | Quinten Quist
Read on Ao3 here
18+ minors dni.
Masterlist | The Discovery Of Love Masterlist
Fandom: The Discovery Of Heaven, De ontdekking van de hemel
When Onno discovers you and Quinten childhood best friends are Soulmates he's over the moon Max not so much. Max is terrified at the thought of his possible son being in a relationship with his best friend's daughter while he's in denial that you and Quinten have been seeing each other for months. You both try and keep it under wraps but you both know it's only a matter of time before someone finds out the truth.
TW: secret Relationship, Virgin Quinten, the birds and the bees Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Healing, Healing Soulmates, Canon Divergence,Alternate Universe,POV Second Person, Forbidden Love possible incest
Pairing: Quinten Quist x Female Reader, Quinten Quist x Afab Reader
Word Count: 2,801 (Finally wrote something over 1K! for once)
Graphic Credit: @keep-it-light
Lightly edited. To be clear i've aged Quintin up to 19 years old. Max's daughter is AFAB and uses she/her pronouns. Also I hope the formatting is alright tumblr's sucks.
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Onno Quist figured that at one point in his life he would have to tell his young and innocent virgin son about sex but today would not be that day. Quinten seemed far more interested in architecture than girls that was until he finally noticed you Max’s daughter. At first Onno was taken aback by his growing attraction but as he observed his son it seemed like a match made in heaven in Onno’s eyes at least. Max seemed totally against the idea when Onno brought it up one winter evening over dinner. As he spoke and dug into his turkey Onno’s eyes were fixated on Quintin and you outside in the snow Quinten with his nose stuck in a book of course and you were showering for bugs to add to your collection butterflies especially seemed to be of your most recent hyper-fixation.
It was sweet watching you two bond even if Quinten did seem vaguely disinterested at first that was until he finally looked up from a page in his book bookmarked between two fingers and watched in awe as you bent over to collect a wounded butterfly and shove it into a clear jar.
Onno grunted at the sight. What kind of partnership would you two be, he wondered. Obviously, it's less complicated than his own with Ada. Max was intelligent of course funny and affectionate, and he had been Onno’s best friend for decades, but Onno did find it odd that he knew nothing of the Mother.
“So she just abandoned a baby on your doorstep?” Too interrupts what must have been Max’s hundredth argument on why you and Quinten being together would be a terrible idea.
“Yes, that���s right. Just a name tag I hardly remember the women a one night stand” He recounts.“And so, how did you know she was yours?” Onno inquired. Max paused as he cleansed his pallet with a sip of wine.
“She was a virgin. Part of the deal was that I would make her night the most memorable of all, so in return, she would heal my Emphysema.” Onno nods. “Seems like a fair deal. You really need to quit the smoking though why don’t you give those patches a try? I think they even make gum now.”
“Gum? Have you ever seen a guy my age chewing gum?” Max scoffs. Onno drops the subject these days Max was careless about his health he had gained some weight and he was getting weaker even you had started to notice. You and Quinten were always out running around in the garden either chasing after the dogs of each other.
“Their not”“I never said they were.”“You're reading too much into it like you always do.”“Nonsense” Onno frowned as he rested his chin on his hand “Look at them! Don’t they remind you of someone?” Onno hums as he raises his brow subtly.“I have no idea who you are talking about”, Max rebuttalsOnno rolls his eyes.
“You and Ada, of course,” Onno coos. “You were head over heels in love with her, practically drooling over her when you first laid eyes on her in that bookshop”, Onno remarks. “Was not?” Max says defensively, “Why deny it? Onno probes
“Does it matter if they’re soulmates or not?”Onno scoffs “When did Max Delius loose interest in daughter’s soulmate?” Onno scoffed; he couldn’t believe it. What was the big deal? Before they had met Ada in that bookshop, all they used to pound over was Soulmates, other than science and philosophy.“Since her Soulmate was Quinten Quist”, Max snaps. He knew it. He bloody knew It.
“You thought he wasn’t.”
“I was wrong.”
“When did you discover?” Onno asks curiously, his complete focus on Max and Max alone.“Last Summer. Quinten spent most of his days in the lawn chair reading he had a nasty sunburn didn’t you notice? He was red like a chilli pepper, and then she touched him, and he was back to his normal pale self. Not only that there was a time when Quinten burned himself with a hot glue gun when he was trying to make a replica of a building she touched his finger, and it healed in a matter of minutes no burning sensation” Max recounted.
“Those could just be a matter of coincidences”, Onno suggested. “Just like us.”“No not like that” Max says shaking his head.“There was another incident one that I hadn’t told you about” max says he pauses as if he’s trying to collect himself. “Which incident?”
“We went out to the lake one hot evening teaching Quinten how to sail, if you remember. Well one night he fell into the water. We were both horrified we though something terrible had happened to him he could have died or he could have experienced head trauma. Luckily, I managed to swim in and save him. When I rescued him onto a nearby dock, she kissed him, and he was perfectly fine.
“You never told me” Onno.Max shrugs lightly. “I didn’t want to worry you about everything going on with Ada; besides, Quinten was fine. She healed him, kissed him, and he woke up; his bruises faded away, and his concussion was gone”, Max explained.“She kissed him?” Onno asks, taken aback, his eyes wide“Yes. She was attempting CPR,” clarified Max“And after the kiss, what happened?”“We went home. They didn’t say anything to each other. Quinten stormed off to his room; he was in such a state,” Max recounted“He was angry? About the kiss?”“He broke one of his plane models on purpose.”
Onno’s eyes flickered back to the two of you in the garden. Quinten’s eyes hadn’t returned to his book yet his lapis lazuli eyes where completely transfixed on you as you show him the little creature you had just added to your collection for once he seemed actually interested in the insect as you shovel it into the palm of his hands. Quinten never liked dirt, but Onno figured he would make an acceptation for you.
“He must have forgiven her then” Onno observes himMax turns in his chair as he watches the two of you giggling.
“Yes he must have” He obverses. You were getting to close for Max’s liking he couldn’t have you two together certainly not as soulmates you were both already best friends, inseparable since birth. Now that you were both adults, it would be merely impossible to keep the two of you apart. It would be only a matter of time before you two begin to act on your feelings and become intimate; it was a topic that made Max feel sick to his stomach the thought of his daughter being with his best friend’s son in that way, just like he was with Ada.
He could remember It like It was yesterday being so young and in love tangled in each other he had never seen such an obvious pairing than to two.
“You’ve had the talk with him, I presume?”Onno looks up perplexed he’s already devouring the pudding the table was still completely covered in food you and Quinten had barely touched your supper.“About Soulmates? Yes, he’s always known they exist. I’ve never shied away from that.”
“No, not Soulmates. Sex. I would prefer it for your son not to knock up my daughter, especially as she has just turned eighteen. Her mother would have a heart attack.”
“And you wouldn’t.”
“You know what I mean,” Max says as he sucks on his bottom lip. “When are you going to tell him?” Max probes, “Tonight. That is my plan if things go accordingly.”Max hums.
“I’m sure it’ll go down well. Remember the time you told him Pluto was a planet?”“He was devastated and didn’t talk to me for weeks”, Onno reflects.
“And how do you think he’ll react to learning that babies don’t come from Stalks?” Max inquires Onno groans he had high hopes before but Max’s comments were enough to diminish his attempts.
“Alright then I think we best be going” Max announces as he gets up. You and Quentin must have been out there for hours you must have been freezing cold Onno pulled Max by the wrist of his suit.“Huh?” Max murmurs
“Wait” Onno instructs him firmly his eyes still on you and Quinten in the garden.
As you take the butterfly back from his hands, Quinten jerks his hand away immediately. He kisses his finger as if he had been bitten but still seems to be in pain. You then murmur a few words to him barely audible through the glass door he then seemingly stretches out his finger, and you kiss it.“There's your proof right there”, Onno comments.“I knew they were I just didn't want to admit it to you” Max reveals. “The thought of them..”
“Is it just because he's my son?” Onno asks, “No, not just because of that...”
“Then why?” Onno prods. Max sighs as if he's trying to compose himself, but then he catches his wristwatch in the corner of his eye.“It's getting late; thank you for having us.”
“Why won't you answer my question?”
“It's not important” Max shrugs Onno doesn't by it something's off.“Would you like the rest of the food wrapped up then?” Onno asks as he stares down at the full table; he can hear you giggling from outside as Max opens the door.
“That would be nice” He comments his eyes still transfixed on his daughter.“My Ladybug it's time for us to go” Max announces he's clearly caught you and Quintin of guard sharing a moment as you stare into his bright sparkling Lapis lazuli eyes.“But Father” You groan can I stay for a few more hours? I want to see Quintin's train set.” Max rolls his eyes “No” he says firmly. “You have your exams next week to prepare for.”
“Aw fine” You groan as you shove the jar into your satchel Onno grins.“Did you catch a good one?” Onno asks “A Saddleback”, You announce joyfully “I'm sure Quentin will be researching it later” Onno comments “Not after the thing bit me.”
 “It wasn't a spine it was a bite and It only did that because you almost crushed it with your big hands!” That comment earns you a smack from Quentin. You hiss and Max glares at him “Enough we'll be going” Max says as he takes the tin foiled wrapped food from Onno and they walk down the hallway.“Goodnight,” Onno says as he closes the door
“Good luck”, Max whispers“I'll need more than that”, Onno remarks as he reaches for the bottle of wine.*******“What did you want to talk to me about, Father?” Quinten approaches him with a book in his hand about the history of butterflies. Perfect, Onno thinks.“I wanted to talk to you about something important” Onno starts Quentin doesn't look up from him as he sits at the table; he is completely immersed in the book's pages.“Is it about Mother?” He asks, “No”, Onno replies.
“It's about something more serious.” This finally makes him look up and push the book away from him.
“Alright then, what is it about? Quinten wonders.“You know how we've always told you that stalks deliver babies?” “Yes”,Quinten confirms.“Well, that's not entirely the case.”“So you lied to me?” Inquires Quinten“I wouldn't say lied more bent the truth.”
“Why?” Quinten asks his Father curiously Onno takes a breath wishing he had taken a sip of the wine instead but it was too early he had to man up and get this over with.“Quinten. As you know, a man falls in love a woman sometimes they are soulmates sometimes they are not when they are though they can heal each other's wounds, emotional or physical.”
“I already know this, Father” Quinten buts in“I know but let me get to the point” Onno stresses “When they fall in love they might decide to have a baby but the stalk doesn't deliver it the stalk doesn't exist so get that story out of your mind. To have a baby, the couple they procreate...As in, they have sex.”
“Sex?” Quinten repeats, “Sex, yes.”
“And what's that?” Onno sighs yet he reists the wine “It's a partnership between two people someotimes to produce a child sometimes just to have fun and produce hormones” Onno tries to explain in a way Quinten would understand.
“And why are you telling me about this, Father?” Quinten asks him, seemingly not phased yet.
“Well, I've noticed how close you and Max's daughter have been getting recently, and I wondered if you were both...intimate.” “Why would you want to know that?” Asks Quinten
“Well if you were I would like to know that you where both beeing safe. If not, you could risk her getting pregnant, and Max wouldn't be too happy about that,” Onno remarks.
“But aren't babies a blessing?” Quinten questions. “They are, but not everyone wants one or can have one, and I thought I would make sure that if you two were together, that you were both safe.”“Well, we're not”, Quinten announces. “Good”
“But we're soulmates, aren't we? You saw the way that butterfly bit me...spited me,” Quinten recounts “I did...Max told me about the sailing incident:” Onno reveals“He did?” Quinten asks defeatedly 
“Why were you angry? You would be lucky to have that girl as your soulmate she seems like the perfect match she's intelligent, curious quirky and wise like you” Onno observes.“You would think” Quinten sighs “But I guess...i was scared I didn't want to ruin anything between us as friends” He reveals.
“Oh well, that is very respectable, Quint”
“Please don't call me that, Daddy. I'm not five years old anymore”, Quinten groans.“Oh well, very well. I'm just glad that you and her are just friends.
“Oh fuck!” You pant as Quinten thrusts himself deeper into you. He had to keep you quiet. The palm of his hand was wrapped around your mouth as he rutted inside you in The Greenhouse.“We can't let them hear us”, Quinten reminds “Slow down!” You reprehend him. Since you had become intimate over the past few months, Quinten was like a wild animal in a heat and seemed to show no signs of slowing down.
You didn't mind of course, it was a nice distraction and a nice stress relief but it would be nice for you two to spend time together without the sex for once no matter how mind blowing it truly was.
You groaned as you came down from your orgasm and you prayed it was your last your legs were shaky as you held onto one of the plant pots for your life. Quinten held your waist firmly and you felt a mix of your and his cum dripping between your legs luckily the aroma was easily hidden by the musk of the plants. Quinten buries his lips into the back of your head. Seemingly satisfied, you watch his reflection in the window's glass.
“You told him we weren't seeing each other, right?” You ask “Of course” Quinten replies as he steps away and helps you get dressed picking your torn skirt from the floor.
“Do you think he bought it?” You ask him curiously Quinten had to be smart about this Onno Quist was a very smart man much like Quinten.“I think so,” He recalls.
“Although I don't think this tear in your skirt is going to help much” He comments and a grin spreads across his lips.“I hate you”, You murmur rolling your eyes.
“That's not what you were crying out a few moments ago.”You hit him just like he did on Christmas. You watch him as he leans closer, parting his lips and pushing your hair behind your ear.
“We probably shouldn't see each other for a while just so they don't catch on. Why don't we stage a fight?” He asks, cupping your cheek. Lost in his Lapis lazuli eyes, you didn't have much room to think this through.“Okay,” You tell him. He was about to lean in and kiss you, but then there was a knock on the greenhouse door.
“Darling,” Max calls. “You should be studying.”“Alright fine Father” You reply. You give Quinten a small nod as you leave, but he feels Max's eyes on him. You both had to sell this fight you couldn't risk his Father and Max finding out you where sleeping with each other behind their backs may as well have fun with it Quinten thought as he watched you leave.
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The Way He Looks at You Series I:XIV
Act I: The Way He Looks at You Chapter 14: The Way He Returns to You
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Read on AO3 Read on Blogger Read on Tumblr Story Master List: The Way He Looks at You Series
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Chapter Summary
Theo tries to save you from danger. Rating: 18+ Words: 2.2K
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You awake the following morning and are disappointed to find that Cal didn’t come back while you were sleeping. Not that you expected him to, you just want to know that he is okay. You had spent the previous evening reading and attempting to fold paper into more ships. However, you are still pretty terrible at it and you couldn’t bear to waste too much of the beautiful paper so you kept folding and smoothing out the same piece. The material sits on the nearby desk, crinkled and softened.
You get up and remake the bed before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day. The bathroom is acceptable, but it makes you long for Cal’s beautiful shower. Honestly, you just long for Cal. It feels silly to miss him so soon, you still barely know him and it hasn’t even been a full day of his absence.
Dressing in your usual clothes and strapping on your new satchel. You move your food money into the bag but keep the emergency credit in the hidden pouch that Cal assembled.
When you get outside you move out of the doorway to lean against the nearby wall while you let your eyes adjust to the blazing sunlight. A figure slides up and leans on the wall next to you. You raise your hand to shield your eyes so that you can look at the person better. Your heart stops momentarily and then takes off at a race when you see Theo beside you.
“Theo, were you waiting for me?” You ask, surprised to have barely gotten outside before he showed up.
“I was.” He says then swallows. “You can’t stay here, it isn’t safe.”
You tilt your head and lower your hand as your eyes no longer burn. “I’m sure it’s fine. No one is looking for me.” You try to placate Theo.
Theo shakes his head and presses his lips together. Those perfect pink lips, you remember how much you enjoyed kissing him. He was always shy at the first touch but quickly became needy with his kisses. You feel a wave of nerves in your belly as you remember his touch.
“It’s not. I saw the Thirteenth Brother here last night.” He starts.
Your heart leaps at the news and you interrupt before he can continue speaking, “You did? Where?”
Theo gives you a funny look then continues, “He was walking down this street and he seemed distracted. It surprised me he didn’t notice me watching him. He paused when he passed the building you were in and it looked like he was looking for someone in the windows. Then he left, I’m not sure what it was about but I’m worried.”
Your eyes widen and the hint of a smile teases at your lips. Cal was checking in on you, he wanted to make sure you were okay. You wonder how far out of his way he went to confirm that you were safe. Could he hear your thoughts from that distance? You aren’t exactly sure how the Force works but you imagine someone as powerful as Cal could probably feel your presence from the nearby street below your room.
Theo is watching your expression, “You don’t seem as worried as I would have thought.”
“I’m sure that it is a coincidence, there’s no way an Inquisitor would hunt me. Perhaps someone else is staying here who he is looking for.” You try to brush off the situation.
“I hoped for the same thing, but I’ve been watching your building ever since and there is only one other occupied room.” Theo says, he seems desperate to convince you of the danger you are in.
“It must be the other person then, Inquisitors hunt Force users, so there is no reason that he would be after me.” You say.
“Except…” Theo pauses and rubs the bridge of his nose, terrified for you. “Except the other room is on the back of the building, I watched for the lights in their room. The Thirteenth Brother never checked out the back of the building, he only looked at the front and side. Where I assume your room is.”
You chew the inside of your cheek, unsure how to make this go away. “Look, Theo, if he is after me, then that is my problem. You can’t get involved, you mean more to the Rebellion than I do. You need to survive, so leave, if he is after me then you escape and continue the fight. Please, just go.” You beg and turn to walk away.
Theo jogs to catch up, “I won’t just abandon you to the Empire.”
That is the most ironic thing you have ever heard. If only Theo knew you fell into your current circumstance because he abandoned you. You continue walking, hoping Theo will take the hint and leave. He doesn’t and when he realizes you are ignoring him he grabs your arm and spins you to face him, halting your momentum.
“Are you choosing to put yourself in danger because I broke up with you?” His gray eyes pierce yours, searching for an answer in them.
You flinch at the words, your pieced together heart beginning to crack again. “No,” You say, unconvincingly. You shake the weakness from your head and try again. “That is not what I am doing, trust that I am doing what I can to help the cause. Theo, I’m not yours anymore, you can’t try to step in to save me.”
Theo hasn’t let go of your arm, instead sliding them slowly down until your hands are in his. You barely breathe at the feeling of holding his hand again. You should pull away, but you also can’t. “I know I have no say over what you do. But I won’t stand by and allow something bad to happen to you. I care for you, I have since the moment we met. I don’t want to watch anyone suffer at the hands of the Empire.” His voice is much softer than before.
You can only stare back at him, mouth agape. His kindness and ability to speak right into your soul has always captured your heart. Hearing him care for you so openly is making it difficult to think. It is so clear that he still loves you and wants to protect you. A part of you is screaming to go with Theo, to be near him. The other part knows that while he may love you, he won’t ever allow that love to grow.
“Theo, please.” You say, not really sure what you mean. Maybe begging him to love you, maybe just asking him to leave you be. You wonder if he could love you again, if you went with him, maybe the two of you could rebuild the old relationship.
He gives you a sad look, “Please come with me, I’ll help you hide, we can get off this planet and I can take you back to Yavin 4 where you can start making a real difference again. You’ll be safer there, and we’ll see each other from time to time.”
Something in you hardens and you pull your hand away from his with more anger than you intended. He wants to save you, but he doesn’t want you. Tears fill your eyes and you choke out, “Theo, leave me alone.” Then you turn and head down the street.
Theo doesn’t follow you this time and you wander aimlessly until you can think again. You feel stupid, allowing yourself to believe for a moment that Theo might take you back. You chastise yourself for thinking that you could have your old life back. That he would want you still. There is a sizable guilt for considering betraying Cal, he may be a part of the Empire but he has been loyal to you. You know he cares for you and wants you and would not abandon you.
You stop walking, allowing the sun to heat your exposed skin. Glancing around at the sky and part of the market you have found yourself in. Noting the place where you realized that you no longer doubt being with Cal. He deserves your loyalty, your faith, and your love. He has always been honest about his intentions and how he must handle situations. Cal would never blindside you with a change of heart. He is very honest about the man he must be.
You love him; realization hits you. You are in love with Cal. All you have wanted your entire life is finally available to you. It isn’t exactly the way you imagined it, but it is what you need.
A different eatery is across the street from you. It seems busy and you decide to celebrate your newfound emotions there. You wait a while to be seated, but you spend your time reading on your datapad while you wait. You are struggling to pay attention to the book since you keep getting distracted with thoughts of Cal.
You picture him when he made you dinner; he was so handsome. He always is, but especially in that moment. Shirtless and caring for you in the most basic way, feeding you. You think about how good he looks without a shirt on, his body is a work of art. His muscular arms make you weak, you remember that you still need to become submissive enough to be allowed to touch them. Perhaps he’ll reward you with it when you tell him you love him.
You continue to daydream about how you’ll tell Cal the news; you decide to wait until he is looking at you that special way. To look up into his fierce eyes and confess your feelings. You want to watch how his eyes give away his expression, to see his stern look replaced with one of joy and wonder.
An open table cuts your thoughts short and you take the seat and order your food. The sun is high in the sky before you can finally eat for the first time today. It doesn’t really bother you, you’ve gone much longer without food. However, the moment the server places your food on the table your brain reminds you that while it can wait, it would really prefer not to. You scarf down the meal faster than you expected; you had been hoping to linger here longer. But since the eatery is so busy you decide it may be best to allow someone else an opportunity to eat.
Heading back down the street you decide to check out some more of the shops even though you are out of spending money. There is a clothing store that catches your eye and you wander through, touching each article of clothing that interests you. You revel in the feeling of various lovely textures that tickle your fingers.
They have a display of jewelry near the back of the store and you look at the pretty pieces. One stands out; a gold chain necklace with a clear gem hung from the center. You touch it delicately, admiring the way it sparkles when it catches the light.
It reminds you of your family, your mother had always worn a beautiful pendant that your father had gifted her. As a child you told her you wanted a necklace like hers when you got older. She would always smile and tell you she might very well give you her necklace one day.
The day you lost your family, before leaving, you had gone to check your mother’s body for the necklace. Unable to bear the thought of it being left behind for someone else to take. But you couldn’t find it, you checked everywhere thinking she may have placed it somewhere else but ultimately gave up. The stormtroopers looted your home; you are sure one of them stole her necklace.
You shake the memory and release the piece of jewelry, turning away to stroll through the rest of the store. The shopkeeper approaches, offering to help you search but you politely decline.
You spend the afternoon browsing various shops but never regretting the purchases you already made. The sound of your stomach alerts you that you will need to get dinner before heading back to the room. Stopping at the same food cart as before then you head back as the sun sets.
Once safely in the room you eat your dinner and decide to do some more reading. The sun has set completely and you walk over to close the curtains to your window. You jump when a rock hits the glass. Your eyes widen in panic as you wonder if maybe it was just your imagination. But another rock hits the window and you reach to open the pane. The moment you get it open you see Theo below, a panic-stricken look on his face.
“Quickly, climb down!” He whispers as loud as possible.
“What?” You call back, trying to match his volume and urgency.
“Inquisitor, just entered the building.” He explains, only saying the words required to get his point across.
Panic now floods your mind. Cal is back, and Theo is trying to save you, you have no time to think.
“Theo, run, I’ll be okay. Please go, save yourself.” You plead but you see he is already beginning to scale the side of the building, desperate to get to you before Cal does.
“No! Theo, please don’t, go, just go!” You beg.
That is when you hear the lock sliding open behind you.
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Next Chapter: The Way He Loves You
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arcvmonth · 1 year
ARC-V Month 2023 Prompt List
Starting June 15th, all works under these prompts are to be accepted and reblogged here. Any form of content is welcome, and so are late submissions! Scroll through the prompts, take your pick, and most importantly- have fun!
(Don't forget the tags and the @arcvmonth mention, though! We don't want your post to get eaten by Tumblr, now do we?)
Day 1: Lights, Camera, Action... Duel!
We're starting off light and sweet with a simple introduction day. Present yourself, the type of content you do, or the charaters you'll be working with- anything goes, just let the audience know of you in your own way!
Day 2: Kahyoreigetsu
Flowers, Moon, Winds, Birds. Four wonders of nature, gentle and pure, and four matching bracelets around the wrists of one girl each. For the first time in too long, today's show stars our very own quartet of Bracelet Girls, so be sure to celebrate those beautiful sweethearts!
Day 3: Duetto of Duelist and Spirit
The primary principle of Entertainment Dueling is to become one with your cards, to put on the best show ever in tandem with the monsters in your Deck. Show us your favorite cards today, and the story behind your partners of choice!
Day 4: The Merriest Band of Misfits
With such a diverse world and a massive ensemble, it's only natural for interesting chemistry to be found between quite a few characters in this show, and today is all about those neat little dynamics! Show us your favorite unconventional gang of idiots, stick them in one place, and let the chaos commence!
Day 5: Action Magic - Overpass
Whoops, someone seems to have mixed up our cast's scripts! Bracelet boys? Riding Duel King Kurosaki? What is this?? Whatever shall we do?? Show us your wildest swaps today- be it roleswap, bodyswap, or whatever else you can think of!
Day 6: Understudy Spotlight
You ever see a character and instantly like their vibe... only for them to disappear into the background for all eternity? Well, here's your chance to take them out for a little spin! Show us your favorite background character today, and give them the shoutout they deserve!
Day 7: Of Amores, Per the Prophecy
That's right, today is the day to celebrate your favorite ships of all time! Show us your sweet OTPs, OT3s, or any sort of polys, and spread the love all around!
Day 8: The Regular- ah, Standard Show
Standard dimension day! Give a shoutout to all those unique duel schools, or the chill and cozy atmosphere of Maiami City, or the original motley crew from the olden days of the very first arc! Every journey has its beginning, and this one is as good as they come.
Day 9: Light Across the Aether
The ARC-V story tends to be something of a mixed bag at best, but today, we only look for the best things to find within this bag. Show us your favorite story arc, episode, or even a singular moment of greatness!
Day 10: Take Five! ....Or Ten!
First free day! The momentum is slowly ramping up, but to carry on with a good show, one must take a breather every now and then. Take the day off to talk about whatever, make any work you want, or just chillax and wait for what comes next.
Day 11: Legacy For the Future
ARC-V featured five Duelists from all across the previous spin-offs, each bringing an interesting twist to the show, and a curious few differences from their original selves. Today we celebrate those legendary legacy Duelists- them, and whoever else may have been among them in another world.
Day 12: But You Still Take the Damage
Meme day! Get silly, go crazy, be cringe and be free! ARC-V is a circus of odd puns and bad jokes and dumb gags that never get old, so go ahead and toss out all your funny gold!
Day 13: Abyss Beneath a Smile
No one is born evil, and yet some choose to let go of the light in favor of embracing the other side, for reasons one may find to be rather baffling at first glance. Today is all about these oh-so-villainous figures, so show us your favorite antagonist of choice!
Day 14: Halfway to Heartland Tower
Xyz dimension day! Who doesn't love a good city that shines like a literal beacon in the night? Heartland certainly has its charm, and so does its lovable cast. Even in the face of adversity, they continue to inspire hope in every way they can, and that sure is something to celebrate.
Day 15: Salt For the Salt Lord!
Remember the mixed bag, and how we looked for the best of it last time? Well, now's the time to take a look at the less favorable parts of the story. Show us your least favorite arcs, episodes, or a certain pet peeve you had with the show- let the salt flow and flood the whole land!
(We'll mop it up by tomorrow, don't worry ;D)
Day 16: Actually, He Would Say That
Look, we all like our cast with their pros and their cons, but sometimes there's just something... missing, when you look at canon portrayal. Some more depth. Some trivial details and silly nitpicks, to add to their flair... which are exactly what today is all about. Show us your weirdest little headcanons and most random thoughts!
Day 17: A Salad of Heavenly Proportions
Four dimensions, four summoning methods, four heavenly dragons.... and of course, four quarters of a whole idiot. Please give it up to the kiddos, the twinsies, the complete and utter dorks of all time: the Yuu-salad boys!
Day 18: D/D/D - Different Dimension Day
Canon divergence, modern settings, fantasy, sci-fi and series fusions...yes, ladies and gentlemen, today is the day. It's time to throw canon to the wind, because we're making our own stories through the wondrous magic of AUs!
Day 19: My Heart Beats 'Till Overdrive
Synchro dimension day! We are here to visit the city of speed, spectacle and freedom!... or the lack thereof. Progress is a non-linear road, but our daring riders are working their way there, so do give them their due credits today!
Day 20: We Interrupt Your Schedule for A Commercial Break
Free day 2: electric boogaloo! We're well into the swing of things by now, but a short stop is due before we move on to the final stretch! Perhaps you could mention some of your favorite creators in the fandom, or just roll around with anything else you're working on. There's also the option to simply take a day off- we even have some popcorn for those who want to just sit back and watch the show.
Day 21: League of Dueling Seriously
Or LDS for short- no, not the school, the Lance Defense Soldiers. Today we celebrate the single most chaotic group in the whole show- yes, it's the Lancers' time to shine!
Day 22: Prismatic Rare, Prismatic Pair
"Man, these two are such an adorable pair! Lemme just look them up- what do you mean, there's no content for them??"
Sometimes, one must dig pretty deep to find those rare, hidden gems, so show us your own gem of a rarepair today!
Day 23: Back At Class, They Never Taught A Thing
Fusion dimension day! Beyond the shores of Academia lies a trove of possibilities, and the same goes for the walls of the ornate castle as well. Every student and teacher has a story to tell, and together they weave quite the curious tapestry... though what is there to be seen in such a creation is up to you alone.
Day 24: Oh. My. G.O.D
Manga day! Loathe as we all are to remember that last panel, the manga is actually surprisingly good otherwise. It introduces a handful of new faces while reimagining old ones, and has a nice underlying message that makes it well worth celebration overall.
Day 25: Woe, Angst Be Upon Ye
Oh, would you look at that? Today we are gathered here for the express purpose of hurting our poor little meow meows and giving them more trauma on top of their existing issues! How fun!
... alright, fine, they might get a happy ending. No promises on that front, though.
Day 26: Action Magic - Crossover
Oho? What's this? Our cast has been given an entirely new script!! Such curious mixes can create infinite possibilities, each more intriguing than the last. Show us how you're crossing over ARC-V with other media, and let's dive into a whole new world today!
Day 27: Square Zero
Original dimension day! Very little is known about the place where it all began, but this is a blessing in its own right, for it lets us explore what may have been with greater freedom. Pray tell, how do you picture this world to once have been?
Day 28: Hey, Who Hired This One?
Strangely enough, an anonymous figure has shown up to the performance today! Whoever might that be? Well, the answer is yours to decide! Introduce us to your OCs, and let them roam the world alongside the rest of the cast.
Day 29: Into the Games!
While the anime and manga may be over and done with, it so happens that our beloved characters still exist in several games, and are even getting further development and chances for interaction! Let's talk about how YuGiOh video games have been handling ARC-V in the past, present, and future.
Day 30: Curtains Down
Final day everyone, woohoo! It's certainly been a ride, and reaching its end feels more than a bit surreal, but now that we're here... it's high time we do the curtain calls.
Tell us your favorite days/works from this year's ARC-V Month, or as always, do with the day whatever you will. Here's to another great event next year... 'till then, ladies and gentlemen!
Extra Prompts:
1) Time Pendulumgraph
Hey, who fast forwarded the timeline- wait, isn't this four years before the start?? Looks like we're dealing with some weird chronography here, so show us your pre/post-canon ideas today!
2) Guest Appearance
A wild VIP guest has appeared! Take one character from outside the series, and thrust them into the ARC-Verse while hoping for the best. Anyone goes! Literally anyone. Go wild.
3) Doodlebook - Uh Uh Uh!
A sad truth of this world is that we do not hold the power to materialize cards out of thin air when pushed against the wall... however, what we do have is the ability to create the card concepts ourselves! Pop out a few custom cards of your design today!
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mistress-ofmagic · 2 years
Around the Realms in 80 days- Chapter 18
Pairing: Reader x Loki
Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.
Notes: Oh hi there! Welcome to another chapter (this Is pretty good timing for me, two chapters in a month? Who says I don't feed you! This was a fun chapter to write, I did a lil bit of breaking the 4th wall here lol! I know a lot of you hated Latte to begin with because she was a lil nervy and didn’t always stick up for herself (Im only going off on what I would be like guys lmao some of us are very soft and not at all brave or heroic) and I know she’s a bit of a reluctant hero or an anti-hero, she'd much rather be chilling somewhere with her coffee than faced with this shit! 
Anyway, enjoy!
Read this story on a03!
find all parts to this story on Tumblr here
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Jesus Christ…” You muttered under your breath as you stormed off, leaving Stark Towers behind you. 
You span round to face Oliver, who was having to do a fast pace walk to catch up with you.
“What?” You asked rather sharper than you intended. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, that’s so embarrassing. It’s been…”
“Stressful morning?” Oliver grinned good-naturedly.
You sighed. “Kind of.” 
“I can’t imagine. Where do you want to go?” 
“Honestly I don’t know the city at all.” You forced a smile, trying to forget L-O-K-I and enjoy the rest of your day. 
“Where would you recommend?” 
Oliver smiled again. He was a smiley person, you noticed. Unlike he-who-shall-not-be-named who usually looked unimpressed at best, especially when you were around. He looked cute again today; it felt strange seeing him without his lab coat on, as if he was missing something somehow. He was wearing jeans and a graphic tee-shirt, his brown hair tousled again as if he constantly runs his hands through it, and his hazel eyes seemed to light up when he smiled. His face was open and sincere, again unlike Loki who was closed and harsh. Maybe there was something to be said of their life experiences though; while you didn’t know much about Oliver and his life, you doubted he had ever tried to take over an entire planet and been defeated and imprisoned. 
Still…suppose you can never be too careful. Enough tinder dates had taught you that.
You realised you had been staring at him and hadn’t listened at all to his response. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” You asked sheepishly. 
He laughed, “I suggested we could go to the museum of modern art? Or if you would prefer to just see some sights we could go to times square…?”
“Museum sounds good. Sorry, I’m a little distracted.” 
He chucked as you started heading off in the direction of the museum together. The day continued to be pleasant enough and you actually began to enjoy your stroll despite the way the morning had gone. 
Oliver broke the cordial silence.
“So then, I guess the number one question…how did you get landed with the task of being Loki’s…companion?” 
“Companion?” You screwed your face up. 
Oliver laughed, “well, whatever you’d call your relationship.”
“I try not to call it anything.” You muttered under your breath.
You begin to explain the situation to Oliver, and the rollercoaster that was yours and Loki’s so called “relationship”. 
Oliver gave a low whistle after you finally finished regaling him with your sorry tale of woe.
“Man…that’s heavy.” 
“Horrible isn’t it.” You sighed glumly. 
“I can’t believe you got kidnapped!”
“Kidnapped, bullied by trolls, meeting Loki, it’s been the worst of times.” 
He laughed and you scowled at him.
“It’s not funny, my life is a Shakespearen tragedy.”
“No no, of course not, I’m sorry. Is meeting Loki really as bad as being attacked by trolls?”
“Far, far worse.”
For some reason, Oliver seemed to think you were joking and laughed. 
 But…you do seem to find yourself in some scrapes don’t you.”
“Scrapes find me, I am merely a passive entity to which disaster finds.”
“I find that a little difficult to believe, given that by the sounds of it you basically begged to stay here.” Olivers eyes twinkled with good-hearted mirth. 
“That’s…that’s beside the point.” 
“Of course, of course. You know…I’m not so sure though.” 
“About what?”
“If I didn’t know any better, and despite all your complaining, I’d say you rather enjoy traveling around with Loki.”
You spluttered, “What? What are you trying to say?” 
“Loki this, Loki that. I’m just saying, for someone who hates him so, you do enjoy talking about him.”
You stared at him, horrified. An awful though suddenly appeared…over the past few weeks had you managed to pass the Bechdel test? 
“That’s not…” The words got stuck in your throat. 
Maybe Oliver could tell how nauseated you were because he said gently,
“I’m joking Latte. It sounds like you’ve been through hell and back. You’ve been so brave I’m not sure many people could do what you have done.” 
You blushed and stuttered for a different reason.
“I’m sure that’s not true. Besides I didn’t really have a choice. Sink or swim I guess. I was pretty cowardly to begin with, I let Loki scare the shit out of me. I’m not…a brave person, I’m not particularly tough.” 
“I would disagree, the story you just told me would suggest otherwise. Jesus knows I couldn’t have done half the things you did, I would have laid in the corner and cried.”
You snorted.
“Arguably, that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing.”
“You’re the hero, you have to go through some sort of journey.” Oliver winked at you. 
“Oh please, I’m definitely the anti-hero, the people at home watching the inevitable film of my life will be screaming at the tv I’m sure.” 
“Well, anti-hero or not, I’d watch that movie.”
You really wanted to make a snide comment about that making Loki the villain in this particular story, but you kept your mouth shut given that Oliver seemed to think you were infatuated with the Asgardian God. Definitely not true, by the way. 
“Sure, ‘my life as the worlds worst avenger’ coming to cinemas soon.”
“I think I’d prefer ‘How to train your fire demon.’” Oliver joined in. 
“Or, ‘Asgardian Psycho.”  You snorted, thinking back to Loki.
“What about ‘An Earthling in Asgard?”
You grinned, “it’s good, but a little on the nose, plus I’m not just in Asgard anymore, I’m quite the realm traveler.” 
“Fine then, how about ‘Around the Realms in 80 days.” 
You laughed, “That’s not bad, you never know with the rate things are going I might end up doing just that.”
“How are you feeling about your upcoming trip?” 
You sighed, a little wave of anxiety settling into your stomach. 
“Pretty nervous. I’m not sure who I think I’m kidding being here in the first place, and now apparently I’m traveling to a dangerous realm of fire and brimstone, where I’ll probably get myself killed no doubt.” You paused,
“Sorry, I don’t mean to offload! It can’t be much worse than the current state of things anyway.” 
“Please, don’t feel bad!” 
“Maybe some modern art will cheer me up. Hey, actually, how did you find out my stupid nickname?” You asked, realising he had been calling you your misnomer. 
Oliver laughed sheepishly,  
“Well, I heard Thor call you that when he was talking to Stark yesterday.”
“Oh god, what did he say?”
“Only good things!” Oliver hurried to reassure you. “Just discussing your amazing performance with the demon in the cell.” 
“Hm, I don’t believe you but for the sake of my self-esteem I won’t press further.”
After a short walk, you made it to the museum and followed Oliver inside. You insisted on paying for your own ticket, of course. 
You had just about settled into an enjoyable afternoon, wandering around the exhibits when your phone starting beeping. You ignored it at first and then your phone started ringing. 
You stared at it and blinked twice as Loki’s named popped up on your phone. It had also been him texting you apparently. The message flashed on your screen.
                   Loki: There’s an emergency 
“Is everything okay? You look ill.” Oliver asked. 
“This can’t be good.” You sighed. “Let me take this.” 
You walked over to the entrance of the exhibit as to not disturb everyone there. 
“Hello little mortal, enjoying yourself on your, what do the young midgardians call it, A date?” Loki spoke lazily.
“Its not a date!” You hissed loudly into the phone, raising some eyebrows around you.
“It’s not a date.” You repeated again quietly as you turned your back. 
“I think the lady doth protest too much.”
“Seriously what is wrong with you?”
“Not much, what’s up with you?” 
You could basically feel Loki’s irritating grin through the phone.
“God you give me whiplash. What do you want Loki I’m busy.”
“Not too busy to pick up the phone I see.” You could hear a smug tone to his voice.
“I only picked it up because you said it was an emergency.” 
“What emergency could I possibly need your help with.”
“Okay, goodbye Loki.” 
“Wait, actually there is an emergency.”  
You sighed and rubbed your forehead. Man, this god was going to turn you grey. 
“What?” You snapped. You were in no doubt there was no emergency and Loki was ringing you to just mess with you. 
There was a pause on the phone. You considered hanging up before he finally continued, 
“Stark has arranged for a movie night tonight and we all have to attend.” In his defence Loki sounded very glum, as if something horrible had truly happened. 
“That’s not an emergency Loki. Now excuse me while I go back to my not date.”
“Where are you?” He asked.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously, and you looked around you, scared incase he popped up from behind a statue or something. 
“Were in the museum of modern art. Why?” 
“No need to sound so distrustful.” Loki sounded amused, “I had no idea you were such a connoisseur of fine art, you never struck me as the type.” 
You bristled at his insinuation that you were not sophisticated enough to enjoy art. 
“I actually love going to museums. Just because I don’t walk around acting like I’m the dogs bollocks doesn’t mean I’m not cultured.” 
“Do you have to use such crass language when we speak?”
“Do we have to speak at all?” You retorted back, still scanning the room slightly just incase he showed up. 
“I visited your planet with Odin and Thor when I was a child and we visited a place called Rome, they had a great number of many museums.”
“Oh? Was this when Julius Caesar was still in power?”
Loki ignored your comment, 
“Of course, not as many as we have on Asgard. Since you are so interested in museums I can visit together the next time we visit.” He spoke lightly.
You paused, was Loki asking you out? And not just because he had to because of the whole babysitting thing?
“Uh, yeah. I guess I didn’t think that I would go back though, to Asgard. Odin wasn’t mighty pleased I was there in the first place.”
“Odin is not usually mighty pleased about anything, especially if I’m involved.” He kept his voice light and humorous, but there was something deeper underneath. 
The admission came as a surprise, you weren’t that used to Loki speaking about his feelings (kind of) so easily and you were stumped for a response. 
“Well New York has plenty of museums too.” You offered, unsure of what else to say. 
The phone went quiet again. It really was unsettling how quickly the two of you seemed to go from arguing to tolerating each other, and even more unsettling, the occasional moments of companionship with a hint of friendship. 
Not that you were sure he would put you in that category with  the way he had recently snapped at you; when you’d tried to enquire about his parenthood and just before you came on this not date. Although he had also magicked your up a new wardrobe and seemed to get very upset when he thought you were dying so that had to count for something, right?  
Come to think of it, you never actually really addressed the whole “friendship” thing after that long talk the other night on the balcony, where Loki had finally stopped acting like a dick for long enough as to apologise for his actions and have a serious conversation about where you stood with him. He had really opened up then, about how he felt about getting close to mortals. You supposed you couldn’t really be too shocked then, when he seemed to distance himself from you a little the last few days. 
The hot and cold act was not enjoyable but was almost understandable if you saw things from his perspective. You just had to be careful not to get burnt or frozen in the process. 
Not that anyone wants to look at things from Lokis perspective for too long, they’d get a migraine. 
Look at you being all mature and shit! 
You thought back to those nights of sharing a tent with Loki, it felt so long ago now despite not being long ago at all. You had been so scared of him then, so unsure of how he would react next. 
Now? Well he was still a mystery and could still be a complete arse, but perhaps he was opening up to you, slowly. You needed to be patient but only to an extent right, he was obviously a complex guy; not that that gave him a right of passage to be a knob. 
“What are you up to then now?” You asked.
To your surprise, Loki played along. 
“Well now you’re gone I get to enjoy some peace and quiet for once, reading my books.” 
You almost hit back with “so that’s why you called me then, is it?” But stopped yourself. You realised then that Loki was bored. That’s why he’d been so annoyed that you had spent the afternoon with Oliver. Probably. 
I mean, aside from you and Thor, it’s not like he had a lot of friends from what you had seen. Another thing the two of you actually had in common. You didn’t have a lot of friends here either. 
You bit down on your nails, an old habit you had whenever you felt anxious about something.
“Stop that dreadful noise or I shall put the phone down.”
Only paying half attention, you stepped back into someone and banged your side pretty hard. 
“Ow, dickhead.” You muttered as they shot you a dirty look and walked off. 
“What? What’s happening?” Loki barked. 
“Oh nothing, just this asshole walking into me.” 
“Was it that Midgardian boy?”
“What midgardian boy?” You asked absent-mindedly. “Oh shit, Oliver.” You suddenly remembered your not-date probably wondering what the hell you were doing. 
“Anyway, I should get back to…I’ll see you later.”
 “yes.” Loki said stiffly “I’d hate to keep you from your beau.”
“Nobody says beau anymore by the way. S’later.”
“Goodbye mortal.”
You hung up your phone and quickly went to rejoin Oliver. 
“Hey, sorry I took so long.”
“Everything okay?” 
“Literally fine, he just wanted to complain about Tonys movie night or something.” 
“Look at you, movie nights with the Avengers!”
“I know, I’m going up in the world. Careful what you say to me now, I’ve got the force of Earths defenders on my side.” 
Oliver chuckled and held his hands up. 
“I see that. Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you.” 
You turned back to the photography exhibit, wondering what it would actually be like to visit a museum with Loki one day. 
You wandered back into the towers later that evening. After the museum, you had gone for a few drinks with Oliver and, as it was, you were feeling rather tipsy. 
Actually, this was the second time you had been tipsy in the last few days, you reminded yourself, better not make it a habit. 
Still, Oliver was cute, right?
Not rip-my-clothes-off-and-take-me cute, but cute all the same. 
He was very sweet and funny too and although you maybe saw him as friend-material at the moment, that didn’t mean something couldn’t happen in the future. Plus it was nice to have a friend that wasn’t a hundred year plus old god. 
You could get used to the city living, although there was a part of you that missed the Asgardian country side too.
The atrium into Stark Towers took your breath away, you felt far too unsophisticated to be staying there. It was not the sort of place you’d ever particularly imagined yourself but you were going to enjoy your time for as long as you had. Grinning, probably overly familiarly in your slightly drunken state, at the security and receptionists on the ground floor you made your way over to the lift, preparing to stand there for all of eternity due to the many floors. You decided to turn your phone back on to check for any messages you missed after turning your phone off earlier to save battery. 
Two missed calls and a few texts from Loki?
Loki: When are you retuning mortal it is nearly dark?
Loki: Mortal?
Loki: Answer my calls right this instance or there will be consequences.
Loki: Loki, Prince of Asgard. 
You snorted and replied.
You: Why did you text me your own name, weirdo. What’s up?
And for the fun of it, you sent him a little gif of the “wazup” scene in Scary Movie.
Making your way up the many floors in Starks state of the art lift, you waited for Loki to reply. 
Loki: How dare you not answer me when I asked you to. Clearly, you needed reminding of who I am. Secondly, what, in all of the nine realms is that?
You: Firstly, I’m not just at your beck and call Loki, I was a bit busy. Secondly, It’s a gif. It’s just like a moving picture that you send to be funny.
Loki: Busy? With that midgardian boy? Disgusting. I didn’t find the moving picture particularly amusing. Please don’t send me one again. 
You: Get your mind out of the gutter. 
You were hit with a sudden inspiration. You quickly searched for the gif you wanted and found it. Who knew there were so many Loki gifs. The particular one you were after was Loki shouting “kneel” to the ground in Stuttgart during his last soiree to Earth. 
Loki: ?
Loki: It is imperative that you tell me how you acquired this.
You laughed out loud to yourself, as you put your phone away wishing you could see Loki’s face as you had send that gif. 
You figured, given the time, that Stark would have already started the film night, so you headed towards the most likely lounge areas on the penultimate floor. Your guess was right, and you could see through the glass doors the Avengers sat around watching what you were pretty sure was Kill Bill. 
The sight made you giggle, and you remembered you needed to try very hard at not being a little bit drunk. You were pretty sure the Avengers all thought you were slightly strange to begin with, you needed to change their mind. 
You shushed yourself aloud, and prepared to enter quietly and normally. Quietly and normally. Quietly and normally.
You pushed the door slightly and entered. So far so good, no one had particularly noticed you entering. Quiet and normal. Excellent. You scanned the room, looking for an empty seat. Your long distance eye sight wasn’t great as it is thanks to years of starting at screens and it was pretty dark, but you thought there was one free near Thor so you headed over silently.
That was, until, someone very rudely had put a pouff right in your way and you tripped up, slamming your knees into the side of a sofa. 
“Shit” You yelled, rather loudly. 
All the Avengers in the room turned and started at you. 
“Nice of you to join us Wonderland, please come in.” Stark said, dryly. 
You grinned wildly, deciding it best not to say anything, and took the closest seat. 
“Mortal.” A low voice spoke to your left.
“Oh for gods sake” You muttered and glared at Loki for the audacity of sitting where you were now forced to sit. 
Loki seemed amused by this reaction and smirked at you irritatingly. You glared even harder and then faced the TV. 
“You’re back very late.” Loki spoke softly next to you, with a note of contention in his voice.
You decided to ignore him, and tried to focus on the film. You’d never actually seen Kill Bill all the way through and coming in half way was pretty confusing. Loki tried again. 
“I hope you haven’t been fraternising with your mortal boy?”
“Stop accusing me of fraternising every three seconds, and it’s none of your business even if I was." You huffed out of the corner of your mouth, as to not disturb the rest of them. 
Loki looked annoyingly happy that you had risen to the bait.
“I’m going to get popcorn.” You mumbled, and stood up to head towards the back of the room where the snacks and were. 
You stood up too quickly and had to grab the sofa and a blink a couple of times until the black dots stopped floating in front of you. You suppressed the need to giggle and made your way over to the back, being very careful to watch where you placed your feet. 
The lights were on towards the back and you squinted to get used to the light change. You hummed about the snack bar; Stark, or more likely someone who worked for him, had thought of literally every snack you might need to watch a film.
Pick and Mix, chocolate, popcorn, and plenty of treats you’d never even seen before. 
“What are these?” A voice spoke behind you.
You jumped in the air, very nearly spilling the popcorn you had picked up.
“Jesus Loki.”
You looked around to see if anyone had noticed, but you were pretty far back and out of ear shot around this area. 
“Can you not?”
“Not what? He asked, with a fake innocence.
“Not…do whatever you’re doing now.”
“I’m merely standing here.”
“And here I was thinking you had better things to do than stand and talk to Midgardians.” You repeated his words from earlier back at him.
Loki rolled his eyes at you. 
“You surely know how to hold a grudge.”
“I surely do bitch.” 
He didn’t find this very funny and shot you a displeased look. 
“You are drunk again.” 
You tutted and made double sure no one was listening.
“I’m not drunk Low-key.” You elongated his name as you helped yourself to some more sweets “I am a little tipsy maybe. Also you make it sound like all I do is constantly drink.”
“Well you have been drunk twice in barely as many days.”
“That was your brothers fault remember?” 
He let out a long suffering sigh, as if he didn’t particularly want to remember. 
“What are you eating?” He crinkled his nose up as you scuffed another gobful of popcorn. 
“Popcorn.” You said, with your mouth half full.
“Are mortals taught any table manners at all?” He asked, disapprovingly. 
“Do you not have popcorn on Asgard.”
He looked down at the spread of snacks. 
“No.” He said carefully.
“Well what do you eat for sweets then?”
“I suppose we have nuts and grapes.”
“Some nuts and grapes? Christ no wonder you’re so highly strung.”
You gathered a plate up for him with selection of all the amazing confectionary Earth had to offer. “Here, try these.” 
You stared at him in excitement as he ate a handful of Haribos. 
“Hm. I’m not sure I enjoy this texture.”  
“Try this next!” You very nearly shoved some popcorn into his mouth  in your excitement and then realised that would probably get you killed, which would have been messy in Starks fancy lounge; so you just pointed to it instead. 
Watching Loki try new things was surprisingly very entertaining to you. It was unusual to see Loki look so unsure of himself, as normally he swanned around cocky as anything. 
You sighed, thinking back once again to the other night on the balcony. Loki was very good at brushing over any moments of vulnerability, even though he occasionally showed it in moments like this.
With his slightly furrowed forehead and quizzical expression as he tried earthly sweets was the epitome of vulnerable. 
Loki made eye contact with you while you stared at him and swallowed his sweets down. 
“Why are you looking at me like that mortal?” He asked, suspiciously. 
“Nothing.” You smiled to yourself
“Now you are smiling like a loon. I hope you are not loosing your mind over that boy. We have a mission to complete, or have you forgotten?” He frowned at you, disgruntled.
“How could I forget the fact I’m heading to a burning wasteland soon.” You said sadly, thinking of your up and coming trip which, at best, ends in your death. 
“There is no reason to be nervous. You have proved yourself rather difficult to maim.” Loki stated, deliberately.
“Physically maybe but I’m going to need a hell of a lot of therapy when this is over.” You muttered. “Suppose I should enjoy this last moment of calm before the storm.” 
“What storm?” Loki asked cautiously. 
“It’s just a figure of speech.”
“Hm.” Loki made a non committal humming noise. 
“Let’s go finish off the film, I need the escapism.” 
You sat back down together and tried to refocus on the film. You mind kept wandering however and  you remained restless. 
Were things between you and Loki changing? How many Loki gifs could you send of himself before he murdered you in your sleep? 
And, most importantly, what fresh hell awaited you in the realm of fire? 
A/N: Who enjoyed my fourth wall break (kinda?) haha! Also keep tuned folks for some more plot (finally) after a couple of plot-less chapters!
@creationsbyme  @kikster606  @slytherinintj13  @th0rswh0res  @huntress-artemiss  @jannieka394 @stefffrs  @misswimberly @thedistractedagglomeration  @yoongissidebitchh  @purplekitten30 @mischief2sarawr  @johnmurphys-sass 
@lonadane  @imalovernotahater @lokisgoodgirl  @laliceee @dlwrish  @paetonnn
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Colors of Chance
Pepperman x Reader 
(Inspired by another lovely comic by @pervertedindividual this is for you, fren🫂💜)
Comic by them:
Takes place after Y/N's first meeting with Pepperman from Colors of Expression but diverges from that fic completely after that! You don't need to read that fic for this one! 
Contains: The anthropomorphic pepper makes fun of you. Again. A very tiny amount of angst. Fluff ending. 
"Oh! It's that Y/N girl again." How fortunate that Pepperman had the chance to see you again. It had been weeks since he seen you last at the studio. He cringed inwardly as he recalled your (deserved) tirade at him. You had come into the studio one other time since that day. What happened instead was that you had opened the door, locked eyes with his, and simply turned around and left. 
"Hmm." You click your tongue, startled at the sudden voice nearby. 
"Hello there".
"Oh. It's you." You scoff and wipe your hand with a dry rag. "Don't worry I'll be taking my ugly art elsewhere".
"No need I want you to stay." Pepperman stepped towards you and pat you on the shoulder. He wants me to...stay? You give him a silent look to continue as your heart fluttered just a tiny bit. 
"I think we got off on the wrong foot last time so how about we start over on good terms"? 
You pause for a moment, before giving him a small smile. "Okay".
"Splendid!" He replies, giving you a smile of his own. "So what are you creating?" He asked, glancing over your shoulder at your latest work. 
"Well, I'm doing a finger painting of this-" he stifled a laugh. "Wha-Hey! What's so funny?! You snap, feeling heat rise at the back of your neck.
"Finger painting on a big canvas? Quite bohemian don't you think?" He lets out a laugh. 
You snort. "So?" 
"Wouldn't it be better and more efficient to use brushes instead"?
What a jerk. you felt your eye twitch. So much for getting off on the wrong foot. At some point you tuned out his voice as he continued mocking your art. Your nostrils flared. 
"To be honest I think it's cute-"
An exasperated yell torn from your throat, drowning out what ever other critique this overgrown vegetable was spewing. Pepperman's mouth dropped taken aback by the shift in your demeanor. 
"Must you judge everything! Where do you get off from criticizing others, huh"?! You snarl.
"No! Forget it! This was a mistake." You felt a burning prickle in the corner of your eyes and spun around before tears threatened to spill over. 
"And to think I looked up to you." You choked out, barely audible to even yourself.  
* * * * * 
As you grumbled to yourself as you sunk into the couch. Meeting your idols is a mistake. You huff and cross your arms, glaring into the empty space. 
Many months ago there had been a local art convention that caught your attention. You remembered reading the article and the hosted events and grew curious. You had never been to something like this and on a whim decided to make that your plan for the week. 
There had been a variety of talents that day. Light and airy melodies echoed throughout the hallways as you took in the drawings around you. Some were vivid hues, some all done in black in white. More still were all of the different styles, all as unique as the artists. 
As the day progressed you claimed a seat in the auditorium. You settled yourself in the middle of the row, not too close and not too far away from the podium and waited. That's when you had met him. 
You couldn't remember much, if anything, about the other speakers that had come and gone. The individual that stuck out to you that day was a massive pepper that had taken the podium. He had introduced himself as Phil Pepperman and you very clearly recalled how eloquent he spoke. Even his euphemisms were almost poetic as he discussed his art and what he was passionate about. 
From what you had learned was that he was rising in fame in your town. He was very strict in his art techniques, refusing to diverge and add any elements not matching what ever style he was emulating. 
While you disagreed with the notion of never adding your own twist to your art, you had respect Pepperman for it. His strict adherence to each style was something you could admire. As he displayed some of his illustrations on the projector - side by side with other works in those specific styles - you almost couldn't tell the creators apart. 
That was his talent and Pepperman almost had it down to a science. He could mimic most styles he studied and depict what ever he had wanted in it. The downside, however, was that unconventional methods were something he looked down on. 
A small scowl formed on your face as you took another sip of your drink. That didn't give him an excuse to be such an asshole though. 
Truth be told, you had begun looking up art Pepperman had created and sometimes you'd see his creations on display at festivals. His art was always something you could recognize but maybe that had more to do with the fact he drew himself in various styles. A lot. 
Pompous jerk. He only- you jolt up with a start, the sudden screaming from your phone almost causing you to drop it. 
"Hi is this Y/N?" The caller asked. 
"Uh, yes"?
"Hi Y/N It's Dave from the studio. I was cleaning out the racks today and noticed you left one of your paintings here. Did you want to collect it or should we throw it out"?
"O-oh," "Thank you, I didn't know I left something there. I'll come get it tomorrow".
You exchange a few more pleasantries before coming up with the excuse that you needed to go.
* * * * *
You arrive at the studio and weave through the random people to make your way to the wall. Most times you didn't mind lingering and making small talk but you weren't in the mood today. There were paintings, clay, and brushes were set to dry or to return to another day. 
As you locate your name labelled above one of the slots, you the pull out the canvas and your eyes widen. It was the painting you had been working on last week that you abandoned. A few places had smeared paint, another few had grass and dirt clung and dried into it. That aside though, it was intact. But why was it here?
You quirk a brow as you see a bright green paper folded and taped to the side. The note comes off easily enough and you pull it open. 
Y/N if able, could you meet me at the rooftop of Tirizia's this Sunday? 
You let out a huff as you eyes lock onto the all too familiar signature. 
Seriously? Why? What did he want? Wasn't Tirizia's that restaurant with the fancy rooftop garden? 
* * * * * 
It was. 
Ivy grew along the stone walls with an occasional pop of color from a flower. As you looked further inside, a large stone and marble structure was in the center of the restaurant. Glass from overhead had filtered light directly onto it as water tumbled down from the peak. From the base there was a small pond surrounded by tables where you could sit and feel the light mist. 
Your eyes settled on the stairwell in the distant corner. A trail of flowers lined the railing all the way up and at the top you could see a faint arch illuminated softly. Very briefly you argued with yourself if you should just turn and walk out. Why did you want to meet Pepperman, anyway? He turned out to be insufferable and hated your art. Yet he went out of his way to take your painting to the studio. 
Despite wanting to leave, you found your legs carrying you up each step to the rooftop. 
"Ah, there you are Y/N." You glance to the side and see Pepperman sitting at a table with a canvas in front of him. There was an empty space beside him with an equally blank canvas, unoccupied. 
You eye Pepperman suspiciously as he gestures for you to sit next to him. You shake your head and only take a few steps towards him. This probably wouldn't take long, the minute he started to say anything critiquing you, you were leaving. 
"Thank you for saving my terrible painting and taking it to the studio, but you didn't have to".
Pepperman gives you a small frown, "Why do you think it's terrible"?
Your stare at him in disbelief. "Well let's see. The first time you seen my art, you called it a "tragic amalgam" and THEN last week you made fun of me for finger painting on a large canvas. Like who does that? Why do you think..."
You can't even hear him, instead you continue your rant. "I mean seriously, just because its 'bohemian' at least I CAN add my-"
"Y/N"! Pepperman shouts over you, losing his composure for a moment.
You stop and purse your lips, a scowl flashing across your face. Why did you think you should try talking with Pepperman a THIRD time? You should've left like you were going to. Instead you flinch as he strode over to you and clasps a hand on your shoulder. 
He looks away, lowering his eyes to the restaurant below. "I said your art was cute".
"I think your finger painting was cute. It was unorthodox and yet you were quite content. Despite the huge mess." He chuckled to himself.
"I...huh"? You couldn't but remain rooted in place. Pepperman actually...thought your art was cute? 
"So why didn't you just say that instead of making fun of me?" You glared but your eyes shone with a mix of curiosity. 
"Because it's unorthodox. You're an eccentric one, Y/N. I can't make sense of your methods or techniques." His eyes returned your gaze, "You don't follow any rules to what you create, you simply do what you like. It's both whimsical and confusing for one who always follows guidelines and tradition".
As Pepperman finished speaking silence spread between you both. You remained speechless as you tried to process what he had said, only the echo of water and voices from below were heard.
After what felt like minutes Pepperman slowly returned to his seat, as he sat down he looked back at you expectantly. 
You clicked your tongue and sat in front of the other canvas. The objects in front of you weren't food, you realized, it was assorted paints.
Pepperman gives you a nervous smile, "I was hoping you would allow me the honor of finger painting with you..."
You crack a wide smile, "With no brushes".
"With no brushes." He repeats and nods, "On a large canvas overlooking this splendid balcony".
You shift and get comfortable in the chair and look over the colors you had. A small groan is heard and you cast a sideways glance at Pepperman. You stifle a laugh as he tentatively picks up a container of bright blue paint. He looked uncomfortable, as he dipped a finger into the thick mixture, but that was a small price to pay as you let out a laugh. 
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mr2swap · 2 years
After Christmas: 1
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“Damn it, I can't take this one more day!” My father promised me that this would end today, that we would return to our original bodies, and we would never talk about everything that happened this winter vacation.
He has been putting off reversing the spell he “accidentally” cast on us so I can enjoy my youth for a couple of days. When mom left us my father looked so pathetic and sad, I thought that if I let him use my body for a day or two after Christmas it would be the most generous of me and the truth is I can fully understand why he did it ... his life is shit!
He was never able to finish high school for being an idiot, so all he could get was a 10-hour job as a low paid builder. Every day I wake up at morning, so I can start the day with 3 cups of coffee without sugar because “my” doctor told me that I had to watch my diet, some tasteless eggs and a couple of painkillers to be able to bear leaving the home without having to complain all day that I spend working under the sun.
At first, it was not so bad it was great to wake up in my father's room in his taller, stronger and older body, everything looked smaller especially my father who was now in my slim body of a 14-year-old boy, maybe it was the adrenaline rush and excitement that made me completely ignore the pain in my back and not have had a drop of coffee all day.
After confronting him and admitting that he was the cause that one day to the next he will wake up like a 48-year-old man we reached an agreement, we would return to our bodies once Christmas passed, I must admit that going out to do the shopping For Christmas dinner with my dad it was a lot of fun, we talked all day about everything I would have to do in his body, he even taught me how to drive, and he let me drink my first beer when we got home, I felt funny after empty a couple of cans, and it all seemed incredibly light especially with how big my arms are now.
But all the fun ended the next day, on Christmas Day as soon as I woke up again in this body you can understand why my father told me not to get too excited about drinking beer, I even think I was still a little drunk after drinking so much last night My head hurt like hell and the rest of my body didn't feel better, and I think for the first time I could understand why my father used to take those pills every day with his coffee.
While I was trying to go down the stairs carefully to have a lot of coffee that I now needed my father was already at the foot of the tree unwrapping the gifts that he had personally wrapped a couple of days before, when I realized what it was not I could believe it—DID YOU BUY ME A PS5?! — I quickly helped him connect it while he was just as excited as I was to play however I could see that there was only one control and after a short fight I decided I was too tired and screwed up to spend it all The day I was arguing over who would take the first turn playing and my head was killing me, I decided that I would play the next day once I returned to my young 14-year-old body.
However, the days have passed, and my father still does not break the spell, making excuses after excuses, and he doesn't even make an effort to lie to me during breakfast today. He told me, “have you started with that again? It starts to be annoying to hear you say the same thing every morning, “IT'S A SON OF A BITCH! Right now he must be on my first day of class pretending to be me and talking to my friends while I'm covered in sweat and dust, killing me at his shitty job.
I am doubting if one day I will recover my body, I have to find the spell that my father used to steal my life and be 14 years old again! … well I will do it tomorrow today Robert, a friend of my father from work invited me to drink a couple of beers on the way out of work, he said we had a lot of fun and was really pushy. I suppose there are good things about being an adult.
Hello! Happy New Year, this is the first story here on Tumblr, the second part and a short epilogue are on my patreon.
You can also join my discord server if you want to know the latest news of my stories or chat with me, Tumblr has me blocked or something and I can't receive messages, so discord is the only way to talk to me lol
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asherlockstudy · 1 year
I didn't get a weird vibe from EB but it was odd how Rhett said they need to "feed the" shippers. Sure, Rhett. 👀
I don't think anyone had even speculated about their camping meetup. Haha
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I am gonna explain both here because they go together.
Finally watched EB, just in time to get done with it before the new R&L video.
I didn’t see a weird vibe in EB either. Rhett indeed had COVID and in case he had been annoyed throughout his sickness with Link due to the reasons we discussed, it was over by the time of this recording. He didn’t however say a single thing about GME except that he felt horrible throughout. But no afterthoughts on the GME whatsoever. And since Link pointedly did not include Rhett among the people with positive views on it (himself and the crew) in his solo episode, it seems we will likely never have Rhett’s takeaway from GME3.
The one strange moment was when Rhett explained how he caught the virus after having sex with Jessie - again. Link was weird about Rhett’s sex with his wife. Water is wet. He didn’t say anything too much so you probably wouldn’t get it from the podcast format but it was visible in the video format. I had found it interesting last year how after so much time evading covid, Rhett and Link both caught it at the exact same time after vacationing together in a mountain town. But Rhett was adamant he caught it later from Jessie during the sex they were having and that Link must have caught it during his next vacation with his family. Now in this podcast, Link said that he had probably caught covid last year from Rhett and Rhett gave him a slight side look and said “no it cannot be because timing” and Link was like “yeah yeah you right”.
Of course this could have totally been the case (although Covid can make a lot of days to show the symptoms) but the funny thing here is… that you don’t have to have sex to get Covid lol That was one of the things that has driven the world crazy about it - that it is easy to catch! Rhett could have perfectly be in the same general area as Jessie and there would still be a high chance to get it especially since they had not figured out Jessie had Covid. Take me for example. I know how I caught it but how the person I caught it from caught it in the first place will remain the biggest mystery in the universe… But Rhett makes this almost seem like an std lol Again I am not saying he is not telling the truth but that it is funny how he overexplains getting Covid - like, he could also say “Jessie was sick and I got it too”. But the previous year he had also analysed how he was on top of her and their mouths were aligned and they were breathing into each other basically and, okay, Rhett you caught Covid. It happens a lot, trust me. We get it 😂
Now let’s go to what pissed me off both here and in GMM. I saw that the GMM thing was viewed positively or as a joke here on tumblr and I don’t know if I have got this the wrong way or something.
So in GMM Rhett chose to say in an irrelevant moment that they are trying to do certain things for the clicks, and apparently these things are taken seriously by certain fans who analyse them and they are so adamant about the conclusions that they draw regarding their lives that this certainty is so overwhelming that even they forget what the actual truth is or they end up agreeing or they are conditioned to agree. Link said ironically that this is very healthy. Rhett said all that with a smile.
I saw people here taking this as part joke-part semi-confirmation that some things in the theories are correct.
In EB he claimed Link made it sound like they had sex or fondled each other during their short encounter during camping. Fun fact: Link didn’t really sound like that, he said “we didn’t get into it that much” or something along those lines but well this can have a generic meaning, you have to be suspicious in advance or on edge to immediately consider that Link meant there was some light petting going on. I mean, Rhett eventually made it seem more suspicious than it was before.
But Rhett went on saying there are people living their lives wanting to believe that this was a romantic date. And much like in GMM he said they were mentioning things in such a way in order to cater to such fans and get the views. These are very similar statements in two different videos and it seems this is a thought taking a lot of space in Rhett’s brain lately.
Now here’s a few things:
The phrasing of this is exceptionally demeaning. While there are people believing or suspecting such things founded on a frankly strange behaviour from these two (including me lol), it is a wild leap to assume they are living their lives for it. Most people are able to make the connections or draw conclusions at real time while watching THEIR content. And then they can go on with their own lives. Given how fast they managed to lose some of their most dedicated shippers a few years ago, I would say that in fact most people don’t live their lives for it but some simply see it and some might find it cute? Appealing? Interesting? Idk. For me it’s intrigue more than anything else - I am curious how this thing will pan out. And a bit concerned since it’s been years I watch them - dunno how concerned I will keep being if Rhett keeps saying shit like that lol
The claim that they do it for the views - don’t make me laugh now. How will you get the views from it when all your content’s titles are about Doritos and sriracha?!?!?? The following they have gathered around them is in truth mostly foodies or generally people who like to consume various products and nowadays fewer viewers care about their friendship, their dynamic, their personal stories. They drove those successfully out. Whatever innuendos exist within the content (save for GME) are incidental, do not interest a great number of viewers and do not really attract a reliable and steady audience. You only have to check the views honestly. If this went in sync with how suspiciously homoromantic Rhett and Link act, there should be rises in the views, not drops! And their R&L videos would have been soaring, not struggling.
If Rhett says that they do things to attract shippers but then shippers get too serious and there is some sort of violation in their personal lives (that’s in fact what he implied, despite the smile and all), then the fault still lies with them. If he means they initially bait shippers this way, well since it gets out of hand and since as he claims it is all unfounded, well, here’s a solution: 🌺DON’T. BAIT. PEOPLE.🌼 If there’s no truth and it’s all strategically planned in those strange moments, then surely it will be very easy to stop. On the other hand, if despite all those concerns expressed, they still choose to perpetuate this for the “””””views”””””” and the money, well then I can’t feel sorry for them. It’s their choice. One of them really said “we are desperate”. Yeah I could tell that by the nipple suck. But if you are really getting desperate, maybe something doesn’t work right in the top of the Mythical Pyramid. And the problem is not the viewers, shippers or not. I was more understanding a few years ago but now I get the old shippers’ frustration more - you fuck up and then you say “oh it’s the fault of the one watching me that I fucked up but I need them to watch me so I am gonna keep fucking up” No thanks, if you ask me. Stop fucking up.
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baeddel · 2 years
i logged back in to shill my gf’s thing (listen to it!). love and miss you all, but god life is better without tumblr. how are you doing? how about i tell you what i’ve been doing?
first of all, i’ve been reading a lot more. with no timeline to scroll, i had to find something lazy to do in bed. i never really read a lot for pleasure before. i generally read in a very goal oriented way, to find support for an argument or to reference something. lazy, idle reading is a bit new to me. i’ve been reading Slayers, the light novels, which are really good. really funny, especially when it gets going, which made me think about comic writing. i read a bit of a ‘sex farce’ play from 1897—a ‘sex farce’ combines pornography and comedy in a live performance—La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler.
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according to wiki the most celebrated author of sex farces was a French playwright known as Georges Feydeau. who, after his first play was unsuccessful, took a year to himself to study the comic masters “Eugène Labiche, Alfred Hennequin and Meilhac.” who? maybe my French mutuals know them, i certainly had never heard of them. but of course, now i must study them. although i guess i’m studying my own comic maîtres, starting with Hajime Kanzaka.
why study them? well, i’ve been writing a lot more too. well, not writing more—writing much less than if i was ranting to you every day on here. but writing more fiction. you see, i’ve changed priorities a little bit. a lot of writers ‘reward’ themselves with other activites if they’ve done their writing, for example by saying, if i write 2k words today then i can use social media, so they can motivate themselves and get rid of distractions. whereas i generally did the opposite, treating fiction as a reward for completing my studies. as a result, progress on my fiction was slow, but i didn’t really mind because it was a side thing anyway. but now i’m not getting into arguments everyday i realized i’d like to finish more of my writing, and take on bigger fiction projects. so i’ve been doing the opposite, taking my fiction writing goals seriously and reading non-fiction in my spare time. as a result, i’ve started struggling a lot to hit my fiction writing goals, but i’ve read and even finished a bunch of academic books, at a pace i could never muster previously. oh Fortuna . . . i am reminded of Baudrillard’s quip that “[f]or a healthy distribution of energies, the best thing is to commit one’s cowardice in the service of a good cause and one’s courage to the service of the bad ones.” anyway, progress has still not been terrible. i’ve been tracking it in a spreadsheet. this month i wrote 11k words, at a pace of about 900 words per hour, and mustering about 1-2.5 hours of writing on days i do write. the problem is that there are many days i don’t. so i’m working on writing more consistently. if i can manage one writing session per day, then i’d be writing 27k-67k words per month. imagine that? gosh . . . it would be hard to do that, but after all when i started studying i could only suffer 2 pages per day, and now i average about sixty, perhaps more now, every day. so who knows?
i’ve taken a break from learning Old English. i just needed a break. and i’m going to reformulate my approach, focusing less on anki and more on translating. but i am itching to get back to it by now. especially because my fiction writing is tied quite intimately to my Old English studies. Old English and its corpus is a deep well, and without it writing my stories is like sucking on a dry spout.
i’ve been spending a lot of time with my girlfriends, which makes me happy. and, finally, i’ve been cooking a lot! i get spurts every so often, so i don’t expect it to last forever. but i’ve been enjoying it immensely. mostly pumpkin soup, i especially lovingly prepare the stock. it’s pumpkin season right now, so you should make a batch before they all go away.
and the best part? i don’t give a fuck what anyone on tumblr is arguing about today. you can have it. take care, fuckers!
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
"the entirety of this message is a problem and a projection - he doesn’t look pissed at natalie. no one was forced to be there. they did not look “distant”. they looked like two people with cameras shoved in their face and a whole mass of fans screaming for evan. i want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but please be serious and use not even critical thinking, just basic reasoning."
Admin, I really love you and I mostly agree with everything you say, I find you a breath of fresh air and reason in the fandom, or any fandom for that matter, because you remind me that truly funny and reasonable Evan fans exist and have a whole life of their own.
But, I think that you might be going to hard on the anon here 🥺 What they were trying to say, maybe, is that he seemed pissed. He did, what can you do? Maybe he wasn't,all they say is that he did seem pissed. As for the distant part, I don't know, they looked normal to me, but hey, I am not them,so how would I know. And how do we know that he was not forced to be there? Not by his gf of course, I don't think so, but by an agent / a deal? A deal he couldn't say no to because, you know marketing ties and everything? I'm just listing a couple of possibilities that may or may not be true. An anon a couple days ago in here ( I cannot find the post lol) has said that we don't know anything. I cannot say that Evan is happy, because I don't know. I can only say that he looks happy or he seems at a good place and hope for the best. We can only make assumptions, so why go hard on someone that insinuates anything that might actually be possible even by a tiny winiiiiee little bit?
Sorry for the long post, I hope my point is clear 🥺
Oh and I loved the new content from today, he does look uncomfortable but that's regular Evan in social situations I guess ✨ I loved his gf's dress too ❣️
first of all, thank you 💗 i hear you, and i genuinely do appreciate your perspective on this. but there’s a few things i want to expand on and be crystal clear about: there is no scenario in which it’s okay to make, nor entertain, entirely baseless accusations of domestic violence. this is not, and never can be, something we treat as a “let’s hear both sides” type situation. everyone who wants to play softball needs to remember how very quickly their words can sprout wings and start doing the rounds on social media, destroying an innocent persons character. some people may actually BE acting in good faith out of concern over the discourse they’re seeing about natalie potentially becoming violent with evan - again, based on dust. nothing. it’s already happening, and this is not okay. those that don’t want salacious and harmful rumors persisting must shut this down immediately and relegate those who play into it to the fringe parts of the fandom that no one takes seriously.
please take a moment to reflect back on the damage done during the worst of the brigade some fans started on frances. i literally spent hours debunking an elaborate plot where people photoshopped nude images of “evan” and his privates, fran’s tumblr page, AND patreon so that they could sell a story where she victimized evan and posted revenge porn. before that, these fans created a made up story about frances selling evan’s phone number to fans, and it STILL gets repeated years later. i’m sorry. i have thousands of people on this blog and with the audience i have, i DO have a responsibility to use strongly worded language to denounce people attempting to, or unwittingly going along with character assassination against a woman some hate simply due to her dating evan.
on a lesser note, i don’t find it appropriate to analyze every facial expression or movement actively looking for reasons to say they’re unhappy together, when we are quite literally discussing something that’s by nature, uncomfortable and unnatural. posing for photos in front of flashing lights, screaming fans, socializing with strangers… again, please place yourself in their position and try and imagine if you’d look jubilant and at ease. if you’d look like you were having fun and wanted to be there. now imagine you’re socially anxious as a person. i am asking people to stop seeking out negativity and projecting it onto these people - it’s not fair, and whether or not you are purposely trying to be problematic, it’s honestly just not necessary to paint every interaction in a negative light. as i said, i want to give the prior anon the benefit of the doubt that they got swept up in the negative commentary and baseless allegations.. and that’s why i responded to them directly. sometimes, we just need to take a breather and think critically before we put serious stuff like that out into the universe. i really hope that makes sense and you understand where i am coming from. 🫶🏼
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kinslayersadvocate · 5 months
15 questions, 15 people
Not gonna lie, I love to talk, even when I have nothing to say, so I have to thank @a-very-fond-farewell for tagging me.
Please, tell us more about crab soccer. You can't just throw it at us and leave. I had to google it and it looks so fun! I think it should be tumblr official sport.
are you named after anyone?
when was the last time you cried?
At Easter. Jesus, I've had a full meltdown that morning. Ugly crying in my pillow for the first time in years. But since then I feel so light.
do you have kids?
No and I doubt I will ever have any… Sometimes I want one but this must be hormones because I would hate that lifestyle.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Naah, I can't see the appeal. A sarcastic comment can be funny sometimes, but if you use it in excess most people will be on edge around you… I don't like to interact with people who makes me feel silly, so I try to avoid making people feel that way.
what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know how to describe this but is like… The space they ocuppy. The way they move. How they interact with their surrounds, like, if they make a lot of noise, if they are careful handling things… I'm notably bad at noticing/retaining physical characteristics but that soet of thing always pick my attention.
what’s your eye color?
Brown. Unfortunately not the big, sad brown eyes type but I'm still winning.
scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. I'm not even ashamed of it anymore. I hate being scared, but even more I love to see/imagine the many different ways in which characters can find happiness/purpurose/meaning.
any special talents?
No T.T That's not me being modest, I'm average at everything I do and I have few hobbies.
where are you born?
at the riverside.
what are your hobbies?
is "consuming media" a valid answear? I'm trying to change it, I swear. For now I only write, and play chess alone. I won't be including "cooking" because even if I enjoy it, it's still something I need to do.
do you have any pets?
No ;-; I want to, in the future, but I never had pets and I'm not sure if I could take care of one properly. If I had one, it would be a cat or a small dog, because I'm that original. (And I wouldn't be allowed to have a jaguar. Or a tiger.)
what sports do you/have you played?
Bold of you to assume that I ever played sports. I'm too lazy./ I love swimming but I have no access to a pool for now.
how tall are you?
160cm I think?
favourite subject in school?
dream job?
Ok, ok, that's a hard one. My first answar would be an editor — for fiction, especifically. Reading texts all day and helping authors in their creative process? I can't imagine anything better. But what about telling authors that they have to change their beloved creation because it isn't marketable? Doesn't sounds that nice. So is it a dream job if I'm not sure about all the aspects of it?
But the reason I didn't try to pursue it is because very few people read here so it's not a viable career option.
That's also the reason why I'm not going to the other side of the table either. Being an author is the one thing that I have yerned to be for half of my life now (it's more a curse than a dream, tbh) and I will publish a book one day, at least one, but that is something I'll have to do for fun.
There are many other things that I would like to do, cleaning, teaching, etc, but I noticed that they are more "fun things I could do if weren't for shitty people/laughable pay/violence" than "dream jobs".
Tagging is always a little awkward because I don't know if you guys like it, so no pressure to play:
@booklovinghobbit @sweetestapplepie @allergic-to-semen @gayandfullofdismay @backtoyunmeng
For some reason I can't tag anyone else so if you are seeing this post, feel yourself tagged (you likely were) a
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cyrassol · 1 year
man i haven't been on tumblr for so long i forgot how this goes, but uhhh here ig??
18+ only, s'il-vous-plaît
i realise this won't stop any minors who really want to be here, but a) please, b) you'll be blocked if i find out or suspect you're underage, and c) if you really want to see sex-related stuff then you should be learning about safe and consensual sex and, let me tell you, DoL and its fandom ain't the place for it my dude
and with that out of the way
hi! i'm cyra, you may use any pronouns but she/her usually works!
i am in my mid-20's, a funny little tidbit that surprises me everytime i remember
artist, despite what my shitty lighting and shading skills may tell you
sometimes, SOMETIMES, i also write
(psst if you want to see anything in particular relating to those things, feel free to send requests, ask box is open)
i am. terrible. TERRIBLE. at DMs. if you send me a message and i never reply or even read (does tumblr give read receipts?), know that it is not about you personally! i just get crazy anxious about text messages in general, so if you want to talk to me please send an ask or tag me in a post instead :) i understand it isn't the same (which is why i prefer it lmao) but it has a much, MUCH higher chance of being seen and replied to!
gdi i keep editing this post and adding shit to it but! i typically only tag characters and my stuff, but if you want me to start tagging specific topics/triggers then all you gotta do is ask me to and i will :)
welcome to my DoL blog! i can also be found on reddit with the same username as here :)
for the curious, info about my PCs are under the cut!
Arden, my main PC. Genderfluid, but she/her is what she uses the most out of convenience. Official sources of income are her dates with Avery and modelling for Niki, but most nights there's also a shadowed figure breaking into Danube street mansions—oh, you've seen it? No, you haven't—and on Fridays you might see a masked figure go into the brothel for a weekly private show. Love interest is Avery, though both have the mindset that theirs is mostly a transactional relationship. Arden's also down bad for Wren, but for now it seems to be unrequited.
Monroe, my baby secondary PC. Herm/intersex, but although he does occasionally dabble in crossdressing for work, he goes exclusively by he/him and masculine terms. Sex worker, and pretty sought-after, too—Briar would lose quite a lot of money if Monroe stopped showing up one day. Unfortunately, it's come at the cost of his reputation, something he's already being blackmailed for. Love interests are Sydney and Whitney, though both relationships are something Monroe entered into extremely reluctantly given his current circumstances (and also because Whitney is... Whitney).
Adeline, my "forsake civilisation, return to nature" PC lmao. Cis woman with the wolf transformation, which she definitely did not get through the mushroom route. Plantpeople enthusiast, but her true love will always be the wolf pack and its leader. She did get kidnapped by Eden once after she got lost in the woods during a hunt and, while she escaped, sometimes Addie finds herself thinking about the hunter with curiosity—after all, didn't she also fight the Black Wolf at first before knowing better? Maybe the hunter isn't so bad either. Probably the only one of my PCs who'll become a parent.
Vincent, my final PC (for now?). Cis man with a huge everything—huge heart, huge muscles, huge... dick. Gentle giant, it's a wonder he ever escaped Remy's farm—probably an accident tbh, must have fallen into the river or something because this man was as well-behaved as they come. Nowadays his mind is pretty much healed from whatever weird trance he'd been in back then, but despite how happy he is with Alex and the farm, sometimes he remembers his days at Remy's with longing—Vince doesn't let himself wonder if it's the place or its owner that he misses, though.
All my PCs are in their 20's, btw! They also all exist at the same time, maybe one day I'll make a post with all their connections to each other and other NPCs :) It'll be... a mess lmao
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Succulent Grapes - BB, Here are Two More Cups
Here we have Gong Jun bringing Zhang Zhehan two more cups of his favorite grape tea!
The name for these sweet figs comes directly from the fig maker's listing, and was so charming I kept the whole thing! BB is a cute way in China of saying "baby" so I left that too.
These two happy figs are are wearing their matching tulip-print outfits - Junjun from his KFC endorsement advertisements, and Zhehan from his Viya Livestream appearance on 5/14/2021.
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He's even advertising milk topped grape tea!
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Zhehan, of course, has the famously funny clips from the Viya Livestream:
(video credit @manggaetteok96 on Twitter, Tumblr wouldn't let me embed the video here for some reason due to no doubt user error!)
Zhehan's favorite grape milk tea is of course from Heytea, and we have this picture of him holding one:
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He's said before he likes to drink two cups a day. In this fig set, Junjun wants to give him even more!
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These figs arrived in the softest, squishiest, least form fitting foam cases ever. I'm very much used to the very dense, custom-cut white polystyrene fig cases, so I was surprised to see this. The protection for the figs is not high at all, so I was very lucky to receive these figs with no damage. Other figthusiasts were unfortunately not so lucky.
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I'm taking these pics against a light pink background since the outfits are so white. Hopefully that'll make the details pop more!
You can see the white t-shirt under both of their tulip patterned shirts here, and this is a good angle to see the boba hanging out in the bottoms of the cups of grape tea.
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Oddly, Zhehan seems to be the taller one of this pair. I actually got a little confused at first when I saw them, but nope, Zhehan gets to enjoy being taller this time!
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He's not taller by too much, it's mostly just their hair. I did wonder for a second if they had swapped the bodies, but Junjun is the one bringing the two teas, so nope.
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As you can tell, these figs do stand up by themselves, although I'd classify this as "precarious". I had to make sure the weight was balanced just right - particularly on Zhehan - each time I moved the figs. These immediately went on fig stands after these beauty shots!
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More of the height difference here, with Zhehan the fig to your right. We also have a much rounder head for him than Junjun's slightly more horizontal shape. I actually think Junjun is super cute here on the smaller side, but I've trained myself so much on these fig differentiating characteristics that it keeps throwing me off!
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Speaking of classic fig maker differentiating characteristics, we do have a tiny bit more curviness to Zhehan in the back here.
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You might note here that the seam at the back of Junjun's head and the arms where they attach to the sleeves on Zhehan are just a tiny bit off. As usual, like a lot of micro flaws, this wasn't noticeable at all when I held the fig in my hand. It just became easily visible when blown up on screen.
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Junjun has little sideburns here! (scrolls up to the KFC ads) yep, I can see it a little bit! JUST a side note I can't help myself from saying, I'm so glad most stylists have worked out that Junjun's hair benefits from being a bit longer to have volume at the top. I personally think when it's shorter and flatter, like in the KFC ads, it doesn't highlight his gorgeous face enough!
Anyway, in fig form his KFC haircut looks just fine (take that, Lelanthe!). This angle also highlights his ear freckle, one of my not-so secret fig detail delights. I scrolled back up to see if I just missed talking about Zhehan's ear freckle, but no! it's not there! Viya's livestream filter, along with reddening the lips, must have filtered it out.
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And we're back! I put Junjun on the other side just to mix it up, and I swear he looks even shorter this way!
I find this set incredibly charming. Junjun bringing his Zhang Laoshi extra cups of something he likes! Such a classic thing for him to do, and so sweetly romantic and caring. I love it so much.
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Unlike our other figs with milk tea, the cups are not removable, they came firmly attached to the figs. Thank goodness. This post would have happened months from now otherwise, as I dithered about putting off attaching cups to delicate resin hands.
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The posing on these figs is just too adorable. Every romantic fiber of my being is just delighted by these two (which is true in real life, my figs just reflect that!). These might be the two figs I put in my sweet shop diorama once I finish getting that set up.
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Sadly, my Google Translate app categorically refuses to read fun-font style Hanzi, but I recognize the text in yellow from the fig maker's listing, which translates as Succulent Grapes. I can't figure out the text in purple for anything!
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I love it when there are two different box styles for each fig!
Material: Resin and extra cups of love and grape tea
Fig Count: 337
Scene Count: 24
Rating: 🍇❤️🍇
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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