#this is longer than most fics i write. whoops.
fireinmoonshot · 1 month
unpredictable (like the weather) | tyler owens x fem!reader
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Pairing: Tyler Owens x Fem!Reader (mentions of slight Scott x Fem!Reader) Summary: When you meet Tyler Owens, you have no intention of getting to know him – you know what kind of reputation he has in town. Tyler, on the other hand, has only one plan: win you over in any way he possibly can. Warnings: Alcohol, heavy drinking/getting drunk (not the reader), mentions of being sick Word Count: 7k A/N: So, someone commented on my last longer fic, Death Wish Love, saying that Tyler reminds them of the movie The Choice (which I love), so I rewatched it the other day and this is what ended up coming out of that inspiration! I wrote it pretty much all in one day (which is kinda insane for me), but now that Twisters is out online and I rewatched it twice in two days, the desire to write for Tyler is stronger than ever. This one is a longer one, so settle in and enjoy! 💗
If someone was to ask Tyler Owens about the first time he met you, he’d say that things didn’t quite go to plan. Not that there was a plan at all, really, considering the fact that he didn’t know who was going to be on the other side of the door when he heard a knock. All he knew when he opened it was that the woman standing on the other side, holding a stack of several towels in her arms, was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen.
“Oh, damn, let me take those,” Tyler said, reaching out to take the towels from you. “I told the owners we’d be happy to come grab them ourselves. You didn’t have to bring them all the way up here, but it’s well appreciated.”
You shrugged a shoulder. “The owners are my parents, and there’s nothing they love more than sending their daughter to work…” You really looked at him, then. Tall, blonde… and soaked from head to toe in water. The man was literally dripping, a puddle having formed on the tiled floor at his feet. “Did one of your pipes break or something? Do you need a repairman?”
Tyler looked down at himself and laughed. “No, we uh– we were out chasin’ and we got caught in the middle of a rain storm when we jumped out of the truck to grab some footage.” He jabbed a finger over his shoulder and you spotted another man further in the room, wringing out a bright yellow t-shirt in the sink. “Weather can be pretty unpredictable.”
“Oh, you’re storm chasers?” You raised your eyebrows, seemingly intrigued. “We get a lot of those here at the motel.”
Tyler couldn’t help the grin that sprung to his face. “Yeah, I bet you do,” he hummed. “None quite like us, though.” He watched as your lips quirked up into a small smile. “So, your parents own the place? Does that mean I’ll be seeing you around more often?” 
“Maybe. If you need more towels.”
Tyler laughed and you couldn’t stop the laughter bubbling from your lips as well. He was just about to ask you for your name when Boone came up to him, grabbed a towel and said “Quit flirting and start dryin’ yourself off. You’re makin’ a mess of the place in front of the owners daughter, Ty.” 
The smile dropped from your face almost instantly and for a moment, you just looked at him without saying a word. Tyler had just started to wonder if he or Boone had said something wrong when you spoke again. 
“Are you Tyler Owens?”
Boone let out a loud whoop. “Told ya we’re gettin’ famous on Youtube, Ty! 200,000 subscribers, baby!”
“You’ve heard of me,” Tyler replied, a little cockily, ignoring Boone behind him. He was suddenly even more curious about you. You must have come across their Youtube channel – maybe you were even subscribed. He could forgive you for not recognising him at first sight. That simple fact somehow made you even more attractive to him. Maybe you were more interested in their storm chasing videos than in him… but he could change that.
“Oh, honey, that’s not a good thing.”
Tyler raised his eyebrows. “And why’s that?”
“I’ve been warned about you. By the girls at the bar in town. Ringing any bells?” You crossed your arms over your chest and suddenly Tyler was intimidated. Tyler was the type of guy who never got intimidated.
He hated that it wasn’t ringing any bells in his head. He’d gone to the local bar a fair few times over his years of storm chasing around the area. He was a flirt – that much was clear to anyone that spoke to him. But he was a gentleman as well. His mother had raised him to be.
“Please don’t take offence to this, darlin’, but I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tyler attempted, though he had a feeling you’d already made up your mind about him. 
You smiled at him, then, and Tyler knew it wasn’t a friendly smile. It was more of a how the hell don’t you know what I’m talking about smile. If that was a thing.
“Tyler Owens, the storm chasing hunk who flirts with everyone but the second things look like they might get serious, he hurries off with a tornado to chase,” you explained. “That you?”
He opened his mouth to reply, but all that came out was a “Hang on– no– okay, that’s not–”
Much to his dismay, you were clearly done with the conversation. “If the towels are all you need, I’ve gotta get back to work. You’re welcome to ring the office if you need anything else. Just dial 7 on the phone on the desk.”
With that, Tyler watched as you turned on your heel and walked away. He laughed to himself in disbelief at what had just happened, leaning up against the doorframe until you disappeared from view.  
“Hey, storm chasing hunk suits you, man,” Boone called from where he was towel drying his hair in the mirror. 
“Not sure if that’s the kinda reputation I’m after, Boone.” 
Tyler had learnt that day that you could also be just as unpredictable as the weather. 
After your first encounter with Tyler Owens, you had been glad not to see him for a month. It’d been a relatively calm weather month, with a few storms here and there but none really amounting to anything. It was good in some ways, but not in others. Less storms meant less storm chasers staying at the motel, which meant less money. 
You’d almost found yourself wishing for more storms.
At least until you saw Tyler’s familiar red truck pulling into the parking lot on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
That day, your parents had left you in charge while they headed out to Oklahoma City to stock up on a bunch of supplies that the motel was running low on, and how typical of that to be the day Tyler Owens and the Tornado Wranglers returned after their month long absence.
You watched as Tyler walked towards the office, clearly not bothered by the drizzle of rain. It didn’t surprise you – given the fact that he’d been soaked from head to toe when you first met him and was more interested in flirting with you rather than drying off. That had told you everything you needed to know about him.
When he pulled open the door and met your eyes, he flashed you a grin. “Your favourite storm chasing hunk returns,” Tyler greeted, his tone joking. “Long time no see, hey?”
“If only it’d been longer,” you give him a small smile of your own. “And favourite is a bit of a stretch. I met you once and you think you had that much of an impression on me? Have we got some storms coming our way, then?” You attempt to change the topic.
“What if I said I was just here to see you?”
You raised your eyebrows as you looked up at him. “I’d say you’re an asshole for getting my hopes up that we might end up booked out with storm chasers for the next couple of days.”
Tyler scrunched up his nose a little. He looked cute. Even though you’d been warned to steer clear of him, you had to admit he was a good looking man. You shook the thought from your mind.
“Been slow out this way this month?” He asked.
“You have no idea.”
“Well, it’s your lucky day then. You got five rooms for us? Just for the one night for now. Gotta see what tomorrow brings,” Tyler said. 
You knew that there were five rooms for them – there were only three other guests staying in the motel at the moment and you had forty rooms, so it was an easy job to book five for Tyler and his team.
“Five rooms, huh? Not sharing anymore?”
The last time they’d stayed, you remembered that they’d only booked three rooms. The dark haired man with the moustache had been in Tyler’s room when you’d met him. 
Tyler nodded. “Yeah, our Youtube has kinda blown up a bit over the past month,” he chuckled. “We can afford separate rooms for the first time ever so we’re making the most of it.”
You made a mental note to look their Youtube channel up later. Even if Tyler wasn’t on your radar, all of his friends had seemed nice enough last time you met them, and they must have been fairly talented at what they did to have amassed such a following online.  
“Okay, so your rooms are from 201 to 205, just head up the stairs to the second level and you’ll see the numbers on the doors,” you said, grabbing the five sets of keys to the rooms and handing them to him.
He took the keys, slinging the key rings on his fingers to make them a little easier to carry. 
“I guess I’ll see you around, then?” Tyler asked, taking a step back from the counter.
You smiled at him. “Not if I can help it.”
The Tornado Wranglers had stayed at your motel a few more times since the second time Tyler met you, and every time, you had reacted to him the same way. You tolerated him. No matter how much Tyler tried to win you over, flirt with you, get you to show any interest in him, it never worked. 
Tyler was nursing his sorrows with a beer, the rest of the Wranglers and a few other storm chasing groups in the parking lot of your motel when he saw you. You were tugging on a coat and heading out of the office, a set of car keys in your hands.
He’d known that you didn’t live at the motel like your parents did and had seen you arriving at the motel early in the mornings when he’d been up early during their stays in the past, but he’d never seen you when you left. 
“I’ll be right back,” Tyler said to no one in particular, putting his beer down and standing up, jogging over to where you were walking towards your car. “You heading out?”
You turned, meeting his eyes, and let out a sigh at the sight of him. “Going home, actually.”
“Why don’t you stay?” Tyler asked, nodding back to where his group was. “Have a couple of drinks with us. We don’t bite, really. You might enjoy yourself.” He was being truthful in his words. He’d decided to try a new method. No flirting, just honesty. Just trying to show you that he was interested in you without being too over the top.
For a moment, Tyler thought you might actually say yes.
“I can’t,” you shook your head. “But you guys enjoy your night, and try not to be too loud. Remember that my parents live here and they don’t wanna deal with noise complaints.”
Tyler laughed. “When have we ever been the cause of a noise complaint, darlin’?”
You laughed, too, and Tyler thought it was the most beautiful sound on earth.
“Okay, none that I’m aware of but there’s a first time for everything.”
“Exactly,” Tyler grinned. “If you’re not gonna come have some drinks with us, then what do you say to coming on a chase with us? First time for everything. Promise I won’t drive you into the middle of a tornado on your first chase.”
You raised your eyebrows. “So, you think I’m gonna say yes to a tornado chase when I won’t say yes to drinks? Tyler Owens, you are ridiculous,” you let out a breathy laugh. “And who says I haven’t chased before?”
With that, you were quick to unlock and get into your car, ending the conversation. Tyler stepped out of the way as you reversed and drove out of the motel. He sighed to himself as he walked back to the group, a small smile on his face. Had you chased before? He wanted to know everything about it, about you. Who had you chased with? When? He figured they were questions he’d never get the answers to. 
“Oh, you got it bad, Ty,” Boone said as he got back to his seat. 
“Yeah,” Tyler said, taking a swig of his beer. “Yeah, I do.”
The next few times Tyler stayed at the motel, he didn’t see you. Your parents had insisted that you were all right when he’d asked, just told him that you’d ‘gotten busy all of a sudden’, and Tyler wasn’t sure what to make of that. 
It was the fourth time they’d stayed at the motel in the past month when he saw you again, and it was only when he and the other Wranglers made their way to the local bar for some drinks after a long day of failed chasing. The very bar you’d mentioned to him that he had a reputation in. 
He almost walked straight back out the door when he saw you, but Boone pulled him right back in, insisting that this was the night to show you that he was nothing like his reputation anymore. If he could win you over, tonight would be the night, Boone said. 
Boone had never been further from the truth.
It wasn’t long after they’d arrived that Tyler spotted a few members of the relatively new Storm Par team wandering into the bar, dressed in their uniforms like they were attending a meeting, not going out for drinks. He scoffed – until he saw the tall browned haired man , Scott, he thought his name was, wandering over to you, holding… holy hell, was he bringing you roses?
By the smile on your face, they were definitely for you.
Oh, Tyler felt like he could melt right into the floor. So this was why you’d never paid him any attention? This was why you’d been missing from the motel? Your parents telling him you were busy was because you were with Scott? He suddenly remembered you saying you’d been chasing before. It had to have been with Scott. 
Storm Par had begun to get in their way a lot with their chasing, and now they were getting in his way again, but with you instead. 
He watched as you took the roses from Scott’s hands and sniffed them, a smile blooming beautifully on your face as Scott took a seat beside you, resting his hand on your thigh. 
Boone, sitting beside him, muttered an “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, oh shit is right,” Lily said from the other side of Boone. “You all right over there, Ty?” 
He hadn’t realised he’d paused with his beer half way to his mouth. He cleared his throat and spun around in his chair, moving to face the bar again. The last thing he wanted to do was get caught staring at you in this bar of all places. 
“I’m fine,” Tyler lied through his teeth. “She was never interested in me anyway, and now I have a reason not to be interested in her anymore.” Or a reason to be incredibly jealous and have a few too many drinks… which is exactly what Tyler did.  
Later that night, he found himself wandering across the bar to find you. He’d watched Scott and the rest of the Storm Par team leave an hour ago and had been surprised that you’d stayed behind. 
Dani and Dexter had attempted to stop him but there was really nothing that could stop Tyler Owens when he set his mind to something. Even if, a few hours ago, Tyler had felt like giving up on winning you over was the best course of action.
But Tyler Owens didn’t give up. Not that easily, anyway. And who was he to give in to someone from Storm Par? He was Tyler Owens, a Tornado Wrangler! The fact that he was incredibly drunk never crossed his mind.
“So,” Tyler said, pulling up the seat beside you. “Scott from Storm Par took you chasin’.”
You spun to look at him, surprised by his appearance. You’d spotted him in the bar a few hours ago but had been too preoccupied at the time to think much of it. You assumed he’d left when you’d seen a few members of his team leave earlier, but apparently not.
“He did,” you nodded. “I take it you saw him and the others here earlier.” 
Tyler screwed up his nose. “But you’ve never been storm chasin’ with me.”
You looked at him, amused. He was clearly quite intoxicated. You’d never seen him like this before. Drunk Tyler Owens was quite endearing. “No, I haven’t been.”
“You should,” he said. “I think you haven’t actually been storm chasin’ for real unless you’ve been in my truck, storm chasin’ with me. And you haven’t been, so your trip with Scott doesn’t count.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. This was the man the girls at this very bar had warned you about? The one that flirted with everyone? The poor man was much too drunk to flirt with anyone right now – including you. That probably wouldn’t stop him from trying though.
“Oh, doesn’t it? Well, that’s a shame. I’ll have to tell Scott.”
Tyler shook his head. “Don’t tell your boyfriend I said that.”
“Boyfriend?” You raised your eyebrows. “Who says he’s my boyfriend?”
You saw something like hope spark in Tyler’s eyes. “Isn’t he?”
“He wishes he was,” you admitted, looking down at the roses on the table in front of you. You hadn’t expected him to give those to you, nor to make a beeline to you when they arrived at the bar tonight. Sure, Scott was cute, and he could be sweet when he wanted to be, but when you looked at him… well, that was the problem, really. When you looked at him, you just couldn’t look at him the way you should look at someone you really liked. 
Tyler stared at you for a few moments, as if in shock. “I will be right back.”
With that, Tyler jumped up from the chair and bolted straight to the mens bathroom. You watched as the man he was sitting with before, Dexter, sighed and walked into the bathroom after him. Dani, the other member of his team, wandered over to you.
“Sorry about him,” she said, nodding her head towards the bathrooms. “He usually doesn’t get that drunk. He’s much better at holding his liquor than you’d think he is.” 
You shook your head. “No, it’s fine. Will he be okay? If he doesn’t drink that much?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine,” Dani seemed quite certain. “He’ll wallow in his self pity for a while and then he’ll be back to same ol’ Tyler. Anyway, I’m gonna go order an Uber to take us back to the motel. No way Ty’s staying here after that. See you around, yeah?”
Dani left before you had a chance to ask her what self pity he was wallowing in and by the time Tyler and Dexter came out of the bathroom, Tyler was in no state to continue a conversation with you. Dexter gave you a nod as he helped a very green looking Tyler out of the bar and probably into the Uber awaiting them outside. 
You finished off your drink and sat in silence, thinking to yourself for a while. For the first time since you’d met Tyler Owens four months ago, you were actually feeling intrigued by him.
It’d been three weeks since your encounter with Tyler Owens at the bar. You hadn’t seen them the following morning, as they’d left the motel early to get chasing, according to your parents, who had taken the keys when they checked out. 
They’d been at the motel once since, and you’d been surprised at the disappointment you felt when Tyler had ignored you for the entire time. He hadn’t even said a single hello, nor come up to you and joked or flirted with you like he usually did. You had no idea if he remembered your conversation at the bar a few weeks ago, but your instinct told you that he didn’t. You couldn’t help but be curious at what had caused the switch.
It was out of that same curiosity that you typed Tornado Wranglers into Youtube and clicked on their channel, wondering if you watched some of their videos, you’d get some kind of clue as to why Tyler had changed around you. They had 500,000 followers now, and you vaguely remembered Boone mentioning they had 200,000 when you’d first met them. That was quite an impressive growth for four months, especially for something as niche as storm chasing.
You were about to start scrolling through their videos when you noticed a new one, right at the top, titled Not My First Tornadeo Live Stream. You laughed a little at the name as you clicked on it, not sure what you were exactly clicking onto. But your breath caught in your throat at the sight that greeted you when it loaded.
For the first time, you let yourself notice how attractive Tyler Owens really was.
Tyler and Boone were sat in the front seats of what you assumed was his red truck and, by the looks of it, they were driving head first into a tornado, as they seemed to do quite often judging by the thumbnails and titles of their other videos. Tyler was driving, one hand on the wheel and his other arm leaning against the arm rest.
“Looks like this is gonna be a good one, guys!” Boone cheered, turning to face the camera to the outside of the truck and showing the tornado forming in front of them. “Look at that beauty!”
You furrowed your eyebrows, watching as Boone moved, taking the camera with him and pointing it out of the passenger seat window. He then spun it again, facing it towards himself to show the upper half of his body hanging out the window. 
“Boone, get back inside,” you could barely hear Tyler’s voice through the wind on the microphone.
You were surprised when Boone listened to him, moving back inside the truck and pointing the camera at Tyler. You’d never seen them storm chasing before, but you could tell from the look on Boone’s face that Tyler wasn’t quite himself. 
“Tyler’s feeling a little out of sorts today,” Boone started. “Well, all month, actually. You need to get laid, Ty. Hell, I know it, you know it, even the tornado knows it.”
“Boone, are we live right now?” Tyler glanced at him.
“Yeah, we are, and the chat agrees,” Boone said, clearly looking at something on the screen. “Oh, hang on – I think we even have some volunteers!”
“Don’t say stuff like that. What if she’s watching?”
She? You’re suddenly intrigued. Who is this mysterious she that Tyler mentioned? He’d never mentioned anything about another woman to you – not like he would ever tell you, since he spent most of his time when he spoke to you just getting on your nerves. At least until the bar. But maybe things had changed. Maybe that’s why he’d been different. Because he had something serious with someone. 
Maybe he was no longer the storm chasing flirting hunk that he had been when you’d first met him. That’d explain why he’d stopped flirting with you and started ignoring you. Something uncomfortable settled in your stomach. 
Boone scoffed. “Ty, the day that girl watches one of our lives is gonna be the day that tornadoes miraculously decide to stop forming.” He looked at the screen. “Everyone’s asking who she is now, y’know?”
“Thank you so much for telling all–” Tyler paused to quickly glance at the screen himself, “all 284,000 people watching us right now about her.”
“You brought it up, man!” Boone replied defensively. “Hey, maybe this’ll give you more luck with the ladies and help you get over her. Guys, if anyone’s interested, we’re gonna be at–”
“Let’s focus on the tornado, Boone!” Tyler shouted, louder than you’d ever heard him before. But it did the job, bringing Boone’s focus back to the tornado in front of them as they drove closer to it.
Your mind was whirring as you watched them get closer. You were sure Tyler was right with what he’d said at the bar. Maybe you never really had been storm chasing, considering the fact that what you were watching was so different to the chase that Scott had taken you on. And Boone had said something about getting over her. Had Tyler been dating someone? Had it ended badly? 
As if on cue, your phone buzzed beside the computer, the screen lighting up with Scott’s name on it. You stared at it for a moment and then picked it up and hit answer. 
“Man, you gotta tell me what the hell is going on,” Boone said, grabbing a beer out of the cooler and sitting down on the fold-up chair next to where Tyler was sitting comfortably with a beer of his own. “You’ve been in a bad mood for like a whole month. Even the chat is starting to notice when we’re live during a chase. It’s bad for business.”
Tyler sighed and took a long drink of his beer.
“It’s cause of that girl,” Dani offered from her spot in the doorway of the van. “You know, the one from that motel? Remember when we went to that bar– oh, wait, you wouldn’t remember cause you got drunk by 9 o’clock and Lily took you back to the motel.” 
Boone narrowed his eyes at her. “Yeah, I remember a bit, Dani.”
“Guys, come on,” Tyler attempted, breaking his silence. “It’s late, we’re all tired after the last couple weeks. Can we not just enjoy the quiet and relax?”
“No, man, we can’t,” Boone sat up straighter in his chair. “I’m invested now. What happened with that girl from the motel?”
Dani pointed a finger over to where the Storm Par cars were parked. A few of the members of that team were milling about, but most of them had headed upstairs already. “She’s dating Scott from the Storm Par team,” she explained. 
Tyler’s eyes narrowed in on Scott, who was pacing back and forward, holding his phone up to his ear. Was he talking to you? Listening to you, hearing your beautiful laughter on the other end of the line? On second thoughts, Tyler didn’t wanna know.
“Oh, wait – I do remember that! Didn’t he give her flowers?” Boone piped up, memories coming back from his very drunken night. Tyler was surprised he was able to remember the detail about the flowers considering how much he’d had to drink that night. 
“Yeah, he did,” Lily nodded, joining in the conversation. “And then Ty got so drunk he apparently ran out on her mid conversation so he could go and throw up in the toilet, and Dexter had to go and rescue him.” 
Tyler furrowed his eyebrows. “Mid conversation with her?” He looked between Dexter and Dani. “Was I talking to her when I was sick?”
Dexter nodded. “Yeah, we tried to stop you from going over there but it would’ve taken a tornado to hold you back from her, I think. You weren’t there for long before you made the dash to the bathroom though.”
“Yeah, but she seemed to be understanding when I talked to her about it,” Dani added.
Tyler frowned. He had no memory of that at all – what had he been talking to you about? He’d seen you from a distance the last time he’d been at your motel but he’d made a point not to speak to you because of Scott, trying to save himself the heartbreak, telling himself it was his own damn fault for liking a girl who never gave him even the slightest hint of reciprocation. He took another drink of his beer. Whatever you’d spoken about didn’t matter.
“Okay, enough about her. I’m sorry I’ve been in a bad mood, let’s just move on, all right?” Tyler raised his beer in the air. “How about a cheers to being 10,000 subscribers away from 600k?” 
It didn’t take Tyler long to go back on his word about moving on. 
When they all stayed at your motel again, he had no idea that you’d been watching the livestream a few weeks ago, but what he did know was that he wasn’t going to give up so easily. He’d learnt a lot over the past few weeks of storm chasing. Especially when he saw Scott from Storm Par parked on the side of the road, yelling at one of his team members.
That enough told Tyler that he had to win you over more than ever. He just hoped that in the past few weeks since he’d last spoken to you and since he’d seen you at the bar with Scott, things hadn’t gotten so serious between the two of you that he couldn’t stop it. 
Tyler knew that you deserved someone so much better than Scott. Even if that wasn’t him, he wasn’t going to let you end up with someone like that – a man that yelled at his coworkers the way he’d seen Scott yelling at his was not a good man.
He and the team had taken their bags upstairs to their rooms after your parents checked them in and Tyler had been heading back down to the truck to grab a few things they couldn’t carry before when he spotted you. You were walking into the entrance of the hotel from the street. 
Tyler quickly forgot about getting the things out of the truck and made a beeline to you. He could tell by the look on your face that you were surprised at seeing him. Probably because he’d ignored you last time he was here – something he regretted – and here he was, walking right up to you.
“Tyler,” you greeted him with a nod of his head and made an attempt to side-step around him, but he was quick enough to step in your way, making it so you couldn’t pass him. You looked up at him with raised eyebrows. “Have you remembered I exist this visit?”
“Listen, about that–”
“Oh, you’re actually talking to me now?”
Tyler huffed. “Yeah, I am talking to you now.”
“Because I’m going to win you over. Like I’ve been trying to do for the past six months.”
“Six months? Tyler, why are you so intent on winning me over?”
Tyler took a deep breath and then spoke. “Because I like you. I have ever since I first met you. And I cannot stand the idea of you being with someone like Scott, so if you’ll just listen to me for a second–”
“Scott?” You cut him off. “You don’t remember that conversation at the bar, do you?”
He paused. “Do you not remember how drunk I was?”
You laughed to yourself. “Well, yes. I do remember you being so drunk you had to run off to the bathroom, you were slurring all your words and you called Scott my boyfriend. I told you that he wasn’t. He still isn’t, and he never will be.” 
Scott had called you that day you were watching the livestream to tell you that he wasn’t sure he could put as much time into a relationship with you as he put into his job and chasing. It had been a weight off your chest – one you didn’t even realise you had there.
The look on Tyler’s face almost made you laugh again. He looked completely flabbergasted.   You reached up and gently patted his shoulder in slight pity before stepping around him and heading towards the office. Your parents had given you a break, which you’d used to go for a walk and stretch your legs, and they were likely awaiting your return.
Tyler stood in shock for a few moments, but it only took him a second longer to come to his senses. He turned around and called your name, making you turn back to face him. There was a look of amusement on your face. 
“Yes, Tyler?” 
“Go on a date with me,” Tyler said, the words accidentally being more of an order and less of a question. He cleared his throat and tried again. “I mean – will you go on a date with me?”
That was really not very gentlemanly of him at all. 
 “I thought you usually run away and chase tornadoes before it can get serious with girls.”
Tyler shrugged his shoulders. “Thought I’d change it up a bit and chase you instead.” He paused and then laughed. “Okay, that sounded way more creepy than I intended it to sound. Don’t take that too seriously, darlin’.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him and the sound of his laughter.  Despite the fact that you had spent the last few months doing nothing but tolerating Tyler Owens, you relented. What could it hurt, anyway? It wasn’t him flirting with you at a bar and running off before things got serious. Besides, you had a feeling you might have judged him a little too harshly based on his reputation at first. “Fine. One date.”
“How does tomorrow night sound?”
“You sure you can fit me into your tornado chasing schedule?” 
“Yeah, I’ll pass on a message to the tornados not to happen tomorrow night.”
When Tyler headed back upstairs later that night, he found Boone sitting in his room. He looked at him expectantly as Tyler closed the door behind him. “So, how did it go, man?”
Tyler found it impossible to keep the smile off of his face. “That Storm Par asshole is out of the picture, and I have a date scheduled for tomorrow night.”
For the first time in a long time, Tyler Owens had forgotten to check the weather before leaving the motel. But somehow, it had worked out in his favour. His plans of a romantic sunset picnic were going perfectly. The sky was coloured in bright oranges and pinks. It was the perfect backdrop for your first date. 
Tyler opened up the picnic basket from its spot on the picnic blanket underneath you and passed you a sandwich. You were sat just to the right of him, your eyes fixed on the sunset. 
“Did my mother make this?” You asked, looking down at the sandwich.
He grinned. “I may have enlisted her help. Y’know, she told me that she prefers me to ‘that other boy she’s been seeing’. Says I have more of a country boy spirit to me, that the other one seemed too much like a city kid.” 
You snorted. “I mean, she’s not wrong there. When Scott took me chasing, he specifically made sure we stayed out of the hail and he was very proactive with making sure I always had my window wound up so no water got inside the car.”
If Tyler had been drinking, he was pretty certain he would have spat it all back out. “And you seriously went out with that asshole?” He shook his head. “You’ve seen the greener side of the grass now that you’re here with me, though, haven’t you?”
You scrunched up your nose. “Hmm, it’s not that much greener…”
Tyler gave you a look that made you laugh. 
“No, but seriously. Your storm chasing looks much more adventurous than Scott’s. A hell of a lot scarier, as well. You won’t catch me hanging out the side of your truck just to get a good video of it, that’s for sure,” you grinned. 
He looked at you for a moment, eyebrows furrowed. “You’ve seen our videos?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, taking a small bite of the sandwich finally. “I watched a little bit of one of your live streams a little while ago. Boone was hanging out the side of your car and was saying something about you needing to get laid.”
Tyler flushed. Oh, no. Out of all of the live streams you could have caught and you’d watched that one? The one where Boone had said tornadoes would be more likely to stop forming all together rather than you watching their videos? “Okay, I’m gonna need you to wipe that whole experience from your brain for me, okay darlin’?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at him, shaking your head at his pink tinged cheeks. He was embarrassed. At this point, you honestly weren’t sure that Tyler Owens even knew how to feel embarrassed. But apparently, he could.
“Only if you tell me one thing in return, cowboy.”
“Why were you so intent on winning me over? And don’t say it’s just because you like me.”
Tyler sighed and leant back on his hands, staring up at the sky which had dulled a little in colour but was still beautiful. “Well, you know that when we first met each other, I liked you straight away. I was flirting with you from the get-go. I think at first it started out as a little bit of a challenge for me. I’m not really used to girls not liking me – and I know that sounds cocky as hell, and it is, but that’s just the truth,” he admitted. “But there was always just something about you that made me wanna get to know you better. And I don’t give up once I set my mind to something, which is why we’re sitting here right now.”
You honestly felt flattered by his words. Amused, too, about his admission that he wasn’t used to girls not being interested in him. But mostly flattered. 
“Now you tell me why you said yes to this date,” Tyler said.
There was no point lying or trying to come up with any other answer other than the truth. You also didn’t want to lie to him. He’d been completely honest with you. He deserved the same from you.
“When we first met, I really didn’t like you. I think I made that pretty clear. I wasn’t interested in being just another girl who got flirted with and then abandoned. But I think that night at the bar, the one you don’t remember, was what made me interested in you. It was the first time I’ve seen you completely honest. You weren’t just trying to flirt with me or mess with me. And then you ignored me the next time you saw me.”
“I said I’m sorry about that!”
“I know,” you smiled. “But I just think I said yes because I figured, what the hell? Things with Scott and I were never gonna work out, I was getting jealous over you mentioning your ex on a live stream. If that isn’t a sure sign I like you at least enough to say yes to a date, I don’t know what is.”
Tyler sat up straighter. “Mentioning my ex on a live stream?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Boone was talking about you getting over someone. You don’t remember? It was the same one where he hung out the window. I only watched the one.”
“Darlin’, that wasn’t about an ex.”
“It was about me trying to get over you.”
You stared at him for a moment and then burst into laughter, completely unable to stop yourself. Tyler couldn’t help but laugh as well. The amount of miscommunication between the two of you simply because you didn’t communicate was ridiculous. 
Both of you had been so busy in your conversation and laughter that neither of you had realised that the sunset had disappeared, replaced with dark clouds. It wasn’t until rain started falling that you both stopped laughing and looked up to the sky.
“Shit, we need to get the stuff back to the truck!” Tyler was quick to jump up, scooping things back into the picnic basket while you grabbed the blanket and rolled it up in your arms. 
You both laughed as you ran back to the truck, luckily parked not far away, and shoved the basket and blanket on the back seat. But the rain had intensified so much in the short amount of time that you were both already soaked to the bone by the time you’d gotten to the car.
“We could really use some of those motel towels right now, huh?” You said.
Tyler looked at you and laughed again. There was no rush from either of you to get back into the truck as you stood side by side beside it, looking into each others eyes as the rain pummelled down. 
He couldn’t believe he was here right now with you. Standing in the rain, on a date. He’d forgotten to check the weather for the first time in a long time. But he’d known all along just how unpredictable the weather could be. Just like you could be. And just like he could be, too.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, voice loud enough to be heard against the sound of the rain and thunder that had just appeared overhead. 
He watched as your lips quirked up into a smile. “Yes,” you nodded in reply.
Tyler wasted no time in placing his hands on your waist and bringing his lips to yours. He’d never kissed anyone in the rain before, and while it was a memorable experience, it wasn’t entirely pleasant, especially due to the rain getting heavier and heavier by the second, but none of that bothered him because he was kissing you. Because it was your lips moving against his, your hands running through his hair, your body pressed up against his. 
When you broke apart for air, Tyler rested his forehead against yours.
“So, did I win you over?”
“Hmm,” you smiled. “Maybe if you bring me some towels…” 
Tyler let out a laugh and leant in to peck your lips again. “Comin’ right up, darlin’.”
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changenameno · 2 months
Fingerblast PART 1
(Complete, link for the second part, down below ⬇️)
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It’s the middle of summer and therefore incredibly hot. Of course right then something had to be wrong with your AC. How fortunate for you that a handyman can come right over…
Pairing: Syverson x Short Fem. Reader
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, cursing, explicit description of sex, thirst trap named Sy, teasing, size kink, chasing?, choking (if you squint?), p in v (use of y/n = Your first name) -> most of these warnings apply to the second part
Word count: 1.3 K
A/N: Okay here goes my first attempt at writing smut…This is way longer than I intended it to become, whoops. Honestly this just came to me while stumbling over a song (aka the title of this specific fic 🤣). Also I think this reads a little like a bad porn video SORRY…but anyway….here goes nothing🙈😅….
It’s not proofread, any mistakes are my own. Please be kind, comments/reblogs are very appreciated…Thank you❤️✨
!Syverson is not my own creation (unfortunately)! And the song/lyrics don’t belong to me either!
It hadn’t even been twenty minutes since you’ve called but apparently the handyman had just arrived, if the heavy rumble of tires on gravel was anything to go by. So you made your way onto your porch, because honestly it didn’t make any difference if you’d wait in- or outside.
The heat had been crawling into your house since sunrise and now it was nearly more stifling inside, than out on your shaded porch. And at least here the stone beneath your bare feet was somewhat cooling.
You squinted at the huge red pickup truck now parked not far from your house.
Whoever was still seated inside was listening to music, clearly above a healthy decibel level, because you could hear it blasting even from where you stood quite a distance away.
At that exact moment the door swung open and you heard just a snippet of the song still playing, “Use my index, I can use my thumb.
Even use my pinky, it'll make you come. Close your eyes, it'll happen real fast
I just got you off with a fingerblast…”.Before you could hear more the door of the truck shut loudly. The sudden noise almost startling you.
Shaking your head you tried to compose yourself after overhearing what must have been a most charming song. You took a step forward, hell bent on pretending you hadn’t heard anything. Only now you’d noticed the mammoth of a man that had existed the truck.
Chiding yourself on how you hadn’t noticed him before.
You wrote it off as shock, because how else could you not have noticed the biggest fricking man you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Said man raised his left hand in greeting, while pushing his sunglasses up on his shaved head with the other. He wore a red T-shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. Realizing you stared way too long at the handsome stranger without reciprocating his greeting, you quickly waved back; albeit a bit too late, as he had already turned his back to you.
Fortunately for you, he took his sweet time getting to his toolbox or whatever. Giving you the perfect opportunity to stare some more and that you did.
Good god, how did his shirt not rip when he moved? All that muscle had you salivating.
As he turned towards you, with his toolbox in hand, you couldn’t help but notice the ominous bulge in his shorts.
And then one thought lead to another, having you think about, how something entirely different would most certainly rip, upon his movement. That image had you clenching and swallowing thickly.
“Hey, I take it, you’re hav’n problems with your AC?” he drawled in a rough southern accent. You didn’t trust your voice, lest only a squeak would leave you, so you shook your head yes.
“Alright then, may I come ‘n?” He continued, an amused expression on his face, after you didn’t make a move to let him past you or into your house.
Finally you found your voice again, “Mmh yes, please do come…in,” you finished awkwardly, wanting to hit yourself for behaving like a middle schooler with a major crush.
It didn’t seem to bother him though, he simply chuckled deeply and entered your living room. As he walked by, you caught a whiff of his colon along with what must be his own natural musk, making you swoon on the spot. Damn it, he even smelled fucking fantastic.
From inside he called, “The name ‘s Syverson by the way, if you were wonderin’. But everyone calls me Sy anyway.”
Taking a second to draw a deep breath to calm your nerves and more accurately calm your ovaries, you headed in, after him.
He was standing in the middle of your living room, toolbox standing on your little coffee table, taking in your interior. Shaking your head, as if you could rid yourself of any indecent thoughts, you studied him once more.
Sy was big in every way possible, from his height, to his built and presence. Easily taking over your normally at least middle sized living room, making it seem shrunken.
This time you were a little bit more prepared when his sparkling blue eyes landed on you. Smiling you replied, “I’m y/n. Thank you for being here so quickly. The AC is right over there.” With a wave of your hand, you gestured in the direction of your adjacent kitchen, where the damned thing was let into the wall. He picked up the toolbox once more, before he followed closely behind.
As you lead the way into the kitchen, you could feel him staring at you hungrily, making you shiver from anticipation alone.
Sy swallowed thickly as the white dress you wore, showed even more of your pretty legs, with every bouncy step you took. Once in the kitchen you pointed up, at the opened AC. “I don’t know what seems to be the problem, normally if I do this…” you tried reaching the green button, even going as far as getting on your tiptoes, to show him, what normally did the trick.
As if hypnotized, he kept staring at the hem of your dress continuing to ride up, now almost getting a glimpse of your perfectly white panties. Fuck it, he thought as he drew impossibly closer, putting the toolbox on the kitchen counter in one swift movement.
You squeaked in response, when you felt his broad chest collide with your back. Before you could lose your balance, a beefy arm pulled you back by your midsection and against his sturdy body. A hot breath tickled your ear as he growled, “Darlin’ that dress of yours, might be a tad short for what you had in mind.”
His deep, lust filled voice made you reckless so you purred right back,” Mmmh I think it’s quite perfect for what I had in mind, no?” To emphasize your point, you pushed your rear purposefully against his groin, making him growl some more. “Careful there sweetheart, once the beast is awakened, it got a hankering…and…for one thing only.” You could undoubtedly hear his cocky grin. So you playfully replied, “Oh no, we certainly don’t want that now, do we? You know what they say, about sleeping dogs …”
Following your teasing you grabbed his arm and swiftly pulled it away to be able to slip from his grasp. Striding over to the door, making sure to sway your hips, all the while stifling your giggles. When you turned around, lightly leaning against the doorway, Sy still stood unmoving, glaring at you with dilated pupils. He was sure he’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted to have you.
One more push and you knew you had him right where you wanted him. You bit the insides of your cheeks, trying to conceal the gleeful smile forming on your lips. Deliberately slow you blinked up at him, readying yourself for what you were about to do next, “Catch me if you can…” You didn’t wait for his reaction, you just bolted through the doorway and straight up the stairs.
If you're interested in being on my taglist, please let me know! And if you want to be taken off (my taglist), feel free to tell me!❤️✨
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How Could You Think, Darling, I'd Scare So Easily?
Painland Week Day 2 - Myths/Legends
Charles/Edwin - post-canon
y'all remember how I said a few days ago that day 2 for @painlandweek was almost finished? Yeah,, when I went to bed two nights ago, this fic had 500 words. When I woke up again, I thought, hey, just write another 500 words and get back to it to flesh it out sometime later. Yeah, I finished this at 3am and it turned out to be *checks word count* almost 4000 words! Whoops?
Word count: 3726
ao3 link will be added
Title is from Hozier's "Francesca"
TW: body horror (Charles changing forms)
Hell has made them stronger together, Edwin is sure of that. It has, however, also made Charles anxious to leave Edwin alone for longer periods of time. When Charles doesn't return home for hours and neither Crystal nor Edwin know where he might be, everything leads to a familiar witch who wants to find out how strong the bond between the two ghosts really is when tested.
It had been exactly two months, three weeks and five days since they escaped Hell, found and lost enough to last another lifetime or two and realised the possibility of relative peace existed for them in the form of a trans-dimensional being who had never learnt what “tranquillity” even meant. Edwin agreed that most times, there was too much paperwork to be done to even try to achieve some peace of mind. 
For the most part, though, it was just an excuse. In reality, Edwin struggled with the idea that he could stop running now. After decades of looking over his shoulder, it took an immense amount of effort to direct his gaze at what’s in front of him.
Looking ahead now, all Edwin could see was the empty office, dust dancing over the furniture. The boxing gloves lay forgotten on a table near the entrance door and the football Charles always played with inside despite how much Edwin complained haphazardly rolled under the couch. Everything was still and that was only the beginning of the long list Edwin formulated in his mind of Things That Were Wrong.
Exhibit B: Charles was nowhere to be found. Which, while not particularly sitting right with Edwin, was not an unusual occurrence these days. Charles spent a lot of time with Crystal, helping her get used to her new flat or just keeping her company, watching movies. Crystal always made sure to extend her invitation to Edwin as well and he agreed every once in a while, sitting next to Charles on Crystal’s small but cosy couch, thighs touching. He also enjoyed his time spent with Crystal. She had grown on him and he was quite glad to call her his friend. Edwin lent her the detective novels he loved and in return he listened to what she called “podcasts” about psychology. 
But even so, he knew that the needling to “come over to hers with me, yeah, mate? The movie’s s'posed to be aces” was solely Charles’ doing because he did not like letting him out of his sight ever since Hell. This resulted in Charles excessively checking in on him via mirror every few hours, which most times was met by Edwin with a fondly annoyed eye roll. Edwin was quick to give in when confronted with Charles’ pleading eyes. It was not like he was any different in that regard. Spending time with them was no hardship whatsoever and Edwin had to admit that he found it quite sweet how Charles would look after him.
Which brought him to exhibit C: Charles had been gone for more than five hours and had not checked in on Edwin once in this time. Which had Edwin more worried than was probably warranted. Charles would be just fine, he was sure. He would just take a quick trip to Crystal’s and then he could calmly get back to his work for the Night Nurse. 
Edwin stood up and put the files under their paperweight. Mirror travel had been one of the most fascinating aspects of being a ghost. It required to be precise and focused while not putting any strain on his energy. It took just a fraction of a second until he found himself standing in the middle of Crystal’s living room.
“Holy fuck!” The resounding thump alerted Edwin to their psychic who was clutching her shoulder that she probably hit against the door frame she was currently leaning against, mouth twisted in pain and eyes wide with shock and irritation. “Edwin! How many times do we have to have this conversation until it sticks?”
“Yes, yes, no sudden mirror jumping into your room. I know.” Edwin pursed his lips, looking around. Better get to the point quickly.  “Is Charles here?”
“No, he isn’t. I don’t know where loverboy is, why?”
“He is not home either, has he said anything?”
Crystal flopped down on her couch. “Well, he said he wanted to come ‘round today to help me fix the sink but he didn’t show.” Reaching onto the coffee table for her phone, she checked the time. “Yeah, Charles said he’d be here around two.”
Edwin felt his stomach lurch in anxiety. It was half past five. A chilled silence filled the room as they looked at each other in question.
“Let me grab my jacket.”
“Doesn’t seem any different, right?” 
The agency lay completely untouched, nothing out of the ordinary. Normally, this would ease Edwin’s nerves, seeing as it was his sanctuary, his safe space along with Charles. Now, though, this also meant that there were no clues as to where Charles had gone. 
“Quite,” he agreed. Walking in circles around their desk, he eventually walked up to the window and peered outside. “Maybe there is something outside, he didn’t leave through the mirror.” 
They made their way downstairs, Crystal barely holding onto the railing to not slip on the steps in her hurry while Edwin simply opted to let himself fall through the floor to get to the entrance door as soon as possible. The night creeped in steadily, the shadows growing longer, twisting at their ankles. Their office was located a little off the beaten path, but not too far. When they first started flat-hunting, they were conscious that they had to balance on an incredibly fine line of finding a place just secluded enough to not bear the brunt of the daily London tourism but also don’t attract anyone who might be searching for lost places to scout out. 
This resulted in a beautiful view from their window but dark alleyways that led to seemingly nowhere, cobblestones streets with missing stones and cracks in them. The walls towered over them here, making it harder to distinguish the darkening sky from the roofs and edges. Their living neighbour had hung their bed sheets on the washing lines on the balcony and whenever Edwin blinked and tried to bring his eyes back into focus, they reminded him of David the Demon when they first exorcised him. 
It was dark, dirty and daunting. Nothing looked to be amiss. Except, of course, for the backpack that was sloped against the gutter. Edwin snatched it up and true enough: Charles’ bag of tricks. The straps showed various scratches and the top was stained. Decidedly not a condition Charles would leave his most prized possession in. Crystal was aware of this as well and carefully reached out to read it.
The few seconds that passed while Crystal’s eyes turned white and she stared into the distance were the most agitating of his existence.
Crystal gasped, letting the bag fall to the floor again, supporting herself on her knees. Edwin crouched next to her with his hands fluttering around her, not exactly knowing what he was supposed to do to help her. 
Resurfacing, she stood up again, shooting Edwin a small grateful smile that quickly blinked away again.
“Esther’s back,” she announced and tucked her jacket tighter around her. “She ambushed him here and took him.”
And Edwin’s world broke into pieces, shattering from the sky onto the puddle-ridden street and breaking the moonshine.
He didn’t say anything at first, every word vanished from his mind.
“I might know where they are, though. Or, I can find out.”
“How?” His voice sounded rough - harsh, but Crystal didn’t get angry. She knew that this was not borne of anger but sheer gripping despair.
“She had a business card on her and when Charles tried to defend himself, he caught a glimpse.”
This, more than anything, gave Edwin the determination needed to hoist the backpack onto his shoulder.
“Let us not waste any time, then. Do you think this internet you have might be of help?”
“For sure, Edwin,” she answered, petting his shoulder.
If Edwin hadn’t been out of his mind worrying about Charles, leaving him with sparsely any mental capacities to think about anything else, then he could have admitted that Coupeville, Washington was a tranquil but charming little town. With its little art stores and cafes, it gave a delightfully unassuming appearance.
Edwin hated every moment. For the sake of not leaving Crystal alone - he tried to silence the voice in his head that whispered you couldn’t take care of Charles either -, he had suffered through another flight, a ferry and multiple train rides. 
Crystal huffed as she dragged her suitcase up the stairs.
“She couldn’t have been less creative, huh? Relocating one ferry-ride away.” Which was true. Port Townsend could be reached in less than an hour. 
Personally, he could not care less whether she called this town or the bloody Empire State Building her home. All he cared about was getting Charles back as soon as possible.
They quickly checked into a hotel to get rid of the suitcase. Insisting that she had slept enough while travelling, they immediately headed to the address that Crystal had found out using the business card - a brewery. 
It must have been well visited only a few weeks ago, the dust had not properly set yet. But the lights were out and the doors were barricaded. Quickly nodding at Edwin, Crystal got on the way to find a window she could climb through while Edwin seized the opportunity to phase through the doors. Darkness enveloped him and he could not hear a single sound. 
He slowly made his way across the reception area, trying to get a feeling for how big the building really was and where Esther might have been hiding in here. If there was actually any connection to Charles’ disappearance and this place, anyway. But Edwin couldn’t stop and think about this very real possibility. 
Focusing on his surroundings, he noticed suspicious lines behind a grandfather clock on his left. And sure enough, upon examining them up close, there was a small door hidden behind it. Anxious excitement coursed through his body and he waited impatiently for Crystal’s arrival. 
“Searched for the entrance for celebrities, did you?”
“Shut it. Let’s move this clock.”
Despite taking a few tries, at last they found themselves faced with the entirety of the door. The handle was made out of iron, but Edwin didn’t hesitate to grab it despite the pain and the indignant screech Crystal let sound. 
“Are you out of your fucking mind? You might still need that hand.”
“Irrelevant and inaccurate, I won’t lose it by touching iron for a few seconds, do not be silly. And regardless, Charles does matter more right now.” He tried to hide the red swelling on his palm but he was not ignorant enough to think that Crystal actually hadn’t noticed.
“A plan is needed. I would suggest you wait here, in case Esther is not here and tries to surprise us.” 
“Alright.” Crystal nodded. “Don’t do anything stupid, yeah? Charles wouldn’t forgive anyone if you got hurt.”
Least of all himself went unsaid but they both heard it all the same. 
Edwin inclined his head, opened the door and went inside.
The room unfolding in front of him was surprisingly spacious but shockingly empty except for the enormous carpet. Sliding onto his knees, he felt the cloth and without a doubt: laced with magic. It was easy enough to counter the spell that acted as both a means to soundproof and seal without a lock whatever lay underneath it. 
Moving it aside, he was faced with a basement and without a second thought, jumped down.
Like a moth to a flame, Edwin’s eyes immediately found Charles in the completely dark room. 
“Charles,” he breathed, the name echoing off the walls like a prayer. 
Charles was slumped against the far wall, hands in cuffs mounted next to head which was lolling unoriented. When he finally looked up, Edwin was met with a disbelieving smile. But before Edwin could reciprocate, a look of blinding terror coloured Charles’ face pale.
“Edwin!” he hissed, pulling at his cuffs which brought tears to his eyes in pain. “Please, please leave, Edwin, she’s after you.” 
Edwin didn’t even think about leaving without Charles. All it took was the span of a blink and Edwin fell to his knees beside him, trying to find magical leeway for him to put the cuffs out of action, but to his dismay he realised that Esther had reinforced her strategy, not just opting for simple iron but also a curse. 
“What? What do you mean by that?” he asked, only half listening as he mentally flipped through all the knowledge he had on this kind of magic.
“She,” Charles began, coughing, “She said she was impressed that we escaped last time. She wants to get rid of me first and see how much it’d raise your pain level to drain you again. Put a curse on me too, in case you showed up.”
That got Edwin’s attention. “What?! Do you feel alright? What kind of curse?” 
“Eh.” Charles’ head lolled to the side again, as if he was losing consciousness. “She wants to try sacrificing me and if you tried to rescue me, I’d turn in all kinds of horrible beasts. Wouldn’t want to hold onto me then, she said. Wants to see how far you’d go.” 
“Charles, Charles!” Edwin held him by the shoulders, careful not to jostle him. “I’d go anywhere for you, do you understand? A curse is not going to stop me.”
But Charles was barely there anymore, teetering on the edge of oblivion. “S’ planned for t’morrow. I won’t blame you for letting go, mate, you were scared for so long, don’t need any more of that, yeah?” And then he fell into something close to sleep but what most likely resembled unquiet rest.
There was nothing he could do against the cuffs, not with no grasp on what exact kind of magic he was dealing with and no idea how much time he had left until Esther would show up.
Edwin put a hand to Charles’ cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold onto you, Charles, stay strong.”
With one last glance to his love, he began climbing back out of the basement.
Upon reading up on locations with magical and sacrificial history in Washington, Edwin concluded that their best chance was a secluded part of coastline, the stony beach along with the clear view of the sky providing the perfect atmosphere. 
Edwin and Crystal were hiding in the underwood, watching Esther where she was standing near the shore, when suddenly, something moved right in front of them. 
Crystal gasped. “Did- did the path just move?”
Quickly, he shushed her. “No, there is no path,” he whispered, “there is only the beach. That is a snake.”
True enough: a black snake slithered up to the ritual circle Esther had set up. This snake was even bigger than the one in Esther’s house in Port Townsend and tied to its back, there was Charles.
“Okay,” he said softly, “wish me luck.”
Consolingly, Crystal put her hand on his shoulder. “You don’t need luck. Go get him. I’ll deal with Esther.”
They stood up and sneaked closer. From a safe distance, Crystal started tapping into her powers. Edwin trusted her, therefore he turned to Charles straight away. 
Edwin had also found a remedy for the cuffs’ curse, which made it easy to pull him off, hugging him close and making it just far enough away to give Crystal the opportunity to handle the snake.
Tightening his arms around Charles, who was panting against his neck, it didn’t take long until he could feel Charles’ body morph. 
When Charles told him that he’d turn into various beasts, Edwin had thought about what he had been afraid of when he was still alive. After seventy years in Hell, any scary children’s story he had heard lost its appeal. When he was ten, his neighbour’s children had told him a story about Spring-heeled Jack who’d haunt the streets of London but also other areas of Britain. They told him about his terrifying looks with his claws, jumping at passersby to scratch them and then back into the night. 
Thinking back now, though, Edwin would gladly face a hundred variations of Spring-heeled Jack all alone if it meant that Charles would be safe and sound in their office come next morning.
“I’ve got you, Charles,” he mumbled. He didn’t respond and as Edwin looked up at him, he came face-to-face with a doll version of Charles, his eyes unseeing and mouth twisted in a numb smile, a hollow feeling to his body. Edwin could see his own face reflected in Charles’ eyes, unease boiling slowly under his skin. Where Charles’ hold on him had been strong and desperate only moments ago, now it was stiff and felt like porcelain. Edwin’s fear of dolls was real and tangible but he was far more scared of letting Charles go and shattering him on the stones.
He pressed Charles closer to him.
He stayed in this form for a while until Edwin felt a shift again. This time, Charles resembled the demon that had dragged Edwin to Hell. He was a familiar sight albeit an unpleasant one, so Edwin just put his forehead to Charles’ shoulder and waited it out, the haze around them slowly dissipating.
Next was the thing one of his demons had traded him to. He maintained that it was worse than a demon, for the simple reason that there were characteristics one could apply to a demon, it was possible to create a definition and know what to expect when one encountered a demon. This thing, however, was less a physical form and more a foreboding. The feeling deep in the bones that something horrible was imminent and no matter how hard one would try to work against it, failure was predestined. A looming presence - a threat. There was a voice in the back of the mind, whispering knowingly about every mistake he ever made and it was all your fault, right? Niko dying, Charles getting hurt, Crystal being dragged along to all of this, having been in Hell? But you don’t need me to tell you that, you already think so.
It was a sick trick and his only enemy in this was his own mind. But Edwin had grown, he had realised that thinking something didn’t have to reflect reality. And while he did blame himself for all these things from time to time, it was a passing sorrow. None of the people involved in these thoughts would want him to condemn himself and after his second time in Hell, Edwin had understood that he needed to show himself self-respect as well. Hell was an error Edwin had had no control over.
He did, however, have control over not letting Charles fear that he would be afraid enough to leave him. Because he was quite sure that underneath these appearances, Charles was conscious of what was happening and scared out of his mind.
“Don’t worry,” he whispered. “It’s alright.”
The fourth form was the spider-doll-demon. Its many arms were gripping Edwin’s back, the dolls’ heads pressing into his chest and neck. Edwin tried to slow his breathing. He spent more than seventy years running away from this demon and being so close to it was associated with blinding pain, being torn apart over and over again. 
Maybe now was the time to finally stop running and face his fear head-on. And so he looked straight at it, staring lovingly beneath its surface where he knew Charles was.
One second to the other, the demon was gone. There was no other figure, but Edwin still felt Charles’ presence and he tensed up at once, realising what this particular fear resembled: Charles was invisible, gone from his sight. No means for him to see him again, the only thing left for him to do was anxiously grip where Charles’ shoulders were supposed to be and not let Charles jerk away if he saw the horror on Edwin’s face. This was the only shape that compelled Edwin to screw his eyes shut. 
Time passed until he felt Charles change one more time. This was the only one not tailored specifically to one of Edwin’s fears and it showed him that he had been right in assuming where Esther had drawn her inspiration for this act from.
Charles resembled a burning coal, the heat licking at Edwin’s skin. He embraced him tightly, stood up with him and dragged him into the water. Below the surface, he could see Charles turning back into himself, his bright eyes the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Nothing had ever felt as right as holding Charles in his arms.
Bubbles appeared in front of Charles’ mouth even though he didn't need to breathe and Edwin erupted spontaneously into laughter at the ridiculous sight of Charles trying to speak underwater. Despite being in the water, he felt himself get teary-eyed. He didn’t even try to fool himself into thinking that they would not both be sobbing messes as soon as they resurfaced. But for now all he needed to do was drink in Charles’ smile.
Back on the shore, Crystal was busy brushing off her jeans.
“Boys!” she yelled as soon as she saw them, running towards them and pulling them both into a hug at the same time. “Esther’s gone, let’s hope for good.”
“Yeah,” Charles whispered, putting one arm around Edwin’s hips. 
Crystal pulled back, smiling knowingly but in a comforting way. “So glad you’re both alright. I’ll go check to make sure no one here accidently saw me fighting a huge snake and a witch. Meet me at the hotel, yeah?” With that, she walked back in the direction of the trees. 
Charles turned to Edwin, smiling shyly. “So, you kept holding me,” he stated.
“Nothing has ever been easier, Charles.” He put his hands on Charles’ shoulders again. They fit so well there.
They hugged once more.
“You know,” Edwin mused, playing with Charles’ hair, “it was like Tam Lin.”
“Mhh?” Charles mumbled, he sounded tired. “What’s that?”
“A legendary Scottish ballad. Not letting your love go, no matter what.”
“Oh.” Charles’ eyes were wide. “Does that one end in tragedy too?”
Edwin smiled. “No, it ends precisely like this.” And Charles’ smile was brilliant as he leaned in and kissed Edwin.
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undercoveravenger · 11 months
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Pairing: Isaac Lahey x Scientist!Male!Reader
Requested: Yes
Request: “okay for the spooky request could you write Isaac lahey x scientist reader who doesn’t believe in the supernatural but they are hunting a ghost and reader and Isaac make a bet where if they do find the ghost reader owes Isaac a kiss or something”
A/N: This is the third fic in the 2023 Spooky Month event! The next post will release on Tuesday, October 24th. Hope you enjoy!
While your best friend Scott McCall and his pack were no strangers to your lab, you still found yourself a bit on edge with Scott’s beta, Isaac. You had known of him before he was turned, and he had seemed nice enough the few times you had interacted with him, but there had always seemed to be something off, even after Scott had told you the truth about his friends. You weren’t sure exactly why Isaac made you so uneasy, but the weight of his eyes, whether glowing their infamous werewolf gold or his pretty every-day blue, was ever present and unreadable. 
Even now, with the rest of the pack off investigating the most recent victim of a vengeful spirit, Isaac lingered, perched on one of the spare lab tables pushed against the wall and watching you intently. 
“You didn’t have to wait here,” you say, ardently refusing to look at him, studying the strange glowing sample they’d brought you through the viewing lens of your microscope. “You heard Scott- He thinks he’s got a lead. You could’ve gone with him to check it out.”
A soft huff escapes Isaac and you can hear him shift behind you, moving from his seat on the opposite table to come lean against the one you’re working at. “No,” he says quietly, “I needed to be here.” He’s silent for a minute and you almost think to press him further when he continues, “I know you don’t need me to be here, but I need to be.” He clears his throat awkwardly when you look up at him, but he presses on, in spite of the thick blush clouding his cheeks. “I worry about you a lot when I’m not around you, y’know? Not just that you’re just a human, but that you’re you.”
You studied Isaac for a long moment, a sort of self-satisfied amusement creeping through you as he fidgets under your gaze, clearly having said more than he meant to and exposing his emotions in the process. 
“You really think that you’re going to catch this ghost?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched him. 
He nodded, grinning shyly, “Yeah. With you and Scott working together to find it? No way we don’t.”
Whenever you’d caught Isaac looking at you in the past, the look in his eyes was always intense, but he was unreadable in the same way that the old Latin tombs that Allison had swiped from her family’s archives for you had been. But in the same way you had learned to decipher those ancient books, you were starting to see the meaning behind those lingering stares and Isaac’s looming presence. He’d never seemed malicious to you, not even before he’d joined Scott’s pack, but now you could see that determined distance for what it was.
You rolled your eyes and turned back to your sample, but couldn’t stop the edge of your lips from quirking up as you spoke. “You find it and I owe you a kiss.”
While you were no longer looking at him, you could pick out the exact moment Isaac realized what you’d said since you could hear his sneakers squeak against the floor as he struggled to catch himself from falling. “I- I, uh, I-” he stammered and you could practically hear how flustered he was. “I’m- I’m gonna go call Scott and see if his lead panned out. Y’know, we uh, we really need to get rid of this ghost thing before it hurts someone else. We should- We should really do everything we can to catch it as soon as possible, right?”
You couldn’t help but laugh as he hurried out of the room, and you laughed even harder when you were able to pick up the excited whoops echoing in from outside of your lab from Isaac and Scott over the phone line.
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end-otw-racism · 1 year
End OTW Racism Link Round-Up: Week 1!
We are now in week two of our action demanding that OTW live up to its commitments to address racist harassment & abuse, which ends May 31st! There was a lot of great discussion during the first week, so we wanted to post a round-up of some of the longer-form discussion/analysis that people have been sharing (we're going with posts on Tumblr, Dreamwidth, and other sites, as well as Twitter threads that are longer than three tweets). These are posts that we think would be helpful to consider as fandom engages in the necessary conversations about these issues.
If we've missed something you've written, we'll be doing another round-up of week two, so it's not too late! You can either submit it on tumblr, tweet at us, or email us at endotwracism [at] gmail [dot] com. We do reserve the right to only share posts that are in line with the intent of the campaign and that we believe are adding to the conversation.
beatrice-otter: Why AO3 needs to be accountable for reducing fandom racism in its internal culture and the archive [link]
pretty-weird-ideas: End OTW Racism and the “Fed” Accusations [link]
aretethegreattelleroftales: You don’t understand what EndOTWRacism is asking for here, and because you clearly do not understand it, you should have known better than to speak on it. [link]
vex-verlain: In response to the reactions I’ve seen to #EndOTWRacism [link]
unrealromance: I don’t really understand how people don’t know the difference between ‘whoops I’ve fallen into a racist trope’ and 'I am literally writing hate speech that is unveiled, mask off’. [link]
pretty-weird-ideas: Codification of a Living Document as a solution to Harassment on OTW [link]
indifferentvincent: RE: End OTW Racism Derailment [link]
elumish: In light of some of the backlash to the End OTW Racism protest, and particularly the concern that an anti-harassment policy would lead to abuse of reporting mechanisms or censorship of unpopular authors/ships… [link]
seepunkrun: How to Find and Attend OTW Board Meetings [link]
indifferentvincent: The people who use the excuse of saying ao3 is an ‘archive’ and so 'must preserve’ the most vile, intentionally racist fics just sound like the most privileged motherfuckers on the planet to me. [link]
spacebeyonce & pretty-weird-ideas: wow this is such a normal and rational thing to say about having a diversity consultant to help ao3 fix their bullshit. [link]
indifferentvincent: I have to assume this is in regards to my promotion of the end-otw-racism call to action, because I don’t know what else it could be referencing. [link]
princeescaluswords: Writing Doesn’t Happen in a Void [link]
mousieta: There is a place, a magic place, a giant, ever growing park filled with sandboxes of every color and shape imaginable. [link]
spacebeyonceart: alright so I want to talk about this post I made two years ago now that the #EndOTWRacism ball is finally rolling. [link]
generalfrings: This shit makes me so goddamn angry, yall. [link]
eruthosish: One of the calls of #EndOTWRacism is to improve the AO3's Terms of Service and how the AO3 deals with fanworks that are part of an offsite harassment campaign, so I wanted to share a story about the only time I have ever reported offsite harassment and had Abuse agree with me. [link]
buttonthemdown: They've proven they can move quickly *when they want to*, but the fact the OTW hasn't made an official statement acknowledging their lack of action and pledging to do better sends a signal they don't care about their POC fans. [link] 
Clonehub7567 Seeing the reactionary dismissals of #EndOTWRacism from white fans who pretend to care about racism is reminding me of the backlash i/we got for #UnwhitewashTBB. [link]
hydrochaeris3: ppl who are worried that not participating in the call to action will get them labeled racist..... first of all once again yall are showing that you care more about what others might label you than putting forth tangible effort into caring for a community [link]
m_sketchyart: If you think that #EndOTWRacism is censoring your escapism, here’s a thought to chew on: why is being anti-racist a threat to your escapism? Is true escapism not also leaving racism, antiBlackness, fatphobia, abeism, misogyny, etc out of your escapism? /rh  [link]
lunedraws: Have you wanted to walk the walk and not just talk the talk, re: racism, in one or more of your fandom spaces? This is a concise and timely line of actions we can take. [link]
aliasmarionette: One thing I see a lot in #EndOTWRacism comments which are in favour of the status quo is assumptions about who we mean by fandom, and about the user base of the Archive. [link]
SapphicScholar: New profile photo while participating in the important fan-led campaign to demand that OTW make good on the promises it has already made to address issues it has already acknowledged as problems in the archive—that is, instances of extreme racist harassment and abuse [link]
Fansplaining: Since the endotwracism campaign has begun, we wanted to highlight the timeline they've put together about the OTW's communications re: hiring a diversity consultant since their initial statement of commitment in the summer of 2020. [link]
gwenpendrcgon: ive seen so much backlash over #EndOTWRacism which shouldnt surprise me (also majority of this comes from tumblr is also to be expected) but most if not all backlash received by this event is done is such bad faith and complete wilful ignorance [link]
fiercynonym: so op of the #EndOTWRacism post on reddit dm-ed me and the situation is even more fucked up than i originally knew???  [link]
kitschlet: seeing a lot of people confused about what the OTW can do to address racism [link]
generalfrings: poor AO3 maintaining a 'absurdly heavy site'. all that text! [link]
RukminiPande: Fan scholars should be paying attn to #EndOTWracism. [link]
Saathi1013: The thing to notice about all the assertions that people know who's behind EOTWR is like... Okay, there are a few things, actually [link]
buttonthemdown: If you think that victims of racism need to "develop a thicker skin" you're a fucking racist [link]
mousieta: if i could have people understand one thing abt #endotwracism right now is that This issue matters not because racism makes you feel bad, or uncomfy, or squicky but because racism is actively harming Real Living Breathing Fans right now. [link]
fiercynonym: okay so…you know how OTW has been saying, when asked at meetings, that they have a budget surplus of about USD $1 million? well…manogirl & i did some digging, and it might actually be more than TWO AND A HALF MILLION USD. [link]
runpunkrun: Speaking of OTW Board meetings, if you're interested in attending, here's what you need to know [link] 
satsuma: A Chronic Habit of Avoiding Responsibility? #EndOTWRacism [link]
bcgphoenix: I have a lot of feelings about OTW and End OTW Racism as a book conservator/general preservation person, most of which verge into tl;dr territory. [link]
killabeez: Looking at past archive policies [link]
nyctanthes: End OTW Racism (Fannish Fifty #47) [link]
chestnut_pod: Be more democratic, be more autocratic, OTW [link]
Other sites
Lady’s Weblog: End Racism in the OTW [link]
The Rec Center: #384 Final Thoughts [link]
Stitch’s Media Mix: I’m Supporting #EndOTWRacism [link]
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brotherwtf · 3 months
bbg I’ve got one for you! 😌
what if Gale and John never went down?
Bremen was Gale’s 22nd mission and he only had 3 more to go, he would have been sent state side by the end of October with the frequency of his missions
John was only at 8 (apparently there are other reports that he was at 16) either way John would be at Thorpe Abbotts without Gale for much longer, especially with the way his behavior was changing
How do you think they both would’ve handled this?
very interesting love! I think it would be an angsty sum bitch bcs Gale would probably be home with Marge and married before John even hit 20 missions.
they had started exploring with each other a little bit after Gale's first mission, when the fear of losing Gale was most prominent in John. They started off with just handjobs or blowjobs, not wanting to make things too personal by kissing. When Gale kisses John after one of their meetings together, John can't get enough of it. It starts turning into something more, tender kisses and spooning in barracks. They realize they're in love after Algeria and John takes Gale on his weekend pass.
They spend the 48 hours together in a hotel room, pretending to be lovers and taking a stroll down the streets of London like they're actually in love.
Once Gale gets back, the four missions he had left went by too fast for John.
On his 25th, Gale goes all out. He buzzes the tower before landing, and whoops loudly when he jumps out of the plane. John is immediately there on the runway, pulling Gale into the tightest hug he can get away with in public.
Much like Dyes 25th, the Air Force spares no expense. The drinks are flowing, the music is loud, and John is latched to Gale's side the entire evening. While Gale is quieter in celebrating than John, he still smiles the entire evening. The words "No Engine Cleven" are hung up behind the band and John laughs at the words. He hangs on Gale's arm the entire evening, because he knows as soon as the night runs out, he'll be stuck in the soup of Thorpe Abbotts without Gale by his side.
John requests "Blue Skies" to end the night and grabs the mic, despite protests and sings the entire song to Gale, who just blushes and hides his face in his hands.
At the end of the night, Gale drags John to an empty storage hut, and they make love all night. Gale whispers all night how much he'll miss John and how much he loves him, and John finds himself crying.
Gale is shipped back to the states in a week and John's heart breaks. It soars only at the thought of Gale finally being safe, he's back home with Marge and with the people he loves.
Gale hounded John to write, and the first letter he had sent was asking John to be his best man. John had sobbed that night, he wanted Gale all to himself. He has to force himself to respond to Gale's letters, but it hurts too much to even think of Gale back home while he's still stuck here in Thorpe Abbotts.
I think his breakdown might be similar to his breakdown in the Stalag. He gets moody and mopey, refuses to joke with anyone bcs Gale is not by his side. The letters from Gale start to pile up and he can't bring himself to respond.
He's still flying when the missions required for a tour were upped to 30, and Gale had written him telling him not to do anything stupid.
Shockingly, John survived all 30 missions and partied like no other, got blazingly drunk, fucked some skirt from the pub, and had to be peeled from the wet ground of the Thorpe Abbotts runway.
When he's shipped back to Manitowoc, Gale is waiting for him at the train station. John drops his bags on the platform and rushes towards him, pulling him into the tightest embrace he has ever given someone. He feels elated on the inside, but exhausted on the outside.
I might turn this into a full fic just bcs it has so much potential, but I really liked this idea! The idea of them celebrating Gale's 25th fills me with so much joy 🥹
Thank you for the ask love!
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I finished watching lady baseball show last night and I have a lot of thoughts!! Some of them controversial?? Perhaps lol. Let's see!
First and most importantly, I really enjoyed the show! Anything critical I say is said with love lol. Overall it was a good show!
I loveddddd Clance. Clance and Max's friendship was everything to me (probably a post of its own but straight/gay friendships hold such a special place in my heart). I love them, they were so so so good I want to protect them at all costs. Clance was so wonderfully witty, she was cracking me up the whole show.
I also adored Lupe and Jess. If it was up to me Lupe would have been the mc of the Peaches. She was such an interesting and complex character who exhibited growth throughout the season and I loved every scene with her. And she's hot but that's not the point.
Jess too! I would have loved more time with Jess, I also ate up all of her scenes. And she looks like a butch version of my wife so she was also hot but again not the point. I'm not saying for sure that some Jess/Lupe fics could be coming, but... I'm not not saying it either.
Alright my controversial (or maybe not idk) take: I wasn't a big fan of Carson/Greta...whoops. idk I just didn't think they had great chemistry, it felt like a lot of telling rather than showing. They were supposed to really like each other but a lot of their scenes together they kinda just seemed annoyed/mad at each other 😬 idk sorry to my fellow lesbians I have failed you.
My conspiracy theory is that if the show was supposed to be multiple seasons then Greta/Carson was never meant to be end game and it was actually Carson/Max end game but idk that's probably not realistic with the times but I mean. At least they seemed to actually like each other don't kill me lol
Another big reason why I think Greta/Carson doesn't work well is because their relationship isn't reflected in the game. A huge component of sports shows/films is the sport being a reflection of real life, especially the relationships of people involved (see for more: my obsession with tbitb coxstroke). Baseball is the perfect game for this because it has an incredibly important dynamic/relationship within the game: catcher and pitcher. It absolutely baffled me that they didn't have the main couple be the catcher and pitcher (cough Carson/Max, cough). And tbh? Maybe not romantically, but Carson and Lupe's dynamic was far more interesting to me than Greta and Carson, because I got to see how it matter on the field. Greta and Carson barely played off each other in the sport, it was mind boggling to me.
On a similar note, I loved whenever the show was focused around baseball. I feel like they kind of lost that in places, and whenever we'd get back to an actual game where we'd get to see them play I'd be like "man I love this!" What can I say, I love a good sports film!
Sometimes the pacing of the show felt off to me. Like certain plot points they'd squeeze in and resolve pretty quickly even if they felt like a big deal, while others felt drawn out longer than they needed to be. Idk, writing a first season of a show is probably hard so I get it, just something that bugged me in a "I see so much potential, it just needed a little more tweaking" way.
As a fan of the og movie too, it was cute to see the little nods they made to it throughout the show. I kept having to explain them to my wife cuz she hasn't seen it lol (like when they started singing in the last episode my wife was like "...what is happening" lmaoo)
I think those are my main points. Anyway I enjoyed it and I'm sad it's over. Mwah I love you lesbian baseball show, I wish you had lasted longer so I could find out if my conspiracy was right. The end.
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deepspacedukat · 9 months
Misfit Toys - Part 3
Alright! Here's the conclusion! I hope you all enjoyed reading this little fic as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💖 There are a few unintended side things that happen in this chapter, but I hope y'all will enjoy it anyway!! By that I mean whoops I accidentally created yet another OC.
Part 1 here. Part 2 here.
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Tokath (ST:TNG) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut adjacent, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies romance, Human/Romulan romance, implied interspecies sex, implied Human/Romulan sex, mutual pining, they're idiots who think it's unrequited, it's VERY requited, flirting, some almost kisses, getting lokblocked, literally everyone can tell they're in love except them, they are the last people to find out about each other's feelings.
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I hadn't needed Tokath's crutch in nearly a month, but it had earned a place of honor. Resting lovingly on a bookshelf in my bedroom, it served as a reminder of the progress I'd made...and of the fact that I now had somewhere that I belonged.
After all this time, it still felt strange to know that I had a home this amazing. The reaction to the news that I'd decided to stay instead of boarding the transport and leaving the Carraya system had been so joyful on the part of my new friends that I'd been moved to tears. None of them had been irritated that I'd chosen to remain with them.
Ta'lana even clapped a hand on my shoulder and grinned as she offered me a permanent position helping her concoct her salves. I accepted, of course. How could I not? Her companionship was so easy and natural that I'd have been a fool to refuse. Not to mention I owed her and Tokath my life for healing me after the crash.
Speaking of Tokath, as soon as he gave me permission to stay, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my chest. There was no longer a lingering feeling of guilt and selfishness resonating through me every time I stole a glance at him. Oh sure, I was still on the verge of berating myself for behaving like a schoolgirl with a crush, but I'd realized that since I was now a permanent resident in this settlement, I had every right to live however I chose. If I wanted to bask in the warmth of the Romulan Commander's smiles, then that was exactly what I'd do.
I was afforded that opportunity quite often. More often than not, we managed to sneak in a little time together in the mornings before the day truly got started. Even if it was just enough time for us to share a cup of tea and breakfast, Tokath and I always seemed to gravitate toward each other.
There were still plenty of mornings where we woke up in each other's arms on the sofa in his study, and those were admittedly my favorites. He was nearly always awake before I was, but he never moved to get up first. The lingering caresses left on my skin before the break of dawn made me wish that I was a more courageous person. More than once I came incredibly close to blurting out my feelings for him in those slow, gentle morning hours. It was a wonder that he hadn't yet noticed.
There was definitely a slight shift in our relationship when I begged him to allow me to stay, though I couldn't define what it was. Our interactions were just as they were before but the burden on his shoulders seemed...lighter, somehow, despite the addition of a new member of the community. Maybe he just liked having a friend with a new perspective to discuss...
If only he knew how much that new friend wanted to kiss him when the morning sunlight poured in through the study window and glittered in his eyes. Resting atop his sturdy chest, half-dazed and half-witted from having just woken up, the temptation was almost overwhelming most mornings. Instead, I would simply nuzzle farther into his chest or the crook of his neck and breathe in his scent until I was certain I could trust myself to look into his eyes again.
One of those mornings, the rain cascaded down, splattering against the windows and creating a soothing rhythm against the roof. I was loathe to get up, and Tokath seemed even less inclined to do so, until a knock sounded at the door.
With matching pair of begrudging sounds, the two of us sat up, and Tokath called for whoever it was to come in. Belatedly, I realized how bedraggled we must look. M'Ven took a single step inside, saw our mussed hair and state of dress, and blushed as he delivered his message.
"My apologies for the intrusion, sir, but I thought you might like to know that your daughter's shuttle has just entered sensor range. She should be here within the hour." Almost as soon as he'd finished speaking, M'Ven tossed me a friendly wink and left us to our own devices.
A joyful smile spread across the Commander's lips as he turned to me.
"You and Ba'el would get along so well! Would you like to come with me to greet her?" He looked so hopeful. How could I possibly refuse? Without a single thought, I reached up and brushed a few errant strands of hair behind his ear. When his hand covered mine against the side of his face, I realized how close we still were to each other.
Oh, the urge to kiss him was back stronger than ever!
"I wouldn't want to intrude on your time with her–"
"Hush, e'lev. You could never intrude," he said, "and if you're not uncomfortable with the notion, I'd love for you to be there."
Tokath's hand kept mine firmly in place while I took a deep breath.
"I'd be honored." If I thought his smiles had been beautiful before, I'd clearly never seen him this utterly filled with joy. Tugging me into a crushing hug, the Commander let out a relieved breath. Did he really think I'd refuse?
After having bathed and changed into clean clothes, we arrived at a clearing in the woods that Tokath called the 'landing strip' just in time to see his daughter's shuttle touch down. The rain had stopped just a few minutes before, giving way to a thick, murky fog. Almost as soon as the shuttle's engines cut off, he was striding toward the door of the small craft.
This must've been something of a routine for them, because the young woman practically threw herself into his arms, sending the pair into a fit of giggles. I hung back just a bit to give them space. Despite Tokath's earlier protests, I was determined not to intrude on their reunion.
"You should've told me you were coming! I'd have prepared a welcome party," he said, and at her protests, I turned my attention to Ba'el's ship, trying to give them some semblance of privacy. The vessel seemed to be Klingon in design, so I assumed she'd acquired it or borrowed it while on the homeworld that she'd gone to explore - Tokath told me all about the incident with a Starfleet officer and the minor revolt that led to some of the younger members of the colony striking out on their own. More power to them. It took a lot to leave the only place you'd ever known in search of entirely new places.
"Oh, hi!" Ba'el's cheerful voice sounded, and I turned my head to meet her smile with one of my own. I gave a little wave as the pair walked over.
"Ah, this is our newest resident," Tokath said introducing me. Rather than a more subdued greeting as I'd expected, Ba'el glanced between her father and myself, then wrapped me in a tight hug. I'd expected apprehension or maybe something a bit more confrontational, but, really, that was silly. She was Tokath's daughter, and he was one of the kindest people I'd ever met. It only stood to reason that his daughter would be at least partially similar in temperament.
"This place is so secluded! How in the stars did you end up here?" She asked as she pulled back and grasped my shoulders.
"Well, it's a long story–"
"One that even I have not yet managed to coax from her," Tokath cut in as he wrapped an arm around my waist and smiled playfully down at me.
"–but it's not a terribly interesting one. I boarded the wrong transport at the wrong time, that's all," I finished with a shrug, ducking my head to escape the warmth of his gaze before I combusted completely.
"Oh, the 'wrong time' was it? And here I thought you liked it here, e'lev." He was teasing me, I knew he was, but I still didn't want him to have the wrong impression.
"No, no, that's not what I meant. I love living here! This place is the best thing that ever happened to me. I-I just–" Tokath's gentle, rolling laughter engulfed me just as his arms did, cutting off my rambling protests.
"Do you really think I don't know how you feel about that by now?" When I simply buried my face in his tunic and made a noncommittal sound, he gave me a nice, big squeeze. "Come on. Let's all get back to the compound before we freeze in this dreary weather."
Dinner that night was a joyful affair. Stepped up from the usual fare into something more celebratory, the whole colony was ecstatic to welcome back one of their own, even if it was only for a short time. Though she was only planning on staying for a couple of weeks, Ba'el's presence brought a sparkle into the hall. Her lightheartedness and genuine wonder about the things she'd seen in her travels brought smiles to everyone's faces - including a rather pointed attentiveness from Centurion M'Ven that I noticed.
Eventually, the meal drew to a close, but before Tokath could protest, his daughter looped her arm around mine and stole me away into the quiet evening air. Stopping at the same little pond where her father had first told me of the transport, Ba'el tugged me down next to her on the bench to sit with her. We were both silent for a few moments, watching the water ripple in the bond as a slight breeze caressed its surface. When she spoke, her voice was so soft that it almost slipped away amidst the trees' rustling leaves.
"When I was little, my parents used to bring me here every day. I'd run around and play, and they'd sit here together on this bench. On the days when I didn't need others for the silly games I played, they kept their own company. Sometimes they talked, sometimes my father would read her a book, and sometimes, if the atmosphere was right, they'd end up roaring with laughter over some joke they'd shared," she murmured. A nostalgic little smile stretched her lips, and a far away sort of look settled itself firmly onto her face. "When I got older, they trusted me to come here alone, and I took to exploring the gardens. I knew every rock and tree - they were my friends, as silly as that sounds. I miss this place more than any other when I'm off exploring the galaxy."
I listened carefully, and a wave of gratitude washed through me for the glimpse she was giving me into both her past and her father's. It must've taken a lot for her to share something so personal with me.
"The last time I was home, M'Ven saw me come here. He followed me one night...gave me a bouquet of his own hybrid flowers - he tends them religiously, so you couldn't have missed them," she said, and with a conspiratorial lean in, she continued. "He's asked me to be his mate."
I wasn't exactly surprised. The glowing smiles he gave her at dinner and his near constant blushing sort of gave it away.
"Does your father know?"
"Not yet, no. I'm going to tell him in a couple of days, though, I promise. M'Ven was the first born here. I think his mother was in the early stages of pregnancy before the battle and just didn't know it yet," Ba'el explained. "He's not officially a Centurion, of course. He wears the uniform, and he was trained by the officers here, but the Romulan government doesn't know anything about him."
She paused for a moment, allowing the weight of her words wash over me.
"We agreed that this year when I came home, if I still felt the same for him, he'd come with me on my next trip. It'll be a little more risky traveling together, but we'll manage. After that, when we come home next year, we're going to stay and build a life together," she said letting out a giggle that was so infectious that I couldn't help but join her. "So what about you? I assume that you and Papa are going to stop dancing around each other sometime this decade...?"
"I-I don't know what you mean." Stammering certainly didn't help my case, but the laugh that left her throat told me that she wouldn't have believed me even if I'd sounded perfectly confident. "Ba'el, I...I do love your father, but I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable–"
"What are you talking about? I haven't seen him this happy in years! Last year I was so worried about him that I stayed for a month instead of my usual couple of weeks. He practically had to kick me out." She gripped my forearms gently and looked into my eyes. "I'm happy for you. When one of you finally works up the courage to talk about your feelings, I'll be the first person to celebrate. You're good for him, and, from what I can see, he's good for you."
Relief, palpable and potent, rushed through me, and I hugged Ba'el to hide the tears that had gathered in my eyes. We sat by the pond, talking and joking until the unmistakable sound of footsteps met our ears. We both turned in time to see M'Ven rounding one of the larger trees with a bouquet in hand. He caught sight of us and froze - he'd clearly been coming to meet Ba'el, but my presence startled him, the poor lad.
Ba'el beckoned him over, and the bob of his Adam's apple in his throat as he swallowed betrayed the confident air he'd clearly been trying to exude.
"Calm down, she knows. I told her," Ba'el said as I smiled and got to my feet.
"I also know when it's my cue to leave." Giving poor, startled M'Ven a wink, I started to walk away and give them some privacy. Before I got out of earshot, though, I turned back and called his name. "I think it goes without saying that you'd better be good to her."
Resolve straightened his back and lifted his chin.
"I will, lhhei, you have my word." With that promise obtained, I left them to their own devices, and, though I'd intended to go to my room and sleep, my feet carried me to Tokath's study seemingly of their own volition.
The door was already open, revealing the man in question sitting at his desk and staring into a cup of tea as if it held the answers to life itself. I wanted so badly to kiss the little furrow between his eyebrows and the lines on either side of his mouth...
As if my gaze had called out to him, his eyes lifted from the depths of his tea and caught me hovering in the doorway. His features melted seamlessly from from surprised to relieved to elated in barely a flash.
"Ah, so I haven't been abandoned for the evening, then," he teased as I closed the door behind me. Tokath leaned back in his chair, and I noticed for that there was a second cup of tea sitting on the desk.
"As if I could stay away from you, Commander." Walking over to his desk, I leaned against the polished surface and glanced at his bookshelves for the thousandth time. I knew very well which titles sat on the shelves - even the Klingon ones - but I needed somewhere to look other than at his gorgeous face. "Forgive me for being late. Ba'el and I were talking."
"So that's where you were! I turned to speak with L'Kor for barely a moment after dinner, but when I turned back, my two favorite ladies were nowhere to be found," he said placing a hand over his heart and pouting as if he was deeply wounded. "I thought for a moment you'd been stolen away. I noticed that M'Ven disappeared after a while, as well. I couldn't help but wonder..."
As he trailed off, I felt a brief surge of hope. L'Kor's words and Ba'el's floated into my brain. Maybe they were right. Maybe I did have a chance, after all.
"M'Ven is kind, and he is a friend of mine, but I wouldn't give up your company for his." With my reassurance putting his mind at ease, Tokath grasped my hands and smiled up at me.
"Forgive me, e'lev, I shouldn't be this greedy with you."
Freeing one of my hands, I rested it lightly on his chest.
"There's nothing to forgive. You can be as greedy with me as you want, Tokath," I murmured, and just like that I found myself lost in his gaze. There was a softness in his features when he looked at me, a vulnerability that made me want to wrap him in my arms and never let go. It went through my mind that I could tell him. I could kiss him there, right then, while that gentle trance had us so firmly in its grip, but I couldn't seem to make my mouth move.
"The tea...I'm sorry, it's probably cold by now." His voice was so rough when he spoke that he sounded as though there was gravel in his throat. I could hardly blame him, though. When I spoke, I sounded just as destroyed.
"It's okay. How many evenings have we talked so long that we forgot we even had tea to begin with?" He let out a quiet laugh at my question, and we fell into our usual rhythm of conversation. Before we drifted off together, though, I promised myself that before his daughter left with her own lover, I'd tell Tokath how I felt. If shy, reserved, dutiful M'Ven could ask the woman he loved to be with him, I could tell Tokath how much I adored him.
"She matches this little community of misfits well, doesn't she?" The rough voice of his co-leader sounded from just behind Tokath's right shoulder. L'Kor was observing the group of small children on the other side of the courtyard that were listening intently to a story that the Human woman was telling them. "The children like her, their parents trust her...she has even befriended Ta'lana. It's as if she's been here all her life."
"She did say that she felt more at home here than anywhere else," Tokath mused as he watched one of the youngest - a brave Klingon girl of no more than three - climb onto her lap. He couldn't stop himself from smiling at the ease with which she handled life in the colony.
The Klingon leader hummed quietly and they watched as the children begged her to show them a Human game.
"You see it now, do you not, old friend?" L'Kor asked as he and Tokath watched her explain how to play game. She said that it was one that children of her species played called 'hide and seek.' As soon as she turned her back on the giggling group of little ones, they promptly scurried away as she began to count.
"I don't know what you mean," Tokath murmured, but the aged Klingon let out a rough, disbelieving laugh.
"Yes, you do. Whether you wish to admit it or not, you look at that kyamo Human woman, and you feel young again," he rasped as a tiny Romulan boy sped past their feet. "You cannot hide it from me, Tokath. I know you too well. Since she crashed into our lives, you have become more like your old self. You should tell her how you feel."
The Commander shook his head quickly as she turned back toward the courtyard.
"Ready or not, here I come," she called, and a few poorly-suppressed giggles echoed from various not-so-clandestine spots.
"I couldn't. She chose to stay here in this isolated place without a single other member of her species being present. She believed that I alone had the power to banish her. She begged me to stay. I will not jeopardize her newfound happiness by making her feel trapped by an old man's unwelcome attentions," Tokath protested to his old friend.
"'Trapped'? 'Unwanted'? Commander, she seeks out your attention on a daily basis," L'Kor stated as he looked at his friend incredulously. "Have you not noticed how differently she behaves around you than everyone else here? Can you not see the light in her eyes when you give her a reason to smile? My friend, if such a woman looked at me with as much love as that Human lady looks at you, I would have made my interest known long ago."
That made Tokath pause. There had been moments where he believed - where he hoped - that he saw something beyond simple gratitude and friendship in her eyes, but he'd dismissed it, believing that those moments were a product of his own wishful thinking. Even a few nights ago when she still came to him after speaking with Ba'el for so long, there was a charged moment when he felt as thought might have a chance.
He did love her. She was a ray of light in a world that had grown gray and stagnant. He'd sacrificed so much over the years - his home, his career...he'd given everything to ensure that the families of the Klingons living here would not be dishonored. He'd even been forced to surrender his wife to the ravages of time. Did he not deserve to have a moment's pleasure of his own? Did he not have the right to cling to this bright spot and bask in her presence now that he'd found her?
Tokath relished how easily she made him smile...how effortlessly she made him laugh. Her quick wit and warmth had brought so much color to his life. He'd narrowly managed to avoid losing her to the transport, but only just. Had she not come to him and pleaded for a place in the Carraya colony, she would be lightyears from him by now. How long would it be before someone else here - someone younger and more willing to be forthright about their feelings - caught her eye?
He thought he'd revealed too much when he made that offhanded comment about M'Ven, but neither of them had been brave enough to make a move afterward. He cursed his cowardice yet again. He should've kissed her that night.
Taking a deep breath, Tokath nodded his head and mentally acknowledged how fortunate he'd been thus far. He might not be for much longer if he didn't gather his courage. Would his daughter approve now that she'd had a chance to meet her?
A few feet away, she found a Klingon child hiding behind a set of supply crates, and when she looked up Tokath's eyes met hers. His lips stretched into a warm smile reflexively, and she gave him a little wave as she went to look for more of hiding children.
Oh, Elements, he couldn't deny it any longer.
"You've made your point, L'Kor."
"And what are you going to do now that you see your situation more clearly?" Tokath bristled slightly as he turned to look at his friend. "Oh, come now. You cannot tell me that you have not given any thought to the possibilities. Surely, you've at least imagined what you might say if you were to tell her how you feel?"
He had, but most of those daydreams ended in him dejectedly acknowledging that she would likely never be able to return his affections.
Tokath's expression must've said it all, because L'Kor sighed heavily.
"Oh, my friend, do you truly think so little of yourself that you cannot even imagine a happy ending? Take it from me: it was far more difficult for my wife to give me a chance than it will be for that lovely girl to give you one," he said before patting the Commander's shoulder and ambling off.
Perhaps L'Kor was right. Maybe he simply needed to allow himself to consider the possibility that she might react favorably to the fondness, no, love - that was the emotion and he should call it by its name - that he'd developed for her.
A joyful squeal from one of the little ones drew his attention, and he saw his lady being hugged so enthusiastically by the children that she was practically drowning in their affections. She sank to the ground, surrendering good-naturedly to their embraces with a giggle. Tokath couldn't suppress his laughter at the sight of her trying to hug as many of the children in return as her arms could accommodate.
Her eyes found him through the clamor of the group, and his heart thudded alarmingly. Oh, the things she did to him!
One of the children whispered something in her ear, and when she nodded her head, the little girl broke away from the group and ran up to Tokath, looking up at him with big, hopeful eyes as she spoke.
"Mister Tokath, sir? Will you come play with us?" She asked as the rest of the children and his Human watched their interaction.
How could he say no to such a polite request?
Later that evening as he walked to his quarters to get ready for dinner, Tokath thought to himself that the afternoon spent playing with the children along with the woman he loved was one of the most enjoyable days he'd had in quite some time. The joy of simply being with her was enough to make him feel like the luckiest Romulan alive.
"When are you going to marry her, Papa?" Ba'el appeared at his side smiling up at his as she looped her arm with his. Had he truly been so lost in thought that he hadn't heard her approach?
"Marry? What are you talking about?" He asked as innocently as he could, but all that earned him was a scoff from his daughter.
"Oh, please. The entire colony knows how you feel about your newest resident," she said, and his cheeks heated up as she continued. "So when are you going to ask her?"
"Ba'el, I...I don't even know if she'll have me–"
"Are we talking about the same woman? When you joined her and the children today, she looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky," his daughter said. "You haven't been this happy since..."
She didn't have to finish her sentence. He knew what she meant. They both know the significance.
Pulling her to a stop in the hallway, Tokath grasped his daughter's shoulders lightly and looked into her eyes.
"Could you handle that? Could you live with the knowledge that you have a stepmother who is neither Klingon nor Romulan?" Ba'el's opinion of her was important to him - it was the only one that mattered outside of his own on this. He didn't want her to feel as though he was actively attempting to replace her mother. Gi'ral had been unique and he would never wish to disrespect her memory.
But he also didn't wish to be alone for the rest of his life. He adored this Human lady, and he...well, he would dearly love to be her mate.
"Father, I want you to live. I've been worried about you for the last few years, but now...seeing you this happy...I'm so relieved that you've found someone who makes you feel like yourself again. How could I ever object to you finding love?"
Overcome with emotion, Tokath pulled his daughter into a tight hug, nearly sobbing in relief.
"I...have some news, too...about M'Ven and I." She sounded nervous, but in truth, she had no reason to be. Pulling back slightly, Tokath looked at his daughter.
"Ba'el, if you believe that I know nothing of your affections for him or his for you, then you have clearly forgotten that I used to be young, too," he said looking into her eyes. "I wish the both of you every happiness, and if he hurts you, you tell me how much he screams when you tear his head off. And I know you're imminently capable, but if you need help, I'm here for you."
His daughter was right. He needed this. He didn't want to be alone anymore.
Tokath's daughter had been on the colony for nearly a week and a half when it happened. I stopped by his quarters to pass along a message from Ta'lana before dinner, but when I reached his doorway, I froze. He was standing in front of a full-length mirror, in his full uniform, tugging it gently in various directions presumably to straighten it. The poses he struck might have looked silly to anyone else, but to me, the imposing figure he made when he puffed up his chest and gave a harsh glare to his reflection made me bite my lip.
Realizing how long I'd been standing there, I knocked on the doorframe and acted as though I'd only just arrived when he turned his head.
"Just the woman I wanted to see," he exclaimed as he turned to face me. "I dug out one of my older uniforms and thought I'd wear it to dinner tonight. What do you think?"
He puffed out his chest once more as I stepped into the room, looking very much like the proud Commanding officer that he was.
"Very handsome...commanding..." I paused when I was right in front of him, itching to touch any part of him that I could. "...Perhaps a little rigid, though."
His smile fell a bit.
"Only a little," I answered, and he raised a curious eyebrow.
"How would you fix this...rigidity?" He asked, and I walked a slow circle around him before reaching up to finger the front of the ghastly leather collar at the top of his uniform.
"Does this part come off separately?" Tokath swallowed slightly before letting out a quiet confirmation. "May I?"
The Commander caught both my hands carefully in his and slid them around to the back of his neck where the collar's clasps lay.
"Do what you will with me." His voice had lowered, both in volume and in pitch to something husky...something that made me want to remove more than just this hideous strip of leather. After a moment's pause, I managed to unfasten the clasps and pull the collar away from his throat.
My next movement proved that I wasn't thinking. Once I'd tossed away the unnecessary accessory, I skimmed my fingertips over his neck, savoring the feeling of his pulse thrumming beneath my touch. Tokath's hands grasping my waist made me aware of what I'd done, pulling me out of whatever trance I'd been in and forcing my eyes to meet his.
Anything I'd been preparing to say was obliterated by the hunger in his eyes. Was I imagining it? I could simply have been seeing my own emotions reflected back at me.
Then he took a slow step toward me, and I stopped thinking about anything but how badly I wanted to kiss him. I took a breath and leaned in–
Only to be startled by a call of his name from the hallway. We both took a hasty step back and averted our eyes as Ta'lana appeared in his doorway.
"There you are. I tried to catch up with you, but it turns out you didn't need to deliver your message. I found the extra crates from our last shipment, after all," she said, then she turned her attention to Tokath. "My apologies for the disturbance, Commander. I hope this hasn't been too much of an inconvenience."
Tokath caught my hand and gave me a little wink.
"No, not at all," he said catching my eye. "I always welcome your company, lhhei."
A long, charged pause stretched between us, and my cheeks heated up under his gaze, but finally Ta'lana called my name.
"Come, come. We've taken enough of the Commander's time," she called, and I started toward the doorway.
"See you at dinner," I called over my shoulder, hoping neither of them could hear how unsteady I sounded. His response barely registered as Ta'lana closed the door behind us.
"I'm looking forward to it, e'lev."
The atmosphere in the dining hall that evening was different. It felt as though everyone was waiting for something to happen. They seemed nervous, yet...excited? How odd. When Tokath arrived, he took a seat beside me as usual and caught my hand in his. Before I could ask what he was doing, he'd tucked a flower securely in my hair just above my ear. The delicate petals tickled a bit, but I didn't dare risk dislodging it after he'd placed it there so carefully.
I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing, but the words just wouldn't come out. He seemed to understand my dilemma, though, because he brushed the back of his knuckles down the the side of my face and swallowed heavily.
The heat that suffused my cheeks when we were alone in his quarters earlier made a spectacularly rapid return, even as dinner was served.
Conversation was hushed, but weighty that night from all sides. People were happy for M'Ven and Ba'el - news had already made its way through the colony like wildfire, sparking surprised exclamations and boastful assertions that people had seen it coming years ago.
But there was something else, as well. Given how peoples' eyes kept straying up to the head table where Tokath and I sat, I guessed that people were wondering how he was taking the news. It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that he'd be emotional about his daughter finally choosing a partner. If that was the case, though, why were so many gazes landing on me? Was it the flower? I supposed that I couldn't blame them. After all, I'd been surprised, too.
The Commander offered me his arm when the meal ended and I took it without hesitation, allowing him to lead me out into the gardens. This particular route was one we'd never taken before, and we only stopped when we reached a footpath leading into the forest.
"Where are we going?" I asked as he guided me down it expertly, pushing small branches aside and helping me over a fallen log.
"A secret place I found years ago. As far as I'm aware, nobody else even knows it exists," he said with a wink. After a few more minutes, we reached a curtain of vines. Thinking we'd reached a dead end, I looked around in confusion, but Tokath walked me right up to it with his arm wrapped comfortably around my waist. I looked up at him, and he winked as he parted the vine stems.
Moonlight sparkled and gleamed as it bounced off the surface of a placid lake. A swarm of glowing insects slightly larger than Earth fireflies swirled and played above the water, reminding me of a flock of birds.
"Oh, Tokath, this is beautiful," I murmured. I was almost afraid of speaking too loudly, lest I disrupt the peace that permeated this little place. The branches of the trees surrounding the lake's edge seemed to almost wrap around the clearing like gentle, protective arms.
"I thought you might like this place. I've been waiting for the right moment to share it with you," he whispered against the shell of my ear as his hands rested on my shoulders. Gently, so carefully, he grasped my chin and turned my head toward the left shore. A few feet from the water's edge was a blanket with plush pillows, fluffy towels, and a lantern resting atop it.
That was it. Afraid or not, I was going to kiss Tokath tonight, no matter what. I turned in his grasp only to find the lantern's warm, yellowish glow caressing the adoring smile that stretched his lips.
"Thank you for trusting me with this," I said resting my hands on his chest. It was now or never. Lifting my hand to cup his cheek like I had in his room, I looked into his eyes. "You've been uncharacteristically quiet tonight. Is everything alright?"
That damned smile got wider and he let out a quiet laugh.
"Oh, yes, lhhei. Forgive me," he said drawing me into a hug. "I'm afraid I've been lost in thought."
"Oh? And what has occupied your mind so thoroughly?" I punctuated the question with a quick kiss above his fluttering pulse. The Commander's breath caught in his throat, and I realized that maybe I hadn't imagined the hunger I'd seen in him earlier after all.
His grip on me tightened and he hummed at the question.
"You have, dear lady," he muttered, his voice low and rough. That tone had caused me so much frustration since the first time I heard it. I must've let out a gasp or some other surprised sound, because he nodded his head against my scalp. "Yes, you have been a very prominent element of my thoughts since the day you arrived here, but, lately, I find myself contemplating something that...truthfully, I have no right to even consider."
Feeling his proximity even more than usual, I looked up at him curiously. He didn't relinquish his grip on me one iota, but that suited me just fine. I never wanted to stop touching him.
"Maybe talking about it would help ease your mind? Usually confiding in someone close to me helps when there's something bothering me," I suggested, hoping that he didn't notice how shaky my voice had become.
"I will, but only if you don't mind being the one who listens to me ramble. You see, you're the only one who can help me with this particular problem, but I promise I won't ask you if you're not willing." His voice was low and heavy as he spoke, carrying the same weight I'd noticed more and more lately.
"I'll do anything I can to help, Tokath. You know that," I said offering him a reassuring smile.
"You see, I've been asking myself several very specific questions...ones to which I do not have the answers. If the answers are too personal or if you do not wish to engage in that conversation, you need only tell me, and I will drop the topic. Everything can return to the way it was before. I have no desire to make you feel trapped or to change how you see me."
After his little speech, I felt certain that I knew where this might be going, and anticipation flooded through me. Butterflies beat their wings unceasingly in my abdomen.
"Questions could never change the way I look at you." He shook his head at my assertion.
"These might," he breathed as he averted his gaze. "I haven't spent much time around Humans, as you may have guessed, so I...don't exactly know how someone in your culture might approach something of this nature."
I nodded my head in encouragement as his thumbs began to rub slow circles where they rested on my waist.
"I...You see, I wish to...to..." He trailed off and took a deep breath. "When...Well, with Klingons, the men write poetry, the women throw things at each other. It's rather straightforward. Romulans are more varied in their approaches, and...I suppose what I want to ask is is this: How do I...? I mean, what would you expect of...of a...?"
Tokath let out a frustrated huff and shut his eyes. A blush so vibrant that I could see it in the lantern light darkened his cheeks and spread all the way to the tips of his ears.
"Oh, fvadt, I'll never say it at this rate. What I'm trying to tell you is that you are beautiful and kind and the part of myself I never thought I'd find," he said sounding much more resolute. "I doubt this is the way a Human would go about it - much less subtlety to it even though you deserve subtlety and romance - but I need you to know that I love you. That I...would like to be your mate. Hell, I don't even know if Humans call their bound partners 'mates' as we do, but that's neither here nor there. I'd, of course, be happy to call us anything that you wish if–"
A surge of courage tore through me, and I cut off the rest of what he was going to say with a kiss. My lips met Tokath's, and he tensed up for a moment before relaxing into it and kissing me back. One of his hands came up and cupped the back of my head, holding me as close to him as was physically possible.
"I love you, too," I blurted as soon as we separated for air. He looked as dazed as I felt, but he still managed to lift me into his arms and carry me to the blanket as his mouth met mine again.
We didn't make it back to the compound until the next morning. With our hands clasped and rather obvious marks marring the skin of our necks, it was obvious to anyone who looked our way that we were both finally whole.
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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shwnoye · 23 days
Due to the lack of Shules content, i will volunteer to start writing the necessary fics for them. Here are prompts i’ve been thinking for them:
⭑ A longer secret relationship plot line + moments where shawn and jules almost crack
⭑ Shules working on a case together; ensue chaos & random, inappropriate make out sessions including at the office despite jules rule
⭑ Jules and Shawn work at rival detective agencies but they got a secret relationship that will get them ✨ fired ✨ if caught
— can you tell i luv rivals and secret relationship fics whoops —
⭑ psych x PJO crossover where they find out they’re demigods !!!
⭑ Shawn teaching jules how to huapango dance and it’s super romantic :,) — yes show shawn is technically just a white dude but JAMES RODAY RODRIGUEZ is hispanic so shawn will be too, mother is mexican because i said so —
If this gets enough attention i’ll def write more than one, but i gotta pick which one is calling me the most hmmm
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
hi i just found your blog and i’m in love with ur writing<3 imma stalk it, if that’s ok!! also, saw ppl can send writing ideas (u don’t have to do this it’s just something i like reading lol) and i see lots of angsty fics where steve is the one that fucks up and has to apologize but I also think eddie could fuck up too - so if you could right something angsty (with a happy ending obv lol i’m not made of stone) where eddie fucks up and has to figure out how to apologize to steve :) but like i said no pressure if it’s not something you want to do <333
keep up with your writing, it’s beautiful <33
Ohmygod this is such a lovely message, thank you so much <333 Seriously this really means sooo much! I hope you're having a good day, lots of love!
And YESSS i love this prompt! I started writing something and it completely got away from me so now it's getting waaayyy longer than i planned it to be, whoops. I'll give you the first part already and I hope to have the second (longer) part ready soon.
(also, i wrote this post a while ago which also has angst and eddie being kind of a dick so you might like that one, too)
'Do you know what day it is tomorrow?'
They're on Eddie's bed together, the two of them, not doing much – or rather, Steve's not doing much. Eddie, however, is tirelessly scribbling down ideas in his notepad to prepare for the next Hellfire meeting.
He looks up from his notes to look at Steve in disbelief, wondering if he's for real with that question.
'Friday,' he answers in the most scathing tone he can muster.
'C'mon Eddie, don't be a dick,' says Steve, but a small smile is playing around his lips. 'Can I take you out tomorrow night?'
'I have band practice on Fridays. You know that.'
'Yeah, but I talked to the guys. They're okay with skipping it one time.'
'Dude, I'm not gonna miss my band practice for fucking Valentine's Day.'
Steve frowns. 'You don't have to say it like it's a gross word, you know.'
'But it is a gross word, Stevie!' Eddie exclaims dramatically. 'Come on, you know just as well as I do that it's not for people like us.'
Eddie doesn't understand why Steve is acting so surprised. Honestly, what did he expect from dating a non-conformist queer metalhead, exactly?
'It's not even about romance, man! It's a conspiracy of the big corporations so they can capitalize off their ridiculous made-up heterosexual ideas of what relationships should be like. Nothing romantic about it, it's all bullshit.'
Something shifts in Steve's gaze. 'It's all bullshit?' he repeats, eyebrows arched into a frown.
There's something in his tone and in his pose, his arms crossed in front of his chest, like he's challenging Eddie, that makes Eddie feel like he can only double down on this now.
'Yeah. Complete bullshit.'
'Okay.' Steve nods, opens his mouth, then closes it again – seems to swallow his own words, before he continues: 'Okay, good to know. I won't keep you away from your band practice, then. Um, you know what, I should be heading home now.'
'I thought you were staying here for the night?'
'No, I changed my mind.' Steve doesn't look him quite in his eyes. 'I think I just wanna be alone. Get a good night's sleep.'
Eddie squints at Steve as he gets up from his lazy position on the bed to grab his shoes.
'Are you angry?'
'No, I'm just – you're probably right, I don't know why I even thought – never mind.'
But Eddie can't see Steve's face as he's ducked down to tie his shoelaces, and his voice sounds oddly strained. Steve leaves Eddie's room without so much as a kiss on Eddie's cheek and only stops in the living room to say goodbye to Wayne before he heads out into the cold evening.
'You and Steve okay?' Wayne asks after the sound of Steve's car has faded away. Eddie is still standing in the middle of the living room, trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
'I... don't know,' he answers his uncle's question. 'He was being all weird about fucking Valentine's Day, can you believe that?' He lets himself fall onto the couch. 'What about this –' he makes a vague gesture at both himself and the room around them – 'could have ever given him the idea that I'd care about Valentine's Day?' It's impossible for him to keep the disgust out of his voice.
Wayne sighs. 'And did it ever occur to you that maybe he cares 'bout Valentine's Day?'
Eddie scoffs. 'Of course he doesn't care about Valentine's Day, he's –' Shit. The horrifying realization dawns over him and it makes so much sense that he wonders how he didn't see it right away. How could he have been so stupid? Of course Steve Harrington cares about Valentine's Day. And he probably planned some big romantic surprise date for Eddie and all Eddie said was that it was bullshit.
He groans and lets himself fall further into the worn-out couch cushions.
'That's what I thought,' Wayne comments dryly.
'Shit! Shit, shit, shit, I fucked up so bad, Wayne! How could I have known?! He's a fucking badass, I didn't think – Ah, damnit, I'm such an idiot!'
'Badass or not, if you didn't wanna be with some hopeless romantic, you been lookin' in the wrong place, boy,' Wayne says.
Eddie lifts his head up to take a look at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. It's almost eleven thirty. That leaves him with about eight hours until Steve wakes up on his own in that big empty house, on Valentine's Day, ready to start his day feeling completely miserable. It's time to switch into all-nighter mode.
(Update: read pt2 here)
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Psst hey..
*slides over request*
Four with a s/o who always manages to injure themselves.
Going for a walk? Scraped knee.
Hunting? Managed to stab self in the hand.
Now imagine an actual fight... Oh dear, what could go wrong?
A/n:this Ask had me cracking up fr—bc I’m like this. I always end up with random bruises, i fell the other day and got one of those carpet burns bc I was trying to scare my dad by hiding in a box and when I stood I fell onto the carpet😭 so I feel this one 100%. My dear anon, so much could go wrong…. I cranked this out in one go, this one was freaking awesome to write!😈 enjoy!
Four with a clumsy s/o!(hurt/comfort. Major angst.)
Warnings:mentions of injuries(scrapes, typical violence and wounds, hunting knife stab), depictions of the traveler removing a knife from your hand. You and four have a fight. Helicopter boyfriend Four.
First hurt/comfort/angst fic! Let’s see how this goes! It’s longer than usual; i got carried away and had a whole lot of fun writing it. Also the definition of the phrase “goose egg” is a bump on the head
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You’ve no doubt heard the term helicopter parent. Those parents who hover over their child’s every action, checking behind them to make sure something is either done right or done safely. That’s the smith, with you—only he’s your boyfriend, and you’re just incredibly clumsy, much to your own dismay. You do your best, you truly do, but despite being the charm on this chain of links—you’re not the lucky one. Not by a long shot.
You always manage to get yourself in the most peculiar of predicaments by doing even the slightest of things. Despite watching where you’re going as you all travel, you somehow manage to fall every single time. You scrape your knees, your elbows—heck, when you first joined, the chain was curious about if you were a Link yourself, or at least a hero of sorts with how many scars you have. You had to explain to them that no, you were just ordinary, but very, very clumsy.
When you and the smith began ‘courting,’ as he calls it, he wasn’t all too overprotective. Sure he worried about you, but he wasn’t overbearing. He just hated seeing you hurt. He’d help you with minor wounds, putting bandages on it and you had to insist that no, you didn’t need the traveler’s magic to heal you. You were fine. It was hard to convince him of that, but eventually he got it through.
Now, when you went hunting.. That was another story.
You and the champion went hunting for stags in his Hyrule, and it seemed he knew where every incredible spot to hunt was. As if he had a map of Hyrule memorized—he didn’t even have it marked on his slate. You were around upper Zora’s Domain, where it seemed tons of stags were. He shot one with a bow and nailed it, the both of you whooping and hollering with wide smiles. He shieldsurfed down and you ran after, yelling curses at him still with a smile, as you weren’t truly mad at all, just being playful. You got to the fallen stag and knelt by it.
“You know how to clean it, don’t you?” The champion asked.
“Yeah, yeah! You just—“ you went to begin but miss and hit your hand instead. You gasp, eyes filling with tears.
“Hylia!!” The Champion shouted and lifted you, completely abandoning the provisions. He’d come back for them later, you were top priority always. Oh by the three, the smith was gonna have his head on a stick… he took out his slate and teleported the both of you to the domain, where the others were waiting. He ran up the stairs and to the little inn, where sidon had taken to entertaining the chain with the story of how he helped the champion conquer Vah Ruta.
“Traveler!!” He shouted. Everyone looked up, the traveler’s head snatching up at his nickname. They saw him place you down. You were holding your hand carefully, blood dripping onto the wet floor of the domain, mixing with the natural water there. You were sobbing as quietly as you could. His eyes went wide and he ran up, the smith doing the same not even a millisecond after him.
“Y/n?! What happened?! How did—“ the smith started bombarding you with questions
“Smith i Need you To back up—“ the traveler put his arm out to keep him back as to not further overwhelm
“That’s my partner! I can’t back up!!”
“You will try.” He turned to him. “They are overwhelmed and in a large amount of pain. The last thing they need is for you to overwhelm them further by shouting questions in their face. I’m trying to heal them; it won’t take too long, now please step back and wait quietly.” He turned again and took your hand into his. The champion put his arms around you gently to support your weight in case your knees buckled during the removal of the knife. “Okay,” the traveler started. He turned his head and pointed. “I need that wooden spoon please.”
The vet got it for him, the traveler thanking him and turning to you again. “Bite this.” He said and held it out to you. You bit down and he let go.
“Im Going to count to three. This isn’t going to feel good at all, but as soon as it’s out, I’ll heal you and it’ll be over before you know it. Pain is only temporary… one… two… three.” He said and pulled the knife out of your hand. You bit down harder and cried. The smith couldn’t take it. He held his mouth, tears welling in his eyes, the color of them changed rapidly between blue, green, violet and red over and over. Not a single color knew how to handle this—but vio took over and took him away from the scene, over to the vet, who let the smith hug him tight. They both had seen countless unimaginable horrors, but this was hard to watch. However as the traveler said, it was over in a matter of seconds and his magic took hold of your hand, the muscle and tissue reforming and a scar in the shape of a slit was formed, brighter than the skin around it. Your sob slowed into small hics as you dropped the spoon from your mouth and looked over your hand, flipping it from the back to the palm. You pulled the traveler in and hugged him tight.
“Thank you, traveler…”
“Of course..” he hugged you back in tight, warm hug. He wore a sad smile. “I’m just relieved you’re alright now…”
The smith came up beside the two of you silently, tears in his eyes. You turned and yanked him into a hug. He sniffled and hugged you back. “Please be more careful, dove…” he cried with a wavering voice. “Please. You worry me more than anything in any universe. I don’t know what I’d do if something even worse happened to you. I’d be sick, and completely beside myself…”
“Im sorry, Link…” you replied quietly near his ear. “I just wanted to help the champion, but I guess I should’ve let him handle the knife as well and I—“
“It’s okay.. It’s okay… I’m just so glad you’re no longer hurt…” he pulled up the newly scarred hand and kissed both sides of your hand, right where the scars are. It melted you and you smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. It was a sweet sentiment, but that event sent him into overdrive. He became a helicopter—not that any of you really knew what that was. I suppose you could call him a backpack boyfriend if you wanted to fit the times more. Put simply, he hovered over you like every move you’d make would cause something, which was a drastic over exaggeration, even for you. He stuck by your side constantly, and in moments he couldn’t, he made the traveler watch over you, which he did with a quiet apology after seeing how upset you were at the notion. This went on for a while before you decided you’d had it. You were not some toddler that needed to be constantly monitored. Today, you’d lead him away and speak to him in private. At camp, you were braiding some vines together to make a little basket and the smith was sitting beside you, watching with interest.
“…Link…” you said quietly without tearing your eyes away from your work.
“Yes, my dove?” He leaned over on your shoulder, smiling softly as he watched you. You set your basket-in-progress down between your stretched out legs. “I need to talk to you about something.” You notice the other Links’ ears perk up and their heads turn slightly to try to inconspicuously eavesdrop. “..alone..” you said quietly and stood. He agreed with a concerned and confused look on his face as he followed you, pointing out every little branch and rock in your way. That was the final straw. “I am not a TODDLER, LINK!” You snapped and whipped around to him. “I don’t need a constant babysitter!!!”
He looked shocked. Shocked, frightened, and a bit hurt. “I—“
“I know I’m not the most careful person in the world, but am old enough to take care of myself!!! I have before! I was doing it before I met you lot!”
“I—I know, but—“
“Then stop sheltering me! I can’t live life in a bubble!” You stormed off.
“Y—y/n Wait—“
“Don’t follow me!!” You stomped into the woods, grumbling to yourself. You walked a while, ranting to yourself when you noticed it turning dark. You’d since cleared your head and of course were going to apologize to your boyfriend for yelling at him, and give this thing a nice, healthy talk…. If you could find your way back… you looked to the sky to try to find the smoke from the fire they built, but to your horror.. you saw a bright red moon rising… what was it that the champion said again about his Hyrule? ‘Every week a blood moon rises in my world, resurrecting the slain monsters to allow them to torment Hyrule once again.’
…Oh Sweet Hylia won’t you have mercy just this once..?
You climbed up a tree and saw the smoke signal, lighting up. You climb back down and take off running. However, unfortunately on brand for you, you trip and fall face first into the back of the scariest silver moblin to ever cross paths with you. You heard it’s mighty roar and scramble back, your own back meeting with an adjacent tree. Your only thought before the moblin hit you over the head was an apology to your precious, worried Link. You blacked out. Luckily for you, though, the chain heard the roar as well and came running to your rescue. The smith was freaking out. He scooped you up first without a second thought. His friends could hold their own as a team of eight.
“Smith! You and the traveler take them back to camp and get them well!! We don’t know how long they’ve been knocked out!!”
“Yes sir!!!” Team of seven. The smith and the traveler sprinted back as fast as they carefully could, laying you down and propping your head up on a backpack as the traveler examines your head. No bleeding that he can see, but a very large goose egg on your head. He once again used his magic to heal you as he often did, but he was able to get the swelling to go down. The two waited and waited for you to wake, the traveler saying you needed rest but it shouldn’t be all too long. It was around two hours later that you woke, the rest of the chain had returned and were laughing and telling stories around the fire. The smith stayed by you, his hands holding one of yours. You groaned and sat up.
“Y/n..!” He said quietly.
“Eugh, what happened..? Link..?” Tears welled in your eyes and you pulled him into a hug. “I’m so sorry..! I didn’t mean it—I just—get overwhelmed and snap at people and I’m so sorry! I love you so much—“
You heard him laugh and sniffle. “No.. y/n, I was in the wrong… of course you can take care of yourself. You being upset was warranted by my behavior. I’m not your shadow, I don’t need to always follow your every step just because I’m worried… I’ll back up… watch from behind…” he laughed again, nudging you.
That made you smile. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.” The two of you shared a kiss and the champion brought bowls over for you two to eat. You both accept them gratefully and sit together, eating. His head lays on your shoulder as he does so. He might be right up on you like your shadow, but in this context you don’t mind. And you certainly don’t mind the love he gives you with each kiss, nor do you mind each butterfly added to your stomach every time he says he loves you…
You were clumsy, but you did one thing right. And that was wind up with him..
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heartstringsduet · 11 months
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Thanks for creating this Weekend WIP ask @welcometololaland . Guess who's not just wide awake at 5 am and half-blindly misunderstanding this is not a ask game but a fill-in thing? OOPS. SORRY thanks for tagging me @rmd-writes @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom For Writers
1. WIP List: First Aid (Lying fools trying to fix the other)
Let Me Part 5 (D/s verse) TK turning 30 collab with @strandnreyes New Year's Day (meeting over and over on new years) Fathers (daddy issues the fic) 5 things Carlos isn't good at Christmassy short?
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest? First Aid. 120k that might be cut down or...expanded? but like 100k for sure will end up published.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest? See above. Want to take some time away from more than 50k projects after this. Good luck Michelle.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
Right now TK turning 30 is a wonderful reprieve because it doesn't really have a plot and I love written character deep-dives. But also, seeing the finish line of First Aid really made me sit down and enjoy writing it again.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Ugh don't want to be a one-trick pony but First Aid has a lot of things that intimidate me. Like making both of them recognizable despite some very different circumstances for them. But also keeping all plot-points and the pacing and the OCs consistent and in line? UGH.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why? See above. Added pressure for me thinking no one will like it because it really does have flawed characters and a lot of lying and back and forth and drama baby drama. Maybe people won't like the finished thing as much as the snippets. Maybe I will be disappointed by the response.. Maybe maybe maybe
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why? For longer fics or fics that mean much to me I do ask betas and they are TREMENDOUS helps and just a joy to me. I am in awe of all of you, taking the time to help make something shine more. <3 Still considering asking someone to sensitivity read First Aid but feel like 120k might a bit too much to ask of someone. So maybe I will ask for feedback once I update instead and hope I don't offend anyone and am open to criticism. Or maybe if you read this and want to be a sensitivity reader particularly for representation of Latino characters, would love that <3
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block? Oh some have been on hiatus more like. like the 5 things Carlos can't do or the Fathers one. I really like what I have there so far but then other projects get in the way. First Aid definitely had some writer's block moments so I wrote other things like Let Me in between.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Well, First Aid has a few OCs actually and none of them totally the ones everyone will love. But I do like writing Arturo, as a cousin to Carlos, even if he definitely won't be liked much.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Let Me series for sure. That's just where the 5% sexual frustration I feel a year goes lol.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
First Aid is like a dark pool of angst. Whoops. Let Me isn't without its fair share of hurt/comfort though.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)? Fathers. I try to be very close to the source material to explore the relationship of TK and his father and Carlos and Owen through the lense of Carlos and how it changes over time.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)? My weaknessss. I guess First Aid though. Trying to do some of New York justic,e but ultimately won't probably.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Well for the sheer length and plot and time: First Aid.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why? See above and see my doubts about First Aid. 😶
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I WISH. I wish I dreamt about people other than my former high school friends?
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't? The new part of the Let Me series deals with grief and self-harm in a very specific scenario of being in a relationship with Dom/sub dynamics. I think that's fascinating and I wanted to write that part for a while.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour? Did i mention the angst part? But I guess 5 things Carlos isn't good at
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process? Yes! TK turns 30 is actually about so many relationships TK has outside of the romantic one. I LOVE that. Since I have more experience with friendships than even family ties, and deep-dive into my own psyche way too much, I think this one is really challenging and fun.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
I ave like 10k minimum of First Aid that is all different versions of the characters and scenarios that make no sense anymore. Also, coming up with 5 fun things Carlos can't do wasn't that easy. he is TALENTED. I tag @decafdino @ambiguouspenny @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @lightningboltreader @noxsoulmate @chaotictarlos @louis-ii-reyes-strand @carlos-tk @ladytessa74 @freneticfloetry @orchidscript
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ghost-1-y · 10 months
for context:
the nanami fic will take longer to write, as it'll be a full-length fic, but this is also my last kinktober fic and i'm already a month late on writing it lmaoo whoops
the gyomei drabble is based off of a dream i had LOL but it'll also be shorter in length (like an average drabble, probably no more than 1k words max).
the baby fever headcanons will include most adult hashira and some jjk characters (eg. gojo, nanami). i've been thinking about writing this for a good 3 months now LMFAO and i haven't gotten around to it.
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inastarlesssky · 7 months
Hey, so this might be a bit random, but I rewatched the first Fantastic Beasts movie recently and I completely forgot how much I loved it at the time. Then I discovered your blog and I was so happy to see that people still talked about the movies and newtina especially. I just think they had so much potential that wasn't really used in the movies and I that kind of inspired me to write a fic about them (I am a sucker for the 'character who breaks the law for the greater good'x'character who is the law' dynamic, you know, with tina investigating what newt was doing in ny). But I feel I am not as deep in the fandom as you are and I am kind of looking for inspiration atm so I have some questions which would help me to get a few starting points and if you could answer some of them I'd be very grateful <3 (if you don't want to, just ignore this, haha).
What is it you like the most about Newt?
What is it you like the most about Tina?
What do you like about their relationship? What makes it so special?
Who fell first? Who fell harder?
How do you think each of them will grow in their relationship? How will Newt change? How will Tina change?
Any first kiss headcanons?
Why do you think Tina is an auror? Is this the right occupation for her?
Why do you think Newt is a magizoologist? (I think it's pretty obvious that this is what is destined to do, so no follow-up question here)
And in general, would you like the idea of a newtina fic where it's basically the plot of Fantastic Beasts 1, but broken down to "Beasts escape Newts case and Tina investigates him but eventually learns that the rules she works for might not be the fairest and also is in conflict between her work ethic and slowly falling in love with Newt"?
Wow, hi! This is random but I completely love it, and thank you for dropping by! I'm so sorry it took me a while to answer this, but I wanted to think well on it and give a good, thought out answer. So here it is.
First of all, I'm so happy that you love them, too! I got into them because I watched the movies, and I can't stop now...they're just lovely and a nice break from the other dark enemies-to-lovers pairings I like, so it's sweet.
Secondly, I am new to this fandom, too, actually. If you're looking for people who've been in it longer and might know more about (for sure they know more about it than I do XD) I might point you in the direction of anyone I'm following or have reblogged. I get my stuff from them, so. C:
I completely agree! There was so much potential and I would have loved to see that story unfold...well, at least we know they got married in the end. Okay, like I said, I don't know so much about the fandom but I'll help how I can. Putting the answers under the cut because whoops, I wrote an essay hi.
What do I like most about Newt?
I like how gentle he is, and innocent. He didn't want to pick a side when it came to it, because as Dumbly says, Newt always just wants to do what's right. I loved seeing how he cared for his creatures, the attentiveness (and the idea that if that's how he treats his creatures, how's he gonna be with the woman he loves? Aka Tina) (Also I'm convinced that as much as he may have wanted to get the international travel ban lifted because he wanted to travel...despite that, I still think it's to a certain degree because he wanted to see her, to talk to her. If not that, look at his decision after Dumbly asked him to help. He initially refuses because he knows they'll lock him up in Azkaban if he breaks the rule, but as soon as he finds out that Tina is Paris, he drops everything and goes. (I'm no expect, but I'd accept this.)
What do I like most about Tina?
She seems very determined and brave. I love how no-nonsense she is! Like she literally just drags Newt halfway across New York because she's taking him into custody. I'm sorry, I don't know her or Newt so much because I still have yet to read the fic recs people have given me...that's my research haha.
What do you like about their relationship?
I love how she is the brave, maybe a little headstrong, confident who knows her ideals and will pursue what's right. and yet Newt's the awkward gremlin boy who's a little scared of her at first but then in love and basically ready to drop everything because of her. (This could be a completely wrong interpretation of them, I'm new to this fandom, as I've said before) But that's the idea I got. (Because I hc that yes, Newt actually wanted to get the international traveling ban lifted BECAUSE lol he wants to travel but wait, there's more. He also wanted to give Tina that copy of his book. I mean, sorry, look, the man in one moment flat out refused Dumbledore bc he'd get thrown in Azkaban if he broke his travel ban....but look, when he finds out that Tina is in Paris, you can't stop him.
How do you think each of them will grow in their relationship? How will Newt change? How will Tina change?
I can see Tina as softening towards creatures and to the idea that the world might be more wonderful than she imagines it to be. Like I see Newt as innocent and optimistic, and I feel like he'd be one to show her to smile more. As for him, I just love the idea of Tina helping him figure out practical things. How to go about looking for a lost Niffler without tearing New York apart in a way that makes the headlines; like she'd teach him to stop, think, plan things out. Maybe, that's a very loose guess of mine.
Any first kiss headcanons?
A first kiss? Not yet, haven't thought one yet, but! I believe it might have been @themysteriousphoenix or @keepmeinmind-01 who wrote this headcanon where Newt was talking to Jacob. Newt's in love, and he tells Jacob that he bowed to Tina bc apparently bowing is how a hippogriff (or some other magical creatures I can't remember) shows its respect for someone or something like that. Anyway, Jacob's like "Uhh okay, why is this good?" Newt's just really excited and tells him, "She bowed back." It's ridiculously cute, and I love it.
Okay, the last two questions about why Tina is an auror and Newt a Magizoologist, I left out because I'm not entirely sure haha and I think I'd need a little more thought, but yes, here is my ridiculously over complicated answer that took 5,000,001 years to write.
Also, yes, dear anon, I would love to read a story like that. If you ever get started on it or are writing it, please hit me up with the link! I'm always looking for more Newtina fics to read.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
commissions are closed (slots: 2/2)
Hehe time to work ♡♡♡
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Kofi link
Most information is in the picture!!! Here's some additional things I can't list in one PNG so please do read it!!!:
Commissioned works: (you'll notice why I said 1.5k+... Why do I keep writing much longer lol)
Saudade (Dimitri Blaiddyd/Reader)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Wanderer & Pantalone/Reader)
Q: How do I give you a plot description??? Help-
A: Doesn't have to be so specific. Honestly I love vague AF prompts. Just tell me what you want to see in a fic and go "ansy i want a yandere dainsleif fic so bad where he's a king and he falls in love with you amidst a battle" like first off anon, "same bestie", and also my friend you should play Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Also, fair warning: I'd proooobably add some spices to your prompts. I got an anon request before that just asked for Ei taking away a reader's vision and I made it into a Shoguji fox!reader with Khaenri'ah plot elements.
Just like how Alhaitham values research autonomy, I have a thing for creative freedom too <3
Q: "Oh shucks I want to change the plot-"
A: As long as I haven't already started writing, do notify me. And as much as possible PLEASE give me all the details you want added and NOT added from the start. WARN ME IF YOU DON'T WANT A SUDDEN CANNIBAL!YANDERE PLOT TWIST- /hj
Q: Are you going to automatically post commissioned works on Tumblr & AO3?
A: Hmm hmm, sorry but I really want to post all the writings I do there… Dw, you can remain anonymous if you want. I just feel incredibly miserable whenever I don't post my works, especially if its finished ;;--;;. (I get sad whenever I remember my old enemies-to-lovers diluc x merc!reader fic who will never see the light of day.)
Q: Is it possible that you'd say "no" to my request?
A: Pats your shoulder It do be like that sometimes in life. If I feel like it's a super massive project, then yep. You'd get ur money back lmao
Q: Hey, can I make you write for a Canon Character x OC?
A: If you'd let me send you an Canon Character x OC copy then post a Reader Insert version, then sure!!!
Q: Is female/male reader okay?
A: Comrade I've always written things in "they/them" pronouns. At this point I believe I don't have a gender but for you bby I'd use whatever pronouns you identify with <33
Q: Are ships allowed?
A: Depends!!! Tell me what ship it is and let's see if I'm game!!!
Q: Is fluff allowed?
A: Are you sure… you trust me with fluff? Haha… Hahaha… It's allowed but are you sure you trust me wit- (if you make me write fluff, trust me, crack will somehow be added.)
Q: How about angst-
A: Y e s.
Q: How long would you take writing?
A: Depends if I'm busy with college or my health is acting up (I'd notify you right away abt this), my friend says "2 weeks to 4 months" is the most reasonable thing to say to this lmao but don't be surprised if its earlier than that.
Q: damm ansy this is expensive. $4 for a 1.5k yandere fic?
A: im sorry i just desperately want my husband dainsleif to come home some day… i need the welkin...
Q: You're new to this, aren't you? Why did you only list two fandoms?
A: Yep. And I only listed 2 cause Three Houses and Genshin are the only games I'm somewhat confident with my lore knowledge on lmao
Q: There's a question I didn't see answered in this description, Ansy.
A: Whoops, then please message my @throwaway-yandere account on tumblr!! I don't bite :D (or send anon asks at @faceless-ayato if you want to talk to the deranged yashiro commissioner. PS: he definitely bites.)
Q: "What am I, Mx. Ansy? Your mascot?"
A: You're… not? C'mon My Lord. You know you love talking to my anons.
Q: "…"
A: H-Hey hold on why are you holding the sereniteapot again-
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
passage choice:
“For years, I thought about asking my father where he got the meat just to watch him crack. In the end, I decided it didn’t matter. It kept me alive, didn’t it? If I was starving with no there option, I’d do it again. I’d close my eyes and eat it. Savor the first full meal I’d had in months. It doesn’t matter what it was. It kept me alive.”
Why are you telling me this?”
His voice came out in a whisper.
Were girls always this confusing and terrifying? 
Now that he thought about it. Artemisia could be both those things.
“I’m tired of scrapes,” Persephone said, jostling him from his thoughts. 
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story? (it doesn’t say i can specify but…request for artemisia mayhaps?)
ask game
Thanks for the ask, Lily! So fun to rant about Close Your Eyes again... it's almost been half a year since I started writing it... 4 months since I finished it...
18. Passage Question (See Above Excerpt From Ch. 2, Close Your Eyes)
I remember wanting to acknowledge Festus/Persephone in Close Your Eyes, because I do love them, and I hate when a character's more "canon" love interest gets kind of sidelined or vilified to prop up the fic's ship. Obviously, as she's not really central to the story, Persephone doesn't appear very often but I wanted to make sure it was clear when I wrote her that she had her own life that she was living.
The original draft had the interaction as much shorter, but the intention was always to have it be longer. Most of the changes was me finding my characterization of Persephone.
I've talked about my version of Persephone being more confident than yours, so this is kind of that shining through. I like writing strange, unnerving women (that might be obvious idk), and this is also that shining through. I was like "what if she's not ashamed? what if she's come to terms with it as just something she did? she did it to survive, why regret it?" I think in someways it's more unnerving for someone to act weirdly normal and well-adjusted about an incident that other people would normally be horrified by than to be tortured about it.
It's also kind of a sign of her kindness and trust in Festus that she's telling him this secret (because while she's not ashamed, it could damage her reputation) and also basically telling him as they are breaking up that he should just get over himself and admit that he's in love with his two best friends. The main thing we know about her is being kind, and I felt that should shine through even if she's in a very frustrating position.
Because of the situation, I also have her asserting herself and her boundaries. He's wasting her time if he's not committed to this relationship. She's going to find something more fulfilling. She's tired of scraps. <- me realizing I put scrapes instead scraps (whoops let me go edit that real quick).
This answer was mostly just explaining choices. The process, as with most of my writing, is brute force hitting a passage with editing until it makes sense with the rest of the story.
25. Weird, Hyper-Specific Detail (Artemisia)
Hmmm. Unsure if this is weird or hyper-specific, but it does never come up in the stories (directly)!
Artemisia is so resentful towards most of the Capitol because of her childhood. You'd think that even in Close Your Eyes that she'd be a pretty likely candidate for questioning the status quo and maybe turning rebel, but she doesn't do that (in that fic). The reason that Artemisia never contemplates becoming a rebel in Close Your Eyes (before Felix's death, although even after, she doesn't really rebel) is because Brandy kills Arachne.
I don't really focus on Artemisia and Arachne being friends, but I do think someone from the Districts killing Arachne definitely stops Artemisia from truly empathizing with them. That's why it it's kind of ironic (and important to me) that in All That You Can Do, Artemisia actually sees herself in Brandy, and that is what sparks Artemisia to rebel in that fic.
Close Your Eyes! Artemisia unfortunately was not immune to the Capitol's attempts at utilizing her friend's death to further the Capitol-District divide.
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