#this is me except not with a dog or a cat oh no with my hamster and gerbil
circleofbirds · 4 months
Columbo theory: Columbo actually watches the intro to each episode via the Columbo Dimension™, but since "your honor, I saw them do it via a portal to my magical Columbo Dimension™" is not admissible in a court of law the rest of the episode is spent trying to catch the murderer without admitting that he is an eldritch being outside the mortal limitations of time and space
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necromancy-savant · 4 months
Played the weirdest show today: I was expecting a porchfest where we’d be on a porch in a city but it was in a suburb with really expensive houses. The audience was full of kids of all ages and old people with little to no young adults, and we were definitely the heaviest band at the whole festival. Also it was rough cause we got only one practice in with the drummer filling in and hadn’t played together in a while. And my voice still isn’t back to what it used to be. But on the other hand, we met a fan who came just to see us (I actually recognized him from the crowd at our last porchfest), I sold two cds and am finally almost out of them, and I pet like four dogs
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databent · 1 year
i have the most autistic cat on the planet. hes extra sensitive to certain sounds (refused to wear his collar until i took the bell off of it). he stims (slides the fleshy part of his paws down the surface of the posters on my wall to hear and feel them make that weird squeaky noise). he never meows like literally ever. he likes being petted but Only when hes standing on a surface that puts him at an equal height with me. he has a favorite plastic bin on the windowsill that he sleeps in like every afternoon and i dont know what he would do if i moved it. truly the Autism Creature
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kneazle · 3 months
When Buck went to sleep last night after spending the day with Jee and saw no text from Tommy he thought nothing of it, Tommy was hanging out with Eddie after going to a fight after all. When he woke up and still nothing he brushed it off and sent a text of his own, knowing Tommy would respond whenever the two woke from a night of drinking.
He had no idea that when he did hear something, it was from Athena telling him he needed to come pick up his dumb and dumber—her words, not his—from the police station of all places.
"What the hell are they doing here?" Buck asked Athena with a wide eyed look of shock the second she came to get him from the front desk.
Athena scoffed, shaking her head. "They were caught drunk off their asses trying to break into a junk yard."
"A...junk yard?" He repeated slowly confused, "Why?"
They reached the holding area, and Athena let out a laugh of disbelief but Buck could hear the slight amusement behind it. "They saw a cat run in and chased after it."
"They- what?" Buck gaped at her.
"Oh you heard me," She walked over to the officer at the desk, "Can you grab Tommy Kinard and Eddie Diaz for me Reggie?"
The man, Reggie, nodded and grabbed the keys from under the desk before walking off down the hall.
"From what I understand, you told Tommy you wanted to get a cat as a dog would be more difficult with your jobs," She continued as they waited.
Buck sputtered, "Wait- they chased after a stray cat and tried breaking into a junk yard because I told Tommy I wanted a cat?"
Athena raised an eyebrow with a look that said 'exactly, idiots' written all over it. Buck sighed and rubbed at his forehead.
He stared at them in shock when they finally came walking out slowly, dragging their feet along the floor and squinting as they no doubt had raging hangovers. It reminded Buck of when he and Eddie showed up to the wedding looking like a mess except– somehow they looked worse. Their clothes so ripped that half of Tommy's shirt was hanging off and the right leg of Eddie's pants was completely gone, dirty all over, hair a mess, Eddie only had one shoe, Tommy was limping.
"You two look...like a disaster."
"Evan!" Tommy exclaimed a little too loudly as he winced at his own voice, and Eddie flinched beside him. Buck had to bite his cheek to keep from laughing as Tommy was obviously hungover and just spent the night in a holding cell, and still gave him a dopey looking grin.
"So..how was it spending a night in jail?" He teased when they were walking out.
Eddie groaned, "It would have been fine, but someone had to make friends with criminals."
"Eddie, we weren't in there for a vacation remember," Tommy pointed out. "Besides, we couldn't ignore them all night-"
"Buck, tell your boyfriend he doesn't have to be friendly with everyone," Eddie interrupted with a groan.
"I'm not!"
"You're on a first name basis with all my neighbors and you don't even live there!"
"Hey!" Buck snapped his fingers between their faces, making the two flinch. "Would you two pause this conversation to get in the car already? You two need a shower."
"Did he just say we stink?" Eddie frowned, and moved closer to Tommy. "Do I stink?"
Tommy leaned in, "Oof yeah," He scrunched up his nose. "Do I?"
Eddie did the same and grimaced, "Oh yeah."
Buck sighed loudly and mumbled, "I'm getting why Athena called you two dumb and dumber the more this goes on."
"He's dumber," Tommy didn't hesitate to say, pointing at Eddie.
Buck groaned and had enough, opening the doors to his jeep to shove them in. Eddie made a yelp of protest but got inside, Tommy instead smirked at Buck. "You know if you wanted to manhandle me all you had to do was say so baby."
Eddie fake gagged from the back seat, "I heard enough last night shut up Tommy!"
"What did you tell him last night?" Buck asked Tommy, now amused himself as his boyfriend situated himself into the passenger seat.
"How good you looked tie-" Eddie reached over and hit Tommy upside the head, "Ow! What the fuck Diaz-" he turned to get a hit of his own in but Buck grabbed his arm stopping him.
"Okay that's enough!" He huffed and shut the door, quickly going around to get in himself. "Since when am I the adult here?"
Buck loved that his boyfriend and best friend were friends themselves– but he was so banning them for drinking on their hangouts unless he was there from now on.
"Hey Evan?"
"Can we go get that cat?"
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reesiereads · 8 months
So I wonder if Husk’s dislike of his form is (at least somewhat) a result of Alastor’s treatment of him?
It’s mentioned on his wiki that Husk does not like his form. He’s essentially a house cat with bird add-ons, which isn’t exactly intimidating.
His dislike could be for plenty of reasons but to me it kinda came across like he’s used to being treated as less than human? Like a pet.
Angel’s “kitty has claws” and “meow” are the flirtations that seem to cause the most visceral reaction out of husk (outside of “I can make those wings flap” which is, again, about Husk’s actual form). Angel was also touching Husk on both situations, moving him in the way he wanted to emphasize his point (tilting and holding Husk’s chin and tilting his wings). Part of Husk’s dislike is definitely because he dislikes Angel’s fakeness and the infringement on his boundaries, but these comments in particular set him off in a way the others don’t. It’s genuine anger over exasperation.
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Then we get the Husk and Alastor scene in Episode 5 where Alastor openly talks down to Husk and scratches him behind the ear like an actual cat. This sets Husk off enough that, even knowing he’s owned by Alastor who is extremely dangerous (because I doubt he’s just forget that), he still snaps back. The first thing he says is “You may own my soul but I’m not your damn pet” and the level of anger here seems to imply Alastor treats him like this with at least some frequency. This is further proven when Alastor responds with a simple “oh, but you are!” Which is what leads to Husk snapping enough that he sets Alastor off.
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Alastor then proceeds to push Husk to the ground and show his chain, pulling Husk closer against his will the same way one might an unruly dog pulling on its leash.
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I think it’s also worth noting that Alastor is not usually a touchy person. This episode is an exception in that he’s being extra nice to Charlie to piss off Lucifer but this is still far from the norm. The only one he’s really touched up to this point is Nifty and that was only because she climbed on him. Him petting Husk was only a move of control, which is probably part of why it set Husk off so badly.
I think this also changes our perspectives on “Loser, baby” and the comparison there, since we now actually know what Husk and Alastor’s relationship is like. Angel may be Val’s toy but Husk is Alastor’s pet. His cat who’s brought in to take care of the mice.
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carlyraejepsans · 8 months
when i was around 9 my family cat died and i was understandably upset about it. so a few days later in my elementary catholic class (italian thing. ask mussolini about it and then hang him again) i drew a picture of "what i thought heaven looked like". and what heaven looked like to me was god standing around with an arm around jesus' shoulders being like "and THEN my wonderful son did this..." with jesus looking visibly embarrassed, because that's how a good dad is supposed to act, while all the angels and souls of the departed sat at their feet looking impressed in their wings and haloes. various pets being among them, such as my cat, my grandpa's old dog etc, also behaloed and winged. except when i went to show my drawing to the teacher explaining my artistic thought process, she looked at it and went "nice. but animals don't go to heaven because they don't have souls like us."
i wish. oh how i wish every day of my life that i'd been the hypersensitive, quick-to-tears kid that would've undoubtedly triggered a whole class religious schism when my classmates found out why i was screaming and sobbing my eyes out. but alas, i just discarded her theological theory altogether. what a silly woman she was. she must've never had pets, otherwise she'd clearly know they DO have a soul. boy, was she gonna get a surprise when she got to heaven.
now that i think back on it, you have to laugh at the heartless, eye-opening cruelty of looking a grieving child in the eye and saying "sorry kid, little mina's not getting into heaven." what a succinct summary of catholicism. anyway, I'm not christian anymore.
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
He Doesn’t Know That I Turned into an Animal Bonus Story
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This is the bonus story involving everyone. It's utterly ridiculous
As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. None of my translations are proofread until a day after posting
Victor: This is an emergencyyyy!! Come to the dining hall at once!!
When I woke up this morning and started getting ready, I heard Victor’s voice echoing through the castle.
Kate: What’s the matter Victor?! Did you make Jude mad and end up in debt?! Or did Liam and Alfons play a prank……huh?
What I saw when I came down to the dining hall made me gasp.
Beside Victor were 8 animals.
(4 cats, 3 dogs…And a fox?)
Kate: Victor, where did you find them? I think taking care of all of them will be pretty hard…
Victor: I didn’t find them from anywhere! Everyone in Crown’s become an animal!
Kate: ……Excuse me?
Victor: Last night after you went back to your room, we were all drinking when… Roger and Alfons started arguing over the most trivial things.
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: *sigh* …We’re not getting anywhere like this. Let’s settle this.
Alfons: I see, with drinks? It’s just what I was hoping for.
In the beginning, it was only Roger and Alfons competing, then gradually, the others joined in…
Roger: Hm? There’s no more drinks? I guess I’ll go get more.
Alfons: Oh, what’s this? Are you running away?
Roger: Why would I run when I’m winning? Or do you want me to run?
Liam: Okay, how about you two calm down? I’ll go fetch some instead!
Roger: Thanks Liam. Can you fetch the green bottle in my room?
Liam: Gotcha~
~~ Flashback end ~~
Victor: …After that, everyone except me drank the special alcohol Liam brought back.
Kate: You didn’t drink?
Victor: I had some work left so I couldn’t. So I just had a spot of tea when I joined them.
Kate: So you’re saying that…everyone became an animal because of the alcohol they drank?
Victor: Yes. The special alcohol Liam brought was…here it is!
Victor picked up an empty bottle from the dining table.
It was green like Roger had said, but there was a small label on it.
Kate: “Animalization. Caution: Do not drink” …Is what it says.
Victor: So it wasn’t alcohol that Liam brought, but one of Roger’s experiments!
Kate: No way…!
Victor: The bottle’s the same color as the one Roger asked Liam to get. Since Liam was drunk, he mixed them up.
—At that moment, one of the cats went to hide under the table.
(Was that Liam just now? It looked like he was hiding, but…)
(I don’t think he actually mixed them up. Rather, did he do it on purpose to satisfy his curiosity…?)
Victor: The rest of us didn’t check the label either… They all went to sleep thinking we drank alcohol instead of a drug. I gave them blankets and left. And then when I came down to the dining hall this morning… There they were, looking so cute sleeping under the blankets!
(Well bringing in all these animals would be too much for a prank…)
(So everyone really did become an animal…?)
Kate: If the drug’s one of Roger’s experiments, then there might be some clues in the infirmary.
Victor: You’re right. I’ll go look. In the meantime, can you look after everyone? I really wish I could, but…
Victor took a step closer to the animals…and they scattered like little spiders.
Victor: …Animals have always avoided me. They’re scared of me for some reason. So…I’m entrusting their safety to you. Can you do that for me?
Kate: Got it! I’ll take care of them!
Victor: Thanks, Kate…I’m really glad you’re here.
After Victor left the dining hall, I rolled up my sleeves and pumped myself up.
(Alright…First of all, I need to know who’s who. That’ll make taking care of them easier!)
While thinking up of a plan, I crouched in front of the most obvious one.
Kate: You’re Harrison, right?
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Harrison (fox): ……Hm?
Kate: No, there’s no point in making that “who knows” kind of face. If you say “fox”, then it has to be Harrison!
Harrison (fox): …
For some reason, Harrison the fox looked sad.
(Normally Harrison’s lying while looking all aloof, but…)
(...He can’t do that when he’s like this. I’ll need to get him back to normal quickly)
(Next is…)
Kate: Hey, you can’t smoke as a dog!
A white dog with black spots held a cigarette with his front paw and deftly tried to light it.
I rushed over, snatched the cigarette away, and hid it in my pocket.
Kate: With those colors and the cigarette…You’re probably Jude, right? Alright, I’m pocketing them.
Jude (dog): Grrr…
Kate: Um…you sound intimidating, but you look really cute right now.
As a human, Jude would always talk down to me, but he can’t do that the way he is now.
Even while growling at me, he had a dog’s cuteness…I wanted to pet his head.
Kate: There, there…
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Jude: WOOF!
Kate: …Woah!
When I tried to pet him, Jude almost bit me.
(Even as a dog, Jude’s still Jude, ruthless as ever…)
Kate: O-okay. I won’t touch you…don’t smoke and just sit tight, okay? I’m sure Victor will find a way to get you all back to normal…
Jude (dog): …
Jude sniffed in displeasure and turned his attention to the clock on the wall.
Kate: “Hurry up” huh? Understood.
(Now then…The only one who’d be near Jude is Ellis, but I don’t see him)
Kate: It really hurt my feelings when Jude almost bit me… If only an animal would let me pet him right now. It’d heal my broken heart and make me really happy!
Jude (dog): …
Jude understood what I was trying to do and looked at me as if he wanted to say something.
(He’s thinking I’m using him…but right now, I can’t even be bothered!)
Kate: Aahhhh! I want to pet someone!
I didn’t know if Ellis would fall for it, but I had to give it a try.
—In that moment.
Kate: Eek!
All of a sudden a black cat jumped into my arms.
Kate: Are you perhaps Ellis…?
Ellis (cat): Meow.
The cat that looked like Ellis replied while rubbing his forehead against my hand.
It’s like he was telling me to pet him.
Kate: Hehe, thank you.
I gratefully petted Ellis’ small head and neck. The way he purred was so cute.
Ellis (cat): …Meow, meow?
(Ah…I think I understood what you just said)
Kate: Did you ask if I’m happy right now? Yes…I’m feeling a little happier!
I looked under the table and spoke to the cat hiding under it.
Kate: You tried to hide from Victor and me while we were talking, so…Are you Liam?
Liam (cat): Meow!
Kate: I need to know…Did you mix up the alcohol and drug on purpose?
Liam (cat): Meow, meow?
As expected from Liam. Even as a cat, he knows how to present himself and meows in a cute and charming way.
He was so cute that I wanted to smoosh his face with mine, but…his eyes were looking from side to side.
Kate: So you did do it on purpose…When you all turn back to human, make sure everyone gives you a scolding, okay?
Liam (cat): Meow…
(Everyone’s going to be mad at Liam while he looks down dejectedly, but…I’m sure everyone will forgive him in the end)
(Because Liam’s someone you just can’t hate)
Kate: In the meantime, please sit tight until everyone’s back to normal.
Liam (cat): Meow…
Kate: Can you keep an eye on Liam, Harrison?
Harrison (fox): Hm…
Though Harrison looked dissatisfied, he stuck by Liam’s side.
(I guess I can rest easy on that. The rest…huh?)
Looking around the dining hall, I noticed that some of the animals were missing.
(Roger, Elbert, Alfons, William…no, those four are missing!)
(Right, they just happened to be in the dining hall…there’s no way everyone in Crown would stay put!)
(I wonder where they went…)
Victor: Kate!
Kate: Victor! Did you find anything?
Victor: Yes. I know how to turn everyone back to normal. By the way, why are you here?
Kate: To tell you the truth, four people…er, animals, have gone missing from the dining hall…
Victor: Haha, my beloved cursed boys are free to be animals, aren’t they?
Kate: It’s really annoying…
Victor: Alright, let’s look for them together.
Kate: Okay!
(I’m glad that Victor’s still human)
(I think it would’ve been really hard to do this by myself…)
We checked the foyer first to rule out the possibility that they left the castle.
Victor: A nearby maid informed me that she didn’t see any dogs or cats walk out the front door.
Kate: That’s a relief! That means they’re definitely still in the castle.
Victor: Right. …By the way, what’s going on over there?
Following Victor’s gaze, I saw some mades gathered in a corner of the foyer.
Kate: That’s suspicious…Let’s ask.
When we approached the maids, we saw them surrounding a dog.
Kate: Ah, that dog…!
Victor: Yes…there’s no doubt about it. It’s Elbert!
He had silky golden fur and distressed eyes.
Even as a dog, Lord Elbert was beautiful. Adding on the charm of a dog, no one could leave him alone.
The maids were all captivated by his charms and handled him like something delicate.
(For now, I’m glad you’re safe…)
Victor immediately used sign language to explain the situation to the maids and succeeded in retrieving Lord Elbert.
Elbert (dog): Awoo…?
(Oooo, so cute…! I’d do anything for you!)
Bringing Lord Elbert along, we decided to search the halls next.
Kate: Wha-what is this…?!
The moment I turned the corner, I was shocked by a devastating scene in the hallway.
There were several cats lying around.
Kate: What in the world…are they okay?!
I rushed over and crouched down beside the cats to check on them.
(Huh? It doesn’t look like they’re hurt.)
(Writhing around in pleasure…Is this)
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Victor: Mlem…There’s no doubt about it! It’s catnip!
Kate: Catnip’s…the herb that intoxicates cats, right?
Victor: Yes. It looks like someone gave the cats catnip and threw a drug party.
Kate: That’s…
Victor: No doubt we’re thinking about the same person. Let’s hurry!
We followed the trail of catnip-drunk cats to Alfons’ room.
Kate: Alfons! Please stop spreading catnip around!
When I burst into the room, the cat lying on the bed got up and looked at me languidly.
Victor: You’ve been enjoying your time as a cat, haven’t you Alfons?
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Alfons (cat): Meow-ha!
Alfons laughed loudly like he did as a human and let himself get caught.
Alfons (cat): Now that just leaves Roger and William.
Kate: Where would those two be…We’ve searched everywhere we could think of.
Victor: Maybe they’re constantly moving about, or we’re always just missing each other. But I believe finding Roger’s easier than you think.
Kate: Huh?
Victor: Watch.
Victor smiled proudly and cupped his hands around his mouth.
Victor: Ah?! There’s a high-quality beer here from Her Majesty the Queen herself?! I can drink it without anyone noticing. What should I do?
(No matter how much Roger likes alcohol, there’s no way he’d fall for something so obvious…)
Just as I was thinking that, I heard light steps running toward us.
Roger (dog): Arf!
A dog with light brown fur appeared, wagging his large tail.
(...I can’t believe he fell for it)
Roger’s once again proved his hardcore love for alcohol.
After catching the three, we had them wait in the dining hall…William was the only one left.
Victor: To think that he’d be the last one for us to find…That’s William for you!
Kate: You’re right. I wonder where he went…
Victor: Hmm, shall I prepare some strawberries?
Kate: I don’t think that trick will work as well as it did with Roger…but it might be worth a try.
At that moment, a beautiful tune came into the hallway.
Kate: Victor, that’s the sound of a piano…!
Victor: Yes!
We nodded at each other and ran to the great hall.
Kate: William! Did you become human again— —Nevermind?
There was a “cat” on the piano deftly playing Minute Waltz with his front and back paws.
Kate: But it sounded a lot like William’s piano playing…
Victor: …You’re right. He’s the only one that can produce such a sound.
And then Victor and I listened to the cat play.
The final note melted into the air…We applauded the wonderful performance.
Kate: Are you…William?
William (cat): Meow.
William gracefully got off the piano and walked over to us.
Kate: …Even as animals, all of Crown’s kept their “identity” didn’t they?
Victor: You can’t hide your personality even if you want to!
Victor: Now that everyone’s back, I have an announcement…dalalalalala dan! According to Roger’s research, the only way to turn back is with a kiss!
Kate: K-kiss…? That kind of solution only exists in fairy tales…
Victor chuckled at my confusion and gently touched my lips with a finger.
Victor: We’re cursed here so there’s nothing strange about it.
Kate: That’s true…
Victor: Well now! It’s not something difficult, so let’s do it quickly.
(I wouldn’t be able to kiss them if they were human, but…)
(...I can probably do it with everyone as animals)
I looked at each Crown member that became an animal and prepared myself.
Kate: Got it. I— 
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Victor: Now everyone, line up! I’ll give all of you a kiss with love!
Kate: Huh.
What happened after with Victor was amazing.
No animal was spared as he caught each and every one that tried to run away, and passionately kissed them…
They then all turned back into humans without an issue.
…For everyone’s sake, I’ll leave out some of the details.
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alottiegoingon · 5 months
golden rule
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lucy maclean x gn!reader
summary: you become lucy's only friend in wasteland.
warnings: weapon usage/mentions, brief blood mention, wasteland and life outside the vault, lucy is naive and oblivious at first and a hot mess later, mostly just fluff, golden retriever lucy & black cat reader type of shit, kinda enemies/strangers to secret in lover with each other, reader is hot i wanna date them but also a loser if you see through them, no nsfw, not proofread
"just give it a thought, alright? we could help each other."
"why would i want you for a company? no offense, princess, but i don't associate with vault dwellers." you take a look at her from head to toes, studying the details in her jumper. despite how cool her pistol looked attached to her belt like that, the yellow and blue choice was kind of goofy, you thought.
you can see the excitement in her eyes disappearing as she hears you and you almost felt sorry for her. almost. "okay, ouch." she tilts her head, crossing her arms. in a second, her dramatic act gave place to a smug smile. "oh, i know! what if i help you to find the head?"
even your own bitterness left your soul as you hear her. you pause for a moment, searching for any sign of unseriousness in her face. maybe it was just a bad joke? but then, she keeps staring at you with those huge eyes and a not so subtle smile, proud of what she had said.
"i'm sorry, a head? you mean someone's head?" you frown. "i don't know what you vault people think of us but i'm not a monster." you weren't really offended, but seeing the panic in her face was actually princeless.
"what? no, no! i was just- everyone wants that head and i thought you-" she starts to ramble, not wanting to offend you. her beam went away as fast as it reached her face. you almost felt bad for her twice in a row now.
you couldn't hold yourself back anymore and allowed a smirk to creep onto your lips. she immediately stopped talking and, even though she exhaled relief, you knew that deep down she wanted to kill you but was too kind for that.
"oh. you were messing with me. funny." she gives you a forced dry laugh. it was actually annoying how she tried to be so nice all the time.
as a response, you give her a nonchalant wry smile. "anyway. i'm not looking for a dog right now, so..." you sigh, reaching for the heavy backpack on the floor and sliding it onto your shoulders. "but good luck with the head or whatever it means." you wink at the stranger and turn around to leave.
"wait! please." she grabs your wrist before you could take the first step and in response, you turn around again impatiently, glancing down at her tight grip on your skin. it takes her a while to realize that she's still holding you but as soon as she does, she immediately looks at your wrist as well and let go of it. "sorry." she whispers.
you were ready to interrupt her but, curiously, you felt bad when seeing how insanely desperate she was. it wouldn't hurt to just hear what the had to say, right?
"i've been having a rough week, okay? everyone i've met tried to kill me, except for you. a weird..." she pauses, thinking "robot, or whatever, tried to harvest my organs out and i had to cut someone's head off. and i may not be the strongest or the most experienced person but i can learn!" she was truly putting on her best show while you stood in front of her completely unbothered. at least, you liked to think that you were a complete fearless and tough person. "just... please?"
against all odds, you didn't deny it immediately. and, if you didn't deny it immediately, you knew what it meant. fuck, when did you become such a softie? it could be, of course, the way her hair looked pretty even in a messy ponytail or how the cut on her lip made her look so incredibly ho-
"okay, fine. whatever." that idiot creepy huge smile of hers spread on her face again before you could even finish. "listen up, i'm not done." you roll your eyes. "we'll do things my way, get it? you speak when i speak, you shoot when i shoot, you walk when i walk." you take steps closer to her while you talk. firm, hoarse and assertive tone. you stop when you feel the tip of her nose almost touching yours, keeping the steady the eye contact intact. you were so busy initimidating her that you don't even notice when she hold her breath.
"you are my shadow." you reach up for her face, cupping her chin with your thumb and index finger, forcing her to look back at you. "you don't exist unless i tell you to. do you understand me?" you stated with a piercing gaze.
you thought it was impossible for her eyes to get any bigger but when you step out of your scary platform, you notice her terrified expression. "okey dokey..." she nods frantically.
you gotta admit it. she didn't seem as goofy as before while paying attention to you so devotedly like that. even when still wearing that ridiculous jumper.
eventually, you realize that your eyes were betraying you by staring at her for a little too long. you clean your throat, trying to cover that up. "good. let's go now. we can't stay here forever." you step back and start to walk away, not even waiting for her to join you.
you hear her hasty footsteps getting closer as she tries to catch up to you until she finally shares your pace. "i'm lucy, by the way. lucy maclean." she held her head high, corners of her mouth going up again. god, she smiled a lot.
"good for you. i'm still gonna call you princess, though."
"not to brag, cause that would be impolite of me, but i found a really cool place when i was looking for a river this morning." lucy's smiling from ear to ear and excitedly rocking from side to side is the first thing you see when you open your eyes after a tough night of sleep.
a week had passed since you met lucy. no matter how tough you considered yourself to be, lucy was persistent, charming, sweet and funny enough to make her way to your heart and you knew that you were doomed. deep down, you were suspicious that she knew that as well.
"why are you always so happy?" you groan, rubbing your eyes. unlike lucy, you were not a morning person. or a night person. or any time of the day person.
"good morning to you too, sunshine!"
you are forced to get up, not being actually opposed to it, and take a short sip from your last water bottle. maybe taking a look at lucy's oh so great place would be useful.
"okay then. let's do it, princess." you use your hands to brush the remains of sand and dust out of your pants but lucy's cute giggle prevents you from heading out of the shelter you had found.
lucy approaches you with her usual polite and sweet grin and you unconsciously flinch as she stops just a few inches from you and touch you. predictable, she was gentle while brushing the top of your hair with her fingers, fixing the bundle of messy strands that merged together while you were sleeping and added a funny volume to your head. you follow every move of her with darting eyes and an uncontrollable urge to admire her green eyes focused on your hair and reddish parted lips.
"there you go. pretty as always." lucy coos and before withdrawing herself, her fingers slid down by a few inches and casually tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. for the first time in ages, you froze.
thankfully, lucy didn't seem to notice how affected you were by her innocent act. "thanks." you whispered in a ridiculously soft grin and followed her out of the shelter.
"why do you have a gun if you don't like using it? that's stupid." you tease lucy while you two walked side by side, following the train track to the place she had mentioned.
"i do use it. just when i have no other option. you know, because of the golden rule." she shrugs, proudly, proceeding to explain it to you.
you really tried to not care or call it dumb, but instead, you snorted in amusement. "you are way too naive, you know that?"
a dilapidated house.
lucy's incredible and cool place was nothing but a whole junk. everything was falling apart and, judging by how empty it was, many others were there before you.
"it looked cool from the outside..." she explains herself while scratching the back of her neck.
you were strong. firm. scary and ruthless even. you would shove a knife on anybody's throat if they wasted your time like that, especially after a terrible night of sleep. but, again, it wasn't anybody. it was her.
so, funny or not, you laughed.
"god, you are such a terrible explorer." you take a quick peek at her with the corner of your eyes, wearing an idiotic and foolish smirk on your lips.
"i am not!" her jaw drops and her voice sounds whinier as she defends herself but giggle along with you, not feeling scared to be vulnerable and fully stare at you.
you didn't have to answer to that. all you did was look back and forth at her and the house, proving your point.
"okay, you got me there." she looks down, dramatically pouting and pretending to feel so insulted. "but at least i made you smile. looks good on you." lucy's lips twitch in a shy grin.
"maybe i should smile more, then. if you like it." you boldly murmur, surprised at yourself for saying that. you could swear that lucy's face got almost entirely red but you didn't have enough time to appreciate it or figure if it was real.
"look at those cute lovebirds. love has returned to wasteland, gentlemen." a tall, sturdy middle-aged man mocks you to two other creepy looking guys. one was even missing an eye. in two seconds, you were able to count how many weapons they had and your first thought was the possibility of lucy getting hurt.
you quickly stood in front of her, shielding her from any kind of possible danger.
everthing happened too fast after that. all you remember is denying their offer to take your backpacks with the remains of food and water you had and all of your weapons.
everything went black for a second as your body hit the ground. you slowly manage to get on your knees and look around but lucy isn't there and you are trapped. you feel a sharp pain as you breathe in and a drop of blood hits your pants. you shudder at the moment you cautiously feel your cheek, warm to the touch and stinging like you were poked by a thousand needles. your fingertips carefully drop to your mouth and you hiss as you touch the wide cut on your swollen lower lip.
you notice the crisp click of the gun's trigger being released and you look up, expecting to see the weapon pointed at your head. instead, you see the men with their hands above their heads.
"get away from them!" lucy's voice fills your ears and you turn your head back to find her with a huge weapon in hands pointed at the strangers. she takes a quick glance at you and you see the anger inside her overflow as she notices your wounds.
"i'm gonna count to three and i want your ugly, filthy and miserable roaches out of my face or... or i'll shoot!" judging by her tone, you can easily notice how nervous she is even though she's trying her best to actually stand up for you.
and the thought of being protected by someone made your heart flutter. you weren't bothered by the aching pain in your lip when you found yourself proudly smiling at her.
the big guy seemed to notice the tension in her voice and took a step closer to you. you could only imagine how badly he had regretted that as soon as a loud bang echoed through the entire house and his foot was hanging by a thread, quite too literally.
"oh, golly..." lucy mutters with widen eyes. you follow her shock with a gasp that was completely muffled by the loud and agonized screech.
"don't make me repeat myself! all of you out, now!" she yells, threatening them by aiming the gun at them once more. "if that's okay with you, please." the scary expression in her face swiftly changed to a well-mannered and soft grin.
the injured men is rushedly dragged out by the other two, not looking back and you can not believe that someone as adorable looking as lucy was the one to broke her dear rule and hurt people.
"thank you! t-take care." she waves at them innocently, still with the gun in hands before running to you.
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thelikesofus · 6 months
Buddie Fic Recs
This is my 5th Buddie Rec List! I started compiling this list last April and omg looking back through them now I desperately need to reread them all. Highly recommend all of these fics, also please show the authors some love in their comments xx Happy Easter lovelies <3 REMINDER TO CHECK THE TAGS AND TRIGGER WARNINGS
where our eyes are never closing by @rewritetheending | T | 6k
After the lightning strike, Buck asks Eddie to take candid photos of him to help prove to Buck that he still exists. Absolute PEAK Softness. Buck through Eddie's eyes! I was a mushy puddle by the end. 10/10 would recommend. 
i got all my sisters with me by @useramor | T | 6k
Established relationship Buddie. Eddie’s sister has a baby and they travel down to Texas to meet the baby. DIAZ SIBLINGS UNITE! Seriously though the sibling dynamic in this is off the charts and Buck and Eddie are sickeningly in love, it is quite beautiful.
meet me where the tide comes in by @iinryer | G | 4k
A 3+1 fic about Eddie getting kissed on the head. FOREHEAD KISSES PTSD MORE HEAD KISSES AND BOYS IN LOVE!! Need I say anything more??
The one where Buck gets turned into a dog by @911onabc | G | 9k
Law Suit era BUT WAIT WAIT….DOG BUCK!! I am a sucker for fic where one of them gets turned into an animal. They are much more free with their affection when they think it's just a dog, or just a cat, and the bond between Eddie and "Boy" is so so wonderful. And I do love a happy ending xx
can't do this anymore (do it anyway) by @chronicowboy | T | 2k
Short and sweet but GOD this packs a punch. Eddie starts dating after the lightning strike and Buck is feeling Big Bad about it. He is so sad it truly breaks my heart but all works itself out in the end and Eddie proves Buck’s fears wrong.
We Found Each Other (Over There)  by @thekristen999 | T | 46k
Buddie WWII AU. A combat medic and a G.I. meet during one of the world’s greatest battles. This fic is a legitimate masterpiece. I cannot describe to you the quality of this fic because it is beyond words but I will tell you I stayed up until 3:30 am to finish it in one sitting and was left broken but made so so whole again. 
the mortifying ordeal of being known by @the-amber-raven | G | 60k
AU where Bobby is Buck’s adoptive Dad and Eddie is dating Buck but Eddie and Bobby think they are talking about two different people. Buck is training at the fire academy but hiding it from Bobby. This fic is the most beautiful tangle of miscommunication, love and family. 
like all good things are by @try-set-me-on-fire | T | 7k
Perfect, amazing, soul-destroying, magical, healing Fic. This literally covers all the bases. Chim and Bobby both get injured. OH! and Buck and Eddie were secretly dating all along. READ THIS FIC PEEPS!
find a way to you (if it kills me) by @eddiediazes  | M | 19k
The one where Eddie decides to start dating again, Buck figures out his own feelings just a minute too late, and then he spends a week going through the five stages of grief. BUCK PINING LV.10000000!
and i’d choose you (in a hundred lifetimes) by @monsterrae1 | E | 16k
Amnesia Exes fic by the wonderful Rae. Buck and Eddie fall in love via a penpal program and then Buck vanishes. This fic is set four years later. I literally could not put it down. I was reading it in class and then sat in my car for who knows how long just to finish it because I could not continue my day without knowing how it ended.
he never thinks of me (except when i'm on TV) by @loserdiaz | M | 18k 
APRIL'S FAMOUS!BUCK AND ARMY!EDDIE FIC!! In which Eddie finds out years later that his unrequited feelings for his high school best friend were not actually unrequited, Buck is stupidly famous now and they pine. OH THEY PINNNEEEEE! It’s delicious. 
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by @chronicowboy | M | 21k 
Alternative S7, Buddie Divorce Era Pt.2. Buck does something reckless and Eddie gets angry about it but these boys cannot communicate effectively to save their lives! This fic is peak angst to a happy ending and I felt like I had a hole in my chest OMG.
left your mark on this heart by @chronicowboy | G | 5k
Buck gets medically diagnosed with butterflies and the doctor makes him write in a notebook every time it happens. Surprise, surprise, the cause and effect is Eddie-related. The notebook entries kill me in the best way, the happiest happy ending
endless numbered days by @cal-daisies-and-briars | G | 13k 
Buck and Eddie's wedding but from Bobby's POV as Bobby reflects on the family he lost and the one he gained. Absolutely beautiful, I cried.
don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by @shitouttabuck | T | 14k
Chris wants dating advice so obviously Buck and Eddie decide to Fake Date for research purposes. This fic is PEAK adorable, sappy, and awkward Buddie. They’re idiots but we love them and the certainly love each other. READ THIS FIC! 
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Uptight – Jim Halpert
This is just a little cutesy one-shot with our favorite golden retriever: Jim Halpert. I think he needs more writings done with readers or even Pam. Honestly, it would just be fun to read about him more. I kinda wanna do a part 2 on this... idk... I hope you like it!!
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Everyone knew Jim Halpert. Jim Halpert knew everyone well enough. He talked to people, smiled and laughed with them, and pranked stuck up asses.
Well… except you…
You were uptight, in a work way. You never slacked off, only took off when you were sick. Which was never.
You sat with Jim and Dwight, usually typing and helping clients set up their paper orders.
Jim thought you were beautiful. So average, so basic, so perfect. Sometimes, he would wonder to himself, as he glanced at you, how different would you act outside of work?
His small friendly crush was a secret to everyone, especially you. Jim knew I’d you found out, his life, with you, would be over. Forever.
Today was a normal day in the office— you working your ass off while Jim annoyed Dwight a little by talking louder than usual.
It annoyed you as well, but you didn’t say anything.
“Anyways” Jim said to nobody on the phone, “I cannot believe that that happened!” He half yelled, making you sigh.
Jim glanced at you, his face falling. You were annoyed. He could tell by the cute frown on your face and the face you were chewing your gum a bit harsher then normal.
“I have to get back to you,” he said quietly, glancing away, “bye,”
Although it was a fake call, he set the phone down.
Glancing over at you, seeing that you were already staring back at him, made his heart flutter softly.
“Thanks,” was all you said to him, the first thing you said to him since yesterday, and soon, the receiver was up to your ear from an incoming call.
Jim felt his heart warm at your cold statement. You were like a cat, he was like a dog. How funny.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, in your opinion. The room had finally been put at a comfortable temperature, since some people liked it colder than others.
You looked at the clock and hummed. Exactly five, so you got up and grabbed your old red leather purse and the cardigan you brought.
Without saying goodbye, you pushed in your chair and left the office, hearing scrapes from other people’s desk chairs as they left.
Leaving the reception, when you stepped out the rain that was forecasted earlier had come ten times harder than told in the weather news this morning.
Your umbrella was in your car, which was across the street.
“Oh my gosh…” you whispered angrily to yourself, watching the cloud.
Jim walked out a few seconds behind you, seeing that you were trying to drape your favorite cardigan over your head, now looking rather annoyed.
He could help but smile, seeing he could be the knight in shining armor.
“You want me to walk you?” Jim said to your right. You looked up slightly to see the sweet smile of Jim Halpert, holding a black umbrella in between the two of you.
You hummed, looking down to hide a smile. “Yes, please,” you whispered shamefully, “I didn’t know it was going to rain this hard…”
Jim laughed. “Nor did I. This is Michael’s umbrella,”
You gasped, your eyebrows furrowing. “Jim!” You said, about to tell him off.
With the happiest laugh you heard, Jim started chuckling, showing off his cute lopsided smile.
A warmth bubbled in your stomach, your heart beating ever so much faster.
“I’m just joking,” he said cheekily, “let’s go,”
The two walked in silence, you blushing like mad, Jim smiling like a goon. It was cute for the cameras to record.
Michael watched through the blinds with the cameras, sighing.
“Office romance: the sweetest kind of romance, in my opinion."
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zo3mess · 5 months
Too Bad At Goodbyes | Part 3 to Bitter-Sweet
Summary: Officers from other towns were reassigned to help the understaffed police force in Evergreen after the butterfly massacre. The good old game of cat and mouse begins with Vigilante continuing his shenanigans and one police officer determined to catch him. Except it is not entirely clear who is chasing whom.
Warnings: 18+, smut, p in v, unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it, you know that all too well), handjob, oral (reader receiving), edging, tits worship, hint of sadism?, knife play (to some extent), handcuffs, theft of panties mentioned, enemies become lovers (Who would have thought), female reader, no Y/N
Minors do not interact
Word count: 6.4k
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Extra songs for this fic
Masterlist of my works
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Note: This is the final part, guys. I’m sorry it took so long to write, but my brain was completely dead after 2 seminar works I had to write last second. Long live the procrastination! Anyway, I hope you will like this and once again thank you for every interaction on any of my posts, I love you all <3
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Day after day, week after week, you were slowly but surely realizing you might have overestimated your abilities. You believed you had the guts to catch villains like Joker or Mad Hatter, even your family and friends encouraged you. And you believed their words, you believed yourself. Leaving your town and heading to Evergreen as some sort of bridge to your goal. However this? This wasn’t what you thought it would be like.
Doing minor police work, failing miserably all the time, having a weird relationship with the one person who would get you a ticket to your dream. Hells, you were in charge of fetching take-out every Friday for your coworkers, like a dog playing fetch.
Your office decided on Fennel Fields this time, the most distant restaurant from the precinct.
The noise in the restaurant had been overwhelming, voices chattering all over, glasses clinking, utensils scraping plates, until one guy managed to drown out everything with a simple question “Anything else I can help you with?”
Wait a minute…
You know that voice, you’ve heard it somewhere, no? But where? One simple look at the source and gears in your mind started turning. It was the busboy asking some family a few tables away from you. Nothing out of the ordinary, maybe you misjudged it.
And then the guy turned. Smiling at his coworker that just passed by him with an awkward ‘hey’. That smile. Dimples. Brown hair poking from under his hat. And most importantly two small hickeys just under his jaw he clearly did not care enough to cover in any way.
That’s curious, you left similar marks on Vigilante a few days ago, when you had another run-up with him late at night. He tugged you behind a dumpster and kissed you like a man possessed. And you were feeling bold enough to suck on his tender skin for the first time.
At first, it wasn’t a plan to mark him up, so you can by chance recognize him in public. You marked his neck for him. Eventually, he would tug off his mask, become a normal citizen again, but the prize he got as Vigilante would stay. He would remember you even after the morning sun rose.
Oh dear God…
A smile dropped from your face, eyes widening in disbelief. And you just could not stop staring. As you watched him leave to refill the water pitcher, every noise quieted down.
That guy was Vigilante. He must have been. What a weird accident would that be, right? Right?
He seemed so sweet though, bright eyes were shining under wire-framed glasses. He looked all shy and nerdy. Fennel Fields busboy could not be the one killing criminals under the moonlight and drawing hearts with blood for you.
“Cash or card?” The cashier’s voice interrupted your inner monologue when he put your take-out in front of you.
“Card, please. Uhhhh…” You squinted at the nametag and continued, “Tyler? Could you do something for me?”
It was not hard finding out the busboy’s name, all that needed to be done was to battle your lashes and sweetly ask the cashier. That guy was more than happy to provide the name of his least favorite coworker. The good old sabotaging in work, how lovely.
So… Adrian Chase. The poor boy is either an unlucky victim of your search or he is Vigilante. Chances were not even 50/50, you were sure. Almost sure. Like 70/30 in your favor.
Finding his address was even easier. God bless the police database. You ought to pay him a visit. By now you knew Vigilante had a habit of going out on Friday night, leaving a fresh new corpse to bask in the morning sun most of the time. Meaning that if you, by any chance, knocked on Chase’s door, he would not be home.
Around 10 p.m. you arrived at the apartment complex where Vigilante was supposed to live. With unsure steps, you made your way through the staircase, stopping once you saw the apartment number you’ve got written on a piece of paper.
However, knocking and neither ringing the bell resulted in open doors. As far as you could tell with ear pressed against the door, no movement was possible to be heard inside.
You could not get discouraged, you were too far to stop. Another plan was the fire escape stairway leading around the building. You sneaked around until you found his living room window, relatively hard task to locate the right apartment. With a quick look, you knew he wasn’t at home. Maybe if you tried to open the window…
For a guy bragging about how he crawled through your open window, he didn’t care enough about locking up his. You carefully crawled into the dark room and a thought passed by that this is so wrong.
But you’re already there, might as well look around to confirm your suspicion.
Cliché of villains living in the lair was wrong this time. His apartment looked well-kept, almost too normal. With a quick rummage you found out he kept knives and guns around, tucked away under the coffee table in the living room, in a cupboard next to cereal in the kitchen. Vigilante’s paranoid.
When you entered his bedroom, the last and only room you had no chance to search, you immediately noticed the peculiar mess. For his respectively clean apartment, his bedroom gave the impression that it was blown out by a bomb. Clothes on the floor, as well as empty water bottles and candy wrappers, messed up bed covers, half completed Lego set scattered over the floor.
A familiar object caught your attention in all that clutter. A piece of lacy blue cloth lying on the floor, oh you knew what it was in an instant. You pocketed it and headed back to the living room, stretching out on his couch. How ironic.
And you waited and waited, losing the track of time, clock was ticking, cars speeding outside, it almost lulled you to sleep. Then all of a sudden you heard the rattling of keys outside of the front door. Bang of doors being shut. Footsteps in the hall. And finally, the living room doors swung open.
It was your time to scare him in his own home. How the tables turned.
“Jesus-“ Adrian all but jumped. Even though he found it weird you weren’t skulking around the streets looking for him, he would have never guessed you would be standing in the middle of his apartment instead. Now you were even at last.
He was not wearing his suit and it took you aback for a split second. If he wore it you would be 100 % sure he was Vigilante, this way there was still some space for doubts. But the way his eyes got stuck on your frame gave him away.
In case you misguessed your deduction and he was, in fact, a normal guy, he would have looked far more shocked, scared even, since a stranger was walking around his apartment. But this look? Oh you knew this look all too well.
“Adrian Chase. It is a pleasure to meet you,” You kept your voice friendly, with an equally complimentary fake smile. “I hope you don’t mind me visiting you. After all, you have been in my house several times and you never invited me to yours.”
“What? No? I’ve never- I have never been in your house. Stranger.” He stuttered right off the bat, that was adorable.
“Stranger? Come on, Vigilante. Don’t lie.”
“Vigilante? I have no idea who that is and even if I did, I have no idea how you might think that I am him. Or her. Or them.”
“I just find it curious you have a familiar hickey on your neck. I left one like this on Vigilante myself.” You never thought you'd find out his secret identity like that, and neither did he, otherwise he wouldn’t let you bite his neck.
“These? Those are not hickeys,” He pointed at his neck and shook his head a little too fast to appear calm “I had an accident”
“Let me guess, you fell on someone’s lips?”
“Happens more often than you’d think.” Ridiculous. Completely and utterly ridiculous.
“Mhhmm, sure.” You fought an emerging smile so hard. You had this idea of confronting him sternly, confidently, and most importantly with a totally cool attitude. That plan was falling apart, whether it was from the happiness of finding out who Vigilante was or his dumbstruck expression, did not matter at the end of the day.
“And this…” From your pocket, you pulled out a bunched-up piece of cloth. Lace panties in the signature teal color. “You have no idea how my underwear got into your bedroom, right?”
“Those are… Mine?” You wondered how this guy never gave away his big secret. He has been living double life for so long and yet he never learned how to lie properly.
“Just because you stole them doesn’t mean they belong to you,” It was a perfect trap. You knew some perverse side of Vigilante would not resist stealing your stuff, especially if it was in the colors of his suit “I bought them specifically to catch you in the act and kept them on top of my drawer. In case they disappeared I would know you were in my house again, rummaging through my stuff.”
“I’m not some pervert that steals panties.” He dramatically gasped and put his hand on the chest to be a tad more theatrical. You completely dismissed his defensive words.
“Give up, Vig. I got you.” Such a bold statement. You knew who he was now, that wouldn’t stop him from killing you right there on the spot, since your goal was to put him behind bars. Would he be able to sleep peacefully if he truly got rid of you? Even if it was for the ‘greater good’ and protecting his identity?
“Are you here to arrest me?” After a beat of silence, he spoke with uncertainty and you weren’t able to pinpoint the emotion that washed over his face.
A triumphant smile dropped from your face with the question. Were you? You had handcuffs in your jacket, all this time they were waiting to be put on his wrists.
But was it what you truly wanted?
“Adrian Chase, Vigilante, you are under arrest.”
His confused face was everything. Every millisecond it lasted was golden. Truth be told every grimace he made was making you happy. You could see his whole face and that was priceless. But aside from his bedazzlement, his lack of resistance was something you had not expected. He simply stood there, turning his back on you and putting his hand behind his back without hesitation.
Adrian knew he was running around on borrowed time. One way or another, today or tomorrow he would be caught or killed. Of course, he prayed that day would never come, but if Vigilante should end, should be caught, he was glad it was you. He would gladly rot in jail with peace of mind if he knew you had fulfilled your dream and made it to Gotham.
“What for?” He asked with a sigh and flinched when the cold metal handcuffs wrapped around his wrists.
“Multiple counts of murder, assault, breaking and entering, obstruction of police work and personally I would like to add theft.” Quite a long list of crimes and misdemeanors.
“What did I steal? Aside from your lingerie?”
“My dignity. My pride. My mind. My-“
“Heart?” He peeked over his shoulder, but it wasn't his usual goofy smile that was distracting you. It was his eyes. He looked right into your soul and searched for answers you didn’t even know you had.
Quiet so loud it almost deafened you. You had no words suitable for a swing back. Instead, you tugged Adrian by his cuffed hands and he obediently backed in your steps all the way to the couch, where you pushed on his shoulders as a sign to sit down.
He did so with such a stoic expression it made your mind wonder what was he feeling. Regret? Sadness? Rage? Admiration perhaps? After all, you found him on your own without the need to snatch his mask like you tried the first time he made his presence known in your own house.
Only heavy breathing filled the room, temperature growing hot with Adrian’s burning gaze. Did it make your cold heart melt or was it already soft when you saw him for the first time without his mask? And did his eyes always pierced your skin with such cruel intention or was it just because he was afraid for his future?
Goddamn the things he made you do.
You found your favorite position on his lap again, straddling him in a hurry before the logical part returned to take hold.
You pressed an open-mouthed kiss on his neck, just under his jaw. After so many make outs you finally got a chance to kiss his pretty neck properly as his collared suit wasn’t an obstacle now.
Adrian saw it the same way, he had waited long enough to feel your warm lips caress his skin once more.
And right here and there he knew you had gone soft for him. He could not control himself and bucked his hips up to yours with an eager whimper.
“It was only a kiss.” His reaction made you chuckle. Power rushed over your body, now that you knew how sensitive he was to your touch.
“Are you quoting Mr. Brightside?” His head cocked to the side with a cheery smile. You wonder what is going on inside his head all the time. Probably a cymbal-banging monkey and Wii music playing in the background. Or in this case, his brain might be playing Mr. Brightside.
“Why would I be?”
“Your voice cracked a little, I thought you were about to sing the rest.” His smile was contagious, you could not help but grin at him in retaliation.
“You’re handcuffed and can’t move, if I started singing it would be officially considered torture.” He deserved to be tortured though, at least a little bit. For all the trouble he caused you, for making you doubt your intentions.
“But you sing for me so prettily. Especially when I stuff you full of my cock. I’ve been hearing your moans in my head for days after our first time. Shit, I had to jerk off all the ti-“ Before he could chatter further you pressed a palm over his mouth. Does this guy ever shut up?
You bowed back to his neck, continuing your work of peppering kisses over his throat, biting and sucking from time to time. But Adrian kept firing words against your hand, every thought he wanted to share with you was muffled and lost.
The other hand slid from his chest down to his jeans. He looked so alien like this. You imagined his face all the time, but he always had his suit. This time he wore simple everyday clothing and it felt wrong in the weirdest way possible.
Palming his bulge through his pants was not enough for Adrian, whines buzzed against your palm more frequently, hips chasing your touch, if he had his hand free you were sure he would be pawing at you in an instant.
You granted him freedom of speech because your hands had more important task than silencing him. Freeing him from the confines of his jeans. Unbuckled, unbuttoned, unzipped in milliseconds. So fast he lost the words.
Two fingers were shoved into his mouth, his glassy eyes looked up to you with shock. “Suck.” You told him sternly and he wasted no time to obey. Tongue swirling around your digits was a bit distracting, despite his eagerness you managed to shove down his boxers and let his dick spring free against his stomach.
He looked so pretty like this. Unable to move his hand, unable to talk, red and throbbing cock already spilling precum and the brightest eyes pleading for anything you were willing to give him. If anyone told you this is how your rivalry with Vigilante would end, you might have been nicer to him from the start.
Properly wet fingers were pulled out from his mouth and made their way down. Wrapping around him, stroking slowly but tightly, smearing the saliva all over his length. His eyes silently pleaded for more, but his mouth had trouble forming the words.
“Can I suck your tits?” The attitude of that man.
���Wow, so straightforward.” Most of the time you two were together, clothes covered your bodies. You’ve felt his dick more than you’ve seen it. The fact he was now asking for more of your body just turned you on more.
“You’re the one to talk. You come to my apartment, handcuff me and go straight into jerking me off.” He explained with a strained voice and his eyes flickered down to your hand.
“And snappy.” You grinned at him some more before you removed your hand from him, just to unbutton your shirt and shift the cups of your bralette to the side.
Adrian licked his lips once he saw your breasts spill free, barely blinking, not daring to break the gaze he held with your nipples. After his brain finally realized what was before him, he latched his mouth onto you. Licking, sucking, biting. 
Your hand returned to his cock, settling on a nice steady pace that made him groan against your skin, while you, yourself, softly moaned out. It had been too long since someone paid such attention to your chest.
He lapped at your nipples with ferocity, switching from one to another. Tongue drawing circles, teeth pricking the sensitive skin. He was seconds away from straight up motorboating your tits.
Adrian chased your touch, whining and wriggling when you moved your hand faster and faster. So desperate to touch you he had to chase his need away by digging nails into his palms.
Your focus was lacking due to a hungry mouth sucking on your chest, but it did not take a genius to notice the change in demeanor. Eyes tightly shut, breath shaking, needier moans. He was close to bursting in your hand.
“Motherfucker!” He yelled out in frustration when you snatched your hand away and his release with it.
“That’s not nice.” God bless your sarcastic tongue, it drew out the worst in him and what was there not to love than seeing a riled-up man pouting and squirming.
“Sorry, babe, every nice word leaves my mind when I see your face.”
Fingers latched on his face, squishing his cheeks with one hand, tilting his head directly to you. A warning to play nice. But when you saw the realization in his eyes, you kissed the pout formed on his inviting lips.
“Uncuff me,” He demanded with a bratty frown. “Uncuff me and I’ll show you something better than nice words.”
“I don’t know if you deserve it.”
“I don’t know if you deserve it either, you’re mean to me, but here we are.” Did he really just tell you that you don’t deserve it? He just played the same card against you with no shame whatsoever.
Not a single word was said when you stood up from his lap, not even an objection or whine from Adrian when you left him in the living room and with a sway of your curves made your way to the bedroom. You were sure that horndog wouldn’t resist running after you with hands still handcuffed. To your surprise, he didn’t even trip over his own legs when he caught up with you entering the messy room.
After all, you were merciful and quite frankly curious. He promised you something and wanted to get it. So when he awkwardly stood before you, watching you with puppy eyes, how could you resist granting him the freedom he craved.
“Strip,” He said sternly and rubbed his wrists while you were putting away your restraints, but the sharp look you gave him made his voice soften. “Please."
Both undressing while the other watched every move, every piece of clothing being dumped on his already untidy floor. Once you stood there revealed to him, except for your underwear, and Adrian to you, there was no doubt your heart stopped for a second.
Vigilante was a real person…
You could touch him, run your fingers across his chest, into his hair, and he wouldn’t disappear. You knew it before of course, but the true realization hit you the moment you saw his bare skin. Littered with a few small scars, bullet wounds, and fresh bruises ranging from blueish purple to faded yellow.
One of the most beautiful paintings you have ever seen. As most of the masterpiece, this one was also created with madness. Hand in hand with lunacy, paranoia and often a crippling sadness.
There always was and always will be a profound beauty in tragedy. All of this was your tragedy. A story of ambitious woman fighting her way through to success, just to have rug swept under her feet and knocked down by a crazed man.
Maybe you did not find what you initially looked for, success and glory in the work field, but you’ve found something else. A long lost piece. You were fitting together like a puzzle that was finally given a chance to create a bigger picture. Something achingly beautiful.
It seemed Vigilante didn’t have similar thoughts stopping him from doing anything, soon he was on you again. Cradling you in searing hold and kissing you like there was no tomorrow. Maybe he was afraid you would disappear too, he had to make sure to burn the softness of your body to his mind. The addiction of skin to skin, heart to heart.
Shortly after he stole your breath straight from lungs you found yourselves lying on his bed. Little shakes of excitement accompanied by growing anticipation.
He crawled on top of you like a predator. He got his prey all sprawled out, tense, ready to jump out of its skin, yet ready to jump his bones a second he allowed it. The wandering mind naturally remembered something else, resting in the upper drawer.
Adrain reached across you and started digging through the mess in the nightstand. Baring his pearly whites with a winning smile.
And he was still grinning brightly when he showed you what he fished out. A knife. Out of all the things he could have gotten, it was a knife. You quickly got up to rest on elbows and an inner voice told you to prepare for take off.
“Any reason for that?” You lazily pointed at his hand.
“There might be.”
Few people saw red as a color of passion, and few as a color of anger. Years on the police force taught you to see red as a sign of blood or injury. And Adrian? He connected this color with the suit of his best friend Chris. Seeing you in red panties, Peacemaker’s color, made him literally see red. You’re not Peacemaker’s, you belong to Vigilante, you belong to him.
Adrian wanted to make sure you would remember it. The knife slowly slid under the cloth on your hips. With a clean swipe, he sliced the expensive lace and moved to the other side. Once it didn’t hold together he tore away the last piece of clothing covering your body.
“Fucking four-course meal. I just want to eat you,” A gush of realization hit him in the middle of admiring your naked body. “Eat you out I mean. I’m not a cannibal, I feel like I should clarify that when I’m holding a knife.”
He swiftly tossed the knife on the floor and before you heard clinking of it hitting the ground, he was prying his head right between your thighs.
Adrian had a bad habit of not eating properly. To be fair it was hard for him to notice the hunger when his mind was running at full speed, swarming his head with millions of other things than basic human needs. But when a feast was laid out before him? He wouldn’t leave a single crumb.
The second he buried his tongue in between your folds, you became his favorite dessert. And the second you felt him suck on your clit, you realized his tongue would go to waste in prison. You made the right decision, he was much better off there, worshiping your body.
Delightful pleasure blossomed in your pussy and stretching to the very end of each of your limb and swarming your head. Not even all those nasty noises could not take you out from the heaven you lingered in.
Warm tongue nudging your clit with short flicks before switching to lick a long strip all across your cunt. Prying deep into you for another taste, sucking on your labia, occasionally biting your inner thighs. Adrian was having time of his life while you clutched on the bedsheets and moaned in retaliation.
Completely and utterly consumed… Barely feeling a hand sneaking off your thighs and making its way to your dripping hole. Two fingers were pushed into you with no restraint while Adrian’s tongue continued his work on you.
With trouble you lifted your head from his pillows and looked down just to find Adrian looking at you half-lidded, smirking against your clit when your gazes locked. Then he went for a bold move, latching on you, sucking harshly and shaking his head, which resulted in a bolt of shivers down your spine.
This was too good.
He felt your pussy clenching, arousal seeping down to his bed, legs shaking on either side of his head, and the moment your head got thrown back and moans pitched he withdrew his mouth and fingers from you, letting you tether on the edge.
“Shit!” You yelled out upon being denied your bliss. How did he dare.
“That’s not nice” He repeated your previous words with a grin and playfully slapped your outer thigh.
“Go fuck yourself!”
“I’d much rather fuck you, but if you insist.” His hand wrapped around his cock and started stroking himself above you in an obscene demonstration accompanied by over-the-top moans.
You lunged at him and caught his hands before he could continue. This time he resisted having hands restricted, trying to twist his wrists out of your hold with a frown.
“Let go.” There was a hint of dominance in his voice, but what person you would be if you crumbled under every little threat.
“No.” The hold stayed strong and you had no intention of letting go.
Adrian didn’t appreciate your decision. Deep inside his heart skipped a beat every time you did something defiant. When you cursed in his name, when you threw that metal pipe at him, when you refused to let him go. All that presented a challenge and Adrian’s no quitter. But now? He was pent up and when you just delayed the moment he got to be inside you once more, he had enough. And if that meant he had to fight dirty, so be it.
Your breath almost got knocked out of your lungs when his whole body fell on you, successfully pining you to the mattress. Mouth pressed against yours to prevent you from objecting. You would call him out, just for the sake of it, but his whole weight on you, acting like a weighted blanket, was more than welcome.
You did not even notice when you loosened the hold on his wrists, which Adrian quickly took advantage of. You were too busy kissing him back with the same amount of fierceness and before you could notice, you were the one pinned down by wrists.
And that time, when Adrian was above you, his hands on each side of your face, holding you down like a feral animal, yet staring at you in awe, you realized his eyes were green. So beautifully green. After all that time of wondering what color his eyes were, you finally had an answer.
He shifted your hands together above your head, which allowed him to hold you down with just one hand while the other guided his cock into your sopping pussy. Before he pushed in, you were given a soft kiss, a beautiful contrast to previous actions.
You moaned in each other's mouths when he finally entered you with one stroke. You were a sucker for the feeling of fullness only he was able to give you and after not letting you cum on his mouth you were in need to feel him deep inside again.
“You look so pretty like this.” His hand found its way to your chest and pressed right in the middle, feeling your beating heart. He had a weird fixation with it. Sweet nevertheless.
The hammering heart reminded him no matter what was before and what came next, it was beating for him and him only in that moment.  
He drove into you slowly as he basked in the opportunity to feel your walls constrict around him after such a long time. All those wet dreams about you could never replace the real thing.
“I always look pretty.” You smiled at him before he brought his head down. Nice kiss soon turning into a messy one. You could still feel yourself on his tongue when he pried it inside your mouth.
“I can’t argue with that.” He chuckled at your remark after pulling away from the kiss, a string of saliva stretching between you before Adrian wiped it away. With that you rolled up your hips, urging him for more as you fucked yourself on his cock.
Lewld sounds of skin slapping, creaking of the bed, squelching of your wetness and moans and whimpers followed what started as a nice and solid pace and soon turned into the good old savage fucking. And in the meantime he allowed you to run your hands over his body however you wanted.
With Vigilante, with Adrian, it always had to be a lot. No one would hear you complaining though.
With a new vigor of Adrian’s hips slapping against yours, well-kept nails colored in bloody red as you scratched his back in the last hopeless shot to hold on. Deep hurtful marks were left all along his tensing muscles, he didn’t mind it one bit. The idea of being marked in the heat of passion was encouraging at last.
He just wished it would be permanent, a forever reminder of you, that would nudge his memory every time he saw it in a mirror. Whenever this would get a good or bad ending, you were a person who woke up emotions he thought he had lost or hadn’t felt so strongly in a long while.
His hold shifted to your waist, sliding to your hips. Clutching onto you so tightly on purpose to create bruises in the shapes of his fingertips and similar to you, pressing his nails past the barrier of sensitive skin. Hoping it would leave a long-lasting mark. You wailed in response, it hurt so good it made a mush out of your brain.
Yet a dark thought crossed his mind. Getting the knife lying on the floor to carve his initials on your shaking body. That would be the permanence he craved. Painful wounds would turn into nasty scars not allowing you to forget who he was to you for the rest of your life.
But he couldn’t pour all his frustrations on you, all this anxiety and fear of abandonment. He couldn’t do that to you. The truth was you made his blood boil, brought out the worst in him, made him doubt his motivation, terrifying him with arrest, but you had reasons to. It wasn’t accidental or illogical. He could never hurt you for doing the right thing in the eyes of the public even if it meant the worst for him.
If he couldn’t make you remember him with scars on your body, he wanted to make sure you would never forget that night. Pour out a part of his anger on you in the best possible way.  His thrusts were merciless, making his cheap bed shake and headboard slam against the wall. Too late to think about the neighbors, your moans and whines were already loud enough to alert everyone in close distance.
“Fuck! Don’t stop!” You screamed out and it only encouraged him to go on, fingers sneaking down your body to rub tight circles on your clit with threatening precision. The sole thing that mattered was to make you cum on his dick.
“You’re doing so well,” He whispered into your hair with a calming voice. You had to tuck your face to his neck, hiding your red cheeks and muffling piercing screams of pleasure with his silky skin. “Cum for me, baby.”
And you did. Hot burning pleasure shot across your body, all the way to your fingers holding onto his back, to toes on your straining feet, your back arched, chest pressed against his, white flashed in front of your eyes.
Adrian slowed down and fucked you through it while muttering sweet words to your ear. Hands slid under you to cradle you in a hot sweaty embrace.
You came down from your high soon after, but his own was awaiting him and he wanted to reach it too. Let his mind shut down.
The way he picked up pace again made you whimper in overstimulation. His body pinned you down, cock sliding in and out of your spent cunt swiftly, quick moans filling your ears, sweat mixing with his deodorant was suddenly so vivid. Adrian won over your senses in every possible aspect.
He was already so close with how your pussy clenched around him when you came. There was no chance for him to last long like this. Not with how his hips bucked like a wild animal.
“Look at me,” His warm hand cradled your cheek, bringing you to reality. “Please, look at me. I want to see your eyes when I cum.”
The plead sounded so broken and urgent, you had no other choice than to comply. You opened your eyes and saw his green ones, staring back at you while his brows knitted together. Eyelids barely resisting the urge to close.
They might have been right when they said eyes are the windows to the soul.
Whispers of his name on your lips broke something inside him. Pushing him over the edge with a shaky moan. His forehead pressed tightly against yours, panting in your open mouth as he pumped his cock into you for the last few times. Hot thick cum coated your already oversensitive insides and you clamped your walls around him to prolong his orgasm.
Not for a second you dared to close your eyes. He asked you nicely, it wouldn’t be fair if you defied. But since when did you care to listen to his pleas?
He stilled his hips when his cock stopped flaring inside you. However, his eyes opened after quite some time, after he gathered enough power to stop his shaking. Maybe you weren’t the only one fucked completely dumb.
He caught your lips in a soft lingering kiss, his thumb stroking your cheek in such loving manner. It spread warmth deep in your chest, so genuine and adoring.
Vigilante, the concept of a person, of a maniac, dragged you through hell. The way he was laughing in your face, the way you stomped in anger like a little child whenever he escaped, only fueling the fire.
But Vigilante you now knew? Adrian Chase? He took you to Heaven. His words made you feel like the most important person, his touch left goosebumps in its way, and the way he treated you after almost fucking your brains out he made you wonder about the remaining sides of him that you haven't had the chance to see so far.
The million-dollar smile he gave you was comforting, you could get used to it. Addictive as much as everything else about him.
Adrian carefully pulled out and rolled to the side, hissing through his teeth when the pain of scratched back hit him. Both of your bodies tiredly rested on his messy bed, heavy breathing joined the ringing in your ears. Long silence haunted the room, you were afraid to say anything, not wanting to disturb the peace between you two, and Adrian had no words to say as it seemed. Until…
“You won’t leave for Gotham, right?”
Oh, he wanted to keep you.
“Well, I promised myself I would not go to Gotham unless I catch Vigilante. But gosh darn, is he one slippery motherfucker.” You turned on your side to face him properly, corners of your mouth twitched upwards in contrast to such ‘hopeless’ statement.
He smiled at you, eyes twinkling with optimism. “I guess you have to stay a little longer. Before you catch him, of course.”
His hand reached out for yours with uncertainty, but once he saw you didn’t pull away, he intertwined fingers with yours in a tight hold.
Such a simple word, yet it contained his whole heart. Would it be possible for Vigilante, despite his claims that he doesn’t feel emotions, to feel something? And would it be possible for a police officer, despite her claims of hate towards him, to feel the same?
You silently nodded. There was no use for words when the look you shared said everything that needed to be said.
Was it hatred? No, at least not the serious kind. Was it love? Far from it. Maybe what you two shared could not be named.
You would still throw a metal pipe on his head without a second thought and Adrian would trip you with pleasure whilst running away from you. He would stick out tongue on you if you screamed obscenities at him, but he would also kiss your cheek in the morning if you decided to stay the night and you would straighten his glasses for him when needed and tuck away hair from his face.
Both of you would exchange bloody red roses, sweet looks, and bitter words until fate decided otherwise.
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Fall In Love With A Girl
❝she'll make you feel like the world is on your shoulder.❞
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Summary: What can go wrong, will go wrong. That is until you meet the most beautiful woman you've ever seen and her brother's puppy.
Pairing: Modern Helaena Targaryen x Reader
Word Count: ~3.3k
Author’s Note: This is a re-write of an old fic of mine. I'm in my re-writing era and this is Megan's Version. I felt like this would be the perfect time to remind everyone that I love women.
Warnings: language, fluff, women loving women (if you are against this unfollow me?)
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There were certain rules to being a veterinary technician.
Number one, waterproof mascara and eyeliner always; you’ll never get used to those abuse cases or having to hold someone’s hand as they say goodbye to their beloved pet. Number two, carry a lint roller on you at all times; it’s best to get the pocket-sized one, because both dogs and cats shed a lot! Especially Bella the Saint Bernard who was due for her yearly check up today. Number three, iron your scrubs! And it’s probably best to keep an extra pair in your car, because it’s more likely than not that you’ll end up getting peed on by someone’s over-excited pup.
Even though you knew these rules by heart and you followed them every single day of your work life, today was an exception. It was just one of those days that absolutely nothing- no matter how hard you tried- was going right. You were covered in fluffy cat hairs, Mrs. Comier’s Jack Russell, Hankie, peed on your leg twice, and you had run out of waterproof mascara. So, when Mr. Langley brought in his thirteen year old Labrador to put her down, he cried and so you cried, and in the end you looked like the raccoon that liked to sneak into the office dumpsters at closing hoping to find some cat food.
Today just wasn’t your day.
It was fifteen minutes until closing time, and you could feel the excitement and exhaustion in your bones. You were desperate for rest, to go home and take a shower, crawl in bed and watch terribly written romantic comedies on Netflix until you passed out. If only you could snap your fingers and make those last few minutes fly by, but that was impossible and unfortunately manipulating time wasn’t a superpower you had acquired yet, so instead you swept and mopped the floors for the sixth time that day.
And that was when you heard it. 
The tiny bell over the door chimed, signaling that a customer had just walked in and you could hear the pitter-patter of doggie feet on the linoleum floors. As far as you knew, there weren’t any more customers scheduled for the day; the last appointment was over thirty minutes ago and they were a no-show. From your spot in the back hallway, you could hear your coworker, talking to the patient and before you knew it, she was charging through the back door. You took one look at her, knowing what her question would be before she even opened her mouth. That shit-eating-grin was always plastered on her face when she wanted something. 
“No,” you said as you swept the dirt into the dustpan.
“Come on, bestie,” she whined. “I really need to get out of here on time tonight! It’s just a simple check-up and she seems really nice! Please will you take them?” 
Not wanting to argue or cause an issue, you sighed, exhaling every ounce of oxygen in your lungs before finally giving in. She was practically beaming with excitement as your shoulders slumped, eyes rolling back as you sat the broom down. 
“Oh, my God! Thank you so much! I owe you, big time,” she went to hug you but you stepped to the side, avoiding her embrace at all costs. 
You simply nod at your coworker as you try to dust some of the cat hairs from your scrubs. It was no use, and you knew that, but still, you at least tried to look more professional. After the day you’ve had, you should have known that clocking out on time was just too good to be true, but you still put a smile on your face as you walked up to the front desk. One day you’d cash in on all of the times she owed you for, but today wasn’t that day. Everything that could have gone wrong today had already gone wrong, and at this point you were only giving in to her for the plot. What else could possibly happen? 
When you got to the front desk, you looked over the counter to see the customer on one knee as she played with the tiny puppy; rubbing its belly and tickling its sides. 
“How can I help you?” You asked with that fake customer service voice.
The young woman turned around and looked up at you, flashing one of the most brilliant smiles you had ever seen, and you could have sworn that a chorus of angels were singing in the background– or maybe it was just the classical music on the radio that your boss liked to play, who knows? She was absolutely stunning though, with her pale blonde hair and striking lavender eyes. 
“Hey, uh- I had an appointment for this little guy,” she replied with a soft smile as she moved to stand.
“Okay,” you nodded, trying to remember to breathe. You could smell her perfume as she took a step up to the counter. “What’s this little guy’s name?” 
“His name is Sunfyre.”
“Oh,” you realized that this was that no-show appointment that should have been here thirty minutes ago. It was then that you looked right past her good looks and lilac scented perfume and let the irritation settle back in. “You’re Mr. Targaryen? You had an appointment with us at 5:00.”
The woman rubbed a hand on the back of her neck and gave you a sheepish smile.
“Not Mr. Targaryen, that’s my brother. I’m Helaena,” then she lets out a sigh. “He’s out of town and forgot to mention that I needed to be here until ten minutes before I was supposed to be here and then there was traffic, and I’m really sorry that I’m late. I hope I can still get him in, I mean, if that’s okay. If it’s too late then I’ll just make another appointment, I guess”
Your eyes widened as she rambled on and then you smiled at her. If it were anyone else, you probably would have told them to make another appointment and kick rocks. But this girl was just so gorgeous and her smile was just so beautiful, and your hopes of getting home on time were already sacked, so you led her back to the exam room and told her that it was no problem.
“Hopefully this doesn’t take too long,” she mentioned as she picked Sunfyre up and sat him on the table. 
Wait, was she actually rushing you?
“I’ve got this stupid thing I’m supposed to go to tonight,” she continued as you checked the puppy’s weight.
She really was rushing you.
“It’s a blind date that Aegon, uh-”
Before she could say ‘Mr. Targaryen’, you nodded your head to let her know that you understood who she was talking about. 
“Yeah,” Helaena kept on, not really caring that you weren’t really listening. “He set it up and I’m just nervous. I’ve never really been on a date- well, I’ve been on dates, but never a blind one. With the way this day has been going, he’ll probably end up being an alien with six eyes.”
“I know how you feel,” you mumbled under your breath.
“What’s that?” She asked.
“Oh, I just agreed with you,” you replied, not really wanting to go into details about your day with a girl who was about to go on a blind date and probably fall in love with someone that wasn’t the vet tech with a piss stain on her leg. Besides, her blind date was with a man which meant your chances were pretty much shot. “About the way this day has been going.”
“You’ve had a bad day, too?”
“I’m going to let Dr. Strong know you’re ready and we’ll try to get you out of here as soon as possible,” you say, ignoring her question. 
“Oh, okay. Thanks,” she replied as you shuffled out of the exam room.
Your boss looked up at you from his desk and raised his eyebrows underneath his glasses. You said nothing and only dropped the puppy’s chart on his desk with a thud, before turning back around and heading into the back hallway. You could hear that Helaena girl sweet talking the pup from behind the door and your expression softened for a moment. But that was only until you glanced at the clock and saw that it was well past closing time, and you should’ve been walking through your front door right now; maneuvering out of your bra and kicking off your non-slip, worn out tennis shoes. Your frown came right back as you looked over the front desk, making sure everything was in order before your boss eventually called you in for an extra hand. 
You sighed as you saw that your coworker had bailed on stamping the outgoing bill statements, a job which was tedious and tiring, and usually ended in cramped hands and sticky fingertips. With a soft groan, you sat down, flexing your toes in your shoes and tried to quickly stamp as many envelopes as you could.
“Hey, kiddo,” Dr. Strong called from somewhere within the office. “Can you lend me a hand for a moment?”
You stood up and tossed the envelopes in the mailing bin before heading towards the back hallway. 
“What’s up, doc?” You asked with a forced grin as you tried to lighten the mood. Your boss, Harwin, had been under constant stress ever since his partner veterinarian, Dr. Tully, quit the practice to focus on his family. 
“Can you draw me up 1cc of Nobivac?” He asked as he scribbled something down in the chart in front of him. “And I’m going to need you in the room when I administer it, there’s a note in the little guy’s chart that says he’s not very good with shots.”
“Yes, sir,” you replied as you pulled the keys to the medical cabinet out of the front pocket of your scrubs.
Helaena smiled at you when you entered the exam room once again. The puppy in her hands jumped in your direction, tail wagging from side to side as he whined for attention. “I think he likes you,” the girl commented as she tried to hold the puppy back. 
“That’s nice,” you replied with a soft smile, not really wanting to make small talk with Ms. I-Have-A-Blind-Date-Can-You-Hurry-Up. “But he’s probably not going to like me very much after getting poked.”
“Probably not,” Helaena laughed. You couldn’t help but feel a little light-headed at the sight of her smile, despite your tough facade. The sound of her laugh was just as attractive, if not more so. “But who knows, maybe he’ll forgive you.”
Dr. Strong stepped into the room, cutting your conversation short to begin his own spiel; informing Sunfyre’s short term owner of the possible side effects of the rabies vaccine, and also why it is important to have one. Information that, hopefully, Helaena would pass on to the absent Mr. Targaryen.
While your boss prepped the puppy for his first rabies shot, your job was to try and distract the little guy as much as possible and to keep him comfortable, of course. Helaena stood off to the side, letting the two of you work your magic, and within seconds- without even so much as a yelp- the procedure was finished and Sunfyre’s tail was still wagging. 
“All done,” you cooed, placing a kiss on the puppy’s wet nose. 
“Looks like he still likes you,” Helaena said as she hooked Sunfyre’s leash back to his collar. “I had a feeling he would.”
You went to say something, but Dr. Strong got there first, sticking his hand out to Helaena for a handshake and saying, “It was nice to meet you. Please tell Mr. Targaryan that we look forward to seeing him at the next visit, which you can coordinate at the front desk.”
“Thank you,” she replied. “I’ll be sure to let him know.”
“You can follow me, this way,” you told her, ushering her and Sunfyre out of the exam room and into the lobby. “That’ll be $115,” you told her after tallying up the total sum of the visit. 
She let out a low whistle and pulled her wallet from her back pocket, “is there any way to leave a tip for your excellent customer service?”
You let out a dry laugh, and bit the inside of your cheek to keep from saying something that would get you in trouble. “While I appreciate the offer, you should probably save it for your date tonight.” 
“Date?” She asked as she signed the credit card receipt. “Shit, right, my date!” She exclaimed, thrusting the tiny piece of paper your way. “I gotta go!”
You made a face and hurriedly handed her a copy of the bill and a rabies tag for Sunfyre. 
“Good luck,” you told her as she rushed out the front door. “And you're welcome,” you said with a frown after she didn’t even say ‘thank you’. 
Happy that your day was finally over, you couldn’t help but feel like you had just been kicked in the gut. As you finished stamping the monthly statements, your mind was stuck on what Helaena and her blind date– who may or may not be an alien with six eyes– were doing right now. Was he smart? Was he making her laugh? Did he appreciate how absolutely breathtaking her smile was? Did she see him and immediately know that he was the one she had been searching for? Did time stop?
“Hey,” you heard Dr. Strong’s voice from behind you and realized that you had been standing in the same spot for minutes now, holding a stack of envelopes that you had meant to drop into the bin. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you replied as you came back to reality.
“Don’t forget you’re fostering Nugget tonight to make sure that he doesn’t pull out his stitches,” he told you before disappearing back into the hallway. 
“Ah, yes, Nugget,” you replied, mostly to yourself, as you were sure your boss was out of earshot. “The overweight Chihuahua who looks like he ate one, too many nuggets. I couldn’t be more excited.”
After you locked up and had Nugget on a leash, you said your goodbyes to your boss; happy as ever that- even though it was well after dark- you were finally going home. You picked the chunky Chihuahua up, making sure not to touch his freshly removed manhood and placed him in the backseat, where he quickly made a home. Before you even pulled your seatbelt on, you pulled your hair out of its ponytail and ran your fingers over your tender scalp. It was the first step to comfort after what you were sure was the worst days you might have ever had. You’d take your shoes off if you could,, but you were sure there was some crazy law about driving barefoot, so you left them on.
Nugget stayed quiet for most of the way, until he unexpectedly started to whine. Thinking that he might need to go potty, you pulled over into the parking lot of an ice cream parlor. He hopped out of your backseat gingerly, and led you over to the grassy area where he proceeded to squat and relieve himself. 
“Fancy meeting you here,” you heard from across the parking lot and turned to see none other than Mrs. Blind Date herself, Helaena. Just when you thought this day was starting to get better, she began walking toward you with Sunfyre in tow.
“Oh, hi,” you replied, cautiously looking around for the hot shot that would inevitably be introduced as her date. You didn’t want to ask, but curiosity got the best of you and, “how was your date?”
“Well, I was supposed to meet him here and he never showed,” she replied, looking a bit dejected. “I’m honestly not surprised at all. I mean, if you knew my brother, you probably wouldn’t be surprised either. Besides, what else should one expect from a man?” You laughed at that. “I was just about to leave, but then I saw you, and figured I’d say hello.”
You bit your lip to keep from smiling again at her rambling, unable to help yourself when you heard that there was no date, and that this extremely attractive stranger was somehow still single. “Well, hello.”
Helaena smiled brightly before taking notice of Nugget, who was shaking at the thought of being petted by someone new, and dropped down to a knee so that she could reach him. “Who’s this little chunker?”
“This is Nugget,” you replied. “I’m fostering him for the night.”
“Fitting name,” she laughed, standing back to her regular height. “So, can I buy you an ice cream? I don’t think I said thanks before I ran out of your office earlier and I’d like to make it up to you.”
“Sure,” you replied quickly before you gave yourself a chance to say no. “I mean, yeah, that would be nice.”
Helaena smiled as you fell in step with each other, making your way to the front of the booth. Sunfyre and Nugget were playing with each other; romping around and playing together; putting you and Helaena into a few awkward positions as you had to unwrap their leashes from around each other’s legs. You learned that she was an artist, mostly oil paintings and photography, who lived on the quiet side of the city with Aegon, her brother. And you told her all about your bad day, and what it was like working in a veterinary office, and some of your funny stories from college. 
Before you could even eat three bites of your ice cream, Nugget had coerced you into giving him most of it; which probably wasn’t what his actual owners intended for him to eat after his surgery. Helaena didn’t mind that the ice cream she had bought for you went to satisfying a fat Chihuahua’s sweet tooth, especially not when most of her own ice cream was being lapped up by little Sunfyre.
“Well, I should get home,” you told her after seeing the neon ‘open’ sign of the parlor shut off. “It’s getting late.” 
She nodded, standing up from the bench that you had been sitting on, “It was really nice running into you.”
“I agree,” you replied with a smile. 
“If you’d like to, maybe I can take you to dinner next?” She asked as she nervously ran a hand through her hair. You blinked a few times, wondering if you had heard her correctly or if it was your mind playing tricks on you. “You don’t have to.”
“I’d like to go to dinner with you,” you told her quickly and honestly. 
“Really?” She asked excitedly. “I mean, that’s cool.”
“Should we?” You asked, taking out your phone to swap numbers and she laughed.
“That’s probably a good idea.”
You repeated the numbers twice to make sure she typed in the right ones, and after an awkward hug that seemed like it was almost a kiss on the cheek, you and Nugget happily walked back to your car. As soon as the driver’s side door was shut, you let out a joyous squeal and did a small dance in your seat. Your phone vibrated from the cup holder as you shifted into gear. You picked it up quickly and swiped at the screen until an unsaved number popped up on your screen. Your heart soared at the message that could only have been from one person.
That was the best blind date ever! ;)
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otomiyaa · 5 months
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Ticklish Loid Forger x Reader
Romantic + 34. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Requested by @fluffandgiggles for my 1K Followers Event🌻
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"Hehehe! Do it again - ahahaha! Agahahain!"
You smiled. Little Anya really loved tummy tickles more than anyone. She rolled on her back, her small hands holding yours, almost like a cat hugging its owner's hand tightly in order to keep it there, rather than remove it. 
"Tickle tickle tickle!" you sang playfully, wiggling your fingers like spider legs over her belly.
"Bond too, Bond too!" Anya giggled, which was followed by an approving "borf!" from the adorable dog, eager to get his tummy tickled too, and so you did. You managed to pull your hand free from Anya's soft grip and tickled Bond's furry tummy. Bond reacted in a similar way as Anya did, rolling on his back adorably and enjoying the affection.
"Anya too, Anya too, ahahaha!" Anya squealed. Back to Anya. It was a playful loop of tickles that rewarded you with the sweetest giggles and borfs.
In the middle of all the fun and chaos, you looked up at Loid who sat on the couch reading his newspaper. Except.. he was no longer reading. He was staring at you. Not at Anya, not at Bond, you, with the fondest smile on his face.
Just as the two of you locked eyes, Anya yelled something about world peace (?) and ran into her room, together with Bond, leaving you behind in sudden silence. 
"Why are you looking at me like that?" you asked, getting up to sit next to him.
Loid instantly blushed and looked back at his newspaper. "L-like what?" he asked nervously.
"Like... I don't know," you hummed, glancing down to find an opening. And oh, you found one. 
"You were looking at me like... you were longing for some tummy tickles too?" you said, and you reached for his tummy and started to tickle. Loid immediately tensed, the newspaper crumbling in his hands as he bent forward.
"Wha-What?! Hohohold on! Thahats not- ahhahha! That's not truehehe!" he laughed.
"It isn't? You weren't starting like that because you were jealous?" you teased him, not slowing down your tickle attack on him.
"Nohoho I wahahasn't!" was Loid's giggly response.
You smiled. You weren't supposed to know he was a spy, and you weren't supposed to know he was this ticklish. Yet the romantic relationship you shared with him brought you this valuable information that could endanger your life. Whether that made it less exciting to make use of? Of course not!
"Okahahay eeheh-enough nohohow!" Loid laughed, pulling up the newspaper to use as a shield and cover his cutest reactions. He yelped when you grabbed his shield and pulled it away from him.
Loid immediately curled up in defense, protecting his tummy from further harm, but you were not planning your attack on his tummy like he anticipated. Instead you grabbed both his sides and clawed, digging in and wiggling your fingers while you climbed on top of him for further control.
"HAahahah! Nohoho! N-not thahahat!
The result was so sweet and satisfying. The loudest belly laughter that could only be activated through tickling and nothing else. No joke or funny face could get Loid Forger to make such a sound with all of his voice, and you found yourself staring at him with love and fondness as he let out this uncontrollable laughter.
"You wihihin! You win ahahah!"
"Was this ever a game, then?" was your teasy reply. You caught his hand that tried to fend off yours and entwined your fingers while using your other five fingers to continuously scribble at his side and ribs, making him arch his back.
"Hahahave mehehercy!" You couldn't hold back the smile that was even hurting your cheeks at this point. He was just too cute.
Despite your romantic relationship, Loid Forger didn't actually know that you knew about his true identity. He didn't know that you were aware of how smart he really was. How strong he was. How much danger he outsmarted everyday and how many opponents he took down.
Not knowing that you knew, he seriously allowed you to overpower him like this, fighting back with little strength almost equal to Anya's. He basically lay there and accepted your playful tickle torture, paying the price with his most beautiful laughter. Oh you never wanted to stop.
But of course you should've known it was a temporary delight. It was when you noticed two pairs of eyes staring at you from the side when you stopped tickling him, and you gasped.
Bond was wagging his tail, and Anya was looking at you with huge sparkling eyes. "Anya too! Tickle Anya too!" she chirped. You sighed and shook your head fondly.
"Well, it seems I have a new tickly part time job, don't I? Will I get some assistance?" you asked Loid who was still looking so sweet and flustered. He coughed awkwardly and nodded.
"Definitely," he said before forming two claws with his hands. Anya immediately squealed and started running now that her father got involved. Loid shot you a playful glance before he got up, and he winked.
"Your turn will be after this, just you wait," he said, making you blush as you were sure that was a tiny bit of the hidden Twilight side he just showed, and you secretly couldn't wait to see more of him!
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elizzsush · 1 month
Escape Reality | Part 0
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PAIRINGS: Batfam X Reader (platonic), Jason Todd X Reader (romantic)
—Why did you choose to get a dog? And why did you choose to walk him before the beginning of a storm? Well… you can’t say you regret it.
AU/Trope: Isekai
Rating: SFW (as always)
❥ [Part 0] - [Part 1] (not yet out)
A/Note: Heavily inspired by the amazing and incredible @daydreams-to-passages ! They wrote something I hadn’t even thought of which evolved into this fic! I really just expanded on their ideas so this is like 70% them! This is a little short but it's really just a prologue.
Oh, and lastly: if you know me IRL no you fucking don’t!
When you got a dog… well, every dog owner knows the joys of walking their perfectly well behaved dog. It's sometimes the best thing in the world! If you were to pick up into a light jog, your puppies ears would flap up and down- his fur blowing back as a nice breeze and cool weather egg you on for more of that same old walking.
But no, when you got a dog… well let’s just say you weren’t prepared to actually own a dog. You had just moved to New York, into a shitty cramped apartment, and you were lonely and depressed and what’s a good fix for all that? Getting a dog! A larger then a corgi sized dog. Weighing in at around 50 pounds was your new pride and joy! Your new terror and the reason why you now stay up later thinking “why the hell did I get a dog when I can’t afford my own food?” You made a choice and now your life was unraveling around you because of said choice.
But… you also felt guilty. It wasn’t erm… “Fido”’s choice to live with you. So you’d buy his food before your own just to make sure you can afford his, and you’d try and take him on walks every single day. Because, that small crappy apartment is doing nothing for “Buddy”…?
So yes, walking a dog is so relaxing and fun! If you can afford to take the time or buy training classes where they teach him how to… walk on a leash.
“The pigeons are gone, dude!” You huff and tug him away from the side of the sidewalk- across you was the park, where a lovely old women was feeding birds. Keyword: was. You dog… “bear”, was so unstimulated and just badly behaved… it often left you so very embarrassed and put out. So even after “Baxter” started his walk on again- satisfied with his bird scaring talents, he still tugged forward because you were apparently too slow by his standards. So, walking “Max” was great! Amazing even. What wasn’t great was… well you had hoped you’d be home by now, you had read the weather was getting cloudier but hey- a little water never hurt anyone?
Except everyone on the titanic.
The worst part? The damn dog was loving every bit of the rain, he even sat his ass down to chop on the rain above him!! Everyday you were a little more convinced he hated you… just when things couldn’t have been worse, a stupid DUMB cat appeared! It ran right in front of you and “buster” into an alley!
Listen, you had calmed down on the leash tugging since the damn dog sat down- you didn’t expect a cat! So yes, Mr “Duke” got away from you… THE FUCKING DOG GOT AWAY FROM YOU. You gave chase after a cat and a dog… no you’ll totally win this race!
And if you couldn’t have been miserable enough, you hit a fucking brick wall…
But… hey wait, you could have sworn you dog and that cat went this way…
Your nose was bleeding, you had checked it with your hand… and now you were blacking out. Thunder struck and that was the last thing you saw…
Then you died, much like the second robin did.
Actually, he died pretty heroically and was murdered by a super villain. You ran into a wall.
You also didn't die.
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"What the actual fuck." You whined as you sat up and held you head. Great, now you had a headache on top of this rain... You were in an alleyway still. Sadly, that didn't change since you passed out. But for some reason it felt... colder? The whole neighbor streets turned dark and cold you realized once you stood up walked around. Everything just looked duller, less color, it felt like an invisible fog laid across the streets. The rain picked up harder, like some God or deity was trying to wash the city away. The building had turned to cool greys and blacks with pops of graffiti in the long narrow alleys. "What the actual fuck?" You spun around to look at more of... where you supposedly lived, trying to figure out what just happened.
In the distance, you can hear erm... your dog barking. Panic swelled in your chest like an ugly bruise. Darting towards the sound you calmed down slightly when you saw your dog sat nicely staring at a man. A man who was eating a hot dog in the pouring rain...
"No can't have my chili dog," scolded a black-haired stranger as you finally see your beloved dog. Both of them were standing under something, protecting the male from the rain while your poor pouch was already a wet dog. Just when the stranger was about to cave to your dog's whims and argumentative barks you shouted out.
"Dog," You yelled out and the pup's ears perked up. still, you pup was still for once in his life and not causing... too much trouble. His attention was now on you, but he still didn't move away from the man with food.
This action- or lack of action made you sigh. Glancing around, you couldn't help but notice the complete lack of people nearby.
"Dog, what does it not got a man?" The man asked absentmindedly, like he was more talking to himself then he was to you. Thankfully you had just closed the gap between the two of you when he said it, so you didn't miss his words.
Admittedly, you didn't give your dog a name... Nothing seemed to stick out or fit. "No- His name is uh... Dog..." You tried to defend yourself against the- on second glance- attractive male.
"You named your dog... Dog?" He raised an eyebrow, and you shrunk in a little more on yourself.
"Erm... Yes?" You doubled down...
"Okay," He accepted it with a little blink, and you'll miss it eyeroll. "Does Dog know any tricks?" He asked as he finished his hotdog and knelt down to pet... Dog.
You blushed a bit because... You hadn't taught Dog any tricks yet. You had gotten him a months ago, so he was still a somewhat fresh face... "He knows sit." He knows the basics of sit; his success rate with that trick was 30%, this stranger didn't need to know that though.
The stranger hummed like he didn't believe you. He shouldn't have but you still felt offended.
Wait, this guy looked a lot like... It was the black hair with a little white streak in it really, it reminded you so strongly of the second robin even to his leather jacket.
"Are you cosplaying," came out of your mouth before you could even think about the words properly. With a hand now smacked onto your mouth you looked away from the man with a hint of humiliation at his confused expression. "I mean- You'd make a really good Jason." You corrected only to see the male give a more... curious look.
"Todd, from DC," You added, hoping to clear away his curiosity. "Jason todd..." You added more when you realized this was probably getting nowhere, and you weren't in a place mentally to describe the whole robin situation- nor would he probably care enough...
"DC? Do you mean WE?" The male corrected with a hint of a smirk, like he knew something you didn't. "He's that guy's son, right? Before he died."
You couldn't help but frown. "Well yeah- I mean he came back... Are we talking about the same thing?" You sighed, looking at you pup now. You should really just take him home- cut the walk short. Just when you thought of that however, the stranger seemed to find that perfect spot behind Dog's ear and he leaned more into the Ex-Robin look-a-likes hand,
"He came back?" The male questioned; you just shook your head. You had gotten into a DC rant one to many times to get into one now, in the middle of pouring rain. While you sighed to yourself about that, you missed his suspicious looked and the way he began to eye you...
"What's WE?" You asked instead.
That was when he looked at you as if you didn't know anything. "You don't know Wayne Enterprises?"
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joongbin · 1 year
Hii would you mind doing skz x 9th member reader headcanons where they simp for reader's hands? I don't mind if reader is their crush or not btw.
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꒰ hyunjin is known for his beautiful lips, you're known for your hands. weird, but your members seem to like them.
pairings: ot8 (skz) x 9thmbr!male reader
warnings: suggestive themes for a few members: minho, changbin, han, felix.
genre: suggestive
&; hi sorry for no fics and it's just me going crazy over dowoon this my apology
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He only noticed how your hands looked when you patted him on the shoulder. He would always make an excuse to hold your hand by saying,
“ I just want you to be safe. ”
But he what he wanted to do was to feel your hands. They were so warm and comforting to hold, could you blame him?
If he could, he'd kiss your knuckles everytime he'd get the chance to, but he didn't want rumours, nor did he want you to get rumours as well.
You were playing with his cats, that was when he noticed how beautiful your hands were. That was when his imagination went wild.
He wanted your fingers around his neck, all around his body, gripping on his hair— he just wanted you to do something to him with those hands.
“ Min, you okay? ” he snapped out of his rather dirty thoughts. He smiled nervously at you, adjusting the way he sat so you didn't notice anything wrong.
Doongie purred in your pets, while the two other cats slept soundly. Minho enjoyed your company, and he knew his cats enjoyed your presence too.
He just wished the two of you were something .. more.
You offered Changbin to go to a restaurant, except that it was far away from your entertainment. You told him it was worth it and he was practically sold.
You drove, he sat in the passengers seat. That's when he noticed all the details, especially how nice your hands looked around the steering wheel.
Oh, how he wished your fingers were around his biceps, thighs, wherever you liked to touch him. He'd definitely appreciate your touch more after this.
You two were drawing together, Hyunjin offered to because he wanted to draw you. You didn't wanna awkwardly sit there, so you decided to draw as well.
You weren't the best, but it was decent to the normal person's eyes, and you were happy about that. As you were focused with your drawing, someone wasn't focusing as well as you were; Hyunjin.
The way your fingers make the pencil glide around the paper gracefully made him fall in love with you even more. He didn't even know what he was drawing anymore; all his attention was on you.
You were backstage, scrolling through social media while practicing your voice for the stage, you didn't wanna disappoint STAY, that's for sure.
Han was also practicing his voice while sitting down on the floor. He looked at what you were doing and that's when he noticed how fine your hands looked.
He took in all the details from your knuckles to your veins; God, you were blessed with those hands. Slowly but surely, his thoughts got more and more .. mature.
A bright blush appeared on his face before getting interrupted by the manager. Maybe his thoughts would come true someday.
Felix was showing you his keyboard stuff because you said you were interested, his eyes gleamed with joy you've never seen before.
Felix told you to try and make your own little keyboard thing and you happily did. Felix watched your hands attentively and absolutely admiring your hands.
They looked so soft, yet so strong. He wanted them on his body, he wants your hands on him, but he knew that would never happen. Especially, with the idol life.
You two were visiting an animal shelter together, petting animals. You two came across a dog and played with it, playing catch and the general dog play.
You pet the dog, loving it to bits while Seungmin looked. It was the perfect time to examine your features, he thought.
Your eyes were filled with love, your smile that cheered his day immediately, and your- hands. How did he not notice them before? They looked so nice, wrapped around his neck maybe, or perhaps caressing his cheek.
He was being delusional, there was no way.
You guys went shopping for jewellery, Jeongin making you put on some jewellery that he thought would fit you. There were a few you liked, but you pointed to rings.
He put the one you were interested in on your finger, and that was when he realized how nice your hands looked. Well, he would never admit that out loud.
He imagined them caressing his cheek, or perhaps rubbing his back for comfort, or maybe even just around his own hands.
“ You okay? ” you asked. He snapped out of his thoughts, chuckling before letting go of your hand, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't want STAY to be disappointed, or hate you two. He didn't want to start anything.
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stayconnecteed · 2 months
stray kids as demigods? who's their godly parent?
moony, you're the queen of my ot8 skz headcanons 🫶🏼 this is not based on percy jackson's gods, but the real stories about them btw & either as gods or sons of them, i'm just talking about their characteristics. also YEAH the gods selected are the parents of my pjo au djksndlsndkd couldn't help it !!
﹙ ★ ﹚ bangchan — zeus. hear me out, he's the king of gods. the leader. of course it suits him. it's true that everyone knows zeus is the worst thing that could happen, but with chan wouldn't be like that. he is powerful, we all have seen those videos of him using his leader card. he's also wise, because he has to control the weather and resolve conflicts or problems between the gods with a minimum of justice. his symbols is the thunder, and i can almost see the lightning, blinding light of a storm in his eyes every time he gets really angry. and, how could it be otherwise, his love life. he may be delulu in real life, but he has also that fuckboy vibe. fits all of zeus's affairs tbh.
﹙ ★ ﹚ lee know — hades. shady, reserved hades. he might have a three headed cat instead of the original hades' dog (soonie's, soongie's & dori's heads all in one big ass kitty) but he loves his place in the underworld. calmness, quietness, tranquility, far far away from all the chaos of the other gods. he might travel to the outside just to add to the chaos, ngl, but at the end of the day he wants to drown in the silence. he perseveres a lot too, and he's stern. very forbidding, and he doesn't interfere into his jugdes sessions - he might be the guardian of the death, but he doesn't take favourites. except his wife, whom he worships every day.
﹙ ★ ﹚ seo changbin — hephaestus. he's described as a kind & hardworking god. he's very resilient, doesn't care about power. he just wants to do his thing and be happy. binnie as hephaestus wouldn't be very good (he's too clumsy to be a blacksmith) but he tries. many people reject him because of his physique, but he just wants to help. he likes to create tools and objects that can be of help to the people around him, he likes to fix things that have been broken. he might not talk about his feelings, but he deserves to be treated with a lot of care and affection, because he feels other people's feelings are more important that his own.
﹙ ★ ﹚ hwang hyunjin — aphrodite. hell yeah. first of all, he's changbin's wife (let's ignore that the real greek gods are married but hate each other). the god of love and desire. because he's in love with love and the idea of giving and receiving love and being in love - but he also spills desire wherever he goes. one look at him and oh you're soo doomed. he's an influencer too. obviously not like the ones we see on ig, but you naturally just tend to imitate him a little bit whenever you see him (and he can influence you and your love life and your perception of reality if he wants). also, like aphrodite, he rised from the past. she was born out of sea foam when uranus was murdered, our hyune was born again when he came back from his hiatus.
﹙ ★ ﹚ han jisung — apollo. every single characteristic of the thousands of symbols apollo has as a god fit jisung. god of medicine, because he is slowly healing from his own wounds, and one genuine smile of him can heal our days. god of music, because with his lyrics and a lazy scratch of the strings of his guitar he creates masterpieces. god of light, because even if the sun is too bright and he represents more that shadowy, warm sunset oranges, he brings light into our lives. and god of knowledge, because he's very very smart and he's always watching documentals and reading about whatever he's into at the moment, learning something every day. he's a calm but chaotic god, and he's sliightly dependent on zeus (he's chan's first stray kid after all).
﹙ ★ ﹚ lee felix — poseidon. i know the original poseidon is more of a bad tempered, almost dictatorial god and it doesn't fit him at all, so here i was thinking more of percy jackson. that adhd kid, so energetic and ready to have a good time, humorous but completely oblivious. he gets angry when things don't go his way, or when he loses (in videogames or real demigod battles), but he's loyal to his friends. loyal to dead. and brave and caring and sensitive, even if he tries to hide it with sarcasm because it's dangerous to show who do you care about.
﹙ ★ ﹚ kim seungmin — athena. our witty, wise, smart ass boy. he loves a good fight. he loves to create chaos. but when he's involved, he's always, always going to adopt a strategic warfare, ready to win with the most unexpected but intelligent tricks. he prefers to defend than to attack, unless he's with friends and in a space where he feels comfortable - then he will destroy you and you won't be able to say a word. but it's his love language bdkwnfke he has a strong vision of justice, and will act as he thinks because he knows he's generally right. he's helped heroes when they needed it because he knows what it is to feel helpless and alone and doesn't want anyone to feel that way, and he also is the god of homehold crafts, like cooking (just remember that athena & poseidon do not mix well and it will be even worse if you put them together in the kitchen).
﹙ ★ ﹚ jeongin — hermes. the cunning thief of the great twelve. he's the messenger of the gods, and the only one who is allowed to leave the underworld without consequences (because hades has a soft spot for him, ofc). he's very quick, guardian of literati and athletes, a troublemaker and trickster, but also solemn and responsible. he was the one who gave apollo one of his first instruments after a robbery in which he was caught, and somewhat he always finds himself in the middle of the most famous love stories (either helping the lovers or causing trouble). he hasn't find love yet, but he doesn't really care. he's enjoying his life, if it has to come, it will.
i am well aware that each one has a different perspective about the boys and yess i also see lix as apollo or changbin as ares, but i decided to give them these gods because i think they fit better. you're welcome to comment your opinion too 🫶🏼
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