#this is me trying to cheer up myself after today's race..hope it work for you too!
captainsophiestark · 7 months
For The Team
Ithan Holstrom x Reader
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Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Ithan's new girlfriend is about to experience her first sunball game since she started dating one of the players, but they might have to establish some new traditions first
Word Count: 1,533
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I scanned the crowd anxiously, looking for any sign of my boyfriend. I was hoping to catch him before he went into the locker room, but there were so many people here for the first sunball game of the season that it was impossible to pick him out in the crowd, despite his height.
Something needed to be done about that.
I hopped up on the first rock I found, going onto my tiptoes for the best possible view. I could see better, but there were still so many people I couldn't pick out my boyfriend. I huffed, then decided to change tactics.
I weaved through the crowd of people until I got to the slightly less crowded tunnel to the locker room. Technically, nobody but players were allowed to come down this way, but right now I didn't care.
I turned, a little worried I'd have to defend my presence to somebody, only to find my beaming boyfriend Ithan Holstrom heading my way.
"You're not allowed to be back here," he teased. I beamed back at him, rushing to close the short distance between us. Ithan wrapped his arms around my waist as soon as I was close enough, pulling me to him and kissing me deeply. I ran my hands through his hair as he moved me back until I gently hit the wall. I could've stayed like that forever, but after a few long moments, he pulled back.
"Sorry. I hate to cut this short, but I kinda need to go get ready for my game."
"I get it," I said, leaning up to kiss him again all the same. I pulled away more quickly than the first time, giving him a bright smile as I did. "For luck."
Ithan laughed, leaning in to rest his forehead against mine. He had an absolutely beaming smile on his face, which made my heart race.
"Are you excited?" I asked. "First game of the season and all?"
"Of course. I always am. But I'm even more excited that you're at this one."
I smiled. Ithan and I had just started dating a few months ago, and we'd met not long before that. This would be my first sunball game as his girlfriend, and I couldn't wait to cheer him on louder than anyone else in the crowd.
"Me too. You're gonna crush the other team."
We shared a smile, and I let my hand come up to cup his jaw, lightly stroking my thumb across his cheek. He leaned into the touch, but after a few moments, he sighed.
"I need to go." I frowned, and he gave me a forehead kiss before taking a step away. "I do have a little surprise for you though. Stay here, I'll be right back."
I leaned against the wall as he turned and ducked into the locker room, biting my lip and trying not to give in to how giddy Ithan made me feel. As promised, he was back a second later with a bundle of red fabric in one hand. He grinned my favorite million-watt smile as he held it out to me.
"What's this?" I asked, laughing a little as I took it from him. I held it out in front of me and found myself holding Ithan's jersey, the color he wouldn't be wearing today.
"I thought you could wear it," he explained, rubbing at the back of his neck. "For luck."
"Of course I'll wear it! I love it." I beamed at him, then glanced quickly up and down the hallway. We were alone, at least for now, so I wasted no time whipping off my shirt and putting the jersey on in its place. When I looked at my boyfriend again, I saw him staring at me in awe, his mouth hanging slightly open. "You might wanna close your mouth, babe."
Ithan huffed a laugh, meeting my eyes with clear, shining love in his.
"Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely love you?"
"Actually, yes," I laughed. "But I can always stand to hear it again."
"Well, I absolutely love you. And I'm so sorry, but I really do have to go now. My teammates are already giving me shit for being late when I left the first time."
"I know." I leaned in to give him one last kiss, my chest practically exploding with love for the male in front of me. I pulled back, beaming at him as I started backing down the hallway, towards the stands where our friends would be saving a seat for me. "I'll meet you on the field after your win!"
Ithan huffed a laugh. "I can't wait!"
I winked and blew him a kiss, then turned to finally head off to my seat. I was practically floating on cloud nine as I made my way through my fellow students to a spot in the front row.
"Finally!" My friends laughed as I squeezed in next to them. "What took you so long?"
"I know what took her so long. She was wishing Ithan good luck!"
Heat rose to my face and I looked down, fighting a smile, which was more than enough to confirm my friends' suspicions. They started laughing, teasing me good-naturedly, but thankfully the players took the field before they could really dig in.
The first sunball game of the season had officially begun.
I was fairly new to sunball in general, but that didn't stop me from screaming and cheering like a maniac for every second of the game. Ithan had given me a crash course on the rules when we watched a pro game a few weeks ago, and I picked up more and more as the game went on. I screamed every time we scored, every time we needed to disrupt the focus of the other team, and every time the refs made a bad call (or at least, one we didn't like). By the end of the game, my voice was almost gone, but it had been worth it.
We'd won.
As the last seconds ticked off the clock, I screamed with everything I had left, my voice breaking as I roared with the rest of the crowd. I wasted no time running down out of the bleachers with the rest of my friends in celebration, a whirlwind of people and emotions crashing like a wave onto the grass. The other team sulked off, giving us space to spread out and lose our minds.
I immediately started scanning for Ithan, trying to find him like I had before the game began amidst a now even rowdier crowd. And like last time, he found me, wrapping his arms around me tightly from behind and burying his face in my neck.
I laughed, not needing to turn around to know it was him. He kissed my cheek, then gave me enough space to face him, both of us beaming like fools.
"You won!" I cried, deliriously happy with him. His answering smile was as bright as the sun as he leaned in and kissed me for all he was worth.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling them in his hair and deepening the kiss like we'd done outside the locker room. I heard some wolf whistles and shouts from our friends, but Ithan and I ignored them both. When we finally pulled apart, our eyes never left each other's, bright smiles still on both our faces.
"You're my good luck charm," Ithan declared. I laughed again and shook my head a little.
"What are you talking about?"
"All our scouting reports said we had no shot at winning this game. They destroyed us last season. The only difference today was I had you in the stands."
Warmth bloomed in my chest as I beamed up at my boyfriend.
"Well, I'm happy I could help." I paused, thinking for a minute, then fixed Ithan with a wicked grin. "...Does that mean we have to keep our pre-game ritual the same every time now?"
He matched my grin with one of his own. "Actually yeah, I'm pretty sure it does. It'd be bad luck to change things now, and I don't want to sacrifice the team's season."
"Oh, of course not. I need to make out with you in the locker room tunnel before every game from now on. For the sake of the team."
"For the sake of the team."
Ithan and I shared a smirk before his teammates and the rest of our friends got sick of letting us have our moment, instead pounding Ithan on the back in congratulations and shouting with the rest of us. My boyfriend just wrapped an arm around my waist and held me close as we let ourselves get swept up in the excitement of the rest of the crowd.
As we finally headed off the field together almost half an hour later, most of us headed for an immediate celebration party, Ithan leaned in and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, and no one else.
"So what's the final verdict on your first real sunball game?"
"I loved it. I'm now fully obsessed." I paused, turning to meet his eyes and give him a mischievous grin. "And I can't wait for the next game."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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harley-sunday · 4 months
Renaissance [noun]
re·​nais·​sance ˌren-ə-ˈsän(t)s  -ˈzän(t)s 
1. capitalized : the period of European history between the 14th and 17th centuries marked by a flourishing of art and literature inspired by ancient times and by the beginnings of modern science 2. often capitalized : a movement or period of great activity (as in literature, science, and the arts) 3. literal translation from French : re-birth
Summary: Charles wins the Monaco Grand Prix.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: None.
Word count: 765 (a short one, I know)
AN: You know I had to come out of retirement after Charles winning his home Grand Prix. Hope you enjoy this little drabble. Please come yell at me in the comments ♥
Part of Rituals
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Charles Leclerc, in 2021, when asked if he has any race rituals: “At every start of the season, until F2, my grandmother used to take my race suits, remove one of the sponsor logos and sew a little cross instead of it. Now grandma is gone, I can’t sew and the ritual is over. I was thinking about keeping a lucky charm in my pocket but then I thought to myself: if you need an object [to feel better], then you are missing something on the mental aspect, so I let it go.”
[Angel of God, my guardian dear,]
The ritual is not over.
You can sew and the ritual is not over. 
Charles took pole today, you can sew, and the ritual is not over.
[To whom God's love commits me here,]
It’s late. It’s late and with the rest of the world asleep you are wide awake, hunched over in a chair, with the red of the Ferrari race suit draped across your legs, and the floor lamp casting a golden glow over your lone figure. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the window earlier, the scene eerily reminiscent of a renaissance painting you saw in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Nice last year. 
Freddy is sleeping at your feet, tired after spending yet another day barking at race cars from the safety of the balcony. The gray hairs around his nose are becoming more and more prominent, a cruel reminder of his upcoming sixth birthday next month. Except for Freddy’s soft snores, the house is quiet, and it almost feels like a sanctuary. 
[Ever this day, be at my side,]
Modern Formula One suits don’t have sponsor patches, everything is printed on, and so instead of having to decide which patch to remove, you try to find a piece of thread that matches the yellow of the Ferrari logo. There’s no exact match, everything you have is a slightly different shade, and after a few minutes you give up and take out a bobbin with black thread instead. 
It’s been years since you’ve last sewn something but your muscle memory makes feeding the thread through the eye of the needle easy. You pick up the fabric and set to work, using a simple back stitch to sew a cross in the black of the Ferrari horse. No one will even know it’s there, not unless they look closely, and people hardly ever do. It only takes a couple of minutes to finish and once you’re done you run your fingers over the stitches, while you say a quiet prayer. 
Careful not to disturb Freddy, you get up then and drape the suit back over the chair, making sure it looks untouched. You leave the light on, it’s almost morning anyway, and make your way back to the bedroom. 
Charles stirs when you lay down next to him and when you settle into him you can feel him press a kiss to your forehead, “Lucie is back to sleep?” 
For a moment you’re confused, not sure what he means, but then you remember you told him you’d go check on your daughter earlier. You nod and tilt your head back so he can let his lips ghost over yours, “She is. You should be as well, chéri. You’ve got a race to win tomorrow.” 
[To light and guard, Rule and guide.]
Charles takes it all in from the top step of the podium, lets his eyes wander over the sea of people below him, the water in Port Hercule glistening in the distance. He can feel his smile growing wider when he finds his family in the cheering crowd - his mom and his brothers looking at him with watery eyes and soft smiles, and her, with their daughter perched on her hip, biting her lip to keep from crying. He wants nothing more than to hug them, hold them close, and celebrate with them, but he knows that will come later, in the quiet hours after the public celebrations, back in the sanctity of their home.
It’s time for the national anthem and so Charles takes his cap off and places his hand over his heart. When his fingers graze over what he quickly realizes is a cross, embroidered onto the Ferrari horse, he has to swallow back tears. He didn’t see it before the race, doubt anyone has, but now that he knows it’s there he never wants to race without it ever again. 
The ritual is not over and Charles Leclerc is a Monaco Grand Prix race winner.
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13as07 · 6 months
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(Rock Lee)
[Art work is not mine! Credit to Twinvenus]
Requested by: Myself
Word Count: 3,574
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Peep me having to look up types of flowers because I ran out of names
I know Kurenai retired when her kid was born but I refuse to believe that cause screw Kishimoto's semi-sexist writing
Gets a little heated in the middle
Nonsexual shower scene
"My Petunia!" Rock's voice rings out, filling the field with his voice. Kiba lets out a long sigh that quickly melts into a groan. He's not the biggest fan of Lee, the reason why is still unknown. However, I think it's just our clan's territorial behaviors shining through. I get a little defensive when people flock to him too.
"Over here, Rocky!" I call, throwing my hand up to wave it around in hopes he'll see it.
Akamaru jumps up from his sunbathing spot, running circles around Kiba and me as he barks his snout off. My dog, Gekko, does the same, chasing after Akamaru in a playful game of tag. When he catches Akamaru, he flips around, running in the opposite direction as Kiba'a dog chases.
When Rock gets closer, Kiba lets out an exaggerated sigh, and Gekko beelines for Lee. Akamaru follows, the two dogs now attempting to pounce on the Shinobi. "Sunflower, call off the dogs!" He whines, trying to escape the ball of fuzz that keeps following him around. "Rose! Kiba!"
I let out a whistle, throwing my hands up again with my palms facing the dogs. They do as the signal suggests, racing forward to press their noses against my hands. "Who's a good boy?" I praise them, rubbing their snouts as I take turns littering them with kisses. "Are you a good boy Aka? Yes, you are! How about you? Are you a good boy too Ge-Ge? Yes, Sir."
The dogs settle down, Gekko resting his head in my lap as Akamaru goes to bother his owner. "You're home early," I mutter, leaning backward to look at Lee as I scratch my dog's ears. "I didn't think you'd be home for a few more days."
"My mission ended early so I figured we could celebrate!" Rocky cheers, falling into his usual placement. His hands cup my neck, his wraps rubbing against my throat as he massages it. Lee's head dips, his hair flapping around in its cute way as he looks down at me. "What time would work best for you, my Iris?"
"Kiba and I have to meet up with Kurenai-Sensei in about an hour. We're usually done training by five-thirty."
"Five-thirty it is!" Lee cheers, brushing kisses across the red markings of my cheeks.
Kiba rolls off his back, fake gagging as he does so. "I'll need to shower afterward, Rocky. How about six-thirty? It'll give me an hour to shower and look nice," I giggle out, Gekko jumping up to cover me in kisses too. It's funny how much competition Rock and my dog think they have over my attention.
"Six-thirty, and not a minute later!" He cheers again, littering my nose in kisses. "We'll go get some good curry and then go for a walk. Oh! Maybe you can even spend the night!"
"I'll think about it," I say the words coming out as a laugh. I let my eyes flutter closed, soaking in the feeling of his lips against my face and his nimble fingers caressing my neck. "But, it'll probably be yes."
"Yes," he mumbles under his breath, joy coating the single word. "All right, I'll let you be, Daisy."
Three, four, five kisses are pecked on my lips before Lee drops his hold on me. A huge smile is on his face as he pulls away. He pats Gekko's head before he starts walking away, waving at me the whole way.
"Gross, disgusting, I'm going to throw up my lunch," Kiba grumbles, sitting upright. "You two are gross."
"You're just jealous," I tease, knocking my fist into his shoulder.
He teases back, dramatically falling back to the ground as he holds his arm. "Oh no, you broke it. You broke my shoulder. Tell Kurenai-Sensei I can't train today."
"You're such a baby," I giggle out, standing up and dusting myself off. The dogs trail after me, a groaning Kiba making up the butt end of the pack per usual.
My focus is on Lee's mirror I'm kneeling in front of, sights set on applying my makeup. Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see Rock sitting criss-crossed in my bed, his eyes jumping between me and my sketchbook I'm letting him flip through.
"Rocky?" I call back, rubbing my brush over my cheeks again. My blush is too pink and I can't get it to blend out for the life of me.
"I saw the prettiest field on my last mission." I hum in acknowledgment, finally making progress on my blending. "I think when we get home you should sketch it for me since I didn't get to take a picture of it."
"I can do that for you," I mutter, letting my eyes flicker up. Lee has left the bed and is now standing behind me, my book hanging from the fingertips of his right hand. His left hand jumps up, cupping my throat again today.
I managed to talk him out of his outfit. The usual green is still present, this time as a sweatshirt with his Shinobi tag hanging out the pocket of the workout shorts he chose to wear. Rock is a pretty boy, and he definitely works his body suit but he looks so much better in his day-to-day clothes. Despite the change-up, his hands are still wrapped up in his signature bandages.
Said bandages rub against my neck again, toying with my skin as Lee's big eyes focus on me in the mirror. His eyes remind me of a stuffed animal, so round and soft. I could melt away in them.
My eyes trail over him as his eyes trail over me. I like it when Rock wears shorts, it shows off some of the 'sleep build' he has.
As if he can read my thoughts, Lee shifts forward, tapping his knees against my back. "Are you ready to go, Lavender?"
I hum a yes, letting my eyes trail over him again. "You're hot, you know that Rocky?"
"Oh, well, thank you, Blue Bell," He races out, one hand tightening around my sketchbook as the other one jumps off of me to scratch the back of his head. His cheeks are a bright red as he glances away from me, his flusteredness evident in the darker red his face gets. "You're very pretty too. Just cause you are, not because of your makeup. Though your makeup is pretty too and I appreciate your efforts to look nice for me. I just want you to know that I don't think you're not pretty without it or that I don't think your makeup is nice. I just - "
"I know, Lee," I cut him off, climbing to my feet as the man goes on a ramble. "I'm glad you think I'm pretty." I turn around so we're face-to-face, letting my hands snake into the pocket of his hoody. Rocky's hands fall to my hips, my sketchbook between his hand and my side on one side. "Can I have a kiss?" I ask, leaning forward so I'm pressed against him.
"Of course, Tulip!" He answers, his face lighting up at my question. His free hand jumps up, cupping the back of my neck as his head dips. Lee's lips brush against mine, soft and slow like always. It melts me how much time and care he takes when kissing me. It's always kisses that make my knees weak.
Rocky's hold on me tightens, head tilting to the side a bit as he keeps his lips gentle. My mouth parts slightly, testing to see what it is he wants. His tongue pokes out, rubbing against my bottom lip before disappearing. It pokes out again, running over my own this time. He tastes like a honey-crisp apple, which isn't a surprise. Lee insists having an apple for breakfast helps his immune system.
His head tilts again, giving him more space to trail his tongue around my mouth. The moment doesn't last long though, Lee pulls back, hand still present as he tugs himself away from me. A huge smile is set on his face, cheeks dusted pink again and mouth stained from my lipstick. "Thank you, Pansy."
"For what?" I ask, leaning forward in search of another kiss.
Lee backs away, cheeriness still lingering off of him as he smiles down at me. "For our kiss. I like kisses like that." The second half is almost whispered, his cheek darkening as he looks away from me. "Anyway," Rock cheers, hand moving to toy with my hair. "Are you ready to go?"
"Ya, we should probably clean my lipstick off of you first," I mumble, sliding my hands out of his pocket. I let them dance up his chest before dangling over his shoulders, crossing them to try and keep him in place. "I want another kiss first though."
Rocky shifts in my hold, cheeks flaring again as his eyes jump around. "We should eat before we... do anything else."
I hum in agreement, tightening my arms around him as I lean against him again. "We won't do anything until after dinner," I murmur, crashing my lips against his.
Lee gives in, tongue poking my lips instantly. My head tilts, mouth parting to give him what he wants. His apple taste slides into my mouth again, the sound of my sketchbook tumbling to the ground as his grip tightens. "Daffodil," Rocky mutters, tugging me backward as he sucks in a breath.
"Rock," I mutter back, my hands dancing across his shoulders.
He bumps into the bed, falling into a sitting position as I shift myself between his knees. Lee's hands fall to the back of my knees, gripping them to tug me up, settling them next to his hips. "We should... we need to get going," He stumbles out, lips pressed against mine again.
"We should get going," I echo, letting our kisses continue for another beat before I pull away. "But first, let's clean you up and fix my lipstick."
Rocky's hands dance under my shirt, toying with the area just above my belly button as I struggle to focus enough to slide his keys into the lock of his door. His nose is buried into my hair, mouth focused on sucking softly on my skin. "Snowdrop?" He mutters into my skin, a single hand leaving my stomach to crawl across my arm.
His fingers wrap around mine, helping me shove the key into the lock and turn it. We stumble into the house, courtesy of our previous pressed-up position in the door. Lee's hands jump to my waist, helping me stay on my feet. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," I say, clinging to his wrists with my shirt disrupting our connection. "Are you good?"
"I'm good," he answers, using his hold on me to pick me up. I'm carried into his room kisses brushed to my clothed shoulders as he walks around. Once we're in his room, I'm settled on his bed before his attention switches away from me.
"Rocky," I whine, clinging to his arms that are trying to tug away from me.
"My Morning Glory," he coos, bending down to peck my lips. A few more kisses are peppered to my lips before Lee - successfully - pulls away from me. "Let me get my evening workout in and shower. Then I'm all yours."
"Promise," Rock giggles, coating my cheeks in kisses before he leaves me alone in the bed. The noise of him getting his stuff out fills the room as I scan for my sketchbook. It's still discarded on the ground from earlier, standing out against the tan carpet of Lee's room.
Reluctantly I climb out of bed, collecting my art book and digging through my overnight bag for my drawing pencils. "Hey, Rock?"
"Hey, Poppy?" He calls back, tugging off his hoodie. Rocky put on a t-shirt, probably one Naruto bought him because of the graphic in it, gracing me with the sight of his defined form.
"What did that field you were talking about look like?" Lee jumps into his explanation, doing his best to remember all the details as he starts his sets of sit-ups.
     I half listen to his speech, my eyes trailing over his shirt. My cheeks heat up as I watch the way his muscles shift with his movements, most notably the way his arms and shoulders move. "Did you hear me, Orchid?" Lee asks, staying seated with his arms still pressed to his head.
     "Hmm? Ya, ya I heard you. I'm just... envisioning it," I mutter, snapping my sketchbook open. "Do you want it black and white or colored?"
     "Black and white is fine," Rock answers, slowly moving back down to his laying position.
     My eyes scan over the blank sheet, reversing Lee's words as I plan out my attack on the paper. My focus stays on my sketch, quickly laying out the plan so I have something to go off of.
     By the time my very rough outline is laid out, Lee is shuffling around again. My eyes flicker up on occasion, watching him situate his pull-up bar in the door frame. What little focus I have is gone when he jumps up, clinging to the bar stuck to the door.
     My mind wanders just as much as my eyes do, taking in the sight of his ridden-up shirt. They jump around from his stomach to his arms, back down to his exposed v-line. "Rocky?"
     "Hydrangea?" He huffs out, his eyes flickering to me before he focuses on his breathing again.
     "We should go take a shower... right now."
     "It's... just... a light... workout," Lee counters, pulling himself up and letting out a huff of air between each word. "I'll be done soon," he tells me, letting himself hang for a beat before he rolls into another set. "Wait we?" He asks, letting himself hang again after a few pull-ups.
     "Yes, we," I mumble, falsely focusing on my outline. "I want to take a shower with you if you want."
     "Ya, yep. Ya, that... I would like that," Rock stumbles out, the pinkness of his cheeks not just from his workout anymore. "If you would like that."
     "If I didn't like it I wouldn't have asked," I tell him, my focus actually on my sketch now as a smile crosses my face. What a goofball of a man. A sweet, kind, easily flustered, man.
     Lee is kneeling in front of me, his eyes tracing the lines I've laid on the image I'm working on for him. Despite the constant distraction, I've made pretty good progress on the art piece.
     "Rocky?" I ask back, glancing at him before settling on my picture again.
     He stays quiet, still balled up as he kneels in front of me, eyes on the same thing mine are on. "I'm done working out."
     "... I'm going to go shower now."
     I can hear Lee's unasked question just as much as I can feel his eyes on my face. Nervousness waves off of him as he burns holes into me. His balled up-ness increasing as if shrinking himself will help his nerves. 
     "I'm starting to think you're just making flowers up," I tease, setting my notebook down and focusing on Rocky.
     "No I'm not," he tells me, a soft smile on his face as he shakes his head, Lee's bangs skirting across his face as he moves. "I would... I'm done working out... and while I was working you said..." Lee's bushy eyebrows press together as he struggles over his words, face scrunching up as he looks at me.
     "I said what, Rock?" I ask, leaning forward to further tempt the words out of him. The tip of my nose is pressed against his, eyes locked on his obnoxiously round ones as I wait for the answer.
     "Ya... um...." Lee puffs his cheeks before letting out a long, slow breath, his cheeks quickly getting dusted again as he tries to work the words out. "You said... that we should... that, that we... shower?"
     "Shower," I repeat, nodding my head in agreement before I finish leaning forward. I brush my lips against a reddened Rock before climbing to my feet, set on grabbing the things I need for our shower.
     Rocky follows me around the room, the lost puppy-dog look in his eyes as he trails after me. He stays close but still makes sure there's space between us as if I'll change my mind if he gets too close. When I head towards the bathroom, I can sense Lee almost buzzing behind me.
     I stop in my tracks, hand still on the knob of the door. He bumps into me from my sudden stop, accidentally pushing me against the door as his hands fall to my hips. "Rocky?"
     "Are you sure you're okay with this? You seem nervous."
     "Ya, I'm just... I'm not used to seeing you naked in the light. We've only..." Rock's cheeks puff out, his blood rushing to them once again, bringing color to his skin. "... in the dark. I'm just nervous about you seeing me... and super excited to see you, of course! You're so pretty, I can't wait to see you like... that."
     "I'm excited too, Rock," I coo, gently pushing us off the wall. He calms down a bit, still buzzing but slightly less nervous as I open the bathroom door.
     Once we're in the bathroom I focus on myself, peeling off my clothes and using the big mirror to clean off my makeup. As I prep for the shower, I can hear Lee moving around the small space. The sound of his clothes shifting off, the shower being turned on, and him pacing as he waits for me to finish getting undressed.
     When I'm prepared, I turn towards the man waiting by the shower for me. I keep my eyes on his face, trying my best to keep Rock calm as I smile at him. A nervous smile is on his face, his eyes locked on me as well. "So... um... shower?" He asks, eyes glancing down my body before he panics. Lee turns away from me, cheeks pink and puffed out again as he focuses on testing the temperature of the water.
     I move slowly, gently laying my hand on his bare shoulder as I step over the edge of the bed, letting the water fall over my body as I climb in. I can feel his eyes jumping around me as I soak my hair in the water, the streams coating my body as I soak in the heat of it. "You are beautiful, Violet. The most beautiful person I have ever seen."
     "Thank you, Rock. You're very handsome too," I compliment back, letting my eyes scan down his body quickly before settling them on his face again. "Are you going to get in with me?"
     "Oh! Ya, it's not much of a shower together if we're not together, huh?" He asks, rubbing his neck as his eyes skirt around the space of the tub. Lee is as red as a rose petal by the time his focus settles on me again. "Okay, I'm getting in now."
     "Take your time," I tell him, leaning forward to grab his shampoo bottle.
     Rocky stands outside of the shower for another beat or two before he climbs in, his hands jumpy as they rest on my waist. "You are beautiful, I told you that right?"
     "Yes, you did," I remind him, letting the shampoo rest in my hair as my hands jump up to his bowl cut. I gently dip Lee's head down, playing with the strands as the water soaks into them.
     His arms tighten around me, shifting me an inch or two closer, but not enough for me to be pressed against him. Rocky's breaths are uneven as he focuses on my chest, not having much room to look anywhere else as I work on washing his hair. "Your... um... chest is very luscious."
     "I'm glad you think so," I answer, keeping my fingertips gentle as I work the soap out of his hair. "Rocky?"
     "I need you to move backward a bit so I can rinse my hair too."
     "Oh... Oh! Right, of course!" He almost shouts, his hands shaky as he slides them up my sides a bit. Rock changes his mind, moving them back to my waist as he slowly moves backward, gently pulling me forward so I can rinse my hair. "Crocus?"
     "Yes?" I hum, flipping my head back out once I'm sure all the soap is out of my hair.
     "I want to touch you."
     "Then touch me. I'm alright with it, Rocky. You can touch me wherever you want."
     "Really," I repeat, resting my hands on his shoulders. I dip forward, brushing a soft kiss to his lips before I turn back to finish my shower.
     A small noise escapes Lee, his fingers tightening on my waist for a second. Once he settles himself down, his hands slowly start to wander, pawing at different parts of me. They play with my waist, jumping to my arms before falling to my thighs. They ghost over my chest, fingertips shaky before he settles on my legs again. "You are the prettiest flower in the world."
     "And you're the hottest workout nut in the world."
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oh-saints · 2 years
the holiday (p.1)
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george was supposed to come home and find her sister, cara, and her family. instead, he was left with a beautiful stranger until the british grand prix. with girlfriend no longer in possession and his parents going on a long overdue vacation, it was guaranteed george would have the most interesting break.
[loosely based on the film “the holiday (2006)”]
“why is something so wrong feels so right?”
george russell x architect!OC
word count: 4.2k
tw: mentions of cheating (but not the MCs); loneliness; suggestive contents; fluff? angst?
song: dreaming of you - cigarettes after sex; distance - christina perri; almost is never enough - arianna grande (feat. nathan sykes); august - taylor swift
note: JUST BECAUSE, you know? my kind of cheering myself up after arsenal lost the day before monday. there’s also tons of inaccuracy about george’s family because i believe that’s the private side of his life so i don’t wanna dive too much to that. BUT another GR63 work because watching him racing did me wonders and this is like a bonus because my first attempt to write hit 50 notes (!!), thank you so much guys xx
the place where he grew up, the place where his dream of becoming f1 world champion blossomed. it had been ages since the last time he came up north—his parents had moved down to south to be closer to him as his racing journey started to pick up, his siblings would always come down to his parents’ current abode whenever george was in town (or country, whichever may be the case). his sister, cara, now inherited their old house and lived there with her husband, chris, and her son, jack.
the last time he bothered to drive a long mile to the small city was when he attended jack’s christmas play two years ago, right before the pandemic brought everyone down with it. the season had already ended that time, giving him plenty of time to travel far, and his only nephew had been begging to have him at school—probably to show off to everyone his uncle was the rookie f1 driver everyone had been talking about. but he remembered vividly the calmness of the suburban as he ran his daily 10k one morning, a striking difference to the busy life he’d been leading since he turned 16.
today, he hoped the same tranquillity would wash all over him. the last thing he wanted to have right now was everyone tailing his every move, flashing camera at his face, running mouths to gossip about him—all the jazz that came with the business. he didn’t ask for forever; at least enough amount to have him focused for the next race weekend.
and surrounding yourself with your closest ones always helped. with his parents going on a long overdue trip (thanks, covid) to malta, his sister was the first person to pop into george’s mind after everything fell apart under his nose. as much as benji’s advice never failed, he really didn’t need his brother to laugh at his face first before going full-on serious brother mode, like a typical older brother would do to his younger brother. george would even try to endure chris’ dry jokes and jack’s chatterbox personality if it means that he’d get his piece of mind.
it was already a wonder how george didn’t manage to have a mental breakdown whilst driving to the countryside. he’d been expecting himself to cry, shout, scream—anything to get this heavy rock off his chest—as soon as he was away from the spotlight but he succeeded in reaching his old place just in time as the navsat’s ETA. maybe the title of “mr. consistency” was rightfully given, after all.
well, george doubted any other driver able to finish a grand prix within the top 5 after finding your girlfriend on the bed with another dick that wasn’t yours inside of her just the night before the race. like nothing happened, like it was any other race weekend.
weird. nobody answered him as he continued his way inside.
“chris? jack?”
it wasn’t like cara’s place at all to be this quiet and spotless. everywhere his oldest sibling went, she’d leave a trail of sunshine along her way. this house now felt… too large to be lived in, even though george knew this house had enough of space for more than 3 people.
“anybody home?”
just as george finished the sentence, the typical english cold air swept by him. he turned his head to the direction of the wind, his body went rigid at the thought someone had broken in the house and killed everyone in it like those thriller films, his fists ready to punch anyone who dared to have a go at him. but instead of a robber, his surprise came in another, entirely different form.
an alien woman was certainly not on the list of people who could shock him at that moment.
george was so shell-shocked that he didn’t know which one to digest first. the fact that there was a woman that wasn’t cara at all in cara’s pride of a backyard garden or the fact that the woman was still cantily clad in her sleepwear on a rainy english summer afternoon.
what the fuck is going on?
did he arrive on the wrong address? had cara moved from this house and he didn’t know? did something happen to cara, one that he didn’t know? with george being away so long and so often, his mother would’ve shared things with him so he didn’t feel so left out whenever all of them gathered around.
he was so torn between needing to find out the truth and needing to sit this entire thing down first.
fuck. george cursed himself for not calculating things thoroughly. knowing the press would soon get a sniff of the bombastic breaking news, george immediately texted cara his plans on seeking shelter at her house the day after he landed and turned off his phone right away for (a) safety measures as the mercedes private jet about to take off, and (b) he didn’t have the energy to entertain the badgering from his publicist as soon as he made it on the front page of daily mail.
“well, yes, richard,” the woman-in-question’s voice broke george’s reverie. she sounded so exhausted and angry at the same time. she sounded like him. “i’ve resketched the house from scratch, just as you instructed. what more do you want?”
if george wasn’t so perplexed, he’d definitely give her brownie points. there was something about established women earning off from what her brain was capable of that always nailed george in the heart. no offense to all the models he’d been involved with or all of his fellow f1 drivers’ girlfriend, though.
“with the upcoming deadline, that kind of radical change—you know what, have it your way, richard. demolish everything for all i care. i’m not going to let you ruin my holiday. have a good day.”
this time, the woman-in-question seemed like the one surprised as she turned around, only to find george’s presence looming over the glass door to the backyard. cat got her tongue for a full thirty seconds before she took a deep breath and said, “i’m sorry i didn’t see you there. i take it you must be george, cara’s brother?”
thank god she started to speak because george could feel his brain was having a shortcut circuit error. her back profile, as alluring as it was with all the gentle wind blowing her hair, didn’t do any justice to her front profile. she was breathtaking that george even missed the fact she knew who he was, the fact she might be waiting for him, and the fact that she knew cara (of which should relieve him).
“cara said you texted her you’d be coming when she already departed but couldn’t get a hold of you back, so i should be expecting you sometime today,” george was used to being complimented for having clearest eyes amongst the current f1 drivers but hers far surpassed his. if he wasn’t busy digesting the reality thrown at him, he wouldn’t mind swimming in the pool of her eye colour. “i’m raline, by the way. i’m currently on a house exchange with cara.”
everything was happening at the same time simultaneously and confusingly that george wanted to throw up. was this how aomame of IQ84 felt when she lived through two parallel universes?
“what the hell is house exchange?”
“well, for the next two weeks, she gets to live in my house back in LA, i get to live here. she said she’d try to be at the silverstone, though.”
“because we all need some break from normalcy, i suppose?” raline shrugged nonchalantly, as if it was the most obvious answer. “i mean, our respective long-time partner cheated on us—”
“wait, what?” george’s head hit all-time worst migraine. “cara got cheated on?”
“oh, shit. please don’t tell her it came from my mouth.”
george didn’t know what happened to him the next 10 seconds. all the sudden he was already sitting on the barstool, a glass of water perching on the countertop in front of him. “you’re turning pale. are you sick? can i get you anything else?���
“is there any beer in the fridge?”
“or do you fancy a glass of whiskey?”
“now you speak my language.”
“i see you’re back on the grid.”
george plopped his body on his old bed that was now too small for him. but he didn’t mind one bit, for the bed was a legendary, silent witness of his childhood dream and the suffering he endured alone behind the 4 walls in order to achieve the life he was currently living.
“i see you didn’t tell anyone of your problem and set off to LA.”
“did ral—”
“she didn’t say anything, i presumed much,” george cut his sister off because even if raline didn’t slip off of her tongue, he’d gathered as much. going on a house exchange trip was beyond cara’s character. “what were you thinking, cara?”
“i know, i wasn’t thinking,” his sister sighed deeply over the phone. “but i know i need to get away from wisbech as soon as possible. you know, to think about everything and what i should do next.”
“like myself, in a sense,” cara agreed to george’s statement right away. her youngest brother had always found a way to conclude things simply for everyone to understand since he was a child and she immediately knew he was meant for big and good things ahead. “you know you can always talk to me, right?”
“i know. i just don’t think i can right now,” cara answered and george sensed she wasn’t saying that to dodge his initial question. “you’ll be the first to know about every single thing when i’m ready.”
“promise me?”
“i promise you, giant. but don’t tell mum anything until i do, okay?” cara didn’t need george to say anything because she knew he was nodding somewhere behind the line. “now, what happened to you?”
george managed to chug the entire whiskey contained in his glass and poured some more for the next turn. “well, my girlfriend cheated on me so now she’s my ex and that’s that.”
“oh, giant. i’m sorry to hear that,” cara took a shaky breath and if it wasn’t because of her previous plead of not going there, george would’ve insisted her to talk about it. “i wish i can share my favourite whiskey with you now.”
“you could, you know?”
“i know, it’s why i open the bottle myself. do you mind?”
“just left some for me, yeah?” jack’s voice was heard screaming to his mum he was home. “and share some with raline. i think she needs companion as much as you do.”
“right, about ral—”
“she’s of no harm, george. i can assure you that,” jack’s voice was getting louder each passing second. “but i’m sure you don’t have that much of energy to face jack now so i’m going to call you back, okay?”
the phone call went dead before george managed to let out a response and he was, once again, back friends with silence.
he looked around, waiting for the familiar sense of pride this room used to bring—his karting trophies, junior championship photos, the likes. he rubbed his face for how suffocating it felt this time, like it burnt his lungs every time he inhaled the air around him, and he felt like screaming for help. but he knew nobody could, not when the only one he felt like he could talk to was thousands of miles away enjoying LA sun, and it frustrated him beyond belief that it strained his chest. his hands went up to the painful part of his body, grabbed a hold of it so tightly in hope it eased the pain, but all was futile.
before george realized, tears had run down his face.
and for the first time since he cried in this very room after his homeroom teacher laughed at his face for thinking his dream of becoming an f1 driver ridiculous 10 years ago, mr. consistency helplessly broke down into the abyss of despair.
if george was any other person doing any other job than being an f1 driver, he surely would’ve missed the gentle caress raline called knocking.
her weak attempt was enough to alert george, who’d been trained to react the fastest at everything thrown at him, awake. he knew he could jump straight up and open the door but he didn’t want to open the door looking like an absolute wrecking titanic. and the definite explanations that followed from raline.
“it’s way past dinner time,” raline continued, voice still as gentle as she was the afternoon but the information relied on was enough to make george shoot up from his bed. he turned to the clock beside his favourite lewis hamilton’s biography and it read 9:30. “your food’s getting cold.”
he held back a groan. aleix would definitely kill him for not reporting any of post-races exercise he should be doing, on top of not being contactable for almost the past 24 hours or so. not to mention his nutritionist, his team, his parents—oh god, his head hurt from the turn of events. he didn’t expect he would be knocked out cold for god knows how long. the exhaustion must’ve taken its toll physically and mentally, for the last time he over rested was the first race of his f1 career back in abu dhabi in 2019.
but fuck it, he still had another day to explain himself.
george rummaged through his closet and picked up the thick-rimmed glasses he wore once a dozen halloweens ago, when he tried to channel theodore from alvin and the chipmunk. he could only hope it did the trick this time against raline so he didn’t have to undergo the ever complex question of “are you alright?”.
“i hope you don’t mind pasta,” raline started speaking before he could reach the last flight of the stairs. “it seems like cara didn’t have a chance to do some groceries.”
“pasta sounds great,” george pulled up the high stool across the marble countertop where she was behind. “thank you so much. remind me to go to the market tomorrow.”
“i’m heating up your plate,” raline only acknowledged his previous sentence with a nod, then moved around the kitchen with cold precision, like she didn’t like to waste another second around the premise, and it scared him to be honest. “do you want some wine?”
if raline had noticed his swollen eyes and worn-out skin tone, she surely was damn good at hiding it. what she was doing now could rival angelina jolie’s the kitchen scene in mr. & mrs. smith.
“eh, sure,” raline shot him another question of white or red? before he could continue anything else. “i’ll have what you have. i don’t think my famished stomach can complain about anything that’s already served and ready to eat anyway.”
just in time, his stomach grumbled. george shot her an apologetic look at the same time she shot him a what is that? look, and the weird interaction made her laugh. george’s body warmed at the sight, not because he managed to emanate a genuine reaction out of her that was 180 completely different to his impression of her by far, but because she looked stunningly radiating. as if he’d just unlocked the laugh she kept away for so long.
as if she’d been liberated.
only then he realized he was going to share his sanctuary with someone as beautiful and confusing as raline for the next two weeks.
life really had a way to fuck you up, didn’t he?
next day, raline still didn’t confront him about the swell that didn’t seem to disperse from his eyes. instead, she greeted him “good morning, george!” with a sleepy smile and her gentle voice before she poured some coffee to his favourite cup, just as he walked in the kitchen after his daily cycling routine.
with her messy bun left some strands framing her facial features, a deadly combination if george had to say. so deadly he failed to notice how she could know it was him before he pulled himself up.
“i hope you don’t mind coffee in the morning,” raline put his cup in front of him, her fingers dainty and her movement seemed calculated. george found himself becoming more and more intrigued at the hot-and-cold contrast she was displaying. “or are you that stereotypical brit that drinks english breakfast tea in the morning?”
george genuinely was curious as to how raline looked like she was smiling without actually smiling. like her face was expressionless and rather cold but she radiated warm, friendly, welcoming persona he didn’t want to look away from. heck, george thought he couldn’t do so if he’d wanted to. was it her eyes? was it her pursed lips?
in fact, raline exuded an aura that only made george want to spill everything that had been wrenching his mind and heart to the table. unfiltered, uncensored. the f1 driver didn’t think he could hold himself altogether any longer and frankly, he didn’t want to anymore.
the revelation horrified him, however, for he had never encountered such a feeling towards a stranger he’d only met less than two days. towards a stranger he’d only met several days after he found his ex-girlfriend cheated on him. towards a stranger he’d only met when the wound was still fresh open. towards a stranger who shared the same kind of experience with him. towards a stranger who escaped her own pain back home. towards a stranger who also had too much already on a plate.
his heart clenched more at the thought he’d only impose more disturbances to her healing process. the meanest thing one can do to others, for him, is to impose more on other people than they can receive. the meanest thing george can do to raline was to impose her with his selfish desire that he couldn’t control in the first place.
“coffee’s wonderful,” george pulled himself away from his reverie, realising raline was waiting for his response. he reciprocated her small smile, however his was bittersweet and his insides churned at the guilt because he knew she didn’t deserve his half-hearted ass attempt to conceal his feelings. “is there milk in the fridge?”
“where have you been?”
“what the fuck!” george jumped in his place at raline’s voice, almost closing the fridge door on his fingers. “can you stop being creepy?!”
“you’d hear me asking you three times already if your airpods wasn’t blocking my voice.”
raline shrugged from where she sat on the floor, her body leaning towards the coffee table in the middle of the living room as she scribbled down something. she looked nonchalant doing so, but george could see a glint of mischief on her eyes as she did so. three days later, and he could figure out she entertained herself by surprising george whenever she could—god knows how she could know when and where he was coming from. george was almost convinced she was actually a psychic devouring a woman’s body as a disguise.
“well the other time we were in the market, i wasn’t wearing anything in my ears and you still snuck up on me,” george opened up the fridge again, remembering what he was planning to grab a bottle of water before raline scared his wits. “care to explain that?”
“you were busy with your fans, were you not?” suddenly raline sounded angry and george couldn’t help but turn around his body, afraid of what he said might be perceived wrong. she didn’t even spare a look at him as she crumpled away the paper she was scribbling on earlier before she threw it away with full force. the poor paper hit the wall before it crippled away lifelessly on the ground, joining a dozen of other papers who’d faced her earlier wrath. “anyway, where were you?”
the return of her normal, gentle voice sent george into a whirlwind. was this woman possessed or something? if he was, he’d nail the coffin on his raline-is-a- psychic theory. “i was out running. need to do my daily 10k, that’s all.”
“10k? impressive,” raline looked up from the blank white sheet to look at george. her eyes went wider and rounder as she realized he was only wearing tight biker suits. george managed to catch her turning slightly pink before she turned away, choosing the boring paper was a better view than his running attire. “how do you that daily without passing out?”
“well, i’m an athlete,” the blush wasn’t fading out anytime soon, george could conclude as much, so he decided it was payback time. he settled down right beside her on the floor, so close their knees were touching and she could silently feel his breath on the back of her ear, overlooking what she was doing. “i’ve been doing that since i was a kid.”
the drop on george’s baritone sent shivers all over raline’s body so she decided to distract herself by drawing some more architecture designs. “what kind of athlete are you?”
“f1 driver,” no, no, no, please don’t get any closer. but as they said, the more you wished for it, the more God wouldn’t have it your way. raline could feel his skin—or what she thought was his skin—brushing featherly against the shell of her ear. “what kind of artist are you?”
“i—um—i’m no artist,” raline had to gulp down her nerves before she choked on it. unluckily, while doing so, the scent of his body odour protruded her sense and she had to close her eyes to gather herself. a mix of sweat, English cold wind and morning sun, his cologne, and his natural body odour. since when he could affect her like this? “i’m an architect, actually.”
“an architect? impressive,” she could feel the tip of george’s nose moving along to the hairs towards the back of her neck and she had to grip the pencil on her hand so she could focus on something. “how does it feel to have a brain as sexy as you?”
shit. george really went to nuzzle back towards her collarbone, tracing the long horizontal bone, ever so painstakingly slowly. “how does it feel to ride a car as sexy as you?”
oh, how much george loved a banter. he chuckled against the soft skin, discreetly inhaling the Chanel hair mist she sprayed on while feeling the hairs standing up all over her body at the sensation his teeth gave as they grazed the skin. “i bet you it’s sexier when you ride me on instead.”
she released a shaky breath as george planted a hand on her exposed thigh at the end of his sentence, thanks to the oversized sweater she always wore to sleep. “george…”
as much as george enjoyed getting his payback, he didn’t expect he enjoyed enticing these kinds of reactions out of raline. she was always beautiful since the first time he laid his eyes on her but nothing beat the prettiest sight of raline aroused and gaping lightly for air under his hands’ demonstration. it didn’t help to his pride that getting this out of her only from his nose and hands, imagine how she’d be when he poured his all in.
fuck. raline was turning more and more like an addictive aphrodisiac on him.
fuck. this was why he tried to stay out of the house whenever he could. he ran 10k, he set milestones on his biking distance, he drove back and forth to the mercedes training centre down south, he trained in the local gym, he ate his lunch—ironically, the one raline always managed to pack the night before he went out to the mercedes building in the morning—at random parks on the way home. hell, he even tended cara’s plants and flowers on the backyard even though he had the shittiest hands out of all his family, just minimize his interaction to raline.
raline, in one way or another, was cara’s guest, hence he should treat a guest with outmost respect. and his father taught him to treat woman as they’re their worth.
but jesus christ, may the lord help him.
it’s because george knew raline was worth golden, it was very difficult for him to hold back. not when he knew now she could be puny under his hands, not when he knew now how her body reacted to him, not when he knew now that while she didn’t exactly say no, she was more than welcoming of his advances.
to top it all off, not when he knew in the first place he was worthy of her.
it’s always the forbidden fruit that’s so tempting, no?
but maybe, he hadn’t been selfish enough all his life for everything he truly wanted.
just as george was about to channel his inner adam, his phone’s ringtone splashed a tsunami to their faces. george pulled away and dashed out of the house as if his life depended on it.
well, maybe not his life, but certainly for his inner peace and sanity.
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kenzirr · 4 months
Notes in the Margin
Hawkins High School buzzed with the typical sounds of students shuffling between classes, lockers slamming, and laughter echoing through the hallways. For Y/N, the school day had been ordinary, filled with the usual mix of classes and catching up with friends. However, something about today felt different, like an unspoken anticipation hung in the air.
As the final bell rang, Y/N made her way to the library to work on her English assignment. The library was a haven of quiet amidst the chaos of the school, and she enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere it provided. She found a table in the back, tucked away from prying eyes, and began to spread out her notes and books.
Not long after she had settled in, Y/N noticed Eleven, or El as she was affectionately called by her friends, entering the library. El had become a close friend over the past year, their bond growing stronger with each shared lunch, study session, and heartfelt conversation. Despite her extraordinary abilities and unique background, El had a warmth and vulnerability that drew Y/N in.
El spotted Y/N and made her way over, her face lighting up with a shy smile. "Hi, Y/N," she greeted, her voice soft but filled with excitement.
"Hey, El," Y/N replied, smiling back. "Need help with homework?"
"Actually, yes," El said, taking a seat next to Y/N. "But also… I need to talk to you about something."
Intrigued, Y/N closed her book and gave El her full attention. "Sure, what's up?"
Before El could answer, the rest of the party – Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Will – appeared from behind a bookshelf. They were trying (and failing) to be inconspicuous, their presence marked by a series of whispered conversations and giggles.
El shot them a look, and Mike stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Uh, El, do you want us to...?" he began, but El shook her head.
"It's okay," she said, her eyes locking onto Y/N's. "I want to do this myself."
Mike nodded, giving her a thumbs-up before the group retreated to a nearby table, still within earshot but giving El and Y/N some space.
El took a deep breath, clearly gathering her courage. "Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now."
Y/N's heart began to race. "What is it, El?"
El reached into her backpack and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. She handed it to Y/N with slightly trembling hands. "Please read this," she said, her eyes hopeful and nervous.
Y/N unfolded the paper, revealing a carefully written note:
*Dear Y/N,*
*I've realized that my feelings for you are more than just friendship. You make my heart race and my days brighter. I think about you all the time, and I want to be more than just friends. I hope you feel the same way.*
*With all my heart,*
Y/N's eyes scanned the note several times, her heart pounding louder with each read. She looked up at El, whose face was a mix of hope and fear.
“El, this is... wow,” Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I had no idea you felt this way. I... I feel the same.”
El's face broke into a relieved, radiant smile. “Really? You do?”
“Yes, really,” Y/N replied, reaching out to take El’s hand in hers. “I’ve liked you for a while now, but I was too scared to say anything. I didn’t want to ruin what we had.”
The rest of the party, who had been trying their best to eavesdrop inconspicuously, erupted in a collective cheer. Mike, unable to contain his excitement, pumped his fist in the air. “Yes! I knew it would work!”
Dustin grinned widely. “Operation Ask-Out was a success!”
Max elbowed Lucas playfully. “Told you she’d say yes.”
El turned slightly, blushing at the attention but smiling nonetheless. “Thank you, guys. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Y/N laughed, squeezing El’s hand. “You had a whole team helping you?”
El nodded. “They’ve been giving me advice and support. I was really nervous.”
“Well, you did great,” Y/N said, smiling warmly. “I’m so glad you told me.”
Mike and the others walked over, clearly thrilled by the turn of events. “So, what’s next?” Will asked, a teasing smile on his face.
El looked at Y/N, her eyes filled with happiness. “Would you like to go out with me? Maybe this weekend?”
“I’d love to,” Y/N replied without hesitation. “How about the movies? We could see that new sci-fi film everyone’s talking about.”
El’s smile widened. “That sounds perfect.”
Dustin clapped his hands together. “Alright! Let’s celebrate this momentous occasion with some snacks from the vending machine. My treat!”
As the group headed out of the library, Y/N and El lingered for a moment, looking at each other with a newfound sense of closeness. The note, now safely tucked away in Y/N’s pocket, felt like a promise of all the wonderful moments to come.
They walked out, hand in hand, into the bustling hallway of Hawkins High, where everything seemed a little brighter and more vibrant than before. The weekend couldn’t come soon enough, and the anticipation of their first official date filled them both with a joyful excitement.
Under the watchful eyes of their friends and the ordinary bustle of school life, Y/N and El’s new chapter began, one filled with laughter, understanding, and the beautiful thrill of young love.
Saturday arrived with clear skies and a gentle breeze, the perfect setting for a long-awaited date. Y/N could hardly contain her excitement as she stood in front of the Hawkins Cinema, glancing at her watch every few seconds. She had chosen a casual yet stylish outfit – a favorite band t-shirt paired with jeans and her trusty sneakers. The plan was to meet El there at noon for the matinee showing of the new sci-fi film that had everyone buzzing.
The cinema marquee advertised the movie in bold letters: *"Cosmic Odyssey: Journey to the Stars."* Y/N had heard great things about it, but more than the movie, she was looking forward to spending the day with El.
Just as the clock struck twelve, El appeared around the corner, looking radiant in a simple flannel and baggy jeans with a black pair of converse on. Her face lit up when she saw Y/N, and she hurried over, her excitement palpable.
“Hi, Y/N!” El greeted, slightly out of breath but smiling brightly.
“Hey, El! You look amazing,” Y/N said, unable to hide her admiration.
“Thank you,” El replied, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. “You look great too.”
They purchased their tickets and made their way inside, the smell of freshly popped popcorn enveloping them. Y/N insisted on buying snacks, so they loaded up on popcorn, candy, and soda before heading into the theater. They found seats near the middle, perfect for a full cinematic experience.
As the lights dimmed and the trailers began, Y/N glanced at El, who was staring at the screen with wide-eyed anticipation. The movie started with an explosive scene, drawing them both in immediately. Throughout the film, their hands would occasionally brush against each other in the popcorn bucket, sending little electric shocks through Y/N each time.
About halfway through the movie, Y/N felt El’s hand gently cover hers, their fingers intertwining. She turned to look at El, who gave her a shy smile. Y/N’s heart soared, and she squeezed El’s hand in return. They stayed like that for the rest of the film, the simple act of holding hands making the experience even more special.
When the credits finally rolled, Y/N and El reluctantly let go of each other’s hands to gather their things. “That was amazing,” El said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Thank you for bringing me.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” Y/N replied, her heart still racing from their touch. “Ready for the next part of our adventure?”
El nodded eagerly, and they made their way to the local arcade, Starcourt Games, which was just a short walk from the cinema. The arcade was a vibrant explosion of lights and sounds, with rows of classic games and pinball machines.
“Wow,” El said, her eyes wide with wonder. “I’ve never been to an arcade before.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat,” Y/N said, grinning. “Come on, let’s start with my favorite game.”
She led El to the *Pac-Man* machine, explaining the basics of the game before they took turns trying to beat each other’s scores. El quickly got the hang of it, laughing each time she managed to outmaneuver the ghosts and collect more points.
They moved from game to game, trying everything from *Space Invaders* to *Donkey Kong*. At the *Skee-Ball* lanes, Y/N managed to win enough tickets to get them both matching friendship bracelets from the prize counter. El’s eyes lit up as Y/N slipped the bracelet onto her wrist.
“I love it,” El said, admiring the simple charm.
“Now we have something to remember today by,” Y/N said, feeling a warm glow of happiness.
As the afternoon wore on, they found themselves at the *Dance Dance Revolution* machine, where they attempted to follow the fast-paced steps on the screen. They laughed and stumbled through the songs, their cheeks flushed from both the exertion and the joy of being together.
Finally, they decided to take a break and grabbed a couple of sodas from the concession stand, finding a quieter corner of the arcade to sit and chat. They talked about everything and nothing – their favorite moments from the movie, the high scores they achieved, and their hopes for the future.
“Today has been the best day,” El said, her eyes soft and sincere as she looked at Y/N.
“Yeah, it has,” Y/N agreed, reaching out to take El’s hand once more. “I’m really glad we did this.”
As the evening approached, they decided to end their date with a walk around the nearby park. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, casting a warm glow over everything. They strolled along the path, their hands swinging gently between them.
They found a secluded bench overlooking the small lake, the water reflecting the colorful sky. Y/N turned to El, her heart pounding. “El, I know we just started this, but I feel like I’ve known you forever. You’re... you’re really special to me.”
El’s eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “You’re special to me too, Y/N. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
Y/N leaned in, her heart pounding as she looked up at El, who was slightly taller than her. She had to rise on her tiptoes to close the distance between them, her breath hitching. “Can I kiss you?” she asked softly, her voice trembling with anticipation.
El nodded, her own breath catching. “Yes, please.”
Their lips met in a gentle, tender kiss, the world around them fading away. Y/N felt the warmth of El’s hands on her back, pulling her closer as she balanced on her toes. The kiss was filled with all the emotions they had been holding back, a promise of more beautiful moments to come.
When they finally pulled away, Y/N’s cheeks were flushed, her heart racing. She looked up into El’s eyes, which were filled with happiness and something deeper. “Thank you for today,” El whispered. “It was perfect.”
“Anytime, El,” Y/N replied, her heart full. “I can’t wait for our next adventure.”
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loveyougoodbi · 6 months
Suzuka unserious race overview by me
Well hello it's me again. I kinda didn't want to do this today but I promised myself to do it every race so I don't forget about the races and how they made me feel so let's get going under the cut.
1. Red Bull
So so nice to see Max back at the top again. I don't see the haters cheering this time. You can have ONE (1) race to cheer and Max will be back at it stronger than ever after. Who's laughing now? I was really pissed off last time ok?
Perez is also back in his usual form which was kinda nice to see. My beef with him is now over and he can stay.
2. Ferrari
Every race I come here wondering if I'm gonna have another bad thing to say about Ferrari and every race I'm dissapointed. Remember how I said team orders were a good call last race? Well this race it was the wrong decision to make. The way they told Charles was condescending and he was not in fact fighting Norris. They should have held position and everything would have been the same. But noo for some reason Ferrari has to make everything about the driver who is leaving in a year. Garbage team with garbage priorities.
Carlos again drove a very mid race. I cant believe someone voted for him for dotd like what does he even do at this point.
Charles on the other hand? Incredible amazing extraordinary showstopping a fucking masterclass drive by him. He deserved the podium. He deserves everything in the world if you ask me. But I am so proud of my boy and I can't wait until he figures out quali and crashed everyone. Soon. Soon Soon.
3. McLaren
I was shitting on Lando right after the race a lot because he didn't manage to defend against Carlos but thinking about it now... Lando did nothing wrong (aside from lock up 🙄). McLarens strategies sucked so bad It was actually embarrassing. For both drivers. On top of a bad strategy Oscar had a bad race on his part as well. That Tyre degradation compared to his teammate is worrying. He can work on it but it's something he really really needs to figure out and soon. On pace Lando was good and he could've beaten Carlos if McLaren were just a little more capable as a team.
4. Mercedes
What the actual fuck is wrong with Mercedes? How are they so slow? Lewis is barely racing he's just vibing at this point. Poor George is trying but nothing is working evidently. Just.. embarrassing. And then you have Toto yapping about Max left and right? Bffr sir you will be struggling to find a driver at this point yet alone Max. Maybe one of the Alpines will want to switch it up for a faster slow car. Try there.
5. Aston Martin
Stroll and Lance are racing in different categories. Idk what Stroll is doing but it's not it. One race he's decent the next he fumbles it hard. It goes back and forth. Fernando may be a pain in the ass but he's consistent and a good driver. Nothing to add. Stroll do better.
6. RB
YUKI POINT!!!!!!!!!! AT HIS HOME RACE!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!! I'm so so happy for him, he's been doing an exceptional job. 👏
Danny..... I read the report and it sounds like he (and Alex) got unlucky. But that seat is slipping away real real fast if you ask me.
7. Haas
Another decent race for Haas. They couldn't do more than that tho, they never would have. There was not enough DNFs in the top spots. Unfortunately it has come to this. If the lower teams want some points they need to fight for the 1 spot left out by Strolls incompetence. The field is so devided this is our reality. Unfortunately. Still a positive race for them. Still rooting for them so much.
8. Sauber
They raced? Honestly I don't remember. I saw Bottas pass Sargeant but that's about it. Ohhhhh Zhou DNFed. I hope it doesn't happen next race. Other than that 🤷‍♀️
9. Alpine
Not alpine touching 2 minutes into the race. They were so slow even Sargeant passed them twice. Ocon and Gasly need to find themselves better seats next year. Where are Travis Kelces money I wonder? It's just sad.
10. Williams
No words. Just no words. Another chasis ruined. They will not have a single car for Miami with this pace. Not Albons fault this time but still kinda is. You were saying 3 days ago that you need to be more careful so why tf were you not more careful? I get it wasn't his fault but like... less risky moves maybe? You're fighting for 15th ffs.
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cloudiness · 2 years
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🌈✨Boyfriends right after Carlos’ first win in F1 ✨🌈
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babymarvelbunny · 2 years
It's Just a Feeling
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: You've been having this terrible feeling for some time now. In search of something to calm your nerves, you end up in the woods with Eddie.
Warnings: Drugs, Anxiety, Death
Word Count: 2.6K words
A/N: This is literally the second fic I've written on this account, and I do promise that most of my content will be Marvel, but since I've finished season 4 of Stranger Things I couldn't help myself. I had to write an Eddie fic. So here it is, enjoy. Part 2 is already in the works. (Also sorry if there's any mistakes)
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Walking into the woods behind the school your mind was racing. All you need was something to take the edge off, no one would even know you were even back here. Let alone meeting up with the school freak. You and Eddie had never really spoken before, with you being a cheerleader and him being... well, him. There was never any reason for you two to interact, that was until you couldn't sleep at night. You spent most of your nights tossing and turning in bed when you should be fast asleep getting your beauty rest. Instead, you lay awake with this awful feeling in your stomach that something bad is going to happen. You can't explain it and you wish more than anything that it would go away, you have the worst undereye bags you've ever seen and you're having trouble focusing in class and at cheer practice. You can't think of anything else that could help you, so you walked up to Eddie after the big game today when he was leaving Hellfire club and asked him to meet you in the woods behind the school.
As you were walking through the woods towards the picnic table that Eddie did most of his deals at you got that feeling again, that sinking feeling in your stomach that something bad was going to happen. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths in hopes to calm yourself down. Just as you were working on slowing your heart rate you felt a hand on your arm. Startled, you jumped back and screamed, looking up you noticed it was just Eddie.
"Woah hey, I didn't mean to scare you, you alright?" Eddie asked with a serious look on his face, you could tell he really didn't mean to scare you. You took one last deep breath and shook your head to focus better.
"Uh, yeah I'm good... Do you have the stuff?" You didn't want to sound rude or anything but you really just wanted to go home and finally get some sleep. Eddie sat down at the picnic table and set a metal lunch box in front of him.
"Come sit. You know, most people try to sweet talk me into getting a deal." Eddie smiled and flipped open the lunch box. You slowly walked over and took a seat across from him.
"Yeah well... I'm not in the mood to talk about your hair or your band, I just wanna go home." You looked him in the eyes and you could tell he noticed there was something wrong with you.
"Hey, I know we don't really know each other and I know we're not friends. But if something's bothering you, you can tell me. I happen to be a really good listener." He smiled at you while resting his elbows on the table and placing his face in his hands as if waiting for you to tell him your story.
"Thanks Eddie, I don't really think you wanna hear about all my problems though, I'll just take the weed and leave you alone." You gave a soft smile back, trying to seem as nice as possible without having another panic attack, your heart just wouldn't stop racing.
"Oh I love hearing about other people's problems, reminds me that I'm not the only person with issues. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it right now, but I'm gonna right my number down and if you ever need someone to talk to, someone who won't judge you no matter what you say, don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call me." Eddie pulled a piece of paper and a pen out of the lunch box and scribbled down his number.
"Thanks Eddie that means a lot." You watched him write down his number while you tried to calm your nerves. Despite being so extremely tired your leg wouldn't stop bouncing. You placed your hand on top of your thigh and dug your nails into the skin in hopes to distract yourself.
"Okay, so here's my number, and here are the goods" Eddie smiled as he pushed his number and a bag of weed towards you.
"How much do I owe you? I only brought $20." You asked as you reached your hand into your jacket to pull out the money.
"You know what, don't even worry about it, it's your first time and you seem to be going through it. Plus, I'll give you the pretty girl discount, and with all that factored in, it brings your total to $0." Eddie laughed while he closed the lunch box. You chuckled softly and shook your head.
"You're a dork Munson, but seriously, thank you. You have no idea how much I need this" You smiled softly at Eddie and put the bag of weed into your pocket.
"Hey, Don't mention it, let me know if you ever need any more. You know where to find me." Eddie got up from the table and offered to walk you back to the school so you weren't wandering through the woods alone in the dark.
As you were walking out of the woods you came to a complete stop. Feeling your stomach drop completely, you fell into a cold sweat. It was like you were having an out-of-body experience. Your mind was somewhere else entirely, it looked like the Hawkens you knew, except different... darker... scarier.
"Hey! What's wrong? You okay?" Eddie was waving his hand in front of your face to get your attention but you couldn't see him, it was like you were stuck. You could hear a voice talking, one you couldn't recognize. It was saying something but you couldn't quite understand what was being said. As Eddie put his hands on your shoulders and shook you, the voice stopped and you came back to reality.
"What the hell happened Y/n?!" Eddie was looking at you with wide eyes and concern written all over his face. You looked up at him and shook your head.
"I... I don't know, it's been happening for about a week now. I can hear this voice in my head... but I can't make out what they're saying. I haven't been able to sleep much, I have this bad feeling and it won't go away... this feeling that something really terrible is gonna happen." You could feel the tears fill your eyes as Eddie gave you a sympathetic look. You shook your head and wiped away the tears before you could start crying.
"Sorry, you probably think I'm insane, I'm just gonna go. Thanks again." You had started to rush off in the direction of your house but Eddie grabbed your arm to stop you.
"Hey. Why don't you let me give you a ride home, after what I just witnessed you shouldn't be walking home alone in the dark." Eddie nudged his head in the direction of his van.
"Okay... I would really appreciate that thank you." You had felt better knowing that you wouldn't have to walk home alone, you were already on edge.
As you walked in the direction of Eddies van you noticed he had been saying something to you, but you hadn't been paying attention.
"Sorry what?" You asked as you stopped in front of the passenger side of the van.
"I was saying sorry about the mess, I haven't had a chance to really clean it that well" He had a light blush on his cheeks as if he were embarrassed.
"It's no problem I don't mind." Eddie opened the door for you and you hopped in. Once he had shut the door you took a moment to think about what happened, where did your mind go and why is this happening to you. You wonder if you were going crazy just like your dad had all those years ago. Once Eddie got in the van and started it you felt the warm air from the vent blow onto your face and you could feel yourself calm down a bit.
"So, you gonna tell me where I'm headed?" Eddie smiled in your direction, hands gripping the wheel ready for you to tell him where you lived.
"Oh shit, yeah, uh I live over at 2532 Maple Street." You mumbled.
"Alrighty then let's get you home, hey... isn't that the same street the Wheeler's lives on?" Eddie questioned.
"What? Oh, you mean Mike and Nancy? Yeah, they're my neighbor's." You smiled and looked out the window.
"Huh... small world, I've driven Mike home from Hellfire club too many times to count, who knew I was driving past your house on the daily." Eddie chuckled and looked over in your direction.
Throughout the entire drive home, you tried your best to keep your nerves calm. You kept thinking about your little episode earlier in the woods with Eddie, who was that voice, and what were they saying. You have never been able to make out exactly what the voice was saying and if they were even speaking to you directly, though deep down you knew they were talking to you. No matter how hard you tried you could feel something terrible was coming and that there was nothing you or anyone could do to stop it. Just as Eddie was pulling into your driveway he started speaking to you again.
"Okay, you're home safe now. Please remember what I said earlier, don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, I'm headed home right now anyway I have to meet Chrissy." Eddie said looking at the time on his watch. You scrunched your nose up in thought.
"Chrissy Cunningham?" You questioned, why would she need anything from Eddie, She was the picture of perfection.
"Yup, the head cheerleader herself. I guess she's been having some headaches or something, I don't know." Eddie shrugged not really caring. You looked over at your house and noticed the porch light flickering. You'll have to remember to tell your parents that they'll need to replace it.
"Thanks again for the ride, I guess I'll see you around." You gave Eddie a small smile and opened the door to jump out.
"Have a good night, let me know if the weed helps you sleep or if you need anything stronger," Eddie said.
You shut the van door and walked up to your driveway to your front door you knew Eddie dealt drugs stronger than weed, you just didn't want to mess with anything like that though. Not with the issues you already have, you would imagine it would make things way worse.
After walking through the front door you walked towards your room. hellbent on smoking and falling asleep. Once getting inside your room you sat on the bed, pulling out the weed from your pocket and the rolling papers you had stashed in your bedside table drawer. You rolled a joint as best as you could while your hands were shaking, it wasn't the best but it would work. You ignited the one end, brought the other to your lips, and inhaled. You felt instant relief, your nerves calmed down and you got a bit drowsy. You finished off the rest of the joint and decided to lay back in bed and close your eyes. Sleep eventually took over you.
You awoke a few hours later to what sounded like stones being thrown at your bedroom window. You crawled out of bed to glace outside your window. Though it was extremely dark you could still make out the outline of Eddie. You lifted up your window and stuck your head out.
"What are you doing Munson? What time is it?" You admit you were a little bitter that he had woken you up when you had finally been able to fall asleep.
"You need to get down here right now!" Eddie was being as quiet as he could while still being as urgent as possible. You were worried, to say the least, you could tell he was freaking out.
"Okay Munson calm down, I'll be out in a second." You pulled your head back inside and shut the window before making your way out of your room to meet Eddie. Once you opened the front door Eddie grabbed your arm and pulled you outside, he looked like he'd seen a ghost.
"Are you okay Eddie? What's wrong? Did something happen?" You tried to calm him down by rubbing his arm and seeing what's got him so worked up.
"No, I'm not okay. I went home tonight after dropping you off and Chrissy came over, well we went inside and I was looking for the special k to give her, and when I came back to her she was in some sort of trance, kind of like the one you were in earlier today. Except she started to float off the ground and then all the bones in her body broke and she fell to the floor... I don't... I know I sound crazy and you might not believe me but I just felt like coming here would be better... with what you went through being so similar to Chrissy. I just don't know what just happened I'm scared." Eddie was on the verge of tears as he was explaining his experience with Chrissy.
"Wait... So, Chrissy's dead?" You weren't exactly sure what to say. You were in shock. You couldn't believe that your classmate was dead, someone you had known since you were a kid, dead. Eddie turned his head towards you and gave you a look.
"We're you even listening to what I was saying, she's not just dead, almost all the bones in her body broke, like all of them, and she was floating in the air, almost 6 feet off the floor. That shits not possible." Eddie looked you in the eyes and you could tell he was telling you the truth. I mean who would make something like this up.
"Okay, Eddie I believe you, is her body still at your trailer?" You were trying to be the reasonable one now, trying not to think about what Eddie had said about how right before Chrissy died she had had an episode just like the ones you had been having, was something like that going to happen to you?
"I mean yeah I didn't pick up her mutilated body and move it somewhere, I was scared man, I ran out of there so fast. Who knew if I was next." Eddie couldn't sit still as he was pacing back and forth in front of you.
"Okay well is there somewhere you can hide for now? I mean someone is gonna wonder where she is... what about Jason? I mean I heard them talking earlier today about having plans tonight, don't you think he's gonna wonder where she is?" You were starting to freak out.
"It doesn't matter anyway, my uncles gonna come home from work in the morning and see her, I mean everyone's gonna think this was me, I mean have no proof that it wasn't. God, I'm so fucked right now. Everyone already thinks I'm a freak, now I'll be a psycho too." You could tell Eddie was on the verge of a panic attack.
"Okay, do you know somewhere safe you can hide? I mean I'd offer you to stay here but it's not exactly the safest place, I mean my mom comes into my room all the time, she'd definitely see you." You were thinking of places you could hide Eddie, at least until you could figure out what was going on.
"I mean I could try Wheelers..."
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smolcobie · 3 years
Hyunjae | Butterfly Effect
↪ Summary: After a dangerous fire, Hyunjae is unable to hide his feelings for you.
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Word Count: 3,5k
Warnings: Suggestive | Fire | Friends To Lovers | Heavy Making Out
Genre: Hyunjae x Reader | HYUNJAE FIREFIGHTER AU | Female Reader
Dedicated to my fav deobi friend @santacruz-sand​ <3
Human beings are known for their daily mistakes. We used to say that every day we make a mistake, some don't make that much difference, others can change the course of your life, better known as the butterfly effect. Each action has its reaction, gradually shaping the path you will take in life.
Some say that this is fate, that no matter how much you try to escape, it will happen. Others prefer to believe that you create your own destiny. I didn't believe in any of these theories, in fact, I always preferred to think that it is easier to do your best every day than to be disappointed by the path you took because you thought that this was your destiny after all.
The greatest example that my theory was real, was seeing how my best friend lived. Every single day he left early, before the sun came up, and came back when it was night. Being a firefighter required perfection in his form, discipline, punctuality, courage to face his fears, and a lot of willingness to risk his own life for the benefit of society.
I watched him cautiously, analyzing his ways and manners. The way he slammed the gate hard to make sure it was locked, or how he sighed and gave a silly smile when he managed to do something he liked, but what I liked most was the way he struggled every day to cheer people's lives.
- ▪︎ -
"[NAME], do your best every day and no one will have the courage to speak ill of the way you live." He said with his red cheeks and heavy eyes from the soju he drank.
"What are you talking about? I live very well, you're the one who lives next to my house and keeps risking your life." I laughed, fixing up his fringe that was messy "You're already starting to get drunk, let's go home." I got up pulling on his shirt and he made a weeping face.
"[NAME], why are you so mean to me?" He said slyly and I lifted him up with all my strength hugging him around the waist "Hyunjae, come on, you need to rest." He sighed and started walking making a pout on his lips.
"Stop pouting, you know you need to rest. You work a lot and when you take a break you want to drink soju and philosophize about life with me." I commented while walking down the dark street.
"But you are my best friend, you have to listen to me." I laughed at his comment "If you paid me I could even quit my job, after all, listening to you is all I do." "That's why I love you." He chuckled and put his head on my shoulder as I opened the door to his house, after entering the password.
"I love you too, so go to sleep." I tossed him on the bed and he smiled happily hugging his soft pillow.
- ▪︎ -
It was almost always like this. Hyunjae coming to my house to vent about life, I laugh while making some cards to post on my Instagram and the company. Being a calligraphy artist was a happy part of my life, being able to decorate bookstores, houses, gifts was something that gave me the strength to live.
Hyunjae was such an essential part of my life, that I only realized when our mutual friend asked why we lived so close to each other. My first thought was to think that it would be easier to go out, have fun and talk. My second thought was that I was completely in love with him, and I didn't want to admit it.
It was complicated, an old love that I knew had no way out, but nothing was going to change because I couldn't find any nice guys. I lived with Hyunjae and I had already accepted my condition. Romance went from something I dreamed of as a teenager, to something I value as an adult, but not as much as my sanity.
It was easier to live with Hyunjae than having to go on blind dates with bizarre guys that our friend Sunwoo arranged (probably from the deep web). And I keep ignoring my feelings, being inspired by its way of life.
That day was more beautiful than usual. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear and blue, the traffic seemed calm and the weather was perfect for an outdoor meeting, perhaps a date in the park. The subway was surprisingly empty, although it was very early, and I was completely rested.
It seemed like the perfect working day. I had made many cards at the company, sent some orders by mail, and placed new orders for a major literature event that would take place at the company. Lunch was great and our boss was in a good mood telling stories from when she was in college.
The day had gone well, my colleagues finished their jobs earlier than expected so we were able to go out early and eat fried chicken in a new restaurant near the company. I returned home happy and completely shocked at how perfect my day had been.
I got home and changed my shoes. I took a relaxing bath while listening to the news of the day through my radio hanging from the bathroom sink.
I immediately turned off the shower, drying myself quickly, putting on any clothes, and going to the living room to turn on the TV and see the news.
All the channels were talking about the fire. It even seemed ironic, as I had a great day, and now a building near my company was on fire, and I had to see desperate people on the TV screen.
My heart stopped and my eyes lit up when I recognized Hyunjae running away with a long sheet and other men helping him from afar. This was apparently what he was supposed to do, try to stay calm and help people in a tragedy that could cost their lives.
I closed my fists tightly, my mouth dried and my heart sped up. Hyunjae had entered that burning building, risking his life, to save another one.
The fire subsided until it was extinguished. Reporters were still talking about how the police were already investigating everything and how fortunately no lives were lost and the victims had only minor injuries. I sighed with relief and sent a message to Hyunjae, congratulating him, but mostly asking how he was doing.
[Are you okay? I just saw it all on TV, I'm so worried!]
[I am proud of you, you were amazing.]
[I hope you're all right, send a message when you see this.]
I sighed and laid down on my bed covering my eyes trying to remember that he was fine.
"Nothing happened."
"Hyunjae is fine. No need to worry."
I was trying to convince myself that he was fine, alive, and doing his job, but my heart couldn't calm down. I decided to take a light tranquilizer and lie down again.
Maybe he would answer me in the morning, I would wait patiently and everything would be fine.
I turned on some drama on TV while I was busy watching cute animals on Youtube to pass the time. After a few hours and having a quick nap, I was surprised by the ringing of my cell phone and saw that it was Hyunjae.
I got up and answered quickly.
“Hyunjae ?! Are you okay? Where are you?" I hurried over and felt him give a tired laugh on the other end of the phone.
“I'm outside your house, please open it for me. It's a little cold here. ” He made a little joke like he always does, maybe, trying to calm my worried mood.
"Okay, I'll be right back." I hung up the phone and ran out to the door.
I opened the door feeling my heart racing, my joints tingling from suddenly getting up and automatically everything calmed down when I saw his face.
He had his bangs glued to his forehead, his face was dirty with some ash. He still had his work uniform on and was holding some bandages probably bought from the pharmacy near our homes.
"I came for you to heal me." He gave a sarcastic smile as I felt relief wash over my entire body.
"Come on, staying in this serene is bad." I pulled him inside, locking the door and putting his usual shoe in the doorway.
"Unfortunately I bought anything I saw at the pharmacy, so I hope you help me, I'm deadly tired." He started talking quietly trying to hide how he was shaken by that night.
"Hyunjae... are you okay?" I asked seeing him sitting on a chair in the kitchen taking off his uniform, leaving only the standard white blouse and pants.
"Yeah." He said dryly biting his lip and looking away. The habit he made when he lied.
"Stop lying to me." I walked towards him crossing my arms “If you were really well, you would have gone home, answered on your cell phone, and slept in peace."
He sighed and looked at me with a look that made my whole body tremble. He looked scared, anxious, but mostly nervous about something.
"What is it?" I touched his cheek and he sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into my hand.
"I almost lost my mind today." He stood up scratching the back of his neck with a choked voice as if he were about to cry.
"What do you mean?" He looked at me so sincerely that I felt my heart soften.
"We were on the traffic patrol when we heard the call." He laughed, but it was sad. "When they said the address, and I realized it was on the same street as your job, I despaired."
My eyes flew open and he sat on the edge of the couch burying his fingers in his dirty, messy hair.
“I thought you could be there and I lost it. When I got there, all I could think about was you.” I approached and realized that in fact, his eyes were watery "I know I should be concerned with other people, but I could only think ‘What if it is her building? What if she is there? What if she is in danger? What if I can't save her?’ And I went into eternal despair.”
I felt my heart racing so fast it could come out of my mouth.
"I-I didn't care if other people were hurt, as long as you were fine..." He looked at me and I felt a huge urge to hold his face "And it scares me. The way I was afraid of losing you and I couldn't think rationally, on the professional side.”
I sat next to him listening to everything he had to say.
"Hyunjae, anyone would feel the same way, you don't have to feel guilty about it." I wiped away his tears and held his cheeks in the palm of my hands "I would have done the same, thinking about you all the time."
He gave a smile sniffing before holding my hands.
"But it's different this time." He said before looking into my eyes with an invisible force that made me nervous "I thought nothing would make sense if I didn't have you by my side."
I took a deep breath trying to follow his argument.
"I don't want to lose you." He whispered as if it were a forbidden confession "You are the most important person in the whole world to me." He touched my cheek with the palm of his hand "You know that, don't you?" He swallowed hard, leaning his forehead against mine.
I took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.
"I know Hyunjae, you are also the most special person for me." I said seeing how he had relaxed a little more "Now get up, you need to take a shower and put bandages on these cuts."
I stood up first, but I felt his hand close to my fist. He was taller than me, not so much, but his body was so strong that it made me feel small around him.
"What? Come on, you're very tired. ” I took the lead before I felt him pulling me again.
"[NAME]." He said hoarsely as I studied his face curiously.
Hyunjae was too different that night.
“What is it Hyunjae? Your face is dirty, you need to take a shower. ” I touched my hips trying to understand what he wanted.
Hyunjae approached pulling my wrist towards him before giving a kiss there.
"Come with me." He said making me petrified on the spot.
"W-WHAT?!" I asked nervously as I felt my heart pound so loudly that I was afraid he might hear "I-That's not funny, Hyunjae."
He released my fist and pulled me by the hip, staring deep into my eyes.
"I'm not kidding." I felt a shiver down my back when he admitted it wasn't a joke or a friend flirt "I got tired of pretending I don't feel anything for you."
I couldn't say anything, I was too shocked to reply.
“[NAME], you are the most important person to me and I don't want to live any longer having to treat you just like a best friend.” He touched my chin and raised my gaze to his “Please, be honest with me. Am I just a best friend to you? ”
I felt his gaze enter my soul and I knew I had no way to lie anymore, this was the only chance I would have to admit what I feel.
"No." I swallowed and stared at his mouth, which formed a small smile of satisfaction.
It was amazing the effect that Hyunjae had on me. Even if I wanted to run away, I wouldn't be able to lie because it was already obvious from the way I act.
"Great." I felt my stomach churn when I felt his left hand hold me tighter as his right landed on my cheek, making his thumb touch my chin, caressing it. "I hope you don't mind this."
"Mind wha—" I could barely finish the question and I felt his lips on mine.
I pulled away unintentionally from the shock and looked into his eyes that seemed to be staring at me with an indescribable fire. I swallowed and felt my heart racing as he just smirked sideways, as if he knew what I was thinking.
He approached me slowly, touching our noses and I closed my eyes feeling his breath warm my face. I felt my face heat up and my palms sweat when his lips brushed against mine again. I held on to his white blouse with the rest of my strength and waited for Hyunjae to close the distance that bothered me so much.
I felt his hand move and his fingers pulled my chin down, opening my mouth that was closed by shock. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and felt him laugh through his nose before wetting my bottom lip with his tongue lightly, kissing me gently.
I lifted my hands to his hair where I pulled slightly, feeling my back against the bathroom door. Hyunjae took a quick breath, trying desperately to open the bathroom door, trying not to break the kiss.
I opened my eyes after Hyunjae got rid of me, feeling my heart stop at the sight of him focused on trying to open the bathroom door. His face was flushed, but his ears seemed to burn at how red they were. His dark eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was pink and inviting.
"Aish." Hyunjae said finally opening the bathroom making me smile slightly.
I held on to his blouse when I almost tripped over my own rug and Hyunjae grabbed my waist with his arm. He gave me a shy smile before leaning his body against mine, making me even more nervous.
His fingers played with the old buttons on my wool blouse. I held his neck intoxicating myself by his smell invading my senses. I felt a shiver down my spine when his fingers touched my skin gently, as if it were the most expensive porcelain that should be handled with care.
Hyunjae started the shower making me more and more nervous. He pushed me with some force making my back touch the tile on the cold wall of the bathroom. I felt his wet abdomen touching mine and tried to take his shirt off awkwardly making him laugh with amusement.
I looked into his eyes feeling my cheeks flush hard as I held his necklace in my hand. I smirked when I realized it was the gift I had given them for his last birthday. It was a sun necklace that was completed with another necklace, which was mine and was shaped like a moon.
I used to say that he was the sun that lit up my life and that reflected in me. I didn't expect him to wear it every day, because he is so critical of his clothes and his style, so I was surprised when I saw the jewel on his soft, wide collarbone.
"I-I like that necklace." He justified himself by making me smile as I felt my hair gradually get wet from the shower water.
I caressed his cheeks, removing all the dust and ashes from his face. He closed his eyes as I carefully wiped his face by raising my hands to his hair. My stomach churned when I kissed the corner of his jaw and he let out a long breath squeezing my waist.
"I like you." I confessed by kissing his neck, stroking his hair "Really."
"N-Noona." He said slyly in my ear making me smile. He only called me Noona when he was embarrassed "Don't do this to me."
"What?" I asked, acting like I didn't get his thoughts while looking at his beautiful body in front of me. I moved my hands down his chest feeling my whole body softening and looked him in the eyes hoping he understood the message I wanted to convey.
"You know." He responded by pinning me to the wall as he fiddled with the buttons on his pants, leaning his forehead against mine, chuckling through his nose.
I hugged him feeling slightly embarrassed when I felt him take off my bra and toss it on any floor in the bathroom. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt his lips kiss my neck slowly and lovingly.
"[NAME] ..." He sighed and kissed my collarbone "I-I know you like romantic guys, but the last thing I want to do now is to be patient and romantic with you."
I felt my whole body tremble and my thoughts were confused.
"I-Is this okay with you?" He asked suspiciously and I nodded, unable to speak, "Are you sure?"
I just answered him by kissing him again. He returned it immediately, deepening the kiss, holding me in his strong arms.
So, I closed my eyes and just let all those feelings accumulated from so long being satisfied without thinking about anything else.
- ▪︎ -
The truth was that love could come from anywhere, from a friendship for years, from a complete stranger, from a colleague at work or college. There are no limits to define where love should be born.
For Hyunjae and you, it was born out of years of extreme care. An affection that could not be limited by friendship, and by the undeniable attraction you felt for each other. There are people who spend years like this without the courage to declare themselves.
At that moment, a questioning is born within you. What if you hadn't declared yourself that night? What if you had run away? Hyunjae would probably walk away and leave your house feeling his heart broken. You weren't going to have the happy ending you wanted, and you could probably lose a precious friendship.
Ultimately, the butterfly effect has been proven and you should admit that your best 'mistake' was to have overcome your fear and admitted your senses. His best 'mistake' was sleeping with his best friend.
The question that remains is: Was that your destiny, or just the butterfly effect?
Ultimately, none of that mattered, because you both loved each other deeply.
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adorethedistance · 4 years
A Pretty Good Bad Idea - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: swearing, peer pressure kinda, very mild n fluffy
Words: 1865
Summary: Touring with the Julie and The Phantoms cast as a dancer has been the best time of your life, and the only thing that could make it better is the reciprocated affections of a cute, blond drummer.
A/N: So this piece is 1) inspired by this interview and 2) entirely self indulgent. It’s something I haven’t been able to get out of my mind every time I’m doing warm ups, and putting it down on ,, digital paper is my only way to get rid of it lmao. I hope y’all enjoy bc I know this scenario makes me really happy and I love sharing my joy with y’all.
I let out an involuntary whine when I roll forward into my almost-center splits. My hips are so sore from yesterday’s performance I had to force myself to start stretching in the first place. Getting a head start, I arrived at the concert venue an hour earlier than call time to get my lengthy stretching routine out of the way before the other girls show up. Slowly but surely, the rest of the dancers arrived and we began getting ready together.
“I have a speaker!” Tori announces to the room upon entering which makes me jump up from my seat.
“Yes! May I do the honors and bless y’all with my musical theatre playlist?” The rest of the group cheers, exposing themselves for the theatre kids that we are. After hearing the chime that signifies the speaker-phone pairing, a few seconds pass before “Cell Block Tango” begins to play. The entire group feigns outrage but we know all the words and soon indulge in such shameful pandering. A good pre-show playlist is what really gets me amped up for performing and after yesterday’s queue of ‘today’s hits’ pop, the musical theatre is a nice change of pace.
Since I’d gotten here so early, I decided to do my makeup before stretching and I still had time to spare. The only thing left for me to do was to get in costume but I’d wait until a little closer to showtime so that I could still eat and drink for the time being. This also meant I was free to roam and bother other people as they got ready, doing what I’d done almost an hour ago.
“So, Y/n?”
“What’s going on with you and Owen?” I feel my breathing halt for a microsecond before looking up at, one of the other dancers and also my friend, Ella. My eyebrows are cinched in confusion as I try my best to figure out what it is she’s getting at.
“I don’t know, Ella. What is going on with me and Owen?”
“Oh come on. Your Instagram story from yesterday?” Oh. That.
“We just went to lunch?” I seemingly ask more than state.
“Yeah. Just the two of you. Don’t hold out on us, we wanna know what’s going on!”
“Really, Ella, there’s nothing going on. We’re just getting to know each other better.”
“Just getting to know each other better? Or getting to know each other better?” Tori butts in, dusting her cheeks with a subtle highlight.
“The first one?”
“How many times have you hung out?”
“Just the once.”
“Are you planning another date?”
“It wasn’t a date-”
“Do you want us to help wingman you?”
“I really don’t-”
“Hey.” The rapid-fire of questions cease when the gang of us look up to see Owen himself standing in the doorway.
“Speak of the devil,” Tori snickers as the rest of the girls slowly disperse and smugly resume doing their makeup. Owen makes a face in reaction to her comment but chooses not to pry.
“Could I borrow some hairspray? This one piece of hair won’t stay.” Despite each of the girls having a full can of hairspray on hand, nobody makes a move to give him the product, indicating that I should be the one to help him out. Rolling my eyes at the look Ella is giving me through the mirror, I stand from my chair and hand Owen the can of hairspray. He then looks straight ahead and moves to use the product but I stop him before he can.
“What’s your plan?”
“Are you just gonna spray the piece?”
“That’s not gonna work since the rest of your hair already has product in it. Can I help you?” Owen nods amiably and takes a seat after I gesture for him to sit in my chair. I then realize my mistake as I need the comb on the grey countertop, and have to consequently reach past Owen in a way that wouldn’t be so compromising had I not worn such a low-cut top. Thankfully it’s over as fast as it began, and walking to the sink in the corner of the dressing room, I run the cool water over the bristles. It isn’t until I turn off the tap that I notice how eerily quiet the room had gotten. None of the girls are talking, attentively studying my every move as I cross back to Owen.
“Is this Chicago?”
“Uh, yeah, We’re listening to my musical theatre playlist though, not the whole soundtrack,” I respond in spite of the nervous laugh that falls from my lips. The slight slouch in Owen’s posture doesn’t help me to see what I’m doing clearly enough. Using my index finger and an upturned palm, I tilt his chin up to get a better look at his hair, willfully ignoring the fact that he’s staring at me right now.
Still, silence fills the room as I take the wet comb through the front section of his hair where the stubborn strand won’t stay put. Once the water binds the pieces together, I grab my can of hairspray and struggle to uncap it. The outside is slick from god knows what, but thankfully Owen doesn’t let me struggle anymore and holds up his hands to wordlessly offer his help. I hand him the can, and he pops the top off after barely struggling. Handing the can back to me, he holds onto the lid, and the entire exchange remains completely silent.
I have to work quickly in my next step, but it’s not enough to distract from the fact that everyone in the room is watching me intently. Holding the aerosol can away from the crowd of people, I put some of the product on the comb and quickly work it into Owen’s hair while it’s still wet. Once the comb has formed his hair to my liking, I stop brushing it through in fear of the now dry hairspray ruining the shape. Then, I use my left hand to shield Owen’s eyes from getting any product in them before spraying the offending area to seal in my hard work.
The sound of a cell door sliding closed signifies the end of the song, and I wait for a second, eagerly anticipating the next song to play. Upon hearing the staccato piano notes of “Bad Idea” from Waitress, a smile appears on my face.
“I love this song.” Lunging back on my right leg, I create a little distance between us to make sure I didn’t completely butcher the rest of his hair, singing as I do.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“I know, I totally agree.” Pleasantly surprised by his joining in, my smile grows bigger.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“I’ve never known anything so true-”
“It’s a terrible idea, me and you.” The effortlessness that the two of us find in harmonizing is a genuine shock and an absolute thrill all at once. Once Owen sees how excited I am by his joining in me, it’s like a switch had been flipped; the two of us immediately slip into Actor Mode and begin to sing the song as if we were performing it on a Broadway stage.
“You have a wife.” I take a small step back out of the character’s hesitation.
“You have a husband.” Owen mirrors my action.
“You’re my doctor-” I cross my arms across my chest, but release my right hand to gesture to Owen standing in front of me.
“You’ve got a baby coming-” He uses both hands to gesture back to me in my ‘pregnant’ state.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you,” the two of us turn slightly away from facing one another in false bashfulness. When the music picks up, the two of us avidly step toward one another to come together. In perfect synchronization, I grab Owen’s forearms and his hands face upwards to hold onto my elbows.
“Let’s just keep kissing ‘til we come to.”
“Heart, stop racing, let’s face it-” Owen pivots his step out to the side to face forward, extending his right arm which cues me to turn into him and take his other hand to spin out.
“Making mistakes like this will make worse what is already pretty bad.” Then he extends his right arm forward, and I turn into him once again.
“Mind, stop running. It’s time we just let this thing go.” Instead of spinning out again, I stop in front of him where he wraps both of his arms around me.
“It was a pretty good bad idea,” in our harmony I cast my gaze upward to see Owen staring right back down at me, and I feel like I’m seeing stars, “Wasn’t it though?”
The two of us continue dancing and singing with one another as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. It’s only the two of us, here and now. The other girls in the room don’t miss the way I seem to smile like never before, and I sure as hell don’t miss the way my stomach fills with butterflies. When he holds me so close and dear for each intimate moment of the song, I’m seeing stars. A bold happiness consumes me, the same happiness I felt when Owen and I laughed over lunch in that small pizzeria.
The final harmony draws the song to a close and when it finishes, the two of us fall into a breathless kind of laughter.
“I didn’t take a big enough breath for that last part.”
“Me neither.”
“Your hair stayed intact.”
“I must have a pretty good stylist.”
After recovering from our laughter the two of us wind up in a palpable stupor as we stare into one another’s eyes. A few blinks and my trance is broken, I become aware of our surroundings.
“I should get dressed soon, and you definitely need to get dressed.” Owen nods still somewhat breathless.
“Yeah. See you later for pulse?”
“Save me a spot,” I joke as he backs out of the threshold of our dressing room. Leaning against the doorframe I watch him disappear into his assigned dressing room with a small smile still lingering on my features.
“Just getting to know each other my ass!”
“What the heck was that?”
“Are you sure you don’t want us to wingman you?”
“Do you even need a wingman after something like that?”
Turning on my heel, I face the bunch of insatiable dancers and shake my head in disbelief.
“We were just acting, you guys.”
“Excuse me?”
“Maybe you were acting, but he sure as hell wasn’t. Did you see the way he was looking at you? He is totally in love with you.” Ella shakes me by my shoulders.
“He’s just a really good performer is all.”
“When is your next date?” she completely ignores me.
“Oh, and I want to be the maid of honor at your wedding-”
“It was just a song, Ella.”
“-Oh my god you guys are gonna have the cutest kids! I mean, your hair with his eyes and cheekbones? Ahh! The cutest.”
A/n: the way that being on tour isn’t the most unrealistic part of this fic, but instead Owen actually knowing the lyrics is? Work diva.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayenneferburnham​ @n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​ @celestialmolina​ @lilyjoyner​ 
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Happy Mondangst! Here's some angsty Kantoph :)
“That’s right, baby girl!” he cheered in his most ridiculous baby voice. “Da da! Da da!”
Lin giggled in her father’s arms, and Toph jokingly scoffed at the two from the couch. She lay on her back with her hands behind her head, enjoying the vibrations of the two through the ball of her foot that she kept firmly on the ground. “You two are giving me a headache.”
“C’mon, Toph! It’s Lin’s first word, how can you hate this?”
“First off, she’s babbling. It’s not even words yet. Second, the fact that she’s making ‘D’ sounds instead of ‘M’ is the other reason.” she explained simply. “If she says ‘Dada’ before ‘Mama,’ that’s betrayal right there.”
“Sorry, Angel. I just have that effect on women, I guess.”
“Gross,” she complained, but pointed a smile at him, and she felt his heart quicken ever so slightly and his voice let out a quiet chuckle at their antics.
And when his gaze turned back to Lin, Toph could feel through the earth how at peace he was at that moment. Complete adoration for their baby, and she silently laughed to herself at the thought of him having to deal with Lin as a teenager. Oh, she would have him wrapped around her finger for all of eternity, Toph just knew it.
His voice broke up her thoughts. “Hey, what if we had a little competition?”
Toph said nothing, but raised an eyebrow at him, prompting him to continue. “What if we compete to find out who Linny walks to first?” he asked.
“What are the stakes?”
“If I win, we start trying for another baby.”
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” she laughed.
“And if you win, Lin’s our only perfect little girl.”
“And if she doesn’t walk to either of us??”
“Then we let fate and destiny take over,” he answered rather smugly.
Toph smirked and sat up from her position, ready to playfully protest this silly competition. “You realize that she’s gonna walk to you, right?”
“We don’t know that.”
“Right,” she responded sarcastically. “Lin, the little Daddy’s girl who shares the same birthday as her Baba and whose first words are gonna be ‘Dada’ and ‘Baba.’”
“Mama could be a close third,” he defended.
“Yeah, sure. I’m going to shake on a bet I’m bound to lose.”
“Just a little fun,” he replied, and she could hear the grin in his voice. “Obviously we’ve got time, but, I don’t know. I think it could be fun!”
“You and I have two very different definitions of fun,” she teased.
“But it’s harmless!”
“Harmless?” she laughed. “I could end up fat and pregnant at the end of this!”
“Only if you want to,” he added.
“So this isn’t even a bet at all,” she commented. “It’s just fake stakes on the table.”
She felt him shrug. “Bit of pride on the line, I suppose. What do you say?”
Toph wanted to continue berating him and teasing him, but his heart sang whenever Lin made a noise or reached out for something, and he adored playing little games like this with her. Perhaps deep down in a place that she barely allowed to admit to herself, she could imagine them having another baby. Even if Lin was almost 6 months old, she thought that maybe, just maybe, a family of four would be nice. And when Lin giggled at her father once again, Toph’s resolve to say no to those two disappeared.
Spirits, they had her whole heart, and she couldn’t help but shake her head as she smiled and extended her hand out to him.
“It’s only a bet if we shake on it.”
His silly cheer caused Lin to giggle more, and after he shook Toph’s hand to signify the start of the bet, he playfully kissed each knuckle before Toph mildly complained as she tried to free herself from his grasp.
They sat on her living room floor, engaged in small talk while they paid attention to Lin’s every move. The elephant koi in the room became a semi-permanent resident in the Beifong house, but everyone learned to live with it, Toph especially.
Sokka carefully treaded every conversation as he supported Lin to standing on her own two feet. Every now and again, his gaze would turn up to Toph to catch her expression. Today it was unreadable, but she sat on the floor with her legs out and leaned back on her arms, a sign of openness.
That was a good sign, right?
The warrior never knew what was good and what wasn’t anymore, because everything reminded them of him. Of Kanto.
And it was unfair, because Toph deserved to go about her life without having to be constantly reminded of the man she loved and lost to a crazy person. But there was no escape; Kanto was at her place of work, at their home, and he was there whenever Lin moved or breathed or learned something new.
None of that seemed to matter to the universe, however, and Toph and Lin and everyone else that loved Kanto lived with the reminder like chronic pain: constant, relentless.
Still, Toph’s body language was more positive than usual, so Sokka took the opportunity to strike up another small conversation.
“So,” he began by clearing his throat. “What do you and Lin have planned for the rest of the day?”
His friend shrugged in response and a nonchalant wave. “Eh, same old shit, Sokka. Maybe I’ll take her to the park. It is a nice day out.”
“How come you only call me Sokka, now?”
Toph shot him a confused look. “Because it’s your name??”
The man rolled his eyes to himself then said, “Well, yeah. I just mean you almost always called me ‘Meathead’ or ‘Snoozles’ or ‘Captain Boomerang.’”
A quiet scoff fell from Toph’s breath, and she dug her knuckles into her earthen floor. “Yeah, well nicknames are for fun times, and I haven’t been in a jovial mood as of late—”
“Toph I just mean—”
“So forgive me if I don’t feel the need to call you by some dumb nickname that reminds me of all the other stupid ones I called him.”
Sokka shut his mouth, but still held onto a bouncing Lin and stared at Toph. Her expression contorted into one of regret, and she let out a tired sigh.
“I’m sorry, Sokka. That was rude.”
“No, Toph, it’s okay,” he reassured her. “I just—”  Sokka paused before he continued. What he wanted was to help his friend and hoped she would return to her old self soon.
But the idea seemed silly after a second thought. How could she go back to her old self? Going back wasn’t an option, only forward, to a different Toph Beifong who loved and lost and learned to adapt to this difficult change.
So instead of saying I just want to help you get back to your old self, he amended his statement. “I just want to help you.”
“I know,” she sighed again as she moved to lie down on the ground. “I know you’re all trying to help.”
And Toph did know that. The whole group seemed bent over backwards in helping her through this mess of her life, and she not only wanted, but needed their help. However, figuring out things that did help seemed to be a challenge, for it all required talking or thinking about him.
She really couldn’t do that at this point, not even nine months after his death.
Saying his name sent her down a spiral of thoughts of longing and regret, the feeling so strong that it tempted her to visit their bedroom again. But she hadn’t stepped into that room since she was dragged out by Sokka, because she wasn’t sure she’d have the strength to leave it a second time.
Instead of visiting their shared bedroom or speaking her dead almost-fiancé’s name or figuring out what could possibly help her through this, she lay on the ground, focusing on the earth’s humming while blocking out all other erratic and uneven vibrations. It was soothing, being completely one with the earth and ignoring everything else. Her mind wasn’t racing, her heart wasn’t hurting, and she felt a feeling that strangely resembled tranqui—
Her focus was broken, and as annoyed as she was, Toph responded to her friend and asked, “What is it?”
“Are you okay?”
“Stupid question.”
“I just mean—”
Lin’s interruption pulled Toph further from the earth, and so she waved her hand in the air and exclaimed, “Mama’s right here, Lin. Just wallowing in self-pity as a widow does, although I’m not even sure I can call myself that.”
“Toph,” Sokka began, but Toph continued her useless ramble. “Probably not, since he didn’t even ask me to marry him. Kind of a requirement to be in the mopey widow club, don’t you think? Pathetic, really, I don’t even have a dead fiancé, just a dead baby daddy.”
“You know what, guess it doesn’t matter I could just—”
Sokka’s exclamation startled her, but she didn’t move from her spot. She waited for him to continue with whatever was so important to interrupt her self-deprecating monologue, but he didn’t speak again.
Instead, she felt little, uneven, and heavy footsteps toddle toward her. Toph sat upright in an instant, completely shocked at the sensation of Lin walking.
“Go Lin!” Sokka cheered.
Toph cheered as well and held her hands out excitedly to catch her daughter. “C’mere, Lin! You got it!”
And with a few babbles and shouts for Mama, Lin made her way into Toph’s arms.
The earthbender pulled Lin in for a tight hug and smothered her cheek with kisses. “You did it, baby girl! You took your first steps!”
“She’s a natural, Toph! Gonna be running tomorrow,” Sokka teased.
Toph grinned at the thought, and moved to balance Lin’s tiny feet on her knee. She felt Lin squirm in her arms and crane her neck, as if she was looking for someone.
And with a single exclamaion of Lin’s favorite word, Toph’s heart shattered just as quickly as it soared a moment ago.
Sokka’s grin faded slowly with Toph’s as he watched her realize what Lin wanted. In a second, one of the greatest feelings and feats of Toph’s baby girl turned into a situation of pure grief. And All he wanted was for his best friend to have a single fucking moment not be ruined by the memory of losing Kanto.
But that was impossible. Every accomplishment was tainted with this memory, and there was nothing to do but accept that harsh reality.
He watched Toph suddenly become overwhelmed by the grief. She bit her quivering lip as she combed through Lin’s hair over and over, fixating on a few curly strands at the top of her head.
They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, all the while Lin kept asking for her dad. Sokka was about to intervene, but then Toph let out a quiet breath and answered Lin.
“Yeah, Lin. Dada would be so proud of you right now.” She formed a small, sorrowful smile at Lin while tears fell down her cheeks. “I’d rub it in his face, too.” Toph choked out a chuckle, then continued, “But Baba isn’t here anymore, baby girl. It’s just you and me.
“Don’t worry, kiddo. All your aunts and uncles will be around to bother us, especially this Meathead over there, okay?”
When she pointed a finger at Sokka, Lin turned to see, and smiled at him. And Sokka found himself grinning back at Lin for only a second. For when he turned his gaze to Toph, he saw her tear-stricken face and any signs of happiness left Sokka’s face.
He saw Toph hastily wipe at her eyes, then stood up with Lin in her arms. “Thanks for uh, coming by, Sokka. But Lin and I are gonna spend some time together alone.”
She walked out into the backyard before he could even protest.
Sokka didn’t move from his spot, however. He just sat there, thinking and wondering and hoping there was something he could do to help his friend. But she was a silent sufferer, carrying the burden of grief everywhere she went and barely let on what hurt the most about it all. As a bystander, it hurt Sokka to see her shoulder it all. What was he to do, though?
He let out a tired sigh. Sometimes there was nothing to do but be there, even if it made him feel useless.
“You’re  a terrible listener.”
Sokka ignored her jab and sat down next to her, Lin bouncing gleefully in her spot in front of her mother. He gave her elbow a light nudge and replied, “I know, but I know you don’t actually want to be alone.”
“I just said—”
“Listen, Toph. We don’t have to talk about it, about any of it. But you’re like me, okay? I don’t like talking about what’s bothering me, but that doesn’t mean solitude is the answer.”
Toph bit her lip as she considered the offer, but made no outright objections to his presence. So they sat there, silent and contemplative about everything and nothing in particular.
It wasn’t until minutes of silence (and little babbles and single words from Lin) that Toph finally spoke. She chose her words carefully, as if saying the wrong thing would send her down a rabbit hole of despair. But Sokka watched her and steadied her with a reassuring hand to her shoulder.
Toph gave a sad smile as she spoke and played with Lin’s wavy hair. “We, uh, we made a stupid bet.
“He liked these silly games and it made him so fucking happy, I didn’t think twice about them. And it gave us a reason to be competitive, and you know how we would get with this shit. Still, they were harmless.”
She hastily wiped her eyes then continued, “But then he wanted to have a bet on who Lin would walk to first, and he said that if Lin walked to him, we’d try for another baby. If she walked to me, no more kids.”
Toph let out a sorrowful chuckle as she slightly hung her head low and let the tears fall in her lap. Sokka’s eyes grew misty at the thought. A silly bet turned into a reminder for Toph, and it felt cruel.
But then Toph took in a deep breath and brought her head back up, pointing her gaze toward the warrior. “You know what’s even crazier? I was gonna let him win. Under the illusion I was upset, of course.”
Sokka softly chuckled at that.
Lin cried out and turned to face Toph, who gently rubbed her daughter’s chubby cheeks. Sokka still sat there, hand on Toph’s shoulder, and watched through his blurred vision his best friend continue to open up to him.
She sighed again. “I’d let him win all the silly games if it meant—”
Her sentence was left unfinished, but nothing else needed to be said. Toph pulled in Lin to an embrace, breathing deeply into her hair as the gravity began to weigh heavy on the pair.
Toph mindlessly played with Lin’s soft curls. “But I guess all bets are off, or I win them all now.
“I don’t feel like the winner, though, Sokka.”
Sokka’s grip tightened on Toph’s shoulder as his sign of support, because he truly had no words. All he could do was sit and stare and hope that there would be something on the horizon to look forward to.
And yet, in that very same moment, he couldn’t help but silently admire Toph’s strength. Her ability to carry on and raise Lin while facing practically an insurmountable amount of grief was something that couldn’t be overlooked. He’d seen his friend show great feats of strength and resilience in the past, but in the back of his mind, he thought that perhaps this was the greatest one of all.
Still, he’d be damned if he was going to let her face this mountain on her own. So they sat there silently once again as Sokka’s hand remained on her shoulder, reminding her that he was there no matter what. He would be there to help her and to hold onto her through it all.
She deserved that. She deserved that and much more, but this was their reality. It would have to do.
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Cater is so underrated! Could you do a yandere Cater fic where a fem!MC is already dating him and they’re having an intimate moment (kissing) when she decides to break up with him and he keeps trying to get her to stay (he’s desperate). He wasn’t a yandere until she decided to leave. I hope this is an okay request! Slight nsfw if you’re willing!
I don't know why but writing Cater as yandere was way harder than Kalim.
Achievement unlocked: You made your boyfriend go yandere
Italics indicate thoughts
Cater Diamond
Warning: Yandere behaviour, toxic relationship
You can do this, (Y/N)! (Y/N) was giving herself confidence-boosting phrases as she firmly made her way to Cater, her boyfriend, well, soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. He was taking selfies when she arrived at his side. He greeted her with a kiss on the lips after he was done with selfies. She couldn't find it in her heart to return the kiss. To get out of the situation and get his attention, she gingerly patted his shoulder. Lady luck must have been on her side as he withdrew the next second.
"No kissy today?" Cater asked with a cheerful attitude. He didn't even wait for her response before wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pressing their cheeks together, and making a peace sign with his hand. "Say cheese!" She force smiled at the camera instinctively as she grew accustomed to Cater's sudden selfie moments. He took a few selfies and retreated his arm to select the best one in his standards.
"Cater, we need to talk."
"Hmm hmm," Her request, once again, fell into deaf ears as he didn't even acknowledge it. "Just a moment babe, I'm posting our picture #CutestCouple #Sweethearts #CantGetEnoughOfEachOther #Ca(Y/N) #(Y/N)ter"
Oh shit!
(Y/N) launched at his phone before he could post it, being grateful that he was "You need to listen to me before you post it." Only interrupting him posting on Magicam would get his attention since it was all he cared about. “I don’t think this,” she motioned herself and Cater, “... is working out.”
“Huh? What are you saying?” He looked confused, looking at her intently while he was reaching to get his phone back.
“I asked you to meet because I want to break up. It would be better to do it in person." She felt relief wash over her after she told him what she was holding back for the last 2 weeks. "I just ca-"
"That is not cute, totally not Magigrammable." (Y/N) assumed he didn't process what she had told yet considering he was standing in front of her with a blank expression.
"You are amazing and I had such a great time with you. I thought I would be fine with you posting every moment we have on Magicam but I am not." It is better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush. He is going to understand me, I'm sure of it.
"I want people to see how cute we look, (Y/N). Why wouldn't you like it?" He was trying to bargain with her, completely ignoring what she had just said.
"You are too focused on being cute and showing it off to everyone and expecting validation for it but you don't live the moment from my point of view. It is not something I can handle. It just encumbers me." (Y/N) put her hands on his biceps gently, making eye contact so he would see her genuineness. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but the reality was better than living a lie. "I can't expect you to change or force to be different than you already are. It is best if we part ways as a friend. I'm sure there is someone out there who would love every side of you." She let her arms fall to her sides, slightly patting on her thighs as she awaited his response. He was far too silent than usual. She just hoped he accepted her reasoning as a mature person would and now was pondering a way to react.
"That's not going to work." Thank goodness, he understood! "My followers adore our pictures together. They get the most likes! We can't break up!" Damn it, I spoke too soon. (Y/N) was about to reason with him but he suddenly grabbed her arm. "You can't break up with me!" She had never seen his eyes blazing with anger, and it was a sight she ought to not see.
(Y/N) was wriggling to be free of his grip but he was squeezing her arm more and more as she continued her struggle. "You are hurting me!" She grabbed his hand on her, digging her nails on his skin so that he would let her go out of pain.
"I'm hurting you?" Cater ignored her plea as if it meant nothing to him. "You are the one who is hurting me! Are you trying to make me lose followers? Do you want people to dislike me? Is that your goal?"
She stopped her strife momentarily, too shocked to hear what he had said. "Wh-what... What does that have anything to do with how I feel about our relationship?!" He was being too self-centered at the moment, only caring about how he felt. "Listen, I want to remain as friends. We can take occasional pictures together that you can post on Magicam but I gotta go my own way, Cater." She wanted to bite his hand and kick him in the sack but she wagered it would be worse if she pushed forward so she decided to take a passive approach.
"Is that your way of pitying me? You are just like my sisters. So cruel, thinking yourself better than me, taking the best thing from me, and expecting me to be content with the scraps." He let her go abruptly, making her lose her balance and fall on her butt. "But you aren't a cruel person, are you?" He knelt on her level, lifting her head from her chin with his hand. "We aren't going to break up. That is just a silly joke you made."
Was he always delusional? (Y/N) tried to sing his tune but it didn't work. She hastily swatted his hand away. "I thought he would stay as friends but clearly you are too deranged for it!"
When she tried to get up, Cater pushed her back. "I believe you would prefer to continue dating me." He was too calm as he uttered those words while twirling the end of his hair strand with a snide smile on his face.
What the fuck is he on? He better gives me the number of his dealer! "Were you not listening to me?!" The more this drew out the more she got irritated. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He just smiled at her remark. "I suppose plenty of things but now isn't the time for me. It is the time for you." He unlocked his phone and scrolled through something. He chuckled when she assumed he found what he was looking for. "You would prefer to date me than seeing what I have to be shared on Magicam and for everyone to talk about it." He had a chesire smile as he closed his eyes and waited for her response.
The gears turned on her mind as she understood what he was talking about. She couldn't help but laugh, it was such a weak threat for her to continue dating him. "If you think I'll still be with you because you would share my nudes and you're in for a ride. The moment you share them or are involved in their distribution, my lawyer will call you." She was certain that he would cut the crap now.
Instead of him falling out of his act, he let out a burst of loud laughter. He then turned to face her once more, bopping her nose. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would I put myself at that type of risk? It would ruin my life more than yours." He chuckled, giving her the most devilish look. "I know what you did last summer."
(Y/N)'s heart started to pound in her chest. She was panicking, her breathing was getting hitched but she kept quiet this long and she wasn't going to quit the act now. "Nothing besides having fun." Her voice cracked as she spoke, her nerves getting to her.
"I bet you did. Especially with your high school friends. Did all of you agree to never speak of what happened last summer?" He was calm as if he was talking about weather instead of her secret.
"I don't know what you are talking about." She was convinced that he would drop the topic if she persisted to deny it.
"Oh?" He feigned surprise before turning his phone towards her so that she could see what was on the screen. Her breathing stopped and her eyes widened the second her eyes laid upon what was on Cater's phone. How did he learn about that? How did he get that video?
(Y/N) gulped, trying to collect any courage left. "H-h-h-how?" Her mind was racing, trying to find an escape from the situation but failing amazingly.
Cater just shrugged his shoulders, acting as if this was a regular thing for him. "I know a lot of things about everyone. Perks of knowing many people and having a broad network, I say. I have everything to know everything about my girlfriend, don't you think?" He didn't expect her to answer. Even if he did, what could she say? She just remained silent and she tried to process everything that happened in the last 10 minutes. He seated beside her on the grass. He took her right arm and put it around his shoulders. Her arms were limp, not having enough energy to fight back. He inched even closer and wrapped his left arm around her waist. They must have looked like a loving couple from outside while in actuality, one of them was a psycho who just threatened his girlfriend into dating him and the other one was a murderer who kept quiet even though it was just an accident.
Cater looked at her, stroking her face as a lover would. "Now be a good girl and wipe that terrified expression off your face. That's not Magigrammable unless it is Halloween time." He closed the video and opened the camera on his phone, holding it up for another selfie. "Smile for the camera." (Y/N) couldn't even bring herself to fake-smile. She was just looking at his phone with a blank expression. Cater must have seen it too since he pouted after looking at the pictures he took but he didn't fret about it, instead, he moved forward. "Now kiss me. Lovers kissing always gets more attention." (Y/N) turned towards him and leaned to kiss him as he took pictures. After he ended the kiss, he simply turned his attention to his phone. "This is going to get so many likes, (Y/N). See what happens when you stay with me?"
She only nodded in response, not wanting to talk. As Cater was adding tags to their picture, (Y/N) was left alone with her thoughts.
I deserve this. I shouldn't have agreed to stay silent last summer. Now not only I have to live with its guilt but also have to obey everything Cater says if I want to live free. But will I be truly free with Cater?
If someone is threatening you to share your intimate photos, don't bend to their will. You can take legal action which can result in you receiving indemnity from intangible damage caused by them and they can get jail time for the distribution of sensitive personal data (I am unsure of the actual term in English). Just know your rights and don't stay silent.
I love "I know what you did last summer". It is one of my favorite horror movies of all time. I highly suggest it.
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comehomeducklings · 3 years
Present [Part 4] (Obsession)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Tom Riddle's Moodboard
Main Character's Moodboard
1943 ~ 6th year
“What would be the purpose of a wizard or witch to prepare a Polyjuice potion?” Slughorn asks. “Yes, Mr. Riddle?”
Tom drops his hand from the air, “The potion grants the drinker to take the form of another.”
“Yes! And what would happen if said drinker tried to transform into an animal?”
I know this one so I lift my hand.
“Go ahead.”
I clear my throat, “When the human drinker tries to transform into an animal they would not take its complete form. Only sections of said animal.”
Slughorn nods his head, “Can they reverse after a bit of time like normally?”
“No,” I answered. “It takes an extremely long time to wear off, and you might even have to go to the hospital wing.”
He grins and continues to write on the chalkboard. Even though he can enchant the writer's tool to note down itself, I’m guessing he prefers the old-fashioned way.
Tom and I are even on points. When he answers correctly, I also do right after him. I can see him noting down both our points on the corner of his parchment. The black tally marks standing out. Our points are on my paper as well, just in case he decides to cheat. No chances are being taken today, or tomorrow.
“How long does the potion wear off if made correctly?”
Riddle and I both shoot our hands up. His demeanor is calm and collected while I'm sitting on my feet to have my arm raised higher than his. It’s not very fair that his arms are the length of mine to the third power.
“Mr. Nott, what do you know?”
“A single dose could last from 10 minutes to 12 hours.”
Another question wasted by not getting called on. I don’t mind that much since it doesn't keep me behind. Riddle seems to care a little bit too much. His competitive side is showing and I guess his pal is ruining the race.
Professor stole our textbooks for this pop quiz. The rapid-fire questions should “already be memorized and known,” down to the molecular detail. My knowledge only goes so far.
I trust myself, to a point. There’s definitely going to be a question I get wrong and I’m already dreading it. Every answer that falls out of my mouth is examined and thought over ten times before the action of answering arises.
“For something a little different, Mr. Riddle come to the front of the classroom and write four ingredients that are needed for the potion.”
He stands up and pushes his chair in. His eyes as cold as The Black Lake. While he makes his way toward the board I cross my fingers, hoping he forgets one. I know that’s not the kindest, but nothing with him is necessarily “kind.”
There he goes, writing all four ingredients with ease. His handwriting is beautiful. How does he honestly do that? Does he practice every single day to get it that precise?
Maybe I should practice to improve as well. Honestly embarrassing how bad my handwriting seems next to his. We compared essays once, never again. That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. He just laughed at me and kept pointing out how weird my f’s looked.
I swear my letters weren’t that bad. It’s just that he overachieves everything. Now I rewrite every “f” letter that appears on my homework. Thank you for the new insecurity, Riddle.
“Very good! Very good, your turn,” he points towards me. “Three more ingredients this time.”
While I stand in front of the board, I check out what he has already put down. Lacewig flies, leeches, okay not bad. Knotgrass and the hair of the person the drinker will transform into.
He numbered them so I continued on from that.
5) Boomslang skin
6) Fluxweed
Last one, let's see. We already put Lacewig flies, Knotgrass, hair, the skin, and Fluxweed. I hesitate for a little bit, my brain working at high speed. Anxiety levels are higher than Mount Everest.
7) Powdered Bicorn Horn
There we go, I smile to myself proudly. When I turn back around my eyes meet his. He smirks and nods while he writes down a point for both of us. I’m not sure that it counts for four points, just one.
The questions go on for quite a bit. Our tally marks are piling higher and higher. Each of our count's neck and neck for the top spot.
“What is the brewing time?”
“About a month.”
“How does the potion look before the addition of the final ingredient?”
“Thick like the mud after it pours.”
“It also is bubbling.”
“How does it look after adding the final ingredient?”
“Depends on who the witch or wizard made the potion to look like.”
“Varies in taste and color.”
He seems to be done with questions so Tom and I start counting the marks. On my paper, I seem to be .5 points ahead of him. I quickly look his way to see him come to the same conclusion. He takes a deep breath and casts his eyes to the side. Tom then tilts his quill my way signaling that I did indeed win.
I’m about to squeal quite highly but then I recollect I’m in a classroom. Full of people who are terrified to be anywhere in this castle. That would be quite inappropriate of me so I keep my excitement to myself.
Professor Slughorn wipes the whole board away. Clearing all the information we were learning and reviewing about.
“When I pair you up, each of you will grab the right ingredients for this potion and lay it near the front of your desk,” he says. “It should be laid in the order you would normally use when making the concoction.”
“First up, Miss Horn and Miss Yellowbo.”
The classroom starts to move with life as students pair with one another. Some cheerful noises and annoyed ones from who they ended up with. Most of us here know each other. I don’t think I would mind having anyone in this room as my partner.
“Mr. Riddle and-”
Of course, it’s me. Starting to think the pairings’ on purpose. His face shines too brightly for it not to be well planned out. I make my way to the shelves to start out picking the ingredients.
There’s always a moment where my mind decides to give up on me. Most of the elements are obtained. A few are missing.
I’m going over the variety of bottles containing different substances when I feel a looming pressure on my back. An arm slightly grazes past my ear and picks up Fluxweed.
“How do you manage to forget the very ingredient you wrote down on the board?” Toms whispers right by my ear.
I shift my eyesight to the side to see him already looking at me, “Sorry, I blanked out a little.”
He starts seizing half of the ingredients into his hold. I don’t really mind carrying a couple, but I’m just left with one bottle after he takes most of my possessions.
“Taking all the credit now I see,” I tilt my head as I raise my chin to meet his tall build.
“You were about to spill everything. I’m saving you from embarrassment,” he responds cockily.
I started to argue but he already made his way back to the desk, “Everything was perfectly stable in my arms.”
He continues to ignore me and sets down everything. Including the one bottled ingredient in my hand that he snatched just a few moments ago.
“Nothing is ever perfectly stable with you.”
I’m about to whisper a word no children should hear before Slughorn makes his way to our table. Saving Riddle from my rising annoyance.
“Wonderful! You too got all of them perfectly,” he starts. “I would expect no less from my star students.”
All I do is smile brightly in respect. Trying not to drive any more attention to the outburst of pride he has for us.
“Thank you, professor,” Tom says. He starts picking the ingredients off of the table, still barely letting me take any.
Riddle just walks off while our proffesor continues around the room. When he comes back I just about finish wiping the desk of any accidental spills.
“I won our little game this time,” I nudged his shoulder with my own.
Tom slightly rolls his eyes with a small smile, “I see that you have. Just this one though.”
“And many more to come,” I exclaim.
Our attention seeks back to our teacher, “You’ll all be writing an essay about an imaginary way this potion could go wrong. I expect it to be turned in before class tomorrow.”
I hurry to get my textbook off of my area and head towards the back of the classroom near the doorway.
“Everyone split into two groups. This half will go with Riddle while the other is with me.”
I turn my head once more to look at Tom, he’s reassuring one of the students that they are going to be okay.
I only look for a couple of seconds before leading my half of the group out first. A few stops along the way to make sure perfects are keeping order. Most of my group of students have been dropped off. A couple still lures behind me, I picked them up as I worked my way through the castle halls.
They were also dropped off and now I scatter along the hallway to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. Like every other period, the routine stays the same mostly.
My robes have a few wet spots on them still from the tears of younger students attending this school. I fully believe it won’t be too long until the headmaster and the ministry deal with whoever is making our lives miserable here. The murders will surely not go unjustly.
As I am turning a new hallway I happen to meet up with Riddle.
“All good?”
“Of course,” he responds. “Nothing out of the ordinary.”
He seems to look around quite a bit. Like he’s searching for something.
“Head back to your class, I will look around once more.”
That’s the last thing he says before moving around me with his hand on my shoulder. Quickly slipping past me.
“No, no no,” I whisper to myself as I crumple yet another paper in my hand. I throw it on the ground next to me and huff out a breath.
Writing this bloody essay is taking more time than I predicted. It usually comes naturally to me but I can’t seem to write correctly. Every time I make a mistake I have to start over again. My handwriting failing to write neatly for once.
My whole structure and information is already figured out. Writing is what’s taking me the longest. No matter how hard I try, the letters never seem to come out correctly from my quill.
Especially the f’s.
Infuriating really. I only have an hour left until the library closes. It already technically shut down but the librarian gave me an extra three hours as long as I lock up.
Perks of being Head Girl I suppose.
My head is in my hands as I compose myself. It’s late and I’m tired, it’s not even safe to be out at this time. At least if I happen to die I wouldn’t have to write this essay.
“How long have you been trying at this-” a low voice asks behind me.
I jump in my seat, “Oh it’s just you. Well, it’s been-”
“And failing?” Tom finishes as he takes the seat next to me. The chair turned slightly to me.
I roll my eyes and fall further back into my seat. My head turned upwards, admiring the flying books in the ceiling. Finding their place, their way home.
“Probably an hour and a half,” I sigh. “You’re completely right about how bad my calligraphy is.”
He just nods his head and takes a fresh new sheet from the middle of the table. His quill magically appears from inside his robe. All the papers that have the plans for my essay start to float around his head and workspace. Occasionally glancing up at them from time to time and then going back to writing.
His lips are pursed in concentration, “I write my F’s like this. It’s easier that way and extremely easy to practice and write quickly.”
My head peers over his shoulder as I watch him effortlessly indite.
“You try,” he opens up my fingers that were closing my hand and places a quill in them.
I furrow my eyebrows and start to practice my letters on a separate piece of paper that I originally scrapped. I don’t want to waste paper and there’s no reason to get a fresh new one.
We both work quietly in the night until the last few minutes of opening time. Before I left the room I saw him quickly go far back into the library. I never got to ask him why he arrived here so late.
Never saw the need to.
~////////////////𓆙////////////////~ Taglist:
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
four calling bird -> four broken sticks | a. matthews
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a/n: it’s me, again, hoping you aren’t yet sick of christmas fics from me. if you aren’t, here’s a link to the rest of this 12 days of christmas series!
word count: 4,161
warnings: two curse words and some angst. 
“How many broken sticks is that today, Matts?”
Auston didn’t know the answer and he didn’t care about the answer either. He just cared that his stick was broken and he couldn’t practice his slapshot with a broken stick. And he needed to take a slapshot right now, and another one, and another one. He needed to send a puck through the netting, through the glass behind it, and bury it deep in the wall behind that. Maybe his feelings for you would get buried with it if he could just hit the puck hard enough.
“I think he’s at two,” Willy supplied as Auston grabbed a fresh stick from the rack that unfortunately wasn’t pre-taped. He’d broken all of those already. 
“You missed one,” Mitch corrected. “That’s the third one he’s broken.”
Auston started a fresh roll of tape, starting with the heel of his new stick like always.
“I’m right here,” Auston reminded his teammates who were talking about him like suddenly he was invisible as he taped his stick lazily. One of his worst tape jobs in awhile, but he didn’t really care. “I’m not breaking any more. Just in case you were wondering.” 
That promise worked for another twenty minutes. Until Mitch dared to ask the question everyone had been avoiding. 
“So, did you tell your mom you broke up and that she’s not coming with you for Christmas yet? If not, you kind of need to tell her. You can’t just show up without her.”
And there came the fourth broken stick as the final whistle of practice came, with Auston thinking about the inevitable phone call with his mother and really having to say it out loud that he lost you after everyone told him ad nauseum not to lose you because you were so much better than him. You were so much better than him and Auston couldn’t pretend he was even half of the person you were. He couldn’t even think about watching you shove your things in a box as you raced out of his place, or the drawer that your things had inhabited now sitting empty, or the fact that his mom loved you and he hadn’t told her you weren’t coming to Arizona. He really couldn’t think about losing you a week before Christmas, the time of the year that was supposed to be magical and pure and good and joyful. Instead, Auston was pretty sure he hated Christmas now. 
Auston knew for a fact he hated Christmas as he pressed his mom’s contact on his phone while climbing into his car. He loved his mother and loved talking to her. He loved that he was going to get to go home for a few days and spend the holidays with her. But you were supposed to be there too and telling his mom was the last barrier that made the breakup real. A large part of Auston still thought he’d open his eyes in the morning and your hair would be in his face and your bobby pins would be all over his bathroom counter and your clothes would be haphazardly stuffed in your drawer and overflowing into two of his that technically weren’t yours but might as well have been. 
But then his mom answered the phone and he knew that wasn’t going to happen. This wasn’t a nightmare. Well, it might still have been a nightmare before Christmas, but it wasn’t all in his head like he desperately hoped it was. 
“Hi, mijo!” She greeted him with a warmth that always made him feel like he was back in Arizona, but today it also made Auston feel sick to his stomach because he was about to break her heart, never mind the fact that his was already broken too. “How are you? How was practice? We’re all so excited to see you both tomorrow!”
Auston let out a long breath, the kind that let his mom know there was something heavy and unspoken that was going to disrupt the Christmas cheer she’d been building since the Leafs schedule came out and she realized Auston was actually going to be able to make it home for Christmas this year. 
“Actually, um, about tomorrow…”
He trailed off, mostly because his bottom lip started to shake and his eyes started to get cloudy, but also because he wasn’t sure exactly how to admit that the girl his mom adored, who she fully and honestly wanted him to marry, wasn’t coming with him for Christmas this year or next year or any of the years after that. She was gone. He lost her and it was all his fault.
“Mijo, what’s wrong?” 
Auston bit his lower lip hard, hoping that would stop the shake and make his eyes gloss over from a pain that wasn’t in his chest. The words were so timid coming out of his mouth, syllables broken, shattered as they left his lips, “She broke up with me, ma. She’s not coming for Christmas.” 
Ema Matthews didn’t mean to; she wanted to be supportive of her son, but what came out was, “What did you do, mijo?” even though she should’ve just asked him what happened.
“I guess I just didn’t love her enough to overcome how shitty it is to date me,” Auston mumbled, replaying the night over in his head as he spoke. “Sorry for swearing, mama.” 
Auston remembered your sweater from a few nights ago when you showed up at his place, your snowflake one, subtle office appropriate Christmas, is what you’d called it in the moment. Auston had laughed, until he saw an empty box in your hands. He was confused when you set it down on the counter and didn’t take your shoes off. You didn’t bend down to pet Felix like you always did. Your shoes got kicked off haphazardly by his front door and then you pet Felix and then you came over and gave him a kiss. It was your routine when you came over, but this time your shoes stayed on, you barely acknowledged Felix, and there was an empty box sat on a counter in place of kissing him. 
“Auston,” you had sighed and he knew the second he heard the way you said his name that you were breaking up with him. He had been so scared of ever hearing it that he’d imagined every single way it would sound if you were going to do it. Finding you, and you somehow being willing to date him, had been the biggest blessing Auston had ever received. He had always thought that some day you would wake up and realize you could do so much better than him, so he’d imagined what it would sound like when he couldn’t sleep at night on the road without you. He thought if he familiarized himself with every possible permutation of it that when it eventually happened, he wouldn’t cry in front of you, that maybe he wouldn’t beg for you to stay even though you shouldn’t want people who don’t want you. 
It didn’t work. The way you said his name made him cry.
“Please,” Auston had said softly. “Please don’t do this now. Please. It’s Christmas. I know that stupid, but please don’t break up with me at Christmas.” 
You had hung your head and sighed again, “I’m sorry, Aus. I just, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve tried. I’ve tried for so long to just tune it out, just focus on you and us but lately everything has been just so loud that I can barely hear myself think. My friends and family are getting harassed. It’s not just me anymore. It’s too loud. It’s too much. And I don’t want to spend Christmas with your family knowing I just want to end it. That’s not fair to you or your mom or anyone.” 
“How is showing up at my place with a box to dump me for stuff I can’t control without even having a discussion fair either?” 
Auston had tried to fight back. He had tried to have a conversation, to communicate, something he had been absolutely awful at when you started dating. You had been so patient, so kind, and so steadfast with him as he figured out how to be a partner, how to meet you halfway. Here you were, after he worked so hard on himself because he thought if he worked hard enough maybe he could be worth a small part of you, acting like it wasn’t enough, that everything he couldn’t control mattered more than him. Unfortunately, sometimes, people can try as hard as they can, with all of their might, and still lose. He was so good to you, so good with you, but in the effort of fixing himself, of learning to be a better partner with as much of his energy as he had to give, he’d slipped a little in one area. Auston didn’t protect you enough from the noise and you were damaged because of his lack of ability to shield you from the press, from the fans, from every hungry person who fed on other people’s drama and suffering, from people who didn’t want you and Auston to be happy. Auston lost because he didn’t have more to give than he was already giving you. He lost you because what he had to give just wasn’t enough like a rejected Christmas present, rejected not because the gift inside wasn’t beautiful, but because it came with a toxic addition that Auston had tried not to wrap up with him, but failed. 
Driving down the street, all the Christmas decorations seemed to be mocking him. This was supposed to be his best one in a long time, getting to be back in Arizona with his family, plus getting to spend it with you. If Auston had drawn up his perfect Christmas at the start of the year, what he had planned was what he would’ve drawn up. But even the best laid plans, even the most carefully selected gifts, didn’t always pan out. 
“I’m sorry, mijo,” his mother told him softly, any earlier traces of disappointment over losing you from the family gone. She’d have to work through that herself later. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Auston felt like he was supposed to want to talk about it, about what it felt like to lose you and what he was feeling like now that he was being forced to become settled in it even though that was the last thing he wanted. Auston didn’t want to talk about the breakup though because he just tried so hard with you and he came up short anyway. Talking about shortcomings that couldn’t be fixed, because he could never fully shelter you from the noise of everyone else, wasn’t healthy. He could do everything in his power, use all of his energy, to protect you from it all, put zero effort into your actual relationship, and he still couldn’t do it. Talking about something Auston would always fail at and how it had cost him you wasn’t something he was all that interested in with the wreaths on the light posts and the Christmas carols on the radio station that you had insisted he play in his car mocking him. 
“Not really, ma,” Auston admitted softly. “Kind of just need to be alone tonight.” 
“Of course, sweetheart,” she mumbled as assuringly as she could. “Do whatever you need to do.” 
What Auston needed to do to feel better was drive over to your place and beg for another chance, a chance to do it better. He couldn’t even fully protect you, but maybe he could find more to give somewhere in him and do it better, while not being a worse boyfriend for it all. Except Auston knew you didn’t want him to try. You hadn’t asked for him to try. You had just broken up with him, just like that. Now, he was spending Christmas where the only gift he had received so far was his own heart shattered, given to him in an unwrapped box. 
“Yeah, I think I just need some time,” Auston sighed, running a hand through his hair before returning it to the steering wheel. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“If you change your mind and want to talk, you know you can call anytime,” Ema tried to assure her son softly. 
Auston just hummed softly in agreement, before telling his mother Merry Christmas and that he'd see her tomorrow. He tossed his phone careless into the cup holder, one of the side buttons hitting the side of the cup holder and greeting him with a picture of you kissing his cheek, arms wrapped around him, love obvious in your closeness. He hadn’t been able to change it yet, but your face squished against his cheek in that photo made his eyes tear up whenever he saw it. Luckily, the only lucky part of the last few days, he just pulled into his garage, so he could let the tears roll down his cheeks without worrying about not being able to see the road. Like every night since you’d left, Auston slept on the couch that night, the Christmas tree you had insisted on getting, mocking him in the corner. His sheets smelled too much like you to sleep in that bed, so he picked the mocking Christmas tree instead. 
Auston was on autopilot as he grabbed his bag, the one he’d left space in for your extra things that you wanted to pack that lived at his place. He didn’t fill the space he’d left for you because it was still your space. Like yesterday, the Christmas decorations and the Christmas music and the fake gingerbread smell coming from every shop in the airport mocked him as he waited for his flight. He just wanted to be home where he thought being around his family would feel enough like Christmas that he’d feel at least marginally better. He felt better when his mother wrapped her arms around him as he stepped off the plane, and when the warm Arizona sun hit his skin on the wall to the car. But it was all as temporary and out of place as the snowy decorations littering his parents’ home. Snow didn’t fall in Arizona and he didn’t have you anymore. 
His mom tried. His dad tried. His sisters tried. They all tried to cheer him up, shoving an ugly sweater over his head and a Santa hat on top of it. But he couldn’t engage in it. His mind was on you, on how you were supposed to be here, how he wanted to ask you to move in as part of your Christmas gift. He had a key made for you. He was so ready for you, for you and him for as long as he could see into the future, and now he just hated your favorite holiday. His bed felt too big that night, but at least the sheets in Arizona didn’t smell like you even though the space next to him was clearly meant for you. 
Auston woke up the next morning feeling hungover even though he hadn’t had a drop of alcohol. He rubbed his eyes slowly and reached out to the space you were supposed to occupy, finding nothing but cold sheets and an emptiness that felt so much more vast than half of a king size bed. His phone reminded him that it was December twenty-fourth, Christmas Eve, but it had never felt less like Christmas for Auston. Christmas was supposed to be sickeningly sweet, like all the candy his mother would stuff in his stocking later tonight. It was supposed to be happy, and maybe that was the worst part of it all, that Auston felt like he was supposed to be happy but just couldn’t be. Hhe lost you and he felt like he was letting everyone down by not being happy, by not being filled with Christmas cheer that was just making him feel so sick he couldn’t even eat his reindeer shaped pancakes his mother made, like she did every Christmas Eve morning. 
“You want to help me with the cookies?” his older sister asked him, trying to will Auston away from where he’d settled on the couch after being unable to eat his breakfast.
“I’m fine,” he replied with his eyes still trained on his phone. 
He was flipping through photos of you, something he knew would only hurt worse, but he couldn’t stop. He was trying to find out when something had changed, when you stopped looking at him with all the love in the world, the look that people had made fun of you for ever having about him of all people. Now that Auston was looking back on it, maybe they were right to do so. Maybe he was inevitably going to ruin what he had with you and everyone else had seen it from the start, noticed the inevitable unmarked intersection where you would crash into each other. When you crashed last week, it seemed only Auston walked away with any damage, shattered like an ornament that fell from the top of the tree, only to have the fragments of him carelessly tossed in the trash, no attempt made to repair him. 
Auston didn’t leave the couch except to move to the outdoor couch at his mother’s insistence and then back to the indoor one after the sun had set, time passing as it always did but affecting him less. He felt the same from moment to moment, an out of tune, incongruent symphony of thoughts of you, good, bad, and all the gray area in between, like the poor excuse for a symphony the carolers probably behind the knock on his front door would make that interrupted his private thoughts. His family was in the kitchen and he was closest to the front door. He didn’t want to answer and be faced with the prospect of ruining the Christmas spirit for a van-load of local children, but he didn’t have much of a choice when his mom called out for him to answer the door. 
Auston didn’t bother to look out to see who it was, choosing instead to get the shooting of children’s Christmas caroling dreams out of the way as quickly as possible. 
“Hey, guys, I appreciate you coming by, but we’re not really-”
Auston’s words caught on the tip of his tongue when he fully opened the door to see not the group of Christmas carolers he thought he would, but to see you standing there. You had nothing but a broken smile and a small duffle bag, the kind of small that indicated you didn’t know if you were about to be getting right back on a plane or if you were going to be allowed to come in. It was a kind of honest small, one that didn’t want to hope for the best, just expected the worst. You were wearing a Christmas sweater, one of your ugly ones. It was too warm for Arizona, sweat on your temples and the sleeves pushed up to your elbows as evidence of this, but Auston knew you wouldn’t take it off. He knew so much about you. He knew your favorite color, he knew that you always slept at an angle in the bed with the comforter bunched in your arms, he knew you loved Christmas with a passion that rivaled Santa Claus himself, he knew why you had broken up with him, but he didn’t know why you were here. 
“Hi,” was all you offered and it didn’t serve as an explanation. 
“What are you doing here?” Auston managed to put together the question from all the others crashing together in his mind, questions and statements and incoherent thoughts clashing and making it hard to come up with anything specific to say. “What? How? Why?”
You ran a hand through your hair and let out a long breath, before taking your bottom lip nervously between your teeth. You had a thousand reasons, really more than that as to why you’d bought a ridiculously expensive one-way ticket from Toronto to Arizona on Christmas Eve, why you’d squished yourself between a grandmother with a purse of overflowing powdery mints and a crying infant to show up at his door. None of your reasons were clear now though, all of them jumbling together, tangling up into an indistinguishable mess in your mind that only led to one statement that you weren’t sure if it even properly captured everything you needed to say to him. 
“I never want to spend Christmas without you, Auston.” 
There was so much unsaid, so many things Auston had been feeling since you walked out with a box of your things, leaving him with nothing of you but his memories, the photos on his phone, the gifts he’d picked out for you but never got to give you, and a dread of the holiday he had come to love with you. There was so much those nine words didn’t cover, so much hurt and agony underneath them. But fuck if they weren’t the prettiest bandage Auston had ever seen in his life. 
“I never want to spend Christmas with you either,” Auston breathed out, words spoken with relief so real and honest you felt like you could touch it.
You adjusted the duffle bag in your hand, shifting it from your left to your right as you looked at Auston. He looked horrible, dark circles under his eyes, a hollowness in his cheeks, but his eyes were so hopeful looking at you now, bright and deep, exactly like he looked the day you fell into him for the first time and decided to stay. His eyes were like Christmas morning, a beautiful promise breaking through the heaviness of a December that carried pain it wasn’t supposed to understand. You took a deep breath and hoped nine words, hope, and a little Christmas miracle were on your side. 
“Baby, can I come home for Christmas?” 
Auston didn’t hesitate. He knew his answer through and through, “Only if you stay for every Christmas forever.” 
You felt the tears sting your eyes as you stepped toward him, head nodding up and down as you accepted his terms. You thought you could handle being without him if it meant all of the negativity you felt from other people was no longer a factor. Except you couldn’t have been more wrong. People were still mean. The world still had a lot of darkness in it. All you had done by leaving him was create more darkness for yourself when his love and the light it brought left with him. Crawling back into his arms, feeling the familiar warmth of his chest, you felt his love wrap around you tightly, and your world became just a little brighter again. 
“I love you and I’m so sorry,” you mumbled into his ugly sweater covered chest. 
“Shh,” he mumbled softly into your hair. “It doesn’t matter now. You’re home for Chrismtas.”
You squeezed him impossibly tighter because if you let go, he might slip through your fingers like smoke, a figment of your imagination evaporating in front of you. You clung to him and he held you just as firmly, fearing the same thing, fearing his Christmas miracle would cease to be real if he wasn’t holding you. Hell, you weren’t a Christmas miracle. You were the best thing he had ever gotten in his entire life, the best gift the universe ever gave him. This year for Christmas, Auston Matthews lost you and got you back. While he could’ve done without the losing you part, he had you back. You were right here, in his arms, where you belonged and Auston Matthews wouldn’t be spending Christmas without you. He never had to spend another Christmas without you, the real Christmas miracle, the fact that his Christmases would forever include you now. 
You were home for Christmas. You were home for forever. Home was Auston and Christmas just isn’t Christmas with thousands of miles between you and your heart. But you were holding him now and you knew that waking up in his arms on Christmas morning was the only way you ever wanted to wake up for every Christmas in the future, starting with the one coming in a few short hours that you knew would make you crave the next one as soon as it finished. 
You loved him. He loved you. Love was inherently complicated, the joining of two people. Christmas uncomplicated it all, boiled everything down to the most simple thing possible; Auston Matthews was your person, and you wanted to share every Christmas with him. So, you walked into the house and started with this one.
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canyouhearthelight · 3 years
The Miys, Ch. 141
Last week I posted a day early because vacation was doing vacation things to my sense of time.... This week I forgot to queue the chapter up because Monday was a work holiday, so I forgot today was Tuesday. *insert facepalm here please*
Thanks on this one go largely to @baelpenrose who rightfully pointed out that one part made very little sense to him and therefore was unlikely to make sense to a reader.  The clarification smoothed things out quite a bit, I think.  Just in case, whoever spots the area I’m talking about gets a cookie as soon as travel restrictions lift.
As always, thanks go also to @the-raven-fae, @charlylimph-blog, and @anotherusrname for completing the corners of my support system. And, a super-duper extra-special to @drinksteawithcake! I don’t know if I am allowed to tell everyone why, but you know why you get the extra-special, and I hope you are having fun!
“Uhhh?” I squinted in complaint as flailing arms clambered over me. One pair snagged me around my waist to drag me from bed before depositing me shakily on my feet. “What are you - ?”
Any trace of sleep was shoved out of my system, replaced by sizzling alertness when I realized I was hearing ship-wide alarms.  Shoving myself into the first clothing I grabbed, not even bothering with shoes, I was hot on Conor and Maverick’s heels as we raced out of our quarters and into the corridor. We paused only long enough for both men to kiss me and for “I love yous” to be exchanged before they turned and headed toward the areas indicated on their datascreens, while I hauled ass toward the Archives, ducking and twisting to avoid anyone in my path.
“Forty minutes,” Tyche told me crisply as I basically fell through the door, panting. “The Ark could be invaded and the battle over by the time you make it.”
“I ran….huff….the whole….ugh….way….” I managed to gasp out.  Part of me felt like puking, but I was pretty sure the muscles in my abdomen were too busy to figure out the logistics.
Clicking her tongue, she pulled me up from the floor. “Alistair, make a note to suggest to Xio that Sophia’s quarters be relocated once we have a better idea of when we are dropping into real space.”
I nodded numbly. “And probably… amp up… sensors… give… earlier… warning.”
“Nice outfit, by the way,” she laughed quietly as we finally reached the shelter point within the Archives.
Glancing down, I had to suppress a sigh. The first thing I grabbed to dress myself had apparently been a pair of Conor’s boxer shorts and a very filthy t-shirt that I assumed belonged to Maverick, since Conor’s was usually under coveralls. “At least you can’t say I took my time getting dressed.”
Her shaking head was greeted by faces in various states of wakefulness - this had been a drill, and woke nearly the entire Ark during their sleep interval on Delta shift.  But we weren’t out of the woods, yet: the drill didn’t end until all of Xiomara and Evan’s scenarios played out, including the mock combat and various tests of concealment for the other shelters.  As such, Tyche stood guard over the choke-point into this section, while Alistair had stayed behind at the entrance.
Early on, when the drills started, there had been fifty-fifty odds that the mock-invaders would make it this far, but over the past few weeks, that had narrowed to maybe twenty-percent.  It was still too high a chance in my judgement, and Xiomara clearly agreed as she stepped up training schedules and randomized the timing of the drills. 
Taking a swig of water from a stash of bottles, I queued up my datapad and stood next to Tyche, watching the ‘casualties’ from a point where no one could see over my shoulder to avoid panic, which I would have done in a real situation. “They didn’t find mess hall seven this time,” I murmured.
She glanced at my screen. “Acoustics are still too damned high. She must not be simulating for that this go around.”
One of the decoy locations lit up. “Looks like this time it’s heavy on thermal.” The location in question had been equipped with a cooking surface, triggered to activate when the klaxons that had woken me up went off.  Which Xiomara knew, but did not tell the ‘pirates’ for authenticity.
“How did they get past the combatants this time?” She asked, both curious and slightly worried.
Rolling back the sensor data, I watched it carefully. “Looks like these got in during the initial breaches, multiple points. But the line has held since, that’s good.”
Doing another check toward Alistair’s direction, she didn’t seem to see anything concerning. “How many?”
“Four,” I confirmed.  “Sam’s thermal camouflage is working beautifully, though.”  I couldn’t help but grin, and Tyche snorted at the same time. ‘Thermal camouflage’ was a bit of overkill as a name, but it was working well in every round. Potential access points were equipped with fast-acting environmental simulators - originally designed for temporary habitats on inhospitable moons - modified to release atmosphere like a Terran equatorial rainforest within one minute in an enclosed space.  It was a much more simple and elegant solution than any others we had found for giving combatants defending the Ark an advantage - instead of trying to create technology to make them look colder, make the entire area match human heat signatures.  Boom, instantly blinded enemies.
A tense half-hour later, the ‘all clear’ sounded, queueing grumbling from those who had dozed back off as everyone stood to make their ways back to their quarters. I waited with Alistair and Tyche for everyone else to be accounted for on the way out, and the three of us headed back toward our quarters together.  Alistair peeled off first, living closest to the Archives, and no sooner had my sister and I reached my door than the page sounded for the post-drill meeting.  She waved me off as she answered on her databand, and I did the same as I pushed into my quarters and flopped on the couch. “Councillor Sophia Reid, present, audio only,” I answered. “And no jokes, Pranav… I look like I smell awful.”
“Alistair Worthington, present, audio and video. I can confirm that she does, and she does.”
Laughter filled the comms and the rest of the group leaders and Councillors joined the debrief.  Finally, everyone was present and Xiomara called the meeting to order.  First, the leaders of each shelter reported in, as those usually went the fastest. There were a couple malfunctions in the deployment of the shielding to disguise the entrances and hide heat and electrical signatures, but nothing Huynh’s team couldn’t fix.  Tyche and Alistair made the recommendations around earlier detection and the need to move those sheltering in the  Archives closer as we approached time to drop out of relativistic space. 
Once that was out of the way, it was on to the combat and invasion teams. Overall consensus was that Sam’s trick with the portable environments was a rousing success and would be installed at each point determined to be most likely as a breach, with trigger conditions to be determined later. “I hate to say it,” Michael sighed, “but we also need Charly’s team to crank up the scovilles on the arrows and grenades.” His team had played the ‘invaders’ this go around, equipped with sensors and readouts to simulate the effect our defenses would have on the various species who most commonly were found on pirate vessels.  Evan had worked intensely with Pranav and Derek to ensure that the strategies provided by the readouts were modelled after similar strategies based on which ever species each team member was assigned, to ensure we weren’t accidentally drilling against human tactics.
Michael hated it, but he was strict about his team complying nonetheless.
“Seriously?” I squawked, and I wasn’t the only one. “One of those things accidentally went off in my quarters…. Can confirm, they’re pretty potent.”
“They dissipated too fast against my team, and also the contact element left a lot to be desired. Charly, you may want to consider adding a sticking element.”
“Duly noted,” she chimed in with a yawn, her normal pep doused by being woken up and then the drop in adrenaline post-combat.
“What about the sonic weapons?” Xiomara asked, moving the meeting along.
“Still less effective than Nixe is on her own,” a familiar voice I couldn’t put a name to responded with a sheepish tone.  “How hard would it be to train more people to shatter glass with their voice?”
“Incredibly,” Grey stressed. “It takes a very unique combination of training and the right vocal chords.”
“Then we may need to work on adding a projection component.  The sonic devices can match the pitch, but not the actual tone and direction. They’re very effective given time and especially contact, but we need something more immediately disabling.”
Xiomara groaned. “Are we back to Mariah Carey on this one?” Objections exploded until she muted the comms. “It’s that or opera.” Votes started scrolling up the screen, and I could see Xio nod. “Opera it is.  Let’s find a suitable piece and try using more analogue-style speakers.”
“I still say that death metal would work better,” Arthur suggested as soon as the comms were back on.
“Annnnd we already tested it, I will remind you. The volume works, but the pitches aren’t high enough to hit a broad enough population of species sensitive to sound.” After that nearly-obligatory objection, the meeting continued going through reports from each combat team until finally Xiomara announced the end results. “I have to admit, this was one of our best drills yet. Ten percent casualties of the combatants defending the breaches, only two percent among non-combatants, and the invaders were only able to traverse three decks before they were subdued.” She let the cheers go for a couple seconds before getting everyone’s attention again. “Yes, great job on the improvements, but let me remind everyone - those numbers still leave us below threshold for a healthy genetic population. Engineering teams, make the necessary adjustments with whatever resources are necessary. Shelters Three and Seven, you will start training for armed and unarmed combat with Shelter Fourteen and Combat Team Two daily.  Sophia, your team will coordinate schedules. Any questions?”
There were no arguments, not even a groan or mutter as the meeting was dismissed. Before I could even add the new task to my agenda the next day, I received the notification that Alistair had beaten me to the punch.
Glancing at the time, I wanted to hit something.  I had to be back up and at work in four hours, and the realization weighed me down with exhaustion.  The guys had come in and gone to bed while I was in the debrief, and I could already hear synchronized snoring coming from the bedroom.  Rather than risk waking them with my now-frozen feet, I pulled the quilt off the back of my couch and rolled myself into it.  Only minutes later, a heavy weight oozed across my hip and started purring furiously.
“Yeah, buddy. I agree. We need a nap.”
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alyasgf · 3 years
Truth Or Dare Confessions Adrinette April Day 11- Truth or Dare
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Adrien and Marinette reveal a bit too much during a game of truth or dare
Late day 11 but I’ll catch up eventually! Hope you like it :)
Word Count-
“Alya I can’t do this!” Marinette whined as they walked to the brunette’s house.
“It’s just for a couple hours you’ll survive. It’s not everyday we get out whole block early and I want to talk advantage of it.” Alya replied with a smile.
M. Mendeleiev had caught a cold and had been told to go home, lest she get the children sick. No one could find a substitute on such short notice, so the kids were sent home early.
“But Adrien will be there! I won’t be able to speak coherently for hours.” Marinette grabbed Alya’s arm so that she’d stop and look into her eyes.
“Well Adrien is asking his dad right now, so who knows maybe he won’t go.” Alya said, trying to calm her friend down.
“But I obviously want him to go. Ugh this is so confusing!” Marinette dropped the girl’s arm and continued walking, now with her hands rubbing her temples. “Why can’t I just act normal around him instead of just turning to jelly?”
“You just have to try to see him as a normal person Marinette. Not as a famous model, not as your pretty boy crush, but as a totally normal guy who you just happen to be attracted to. Can you do that?” Alya chuckled as she said this.
“Maybe? I’ll try, but if it doesn’t work please stop me before I embarrass myself. Put your hand over my mouth if you have to. Once I start talking to him everything just spills out no matter how badly I’d like it to stop.” Marinette said sheepishly.
“Will do.” Just then Alya’s phone chimed. “Good news Marinette. Or bad news depending how you look at it.” Alya began while typing on her phone. “Nino just texted and it looks like your boy gets to hang out with us today!”
Marinette let out a squeak in reply.
“Get this! His old man said since his fencing teacher got a cold he could stay until 4. How awesome is that?” Nino told them as they walked in.
“Uh thats great! I- I mean we, can’t wait to spend 3 whole hours with you.” Marinette managed to get out.
‘Just a normal guy.’ Marinette repeated in her head on repeat as they set their bags down. Still she could feel her heart race as she looked at him.
“Me either, I never get to spend that long hanging out with friends outside of school.” Adrien had an adorable smile on his face and Marinette’s whole body heated up when she saw just how happy he looked.
“Well let’s make the most of it!” Alya said with a suspicious smile. “I propose a game for us all to get to know each other’s deepest secrets! Or at least do something stupid instead. Truth or dare!”
Marinette reddened, Adrien adopted a confused look, and Nino cheered.
“Not to be a downer but I’ve never actually played before.” Adrien said as he rested is arm on the counter, which bumped Marinette’s slightly and she jumped away as though she had been touched with a burning hot coal.
“Maybe we should play something else!” She proposed attempting to save herself from embarrassment. “You have plenty of board games that could be fun.”
“No Marinette I think this game is perfect. Any other game would take too long to explain and we’re running short on time. It’s ok that you haven’t played before Adrien, it’s pretty straightforward.” Alya’s smile grew.
They all migrated to Alya’s room and she directed them to sit in a circle on the floor. She somehow managed to make sure Adrien sat directly across from Marinette.
Marinette attempted to look anywhere that wasn’t in front of her, in fear of accidentally making eye contact. ‘Normal guy, normal guy, normal guy.’ She repeated.
“So how exactly does this game work?” Adrien asked curiously while turning to Nino.
“Well like Alya said it’s simple. We take turns going around in the circle. You can ask anyone to choose a truth or dare. After they decide you either ask them a question or give them a date.” Nino answered.
“What’s the protocol if someone doesn’t want to answer the question or do the dare?” Marinette asked, hoping she could still find a way out of this.
“Then you’re at the mercy of doing the opposite choice with no opting out.” Alya interjected quickly. “Now should we begin?”
If Marinette could chose, she’d say no. But unfortunately there was no backing out, not when Adrien was involved.
They went around once and found out some interesting things.
Alya confessed she couldn’t sleep without a light on, Nino dared Marinette to do a round off (she did so perfectly and looking at Adrien’s face he seem surprised), Adrien tried (and failed) to to whistle, and Nino had a secret obsession with the 1975.
Now it was Nino’s turn to ask a question.
“Adrien, truth or dare?”
“Truth.” He answered, since his last dare seemed to have embarrassed him.
Nino exchanged a quick look with Alya before replaying to Adrien.
“Who’s your crush?”
Marinette and Adrien both reddened instantly.
Marinette expected him to say Kagami, but his answer surprised her.
“Ladybug.” He said and turned even more red, if that was possible.
Marinette’s eyes bulged. Alya and Nino seemed surprised as well.
“Dude? I meant like attainable. Everyone has a crush on Ladybug.” Nino laughed.
“Everyone is a strong word.” Marinette said nervously.
“No I agree with Nino on this one.” Alya added in. “Nino already knows that if I had the chance I would absolutely kiss Ladybug.”
Marinette and Adrien looked just about the same and were all for moving on.
“Adrien! It’s your turn!” Marinette blurted out, hoping no one would see how flustered she was, and if they did, blamed it on Adrien’s presence.
Thankfully they didn’t notice.
Next Alya had to take a shot of hot sauce, courtesy of Adrien Agreste.
“Next ones a general one.” Alya said, earning shouts of protest. “I can do it because I proposed the game.”
Marinette’s mind was still reeling from the knowledge that Adrien had a crush on her superhero form so she was paying attention enough to protest.
“Who were you guy’s first kiss?” She asked.
This brought Marinette back into the present. She hoped no one noticed how red she still was.
“Can we chose a dare for this one?” She looked away from Alya’s prying eyes. As far as Alya knew she’d never had her first kiss.
“No, especially not you. Who was it and why didn’t you tell me?” Her journalist side came out almost instantly.
“Nino! Who was yours?” Marinette said turning to the boy.
“Alix in grade 3.”
Alya gasped. “I thought I was your first kiss!”
“I never said you were.” He said defensively while laughing.
“Well you were mine.” She grumbled.
Next, Nino turned to Adrien pointedly.
“Does it count if you can’t remember it?” He asked and everyone looked puzzled.
“Why wouldn’t you remember it?” Marinette surprised herself by asking.
“Well,” he began, his right arm rubbing the back of his neck. “It was during an akuma attack. I’m just told it happened.”
“Dude, who was it?” Nino pressed, everyone just as interested.
“Ladybug?” He said it almost like a question.
Marinette’s heart stopped. She would’ve remembered kissing him. There was no way she wouldn’t. She had only lost her memory from an akuma once, and she had spent that entire time with Chat. Surely he was lying. But Adrien wouldn’t do that. Her mind was spinning.
“No way!” Alya’s voice startled her. “Is that why you have a crush on her?”
Adrien just shrugged, still insanely red.
Marinette still sat quiet and thinking as Nino and Alya tried to get more out of him, but he gave nothing away.
“Marinette, you’ve been strangely quiet. Don’t think I forgot.” Alya turned to her with a determined look in her eye.
Marinette decided what to do just then. The only person she ever kissed was Chat. Adrien claimed he kissed Ladybug. Adrien doesn’t lie.
His reaction would say everything.
“If I answer no one is allowed to ask any questions.” She waited for everyone to nod. “My first kiss was with Chat Nior.”
Adrien burst into a coughing fit. Marinette smirked.
“Adrien, is everything ok?” She asked, suspicions confirmed.
He said nothing, instead putting a finger up so he could catch his breathe.
Meanwhile Alya and Nino had exploded beside her.
“No fair! You guys get to kiss superhero’s?” Nino pouted.
“Could I please get some context? From either of you?” Alya asked desperately.
“Nope.” Marinette replied popping her p. “Everyone agreed and that’s all I’m saying.”
Adrien didn’t meet her eye for the rest of the time, although Marinette used her newfound confidence to make cat puns for the rest of the time. Needless to say he was bright red. It was nice for him to be the stuttering mess for a change.
When it was time to go, Adrien received a call that his ride was outside.
“Marinette, Nino’s going to stay a bit longer. Would you mind walking Adrien out?” Alya asked and was surprised when Marinette agreed immediately and with no stuttering.
“I’d love to Alya. C’mon Adrien.” Marinette turned to him with a smirk.
Adrien stuttered out a quick goodbye and Marinette took his hand to pull him out, making a point to not let go.
“So Marinette,” Adrien began and Marinette already knew where it was going. “I know you said not to ask, but when did you kiss Chat Noir?” Adrien looked away, trying not to look to interested.
“It was on Valentines Day actually. He’s not too bad of a kisser either.” Adrien turned bright red. “In fact I even got to kiss him again during the Oblivio akuma attack, but I don’t remember that one. Much like your Ladybug kiss huh?”
Adrien’s eyes bulged out. “Sorry what?”
Just then they reached the end of the sidewalk.
“It was nice hanging out with you Adrien! Cat-ch you later.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked off. She snuck a glance behind her and saw him standing there dumbfounded.
When she got home, she transformed to see she had over 50 messages from Chat Noir himself.
Maybe Adrien wasn’t just a normal pretty boy after all.
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