#this is my 100th post on this blog
disneynerdpumpkin · 8 months
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Toulouse, Berlioz, and Marie just being the cutest Disney siblings ever
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danyartlife · 7 months
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i just think velvet should have at least gone out of this world with a bang 🤷‍♀️
(based on this post)
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iguessigotta · 1 year
Idk any actual lore aside from what I've picked up in other fics but listen. I need to write something about Ramattra have you seen the man???
Ramattra x male reader (not specifically trans but that's implied in all my fics 💜)
You started worming your way into his life the moment you first cracked some dark joke about the state of humanity
He was initially curious - what would make a human turn on their own kind?
And, even more confusing, why were you still so kind to those around you - human and omnic alike?
It started as pure curiosity. A simple need to understand.
He started to....linger...near you at times, you could feel him watching you occasionally (every time you turned to catch him staring you'd find him focused on something else way in the distance)
It took more effort than he'd like to admit to stop his amused chuckle at the suspicious squint you'd always send his way
something something now you're dating so bonus thots™️ under the cut
Ramattra sometimes gives you his version of piggy back rides
It's really just you standing on his hips, arms draped around his neck for balance, watching over his shoulder as he goes about his day
He'll let you hang out there as long as you want tbh he likes being close to you
It's very silly to see but if Ramattra catches anyone laughing...... 😬😬
Sometimes, Ramattra is amazed that you, a frail human, would put so much trust into him. That you'd feel safe with him in your most vulnerable moments. He was an Omnic built for war, not-
The thought makes him weak when he's knuckle-deep in you
Though you writhe and pant under him, gripping the sheets until your own knuckles turn white, strangled cries escaping your open mouth while you teeter on the edge of release
Though you haven't even touched him yet
Somehow, Ramattra is just as much of a mess as you are
He feels as though he's trembling, terrified of hurting you (part of him still scoffing at his own concern for a human)
He's so focused on your reactions he swears he can feel your heart beating in his own chest
If you were able to hear anything over your own sounds, you'd notice the once-soft whirring of fans within Ramattra's body has gotten much louder, vents opening on his back to release hot air
He's desperate, touching you as though he'll find his own release through yours
You reach up, intent on dragging his face down to you, but Ramattra beats you to it, burying himself in the crook of your neck
When you finally do tip over the edge - back arching high off the bed as your head flies back with a startled cry - the deep groan that rumbles in your ear and against your chest makes you think he might actually have come undone just from touching you
The thought sends you over the edge a second time, legs locked and trembling around his arm
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dailymewo · 2 months
*Gives MEWO a bowl of milk* hey MEWO -_-
Meow! (Oh, hi Aubrey!)
*mewo slowly drinks from the milk*
Meow! (Thanks for the milk!)
*she drinks some more*
Meow? (how’s it going?)
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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@digikaa's RVBtober 5 > screenshot redraw
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sheltershock · 1 year
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violinist-rachel · 9 months
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Rachel smiles pleasantly and waves. "Hello there! How do you do?"
Tagged: @tumblerors
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forgeofthenine · 10 months
I will not be dead, just MIA
Considering I'm pretty big on daily posting and follower interaction I thought I'd warn everyone that I'll be MIA for a couple days.
I'm competing in a hobby I'm apart of and won't have time to write for most of the weekend. Fear not though, I have a few pre written requests that I'm popping in my queue to post while I'm gone, that way everyone can still get their tiefling fix :)
I won't be checking my notifs or ask box as much but I might still pop in during my down time! I hope everyone has a great weekend!! <3
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boomhealers · 2 years
Things that would fucking kill the fallout 4 companions
Being called Nicolas Valentinus
Squirt bottle
Power outage
Mcdonalds sprite
Orange juice
A really big rock
Tennis ball
Crème brûlée
Having legs
Two lemons
Seven large rats
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sa1808fi · 10 months
This is more of a Rex and Watevra-centered Au, mostly because I wanted to explore their dynamic after Rex was abandoned in Undar and proceeded to do everything in the second movie. And how Watevra took her 'dad's absence and presumed death, before meeting him again.
When she does meet him, he is nothing like how everyone described him (cause trauma), so this is also an Au that is letting Rex heal from his past mistreatment with the help of his kid that he tried to hurt in another timeline.
I guess the way this starts off is with Rex being back to the futuring to his timeline. There's gonna be that slight shock like why isn't he dead, but imma make sure he wakes up in the Rexcelsior with his Raptors, so he has that bit of comfort (How? I'll figure that out later) while he deals with the task of wrestling with his emotions from the failure of his revenge and the fact that Lucy actually came.
So, he decides to check out Syspocalypstar (After like maybe a month, he's not emotionally ready to do it immediately), 1. He doesn't really have anything better to do, and 2. He kinda wants to see what it's like considering he 'died' in the other timeline, and he was too caught up in revenge in his to see anything other than when Bianca was playing with his friends.
When he does get there, there's a lot of him just wandering around kind of being repulsed by the bright colors and sparkliness. Eventually, he does come across a statue of him, but it's when he was Emmet, and he gets a lot of mixed feelings seeing this statue. Because 1. It's showing him when he used to be naive and trusted everyone someone he's not anymore, 2. It means they cared enough to actually build it to remember him, and 3. They could've just built it as a might as well kind of thing instead of putting in any actual effort.
So Rex is just kind of frozen there in thought, and who comes along? His kid, Watevra pops in because she wants to visit her dad's memorial since it's the only real 'connection' she has with him outside of the stories and pictures his exfriends have of him.
She notices this dude who sticks out from the crowd a lot (But also there's not really anyone there) because he has the whole tough schtick that does still exist in the peace that came with the two systems coming together, just not at the intensity he's at.
Cue the 'Hey who are you?' Line from Watevra, because she would've remembered someone like Rex if he lived in Syspocalypstar. When they do make eye contact, there's this tension in Rex from having to deal with Watevra (his kid) on his first visit to Syspocalypstar.
Watevra almost instantly feels some kind of connection to this stranger that she just met, there is this bit of one-way conversation before she looks at the statue of her dad and compares it to Rex, seeing the resemblance before coming to the realization that OH, this is her dad.
There's gonna be mostly shock, definitely tears from Watevra as she hugs him, because her dad's not actually dead. Rex is mostly gonna be shocked because this is the first time he's really been hugged in years, but also that's his kid hugging him.
A sequence of Watevra spilling out a bunch of questions at him before they (Rex) decide to go someplace more private to talk since people are staring at their queen hugging a random stranger.
They have a talk with each other, Rex explaining where he was and what he did, and yeah Watevra is a bit surprised that this traumatized mess of a man is the person everyone told her about, but she still sympathizes and accepts him, explaining her side of the story. And Rex is still not ready to face his old friends, but he is willing to build a relationship with Watevra, and that's basically what the whole Au is gonna be about.
NOW this right here is like the first fic in the series that I'm planning to do.
What follows is a bunch of misunderstandings, Rex being hostile to his old friends and mayhem, and a wedding redo to make up for the rushed one five years ago, and this time Watevra's dad is actually here.
So yeah, I'm good to answer any questions anybody has about this Au, would love to be able to ramble about it some more. It's still in the early development stages, but I'm hoping to actually start writing it once I get my Undar fic out.
@4-as-in-a-trenchcoat :) I did it
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moontale-official · 1 year
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tilleth · 1 year
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feeling just. astoundingly normal about this tv magician
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jamn-toast · 1 year
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Sea Breeze
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pan-magi · 2 years
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Empress of the Seas
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askthe-littlepoet · 1 month
it'd be oh so very funny and silly were you to, oh I don't know hit the lamb with a baseball bat?
do it, it'd be epic >:3
"If I'm trying to date death, would fighting their vessel be smart?"
"...i'll think about it."
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the-bineapple · 2 months
why does working with kids mean that I'm constantly being handed the most random things. a kid walked up to me, handed me a ziploc back with a tooth in it, and then just. walked away
sir what do you want me to do with this
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