#this is obviously just a screenshot redraw
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What if,,,
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sin-scribbles · 2 years
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hello turtle nation, today I offer you raph but
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seagull-scribbles · 3 months
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An arachnid, a reptile and a mammal hybrid walk into a bar-
Just a screenshot redraw because it’s fun drawing things in my own style, original under cut
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capnleviackerman · 7 months
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redraw 5 ref
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screwpinecaprice · 11 months
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Was stuck at some place for over a day and didn't bring any of my digital tools.
Markiplier Security Breach Ruins playthrough reference if you catch on it. :3 (Which I misspelled a word. haha)
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autistickaitovocaloid · 4 months
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Found a bunch of my old art homework from 2020 here are my favourite pieces I think
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genericpuff · 19 days
oh boy it's that time again
when rachel posts 'video progress' of her work and we proceed to dissect it like a frog in 9th grade science class
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like ok first the caption of "is persephone the chicken and hades the egg" makes no fucking sense except to anyone who overthinks it and goes "wait is that a reference to the popularly-perpetuated version of the myth where persephone went down to the underworld willingly and hades didn't actually exist???" because if it is ima scream lmao
Here's the transcript of what she's saying in the video:
"I think I've always wanted to write Hades' and Persephone's story because obviously I really like them. It's like very much a chicken and egg situation because I think in the beginning I thought that I was going to use a very abstract black and white style, and I realized it wasn't very enticing or fun for me, um... and I started drawing these very like vibrant characters and as I drew them I understood more about the story the more that I explored the art style, um and I guess an example of that is, y'know, Persephone is like a very bright color um, and the Underworld, is a very dark dark blue, and so when she says she really sticks out so it's just environmental uh processes like that that really helped inspire the direction of the story."
(despite her expanding on the "chicken and the egg" bit it still doesn't make sense imo lmao)
But what we're seeing isn't S1 LO, it's actually from S3 of LO:
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But um... you notice anything interesting about the screenshot I just showed you?
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That literally looks NOTHING like what we see in the final panel. At the VERY least I think this goes to show how overcooked it becomes in post-production, when they add the canvas layer and hypersaturate the shit out of the colors, but even the blending technique just isn't matching up?
A lot of what she's doing in this video also feels very... non-existent, like she's brushing her pen around but very little is happening so it feels more like her just putting down random brush strokes to try and make it seem put-together but really she's just kind of pushing colors around and/or doing nothing. Especially when, again, what she's painting here looks nothing like the final picture (so at best it's a lot of wasted work??)
And knowing what we know about the assistants drawing the characters separately so that Rachel can rearrange them in the final episode layout... I don't wanna call foul play here, but this feels like yet another attempt on Rachel's behalf to make her process seem more involved than it is by simply redrawing a scene for the performative aspect of it all. It's like the "sketches" in the books looking way too 'clean' for the final product and giving the impression that she just sketched over the final panels to make them look pretty enough for print.
I also wanna mention that for some reason she's drawing this on her iPad when she owns a Cintiq. It could be because she was drawing this while abroad in the US for her conventions last fall, but despite clearly being ahead of schedule, she still wound up drawing the final episode the night of-
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Oh yeah and btw there are like a million clipping layers for what looks like just a simple drawing of Demeter. And this lines up with our previous theories about her using like 128549021809 layers for literally one character.
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And aside from all that her commentary, as always, is very nothingburger, just a bunch of word salad. Like she's literally trying to explain LO's color theory as "well Persephone is bright pink and the Underworld is dark blue so she sticks out! That's all you need to know!"
IDK, I'm not coming to any sort of ironclad conclusion based off this one video, but it does feel like yet another desperate attempt to prove that she does work on LO and doesn't just leave it all to her assistants to do at the last minute. But like... she's kind of screwed in that argument either way, because even if she draws the majority of panels in LO, that just further proves the argument that she's stopped trying.
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velnna · 2 months
What's wrong with using a pose ref lol, didn't you just redraw a screencap from a tv show
See this is why I prefaced it by saying it's not objectively "wrong", it's a personal take and a grey area. Ultimately if an artist tells you they're uncomfortable with something and you choose to do it anyway it's on you if they then complain about it or ask you to reconsider, it's not the law. You can always tell them they're wrong but then don't be surprised if they take issue with that lol
But for a more detailed answer, I know I've said this a thousand times but I'll always hammer it in. I think there's definitely leeway to do redraws of things across media (so if you redraw a screenshot from an animated show and link said redraw etc, I see it as more of a transformative thing and a tribute than just straight up copying. Same for live action or even photographs - the same way that if someone took one of my drawings and decided to replicate it in photography or animation with a very clear link to it I would see it as more of a tribute because it's transformative) but even then if anyone was shown to take an issue with it I'd just Not Do It. Also the vast majority of the time these things are memes and very obviously a nod to the original one rather than me saying "look this is totally something canonical to the characters I'm drawing and didn't originate elsewhere"
There's times when I don't take an issue with people using my poses as inspiration or reference but a lot of my work does sort of just work as pieces of a comic or a scene that I don't like seeing repurposed for other characters. But that's the keyword: I don't like it. Not gonna send the police after you for it or claim copyright or even force you to take it down but I may *ask* you to reconsider it and think about it. And if it's a recurrent thing and I see you do it a lot I may insist 🤷‍♂️ it's a boundary I established but others are free to feel differently
ALSO I'm not referring to accidentally creating shit that's too similar. We all take inspiration from each other so that's bound to happen. I'm mostly referring to when it's very obvious a single artwork was used as a direct reference - and again, no shade if people do it without realising the artist might feel bad about it. I never assume ill intent from the get go
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jacenotjason · 6 months
Welcome Home Opposite AU x Spooky Month!?
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jesus christ thats a mouthful
anyways! i finally got around to doing it! I borrowed @night-light-artz welcome home x spooky month au and squished my opposite au!
obviously go check out Night's au first!!!
yes some of the characters would fit better roles n shit, but this is supposed to be a parallel to Night's au, so all the characters take the same roles they do there. confusing maybe idk
ok! here they are!
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Eddie ofc! Eddie takes Bob's place
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Frank and Julie!
Frank is Lila, and Julie is Jaune!
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Howdy is Kevin!
the candy club is defiantly a cover up for a drug business lol
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how the FUCK did either of them become a police officer
anyways, Sally is Jack, and Barnaby is John!
my current story is that the department was REALLY desperate for officers and just grabbed a coke addict off the street like "you look like you can throw hands"
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and Poppy is ofc Patty, the punk forensics officer.
i did a quick screenshot redraw too
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anyways :D that was fun
Welcome Home is by Clown, Spooky Month is by Sir Pelo, and the spooky home au is by Night-Light! Opposite AU belongs to me!
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raydays-swap-au · 1 month
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Finally tried my hand at redrawing a screenshot for my swap AU.
I did my best to mimic the style of the show in this one ( cuz, yes, usually I'm not trying to mimic the style of the show. You can tell by my hashing and colored lines. ) Though I can tell the lineweight is definitely off ( especially on Velvette, ) but I'd still say it's pretty good for my first attempt to mimic the show's style as much as I possibly can. The lineweight issue will prob be fixed the more I draw these, idk man.
Either way, I find it so funny that Vox, due to being pretty much entirely blue, just sticks out like a sore thumb. All the while Velvette being all red sorta blends in a lot.
Anyway, original screenshot and more info under the cut + unedited version of my swap!Vox cuz yes
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Honestly, while coloring in swap!Vox I was all like "man, this guy is too blue for this entirely red background" so I looked up the original episode. Turns out that there's a slight red hue put onto the characters ( in some episodes/scenes/locations ) and Cannibaltown is one of those places, with a really noticeable red hue. You can see it really well on Charlie in particular ( who shows up just a few seconds later in this scene due to the camera zooming out. ) Either way, that let me give Vox that same red hue to have him blend in more. With his actual colors he stuck out even more tbh lmao.
Also, Velvette is just so tiny. Like, Vox and Alastor ( and Rosie too ig, though in some scenes she's shorter than Alastor ) are around 7'0, ll the while Velvette goes to around right under Vox's TV head. Idk. I'm just glad I redraw the entire background to account for the stuff not seen, due to Rosie and Alastor blocking it.
Also the lineart in the background is mostly traced to make sure the perspective is accurate, though the characters themselves aren't traced obviously. Just thought I'd mention since I prefer to be transparent about when I trace or not ( even if it is extremely rare that I trace at all )
I also noticed how inconsistent the artist(s) are with Alastor's arm lengths. Idk maybe it's just to emulate perspective in regards to his forearm(s), but even his upperarms are uneven. Not that I mind as it means I can be more lax in that regard, but it's just something I noticed.
And yes, I edited this post cuz the first one had Vox be too red for my taste. Does he stick out more now? Yes. Does him being too red/muddy bother me less now? Also yes.
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Also, just because I really like how swap!Vox looks in this scene, here's a version with no background and red filter of him.
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Drawing swap!Vox like that is honestly the only reason I even decided to do a redraw of this specific screenshot. I just really like how Alastor looks in the original lol :3
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asherashedwings · 2 months
kind of a dumb question but how do you redraw a frame? im just wondering how you completely draw over the character and get the same screen effects as the show
It’s not a dumb question, dw!
I know you asked specifically about screen effects, but I’m just gonna go over my whole process just to clear all bases.
So first, I start out with the frame I want to redraw. I’ll be using this frame as an example.
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So I go onto my desired drawing program and insert the photo onto my canvas. I usually scale it up quite a bit since these screenshots tend to be pretty small and I don’t want my brush strokes to be bigger than I like.
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Next I trace over the character’s basic shapes, just so I can get a grasp on how they’re posed, their expression, and figure out how to translate that into my own style better
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Then comes the actual redraw part. I sketch over this layout with my own design and style, altering details like proportions and a bit of posing as I see fit to capture the same energy while keeping true to my own style choices.
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Then I do line art and color.
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Then I carefully edit out the parts of the original character so they’re not peeking out behind the redraw. This mainly just comes down to color matching and blending in order to make it look natural and not obviously edited. My editing tend to be pretty crappy, but it’s good enough to not be noticeable at first glance I think lol
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Then, to get the character to look like it actually belongs in the scene, I add several overlaying layers and shading.
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And then it’s done!
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I think the only screenshot redraw I’ve had to try a different tactic on was this Sir Pentious redraw, cuz the shot had a camera effect over it. For that I just added a purpley pink overlay and a bunch of horizontal lines that I later blurred a bit
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Hope this helped!
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reikurusu · 5 months
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Because apparently I can't let anything go... So a few days ago I made a post about Buddy Daddies' first anniversary coming up and I wasn't going to make something "official" but the brainrot is too strong so here we are... This Sunday, January 7th, it's exactly one year since the first episode of Buddy Daddies was released! And I think that calls for a celebration! I put everything under a cut because this got really long
I came up with a few things that the fandom could do to celebrate this adorable family! Of course these are not exclusive things! If you want to contribute anything that's not listed below, go for it! 1. A weekly rewatch of the episode that aired a year ago Starting Sunday January 7th, we rewatch the episode that aired on that date last year. Nothing is stopping you from binging the rest of the episodes that day, of course! It would just be fun that a lot of us watch the same episode on the same day (or through a watch party if anyone knows how to do that)! 2. Create!! This is literally what it says: create! Just anything related to the episode of that week! There are so many options, but I'm just giving a few things I could come up with - Fanfics surrounding that week's episode. Dive into a scene you wished had more details. Write a scene you feel should've happened in the episode but didn't. Write a scene for a headcanon that you have. Really anything you want (it would be fun if it had something to do with that week's episode, but no one's going to punish you if it isn't). - Make a gifset for that week's episode. Make a set about your favourite character from that episode, your favourite moment, favourite quotes, favourite outfits,... Anything goes really! - Make fanart! There are so many talented artists in this fandom who make amazing pieces of art! It would be fun to see you make something that links back to that week's episode. I'm thinking about redrawing your favourite screenshot in your style. Draw your favourite moment. Draw a scene that you wish happened in the episode. Redraw your favourite piece of Lily art in your style! (I know this last one is less linked to the episodes but who cares). You brilliant people can probably come up with other things still! - Write a theory/headcanon/character analysis/... I have seen so many people write insightful posts about things that weren't explicitly shown on screen. There are characters we get very little background info over. Characters that we know a few things about but it feels like there can be so much more written about them! Write about your headcanons, both for past and future versions of the characters. Write your theories about certain things. It feels like there's still so much to say about this anime and a lot of people out there who know how to put those things into words! - Make an edit! This can be a video edit, a literal photoshop edit. Make wallpapers, phone backgrounds, profile pictures, memes,... Anything you want really! 3. HAVE FUN!! I know it sounds like it, but there really aren't any rules to this! Just have fun! It would just be fun that whatever you decide to post is in some way linked to the episode, but that's not set in stone, obviously! Just enjoy! I think it would be fun to dedicate a week to each episode (so a 12/13 week event if we count the recap episode), starting on the day that episode first aired last year and ending the day before the new episode aired (ex. for episode 1: starting on Sunday, January 7th and ending on Saturday, January 13th). You can decide if you just want to post something about your rewatching the episode or if you want to create something. If you want to make something, you can do multiple things if you want. And again: no one is going to punish you if you posted something from episode 1 during episode 2's week! We're all busy and don't always manage to get something done in time, so don't stress about not being able to finish something "on time". Lastly, I think it would be fun to make this into a hashtag as well! I thought of using the tag #Buddy Daddies Anniversary (very on the nose, I know, so if someone knows something more fun, please share it with the group). And like I said before: HAVE FUN!!
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munkiey · 1 year
Hey I saw some Macaque fanart that looked eerily similar to yours and just wanted to let you know (I might be making a deal of nothing but yeah I'll include a screenshot of the art):
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Alright so.
1: This is likely someone who is doing screenshot redraws from the same images I did that came from a published show that is accessible to millions.
2: Tracing is actually a great way to learn.
Now, credit should be given obviously but there is a huge stigma from folks online about tracing. I can almost promise you that some of your favorite artists out there will look at a work they like and go 'how did they do this?'
Best way to get into the head of another artist? Trace it.
I've done traces of other artists that I admired and honestly I learned a lot from doing so. Did I post these or ever claim them as my own? Absolutely not, that is when you're stealing.
Thousands of professional comic artists, or almost every skilled artist you can think of has traced. This little waltz is like a baby bird taking its first haphazardly drunk steps across a ice pit. We call them screenshot redraws today, but in the fine arts spectrum, they're called Master Studies.
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Because you're looking at someone who has already accomplished something and you want to see how they did it, how you can apply it, and how you as an artist can grow.
The beauty of art is that we can take aspects of things we like and add onto our own work. Its an amalgamation of influences that compound together to create the concept we call an artist. I love seeing where people draw their inspiration from.
3: Personally, I think that it's good that this person is taking some steps into digital and learning. Looking at the line weight and the way they use their tools it seems that they're still learning how they want to navigate the digital platform. This is a great way for them to improve an if they had, allegedly, used my images at reference then I'm honored they saw something to admire in it!
The fact that they practiced at all is way more than I can say for others that say they want to improve but don't put the effort in.
4: Now, final point here.
In the future, please do not come to me like this.
I appreciate you trying to give me a heads up, but I'm not going to sit here and reprimand or police people. This kind of message to me feels like a rather deliberate attempt to stir up drama, which if it was not your intention and you genuinely were just looking out for me, I appreciate you trying. The way I see it though, reporting people like this or going after what may very well be kids trying to learn creates a toxic mentality that I don't want anything to do with. I've been there, done that, and been on the receiving end of that nastiness.
I've learned a lot through my time online and the big lesson sometimes is just to let people do what they're gonna do.
Seriously though, who ever did this has a very cute style. I like the smile headshot there in the middle.
Stay wild <3
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3motionally3xhausted · 7 months
Kiss Kiss Fall into another old hyperfixation
Anyway, I randomly wanted to redesign the main cast of Ouran in my style/ with headcanons and my own embellishments
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Here's a screenshot redraw, I'll put all the redesigns below the break bc I did all the main characters & wanna talk about the choices I made. Also I made up that uniform redesign on the spot bc I when I was doing the characters I just put them in casual clothes lmao
(I might do some others later, like Renge, Kasanoda, Yasuchika, Benibara, etc.)
Going in order of my least favorite to top favorite. And dont mind that I didn't color the clothes, that's not whats important here lmao
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Mori is only at the bottom because I don't like the drawing that much, I still think the design is pretty good. Though, like right when I finished coloring, I decided a bun/top-knot would look better so it's a bit disappointing there. In my head, Mori is kind of struggling to figure out who he is & what he wants to do, which is why he follows Honey around and doesn't talk much. He does genuinely like being around the other hosts though.
Also, the undercut because A) he has the reputation for being the scary one & it kinda suits that, B) uh do I even have to say it? ...its hot He does lowkey look like Sokka from Avatar tho, especially with the blue accents
(edit: I accidentally deleted Mori's file so now this is the only copy so 😭)
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Honey is next because again I think the drawing itself is a little off and the design is pretty close to Basil from Omori, which i didn't notice until it was too late lmao. One of the main things I didn't like about his character in the show was obviously how childlike he was & how girls still flirted with him even though he looked and acted 6; So now he still acts a bit childish but doesn't play it up as much & definitely has a more normal voice, not a fckn child's.
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Haruhi! I definitely had to keep her glasses cuz they were really cute and kinda sold the whole 'commoner' thing in a way. But other than that I mainly wanted to balance out her femininity and masculinity to make her more androgynous/nonbinary/gender-fluid since she definitely has some of that going on in the show as is. I also gave her dark circles under her eyes to kinda show that she worked really hard to get into Ouran with low status.
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Next up is Tamaki of course, getting into the characters I'm most happy with the designs of. One small thing I tried to do for each of them was give them varying hair tones; so even though Honey and Tamaki are both blond, I went very platinum-blond with him. When I started drawing him, my only real thought was "he has to be a pretty boy" so I dont have much to say about my choices, but i do think I succeeded. Don't mind the modern mullet thing, I can't stop it
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Kyouya is definitely one of my favorite characters as is, seeing as he has one of the more fleshed out & heart-wrenching backstories in the show. I think the only thing I really wanted to change was getting rid of the Anime Bangs, so I just gave him this kinda sleek, kinda messy pushed-back look with a blue tint. Even though it's simple, I really struggled to come up with anything, until I found a page from the author saying smth like "I don't like the idea of him wearing neat clothes" with a picture of him in like a track suit so I did kinda the same outfit
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My absolute #1 favorites, Hikaru & Kauru. They're honestly the ones that started it all because Kauru has been my favorite since I first saw the halloween episode (iykyk).
I don't know why, but I wanted their hair to be fluffier/curly and more of a natural(?) ginger color. I knew I wanted Kauru's to be redder and Hikaru's a bit lighter/blonder, but only subtly. I also gave Kauru a scar on his cheek from that time in Karuizawa, but most notably, I gave them blue and pink eyes as their signature colors. Lastly, their expressions are slightly different, because no matter how much they are in sync and try to match each other perfectly, Kauru's a much gentler soul than Hikaru, so I made Hikaru's smile a bit more snarky while Kauru's is soft.
Thank you for looking at my art/ reading my thoughts, here's an extra little design edit & comparison
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(lol, I think they're mimicking Kyouya in this panel idek) (Also here you can see I tried the bun hairstyle w Mori, I think it looks good, but this is a really simple drawing so.)
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 1 month
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"It's over."
This is just a whole AU at this point. There are a couple under the split I tossed together for funsies. I mean these are all for funsies but you get the idea. They're down there because 1, they don't fit and 2, one of them is very spoilery of the comics.
But yeah, I've obviously been having a lot of fun making these. I'm thinking this'll be the last batch cause I don't wanna do screenshot redraws forever, especially not with the TOTK stuff coming up. It's those and then hopefully I'm done for at least a year. Best-case till next season.
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(The B is in the background cause originally I thought it'd be fun to make Bart into William. But then I realized William has Tim's exact hair so now Tim is the eccentric gay best friend)
(And yes Donald is canon. Mercy Graves who? It's Donald Ferguson now.)
(Lmao I made it sound like he transitioned. Good for him.)
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roodles03 · 2 months
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Genderbent Alastor: Alastrina (Render Edit)
I originally was just gonna trace over the official Alastor render and figure out his shape breakdown to learn to draw him... but then I decided to try and edit the render and make a genderbent version of him. So behold. Female Alastor. I think Alastrina is a good name for her.
I actually referenced the female design from a drawing Viv was requested to make in a old livestream.
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Since Alastor is so stuck in his time, if he was female, Alastrina would adhere to the female fasion of the time. A lot of people who make genderbent Alastors tend to oversexualize her or make her design too similar to the male version considering their time of livinf. Considering Al's personality, neither of those design ideas fit him. It's why I really enjoy Viv's concept of female Alastor appearing to adhere to the women's fashion of the time.
I really tried to encorperate the vibe of the 1930s into the full design I made since Viv's cuts off at the knees. I also added some extra stuff to make it more 1930s style.
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Here is a side by side.
Also, yes, I did actually do the shape breakdown. I did it for both Alastor and Alastrina
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Shape breakdowns are something I learned about in animation school and I've learned they're very helpful for learning to draw new characters you've haven't drawn before. Also, these shape breakdowns of Alastor in particular are very good at showing the difference between masculine and feminine designs.
Disclaimer: This is a render EDIT. NOT a redraw. I used Alastor's render as a base and worked off of that. Obviously it is traced over in some areas. (Mainly the face, head, and limbs) Because that's the point of an edit. Think of it as a screenshot edit or one of those old timey diveant art bases. Its the same thing. Outside of the changes I made, I DO NOT claim this as my own drawing. It is simply an edit.
Bonus: Free to use (with credit) Transparent PNG of Alastrina
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