#this is one (1) millimeter away from cuddling
luck-e-charms · 1 year
Part 1 of my He Brothers HCs
- In the future, He Tian grows to share more of He Cheng’s physical attributes (height, musculature, facial structure, etc.)
- They uncannily resemble their father but they inherited their mother’s eyes
- From the back, they look almost like the same person except for little details: despite both slicking their hair back, He Tian’s hair is longer and darker, he doesn’t have an undercut, and his posture is more lax
- From the front, the difference is more noticeable; He Cheng has more lines on his face from all the years dealing with his family’s bs
- Not to mention, their personalities are VERY different
- But there are times when they’re on mafia mode (particularly when they’re trying to achieve the same goal - which is a very very rare occurence), they seem to tune into the same wavelength and whoever is facing off with them, whether it be in combat, negotiations or whatever, are absolutely demolished by the end of the ordeal. Of course, they still clash more often than they get along, afterall He Tian is forced to work for his family for sometime until he can do whatever he wants (start his own non-mafia related business to be free with his Momo)
- People in the family business (especially the new guys) sometimes mistook He Tian for He Cheng and vice versa, much to their horror and He Tian’s amusement
- It doesn’t help that He Tian could mimic He Cheng’s voice and mannerisms; when he was younger he wanted to be like his brother cuz he thought he was cool but obviously that didn’t last long so whatever behavior he learned from his brother he used to mock the latter
- But He Tian and He Cheng don’t think they look THAT much alike
- There was one time when He Tian was wrongfully targetted by a rival group because they thought he was He Cheng
- There were also times when Jian Yi, Zheng Xi, and Mo mistook He Cheng for He Tian (He Cheng’s back was to them and they weren’t paying attention)
- One morning, after a long night at work, Mo saw a He Tian shaped figure in the kitchen. Thinking that his boyfriend was back from his business trip, he hugged them from behind and nuzzled his face onto their back, his sleep-addled brain missing the way said figure froze when he made contact with them. Then he heard He Tian’s scandalized voice from behind. Mo opens his bleary eyes, makes eye contact with the person he was cuddling, and his stomach drops to the depths of hell when he realized that this was not his boyfriend, but his boyfriend’s scary mafia older brother, He Cheng. He literally flies off the other, face redder than his hair from embarrassment and absolutely terrified for his life. Cue the: “I COULD EXPLAIN!” “I SWEAR, I THOUGHT HE WAS YOU, CHICKEN DICK!” Meanwhile, He Tian went from feeling confused to jealous/betrayed to extremely amused within a matter of seconds. He Cheng was weirded out but also found the mistake slightly amusing, enough so to crack a millimeter of what could be a smile
- The only person who had never & will never mistake them for each other is Brother Qiu; he knows the difference between his boyfriend - yes He Cheng and Qiu are together - and his boyfriend’s demon baby brother from miles away
- Now imagine a crack AU where the He brothers switch bodies oh man that’d be hilarious
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sailorharringrove · 2 years
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Joe Keery and boyfriend body language
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doyoungflower · 3 years
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5 ᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇᴅ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ
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warnings: slightly suggestive
1. When you told me you matched your breath with mine.
To be honest I barely remember how the conversation started, maybe we were talking about sciencey things, but suddenly you confessed to the sweetest things someone has done to me. Often, I get anxious about things, not like how people get excited to meet a friend but how my body hyperventilates when overthinking all the ways I can fuck the situation up. You were always there when I needed, even if I all I needed was for you to hold my hand. What I didn't know was that while you hold me, you always try to match the rhythm of your breath with mine and slowly calm it down so my subconscious would follow. Then, i realized that I loved you because you took care of me even in the most silent ways, not ever needing acknowledgment to prove you are there.
2. When you get impressed when I sing for you.
To say you're my biggest fan is an understatement, to the millions of pictures you save of me to how excited you get when I sing my lines in songs. However, nothing beats how your eyes sparkle when I sing only to you, cuddling in your couch and our faces millimeters apart. You tell me I sound like an angel and start babbling about how can someone make their vocie sound like 'that'. You try to mimic it, but it just sounds out of tune. I laugh and then realize I love you because rather than being discouraged for not being able to sing, you just get more enamored and proud of me.
3. When you get excited about your studies and explain them to me for hours.
In hindsight to my singing, I never fail to admire you when you try to explain to me something you just learn in class. It doesn't matter how complicated all the terms sounds to my ears, or how I can barely understand how it works, but everytime you talk fast and articulate with your hands excitedly you look the cutest to me. At that time, I realized I loved you because your passion radiates in massive waves out of you and to fall for your brain as well as your face is the biggest privilege to me.
4. When we were making out in the shower and shampoo got into your eyes.
Needless to say that when we first got under the water our plan wasn't exactly have a perfectly 'clean' shower. Your body that looked like it was meant to fit with mine just lookes too inticing to me, but you insisted that you at least needed to wash your hair or it would get tangled later. I couldn't stop looking at your lips while you applied the shampoo into your hair, they were so plump and soft that I couldn't resist to take them. Your hands flied instantly to my shoulders in surprise but either way you complied. That was until seconds later a drop of shampoo slipped from your hair to your eye and in the next moment you were detaching our lips and groaning in pain. While attacking your eye with the shower head in an attempt to make the pain go away I realized I loved you because your clumsiness was equally endearing and hilarious.
5. Everynight we cuddle and stay silent until we fall asleep.
I know, it's simple, but being with you more than ever made me realize how the littlest things can fulfill my heart. Being comfortable in your arms, sensing the peace of being able to feel your heartbeat next to mine. I don't need you to spell it out a hundred i love you's, all I need is you right there by my side. Your simple company makes me realize that I love you just for being here.
Note: This is a repost from my old blog. Just as this one, all my works will be moved to this account with rewrites and in a “new format”. Hope you’ll enjoy this new era just as much as I am excited to bring it to you <3
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A lot of people wanted a part two of #2, so here it is! (Also thank you for all the kind words I really appreciate it!🥺💖)
Request #6
Warning: non-con touching (nothing sexual), slight body horror, abuse, one-sided attraction.
Honestly, I remember that with #2 I really did have some kind of breakthrough or something lmao. It just came out so good! And this continuation? Well, let's just say that as I was writing it, I got my own stomach to twist a little bit. ;]
Enjoy, dearest anons!
Part 1 here | Next Part
Hero's legs burned as they ran with all their might, turning another corner. The halls of Supervillain's lair were like a maze. Everything looked identical no matter where they went. The hero could take twenty different turns and would still be met with the same dead end.
This was bad, very bad. Hero had to get out. They had to get away. The monster- The monster was after them. They had to find an exit, because if the monster caught them...
Hero shivered at the thought but refused to give up just yet. There had to be an exit somewhere! There just had to be! Because if there wasn't one then Hero- then Hero was as good as dead-
The same dead end again. Except this time, the hall leading up to it was much longer. And... And at the end of it was...
"N-No... no, no, no, NO, NO, NONONONONONONONONONONONONO!" - Hero turned on their heel and ran, tears falling from their eyes as their body shook in terror, lungs burning in need of more air. The corner they had turned just moments ago was gone now. There was only one long hallway. Hero could only run forward and nowhere else. They could not leave the monster's line of sight.
They spared a quick glance behind themself.
A mistake.
The monster's face was millimeters from their own, and Hero looked into one of its many eyes.
Another mistake.
Without warning, the hero's mind screamed in agony. They grabbed their head, forgetting that they were running and falling to the ground with a loud thud. They clawed at their temple, trying to get the abnormal pain out of it. Hero realized they were still looking into the monster's eyes. They tried to look away but couldn't. They- They couldn't move.
Their body refused to cooperate. They continued to stare deep into the monster's dark orbs, and as the beast neared them, they pleaded, they begged, they screamed for it to stop.
But the monster was silent, one of its clawed hands grabbing Hero's head, bringing them closer. The pain only worsened as the distance between them shortened.
Hero was apologizing now. What were they even saying 'sorry' for? They didn't know, but maybe it would help? Maybe that's what the beast wanted to hear from them?
The pain only grew. And Hero-
Hero awoke, gasping for air as their entire body shuddered with leftover terror. Where were they? They opened their eyes, but there was only darkness. W-Why? Why was it so dark-
The blindfold. That's right... Hero's eyes were covered so that they couldn't see. They took in a shaky breath in an attempt to calm themself, but it didn't help much.
They decided to focus on their other senses, feeling what was beneath them with their hands. It was soft and warm. Hero found the feeling rather pleasant. The arms around their waist were also quite comforting.
Wait, arms? W-WHAT ARMS-
"Did you have a bad dream, darling?" - a voice softly sounded in Hero's ears. They shivered as one of their captor's clawed hands trailed up and down their side, their hold tightening just a fringe.
"S-Supervillain... W-What are you d-doing..?" - they asked, worried confusion taking over their face. Why was Supervillain back already? Hero couldn't have slept for that long! They- What... What even was that dream just now?
Reading their thoughts, the supervillain answered, "Oh, I just happened to get done with work a bit sooner than planned today." - the monster started, nuzzling their face into the hero's hair, adoring their scent. "And, well... You just looked so cute sleeping in my bed. I simply couldn't resist cuddling you~. "
Hero had to resist another shiver trying to move through them. They were just... sleeping on top of the criminal for.. well, who knows how long! And Supervillain... Had they been watching them sleep? Hero couldn't stop the shiver that time.
The monster's grip suddenly tightened but stopped just short of hurting the small hero in their grasp. Said hero's entire body froze. A pit grew in their stomach as Supervillain pulled them closer and whispered lowly in their ear, "What was your dream about, little hero?"
There was an edge to their voice, Hero noticed. Were they angry? B-But why?! Hero hadn't even done anythi-
The dream.
The hero inhaled sharply as a realization hit them. It wasn't a dream. They- They remembered now- IT- IT WASN'T A-
A clawed hand suddenly gripped Hero's neck. They could only whine, terrified as the supervillain's grip threatened to cut off their air. A deep growl echoed in their ear, the monster's hold tightening even more and becoming painful.
"S-Supervillain, please- I-" - Hero never finished as another hand clamped over their mouth, keeping them quiet. Where did the third hand even come from? They didn't know nor needed to, as they had more pressing matters at hand.
"He̠̋ro... My l̟͊ittl̨̉e ̾͢H̺̾ė͈ro... ͛ͅỶͅoụ̿ tr̺̚ǐ̞e͂ͅd ̪̾t͓͑o r̰͕͊̍ư̥̟͈̝̅̆̓̍͢n̤̩̟͓̯͆̒̀͠͝ a̍ͅw̡̲̫̘̣͚̩̆̈͐̌̋̀͝a̹̜͙̎̿̄y͕͡ ." - Supervillain's voice had grown octaves deeper. It sounded... corrupted as it echoed in Hero's ear. It made their head hurt. They shook once more as a familiar pain brushed against the edges of their mind.
"Y̘̋ou th͚̆o̜͘ug͘͜h̖̽t͕̀ ͍̄y͕̒o̤̕u c̪̐oul̲̿d ̯͆j̮̎ust ̥̀g̙̈et awa̛͖y, ͇̇hm̓͟m?" - Hero could practically feel the other's anger- no, rage filling the room. It felt suffocating, it was making them struggle to breathe. Or was it the hand at their throat squeezing too tightly? They couldn't tell. Everything was starting to hurt. That- That pain from before- It was all coming back-
Hero whimpered against the hand at their lips as more arms came seemingly out of nowhere. They still couldn't see anything. They could only feel them wrapping around their small form, slowly crushing them.
The hero felt the tears flowing down their face, their terror growing as the grip on their neck tightened, just a pinch away from choking them. They could only breathe through their nose, and it hurt. It hurt so much. Everything hurt so, so much. Their heart was hammering against their ribcage, trying to get out. They- They couldn't get out- They couldn't- They-
They screamed as sharp teeth wrapped around their neck, about to bite.
Hero tried to struggle against the monster. They writhed and fought, but their body didn't even budge. Not even their head moved. They screamed out loud but were muffled. So they screamed inside their mind, crying out, begging, making promises the hero knew they would regret making.
But nothing worked. They could feel Supervillain's teeth slowly sinking into them, breaking their skin with ease. They tried to jerk their head away one more time, but it did nothing. Nothing worked, there was nothing they could do.
They grimly realized just how powerless they were, and even though it changed nothing, they squeezed their eyes shut, and went limp in the monster's hold, submitting to them. Only muffled sobs escaped the hero, their head empty of thoughts or pleas. Hero-
Hero flinched as a gentle kiss landed on their neck. The razor-sharp teeth from before were now gone. They whined, confused and scared. They didn't understand.
The many arms holding them loosened their grip, the hand around their throat released completely but did not leave. The hero gasped for the precious air their lungs were demanding as the hand on their mouth pulled away. However, once they got a good lungful of oxygen, the hand moved back to cover their mouth. A whimper left Hero as its fingertips brushed against their face, a weak "Please..." managed to slip past their lips, their voice cracking, broken, and petrified.
But Hero's plea was for nothing. They shook as the hand covered their mouth once more but said nothing else. A shiver ran down their spine as a trail of more gentle kisses was left upon their neck, the last one underneath the hero's ear, in which Supervillain whispered, "Do you understand now, little hero?"
The monster's voice was back to normal, but Hero's stomach twisted into knots regardless. Not awaiting an answer, the supervillain continued, "Do you understand that I'm in charge here? That I'm choosing to be nice to you?"
The hand laying on Hero's throat squeezed once more, just the slightest amount, and they froze at the feeling, more sobs threatening to rip out of them. "I could do so many terrible things to you, little hero. And yet, in the three months that you've been here, I've never actually hurt you, now have I?"
Their throat was released a second time, and Hero couldn't deny it. Supervillain could do whatever they wanted with them. They could easily hurt them or- or use them. But they hadn't. The entire time that the hero had been here, the supervillain was always very gentle towards them. Perhaps they scared them every once in a while, but Supervillain never did anything... extreme...
"A smart conclusion as always, Hero~." - the way the supervillain said Hero's name made them shudder. They were still helpless in their grasp, but at least they were no longer on the verge of having a heart attack.
Supervillain chuckled as they read the hero's mind. They left another kiss on their neck, before continuing, "Will you play nice now, little hero~?"
"I-I will." - Hero answered in their mind.
"Good~." - the monster purred. "That means that you'll keep all those promises you made a few minutes ago, right?" - they asked with a grin, and Hero froze once more, their muscles tensing in new fear.
"Mmm, what was it that you promised again..?" - Supervillain mused, pretending not to remember, just so that they could smell their hero's fright in the air. "You promised to... do anything I asked for~?"
Another whine escaped Hero as their body began to shake against the other's. The arms holding them tightening. The hand at their throat squeezing again. A few small, still muffled sobs escaped them as Supervillain's sharp teeth brushed against their ear, "Well, Hero?" - the monster pressed.
"I-I I'll do whatever you w-want, j-j-just... P-Please just don't h-hurt me." - even inside their mind, Hero's voice still broke and quivered. They whimpered as Supervillain relaxed their hold once again, their various hands now caressing and petting the hero's body. "Oh, of course I won't hurt you, Hero..."
The blindfold around Hero's eyes suddenly got torn away, and they opened their eyes out of reflex. At first, they thought nothing had changed, as there was darkness all around them. But then their brain registered all the eyes around them. They noticed the darkness surrounding them moved unlike normal shadows but rather like living flesh. Out of the corner of their eye, they could see that the giant mass around them was connected to Supervillain's body.
Hero tried to close their eyes in their terror but found that they couldn't. They could only stare wide-eyed, breathing growing unsteady as a hand somehow formed in the dark, a terrible sound of wet flesh squelching and bones cracking echoing across the entire room.
They whimpered as the new hand cradled their cheek, thumb wiping away some of their tears, all the eyes focused on them as the monster finished their sentence,
"...No̼͡t̠̾ uṋ̓l̳̔eś̼s̩̽ ̫͋yo̻͞u ̮́ģ͒ive m̙̏e a r̮̂e̾͜a̺̽ṡ͎on̎͢ ̧͂ṱ̾o."
And then, at last, the sweet embrace of slumber overtook Hero's body and mind.
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luimagines · 3 years
Maybe first kiss?? Definitely romantic-
You got it hun!
Part 1 will include Warrior, Twilight and Wild.
Content under the cut!
You walked along the road with no true destination in mind as the sun began to set.
You were alone for a change but didn’t mind the lack of company.
The air was sweet and fragrant, the night life beginning to stir around the town as you continued walking.
As you traveled and watched as the houses lit up their candles and the shops closed down as the day winded down to an end.
It was a peaceful moment that you didn’t think you’d have again for a while, not as long as you traveled with Link.
Any of them.
The worst of them was The Captain, you thought to yourself.
And just as you thought it, he appears in front of you.
Surprised just as much as you when you nearly collided with each other. Nothing happened thankfully but you were stunned in your footstep.
“Evenin’ Captin’.” You wink.
Warrior snorts and rolled his eyes. “And here I thought you dropped that name.”
“Would you rather I call you Link?” You grin and begin to walk again.
Warrior doesn’t take the lead like you were expecting him too but that’s just as well. It’s not like you were going anywhere.
“Of course I’d rather you call me by my name. Shame there’s just so many of us.”
“Too many.”
“You love us.”
“If I didn’t, I don’t think there’s any way I would have survived as long as I have with all your shenanigans.” You laugh. 
Warrior hums but doesn’t match your energy.
You look at him and raise an eyebrow. “Were you drinking?”
“Hm?” Warrior startles. “No. Not while I’m working.”
“Warrior, you’re always working.” You deadpan. 
“Am not.”
“Are too!” You snap back. “And well, whatever. Never mind. I was going to see if you wanted to go get a drink or something but if you’re technically still on the clock then it’s fine.”
“You want to get a drink?” Warrior throws him thumb behind him and tilts his head in tandem. “There’s a place that way where you could get one, cheap, mediocre, but it gets the job done.”
“I was curious if you wanted to drink. I’m actually fine.” You shrug and keep walking.
Warrior gets confused and has to step a little faster to keep up with you before you leave him behind. “I appreciate the offer but I’m fine as well.”
“Fair enough.”
Warrior waits for you to continue but when he sees that you aren’t going to, he speaks up again. “Why only me?”
“Legend says that you’re always thirsty around me, so I figured I’d offer-”
Warrior trips over himself and lands on his knees.
It looked rough.
“Hey, are you ok?” You drop next to him and he pulls himself off of the cobble stone road.
There’s a tear by his knee, right where he landed on it, and it you shifted it just a millimeter higher, then you’d see the very thin cut that’s already begun to bleed.
You hiss and try to gently pull the cloth away to get a better look at it but Warrior’s stillness is more unnerving than you want to admit.
“I’m going to kill him.” Warrior growled.
It was so out of left field that you blinked, sat back and began to laugh.
And laugh.
And laugh.
“And here I thought you were actually hurt.” You gasp. “You scared me for a second. Also, don’t kill Legend- he’s just trying to get under your skin, it’s not so bad.”
“Not so-” Warrior furrows his eyebrow and places a hand over his mouth. “Do you not know what that means?”
You raise an eyebrow with a teasing grin on your lips. “If I said no, would you show me?”
Oh you knew what you were doing.
You and him were playing this game for a while now and this is where you wanted to see what he was made of. If all the back and forth actually meant something to him like it did to you or if he was just having fun with it.
You would have been fine with it either way but you didn’t want to put time and effort into someone who didn’t consider you for more than a second glance. Legend’s comment was honest- if an honest jab- but it was the only clue you had to see where you soldier boy stood with you.
You lick your lips subtly but you don’t miss the way his eyes are drawn to the motion like a moth to candle light.
It emboldens you.
Warrior, while still on the ground, straightens up and you can see the movement of his Adam’s apple just beyond his scarf. “Are... Are implying what I think you’re implying?”
“I never implied anything Link.” You go stand and send him a wink. “I only wanted to know if there was anything I could do to help with apparent problem. But if it’s not serious-”
Warrior jumps to his feet and reaches for your elbow before you can turn away from him fully. “Serious? You want me to be serious?” 
“I want you to be honest with me, not some part time lover.” You admit. “Don’t go breaking my heart.”
Warrior has what you can only describe as a face journey.
At first he continues to look confused, before you see the light dawn on his face, before he looks like he could jump over the moon with joy alone and then his face drops again to what you can only describe as mild despair.
Warrior says your name like a prayer and his hands come up to cradle your face.
Your hands find themselves on top of his. 
They’re warm. 
“Is Legend right then?”
Warrior gulps audibly this time as his swipes his thumb across your cheek. “...Yes.”
His voice is breathless and low and it’s a whisper, a confession and a vow all in a single word.
The air is charged with an intensity you weren’t expecting when he speaks and you’re drawn into his gaze. “If you’re thirsty, what does that me?”
“A tall glass-” He leans down and brushes his nose with yours. Your eyes flutter close, letting him do whatever he’d want to do in the moment, you trust being fully placed in the hands of this man who’s completely captivated you, your heart and soul. You feel his breath move marginally down and you like your lips again from the anticipation of what you hope would happen. “-of water.”
Warrior lets his lips rest on yours and you don’t hesitate to kiss back.
Emboldened by the reaction, Warrior lets his hands travel downward and settle on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You for your part, rest one hand by his collar bone and the other rests on his jaw, gently pushing and caressing where you want him to move to.
He follows without question and trails off of your lip to kiss your cheek, your jaw and he leaves a trail all the way down to your neck.
You gasp at the cold sensation when he leaves the spots behind and grip his tunic with your hand. “Link.”
He stops. A breath leaves him and he gulps right by your ear. “Sorry. Got carried away.”
“It’s ok.” You say in a small voice.
Warrior grins through his subtle panting and he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you entirely and resting his head beside yours. “We can be serious.”
“The group would kill us.” You laugh and tilts your head further into the crook of his neck.
“Probably.” Warrior shrugs. “For either taking to long or making one of the lose a bet, but only for that.”
“Not for being intolerable?” You ask and tilt your head ever so slightly to return the kiss Warrior left on your neck.
He stills and hugs you tighter as result. “I’m going to need a drink.”
“And here I thought I could fix that.” You laugh and try to pull away. “You said.”
“Different.” He growls and keeps you from going through your plan of escape. “Something strong.”
“May I join you in your attempt to quench your thirst?” You snort and give up, letting him hold you as he wants.
Warrior pauses and looks down at you from where he holds you, a dumb smile on his face. “I’d love nothing more.”
Learning that Twilight was Wolfie was something you thought would be easy to move on from.
You used to shower Woflie with all sorts of pets, kisses and cuddles and part of you yearns to continue doing so.
But you didn’t want to make it awkward with Twilight.
You figured he only put up with it because he was a wolf and didn’t want to break up the illusion of his secret. Not the mention that the thought of kissing Twilight does something funny to you on the inside and the butterflies don’t leave you alone for hours after you’ve thought about it. 
But you missed it. 
You missed Wolfie. 
Your relationship with Twilight had taken on a new strain and you think the others are starting to notice it much to your chagrin.
He corners you one day, while you’re a little ways away from the group. You’re out of the ear shot and you’re frustrated and awkward.
Twilight lets a big breath out and notices how you can’t meet his eyes. “Are you ok? You’ve been weird this whole time since you found out. Did I do something-”
“No, no. You’re fine.” You’re quick to reassure him. “I couldn’t care less if this is a secret you want for yourself-”
“Ok, but with you being weird to both Twilight and Wolfie, the others are going to notice something sooner or later.”
“I won’t tell them anything.” You say.
“I trust you. I’m just saying.” Twilight crosses his arms and looks at you a little painfully. “But why the change? I thought we were fine.”
“We are fine.”
“Clearly not.” Twilight nearly growls. “You won’t even look at me anymore. You refuse to look at me even now.”
You snap your head to face him head on and chew on your lip as you try to think of the words to defend yourself. 
“Why did you let me give you all those kisses?” You say instead. “You knew I wasn’t aware of who you were.”
Twilight stills and his frustration melts from his face. He stares at you with a blank expression only bordering on confusion and realization at the same time.
It’s a weird look.
He doesn’t say anything in response though and the lack of reaction to your very legitimate questions spurs you on.
“What? Are my kisses are special or something? Do you know how weird it is for me to know that you’re Wolfie and still want to kiss the wolf?”
Twilight blushes something fierce, but he nods somewhat. He had a suspicion that was it, but he didn’t think you’d actually say it out loud. “Yes.”
You groan and throw your head back. “Yes to what?”
“Yes to both.” Twilight gulps and shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. “Of course are kisses are special. And yeah- I get it. It can be weird but I let you... because I like it. It was selfish, I know, but I didn’t care because it was you. Look, if you want to keep kissing Woflie, I’m not going to stop you.”
“But it’s you!” You cry.
Can’t Twilight see what makes this weird? You can’t kiss Wolfie. It’s kissing Twilight! And kissing Twilight is a whole other level of honesty you’re not ready to have with yourself at the moment.
Twilight for his part- looks offended and maybe a little disappointed. “I didn’t think kissing me would be such a terrible idea.”
You panic. “That’s not what I meant. You’re very kissable. It’s just that I-”
“Prove it.”
You look up and Twilight’s in front of you, in your personal space, and he’s leaning down close enough where you can feel his breath fan across your cheeks.
“Uh, um...” You gulp and chance a look at his lips.
Twilight notices.
You don’t see that though. You instead focus on the implication of his words, how he’s placed him in front of you, how he’s not moving any closer to you.
He waiting for you to make the first move.
Do you want to? 
You shift yourself closer. 
Prove it, he said. 
Prove to him that he’s kissable. 
Prove to him that it matters if he’s Wolfie or not.
Prove it.
You take a breath and place your hands on his chest, reaching upwards to press your lips against him.
Your eyes close and you feel the contact as an electrifying spark. Your hesitance is clear. It’s a new and foreign sensation for you but it never had to be more than a peck. 
Your eyes flutter open again as you pull away but Twilight wraps his arm around your waist, trapping you against him as his other hand cradles your cheek, angling your face back to him gently as he chases after your lips.
They’re softer than you would have thought they would be and the way Twilight moves them against you has you struck stupid.
Your hands snake their way up his chest and wrap themselves around his neck. One of your hands tangles itself in his hair and begins to play with the strands you can reach.
Twilight responds with his own hand traveling past your cheek to your neck and eventually behind your head to entangle his fingers there.
You whines and Twilight pulls away, breathless, with half lidded eyes that have a look that makes you feel weak in your knees.
You gulp and attempt once again to pull away from him. “There.”
“What?” Twilight speaks and it does something funny to you. His voice is low, husky, dangerous.
“Very kissable.” You say with a slight nod to your head, unsure of what to do or say next. The phantom touch of his lips on your is still very much there, but you don’t want to place your fingertips there to mimic it while Twilight is still very much in front of you.
A new hunger darkens his gaze and he smirks with a wicked gleam. “I’m not convinced.”
He pulls you completely flush against him body and you squeak from the intensity behind it. You can feel his chuckle across your whole body and the sound encompasses you completely.
You feel a grin begin to bloom and you almost want to laugh. “What do you want me to do about it?”
Twilight leans down again and brushes his nose against yours. “I think you know.”
“Do I?” You challenge and brush him back. “I could be wrong. I’m not a mind reader.”
“I’ve wanted it for so long, how could you not know?” Twilight’s voice dips even lower and you shiver.
Twilight notices.
Your voice however, goes higher.  “Oh.”
Twilight smirks. 
“I suppose I can’t leave you unconvinced then, huh?” You maneuver yourself to get comfortable against him and ever so slightly push his head down to meet yours more fully.
“It would be rather rude of you to do so.” Twilight whispers against your lips.
So, you prove it.
You and Wild had snuck off from the group and were simply chilling by one the many grassy open spaces his Hyrule has to over.
Wild had taken you to a high point that oversaw the whole village any one who tried to make their way up to you.
So you had privacy for the time being.
Not that you guys were doing much, just laying on your back alternating between watching the clouds and taking quick cats naps in the warmth of the sun.
You take a deep breath and let it go, a wide smile on your face. “We should do this more often.”
You heard Wild shift from your side as he rolled over, his head cradled in his hands, his elbows firmly planted into the dirt beneath you. “You think so?”
“Your home is beautiful.” You say. “I want more time to appreciate it.”
“And yet it’s incomparable to you.” Wild whispers.
You still and roll over yourself to face him.
He ends up being closer to you than you thought he’d be and the close proximity takes you off guard. You feel yourself flush a little and shrink down, unable to meet his gaze but it’s not unwelcomed. 
“You’re making fun of me.” You mutter.
Wild takes his free hand uses it to tilt your head back up to meet his eyes. “Never.”
You gulp a bit as you glance into the windows to his soul. Sometimes when you catch yourself staring, you can see a sadness there with out end. Sometimes you can see his pain and confusion and you know that there’s not enough magic in the world to fix it.
But now?
You think you see hearts and thought of it being because of you does something funny to your own heart and breath.
You feel his gentle touch on your skin, how his thumb caresses ever so slightly against your cheekbone and chin.
The air is delicately charged with an electricity you wouldn’t have been able to place before.
You both lay there, staring into the other and you see his eyes, dip ever so slightly down.
You gulp.
You want him closer.
You need him closer.
You need him to kiss you.
Right now.
Wild shifts closer and brushes his nose with yours, his lips barely brushing over your own. His breath is hot and moist and you almost whine when he doesn’t close the distance between you.
“Is this ok?” He says after his second of hesitation.
“Please.” You whisper and angle yourself up to brush your lips with his again, the temptation to much for you to bare without any results.
He pulls back just before the distance closes again and you feel your heart drop.
“Please what?” He gulps. It’s loud and nervous and if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was being coy, a tease and a nuisance.
But no, he sounds genuinely concerned about your wording.
Just as quickly as your heart drops it soars again and you could cry with the amount of love you feel in your veins.
You reach up and cradle his face in a similar fashion to how he holds you and pull him closer. “Please.”
Wild takes the answer for what it is, pushing himself all the way in your direction and placing his lips on yours.
There’s a restrained hunger there, you can feel it. 
He wastes no time with tangling his hand into your hair, pushing you back so that your back is once again on the ground. Wild traps you beneath you and settles for keeping most of his weight on his opposite hand, leaving just enough room for you to bring your other arm and wrap it around him.
He’s gentle though, like he doesn’t want to frighten you with his desires but you mimic his movements, wanting nothing more than for him to let you love him.
At some point where your lips dance around each others, you move and you place different kisses on his jaw, his cheeks and his scars. You’re pinned underneath him entirely and he holds himself up from crushing you with a single arm on the ground by your head, his hair falling beside your face when he pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
His breathing comes out in little pants and his eyes close. “I love you.”
You hum and tilts your head up to place a little kiss on his nose. “I love you too.”
Wild let a giddy smile fall across his face before he looks into your eyes and kisses you again.
Part 2
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gaycrouton · 5 years
You're wonderful. I love the viagra fic and I want more please🍆🍆🍆
Aaaaaaannnnnnddddd THE FINAL PART IS HERE! Thank you so much for your support! And another thanks to @admiralty-xfd for being my love!
Side note, not to toot my own horn, but this is spicy
Clinical Detatchment II
She’d been doing good, in fact too good, at shutting her mind off to ignore any sounds coming from the other room. She tried to read her case files, get some work done, she even meditated. Aside from a few gasps, she was pretty confident she was doing a good job. Which is why the knocking startled her so badly.
Scully glanced at her watch, amazed by Mulder’s stamina, when she realized the lifetime that had passed had only been six minutes. Walking to the door, instead of relief, she was met with the biggest kicked puppy dog look she’d ever seen from him - pouty lip, glossy eyes, and all.
“Scully, I can’t focus because I’m anxious and I’m scared and I can’t get out of my head, but I don’t want to go to the doctor,” he rambled in a single breath. 
Sighing, she opened the door for him to come in and he waddled in holding the towel to his still prominent bulge. 
“What if you tried watching TV, just charge the Pay-Per-View to your card?” she asked.
“No TV,” he replied, his intonation implying he’d considered that option as well.
She was already mid-scoff when she looked around the room and realized that he was right. Of course they’d be in the one motel in America without a television. 
“What do I do?” he asked in one of the most desperate tones she’d ever heard. She couldn’t blame him, if the situation were reversed, she’d be in a panic by now.
“First, I want you to take a deep breath. You need to calm down,” she commanded, taking a deep breath to lead by example and repeating the motion to get him to mimic her.
“I would have tasted it if it were too high of a dose right?” he asked.
“Not necessarily,” she replied honestly. His brows furrowed and he took a step back, pacing lightly out of stress.
“I’m sorry, I know this is awkward and please don’t think less of me. I just really don’t want to lose my dick,” he confessed, looking at her apologetically.
“Mulder, you’re not going to lose your dick,” she replied. “How does it look now? Did being jostled aggravate it?”
“Is that what you call it, Scully? Being jostled?” he teased before looking down, taking the towel away from himself just a millimeter to try and peek. 
“Mulder, there’s no need to be shy right now,” she reminded him.
He looked at her with chagrin before acknowledging that. Wordlessly, he pulled the towel away and the motion caused his penis to bob once against his stomach before resuming its normal stance at attention. 
She took a step closer and grabbed it lightly, moving it gently to look at it fully. “Fuck, Scully,” he gasped in surprise and something that sounded much more relief than displeasure.
“Sorry,” she mumbled as she bit back a gasp. When she’d brushed it with her palm she undoubtedly felt him twitch in her hand. “It still looks normal,” she assessed before taking a step back. 
As she did this, she noticed the way his eyes had been locked on her face hungrily, something she’d been too distracted to notice before. His eyes were dilated and his jaw was clenched, a sight that might appear like anger to others - but looked like unadulterated lust to her. 
Scully swallowed and, aside from his gaze flickering to the hollow of her throat, he came back to himself and looked away, covering himself once more. “Why don’t you call one of your 1-900 numbers?” she asked.
“First of all, you shouldn’t know about those. Second of all, I cancelled my accounts a few months back,” he replied.
He shrugged non-committedly and murmured “I didn’t feel like I needed them anymore.”  If she was gauging correctly, he looked shy at this admittance. She knew for a fact he wasn’t with anyone, so the timing just felt oddly coincidental to when they started hanging out after work more often. Part of her wanted to think it was directly related to their increased time together, but the rational side told her it was more likely that he just didn’t have as much time for it.
“You know, some say when the prostate is stimulated just right that orgasm is almost involuntary-”
“No judgement, but I don’t think the first time I want something in my ass is under these circumstances,” he deadpanned.
She wiped her face as if to rid herself of her stress and contemplated the situation. Really contemplated the situation. They’d been teetering on this line between being platonic and more for a while now. That back massage she’d given him a few weeks ago involved way more touching than necessary, him kissing her cheek was a given after a night hanging out and cheek had slowly been wandering into side of the mouth territory, and she’d dare to go so far as to say they’d even been cuddling without calling it cuddling during movie nights. 
All in all, their platonic relationship was a camel with two thousand straws on its back. This would be the one to break it.
She let out another long breath before looking him in the eye. “Mulder?”
He met her gaze and furrowed his brow, alarmed at her severity. “What?”
“I want you to know I’m only saying this because I trust you and if we want this can eternally remain a secret,” she started. He didn’t say anything, just looked at her with prying eyes, trying to decipher her meaning. Keeping her hands firmly planted at her sides, lest she give way to her nerves, she stated, “If you think there’s anything I could do to help, I’m willing.”
His mouth dropped open and his eyes widened, scanning her to make sure he was understanding her correctly. “Scully, I could never ask-”
“You aren’t asking, I’m offering,” she clarified.
He continued to stand there stunned, still holding the cloth against himself,  and she started to feel self-conscious. “You even mentioned earlier in your room that you were afraid you’d come in front of me. And earlier before at the restaurant you seemed to get flustered when I touched yo-”
“Yeah, Scully. I’m obviously attracted to you, but I don’t want you to do anything like that out of pity,” he explained. He paused for a minute before adding, “And I don’t want you to think I came in here under the assumption you’d help.”
She sighed and wished anything could be easy or simple. “I’d never think that, Mulder. And I’m not doing it out of pity. Again, I wouldn’t offer if I wasn’t comfortable with the idea. You know me better than that.”
Her final words seemed to really strike something in him and a look of understanding started to cross his face. “But I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you and your condition either. Just because I find you attractive doesn’t mean I would ever expolit-”
“Really?” he asked, astonished, his sincerity almost laughable with the straining erection pressing the thin fabric held in front of him.
“W-what?” she asked, feeling like the room was a hundred degrees hotter than it had been earlier.
“You’re attracted to me?”
She rolled her eyes at how juvenile this all was. “Mulder, I think we both know we’re attracted to each other,” she declared honestly, unable to meet his eyes.
He was silent for a moment before chuckling lightly. “I never thought it would come out this way,” he stated quietly, almost to himself.
“Part of me isn’t surprised,” she admitted with a small smile. Conventionalities had yet to find a place in their partnership. 
“I know this,” he gestured to his erection, “-says differently, but I’m nervous. I feel like a teenager again,” he laughed.
She offered him a reassuring smile to let him know the feeling was mutual. “It’s just me,” she whispered shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Exactly,” he murmured. 
She took in a deep breath, feeling her heart continue to beat rapidly in her chest. The words were out there now, but that was only the beginning. “Do you think I could help you?” she asked, posing the question to him with a lilt.
It wasn’t meant to be seductive, but her question caused him to lick his lips and his eyes to roam to her chest before they shot respectfully to the wall art. “Can I be honest?” he asked.
“I’d be offended if you weren’t,” she replied.
He chuckled as he raised a hand up to rub the back of his neck. “I’d always thought we’d take things slow.”
“We still can,” she told him in earnest, playing with the nail of her middle finger.
He cocked an eyebrow at her and stated uncertainty, “How?”
“Well…” she thought and looked around as if inspiration for how to get your partner off would manifest in the wallpaper. She was rewarded by an idea coming from a glance at the motel phone. “You talked to those women to get off before.”
“Yeah…?” he questioned, uncertain of her intent with that statement.
“What if…you talked to me?” she asked coquettishly.
It was a minute gesture, but she saw him squeeze himself through the hand towel. “So, we talk while I…?” He made a gesture to his crotch and she nodded. “It feels vulgar to jack off in front of you.”
Deciding honesty might help the situation, she admitted, “I wouldn’t be appalled if that’s what you think.” He cocked an eyebrow in surprise and she did the same in response. “But, what if for now, you sat on the bed and I sat in the chair by the adjoining door facing away from you?”
He nodded in understanding before meeting her eyes. “Are you sure?”
She nodded before walking over, grabbing the chair and dragging it to face the corner of the room, realistically only ending up three feet at most away from Mulder, but it gave the illusion of privacy. 
She sat down as she heard him get comfortable on the bed. They stilled for a moment in their positions, as if both really realizing what was going to happen. The only sounds in the room left were their pounding hearts and their shallow breaths. “I’ve never done this before,” she laughed nervously, breaking the silence.
“We don’t hav-”
“I want to,” she interrupted. “I promise.” She did too, despite her nerves, the thought of getting him off was one she’d entertained on countless lonely nights and the idea of finally fulfilling the fantasy was turning her on.
Deciding to begin, she asked. “So, what do you and the call girls usually talk about?”
“Um, sexual fantasies normally. Just like, verbally acting them out,” he admitted with hesitancy.
“Your fantasies specifically or one either of you just makes up?” 
“Mine. I’d tell her what I liked and she’d improv from there,” he explained.
Curiosity was burning in her as to if he was already touching himself. Was he waiting? Was he looking at her? “Tell me one.”
“You promise you won’t get mad?” he asked.
She wanted to send him a curious look at his choice of wording, but didn’t want to break his trust by looking. “Yes.”
“Um, usually, I’d ask her to pretend to be my coworker,” he mumbled.
“Oh,” she breathed. She’d never imagined his sexual habits as a conduit for relief of their own sexual tension, but the newfound knowledge stirred something deep inside. “What else would you tell her?”
“I’d describe you,” he admitted, the sound of his voice resonating slightly differently and she realized he was, indeed, facing her. “Your hair, your face, your body type.”
“Give me an example. What would you say to her,” she requested. She just wanted to hear him say it.
“She has short, auburn hair - enough to grab but not enough to get in the way; she’s beautiful, stunningly so, with intense blue eyes, plump red lips, and an aquiline nose; she’s very short-”
She let out a little huff of laughter and he paused to chuckle alongside her. “As I was saying, she’s very short, with a very lithe build - athletic but graceful.”
She was stunned at the delicacy and precision of his words, clearly all of the sentiments expressed were ones he was confident in and it gave her a boost of confidence. “What am I wearing?” Present tense. First person point of view.  He recognized that change as well and the tension in the room started to become more comfortable as they got into it.
“Your usual business clothes, much like the ones you’re wearing now.” She was about to ask another question when he added, “But underneath you’re wearing a matching black lace bra and panty set, and when I’m taking it off you tell me you wore it for me.”
A chill went down her spine as she remembered what she’d put on this morning. Had he seen somehow? The coincidence had her spooked, but thrilled at the same time. 
“Where are we?” she asked.
“The office,” he answered quickly, obviously already picturing it vividly in his mind. She wasn’t sure if he was making the next part up just to hear what she’d say or if this was really how it went. “That’s usually all I say before she takes over.”
There was a gruffness to his voice that told her he was undoubtedly touching himself, the gentle sounds of the bed moving underneath his shifting hips signifying the same. She closed her eyes and imagined herself in the basement, in the very same office they’d been in only a few days ago, where seven years of flirty comments, longing gazes, and sexual tension permeated the space.
“Okay, but let me know if I’m not doing it right,” she nodded, adjusting herself in her seat while trying to ignore the dull ache in her groin.
“I highly doubt that’s possible,” he murmured.
“But I just need to know one thing before starting,” she stipulated.
She heard the movements stop as he answered, “Of course, what is it?”
“In your fantasies, am I the instigator, or is it you?” she asked softly, biting her lips as she waited for an answer. He was silent for a moment and she could hear his mind whirring with the possibilities that came from both ideas. 
She’d imagined both so many times that she would have been ready for either. The implication of his choice was obvious; her speaking as the instigator made it more for her rather than making it sound like she was just pandering to his desires. She hoped he knew that wasn’t what this was.
“Good choice,” she complimented before clearing her throat.
She’d truly never done anything like this before in her life. The only thing comparable was her journal that had seen glimpses of a really good fantasy or a recalled dream. That’s how she’d have to do this - just act like she was reading from her private diary.
“It’s Tuesday morning and you’ve been in a mood all morning,” she began. He chuckled and she immediately felt her cheeks redden. “I told you I hadn’t done this before.”
He stifled his laughter quickly to reassure, “No, no. I’m sorry. I just found it funny that even in a fantasy I’m brooding and morose.”
Comforted that it wasn’t her he was laughing at she smiled and defended herself, “May I continue, Mulhder.” She drew out his name in a more sensuous tone than she’d ever used in his presence before and she heard him agree readily.
“It’s Tuesday morning and I can tell something’s off. I’ve been looking across the desk at you since you came in and I can’t put my finger on what’s wrong and every time I ask, you just say you’re fine.”
As she mentally planned out her fantasy she blushed at the fact she was revealing quite a bit about her secret wants. Too late now. “It takes a few hours of prompting before you make a snide comment about me going out with another man.”
There was an abrupt halt then too, and he spoke up again, “Scully, don’t take this the wrong way, but I really don’t-”
She could hear him getting upset at the idea of her fantasy including another man and she smiled at the meta nature of it all, “Let me finish.”
The sounds started up softly again and she took it as a sign to continue. “When you mention it, I feel indignant. I’d spent the night touching myself to the thought of you and I woke up this morning double checking myself in the mirror and hoping you’d like what you’d see, and the fact you would think I could look at another man pisses me off.” The absolute honestly of the words leaving her mouth burned, her mouth felt like a loaded gun and her face felt like it was on fire. But the honesty was erotic.
Mulder thought so too. At these new words she heard a clear as day moan escape his lips, though it sounded like he tried to silence it. “I ask you what you’re talking about and it becomes clear someone said something stupid to you to get you riled up and it worked. I’m pissed you’d believe it so readily, but when I look at you I can see you’d rolled your sleeves up, your jaw is set, and you look absolutely jealous. Possessive even, and it turns me on instantly. I try to meet your eye with a leveled glance and try to ignore the fact that I can feel myself getting wet.”
He inhaled quickly and his breath comes out trembling. “I want to play with you a little bit, see how much you’re willing to admit you’re jealous, but I don’t think you will. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me now that you’re thinking of some nameless agent and imagining his hands on me. You’re thinking of him touching me, fucking me, making me come, and it pisses you off because you know it should be you. You know that no one could pleasure me better than you could.” Now it was her turn to take a deep, shuddering breath. She was staring at the corner of the wall intently, the depressed line where two surfaces meet, as she spoke. The comfort of not having to face him, yet hearing the effect her words had on him was painfully sexy.
“I ask what you mean and you confirm my suspicions. You overheard some guy make a comment about taking me out and you misconstrued it. But you’re not covering your feelings up at all. You don’t say it’s none of your business, you don’t say I can do whoever I want, you don’t say you don’t care, because you know that would all be a lie.”
She’d unabashedly squeezed her legs together to relieve some friction, but it wasn’t enough. She could hear the now rhythmic shifting of the bed, and with the hope he was too distracted to notice, without moving her arm too much she slid her hand in between her legs and up her skirt. Her knuckles brushed against her damp panties and she sucked in a breath and hoped Mulder didn’t hear it. She quickly tries to mask it as her starting another sentence and resumed her narration. “Even though I’m a little upset with you, I can’t stop focusing on how sexy you look. I stand up abruptly and I can tell you think I’m going to leave and you sit up in your seat. For a moment I think you’re going to try and stop me and the idea sends another wave of arousal rushing through me. But you stay in your seat and watch me like a hawk as I walk around the desk so that I’m right beside you, leaning back against the wood.”
She fingers the elastic on the side of her underwear before pulling it to the side and letting her index and ring finger press onto her swollen clit. Her body jolts once and her head rolls to the side. There’s a slickness to the sound of Mulder’s masturbation now and she knows it’s working. For both of them. “When I ask you if you seriously think I’m going out with someone else and you’re shocked. Before you’d been empathizing with the man, understanding what it’s like to want me and you were just jealous he acted on it. Now I’m making you empathize with me and you know me better than to think I’d be fraternizing with some other guy after how close we’d been getting recently.”
“Scully?” he prompted, his voice strained.
“Hmm?” she replied, not trusting her own.
“Are you touching yourself?”
She froze, her fingers just starting to press into herself as she realized she’d been caught. She was about to apologize before he requested. “Can I see you?”
His words weighed heavy in the room as she contemplated them, both of them eager to see what her next action would be. She took her fingers away, slightly surprised at the amount of wetness coating them as her underwear snapped back into place. She stood up and adjusted the chair so it was facing Mulder, and slightly closer to the bed too. She didn’t risk a look at him in fear of chickening out before she sat down. But as she slid into the chair she had to suppress a moan.
He wasn’t lying on the bed. He was sitting on the edge, his feet planted on the floor as he faced her.
He’d been watching her the entire time.
His cock was wet, thick, and swollen in his hand, which hadn’t stopped its rhythmic pumping. Encouraged by his brazenness, she slipped out of her blazer, leaving herself in her thin blouse, letting it fall to the ground next to her, and rose up slightly just to hitch her skirt over her hips. Then she reclined again, spread her legs, and resumed her prior actions.
She saw Mulder mouth the word ‘fuck’ as his hand sped up, and she had no doubt the look in her eye was anything other than lascivious. “W-where was I?” she asked.
“You were mentioning how close we’ve been getting lately,” he informed.
They locked eyes and smiled at the irony of that statement contrasted with their current situation. “Right. You start apologizing and I can tell you’re relieved, but you also feel bad for jumping to conclusions.” She swirls around her clit proficiently enough to make her gasp and jerk slightly against the chair and she saw Mulder’s eyes hungrily devour the motion. 
“Then what do you say?” he asked, adding a second hand below himself to cup his balls, fondling them with precision.
“I lean down close to you tell you I could never be with anyone else because all I think about is you and how much I want you, fuck,” she gasped as she started feeling the beggining twinges of an orgasm. She was reaching the point of inevitability and she couldn’t help but grind her hips against her hand. 
Scully let her head fall back as she stared at the ceiling, not saying anything as she began swirling her clit more fervently, chasing her climax. “Yeah, that’s it, Scully,” he praised, his voice husky and gruff.
Feeling guilty she was on the brink when this was intended to help Mulder, she forced her head back down to look at him, though her hand’s actions didn’t slow. Her voice was uneven and strained as she tried to talk through her arousal. “Hearing me say that was all you needed and you jump up from your seat and grab me, kissing me like your life depended on it. I’m overwhelmed with feeling your arms around me, the way your tongue feels against mine, and how your hands feel on my body.”
She’d spent the past ten minutes working them up, and with one more sentence, he made her come undone.
“God, I want you.”
Her jaw dropped open as waves of pleasure radiated through her entire body. She screamed his name as her fingers mercilessly worked her clit to draw out her orgasm. Her legs went from being rigid, to squeezing her hand between her thighs, to quivering in quick five second intervals. 
When the orgasm subsided, he was pumping furiously and looked absolutely drunk with pleasure. Even though she’d just come, every cell in her body was on fire and craving more. 
The pretense they were hiding behind, the divulgence of a mutual fantasy, was undeniably sexy, but in this moment it didn’t feel like enough. She’d spent years fantasizing about them over and over again, it would never get old, but she fantasized because she felt they were things that could only happen in a dream.
She didn’t want to fantasize when the reality dangled its potential right in front of her face.
“Mulder,” she whispered, his name tumbling wordlessly from her bitten lips.
“Hm?” he replied, slowing down just ever so slightly. 
“I know you wanted to take it slow, but haven’t we waited long enough?” she questioned, her chest rising and falling as she tried to stabilize her breath.
“Are you sure?” he replied, halting his motion and searching her eyes for the hesitation he’d never find. 
“In your fantasies, am I the instigator, or is it you?”
Taking a deep breath, she steeled her resolve and stood up. She locked eyes with him and maintained eye contact as she sauntered over to him and hooked a leg over either side of his hips on the mattress, relieved when his hands came to her thighs to stabilize her before roaming the skin experimentally. The whole time he stared at her with so much reverence she felt like Aphrodite incarnated. 
Regardless of her boldness, the last ten minutes included, and despite the fact she could feel their arousals all but straining to touch the other, the absolute intimacy of this situation was not lost on her. This was really going to happen. She was nestled on Mulder’s lap, so close she could smell his aftershave from this morning and she could feel the warmth of his body head radiating onto her, and she started to feel her heart race with something other than arousal.
She raised her hands up, ignoring the way they were trembling, and cupped his cheeks, taking a moment to stroke her thumb against the skin textured by his five o’clock shadow. Her eyes roamed his face as she let her thumbs dip low enough to stroke his full bottom lip. He surprised her, eliciting a gasp, as he pressed a kiss to the wandering digits.
She looked up to meet his eyes and saw adoration reflected in their depths. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” she whispered, the words ripped from her lips without her giving thought to them.
A humbled smile broke out from beneath her thumbs as she felt one of his hands travel up her back to rest on the nape of her neck, his index finger instinctively tracing the scar he didn’t need to see to locate. Her breath hitched at the contact and, in the same breath, she lowered her hands to his shoulders and pressed her mouth against his. 
The timidity that may have been present under other circumstances was far removed as a result of the mutual masturbation session that had just taken place and the suffocating desire that was enshrouding them both. As soon as their lips touched their tongues followed suit and he pulled her tightly against him so that they were flush together.
Her hands started at his shoulders, but they quickly migrated south to roam the expanse of his back, enjoying the curves and contours of his muscles under her touch. Widening her legs, she sank down so that his erection nestled itself into the vee of her thighs, rubbing against the soaked fabric of her panties. He groaned against her lips and bucked upwards in a languid scooping motion that made her gasp.
He surprised her by hooking his arms under her legs and standing up, bringing her along with him. She let out a huff of aroused amusement at his eagerness before he turned around and laid her down in the middle of the bed, crawling on top of her as soon as she hit the mattress. He took a moment to rid himself of his shirt and she followed suit, unbuttoning her shirt as quickly as she could with her excitement hindering her precision. He saw what she was doing and started at the bottom hem edge of her shirt, unbuttoning simultaneously in the other direction until their hands met in the middle so she could arch her back and rid herself of the garment. She went one step further and lifted her hips so she could shimmy out of her skirt, tossing it off the bed before repositioning her legs against Mulder on either side.
He placed his hands greedily on her sides and ran them up and down her torso and all over her abdomen like he could commit it to memory by touching her enough. His eyes drank her in and she felt his hips roll against hers, pressing arousal to arousal sensuously. “Black lace,” he murmured with an appreciative grin as he used his hands to cup her breasts and tease her nipples through the thin fabric.
“Sometimes when I’m getting dressedI think about what you’d see if if were you undressing me. If you’d like what you saw. I didn’t know how right I was until earlier,” she admitted, arching her back and scooting so she could press herself more firmly against him and undulate her hips to match his movements.
He paused and a thoughtful look passed his face. “You thought of me when you put this on?” he asked.
She nodded, biting her bottom lip as she watched him. He smiled like this was the best news he’d ever received. He moved one hand to the valley of her breasts and teasingly toyed with the clasp. “As much as I love your taste in lingerie,” as he said this he unclipped the middle and it came apart, her breasts shifting out of the confines. Then moving his mouth over where the clasp had been, continued with, “- I want to see all of you.”
She helped him remove the bra, tossing it off the bed before his head descended and he latched his mouth directly onto her nipple, sucking, teasing, and nipping before diverting the attention to the other one. Each flick of his tongue sent a ripple of pleasure down her spine, goosebumps erupting over her skin as she clutched the bedsheets. When he switched his attention from breast to breast, he’d pepper little kisses all across her sternum and whisper half complete statements like “so beautiful” and “can’t believe.”
Through her haze of arousal she remembered what started this all and figured they shouldn’t wait anymore. “M-Mu-lder,” she whimpered, squeezing his hips with her thighs to get his attention.
“Hmm?” he hummed with a nipple still in his mouth, the wetness heightening the pleasure the vibrations caused.
“I want you, now,” she moaned, grabbing at his shoulders to pull him up.
He grunted enthusiastically and lifted himself off her. She missed the contact, but was quickly rewarded with the sight of him shimmying out of his boxers before crawling back on top of her. 
His face was looming over hers as their bodies pressed flush together and it was another moment that broke through the haze of lust. It was as if the moment dawned on them both and they couldn’t help but smile. She lifted a hand up and brushed his hair back as she beamed at him, trying not to ruin the heat of the moment by getting teary eyed. They didn’t have to communicate to know the gravity of this moment, that everything they’d ever done had been leading up to this moment. 
She leaned up and kissed him sweetly on the lips as she reached in between them to find his erection and guide it to her entrance. He hissed at the contact and watched her reaction as she angled her hips to allow his tip to sink in an inch or two.
Mulder’s inside me.
It wasn’t even all the way yet, but the simple fact it was happening excited and thrilled her. Mulder eased himself up into a position where he had more control without ever slipping out of her. “You’ll let me know if I hurt you, right?”
She raised her legs up and hooked them around his back so that he had easier access, wrapping her arms around his neck at the same time. “I know I won’t have to,” she whispered, placing a kiss to his lips before pressing her heel into his back in encouragement.
Slowly, he eased in inch by inch, giving her time to adjust to his size. Her body tensed occasionally at the intrusion and the slight pain from being stretched so much, and, just as she predicted, Mulder took her hitched breath or the tensing of her muscles as a sign to pause until she relaxed again. During the brief intermissions, he’d kiss her mouth or play with her nipples, anything to help ease the dull pain.
But when he was completely in and she was able to move her hips a bit in exploration, the dull pain began turning into pleasure. Pleasure that Mulder had undoubtedly been feeling excruciatingly well this whole time if the sweat on his brow and the look of rapture on his face were any indication.
“I’m good,” she breathed out huskily. “You can move.”
He settled into a better position where he still had control but where their pelvises could have more contact. He began at a slow, languid pace, analyzing her face for any sign of discomfort and using it as a gauge for if he could speed up.
In no time, he was snapping his hips back and forth with his thrusts - the entire bed rocking with the momentum. She’d never felt so full and satisfied in her entire life and for what felt like the first time - sex wasn’t partially performative. Not once did she make a sound just to let Mulder know she was having a good time. No - these moans and whimpers continually falling from her mouth felt like they were being ripped from her. Involuntary reactions to an overflow of overwhelming lust and satisfaction all caused by him.
Mulder’s face was a mask of complete and utter bliss. Not once did his eyes leave her body; they roamed from her face to the way her breasts bounced on her chest to her glistening arousal as he bucked against her. “You’re s-so beau-tiful, Scully,” he praised with struggling breath.
“So are you,” she replied with a quick exhale, smiling at him. Watching his muscles work under his skin as he moved was extremely erotic.
She felt the stirrings of a second orgasm building, but she knew it would be harder in this position. “Mulder, I wanna be on top,” she requested ineloquently.
He smiled at her and let out a full blown chuckle as she squealed at his quick movement. With amazing dexterity, he rolled to the side onto his back while keeping her latched to him with his hands on her hips. In a whirlwind of motion, she was on top of him, knees on either side of his hips, as he laid on his back.
The visual stimulation alone was almost enough to send her over the edge. His engorged and throbbing cock was still buried to the hilt inside of her while he looked up at her in awe. It was empowering and she’d never felt more attractive. 
She adjusted her knees into a better position before she began rocking, lifting herself up and down his shaft without letting him fall out. She threw her head back at the sensation and raised her hands to cup her breasts, playing with the weight and tweaking her nipples to heighten her pleasure. She gasped and jerked when she felt his hands rest on her hips, letting one hand dip lower so his thumb could circle her clit as she rode him.
“Fuck, please,” she gasped, picking up the speed and enjoying the lewd sounds of their sexes joining reverberating off the motel walls. 
Intermittently, she’d stop bouncing in favor of sinking down as much as she could and squirming on his lap, enjoying the way she could feel his whole cock inside her and how his tip pressed against her walls so deeply. Whenever she did this, he’d pick up where she left off and buck his hips upwards, making her bounce slightly on his crotch.
One of the times she did this, he started swirling her clit furiously and she knew she was done for. “Muldermuldermulderpleasedon’tstop,” she rambled as she felt her body climbing the peak of pleasure, excitement building at the prospect of jumping over the edge and falling into the depths of ecstasy. 
He could see it in her face and became relentless, swirling her swollen nub mercilessly as her ground her hips against his, keeping her firmly pressed against him by grabbing her hip with his free hand. “That’s it, Scully. I want to feel you come,” he growled.
Something about the way he said her name, mixed with the overwhelming sensations made her second orgasm roar through her. She all but collapsed on him, desperate for as much contact with him as possible as she shook and gyrated her body to prolong her climax. She could see stars and heard a ringing in her ears from the intensity, and she groaned in pleasure when she felt him start thrusting erratically. There was so much intensity that she felt his hips lifting off the bed before she felt him spill inside her as he cried her name into her hair.
She shakily chuckled as she fell against him, not wanting to break the contact yet, but too spent to have the energy to do anything other than lay on top of him. She rose and fell with his uneven breathing, and her eyes fluttered shut as his hand came up to stroke her back tenderly.
“That was-” he began.
“Better than any fantasyI’ve ever had,” she finished, lifting a hand to rest next to her face on his chest.
“You can say that again,” he laughed, kissing the top of her head.
She was so soothed by his warmth and his fingers making lazy patterns on her skin that she never wanted to move. She distantly felt his breath even out and his cock softening inside of her as she felt sleep start to-
She rolled off of him so that she instead lay flush parallel to him, still in his arms, as she took a look down. “Mulder, your erection’s gone,” she exclaimed in relief.
He craned his head to look and relief that he wouldn’t have to go get an operation on his penis shone through his eyes. He turned his neck and placed a kiss to her lips, pulling back only to say, “I have a really good doctor.”
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ticklygiggles · 6 years
Early morning games | KenHina
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A/N: Hello, Jo dear! (@fluffandlove ) thank you for requesting my sweet boys to clean my pores *0* I hope you enjoy this! I'm sorry for the long wait!
Summary: Shouyou is home alone and he invites his sweet boyfriend Kenma to have a sleep over, then some other things suddenly happen.
Words: 1,786 (under the cut)
Looking up at the clock on top of his heaboard, Shoyou was surprised to see that it was already past 1:00 a.m., he turned his head to look at his companion and smiled seeing that there was not trace of tiredness in his features; his face illuminated just by the light coming from the phone between his hands.
Both were laying face down on top of Shouyou's bed; when his mother told him that he'd stay alone at home for a few days, he had the idea of inviting Kenma for a sleepover, they planned it for a whole week.
"When you arrive from Tokyo, send me a message and I'll go get you to go to that restaurant you like!" Shouyou promised the day before. "After that, let's take a walk and let's spend the rest of the afternoon at home watching movies and eating popcorn!"
Kenma just couldn't resist to that; so, after their busy day, they decided to go to bed around 10:00 p.m., they didn't plan anything, they just decided they'd sleep together in that tight individual bed of Shouyou.
A blanket covered the lower part of their bodies, from the lower back to the back of their knees; their feet up in the air, legs tangled almost uncomfortably, Shouyou felt his right leg, which was touching Kenma's left leg, was getting numb, yet, he didn't pull away from the knot they had just created.
He didn't even move his legs away when Kenma wiggled his toes playfully, making Shoyou giggle tenderly when they touched the sole of one of his feet, he, in fact, pulled them closer, not wanting to get away from his beloved boyfriend.
Kenma smiled slightly hearing Shouyou's giggle, his eyes moving up and down and side to side following evey movement on the screen. Shouyou looked over curiously, his eyebrows furrowing a bit.
"Isn't that illegal?" Shouyou asked looking at Kenma's fingers touching the screen of his phone, -in the screen, on the right side, there was a translucent cross with little arrows at each end, on the left side, there were two buttons, one with an A and one with a B-, making Mario jump and take one little mushroom.
"If we don't tell this to anyone, then it's not," Shouyou giggled, his body moving closer to Kenma until their sides touched and their shoulders were even.
Shouyou smiled and intertwined his own fingers as he brought his face closer to Kenma's until his nose nuzzled into his cheek; he closed his eyes, enjoying the growing warmth in Kenma's cheek, Shouyou's smile grew larger as he felt the blush spreading across Kenma's face, he pulled away his nose just a few millimeters to replace it with his lips.
Kenma leaned against the kiss, enjoying Shouyou's lips on his cheek. Shouyou pulled away again and then kissed his cheekbone, just under his eye, his temple, right beside his ear, his jaw. He left kisses all over the side of Kenma's face and some others on his neck, which made him purr adorably.
Shouyou pulled his lips away one last time and brought them close to his ear, Kenma felt goosbumps raising on his skin when Shouyou's lips brushed against his ear.
"I love you, Kenma," Shouyou whispered, kissing Kenma's ear. "Do you love me?"
Kenma chuckled. "Of course I love you."
"Tell me?"
"I love you, Shouyou."
Shouyou giggled. "I love you too."
Shouyou stayed a while around Kenma's ear: blowing a bit of cold air in it, making him squeak a bit, nibbling the earlobe and all the edge of it until Kenma let out a shy giggle, moving away from the touch.
"You are tickling me, Shouyou," he admitted, his cheeks flushing badly. From the corner of his eye, Shouyou noticed Kenma had paused his game, that fact made his smile widen.
"Is Kenma ticklish?" Shouyou asked against his ear, making him giggle one more time.
"No, he's not," Kenma said between his giggle. Shouyou giggled too, finally placing his arm around Kenma's waist, one of his legs abandoning Kenma's to put them on top of him.
"Cuddle with me, Kenma", Shouyou whispered.
"It's past 1:00 a.m.," Kenma said, looking at his phone.
"So you prefer to play your game at 1:00 a.m. instead of cludding with me?"
Kenma smiled and pressed the 'home' button of his phone, leaving it aside and turning on his side to face Shouyou, he wrapped him between his arms right away, tangling their legs again and kissing his forehead.
"Just so you know," Kenma said with a playful smile. "I do prefer to play my game instead of cuddling."
Shouyou pouted. "Kenma! How can you say that?!" Immediately after, he hid on the crock of Kenma's neck and used his lips to nibble at the skin playfully.
Kenma scrunched his shoulders up, trying to block his lover. "Sh-Shouyou! Tick-tihihihickling is not fahahair!" He said trying to cover up his neck with one of his hands.
"Your wickedness against me is not fair! This is your punishment!" Kenma scrunched up his nose, (Shouyou would have a stroke after seeing that adorable button nose), feeling Shouyou's nibbling going up his jaw and behind his ear where there was a very sensitive spot.
"Wa-wahahait!" Kenma gasped when, suddenly, a warm hand was creeping under his shirt. Thin, light and gentle fingers closing around the curve of his waist, leaving squeeze after squeeze until Kenma began to laugh loudly, his body arching away from Shouyou. "Not thihihis! Ahahaha!"
Shouyou pulled apart from Kenma's neck to look at his face. Kenma had his eyes shut tightly, his cheeks bright red, his mouth letting out almost childish laughter, gasping every now and then trying to take some air to keep laughing against his will.
Shouyou felt his heart flutter, making a sudden heat rise from his chest to his neck and up, swirling in his cheeks and the tip of his ears; his eyes widened a bit and his hand slowed down without him noticing until Kenma had stopped laughing, trying to catch his breath, a big smile still plastered on his face.
"Kenma," Kenma opened one of his eyes to look at Shouyou.
"What- whahat is it?"
"Is that your real laugh?", Shouyou asked almost breathlessly. Astonished and highly joyful to have witnessed something as wonderful as seeing Kenma laugh in such a carefree way.
"What do you mean?" Kenma asked, one of his eyebrows arched up, his smiling fading away just a bit. "You have seen me laughing before, Shouyou."
"Yes, but not like this."
"You were tickling me, it's not like I can control the way I'm laughing when- no! Nohohoho! Not agahahain!" Kenma barely had time to react when Shouyou had climbed on top him, straddling his hips and tickling both sides of his thin waist. "Sh-Shohohouyou!"
"I'm truly sorry, Kenma," Shouyou said totally not sorry at all as he squeezed his way up and down Kenma's sides. "But, after hearing your true laughter, I don't know if I can be able to stop myself again!"
Kenma shook his head, his hands trying to capture Shouyou's as he laughed wholeheartedly, making Shouyou's insides melt. "Please!"
"Please tickle you more? Of course!" Kenma shrieked when Shouyou moved up to claw at his ribs, digging into the bones and the spaces between them. He tried to hug his ribcage, but Shouyou easily slapped the hands and arms away.
"Sh-Shohohoyou! Stop! Stohohohop!", Kenma shrieked when Shouyou's hand moved down to tickle his belly, his fingers digging into the muscles and dangerously close to his belly button. The tickling stopped, giving Kenma a chance to gasp for air and Shouyou couldn't help but steal a bit of Kenma's laugh out of his mouth with a kiss, another one on his cheek becase he had never seen it so flushed and one more on his forehead for good luck. "You ahahare cruel!"
Shouyou chuckled, caging Kenma's head between his arms, Kenma wrapped his arms around Shouyou's neck, pulling him close to him; when Shouyou talked again, his lips brushed against Kenma's and his voice came out as a whisper. "Tell me, Kenma," he said with a bright smile, almost blinding Kenma. "Where are you the most ticklish?"
Kenma felt his face flushing even more. "Why do you think I would tell you something like that, Shouyou?" He arched one of his eyebrows, his lips forming a little smirk, making Shouyou feel all giddy inside, but the smirk faded right away after he heard Shouyou's next word.
"If you don't want to tell me then I can call Kuroo-san. I'm almost sure he's still awake at this hour and-
"My thighs!", Kenma hurriedly said, his expression almost panicked. "My thighs are the mos ticklish, bu-but don't tickle me there because I'm- ah!" Shoyou broke free from Kenma's arms and he quickly placed himself between his legs where, without warning, began to squeeze his inner thighs.
Kenma's reaction was priceless, his whole body arched away from the bed and he threw his head back letting out cackle after cackle, his hands uselessly trying to push Shouyou's hands away, but they moved without mercy, lingering in every spot that made Kenma laugh hysterically.
"Shoyou! Shouyou! Oh nohoho, please! Not there! Not thehehehere! I'm gohohonna kill you!", Shouyou found the right spot within seconds, very close to Kenma's crotch, where there was a bit more of flesh.
As soon as Shouyou clawed his fingers in, Kenma felt his eyes startig to tear up and soon, a few tears of laughter were falling down the sides of his head as his laughter became wheezy and then completely silent as he shook softly.
Shouyou leaned in to kiss Kenma's inner thigh before he stopped completely, his hands rubbing against the skin to get rid of any tingly sensation.
"Shoyou!" He whined. "You really are cruel!", there was no poison in his voice and the smile on his lips made Shouyou not to take him seriously.
"You have the prettiest laugh I had ever heard, Kenma," Kenma rolled his eyes, just a bit embarrassed.
"Well, I say the same about you, Shoyou," Shouyou jumped and laughed when Kenma squeezed his side twice. "Don't think I'll let this slide," he said with a glint of revenge on his eyes, making Shouyou giggle in anticipation. "You'll definitely pay for this tomorrow," he kissed Shouyou's lips again and wrapped his arms around his waist, pushing him to the side and nuzzling on his chest. "It's really late now, we should sleep."
Shouyou smiled and kissed Kenma's forehead, hugging him tightly against his chest. "Goodnight, Kenma. I love you."
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voltronseatbelts · 5 years
A combo of prompts 1 & 13 !
Thing you said at 1 am/things you said at the kitchen table.
The gnarled wood of the porch steps creaked under Keith’s boots as he mounted each one, the only sound interrupting the rustle of the night breeze through the trees. The single buzzing pendant light swung lightly with it, its shadows catching on the overflowing plant box and doorknob.
He tugged the neck of his Blade suit away and dug out the felt chain snug against his chest. The light caught on the key, too, before he inserted it into the lock, flexed his black-gloved fingers, and turned it millimeter by millimeter.
In the foyer, he gently set the Blade-issued duffle beside a worn-in pair of sneakers, left the key hanging off the rack next to a matching one attached to a handful of others. Beyond the foyer, another low warm light seeped into the darkness of the rest of the house, and Keith followed the path Lance left for him.
The fridge hummed, too, and crickets chirped through the window screens. It tugged at the corners of Keith’s unpracticed lips, to see the open kitchen windows usher in the brisk night Lance cherished so much. It brought with it the scent of earth, of the garden and a hint of crisp salt.
Keith’s gaze swept past the windows; across the tile counters laden with bowls, measuring cups, and a cooled tray of cookies; and settled on a familiar figure draped over the wooden table, his hand still clutching the edge of a transparent orange tablet.
With a trained stealth, Keith padded towards the bowed brunette head buried into the sleeves of a hoodie Keith recognized from his side of the closet. He crouched beside him, level with his fanning eyelashes and smushed cheek.
Something swelled, a crested wave of earth and salted air, an ambush of warm buzzing spreading from the center of chest outward. (Love, the back of his mind supplied.) And love, he thought, practiced.
Keith rested the palm of his hand on the curve of Lance’s cheek, black against sunburnt tan, and brushed away the overgrown hair falling over his forehead. With a sharp, deep breath, Lance’s eyes fluttered open and met his.
“Keith,” he mumbled, sleep-muddled. He uncurled with a wince and abandoned the tablet to wrap both arms around Keith’s shoulders. Even through the heavy material of the Blade suit, the body heat, the presence, the assurance of yes, he was home, he was home again, slotted the rest of Keith’s mission-scrambled insides back into place. “Took you long enough.”
“The transport ship home had issues,” Keith whispers, inhaling the scent of a hoodie that smells just as much of Lance as of him. “Almost took out the pilot so I could fly myself back.”
“Would’ve been faster. Did you tell them the former black paladin was on board? And he has a boyfriend who misses him too much to wait a second longer.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed from this scene.”
“Shut up,” Lance huffed, burying his nose even deeper into the under-suit fabric at the junction of Keith’s neck. “Hunk and I baked cookies. Tried staying up. Cookies tired me out.”
“Sorry.” Keith carded his fingers through the soft strands at the back of Lance’s neck, opening his eyes to the open windows.
“’S okay. You’re here now.”
Keith nodded. He breathed in once, twice, until they had to unwind so Lance could stretch out the crick in his neck. But as soon as they rose, he latched onto Keith once more and Keith wound his arms around Lance’s waist.
“Bed?” he asked.
“Bedtime,” Lance confirmed. “Cuddle time. You’re not allowed to leave my sight for the next three days and I’m legally allowed to hold your hand the whole time. Understood?”
“Yes, sir,” Keith chuckled under his breath.
He half-walked, half-dragged Lance out of the kitchen, flicking off the kitchen and porch lights as he went, and unspooled infinitesimally with every floorboard creak under both of their feet. 
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paperbagpetrichor · 5 years
Symphonic Song II - [Izuku Midoriya]
Sharp sunlight streamed through the shutters, slinging shadows across the darkest recesses of the classroom and steaming the few visible portions of the windows beneath their shields of shades with evaporated dewdrops, evanescent in the stifling heat of the first sweltering day after weeks of winter chills, ushering in a new age of soft buds and blooming petals, green life poking through the watery remnants of white snow, peeking through sidewalks and parking lots and scrambling for the first meager shreds of solar scintillant skies. Every now and then a faint darkness would stain the glass panels, only to flit away moments later in material form as a leaf or bird emerging from their respective fourth-season nests.
Restlessness hung in the air like festival lanterns. Its overwhelming girth was inevitable to touch all beneath it, tugging with anxious claws, jumping with turbulence, pushing this way and that with elephantine hands on infinitesimal bodies; a force larger than an agglomeration of all of U.A.'s class 1-A could ever form. Denki sporadically twitched his leg as though electricity was running uncontrollably through it, Eijiro's foot harshly hit the hardened floor with every other irregular breath, and fingers red with feigned control and forced calmness drummed atop Bakugou's desk. Even Iida, usually stick-straight with respectful attention, seemed to be distracting himself by rocking the balls of his feet back and forth, heel to toe and toe to heel and back again, all very quiet and very discreet, but still present nonetheless.
Izuku made no outward display of noticeable discomfort, however. His hands were folded, undisturbed, neatly atop his polished desk, and his legs seemed as though they were stuck together through some offhanded measure of superglue. Unlike the muffled, husky humming emanating from Kyoka's seat a few desks over, no sound escaped Izuku. His posture was somewhat slouched, and yet simultaneously spoke nonverbal volumes of his vigilance, stuck between the striking distaste of the day and the singular, stupendous image of the person sitting on his mind, sweeping through his thoughts and shoving out space for anything other than her.
Even just the thought of her name provoked an instinct within him, immersively monumental, a feeling buried beneath every last fiber of his body, until body controlled mind and his eyes, still as curious and wide with innocence as ever, would scan his surroundings, not stopping until his gaze fell once more upon her. She sat only a few rows away from his desk. Still, each and every inch felt like miles to him.
There once would have been a time when, in fear of her catching his gaze, he would've blushed and glanced away only after a second, and, in those few times where she did meet his eyes, would flush absolutely red, and hide his head in his hands atop his desk, embarrassment marring his face into something like a cherry tomato. For a few weeks things continued this way. Until, of course, he caught you doing precisely the same thing.
From there on, the spark laid within both of their hearts had bloomed into a fastidious fire, feasting on the times spent together and tugging intensively at their heartstrings whenever the other was not around. Minutes with each other turned to hours, hours into days, until eventually a balance was reached; an unspoken bond written in the ciphers of sentiments surrounding them both, yelling louder than words that this was no longer just a friendship, but rather something so very much more.
Despite the tangible discomfort in the air, seeing her supervised to soothe him. The day was almost out. Just a few more minutes and finally, he might be able to put his emotions into words, tell her the truth and make it known out in the open air that he was indeed in - ding.
Immediately everyone began to scramble for the door, pouring out into the halls, chatter erupting and polarizing the restlessness as though two opposing sides of a magnet. Class 1-A had nearly all drained out before Izuku could find room to make his way to her, hoping deep within his heart that she hadn't been swept away amongst the crowd.
Surprisingly enough, she was on her feet. Not heading towards the hallway, though.
Headed towards him.
He could feel his heart fluttering in his chest, dancing to some unknown upbeat chorus of careful calamity, just enough to startle him but still keep curiosity lingering in his chest. Something about her determined movements caused his plan to crumble to the ground. Within moments he'd forgotten what he was supposed to do, to say. There was only her and her beauty.
The same could not be said for her. Although her cheeks began to flush and her gaze flitted back and forth between her shoes and Izuku's equally-reddened face, she managed to speak. "I've - been thinking about a lot of things lately," she began, softly, scarcely heard over the beating of their own hearts.
This struck a chord within him. Typically, things like that did not bode well. Rather, they almost always seemed to cumulate into the end of something, or the beginning of something worse than what was once previously available. A shiver slithered across his spine. Now he wouldn't have his chance. She was going to say that she no longer wanted to spend time with him, wasn't she? She'd explain how he was boring, how he was useless, how Deku really did mean fruitless and nothing else, only disappointment and lost promises, forgotten love and wasted days. She would leave him and find someone better, stronger, more capable of providing her all the love that she needed, that she deserved. This would be her final moments with him.
Here it came.
"...I really like you."
The ice encased around his heart was immediately shattered by her silky, chivalrous statement, a single welcomed blow to the aches and pains beginning to spread presumptuously throughout his body, destroyed the clock in his mind that had waited, wondering, counting down the minutes and seconds and milliseconds before she would tell him she no longer thought of him the same. But she did. She thought all of it and more. And without even knowing precisely what was occurring, without being fully aware of his feelings or movements or actions or appearance, the blush had spread across his face, forming a butterfly across his cheeks and nose, and he was taking another step towards her, wide-eyed and nervous, mirroring her expression perfectly.
Before he could continue she stole the opportunity. "I - I know you might not feel the same. But I thought -"
"- I do," he murmured back, a small smile spreading across his lips as he watched the same sight bloom across her own face, gentle and graceful, generating goddess-like gorgeousness along the face of what was already an angel. "I like you, [y/n]. I've been meaning to tell you, but I didn't know..."
"I didn't know how you'd react, either," she murmured, a giggle escaping her. "I mean, I felt it was all unspoken, but I wanted to make sure you knew."
Oh, he knew. He knew with all his heart, mind, body, and soul, with every last millimeter of his frame and every movement of his figure. He knew he was in love and she was in love and they were in love and greatest wish had just been granted.
The elation he experienced that day never seemed to leave in the next week or so. The time they spent together increased exponentially, now accompanied by cuddling, hand-holding, attempting to sit as close to one another as possible no matter when or where or why, passing notes during the most dragged-out of classes, hugging and remaining in embraces, never wanting to let go. Never wanting to let go of each other, nor their time, nor their experiences, nor their love. The strings of fate had intertwined and wrapped them up together in their own cocoon of young, flourishing fondness.
Love was in full-swing of early spring blossoming one morning, where, as per usual, Izuku waited outside her house, backpack slung over his shoulder and uniform feeling heavy against the beginning of the sun's heat, knocking on the door and lightly lingering for her to appear on her porch. It had become a bit of a tradition for him to walk her to school. So, of course, even though she'd requested to leave earlier than usual to turn in a bit of extra credit, he still came. The timing was almost precisely like that of their first encounter, all those days ago, where they had spotted one another early, outside the school, hours before it began. Of course, he didn't really presume that hours were needed simply to turn in a spare assignment or two, but often she'd surprise him with a gift, or take him to one beautiful nature reserve or garden or another, and spend her time walking with him, sparking up small talk and enjoying the outdoors in his presence.
Moments later she arrived, looking somewhat harried but nonetheless happy, smiling widely at the sight of him. "Thanks for coming," she nodded, taking his hand and beginning to stroll down the sidewalk. "I'm sorry it's so early. But," she broke off, humming for a moment as Izuku paused to readjust his bookbag, "since it's still early spring, and everything's begging to bloom, I figured we could go to a plant nursery. It's one of the first places I went when I moved here, and everything's so calm and peaceful. I think you'll enjoy it."
Izuku grinned. "I enjoy everything with you," he murmured, tilting his head to the side before blushing and looking away at his own remark.
She laughed. "Me too."
Much like they usually did, their walking continued in relative silence, occasional smalltalk breaking the air but otherwise enjoying the peacefulness of the early spring day, admiring the neighborhoods and houses along their path. Even if the other had nothing else to say, his previous comment was true - silence was beautiful and fascinating with her.
"It's just a ways past school, so I was thinking I could drop my stuff off first?" she inquired after awhile, as they neared the building.
He nodded. "Of course. I may as well do the same; my backpack seems to get heavier with every passing week."
"Because you never clean out your folder," she chuckled, poking his cheek playfully, "and you've always got an extra sketchbook and notebook with you."
Her laughter was infectious. "Yeah, I suppose so. But I'm not parting with any of it. I want to treasure all my memories made here, especially with you."
In a split second she'd spun around, starting, startled by something Izuku didn't, couldn't see, despite turning with her and craning his neck, straining his senses for any sign of what had stunned her. But he couldn't find anything. "[Y/n], what's going on?" he breathed.
"I - I don't know," she relayed, "but something made my music...change. I don't think I've ever heard this song before..." and then she trailed off, reaching for Izuku's hand and digging her nails into it harder than she realized, stumbling back and gaping, pointedly, at something.
And this time Izuku saw it.
Out of the corner of his eye, just beyond a turn outside the angular school, the grasses brushed and parted, revealing an all-too-familiar figure.
Greasy, tousled sky-blue hair fell in an uncoordinated manner down a pale, porcelain face, obscured by a gloved hand, a black coat partially shading the rest of him from sight, but failing to do so entirely. Besides - someone like that, Izuku would never forget.
[Y/n] wouldn't know him. After all, she hadn't yet arrived at U.A. before the attack on the U.S.J.'s plaza. Hadn't seen his strength, his intellect, his touch of putrefaction and how it could melt skin and muscle and bone.
Hadn't ever fought Tomura Shigaraki.
"Run," Izuku whispered, frantically, tugging on her arm and speeding off in the opposite direction.
Frightened, she followed, cautiously casting glances behind her shoulder to ensure they weren't being followed. Her heart was racing in her chest, faster than her legs could pump, drowning out the crescendo of orchestral drama playing in her mind, her quirk on overdrive, blaring trumpets and flutes and making a ruckus, projecting warning signs as clear as day. And yet even as they ran, the song did not change. Nothing changed. It still remained as loud and sinister as it had been the first time she'd seen him. He must've been a villain. But how had he gotten there? How had he surpassed the barriers? Who was he?
This was suddenly interrupted when her song went dead silent.
She stopped, panting, falling to her knees and gasping for air, just a yard behind Izuku, who paused as well, sensing her tiredness. They'd strayed far off campus grounds. What felt like miles. What may have been miles. Surely they'd lost him. After all, he hadn't seen them; couldn't have seen them.
And then a touch.
Soft and gentle and slow, tracing across the side of her head, running from her forehead across her ear and her neck, down to her shoulder.
And then Izuku screamed.
Pain, unimaginable agony, began to prick her skin, plucking it apart, cutting deep into it and growing, swelling, bursting, just like the abrupt return of the music in her head, dark and slow, feeling like decades passed with every second, tearing her flesh from her bones and vanishing her skin, her muscle, reaching deep within her body and roaring as it ravaged her, knives stabbing across her body and revolvers firing, breaking her skin and her shape and her song.
Her song.
She was screaming now, raw and primal, the cry of an animal slowly dying at its hunter's pleasure, ripping up her throat and burning against her already-injured neck, chin, cheek, face, the world spinning and falling apart just as she was, drowning out all noise except that of Izuku, and something like a battle, and oh god no no no no no.
She could only hear from one ear now.
Her song was slowly decaying, just like her body, just like her ear. If it was gone...she couldn't fight. Not with the decay spreading deeper and deeper, burrowing into her torso like termites to a tree, worming around and wrecking her insides; not when the only thing she could concentrate on was her quirk. And that, too, was no longer functioning properly.
Breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe. Focus on the song. She could still hear it, faint and vicious, villainous and hateful and swollen with prideful rage. Barely, just barely, she felt around, searching for the right chord to pull, the right music to start up in rebellion.
Nothing was coming.
Her body was breaking.
She couldn't see a thing now.
The world was crumbling in on itself.
And so she made her song just as broken.
She changed none of the instruments. Instead, she reserved every twinge of pain, every appearance of agony, and with every passing second she transferred them from her body to her mind, focusing on instrument after instrument, shattering their strings and their necks and their bodies, breaking them, one by one, watching them recoil and die, soundless now, the song falling sideways on its own scraping composition.
And then she was falling sideways on her own scraping composition, hitting the ground and breaking, blackness overtaking her.
There were no more instruments left to destroy.
The first thing she saw was Izuku. He was hunched over in a chair, sleeping, fluffy hair falling in cute clumps across his round face, framing his eyelashes and his peaceful face, a small, soft snore escaping his chest as it rise and fell. His arms were in casts, and bandages were thrown all around him, here and there and everywhere, as if nearly his entire body had been ravaged.
And then she remembered.
Tears grew hot in her eyes and she tore her gaze from him. Instead, she slowly, steadily began to move her arm, only to be racked with pain, stinging like it was ablaze. She tried the other - this one worked fine. She reached to the side of her face, and felt, with an ever-present feeling of horror, that over half of it was encased in hardened bandages, running from her forehead all the way across the side of her body, reaching her lower thigh before disappearing into unscathed flesh.
The only thing keeping her from screaming was the fact that her music had returned.
It was soft. Peaceful, even, the calm after a storm, the dawn after the darkness. Simple wind instruments and the occasional violin, playing lightly, a tune of restoration and romance, like something at the end credits of a romance film. This was the singular sound that reminded her she was alive, no matter the consequence, and Izuku was here, with her, battered but breathing.
Somehow this brought even more tears to her eyes, puffing her cheeks with redness and overflowing her lacrimal canals. Had she failed? Were Izuku's injuries because she was unable to do anything? Was she still really that inexperienced? That useless? That much of a failure that she couldn't even protect the ones she loved most?
Her train of thought was interrupted by the curtain to her small room being drawn back, revealing a small frame moving towards her. Recovery Girl?
"Ah, you're awake," she remarked, a small, rare smile spreading across her face. "Good morning, Ms. [l/n]."
When [y/n] spoke, her voice was hoarse from lack of use, and each word took pains to choke out. "Is - is everyone okay?"
The nurse nodded. "Luckily for the two of you, the teachers happened to be in a meeting. They heard the ruckus you were making and managed to shut the villain down. Just a few minor injuries among staff. Of course, Midoriya overexerted himself as always..." she broke off with a sigh. "I'm glad you were there. Apparently you dealt some major damage before passing out. Without you, chances are Midoriya would've done something even more reckless."
Though her tone was admonishing, [y/n] could tell she was glad for their presence, even if it had inadvertently led to a fullblown battle. Something like relief was laced between her words.
"Alright, dear, I'm off. You may need another night before heading home, but I'll check on you again later. I've got some poor sap with burns all over." And with that, she left.
Only a second passed before Izuku jolted awake, hitting his head against the wall behind him and wincing, but pausing as soon as he noticed her opened eyes. "[Y/n]...!" His voice was coated with joy, reprieve, excitement, love. "D - does it hurt? Do you need me to get Recovery Girl? What can I do to help?" His anxiousness seemingly sparked after noticing the tears streaming down her face.
She shook her head. "No...please, just stay with me," she whispered, wiping at her face with her uninjured hand. "I need to see you - t...to know you're okay..."
Something like sadness spread across his face. "I'm fine," he murmured, a remorseful smile spreading across his lips. "I'm safe because of you. And now that you're up, I'm better than ever."
"You still...you're hurt."
He paused. "I wanted to stop you from getting hurt, and I guess..." he chuckled. "Well, you know how it goes. I do everything a little bit too much. I'm still not perfect at controlling it."
Something about his self-degrading humor but overall pleasant attitude about the awful occurrence made her feel more at ease. Not perfect, but at least less self-loathing, less useless, less of a failure. She could see nothing but admiration in his eyes, and she knew, undoubtedly, that he saw the same in hers. And she, too, was better than ever, as she used her spare arm to prop her up and lean into him, an armless embrace, her head against his chest, listening to the most beautiful song of them all, his heartbeat. He buried his nose in her hair, breathing her in, feeling her movements against him, knowing that she was alright, would be alright, despite it all. They remained like that for minutes upon minutes, safe against each other, reminding one another that they were still breathing, injured but alive, hurting but victorious.
"I love you," she whispered into him.
His heart fluttered, beating a million times faster than before, and she heard it, she felt it, and her heart, unbeknownst to him, was doing the exact same. The violins were sweetly rising, the piano playing in a high major key, sweet and loud and growing with every passing moment.
"I love you, too."
She lifted her head from his chest, slowly, as though it pained her to part, but then supported herself by her fingertips, raising her head higher, until their faces were almost even as he hunched down to meet her. She felt his breath, warm and even, comfortable, against her face, and she closed her eyes. The chorus burst out with joy, butterflies and flowers and all pure and good blooming throughout her mind as his lips met hers, supple and sweet and tasting like home, like belonging, like love in its true form.
Yes. They were better than ever.
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shadowsnlace · 6 years
“Tailor-made Just for You” (Renji Abarai)
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Renji Abarai. _____ _____ knew his body better than anyone else. After all, she was his tailor. And he kept her busy. It seemed that she saw Renji all the time. From ripped sleeves during training to shredded shihakushos from battle, she’d seen it all. Some days she wondered if Renji were the busiest soul reaper in the Seireitei. Whenever he would mention a new mission coming up she would order material for a new shihakusho, work on it while he was away, and have it ready for a final fitting on his return because the word “mission” meant his clothes were not making it home intact.
 For over a year, Renji had been going to ____ to tailor-make his shihakushos. He went to her because she was the best and everyone in the Seireitei knew it. However, once he’d gotten to know her, he began looking forward to his appointments with her for a different reason. She was lovely and funny, and made him look and feel like a million kan. It only took him three months to completely fall in love with her. But, it took him six more months before he worked up the courage to ask her out to dinner.
 Since then, Renji and _____ had been a casual couple. They usually spent their evenings with a group of his friends, eating dinner and hanging out. She was his “plus one” wherever he went socially. He was content to be casual and get to know her outside of her shop while letting her get comfortable in his world. It also didn’t hurt that she loved making clothes for him, and she had a true gift for fashion. They were, hands down, the best dressed couple in the Seireitei.
 His favorite evenings with her were when they were alone. She would invite him for dinner and they would cuddle up to watch a movie. They would fall asleep on the couch and he always got breakfast and a smooch before they both left for work the next morning.
 Last night had been a night they spent alone. It had also been the first time Renji had kissed her…really kissed her – none of the sweet pecks and smooches they’d exchanged for the last three months. He’d branded her with that first passionate kiss. Between his skill with that glorious mouth of his and the way she felt about him…she knew without a doubt that her heart belonged to him. And, she was terrified.
 Renji arrived at _____’s house for dinner. He was still walking on clouds after the soul-searing kiss they’d shared last night. So when she met him at the door looking like she had been crying, alarms went off in his head and his stomach dropped. He followed her further into the house. “Babe, what’s wrong? What happened?” He feared someone had died because _____ wasn’t a woman who cried easily.
 She stopped in the living room, lifted his latest, tattered shihakusho and looked at him with teary eyes, “This is what’s wrong. This is what happens.”
 Renji looked baffled. Why the hell is she crying over a ripped shihakusho? “O – K.” He reached for her, but she pulled a step away. His look darkened; something was very wrong. “Tell me what’s got you so upset, _____.”
 Her face was a mask of emotional misery, “Last night!” Shook her head, “That kiss…what I feel…”
 Seeing her struggle was like being slowly sliced open a millimeter at a time. He had a sneaking suspicion of what was bothering her and he wasn’t going to let her escape this relationship, not without a fight. Time to lay it on the line. His eyes bored into hers and he closed the distance between them without touching her, “I love you, _____, I have for a long time.”
 It was like an explosion had gone off in her head. His words echoing over and over, beating at the door to her heart. She shook her head again, “I’m terrified, Renji. Terrified that one day this,” dropped the shihakusho on the floor, “will be all that makes it back from one of your missions.”
 Renji had guessed correctly. He tilted her chin up to make her face him. “I won’t lie and say that that will never happen. But, I can promise you that I plan on being around for a very long time. My only goal has always been to get stronger and that’s what I’ve done.” The backs of his fingers stroked along her jaw, “_____, no one is promised a tomorrow.” He dropped a soft kiss on her lips, “All I know is that I want you to be with me when all those tomorrows come.” His eyes held hers. “I promise you this – whether it’s only for a day or for a millennium, I will love you to my last breath.”
 The shimmer of her tears shone like diamonds as they spilled down her cheeks. Renji enfolded her in his arms – this time she didn’t pull away. She leaned into him, her face buried against his chest, her hands clutching his shirt. He heard her mumble something against him.
 “What?” He asked.
 She leaned back, lifted her face, and spoke around a sniffle, “I said ‘I love you, Renji’!” The smile that dawned on his face was so bright she felt like a fist was squeezing her heart.
 He leaned in for a kiss and she shifted just a bit to make him miss. “I – I need to wash my face. I’m all snotty and icky.”
 ��I don’t care.”
 “I do!” She pulled an impressive evasive maneuver that wiggled her right out of his grasp and had her on her way to the bathroom.
 He laughed and followed her. A memory of their first picnic in the park rose up in his mind. He had chased her that day too. She had squealed like a little girl when he caught her and tickled her neck with nibbling kisses. They had talked for hours that day about everything and nothing.
 He leaned in the bathroom doorway as she blew her nose and then washed her face. “You’re beautiful when you cry.” His gaze settled on her butt as she bent over the sink, “And when you bend over.”
 “Oh yeah, snotty nose, puffy eyes, blotchy skin – every woman in the Seireitei is grinding her teeth in envy.”
 He chuckled. “So, what movie do you want to pretend to watch tonight?”
 She turned around and lifted her dress up and over her head then let it fall on the floor. Her bra and panties were simple, white lace. His eyebrows reached for the sky. “No movie tonight, just –” Renji moved so fast she never got to finish the sentence. His lips were on hers, hot and hungry, his hands lifting her easily.
 He carried her into her bedroom, put her on the bed, and then stripped off his shirt so fast she heard two stitches pop as it whipped over his head. She giggled when he got tangled in his jeans, but that choked off when his underwear hit the floor. Two words sprang to mind: Wow. Huge. He stood still and let her look her fill. The heat in her gaze stoked his desire even more. “Oh, my stars…” She was on her knees, reaching for him. “Renji Abarai, you are one extremely gorgeous man.” All those muscles…those beautiful, hard muscles. From top to bottom, Renji was a living, breathing work of art. And he was hers – all hers.
 He smiled at her then sucked in a breath like he’d been burned when her hands gently stroked his erection. She pressed a kiss just below his belly button and felt him twitch in her hands before she grinned up at him, “I see the carpet matches the drapes.”
 Renji laughed as he leaned forward, forcing _____ to move back. He crawled onto the bed with her, trying to get her where he wanted her. She was having none of that. She pulled his supporting arm out from under him, sending him onto his back with a little “whuff”. “Ladies first, Lt. Abarai.”
 “My thoughts exactly,” his nimble fingers released her bra in one quick movement, “I can’t wait to taste you.” The bra was flung blindly over the side of the bed with one hand as two fingers on the other hand hooked the lacy fringe of her panties.
 She scooted her lower body out of his reach. “I meant I get to taste you first.” She kissed the palm of his hand. “From the first day I saw you, I’ve wanted you.” Her fingers began to trace the tattoos on his arms, following them to his chest. “You have no idea how many times my fingers have ached to trace your ink; to learn the shape of your muscles, to feel your strength, to know that no one gets to touch you like I do.” She leaned over him, lips lowering to kiss and lick the tattoos on his chest.
 Renji shivered. He couldn’t speak, emotion had clogged his throat. What she just said – what she was doing with that sexy mouth…if she went any lower…
 She kissed her way down his chiseled abs. The moment she passed below his belly button, his hips lifted in anticipation of her reaching her goal. She chuckled against his lower belly, a mere inch from the tip of his erection. Shifting, she put herself between his legs facing him – better access for her, better visual for him. Her eyes held his, “Every time I knelt before you during your alterations, I thought about this...” Her lips skimmed down his shaft. He gripped the sheets and chewed his lip. She rubbed her cheek on him all the way back up, “…how it would feel as you slid past my lips…”
 Renji’s face was a study in sweet agony. He still couldn’t speak thanks to _____’s seductive words scattering his thoughts. Her touch was nearly unbearable, overloading nerve endings that were screaming for attention. Then, her mouth, slick and warm, pulled him in. His hips rose. A guttural groan. He had to see…
 Mistake! Seeing her lips around him as she slowly worked her mouth up and down, tongue exploring just as slow – he nearly came right then. “Fuck…” it was a huff of breath as he threw his head back onto the pillows to focus on anything that would keep his control in check for longer than a few more heartbeats. She hummed against him – a happy sound that vibrated and made his legs shake.
 Lightning flashed, painting the room silver-white. Renji began counting…1…2…3…thunder rolled. _____’s tongue rolled over him and he moaned. Her hands were stroking where her mouth couldn’t reach. The gentle sound of rain mingled with his heavy breaths.
 A double, blinking flash…1…2…thunder rolled. She held him still using the underside of her tongue along with her lips to rub over the head of his cock. Her focus narrowed to just below the tip in the one spot that drove him crazy with pleasure. He was squirming despite her hold on him. Wild, frenzied, his brain was short-circuiting and all he knew was that he needed to touch her. He tried to sit up but only managed to get halfway. He leaned on one elbow, the other hand reached for her. His hand found purchase on the back of her neck, a handful of hair pushed out of the way. He had to see…
 A blinding flash, the room went bright white, burning afterimages of her over him…1…thunder rolled. She took him back into her mouth. Watching every move she made, he gasped, panted. Sucking hard and fast like trying to guzzle her favorite drink through a straw – he was sliding back and forth in her mouth, over that oh-so-wicked tongue that kept his sweet spot stimulated. His legs were trembling to the rhythm of her sucking. He was bucking, jerking, ragged breaths all saying the same thing: his control was about to shatter.
 The room lit up as a peal of thunder shook the house. Renji came with an incoherent shout, half growl, half yell. _____ took his essence with ease, making sure he was finished before gently releasing him. She nearly giggled when he went dead-weight and didn’t respond to his name. She peeled the hair away from his face, brushed the backs of her fingers over his cheek…nothing, not even a twitch.
 Another clap of thunder rattled the windows. The power went out. _____ sighed and groped in the dark for the candle on the nightstand. She spent a few minutes lighting candles around the room before taking one into the bathroom for a quick clean up. A few gulps of water and a swish of mouthwash took her less than a minute.
 Upon her return, she crawled back into bed to wrap herself around Renji who seemed to still be recovering. She stroked his face and planted a few soft kisses across his forehead. Feeling her hands on him and her skin against his, Renji finally opened his eyes. She was grinning at him, “Did you pass out?”
 “Maybe, a little.” He stroked her face, “I have never had anyone do what you just did to me.”
 “You’re telling me no one has ever given you oral before?”
 “No, babe, I mean no none has ever done it like you. Holy shit, that was amazing.” He kissed her, tasted mint. “Why do you taste minty? How long was I out?” He looked around, “What’s with all the candles?”
 She snickered. “Mouthwash. Long enough. And the power went out.”
 He nuzzled her neck, a chuckle rumbling in her ear before his voice turned sultry. “Mmmm – making love by candlelight. Perfect.” His lips trailed along her jaw to her chin. A slight tilt of her head and he kissed under her chin then down her throat. She pulled the hairband out of his hair letting it spill free. The silky strands slipped through her fingers as he moved lower. Turning her onto her back, the candlelight made her skin glow. “_____, you are so beautiful.” His hands were large and her breasts were a pleasant handful. His mouth was warm as he covered a nipple. She sighed and began to arch into him. He sucked and a jolt of sharp pleasure shot straight down her body. He moved to the other one, not leaving until he got the same result.
 Renji’s hair dragged over her skin as he kissed her stomach, swirled his tongue around her belly button and then sank lower. _____ was starting to writhe under him and he hadn’t even taken her panties off. “Such pretty panties, maybe I should leave them on you.”
 She looked down at his teasing grin. “Pull them off, rip them off, cut them off. I don’t care as long as they are off. The only thing I want on me tonight is you.” He laughed, a wicked glint in his eyes as they peered at her through his long bangs.
 He kissed and licked across the edge of her panties from one hip to the other. A finger hooked in the middle of the lacy fringe and dragged them down, his lips following. She lifted her butt so he could pull them off. They were quickly whipped down her legs and tossed aside. He dragged two pillows down to stuff them under her lower back and butt before settling between her legs, easing them over his shoulders as he got comfortable. He planned to be there for a while.
 She was eager for his touch, fidgeting, wishing he would finally put his mouth where she needed it most. But, Renji occupied himself with kissing her hip, above her pubic bone, the crease where her thigh met her pelvis. His hands were busy on her skin: rubbing, kneading, distracting her as he moved from spot to spot. She tried to move into his touch, but the constant shift in sensations gave her no chance to focus. He could smell her arousal and hear frustration her moans. Watching her claw the sheets made him smile against her skin. “Baby, you smell so good. Can I taste you?”
 Her voice broke on a hoarse plea, “Yes, Renji, please!”
 She expected him to dive right in, but even in this he was still going so slow. He licked a fleshy outer lip, giving it a sucking kiss. She bucked a bit. He repeated the action on the other one. She growled, a sound that damn near bordered on annoyance. Renji swallowed a snicker. He licked lightly over her slit, skimming outside, making sure he didn’t push in any further. A tremor ran through her legs. She whined, begging without words.
 “Look at me, _____.”  His voice was a bit husky.
 Propped on the pillows, she was on display with Renji hovering over her. The sight of his broad shoulders dwarfing her spread legs made her feel small and delicate. It also sent a fresh wave of heat to pool inches from where his mouth was poised. His hair was cascading over one shoulder to pool on her belly, right where a knot of need had formed. She reached for him, her hand threading into his hair, a light scrape of her nails across his scalp. He pressed a kiss to her wrist before dropping his lips to her tender flesh. She let out a small gasp as she watched his lips press and spread against her. A moan followed when she saw and felt his tongue slide over her clit and then down to taste her. He hummed, she trembled. His little groan of pleasure – she tasted like heaven.
 Renji’s eyes never left hers. But, she wasn’t looking back, she was watching his mouth. He made a show of it, long drags up with his tongue before sliding the back of it over her. His lips kissing and gently pulling at her had her panting. Gripping his hair seemed to excite him more. He sped up, his tongue flicking fast at her clit had her legs echoing the rhythm. Her fogged mind managed one thought: How the hell can he move his tongue so fast?!
 Just when she though she couldn’t take anymore, he stopped. One hand crept around her hip. Two fingers spread her folds a bit wider and pulled up to expose the little bundle of nerves. Soft and slow he licked. Her back arched. “Oh my god, Renji…” she hissed. Sharp and intense at first, the pleasure reached a whole new level. Then his lips encased that sensitive nub, his tongue worked magic she never knew existed. There was nothing to compare it to, nothing had ever felt this good in her life.
 Renji watched _____’s face. She looked like she was in pain, but the moans, mewls, and shuttering breath told a different story. He could feel her whole body pull taut and her legs were shaking. She’d let go of his hair to dig into the pillows under her, a white-knuckled grip. Any minute now, she’s gonna snap…
 Like a stray thread in a tapestry that had been plucked, she completely unraveled. A deep groan tore free as she lost all control. Her body was rocking, her voice was filling the room, moans had given way to cries of pleasure that carried his name. And Renji was enjoying every second of it.
 He waited until he felt her relax before he indulged in her taste. He was well on the way to addiction, his thoughts consumed with one word: more.
 She slowly regained her scattered senses and realized that Renji was still camped out. She met his gaze, quirked a brow, “Enjoying yourself down there?”
 He lifted his head and grinned, “You taste so amazing.” He stood up on his knees, wiped a thumb across his bottom lip and licked it clean, “I couldn’t help myself.” He pulled the pillows from underneath her and tossed them by the headboard. He sat down, legs folded and crossed. “C’mere.”
 _____ shifted onto her knees and crawled into Renji’s lap. He put a hand on her hip to guide her, the other holding his shaft so that it entered her smoothly. They both groaned as their bodies slid together as one, chests pressing together, arms circling each other. He gritted against her lips, “Ungh…you’re so tight…”
 She sucked his bottom lip, both her hands framing his face as she went completely still. She tilted his head just a bit to allow her to slant her mouth over his. He let her take over, mirroring her motions. The more she kissed him, the wilder she got. Nipping, whimpering, her tongue and lips consuming them both in a kiss of fire. He could feel her inner muscles flexing on him and he growled into her mouth. His hands gripped her butt and started pumping her against him. That broke the kiss. Her head fell back and she moaned, “Oh, Renji, yessss…” Her hands moved to his shoulders to steady herself as she rode him. Moments later, he felt her clamp down, muscles squeezing him as an orgasm washed over her. He held her steady until the last waves passed.
 Lips on her neck, he felt the steady beat of her pulse. She brought her face back to his. Fingers wove into his hair, nails dragging, moving to hold the back of his head. He shivered. Eyes soft, full of raw emotion, she spoke, “I love you, Renji.”
 Something primal stirred in him. One arm around her waist secured her as he swept her under him. Her head landed near the edge of the bed. His kiss was feral as if he couldn’t contain the wild feelings she’d stirred in him. His hands grabbed the edge of the mattress using it to get leverage to surge hard into her. The first thrust made her gasp and her eyes fly wide. The onslaught that followed drove her to into a frenzy. She clawed at his back, toes curling as he raked himself over every sweet spot inside her. His teeth scraped her neck, her collarbone, her jaw. Grunts and the stutter of his breath near her ear sent a tickling shiver down her back. She clung to him, desperate to live in the moment as long as possible.
 Her hitching breaths and moans were punctuated by one word at a time, “More,” grunted on a deep drive. “Yes!” That wonderful long slide of him on the retreat and return. She managed to string together, “P – Please, d – don’t stop!” a moment before a wail of release crawled up her throat. Her orgasm hit like a bomb had gone off – a sudden rush of emotions and sensations all gathering in, then exploding out with a shockwave.
 Her body was demanding him to follow her. The tight, unrelenting spasms inside her gripped him and he couldn’t hold back. His climax pulled a garbled cry from his chest, somewhere between a curse and a roar.
 Renji’s head laid on her shoulder, face pressed to her neck. The only sound in the room was their heavy breaths slowly returning to normal. Aftershocks sent tremoring pulses from her inner muscles to his sensitized flesh drawing little gasps and sighs from them both. Her hand on the back of his neck was rubbing, soothing. His hand traced her neck, across her shoulder, and down her arm. He lifted her free hand to his lips, enjoying the softness of her skin. He marveled at how small her hand was compared to his, yet so strong despite its size. Years of working with her hands around sharp objects had left a number of tiny scars all over them. He called them her mini battle badges; shears instead of swords, needles instead of kido. It always made her giggle when he would dramatize her tailor mishaps as if they were battles.
 Renji slipped free of her body, replacing the loss of connection with a deep, loving kiss. _____ was a bit startled when he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She heard something fall in the sink, a muttered curse, then running water. When he returned he had a warm washrag in his hand. She put her hand out to accept it. “Ah, thank you.”
 “I got this.” Was all he said before cleaning her up. Her cheeks flamed bright pink. He couldn’t hold back a laugh, “All we just did with each other and this is what makes you blush?” Short on comebacks at the moment, she stuck her tongue out at him. He leaned over and sucked on it, getting a surprised squeak in return. “What? I thought it was an offer.” She giggled and admired his perfect ass as he returned the washrag to the sink in the bathroom.
 Back in the bed, he settled next to her, drawing a cover up over them before curling into her. He stroked her face, her hair, her neck, her back. Her hands were just as busy on his skin. Relaxing, their touches were comforting, loving. Slow kisses and soft sighs lulled them closer and closer to slumber.
 Before they could give in to sleep, Renji looked into _____’s lovely eyes. “I love you, _____ _____, with all my heart.”
 His words were reflected in the emotion in his eyes. She smiled at him. “I love you, Renji Abarai, with all my heart.”
 A sweet kiss filled with love sealed the unspoken promise of forever.
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More April Weather (32)
This is a gift with Adrinette for @missr99 from 500 followers give away. I hope you’ll enjoy it! (It took some time, sorry, but Adrien Appreciation Week story needed my attention.)
I’ve decided to expand “April Weather” universe in form of drabbles. If  there are some scenes or points you'd like to see explored, be let me know - best to hit my ask box.
Open Door Policy
AO3 / fanfiction
[This takes place about 1,5 year after Chapter 29 “The Wall”]
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On the day of her 16th birthday Marinette woke up to a pleasant rumble vibrating in her ear. She remembered it was Sunday so she had nowhere to be and nothing to do. The rumble was lulling her to sleep; it was hard not to give in to its call. She sighed contently and snuggled closer to her warm, toned pillow, ready to drift off into slumber again.
And then quite unexpectedly the pillow snuggled back. Marinette jumped and released a startled squeak. She opened her eyes and saw her boyfriend’s face millimeters from her own. He was deep in his sleep, snoring lightly, as always when he lay on his back. The girl blinked the sleep away from her eyes. Some details about this situation didn’t add up.
First of all, yes, Adrien happened to stay the night once in a while, and for this occasion her parents brought an inflatable mattress to her room. The boy was supposed to sleep on the floor level, while Marinette used her loft bed. The bed that now was empty, because both of them were lying on Adrien’s spare bedding. Last thing Marinette remembered was binging a show a show in the evening. Apparently she didn’t make it to her bed.
Second of all, the trapdoor to her room, that according to the open door policy was supposed to stay open when Adrien was in her room, was now closed. Neither of them would have closed it. In the two years of their dating history they complied to the request of her parents and of Monsieur Agreste. The door stayed open. Until today.
Marinette wasn’t sure how the trapdoor got closed, but she had a bad feeling that whoever had done it, took a good look at the two of them sleeping together. Suddenly the air in her room became very hot and it had nothing to do with the heat coming from the sleeping body of her boyfriend. She was about to hyperventilate, when she spotted a card resting in front of the trapdoor, next to a plate with still warm rolls, cheese bread and cookies and a jug of orange juice.
Careful not to wake Adrien up she reached out for the card.
“Happy 16th birthday, dear!” she read. “As of today the Open Door Policy is cancelled. Enjoy your Sunday! Maman & Papa.”
By this point Marinette was beet red. Now she was sure that both of her parents had seen the two of them, before they officially closed the door. Well, nothing could be done about it, but she intended to enjoy her Sunday and her newly received privilege in the best way possible.
She draped her arm around Adrien’s chest and nuzzled his neck.
‘Mmmmm, bug?’ he murmured drowsily.
‘The door is closed,’ she whispered, kissing the line of his jaw.
‘The- what?’ Adrien’s eyes shot open. ‘W-why?’
Marinette waved the card in front of his face. ‘Apparently the policy took effect only until I turned 16,’ she smirked.
Her boyfriends face stretched into a sly grin. ‘What a thoughtful gift,’ he snickered. ‘Happy birthday, Princess!’ the boy turned to her, while he reached for his bag. ‘I got you something I hope you’ll like,’ he whispered, blindly trying to find what he was looking for. Marinette made it more difficult, because she chose that moment to press her lips to his in a languid kiss.
‘Like there was even the slightest chance she won’t,’ they heard the gloomy voice of the kwami of doom. ‘Tik, there’s cheese bread and cookies. How about an early breakfast?’ Plagg called into the room.
‘Plagg,’ the kwami of creation hissed from their perch above the loft bed, ‘just shut up, will ya?’
‘What?’ he spluttered indignantly. ‘You heard your girl. The door is closed.’
‘So what?’ Tikki scolded him. ‘You’re interrupting,’ she rolled her eyes to the couple on the mattress.
‘Am I?’ the little cat raised his brows in surprise. ‘It doesn’t look like anything they’ve never done,’ he shrugged. ‘Or anything I’ve never seen,’ he added, chuckling to himself.
Adrien’s ears turned an interesting shade of red, and Marinette pretended (poorly) she didn’t hear anything. The red kwami made an “okay-lemme-handle-it” gesture to the two human occupants of the room.
‘Now that the door is closed, and they are both older, you have to give them some space,’ Tikki lectured. ‘You know, youth has its ri-’
‘Oh for the love of chocolate, Tikki, could you be more embarrassing?’ her chosen exclaimed with an exasperated huff. ‘You’re worse than Plagg. At least he only comments on food.’
‘Mwahaha,’ the black sprite guffawed. ‘See? You shut up,’ he shot back at his fellow kwami.
‘Why don’t you take some bread and cookies and eat on the balcony?’ Adrien suggested sheepishly.
‘Say no more!’ Plagg zipped to the food plate. He balanced the biggest cookie and three slices of cheese bread between his paws and, with a wink, he zoomed back to the loft bed.
‘Thank… you?’ the boy stared after him, surprised at this unexpected assistance.
Marinette giggled. ‘Don’t worry, he just wanted the bread. And possibly also get back at Tikki. Anyway,’ she scooted closer, happy to snuggle without witnesses and interruptions, ‘where were we?’ she purred, as her finger traced complex loops on his chest.
‘Ah, yes,’ Adrien’s hand finally closed over the small package. ‘Happy birthday, Purrrrrincessss,’ he drawled sinking his nose into her hair. ‘Here’s a little gift for you,’ he added passing her the present.
The girl made herself comfortable on her back, with her head resting on Adrien’s shoulder as she unwrapped the little box. An elegant logo on the cover made her wince. This was expensive.
‘Adrien, it’s too much!’ she started, but he put his hand over hers and opened the box.
‘Hush, it’s not as a big deal as the brand would suggest,’ he replied. ‘Just look inside.’
It was a charm bracelet. Delicate, modest, yet stylish, beautiful in its simplicity. Only a fancy jeweler could accomplish a feat like this. Silver chain with an intricate pattern looked as if it was weaved of pure moonlight. Seven charms dangled from it - each making Marinette smile more.
An Eiffel tower. A butterfly. A sun. A heart. A loaf of bread. A raindrop. An umbrella. Their relationship in a nutshell.
‘It’s beautiful,’ Marinette whispered in awe, grazing her fingers over the trinkets. ‘It’s perfect. Thank you,’ she murmured, shifting and placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.
‘Only the best for my Princess,’ Adrien winked, wrapping his arms around her. ‘My Duchess,’ he pressed his lips to her temple. ‘My Queen,’ he nuzzled at her hair. ‘My Lady,’ he whispered in her ear, sending goosebumps all over her skin. ‘I hope you don’t mind that I didn’t put anything connected to our other identities, but well… they are secret for a reason.’
‘Of course I don’t mind,’ she giggled. ‘This is gorgeous the way it is.’
‘I’m glad,’ Adrien took the bracelet from her hands. ‘May I?’ he asked, unclasping it.
Marinette offered her wrist and he fastened the chain over it, completing it with a brush of his lips over the inside of her forearm. She sighed contently, when he kept trailing kisses up her arm, then moving to her collarbone and neck.
‘Mmmm,’ he droned, ‘this is nice.’
The girl hummed in agreement tilting her head to give him more access. Adrien wrapped himself around her back and rubbed his cheek against her jaw.
‘Are you scent marking me, Chaton?’ she whispered.
‘And if I am?’ he replied, a flirtatious lilt to his voice.
‘Then I’d say you missed a bit here,’ Marinette turned her head to present him with her other cheek and he happily complied, causing a fit of giggles from the girl.
Soon they both drowned in small caresses and soft pets, making the most of the first Sunday morning without the open door policy.
When Plagg popped his head inside not even ten minutes later he released a scandalized snort. ‘That’s disgusting!’ he whined.
‘Plaaaaaaagg,’ Tikki whisper-yelled above him. ‘Don’t loooook!’
He turned to the red kwami, flabbergasted. ‘What are you talking about?’
‘You shouldn’t interrupt!’ she scolded, narrowing her eyes at him.
The black cat shook his head with a deep sigh. ‘Chill, Tikki,’ he huffed in exasperation. ‘The door is closed for the first time in two years. We took our butts outside,’ he complained, ‘and here they are,’ he waved his paw dramatically in the direction of the two teens, ‘sleeping!’
‘Sleeping?’ Tikki’s eyes got as big as her favorite treat.
‘Look for yourself,’ he moved away allowing her a glimpse of the floor below.
There, on the inflatable mattress, among blankets, in a morning sunspot lay a two headed octopus. Marinette’s head rested on Adrien’s chest, and their limbs were so tangled in each other it was hard to tell where one of them ended and the other one begun. They were snoring peacefully, their breaths even, their faces relaxed and lips stretched in soft smiles. They looked as if they were exactly where they were supposed to be. They belonged there.
Tikki sighed contently. She doubted she would ever meet a more precious pair of cinnamon rolls. They knew they had time, they could take this morning to nap and cuddle instead of other activities that would undoubtedly come with the closed door. She turned to Plagg and was satisfied to see a tender smile on his face. He wiped it away as soon as he noticed her staring.
‘Nothing,’ the red kwami shrugged. ‘I’m just happy to see them like this.’
‘Me too,’ the black sprite muttered. ‘Me too. Now how about another cookie?’
‘I won’t say no to that,’ Tikki giggled, closing the skylight behind her.
Chapters: 1 | masterpost | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 |
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chelsfic · 7 years
Hux x Reader Soulmate AU 6/?
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5
A/N: So, the story is going to diverge from the timeline of The Force Awakens here, just giving Hux and Reader more time to bond <3.
So, you stay. Hux keeps you tucked away in his chambers for the first several weeks. Though you’re no longer in a barren cell, you’re still a prisoner, for all intents and purposes. He won’t give you the security code required to open the door leading out into the ship and you haven’t stepped foot outside his rooms since that second day on board. You’re on a battlecruiser, a floating city with thousands of souls on board. But, for you, the world has narrowed to three small rooms: a sitting room, bedroom and washroom; and one person: Hux.
He’s gone for at least ten hours every day. He’s in command not only of this vessel, but of the movements of a whole fleet of First Order ships. He’s told you a little bit about his duties: battle strategy with Captain Phasma, Kylo Ren, and Supreme Leader Snoke; monitoring communications within the fleet; keeping track of rebel threats. He talks about Ren’s project, finding the legendary Luke Skywalker. Finding Skywalker will somehow help to stop the rebellion, he says. But he thinks they should focus more heavily on combat operations and weapons development.
You listen and give him your touch. That’s what you’re here for after all. You develop a routine. When he arrives back at his quarters you pour his drink while he hangs up his outer uniform jacket. He sinks into one of the easy chairs and takes the glass gratefully, eyes closed against a stress headache. You���ve taken to kneeling at his side and holding his hand in one of yours, gently resting your other hand against the bare back of his neck. Sometimes he’ll stroke your hair absent-mindedly as he recounts his day. He says it helps. In the few times he’s run up against Ren since you’ve arrived he’s been more able to block him out of his mind.
You tell him about your life, too. How your uncle raised you after your parents died. He gave you a basic education, enough to earn you money as a school teacher in the towns and villages of Jakku. There wasn’t a lot of call for extensive education out there. The people worked and tried to survive. But you taught their sons and daughters basic math and reading. Skills which would hopefully give them more opportunity one day. Hux listens and you can feel a warm affection from him. He’ll never admit it, but your connection has deepened. You know he feels your longing for something more, but he ignores it. For the best, probably, as his rejection is a pain that you can’t bear.
Maybe one of the most thrilling and awkward aspects of your life with Hux is your sleeping arrangement. At night, he lets you into his bed. He could hardly order another bed for his chambers when you’re supposed to be known as his concubine. And he’s not cruel enough to banish you to the floor. So you sleep together in his large, plush bed. On the first night you were both stiff as boards lying next to each other. But now you’ve grown more comfortable.
You love to watch Hux in his loose fitting sleep clothes. He seems transformed when he steps out of uniform. The worn, baggy Academy t-shirt and flannel bottoms look so soft and *human* on him. Now when he slips under the covers he moves to press against you, just barely, the skin of his arm against the skin of yours. It helps you both to fall asleep.
Though, often you’ll stay awake, lying there, until Hux’s breath deepens and he falls asleep. Then you turn to face him and cuddle into his side, pressing your face into the soft, warm fabric covering his shoulder and hugging his arm to you. You fall asleep breathing in the scent of him. It’s warm and peaceful and right. And when he wakes up from a nightmare, which happens a few times a week, you’re there to hold him, shaking, in your arms, never saying a word about it in the morning.
Hux seems...happy with the routine you’ve built together. But he gets to leave every day. He gets to talk to other people and eat food in the Officer’s lounge and work out at the gym. And you stay in his quarters waiting for him to come back.
“Hux,” you say one night, standing behind his chair. You’ve been running your hands through his hair to settle a headache.
“Mmm?” he responds, not opening his eyes. He’s so relaxed, surely this will be the opportune time to ask.
“Will you...will you show me around the ship?”
He cranes his neck back to peek up at you through your fingers which are now just hovering over his face. “Show you around the ship?” he sounds incredulous.
You come around to the front of the chair, kneeling in your usual spot and leaning over the arm so you can look into his eyes.
“Yes,” you say. “Or...well maybe not the whole ship, it’s rather large. But...anywhere really. I never get to leave these rooms. I still feel like a prisoner sometimes.”
He gazes back at you, pale brows tilted upward in an adorable look of contemplation. How have you fallen for this man so quickly? You wonder.
“Y/n,” he says slowly, stretching out the syllable(s). “I don’t want you to feel like a prisoner. But, in the eyes of the ship’s crew that’s exactly what you are. Concubines aren’t usually given the run of the ship.”
He watches you as your shoulders slump and feels the small wave of disappointment wash through your bond. It stabs at him a bit. For all that he’s insisted on maintaining a distance and refused to entertain the idea of a romantic relationship...it still hurts him to disappoint you.
He sighs, “You can’t have the run of the ship...but there’s nothing against you going about accompanied by me. Maybe we can arrange something…”
The rush of happiness that he then feels flooding from you overwhelms him and he can’t help the small smile that blossoms on his lips. He worries. About maintaining appearances. About preserving his reputation as a cold, exacting leader. About what might happen if you run into Kylo Ren. But he can’t deny the pleasure it brings him to make you happy. The smile lingers on his lips as he watches you bounce up onto the arm of the chair. You wrap your arms around him and bury your face into his neck.
“Thank you, thank you!” the words burn into his tender skin and he feels goosebumps rise. His hands come up to brush along your spine and you shiver.
“You’re welcome, Y/N,” he says, turning so that his face is just inches from yours. The air between you is suddenly electrified and you can feel his warm breath against your lips. Without any conscious intention you lean forward, the smallest of motions, to bring your lips to his. It can only be a few seconds but it feels like you spend an eternity there, lips hovering only millimeters from his. He flinches back violently and you’re almost thrown from his lap (how had you gotten onto his lap?).
You scramble off of him and just stand there awkwardly hugging your arms against your body. His breathing is ragged and his eyes are bright. He looks up at you and you watch as the mask comes down.
He speaks again, his voice colder, “This doesn’t change anything, Y/N.”
This time you can’t help the tear that escapes, trailing down your cheek. You quickly brush it away, mumbling, “I know.”
Tag List
@destaria-alternativenerdgirl @raccoonwithadream @eliza-hamilton-helpless @sympathyforluci @smol-onion-child @anakinsnowalker @starfishfaerie @gunsmoke-blu @mysexualityisno @seafrost-fangirl @fandomwritings101 @shattermastersstepmom @kenobi-vibes-only @justonemore-fic @amazingmay @trelaney @themadhattersqueen @downwithme09 @miniaturewhisperednightmare @we-love-our-bandz @gemmielii
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feathersforclones · 3 years
On Steady Paws - Chapter 1
The Force, like already stated, is connected to everything. It gives life and meaning, it takes you in its embrace when you are dying or giving up. Its all that we ever strove to be, everything we are and everything we always were.
The Force is not only a guiding hand but also an entity.
It can create life from nothing, just put everything it needs in a bucket, shake that a few times and then upend the mixture onto the floor and see what happens, what will form.
The Force wanted its chosen one to have a friend, someone who could match him, outsmart him, stand by him, tease him, protect him, and love him with all their being. It searched the multiverse, gathered, and discarded ideas and impressions, tested freed spirits and essences, nudged, and asked for permission because there is nothing more important than free will and freely made choices. It would never only take and take and take, this was not in its nature.
Friends, the Force found out, were not only humanoids or highly sentient species, but friends could also be animals and even plants. Although it discarded the last point on the list quite swiftly. A plant being surviving on a desert planet. No, no walking and needle shooting cactus in this dimension, thank you. But an animal was nearly perfect. The only problem was that the desert planet was lacking most common forms of those and even the Force could imagine that a small, newly hatched Krayt Dragon was most certainly not a good idea for a friend for its chosen. (Though peeking into that strain of life had some entertaining points it had to admit.) So the Force needed to find something for its chosen one, a companion, loyal and headstrong. Thankfully, so it needn’t introduce a new species to the planet, there was one logical choice, even if those types of animals lived in the more rocky areas of the deep desert instead of in the more stable zone the cities are located in. But that was something that could be done later on.
Gathering itself on one of the abandoned temples on the desert planet, the Force condensed everything it had gathered and deemed useable and good for this project, shaping it into a ball and feeding it its own essence, coaxing the small starting of life into a new beginning, twining strands of a willing soul into the blue ball shape, giving it a greener appearance.
The Force was quite happy with the result, rolling the ball of essence through the air, tweaking it a bit and nudging the little thing, growing it some more and reshaping some facts.
After polishing the small ball of essence, the Force moved its main concentration and the ball over to the city, swooping through the alleys until it found its Chosen Ones bright and warm soul. Happily snuggling up to the small child, the Force plucked gently at one of the bright strands, gently opening a connection and combined it with one of the blue-greenish ones of the new being, sprinkling it with shards of gold.
The child startled, head swiveling around for a short moment before settling down again, a bright smile on his face as he babbled to his Mother. Giving the Chosen One one last snuggle, the Force changed locations again, rolling the ball around itself.
Now it only had to implant the ball of essence and life into a female of the species and voila! Everything would be almost perfect!
Giddily the Force dove under the sand dunes, into long and dark tunnels in hard rock only to find a pack of the animals resting in a big pile. Perfect.
---------------------- Honestly, the start of my new life is nothing out of the ordinary, so I am going to be making it quite short and give you a few episodes of the mundane things happening to me. The real life, the real fun and the meaning of my rebirth, second reality existing whatever you want to call it, comes a bit later. That only starts after I met the “Menace”.
I come to consciousness a few weeks after being born. Thank gosh for that, I would not have wanted to be awake and aware for that procedure, thank you very much. My mind is not quite awake yet, thoughts muddled and swirling through my brain like the liquid in a slow working slushie machine. (I know now that baby brains do not ever work like that, their ability to regain and hold thoughts is worse than a goldfish.) Even the first few moments of being “awake” take a toll on me, it saps my will away fast and leaves me exhausted, only able to nose against the warmth right in front of my nose, which smells familiar in a way I do not understand yet.
 Its dark around me and I cannot open my eyes. I feel warm though and somehow feeling like there are things pressed to me, someone is breathing in my ear, which can already flick and twist and someone is pushing me with his fat paws to get me away from my place of wherever the heck I am. But I am warm and comfortable and I feel safe where I am, so I wiggle a bit, push my appendage back into the one pushing me and nip the warmth right in front of my nose. I get squirted with something sweet and warm in response.
Really great day.
I lick it off and go right back to sleep, cuddled in the pile of warmth and fuzziness.
------------------- The next few awake periods are the same as before, I wake up, I nose up to the sweet-smelling warmth and I lay there, prodding my appendages against the other living fuzzy and warm things next to me. Sometimes I get nipped, blunt flesh grabbing onto my own. Sometimes I nip someone else.
Tastes terrible.
----------------------- There is not much to do in that time but think. And thinking is what I do, staying awake longer and longer with every awake period. The other beings beside me get more active, squiggling and wiggling all around and over me and getting nipped in the process. There is not much space I can feel around me, so I stay still and think, only moving if something pushes me away again. The sweet-smelling liquid I can always eat keeps me happy and sated quite well.
    It is raining harshly, drops of water sliding down my ears, trailing down my neck and flee over my flanks to finally race to my tail and fall down the white tower I am hanging onto. My eyes are squinting, focused on the slightly overhanging ledge above me, only a few paw strides away. My claws are slipping, finding no purchase on the slippery surface of the tower and I want to bite down in frustration, tear cracks into the metal thing to help me climb! I cannot even jump right now, cannot use my hindlegs to propel myself upwards and into safety. So, I hold on, growling and hoping that something will happen to give me the opportunity to move again. Why, oh why had I joined this one to fly through space and see the lost planet? Oh yeah, because the Menace told me to take care of him and because I was not inconspicuous enough to go undercover with him and Pretty. So, here I am, hanging around for fear of falling and taking a bath that would probably be my last one. And it is all because of the one hand grabbing harshly onto my neck, panting breaths ghosting over my back and warmth partly laying on top of me. The straw haired youth would be so disappointed in me if I let the Sweettalker fall now, let him fall all the way down into the wild sea beneath us.
“That…” the voice whispers, words nearly swept away by the constant rain falling down on us, “this could have gone way better.” I grunt lowly, pushing one of my paws a few millimeters higher only to lose footing on my hindleg.
“I… Give me a few seconds, I can get us up. No worries.” The voice continues and I really wish I could give him a sarcastic remark, but sadly my vocal cords do not work that way. I can feel a second hand finally grabbing onto my shoulder, pulling my wet fur, weight shifting on my back and firm legs pushing the body up and shifting my weight to—
 To fall over from my sleeping spot at the edge of the puppy pile and slide down the sandy hill build on bush twigs and prey bones until my ass is still up right at the edge of the nesting ring and my poor snout hits the rocky surrounding. My ears flatten beside my head and I must be a picture of pure pity right about now. Not that someone cares mind you.
I stay still, my thoughts whirling through my mind at internet explorer speed, its all muddled and confusing, more feeling and intuition than knowledge. I get those dreams, or something like them at least, not every sleep but more than half of them for sure. It is like I am remembering things and situation and people! But I cannot put a connection to them, like a living always reoccurring deja-vu.
A paw right in front of my snout drags me back into the present, the coarse and bright silver fur of my sire catching my attention at once. The paw is bigger than my entire form right now, the claws dark and long with tipped claws at the end. The smell alone has my soft and small hackles raising slightly. Sire is never happy with me. I was born the last one, the runt, the waste of space. I did not move much; I wasn’t as vocal as my siblings and I didn’t look like him or my mother one tiny bit.
He growls at me, his eyes slitting as he stares at me, a low huffing sound leaving his elongated muzzle. His ears are like radar dishes on top of his head, swivelling around and catching all the sounds in the tunnels.
I stare at him, there is not much I can do. And biting him with my puppy teeth is really not what I wanted to do.
Sire gives another huff and walks off, one of his paws coming down sharply on my long tail. Pain lances through me, my poor tail curling upwards and slapping the butthole of a canine as he stalks off, my unhappy and pained whines not even getting my sleeping mother to twitch.
------------------------------ I should have known they would do this. What happens to the runt of the litter? They get eaten in some instances, they get left behind in others. Not with us. Not with my species of canines living under the desert sands. No. ---------------------- Mother brought me outside the tunnels, sharp teeth digging into my neck and letting me dangle from her maw. The distance to the floor was great and so I didn’t try to wiggle too much, only whining and snuffling at her, not understanding what she was doing to me, why she is bringing me away when my siblings sleep and I should be too. She is fast, moving like a living shadow through the tunnels sloping higher and higher, the terrain getting more rough and stone like, th wind is getting louder, howling through these parts and carrying sand with it, which stings my sensitive ears.
And I am all ears. Literally. I look like a fat ball of coarse fluff with satellite dishes on top of my skull!
I yip again, whine and twitch my hindpaw at Mother, but she only shakes me a little and I fall silent again, the pressure on my neck thankfully not increasing.
I have a bad feeling about this and it gets worse with every step my Mother takes. As soon as she clears a bend in the tunnel I know what is going on. Light falls through an opening at the end of the tunnel, bright and warm and windy. Yes, a windy light, shifting and swooshing. Loud. The smells are off, no one had been here for a while and now my Mother was taking me here? One step more. I am the runt. Two steps. Not as agile. Three steps. Not likely to survive. Four steps. Not worth investing the energy to teach to survive or hunt. Five steps.
The light engulfs us, it’s a harsh thing to go from the twilight of tunnels to the bright lights of the rest of the world, thankfully our eyes have extra lids to shield them. The wind is louder, muffling my increased whinings and yelps.
We are up halfway to a mountain or something, I can see rocks, holes in the rocks and dunes. Dunes of sand as far as the eye can see.
Mother opens her maw. I fall.
0 notes
shipmistress9 · 7 years
What it means to be Chief - Epilogue 2: Being Chiefess
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4;
Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8;
Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12
Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16
Chapter 17; Epilogue 1
A/N: Alright, here you go. The first real epilogue. Plot and smut... have fun ;P And as warning again: There is another epilogue before this one!
. o O o .
"What's he doing there?"
"Sleeping. I guess the girl keeps them up all night" Low chuckling rang through the room but didn't reach Hiccup's conscious thoughts.
"Yeah. Astrid fell asleep right away too when I left. But he should at least lie down or he'll hurt all over when he wakes" A moment later, Hiccup felt a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking him awake. "Chief?" Groaning, he blinked and slowly lifted his head to squint into Helka's concerned face.
"Mmmwhat?" he murmured, still lightheaded. Gods, he was tired! Why couldn't people let him have at least an hour of sleep?
"No offence, but you should go to bed and sleep," she said and Hiccup frowned in confusion. Wasn't that what he'd been doing right now? Dizzily, he looked around. He was in the Hofferson's living room with the big open fire- and cooking-place, sitting on a bench with his head and upper body resting on the table in front of him. His right arm lay in the low crib at his side, his hand holding Faye's. With a loving smile, he looked down at his daughter. The little monster was finally asleep and by all means looked like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth!
Millimeter by careful millimetre, he drew his hand away and couldn't help the relieved sigh when he was free and Faye still asleep. Then he looked back up at Helka and Brenna who stood a little behind her sister with a worried look.
"What's up?" he asked quietly. "Did something happen?" If not then he hoped they had an incredibly good reason for waking him!
"No, nothing happened," Helka said equally quietly. "Besides, isn't it your day off? I'm sure whatever happens, Gobber can take care of it! I just thought you might have a better rest in a bed? There are free ones upstairs, you can use any of them"
Hiccup rubbed his eyes and quietly got up on his legs again. Right, it was his day off. On two days per week, Gobber took over any chiefly duties and gave Hiccup the dearly needed time to care for his little family. Today was a special day though.
"How's Astrid?" he asked, suppressing a yawn as he climbed over the bench and stretched. Helka was right, he should use this day to catch up on some sleep but couldn't bring himself to do so. Surely, there were other things he could do, more useful things. Maybe replace the broken shingles on their roof before the winter came in full force or repair that loose shutter upstairs. There was always so much to do!
"She's fine. All healed up," Helka said, confirming what Astrid had hoped for. The postnatal period was over and if Astrid felt like it, she was allowed to do exercises and even fly regularly again. The bleeding had stopped about two weeks ago and now, Helka had made if official.
"That's good news! Astrid was thrilled, I guess? Did she go flying right away? She so missed doing that!" Hiccup smiled to himself. Her flying after him right after Faye's birth hadn't done her any favours and he still felt sorry for making her do so. She might have been up for weeks already if that flight hadn't further hurt her torn body.
"Actually, no," Helke smirked wryly. "She stayed in bed after I examined her and was asleep before I even left the room. And I meant it, you should do the same if I may say so. Doctor's order!"
A small smile tugged at Hiccup's lips. Right, Astrid had to be just as tired as he was if not even more so. They both adored Faye but it would be nice if the girl would let them sleep for longer than two hours in a row. At least once! He ran his fingers through his hair to chase away the last bits of sleepiness for the moment. "Then I'll do that," he gave in. No complaining there! "Let's just hope Faye stays asleep until I get her to her bed" He bent to carefully lift his daughter out of the crib but Brenna waved him off.
"Just let her sleep here. I can take care of her when she wakes and you two can pick her up after you had a good rest for once. Odin knows you need it!"
Hiccup couldn't argue against that. He only hesitated for a moment, his sense of duty telling him that it was his responsibility to look after his daughter. But, surely, letting her grandmother do so for a while wasn't a capital offence to the gods, right? In fact, it was fairly normal for the older ones to take care of the children while the younger adults worked, he knew that. He nodded with a grateful smile and left the house. Once outside, he felt strangely anxious. He knew that Brenna and Helka were well able to care for a baby. And it wasn't as if Faye wasn't used to their presence. It was just… weird to leave her. But then, they all would need to get used to that when Astrid would return to her former duties now.
Hiccup stretched once before he made his way up to their house. It wasn't a long way so only minutes later, he carefully opened the front door as to not wake Astrid. He took off his boot and tunic before he sneaked into their bedroom. As expected, Astrid lay in their bed, cuddled into the blanket and deeply asleep. As quietly as he could, Hiccup sat down on his side of the bed, took off his fake leg and trousers as well and curled up on the soft mattress. Thor, he really needed to rest!
The last thing he noticed before he drifted off into dearly needed slumber was Astrid snuggling closer to his chest and his arm reflexively finding its way around her waist.
. o O o .
When Hiccup woke, he was still sleepy but also felt better rested than in what must come close to an eternity. His body felt heavy and his head light but for once in good ways and not from exhaustion like on most other days. He hummed happily and then realized that he hadn't woken up on his own.
Astrid was moving in his arms, slow and warm but very noticeable. And she did it again now, drawing a low groan out of his throat that he managed only barely to suppress.
"Morning," she murmured sleepily. She probably hadn't moved like that on purpose but it surely wasn't without any effect. For four months now, they hadn't had any sex. Because Astrid wasn't ready yet. Giving birth and the strenuous flight afterwards had almost torn her body apart and it wouldn't be sensible to risk any infections while she was still bleeding. Not to mention that she still was in pain and wasn't in the mood anyway. Hiccup respected that, wouldn't force himself on her if she didn't feel like it.
But – Fuck! – he wanted her!
And her grinding her cute ass against his cook right now wasn't helpful. Not in the least!
"Morning?" he replied, fighting to distract himself. He didn't want his erection to poke against her, didn't want to put any pressure on her by letting her know how horny he was. "It's got to be late afternoon, judging by the light"
Astrid paused for a moment and then chuckled. "You're right. How did that happen? Wasn't it right after breakfast when Helka left just now?"
Hiccup feverishly bit his lip as she kept moving in his arms. He should stop her before his state of arousal became too obvious but he didn't want to. It felt amazing!
"For how long did we sleep?" Astrid asked, snuggling even closer to him and he had to suppress a louder moan. "And where's Faye?" She paused and made attempts to sit up but couldn't with Hiccup's arms still around her. He should let her go, let her get up. It was the sensible thing to do, to let her go to pick up Faye and maybe some dinner from her mother and jerk off while she was gone. It surely wouldn't take long.
But he was tight as a bowstring, couldn't move without risking to act on his arousal, couldn't even loosen his hold on her.
"She's with your mother," was all he was able to gasp out and she relaxed into the sheets again.
"Hmmm, I see" her voice was light and unconcerned. "So we still have a few moments, right?" With a happy sigh, she cuddled back against him and this time Hiccup couldn't hold back the low whine.
"Ah – Astrid," he choked out. "Could you… Nng! Could you stop tha –Ah!" His hand was on her hip now, after all, desperately holding her still. He was dangerously close to coming already and that would be mortifying when all she wanted was to cuddle a bit. She'd endured enough, she didn't need a sex-hungry husband in addition.
"Why?" she asked innocently and pushed back more intently until his cloth-covered cock was firmly wedged between her bare thighs. She moved her hips back and forth, maddeningly rubbing his length and he wasn't able to give her a coherent answer. All he could do was keeping himself from rutting against her like a madman and keening against her also bare shoulders. Wrapped in her blanket as she was he hadn't noticed so far but now he did. She wasn't wearing anything except her lower undergarments. Was she actively trying to kill him?
"Hiccup?" She sounded playful, smug even. "Do you know what Helka said?" He couldn't have answered her even if his head had been clear enough to think about her question. Through the thin layers of cloth that separated them, he thought he could feel her damp warmth surrounding his cock and he couldn't speak, couldn't think. His mind was utterly blank, wiped clean by the sheer sensation of her.
"She said I'm all healed up"
Helka had said so before but this time, the words reached him on a lower, more primal base and he growled. He retreated but only to pull her around and on her back. A moment later, he was above her, fighting to support his weight and intently stared her in the eyes while his hips were firmly pressed against hers. Her eyelids fluttered shut for a moment and her sinful moan rang in his ears as she pushed up to press herself even more firmly against him. It was all the confirmation he needed. She was healed up, she was ready and she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.
Hiccup leaned down to kiss her hungrily, his fingers in her hair in an instant. When his nails lightly scraped over her skin, she shuddered beneath him and wrapped her arms around his torso to clutch at his back and bury her hands in his hair as well. Gods, how had he missed this! Blanketing her soft yet strong body with his own, feeling her skin on skin from head to foot. It felt wonderful. Right. Complete.
Without his help, his body was grinding itself against hers, seeking her damp heat and the friction he so desperately needed and Astrid responded beautifully. She was moving beneath him in equal measures, pressing her hips against his and shuffling her legs to the sides, welcoming him between them. Hiccup head began to spin when he felt her wet already, even through her undergarments. Thank Thor, she wouldn't need much foreplay.
As so often, he shifted his weight to one arm to reach for her breasts with the other, to caress and kneed them, to roll her hardened nipples between his fingers and pinch them to draw the most beautiful cries out of her. He'd been dying to do this again! Her breasts had grown during the pregnancy already but now, they'd become even bigger, were almost twice as big as usual. Logically, he knew this was to provide for their child but he wouldn't deny that he, too, benefitted from this development. They both moaned as his hand cupped the enlarged mound. It felt fantastic, hot and firm, even hard beneath the skin. Also sticky and slick from the constant dribble flowing down from the peak.
"Oh, Gods! Hic-" Astrid choked, writhing beneath him and arching up into his hand. With lust-clouded eyes, Hiccup watched as hers rolled back into her head, mouth parted in a silent scream. Grinning to himself, he slid down a bit and let his lips and tongue glide over her skin. It tasted weirdly sweet and he could feel his cook leaking as he was about to lick up her white mess for once.
He heard Astrid whine and suddenly, her hand was over his mouth. She lightly pushed him away from her alluring breasts all the while trembling and panting. Dimly, he remembered how she'd become more and more sensitive there and could have hit himself. Surely, that had only gotten stronger now.
"Sorry," he whispered huskily. "Did I hurt you? Too sensitive?"
Biting her lip, Astrid first shook her head and then nodded. "Didn't hurt," she gasped out after a few moments. "But yes, fucking sensitive. I… I might just come from that"
A low growl rumbled in the back of Hiccup's throat and he let his gaze drop to her breast again. That was a thought to keep in mind. But why had she stop him then? He leaned down again to latch onto her nipple, to lick, suck, and bite her until she fell apart beneath his mouth but got stopped by her once more.
"Don't," she pleaded weakly, a flush on her cheeks that wasn't purely arousal. "It's… it's weird enough to get... a little hot whenever I nurse Faye. I don't want this memory in addition"
Breathing heavily, Hiccup gazed at her through bleary eyes. Watching Astrid nurse their baby shouldn't be erotic but it was and he'd felt bad for feeling like that. But to think that Astrid felt the same… Reluctantly, he drew his hand back, away from her alluring breast and shifted to rest more comfortably above her again. "Alright," he breathed hoarsely. He tried not to be disappointed by the prospect of not being allowed to touch her breasts when they were so damn sexy. He could understand her reasoning after all.
To distract them both, he resumed kissing her ardently. His hands firmly cupped her face to keep them from wandering while his hips ground against hers again. After a minute or so, he felt Astrid's small hands roaming downward and awkwardly freeing them both of their remaining clothes until they were finally completely naked, completely skin on skin. He felt her hot fingers closing around his cock and it sent a lightning bolt of pleasure through his entire body. Gods, it had been too long… She pumped him once, twice and then guided him toward her centre, her wet arousal coating him a few moment later.
Somewhere in between, their lips had parted. Hiccup couldn't remember when or how, his blank mind too busy remembering how to breathe! But he should warn her…
"Aah, Astrid, I- nnggh – I'm not sure I – Ah! – can hold out for long" He gasped, slightly embarrassed. He hadn't felt like this since their first few times, like he would come just from thinking about pushing into her, about how hot and wet she would be around him, about how she would squeeze him tight. Groaning, he let his head drop to her shoulder, his mouth on her collarbone where he began to lick and suck and bite her tender skin just to have something to do, to distract himself. Maybe he could come once, over her belly and breasts and then play her some more until he was hard enough again to fuck her properly. That could work. Surely it wouldn't take long for-
"That's okay," Astrid gasped, chest heaving in time with their bodies grinding against each other. "I – mmmhh – I'm not sure I can take – Ah! – take it for long anyway"
Hiccup frowned at her words and grimaced when they started to make sense. He squeezed his eyes shut and slowed his movement down until he stopped completely. Groaning, he rolled off of her a moment later, one arm thrown over his face to cover his eyes. He understood what she was offering. She wasn't ready yet, her body not yet healed enough for sex. But apparently, she had noticed how much he longed for her after all and was offering him to use her anyway.
"Hiccup?" She sounded puzzled and he could feel her shift and turn around beside him. His body was screaming for her, his cock pulsing painfully but he couldn't do that.
"You don't need to do this!" He stated hoarsely. He didn't want to use her as little more than a receptacle to get off without her enjoying it as well, ever. That was not how it worked for him! "I can wait if you're not ready yet" His cock gave a protesting twitch but it was surprisingly easy to ignore, the thought earlier a guaranteed mood killer.
Astrid gave an annoyed snort and tugged at his arm until he let it drop. "You think I'm not ready?" she asked, light amusement in her voice. "You think I would start this if I wasn't ready? Hel, I've been ready for days! I just waited for the confirmation that everything's healed up. I want this, Hiccup!" Astrid seemed to have talked herself into a bit of a rage but her next words came as barely more than a whisper. "I want you!"
Swallowing, Hiccup turned toward her, to look at her. "I want you, too!" He admitted hesitantly. "But I don't want to hurt you. I don't want you to pretend anything for me. If you're not ready yet, if you're still hurting then that's okay. I can wait, however long it takes"
With a small smile, Astrid scooted closer until their bodies touched lightly again. "I know," she breathed. "But I'm not pretending. I am ready! I want you, want to feel you, to be one with you. I've missed that. And it's not that I'm still hurting but rather that it's been a while," she paused, biting her lip as her hips bucked against him, moving seemingly on their own volition and a shiver ran down her body. "You might need to be careful though, slow. And I don't think I can stand it for very long just yet. But that's okay. I just want to feel you inside me again. And I don't think we'll get a better chance anytime soon. So… please?"
Hiccup had gazed at her, worries slowly crumbling under her words until that last please effectively brushed aside every remaining bit. He couldn't deny her anything, especially not if she actually pleaded. With something between a groan and a laughter, Hiccup leaned toward her to kiss her again and as the temptress she was, she used her strength to roll him back on top of her again a moment later. She chuckled and hummed when he blanketed her again, her hand roaming down his back to grab his behind. His cock gave a hungry twitch, waking up quickly again. Oh, but it wasn't his time yet…
He would do what she'd asked for, all too eagerly, but first, he needed to take care of her. If she couldn't bear him inside her long enough for her to come… Well, he knew other ways to get her off first. Grinning to himself, he crawled back and let his lips ghost down her collarbone and chest before placing a soft kiss between her breasts.
"Hic- ah! Don't…," she begged but Hiccup would be good. He wouldn't go for her breasts again if she didn't want him to. Instead, he crawled back some more, let his breath tickle the skin over her ribs and drew a slow circle around her belly button with his tongue. She was trembling beneath him, panting and whimpering, those beautiful noises that made his cock pulse. When he was about to settle between her legs, she seemed to catch herself again though.
"Hiccup, wait!" she gasped. "I don't… you… I mean…" He looked up at her, puzzled and worried over her reaction alike. Was this too something she didn't want him to do for whatever reason? If so then he was slowly running out of options. But when he saw her face, he understood. There was self-consciousness in her eyes, bashfulness and nervousness. Silly woman…
He winked at her and leaned down to breathe a kiss on her quivering sex, knowingly risking her getting upset if he misinterpreted her expression. But her reaction was worth the risk. She tensed up, back arched and head thrown back as she cried out. She muffled herself a second later, one hand pressed over her mouth while the other buried itself in his hair, tugging and scraping. Humming with satisfaction, he made himself more comfortable, lying on his front, propped up on his elbows and gripping her thighs tightly. One more time, he glanced up at her, at her beautiful face with its flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. He sought her consent after all whether this was alright for her. He saw her biting her lip and then she nodded, short and almost shy.
Without drawing it out any longer, Hiccup leaned down and brought his mouth to her hot core. It was true, she had changed but that only gave him a good reason to explore her thoroughly. Eager to get to know her again, his lips and tongue searched every fold and crease while his hands fought to keep her legs apart. He didn't go slowly, didn't have the time or patience for that right now. Her lustful moans and needy whimpers had him throbbing hard again in no time, his hips frotting into the blankets and mattress beneath them on their own accord, seeking any friction he could get. As much as he loved drawing her orgasm out, it wasn't feasible today. He needed to get her off before he actually lost his mind! Hungrily, he practically tore into her, tongue lapping and lips sucking relentlessly while her desperate moans and cries rang in his ears. At some point, her urge to move her hips seemed to become too strong for her to bear, her fighting against his grip getting harder and he let it happen. He loosened his hold on her enough for her to ride his tongue and got rewarded with the most sinful moan and her wantonly moving against his mouth.
Having her so mindlessly aroused beneath him took its toll on him though. She was so gorgeous, so hot, and sexy, and tempting. One day she would drive him insane! And if he wouldn't get her off soon, that day might very well be today! He was dangerously close to spilling into the blankets beneath him in a couple of minutes and that was not what he'd planned!
Keeping on hand loosely on her hip to keep her from accidentally hurting him, he drew the other on back a little and pushed one finger lightly against her entrance. It was tender she'd said so he didn't dare to push right into her despite her being maddeningly wet and slick beneath his touch. He wanted to gauge her reaction but his caution had been unnecessary. Keening into her hand over her mouth, Astrid shuddered and then moved her hips, pushing down on his finger. With careful slow nudges, he worked it into her and when she showed no signs of pain or discomfort, he added a second finger.
. o O o .
Astrid was sure she would go insane any moment now.
Sex hadn't been of any priority for her during the past months but now, with Hiccup's hot mouth on her sex and his careful fingers inside her, she felt like she'd missed out on a lot.
Sure, there were these brief moments when Faye latched onto her breast and her body seemed not to know how to react to the sensation. There was this strain in her breasts then that seemed to reach through her body and tug at something in her groins, making her clench and unclench deliciously. In those moments, she sometimes missed having sex but these thoughts were scotched instantly when the serenity of nursing her baby overcame her.
And of course, she'd noticed how Hiccup looked at her, how his body reacted to her. She saw how his eyes became dazed and how his trousered filled out on the weirdest occasions. She felt the longing in his words and gazes and actions. Oh, he tried to hold back and hide it but she knew him too well. He'd never been good at keeping anything from her.
And it wasn't even that she didn't want to have sex either. Sure, not the… real thing, but more than once she thought about sucking Hiccup off when she heard him grunting and groaning in the other room at nights. It seemed unfair to her that he had to endure this sexual frustration just because her body was in turmoil after giving birth. She probably wouldn't mind him touching her either but it wasn't like she actually needed it, not like that anyway.
But then there never seemed to be time, never the right moment. Faye took all her attention and in those precious hours the girl actually slept soundly, Astrid was too tired to even do necessary things like doing their laundry or eat something, let alone additional things like taking care of her husband.
The last week had been different though. She'd felt it again, that desire for Hiccup to touch her, to kiss her and carry them away for a while. The bleeding had stopped already but she wanted to be sure, wanted the confirmation that her body was ready for sex again. Asking her aunt after that had been embarrassing, but not as much as it might have been a year ago. Talking about her body had become easier.
And now, she was here, trembling with anticipation over Hiccup's tongue on her clit and his fingers lazily pushing into her. It was maddeningly wonderful. At first, his eager mouth had been overwhelming, too much for her unaccustomed body and she'd thought she might just burst from all the sensation. And it wasn't like it had lessened in any way, on the contrary! His mouth had become more greedy, seeking and searching and exploring. His lustful groans had vibrated through her sensitive body, threatening to shatter her from the inside. And his desperate rutting into the sheets had only added to it all. He was mindless with lust and desire, had been so for weeks. And yet here he was, massaging her clit with his talented lips and tongue while his fingers inside her found that spot and-
"Hi-Hiccup!" she cried into her hand as a lightning of pleasure shot through her and she pushed down on his fingers more firmly, trying to chase the sensation. Her entire body was tense, her insides coiled tightly. All she needed was a tiny bit more, only one last push, just… She felt Hiccup suck on her clit, felt him groan covetingly into her flesh, felt her own hips fucking herself on his fingers, and felt those finger pushing on that sensitive spot inside her but it seemed not to be enough. "Oh, please," she whimpered over and over again, begging for the release her body so desperately needed but it just wasn't enough.
Whining, she pulled the hand away from her mouth and reached for the part of her body that was the most sensitive these days. The moment her fingers touched her breast, the world became dark as her eyes rolled back into her head. She heard Hiccup gasp and moan as she pinched down on her own nipple, roughly rolling it between her fingers and, finally, it was enough.
Astrid made no sound as she came for the first time in months, all air getting stuck in her throat on its way out. Her body and mind tried to process what was happening while she was spasming and shaking, while a lightning crackled up her spine until stars and colours exploded behind her eyes.
It wasn't the best orgasm of her life, far from it. Her groins seemed hardly affected at all, were still so tense and sensitive. But it might have been one of the most meaningful, the starting signal for their love life to continue.
While Astrid came down to Midgard, she felt Hiccup crawling back up to her, his mouth never leaving her skin, covering her with sloppy kisses. She felt him teething her neglected nipple teasingly but when she gasped in surprise, he'd already wandered further. He panted into her hair and moaned against her neck as she spread her shaking legs for him. Astrid grabbed fistfuls of his hair and hurled him into a short but hard kiss. When they parted, they stared at each other, wide green orbs meeting blue before Hiccup, as if in a trance, reached for her leg and wrapped it around his waist before he nudged his way into her with short shallow thrusts.
Astrid was glad to say that it didn't hurt, not really. The stretch was a bit uncomfortable at first but well manageable after he'd had his fingers inside her already. She kept her eyes on him, on his eyes that were glued to hers. She watched him as the last bit of sense or reason left his mind when he was finally completely inside her and it was glorious.
"Oh, G-gods," he choked, eyes bulging and jaw clenched tightly. "S-so huuh…hot! Ah! As…nngg…tird… tell mmmmhhhh" His eyes fluttered shut and a shudder ran through his entire body. Astrid could see how much effort it cost him to hold back and reached up to run her fingers over his face.
"It's okay," she whispered into the air between them. "I'm alright"
With a sound somewhere between keening and growling, Hiccup began to move. The first couple of strokes were a bit clumsy and awkward but then he found his rhythm. And it felt good! It felt good to have him inside her again, to feel him stretch her tense muscles open. It felt good to have her hand buried in his thick hair and inhale his musky scent, to feel his warmth all around her. It felt good to hear him gasp nonsense, to feel his hands clutching at her shoulders as if his life depended on her. And it felt good to watch him, this strong man who was always in control of himself, losing himself so completely. In her! It gave her a heady feeling to watch him, watch the muscles in his neck stand out and feel them move beneath his smooth skin.
What she'd said earlier was still true though, she couldn't have taken it for long but luckily, he didn't take long anyway. After the first few strokes, he seemed to lose all caution and when she signalled him to go on, he pounded into her, hard and fast. Hiccup lasted barely more than a dozen thrusts before he pressed his shuddering hips against her with all his strength, grunting and cursing. He was gorgeous like this, coming undone above her, flooding her insides in hot spurts and it felt so right.
Astrid pulled Hiccup down into a kiss, sucking on his lips and tongue as he was floating back down to her. He moaned into her mouth and almost crushed her as he nearly collapsed on top of her. A moment later, he caught himself and rolled off of her, pulling her with him until they lay side by side in each other's arms.
"Thank you," Astrid breathed and Hiccup chuckled shakily.
"My pleasure!"
. o O o .
Half an hours later, Hiccup and Astrid walked through the village, decently dressed again, smiling, hand in hand, and more relaxed than they'd been in weeks. They were greeted by other people around them, but Astrid hardly registered their wide grins and insinuating winks. Instead, she let her mind wander, trusting Hiccup to lead them back to her parent's house to pick up Faye.
Dimly, she remembered how boring those months and weeks before Faye's birth had been, how she'd shouted at Snot for telling her she would miss those calm and lazy days. Maybe she should apologize to him because he'd been so right! The past months had been demanding with getting accustomed to caring for a baby but from now on, things would only become harder. She was looking forward to returning to her old duties again, to train again and be a part of Hiccup's council, to support and help him in leading Berk. But she was also afraid of how and whether it would work out. She was Hiccup's second-in-command, his general and his advisor, a dragon rider, and a defender of Berk. But she was also her own person, an axe-wielder, a woman, and Hiccup's wife. Juggling all these parts of her hadn't been easy before but now, she also was Faye's mother.
How on Midgard could all these parts of her coexist side by side without crushing each other?
"Oh, look, Faye. Looks who's there!" Her mother's cooing voice tore her out of her thoughts and a wide smile spread across Astrid's face when she spotted her daughter. Letting go of Hiccup's hand, she hurried through the room and picked the little girl up to nuzzle her lovingly.
"Hey, little darling," she now cooed herself, "Oh, I missed you so much!" She heard Hiccup's light chuckle as he stepped behind her and leaned down to place a soft kiss on Faye's head.
"Sorry for kidnapping your dinner," he whispered so only Astrid could hear him, making her shake with silent laughter. She flashed him a wide grin when Helka entered the room.
"Look at that, two well-rested parents, almost as good as new. And so relaxed…" She said teasingly but Astrid was spared any comment when her aunt handed her a heavy bundle of cloth. "Here, I think you'll need this from now on. It's a wrap to securely carry Faye around, on your front or your back. Even flying your dragon should work as long as you don't do any daring stunts"
With a beaming smile, Astrid took the wrap. "Thank you!" she said wholeheartedly. For a moment, she considered trying it out right away but Faye had other plans.
"She must be hungry," her mother stated unnecessarily when the girl suddenly began to cry and moved her head around searchingly.
Astrid handed the wrap to Hiccup and sat down to nurse her child. Even after having sex less than an hour ago, the initial suckling sent the usual spark of heat through her body and she bit her lip. She shouldn't feel aroused while she held her baby in her arms! It was wrong, these two parts of her shouldn't mingle. But then she looked up and her gaze landed on Hiccup with the wrap still in his arms. Hiccup who looked at her with a mixture of desire and love but at the same time radiated safety and comfort.
He was the Chief, the Great Dragon Master, a warrior but at the same time, he was just a man, a father, and a husband. And in that moment, Astrid knew. She threw Hiccup a warm smile full of happiness and love as well.
So many months ago, she'd worried how being Hiccup's wife, or worse, being a mother would change her. But now, in that moment, all those worried flew out of the window. Yes, she could be every part of her. She could be a mother and help leading the village at the same time, Faye's presence didn't need to interfere with that. She could be Hiccup's wife and his general, it was what they'd always been in a way after all. She didn't need to neglect any part of her in favour of another, could be everything. Not separately but she could work those parts together into one piece, into one person, into herself.
. o O o .
This is still not the end, there are at least 2-3 more epilogues I have in mind but not written yet. One comes from a request so if you have any ideas or settings you want to see here, tell me about it and I'll see what I can do ;)
Epilogue 3
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sunnflowerhobi · 7 years
BTS reaction to you, their s/o, having self-harm scars.
❀I know this is a rather delicate subject so I want to let every single one of you that’s reading this know that if you’re struggling with anything, going through hard times or if you simply need someone to talk to, you can always send me a message and I’ll be more than happy to listen to you and try to help in any way that I can. I’ve been there and self-harm is no way for anyone to cope with their feelings. I love you ❀
requested: x
❣️ masterlist ❣️
✿Seokjin: Jin, being the gentleman he was, didn’t object anything when you told him you weren’t ready to have sex with him yet. He couldn’t even begin to imagine the real reason behind it, thinking that you just wanted to take it slow, and encouraging you to take your time, and besides that he wouldn’t say a word. He was more than happy to wait for you to be comfortable with taking such a step in the relationship. But when you took his hand one evening and he saw your eyes were watery, he instantly thought the worst; he became worried he had done something wrong, even though he couldn’t think of anything, or he would think that you were about to break up with him. You reassured him a hundred times that everything was fine before continuing, trying to hold back the tears. You began to slowly pull down your pants, revealing your thighs that were covered in many thin, long and white lines. It took him a couple of seconds to actually understand what you were showing him, and as he did, his eyes watered and he felt his heart stopped beating for a moment; he cupped your face with both hands and kissed your nose before pulling you in for the tightest hug he had ever given to you. “You’re so beautiful” he started to whisper softly in your ear with a soothing, caring tone, gently rubbing your back, “is this why you didn’t want to do anything? Oh baby, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I love you so much, and you’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen, I want you to remember that, okay? I love you, my princess” and after you nodded with a soft smile, he pushed his lips against yours in a warm kiss in which he demonstrated all his love and devotion for you.
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❀Yoongi: you would actually want to be blunt with him, letting him know right from the beginning about your past, but deep down there was a little part of you that was afraid that he would think you were a freak or that he would love you less if he knew about it. That’s why you were actually very nervous despite having repeated what you were going to say a million times in front of the mirror. You steeled yourself as you took one of his hands with yours, gently squeezed it and looked him straight in the eyes; you could see he was worried about your seriousness but he didn’t say anything nor did he rushed you, letting you take as much time as you needed. When you were finally ready, you softly left go of his hand and took down your pants a bit, just enough to let him see the little marks that covered your thighs, and as you were breathing in deeply, getting ready to start your so practiced speech, he stopped you with a soft, slow kiss full of care and affection. He put one of his hands on your cheek, rubbing it with his thumb, as his other hand was on one of your thighs, gently caressing over it, outlining your scars with his index finger. “I love you so, so, so much my angel, you don’t have an idea. You’re the most important thing in this world to me, never even doubt it, yeah?” he whispered softly against your lips before pulling you in for a hug, his arms warmly wrapped around you as you let out all the angst that you had been holding on, finally falling asleep, exhausted, to the comforting feeling that was being in his arms.
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❁Hoseok: it wasn’t until you had just started dating and things got a little heated up for the first time that you actually started to freak out about him seeing you without clothes on. You hadn’t actually thought about it in a serious manner, always delaying it, always kicking it to the back of your mind to deal with it later, but now there was no delay that could be made. You really wanted to keep going, but something made you squeeze one of his hands and slow him a little, his darkened eyes softening at the sight of your worried face. “What’s wrong? If you’re not ready yet princess we don’t have to do anyth…” you simply shut him with a quick peck on the lips, reassuring him that it wasn’t that in a sweet voice before slowly pulling down your pants. He initially thought you were going to strip for him, but he would be devastated the moment his eyes saw your pretty skin covered in such marks, the thought of you hating yourself so much you felt the need to do harm to yourself being too much for him to handle, and so he couldn’t help the tears that started to stream down his face, the sight of you crying as well not helping at all. Soon, you two mere mashed in a tight, warm, affectionate hug, the only thing that could be heard besides your soft weeps being Hoseok’s trembling voice repeating over and over again how beautiful you were, how much he absolutely loved you with all his heart and how grateful he was that you were in his life. 
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✿Namjoon: honestly he would be a bit confused that you only accepted to have sex with him when it was completely dark, with the n° 1 rule being “absolutely no lights on” and that you always dressed yourself quickly afterwards, refusing to just lay and cuddle with him naked or at least half naked immediately after. He wouldn’t question it at first; however when it persisted, he assumed that you were ashamed of your body for some ridiculous reason. But when he actually brought it up and you looked at him in shock before your eyes watered, he knew there was something more, something deeper behind your behaviour. He honestly only saw perfection when he looked at you, and so, when you hesitantly pulled down your shorts with lights on, all he could think was how they didn’t make you less beautiful like you just had said, but quite the opposite. “They tell a story, love, your story, you shouldn’t be ashamed of them baby girl; they’re part of who you were” he specially remarked the past tense, since he couldn’t bear the thought of you doing such harm to yourself in the present time. “I love you so much, it breaks my heart that you think you’re anything but perfect, my sweet princess, please don’t cry, I love you so, so fucking much” he would swipe your tears away with his thumbs before proceeding to spend the whole afternoon kissing your thighs and your scars affectionately, making sure you knew exactly how much he loved you and your whole beautiful body. 
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❀Jimin: “what’s wrong baby? What happened?” he would worriedly say to you, desperately looking for any signs that indicated what could’ve happened as you burdensomely walked up to where he was and sat next to him on the couch, letting yourself fall onto it like a lifeless sack of potatoes. You simply shook your head, taking his hands and intertwining his fingers with yours, absently playing with them as you thought about the better way to say what you were about to confess to him. With his eyes scrutinizing every millimeter of your face searching for anything that could mean something, you finally decided that you were going to do it simple, because you wanted to have the chance to explain things to him before you two got to make the next step into the relationship, because he was going to see you naked sooner or later, so you just decided to steel yourself and make it sooner. Confusion struck his eyes as you pulled your pants down just a little, just enough, and he wouldn’t know what to do until he finally saw your thighs, covered in scars. “Oh baby, is this why you were so upset? You know I totally don’t mind, right?  I still think you’re the most beautiful baby girl in the whole universe” he would say, making you chuckle. “I love you so, so, so, so much babe” he smiled when you did and affectionately kissed the tip of your nose.
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❁Taehyung: only a week had passed since you two started dating and the quantity of making out sessions that threatened to get out of control that had occurred was a bit overwhelming. You always had to force yourself to stop it, to slow him down, to take his hands off of your butt and tell him you weren’t ready, which was pure bullshit and you suspected he probably already knew that as well, but he didn’t say anything. He never said anything; he just smiled and gently kissed your lips, which made you want to scream in frustration even more. You were friends long before you started dating, but still he had no idea what would be awaiting for him when he stripped you off of your clothes. So, one day you built up the courage to go and sit next to him while he was sitting on the couch, mindlessly watching TV and, as you made sure he had his entire attention on you, you started to take your pants off, his eyes twitched at first, thinking of something completely different, but the uncomfortable look in your eyes made him look for something else, and that’s when he saw your scars. He could barely speak, but in his most composed voice he was able to babble “oh my goodness, sweetie, is this why you always stop me?” he kissed your temple as you nodded weakly, “you should know better that I don’t care, princess. You’re so beautiful. You’re the strongest, smartest, exceptional, splendorous person I’ve ever met and I love you so fucking much” he finished with a soft peck on your lips, making you smile as bright as ever.
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✿Jungkook: from a simple, innocent kiss, things would’ve escalated quickly and soon you found yourself with your back pinned to the bed, Jungkook’s skilled hands getting rid of your jeans, when you suddenly had to stop him and your hands went to cover your now exposed thighs. The look of surprise in his eyes almost hurt you; you knew he was going to blame himself on it. “I’m sorry baby, was I going too fast? I got caught up in the moment I gue…” he shut himself midsentence when he saw you shake your head. You slowly took your hands off your thighs, revealing your marked skin to him, closing your eyes so you wouldn’t have to see the disappointed look you were so used to whenever you opened up to someone. Then silence. You couldn’t even dare to speak. He suddenly felt his eyes burning at the mere thought of you being alone and in so much pain. He just couldn’t take it, he wanted to protect you from everything bad in the world, but he was too afraid he couldn’t protect you from your inner demons. You opened up your eyes when you felt a teardrop fall on your skin; but it wasn’t yours. You looked at him and when you saw the pain in his eyes you couldn’t help but start to cry too. Soon, he would be next to you, cuddled up against your back with his arms wrapped around your stomach and his hands intertwined with yours, your legs twisted in such a way that it was impossible to know which belonged to who; he was kissing your neck softly and whispering sweet things in your ear. “You’re the most important thing I have, princess; I love you more than anything in this world, don’t you ever dare to forget that, okay?” and he would keep going until you peacefully fell asleep on his arms.  
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ongsniel · 7 years
[request] this love is difficult (but it’s real)
AUTHOR: ongniels (ali) FANDOM: WANNA ONE/Produce 101 RATING: PG-13 PAIRING: Lai Guanlin/Park Jihoon WORD COUNT: 5,4k WARNING: cursing SUMMARY: Guanlin knows he should be paying attention, or at least listening to the older boy, but all he can do is steal glances at Jihoon and wonder how to initiate some body contact, how to bring himself to reach out and take a hold of Jihoon’s hand.
Or: The three times Guanlin wants to initiate skinship with Jihoon but is too shy/nervous to do so and one time Jihoon notices and helps him out.
It’s the first day in their new dorm and after having pigged out on all kinds of food to celebrate the occasion, all of the members are in the living room watching a movie.
Normally, not all of them would fit in the room, even less with all of them lying down, but Jisung had convinced them to sleep together since it was their first day in the dorm. That’s why they had dragged some of their mattresses into the living room and created a huge make shift bed.
As Guanlin glances around, two things catch his eyes.
The first thing he notices are actually two people.
Seongwoo and Daniel.
They are the only ones lying on the couch, Daniel’s arm tightly wrapped around Seongwoo’s waist as Seongwoo is sprawled all over Daniel. They are almost chest to chest, Seongwoo’s face hidden in the crook of Daniel’s neck.
Guanlin guesses he must have fallen asleep sometime during the movie.
The both of them look cute, Seongwoo’s face relaxed in his sleep, Daniel happily looking down at him with the softest of smiles.
The other thing that had caught his attention is actually Jihoon.
Said boy is lying right next to Guanlin with his lips in a smile and his eyes sparkling as one of the main characters cracks a joke.
They are lying closer to each other than they usually would.
Guanlin wants to reach out and tug on Jihoon’s arm until the boy understands and rests his head on Guanlin’s chest but just the thought of doing so makes his heart feel like it’s about to explode.
Still, Guanlin scoots even closer to Jihoon, carefully to do so without the other boy noticing.
When he glances at the other boy nervously, his heart beating so fast it might as well fall out of his chest. However, when he looks at Jihoon again, he is relieved to see that he is too focused on the movie to realize what Guanlin is doing.
The younger boy waits a few minutes before he tries to reach out for Jihoon’s shirt. He, painfully slowly, stretches out his hands towards Jihoon.
Every time his hand is only a millimeter nearer to the older boy, his stomach tightens in anxiety and his heartbeat gets faster without a real reason as to why. When his fingertips reach the soft fabric of Jihoon’s shirt, it feels like his skin is burning.
Guanlin backs his hand off immediately, wiggles away from Jihoon in a flash of panic and looks at his hand in surprise, trying to calm himself down.
“Guanlin?” Jihoon murmurs some minutes later, his hand caressing Guanlin’s forearm. ”Why are you so far away, suddenly?”
“Uhm, I just… I just felt too hot,” Guanlin replies, lump in his throat.
“Ah, okay,” the older boy nods, removing his hand from Guanlin.
As soon as Jihoon’s gentle fingers are gone from his skin, he wants to tell Jihoon to touch him again. But somehow, he can’t.
For the rest of the night, he sneaks some glances at Jihoon, his body itching to get closer and have Jihoon in his arms.
“Jihoon, are you going to sit there all alone sulking for the rest of the day?” Jisung asks with a smirk.
The younger boy just sticks his tongue out and crosses his arms over his chest. Guanlin thinks it’s one of the cutest things he has ever seen as he smiles he moves forward and plops down beside Jihoon.
“Why are you sulking anyway?” Guanlin says.
“Because Jisung and Seongwoo are assholes,” Jihoon replies, making sure to be loud enough for both of the older boys to hear. “They were teasing me the whole time we were in the car because I made a tiny mistake.”
“Aw, how pitiful,” he laughs, his hand reaches out to pat Jihoon’s head but stops midway.
Just like the last time he had tried to touch Jihoon, his heart starts to speed up in his chest, thundering against his rib cage, a lump forming in his throat. His mouth, all of a sudden, feels dry and his skin is on fire.
He is aware that he’s probably blushing, too.
Thankfully Jihoon is too distracted by Jisung wiggling his eyebrows at him and Seongwoo sending hearts their way to notice Guanlin’s hand awkwardly hovering above his head.
Guanlin, for at least five minutes, stares at his hand, trying to find out why the hell he just couldn’t touch Jihoon without feeling like he is going to have a panic attack or without his brain shutting off just at the thought of doing so.
“You’re on my side, right Guanlin?” Jihoon snaps him out of his trance.
He looks at his hand again, then back at Jihoon and nods without thinking about it. Jihoon grins at him with the cutest of grins and taps him on the shoulder before running off to play fight with Seongwoo.
Jihoon is so unbelievably close to Guanlin all he would need to do for Jihoon to be cuddling against his side is to inch just a centimeter closer.
They had filmed for their variety show today, luckily Jihoon and him had been paired together so they couldn’t be more than one meter away from each other. Jihoon had played well with him, admiring him for his basketball skills and joking around whenever he got the chance.
It had been a pretty good day, well, until now.
Before they go to sleep, the staff drops a bomb on them.
“You guys thought it was over, right?” the scriptwriter questions, a smirk on her face. “Well, surprise then, we told you in the morning, it’s twenty-four hours.”
“What?” Jisung yells, frown on his face.
“The day is not over yet, you need to sleep in the same bed with your partner,” she laughs when almost all of them groan, complaining about how they are too big for the single beds.
Guanlin knows for a fact Jihoon is not sleeping, not when his breathing is not stable yet and he tosses and turns beside him. He wants to stop the other, put a hand on his waist, tug him closer and feel Jihoon’s breathe tickle his neck.
He turns over to face Jihoon.
His eyes follow the slope of Jihoon’s nose, he looks at the other boy’s slightly parted lips and the way his chest rises and falls.
“You can’t feel asleep either, huh?” Guanlin murmurs, eyes fixed on Jihoon.
The older boy opens his eyes and smiles, moving around so that he now, too, is facing Guanlin. If the lights were on, Jihoon would have probably been able to see how Guanlin’s cheek slowly turn into a shade of red.
“Nope,” Jihoon laughs. “But I’m glad you can’t either.”
They stay silent after that, just looking and smiling at each other as if they weren’t wasting their precious sleeping time.
Jihoon moves a little bit closer to Guanlin then, saying something about how he is almost about to fall out of the bed and suddenly Guanlin feels like he can’t breathe because Jihoon’s arms and legs are carefully pressed against his, Jihoon’s mouth only a few inches away.
Guanlin feels the urge to close the gap between the two of them once again but his brain is failing him.  Thoughts like “Jihoon is so near, fuck” and “What should I do?” begin to pile up in his head and Guanlin can’t stop them, can’t control them like he wants to.
He just wants Jihoon to be closer, he can’t really comprehend why his body is making such a big deal out of it, why his heart goes insane just at the thought, why his hands stop moving and start to tremble from nervousness as soon as he tries to touch Jihoon, why a lump forms in his throat and his mouth feels dry when he thinks of asking Jihoon to come closer to him instead.
The next time he looks at Jihoon, the other boy is sleeping soundly, breathing evenly on Guanlin’s nose.  
Guanlin is so stressed and just, plainly said, frustrated with himself, for not even being able to be one meter away from Jihoon without his heart feeling like it will explode in a million of pieces, that on his free night off he doesn’t go to sleep.
Instead he steals the tablet from in between a sleeping Jaehwan’s hands, sits down on the couch in the living room and googles “how to stop being too shy to touch my friend? Boyfriend?”.
He clicks link after link, reading through all the tips – he even writes them down in a little notebook his mother had gifted him at least three years ago.
Guanlin is so focused on filtering out the good advices from the bad ones that he doesn’t even notice Jihoon and Daniel, who had both just gotten back from an individual schedule, sitting down beside him.
“What are you doing?” Daniel inquires while peeking at the tablet.
Guanlin is so startled he almost throws the electronic device across the room. Thank God though, he doesn’t, instead he hugs it tightly into his chest and mutters a “nothing” underneath his breathe before standing up and closing the incognito tab he had open.
“Where you looking up girl group performances?” Jihoon wiggles his eyebrows.
The younger boy just frowns at him and shakes his head. He puts the tablet down on the armrest of the couch and sits back down, this time though, he sits only next to Jihoon.
Daniel, thankfully, breaks the silence by telling Guanlin every single detail of how the shooting for “Let’s Eat Dinner” went, he tells him about how they had to stop the shooting because of the rain and how a lot of fans ended up crowding them, Kang Hodong even complimenting them for their huge popularity.  
Guanlin knows he should be paying attention, or at least listening to the older boy, but all he can do is steal glances at Jihoon and wonder how to initiate some body contact, how to bring himself to reach out and take a hold of Jihoon’s hand.
He scoots closer to Jihoon, nodding his head and looking at Daniel for a second.
Now that the side of his legs are pressed against Jihoon’s, his heart is doing that weird thing, where it begins to hammer in his chest, again. It feels like it’s taking part in a race to find out how fast it can be before Guanlin has a heart attack.
Nonetheless he keeps this legs were they are, adverting his gaze from his legs and looking up at Daniel, who is wildly gesturing around and teasing Jihoon about how he had been able to eat first.
He rises his hand from where it’s resting on his lap and slowly moves it so that it’s nearer to Jihoon’s own.
When he is about to finally hold onto the other’s hand, he feels that same strange sensation in his stomach – Guanlin knows people would describe them as butterflies from excitement or something like that but for him, they feel weird, make him feel anxious and afraid, make him question all that he’s doing.
Guanlin sighs.
He retracts his hand again, puts it back on his lap and fidgets nervously with his fingers.
Suddenly though, Jihoon’s hand is on his.
It’s warm and soft and all that Guanlin had imagined it would be. He looks up at Jihoon, gaping and completely ignoring the way Daniel stops and looks at their hands with a knowing grin for a moment before he continues talking.
Jihoon only winks at him and then goes back to listening to Daniel.
Although the older boy is not looking at him, he interlocks their fingers together and strokes the back of Guanlin’s hand with his thumb in relaxing, circular motions.
Guanlin’s heart still feels like it’s running a marathon, the butterflies in his stomach are still there too, but somehow, they feel nicer, make him feel giddy instead of angsty.
The feeling Guanlin has now is one he wants to capture in a bottle and let free when he is feeling down.
He looks at their intertwined hands, a blush on his face, and smiles.
“Daniel…” Seongwoo whines, still half-asleep, and rubs his eyes with one hand. “Come to bed, you have an early schedule tomorrow.”
Guanlin, Jihoon and Daniel all simultaneously turn around and look at Seongwoo, all of them startled by the sudden appearance of the older boy.
Of course, Daniel is the first to snap out of it, standing up while laughing and making baby noises.
“Aw, look how cute you are when you are worried about me and half-asleep,” he says when he brings Seongwoo closer for a hug and kisses the other boy’s temple lovingly.
Guanlin feels kind of jealous while watching both of the older boys disappear into their room. He wants to be like that too, wants skinship to come as easily to him as it comes to them, wishes he could hug Jihoon just like that as well.
“Let’s go to sleep, too,” Jihoon says, snapping Guanlin out from his thoughts.
He nods, smiling when he notices Jihoon hadn’t let go from his hand, and walks over to their door. When they open it, they realize none of their members are sleeping – Woojin playing games with one of their other tablets, Minhyun typing speedily on his phone and Jaehwan listening to music in his bed.
None of them notice them though, too concentrated on what they are doing.
Jihoon leads them to Guanlin’s bed, lying down unceremoniously and tugging on Guanlin’s hand until the younger boy is also lying in the bed. He gets the blanket from the bottom of the furniture and drapes it all over the both of them.
“It’s warm,” Guanlin mutters. “Just like your hand.”
“Is that a good thing?” Jihoon asks with a grin.
“Yes,” he answers, nodding and squeezing the other’s hand. “I have been wondering for a while how it would feel like to hold hands with you.”
As soon as the words come out of his mouth, he wants to slam his head into the nearest wall because shit, this is the most embarrassing moment in his life.
Jihoon, though, doesn’t laugh at him, nor does he tease him.
“I know,” the older boy acknowledges.
Guanlin doesn’t know how to reply to that, so he doesn’t. He, however, does try to stop his face from getting even redder than it already.
“If you were wondering, I was curious, too,” Jihoon says a few minutes later.
“Yeah,” the older sighs and turns to face Guanlin. “I was wondering how cuddling would feel like with you, too. Do you remember the first night at the dorm? All I could think about was how it would be like to snuggle with you.”
“Me too!” Guanlin exclaims excitedly, unconsciously scooting closer to Jihoon. “I tried to… but I would always get so nervous whenever I was close to touching you.”
“Well,” Guanlin follows the way Jihoon’s tongue moves to swipe over the other’s lip. “Can we cuddle now then? I mean, if we both want to know what it feels like… we should try it out, right?”
“Y-Yeah,” he nods.
Jihoon smiles.
He happily takes a hold of Guanlin’s arm and stretches it out, then he lets his head rest on it. Guanlin reciprocates the older boy’s touch by slinging an arm around Jihoon’s waist and pulling him closer. Jihoon giggles into the skin of Guanlin’s neck, his breath tickling it and making a shiver run down Guanlin’s spine.
“We should…” Jihoon sleepily grins at him from where he is still probed on Guanlin’s arm the next day. “Cuddle more often. It makes me sleep so much better.”
Guanlin laughs, his hand coming up to pat Jihoon’s head lovingly, when it stops midway and his heart starts thundering in his chest, Jihoon is there to take a hold of it and put it on his head himself. Guanlin snorts but still proceeds to caress Jihoon’s hair softly, smiling at the way Jihoon’s eyes close in contentment.
“Let’s do this every day now,” Guanlin suggests, scooting closer to Jihoon and, after hesitating for a second, placing a kiss on Jihoon’s forehead.
“Okay,” Jihoon agrees.
He surges up and, instead of how Guanlin had kissed him on the forehead, pecks Guanlin on the lips sweetly before he lays back down with a soft, small, shy smile on his face.
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