#this is open to rp or just infodumping anything
the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
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Welcome to Spider Society!
*A wild Disco-Spider has crossed your path!*
She’s here to welcome you - Will you accept?
Made in response to @brown-spider prompt 💕💜💙 shout-out to @spidey-bie’s Tech Tarantula as well!
Diane Pastors is Disco-Spider - a web-slinging, roller-skating, bass-playing, disco-diva! She catches you hanging around campus and is here to give your Spidersona a warm welcome!
Do you have a spidersona? Drop their info in my askbox! I’m neurodivergent and dying to hear (seriously!). Consider this a welcome to HQ! Pretend we’re all on campus and Diane is here to show you the ropes, dish the latest gossip, or whatever you want! As a member of the Welcome Committee and writer of the Society’s ‘Canon Event Advice Column’, her ears are open!
Plus she’s and Ansi are always recruiting for the Hobie Brown FanClub! For Spider-people who are not normal about Spider-punk. Wanna join?
I want to meet all the Spider-people, y’all I crave it! You all are so cool and creative lemme hear please!!! And make sure to check out all the other cool new recruits here!
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unrealblacklightvirus · 9 months
um hi guys i made a sideblog for this whole alex thing.. . Infodump below :0 [and a lil edit, oct 2023]
call me whatever you want, Alex is fine if ur used to calling me that LOL, unAlex (lmao) as long as it's not too weird I'm probably fine. i use he/him pronouns too, aromantic. i dont ship any characters with anyone, sorry if u were looking for that here!
I started realblacklightvirus as a way for me to make a funny blog and joke around with my silly little headcanons... combining lots of little bits of other's ideas too (you may have noticed that some stuff that alex does or is or talks about might be suspiciously on target with your ideas... hehe) but it was mostly for myself and creating a comedic space.
Then I started getting more followers which I was happy to have (still am! I'm glad that you all love my alex and the game so much!!!) and now a lot of the people who've I've seen as long time prototype enjoyers interact with me? I've always seen myself as just an outside viewer, watching all these people talk and create about this game that I truly love so I was inspired to make my own little hole, never expecting it to become anything other than a half-joke blog.
When people started role-playing with me, I'll admit that I was afraid. Not of the people initiating it, but because I genuinely haven't roleplayed since I was like, 11 . Sticking with my character was hard because I built him on mostly lighthearted ideas with the occasional angsty lore dump, but I hope I've done well rping with yall.
I am not super familiar with rping rules especially unspoken ones, probably most obvious with me never using ooc notes (I am really into not breaking immersion for myself, I am completely fine when others do it though, i think it makes everything so much clearer and I love the funny ooc notes when the character does something!)
Unfortunately I am also not good with going beyond the original content, so I deeply apologize if I struggle to interact (or fail to interact at all) with your rp. I really have a hard time getting into character when meeting someone that breaks or bends the original "reality" too far. But I will try picking at bits and pieces that work with me when I can!
[Edit oct 2023: just here to revise the above; i am not a roleplay account! Or at least, not a roleplay account of normal means. I will avoid doing extensive roleplay that makes characters do this, go there, do a certain action move, parenthesis or italics or asterisks or otherwise... i will do character talk, dialogue, implied action (there are some good examples when alex replies to stuff like questions, or when hes "in a situation". This is kind of hard to explain but ill do some light, and i mean REALLY light roleplay with a very select group of people.) I am not really open to rping with new people, especially ocs, unless they are really good/well-made and pretty canon-adherent. Even then, i wont really jump into every roleplay convo because again, i am not a roleplay account. I am here to make funny joke and say in-character crap... With occasional angst and minor rp elements. Also i dont stray from canon too far, although i can make exclusions that are plausible. Check out the #alex notes tag for what i think.]
Please note that I think I am neurodivergent... haven't been diagnosed (I understand both sides of the diagnose or not argument, this is not about that) but I have genuine sensory problems, anxiety, and hyperfixations (which is probably very obvious....ahem Alex ahem...). A lot of Alex's characterization is based off of me! I can understand nondirect ways of speaking and figurative language though, pretty good at telling emotions , love ela and microexpressions, etc. But I struggle with online conversations and sometimes I may type something that may seem a little rude - please tell me, I overthink everything I type!!!
Thanks for reading!
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
More OC infodump time:
First one is Lizz, she's a demon of some sort, red hair, white horns, red eyes, satyr(however it's spelled) type legs), she used to be evil, but then she got reformed(I don't remember how that exactly occurred tho since it was a long time ago), she also wears a pastel-ish purple galaxy-esc/esque(however it's spelled) dress, she can float around despite not having wings
Other OC is Viper, he is chaotic neutral, he usually travels through shadows, dood has this habit of smoking 🚬 , he had red hair, wears a black hoodie, and black bottoms, also has a mask he wears that has a painted smile on it, he killed his one employer because he got bored of working for her, and it's a coin toss on if when he shows up it's to help Mystery or to harm zem, on rare occasion he'll let zem use his gun for stuff(the gun is like in appearance the basic kind that you think of when you think of police, but it can hold any type of bullet, magical or not)(at the moment I have yet to figure out how to nerf him so he's not op), like Mystery he is also immortal(in a rp one time another person decapitated him and he was still alive somehow, I also kinda made him to be more powerful than the hunters that are after Mystery because they kept dying off so easily)(also I'm open to any suggestions you might have on how to nerf him), still unsure of what exactly he is(like species/races) but currently I'd say he's closer to a demon than other races/species that I can think of
- 🦊
Oh! Satyr-like you say?? That's how I imagine Ciaran's demon form to be - like a satyr/faun with the hooves and such~
I'm also all about evil getting reformed! Nearly every villain character I create has some sort of tragic backstory to explain why they are the way they are and then there's some kind of redeeming qualities because I want them to have the chance for reform, even if they don't take it. Anyway, she sounds very cool!
Now, the thing with magical stories is that you can pretty much make up whatever you want. When I've got a character that seems like they're too powerful, I come up with something that exists only to be their weakness. So for instance if you have a character who had their heart broken at some point, maybe they found a spell that allowed them to remove their heart from their body and stash it away somewhere. But if anybody else actually manages to find it, they can control that character. (Or use it to kill them... but if you want them to live through it, it can just be used to stop them from doing anything.) Another thing that can work is if you've got a character that is a specific species, like a demon for instance, you can come up with a very specific item that can harm them in a way normal stuff can't, such as holy water. Or like silver bullets and werewolves. In the case of something like that, you've got an item that can potentially hurt them, but might not kill them. Or if you want to kill them, it can do that instead.
Well I rambled a bit but that's the kind of thing I tend to go for lol!
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teacup-captor · 1 year
I have a ko-fi now. Billionares if you see this and you have a billion to spare please follow the link below
(alternatively if you do not have a billion to spare but you have some money for business transactions I do commissions)
[Psst! I intend to do some more roleplaying on this account. Everything under the "#Gargoyle Leo" tag is rp!]
Call us Teacup (have fun with the pronouns we go by All of them.) feel free 2 ask who's fronting :P
Or send me a Sherlock (ANY ADAPTATION) to edit into a catboy!!!!
Or just tell me about your day or make random noises at me <333 infodump if you'd like omg!!! /g
Other blogs I have!!!
@teacup-crafter (creative stuff archive PLS PLS PLS SEND ME ASKS WITH SHERLOCK ART REQUESTS)
@tths-system-antics (system blog (very inactive. Sorry))
@your-fave-is-soup (gimmick blog for souping blorbos. I'm active I just don't get asks. I love souping blorbos)
@bentleysbeetle (Good Omens RP blog. Adoptive child of Aziraphale (and by proxy, Crowley) and best friends with Bentley. Dabbles in crime solving. Also- I do tarot readings there. Long story. You get a silly one and a serious one if you ask.)
@youngpoetthomasthorne (poetry + aesthetic but mainly Thomas Thorne BBC Ghosts rp blog)
Tag system:
#Gargoyle Leo - this is my tag for the Good Omens roleplay :) everything under this tag is roleplay!! Everything else is ooc :P as a general I'm only roleplaying when I'm directly interacting with other Good Omens roleplayers. My character is called Leo and uses it/they/he/she/ne pronouns. They're totally not based on anyone what are you even saying /j
#sigmord - stimboards
#trinket box - things I am saving <3 little trinkets :D
#bees for me - bees sent in my inbox or bee posts I have been tagged in
#why can't i just be normal moments - I AM NOT BEING SELF-DEPRICATING. This is my tag for unhinged things I've said (on Discord mostly, but I'm open for other things too)
#good omens season 2 spoilers - self-explanatory
#bbc ghosts 5 - bbc ghosts s5 spoilers
Trigger warnings get tagged as #tw [trigger] and #[trigger] tw just so you're covered
I also have tags for my friends. If I reblogged your post and you don't understand one of my tags it's probably bc I reblogged it from a friend
(* body focused as in you post only/primarily pictures of bodies especially in a weight focused way)
(if you don't know what's going on regarding Israel vs Palestine I'm very happy to give an explanation but I am N O T discussing this. Good people are pro Palestine.)
(If you apply for the rest of my DNI feel free to ask why or discuss calmly with me but if you start getting angry you're fucking blocked)
-Homophobes, transphobes, enbyphobes, racist, yadda yadda if ya hate people fur things they cannot or should not change fuck off right to hell
-Against therians/otherkins
-Ableists (that includes if you believe NPD or other PDs are inherently bad or use terms like "nArC AbUsE". They're people too and they can be nice.)
-Against mspec gays/lesbians, turigirls, lesboys, or other contradicting labels
-Against self-diagnosis
-Endo/t*lpa (*u) systems and their supporters (if you're syscourse neutral you can stay, just know that I'm under the belief that endo systems are either not systems or they're invalidating their own trauma. If you use labels such as "neurogenic" to say you formed from trauma bc of a mental illness, that is literally trauma and makes you traumagenic)
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prsrott · 4 months
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PRSROTT - SEMI-CANON DIVERGENT, PRIV, NATHAN PRESCOTT FROM LIFE IS STRANGE / framed by shadow — follows from @/vortexclu8 & 18+ only. triggering content ahead. rules, verses & info below ꩜
i’m shadow, and i go by he/it/zombie pronouns. trans man, 19 and gmt. i’m typically most active mid week and at night!
18+ only! due to nathan’s nature, attitude and language no minors will be interacting with this blog. if you do, or you don’t list your age, you will be blocked. i am 19 — turning 20 soon and don’t want kids interacting with him because of the dark topics discussed. 18+ being said, i will not write smut under any circumstance.
general dni criteria applies : homo/transphobic, sexist/racist etc. if you ship anything fucking weird or gross ( p-do/inc-est/non-con etc ). zionists fuck off. also non-rp blogs please don’t interact thank ya.
this blog will deal with heavy subjects and insensitive language, nathan can be crude and may throw cruel terms around, some of the content warnings will be : mentions of kidnappings, drug use, overdoses, suicidal ideation, references to self harm, manipulation, murder, general violence & trauma. all of these will be tagged.
my nathan iteration is somewhat alternate from lis canon. he’s transgender, however this is not disclosed in blackwell — but it is important for some of his character studies and internal monologue. he deals with internalised trans/homophobia and craves any kind of male validation, hence his preppy, misogynistic shell, learnt from his family. he deals with issues of suicidality, drug/alcohol dependency, anger issues and self harm. this will not be discussed in too much detail unless discussed beforehand and tagged. he did not kill rachel amber. jefferson did with drugs nathan supplied, nathan saw, and was coerced into joining his dark room through his mental break, he’s manipulated into believing he did kill her. however, he often tends to forget rachel is dead in the first place due to the trauma being blocked out. he is still responsible for working with jefferson, but he is only used for drugs and transportation, nathan has never actually killed before. this is disputed canon, but it’s what i go with in my writing. this is not to excuse or say nathan is innocent either — just that it’s more nuanced.
I’M EXTREMELY PRO AU AND OCS ! i love interacting with ocs and making new aus, and although i may not be the most active in conversations, please feel free to infodump and talk about them, especially during plotting so i can get a good grasp on your character(s) !
i will use icons but i am always writing on my phone. i cannot see my format in desktop so i do apologise if anything looks funky.
i’m not the most talkative, but i’m genuinely always open for plotting, just be patient with me ! my replies can take a day to a week or so during high activity.
i am OKAY with shipping but it’ll need to be developed healthily overtime once our characters click. it won’t be straight away at all due to nathan being a hard muse to get to know and easy to anger, distrust and instability.
main verse : a puppeted protégé — during life is strange. nathan is working with jefferson and his typical self. can be set any time along the timeline, before rachel, during rachel’s death, during the game with max. age 18. HIGH ACTIVITY.
secondary verse : the stains won’t leave my hands — alternate life is strange au — nathan manages to get out of jefferson’s manipulation early and gets him arrested. nathan is getting psychiatric help and is recovering. still guarded and sharp. age 19-upwards. HIGH ACTIVITY.
triad verse : bound to your namesake — original game premise au where sean prescott is involved/aware of the storm and knows about jefferson. the prescott family is involved in darker, more cryptic behaviour. the town of arcadia bay is destroyed by the storm with only those having the prescott bunkers surviving, leaving sean to become a kind of cult leader to the town — more supernatural and horror-orientated. age 18-upwards. SELECTIVE / MED ACTIVITY.
quad verse : time seems to end — set during the alternate universe in ep 3, where max is the ring leader and nathan is a friend of hers. wears blue. his ‘healthy’, kinder version where jefferson doesn’t get to him. cut connection with his dad and lives with his sister. both the most unusual and nicest verse. however he’s… stuck with another issue… age 18-upwards. SELECTIVE / MED ACTVITY.
general info overview tba !!
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fangedfcker · 4 months
my bf and I are both hypersexual (for different reasons) and he's non-monogamous. and I did worry that'd hurt me because I've been cheated on before but he's really open about it and checks to make sure talking about it was okay!
but like. I was startled by how comfortable it made me when he checked in and then infodumped about some NSFW rp stuff he did. my ex would come to me whenever he wanted that kind of thing, so i ended up coerced into a lot of sexual encounters I didn't want.
but now, my new partner is just. sharing their characters and what went on and the lore and they're genuinely excited to talk about it. they're not trying to pressure me into anything, he's just so passionate and wants to share.
all that said I'm really glad he's recovering how he is and that I'm being respected. and that he shares his characters and stories with me. while he talks about explicit stuff, he sees me as a person, not a sexual object, and is okay to back off if anyone is uncomfortable.
when he started talking about explicit stuff last night, I braced myself to be propositioned or pressured into something I didn't want. but he just talked about lore and what happened in his roleplay, and then we watched a show together and talked until we went to bed. he didn't ask for anything other than making sure I was okay with hearing him talk about this, and he was so happy to share his OCs and worldbuilding.
it's nice. this is my horny blog sure but I do genuinely appreciate... not being seen as something sexual by those around me.
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babey-dragon · 4 months
Intro post
...hi. i'm BP, and I am so scared right now.
-He/They/It pronouns
-I don't know how little I get, but if I had to guess, I'd say about two.
-Please do not follow/interact if you are a kink/nsfw/not safe for littles blog. Regardless of what account I am on, big or small, I will block you. I am also a minor so just don't please? I'd also prefer if TERFs, MAPs, and proshippers kept their distance.
-While this doesn't count as a DNI there are some medias I do not like and don't want to be asked about. Please do not bring up: Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, TADC, DSMP(or any MCYT for that matter), SAMS, and while I don't personally dislike Homestuck, I don't know anything about it, and I'd rather not deal with the consequences of THAT.
-Body horror mention is okay because I can handle a massive terrifying flesh beast when I'm little, but not swear words, for some reason.
-I might make a cg application form soon because hoo boy do I want to be held.
-I might post art, if I get less scared of the possibility of the big side of these communities attacking me for doing so.
My fav medias are:
-Pizza Tower
-Half Life
-Can't think of anything else, will update with time.
#baby bp speaks - Posts when I am regressed.
#big bp speaks - Self explanatory.
#bp vents - Also self explanatory. Can range from complaining to crisis. Will tag accordingly.
#bp draws - Any small doodles/big art pieces I make surrounding regression. Other art will be posted on my main tagged in my bio. (Is that what they call it? I'm new sorry)
#bp habpi momence - Any general life updates that aren't drastic. Like eating pancakes or playing with my plushies.
#cereal talk - Any serious updates/announcements.
I'll make more as I actually post on this blog. I'm very scared of sharing my regression, so I'm hoping this will help me open up more.
I encourage asking me about my headcanons for various characters, infodumping is one of my favorite things. Though I won't be tagging any main tags since I doubt other fans want me clogging up the tags.
That's all, I think.
Askbox rules: No nsfw, no incredibly personal questions, no (sfw)RP is preferred but I might make exceptions, and for the love of all that exists please do NOT get weird about my coping mechanism. If you're genuinely curious and don't understand, go ahead and ask! If you're just going to be ignorant, scroll on past.
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(Banner made by me)
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last-c2usade · 1 year
Mun's name is Mal! 22. Pronouns are he/him. only. Copying my bestie's profile to a T btw so if you recognize this yeah. you recognize it.
so some facts!
i'm in psychology and i have an issue where i really enjoy writing my characters super realistically and i'll be a nuisance about their psychology and reasoning for why they do what they do
i love shitty fictional people. i mean it. the shittier the better. be wary of this. when i mean shitty i mean SHITTY terrible awful people
im EXTREMELY good at forgetting to keep up with shit. i dont even read webcomics anymore coz if shit takes too long to update i lose interest. if this blog dies its coz i forgor
i try to be friendly and nice! you can talk to me about movies and writing and psychology. i'll try not to infodump on you but um. if allowed i WILL
please for the love of god, i appreciate you, i empathize, etc, but do not traumadump on me without asking. i will feel too bad to say stop/no bc i dont know you well enough to tell you know and i WILL ghost you
Main guy here is S. Adamantine! He prefers you call him that. Alien, ex-member of the court. Has a huge ego he's trying to work on. Extremely patient, clingy, a little neurotic (I say this as lovingly as possible. it's true tho. he's like me. we're both fucked in the head). Loves books! Loves bikes and mechanics (don't mention it's a lowblood thing or he'll Have you), kinda' shy! Awkward as fuck.
pronouns are HE/HIM only
>types like this! usually with p2ope2 g2amma2. likes to think his qui2k is a sign of cultu2ed thinking<
Rules and Things to keep in mind!
tags are! #((ooc for ooc stuff, #>pix< for ic pictures, #logs. for written stuff, and #>dia2y< for any talk posts mars makes ic
i tag for tws/anything general i might find sus but thats about it other than the above!
if you wanna' talk about anything, message me on @theymakemedreamyourdreams ! you can also ask for my discord
open for shipping! though he's a little iffy on romance. ping me n we can discuss!
open for anyone! you MUST BE 18+ tho
can also dm this account for ic dms!
dont think i wanna' do m!as! but feel free to ask and i'll see!
gifts are ok! welcome even
nsfw comments allowed!!
both ocs and canon for any fandom is okay! keep in mind, he's troll and WILL be mean towards aliens
keep ooc and ic SEPARATE! i dont condone any of the sus shit my guys may be up to btw! ada is a little more well-behaved, but his opinions do not reflect mine.
open for plot! i like plotting. i also like rps. i may forget about them. or lose interest. but schemes are always welcome! (i may be picky)
ada is kinky as shit. he can get REALLY nsfw if you let him. fair warning
i LOVE dark plots and dark shit. and realistically terrible people. i love serial killers and nsfw shit and guns and fictional gun violence a lot of dark stuff. and angst. just fair warning!
lemme know if you want certain things tagged!
feel free to remind me about open threads / plots / etc! i am prone to ghosting if i lose interest tho
feel free to lemme know if im doing something unintentionally incorrect btw! i may be unaware of shit
i block deliberately. if something makes me uncomfortable and i feel left out of shit or whatever, i'll block to keep myself contained! i dont want anything to do with drama!!
i like to say swear words like fuck shit cunt piss bitch. adamantine does too
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m3ntalist · 2 months
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𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ── independent & selective 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐄 of cbs’ the  mentalist. read by morgan ( she/her , 21 ) & est april 2024. triggering / dark themes will be present. very very canon, crossover, & oc friendly <3
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exploring  themes  of : a constant state of mourning, the festering desire for revenge, a connection in drawn blood, fatal mistakes, & redemption.
──     BIO.   VERSES.
& rules listed below.
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one. your general rules apply here — i will not interact with anyone who is homophobic, transphobic, racist, or hateful in any way. also, i doubt it has to even be said, but please no godmodding or metagaming. i don't have any qualms about what people write, and if you at all support sending hate or threats to people for their literary preferences, i kindly ask that you don't follow me. i'm keeping good vibes here and good vibes only! lastly, i'll only write with people who are eighteen or older, just for my own peace of mind as an adult!
two. mature, dark, and potentially triggering content will be present on this blog, including but not limited to: not safe for tumblr / adult themes, spousal and child death, manipulation, murder, violence, and other police-related content and terminology. while the mentalist is a more light-hearted and humorous show, it certainly has its dark moments, and patrick is part of a criminal investigative unit — there may be offhanded mentions of sexual assault, drug use, and similar topics. i'll be tagging adult themes under the tag ‘nsft //’ but won't be tagging anything else unless it's a trigger for a mutual.
three. my activity varies due to real life obligations and responsibilities, ranging from school, work, and a desire to focus on other things besides roleplaying! i can get burnt out, especially when it comes to more literate threads, but i always intend to respond even if it takes me a while. if you have a time limit for when our threads can be responded to, i'm probably not the writer for you. meeting deadlines for a hobby, especially writing, only serves to make me anxious and really ruins the fun for me! with that being said, i probably won't follow back or interact if you have this kind of expectation.
four. i heavily crave ooc interaction and will actually be more motivated to write if i connect with you! i love infodumpers, and the more i know about your character, the more excited i'll be to respond to threads. please do not hesitate to message me here on tumblr or ask for my discord. i don't bite, and i'd love to make new friends.
five. personals are welcome to follow and interact — all i ask is that you don't reblog rp replies. i check out everyone who follows me, so if your roleplay blog is a sideblog of your personal ( or vice versa ) i'm sure i'll take notice! but feel free to message me and let me know if i don't realize.
six. this is a mutuals only blog, and i will be somewhat selective with who i write with, though i'm open to interacting with canons or ocs — and i adore crossovers! if i follow you, and especially if i reach out to you, that means i'm very interested in writing together. and if we're both following each other, feel free to send in as many asks / memes as your heart desires <3 you'll never bother me! i'm also very tag friendly, whether it be for dash games or whatever else.
seven. i tend to write on the more literate side, giving at least one paragraph in response to threads, but i'm admittedly a rambler and i love getting into patrick's head! sooo expect some longer responses sometimes, though i in no way require you to match length. i don't use icons because making them sounds like hell!!! but i do use double spaced and small text formatting, which i'm happy to accommodate for any mutuals. i have no expectation for response time — seriously, take all the time you need to respond to a thread. weeks, months, years ... it doesn't bother me! so please never feel pressured to get a reply in.
eight. i love shipping, absolutely adore it, and i'm happy to throw patrick in with anyone ( male, female, or otherwise ) who is interested!! of course, patrick can be difficult to get along with, and he also has a lot of anxiety and trauma related to romantic relationships because he sees himself as the reason his wife is dead, so pursuing anyone else is a betrayal to her in his mind. patrick is not one for flings or one night stands, so also keep that in mind. he might be a hard guy to ship with! but i'm happy to discuss it and try. i'm also very open to platonic relationships; nothing is off the table. let me throw my boy into shenanigans with your character!
& that about sums it up! thank you for reading my rules, and i look forward to hopefully interacting !
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rennikun · 3 months
BG3 Group RP Server!!
꒰ა・┈・┈・꒰ ꕤ ꒱・┈・┈・໒⋮
Welcome to Ceremorphic Chaos!⋮
꒰ა・┈・┈・꒰ ꕤ ꒱・┈・┈・໒꒱
๑ ⋮ Details
We are a BG3 / D&D based 18+ roleplay server. We have Dice Maiden for your dice rolling needs and Tupperbox for characters!
We loosely follow the plot of BG3 and we are group-focused! That means we are community driven and oriented when it comes to roleplay to allow for a smooth storyline without any disconnect. To help with the flow of that, we have a character updates channel and even a plot wishlist to keep everyone in the loop of things!
Of course, if you are wishing for only 1x1 RP, that's cool too! Just make sure to loop it all in with the bigger picture. No rush, anyone is welcome!!
໑ ⋮ What we offer! :
๑ ⋮ Tupperbox ᘏ You may have the option to use tupper for your character needs. Pluralkit is system-only, but Tupper is here so you can play as your characters freely!
໑ ⋮ A verification system to weed out raiders and trolls! ᘏ
໑ ⋮ Color roles ᘏ We have cosmetic roles that will color your username with whichever color you choose :3
໑ ⋮ A comfy, laid-back server ᘏ
໑ ⋮ Rambling chat just for characters ᘏ This is where you may share your love for your character (or other characters)!! You can infodump, lovepost, anything like that in this dedicated channel. Ramble about your love for your blorbos!!
໑ ⋮ A suggestions & requests channel open to anyone! ᘏ As a server wishing to expand, we are very open to ideas you may have for pretty much anything! Whether it's about adding certain locations, expanding on potential group rp ideas, or even suggestions on channels to add, we'd love to hear any ideas you may have!
꒰ა・┈・┈・꒰ ꕤ ꒱・┈・┈・໒꒱
╰ __` ✦ 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮! `__ ︶︶꒦。˚
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a-lee-en · 2 years
Name: Tiny
Age: Adult (check bio)
Pronouns: he/him/his
Position: Lee-leaning switch
DMs?: Yes
RP?: No
This is my side blog, so I don't follow back. I don't feel comfortable giving out my main blog, so please do not ask. If you find out what my main blog is, I request that you keep it to yourself.
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**Okay, so the last time I included this in my DNI I got some flack for it. So let me offer an explanation why I don't want self-proclaimed conservatives interacting with me: I grew up in an area that was primarily conservative or at least conservative-leaning (welcome to Texas). Therefore, I have had a lot of experience with self-proclaimed conservatives and have found that we just do not get along. The political is personal, so I ask that you respect my wishes.
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magioffire · 3 years
Can we ask you who you'd look forward to see ships with?
well i dont wanna put anyone on the spot so im mostly gonna just include people who have discussed ships with me/have indicated they may be interested in shipping (also it doesnt have to be exclusively romantic shipping)
umm well first of all im extremely looking forward to the development of the relationship between aspel and vali with @aufhcker i have no idea how it will turn out between these two but boy is it fun to write about them...i live any kind of dynamic where characters start off as enemies / rivals :3c
also i have a ship in the works with @bornofbloodandwater which im real excited for. vali always wanted to meet a siren 🥺 what can i say he wants that siren tail....i love xio and vali's dynamic so far because xio is one of the few people that can fluster vali
@derobergeist and i have discussed the potential a kinda romantic friendship between thackery and valeriu. you know...the kinda friendship where you can hold your bro's hand and kiss him and its not weird.....i love the idea of thackery and valeriu being able to just openly be nerds around eachother, not have to worry about the other getting irritated or bored from infodumping like...we love to see it.
i basically have already thoroughly established a ship with @gossamerashes over our plotted rps on discord (because discord rp is rad) and i fucking love it already. i literally just love enemies/rivals to lovers/rivalmance SO much. and also im a sucker for fast sexual burn slow emotional burn like.....yeah. get all that desire out in the open right off the bat and then struggle with your emotions boys :)
@bleedinghearth and i have been discussing teddy and vali on discord too and just how nasty vali is and its a lot of fun. i want to test just how patient teddy is. i wanna test just how wild and crazy vali is. lets do it. go stupid go crazy you funky little fae
@charlotte-liddel and vali's dynamic so far is *chefs kiss* even though we have only just started interacting. i really just love that catbat/dokkalfar solidarity. i cant wait to see where it goes
@archaevist i mean less a ship that im looking forward to and more a ship that consumes my mind each and every day. i love jonvali. i literally am so gay for their entire sad existence. they deserve better but are we gonna give it to them...no....suffer....
@vcrtigoes idk man the opposites attract vibe mike and vali have is really great. i see them more as like a romantic friendship than a full on romantic relationship but you know. i just love the fact vali looked at mike crew and said "i cant breathe or think in this scary twinks presence" and then they became roommates i guess. fucked up roommate au.
@xaallo you know....their relationship would simultaneously be funny as hell but also kinda sad because like xaallo does not trust ANYTHING about vali inherently. hes just bad vibes central for xaallo as a mage a bug and a fae but is that gonna stop vali from attempting to befriend??? no way man...
@traevaler aether and vali flying boys club.....i dont know anything about your fandom but i love you bitch....*strums guitar* i am never gonna stop loving you bitch... they would be a real funny power couple like this bright ass sunshine star twink next to this dark fiery sorcerer type like....could it get any better...
@pride-of-azkets nijad and vali rivalmance when......when vali stops being denying his own desires and accepts Its Okay to be Slutty Actually. but uh yeah they actually have a lot of potential to be a gut wrenching ship. kill me just fucking do it.
@vampiric-bite no idea wtf rei and vali got going on but im in love with it. i like the vibe pixie rei and vali have and also the dynamic they have in their elder scrolls verse where vali is like "bro you make such bad choices but i vibe with you so" like....what better way to make friends right??
@thecreaturecrossroads caoimhe and vali bromance is actually my favorite thing in the world. vali needs more relationships with fae in general so he can understand that fae from outside his immediate species group arent all weirdos HJKDHJS i mean they are weirdos but like....some are weirdos in a GOOD way. but yeah vali will happily crash at caoimhe's place and maybe on her lap too.....
OK BEFORE THIS LIST GETS MUCH LONGER just wanna say i am a slut for ships and if youre interested in a ship with me most likely i will be 100 percent down to clown
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fun asks for boredom: do you read books? have you been to the LIBRARY lately now that it’s open again? do you want book recs? (bc im full of them PLS) - if not books, what are you doing with your free time? tv video games movies? what’s occupying your thoughts, what are you obsessed with right now? wanna infodump on anything? or vent? i want to listen :D
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ive been a few times! i love the work area at my local library bc its always quiet and its got really nice views, so i visit it a lot. but im not a big reader tbh. im dyslexic and a lot of books are just too hard to get through unless theyre digital and i can change the font to something thats easier to parse which not all books/apps/websites let you do. and anybody who says the built in tts systems that these apps have are good enough, are lying to themselves. so most of the time when i buy/burrow a book its usually just a reference book of some kind.
and on that note, this is a Big reason i dont read a lot of comics, that crowded faux handwritten font a lot of them use is hellish for me to try and parse.
and its a bit of a joke amongst my friends that if im not actively making something im probably yakking on deaths doormat, lmao. right now im mostly into writting and doing digital paintings, but spinning and crochet are old favorites
and like, right now my biggest obsession is dnd, i love dming and the more role play focused sand box campaigns. and before anyone points out that theres better systems for role play focused games, i know, i actually like how janky dnd is on this front because it gives both sides of the table way more freedom to do what feels right.
like This is my rant, letting the players Genuinely argue through their character to try and get something done is Way more interesting than just making them role 1 die and do some math.
like, theres this one moment in the first campaign i ran for my best friend that i keep coming back too.
she had accidentally (on her part, this was my plan all along) traded away a mcguffin to the absolute last person she would want to have that.
when Summer(the npc) came to collect the mcguffin from Shiana(the pc) i Could have had zen(my bff) role 1 d20 and add shiana's persuasion modifier to it. and just on a role of the dice i could have decided where this litteraly game ending mcguffin would land.
if Summer gets it an eternal summer would ravenge the world. but her brother in law would be given more time with his family and a chance at survival.
if he didn't Shiana's brother in law and close friend was more likely to... not die, but also not exist anymore. but her holding onto it gave her time to maybe save both him and the world.
by not basing this on a dice role shiana got to Argue with this fairy to try and get her way out of this deal. zen got the experience of him arguing right back and trying just as hard as she was to get the damn thing.
and because she couldn't just role to persuade him they ended up having one of the most intense fights while she was Running For Her Life because she, Zen and shiana, not a trick of luck, royally pissed off the embodiment of Summer. she got to call on the power of both gods she had a connection to and nearly died from overwhelming herself with their power in a desperate bid to buy herself some time.
because we weren't using any strict rules for this, or really Any rules, we were able to tell a story that was much more engaging than one dice roll ever could be.
like, tldr, dnd Is good for role play because its Very easy to just ignore the clunky/underdeveloped rp rules when needed.
also dnd has tieflings. i like tieflings. think theyre Real Neat.
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kyanitegemverse · 3 years
Infodump: Lusikka Nikula
The people have spoken and the people demand more information on the hot spoon lady! I’m happy to oblige since she’s one of my favourites. Seriously you look back at some of the art from when this was an RP log and MOST of it is Lusikka related - specifically swordspoon (I’ll explain)
Creation Origins
It's actually kinda funny cause Lusikka’s story started as a joke. The RP friends I had back on the iScribble days and I were joking around about a comic book where there was only one set of villains and just a BUNCH of incompetent heroes. So came the story of the Silverware Trio consisting of Lusikka, Forcella and Kiridashi who’s heists were usually interrupted by various food themed heroes, the most infamous being Taco Girl. Lusikka was the last of the ocs to be made on iScribble if I remember correctly as it was just before the transition to Tumblr was made.
OCVerse storywise gives her a lot of tragic backstory. Lusi was an orphan from just outside of Helsinki, living most of her life in an orphanage. She would act out with her short temper which caused her to be labeled as a problem child. By about fifteen she decided that if that's what they thought of her, then she’d be a problem alright. That's when the crime began. It started with petty things like shoplifting but quickly escalated. Soon enough she had enough cash to get the heck out of dodge. So at 18 she ran off into the world. Along the way she met Forcella and Kiridashi, and the three found they worked very well as a team. The three formed The Silverware Trio and set course for a path of thievery and great heists. Said course took the three across the Atlantic to North America. Here they set up shop,  creating their own secret hideout with all the latest tech to keep it hidden. 
You can’t keep it hidden from Shadows however one chilly January morning the hideout was under attack. The three were taken by surprise and hidden in the shadows once by one. The demon had come to visit and had an offer that Lusikka really couldn’t refuse. 
So Lusikka ends up working with Amaris and Wrath in whatever nefarious schemes the tiny demon has planned. The two don’t get along whatsoever and Lusikka only tolerates it if it means she has a chance of finding Forcella and Kiridashi again.
Lusikka as a whole has surrounded herself with layers and layers of walls that need to be demolished before she even begins to like you. She’s very slow to trust others, given just how much she feels the world has failed her. As a child she needed a home and she’s convinced there was some sort of outside force keeping that pipedream as far away from her as possible. Her upbringing and general thoughts of the world being against her has left Lusikka quite bitter. Quite frankly i really don’t blame her but she doesn't have to be a jerk about it you know? To just about anyone and everyone she’s a complete grouch, filled to the brim with sarcastic remarks and displeased looks. The more she begins to open up to those around, the slightly less grouchy she becomes. Those who have gotten past the many many walls she has up, will find that Lusikka is like the one person you can count on to be there. Need a ride home at like 3am? She’ll probably be annoyed for being woken up from sleep but she’ll be there in no time. Granted you can probably count the number of people she is this attached to on one hand but those special people are the ones she cares about most. (Those being: Forcella, Kiridashi, Aurora, and most importantly her wife Laura.)
Ah yes one of my favourite pairings of OC’s . If you scroll back far enough on this blog you’ll find all sorts of art of Lusikka with @puptriarchy ‘s oc Laura Penley. If i remember correctly these two started as a crack pairing and then oh gee guess what they’re married and have been married for years now. Lusi loves Laura so much and would do anything for her. they’re absolutely perfect for each other and I cannot stress how much I love these two.
General Info
Birthday: March 24th
Sign: Aries
Age (Currently): 31
(At the start of the OcVerse): 25/26
Height: 6’00”
Eye Colour: Grey
Hair: Blonde
Gender/Sexuality: Cis Lesbian
Pronouns: She/her
Art Reference
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saoirse-1887 · 3 years
Hello everyone! I have a lot to mention in this so buckle up!
First and foremost, if you ever need a person to talk to, please don't hesitate. I have my anon-asks on and my DMs/PMs are always open
I am a 1000% safe space for POC and LGBTQIA+ people, being a Queer POC myself, I feel for people in both communities and I will never discriminate when it comes to this
If you ever need for me to tag something with sensitive content and I don't already do so, please let me know. I will tag anything anybody needs me to.
I'm a literal nerd, so if you lovely humans ever want to infodump on me, go right ahead, you'll probably get a whole thesis if I know about it too!
I'm terrible at keeping up with my blog, so if it seems like I've dissappeared off the face of the planet, I probably forgot Tumblr existed for a bit.
I do spam blog a lot. So you will get torrents of content on your dash from me.
My url is pronounced (seer-shuh) and the date after it is the year the first ACD Sherlock Holmes book was released (A Sudy in Scarlet)
I have a side account @a-mycroft-c-holmes it's a little project I have which is also for potential RP if anyone is interested.
I'm part of a bunch of Fandoms:
Sherlock (BBC, Granada, ACD, RDJ)
Doctor Who
LotR/Hobbit (books and movie)
Harry Potter (fuck Rowling)
Good Omens
FNAF (Games and Books)
The Magnus Archives (I'm completely finished with it so feel free to talk or rant!)
and lots more that I can't think of lol
I'm Genderqueer and I lean more toward non-binary and feminine.
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I have a wonderful partner whose pronouns are they/them and if you don't respect that, I'll ensure that you experience pain for all eternity.
I do curse, a lot, but you will never hear me use slurs referencing race, sexuality or anything else. Even though some may apply to me, I choose not to use them out of my own uncomfort.
The same goes for the word 'fat', I'm personally not comfortable with it and I prefer to use: large, bigger bodied, heavyset, etc. I belong to the larger population of the world and 'fat' has been used against me so much that I'm no longer okay using the word for myself or talking about other heavyset persons.
Sometimes I will make personal posts and they may contain things referencing parental abuse, their political standpoint, my own mental health, or just a rant about how much I need to get our of my house. I assure you all that I will be okay when I post these because if I could make it through my bad days before, I can make it through future ones.
my original tags are:
saoirse says things sometimes
saoirse likes music
saoise reads
saoirse rambles
saoirse's serious
saoirse rants about Sherlock
saoirse answers asks
saoirse asks questions
saoirse livebloggs sherlock
saoirse livebloggs movies
I will be making a DNI and both will be linked to the pinned post on my blog.
Have a wonderful day/night!
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toxicpineapple · 4 years
now im just curious abt rantaros relationships w the v3 cast.... mwahaha spill everything 🦟🦗🦟
hi anon! sorry for taking so log to reply to this, i knew i’d have a lot to say and i didn’t have the spoons to go off until now. FLKDJSFLkj here we go!
hehe! okay. so just as a preface, i’m like. REALLY into rantaro pairings. like. the only rantaro pairings i don’t like all that much are am*cha, rantaro/himiko, amaguuji (sorry lgbt community), and ranmugi. the rest i’m either open to or obsessed with. so like. bear that in mind when you read this.
i’m going to rank rantaro relationships by how much i love them so i can get an order to this (and also so i can do amamota last because i have a lot to say).
rantaro + korekiyo (2.5/10) oh gosh. kiyo, i’m so sorry a dumb bitch like me would do you like this. listen, amaguuji is a good pairing, just, objectively. i used to be super into it. but then the fandom crabwalked all over me with their amaguuji hurt/comfort fics and i got so Tired of seeing rantaro get treated like a security blacket... eugh. amaguuji is a good ship. i have written amaguuji, and would write it again, without prompting. i’m just... so tired.
they’d get along! obviously they would get along, we’ve seen their canon interactions, we’ve all slurped up as much rantaro tdp content as we were able to get, we know the tea. rantaro is passive and not easily creeped out, so he’d be able to look past all the unsettling things about kiyo, and similarly, kiyo is understanding and not pushy, so rantaro would be able to vibe around him without being asked about his secrets, or his travels, or anything that he doesn’t want anybody else to know. i like the aesthetic of them sitting around and drinking tea together, just, vibing like bros. kiyo infodumps to rantaro. rantaro fucking loves it. they’re best friends.
also like. they travel together. or whatever.
rantaro + kiibo (4/10) to be clear, i’m like, they’re cute, it’s just. i don’t have very strong opinions on kiibo as a whole FLKDJSFKLJDSFKDF kiibo is one of those characters who i kind of close my eyes on because to me he is just, he is very boring! he is very boring and i am so sorry to the kiibo stans who follow me, i have so much respect for you, i just have never had a kiibo thought in my life. they’re fun to write, though, i’ll tell you that.
kiibo is one of those characters who i think engages with you based on how you engage with him. i don’t mean that he’s a code switcher, (at least not a notorious one), but he’s emotional, and he’ll give back as much as you put in. if you treat him poorly, he’ll respond with anger and indignity. if you treat him with kindness and respect, he’ll respond similarly. which is why i think he and rantaro would really get along! rantaro is relaxed and kind and non-judgmental, and kiibo is the kind of person who needs chill vibes, so i think they’d have a lot of fun hanging out. rantaro is also the type of guy to get his friends a lot of gifts, and i think kiibo would be overwhelmed at like, the thoughtfulness that goes into that, and would grow really fond of rantaro accordingly. they’re sweet! amiibo rights, even if the first time i saw it my gut reaction was “wait, huh?”
rantaro + ryoma (5/10) this is another one of those ones where the rating was cucked because i don’t see a lot of them interacting and there’s not enough fandom content for me to really be in love with it. five is like, a solid neutral rating. i could swing either way. probably more for the positive though; i fucking love ryoma.
another one of those duos where they kind of just, vibe. honestly i don’t know if they’d get too close, if only because rantaro is gone so often he doesn’t really have the time to work on tearing down ryoma’s walls, and ryoma similarly is so tired he’s like, he doesn’t have the energy to try and figure out what the fuck is up with rantaro. unlike with amamota, rantaro and ryoma both have things that trouble them from their past, but the difference is that like, ryoma is so open about it? he’s not closed off. he won’t let people get close, but sure, he’ll tell them exactly why they shouldn’t. rantaro is the complete opposite, all sunny smiles and subject changes. this isn’t to say that they wouldn’t get along! i think they’d get along fantastically. sometimes when rantaro is just feeling so fucking tired, he’d pop by ryoma’s dorm for a candy cigarette and a casual conversation, and they’d chill. or maybe rantaro tells people to let ryoma have his space sometimes. just. vibing in solidarity. they’re bros! they’re bros.
and sometimes they kis--
rantaro + miu (6/10) full disclosure: i love them. leila i am so sorry that a dumb bitch like me would do this friendship like this. i’m just looking at the list and thinking “oh no i love them all” and when it comes to like, my favourite characters, unfortunately, miu had to go on the chopping block. i love them. feel like shit just want egg rp miu and rantaro back.
god! this is another one of those where like, rantaro isn’t judgmental (but he is firm!) so he and miu would get along really well. rantaro is really patient and he like, goes with the flow, so he and miu would be able to have conversations and he’d either shut down or tune out the sex jokes, actually carrying the conversation based on what she’s saying. miu is pretty chill, like, at least i feel like she’d be a really chill friend? so rantaro would be able to make insensitive jokes about how he just got stabbed and miu would be like “KYAHAHAHA you’re such a fuckin moron come to my lab i’ll make you a drink or some shit” and they’d just be cool. they’d just be cool! i want them to be best friends. please. just. two pals who spill tea and come to each other to make dark jokes. also miu cries into rantaro’s shoulder sometimes and he braids her hair fuck you i doooo what i want.
also sometimes they k--
rantaro + gonta (7/10) hey! it’s SO fucking homophobic that the only amagoku fic on ao3 is fucking porn! i hate it here can you please give me some actual food? please? i’m dying. i’m dying here and you’re doing me like this. these two have so many rights! they have so many rights. i just, two special boys? thank you. thank you for them. i care them. if there was more fucking CONTENT for these two i would have given them a higher rating but i guess! i’ll fucking die!
damn i’m actually like... really tender, thinking about them. i just think they could take care of each other! that’s all. i feel like rantaro would be really patient with gonta but he would also treat him like! a real, intelligent person! idk! like not infantalise him despite being sweet and comforting. i don’t know! i think that’s important can you guys STOOOOP infantalising coded autistic characters that would be really sweet </3 but anyway. i headcanon that rantaro likes insects! or at least, he thinks they’re pretty neat! he thinks they’re neat and he likes them and even more than that he likes listening to gonta info dump, it’s just, it’s important. idk. i think rantaro would be really psyched by how excited gonta gets about insects, and of course gonta would be thrilled to have a friend who wants to talk to his insect friends.... hhhhHhh... and of course gonta would take care of rantaro, too, just, he’d respect rantaro’s boundaries and not ask him any questions, he’d offer space and let rantaro just, exist, and be. gonta is soft and he gives good hugs! and i think that he would just be able to let rantaro cry one out on his shoulder and that’s SO important to me.
also gonta is such a sweetheart so it would be like, hard, for rantaro to lie about stuff? i dunno, like, he’d do okay, and then gonta would ask him a question or something and rantaro would be hit with the Guilts... also like, rantaro employs a mix of like, slight coldness, and airheaded subject changes in making people back off, and i doubt he could really do that with gonta. why would you!!! he’s a soft man, just the softest!!!! these two soft green men :) i care them so fucking much can you imagine rantaro taking gonta to places to see bugs PLEASE they have so much potential can we fucking talk about this
rantaro + tenko (7/10) this one would be higher, but i deducted points because of how the fandom always sees rantaro as “fixing” tenko’s man hatred. that’s literally so gross can you shut up? please? i hate? men?
okay n e wayz. i like them! i think they’re neat, i think they’d be great friends... eventually LFKDJLKDSF like listen, okay? i think tenko really does have real fear of men. think about her backstory, like, her master dripping poison in her ear all her childhood, and then the way he had her working as a fucking VIGILANTE? HELLO? like tenko probably saw some horrible traumatising shit as a child that strengthened these beliefs. this is entirely her master’s fault and he is such a, clenches fist, i can’t even articulate this beanie has better master hatred thoughts than i do, but god he sucks? wow. and fuck tenko’s parents too, sending her off to a temple because she had anger issues. you ever heard of a therapist, chabashiras? hello?
i got distracted, but the main thing is, tenko wouldn’t like him at first. not even reluctantly! like rantaro very much looks like a playboy and that’s the epitome of the kind of guy tenko is against. obviously rantaro isn’t, but tenko isn’t getting close enough to see that! if a man so much as touches her she’s responding defensively, don’t you even think rantaro is going to get past that. and i don’t think rantaro would try Too hard, i mean, like, i think he’d be endeared to tenko because of how much she protects the girls, and how sweet she is when she’s like, not actively thinking about it, but i don’t think he’s so ready to get his ass kicked, y’know? FKLDSJFLKSDFJ
but then maybe like! an accident will happen, and tenko falls over, and rantaro reaches to help her but she freaks and grabs his arm and flips him over and then BOOM!!! neo aikido magic things and she sees all his fucking stress, all his distrust, just how much he really blames himself for everything, how afraid and angry and tired he is, and we all know tenko is super compassionate so i think she would absolutely be worried about it. and then i think she’d like! keep an eye out for rantaro, at the very least try and get confirmation on all those emotions because this pretty boy soooo does not act like it, and then maybe one time she sees him getting grilled on his travels, or he comes back injured and tenko finds him, and she bails him out, begrudgingly, and then they start to become friends.
idk! i think they have platonic potential. i think rantaro would see her as a sister and i think tenko would eventually ask rantaro if he’s really a guy. (which he would laugh off, if he was cis, but if this is nb rantaro.... i’m just saying, the potential for tenko to help rantaro with gender awakening.... fantastic.) get into these two as friends. do it.
if some MOTHERFUCKER reblogs this post with am*cha in the tags i’m going to kill. i’m going to KILL. i won’t even hesitate /hj
rantaro + tsumugi (8/10) (looks at ibuki poster) oh mioda, we’re really in it now. and by that i mean, god it’s so fucking hard to choose favourites from here FKJDSLFKJ i have almost all the girls just, up here, because i’m so fucking fond of their relationships with rantaro. and i know i said i don’t like ranmugi or rantaro/himiko, and it’s true, but i am obsessed with their platonic relationships with him. ESPECIALLY when tsumugi and rantaro are one-sided enemies.... that’s such good shit, holy crap.
okay, let me explain. i feel like rantaro and tsumugi can swing both ways, here. they can either be really good friends! like, rantaro is mellow so he lets tsumugi put him into cosplay (i think rantaro would make a really good n off the top of my head since they’re both green FLKJDSFKJ or light yagami..... handsome men) and since he loves listening to people info dump he just... lets tsumugi go fucking OFF about anime sometimes FKJDSLKFJ i think it would be sweet! i think tsumugi could give rantaro a place to unwind, because she’s so like, hard to phase, i guess? like tsumugi and rantaro share that trait where if you hit either of them in the face with a pie, they’d just go “oh, funky” and go to wash their clothes LMAO. power duo! they’re brother and sister! and i headcanon mugi as a lesbian so she talks to rantaro about ~girls~ sometimes. also u already know tsumugi got tea to spill so rantaro helps with her hair for a cosplay while she gossips KFJDLK honestly why aren’t she miu and rantaro a trio? i just think they’d be neat. good friends! best friends.
or tsumugi absolutely fucking detests rantaro with every fiber of her being. she couldn’t even tell you why! he’s just, he’s a normie! he’s a normie, and he’s like the flirtatious pretty boy stereotype except he isn’t even flirtatious, he’s just genuinely nice and he takes care of people and god tsumugi hates it when anime tries to be subversive! there’s a reason tropes exist, y’know! and he’s so smiley and innocent when obviously he’s hiding some kind of shit, why else would he be going on travels all the time, not that it matters because everyone knows how much she hates rantaro so they wouldn’t listen to her anyway... on rantaro’s end, he really doesn’t have a clue why she loathes him so much, like, he’d like to be friends? but wow she hates him, huh. well, whatever. rantaro’s got more important things to worry about.
in other words, i fucking love them in any form, please give me content of these two they’re so fun.
rantaro + angie (8/10) i love these two and these rankings are? so difficult for me, i am going to cry, you guys get the idea about me being a rantaro stan, right? i hope you do because god i love him so much. and i love him with angie! man. okay. okay.
so like. first of all. angie climbing onto rantaro’s back? perfect. she’s in need of piggy back rides and rantaro will gladly give them. rantaro is so patient and like, hhh i don’t want to use the word pliable because of horny people but that’s the best one i can come up with? like, he just goes with the flow, y’know? angie is so high strung, platonically i think she works really well with people who are patient and indulgent. i don’t know if rantaro would be much for her as far as fulfilling her loneliness, because angie is sort of looking for someone who Wouldn’t indulge her that much, but i’m absolutely weak for their dynamic. just, angie bringing up wacky ideas, rantaro responding with mild skepticism but also listening to her. i think she’d cause some trouble and he would be entirely here for it. bless them, honestly.
also angie painting rantaro’s sisters? please they’re so cute
rantaro + shuichi (8/10) before you come at me like “but toxic! amasai is your otp!” it’s not, okay? it used to be. but due to negative associations i can’t really write it (or shuichi ships as a whole) that much anymore and it’s really frustrating so uh, yeah. amamota supremacy.
that being said, god the potential of these two. they’re a great balance. shuichi is anxious and rantaro is laid back, shuichi is reserved and rantaro is outgoing (to an extent; he definitely doesn’t have any issues voicing his opinions). i think rantaro would be really gentle with shuichi! he matches the quiet, less overwhelming vibes, and just. feels inclined to take care of him, y’know? and spend time with him. i think they’re sweet! i think they’re really cute. the other part of the amasai dynamic that i used to be obsessed with his shuichi’s natural curiosity. shuichi would be so curious about what’s going on with rantaro and why he’s traveling, and rantaro would want so badly to tell him, but he can’t risk it happening again, he can’t... oh!!! rantaro is is really good at comforting people i think so he’d be able to like, support shuichi when he’s upset, and shuichi has great communication skills! or at least i like to give them to him. so shuichi would nudge rantaro into being honest, and talking about his feelings. i just want to see them do well together, that’s all! i think that shuichi is earnest and emotional and he cares very dearly for his friends, and he would try really hard to take care of rantaro. he would also probably worry a lot about rantaro after figuring out he gets injured a lot in trips, which, like, FLKDJSFLKJ rantaro might not be so big on but honestly? the guy needs someone to worry about him.
also they FUCKING TRAVEL TOGETHER!!!! shuichi is a detective!!!!!! he can help rantaro search! cue post-salmon mode amasai slowburn as they travel the world together finding rantaro’s lost sisters. i really need to finish writing search, it’s been four months.
rantaro + kaede (9/10) hhh. oh man. oh geez. amamatsu, huh. amamatsu. i just. think about kaede having a little crush on rantaro after he painted her nails, because he’s so reassuring and patient and observant, and she knows he’s sketchy but she believes in him anyway because he has to be trustworthy, he has to, and then she sees him dead and is at first betrayed, horrified that he was the mastermind, only to realise he wasn’t, and she just killed an innocent person for no reason...
now that that’s out of the way, GOD I LOVE THEM! there are things about this relationship that prevent it from working out in the long term (at least in my opinion) but i don’t even care they have such a lovely dynamic and they look so good together... hhhhh i’m also so into them, just, platonically? god. okay. they just! like they already have that canonical dynamic of like, kaede bringing concerns to rantaro and him reassuring her or providing insight, and it’s so tender! the way he talks to her about miu or kiyo or kiibo (depending on who you choose) is so like, i dunno! he doesn’t judge her for having bad first impressions but at the same time he calmly looks a little more into why they behave the way they do? it’s just sweet! it’s just sweet, and i think rantaro can really help kaede like that, and help her to let her barriers down a little and feel not so pressured to be like, perfect all the time, y’know? to be a leader and take care of everyone 24/7. kaede really needs that.
and kaede! believes in him! she believes in him and looks to him for guidance and that’s so important for rantaro too, just, feeling trusted and knowing someone has faith in him... i really genuinely think kaede would encourage rantaro to keep on looking for his sisters, and urge him to trust other people and believe in himself, and it’s that same thing where she wants him to trust and open up to her and he wants to as well but it’s so difficult.... hhh!!! i think they’re so good!!!!! i just think they’re so good. they would take care of one another.
(the reason why i don’t think they’d be sustainable in the long term is because kaede like, she worries. and not in the way shuichi does? i just feel like she needs more stability and vulnerability than rantaro can actually bring to the table. i think kaede would try so, so, so hard to get rantaro to open up, and try so hard to take care of him and make sure he takes care of himself, and rantaro wouldn’t be putting in the same effort, because he can’t, and i don’t think kaede would blame him for it, but i do think that eventually she’d see it’s not. healthy. and it’s making her upset all the time. and she can’t keep up like this. they hurt me but i love them so much and i live in a world where they’re forever teens and never have to break up.)
also love them platonically! sorry i have amamatsu brainrot at all times but i really do love them as friends! i love rantaro painting kaede’s nails and doing her hair and kaede teaching him a duet on the piano, and she comes to him for advice and he brings her souvenirs and kaede makes sure he’s welcome in the class, and saves him cake after parties... also he calls her a brat and ruffles her hair a lot HEHEHE.
rantaro + maki (9/10) what? what? two people who never interacted and who have almost less interactions than gonta and ryoma do with rantaro? why, tox? why?
... because i’m a simp. that’s the only reason! that’s the only reason. i think they look good together, i’m really weak for maki and rantaro, and that’s the only reason. that’s the only reason! i have a crush on them both and i want to see them interact. there it is. boom. get your “make fun of tox” juice. before i ramble about how much potential they have, i just want you to know how utterly biased i am towards them.
there! that’s out of the way! biases admitted. i think rantaro and maki have the potential to really balance each other out. rantaro is really mellow and maki has a bit of a temper, rantaro is airheaded and maki is focused, rantaro is sociable and maki is closed off. at the same time, though, they like, handshake on a lot of things, y’know? they’re both secretive and distrustful, they both don’t want to let other people get close out of a fear of losing them, they’re both so FUCKING sad please i just want to hold them. i think there’s a lot of potential for them to be like, coming back to hope’s peak late or something, rantaro coming home from a trip and maki coming home from an assassination, and to run into each other and both be curious but also neither of them asks anything because they’ve both got so much to hide...
(that’s actually the exact premise of my amami week day one oneshot, stay tuned, gamers.)
but!! then it happens more often and they start seeing each other a lot more, and slowly they start to get like, a sort of companionship? like they’re not close or anything, but they’re united by their like, distrust of other people. and maybe maki tends to a wound of rantaro’s, or like with tenko tells people to lay off of grilling him, or maybe RANTARO tends to a wound of MAKI’S, or sticks up for her in a conversation. and fuck!! maybe a mission goes wrong and maki is upset and she trusts nobody at this goddamn school (because kaito hasn’t taken her on as his sidekick yet) so she goes to rantaro for, fucking, something, for comfort, and it’s embarrassing and vulnerable and absolutely terrible but he’s so gentle and sweet maki can’t help but let her guard down for just a second. also love the aesthetic of like, rantaro coming home from a trip disheartened and running into maki and she calls him an idiot or something and he just starts crying while maki stands there, not sure what to do, before stepping forward and awkwardly patting his arm FKLDJSFKJd i just think they’re neat. strictly speaking he’s not maki’s type (read: optimistic and stupid) but i love them for each other.
love them as friends! love rantaro to be maki’s go-to friend when she needs her empowering haircut, and them tending to each other’s wounds is not an inherently romantic thing, and they just stick up for each other and vibe... hhhhh.
if none of this happens then idk rantaro is a bit intimidated by maki, and maki thinks he’s unreliable and untrustworthy. that’s probably more likely FLKDJSFKJ BUT I CAN DREAM OKAY? CRIES
rantaro + himiko (9/10) these two are brother and sister, full stop. there’s nothing morally wrong with shipping them, it’s more just that like. i don’t know! himiko is so childish, like, the epitome of a younger sister, and rantaro is the epitome of an older brother... they vibe so hard platonically and then romantically my brain just restarts itself. but anyway!
magic is himiko’s special interest!!!! it means a lot to her and she’s very adamant that it be called magic and not tricks, like, even to the point of slowing down a trial and making herself look guilty in chapter two. i think rantaro is very used to playing along with his sisters’ stuff, and i think he would absolutely humour himiko. and like, they both know it’s not really magic, but it’s the effort that himiko appreciates, and in like, a no-pressure way like rantaro does it? yes please.
i think he would give her piggyback rides. like in chapter five when they’re climbing the stairs to kaito’s lab and himiko goes “someone give me a piggyback ride!” you already know rantaro would be volunteering. (side note: read whattheskyknows’ fic “missing (isn’t always so bad)” because it has that scene and i’m emotional.) i think he’d really take care of her! idk i know i’ve said that about a lot of these but rantaro is very caring. he’d look after himiko and make sure she’s taking her depression meds and carry her to her room when she falls asleep and tell people off when they overwhelm her and hhhh... and himiko would support him too! like with his travels and stuff, she wouldn’t really care about knowing why he’s traveling because it’s not her business and also like, asking about that stuff is a pain, who cares, if he’s gonna travel he’s gonna travel. rantaro would buy her books about magic while traveling and read them to her if she wants, and she would perform magic tricks for him and remind him of what it’s like to have a younger sister again. they matter to me. they should matter to you, too.
rantaro + kirumi (9/10) now i KNOW you weren’t expecting me to put amatoujou any lower, do you know who my favourite person in this fandom is? you are legally obligated to go check out Storyflight’s ao3 and read all of their amatoujou fics because they’re phenomenal and story is too. story ilu. amatoujou week is coming up on october third. participate or die.
anyway! i just think like, in general, rantaro has a lot of respect and appreciation for kirumi. she takes care of everyone! she works so hard all the time and she can really do anything and she’s so composed and calm all the time, and she has this sweet smile and this little laugh and this relaxing, patient energy, and hhhhhhh. rantaro respects her so damn much! so damn much. and maybe he simps a little regardless of whether they’re romantically involved because she works so hard. they get along! pseudo-parents of the group as people always make them. rantaro wants kirumi to kick back every so often, y’know? she matters to him and he’d like to see her being true to herself and enjoying herself. i also think he’s pretty stern with people when it comes to her, and just like, respecting her boundaries, the kinda guy to calmly and casually go, “hey, ouma-kun, she told you not to call her your mother, maybe you’d better respect that?” and kokichi goes “simp” but nevermind nevermind, i’m covering oumami on the next bullet.
idk! i think they’d look after each other! i think rantaro would make sure that kirumi is actually Taking Care Of Herself and of course kirumi would notice him coming in injured all the time and she would absolutely tend to his injuries without asking any questions at all. she would make sure he’s eating and if he requested, she would even tell everyone to Back The Fuck Off on his secrets and leave him alone FKJDSKFj i think she would always emphasise to him that she’ll do whatever she can for him if he so much as asks, as is her duty as a maid or whatever, but rantaro will refuse because like!!! hell’s no, he’s not about to feed into her complex my dude!!!!! but anyway.
i think it would... i just think it would be neat if he told her about his sisters! that’s all. kirumi is a fucking powerhouse, even if rantaro didn’t request it, she would totally help him find all twelve of them and bring them home. honestly? prime slowburn material, just, rantaro requesting that she help find his sisters and they slowly fall in love along the way... hhhhh if i wasn’t a fucking coward i’d write it myself, what a fantastic multi-chapter concept. i am so smart.
rantaro + kokichi (10/10) romantic oumami i go back and forth on but these two are really high at this specific moment in time because i love them SO much platonically, my god.
kokichi is a fucking brat! he’s such a brat, just, an absolute menace, a troublemaker and buffoon. i care him a lot but he’s so tiring to deal with, and if you don’t have the patience it’s hard to like, try and understand him? like with the shorter fuse members of the class (read: kaito and maki) it would be really hard to actually, get to the point where you can see past his bullshit KFJSDLFKJ but rantaro is patient! he’s a patient boy, and he’s hard to menace, and he grew up with twelve younger sisters. twelve!!! he takes care of them, bro, he can handle a little shit gremlin in his life. i think he’d be endeared to kokichi because of this reason, like, the immaturity, it just reminds him of his sisters, and if kokichi pulled out the “onii-chan”... hoo, it’s over. rantaro will do whatever this guy wants. just, a total enabler. absolute goon and enabler. i love them so much.
on a more serious note, they both have a lot of baggage, and similar to harumami it’s like, they’re both really distrustful! they’re distrustful, they just deflect in different ways. i think they’re both observant and intelligent enough that they could bounce off of each other really well. i do think kokichi is a bit smarter than rantaro is, if only just because it’s really hard to be smarter than kokichi, but i still think rantaro could keep up with them. and i think they could be a safe haven for each other! like rantaro gives him a place to truly feel safe, y’know, which is SO rare for kokichi the way he believes everyone is out to get him, and kokichi could give rantaro a place to just, stop smiling. unwind and be himself a little bit. be a little mean! bitch a little! be openly distrustful!
they take care of each other is all!! care them.
rantaro + kaito (20/10) you think you know a simp’s rating system and then she pulls one of these. i’m honestly a little worried about how long this will be because i’ve literally been writing this for three hours but KFJDSKJFDK i’m going to try my very, very best! so here goes :3c
kaito and rantaro have... so much in common. look at these two emotionally constipated, constantly smiling, constantly putting on a brave face, never letting their guard down, never relying on anyone but themselves, always taking care of other people, always taking the burden onto themselves... yeah. it’s like looking in a mirror. and in some cases that’s a really terrible foundation for a relationship. but with these two, when their unhealthy similarities are so reliant upon the other person being willing to just let themself be helped... it works out.
because they’re sweet! they’re sweet people, and rantaro will probably notice the way that kaito takes so much crap from people, including his sidekicks, while working so hard to take care of everyone, and kaito will of Course notice how rantaro is gone all the time, and how he kind of takes himself out of group interactions and makes himself an outcast, and how subtly closed off he is... there’s interest! and they’re both so inclined to help each other i feel like they’d get close! kaito would probably have a bit of a squish on rantaro anyway because he’s the fucking ultimate adventurer and what the hell, that’s so fucking cool, kaito’s destiny obviously lies in the stars but knowing someone who’s going to conquer the earth... that’s awesome. he probably sees rantaro as an equal even before they start getting close. (aka he thinks rantaro is totally above him in every way, like, the ideal almost, but “an equal” is something the luminary of the stars would say, so there he is.) and rantaro thinks kaito is a little silly, but he’s sweet! it’s sweet how much he takes care of other people and just, like, looks after them. rantaro’s weak for a good dork.
and maybe kaito asks rantaro to train with him sometime, or challenges him to a fight, and of course rantaro goes for it because he’s a Man or whatever (and if they do fight it’s homoerotic as hell FKLDSJFK) and plus he’s been meaning to get to know kaito anyway, and then they make a habit of it and start like!! spending time together. and kaito drags rantaro into the larger group and makes him interact and rantaro quietly tells people to lay off kaito, or else makes sure that he’s actually taking care of himself, and then they’re both trying so hard to just, help each other, and they keep like deflecting it back onto the other person, and it’s frustrating! and rantaro is sitting there like “man i really wish momota-kun would open up to me!!” before realising fucking... wait. i do the same thing. like how can he expect kaito to open up to him if he wont do the same thing, y’know? and then he ponders that, and is like, well maybe the relationship just isn’t worth it like vulnerability is for gay losers, but rantaro is, inevitably, a gay loser, so...
there’s just something about seeing your own flaws magnified on another person who you really, really want to take care of, that makes you realise how uncomfortable that is. obviously kaito doesn’t realise he’s upsetting people by pushing them away, not until rantaro closes the door in his face during a breakdown, and then he seriously needs to reevaluate the way he takes care of other people.
idk! i think they’re fantastic. i think kaito’s fervent belief in people would lend itself well to rantaro’s task, like, who doesn’t want to be believed in, y’know? and kaito is so strong about it, even when rantaro doubts himself he’s so encouraging and it’s nice. and rantaro gives kaito space to stop being the hero for a second and just! be kaito! and kaito can tend to his wounds and rantaro can take care of him when he’s sick and hhhHhHhHhhhhHh i care about them SO fucking much.
also? amamota baking sessions? absolutely fucking flawless. these two are so important to me.
hahahaha. sorry for such a long reply, anon. i have a lot of feelings about all of these guys. especially rantaro :) thank you so much for the ask, this was a lot of fun to answer. hope you’re doing well.
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