stargloom · 8 months
i lived, bitch
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hey hey, could I get some uhhh Irumami hypecards maybe
DRS Hype Cards (Irumami Edition)
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dreamzghostz · 2 months
No, because here's a random idea:
Do y'all know the song "Red Flags" by Tom Cardy and Montaigne? Well, I thought of an idea with Rantaro and Miu.
Like the two are on a date, and Rantaro's talking about The Human Centipede in a really creepy way, and Miu's just, "Ew, this is so weird. But he's hot, so ok."
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fakecandybars · 3 years
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doing trans dr week day 2 . even though its not day 2 and im many days late hosted by @transdangan, show em some love! prompt is t4t...
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himiko-yumehellno · 4 years
Beta AU fan quotes part quarante:
Kaito, setting down a card: King of hearts!
Kaede, using an uno card: +2!
Himiko, placing down a Pokemon card: Eevee, go!
Angie, reading Tarot: Temperance, inverted.
Maki, putting down a Yu-gi-oh card: I put down the Mystical Beast of Serket in Defense Position and end my turn.
Shuichi, rotating a MTG Land card: Swamp.
Kokichi, shaking: W-what are you guys playing?
Source: unknown
Tsumugi: Uranium contains 20 billion calories.
Rantaro: A second great reason to not eat uranium!
Himiko: I would never need to eat again...
Tsumugi: She wouldn't. It is true.
Source: unknown
Kiyo: What could be giving you anxiety?
Shuichi: Um, let’s see... every aspect of my life?!
Source: unknown
Kokichi: Tall people. If we are walking together please take into consideration my tiny legs. I cannot keep up with you. Please think of my tiny legs. I don’t want to be jogging to keep up with your leisurely stroll, you titans.
Kaito: Put on some roller skates and grab onto my jacket, we don’t have all day.
Source: unknown
Kaede: May I sit there?
Maki: That’s my lap.
Kaede: That doesn’t answer my question, Maki.
Source: unknown
Rantaro: Tsumugi, There is a time and place for stats. This is not it.
Tsumugi: But I have pie charts.
Source: Big Nate
Shuichi: Do you ever feel bugs on you when there are no bugs?
Kiibo: They’re the ghosts of the bugs you killed.
Shuichi: ... I wish I could unhear that.
Source: tumblr
"Thank you, cryptids, for all you do."
- Himiko Yumeno
Source: drawfee
Kokichi: Life was starting to make sense
Kokichi: But then there was a fucking jar of rice at the bus stop for some reason??
Source: unknown
Miu: Do you ever get that feeling when you look at someone, and your heart skips a beat?
Rantaro: That's called arrhythmia.
Miu: I experience it when I look at you –
Rantaro: You can die from it. We're going to a hospital right now.
Source: tumblr
"Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my overwhelming anxiety, so..."
- Shuichi Saihara
Source: unknown
Ryoma: I'm sure you can pull something out of your brain.
Kokichi: I've got the nickname "Rumi," self hatred, and the IQ of a toaster up in here. Things aren't looking good.
Source: me
@kagazuly (✿^‿^)
24 Hour Beta Quotes Challenge: Hour Fourteen
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Rantaro x Miu
Rantaro, being the easy going guy that he is, helps Miu out with some of her inventions by being a guinea pig of sorts. Miu loves this but would secretly never test out her more dangerous inventions on him, not that she'd tell him that. Rantaro knows anyway though, and he appreciates his girlfriend's hidden thoughtfulness.
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incorrectlyndrv3 · 4 years
Miu: ...I want to be snuggled.
Rantarou, rushing over with blankets, snacks, bowls, drinks, cups, pillows, and a whole fucking couch: Did you call me, Miu?
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sinfulwonders · 5 years
How about.... Miu X Rantaro X Kaede? If that's okay?
Miu x Rantaro x Kaede:
Sure, I have no problem doing OT3s!
Who asks the other on dates: All three of them ask each other out pretty evenly, but the type of dates they take each other on tend to vary. Kaede asks them out on more traditional date activities such as out to eat or to an amusement park. Miu asks them out on wackier dates like to wild parties or a virtual reality date to test her new VR tech. Rantaro asks them out on more adventurous dates such as more outdoorsy stuff or on impromptu road trips. 
Who is the bigger cuddler: Miu is, although Kaede is not far behind in the cuddle department. Rantaro is the least cuddly of the three, but they honestly all like to cuddle!
Who initiates holding hands more often: Kaede does. Her favorite is to stand in the middle and hold both of their hands! 
Who remembers anniversaries: Rantaro is the best at remembering stuff like that, while Miu is the worst. Miu (and to a lesser extent Kaede) tend to get caught up in their work to the point that they lose track of everything else. 
Who is more possessive: Miu is the most possessive of the three, but the other two are aware and make sure to give her plenty of the attention that she craves.
Who gets more jealous: Miu also tends to get more jealous, and is the most likely of the three to get jealous of each other. Rantaro and Kaede are very aware that Miu’s possessiveness and jealousy comes from some deep rooted anxiety and self image issues, so they’re really good about not creating situations that would increase that. They’re very sweet to her and shower her in love. On Miu’s side, she’s working on being more trusting of her partners. 
Who is more protective: Rantaro is extremely protective of them but so is Kaede, so it’s kind of a toss up.
Who is more likely to cheat: God I can’t see them ever cheating on each other. I guess if I have to pick I’d say Miu, but I just don’t see that happening at all.
Who initiates sexy times the most: Miu probably does, but it’s pretty even between her and Kaede. Rantaro initiates it the least of the three. (Because they have an active enough sex life that Rantaro is satisfied most of the time.)
Who dislikes PDA the most: Man they’re all pretty fine with PDA, but I think Kaede gets the most flustered and embarrassed about it! Miu and Rantaro love to attack her with kisses and hugs in public, because they love to see her blush!
Who kills the spider: Kaede probably kills the spider, but if Kaede isn’t there then Rantaro does. Miu is the least likely to kill the spider, as she’s pretty wimpy when it comes to things like that. :P 
Who asks the the other to marry them: It would probably be Rantaro actually. I can see him whisking the two girls away on some adventure that ends in a really cute proposal.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Kaede buys and makes them gifts all the time and is probably the most gift givey of the three. That being said, all three of them are pretty gift givey. Rantaro always brings them back cool souvenirs from his trips and Miu really likes to make them little inventions. So all three of them! 
Who would bring up possibly having kids: I think it would be a discussion Kaede would bring up to discuss the logistics of actually having kids in this type of relationship, because she’s forward thinking like that.
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Miu would probably be the most nervous to meet the other twos’ family, but both Kaede and Miu would be equally nervous and intimidated to meet all of Rantaro’s sisters!
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: If they all three have a fight, they usually all end up in different places other than the bed. Miu usually ends up in her lab, Kaede in her music room, and Rantaro usually takes a walk and then eventually crashes on the couch.
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Rantaro is the first to make up, usually. Kaede and Miu can get pretty stubborn and take a little longer to be able to make up with each other. 
Who tells the other they love them more often: It’s said pretty often, but Kaede probably says it the most!
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drshippings · 7 years
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shsl-aesthetics · 7 years
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irumami phone wallpapers
i hope these are to your liking!! lemme know if you need anything changed! -mod kichi  💫
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✨Collage updated with 10th anniversary outfits✨
Originally requested by @joneleslament 😁
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imu-chan · 3 years
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rare pair guilty pleasure comfort ship
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"The forces of chaos locked in a room together and then they kiss. There is nothing better."
"They balance each other out, it's cute as hell, both of them would be VERY supportive of each other, and there's the appeal of the Ultimate Big Spoon being paired with someone who's touch-starved to a downright disastrous extent."
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trialcmplx · 3 years
"I.... To be honest, Miu I didn't really know what to get you. You're the Ultimate Inventor and could probably make yourself just about anything so..." A small, endearing small formed on Rantaro's face as they leaned in to grab her hands and press a soft kiss on her cheek. "So. I give you me. Anywhere you wanna go, I'll take you to. Name the place and we can have ourselves a nice ole' vacation. Is that.... Would you like that?" They chuckled. "This isn't a birthday exclusive offer. I just wanted to make your special day that much more so."
Miu's Birthday // accepting all November // @triggercmplx
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She's not good at this mushy shit. It feels totally out of her depth, especially the way her brain wants to tell her she doesn't deserve it. She tries not to listen but it's hard when Rantaro's kindness is at war with her own deep rooted self loathing. It's too hard, with their warm hands holding hers, their soft mouth pressing to her cheek, their gentle eyes looking into hers with all the fondness the inventor thinks herself undeserving of.
The instinct is to duck her head, to avoid their gaze since they see through her defenses to the truly weak, pathetic creature underneath. But she holds their gaze, teeth digging nervously into her bottom lip even as her chest aches with want at the pretty picture Rantaro paints.
"I...I'm not fuckin'...good with words like you are, 'Taro," the inventor whines, even as she squeezes their hands. "So don't...don't fuckin' make fun of me or shit, but I...I really just wanna go wherever so long as...y'know...I'm with you." Her voice drops to near a whisper towards the end of her sentence, a dark flush of embarrassment painted across her cheeks. "Uh, but if ya need ideas or something...um, maybe...maybe could you take me to, to one of your favorite places? I'd...I'd fucking love to see that."
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ask-irumami · 7 years
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--A very bored Mod Amami
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