#this is so late and i apologize OTL
@kingoftheladybugs, here’s your (very) late Ni No Kuni Secret Santa gift! Or, if you prefer, an early New Year’s gift. I apologize for the lateness! This one’s a (mostly) fluffy short fic about Oliver and the gang having an impromptu camp-out after going on a ride on Tengri. This fic will be crossposted to AO3, and I’ll link that here:
Please forgive any spelling or grammatical errors that might be in this fic, or let me know so I can correct them. I hope you enjoy, and happy holidays!
The sky was a bright, brilliant gold and lavender near the setting sun on the mountainous horizon. It was almost evening in the Barrens, and Tengri was hovering low above the treeline. No matter how excited all of them were, and how eager Tengri seemed to be to fly once more, even dragons were mortal, and all animals eventually tired. Oliver and his friends had spent the past few hours flying around the mountains of the Summerlands, exploring little hidden places they’d never even seen before, caught up in the thrill of flight. Now, they were all beginning to notice the aches in their muscles and tired eyes as Tengri flapped his great purple wings and slowly let himself down into a small clearing, hitting the ground with a surprisingly gentle thud.
“I guess even dragons have limits, huh?” Esther said, hopping off of Tengri’s back and patting his neck.
“Well,” Swaine grunted, “Dragons are animals too. Everyone gets tired eventually.”
Oliver giggled. “Tengri’s probably just tired because it's been a while since he’s flown. I bet Denny would be tired back in Motorville if he ran as much as Tengri flew today.”
Oliver’s friends nodded and hummed in agreement. They set to work unstrapping their bedrolls from Tengri’s sides - Oliver thought for sure he could carry it all in his bag, but Kublai’s crew had insisted. It turned out that the Sky Pirates weren’t so mean after all.
“What are you smiling at?” Drippy bounced up next to him. Oliver giggled bashfully.
“Nothing, I was just thinking about Kublai’s crew. They sure were nice to give us this gear, huh?”
Swaine scoffed, “Aw, sure, and he definitely won’t ask for anything in return for using his dragon, either.”
“That’s a problem for tomorrow. And tomorrow, we’d better get to thinking about those stones. It can’t be too far a flight to the Solitary Isle on Tengri’s wings,” Esther stroked Tengri’s neck again and he nuzzled her back. “Tonight, I think it’s time for dinner and bed.”
Everybody cringed a little at that (except for Tengri, of course). Lunch earlier that day had turned out to be jerky strips sandwiched between the stale white bread in Oliver’s bag. Anything tastes better with friends, that was Oliver’s philosophy. Still, he had to admit it was a little less than gourmet. As dusk fell further over the tops of the trees, Oliver made a little fire out of a fallen tree’s branches; maybe not enough to last the whole night, but they weren’t going to stay up the whole night, were they? 
Being a wizard sure was useful, he thought. He didn’t need to bother with matches when he could summon a flame from the tip of his wand just like that! It was bright and warm and caught right away. Even Swaine looked begrudgingly impressed. The first time, anyway.
Oliver had brought out a few less stale provisions from his bag to share and was in the process of dividing his bread, yogurt, and old produce among the four of them (and if he ate half a carrot in the meantime, nobody would really notice). Beside him, Esther was watching the warm fire and Swaine was fiddling with something in his own bag while Tengri curled up around them like a living wall. 
“Oliver?” Esther said. “Mm?” Oliver mumbled through a mouthful of carrot.
“About your world - how come the people from your world can’t see us, but we can all see you?”
Oliver opened his mouth, then closed it. Why was that so?
Swaine shrugged. “Well, I say if it’s not getting us into trouble, best leave it be. No need to poke our noses where they don’t belong.”
“But she’s right! You all shouldn’t be able to see me, should you?” Oliver mused, “And why am I able to use magic when nobody in my world can even see it?”
Drippy rolled his eyes and bounced down from Tengri’s saddle. “Is there something wrong with your memory? Do we need to find a doctor and get you checked? It’s because you’re the pure hearted one, of course!”
Oliver chewed thoughtfully. “Right, but I still wonder why. I was able to free you from your curse, Mr. Drippy, but I don’t know any spells that could do that. I didn’t even know magic was real back then.”
“Do I have to say it every other minute now? You’re the pure hearted one, that’s how you lifted my curse! Besides, not all magic does what wizards tell it to do, ain’t it.” Drippy’s lantern jangled as he spoke. “Now if you wanted moral support from your sidekick, a little reminder of your savior-ness, you could have just asked!”
Now Oliver was tempted to roll his eyes. “That’s not it, Mr. Drippy! But thank you, anyway.” Drippy huffed and reached for a bite of his carrot.
From across the fire, Swaine sighed. “How about instead of fighting over scraps, you two give me your bag so I can actually make us something proper to eat?”
“Something proper? Since when did you know how to cook?” Esther teasingly waggled a half eaten babana at him. 
Swaine looked at her, then at the pot in his hands, then at the sky.
“You do know!”
“Listen, I couldn’t exactly be eating at restaurants all these years, could I?” Swaine hissed. “Well, Swaine, I think that’s a really useful thing to know. It’s not a bad thing,” Oliver tried to placate the two, but there was no need.
“Obviously it isn’t. Who do you take me for?” Swaine made to snatch at Oliver’s bag, “Now give me that.”
Esther clicked her tongue. “So you can steal our provisions?”
“So what if I did? You don’t need everything in there.”
Oliver frowned. “You know we share everything now, you two.”
Both Esther and Swaine grumbled at the same time. And ultimately, Swaine did get the bag, since Oliver wasn’t too good at cooking himself. He had always relied on mom for that.
The very thought left Oliver feeling suddenly bereft. It was tough to enjoy the night while thinking of his mother. She should be here with him. Or he shouldn’t be here at all, more like. Oliver remembered a vague promise his mother had made a long time ago, that maybe someday she would take him camping on a vacation. There was nothing like the stars on a clear night, she had sighed. It was amazing. Magical.
If only he had enough magic to save her.
“Ollie-boy, you’ve got that mopey look on your face again.” “Is everything alright?”
Oliver blinked the spots out of his eyes from staring straight into the fire. He hadn’t even realized he’d been zoning out.
Above the fire, Esther and Drippy were looking at him, concern clear on their faces. Swaine’s, too, no matter how he tried to hide it. Oliver sighed, meaning to defuse the tension, but even he could hear how unhappy it sounded.
“I was just thinking about mom.”
The mood around the fire became something more grim then.
“Oh, Oliver,” Esther put her arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Don’t be so glum. As soon as we find Mornstar’s stones, it won’t be long before we find Shadar and free Alicia,” Swaine stirred the pot of stew roughly.
Oliver sighed again. “I sure hope so.”
“Come on, have a little faith in yourself, pure-hearted one! You really should have asked me earlier about this motivation thing, mun…” Drippy pouted. Esther reached out to pat his head, but he ducked away at the last second.
“You know, Oliver, I was wondering something about your world too. I wonder where my soulmate is - if I have one, anyway.” It was clear that Swaine was trying to shift the conversation away from Oliver’s mother, and he wanted to be thankful for it. He really did. But every moment not thinking about her, moving towards freeing her - was it all time wasted, in the end?
Oliver shook his thoughts away. Thinking like that was no use either. He replied, “I’m sure you have a soulmate, Swaine. Everyone does.”
“We didn’t see him in Motorville, though.”
“Motorville’s a big city,” Oliver rebuked, “I only know my neighborhood. It’s kind of a miracle that I know so many soulmates of the people I’ve met here.”
Esther nodded. “Now that I think about it, if Oliver didn’t know Myrtle, maybe I would still be broken-hearted. Imagine if my soulmate lived halfway across the world from you.”
“Or halfway across Motorville, if it’s so huge,” Swaine snorted.
“Hey, it’s true! I’m not lying! There are almost two million people living in Motorville!”
Esther’s eyes looked wide enough to pop out of her head and Swaine’s mouth fell open. “Really?”
“Really! It’s true. At least, that’s what the census in the papers said.”
“Anyways, we don’t have technology that’s nearly as fast as a dragon in my world. We don’t have anything like cloudsweepers, either. Anything that can fly, anyway - they kind of look like scooters,” Oliver smiled again just thinking about it, “Phil would love them.”
“Just a friend of mine. I wonder how he’s doing. Next time I got to Motorville, I ought to pay him a visit,” Oliver sighed for the third time. He wondered how Phil was doing. He had tried to visit him before he left for Ni No Kuni, but Oliver had been too down. Although, down was perhaps a bad word - drowning, more like, in his grief. He knew Phil had a sprained ankle. He hoped it wasn’t bothering him too much.
“Hello, anyone in there?” Swaine called. 
Oliver snapped up - “Yes, Swaine!”
“You don’t need to be so familiar,” he scoffed, “Chef Swaine is just fine. In any case, dinner is ready.”
“Oh, wow!” Esther peered down into the pot, “That looks fantastic!”
“It smells great, Swaine,” Oliver added.
“Of course it does. I wouldn’t trust any of you children to cook something better.”
Esther let out an exaggerated gasp. “How can you say that?”
“With my mouth.”
Esther rolled her eyes but decided to concede, instead placing her coffee pot on the fire while Swaine ladled out soup. He clearly traveled prepared - the meal kit came with little tin cups, bowls, and spoons.
“Did you always have this stuff hanging around in your pockets?” Esther teased.
“Did you always have that coffee pot with you? Speaking of,” Swaie poked Esther in the arm. “What are you doing?”
“Improving our coffee,” Esther answered. “Say, Oliver, would you hand me those iced coffees of yours?”
“She always does this when we can’t find hot coffee nearby,” Oliver explained as he passed Esther three bottles, “She says coffee is better when its hot.”
“That’s how we serve it in Al-Mamoon. I’d brew it from beans or grounds with spices if I had them on hand, and have it with a babana split - or even fresh babanas, but i suppose overripe ones are still better than nothing.” Esther mixed the coffee gently with her stirring spoon.
“Wait, Oliver, you just drink your coffee cold?” Swaine was the one with the wide eyes now.
“How else are you supposed to drink it? It’s always cold after being in my bag for a little, isn’t it?”
Swaine gaped. “Yes, but you don’t seriously think that drinking it lukewarm is right, do you?”
Esther scoffed. “Oh, don’t bother. Oliver doesn’t have a taste for this sort of thing. I don’t understand why, which is why we have to teach him the right way. I’ve been trying, but it’s hard for older sisters on the road, sadly.”
“Right. At least now you have me to help.”
Oliver couldn’t help the blush that lit up his cheeks. “You think of me as your brother? Gee, really?”
“Oh, don’t think you’re getting out of this that easily. I don’t know how the people in your world do it, but outside of battle, coffee is to be drunk only while hot under my roof,” Swaine said.
“And,” Esther waggled the stirring spoon at Oliver, “When we complete Mornstar, defeat Shadar, and rescue Alicia, I’ll take us all to get some real Mamooni coffee - my treat.”
Oliver wondered why they were both so insistent on hot coffee. It made no difference to him - energy was energy, and he needed it for his spells. Ever since he had taken up wizardry he understood why Rusty and Miss Laila often carried a mug of the stuff with them to work, and why it was usually his mom’s first drink in the morning. Still, he wouldn’t argue too much. Or maybe he would, if it got Esther and Swaine to finally stop fighting and agree on something for a change. He accepted the offered coffee gratefully and sipped it contentedly in between spoonfuls of soup. 
Oliver’s mother wasn’t saved yet, but if what Esther and Swaine said were true, he had gained a bigger family, and that made him happy enough tonight. He was always a little lonely at home, after all.
Soon the three of them were finished with their food and the fire was burning low. Swaine took all the tin and silverware and stuffed it into his bag (did he never wash that stuff, or was he just tired, Oliver wondered with a chuckle) while Esther dragged their bags closer to Tengri, with Oliver’s between her’s and Swaine’s. She herself cuddled up against the dragon’s flank while Oliver neatly tucked himself in and Swaine practically crashed into bed.
The fire burned lower. Soon, it would be barely embers.
“I’ll be thinking of Myrtle tonight,” Esther’s murmured voice still rang clear in Oliver’s ears. “I hope she sleeps well, too.”
Swaine grunted something that sounded like agreement and turned over, but said no more.
Oliver couldn’t sleep.
Mr. Drippy had tucked himself into Oliver’s arms like he usually did, and normally his weight would soothe him, just like he did when he was a stuffed doll, but tonight must have been an exception. He did everything he usually did - tried to clear his mind, breathe deeply, imagine someplace happy and warm (though tonight he didn’t have to imagine, with his friends by his side). Still, he felt restless and twitchy, his hands running up and down Drippy’s head and legs sliding over each over under the bedroll.
Speaking of whom, Drippy stirred slightly in Oliver’s arms.
“Oi, keep the petting to a minimum, would you? I need my sleep too, mun.”
“Mr. Drippy?”
He cocked his lantern-nose up. “Yeah, mun? Something bothering you?”
“Did Alicia ever have children?”
Even in the low light, Oliver could tell Drippy looked taken aback. “No, not that I know of - she went to face Shadar and got snared, then I was cursed and here we are now. Not much time in between that to go and have littlies, ain’t it?”
Oliver tipped his head back. “You’re right.”
“‘Course I’m right. Right back to sleep. You too, Ollie-boy, and don’t bother me any more.”
Drippy was out like a light, and Oliver was left alone with his thoughts again.
No children. That didn’t seem right, somehow.
Oliver gazed up at the stars. They were perfect. Out in the Barrens, they were as far from any city as they could be while still being on land. Even the pirates’ hideout was far away enough to not shine any light out here. They were all alone, and Oliver had never felt more like it.
He wasn’t worried about danger. He had his spells, Swaine his gun and Esther her familiars, and Tengri alone was fearsome enough to scare any stray animals away from their little camp. But he still felt cold looking at the night sky.
Did he have a soulmate in this world? He must have one, or he wouldn’t be alive now. Where was his soulmate? Alicia didn’t have children, so perhaps his soulmate still had his parents. But what if he was wrong? What if there was a child somewhere out in this wide world who lost their mother just like he did? Another orphan. Another child grieving, and can’t do anything about it, because they don’t know how. Another child just like him.
 Oliver was reminded suddenly of the broken-hearted people he had met and helped. It was like losing a loved one, wasn’t it? He remembered how terribly despondent Rashaad had been, staring at a broken-hearted Esther with naked despair. At least, Oliver was able to bring her back for him. And he would bring his mother back, and Alicia too, and if his soulmate was out there, suffering like they had, maybe by helping himself, and even if not, he would surely help him too.
Oliver drifted off to sleep at last, peaceful and assured once more, wondering if he’d meet his soulmate soon.
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herostoried · 3 months
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would anyone like a starter from ragdoll, sir nighteye or ryukyu?? i kind of feel like testing out some of my pro hero muses today!
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revengesworn · 1 year
The disgust Mikey feels only lasts for a moment. It makes him feel sick - the taste of his own hypocrisy a sour one.
But at least Mikey is doing this for them. He'll go to whatever lengths are necessary to protect his friends - he hasn't given up on them. He hasn't given in to those whispering voices, that urge to destroy - he's still fighting, right? The darkness hasn't consumed him, he's just... utilizing it. Controlling it. Turning a curse into a strength, as it were - and even if those words feel empty, he knows that they have to be right. Because the friends that he's protecting are still standing beside him today.
But what does Hanma have to protect? All he does is chase thrills and indulge in cruelty - he doesn't have a reason to fight. Mikey is well aware of the type of people he's dealing with... Hanma and Kisaki may think they're using him, but make no mistake - Mikey is the one in control. Because if he wanted to, he could destroy them without even thinking about it.
That's what he tells himself.
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"I don't need you acting on your own, either. You're with Toman now, and we don't take betrayal lightly." he knows Hanma won't care about the threat, but he needs a devil that's on his side, not against him.
"...But as long as you remember who you're fighting for... I won't complain."
Whatever darkness Hanma brings - if it's to Toman's benefit, Mikey will accept it all.
@deathfavor ( hanma thread continued! )
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strayslost · 11 months
Elise knows this child well. Not personally, as a friend or even a casual acquaintance - no, it's more accurate to say she knows of them, because the name Yumeno Kyusaku is infamous throughout all of the Port Mafia.
Rintarou had spoken of her to them before, in that cold, clinical way that he spoke of everyone. Chuuya had only mentioned them to her a few times, but though he was blunt and seemingly dismissive, she knew well- that he regretted that way they'd been handled. Not just by the Port Mafia as a whole, but... how Chuuya himself had treated them, too.
So it's no surprise that it makes her wonder what she should do. Chuuya hadn't given her any specific instructions, but she knows that he wants them to be freed - yet is still afraid, on some level, about what might happen afterwards. He doesn't know how to go about freeing them, either, in such a way that won't lead to a disaster. Elise thinks it's a little mean of him, but... anyway, now that they're in the past, they're both currently stuck pretending to be under Rintarou's rule, so they can't really do anything regardless.
...But Elise couldn't help but visit Kyusaku anyway. While Rintarou is sleeping, she snuck out on her own, visiting the prison that keeps them away from the world, smiling as she walked. She wonders what it's like to live in a prison... ah. Actually, maybe she doesn't need to wonder about it at all.
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"Hehe... Hey, Kyusaku? You're there, aren't you?"
@theircurse ( starter! )
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shadowedresolve · 11 months
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"Sure, I can fill you in." And with that, Zenkichi starts explaining the details and peculiarities of the case. People vanishing without rhyme or reason, showing up again in places they shouldn't have been able to reach, rambling about strange delusions and forgetting everything within a few days... well, some have reappeared, at least. There are still those who haven't, which is why the police is so worried to begin with.
The ramblings he's heard haven't sounded like people have wandered into a Jail, or anything that obvious, but there's something still a little familiar about the way they talk that makes him hesitant to dismiss them.
The explanation takes a while, but when he's done, Zenkichi shoots Naoto another question.
"So, any initial thoughts? I'm not gonna lie, it all feels a bit out of my pay grade." And he's in a pretty well-respected position.
@chibitantei ( continued from here! )
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
You should do Ace and Law for the I'm hungry fic 🔥🔥🔥
Content Warning: Suggestive, Fem!Reader, I made Ace a bit subby OTL It my first time writing him.
Pairings: Ace x Reader and Law x Reader
Word Count: 1108
A/N: Sorry it took so long! Omgoshh Hope you like it Meg!! Thank you for the request!
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You strut into his office like you own the place. Hips swaying in what you thought was a seductive way. Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend did not spare you a single glance other than the raised eyebrow he gave you when you first walked in. His gaze focused on the stack of papers and books sitting neatly in order on his desk. You made your own in front of his desk, having a one sided staring contest with Law, as Law was having his staring contest with the paper in his hand. He wasn’t even reading the damn paper! His eyes were solely focused on one spot on the paper, like he was burning a hole in it, when in reality he was just trying really hard not to make eye contact with you.
He did love you, he did!
He just knew your antics by now and did not want to deal with them. "Law….dear…" You drawl out slowly. Law’s eyebrow twitched slightly. "Yes, my love?" he sighs out after a few moments of silence. You smile widely, finally getting the attention you deserve. You lean over on his desk, making sure that your low-cut tee is pulled down enough so that your boyfriend can see everything. You slammed one hand down on the messy stacks of paper, while the other grabbed on to his collar, pulling him close.
"You know it's really late at night, and you've been working in the office all day.." Law's face twitches at that; he knows he has been too focused on his work lately and neglecting you. Before he could say anything or apologize, you leaned back from the desk and walked around the side. Once you reach Law, you spin his chair around to face you, settling your hand on his shoulder, then slowly trailing downward as you say.
"I was getting awfully hungry while you were gone... You know that my own fingers can’t satisfy me anymore." Your fingers danced along his torso, the waistband of his pants, before finally settling down on both of his thighs, squeezing them lightly. Causing Law to choke a bit on his spit. You squeezed on his thighs a bit harder, leaning forward to see Law’s blushing face, but before you could get any closer for a kiss, you saw Law’s lips first move before you heard "Room."
And now you were the one being pinned back against the chair with Law’s thigh in between yours, pressing against your core, while your wrists were being pinned down to the arm rests. You let out a squeak, trying to pull yourself out of Law’s iron grip on you, but he just chuckles and leans in closer, the scent of his cologne entering your nose as he breathes out. "I’m just giving my girl what she asked for, so lean back and take it."
(A/N: No brain power rn but if this get requested more I make might the actual smut part next)
You don’t know why you were even surprised; Ace was pulling you by the arm straight to bother Thatch. A bit earlier, you woke him up from a nap in his room by straddling his lap and groping his toned thighs. You whispered to Ace’s groggy form that you were "Hungry.." and that was all Ace seemed to understand as his stomach immediately rumbled and he shot up, almost knocking you off the bed, but he managed to grab you by the waist before you could.
"Sorry Y/N! Haha, my stomach works faster than my brain, it seems!" He smiles brightly at you, making your heart flutter even though you were slightly annoyed that your plan was ruined once again by Ace’s never ending hunger. So now you're here, bothering Thatch to make more food. Well, Ace was the only one yelling, you were just there silently giving apologies to Thatch for bothering him so late again. Once Thatch had enough of Ace and kicked him out with you trailing behind, you had to console your boyfriend, softly rubbing his shoulders as his head hung down.
"It’s alright, baby, we can steal some of Marco’s snack stash, okay?" You cooed, gently smoothing your thumb over Ace’s shoulder blades. "But! That won’t be enough for the both of us! And Marco is getting better at hiding his stash too." Ace grumbled, crossing his arms on top of his knees and burying his head down. You get down to his level and press soft kisses to the top of his head and then to his weak spot on the back of his neck as you wrap your arms loosely around his form. You can feel Ace shiver a bit from your lips being pressed against his warm skin.
You trail your kisses back up his nape, slowly making each kiss wetter than the last, all the way up to the lobe of his ear, which you take between your teeth. Ace whined out loudly in a different tone than before, and the sound echoed a bit in the hallway you were both still in. "Bab-Babe! What are you doing?" His whole body was turning a bit red, and you could see a tent pitching in his favorite shorts that he always wears, even to sleep. You let go of his ear and purr into his ear, "Sorry~ I just can’t seem to help myself... just getting so hungry~" Your hands roamed around his body and onto his thigh, just beside the area he wanted you to touch the most.
Ace parts his thigh out, whimpering and panting, giving you a confused look as he tilts his head back to meet your eyes. "Wai-wait, Thatch already kicked us out.. Hahhh.. And I know Marco's not going to share an-any-ahh-mmffhh…" Ace bites his hands to muffle the needy sounds coming out. You decide to give him some release or just perhaps tease him some more by palming on his length. Ace bit down hard on his hand, almost causing it bleed as he cried out some more moans. Oh, baby, I wasn’t hungry for that kind of snack, I wanted something more filling." You made sure to press down hard at the last word.
Then, without any warning, you unwrapped yourself from Ace and started walking away. Ace was left stunned on the ground for a few moments until you motioned for him to come with a wave of your hand, and he instantly stood up and ran after you like a puppy, almost smacking straight into your back. The two of you head back to Ace’s room for a night of fun…
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belovedcorvid · 7 days
Hello - I love you !
Sorry for disappearing, not because of sickness (this time) but mostly for cleaning adhdjska. Company is coming.
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This time of year is really busy at home - all the garden plants have to get preserved and everyone in this house has a late in the year birthday so I've got things to make / knit with a deadline. I have memes to do and threads to answer though ! Thank you for your continued patience, and many apologies to new followers I am the slowest guy. OTL
Much love,
♡ Ro
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merakiui · 7 months
Much apologies, it seems my luck has infected you, I'll be taking that back. May your pathetic husband come home
May I be ❤️‍🩹 Anon even after this transgression 😔
It's okay, dearest anon!!!!! (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡ it's not your fault. My luck has always been rather poor and as of late I've been strangely lucky. ^^;;; the natural balance of the world has been restored with this tsum Azul madness. OTL
He came home after 200 😀 very exhausting 😀 very crazy 😀 summons 😀 but it's actually not so terrible because the journey granted me dorm Vil, dorm Kalim, dorm Leona, and dorm Ortho. I would have enjoyed finally getting dorm Jade, but it was not meant to be (yet). One day he'll come home...............
That aside, I now have my pathetic ex-husband in my arms!! :D you can absolutely be ❤️‍🩹 anon, but please know I give your bandaged heart a kiss to soothe it. ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
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meirimerens · 2 years
hiii first of all I'd like to thank you for all the amazing art you put out there <3. Secondly and sorry if this comes off weird but I'd like to thank you for writing ATA in general, and specifically one line that meant a lot to me when I read it, from chapter 11:
'because he wasn’t interested in giving life—simply, now, in protecting it'
As a late bloomer queer this line really resonated with me and coincided and helped with finally wresting myself of the societal conditioning regarding having biological kids as 'leaving a trace of yourself behind in the world', and Artemy's story in general and in the fic being in part about how there's so much more to family and love and community than that. The world needs nurturers the world needs protectors, there's so many Roles to Play!!!
(I don't know if that's the way it was intended so apologies in advance if I completely misinterpreted your intent OTL, that line was just so beautiful to me among many others. Sorry I'm not doing this on ao3 I have embarrassment issues)
hi darling Thank you... 🫶 and darling THANK YOU... i am so glad you Caught that... you read it exactly as i've written it... you've Gotten it... you GET it... it's gotten you...
i'll tell you i'll tell you now Many lines in ATA refer directly to my headcanon of Burakh as a gay man. like a homosexual not-into-women i've already mentioned it before having written ATA (i_do_it_so_you_dont_have_to.wav). i have Many points of data to make my case (not that i would need to, and also one of these points is I'm a homosexual and i'm all-powerful so i do what i want).
i personally am a relatively early bloomer for lesbian standards (came out at 14) so i didn't really have the time to grapple in grand ways about this + i've never wanted bio kids in my life & have never experienced Active Pressure from my parents (i am very much aware of Societal pressure but i think since i came out early i began at a young age to be like Well i'm not following the social expectations of [x] already so why would i now) But i'm seeing i see i read i witness in Burakh's story a deeply Homosexual experience that i write. that i love to write. that on god i think i need to write. because i am aware of it i am aware of the stories and plights of people who were not as lucky as me.
his whole whole thing is that he must find ways to be true to himself. he must wrestle with the expectations put on him, with the familial and cultural frameworks he is expected to work within (incl. for example aspity telling him he'll have children, which damn he does, but not biological). the fact that he ends up the protector of kids None Of Which are biologically his own to me is like. a gay thing. such a gay thing. for most gay people across millennia at this point, living true to yourself means that biological kids will be out of the question. it's one of the main weapons of religious homophobia: the belief that marriage is "between a man and a woman" is because it is supposed to result in procreation & kids as per the bible, and a gay couple that doesn't follow that framework (more often than not because they. well they can't) is seen as a fundamentally wrong, ungodly, etc. the social imperative of biological kids is perverse on everyone, especially women, but on homosexuals who quite often just Can't Do That Dude No Matter How Hard They Try (unless they jump through 1546 scientific/medical/whateverelse hoops) it is used as a weapon.
burakh's self-actualization as a homosexual man To Me exists in no small part because he becomes a protector of the next generation without having any biological ties to them besides All Being Of Mankind. (among many other things)
he is needed as a protector, he is needed as a nurturer, and he doesn't have to have any biological ties to them kids to do so. that's homosexual joy to me. that's homosexual self-actualization and freedom.
this is exactly what i have written into ATA, or what i have written ATA from (as a place of thought). It might not be exactly 100% what You read in it, but i think you've read enough, and you've read it true enough that it has resonated.
thank YOU... for reading this beast of a fic [and of a. response]. ATA was crazy to write. in good ways. in bad ways. in the best ways. THANK YOU... and carry on!
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neorukixart · 2 years
About my future content and commissions
So, yesterday when I tried to doodle I realized that my pen pressure and response was lacking and not working at all. Today I tried to fix it and now it's a constant fight of rebooting the tablet driver every 5-10 mins but I think I can make it work ;w; and was able to doodle a self indulgent rkgk of Miyuki and my Sakuyamon Warrior Mode (because Survive is the reason I wanted to make this Sakuyamon tehee) yet, I had no patience to finish it OTL
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I want to apologize to my clients if I’m late with your work, the reason is my now “not working well” tablet so I ask for a little bit of patience. I will contact you personally to update you on the status of your illust.
I’m ashamed to ask this, but if I can save enough might be able to buy a new one (even a cheap one just to keep working) so, against my policies I will still be accepting commissions but I will put you all on queue.
I don’t know how long it will take me to buy a new one to keep working and can’t give you an specific date for you to have access to your illustrations but I garantee I will eventually get it all done!
I am also accepting donations ;w; All the info is available at my pinned post and here is a link to my ko-fi (where I’m taking commissions and also selling my content as digital goods with printable files)
Thank you so much for your support so far! Hope to see you in 2023 too uwu
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Can you write a drabble or scenario of Keito and his s/o going out on a date, but suddenly their date got interrupted by the rain? Keito feels irritated since date aren't that frequent due to his busy schedule, but then his s/o came up with an idea, "Let's play in the rain, Keito!" and before Keito gets the chance to answer them, they already jumped into the rain! Keito was hesitant at first cause he don't want to risk of being sick but seeing his s/o being so giddy and happy.. How he couldn't resist that smile? He ended up playing in the rain with his s/o. (Bonus point if the ending is Keito the ones who's getting sick and his s/o is still healthy).
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You’re grinning from where you stand, framed by the entrance to Café Cinnamon. You’ve dressed up for this special occasion by wearing the nicest casual clothes you own, and you fidget awkwardly with your hair as you wait for the green-haired boy to approach you.
“Sorry. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting?” Keito says apologetically. You wave him off, it’s fine, I know you’re busy. “You look…” He swallows, uncharacteristically nervous. “You look beautiful. Apologies, you always look beautiful, I just meant that…” Shut the fuck up, brain, he wills himself to stop talking because no matter how many outings (dates!) you go on, he will never get used to how lovely you look and all he’s able to do is run his mouth like a fool and pray he doesn’t embarrass himself more than he already has.
You giggle, a slight flush on your cheeks. “You’re sweet…you look great too.”
Somehow, he manages a polite smile and offers you his hand. “Shall we?”
“Mm. I forgot to ask,” You say as you casually link your fingers together. Keito feels his brain short-circuit at the contact. “But what are we doing today?”
“Ah…” Keito hums. “I was thinking we could go eat…perhaps at Café Cinnamon?”
“Ooh, that sounds fun!” You swing your interlocked hands aimlessly.
The rumble of thunder sounds in the distance.
You’re halfway from the Café when a drop of rain falls and hits your nose. More droplets follow soon after. The rain is cool where it meets your skin, and you tip your head back, arms outstretched, to allow it to wash over you. A hand wraps around your own and  you’re hurriedly dragged into the shade of the trees. “Kei-kun!?”
“You should be careful, you might get sick.” Keito scolds as he pushes your sopping wet hair out of your face. Stupid of him, to have not accounted for the weather. His mood plummets slightly. Now this outing may very well be ruined…
“It’s fun though!” You smile, trying to cheer him up. “Come on, I don’t get sick easily.” You wheedle as you skip backwards, letting rivulets of water cascade down your skin in trails that look a little too much like tear tracks for Keito’s liking. “You know you want to~”
Keito sighs. Your eyes are sparkling as you splash around in the puddles underfoot and you look so ethereal in your happiness, surrounded by a gauzy veil of rain. Who is he to deny you this one thing? What kind of monster would be able to resist you when you look like this? “Alright…but just this once.”
The sight of Hasumi Keito, StuCo VP and leader of AKATSUKI hopping awkwardly in the rain is too cute and you laugh teasingly as you link your hands with his. “Don’t look so scared~” You spin him around in circles. “It’s just a little water.”
“Hmph.” Despite his huffy demeanour, a small smile forms on his face as he witnesses your infectious joy. Beautiful.
“Kei-kun, what’s wrong?” Staring at the cocoon of blankets that you think may be the green-haired boy as watery, red-rimmed eyes peer out at you from inside the nest. You hear an indignant cough-sneeze. “Aw…are you sick?”
A pouty glare. “How are you not? You were in the rain for longer and you weren’t wearing sufficient protection! A-a-achoo!”
Oh, he’s really too cute! You laugh. “I told you, I don’t get sick easy. Don’t worry, though! I’ll take care of you~”
WC: 500 words
this is. sooo late im sooooo sorry pls forgive me im on my kneES OTL OTL forgive me anonnie cries. and this promt was suuuper cute too? playing in the rain with a friend or lover >>> anyways. um. i hc keito as an awkward bitch when it comes to interpersonal relationships. enjoy? mwah mwah <3
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flower-seller · 1 year
Oooohoohoo that cats analogy is very cute, like when two cats walk next to each other and bonk heads/curl tails (and ur not sure if its adoration or frustration lol)
That was really cool! And I'll throw some more at ya, all optional and no rush of puzzling anything out 💕
What does love mean to them? (ie gentle, fiery, enduring, painful?)
Love languages?
Favorite places, ways to be touched? (ie scratched, scalp massage, biting)
Monogamy or polyamory?
What is their moral code, and what circumstances could lead them to break it?
Hi this one is…so, so late and I apologize for that BUT it is here it is for what it is worth! OTL 
Thanks for your patience, Praz!
What does love mean to them?
🌸 Euphorbia: 
Solidity and warmth, someone to lean on. Safety....even if she (past an, ahem, certain mountain-esque point) doesn't always get that feeling from him, she still loves him. It's all of it to her; gentle, fiery, enduring, painful, sweet and bitter and just...everything.
Basically, even if he's hurt and betrayed her, this fucked up little man is still her everything and while she isn't going to take his bullshit laying down she still cares deeply enough about him to try and wrangle him and understand what is wrong. Like, god, I bet at times out of nowhere during that 10 year gap they're apart she wonders if he ate that day.
✨️ Volo:
 For Volo... Love would be for someone to accept him as he is, not what he appears to be, but to acknowledge his flaws and mistakes, his scars, and still find something worth value. He's a very guarded person and for someone to be able to break away the facade he's built upon for his entire life; that is love. 
It's simple and a bit self indulgent on his part, but that's what we enjoy about him
Love Languages?
🌸 Euphorbia: 
Hmm… hers is probably gifts to a lesser extent than Volo. Even if she can't remember her past where her situation was similar, she is living where her means are not Great so to give something without it being an exchange is a big deal. No one gave you shit for free in water country so to her it's another little show of undiluted affection. i.e. candies and homemade preserves she gives him and the gold nugget she reverse mugs him with. Also, words of affirmation are a close second.
✨️ Volo: 
Volo's love language is gifts naturally. Further adds to the folklore/yokai vibes he's got now too in addition to his occupation, it's just too good not to be his exact love language. Another one though is definitely teasing, friendly jabs here and there for the people close enough to him to know he only jokes. Sometimes.
Favorite places/ways to be touched?
🌸 Euphorbia: Touch is a bit weird for Euph, since you've definitely got to be on the tier of friend or higher for her to willingly allow it. Though if she is in the village and someone taps her shoulder to get her attention or something she isn't going to lash out, since she is trying to play nice to avoid being tossed to the wilds with amnesia in an unfamiliar land.
As far as more intimate touch. We kind of touched on (heh) preferred places and ways to be touched with a kink meme. (Not posted but maybe… someday? It's not visually explicit, just a checklist.) But I imagine anyone else but Volo making her aware of how small she is would be met with grrrhisss, but definitely is not opposed to feeling his entire hand wrap around a wrist or shoulder or whatnot. Very much a case of "I am showing you my neck because I feel secure, please don't break it"
✨️ Volo: 
Volo is touch starved. And while there are spots that he is self conscious about, namely scars, this dude will absolutely melt at the slightest touch truthfully. He’s really big on… Hand holding. In both normal and sexual settings, He wants to twine his fingers together to show that he’s still there and that he loves her, always. Also pretty into his chest being played with and ass grabs oop— 
He’s got a nice ass and he knows it. 
He also loooves his hair being touched, his hair being a bit of a symbol to his progress in life. Once super long and flowy (longer than even current Volo’s), it was once cut down to about ear length against his own will. So it being as long as it is once more, this man feels a lot of emotion about it. 
One big thing to note; He does not like the touch of strangers in any regard. Especially after certain points in his life, he really does not care for random people even brushing shoulders with him accidentally. It makes him nervous, and nervousness leads into his anger which… Don’t touch this man without permission, he may recoil, and if you’re lucky he’ll only grumble about it. Especially his hands if he doesn’t know you. With how self conscious he is about his claws… 
There is another like. Super sensitive spot on his dude, but I shan’t reveal that yet… 😏
Monogamy or polyamory?
🌸 Euphorbia:
Hmm… she is probably mostly monogamous, it would take a very special someone since she's pretty stuck on this guy. She's already prone to a little jealousy, so I think anything beyond like an unattached threesome or whatever would take some work and probably give her indescribable amounts of heartburn first 
✨️ Volo:
YEAH YEAH they handshake pretty much
I could see like a political alliance threesome or maybe a secret spying one but not anything legitimately more than business. Even then I know he wouldn’t ever go through with full blown sex with anyone other than Euph for a plethora of reasons (most of which I will not say just yet but), but yeah teasing and toying to get information out of someone before tossing them aside is not off the table. 
Moral code and breaking it?
🌸 Euphorbia:
Her morals, outwardly, are pretty good. And actually not horrendously bad either. She's definitely willing to do some sketchy shit and feel minimally bad about it depending on what it is. "Be nice to me/my friend or I'll punch your lights out" and "good thing the nearest village is so far away because you fucked up and I'm going to break your wrist now and don't want someone to come running" type shit
As for what would make her break a moral code... your standard desperation, that can make anyone act unwise. That desperation can definitely range in flavor though, instinctual or meditated on.
Euph is pretty stubborn as a previous kiri nin from ye old days where the village was basically self-cannibalizing itself politically and maybe even literally. So having resolve and the will to keep moving forward even if you have to become monstrous to do so is far from an unknown concept. But...she also has come to value softer and sweeter things. So it's a bit complicated.
I guess the answer is just fuck around and find out ALSKDH
✨️ Volo:
Volo is… We all know Volo. He's a bit of an enigma in that of himself. His moral code, mind you his moral code, is quite different from the black and white common views of the world. Most nothing to him is inherently good or evil, everything is chaos, nothing and everything matters all at once. As such, his code of conduct varies vastly from situation to situation, there's obviously the favorable things to do, the more socially acceptable things, but seeing himself as an outlier to the status quo, he's more flexible to make choices that more typical people would… Probably not do?? The key point in understanding his mindset is that he doesn't value life the way most do. 
That being said, breaking his own code would be not only incredibly difficult, but also quite the event. The most likely causes for him to act out of his typical would be one of two things; Wrath, or Envy. Seeing as he is a cocky and confident bastard, it isn't too terribly often that he loses his temper truly. But when he does, boy does he. Easily comparable to a raging fire, once he's mad mad, it's hard to get him to calm down and will act out of instinct. 
Jealousy, on the other hand, makes the man act unwise. Often does jealousy lead to his more… Questionable choices, leaning on the dumb side. Often these choices go against his instinct.
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datastate · 1 year
Hi I'm the Mr. Chidouin being manipulative to Kai who's projecting anon, hopefully there aren't others so you understand which ask I'm referring to. Idk if one of your last posts was referring to me but in case it was I'm sorry, I didn't notice and didn't mean to just "remix" what you were already saying, I thought I was adding something of my own-ish but I probably missed some of your posts :(
Sorry again and sorry for the likely wonky English too but it's 3:15 am and I'm a bit sleepy so I just hope what I'm saying is understandable
I'm sorry, I didn't read what you posted next and assumed I did something bad 😭 There's no rush in replying to any of my asks ofc don't worry I'm sorry if it came across like that I'm just terrible at expressing myself Have a great whatever your time is where you are :D
hi!! no worries abt it; i know there was likely no ill-intent with you or anyone else who has done this in the past (except for. a couple hk fans but OTL neither here nor there), and it's only natural to be inspired by other headcanons/meta you've seen floating around -- it's how a sort of 'fan community' works! it's one of the things i greatly appreciate abt spaces like these, too.
in particular, i just get very wary when it's repurposed to specifically be a case of 'why is no one talking about this' / 'i'm the first one to talk about this' (& adjacent types of 'presentation') when... hey. i can see this person is following me while i have been speaking about [headcanon/meta]. on occasion, i do reach out to rb the post itself w a rehashing of my thoughts in case the other person's too scared to initiate conversation and does genuinely want to engage in it - i just haven't had the energy as of late to initiate conversations as long as i typically enjoy... (º □ º l|l)
as for yourself, though i know you've realized it wasn't abt you (or really. anyone. it's just a disheartening pattern i've recognized;;), don't worry! especially as you are the one who's been sending in asks to have that little back/forth, i truly appreciate it!!
&. i also struggle with tone, so i apologize if the original post came across accusatorily/angrily as that wasn't my intention at all!! - i don't hold any grudge at all against people who do this, and i realize it's something that is oftentimes unintentional! like i said, it just makes me sad because it halts that sort of engaging conversation/discussion you can have with other people :'] rather it's through asks or rbs, or even through discord messages, i really do love getting the chance to share/hear out ideas. there's no need for this to be solitary, and it honestly shouldn't be!
i know in my experience, there are some people who've definitely thought more about characters than i've ever considered - such as keiji, where miles'/atlas-of-galaxies' interpretation of him has now influenced my view of his character for the better and on a deeper level than i previously gave him credit for. or even anzu! i'm sure everyone's seen hazard's/corvidcrown's extensive headcanons for anzu that still manage to fall in line with how she acts in-game and keeps the information we were given in ch3's introduction (staring at nankidai forgetting he wrote it so anzu. made her outfit) & it's really inspiring and i love talking to him about her because it always presents so many new ways to handle her character!! even kanna - someone who i consider myself to think a lot about - one of my other friends (jaws/jawzxcm) recently wrote kanna and touched on specifically how/why her insecurities aligned with her desire to 'prove' herself worthy as someone to be cared about (in kindness (which kugie points out begins to feel like she's a doormat), & in usefulness (as seen in the main death game)). it's hard to keep it concise, but there was much more discussion behind each of these that made me go like 'holy shit! that's such a cool interpretation' (it has fundamentally changed my view of the character)
these are all characters that i also dig into, but it's typically through their dynamics with other characters that i spend more time thinking about - which means i don't often get the chance to truly mull over every little detail. but getting the chance to hear from others who have... it's really heart-warming and eye-opening! i always enjoy getting the chance to share that and find realizations/new ways of reading their character arcs that i wouldn't have previously done on my own.
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boyfhee · 3 months
manifesto was definitely one of the best eras of enhypen, i love them. it still doesnt feel real that they are coming back with their full length album :( my bois grew so well...
i watched true beauty and i lost interest in it during its finale time.. you right that it was clear + i havent watched 20th century girl but the clips were definitely heart breaking and worthy to watch, ill give it a try. speaking of business proposal, i love that one scene, he takes his glasses off, it's done for me. the second lead couple are married in my head 😌 and the manhwa??? they have kids?? what 😭😭😭😭 i will read it if you just tell me where ?? and i want to read manhwas but i dont know where to read them.. tell me the websites or apps you use to read manhwas 😊👍🏼
hmm, i didnt read manhwas but i definitely read webtoons back in 2020... i discovered them when i got into kpop soo, even i lost interest in them, i used to read opertion true love and stopped reading it due to exams + these two webtoons: the guy upstairs and hello baby, i like them... i really havent discovered much of webtoon since i lost interest, but shorely i want to get back into reading them, hehe.
i listened to a few exo songs and listen to nct once in a while, i dont know the members but i think the sasaengs should leave him alone but he is doing a good thing by reveal them :) but sm did something saying renjun actions were lame?? idk... pls tell me if i am wrong tho- and for jay, i fell for him in iland, the ras leader 😌 i too have a lot of reasons hehe but i fell for his stubbornness (similar to my dad, hehe.)
i agree with you but pls dont scold me but i havent watched haikyuu despite it being a huge hit, maybe it's just not into my interest... maybe in the future i might watch it soo.... and i also did not watch forest of fireflies, it is sad and the sole reason was i did not want to cry days remembering the scenes, but i will defnitelg watch it and tell you, sweetheart :) and i should tell you, the historical romance — my happy marraige is so cute 😭😭😭😭 like kiyoko is so gentle with miyo... you watch the rest, i recommended you to watch it and can't believe seasosn2 is in the works 🫶🏼🫶🏼
hmm, if i were you, i would have bought the album, i recently got into books because of bookstagram :0 the reels are so hot but most of the books are 18+ so i need find fluff + romance, that is why i want to read classics at the moment haha...
— lover club anon <33 take your time to answer, muah
apologies for the extremely late reply, i didn't want to rush and give a half-assed answer TT i miss you and i hope you've been well :] manifesto didn't get the love she deserved :< it's truly one of their best albums, and i'm super excited for romance : untold omg ><
AND YES business proposal, what's wrong with secretary kim, sixth sense kiss, see you in my nineteenth life, marry my husband— they all have manhwas and they are better than the shows in my opinion. also .. the second lead couple of business proposal are actually married in the manhwa :D they have kids too ^_^ i won't spoil much, but you can read it here. omg now i'm going to read it again tonight .. i miss my babies >< also if you need manhwa recs please let me know. i have so many amazing ones i would like you to read and then gush about with me :>
i need to catch up on otl TT i started guy upstairs and hello baby too but i got bored. i'm more into this office / historical setting hehe you should read webtoons / manhwas if you have time :O they're cute and fun .. unless you get addicted and start binge reading which i do :">
i haven't been keeping up with nct so i only know that renjun has been pretty vocal about sasaengs lately which is a good thing, but i don't know anything about sm's response TT fuck it if they say it's lame, renjun did the right thing by exposing them :/
and it's ok if you haven't watched haikyuu !!! i used to think anime was so lame but my friends talked about hq all the time so i gave it a shot and how i'm six ft deep in the hole TT it's cute and funny, also very endearing so i would definitely recommend it .. however watching it or not is your choice >< also, there was this phase when i was so obsessed with anime movies ?? i watched forest of fireflies, your name, kiki's delivery service, howl's moving castle, a whisker away, weathering with you, five centimeters per second ( all time fav .. made me cry so much ) and i have a lot more i want to watch :D
i love my happy marriage so much it's so adorable >< also one of my favourite tropes / genres .. i will definitely watch the rest and i'm super excited for the next season ^_^
i don't take recs from bookstagram or booktok O_O mostly because they talk about romance with smut and i don't read romance novels. i mostly read murakami, osamu dazai, fyodor dostoevsky, or simply any crime / psych / thriller novelist ^^
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breezescodes · 3 months
Hey BC! Is there a way for your local tabs script to open the tab content in the same spot instead of moving to the right with each tab?
My local tabs script is a purely functional implementation of tabs; which is to say, all it does is apply a marker on the active tab and its corresponding container. Everything else is left up to the user to either implement via further JS or utilise CSS to achieve the desired effect. It was originally made to make converting non-tab templates to tabbed easier. Purely CSS tabbed templates convert fairly easily to my script, so in general, I’d refer to one of those with a similar effect if you’re trying to achieve any styling.
For the specific effect you’re asking, there’s a couple of ways you can implement it depending on the specifics of your design/how dynamic you want it to be. The easiest way is using position: absolute on content elements to take them out of the document flow. Ensure that their parent has position: relative on so that they are still within the parent’s flow.
(And apologies for the late reply again ;-; I keep checking notifications and missing anonymously asks OTL)
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professionaljester · 1 year
gripping you. henri was arguably the most vulnerable person in the entire bunker as he was LITERALLY unconscious and yet in his notes lambert had never even considered hurting him despite being easy prey. do you think even in a state of turning into a monster that he sat by henris bed trying to talk to him
tumblr has not been informing me of asks ive been getting oh my god, apologies for the super late reply OTL But i was literally thinking the same thing like, Henri literally was just sitting there for him to eat like a turkey on a silver platter and still didnt.... I personally think he only turned to Henri during the events of the game considering he was like one of the only people left alive and he probably had transformed so much by the time Henri actually wakes up he can't fight it anymore but the thought of him, despite it all sitting there to keep his friend company and pray he wakes up, even though hes turning into a monster himself, he wouldnt dare hurt his friend until he no longer had control over himself
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