#this is stupid im already half asleep lmao
stardust-sunset · 1 year
south park high school headcanons
TW for drinking and smoking (i have t watched the post pandemic special, so i don’t quite consider if canon..? I dunno though please don’t come for me-)
Eric Cartman:
Doesn’t give a shit about school tbh
I mean he’s probably a solid C/D student
Probably sits next to the teacher, lmao
He’s a pretentious little bitch, we know this, and he probably just harasses kids all the time
Like if there’s a presentation or something he’s probably pretending to be asleep or something
(especially if it’s Kyle)
Probably makes fun of everyone for their class choices
”Oh of course Kahl is taking economics. Those damn Jews” or “Kenny, why are you taking home economics if we all know you’re poor as hell and don’t have any food in your trailer to make this shit anyway?”
Was probably that one annoying kid who laughed during sex ed
Flips the teachers off when they aren’t looking
Is probably an angel to all the teachers but to the students, he’s a massive dick
Probably tried making Kyle fail his classes by hacking into the website
They only knew it was him because for comments/observations tab he put some ‘stupid Jew’ spiel
He’s dumb as shit sometimes
Bullies freshmen
Probably started Freshie Friday
Hes the kind of person to spray Axe Body Speay everywhere and has probably made multiple people sick because of it
Failing Gym
Mainly because he never makes up classes and refused to swim in ‘contaminated water’ (probably aimed at the girls or Kenny)
Doesnt date through high school
because nobody wanted to date a neonazi manipulative asshole
Probably didn’t do any clubs
He probably joined the Gay Straight Alliance (run probably by Big Gay Al) and ripped on everyone there
Got bored and never went back after he ran out of jokes
Honestly he’s probably to lazy to do any clubs after school
He doesn’t like staying in school after he’s already
Probably has gotten suspended a few times
(likely for putting a cherry bomb in Kyle’s locker)
Im kinda lost on Cartman lmao
Stan Marsh
Honestly? He probably drank a lot in high school
Kyle often had to take care of him and scold him for drinking
Stan’s probably a B/C student
Probably studies better in a group than alone
Thanks the stars that Shelley is a senior and will leave him alone
(though I do think she somewhat mellowed down, though she still threatens to beat the fuck out of him sometimes)
And Sharon probably helps him when she isn’t busy
But he feels awkward going to her for help
Randy is awful to study with
”So if I have x amounts of condoms and y amounts of-“ “Fuck this Im calling Kyle”
Kyle is his study buddy when he can’t turn to anyone else
which is pretty often
He pays pretty good attention in class
Probably still dating Wendy tbh
Stan definitely wears like zip up hoodies and ripped jeans and such
Probably bleached the lower half of his hair
it didn’t look good
His hair’s greasy af i’m calling it
Its fluffy when he washes it but that’s a rarity
Uses 3 in 1
wears gloves everywhere
lowkey germaphobe
Probably joined some sort of after school activity
Probably some sort of helping the community club
Tbh he failed chemistry multiple times
Hes trying though
Graduates with probably a solid 3.2 GPA
(idk how colorado does it i’m just going based off of where i live)
Probably goes to college and then drops out after two years
Works a few jobs because he wants to get out of the house
Overall good student, 7/10
Kyle Broflovski
That rare breed between nerd and jock
Hes probably one of those athletic kids getting awards and stuff all the time
Def on the swim team during the fall/spring and the basketball team during the winter
Also does a bunch of those community clubs (things that you would join to get into NHS)
His parents are probably super strict about grades
Theyre all about ‘keeping a good example for Ike’
So he usually beats himself up if he gets a grade below a 95
Speaking of, he’s probably top of his class ngl
Very smart
Studies better alone and probably isn’t the greatest at helping others study, but he’s trying
Honestly probably gets a little less insecure(?) about his hair and doesn’t wear his hat as much
Still barely takes it off but he’ll leave it off during sporting events
I know that thing smells like ass/hj
Probably wears a lot of flannels and t-shirts
Has reading glasses (they’re thick rimmed and brown)
Either that or he wears contact lenses but glasses are more convenient for him
Doesnt like wearing them because they remind him of his cousin Kyle Schwartz
Probably in all honors/AP/college courses
Gets academic awards a lot
He probably did band for one year to fulfill one of his miscellaneous credits (he played clarinet)
He’s probably one of the sweeter kids though, sports help him work through his anger issues
Still snaps at Cartman a lot though
Sometimes doesn’t take good care of himself between sports and studying
So Stan whips him into line
Probably had one partner through high school, doesn’t really play around much
Either that or he doesn’t date at all, he’s just too busy
If he were to date it’s be in junior/senior year, maybe sophomore year if it was the right person and they weren’t needy or too demanding of his time
Probably graduated with an advanced diploma
Goes to some ivy league school
Solid 4.0/4.1 GPA
Majors in math and minors in science
Kenny McCormick
Ngl he doesn’t give a shit
Probably failing some of his classes, has a few B’s, some D’s, he’s really scattered when it comes to grades
Probably skips class sometimes when he doesn’t feel like going
Still wears that same parka
He’s still taking home economics/hj
Probably sneaks into the girls changing room as Princess Kenny 🤭
That one kid who has a crush on all his female teachers
”Guys my average is a 69”
Hes the glue to keep all the boys together but tbh I feel like they drift apart and go their own directions during high school
They probably have like-game days on Saturdays though
He wants to keep the group together though because they’re probably more family than his own family (minus Karen)
Still dies a lot
Probably tries to die so he can get out of doing tests and such
Is the reason they don’t allow costumes at Halloween (he was def a playboy bunny)
Probably takes a lot of non honors/no college courses
The latter even less so because his family can’t afford it
Graduates with a barely passing GPA and goes to community college
Probably ended up dropping out tho
But he still makes sure to keep in touch with all the boys (minus cartman but he keeps in touch with Butters)
Butters Stotch
(speaking of-)
Honestly? Solid B student
Is probably still the most naive of the group, though he does stick up for himself now
Doesn’t like being called Butters much but Leopald is worse
So he either goes by Butters or Leo
Probably has a knack for history??
Honestly doesn’t do all honors courses, proabbly does honors history and maybeeee honors English
Sucks at math
His parents ground him a lot because of this
So he ends up with a tutor
He goes to the girls’ sleepovers as Margerine sometimes
Grew out of his Hello Kitty obsession :(
(…tbh he was probably into Pusheen at some point-)
Probably has a solid 3.5 GPA or something
Doesn’t graduate at the top of his class but he isn’t the dumbest person in the room
Probably is involved in the theater department
Honestly very artsy??
Probably takes a lot of art classes because he loves it so much
Majors in it!!
Probably minors in history too :)
Hes pretty nice to everyone in his classes and maybe even dates in high school..?
His parents don’t like it though
And he can’t go out much because he gets grounded a lot still
Overall pretty good!!
Tolkien Black
Probably still dating Nicole
Probably competes with Kyle a lot because of academics
Hes in the band
Plays trumpet
Of course Cartman says shit about this all the time, I’m calling it
Him and Kyle do butt heads a lot but honestly I feel like they’d end up being pretty good friends
Still cringed at his old TikToks
Hes probably in most AP/honors classes
Probably majors in music in college?
Or maybe he minors in it
Most likely the latter
He’a your go to study person
He’s pretty nice about it too, he doesn’t shame you for getting the answers wrong
He’s that one kid who has house parties a lot when his parents aren’t home
Mainly because Cartman kept calling him a pussy and saying he had no balls
Doesn’t have alcohol though
Him and Nicole were probably voted cutest couple
Them or Tweek and Craig
He hangs out with Clyde a lot and helps him with his courses
Hes probably class president tbh
Or maybe vice president
His parents donate tons of money to the school
Hes pretty level headed and calm during tests and quizzes
He’s really focused and motivated in school
Overall solid 3.9 GPA
Probably only behind Kyle by very little
And he’s okay with it
He probably goes to some hardcore Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale or some shit
Probably uses music as a side hustle in college to help pay for his classes
He was hellbent on paying for colllege alone, or mostly alone. He didn’t want people thinking he was only at said college because he was rich.
Pretty good overall, 10/10
Clyde Donovan
Clyde…is Clyde
Hes a dumbass
A lovable dumbass big a dumbass nonetheless
Scored so low on his SAT the first time he took it
Cries to Tolkien all the time because of his grades but when Tolkien tries to help him he gets distracted and leaves
He’s that one hella sporty kid though
Definitely captain of the soccer team
Probably in the Gay Straight Alliance for ‘shits and giggles’ but then finds out he’s pan, lmao
I feel like him and Bebe are really tight
They go shoe shopping together
Cries when he loses Kahoot
Uses Chat GDP to talk to girls 🫢
Honestly is probably like-weirdly good at math but nothing else
Calls Kyle and Tolkien his algebros whenever they’re grouped together
(i kinda hdc that he’s in honors math too with kyle and tolkien)
That honors math course saved his GPA
honestly it’s probably a 3.0 or a 3.1
Hes not completely dumb though
He gets a lot of sports awards and stuff
Kinda headcanon Clyde to have dyslexia?
So maybe that makes things a little more difficult for him
Studies better in groups
Gets easily distracted tho
He’s a horrible test taker
Cries whenever he can’t figure out the answer
Overall, he’s kinda mid
He probably goes to college tho
He stays in college for two years before he graduates
He was probably their star football player, so they were probably sad to see him go
But academically, he’s not great
Craig Tucker
Science geek
Mainly Earth Science but any science is basically a second language to him
He’s honestly probably good at English too?? like he’s a really good writer
Hes probably in honors English and Science
He combusts when it comes to geometry and map work
He’s bad with dates
Like he can hardly remember his anniversary with Tweek or his own birthday half the time
He’s pretty good at helping people study if it’s one on one
He’ll bully some people harder than others when it comes to helping them though
Goes after Clyde a lot of the time whenever he comes over for extra help
”Of you would leave I would be sooooo happy.”
He’s nice with Tweek though
Helps him not to panic during tests and such, probably gives him a lot of fidget toys too
(most of which are space themed)
Speaking of, I do kinda headcanon Craig with some kind of neurodivergent condition like autism or something
I kinda feel like space would be his special interest
He mellowed out a lot after middle school, but he still flips everyone off
Thats usually the extent though
His locker is an absolute mess, I already know it
The teachers for the most part like him
He pays attention and such
Probably wears reading glasses, they’re thin though and he doesn’t wear them a lot
Eric third wheels him and Tweek’s study dates a lot too
He studies online using things like Quizlet and stuff
Loves reading
He’s probably snuck out of class a few times, but doesn’t do it often
Solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Probably in the top 20% in his class
Goes to a pretty good college, probably on the west coast like in California or something
He’s pretty good in school
Tweek Tweak
Horrible test taker
Probably has to go to a different room, which just stresses him out more
Tbh Eric probably got him to get high once or twice
It did calm him down but it also freaked Craig the fuck out
Especially because this was during lunch
Tweek was fine, he was just extraordinarily sick and Craig was not happy
The teachers don’t really like Tweek
They think he’s a distraction and a ‘bad influence’ for other kids because of his freak outs
He hogs the coffee machine at school istg
I kinda headcanon Tweek to have acid reflux too?? So his stomach ends up gurgling in class and making weird sounds and the teachers get mad-
And this freaks him out even more because he thinks he’s dying
”Why is it doing that?! Why?! Did someone poison the coffee?! Did the underpants gnomes come back?! GAH!”
He’s hella good in gym class
Tweek on the track team??? anyone???
It helps him burn through some of his anxiety
He probably has a 504 too after his parents kept getting calls about his anxiety
Goes to the school counselor a lot
He probably brings fidget toys to class a lot and often has to give Craig his phone so he doesn’t end up getting hooked in on something some celebrity said and then start freaking out
He’s probably really good at English
Reading helps him forget about his anxiety for a bit
He always has to double/triple check to make sure he hasn’t missed anything
He uses his agenda religiously
Its probably stained with coffee and smells like a mixture of coffee and honey and sweat
His hands sweat and shake a lot during tests
He’s probably barely passing math, Craig helps him through science
He’s alright in social studies
His lowest grade is probably a 75
Craig and Tolkien help him out a lot too
I feel like he studies better one on one though
Too many people in one group makes him feel easily overwhelmed
He probably graduates with a 3.4 GPA or so
Goes to college in New England, he thinks city life will calm him down
Spoiler, it doesn’t
He probably drops out after a year or two before applying somewhere on the West coast to be closer to Craig and some of his other friends
English major and art minor??
I feel like he’s really good at art too
Art helps him vent in a healthy manner
Good student, not great, but good
Wendy Testaburger
Honestly? She’s actually low key smart
She was probably third in her class
She’s very good in math and english
She probably takes all the super hard classes too to ‘challenge herself’
She probably invites all the girls (maybe Princess Kenny and Margerine/hj) over for study date sleepovers
They never end up studying
But it does make for a pretty good time
Shes a really good test taker, but she probably ends up being too hard on herself too
Stan probably (reluctantly) asks her for help a lot of the time too
Social studies is the thing she excels in the most
Especially women’s history
She’s probably in a lot of clubs too, like the community service clubs
Shes secretary of her class, methinks
(I think Tolkien would be president, Kyle would be VP, she would be secretary and Bebe would be treasurer)
Cartman ran but they found out he rigged the votes
She’s all for being just and fair, so this pissed her off to no end
She needs glasses, her eyesight worsened after middle school
So freshman year she got glasses
I can see her doing girls wrestling
Shes probably a somewhat sporty kid, not like Kyle sporty but sporty nonetheless
She’s kind of a geek too lol
I feel like her and Kyle and Bebe are actually pretty good friends
They play chess together lol
Shes actually really sweet to like, new kids and such-probably shows them around
She gets some muscle after wrestling for so long
She also probably does track and field
I can see her being really good in long jumping
She kinda sucks at science though
She takes French
She graduates with a 3.85/3.95 GPA
Probably leaning towards the latter number
She probably goes to the west coast as well, probably somewhere in Nevada or California as well
She does pretty well, she goes to a really good school and probably majors in History and minors in English
I can see her being an English:History teacher
Probably for younger kids though
She stays on Twitch with Bebe and Heidi for hours istg
Shes so sweet, i love wendy tbh
Bebe Stevens
I know her mom is like the dumb blonde stereotype, but I feel like Bebe would be somewhat smart
She’s probably not top of her class but that’s not to say she’s not smart
She honestly is probably in the top 10% of her class
Her and Wendy and Kyle probably do study sessions together
She’s really competitive, so she kinda gets mad if Wendy gets a better score than her lol
Shes really artsy
Took AP art
Shes probably in AP Social Studies and honors English as well
Shes fine with reading, she doesn’t like it, but she’ll do it
Shes really good at math tho
Shes not so good at science, similarly to Wendy
So usually Kyle takes the lead on science during study sessions
She’s that one kid to be like ‘tall the substitute teacher is so hot!’ unironically
Shes hella hood at sewing
She’s probably gonna end up going into fashion tbh
She’s oddly good with money
Treasurer of her class
She probably helps organize prom and homecoming and stuff
Doesn’t date, she crushes around though, but she never actually asked anyone out
She’s really intense ngl, she probably taught Wendy how to fight
She’s on the cheer team
She isn’t a prick though, she’s probably one of the most bubbly cheerleaders out there tbh
Shes also in art club
Maybe does theater too?
She’s in band and choir, she actually has a really lovely voice
She can play flute really well too
Shes pretty smart, solid 3.7/3.8 GPA
Graduates and goes to a New England school, like in New York or Connecticut
She majors in Fashion Design and minors in Art
Heidi Turner
She’s not the brightest
Not to say she isn’t smart, she just isn’t very academically inclined
She probably takes a lot of the mythology classes and such
Shes really into star signs and crystals
Her and Craig started a ‘Space Club’ and actually got a few members to join
She kicked Eric out tho
She’s hella hood at Math and English
The rest is history
Sges probably grown a lot since the whole ‘Cartwoman’ incident
And she’s a lot kinder to people now
She’s weird, but a good kind of weird
She gives away crystals as a gift a lot to new freshman
Shes in the choir!!
She actually has a really amazing voice, she’s been doing choir for years
Shes that one senior that all the freshman flock to because she’s the kindest
She stands up for them where they’re being bullied too, tells them to be wary of Cartman
Shes hella short (4’11’’)
So she often gets picked on like ‘aw, someone went into the wrong building!’ or something stupid like that
She’s so sweet though, she’s that one friend who offers to help you with your homework and then just gives you all the answers
She graduates with maybe a 3.6 GPA or so
She probably stays local tbh, for college
Either that or she would go down to New York or smth
Probably gets into a decent school and majors in music
Wait no, she majors in psychology and minors in music
She becomes an art and music therapist, she loves helping people out
i love heidi 🤭
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symphorine · 10 months
bleh i went to sleep early but i woke up half an hour ago and i feel like crap. and ive been really exhausted and feeling quite off for a few days. the brain fog is just making everything so much worse and harder than it needs to be and i think i might be actually sick on top of that and december stresses me out so much bc travel + spending time with family + thinking of gifts but also its so cold and dark all the time and work is going to be chill this month but its been so overwhelming for so long im not actually feeling any kind of relaxed. on the ot appointment on Monday i said fatigue is what's impacting me the worst and its true but i also said im stressed all the time and im just now realizing that def contributes to the brain fog and inability to relax and in turn of course that makes everything else a little worse. and it sucks. and it sucks to FEEL how fucking more stupid than usual i am bc of the brain fog. it sucks to know i am permanently less smart and less alert and less able to make connections bc of the fatigue but im relatively settled with it now but its genuinely upsetting to have this bout of chronic, omnipresent exhaustion and brain fog accentuating it. and usually i try not to complain about it cause really im lucky to still be able to function day to day and hold a job and still be able to do what it requires of me despite my limitations. but oh my god its frustrating to the point of tears to know how much i just cant do anymore. how much my brain has just lost the ability to do some stuff. i used to be able to rely on it and on my body and now my already shrunken thinking space needs to always have some of it dedicated to evaluating what and how much im actually able to do and managing my own brain and body like fucking. toddlers. theres always a separate layer that cannot catch a break. fuck alright im actually making myself more upset im gonna. find something to distract myself and hopefully fall back asleep some time soon. bitter laugh theres some more brain managing lmao
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trillgutterbug · 2 years
sunny asks for brrrrrr wanna know about no. 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 18/19 for you... is that too many? he he he
asdjgkldg calling my dumbass bluff with this one lmao. appreciate you friend 🙏. (already did 14, 16, and 17.)
8. Favorite side character
liam mcpoyle my beloved...... unironically thirsty for cricket too, the later the season the better. roxy also, oneoff character of ALL time 😍 rip queen. BUT THE LAWYER no contest. furthermore i've sipped deeply of the delicious refreshing lawyer/charlie koolaid.
9. Favorite non-Paddy’s location
macdennis apartment of course. regardless of how many bathrooms it may or may not have.
11. Favorite meme from the show
what an impossible question. for THE most memed show in human history?? probably dennis throwing the macaroni down the hallway tbh. even without context of any sort it's hysterical.
18. Do you create fan content? If so, what kind and what do you like about it?
in theory i write fic lmfao. in actuality i THINK about writing fic and then i message jackie a bunch of horny bullshit at 2am and fall asleep instead. i mean,, i've written a couple things but not nearly as much as i want to. what do i LIKE ABOUT IT THO??? not much lol. writing is the worst thing on earth and it's very unfortunate that i'm pathologically compelled to do it. but writing smut is truly my calling in life and it is very..... ~*inspiring, so. also love to make jackie lose her entire mind when i do manage to squeeze something out!!!! the greatest gift of all, sending your friends into a frenzy.
19. If you had the skill/talent/time to create any content you wanted, what would you want to make?
hoo this is a long list bc i'm so smart at generating ideas and so stupid at following through on them. listen i've got adhd meds coming in the mail this week so maybe that'll cure me. everyone hold your breaths starting now.
1) i wish i could figure out how to write charlie/the lawyer in a way that would make sense
2) macdennis in lockdown. i did start this one, it's the only wip on my ao3. im trying to shame myself into finishing it via the perceived judgement of others, ie the only way i ever accomplish anything. is that tactic working here? no.
3) abo, bc jackie and i have Thoughts about how that would shake out and tbh they're really good Thoughts. sure would love to write em down someday! honestly everyone send me their thoughts on gang abo dynamics im ravenous about this topic 👀
4) endless reams of senseless plotless pornography in which dennis cries his eyes out through dozens of variations on the theme of mac folding him in half and voiding his warranty
5) some kind of one-sided charden bc that is something else i have Thoughts about
6) just a metric fuckton of dennis/dee
7) i have a 3500 word document of nothing but little ideas i want to stick into fics but none of which are big enough to be fics on their own, so like..... i guess an 80k fic with some kind of magically generated plot that will permit me to wedge in seven hundred unique references to mac holding dennis' hand in public
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boojersey · 2 years
lmao im literally crying so hard bc i was having a terrible fucking night just laying in bed and being depressed after a bad fucking day and then i found a can of mikes that i had and thought id already had but realized.it was from when i fell asleep after having to be called Back into work and i opened it and was like i will drink this as i pack my belongings and literally not even five seconds later i spilled half the fucking can and long story short good things dont fucking exist for me theyre bad in some way no matter what even when im just trying to not have a fucking tear on my stupid useless face and the universe just want wanted to remind me i guess
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armandism · 4 years
my new headcanon is that dean just thinks everybody feels the way he does about cas
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jho-seok · 6 years
Lmao guess who denied one shift at work and then cried for an hour cause the manager called me and sounded disappointed in me
#like okay this is gonna sound so stupid but basically i have. shifts for the next three days#and one of them is like 10hrs and it’s a new job and i’m still trying to get used to everything#(okay also this is my first part time job)#and anyway i was like shit when the shifts lady called i was asleep but still picked up so i was like so zoned out#and i was like ‘nah i cant take the one today i have lots of work the next three days’#so anyway she was fine but then the manager who hired me was called one min after and i missed it (was sleepin again cause it’s like 7am)#and she called back on the shifts ladies phone is like ‘u denied a shift?? why?? like last week u said u’d work anything any time’#and she just sounded so disappointed in me and i couldnt even think cause i was half asleep so i just kept sayinf ‘i’m so sorry’ over n over#and like in my mind i was thinkin okay just tell her youre trying to ease into this job it’s ur first one etc but my mouth wouldnt cooperate#so i’m just there apologising saying about how i already have shifts#like i just felt so fcken stupid and she just sounded so disappoint but like she knows this is first job she knows im honest#and yikes like now i just feel like i let her down in like my second week#but then also im casual so i was like ??? i have a right to say no???#like i marked everyday avaliable when i went for the job cause !?!! i wanted the job lmao#but i also want to live my life and she said something bout that on the call so i’m so confused#anyway got off that call and went to my mum and just cried for an hour lmaoooo bye#i worry/ care bout everything A LOT so this is gonna be with me got a solid week/ all my shifts this weekend yikes#dl#extra info the manager was like 'u changed??!' just cause i didn't want it but said i would work any time when i was in the interview#and so i was like really cut cause it was like u don't even know me that well yet but u already have these thoughts about me so I'm  .... ;(
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hi, I love your writings ❤. I really enjoy reading them.
Um, can I request Oikawa Tooru with virgin!reader who is (sub, bottom); (praise kink, but doesn't know he has and kinda shy when he knows it); (has shy, soft, and really submissive personality) (3rd year student) ? Reader with Oikawa is a couple of lover, and a roommate. They usually do some cuddles in their bedroom that always started with Oikawa teasing the reader. One day, when cuddling, Oikawa asked reader if he wants to do something more intimate than cuddling and really feels good.
Sorry if that is too much. Thank you
Tumblr media
king and his prince, (nsfw) oikawa x bottom!reader
pronouns: he/him (FEMALE ORIENTED DNI!!)
warnings: creampie, praise kink! flirty oikawa
a/n: oikawa is probs my least favorite character in haikyuu, im pretty sure i hated him at one point cuz of his personality. i later found out from many website i am unfortunately a oikawa kinnie (even tho i dont really think so but idk) explains all the self hatred lmao, again for the anon that requested it im sorry for the bad quality cuz i stayed up to write this at 6 am so undoubtedly there will be some mistakes
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
oikawa tooru was too popular for your comfort at school. everyone liked him and they all had a good reason to, and that doesn't make you any different. you were shy and didn't catch a lot of attention so you were incredibly surprised that someone as popular as oikawa even wanted to talk to you.
you were smart and in fact smart enough to compete with oikawa. in fact the first time you caught his attention was when you corrected an answer, making him embarrassed in front of the class. he wanted to "settle this" only to find you harmless. later on he talked to you more and more. the contrast of personality of you two complimented each other pretty well. a cocky bastard who doesn't know how to shut up and a shy boy who likes to listen. inevitably the two of you grew closer as friends, so much to a point where you moved into the same apartment unit.
you didn't mind getting closer to oikawa, emotionally or physically with him being your crush and all so this was pretty much what you wanted, you just didn't think he would be the one to offer instead. being enclosed in a space together made oikawa get a lot more comfortable with you. random hugs here and there, maybe a little head pat, and sometimes leaning on each other's shoulders. it was practically a dream come true and you didn't think this could possibly get better until the man pulled something else out his sleeves.
one day you fell asleep watching the tv in the living room. the weather was a little chilly so falling asleep without a blanket near you wasn't the best idea. oikawa came home to find you shivering in your sleep so of course like the genius he is, he didn't decide to throw a blanket or carry you back into your bedroom and instead cuddled with you on the couch, leaving you wrapped around his arms basically unable to move when you woke up.
both of you would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. therefore, this whole cuddling session became a regular thing between you two. oikawa being the big spoon and you being the small one. it went on for a while until both of you realized this might not have been the most normal thing that "friends" did. at this point you're pretty sure oikawa had feelings for you, or else he wouldn't have done a lot of the things he has. after a lot of urging from his friends, he finally decided to confess to you. despite him being the playboy he is, he was quite nervous this time, due to the fact that he had to say it to someone he actually has feelings for. so just like that, the relationship between you two finally became official.
another day you guys during your normal cuddling session, oikawa proposed an interesting idea, and to be honest you saw this coming.
"babeeeee, why don't we try something more interesting this time~?" oikawa said, staring at you with his arms around you.
you knew exactly what oikawa meant, you weren't stupid, but you know that he likes it when you act all innocent so you decided to do just that.
"hm? what do you mean tooru-kun? i don't think i understand?"
"oh…baby boy i know you know what i mean alright~" just as he said that the brown haired man grabbed you in for a kiss.
your tongues started to intertwine immediately. this was very much oikawa's style, aggressive and dominant, but soft and caring when he wanted to. the kiss was generally messy but you could tell that oikawa was putting effort into this with all his tiny and intricate movements. a string of saliva connected you after he broke the kiss. leaving you panting and gasping for air while he's on the other side with a sly grin.
"you ready for the next part now?"
"t-there's more ah-!" you gasped as your boyfriend pulled down your pants at once, leaving your hard cock to bounce out.
"of course there is~ we have to tend to this guy don't we?" he said, holding your dick and positioning himself to suck your dick.
yet again attacked by oikawa's mouth you just couldn't keep it for long anymore. it's like his mouth is heaven made or something and it will continue to turn you on and make you cum without fail.
"a-ah! tooru..i'm gonna cum! mmghm!" you said, shooting all your load straight into your boyfriend's mouth, which of course he gladly swallowed right after.
"t-that's it right? i don't think i'll be able to handle more, you know…" you said out of both fear and excitement.
however all you got in response was a smirk from oikawa as he slid off his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned abs.
"almost done, pretty boy."
something about that word, made your half flaccid cock immediately rise up and become as hard as your boyfriends again.
"heh? what a strange reaction, could this mean…" oikawa leaned in closer, enough so that all the hair near your ears would stand up and said,
"my prince likes to be praised?"
you've heard about this so-called praise kink before but didn't exactly think you'd be into it this much. your face turned redder than they already are and you just wanted to cover your face and run away.
"aw, c'mon, it's cute! and if you like it-' oikawa said, spreading your legs open, exposing your asshole and angling his cock head to the entrance of it.
"i might just praise you a little more than usual, hm?"
your boyfriend was hot but this was undoubtedly the most attractive he's ever been. towered over you whispering praises in your ear as he prepared you with his fingers for something bigger that's about to come next. without a warning oikawa began to inch his way into your ass, moving and adjusting his cock to fit your tight asshole.
"you're taking me so well baby...keep doing just that alright? i know you're so good for me aren't you?" oikawa said, leaning closer at you.
at a loss for words due to how flustered you are, you could only give your boyfriend a little nod and covered your face with your arms while flashing a little red on your cheeks once again.
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
the praises that he showered you with were too much. you were already so sensitive since it was your first time and all. now with all these lustful words turning you on, you couldn't hold it in anymore and came onto your stomach while your boyfriend continued to make slow but deep thrusts onto your prostate.
your head was still a little fuzzy but you could still feel your boyfriend jerking his hips faster and faster, ending with a long thrusts at the end which wasn't hard to assume that your boyfriend came inside you, just like how you wanted it. before passing out from bliss, a hand cupped your cheek followed with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"you did so well baby…i know you're tired so rest now, i'll be here alright."
you couldn't be more happy, with such a loving and caring boyfriend. that being said, you fell into his arms once again and slipped into your dreams even thought they have already become reality.
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
a/n : take
- mod kokichi
kokichi x reader
-> pet names he calls you
cws: none
hes a lil mean
but in a light hearted way
so he calls you annoying, clingy, but he says them with a soft tone he cant hide, while he gives in to your whines for attention. he'll call you silly, and even his "stupid head", but if anything he says honestly upsets you he doesnt do it. he likes teasing you, sometimes even getting you to pout grumpily, but he doesnt want to actually hurt you, so he'll just go "... that was a lie! you dont actually think i think youre stupid, right? silly! of course im lying!" and then make a note to not do it anymore
he overdoes his affection, both to make you giggle and tell him to stop, but it also allows him to be mushy without feeling as vulnerable. mostly to make you smile. (also he does it when he wants something) so expect him to be all "hello my sweet darling, my honeykins lovely baby, my sugar sweet pumpkin, my sweetheart gorgeous-" while he pushes his face into yours with a smile.
he definitely gives you a nickname! if your name already has a common one he might use that, or he just makes one! he tends to add an "ee" sound to the end,, he also calls you "my" and then your name
in the Japanese dub im pretty sure he uses '-chan' on everyone?? so he does that to you as well
in terms of pet names pet names? Well, he definitely uses king / queen, prince / ss. hes the king of dice, and you're nominated the queen/king!! and outside of dice, he calls himself a runaway prince at times, so you're the knight in amour, or a fellow sweet prince/ss hes met.
my beloved is one he uses, but i think thats more when hes talking to other people, but he does use it a few times for you!
my sweet prince/ss, king/queen
i think he might use baby, but it starts as him teasing you rather then a pet name LMAO,, darling, lovely, gorgeous, beautiful, pretty boy / girl, or just pretty if youre en🐝
anything sweet like "my love, my sweet, my heart" are saved for the moments were hes softer, when hes half asleep and mumbling in your shoulder.
also i feel like he mentioned some languages he claims to know, he may have been lying, but he probably would call you various pet names in those as well,, i think he mentioned french, and in france they have "my cabbage" so he uses that,, if youre not from japan then he learns some cute ones from your language and or culture and uses those
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Sorry for bothering you again, but since P3 aus live rent free in my brain something occurred to me.
in the context of your Avian au, birds bones are hollow right? and Persona users basically go part bird mode. My thought was do persona users bones hollow when they get wings? what on gods green earth would it feel like to get your bones hollowed?
then again, birds bones are hollow to help them breathe in flight so maybe they dont need hollow bones? yet again, Im half asleep and might just be stupid lmao
Not at all, your asks don't bother me uwu
The thought of them having hollow bones kinda crossed my mind once while I was doodling their designs and to be honest? I'm not sure if I'm going to give them hollow bones (unless they're already born with them, idk)
I honestly have no idea, let's just say "magic"
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bokutobaes · 4 years
I loved the bad day hc it was so gooood🥺 can I get a hc (w the same boys👀) of ur first night over their house?? Bet Atsumu snores like a freight train lmao😭😭😭
first night at the inarizaki boys house :p
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- with: suna, atsumu, kita
☆- no warnings!
☆- a/n: this request was soo cute i had so much fun writing this🥺thank u for requesting i really hope you like it <33 and im so happy u enjoyed the bad day headcanons
authors: lu and sen <3
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- suna:
-you were in fact enjoying a nice saturday in your room, pixie lights strung, your favourite show playing and you in a warm fuzzy blanket. it was bliss
-until.. the vibration of your phone shook you from the scene you were watching, and who else would call you on a saturday at 1am
-“uh whats up”
-“wanna come over.. to sleep”
-“suna- it’s one o clock in the morning”
-“so why would i-”
-“i miss you..”
-your heart just exploded from the fact he just said that
-“say no more okay i’ll be there in 10”
-“okay :)” you could hear suna’s smirk from his voice
-you’d snuck out before in your first year of high school just to hangout with some friends so you knew the basics
-you left a note to your parent(s) saying that you went to a friends house early in the morning because she had a boyfriend emergency
-the things u do for suna🙄
-the way to sunas wasn’t long, he only lived a few streets away so you packed a bag, threw on your comfiest cutest sweats and headed on down
-when you got there suna was already at the door leaning against the frame with his hands stuffed in his black hoodie
-“hi.” he hugged you, “come on it’s cold out” then he grabbed your wrist and with a finger on his lips telling u to tip toe and whisper you headed to his bedroom
-now, you’d definitely been to sunas bedroom before to hangout after school and study and whatnot
-but it now dawned on you that you’ve never stayed the night
-heat rushed to your cheeks
-“so where am I gonna sleep”
-“here?” he said
-“in my bed. you’re sleeping in my bed.”
-“suit yourself, but I kick people in my sleep”
-he scoffed, “and I’ll kick you back tf”
-you guys hopped in the bed and just immediately went on your phones
-but you were in one of those close ass positions where you could see what was on eachothers screens
-so you exchanged tik toks and tweets
-the night was filled with you both trying so hard not to laugh out loud
-you guys rambled on for a long time after seeing a post about astrology
-“i don’t get it.. your saying i’ll be in a bad mood on the 5th of next month because mercury is in gatorade.?”
-did he really just disrespect retrograde like that
-once it was getting really late your eyes started feeling heavy
-you switched your phone off and snuggled deeper into suna’s chest
-you were basically hugging eachother
-suna yawned
-“goodnight y/n”
-“goodnight rin”
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- atsumu:
-you were already at atsumu’s house, you’d walked there together after school to spend the friday together
-currently you were in osamu’s room with the twins playing “winning eleven”
-why they were so obsessed with this game? you do not know
-but right now you were being betrayed by atsumu
-he told you he’d “go easy on you” since you’ve never played before
-then just abandoned that idea
-“atsumu wtf your not even going a smidge easy on me”
-“hey it’s not my fault yer skills are lacking baby”
-ur about to punch him
-“ok then here” you hand your remote to osamu and cross ur arms scooching away from atsumu
-“wait heyyy hey don’t be like that I was joking” he paused the game
-osamu was literally on his phone at this point
-he smushed your cheeks and you rolled your eyes
-“what time even is it?”
-“10:43” osamu drawled
-“omg it’s late i have to go soon”
-atsumu got up and told you to come his room so you waved to osamu and headed out
-“stay the night”
-“yes really please i don’t want you to leave yet”
-“awww tsumu”
-“SHUTUP! are you gonna stay”
-“yes I’ll stay” <3
-he took your face in his hands and kissed you all over
-you shot your parent a text saying you were sleeping at your friends house and then sat on the bed where atsumu was already sprawled out watching something on his phone
-“i don’t have a toothbrush”
-“there’s an extra in the bathroom babe”
-“i don’t have clothes”
-he looked at you
-“i have clothes”
-“aww are you gonna give me your hoo-“
-“nvm go home now”
-it was already almost midnight after you had watched some movies on his bed
-you guys got up and brushed ur teeth together
-“next time you’re gonna sleep at my house instead and we’re gonna do face masks”
-you though about tsumu in a panda sheet mask and laughed to yourself
-when you were done washing your face he asked if he could put the moisturizer on for you
-so you sat up on the counter and he was being so gentle🥺 just looking at you
-your cheeks starting feeling hot and atsumu noticed
-“oh embarrassed now are we?” his stupid smirk plastered on his face
-“shutup tsumu” you looked down smiling
-it was half past 12 when you guys finally got in bed and you were honestly tired since it was the end of the week
-atsumu squeezed you tightly from behind and was playing with your hair
-it knocked you out
-“g’night baby”
-“goodnignt tsum”
-(you were not prepared for the snoring that came out of him at 2am but you loved him anyways)
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭ .・.
☆- kita:
-this sleepover with kita was actually planned by the two of you
-you wanted to spend time together outside of school and you thought this was a nice idea
-you came over a little before dinner and he was cooking when you got there
-“hi!” you said walking in through the kitchen door
-“hi love” he stopped stirring a pot on the stove and came over to hug you
-he kissed your forehead and asked how you are
-(like he didn’t ask you 1 hour again when you were texting)
-you ate dinner with kita and his grandma, she told stories about kita when he was younger embarrassing him but making you awww out loud
-after dinner you headed to his room, you’d put on something to watch but it ended up just being background noise in a conversation you were having
-“y/n.. did you wanna sleep in the spare bedroom? i want to make sure you’re comfortable”
-“its okay babe i don’t mind sleeping with you”
-so you both were on his bed just looking out the window together, now that it was later you’d switched from watching tv to sharing earphones and looking out the window at the stars
-a song came on, something soft and gentle playing through your ears
-“wanna dance?” kita said looking at you with a smile
-heart combusted
-“of course”
-you got up and he grabbed your hip, hand in hand you two just swayed slowly looking at eachother
-both your cheeks burned but you were so happy that you were here with him right now
-now you’d been dancing for a few minutes and your face was in the crook of his neck
-you were both starting to get a bit tired but then you remembered the face masks you’d brought in your bag
-“kita..! we should do face masks”
-“face masks?”
-“yep! i brought some. let’s go”
-leading him to the bathroom you started to put the sheet mask on him
-the fox imprint on the mask made you laugh being on kitas face
-you two looked so silly, a fox and a panda in pyjamas on a saturday night
-after taking a few photos the masks were done and you washed up for bed together
-it felt like taking a look into the future
-soo domestic
-sleep came really easy that night, you lay on kitas chest and rambled for a bit before you noticed he had fallen asleep
-poor bb probably tired from volleyball practice
-you fell asleep soon after right after kissing him on the cheek
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arisatominakos · 2 years
tagged by @ladybeniko​ ! thank u friend c:
favorite color: purple ! currently reading: more like currently sorting thru the like 120 new star trek books i just got trying to make sense of them all & find a bookshelf with room for at least a few of them in my stupid apartment lmao last song: blue monday / orgy( cover ) last series: i rewatched severance & i started hotel del luna last movie: sonic the hedgehog 2 :v sweet/spicy/savory: i love all flavors i love food im food motivated give me food currently working on: debating on taking some photos of mel in his current outfit but that requires effort my brain hasnt worked up to yet bc im still half asleep
tag 9 people you want to get to know better! aH idk im bad at tagging LOL @reaperkiller @thewolfkissed @eurodynamic @aartyom @fashionablyfyrdraaca uhh i already kno u for like 300 years but @lunarlegend :v
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sarah-sandwich · 4 years
"I need a hug" please and thank you!
Hi friend! Here it is! Remind me to never commit to a fic a day for an entire week again lmao
Happy last day of National Storyteller Week to everyone who creates or consumes stories! Jump over to my ao3 for 5 ridiculous parkner fics 👌✨💛
Peter, no
He probably should have clued in sooner, a lot sooner.
Him and Peter have been attached at the hip for three years, ever since Peter ran into the lab in the middle of a video call with Tony, shouted something about an arm-wrestling tournament with the Avengers, and begged, “You gotta come trash talk them for me! Please, Mr. Stark! No one roasts as good as you!” Then, after receiving Tony’s resigned agreement, exclaimed, “I’m gonna dislocate Captain America’s shoulder!” turned tail and sprinted back out, ignoring Tony’s, “Peter, no!”
It was over in under a minute but he was bewitched.
“Who was that? And why haven’t I met him?”
“I’ve been avoiding this day,” Tony said in a world-weary tone. “You’re either going to hate each other or get on like a house fire. Either way, I’ll never know peace again.”
In usual Tony Stark fashion, he was right.
He thought he’d seen every side of Peter there is. He’s seen him soft and sleepy under the blue glow of the television. He’s seen him wired and manic as he pursues a project on little to no sleep. He’s seen him broken and bleeding in more ways than he cares to count. He’s seen him laughing until he cries, crying so hard the only thing he can do is cry with him, too exhausted to feed himself, too angry to speak, and he’s been there when he’s on the cusp of dropping dead from embarrassment (usually pointing and laughing but hey, somebody’s gotta keep him humble).
He knows him like he knows his sister, like he knows his mom, like he knows himself.
His point is, it shouldn’t have taken this camping trip to put the pieces together. Realization shouldn’t have hit him like a log to the face when Peter rolled up the sleeves of his borrowed flannel and suddenly he couldn’t breathe for wanting to kiss him stupid.
Well, stupider.
A moment later, Peter picked up the bag of tent poles like they weighed nothing and somehow managed to dump them all over the side of the road like a can of pick-up-sticks.
It’s gonna be a long weekend.
“What’s this thing for again?” Peter asks, raising his arms high over his head to hold up the long swath of fabric two times his height.
“It’s a rain fly, Peter. It keeps out the rain.”
“It’s not supposed to rain. Trust me, Aunt May checked the weather like 50 times before she would let me leave.”
“We still need it.”
“But why? We could sleep under the stars.”
“It traps in heat.”
“Sounds like another tally in the cons column. It’s hot as fuck, dude.”
“Not tonight it won’t be. Temperature fluctuates a lot in the mountains, especially when the sun goes down.”
“Temperature fluctuates in the mountains,” Peter repeats mockingly.
Harley stops what he’s doing. “If you really wanna sleep under the stars I don’t have to share my tent. Enjoy the skeeters.”
“You love me too much to leave me to sleep with the wildlife,” Peter says, voice muffled from under the rain fly as he attempts to drape it over the erected tent.
His heart skips. Does he know? Has he been that obvious even while oblivious to his own feelings? Did Peter figure it out before he did? Has he been graciously not saying anything about his huge undeniable crush while—
Peter squawks and tumbles forward, the tent collapsing under him with a snap that echoes through the trees. The rain fly flutters over him like a burial shroud.
“Please tell me whatever just broke was a part of you.”
“Uhh, sorry.”
He sighs. He’s in love with an idiot.
The tent leans a little to the left when they’re done with it but he’s pretty sure it’ll hold up through the night. Just in case, they limit how often they go in and out of it (which, in his opinion, is the way it should be done regardless).
A breeze rustles the trees, scattering pine needles as birds chitter and small unseen wildlife scurries around the underbrush. He breathes in deep, savoring the scent of dirt, pine, and fresh air. He’s been in the city far too long.
Peter stands with his hands on his hips, dirt crusted on the knees of his jeans, his borrowed flannel pulling tight across his chest as he watches a puffy white cloud scoot by with a befuddled expression.
He turns to Harley. “So umm, now what?”
He shrugs. “Whatever you want. You’re the one who’s never done this before?”
Peter stares at him blankly.
“Right. Forgot who I was talking to.” He shakes his head and walks over to the car with a sigh. “This way, city boy. It’s time you learned to fish.”
“Sounds smelly.”
“Mmm.” He pops the trunk and pulls out two fishing rods—one old and dinged up, the other brand-spankin-new—and he passes them to Peter so he can grab the tackle box and a white plastic bucket with a lid on it.
“And slimy,” Peter continues, wrinkling his nose at the bold ‘WORMS’ printed on the side of the white bucket.
“That it is, but there aren’t any rats and no one has pissed on the place you need to sit so it’s automatically better than anything the city has to offer.”
“We’ll see about that,” Peter grumbles.
“Y’know,” Harley drawls lazily, eyes half-lidded as he watches Peter jump from rock to rock along the shoreline, “usually when people are lookin’ to catch a fish they cast their line into the water rather than leavin’ it on the ground.”
“Oh is that how it’s done? I had no idea,” Peter says, stooping down to peer into a small pool sequestered away from the rest of the body of water. “What do tadpoles look like?”
“Uh, little squirmy guys.”
“Very descriptive, thank you.”
“Mhmm. Anytime, darlin’.”
Peter looks up at him, eyes narrowed and he jolts under the sudden scrutiny.
“What?” he asks. He always calls him darling. It’s just a thing he says—a southern thing. So what if over the years he’s stopped using the name for anyone else? It doesn’t mean anything. It’s not weird.
“Are you falling asleep?” Peter asks.
“Pfft, no,” he says. The sun is deliciously warm, seeping into his skin and turning his bones to butter as the katydids buzz and birds sing. A warm breeze ruffs his hair and he finds himself blinking slowly.
“Dude, you’re totally falling asleep.” Peter grins playfully and hopscotches across the rocks back to him as he teases, “You know, usually when someone wants to catch a fish, they do it while they’re awake.”
“I am awake, dummy.”
“Not for much longer.” He comes to a stop at his side and tweaks the brim of his hat. “Look at you. You’re like an old man falling asleep in his recliner in front of the big game.”
“Napping is a perfectly respectable part of fishing,” he argues.
Peter throws back his head and laughs. Backed by blue sky and thickly forested mountain, sunlit from above, he’s never looked better.
Should he tell him? Is now the time? He can’t imagine living like this—knowing how he feels but bottling it up and keeping it a secret from his best friend.
Then again—
His fishing rod dips and he sits up with a start, hands already moving for the reel.
“Woah, is that a fish?” Peter exclaims, peering into the lake.
“Sure hope so. Can’t imagine what else it’d—,”
“Can I pull it in?” Peter asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet like an excitable puppy.
“No, you if wanna get a fish you have to put in the work.”
“What work? Laying around half-asleep?”
“Yeah, exactly. I’ll let you take it off the line, how ‘bout that?”
“Eh, that’s okay. I’m good.”
He wrestles the fish out of the lake, a bass about two hands long, and then holds the flopping fish, hooked through the lip, out to Peter.
“There you go. Just pop that puppy off the hook and toss ‘im back in.”
“Wait, you don’t even keep the fish?”
“What would I do with a fish?”
“…eat it?”
“That’s a whole song and dance I ain’t got the tools or the patience for. Just grab the fish, Pete. Preferably before it suffocates.”
Peter makes an unhappy sound in his throat but reaches for the fish. Just as his fingers brush the scales, the fish gives a mighty wiggle and Peter flinches back towards the lake.
“Eep!” Peter squeaks and goes into the water with a splash.
Harley hunches over, laughing his head off as Peter sits up, water streaming down his face and dripping from his hair.
“I hate you.” Slipping and sliding in the muck, he makes his way through the mid-thigh deep water, back to dry land, and then keeps walking past Harley and up the hill to the trail that will lead him back to camp.
All the while Harley laughs and laughs, taking a moment to free the fish back into the lake before he sits down and tips his face to the sun, chuckling and committing to memory the way Peter’s soaked jeans and flannel clung all over his body.
“I still don’t see why—,”
“Shush,” Peter snaps, frowning in concentration over the tiny flame he’s been babying to life for the past fifteen minutes.
He sighs. He tried to convince him to wait until supper for a campfire meal but Mr. Eager Beaver insisted on trying his hand at it now. Had they made sandwiches they’d be done by now and could be hiking. But no. Peter wants to play Boy Scout so they’re going to sit here and starve until he gets a fire built just to spend five minutes roasting hot dogs and then have to put it out again.
To make matters worse, Peter’s no longer wearing his shirt since it got soaked in the lake. He’d gotten attached to how he looks in his clothes. Now he’s wearing on one of his standard nerd-pun tees and a wrinkly pair of khaki cargo shorts and he’s going to have to convince him to at least put on long socks before they hike or he’s going to risk getting poison ivy or poison oak all over his calves and ankles.
“There it goes! There it goes!” Peter exclaims, sitting up tall and motioning at him to look at the little flame as it eats up the pile of twigs and tinder.
“Very good, dear,” he says dryly. “Now see if you can keep it going with some real wood.”
Peter cocks his head at him. “Was that a double-entendre?”
“Why on earth would I imply that we should put a part of my human anatomy in the fire, Peter?”
“I don’t know,” he murmurs, squatting beside the fire as he breaks up a stick. “Dick jokes are funny.”
“You’re a child.”
“And yet you— Shit!” He flinches back from the fire and falls on his backside.
He comes alert with a spike of adrenaline, rushing forward to— to— pat out flames with his bare hands? He doesn’t know. “What happened?” he demands, checking Peter over for damage and finding nothing, not a burn or singe in sight.
Still sprawled on the ground, Peter looks up at him through his eyelashes with an embarrassed grimace. “I don’t want to say.”
“But you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” he sits up cross-legged and rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
He stares down at him as he looks down in his lap. “You’re really not going to tell me what just happened? I already saw you fall in a lake because you were scared of a fish. It can’t be worse than that.”
Peter looks up, neck crimped and mouth screwed into an unhappy pucker. “I thought something was on me but it was just the grass.”
Harley stares. “So, you thought a bug was on you.”
“Yeah. I’m starting to think I’m not cut out for this place.”
What has he gotten himself into?
Peter hasn’t stopped chattering about everything under the sun since they left camp. And considering where they are, there’s a lot to chatter about. From bugs to birds to types of trees and identifying clouds, he’s heard it all. It’s why he’s not paying attention to the path like he should, too busy watching the way Peter waves his hands animatedly as he rambles, the way the sun lights his eyes and makes his hair shine, the way his lips shape the words.
He hasn’t taken in a word he’s said for the past twenty minutes but he’s watched him with rapt attention while his mind churns through his options. He’s not one to ignore something once he knows about it. He doesn’t want to keep this a secret. There’s no reason to. It’s nothing shameful and if Peter doesn’t reciprocate then… well, nothing changes, right? He’s fine with that. Best friends is still good. Great, even.
But if Peter does reciprocate…
His breathing quickens at the thought. How did he not notice this ridiculous crush sooner? It’s like something has been awakened inside him and now it refuses to shut up and go back to sleep. He gravitates towards Peter like an orbiting moon. He’s a moth to Peter’s beam of light. Helpless under the thrall.
Peter suddenly looks right at him. “—you know what I mean?”
“Huh?” His foot lands wrong and rolls over a root. His ankle screams out and then he’s dropping as it gives out.
“Woah!” Peter catches him, one arm around his back and the other fisted into his shirt at his shoulder. His brain goes offline, only processing the way Peter is pressed against him, the way his face is angled over him like he’s on the verge of dipping him into a kiss, the way neither of them moves or speaks, staring instead with startled realization.
He thinks he imagines it when Peter’s eyes dilate but then they fix on his lips and there’s no way he’s imagining that.
Lights flash in his head and he forgets to breathe as they hang suspended in time.
Then Peter bites his lip and his cheeks flush dark pink as he yanks Harley upright.
He stumbles, unprepared, and his ankle gives out a second time.
Peter catches him by the elbows babbling, “Oh my God, I’m sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to—,”
“I’m fine. I…” The rest of the sentence vanishes from his tongue as he looks into Peter’s eyes. He loves his eyes—warm and affectionate, they always give him away. Whether they’re bright with curiosity, sparkling with delight, wide with embarrassment, or narrowed in anger, he’s an open book. That’s why the look in his eyes now gives him pause. He’s never seen it before—or maybe it’s been there all along but he hasn’t noticed until now.
They’re dark and focused like he’s seeing through him into his soul and likes what he sees so much he wants to eat him alive.
His heart thunders as he lifts a hand to Peter’s cheek. This is it. This is the moment he tells him and finds out where they’re going to go next.
Peter’s eyes go wide and he swallows thickly, but then his gaze shifts beyond him and he freezes except to carefully grab his forearm in a too-tight grip.
“Bear,” Peter breathes.
His awareness of their surrounding returns so suddenly it hurts. Birds sing, bugs buzz and chirp, somewhere nearby a creek burbles, and behind him on the path, something scuffs the ground and then snorts and sniffs harshly.
“No,” he says quietly. No, he refuses to allow this to be his reality. This cannot be happening. He won’t allow this to happen.
“Harley, bear,” Peter repeats, grip tightening.
Oh my God, this is happening.
“Don’t run,” he says in an undertone. “You’re not supposed to run.”
“We gotta run.”
“Peter, no.”
“Harley, there’s a fucking bear.”
“Listen to me—,”
“I’m gonna grab you—,”
“—we gotta stay still and—,”
“I’ll carry you and—,”
“—non-threatening so—,”
“I’m going to get you up a tree and then—,”
“—it won’t chase us.”
“—the bear will chase me.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He waits in the tree for over an hour, ankle throbbing, sick to his stomach with worry, wondering if he’ll ever see the idiot he stupidly fell in love with ever again. Even if he didn’t get eaten by the bear, he’s no good out here in the woods. He could be lost. He could be too hurt to move. He could be—
—covered in what smells like animal shit and standing balefully at the base of the tree.
“I need a hug,” Peter says, voice small.
“Did you—,”
“I did what needed to be done.”
“So that’s—,”
“Don’t say it. Do you need help getting down?”
“I’ll figure it out. Don’t touch me.”
“That’s fair. I’ll be in the lake. Will you bring me all of the soap and soap-like products we own?”
“Yeah. Gimme a minute.”
“Thanks, Harley.”
I love you. I’m glad you’re not dead. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come back. My life wouldn’t be the same without you in it. You’re everything I want.
“You’re an idiot,” he says.
Peter nods. “Yeah.”
“Black bears can run 35 miles per hour,” he says conversationally. They’re sprawled on a blanket while the fire crackles nearby (but not too close, they’ve had enough disasters for one day). His foot is propped on the tackle box, elevating his ankle and Peter is beside him, flat on his back staring up at the stars through the trees, close enough that their arms brush.
“Trust me, I know.”
“They can also climb trees,” he continues reading from his phone. “You should never climb a tree to avoid a bear.”
“If a bear notices you, stay calm. Most bears don’t want to attack you.”
“Dude, I get it.”
“Move away slowly and sideways. Do not run. Do not climb a tree.”
Peter snatches the phone out of his hands and sits up. “I panicked, okay? I can’t lose you! I had to get you out of there.”
He goes still, the crackling of the fire and the crickets the only sound in the night.
“Say again?”
“Don’t,” Peter says harshly, still holding his phone far out of reach. “Don’t make fun of me about this one. You don’t get it, okay?”
This isn’t how he expected this to happen. Hyper aware of his heart beating in his chest, he asks, “What don’t I get?”
“I was terrified.”
“And you think I wasn’t?”
“Not in the way I was. I was— It was like— It was like if anything happened to you, nothing would be okay ever again. I don’t—,” He pulls in a deep breath, chest heaving as his eyes shine uncommonly bright in the firelight. “I don’t know. You’re— Ever since we met things have just felt right and good in a way they hadn’t before and I’ve already lost so many people and then you were in danger and I couldn’t do nothing. I couldn’t.”
“Okay,” he says gently, sitting upright and scooting over on the blanket. “Okay.” He takes the phone and sets it aside then takes Peter’s hand in both of his. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m okay.”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Peter says miserably, sniffing and wiping his eyes with the back of his free hand. “I think I have been for a long time.”
“Well, that’s lucky because I think I’m in love with you too.”
“You— What?”
“Mhmm. Since at least this morning.”
Peter stares at him. His lips twitch. “This morning? For real? Are you teasing me?”
“A hundred percent serious. It hit me right before you dumped my tent poles all over 36th street. Unrelated, you should wear my clothes more often.” He pauses and then says, “I think today was the universe asking me if I was sure I wanted to be tied down to your dumb ass for the rest of forever.”
“And?” Peter asks, eyes wide in the firelight.
“Yeah,” he says, smoothing a curl away from his forehead. “I’m sure.”
Peter leans in and kisses him, soft and quick. “Is that okay?”
Heart in his mouth, he says, “I think you can do better.”
Peter laughs and smooths his thumb over his cheekbone. “I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin’.”
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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curlybitch · 5 years
Main 3 + Aizawa with a S/O who's quirk causes them to fall asleep/pass out after using it
Im pretty sure this is gender and race neutral but 🤷🏽‍♀️
The first time its happens he’s sister S H O O K
Like damn bitch really?
Your probably training when it happens
Your quirk allows you to send out high energy electrons to break particles in solids and liquids apart at the molecular level
Yeah you know your shit
anyway the high energy electrons reside within your body and when you send them out it depletes your energy by lowering your glucose production
Yeah that makes like very little sense but it sounded smart in my head
So yall are going against robots in some training sim
You’ve been put on the same team and you guys absolutely DESTROY the sim
Metal and other things used to make a robot strewn all over
Hes panting, Hunched over with his hands still popping and a murderous look on his face.
He turns to look at you smirk curling the ends of his mouth as he lets out a “how about it you stupid fucking extra. Not bad."
You turn to look at him as well a small smile making itself known before your face goes blank and you tip backwards to fall into a heap on the ground
Or at least you would haveif he hadn’t caught you
He had snatched your wrist at the last moment as it had limply swung in the air and he pulls you into his chest and wraps his arm just under your shoulder blades
He iS fReAkING oUt 
His Crush just fucking collapsed like
Legit brushes past Allmight who was your teacher for the class and hauls ASS to recovery girl
He thought you were dead
On his way out he heard Kaminari mumur a “Ms.Kesha. MS.KESHA!! omfg she fuckin dead”
He’ll get pikachu for that later though
When he learns its just a side effect of your quirk he’s less worried but still v concerned. 
When you do finally start dating Expect him at your side whenever you guys are working on quirks
After Training camp your stamina increases though so he’s a little less worried
Always provides Carbohydrates needed to get your energy up
If you fall asleep on him or his stuff (like maybe yall were studying or smth) you best believe he’s not getting his shoulder/side of his body/bed or whatever back
He loves you so much like he really does want whats best for you
Oh shit
Is probably the most protective of you ngl
You better be prepared to get smothered
The first time it happens he kind of just watches with a blank yet panicked look as you collapse 
Its at USJ after the teachers arrive
You had barley been holding it together in the landslide zone with Shouto since hagakure was literally nowhere to be seen
You could create force fields and send out compressed air blasts. The problem is when using your quirk getting oxygen through the force fields is hard and when you send out blasts of air 62% of it comes from your lungs.
By the time snipe shoots the first shot your vision is hazy and your having a hard time standing
Shouto notices this and stands a little closer worried you may be under the effect of a villain’s quirk.
you bend over falling onto your hands and knees (😏) as your face tents red under your darker skin
By the time you do fall into unconscious he snaps out of it and rushes over to you.
He picks you up as a pro comes over asking whats wrong.
When he learns its an effect of your quirk he’s like
Like your own quirk basically chokes you and your so nonchalant when you wake up he’s ???
When y'all finally do get together don’t worry/
Need to get your inhaler prescription but insurance wont cover it He has Endevawhores credit card 
So ready to spoil you with that assholes money
He legit buys an oxygen tank just so he can carry it so that if you look like you need it he can provide you with air
He thinks your so amazing like your quirk literally works against your body and your still out here getting your grind on
(Grind on him though pls-)
You have a higher blood oxygen ratio than most people so your lighter than average and at first he’s worried
“Baby, please eat”
“Y/N Are you hungry?”
Once you explain to him why your weight is the way it is he calms down a little
Still spoils you though
OH baby
He knows what its like to have a quirk that effects you negatively 
Is 100% there for you
The first time it happens he crys
Baby boy Thought that he lost you before he could confess
Your quirk allows you to manipulate peoples minds
It’s basically an illusion quirk but you make people see what you want them to see
The problem is-
It takes alot of brain power for you to do that 
Even though your big brain
(Big Brain)
It still exhausts you on a mental and emotional level. Especially emotionally if you make some dark shit
During the Activity on the first day you to make your classmates and your teacher think you did well. 
Afterwards When your ranked 6th your so fucking tired you pass out.
He panics because you fall back right onto him.
M*neta was so jealous
He really loves you in like
The purest way
He thinks that you probably wouldnt want to date him because most girls like guys who are taller than them
You guys are about the same height
Hes also really timid and insecure
Falling asleep on his shoulder during bus rides
Sleeping in his bed while he does his homework
Just showing you trust him
He wants you to know he can provide for you in emotional ways
Probably has a whole notebook dedicated to your quirk
Helps you think of ways to make it more offensive
Ways to combat it
Hes got you
You fall asleep all the time
Half the time it's just cause your in the habit of sleeping after your shift at hero work
Him too
You guys are both underground heroes but you met back in your 1-A days
Well his 2-A days but who's counting
So he already knows what's happening the first time you collaspe
Your quirk is called Silent Night (lmao now I'm just making shit up)
Your quirk allows you to decrease or completely eradicate sound and sight in a person/group
This can be a steady decrease or not
Anyway by doing this it creates a ringing in your ears and back in your early days it caused splitting headaches and Black out migranes
It also can cause black spots Dancing around your vision
You get really disoriented
The first time your patrols synced you guys had to take out a large drug ring
You had to block the sight and sound of about 200 men and women who were on a less than legal position
When you guys get them all cuffed with the help of a few other heroes and the police have finally arrived you all but collaspe against the wall of the building
Black spots dance in your vision as your ears ring
He slowly walks over to wear you seem to be rapidly falling into unconsciousness and puts a hand on your shoulder
He calls over a medic even though he knows they cant exactly help you as it's a side effect of your quirk
Expect naps together
He shares his sleeping bag and yall are cuddled up so close
Even though it's pretty big cause hes 6 feet tall do the sleeping bag is about 8ft and drowns your ass
He just loves having you close!
So uh...this is my first reader insert so tell me how it is...?
Leave me a ask or dm me one???
I'll try (pretty much) anything once!!!
Also please please PLEASE send me an ask cause a bitch is bored.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Wonwoo: Atlas
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/warnings: mafia au, angst, little bits of fluff here and there but it just adds to the angst tbh, alcohol, smoking, Woo being depresso
Word count: 2,632
Summary: Atlas shrugged his shoulders, said he'd drop that boulder. Call me in the morning when I'm sober, find me in the corner in a coma.
a/n: this was inspired by the song atlas by keshi (and if u like sad boy vibes i highly recommend his music!!!). things in italics are flashbacks (also i didn’t even listen to atlas for half of this i just listened to call me kevin play the sims lmao) ALSO im doing 2 other keshi songs (probably for mingyu and hongseok but idk) and while this technically is a mini series using keshi songs, they won’t be a continuation of this fic. they’re going to be their own lil things. ok that’s it goodbye
2 soon | the reaper 
Limping down the street, the streetlamps being the only source of lighting, Wonwoo’s mind couldn’t help but wander. There were no cars going by at this time of night, not even a cool breeze to listen to the shaking leaves in the trees. The street was dead silent other than his heavy footsteps as he tried to make it home on his own. He was sure God or whatever higher power out there was out to get him lately since on top of everything else, his car had broken down and he was left to walk the rest of the way after calling Mingyu to make sure someone would get the car.
Had anyone been walking around this time of night, they’d probably call the police seeing Wonwoo awkwardly walking down the street with his hurt leg. Despite the nice suit, it was unbuttoned, slightly torn, and stained with splatters of blood. His white shirt underneath was half undone and splattered with blood as well, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, his hair was disheveled, his right eye was beginning to bruise, and the left corner of his lip was caked with dried blood. There was a trail of dried blood going from his nose to his top lip as well, and his tired expression only added to his awful appearance. 
“Oh my god, Wonwoo!” you gasped when you spotted him from the window, Joshua and Minghao rushing out behind you.
It was one of the first times he’d come home beaten up. You didn’t know about his line of work when you’d first started dating, but when it began to become more serious, he had to break and tell you. Finding out your boyfriend was in the mafia worried you for obvious reasons, to a point where for a while, two of the men he worked with had to stay at the house with you to make sure you didn’t go off trying anything stupid. But you did often pace the kitchen, checking out the window that faced the street to see when his car pulled in. And one night, you saw him be helped out of the car by Seungcheol because Wonwoo was so beaten up.
“It’s okay, baby,” he reassured you as you rushed to him.
“Careful, careful,” Seungcheol warned, not wanting you to throw yourself into him or anything. Jeonghan had just stitched up his gunshot wound, but Wonwoo made him swear not to tell you that much.
“What happened?” you asked, looking him over. He looked about as messy as his clothes, and that was saying something since he was missing his jacket he left the house with, and his shirt was barely hanging onto his body by thin threads. You moved to Wonwoo’s other side, putting his arm around your shoulders. “I’ve got him.”
Seungcheol carefully leaned your boyfriend’s weight onto you, letting you practically carry the poor man inside. Wonwoo managed to smirk at how worried you were. He knew it just meant you cared, and that meant the world to him.
“You’re so cute,” he chuckled, which then turned into coughing that only worsened your anxiety about his injuries. “Let the boys handle it, okay? I’ll be fine.”
You scoffed, “Not a chance.”
Wonwoo pulled a carton of cigarettes from his pocket, taking a cigarette and a lighter out from the pack. He put it between his lips and lit the end before taking a long drag and letting the smoke waft out from his mouth. His eyes locked on the driveway of his house as he recalled how many times you’d dragged him inside, sat him down on the couch or leaned him up against the sink in the kitchen and patched him up. He smiled fondly, remembering all the times you’d scolded him for so long until you were just repeating yourself, only to sigh and say, “You know I love you, right?”. 
But now, he walked up the driveway alone. Despite his limping, there was nobody to carry him home. He had to push himself up the steps, pausing on each one to brace himself for the next. He walked into the house, expecting the echo of his footsteps that he was used to even during your relationship, but not used to the emptiness he felt in the house. At least when his shoes would hit the hardwood as he walked to the bathroom to clean himself up, he knew you were upstairs. But now, he knew he was the only one in the house, and that was a new feeling. A new but vaguely familiar feeling of being alone. He was alone before you, but he was so accustomed to your presence that he forgot what it was like to not have anybody there when he came home.
“Go back upstairs,” Wonwoo huffed, trying to get to the basement while Junhui and Mingyu helped him.
This time it was worse. You were used to him coming home later, so you no longer wasted an hour or two pacing by the kitchen window, but instead waited until you heard the heavy sound of his boots against the hardwood in the hallway, going toward either the kitchen or the bathroom. He wasn’t always hurt, but this time, he was in worse shape than he’d let you know. That was why there were more men with him.
“_____,” he growled, his eyes glancing up at the stairway you were now frozen on. He’d used this voice before -- only a handful of times to show he was serious and didn’t want to fight you on whatever it was -- but it always made you freeze completely where you were. “Go.”
Mingyu and Jun continued to help him to the basement, Seungcheol and Soonyoung following behind them. You waited until you heard the basement door close before dropping your head and going back up the stairs to your room.
Glancing away from the staircase, Wonwoo continued down the hall to the kitchen. He grabbed the bottle of bourbon he left unfinished on the counter before going for the basement door. He threw it open, not bothering to close it behind him because there wasn’t a point to anymore. He was lucky he managed to get down the stairs without falling down them before he went over to his little corner where his desk was. They’d used the basement for plenty of things before, but it was mostly where he kept his ‘business things’. That’s why you weren’t to go down there -- not that that didn’t stop you from checking on Wonwoo from time to time when he had locked himself away down there.
Wonwoo flopped down in his chair, opening the bottle and taking a swig. He stared across the room, trying to grasp the reality that he was alone in the house. He wasn’t sure when it would finally sink in, but it hadn’t yet. It had been a month and he still had himself thinking he could hear your footsteps as you tried to sneak downstairs to check on him, or the shower running with your soft singing drifting from under the door. But the harsh truth was that you were gone an he was just imagining these things.
At first when he got home, you were the first thing he would check on. He wanted to know about your day, what you did, how you were feeling. He was grateful when you had dinner made for him -- even if it was cold by the time he got home -- and loved relaxing on the couch or in bed with you when he got home. But he slowly started seeing you less and less. He didn’t see you most days at all, so you looked forward to the nights. But more often, he started politely turning down dinner to go the basement -- that eventually turned into straight-up ignoring it to go do more work at his desk. Instead of checking up with you, he started going straight to the bathroom to clean himself up before silently grabbing a small snack and retreating to the basement until you were already fast asleep and he was crawling into bed for 2-3 hours of sleep. It got to a point where you barely saw Wonwoo at all.
And as Wonwoo took another drink right after letting out more cigarette smoke, he knew it was all his fault. He got too caught up in his job. He loved you, but he didn’t realize he wasn’t showing it like he should’ve. He made you feel unloved and forgotten and overlooked. It wasn’t a 50/50 situation, it was 100% his fault that you left him.
He put out his cigarette in his ash tray and eyed the bottle before he put his feet up on his desk and took a longer drink this time.
“Wonwoo,” he heard your voice in his ear, trying to shake him awake after another late night. But he had the day off today, and you were excited to spend every moment with him that you could. “Wonwoo, wake up!”
A smack to his cheek had his eyes shooting open as he let out a gasp.
“Jesus Christ, Wonwoo,” Mingyu breathed, sitting back as he realized the older man was awake, “I thought you were fucking dead. How much did you drink?”
Considering the slap Mingyu gave him didn’t hurt as bad as the metaphorical slap that his awful reality gave him, clearly not enough.
“None of your business,” Wonwoo slurred as he struggled to keep his eyes open, definitely hung over from drinking until he passed out -- again.
“You need to stop doing this,” the younger boy sighed, giving Wonwoo a stern look, “not even just because Seungcheol’s fed up with it, but because it’s not healthy.”
“What does it matter?” he grumbled, refusing to get up. Instead, his hand searched the floor for his bottle of alcohol.
“Will you stop with that shit? Come on, Wonwoo, _____ leaving doesn’t mean the end of the world!”
“Have you ever been in love?”
When Mingyu was silent, Wonwoo scoffed, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Well it was still your own fault she left you,” Mingyu stated, rolling Wonwoo onto his back with his shoe. “You said it yourself, so you can’t say it’s not true. You neglected her and now you’re throwing yourself a pity party when you did it to yourself.”
“Get out of my house,” Wonwoo groaned, deciding to cover his ears instead of search for the bottle of bourbon. 
“You’ve been pulling this shit every fucking day for a month,” Mingyu spat, ignoring how obviously annoyed Wonwoo was getting. Everyone was annoyed with Wonwoo’s behavior so this was only fair. “Someone always has to waste their time and come here to make sure you didn’t drink yourself dead.”
“Then stop checking!” Wonwoo shouted, finally peeling his eyes open to glare up at Mingyu. “Go the fuck away!”
“Leave me the fuck alone!”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he wanted to take them back. You stood in front of his desk, your own angry expression dissipating and being replaced with hurt instead. The two of you had been arguing because he’d been so distant, and while you understood that the basement was where he got more work done, you didn’t see the need for him to continue working when he was away ‘working’ all day. But his anger bubbled over and now he’d crossed the line.
“Wait, _____--”
You just shook your head at him, eyes filling with tears as you rushed to go back upstairs. Wonwoo called for you to come back, but you just ignored him, slamming the basement door closed. Wonwoo groaned and sat down in his chair, rubbing over his face with his hands.
That was definitely the biggest push for you to leave.
And now here he was, in the same room his life started falling apart. Why couldn’t he wake up to you like he thought he was? Better yet, why couldn’t he wake up and have everything just start over? He wanted to go back to when things were good and he wanted to keep them that way. But life didn’t work that way. It couldn’t just reset, it just kept going.
But Mingyu had to be a nuisance and interrupt Wonwoo’s dreams where everything was actually going well and he was happy.
Mingyu sighed, taking a seat in Wonwoo’s desk chair. He rested his elbows on his knees, running his hands through his hair. Why did Seungcheol have to send him to check up on Wonwoo? Why not Seungkwan or Seokmin? Somebody who had people they loved and could relate to Wonwoo? No offense, but Mingyu didn’t give two shits about Wonwoo’s broken heart.
“Look,” Mingyu said a bit softer, trying to be more level-headed about this, “I get you’re upset and you’ve never had to deal with heartbreak so you don’t know how to cope. But with this kind of...lifestyle, you should really need to come to terms with the fact that nothing will ever really go the way you planned it to.”
“That isn’t good advice,” Wonwoo sighed, not even trying to sit up. His eyes had even closed again, so Mingyu knew the older man didn’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon. “Just go.”
Mingyu stood, rolling his eyes and fixing his suit jacket, “Seungcheol’s going to be pissed, y’know.”
“Good for him.”
“Whatever,” Mingyu sighed. “I’ll send Seungkwan tonight to make sure you haven’t slipped into a coma or something.”
Wonwoo only hummed in response, waiting until he heard the Mingyu’s footsteps go up the stairs before closing the basement door. Then he finally pushed himself up off the floor, stumbling the whole time. But it was only to retrieve the bottle of bourbon with only a little left at the bottom. So he took the bottle, wobbled his way up the stairs to the kitchen to get another, and then carried on to the living room, finishing off the first bottle.
“Well, well, well,” you grinned seeing Wonwoo emerge from the basement. He was still in his ‘work’ clothes, but everything was undone to make it a little more comfortable for him since he was at home, “look who decided to show up.”
“What’re you watching?” he mused as he wandered into the living room and glanced at the TV. “Wheel of Fortune?”
You shrugged, “It’s 2am.”
“Eh, it’s not the worst show,” Wonwoo sighed as he let himself drop back onto the couch beside you. He normally would’ve scolded you for staying awake so late, but it was a Friday night so he couldn’t give any excuses as to why you needed to be in bed. Besides, he wanted to hang out with you for a bit before he was way too exhausted. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, shifting so you were leaning into your boyfriend’s side.
You kept your eyes on the TV, playing along like you had been before. You still continued to say your answers out loud despite Wonwoo sitting right there, but he merely chuckled. He thought it was kind of cute.
You were so immersed in the show that you didn’t even feel his gaze on you for the last five minutes.
You turned your head to look at him, seeing him smiling at you with so much fondness.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Wonwoo opened the second bottle as he stared at the TV, his reflection in the black screen reminding him that he was alone -- not just on the couch, but completely, utterly alone.
He put the bottle to his lips.
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skinnyghosttears · 3 years
May 12, 2021
1:06 am
I feel so embarassed everytime I say here that I binged. I still feel awful, I was thinking about tell to my parents I ate an ice cream or something when I'll go out in the afternoon, and skip dinner (or eat just a fruit) because "I feel nauseous". I have to check my weight in the morning but I already know it will be a mess.
1:55 am
Since I finished dinner I worked on a pendant to add to an old silver chain necklace, I used a coin (I hope it will not gave me an allergic reaction or something since I know there is nikel in there lmao) and I see it as a reminder that if I want to be skinny I have to work hard (it took me hours and its not perfect at all), I hope it will work. Its a really stupid think but its like, I made it to remind me a specific thing. Idk this kind of stuff make me feel more guilty, lets see how it goes. Im gonna finish my water and then I'll go to bed, finally.
The plan is 199kcal, considering lunch and a fruit mousse for dinner.
9:20 am
Before I fell asleep I s/h myself. Not new lines but I already have some bru1s3s. I dont want more permanent things.
Im gonna weight myself as soon as I find the energy to get up.
I dont deserve food today.
9:40 am
61,2kg. I hate the fact that I have to eat for lunch. Also I need batteries for the scale.
For dinner instead of a fruit mousse which is over 60kcal I'll have a couple of rusks (72kcal) so I can eat those drinking some tea. Im not gonna buy anything to eat today, It will just be an excuse.
10:43 am
Managed somehow to go to the bathroom, Im 61,05kg rn. Hope to see a 60 before lunch. I think for this weekend I will just see a 59 again. But nothing else. Im sad and angry with myself.
12:36 pm
Tomorrow I planned a piece of pizza for lunch (170kcal) and noodles for dinner (288kcal), and I have time for exercise in the morning, plus I'll walk with dogs and I'll have to go to my drive lesson. If I crave something in the afternoon I have a couple of strawberries that mom saved for me.
Im thinking about not weighting myself until the weekend.
6:44 pm
Im back home, I lied about eating something while I was out, so mom will say nothing for dinner because Im nauseous because of the bus. Im at 348kcal for today. I burned around 200 walking and I'll go out with my dogs later so I'll walk more.
9:10 pm
475kcal. Its ok. I burned over a half of it today. Tomorrow I will exercise sooooo much in the morning.
11:47 pm
Idk why I still feel like today I messed up when its clearly not true. I keep feeling the urge to binge like hell even if Im scared to look in the mirror. I crave some alchool so bad, maybe the next weekend my parents will not at home, since this is already planned... if I'll reach a good number maybe I can calculate the calories of some stuff and then just drink them when I want without someone notice.
Idk Im just... I feel I fucked up more than 4 times in this last week, I feel I cant continue this with the same strenght and I cant control myself anymore...
I hope to feel better tomorrow, I planned to exercise a lot and eat high volume foods that should make me feel full enough.
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