#sam: no? i wouldnt have
theygotlost · 1 year
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Every step I choose to take begins to set the world aflame!
And the soldiers march behind me,
I can hear them beat their spears!
And for the first time in all my life,
I know I'm more than what I fear!
Happy Glorious 25th of May!
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lostlavenderer · 5 months
I love Sam as our protag and I appreciate Lena as our new ominous office manager but sorry neither of them stand a chance. that entire office is literally just 'Alice Dyer and people who are irrevocably undeniably intensely in love with Alice Dyer' with not even a single exception
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suntails · 12 days
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this is a piece from my silver artbook, currently accepting preorders!! u can get a copy here!
non-UK: suntails.bigcartel.com
UK: etsy.com/shop/SuntailsArt
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buk-kakyoin · 3 months
Sam, about to word vomit at his workplace about government secrets that'll get him literally killed: "oh good, no computers in sight. They are the sole enemy we need to worry about and we're free to talk in secret here!"
The nosy-ass CCTV camera that see all and craves the hot goss: *whirring camera laughter* *popcorn making sounds*
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socksandbuttons · 10 months
How would little Eclipse and Blood Moon react if they saw someone trying to flirt (properly) with their father?
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They'd be disgusted and confused if anything. They're not very supportive of KC getting a love life.
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hellofriendhawke · 1 year
I agree a darker danny phantom would be really cool, but what i think would be even cooler would be a danny phantom where they make Danny's deepest desire to be normal consistent thruout the whole show. paired with Sam's desperation to be unique as his sort-of foil. only, by the end of the show they realize normalcy and weirdness are relative and unimportant, and what really matters is genuineness
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nobodymitskigabriel · 7 months
There's a quaint charm in Sabriel being the secret weirdly popular bonus ship of Supernatural, but I still feel somewhat cheated by the fact that the show explicitly mentioned Destiel, Wincest, and Sastiel but NOT Sabriel. I deserved to see the light in Sam's eyes die as he slowly unpicks his and Gabriel's names from the portmanteau. Him glancing unwillingly at Gabriel and then the grief of a thousand dying stars flashing across his face at Gabriel's sly answering wink.
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ardentpoop · 4 months
common problem i have w/ a lot of fanon is that people tend to heavily overestimate how attentive dean is to sam's issues/needs. dean is often fucking clueless abt what sam is going thru lol. outside of the immediate strain it places on their relationship and their ability to do their Job.
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plushpyromoved · 9 months
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i think they'd be friendz :3
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my absolute personal favorite moment of dean solo w a monster is for sure dean’s face after the siren just casually mentions how deeply rooted his feelings are for his brother by saying “i should be your little brother.” and while thinly veiled as a brotherly “haha omg no hes so silly he just wants his brother back 🤗🤗” thing by everybody and the show, “no. i gave him what he needed. and it wasn’t some bitch in a g-string. no; it was you.” which is a crazy line in itself, (like he might have been spitting facts i fear) the siren is telling sam this as dean holds a knife to his throat as per the sirens instructions?? its just so revealing too. like dean doesnt want a girl, he wants sammy, his little brother.
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moonlit-doodles · 5 months
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i romanced sam in stardew valley because he was the closest thing to kaveh but i divorced him after one day of marriage because he wasn't kaveh.
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robin33r · 3 months
Guys do you twinkify him, make him a rotten corpse, or turn hum into basically his cc!Sam self with bunny ears/tail
Do you give him a hooked nose or a button nose
Is his face round or long
Does he have scars or is he jesus and healed
I gotta know how people think of Sam for this I'm so so curious
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alientoastt · 8 months
thursdays are meaningful again (magnus protocol)
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stayatsam · 9 months
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ive twice now accidentally allowed my D&D party's druids to turn into birds at level 3
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pieflavorpie · 2 months
So Alice being standoffish and generally rather rude towards Celia cause she's essentially a jealous ex is cute n ok
But Sam being annoyed and exhausted [& therefore rude] when his ex [who is implied to have a history of using slightly-less-moral methods to try and get him to stop chasing his obsessions] was once again seemingly using less-than-moral methods (lying) to once again stop him from chasing after his obsession is just rude and 'I can't defend you for this one'. Bro.
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negasonic9403 · 2 months
So I'm not typically a Stony shipper because Stucky supremacy, but I see Stony as more of a fling. It's the first time Steve actually allows himself to express his feelings openly for a man, but it would never work out between them
Steve would want something serious and Tony just wants to be casual at the place he is in life then. They'd been arguing for awhile before Bucky comes back, but once Bucky is back Steve decides it's time to end things with Tony because he can't deny the feelings he still has for his best friend and because he knows him and Tony won't work out long term if neither of them change and he doesn't want to make Tony feel forced to choose between his life and Steve
Imagine if that had happened though but Steve actually sits down with Tony and tells him why he thinks they need to break it off and he explains *everything*
Everything from thinking that Bucky had died only days before he went in the ice and that they could reunite in death to not wanting to force Tony to change anything about himself for Steve to happier and that's the first time Tony sees Steve truly vulnerable and it's when they're breaking up
But Tony sees something else too, something he hadn't seen before. Steve is scared that Tony is going to judge him and be angry with him but Tony knew deep down that they would never work out unless Tony settled down or Steve loosened up, neither of which seemed likely in their current life positions. The other thing that Tony sees is Steve's mental illness that he had worked so hard to hide from everyone, even from Tony and Sam. Steve had wanted to be with Bucky so badly that he was willing to unalive himself to see his "best friend" again
Tony loved Steve, but not the kind of love that either of them needed or wanted, and he can't be angry with Steve for realizing that and having an actual adult conversation about it
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