#this is super unoriginal
wonderinc-sonic · 6 months
Sonic never celebrated Christmas when he was alone, or planned to after he gained a tiny fox brother. Nobody ever gave Sonic any presents, and he knew vaguely about Santa, but thought that was some kind of Robotnik publicity stunt - a fat man, red cloak, flying in the sky? Seemed an obvious rebrand.
And he didn't do presents those first few years either - Tails never even mentioned he knew about Christmas presents. And of course their other friends didn't. It wasn't until Amy asked him if he was writing a christmas list that Tails gently explained to them all that Father Christmas only came to good kits who had a house he could visit, and clearly even though Tails had a home now, he wasn't that good a kit. Which is an unacceptable thing for your big brother to hear.
Big red guy in the sky, mystical powers? Santa got a rebrand that year, and Knuckles got his pardon for teaming up against Sonic, plus an I O U for later favours.
Sonic insisted Amy and Tails wait up with him Christmas Eve, even though they were too young really. Sleepy on the sofa, they both got a fright when something heavy footed clunked onto the roof, and then fell down their chimney. Sonic put a blanket over them both and told them to shush, as a very gruff father Christmas came in, looking more like a burglar, to see their two stockings.
"Tails? That guy? The bestest- goodest - (what does that say?) - ingeniusest fox ever? Finally! I've found him. Ho. Ho. Ho."
Knuckles read from his list, and dumped 6 years worth of presents next to the stocking, glared at Sonic hiding behind the tree, and climbed back up the chimney with a glass of milk and the plate of cookies held in one hand.
Amy could barely contain herself of course, and Sonic nearly thought he got away with it. As they went to bed, Tails tugged Sonic's ear, and very seriously whispered.
"Do we tell Knuckles we know he's santa?"
"No, bud. I think- I think he'd like you to keep it secret."
After Christmas, Tails insisted they visit Angel Island, and made a great show of explaining he understood why Father Christmas couldn't find him, really, and it wasn't personal. He hoped they could be friends. Sonic and Knuckles had just bought themselves into a few years of prentending to Tails and Amy, then one more year of pretending just to Amy, because she really liked leaving out a home made pie.
Knuckles is still finding work as Cream's Santa today.
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stil-lindigo · 6 days
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As someone who is aroace and makes predominantly queer art, I’m giving back this pride month by donating all proceeds from my store to Minus18 and Trans Lifeline in a 50/50 split. Thank you for your support these past few years ❤️ it means the world.
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cringecrew · 1 year
this is me btw. when ur being mean 2 me this is who ur being mean 2.
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texasflowers · 3 months
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DEP Akira Toriyama 🕊
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pickled-flowers · 8 months
Why is it that every time a cishet person commission me they are 1. Very cold in the way they communicate and 2. Always ask for boring ass drawings
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bejeweledbaby · 1 year
every time steve bakes he has to physically stop eddie & robin from eating all the raw batter before he can even get it in the oven
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lucidd-the-weirdo · 1 year
Happy April Fools everyone, today I am not going to participate in such tomfoolery...
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phoboobs · 9 months
why have i never thought of a flower shop au
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yurimage · 1 year
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Started re-reading my favorite YA series from middle school and I could not rest until I drew up designs for the protagonists 👍
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mario eh eh eh
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Just realised I can't use tomorrow to relax because I have to prepare a stupid demo for the staff meeting on Monday 🙃
#ruffled feathers#we have to come up with a game that's 'safe focused and frequent' and doesn't leave anyone waiting for a turn#the TL for my demo is an entire fucking script i kid you not#i'm like. how tf do i make a game of this#it's one thing when you just have to do on Q and one A#but i have an actual dialogue and the age range is 10-12s#so i guess the best thing to do is just some super unoriginal janken ladder game?#everyone knows it so it's not like i'm bringing anything new or interesting to the table#but i have one day off and i've had a 6-day work week at a new school with POs and i have another 6-day week coming up#and i'm still processing a complicated and painful break up with a long-term partner#i barely had time to recover from jetlag before not just launching back into work#but travelling to a new school with Ss i've never met that's so far from yamagata city i had to stay at a hotel#so fuck it. i'm gonna be boring and unoriginal#i'll talk to my boss beforehand bc he's very understanding and i hate disappointing him#just explain that it's not gonna be my best and i know it's not my best for xyz reasons but i promise i'll try harder next time#he'll probably still be disappointed but i'm sure we'll both learn to live with it#besides. no offence to this one colleague of mine but i know he'll quarter-ass some garbage last minute#so whatever happens my boss will probably be less disappointed in what i have to show than what this guy does lmao#i'm such a bitch sometimes but it's true#watch him now put in an effort and come up with something spectacular for a change
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captaindamianos · 9 months
I'm gonna ask early this year so this has an actual chance of getting done - does anyone have any suggestions for Halloween costumes for Damen & Laurent?
I'm not the most creative when it comes to costumes, so I'd be happy about some ideas/suggestions if anyone has any. 🙏
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sebille · 2 months
i really want some ffxiv Friends!!
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LEAKED - Rosalina and another Luma's designs for The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2!
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Database, as much as they didn't like to, knew of everyone and everything in the world that had been created so long ago. Every Program, every Virus, every Mod, every Admin, anything that was code-born, they knew of it. Their name, their personality, their life.
A blessing and a curse, really.
That was why they were so surprised to see a singular piece of code somehow found its way into their home, which overflowed with powerful code. Not even the strongest codes would ever be able to get into their home, much less a command line.
So as they scoop it up and bring it to their eyes, they muse gently.
"Ah. You. We thought you had been destroyed." Database tilts their head, looking down at what was the final piece of the Code Manifestation, Singularity.
It was a simple command line now. All it wanted? Maximum efficiency.
Their eyes slant from weariness and confusion. "We could have sworn Little Coding had managed to get rid of you.. perhaps the overload didn't get rid of all your code, hm?"
There's no response, of course, but it still left Database wondering. Their thoughts drift back to Welony, the little child that had recently popped up. She was a new version of her old self, wasn't she? Atoning for the mistakes of the past.
Database purses their lips as they think. Who was to say they couldn't do something similar with Singularity? Or, well, what was left of it.
So they got to work. The four of them chimed in, adding what they thought necessary before finally they saw what they had created.
They smile, seeing a small, polygonal cat in their palms.
The legs, tail, and head were attached to the body, unlike Singularity's old model where everything floated. While this new Manifestation had a blue outline, their 'fur' was black, with red 1s and 0s running through it. The only floating parts were its two triangle ears, which were white instead of black. Its head was white as well, with no 1s or 0s, and there were only two 0s on its eyes. One red, one blue.
The Manifestation curiously looks up at Database.
Database pauses before sighing softly. Peering to see events was always a headache, one that the Four would share, but it still hurt.
They have to remove the efficiency command, or else this new Code Manifestation would become Singularity once more.
"This won't hurt, we promise." They assure the Code before gently plucking out the command. They stare at it before crushing it.
"Goodbye, Singularity." They watch the small particles fall. "We hope you finally rest."
Turning their attention back to the Code Manifestation, they ponder. "What shall we name you, hm? What name will we give?"
They think and think before similing.
"We shall keep it simple. You'll be Plurality. A little corny, a little cheesy, but is that not what life is about? To have a bit of fun?" They smile, and they see Pluarlity smile a tad too.
They fit their hands and place the new Code Manifestation on a platform. A bit of digging, and the ties were cut. There was no way anyone would ever find out about Plurality once being Singularity unless Database themselves spoke of it.
At least, they hoped.
"You will be our eyes and ears. You will travel to places we can not see and can not hear, and you will record. You will learn, you will inhabit, and you will return." Database tells Plurality. "But you never tell anyone of who you are."
"I understand." Plurality finally speaks, and Databae smiles. A voice similar to Little Coding's but not so much.
"And most importantly.." They gently push a fingertip against Plurality's chest. "Find yourself. Discover who you are."
A chat box and few other items appear before being dropped into a satchel relative to Plurality's size. The satchel then attaches itself to the Code Manifestation's body before the Code if gently pushed through a portal.
"Make us proud, Plurality."
Pluarlity looks behind to where the portal once was before looking out beyond. An ear twitches.
"Discover myself, huh..? I.. I can do this."
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heinrix · 6 months
i never talked abt it cause i wasn’t super active on here at the time but when atsv came out i immediately had such a self indulgent spiderverse oc in mind and i made lore for the universe he’s from and everything. ohh i need to add him to my oc page
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