#this is the golden ratio of angst to fluff and comfort
generalsdiary · 2 months
remember this message from aventurine?
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yeah, so I wrote that scene.
To Aventurine's luck, he was rescued from the Nihility, the end, by a knight of Beauty. How lucky… He lives to see another day. Another assignment, another project, another trip which will all get blurred in a haze, memories merging together like melted crayons his mind too blurry if he ever even tried to recall.
A single drop of water slithered down his back under his satin shirt. His face was covered in a thin sheen of sweat, trembling, hands shaking with terror mirrored in his wide open eyes. The hill of his throat bopping as he gasps for air. The sheets felt too heavy, too warm, too suffocating. Another night he woke up drenched in sweat. Another nightmare where the air left his lungs, he was alone, they weren’t there, no peace of death, no calm embrace of sins forgiven and a new life beginning. The air scratched against his throat, rose thorns dragging along the sides of his windpipe poisoning his vocal cords, his words dying there before they could be vocalized in yelps, wails, or even pleadings. His chest rises and falls down in weak attempts to make his heart calm down, to stop it from jumping out of his chest and making him less of a human than he already thinks he is. Red crescent moons scattered inside his palms are sending aching pain to his nerve’s ends, he stares forward, he doesn’t pay them much mind- he cannot, the pain could ground him but he is too out of it. out of his mind, out of his body, desperately clutching onto the sheets, the branches of this existence, of this reality. Palms sweaty with the ending of the nightmare still trapped in his tense hands, the bitter taste on his tongue the flavor of nihility. The eyes that glow in the dark, that he would’ve sold in his past if it got him something… money? freedom? If such a thing even exists. Those same eyes like boiling water overflowing and, with salt and regret fall down the hills of his cheeks. He cannot control them, the tears, it is his body’s weak attempt at regulating his emotions. He has been running, every gamble, every manipulation, every flashy smile… it is him running from his past and back to it. his legs would give out underneath him if he was standing, knees too weak, feet too swollen, burning him up from inside. Settling more in the now, he feels the guilt dripping off his teeth, snake toxin that colors each of his smiles and paints his every pretty praise… did he truly do it just to see his family once more? throwing it all away for that… what would they think of him provoking an emanator, throwing this precious life away for the ones who have passed on? anger. White, hot anger, he regrets it. they wouldn’t- he never should’ve done it. they would want their little boy to persevere. to continue on. to stop gambling his own life. what is he worth if he won’t wager that of which has little matter to him? what blatant lies… the one who does not care for his life doesn’t clutch his chips in his hand for dear life. sadness. The ends of his hair stick to the back of his neck like ropes and chains that once bound him. or perhaps strings with which he is controlled. No one controls him. or perhaps this… glamourous, extravagant persona of Aventurine does. He needs to make a change. Cut the strings, control his own body, his choices, he can do better, he will do better… maybe he will dare to want to do better… in regards to himself. the various nightmares that keep his nights restless and his body frail keep coming, he exhales a heavy breath hoping, praying, that this is the last one. that this never-ending torment will end. Now his back aches from sitting up like so, or is it the weight of his job and his curse the ones which make it bend so? He has betrayed himself every day. putting the flamboyant clothes on and wearing it like a clown suit, parading around… except if someone gets close enough and sees the little Kakavasha hidden deep, far inside.
Sheets rustle behind him, grounding him even more in the present, anchoring him further in his body and out of the darkness of his dreams. “another one?” the baritone voice quietly asks, strong arms embracing his torso and his hand clutched onto them for… dear life. a hand presses against his damp forehead, seemingly checking his temperature. The thick, swallowing, dooming silence now cut with breathing of another that came to his awareness. Another set of ribs expanding and contracting against his own. A heart beating, pumping blood in rhythm with his. “I will draw us a bath.” The arms threaten to move away, and Aventurine grips them tightly refusing to let go, he turns back facing the man his eyes pleading, begging him to not go. “Veritas…” the man’s eyelashes flutter a few times before the indigo hair moves with a nod. “I’m here, Kakavasha. Right here. We will go together.”
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haechanhues · 1 month
last minute of golden hour; yours | chapter three
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pairing : first love! haechan x fem!reader
genre : small coastal town romance. first love. fluff. pining. suggestive. angst.
warnings : short and more of a filler chapter. haechan does make a little appearance but this chapter is more of an insight in their family dynamic.
summary : is first love meant to be the way it is for the town's golden boy and everybody's baby angel?
word count : 1.3k
taglist : @nshitae
main masterlist
previous chapter : chapter two
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It was a brand new day, and it had already started with sunrise. Your Mum, specifically. It was her annual, once in a full moon day off and she was celebrating it the way she always did. Initially, undoubtedly with a good mood. 
This good mood however was mostly at your own expense…
“Mum, stop already!” You plead, trying to squeeze in between her too excited demeanour and hard kitchen bench. 
“Oh c’mon, give me the goss. I've been waiting for a free day for weeks,” She pleads back, twirling in her dressing gown and pyjamas. Granted, she is the happiest she’s been in a few months, sleeping in an extra two hours and making herself breakfast, “I feel like I need gossip to function right now. So make it good.”
“I told you already,” You rolled your eyes, as your Mum bends to fill the dishwasher up with your Dad’s dirty dishes, “He told me to meet up with him, I did and it went alright. A bit awkward and I was nervous but…yeah” 
Your Mum looks from her chore to see you duck your head with a lovestruck little smile that completely overtakes your whole face. 
“More than alright it seems, he has you in googles and googly-ga-gaa over him,” She snorts, “Wanna watch a movie with me? I’m going to be all alone and I want to spend it with my daughter.” 
A part of you wants to groan, because this is when your mother wants to steal all the details over your failed little flirtation with Haechan and the other half realises she’s just offered you a way out of a mock exam….
The same part knows your mother has moments like this where she forgets you’re a school student and if you cared more about attendance like Yunjin you wouldn’t accept any offer she makes. Wouldn’t even consider it. But you’re not Yunjin, because you slid right next to your mother to see what movie she chose with your school uniform still on. 
You figure it’s everything to do with the fact you don’t get to see your parents much. Your mother usually works late nights with her rest to work ratio being completely imbalanced. Coming home with a stiff neck and low tolerance for children and the like. Your father, similarly, is working hard towards a promotion at work that will end in his salary potentially being tripled. You worry that the wind will change and he’ll be stuck with a hunched neck from working business. 
Despite this, they maintain their duties to being your parent. Your Dad often taking you out on weekends or roping you into an evening trip to a takeaway shop more than an hour away to sneak in bonding time. Mum in comparison using her sick days or break opportunities to relax and unwind, you more often than not, by her side.
By the time the sequel to ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ begins, you leave to change out of your school uniform, opting for a more comfortable fit and sending a quick text to the group chat explaining your absence. 
“Shall I make pancakes?” Your Mum wonders, feeling peckish and with sugar cravings that could make a diabetic faint. You nod, incredibly entranced, “Can I get a thank you?” 
You lock eyes with your mother, smiling with teeth before refocusing on the movie and the awkward yet lovable main character, “Thanks. Love you.” 
Your Mum sighs, whipping the mixture half asleep and buttering the pan. She pulls out her phone to send your Dad evidence of the simplistic yet precious lunch she plates, her creative juices sparking when she brings out all sorts of toppings. She cuts the bananas, fills the little teapot with maple syrup and then halves a lemon. She does it all. 
Feeling less entertained by the movie currently, you watch as your Mum plates up the pancakes, smirking at the way your Mum presents it all on a little lazy susan. Feeling a little mischievous you send your Dad a text with a photo of the two of you and the small picnic in between. 
Your Dad texts almost immediately. 
Betrayal! My lawyers will be hearing about this-
You can hear your Dad’s voice just from reading the text and it makes you snort so loudly your mother almost has a heart attack. 
Just kidding. Really am jealous though. Will be home late today x hope SOMEONE enjoys their day off. 
Hang on
Aren’t you supposed to be at school today? 
Your mouth fills with air as your lips clamp shut at the incriminating question before turning your phone facedown on the bench immediately. 
“Dad says he’s jealous,” You comment, cutting through your first pancake greedily. 
“He should be, I did good,” Your Mum compliments herself, and then she giggles at the way you send her a lowkey judgemental look, “Say if you had to choose between Donghyuck or pancakes what would you pick?” 
You roll your eyes, collecting your plate off the bench before moving towards the paused TV to continue watching the movie. Your mother’s spurts of laughter follow after you. 
“Ha ha,” You deadpan, which sends her into another fit of laughter, a kind she tries to bury only for her cheeks to swell like a balloon as she fails to contain her giggles. 
The whole day is spent like that. With food to share between the two of you. Your bodies flying like feathers as past days evaporate into the sky. Laughter and teasing. More teasing. Teasing about your crush on the golden boy, Lee Donghyuck. Sporting hero. Your town’s pride. The one going places. 
You almost combust when the aforementioned boy appears on your doorstep with a small care package that took him a good hour to orchestrate together, along with your two friends who already suspect that you ditched school for a reason that’s not illness but rather because your Mum was home. 
They don’t have the heart to say anything to him though. Ultimately deciding to encourage him instead. If he has already gone to such lengths, he wouldn’t mind the effort? So they exaggerate. Jeno is sure that they described the symptoms of bubonic plague, but he decides to keep that tidbit of information a secret. 
It’s when you open the door, with a healthy glow and no hives in sight, does he start to feel like an idiot. A godforsaken big idiot. 
“Oh,” He mutters, holding out the bag awkwardly, “I got you a care package… I thought you were sick?” 
Your nose scrunches, and if you weren’t so embarrassed yourself, you wouldn’t have let how cute he is go. 
“I’m not sick,” You deny, tucking your hair behind your ear, “My Mum’s home from work so I’m spending the day with her.” 
“Lucky,” He mutters, “We had a test today.” 
“I know,” You whisper conspiratorially back. Your smile grows as he looks at you with a dumbfounded look. 
“And you didn’t think to invite me? Huh?” He’s joking with you, expression bright and soft. 
“Next time, I promise, I will,” You pout, holding out your hand. He holds out his own hand to loop your pinky finger with his, and from his touch alone your whole body is warm. Be it your own opinion, but you can attest that Haechan is blessed with the sun’s kiss so much that he has never been cold a day in his life. He’s like a furnace. 
He peers down at his phone, reading the time before locking eyes with you again, “I’ve got to go to training now.” 
You don’t want him to go, and by his expression it doesn’t look like he wants to leave either. 
“Hope you’re ‘feeling better’ tomorrow,” He sends his regards with his hands shaped like bunny ears and he smiles when you reward him with your own. 
“Should be.” 
Then he’s off and again, you’re completely blown away with him. His smile. His laugh. His warmth. His fucking face. 
“What’s this I hear about test day?” 
next chapter : chapter four
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sotwk · 2 years
As I plot out my headcanons and detailed story/history timeline for Thranduil, I realize more and more just how much this poor king lost and suffered as a result of Sauron choosing the Woodland Realm as the headquarters for his comeback.
In SotWK-verse, here is the tally of Thranduil's losses:
His wife. The single love of his life. His soulmate, his primary source of light and comfort, his very heart. She should have been his companion for life, and now he must wait for who knows how long to see her again in Valinor.
His sons. They were good kids; he adored them and they worshipped him. He started with 5, and by the end of the Third Age, he is left with 1. He loses them one by one, each as a result of fighting the Enemy. You hear all those stories of parents driven mad by the loss of one child; multiply that four times. He even loses Legolas emotionally because of their grief. Honestly, how Thranduil managed not to fade from heartbreak makes him the strongest elf in Arda. His is a Silm/First Age-level tragedy.
His home. He once had a beautiful palace that he had built for his wife and their family, where all his children were born and over a thousand memories were made. He was forced to abandon it and move elsewhere like a refugee due to the Dol Guldur infestation.
His realm. At its height, his kingdom once spanned the entirety of Greenwood the Great. Check the maps--that forest is MASSIVE. It was home to the largest elven population in Middle-earth, and his people were happy and prosperous. As the darkness spread from Dol Guldur, his lands shrank as they retreated not only to a small corner in the north-east, but they were driven into underground halls, away from the stars and open spaces they loved. Elves died and ceased to reproduce as they once did, so their numbers shrank too. (Still did not stop the badass Elvenking from fielding an army at BotFA.)
His pride and legacy. In the first part of the Third Age, the Woodland Realm had a thousand years of peace and prosperity under Thranduil's rule, but they were pretty quiet and humble about it. His family was generous and extended goodwill and aid to outsiders who sought or needed it. But when the Woodlands darkened under the Necromancer's influence, outsiders were quick to rename the kingdom, "Mirkwood", or "The Forest of Great Fear", and call his people "more dangerous and less wise". That's what people chose to remember and talk about, not the years of Thranduil's Golden Age. Furthermore, help did not come from other kingdoms in Mirkwood's long struggle, but certain people got angry at Thranduil for not sheltering them when they were attacked and driven from their home. (How does it feel, Thorin? (I still love you, though.))
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I mean... it really looks like he lost EVERYTHING because of Sauron, doesn't it? Because he refused to abandon his people, and chose to stay and fight with everything he had.
So maybe he's a bit of a cantankerous, ruthless, closed-up bastard in the events of The Hobbit. Can you blame him? A lesser being would probably be a homicidal, ultra-paranoid maniac after suffering so much. He deserves to behead every orc he comes across, no questions asked. I'm all for mercy, but even I give his rage a pass on this one.
How awkward that I try to keep my blog a source of positive vibes, yet I am writing about the life and family of an utterly tragic character! (I need to make sure I maintain an appropriate fluff-to-angst ratio!!!) But I think the reason I feel compelled to point all of this out repeatedly is to remind y'all: King Thranduil Oropherion is amazingly strong of will, mind, and heart to continue ruling and protecting his people, fighting against Sauron even after he's been beaten down repeatedly for centuries. He always gets back up--stubborn, brave, and unbowed.
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For more SotWK/Thranduil headcanons: My Masterlist
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
Interesting / Good Worldbuilding pt. 1 (Canon Era only)
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 508k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
🧡 Song of Suibian and Bichen: Or, the Greatest (And Only) Furby Master of Demonic Cultivation by moonwaif (T, 64k, WangXian, Fix-It of Sorts, canon adjacent, The spiritual weapons are furbies, Angst with a Happy Ending, The parent trap but make it WangXian with furbies, Mutual Pining, Taking my favorite parts of every adaptation and smashing them together)
Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics)
Serrated by InkSplatterM and MrMissMrsRandom (E, 194k, WangXianYu, Canon Divergence, MXY Lives, Dom MXY, Sub LWJ, Slow burn)
The Same Cloth by x_los (T, 8k, wangxian, LXC & LWJ, Madam Lan/QHJ, post-canon, established relationship, case fic aftermath, family feels, family drama, wolrdbuilfing, government, married life, parent-child relationship, character study)
❤️ To be of use by Erisette (Not Rated, 53k, LSZ & LWJ, Found Family, Accidental Baby Acquisition, (kinda), Father-Son Relationship, Missing Scene, Good Teacher LWJ, Sizhui is an angel, Jingyi is the best of brats, Seclusion Lite™, Everyone under 20 at Cloud Recesses worships Hanguang-jun, Fluff, Hanguang-jun is the coolest, Worldbuilding, this is not sad tho even though it’s set in the time jump, the fluff-to-sads ratio is v high)
Unawakened by nirejseki (G, 5k, JGY/NMJ, canon divergence, fix-it, worldbuilding)
Tedious Joys by nirejseki (T, 27k, LQR & sect leader Nie, queerplatonic relationships, nie sect cultivation, qi deviation, autistic LQR, asexual LQR, unhealthy relationships, child abuse, domestic violence, mental instability, altered mental stages)
Life series by scifigeek14 (T, 65k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix it, mojo’s post)
splendor in the heart and glory in love by LunaChi_KuroShihone (G, 10k, wangxian, canon divergence, gods & goddesses, hurt/comfort, protecitve LWJ, sect god LWJ, YLLZ WWX, immortality, prayer, friendship, love, humor)
wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, Happy Ending, Noping Out Of Society With Your Boyfriend And Your 50 Wen Refugees: The Novel, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts)
💖 Echo, Murmur, Dream, Here by bluerainmist (M, 51k, wangxian,  canon divergence, WWX survives, sect leader WWX, yiling wei sect au,  slow burn, angst w/ happy ending, getting together, pining, love  confessions, reunions, mind all the tags)
Quartet series by WithBroomBefore (T, 69k, Platonic Soulbond, Hurt/comfort, Canon Divergence, No golden core transfer, JC&JZX stay in Xuanwu cave, Fix-it, Temporary character death)
like the setting sun series by silversshadow (T, 59k, wangxian, major character death, ghost wens, canon divergence)
the first sky is inside you, open at either end of day by millepertuis (G, 7k, wangxian, canon divergence, magical realism, detachable hearts)
To Sizhui by countingcr0ws (E, 21k, WangXian, Librarian LWJ, Mistaken Identity, Requited Love, Mental Link, Soul Bond, Genius WWX, Romance, Fluff, Banter, Epistolary, Love Poems, Footnotes, Smut, Laughter During Sex, Cultivation Sect Politics, Canon Divergence, Love Letters)
100 Ways to Impress a Boy by ArgentInferno (T, 79k, WIP, WangXian, NHS & WWX, Canon Divergence, Falling In Love, Fluff, Growing Up, Teenagers being awkward teenagers, gender feels, Trans LWJ, Trans Male Character, Nonbinary NHS, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Experimental talismans cause trouble, Accidental Teleportation, Coming Out, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining)
The Scarlet Lotus by rainbowninja167 (M, 137k, WangXian, Marriage of Convenience, Secret Identity, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical war crimes, Yunmeng Bros, the mortifying ordeal of getting seduced by your own husband, nonlinear chronology we die like cql, just kidding nobody dies in this fic, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication)
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stayinhellevator · 1 year
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Hard To Love
One Shot
where Chan was hard to love but harder to not. angst, hurt with comfort Bang Chan x gn!Reader // Lee Know x gn!Reader
Shades Of Love
One Shot
where you thought love was red but it was golden Angst/fluff Scoups x gn!Reader // Wonwoo x gn!Reader
If Svt Had A Fan Account
Golden Ratio
Mini Series
Who is a soulmate? Your chosen or your destined? It's for you to decide.
Soulmate AU/ Angst
Svt x fem!Reader
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©️stayinhellevator2023: Please don't repost, copy or translate my work on any other platform.
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Hi! Some time ago, like earlier this year, you talked about how it is sometimes very scary to wait for a continuation of something you’ve been enjoying, be it a show, a book series, new album etc. and that you are scared for a different reasons, like, would it be as good, would I love it, how will the fandom change after that, and about a lot of other different things, that could impact your enjoyment of it. And I don’t know if you know, but you probably have seen by now, Good Omens 2 came out, and the ending of the season… let’s put it that way, if the writers of 3-d potential season would use your golden ratio of angst and fluff system, we still have a chance in the future, but otherwise… fob stuff is saving my sanity right now, it’s really a great timing, to be honest! And I like what laudanumcafe said on this matter, that who could’ve imagined, that reality would be soothing us after watching a new season of our comfort show. So anyway, now I’m going to reread the musical peterick fic of yours, because it was always one of my favourites, and it got mentioned a few times recently. Also, I would bet my actual MONEY, that if they magically decide to write a musical, and someone casually drops the name “Stumped” as a possible title, Pete would immediately run with it and stick with it until the end.
Oh, nooooooo, I'm so sorry, this whole Ask speaks of pain and I know well that feeling and I really feel deeply for you. :-(
I've seen Good Omens S1 but I haven't watched S2 yet and although I adore the book and I adore both David Tennant and Michael Sheen it isn't a fandom love for me BUT also thank you for this warning because I don't want to be sad so I'll probably avoid watching it lol
ANYWAY, I'm glad you have comfortfic to read, that is honestly for-real the reason I write comfortfic, so I'm glad it's there for you.
And I really am so sorry about the S2 thing. As you know from having referenced my previous post, I get how that is just the worst feeling. :/
(I think my post about being nervous is here, but I also wrote one about S3 of Sherlock which...we all know how that turned out lololol.)
(Also here is my post on my Golden Ratio Theory, if you're curious -- and how television series almost always mess it up.)
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squiddy-god · 3 months
𓆩♱Tome of the Dark⊱♱𓆪
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Hi hi hi~ the masterlist for my fics! Previously I was @/squid-god-supreme. Please make Shure to check the pined post for navigation! It has convenient links to everything!
❥-potential content warning/dark fic.
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Genshin impact-
♥︎-Secret Menu (diluc x reader)
♡- happy birthday diluc
♡-dilf albedo hcs (albedo x reader)
♡-Xiao and his "friends" (Xiao x reader)
♡-love on the breeze (venti x reader)
♡-happy birthday tartaglia
❥a lonely night (osial x reader pt1)
❥a stormy night (osial x reader pt2
♥︎- neuvillette smut hcs
♡-"crashing winds" venti x soulmate reader!
♡- "antique hearts" zhongli x reader
♡❥-"festering feelings " Dragon!albedo x reader
♥︎-The Hydro Dragon? A closet freak!? (Neuvillette x reader)
♡-types of affection (xiao, childe, albedo, zhongli)
Twst (twisted wonderland) -
❥groom of the deep sea(Azul x reader)
♡-Pomfriore as vampires
♡-a kiss to wake (malleus x reader)
♡-intertwined (jade, Floyd x reader)
♡-Dorm leaders happy S/o
♡-Dorm leaders S/O bad period
❥captured (king! Malleus x reader)
♡-Confession to a fae (Lilia x reader)
♡-Ode to a prideful knight
♡-Lilia vanrouge fluffy confession
♡-random imagines (dorm leaders x reader)
♡-dorm leader crush on same person
♡-octo trio plushie
♡-dorm leader general hcs
♡-Malleus, Leona, vil, Floyd S/O who rides horses
♡-dorm leader crush hcs
♥︎-idia shroud phone sex
♡-malleus, Leona shy but crack S/O
♡-meeting deuces mom
♥︎-malleus and his long ass tongue
♡-like a mother to a flame (Moth! Idia x reader)
♡-cuteness aggression (Floyd x reader)
♡-Malleus, Azul, lilia, jack, idia S/O bad at self care
♡-riddle, Azul jealousy hcs
♡- S/O rest head in lap (ace, deuce)
♡-pirates treasure (jack x reader)
♡-Harpy epel
♥︎- Rook NSFW CEJX
♡-Rook wedding BDGHMT
♡-Silver Wedding Alfebet C,D,E,H,K,M,N,O,Q,T,U,V,X,Y.
♡-Twst cowboy Au! (The town of night Raven)
♡-dorm leaders w/ chubby S/O
♡-Vil with an overworked, tomboy s/o
♡-3rd years with a s/o who crochets
♡❥-Dorm leaders x neglected reader
♡-savanaclaw x golden retriever (beastman) m!Reader
♡-gojo, nanami, geto, noya cuddle hcs
♡-Jjk men as dads (gojo, nanami, geto, choso)
♡♥︎- Kevin honkai impact, sfw and nsfw hcs
Moriarty the patriot
♡-William fluff hcs
Bungo stray dogs
✤-Tell tale heart (poe x reader)
♡-soft akutagawa hcs
♥︎-riding akutagawa
♡-valentines day chuuya
♡-"You hand in mine" akutagawa x reader
Demon slayer
♡-Main trio Reckless s/o
♥︎-praise obanai
♥︎-blindfold (giyuu x reader)
Obey me!
♥︎-shower sex (levi x reader)
♥︎-chokeing (belphegor x reader)
♡belphies fashion show pt1
♥︎belphies fashion show pt2
♡-NRVWX Satan wedding alphabet
♥︎- reader in heat (belphie x reader)
♡- you propose (brothers x reader)
♥︎- wedding night (brothers x reader)
♡♥︎-making out with belphegor
♡-tummy kisses from the brothers+dia
♡-beel cuddleing his +sized s/o
♡-Levi x reader who is a VA
Black butler
♥︎-body worship (snake x reader)
✤♡- traumatised s/o (Sebastian, Undertaker)
♡- snake hcs (snake x reader)
♡-grell jumpy touch-starved s/o
♡- jumpy touch-starved s/o (Sebastian, Undertaker, snake, triplets)
♥︎-snake NSFW alphabet a-z
♡-snake wedding aplphabet CDEHKMNOQTUVXY
Death note
♥︎- food play (L x reader)
♡♥︎- valentines day L
My Hero Academia
♥︎-overstim (shigaraki x reader)
Call of duty
♡✤- his ugly Orange hair (konig x ftm reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Ghost x trans! Reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Gaz x trans! Reader)
♡♥︎- Task force T4T (trans! Soap x Trans! Reader)
♡- ghost valentines day
Dr. Stone
♡✤- comfort fic (ryusei x reader)
♥︎- blunt confessions (senku ryusei tsukasa)
♡-Senku, gen, ukyo shy S/o
Honkai : Star rail
♥︎-HSR men and manhandling (argenti, Boothill, ratio, king Yuan)
♡-"makes you look stupid" (ratio x reader)
♡-ratio x cheeky m!professor
Chainsaw man
♡-Denjis bi panic (Denji x male reader)
Boulders gate 3
♡-Wyll, Astarion, karlach, Gale x plus sized/chubby reader
Wuthering waves
♥︎-Wuwa manhandling (geshu Lin, jiyan, calcharo)
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trektraveler · 3 years
Chapter Three: Netflix and Chill
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Summary: Jensen Ackles seemed to have it all. A hit television series fifteen years running, a budding music career and a stunning wife. To the casual observer, his life was perfect. But it was a façade. No more real than the supernatural world created on a soundstage.
That day on the lake had started with uncertainty, but when he pulled you from the water everything became clear. The truth was, he’d been the one drowning.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jensen x Reader, Jensen x You
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki, Misha Collins, Reader
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Hospitals, Drowning, Fluff, Angst, Smut, unprotected sex
Chapter Three: Netflix and Chill
Word Count: 2782
Author’s Notes: This is a complete work of fiction about a real life person. The circumstances are totally made up and are in no way a commentary on the fantastic Jensen Ackles or his family.
This is also a unique reader insert story as I have given the reader a physical description including hair color, eye color and body type. Hopefully you can still lose yourself in the utter fantasy where Jensen is the hero and you are ripe for rescuing!
Additional Notes: This chapter kicked my ass. Sometimes that is the way, it was just a damn struggle. It didn't want to be written! It was because of the overwhelming positive and enthusiastic response that I was able to push through and bring it into being. Thank you all, I needed it!
Series Masterlist
You woke up completely disoriented and stiff as a board. You laid there for a solid two minutes, letting your weary gaze travel over the unfamiliar décor. Eventually it came to you, there had been an accident. The hospital. The doctor.
You were at Jensen’s apartment. He’d brought you home to recuperate, or at least until you regained your memory. Which, to your frustration, you hadn’t. You still had no clue as to the most basic details about yourself. Everyone else seemed confident that your memories would return in time, but how much time? How long would this continue before you should be concerned? What was normal in a case like this? All you had were questions.
Sitting up proved to be a real struggle, every muscle seemed to be twice as sore as it was yesterday. Glancing at the alarm clock, you estimated you’d slept nearly thirteen hours. Which meant any residual pain killers from the hospital were now out of your system. No wonder you felt like roadkill.
With a lot of effort, you managed to get yourself out of the bed and on two feet. The room spun and tilted dangerously, making your vison blur. You sat back down on the mattress with a heavy thump. Squeezing your eyes closed, you breathed through your nose and tried to will the dizziness away. After a few minutes you tried again and succeeded.
After a brief stop in the bathroom, you left in search of your host. You shuffled down the hall like an old man, trailing your hand along the wall for balance until you reached the living room. He was sitting on the sectional, his long legs stretched out in front of him, studying a thick stack of papers. More stacks sat on the coffee table. Scripts, you realized. He said he was an actor.
The look of intense concentration on his face made you sorry to interrupt his process. His brow furrowed, causing a crease just over his nose as his eyes scanned the page. Without the haze of morphine to cloud your perception you could confirm your earlier assessment, Jensen Ackles was gorgeous. Just completely distracting. His face probably fit into that golden ratio that Fibonacci discovered. The mathematical sequence that proves someone is attractive using numbers and science. As if the rest of us couldn’t already tell by the way we drool every time we see them.
“Doing your homework?”
Jensen wasn’t used to just hanging around in his own apartment. He usually headed out the door before he could get antsy, but with you there he didn’t have that option. He did every chore imaginable to keep himself occupied while you slept. He was halfway through deep cleaning the grout lines in his bath when his phone alerted him to an e-mail. It was the latest draft of the script for season fifteen; God himself must have taken pity on him.
He did poke his head into your room to check on you a couple of times, you’d slept straight through it. So, when he glanced up and saw you standing in the doorway, he was actually relieved.
“Hey there,” he said, tossing the script aside. “How’d you sleep?”
“Really well, that bed is amazing.”
He came up beside you, making note of the way you held your ribs and tightness of your features. “Pretty sore, huh?”
“Just a little stiff,” you let him lead you to the couch and ease down into the deep cushions. “A lot stiff.”
“Well, I’ve got some pretty awesome drugs from the doc, but you need to eat with them. Feel up to some breakfast?”
He gave you that movie star grin, “Great. You stay put; I’ll be right back.”
You shifted around on the couch, trying for a more comfortable position. Eventually you discovered that a throw pillow tucked against your stomach for your arms to rest on provided the most relief. The script on the top of the stack caught your attention.
Supernatural: Season Fifteen, Episode 1 – Back and to the Future.
You picked it up and began thumbing through it. Many of the pages were already dog-eared and had remarkably neat notes written in the margins. Only around the character of Dean, you noticed. That must be his part. Everything from frame of reference notes on past episodes to internal dialog and camera directions. Who knew the actor’s job was so intricate?
The story itself was fascinating, although you had nothing in your memory to compare it against. It had angels and demons, ghosts, witches.
“John Wayne Gacy? Seriously?”
“The Winchesters don’t shy away from the heavy hitters.”
You were so involved in the story that you didn’t notice when Jensen came back with a plate in his hands. You exchanged the script for eggs and fresh fruit with a shy smile. “Hope you don’t mind me snooping.”
“Nope. Although you should take it easy with the reading. It’s on your list of restrictions along with video games, bright lights, contact sports, caffeine and booze.”
“So that’s why I didn’t get beer with breakfast.”
“Sorry about that, maybe this will make up for it.” He pulled a bottle of pills from his pocket and handed them to you.
“Thank Christ,” you breathed, immediately downing two with a swallow of orange juice.
“We alternate heat and ice every couple of hours for your ribs. And lots of sleep too.”
“I just woke up.”
“You’ll conk out again before you know it, trust me. Concussions are nothing to mess around with.”
You popped a strawberry into your mouth as you considered him. “You speaking from experience?”
“I played a lot of sports when I was a kid, took a hit or two,” he said with a shrug. “Plus, your doctor sent a whole packet of care instructions and things to look out for. Speaking of, you don’t smell burnt toast, do you?”
“That’s for a stroke, not a concussion.”
He gave you a lopsided grin, “See, you’re getting better already.”
You chuckled. Turns out you were starving, you polished off two more helpings of eggs before you were done. Jensen set you up with a heating pad and a blanket before settling himself beside you.
He grabbed the remote and pointed it at the massive flat screen, flipping through options. “Okay, so I’m thinking total binge fest. I’m good for pretty much anything except reality tv, those shows annoy the hell out of me. Netflix and chill, sound good?”
“Sounds amazing. I’m moving pretty slow though, better take a rain check on the chill part.”
To your great amusement, Jensen turned red all the way to tips of his ears. He couldn’t even look at you, just shook his head and punched buttons on the remote. “Damn kids, everything’s an innuendo these days.”
“That’s not kids, that’s humanity. What’s that old saying? Love goes out the door when money comes innuendo?”
He blinked, “No one says that. It’s not a thing.”
“Are you sure? It could be a thing; it sounds like a thing. Maybe you just haven’t heard it before because you aren’t hip to today’s youth.” You grinned so that the tip of your tongue peaked out between your teeth.
“Today’s youth…. You’re the one with the head injury, Sweetheart. So, I think we’ll be relying on my judgement for what is and what is not hip.”
“Man, we are screwed.” You chuckled, meeting his eyes. The clear green sparkled, and they crinkled at the corners. Your stomach flipped. God, it’s like looking into the sun!
Trying to regain control over your thoughts, you glanced up at the screen, “Hey, is that your show?”
“Ah, yeah,” he replied, feeling bashful.
The familiar clip from the pilot episode played in the preview box. You smiled, delighted as a younger version of the man seated next to you appeared. “Aw! Look at you!”
Like most actors, Jensen didn’t really like watching his own work. Especially not with an attractive woman next to him, and Y/N certainly was that. Now that she was more clear headed, her wit came out. An easy-going banter. It had been ages since he’d had that, and it felt good. Natural.
He was saved from having to watch his baby-faced self by the ring of the doorbell.
You craned your neck to see over the back of the couch as Jensen swung open the door. A much taller man with shaggy brown hair was there. His arms were filled with bags, flowers, and a massive bunch of multicolored balloons.
“Hey, is now a good time?”
Jensen took some of the bags and ushered his friend into the foyer. “Dude, did you buy out the whole store?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t sure what to get so I just got… everything.”
The pills Jensen gave you were certainly effective and had dulled most of the pain to an ache. But you were still moving slow as you got up off the couch. It took seeing the two of them side by side for you to recognize him from the Netflix preview.
You smiled warmly as Jensen introduced him. “Y/N, this goofball is my buddy, Jared. Jare, this is Y/N.”
He looked incredibly nervous as he shifted from one foot to the other, which was at odds with his size. Jensen was no slouch and this guy still dwarfed him. Extremely tall and lanky with kind, hazel eyes and a hesitant smile. Your mind finally put two and two together. Jared. Padalecki. This must be the other guy the doctor had blabbered about.
Recognition dawned on your face, “You helped rescue me, yes?”
“Yeah, after we nearly drowned you.” Jared’s gaze flickered over the dark swelling coloring your face and the guilt went straight to his gut. “God, Y/N, I am SO sorry.”
“Hey, it’s alright. It was an accident. Besides, you did save my life… I’d say that makes up for it.”
That hadn’t been an easy day for Jared. He kept his head in the moment but as soon as the paramedics loaded you into the ambulance, his anxiety went through the roof. He rode with Jensen to the hospital but found he was too upset to go in with him. It took him hours to calm down and even now found it hard to talk about. It was Jensen who encouraged him to stop by and meet you today, knowing that seeing you walking and talking would help his friend move past it. It had been a traumatic event for all of you.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to center himself. He opened them again when he felt you grasp his hands in your smaller ones.
You smiled up at him and winked, “The balloons help.”
When you hugged him, Jared released a pent-up sigh and hugged you back. Taking extra care not to disturb your fractured ribs. He met Jensen’s gaze over the top of your head. You’d forgiven them, even if it was an accident, Jared wasn’t sure they deserved it. Wasn’t sure he deserved it. But he was sure going to try and be worthy of it.
“Thanks, Y/N.” He released you gently and caught a glimpse of the familiar show on tv. “You guys are watching Supernatural? Seriously?”
“Actually, no. Jensen seemed a little shy about it, I think we’ll find something else.”
“Shy?” Jared repeated with a laugh, “Out of your entire career, Supernatural is not the gig to be shy over.”
“Dude,” Jensen warned.
With a conspiratory grin, Jared leaned over and whispered to you, “Soap opera.”
Your eyes lit up, “Really?! Oh, which one?”
With as much dignity as he could muster, Jensen said, “Days of Our Lives.”
You clapped your hands together and laughed, “Awesome! Tell me you were like an evil twin that came back from the dead, or something!”
Jared laughed loudly then, and Jensen rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t the evil twin... I was the good twin”
“That’s so brilliant!”
“It was brilliant,” Jared agreed, pulling his cell from his pocket. “As a matter of fact, I think I’ve got a few choice clips we can watch.”
“Give me that!” Jensen grabbed for the phone only to set off a brotherly slapping match.
“Alright, fine! You want Supernatural, Sweetheart? You’re going to get it!” He told you before raising an eyebrow at Padalecki, “We’re going to have an old-fashioned screening and I pick the episode.”
Jared knew that meant one upping each other with embarrassing stories. Probably ones that they couldn’t even tell at conventions. They were competitive in everything, and this would be no different. He cocked a smile. Challenge accepted. “I’ll get the popcorn.”
“We’re not starting with the pilot?” You asked, readjusting the cushions under your arms and the heating pad along your ribcage.
“The pilot’s decent, but I thought we’d try something more recent so you won’t notice how badly Padalecki’s aged.”
“Don’t pay any attention, Y/N. It’s not easy being the second-best looking Winchester.”
“Second best my ass,” Jensen grumbled, flipping through the episodes until he came to the one he had in mind.
Jared instantly recognized it. Baby. “Good choice.”
And so it went. Sandwiched between two lead actors of a hit tv show, watching an episode while they made real-time commentary. Hilarious commentary. Everything from insider tricks on how fight scenes were shot to off camera pranks.
“So is Cass the third Winchester brother?”
“He wishes,” Jensen scoffed. “He’s an angel, one of the good guys. Most of the time.”
Jared gave you a speculative look, “So this doesn’t seem familiar to you at all? This show?”
“No. Sorry, I gather its popular.”
“It’s not that… it’s just,” he caught Jensen’s warning look and paused. He didn’t want to push you, but he couldn’t help being curious and hell… maybe it would help jog your memory. “It’s just that after… you know… you came to for a minute. You looked at Jay and called him Dean.”
“Really?” Your brows scrunched as you tried to remember the encounter. Of course, nothing came to you, much to your frustration. Even making that little effort caused your head to ache and that worried you almost as much as the amnesia itself.
“I’m sorry… I don’t remember.”
“Meh, I wouldn’t sweat it, Y/N,” Jensen assured you. “We’ve been filming in Vancouver for the past fifteen years. Everyone has seen our ugly mugs around here at some point.”
Unconvinced, but wanting to change the subject you asked, “Can we try another episode?”
He squeezed your hand and winked looking so much like Dean. “Lady, you’re a glutton for punishment.”
Jared looked over at you, your head nodding off on his best friend’s shoulder. You dropped off about ten minutes into the episode about the wishing well and the suicidal teddy bear. A shame really, that’s one of the classics!
“Zonked out, huh?”
Jensen pulled the blanket on your lap up so your shoulder was covered. “I’m surprised she made it this long. The stuff they gave her for pain could double as horse tranquilizers.”
Jared smiled; Jensen always was a softie. “I like her, she’s funny.”
“Yeah, she is,” Jensen agreed, flipping through channels for a game to watch. “She even laughed at your jokes, although that’s probably because of the concussion.”
“She’s pretty.”
Jensen shot him what could only be described as a bitch look.
“I’m just saying.”
“I’m just saying, butt out. You always do this.,” Jensen froze when you shifted in your sleep, and he lowered his voice to a hush. “You are obsessed with match-making. It’s all those Hallmark movies you watch.”
“I’m not obsessed, I’m gifted.” Jared countered in a whisper. “I have a one hundred percent success rate.”
“What about that P.A. Kelly? Didn’t she break up with that guy?”
“They got back together.”
“Huh, good for them. Still, this is not that. This is just… this. I’m helping her recover. Which reminds me, no more pushing her to remember stuff,” Jensen warned. “The doc says she’s gotta take it easy, it will all come back on its own.”
“I wasn’t trying to push.”
“I know, I know. It’s alright, I just don’t want anything else to happen to her.”
Jared let a comfortable quiet settle over them as they watched the game. When Jensen shifted to let you get more comfortable, his arm wrapping naturally around your shoulders, Jared said nothing, but smiled. Surviving what could have been a horrible accident could be called luck. But Jared was a believer in fate, some things were just meant to be. He sincerely hoped, this would be one of them.
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 6- We’ll Stumble And Fall
Bucky Barnes x reader Series Rewrite (Civil War, Infinity War/Endgame, TFATWS)
Summary: Realizing Zemo was behind the bombing in Vienna all along, your growing team of four heads to the airport. But will you make it to Siberia in time?
Warning: fighting, oh boy some angst, some fluff for the soul, long chapter
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“I can’t believe you guys actually brought everyone a suit. How thoughtful.” You chuckle sarcastically while following the rest of the team over to the airport.
“Yeah. Well, wearing jeans and a t-shirt probably wouldn’t cut it.” Replies Clint as you continue onward, an amused smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
Soon Steve has the six of you positioned in various areas in the airport as you await the inevitable meeting with the one and only Tony Stark and whoever the fuck has decided to join him. At this point you’re only here for Bucky and to get your asses to Siberia to stop the sleeping Winter Soldiers from ever waking up again.
Although it appears that something else is afoot between Steve’s friends, knowing only that this disagreement has something to do with the Sokovian Accords and freedom to fight or something like that you’re honestly not one hundred percent sure. All that matters to you is the safety and freedom of Bucky, that’s all that you care to fight about.
Leaning against an airport window, you squint your eyes in search of the others outside to no avail, nothing very dramatic is going on, well at least what you can tell by.
“Anything?” Wonders Bucky as you turn away from the glass and walk over to him.
Giving him a casual once over, you simply shrug, “Not yet. Guess the shows not ready to start.”
“Hey guys over here!” Calls Sam from further down the airport terminal, “Hurry! I see them!” 
“As you were saying.” Smirks Bucky.
“Shut up.” You mutter before hastily jogging over to Sam as he looks out the window, “Jeesh alright man, we’re here.”
“Alright good. Look I found the Quinjet.” Replies Sam as your eyes trail across the large parking lot where the aircraft sits comfortably in one of the hangers.
Soon he touches his earpiece to alert Steve, “Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.” He says before turning to glance at the two of you on either side of him, “Alright let’s roll, come on!”
Rising to your feet, the three of you begin booking it down the giant airport interior when suddenly some strange red and blue blur swings past the large glass windows on your left. Then it begins hastily crawling across the see through exterior. Not having a real moment to press the matter, you keep hustling across the tiled flooring, just a few steps behind Bucky.
“What the hell is that?” Wonders Bucky aloud as you keep pace with him, you could honestly ask the same thing.
Sam turns to look, arms pumping fast as he tries his best to keep up with the two of you, “Everyone’s got a gimmick now.”
Letting out a breathy chuckle at his timely complaining, your legs pull you closer to the exit as you take notice of how the strange blur can swing from roof to roof.
Without warning, glass shatters from up above and a second later you hear the surprised grunt of Sam as this mystery person slams him into a wall. Immediately Bucky comes to an abrupt halt that causes you to almost smack right into him, instead do you swiftly shift to the side as he launches himself at the....whatever it is?
You stand back in curious uncertainty as Bucky throws his metal fist directly at the guy in spandex, though to yours and definitely Bucky’s great astonishment, this spider kid holds his fist like it’s nothing.
“Whoa!” Exclaims the excited childlike voice as he glances from the arm to Bucky’s wide eyed face, “You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude.”
A hot second later your boot comes into contact with his stomach, the kid goes flying across the tiled flooring, tumbling across the floor before quickly finding his footing once more.
You stand defiantly in front of Bucky and a slowly recovering Sam as the spider kid holds his stomach, pointing a shaky finger in your direction as he yells out a weak, “You have the right to remain silent!” Just as you smirk, before the shling sound of your claws emits into the tense atmosphere.
You can’t see it, but his eyes are as big as saucers, heart pounding a mile a minute from within his young chest as you suddenly step to the side for Sam to fly forward and swiftly pick him up. You snicker as they push and shove one another in midair while Bucky approach’s your side when you retract your claws once more.
“You’re good with kids I see.” He teases with a playful smirk as you gently shove him.
“What can I say Barnes, I just got that natural motherly instinct.” You sass back before jogging once again, Bucky hot on your heels as the two of you race after Sam.
You watch as he throws the kid off of him before turning mid air and blasting at one of the steel metal beams, the spider kid swings, just narrowly missing getting knocked the fuck out. He swings from one beam to the next before dodging a poster sized hunk of airport wall that was thrown by Bucky, stopping for a quick breather on one of the overhead beams just up ahead.
Bucky slides into a metal pillar for quick cover as you follow close behind, soon the two of you are hidden behind the pillar as the kid shouts, “Hey, buddy, I think you lost this!” In reply, Bucky peaks around the corner just as the spider kid slingshots it heading directly for his face.
Not waiting a precious second longer, you grab the back of his collar just as the hunk of steel wall clashes violently into the pillar, and presumably where Bucky’s handsome face would have been if but a second too late.
He falls into your arms, knocking the two of you to the ground with a thud as his body just about crushes your torso, “Thanks.” Mumbles Bucky as he quickly pulls himself off of you before turning around and offering his hand.
Clasping it tightly, you let him pull you to your feet as you give him an irritated look, “I’m gonna gut that little arachnid.” You growl angrily as his eyes crinkle in amusement.
Following the sounds of glass shattering and metal snapping in two, you and Bucky race around the pillar and across more of the airport as Sam gets his hand stuck to the side of a glass balcony banister.
The spider kid landing on the side of another pillar as you two stealthily wander closer, “Those wings carbon fiber?” He wonders as Sam gives him a dirty look.
“This stuff coming out of you?”
“That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that’s awesome, man.”
“I don’t know if you’ve been in a fight before but there’s usually not this much talking.” Sasses Sam in great irritation.
“All right, sorry. My bad.” Laughs the spider kid as he jumps from the pillar before swinging down heading for Sam, a moment later Bucky rushes past you and takes the full force of the blow. You watch as the three of them shatter the glass banister as both Sam and Bucky go flying downward onto the hard floor below.
That did not look graceful.
Stepping into the open you can’t do much but watch in annoyance as the little shit lands high up on a steel beam, “Guys, look, I’d love to keep this up, but I’ve only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, I’m really sorry.” Mutters the kid before reaching his arm out to web them again but is quickly interrupted when Redwing catches his webbing.
A second later he lets out a surprised yelp as he goes flying across the airport rafters before smacking into a steel beam and breaking glass as he makes a swift unwilling exit away from the three of you.
Smiling in deep satisfaction, your mind immediately remembers the two who are laying sprawled out across the grey stoned floor. Walking over to the broken and heavily bent metal beam of the destroyed railing, your ears quickly pick up the sound of your man, “You couldn’t have done that earlier.” Whines Bucky as you glance down at the two of them.
“I hate you.” Mutters a defeated Sam as you break out into a humored smile at their current states of dishevelment, Sam’s hands are stuck to his chest by the kids webbing while Bucky’s metal arm is held firmly against the ground.
Letting out a snort, they’re eyes instantly fly up to meet your smiling face, “You let that little shit kick your asses!” You cackle as Bucky rolls his eyes.
Sam gives you an annoyed glare, “Y/N you mind doing something productive and getting us the hell out of here?” He grumbles as you casually rest your hands on your hips.
“I don’t know? You two seem like a pair of big boys who can handle themselves.”
Closing his eyes, Bucky huffs at your sass, “Please Y/N.....I love you so much....like a lot.”
Biting your bottom lip you cave, “Yeah alright hot stuff I’ll be down.” The two of them watch patiently as you jump from the balcony before landing gracefully onto the floor below, you give them a wink as you move to crouch down next to Bucky’s left arm.
Summoning your claws to action, his eyes trail warily as you swiftly slice the webbing from the floor, a smirk upon your beautiful face as you look down at him, “Because you asked so nicely.” You muse before rising to your feet and freeing Sam from his sticky constraints.
Soon they’re set and ready to go, “Thanks Y/N.” Begrudgingly mutters Sam as you three run out the exit doors headed for the giant airport parking area.
In no time your little team of three reaches Steve and the rest of his crew, all of you running for the coming battle across the lot before a golden beam slams its might into the cement below, effectively blocking the seven of you from running any further.
The caped man known as Vision floats relatively unthreatening from above as be heeds a hefty warning, “Captain Rogers! I know you believe what you’re doing is right. But for the collective good...you must surrender.”
Though you’d like to believe that surrendering would prove an effective choice leading to an eventual freedom, that does not appear to be an option as the rest of Ironman’s team finds their places in his court. The six of them, verse the seven of you. Well now this is certainly going to be an interesting turn of events.
Watching them expectantly, you shift your gaze over to Bucky who keeps steely eyes glared at the foes ahead, “You know I think maybe in retrospect we should have just lived a nice quiet life in New Zealand. Instead of fighting off Steve’s work friends.” You mutter as he turns a humored glance your way.
He gives the tiniest of reassuring smiles, “I think you’re right.” Whispers Bucky before looking back at the other team, “Just don’t kill anyone alright.”
Now starting at a slow jog, you smirk, “Fine. But I’m going to beat that cats ass.”
Racing at a full sprint now, both sides interject with a hard clash as each person from their respective teams finds a target. Punches are thrown left and right as everyone does their best to beat one another into submission, or at least until they’re too exhausted to fight any longer.
After a couple minutes of tag teaming the panther around like a sack of angry potato’s, he successfully manages to punt your ass into one of the portable metal ladders placed randomly around the airport docks. Your mind goes fuzzy as you pick your body off of the blacktop, blinking wearily, your vision slowly rolls the fog away in your disoriented state.
You take a step to help Bucky but are rudely interrupted by your own body’s shaky gait pattern, you stumble forward, quickly catching yourself when Wanda blessedly throws the panther off of Bucky just as ten sharp claws reach for his exposed jugular.
Shaking the dancing butterflies out of your head, Bucky shuffles off the ground before racing protectively to your side, face a mask of worry as he clutches your shoulders, “Y/N are you with me?”
Giving him an almost drunken smile, you reach your hands up to squeeze his forearms reassuringly, “I am awesome thanks for asking.” You giggle before Scott says some nonsense about getting big in a lab once.
God this team is so weird.
Brows furrowing in confusion, you and Bucky jog over to Steve as he stands behind some wooden crates when out of nowhere Scott grows to the size of a small building. Giant arms and legs moving like a humongous lumbering tree come to life; your eyes large and full of great bewilderment at this abrupt change, and you thought the Vision was the weirdest thing here.
You take a cautious step back, lightly smacking Bucky on the arm to gain his attention as you continue to stare up at a giant Scott, “Bucky, please tell me you see that very large man too.”
“Uh, yeah.” He slowly replies, just as bewildered by the giant version of Scott as you are.
You nod, “Okay good. I was starting to think my brain hadn’t settled right.” You admit as he sends you a half worried frown.
“Guess that’s the signal.” Adds Steve while the three of you watch as War Machine tries to knock Scott down, immediately getting swatted in the direction of a plane before that spider kid helps to stop him.
Starting to walk backwards, you cough to gain the boys distracted attention, “Alright, let’s get the fuck out of here.” You urge as Steve nods before leading the way to the Quinjet that’s across a good portion of the airport parking strip.
Your jog is swiftly cut short when Vision manages to beam a huge watch tower, it crashes towards the ground when suddenly a great mass of red energy holds it in place before the building can hit the cement. Running faster now, the three of you race for the safety of the hanger, just barley dodging the heavy debris that comes crashing to the earth behind you.
Soon you’re met by Natasha who stands guarding the way to freedom, an apprehensive expression crossing her features, “You’re not gonna stop.”
“You know we can’t.” Answers Steve.
You raise a brow as she begins lifting her arm, “I’m gonna regret this.” She mutters unenthusiastically before shooting a blue bolt of electricity right into the body of the panther, your heads snap over to the sounds of his pained grunts.
“Thanks. I would have loved to do that.” You add before leading the way towards the Quinjet, Steve and Bucky close behind while Natasha shocks the panther once more.
The ride to Siberia was admittedly a somber one, no one really talked much for the duration of the lengthy trip except maybe a little at the beginning, along with some heartfelt words between you and Bucky as Steve piloted. Though a heavy dark atmosphere seemed to seep into the limited space as more time passed.
Soon enough, the Quinjet had reached its snowy destination in the mountainous cliffside edge of a previously unknown Hydra base. You stand on the edge of the opened aircraft as Steve stands by your side while Bucky finds a gun, “No weapons?” He wonders with a curious brow as you simply shrug. “I kind of got six retractable daggers in my fists already....so, I’ll be fine. They probably won’t.”
Steve hums in knowing answer as Bucky finally joins the two of you, and with that does everyone begin walking towards the opened metal doors stuck tightly within the protruding rock of the hidden base.
Humming in knowing answer, Bucky finally joins the two of you and with that does everyone begin walking towards the opened metal doors stuck tightly within the protruding rock of the hidden base.
“He can’t have been here more then a few hours.” You mutter while studying the snow covered tracks leading into the opened base door.
Bucky looks to you with a worried expression, “Long enough to wake them up.” And with that said, do the three of you enter.
The ride down the steel elevator is a somber and silent one, thankfully only lasting for a brief thirty seconds, soon the doors open and Steve lifts up the caged veil for the three of you to duck under.
Bucky takes the lead, gun drawn and ready as you walk silently behind him, preparing yourself if these other winter soldiers are awake and ready to kill. With nothing in close proximity or any sounds to be heard except for the movements of your companions, the three of you stealthily walk across the opening with your backs to the wall until you reach the short cement staircase.
Suddenly the door you came in from creaks and whines with the power of someone forcing the old rusted metal open, the three of you whip around in an alert flash. Bucky with his gun aimed at the mystery intruder from behind you and Steve with his shield held; blocking him, yourself, and Bucky’s lower half. Your claws obviously drawn.
“You ready?” Whispers Steve.
A moment later the two old grey doors are forced apart to reveal the glowing eyes of Ironman, Steve immediately lowers his guard as Tony dissembles his helmet back into his suit. Dark eyes appearing rather unthreatening as he nods to Steve, “You seem a little defensive.”
“It’s been a long day.” Mutters Steve solemnly.
Tony then looks up at Bucky, “At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you.” Before glancing down at you who’s guarding him, “And I don’t have a death wish to cross blades with you, I’m not here to brawl.”
“Then why are you here?” Asks Steve, voice with the tinge of uncertainty.
Tony shrugs while walking closer, “Could be your story’s not so crazy. Maybe.....Ross has no idea I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.”
Steve almost smirks, “Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork.” Tony scoffs at the irony of it all before Steve finally lets down his full guard, bringing his shield back to his side, “It’s good to see you, Tony.”
Tony nods, “You too, Cap.” Head back up to find Bucky’s, “Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here. You can drop it...”
Steve gives the two of you a reassuring nod, Bucky lowers the gun as you begrudgingly retract your claws. Soon after the four of you begin wandering the base until you all start walking down a small hallway leading into the main room where the soldiers are being kept.
Where they brainwashed Bucky and help him in cryo. Where they held you in the ice.
“I got heat signatures.” Announces Tony warily.
“How many?”
“Uh, one.”
The four of you walk into the large cavernous steel laced room, it’s dark and emits an almost bluish hue with the exception of the six holding chambers that give off a dull golden glow helping to light up the area ever so slightly.
This place really brings back memories you’d rather have seen buried and gone forever. Of course you’d get one last look.
“If it’s any comfort,” Speaks a familiar voice you’d loath to hear again, “they died in their sleep.” The four of you wander cautiously closer, observing the dead winter soldiers with a single bullet wound through their heads, “Did you really think I wanted more of you?”
Bucky shares a nervous glance with you, “What the hell?”
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here.” Immediately the lights are called to life and in the far center wall appears the man from Berlin, Steve throws his shield but the man sits comfortably behind bulletproof glass, he smiles knowingly, “Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“I’m betting I could beat that.” Asserts Tony while the four of you walk around the center area where they used to electrocute Bucky, and you when the manipulation and programming began to wear off.
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came.”
You scoff, “You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us all here?”
The man eyes you up as you approach the see through window, “I’ve thought about nothing else for a whole year.” He explains, “I studied what they did to you two, I followed the trail of dwindling breadcrumbs that you left behind.” Nods the man with a slight smile ghosting his lips as he studies your face, “Tampere. Brussels. Amsterdam. Venice. You’ve left quit the bloody trail in your wake, all those doctors and scientists who made you into Hydra’s best...”
“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.” You whisper sharply, eyes glaring pure daggers into his soul.
He almost smiles, face leaning in closer now, “That is a fair statement. Nonetheless, it all eventually led me to you, and I am impressed with the work of those doctors. You are indeed a marvel to witness,” He smirks, dark obsidian irises studying your face as he raises a brow, “How’s your head?”
“Fuck you.”
The dark eyed man chuckles as Steve intervenes, “You’re Sokovian. Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I’m here because I made a promise.” Admits the man, of course, why else would this psycho go to such lengths to kill the winter soldiers.
“You lost someone?”
The mans face falls, eyes darkening in remorse and anger, “I lost everyone. And so will you.” He turns and presses a button before looking back up at the four of you. A small television turns on nearby that immediately calls your attentions, “An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead......Forever.”
You stand close to Bucky as Tony and Steve get closer to the glowing screen showing CCTV footage of a rural roadside at night.
“I know that road.” Points Tony in confusion as he looks up at the dark eyed man, “What is this?!” He shouts though nothing is given answer.
The video plays on as your heartbeat begins to rise, the bottom of the footage reads DEC. 16 1991, you know exactly what this is. And you’re terrified.
Soon a blurry car crashes into a telephone poll as the flash of a motorcycle rips by out of frame, soon it approaches once again, the rider parking it behind the damaged vehicle as he moves to the drivers side. A star on his left arm that flashes strangely in the light of the lamppost above; Tony’s face shifts to fear, anxiety, and anger in a multitude of seconds as the driver is pulled from his seat.
Soon the dark haired man slams his metal fist into the face of the helpless driver, ending his life right then and there. Deceased now, face bruised and bloody, the Winter Soldier drags the body back to the drivers seat before placing him there like he died from the impact of the crash.
Your eyes flicker towards the cement floor of the abandoned Hydra base as the video plays on, you know what happens next, and keep yourself from watching as the Winter Soldier kills Tony Starks mother before walking around the vehicle and putting a bullet into the security camera.
The film goes dark.
Immediately Tony tears his eyes away from the blacked screen and takes a threatening step towards Bucky, Steve places a hand on his arm as you place yourself between Stark and Bucky. Who’s absolutely hating himself right now.
“No, Tony.”
Tony stops and purses his lips at the ground, face shifting from frustration, pain, and anger as he turns to lock eyes with Steve, “Did you know?” He whispers softly, dreading the answer.
Steve pauses for a moment, “I didn’t know it was him.”
Tony’s face darkens with rage as he tightens his grip on Steve’s arm, “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?”
Tony awaits the inevitable as Steve gives him the honest answer, “Yes.” Tony reals back in shock, face flashing with disappointment and growing fury as he slowly nods, gathering his spinning thoughts at this heavy bout of deeply personal information.
A second later an iron fist flies up to send Steve sprawling across the cement flooring, instantly Bucky draws his gun but is quickly disabled when Tony shoots it out of his hands. You step into action but are rudely thrusted back by the force of a heated blast of energy that sends you crashing into a sleeping chambers metal side.
Your head cracks against the steel, leaving you gasping for breath on the hard cold ground as Bucky and Tony clash fists, Steve soon joining them as they brawl. Goddamn that hurt, fuck I can’t see straight, you mutter to yourself as a wet sticky substance slithers down the side of your neck as you pull yourself to a seated position.
Hands against the floor, the world feels like it’s swaying on a rocker as your visual field darts with blurry black dots; a small dark splotch patters to the floor as you stare at it in confusion. Balance somewhat stabilizing, you reach over to touch it, blood smears across the grey floor as you realize how heavy a hit you just took.
Good thing you heal quickly, or you might have just died.
Crash! Your head snaps up to witness as one of the holding chambers top portion falls to the ground in a massive heap of dust and debris, then out of nowhere Bucky races to your side, hands instantly lifting you to your feet, face dirt smudged and filled with uncertainty, “Y/N we gotta leave....oh fuck you’re bleeding. Come on, come on....come back to me please. You’re alright....you’re okay.....can you see straight?” He rambles in worry.
Pulling his hands from your irritated face, you shake your head to rid the ringing in your ears, “I’m fine, Buck. Let’s go before he kills one of us.” You urge.
The two of you make haste as you struggle your way up to the opened giant port hole, jumping from steel caged banister to the next on your way out to freedom as Steve fights to keep Tony from attacking either of you from down below.
Once Bucky reaches the edge where he’s able to see snow, you right behind him, a small missile from Tony’s suit crashes into the giant doors hinge. Causing you and Bucky to fall backwards into separate steel landing pads. Out of breath from the force of impact, you watch helplessly as Tony flies up to greet Bucky.
In any way but friendly. They clash and punch at each other until Tony gains the upper hand by wrapping an arm around Bucky’s throat, you stumble to your feet as Bucky quickly forces himself out and soon they both go tumbling downwards.
“Bucky!” You shout desperately, terrified that his landing could have cost him his life, fortunately when you scout over the edge, he’s laying on his side. In pain but alive.
Struggling to his feet he gives you a nod of acknowledgment before slipping out of view, almost immediately you hear the sounds of a struggle from the ground floor and with that do you jump downwards from landing pad to landing pad on your way to the bottom.
Boots smacking hard against the cement floor, you follow the pained grunts of the three men as they fight each other with everything that they have. Soon you turn a corner and are welcomed to sunlight and snowy mountains in the far distance from the old bases giant missile launcher air shaft.
By now Steve and Bucky are tag teaming Tony as the Ironman does his best to fight them off at once. Soon he gets a solid blast to Steve’s shield that sends him into the far wall, leaving him out of breath. Bucky takes a crack to the head that sends him to the floor. So much for holding their ground.
When Tony raises his arm for the final blow against Bucky, you’re right behind him; shoving his weaponized arm towards the opened cement pillars, the blast misses Bucky as it breaks a small part in the ceiling. Granted, you could end this all here and now by sinking your claws through Tony’s suit and ending the Stark line, but that would be an awful way to end things. And you’re done with the killing, even if he wants to kill Bucky.
Hydra won’t be the end to the last Stark. Not if you can help it.
Gripping onto his left arm and right shoulder, the Ironman quickly elbows you in the jugular; immediately a choked type of intense pain fills your body as the hit causes you to gasp and sputter while falling to your knees. Tears whell up in your eyes from the natural reaction as your hands rub frantically around your exposed skin.
Fuck that hurt like a bitch.
Unknowingly to you, Tony would have shot you again if not for Bucky who immediately gains the Ironman’s attention once more. Shoving him against the wall as his metal hand reaches to crush Tony’s suit reactor. They struggle against the strength of one another before a blinding light of orange sparks against Bucky, hitting the far wall while Bucky falls to the ground.
Throat healed, your eyes are wide in shock at the sight of Bucky, his metal arm is gone, the metal and wires still glowing a fiery orange and red from the heat of Tony’s blaster as a second later, Tony uses a lesser blast to knock Bucky forwards and across the floor he tumbles.
Steve is on Tony in an instant, the two of them beginning an intense battle of hand to hand combat while you crawl over to a bleeding Bucky who’s laying on his back, eyes closed though his chest rises and falls with heavy breaths.
Reaching his face, you shuffle to sit by his right arm, a frown adorning your features at the dark crimson that’s smudged against his sweaty face. Your hands shake with adrenaline as you touch the side of his stubbled cheek, “Buck, come back to me......Please.” You rasp weakly in between the strained grunts from Steve and Tony.
Ignoring them, you move a piece of blood soaked hair from Bucky’s face, tears threatening to spill if he doesn’t move, “Come on....open your damn eyes you beautiful bastard...” You urge, rubbing a comforting thumb against his jaw, “If you leave me here with these idiots I’ll fucking cut you...got it....” Your voice a shaky whisper, “..Bucky, please wake up...”
You give him a dismal look as he says nothing for a moment until his ocean blues open as you reveal the tiniest of relieved grins, “I’m not going anywhere.” He mumbles out, “Not without you.”
You smile weakly, “Good.” Suddenly you hear a crash like a shattering sound of glass and breaking metal, eyes darting upward, you instinctively unsheathe your right claws ready to protect Bucky with your life only to pause once you realize they stopped fighting.
Tony’s laying on his side as Steve sits nearby breathing just as heavily, faces both noticeable bloody. Tony throws him a wicked glare as Steve looks down in reluctant shame, soon he pulls himself to his feet, shield in one hand as he glances from Tony to the cold climate of Siberia.
Taking this as your cue, you look back down at Bucky, “Time to get the fuck out of here.” Before moving to help him to his feet, he clings onto your shoulder as you wrap an arm around his waist. He’s awkward and off centered from the recent loss of his appendage, but does what he can to keep upright with your aid.
Steve limps towards the two of you, shield still in hand as he slowly follows until Tony speaks, “That shield doesn’t belong to you.” He bitterly mutters, “You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!” Steve pauses for a moment, nodding in understanding before dropping the shield onto the hard ground with a loud clang.
Coming to your aid to help Bucky up the ladder.
Not long after the intensive personal battle between Steve and Tony, plus the revelation that Bucky was the one this whole time who actually killed Tony’s parents and Steve knew about it. T’Challa soon found the three of you bloodied and exhausted in the snow.
Steve left the jet for Tony, while the prince of Wakanda, with a new perspective on the situation, allowed the three of you to join him in his own jet, while Baron Zemo sat silently in the corner. Handcuffed and fuming.
A jet ride later after dropping Zemo in a secured facility to rot for his crimes, T’Challa had brought you all into his home willingly. Soon his expert doctors had gotten things ready to place Bucky back under until they could figure out how to free his troubled mind of all the shit Hydra had forced in there.
Your eyes are trained on Bucky’s vitals when you sense him staring at you, god you feel so nervous for some reason. Blinking slowly, you draw your wandering attention over to him, “Y/N.” He mutters softly with the most adorable of smiles to bless his handsome face.
You give him a faint grin back, “Bucky.”
He slightly frowns at your disheartened expression, “Come here.” He beckons with a small wave of his hand that’s bound with an IV, “Please.”
Breathing slow, your body feels like it’s shaking with adrenaline, he can sense how anxious you feel. Walking closer now, Bucky reaches out his hand for you to take, “I won’t be gone forever, okay. Just for a little bit.”
Squeezing his hand, you reveal a weak half smile, “I know Buck, it just feels like they’re taking you away from me all over again. And I won’t know for how long.”
He looks down at your intertwined fingers, eyes trailing over the dark faded 00X13 permanently tattooed to your left wrist, “Yeah....I’m sorry it’s just.” He purses his lips together in thought, brows furrowing as his eyes catch yours, “I can’t trust my own mind. So, until they find out how to get this stuff out of my head....I think going under is the best thing. For everybody.”
Nodding, you frown, “I know, I don’t care how long they take to heal you alright. I’ll wait forever if I have to, I promise.”
Bucky reveals a beautiful smile of hope and pure love for you, one that is greatly returned, “What did I do to deserve you?” He whispers.
Smiling, you reply, “Get thrown around by the universe a bit first.” You chuckle lightly as your face slowly falls again, “Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you wake up alright. Then I can really show you how much of this you really deserve.” Bucky laughs as you throw him a suggestive wink.
Suddenly Steve wanders into the room, drawing the both of yours distracted attention as he smiles half awkwardly, “You two gonna be alright?” He asks, eyes trailing from you to his best friend, genuinely happy that Bucky has found love in this messy world.
Bucky squeezes your hand as he gives Steve a reassuring nod, “Yeah. I think so.” He replies, blue eyes turning to you.
“I’ve been alone most of my life already, what’s another however long?” You shrug with a sad smile, eyes focused on Bucky, “I can handle it.”
He smiles back, “I know you can.”
“Mr. Barnes, are you ready?” States one of the Wakandian doctors, “The chamber is prepared.”
He nods, “Yeah. I’m ready.”
Soon Bucky slips off of the metal table and walks over to the glass Cryo chamber, pausing a moment to turn around and face you. He looks conflicted at the ground before bringing his gaze back up to you, a second later he steps forward to gently touch his hand against your cheek before pressing his lips to yours.
Steve and the rest of the doctors avert their gaze while Bucky holds you close, lips taking all they can get as he mentally memorizes everything about you. From your soft lips flush against his, to the curves and feel of your skin against his palm that he’s touched a thousand times before.
He wants so badly to stay with you and live in peace by your side, but he’s too afraid of his own mind and absolutely terrified of ever being forced to hurt you again. He’s lucky you were able to get past what he did to you in Berlin when Zemo was in control, but of course you are, you love him more then you’ve ever loved anyone. It wasn’t his fault, and you know that.
Breaking from the kiss, Bucky presses his forehead against yours as his thumb rubs reassuringly along your cheek. “Ya lyublyu vas.” Whispers your lover in Russian before tasting you one last time, slowly pulling away, he nods before turning to walk into the chamber.
He’s strapped in and then the long glass door ascends to close him in, a moment later you watch as he closes his eyes before the chamber is activated. Ice dances up the walls while below freezing fog seeps into the container, sending Bucky into a deep sleep for however long it takes.
Biting your bottom lip, you hold back the annoying lump forming in the back of your throat as Steve sets a hand on your shoulder, “He’s safe here. Don’t worry Y/N, he’ll be with us soon enough.”
You nod, eyes never leaving Bucky’s as you study his sleeping face behind the frosted glass, “I know, Steve. It’s just waiting is the hard part.”
Tagged:  @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94​  @iamasimpingh0e
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earlgreytea68 · 4 years
Hi! Your latest fob oneshot was amazing! It seems like it has the exact amount of angst I can handle. And after the “hurt” part your comfort was like a fluffy blanket. Soothing all of the raw emotions that was brought up to the surface. Thank so much for all the feelings. Also, I know Pete’s your fave, and you have a lot of compassion for him, but in every work the love for Patrick is so palpable! Guess you get it through Pete somehow)) It’s just amazing, and heartwarming when authors love their characters so much, it shows, and it’s brilliant!
I have this whole fic theory that there’s a golden ratio of angst to fluff: the more angst you have in a fic, the more fluff you need at the end. This is why a fic needs a good sexilogue! lol. Anyway, this one was a short one but I’m glad it hit a good ratio of angst/fluff/hurt/comfort. 
Hee! Pete is my favorite but I clearly have love for Patrick as well, and I’m so glad that shines through, too!
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