#this is the last time i'll type those tags i'm so sad ;(
hermit-lover · 7 months
PLATONIC REQUEST (If you include any romance I will be sad.) Reader who is adventurous and curious, loving science and fantasy in equal measure—so long as no one tries to misapply them and claim falsehoods are factually true or that stories always need to be scientifically perfect. Intentionally tries to pick up lots of skills. Innocent and childish. Intelligent, but uses internal fact checking to discern lies, which obviously has limitations when trying to determine if someone is lying about *themself.* Reader is friends with Scar and/or Etho. (So, personally, those two are my favorites right now, and I wish I could be friends with both of them. Approximately everyone who knows me in Real Life is unsurprised by this, because both of them are a type of person I like, and both of them have traits I like and want to cultivate in myself. 🤷‍♀️ Or at least, everyone would be unsurprised if I were the type of person to talk about having squishes [that's the word for wanting to be friends with someone, like a platonic crush] but I tend to keep my emotions about myself to myself, so only a few actually know.) Anyway, I think that the differences between Etho and Scar can be really interesting. Of course, you can choose to only include one of them in the resulting Reader Insert story, if asking for two Hermits is too much, or you don't feel familiar enough with one of them to write for them, etc. Other than the Reader being friends with one or both of the requested characters, you can have a lot of free will in the type and genre of the piece. Want to write silly fun times? I'm down! Want to write an adventure piece? Those are some of my favorites! Want to write about Reader helping the selected character(s) (or vice versa?) Sounds good to me! In the mood to write angst or hurt/comfort? I'll accept that too! Anyway, if this was all too long, or too vague, or too dull, or you have any questions—you can message me and ask questions or request that I send in a better request myself! 😅 Thank you for your time, consideration, and potential writing!
Fetching Wood!
Character: Ethoslab x Reader, GTWS x Reader.
Type: Blurb (~2k)
Theme: Platonic
Summary: Unsurprisingly, attempting an adventure on the HermitCraft server attracts shenanigans.
TW: brief swearing.
A/N: I hope I did your ask justice!! These two are so silly together and so adventure awaits. :)
The chirping of birds drifts through the ajar window, letting in the sounds of morning calamity and the gentle breeze that brings with it the scent of deep woods and dirt. Your cluttered desk stands proudly in front of you, stacks of intricate designs meticulously sketched, bottles of experimental potions, gadgets, gears, suspicious white powder, and ink spattered across the solid dark oak. It was your workshop- or at least part of it. At the moment you are preoccupied from tinkering, rather you squint at the mess of your storage trying to decide what exactly this trip warrants.
You see, your build, a large wizard-esc tower and subsequent dungeons was a rather demanding feat, and with your newfound appreciation for the Nether woods and brick, you needed a trip to Nether.
It was much to your surprise that when casually discussing the idea with those surrounding you, your neighbor Etho was quick to jump aboard. Apparently he too needed a restock on warped logs and mushrooms, and was more than happy to tag along to make the process more enjoyable.
It was always exciting seeing the ivory haired man, so many Hermits (including yourself) looked up to him.
With the whole HermitcraftTCG and Decked Out craze of last season he was a hard man to come across besides fleeting moments in games. You would be lying if you said you weren't eager to impress. Tucking another fire resistant potion (you can never be too sure) you sigh and check the time.
No...it couldn’t be that hour already...
Snatching up your backpack and skittering towards the door of your starter-starter base (something you will be tearing down) you made it out into the grass. You were so smart when it came to inventions you'd think you would be a little more aware of the time- but unfortunately not. Being late was an reality you lived with often. Snatching the reins of your beloved horse Millennium, you place a foot in the stirrup and very nearly faceplant off of the other side of his torso. He lets out a vibrating huff and you pout.
“Cmon, I can't have a horse making fun of me.” You scoff, rightening in the saddle. The horse doesn't comment back, shaking out its mane and beginning to trot. You ease Millennium into a canter, riding with practiced ease through the forest towards your neighbor.
It's a bright and sunny day, the wind whipping across your face and tugging at your clothing where it is free from the confines of your armor. You had asked Cleo and Stress to help in making a perfect outfit to combine the high fantasy of the wizard tower with the stylish ease of a scientist. You say they have done wonderfully. Despite not actually having a tower to call home yet, you were eager to leap into the aesthetic.
Spotting the gorgeous blue ceiling you broke into a grin, pressing a bit harder to have your horse break into a dash. Leaping over a small creave you break into the clearing, spotting the man of hour leaning against the side of the portal- a full one with corners and all of course. He straightens at your sudden appearance, watching you with careful eyes- You stand up in the stirrups, throwing a leg over and slowing the horse to let you jump off. Millennium whinnies and turns, slowing to blink at you. You hit the ground with a small ‘oof!’ knees bending to not topple over.
“Tadaaa!” You wiggle in the ever-corny jazz hands, watching his expression crinkle into a smile. His light chuckle makes you beam in pride.
“Woooow what an entrance.” Etho claps slowly, muffled by his fingerless gloves. It was almost sarcastic but it amused him nonetheless. “Almost makes up for the fact you're late- huh?” He prods, clearly in a teasing manner. You pout.
“Only by-” You check your watch. “Half an hour!” It's defensive, but you stick your tongue out to show no harm.
“Mhm, still late.” He turns sharply on his heels, now facing the portal. “We better start moving so we still have daylight!”
“It’s 9:30, plus we’re going to Hell- No sunlight there.” You quickly tie up Millennium, taking a tic to admire the build. Pacing quickly to catch up beside him, you note vaguely that he didn't move, instead throwing a coy smile (Hermits got used to only reading his eyes) down at you before stepping into the swirling purple depths. It was always nauseating, the world thrown off kilter and shapes fluttering behind your eyes. Then the pure heat- it prickles your palms immediately with sweat and makes you wipe them on your pants as you step out onto the odd red stone, slightly squishy under foot. It was an eyesore as always, the usual red cavern punctuated by glowing portals and scattered cobblestone paths.
“Sooooo.” You drawl, turning to face him- he looks odd in the environment. Pale skin and stark haired reflecting the orangish hues of ever-burning fire. Greens of his outfit reminding you much of the holiday season. “Lead the way captain.” You prompt- the notification of ‘Going deeper’ noting your lack of experience in this particular world. He chuckles, but sets off, picking around fires and large craters. You follow to a tee, analyzing the scenery in an attempt to memorize it for later. You've almost committed this well populated spawn area when a panicked scream breaks through the crackling silence. Jumping out of your skin you launch towards Etho- sword drawn. But that scream…It wasn't a ghast-
“NO NO IM SORRY I KNOW I FORGOT GOLD JUST SPARE A SCAR ONE SECOND!-” Hightailing from around a corner the offender nearly knocks into you, letting out a yelp. Scar’s eyes are wide, his expression that of pure terror, cheeks dusted in the same red dust as the scenery. A tic goes by as you open your mouth to speak, at the same moment he realizes you're friendly, dashing to cower behind you. The sound of a crossbolt loading pulls your attention from the man. The piglin snorts, eyes narrowed in bloodlust, weapon drawn as it searches for presumably Scar. Tattered tunic and scraped golden boots. You and Etho had planned accordingly- a gold dawning his boots as you opted for golden bracers- but a quick glance at Scar confirms he had in fact forgotten. Flicking your sword you swipe at the beast. Blade forcing it backwards. It squeals in surprise, having not seen you as a target. The crossbow rounds to your chest, you brace for pain. Then another blade cuts through the air. The piglin lets out one last squeal as it dissolves quickly into mist. Crossbow and leather toppling to the floor. You let out a breath and look to your savior with a pout.
“I totally had it handled!” You insist, poking him in the chest with a finger. It slides uselessly off of his iron chestplate. Etho blinks at you, then shakes his head.
“Uh no, you were totally doomed and in need of a strong PvPer to defend you.” his quirked head shows his comfortable ease, and it warms you that he liked bantering. Too bad you were about to murder him.
“Oh? Do you know one I can bring next time?” You ask, batting your eyelashes innocently. He gawks.
“This is fun and all but do you have any food and gold I can borrow?” You had forgotten about him. Turning to Scar you flash him a grin, digging in your pockets for food.
“Didn't expect to save a charming Scar this fine morning.” You chuckle, offering some of the steak you gathered to his shaking hands.
“Well I didn't expect to be in peril- I knew I had forgotten something!” He eagerly crams the food into his mouth, chewing as he talks around the bite. “Good thing Etho came to save me.” It's a tease- but you still squawk.
“hEY-!” The unholy noise grates your throat, and causes him to nearly choke on the mouthful, swallowing hard to avoid choking. His muffled giggles tug a smile to your lips. “You're an ass.” You spit, turning sharply away from him. “And to think I was going to share my bracers. Guess not!”
“Wa-Wait!” Scar stumbles to bump against your back, straightening himself to not invade your space too much. “You wouldn't leave a helpless scar all on his own?” His voice tilts into a whine, widening his eyes to plead. You scoff, gesturing vaguely to Etho.
“You have an Etho, isn't he enough for you?” You snark back, Scar is silent. He sulks to the Canadian, throwing an arm across his shoulder to begin his sales pitch.
“Ethhooo my buddy, you wouldn't happen to have some gold I could borrow?” Scar tries, offering a meek smile to the taller man. Etho hums, tilting his head to peer across the blazing landscape.
“Nope.” He pops the p, eyes squinting into what must've been a shit-eating grin. Scar groans, letting his knees buckle in exaggerated disappointment. Etho shifts to slow his descent, the uniformed man sliding helplessly to the red floor.
“Need me yet?” You call, shifting to spin and stare at the off pair. Scar groans again, but lifts his arms to grabby-hands. Splitting into a grin you trot towards him, sliding off one golden clasp. His fingers barely brush the surface before you snatch it away. “Nuh uh!- you gotta say I’m better than Etho.”
“Hey!” Now it was Etho's turn to protest, placing a hand on his hip. “You can't make Scar lie.”
“Then I guess he won't get any gold.” You shrug, Scar sputters. Using Etho as a pole to claw his way back up.
“Uh- I didn't say that, I think you're incredibly talented and definitely better than any old Etho.” He smiles, flashing his teeth. You hum now, swinging the gold bracer around. Scar winces every time it nearly slips from your grasp.
“Yea alright.” You toss the accessory and he lunges for it, fumbling for a few moments before managing a firm grasp.
“Oh thank you kind and generous-”
“Alright, that’s enough horsing around, we are already running behind schedule.” Etho interrupts, trotting back on path. You groan in childlike disobedience, but follow along. Scar stumbles to catch up.
“What are you guys doing?” He asks, keeping pace but tucking close to the protection of your side.
“Fetching wood.” You answer, giving him a nudge. “What were you up to?”
“Oh! Same here!” Scar answers confidently. You give him a once over. He doesn't appear to have even successfully made it to the biome, judging by the lack of mycelium on his boots. Raising an eyebrow skeptically he chuckles. “Well I was going to…”
“There's always space for another.” Etho butts in, clasping him on the shoulder. “Even if the role is just the goof.”
You giggle, causing Scar to shoot you a glare.
“I am more than just that!- I can be the entertainment, have you seen the most recent news about Mando?-”
You grin, a small excited noise leaving your throat. Etho groans loudly, retreating a safe distance to let you geek out. He knows the consequences of getting too close, being dragged into full body renditions of scenes.
Despite the blistering heat and hostile atmosphere, a few friends never fail to lighten the mood. You always feel safer when tucked between their shoulders, endless chatter filling the air. And maybe some shenanigans and mishaps occur along the way- but that's the fun of HermitCraft.
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imnameimswrld · 8 months
╰┈➤ ❝ [𝐆𝐲𝐦 𝐁(𝐟)𝐫𝐨 || 𝗦𝗖 ꒱꒱
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━━ ❪ . . . pt!changbin x aespa!reader ❫
━━ ❪ . . . description : long time friends, fans love the dynamic between yn and her personal trainer, but most are not all that shocked when they reveal a key part of their relationship ; ❫
━━ ❪ . . . smau ! , 3rd in the man series ❫
━━ ❪ . . . warnings: none ❫
━━ ❪ . . . fc: giselle ❫
ynusername just added to their story !
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[ caption 1 : the trained... ; caption 2 : the trainer... ]
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liked by jenaissante, katarinabluu, and 987 224 others
[ tagged : ynusername, jutdwae ]
somisomi0309 with my girl + binnie boy 😝
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user I'll never get over how stupid hot he is
jutdwae what're we doing for cheat day tomorrow ???
⤿ somisomi0309 no idea, yn says she's gonna bake something, so we just gotta meet at hers
⤿ jutdwae she's...baking ? that terrifies me more than leg day.
⤿ ynusername hey ! I've been practicing.
⤿ jutdwae is that so ? when last have you baked something then ?
⤿ imwinter yesterday, and she triggered the fire alarm and served as charcoal cookies.
⤿ ynusername MINJEONG- that was a mistake. I'll do better tomorrow.
⤿ katarinabluu god help us 🙏
[ liked by imwinter, imnotningning ]
user lmao not yn constantly attempting to burn the dorm down
user wait... were those burnt brownies jeno showed in his vlog from yn !? 😭
⤿ ynusername he enjoyed, and finished every last one.
⤿ leejen_o_423 mhmmm, i sure did *gulps*
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liked by jutdwae, somisomi0309, and 998 890 others
ynusername 👹 PROTEIN 👹
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user protein girl fr- WAIT !? SOFT LAUNCH
user karina was not kidding when she said yn loves protein 😭
user where are all the ynbin antis and jenyn stans now huh ?
user girl was tired of all the jenyn rumors fr 🤧
jutdwae excuse me, what's slide 4 ? last time i checked, it wasn't cheat day.
⤿ ynusername calm you biddies binne, it was ning's, I just wanted to take a cool pic with it
⤿ jutdwae that's...kinda sad ngl... come over, I'll make you some of that sugar-free cupcakes you like so much
⤿ ynusername EEK- 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
user it's ynbin's world and I'm just happily living in it
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liked by imnotningning, imwinter, and 678 335 others
jutdwae october dump 💯
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user alright, where's my seo changbin ?
⤿ jutdwae I do, I really, really do
[ liked by ynusername ]
ynusername slide 7 has me feeling some type of way 🥴
⤿ jutdwae aaalllllllll yours
imwinter bro came to our concerts just to steal all the food.
⤿ jutdwae I DID NOT – i am a avid MY
⤿ katarinabluu so the rack with puddings cleared itself out while we were all on stage ?
⤿ jutdwae it sure did.
⤿ imnotningning FREE PT SESSION !
⤿ ynusername ning you already get those 😭 !
⤿ jutdwae which you never attend, might i add.
⤿ imnotningning silence, food snatcher.
137 notes · View notes
femslashfeb · 8 months
No reblogging from the blog this year - posting prompts tomorrow the 31st
For the past few years I've very much struggled with reblogging everyone's activity in the tag. So this year I will not be doing so.
(OR maybe I will? I just don't want to commit)
Even if I knew how to make a bot that reblogs - a lot of people still use the unique tag to tag outside challenges. So I've always had to hand submit. However it became too stressful for me and for the past few years I ended up avoiding it until later weeks or even months.
If you noticed I didn't finish reblogging last year so- I've just given up on that.
Honestly I've struggled a lot with depression for the last 7 years or so. It's been harder and harder to find my way back to tumblr. It doesn't help that my phone can barely handle the amount of apps it already has.
My main account @puff-pink hardly ever updates because of my big sad. And I don't know if I'll ever get back on the horse in the same way I did before.
Some of you know me as an artist, and tho I still churn out subpar art for my day-job I've struggled a lot to make art for myself during my depression. Partially because one year I overworked my hand - and still deal in continual wrist aches. Even the weeks I don't pick up a drawing tool.
I intended this challenge for myself and maybe the small fandoms I was in at the time. But it took off among writers and creators of all types across all fandoms.
One year I even tried to tally the most popular fandoms but there were honestly too many to keep track of- and I stopped after the first three pages of submissions.
I don't claim to have invented the concept of FemSlash February. Before I started the prompts I swear I had heard the phrase somewhere. Tho not sure where. Perhaps it had been amongst my friends on Skype. Back when I had online friends and Skype(I'm still not sold on Discord🤷‍♀️).
However that January I thought it would be fun to partake in a challenge of some kind. But scouring tumblr and the general internet. I could only find half hearted efforts on fanfiction sites from years past.
I'm so proud of all my Sapphic creators on here that have partaken every year. Even if I've never shown favoritism or awarded anyone. I do notice those that actually complete the challenge AND those that keep coming back each year(looking at you H20 writer(I don't remember your username but there's a mermaid writer that's a writing machine)). I truly am proud of you especially in my shriveled state of creativity. Thank you for your efforts. For your hype. And for your love of women of all kinds across all the universes.
Each year I'm surprised to find even more categories I never thought to include. From mood boards, to doll photography, to ofc the classic art and writing. May your pencils forever be in union with your sister mediums.
On that note. There is a strict NO AI GENERATED ART or writing this year.
Not that I could physically stop anyone who does use AI. But I do not want that sort of thing associated with this challenge. It's become scarily good in 2023 to the point it can't always be identified. So I simply ask for the honor system when it comes to AI generated creations.
That being said. If you've made it to the end of this post:
Prompts will be posted tomorrow.
I usually prefer to give yall more of a buffer, but I've been busy. Both with Big Sad, rescuing some feral cats, my own life, errands, chores and work.
If you're still here- here is a preview of the first three days.
FEB 1 - black
FEB 2 - spring
FEB 3 - cake
The 14th as usual will be some sort of Valentine romance type theme(haven't decided specifically yet) and as always there will be a Rest Day.
Expect some repeat prompts. In the past I tried to avoid them but idc anymore.
It's also a Leap Year this year so expect one extra prompt to throw off the symmetry of what's normally 28 days.
Thanks for coming back this year. And thank you to those that still check on this blog.
Keep loving girls
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goddevouringserpent · 11 days
WOTR Companions First and Final Impressions
taking the open tag @the-raging-tempest left over at Discord cause I really really wanted to do this hehehehe :3 it was very very fun, even if time-consuming, so I am open tagging anyone who wants to do it! (& please do feel free to tag me in it because I very much want to see 👀)
the first impressions match the first actual interaction my KCs had with the companions, for which I am using the first real dialogue they ever had; so, for example, although they both technically met Camellia at the Kenabres festival, I am counting the first meeting as being in the caves under Kenabres.
First impressions
Irenni: "A spot of hope in the middle of so much destruction! You lighten my heart with your presence, lady knight."
Kaija: "Paladin of Iomedae, huh? Well, you don't seem as stuck-up as the rest of your kin, at least. Mind your own business, I'll mind mine, and we should get along fine."
Irenni: "So poised and elegant... I'm surprised by how nonplussed you seem, but in all fairness, you look high-born, and I suppose nobles are taught to conceal their emotions."
Kaija: "Ugh. Do we really have to babysit this spoiled brat? Hope you actually know how to use that rapier of yours, pretty girl, 'cause I'm not sticking my neck out for you."
Irenni: "A valiant warrior with a noble heart, I can tell. 'Tis a pity you downplay your own worth with such ferocity."
Kaija: "I know your type. You hate who you are, don't you, underground crusader? Tale as old as time. Shed those chains already—they'll never see you like you want them to see you. We're all just horned freaks to the respectable folks."
Irenni: "You are so angry... We mean no harm to you or yours. Let us help, please. We can only save each other if we stick together!"
Kaija: "There's a shrewdness in you, isn't there? You're a clever one. A survivor. Dangerous. It's fine, I can work with that. You're nothing new to me, huntress."
Irenni: "I hope I'm not making a mistake by helping you. You seem harmless enough, but that shadow... There's something wrong about it. Do you even know the nature of the magic you wield?"
Kaija: "A kindred spirit. You're the only one here who understands. I see it in your eyes. We have the same look, you and I, the same kind of dirt under our fingernails, the same bloodied teeth. I've got your back, for as long as this arrangement lasts—way things are, turning my back on you would be like turning my back on myself."
Irenni: "Oh, you sweet soul... 'tis fortunate Andoletta watches over you, but still—you should be somewhere safe, enjoying your childhood, not bearing witness to the horrors of war."
Kaija: "I can tell there's some sort of strength in you, but you've gotta toughen up, kid, or the world will chew you up and spit you out."
Irenni: "You behave as though you knew exactly what to say in order to vex me, Count Arendae. I ought to chastise you for being so irresponsible and inconsiderate, but you would not care at all. And... truth be told, you are fascinating, in your own way. A weakness in me, perhaps. We shall see. In the meantime—make yourself useful."
Kaija: "Hello there, yet-another-noble-prick in the endless assortment of Mendevian noble pricks! At least you're fun to be around, I'll give you that. Maybe someday I'll crash one of your parties. You might even thank me for it."
Irenni: "A fellow scholar! Oh, this is so exciting. I cannot even blame you for your... peculiarities; truly, all of us who share an interest for the academic can sympathize, to one degree or another. I do so look forward to trading theories with you."
Kaija: "Heard about people like you, here and there. Strange stories. Sad, often. Leave it to a genius to lose her mind—there's a certain irony in it. But I think we'll work well together, long as you follow my lead."
Irenni: "Everlight, I feel so inadequate. The Queen of Mendev! Here! Sitting at my table! It is a pleasure and an honour, Your Majesty, although I wish the circumstances were different... and I wish I were a bit more put-together for the occasion..."
Kaija: "Bah. Mendev's golden figurehead. Must feel good, to come marching in and have everyone prostrate themselves at your feet, even though you did absolutely jack shit. Don't expect any special treatment from me, Your Majesty. Far as I'm concerned, you're just some freeloader at our table."
Irenni: "A servant of the Eternal Rose is always welcome! I see a sincere kindness in your eyes that puts me at ease... and Sarenrae knows that is exactly what I need right now."
Kaija: "Nice to have another artist nearby. Not many of us here. And there's a steel in you, a fire. It burns low, more a simmer than anything else, but I can tell. I've been there. No wonder, after the losses you've experienced. You'll do fine. Channel that fire."
Irenni: "Hellknight, is it? Hmph. I guarantee you will disagree with my methods, Paralictor; I hope, for both our sakes, that you are still willing to obey my orders."
Kaija: "Credit where it's due, you're one hell of a fighter. Don't really mind the stick up your ass if we can use it in our favour. 'Sides, a little spot of pragmatism might do us some good in the long run. Tired of all the crusaders with their heads in the clouds."
Irenni: "My heart reaches out to you, as yours does to mine. I am aware it is ill-advised to trust a succubus, but, as servants of good, ought we not embrace any demons who choose to leave behind the stain of evil and embark upon a different path? Is it not our duty to aid them in this difficult journey? I open my arms for you, Arueshalae, even if it means the death of me."
Kaija: "I should be suspicious, and yet... I heard you. I saw you. In the temple of Desna, and in the shrine. That... that can't just be a demonic trick, right? There are some things the Abyss can't touch. But an ascending succubus... Demons aren't capable of redemption. It isn't in their nature. It's what everyone says, isn't it? But... but maybe... Maybe there's a chance... Maybe, if you..."
Irenni: "Why in the world would you refuse to address the demon invasion going on, but take on an assassination contract? I am astounded by the greed and selfishness involved in your thought process, but, most of all, I am baffled by your short-sightedness. There will be no gold to reclaim should the armies of the Abyss prevail, good sir."
Kaija: "'Go and get reinforcements from the Defender's Heart,' heh... You don't know who you're talking to, master assassin. Don't need help to kill these demons. Go ahead and take care of your mark—just don't get in my way. Wouldn't want ya to have your limbs cleaved off."
Parting thoughts
Irenni: "What a joy, to have shared this fight with you. You have kept me steady, grounded in hope, and I am so glad to have done the same for you. Do not let anyone extinguish your spark. It is people like you that give our struggles meaning."
Kaija: "You've proven me wrong, time and time again. Never thought I'd be happy about that, but I guess there's always a first time for everything. It's been an honour fighting at your side, Seelah... And an even bigger honour drinking at your side!"
Irenni: "I... I tried, Camellia. I really did. I would have helped you, if only you had been truthful. But in the end, I... I did what I had to do. I am not proud of it, but you forced my hand."
Kaija: "I keep telling myself it was for the best, and maybe one day I'll believe it. We would've ruined each other, beloved, you know that as well as I do. Better to stop when... when we still could. But that doesn't mean I've stopped loving you. I never will. You'll always have a part of me. Wherever you go, whatever you do... be safe. Think of me, from time to time. I'll think of you."
Irenni: "It is so good to see you happy, at long last. You deserve it—you always have. You have performed all your duties admirably, Lann, both towards the crusade and towards your people. Find comfort, now. Live the life you want. May your aim be ever true and steady, my friend."
Kaija: "You've got to let go, at some point. Move on. Bury it or it'll bury you."
Irenni: "I bear you no ill will. You were deeply wounded, I can tell that now, and my only regret is being unable to heal you. May you find peace in the afterlife."
Kaija: "Hasn't always been easy, because I'll be fucked if you don't like to make everything as hard as possible, but... Here we are. Looking at us from where we stand at the end, I can say I'm glad to have met you. Glad to know you. You've found your own power, your own strength, and—I respect you, for that. See myself in you a little bit. Who would've thought, huh?"*
Irenni: "I am so, so proud of you, and deeply ashamed I ever doubted you. So many would have fallen prey to the temptation of demonic power, but you... I know it was what you had wanted all your life, and yet you found strength enough in yourself to refuse it! I am humbled by you, Woljif."
Kaija: "The light of my life. That's what you are. Can't say I believe in soulmates or none of that, but I do believe in choosing someone over and over, with your whole heart, every day of your life, and... Well, I'll keep choosing you, over and over, for as long as I draw breath. You've changed me, deep to my core, and once upon a time I would've fought against that—you would've had me kicking and screaming to get out, heh—but now I wouldn't have it any other way. Wouldn't have you any other way. I'm with you, dearest, 'til the end, through thick and thin. It's you and me."
Irenni: "Your kindness is brilliant, Ember. Blinding. I hardly understand it myself, and I have felt the touch of Heaven! I know you do not believe in divine intervention, but... I cannot, in good faith, claim our meeting to be a coincidence. Both of us, devoted to mercy and redemption and salvation... We are the company we keep, I suppose, but we are altogether too similar in ideals for it to not mean something. I shall be pleased to accompany you further, should our paths meet again."
Kaija: "First time in my life I've ever been so thankful for someone getting their thoughts in order. You were heading down a bad road, kid. Putting yourself in danger. And—d'you think I could've lived with myself if I'd let you and you'd gotten killed because of it? I know it feels bad to have to temper your expectations, but you'll thank me later."
Irenni: "Ah, my love, what I wouldn't do for you. We have not had an easy time of it, have we? A rocky beginning, a middle fraught with difficulties and obstacles... We have been our own worst enemies, in truth. But there is not a single thing that I would change. I am honoured to love you and to have you love me; to know you and to have you know me. I am so fortunate that you have chosen to trust me with your life, your heart, your freedom, even. I will keep you safe, no matter what it takes. You can rest lightly in my hands—I promise. You will never regret letting me love you."
Kaija: "Not too proud to admit I misjudged you. I mean, in a sense I had your measure as soon as I met you, knew exactly what kinda person I was dealing with, but in another sense, you've surprised me. Never thought I'd find a real friend in you. My best friend, even. Life's full of little jokes and twists, isn't it? I think we can both drink to that, and not just because we'll take any excuse to drink. So—here's to your health, Count."
Irenni: "I... I don't understand. Why would you ever want... What led you to... to make the choices you made? You are worth more than that, Nenio. I pray it is not too late for you."
Kaija: "Somehow what's going on with you is less outlandish than what I thought was going on with you. It's fine. Seems like a lot, but you'll pull through, if you really want to. I believe you can."
Irenni: "You carry your burdens, and I carry mine. I neither envy nor resent you. Let us part in peace. I wish you well, Galfrey of Mendev."
Kaija: "Fool. If you keep holding your chin up, your neck'll snap. We're not on even footing anymore—I've long since surpassed ya, and you know it. Write a letter to your goddess if you're so mad about it."
Irenni: "It is good to see you have healed. You were teetering on the edge of something so grim, far from the light of Shelyn, and although I had faith in your ability to remain steadfast, I worried for you, Sosiel. Yet you have so gracefully recovered from the blows life dealt you. A soul as gentle and good as yours deserves nothing but that, my friend."
Kaija: "I know it wasn't what you expected, but did good. Kept your spine straight when it counted. Didn't back down. Opened your eyes. So that closure you got, Sosiel, those answers—that was all you, in the end. It was your actions that saved both of you. Take pride in that."
Irenni: "We have not always seen eye to eye... quite the opposite, in fact... but in the end, I am glad to have fought alongside you, Regill Derenge. I think, in better times, we could have been friends, but war can make strangers of us all."
Kaija: "Surprised at how well we work together. Or maybe not. It's all in the fighting mettle, after all—we're warriors through and through, and I guess even through our differences we could recognise that in each other. Steel calls to steel. I respect you, Regill, and I'm pretty sure the feeling's mutual. Wouldn't be where you are now if it weren't, yeah?"
Irenni: "There are too many things I should have told you, too many things I should tell you... but now is not the time. Later, once we are free. Then I will... Everlight's mercy, I just need you to know how deeply I care for you, how much I treasure and cherish and admire you, how badly I want to—augh, later, Irenni, later!"**
Kaija: "You say that I saved you, that you owe me so much, but c'mon, Arue, don't sell yourself short: you saved me every bit as much as I saved you. A mutual thing, yeah? Pulled each other outta the Abyss. I'm so proud of you, sister, and so grateful for everything you've done."
Irenni: "Truthfully, I was not expecting you to take my advice to heart, and I am pleasantly surprised you have chosen to do so. I wish you an uneventful life, Greybor. Enjoy every moment."
Kaija: "A professional, through and through. We did some good work together. You've a... productive future ahead of you, I'm sure—who knows, maybe I'll require your services sometime, hah."
*Kaija's parting answer for Wenduag is largely a placeholder because this is my first time recruiting Wendu (I'd wanted to before, but I couldn't rationalise how/why Kai would, until now) & I am still figuring out their dynamic. however, I feel there might be... Something there. as in, the inklings of a very interesting ship dynamic. and I can never say no to toxic yuri, it's my kryptonite, soooo I am just kinda leaving that reply there for now lol
**Irenni romances Arueshalae, but only after the game ends. during the events of the game itself she's too busy dealing with her feelings towards Daeran to even try and address her feelings towards Arue. they are very much present, Irenni just... sets them aside, for the time being, because she already has enough on her plate emotions-wise as-is LOL but after everything is done, they become an item :3
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @mk-writes-stuff!
OC Interview
Well, I did Avymere, so let's give Elsind some love too :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
"Not that I know of? I've met a few Elsinds - it's not a super uncommon name - so maybe I was and my mom just didn't tell me."
2. When was the last time you cried?
"Aw man, yesterday night. I was trying to make some brownies, but I burnt them pretty bad, and it was just a lot. The night before that, I read this sad book and cried so hard my face was sore."
3. Do you have kids?
"I'm twenty, and I honestly don't even know how that would work with me being a changeling and all, so no. I'd like kids someday though, I think."
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Not really? I don't think I do. Can you be sarcastic on accident?"
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
"Their face. I like faces. I like to remember them in case I have to use them later, but really, they're all just so beautiful that I can't help but stare. I've never understood when people call other people ugly - there are just more or less symmetrical faces. One isn't better or worse than the other, they're just interesting in different ways."
6. What's your eye colour?
"I don't have eyes in my true form, but I can make eyes in whatever color you'd like."
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
"Happy endings, by the gods, yes. I love it when a book gets me feeling all warm and hopeful on the inside. I think I'd cry if I had to watch something scary."
8. Any special talents?
"Um, I can squeeze into really small spaces? Oh, but that's not really a talent, it's just biology. I wouldn't say I'm talented at poetry - I just dabble sometimes."
9. Where were you born?
"In a little village called Shéllon, a few mountain peaks east of Salis."
10. Do you have any pets?
"No, but I've always wanted a cat!"
11. What sort of sports do you play?
"Eh, I'm not really the sporty type. I'm happy to watch just about anything, though."
12. How tall are you?
"That depends."
13. What was your favorite subject in school?
"I didn't go to school properly because there wasn't one in Shéllon, but my mom homeschooled me as best she could. My favorite part was reading all the books she'd bring me, of course. I prefer lighter things, but I do have a few classics under my belt."
14. What is your dream job?
"I... I really don't know. I'd love to work in a library, but gods, some of those teashops just seem so fun with their fancy uniforms. There aren't any flowers this far north, but I saw a florist's stall in a painting once, and it seemed so magical as well. Really, I just want a job I'm happy to go to, and that gives me enough time off to enjoy myself. Work isn't my purpose, after all."
I'll tag @jasminewalkerauthor @scribble-dee-vee @pluppsauthor @pluttskutt @halfbakedspuds and anyone else who wants to play :)
Blanks under the cut
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
8. Any special talents?
9. Where were you born?
10. Do you have any pets?
11. What sort of sports do you play?
12. How tall are you?
13. What was your favorite subject in school?
14. What is your dream job?
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Worst Video Game Song Tournament - Round 2 Match 5
Know What I Mean? - Mario Party 2
The Yoshi Clan - Yoshi's New Island
I would recommend listening to as much as you can of each song before voting, but how you choose is up to you! Remember to be civil in the tags and replies!
Propaganda under cut:
Know What I Mean?:
"#i'm going with the mario party #it's SO off-tune and off-beat constantly #which i think is intentional but #i hate it"
(in reference to its previous match) "#this literally isn't even a fight. coughing baby vs nuclear bomb level matchup. what the fuck was that mario song. who thought that was a #good idea. i want to have words with them."
"#kwim is overstimulation in its purest form #it's the musical equivalent of getting nonstop discord notifications while looking for something i dropped while someone is talking to me"
"#know what i mean absolutely ROCKS. horrible. rocks so hard. they did the same thing that yoshi clan did. im guffawing"
The Yoshi Clan:
"the ass band will play a song of farts to celebrate your failure"
"#yoshi sounds like suck"
"#YOOOOOOOOSHI CLAAAAN!!!!!!!! #ok im gonna complete my santa review before getting to my ten page essay on why i love yoshi clan. yea that shit bad #i accidentally started it playing in two tabs at different points of the video which was honestly really fun. i recommend tryin that esp wi #bad songs really adds smthn to the exprience. it was awesoeme #it also just sounds the exact type of awful that that video image implies which is cool. its so perfect. it sounds ass #but. what it can not beat. is my favorite of all time. my darling love. it is time to begin my sermon #ok so yoshi clan is just so beautifully terrible. and truly the whole soundtrack is an orchestra of bad design. and its so fun to look at #that really nice professional looking art for the game and get BLASTED with kazoo #and like. i understand the thought process. kazoo does seem silly goofy yoshi. and it also sounds like a chorus of pain #now this song specifically has some really great awkward pauses. at 0:16 theres like a full 3 seconds of silence. which is SO cool #then the hot cross bun bit that ends at 0:27 gets so sad and deflated at the end of it. like it starts off in time but then clearly the #soloist got kinda embarrassed alone and so rushed and got really quiet. and its just so sad and lonely. its so cool #also some of these pauses have a couple lone far away kazoo squeaks for no reason before the 'melody' comes back in? awesome #but what i really really love about this. what really draws my eye. is the ending. because we go through this entire rigamarole with the #worst secondhand embarrassment of my life. then. 0:43. the kazoos move out. and in. the most genuinely awesome groovy drum beat in the worl #like its SO good. and those last few seconds are like you're in a different world. like you just survived horrors and you are brought to an #angelic chorus. and it lasts what 5 seconds? 5 seconds of beauty after a full 40 seconds of purgatory. in what world do horrors live foreve #while an angel can last for only a flash #its cruelty. its injustice. its completely ingenious. incredible music making. i am in such awe. #anyways thats my manifesto. please feel free to put any of this in the propaganda section op. im passioante"
Feel free to add more propaganda in the tags and replies, or send it to me in the ask box and I'll try to share it as soon as I can!
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cacodaemonia · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @flowerparrish! :D
How many works do you have on ao3? 213, but somewhere between like 85 and 100 of those are just images.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 1,049,952
What fandoms do you write for? Clone Wars
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Many of the top works are art-only, but if I sort through, looks like most of the fics are those that I have never reread or re-edited, so 😬
That’s Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) - My first fic, which I have re-edited since first posting it. Chip arc fix-it
Orbital Decay - Haven't touched this since I posted it. Codywan
Modulation - Also don't think I've re-edited this at all. Echo/Fives
Will You Walk With Me? - The only one of the top five that I care much about XD; Waxer and Boil (platonic or pre-relationship)
Kintsugi - Not re-edited. Codywan
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love replying to comments with my usual unhinged yammering :D
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending You're Just Harder to See Than Most, but it's part of a larger series where the sad stuff in this gets better. As a stand-alone, though, it's very angsty 🙈
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hah, so many XD Maybe Count Every Beautiful Thing?
Do you get hate on fics? No, I've only gotten it for art, and thankfully AO3 isn't infested with pearl-clutching busybodies like Tumblr is, so I've only had one (honestly hilarious) hate comment there. It was on like the 6th chapter of a a very clearly tagged sketch dump in which several of the previous chapters were fairly explicit smut. And then on that last chapter, the person was like "Ew, they're brothers! This is disgusting." Hah, okay pal, seems like you were really enjoying it if you got to chapter 6. 🤣
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sure do! Uh, a variety, I guess, though I suppose I haven't written anything that would be considered heavy kink?
Do you write crossovers? Nope
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but I've had TONS of art stolen.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? This is very hard to answer because I tend to latch onto ships for many years at a time. But no other characters before the clones ever inspired me to write fics, so I'll go with Waxer/Boil 🧡
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have an AU fic where the war ends shortly after Geonosis that I really want to write but can't make the brain go very well on it, for some reason. I have pages and pages of notes, some sketches, and like a chapter and a half drafted, but I keep getting stuck. I wouldn't say that I doubt I'll ever finish it, though. I probably just have to shake things around to knock loose whatever is gunked up.
What are your writing strengths? Maybe natural dialogue?
What are your writing weaknesses? I want to describe all the things. I want to put what I see in my head into your eyeballs. But I also tend to over-describe like, logistic-type stuff, I think—stuff that no one but me cares about XD
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Like a real language or a conlang? I don't know any of either well enough to include much of them in my fics, but when I use a bit of Ryl (which I've largely made up), I really limit it because I get annoyed when there's a ton of conlang in fics I'm trying to read. Scrolling to the end notes constantly is not very fun.
First fandom you wrote for? Clone Wars
Favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, well I have a soft spot for Will You Walk With Me? but I think my two objectively best fics are My Heart's Red Muscle (78K Waxer/Boil cyborg AU) and We Could Breathe Underwater (5K Force-sensitive Waxer/Boil).
That was fun!
No-pressure tags: @lizardberries @elismor @valkeakuulas @blackkatmagic @amukmuk
And because I always long for a blank version of these tag things to copy/paste, just the questions below the cut:
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you’ve written?
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terresdebrume · 7 months
Fic writer interview
Merci pour le tag, @almost-a-class-act ! :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
372 :D
Most are fics, but I do have a little under 30 fic covers hanging around there 😊
What's your total AO3 word count?
988 968 words! My goal this year is to crack the million xD
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fun fact, this top has not changed in years and my more recent writing habits mean it's unlikely to ever change at this point xD
S.O.S. Ecrits Avec De L’Air (aka SEADLA) an unfinished Tony Stark/Loki fic in which everything starts because Loki stops Tony from commiting suicide.
 We Shall Have Peace, a fic in which Steve Rogers comes out of an 80+ years long captivity to discover Loki turned the earth into a utopia.
Dots: 2-4, 1-2-3, 1-3-6. A fic in which Tony Stark is a university student, and Loki is his blind teacher, and they fall in love.
Wooer Wooed. A fic in which Tony Stark tries to teach Loki how to woo someone and ends up surprised by the results.
Corny Lines For Thanksgiving A fic in which Tony Stark sees Loki iand Thor interact from his office window and mistakes them for a couple.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I like showing my appreciation and it feels more polite :D
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Say it three times and it will be done, in which Loki sends Tony Stark a very sad letter to tell him he's giving up on him and their not-relationship.
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Oh shit, I've written so many of these xD But I guess I'll go with a top 3:
Clark Kent, of Krypton because it's one of the ones where the protagonist's situation changes the most drastically.
Once more, with kissing because the protag ends in what would probably be my dream configuration for any kind of romantic relationship.
All on my own because it's probably one of the more hopeful endings I have.
Honorable mention to A summer evening in Philly. for being the most recent :P
Do you write crossovers?
Rarely. I did write a Battlestar Galactica x The Walking Dead crossover once for a friend, but that's about it. When I mix fandom, I gravitate more towards fusions :P
The fic is called Killing zombies (and other fun activities), if you're curious.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I think I got maybe...three angry comments on AO3 so far? One was pissed because the protag hated his stepmother, another was angry that I'd posted negative meta on a ship, and iirc the last one accused me of making a character stupid because they didn't understand a word as a little kid who was communicating in a language that wasn't his first language.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I try my hand at it on occasion x) It's probably not the greatest but so far no one told me it sucked so we'll see how it goes in the future xD
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I rememeber correctly there were projects of translation into Chinese and Russian for some of my fics, but I can't recall if they were completed or not xD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I toyed at the idea but it fizzled out, mostly because of me.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I honestly have never thought of it that way tbh xD
But my two oldest ships are Taichi/Yamato from Digimon Adventure and Hyoga/Shun from Saint Seiya. I've liked those since I was a kid. As in, I first discovered Hyoga/Shun when I was under 10 so.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm not going to answer that one, I don't want to jinx it xD
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at dialogue and worldbuilding.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle a little more with description, and also The Doing Of The Sex. Also I sometimes worry that I do the writing equivalent of same-facing my characters, but I guess it might also be because I have A Type.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
More often than not, saying "[x] said in German" or "[x] switched to Italian" is more than enough. It's clear, concise and avoids the two main risks of foreign dialogues: losing the readers who don't understand the target language and (if you're not fluent yourself) making a grammar mistake that takes readers who are more fluent than you out of the story. (Example: I've recently stumbled across a Band of Brothers fic where Liebgott used Sie to address Webster. Sie is a formal form of address, which I guarantee Lieb wouldn't use for his fellow soldiers, especially not Web, and so seeing it made be tick hard even if I didn't spontaneously understand the rest of the sentence.)
That being said! All rules are made to be broken, and I've written a fic that was intentionally in 3 different languages and another where a significant chunk of the dialogue is just em dashes with footnotes. In the first case, I used the script format and the language juxtaposition to mimick the sort of humor you'd get from a more fast-pace, visual medium like a movie or show (and also because I enjoyed the idea of a fic that was a bit of an in-joke with readers who mostly understood all three languages).
In the second case, I used the em-dashes (intersped with the few words the POV character understands) to force the reader into the protagonist' shoes, because the whole plot revolves around her distress and frustration about being unable to understand the language her family speak.
So, you know. Do what you want x)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
It was a very, very intense plagiaristic fic for Lord of the Rings but with Harry Potter style wizards. I don't think it was very good, but I rememeber having fun with it.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
For a long time, that fandom was Digimon Adventure but I've done it now so... non, for now, I think x)
What's your favorite fic you've written?
... I'm gonna cheat and link you to my AO3 porfolio for my top 11 :P
Tagging : @takingoffmyshoes, @kyttwrites, @nemainofthewater, @ghostinthelibrarywrites, @liesmyth and @talysalankil :)
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icharchivist · 8 days
more da4 stuff are coming out and i hadn't blocked the spoilers tag yet bc the warning was that there'll be more spoilers on the 19Th, but last article by IGN actually revealed two things i really wanted to see in game by myself and i'm so mad kdjfhdjkfhd
i blocked the tag now so at least i should be able to avoid more but boooo
but about those things bc i want to discuss them:
so far it was a theory that Lucanis was possessed by a demon but the latest video just confirmed it and i'm. so sad they did so.
but they also confirmed which type of demons which is a win for me bc i've been brainstorming it for a while.
Because the tarot card showed Pride Demon and it boggled my mind because Lucanis is NOT prideful. he's only arrogant to provoke his marks. And, on the other hand, he's not particularly wise. In fact he's the opposite of wise this man fucking tore open the Veil to get revenge and then went "idk it seemed like a plan, anyway yolo YOU told me to do that", this man behaves on instincts not on wisdom.
To me, if spirit was possessing Lucanis (which was strongly hinted at from his new powers, his skillsets, the fact he's believed dead and probably did actually die!), it should be a spirit of Justice/a demon of Vengeance, because Lucanis is DEADSET on vengeance even though it's not his job. He derails his job completely because he's motivated by vengeance for people who were wronged by Ambrose.
But then again we never truly saw what type of shape a Justice/Vengeance spirit would take, since we only met one possessing other people's body. It also felt wrong to me to have this again considering how close it would have been from the Anders/Justice plotline from daoa and da2 (with Justice first possessing a dead person and him being twisted to vengeance once he gets into Anders).
So my conclusion was Justice/Vengeance unless it's a new spirit we've never heard of that is adjacent to that.
WELL the latest video seems to reveal that Lucanis is possessed by a Demon of Spite.
Which. Well. Close enough????
But also it means Lucanis very likely died or almost died and was saved by a spirit of Spite (probably because Lucanis is waaaays too comfortable using spirits to start with but that's a post for another time i have so many thoughts about Lucanis, magic, and spirits) which is why he's alive. The screenshot i've seen implies that Lucanis is trying to keep Spite from being too active, trying not to trigger it, and i wonder if the stolen glances with Emmrich in particular is a set up to how Emmrich, used to gently handling spirits who bind themselves to corpses, would help him navigate this situation.
I already love him so much it keeps adding i'll never be safe.
The other spoiler i've seen is that we're definitely seeing Felassan again and i'm so excited for that, but i wish I'd been surprised about it in game. He's a book-only character, from The Masked Empire, and there's only one line that refers to him in Trespasser ("His friend had to die. Because he thought they were people. A slow arrow breaks in the sad wolf's jaws."), but we know Felassan was someone important to Solas and that the end of TME still haunts him, so it was logical that in the Lighthouse/Crossroads, that will be filled with Solas' memories, we'll see more about Felassan, but i was worried they may ignore him all together because he IS a book only character, no matter how beloved he is. I'm relieved they're actually showing him, but MAN i can just imagine how i'd have screamed if i saw he was there in game. wasted.
Anyway now i blacklisted everything and i reread The Wigmaker's Job and The Wake the other day, and i have thoughts, i've written half a post about it and then got too lazy to do the rest, so stay up for that one i guess.
But ghhhh. So good.
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rules and disclaimers:
1. if you are uncomfortable with anything i post, please unfollow or block! do not come into my asks requesting me to take it down. those asks will be ignored or simply referred to my trigger warning page. permitted asks include requests for something to be tagged with a trigger warning. alternatively, you can fill out this form here! 2. minors and ageless blogs dni! i know i was previously okay with it, but certain situations have taken that away, so please do not interact if you do not have your age in bio. if you are uncomfortable listing your age, feel free to dm or send me an ask 3. i write for levi ackerman and only for levi!! i'm not really the type to write for multiple characters because i'm only able to hyperfixate on one character at a time (mega sad, i know), and the hyperfixation is what drives the writing. i'll always make an announcement if i do decide to branch out though!! 4. salty anons, anti x reader and self-ship anons, and toxic anons: do not come into my asks. please just block me and move on. if there is something legitimate you would like to talk to me about regarding any content i post or interact with, please just dm me and we can chat like adults. i am 100% nicer through dm's than i am through anon messages 5. please do not claim my work as your own! if you would like to repost or refer to my work, please dm me for permission, provide a link to where you will be posting it, and credit to this blog. 6. do not feed my works into AI. AI-generated fanfiction, just like AI-generated art, is stealing. 7. for the sake of my own and my moots'/followers' mental health, i will immediately block anyone that is showing signs of toxic, exclusive, cliquey, or bullying-type behaviors. this includes toxic behaviors directed to my friends/moots as well. 8. just, don't be a dick! i love chatting with everyone, whether it's through dm's or asks, but i don't have the time for passive aggressive high school-tier behavior. let's just please all get along so we can thirst and pine over levi ackerman in peace :)
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Last updated: August 12, 2024
© humanitys-strongest-bamf & rydenkat | Do not repost or plagiarize my work. Do not translate or edit without my permission. Do not feed my work into AI. My work is currently posted exclusively on Wattpad, AO3 and Tumblr. Feel free to recommend my works on other social media platforms!
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pixiestickers · 10 months
Tagged by @mydoctor Thanks
Rules: list your ten favorite albums of all time and tag ten people to list theirs!
When it comes to music I would usually see a meme like this and start thinking of all the ways I could wax eloquently abt my favorite albums, but I am currently depleted of my ability to write atm bc i am mentally maxed out due to school, so here have the short version in no particular order.
The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. Fell in love with mcr the first time I saw them singing 'I'm not okay' on mtv2, but it wasn't really until Black Parade that I loved every song on one of their albums. I don't skip a single one when I listen to this.
The Archandroid by Janelle Monae. Love Janelle's older stuff more than her newer music with this album at the top. It's just a mixture of exactly what I like. Weird, quirky, and profound all at the same time.
Figure 8 by Elliott Smith. This album has always been great writing inspiration for me. His music, but this album in particular, appears on many of my mental and also actual playlists for my blorbos.
Little Plastic Castle by Ani DiFranco. When I was 18, I saw this album ranked as one to buy by some music magazine and so when I saw it a few months later at a CD store in the mall (remember those? or maybe you don't, you're all probably younger than me) I bought it on a whim. It was a good buy from my many MANY impulsive music buys over the years, bc it started my love for Ani's music. It was also my first foray into music that was somewhat against my upbringing ie conservative evangelical christian. Since then, I've seen Ani 6 times in concert and it's always been a good show.
Feel Good by The Internet. This is just the type of R&B that I love. Like Janelle Monae, it's a little strange with 8-minute-long songs that take twists and turns until they eventually morph into a completely different song, but it's an album I can play from start to finish.
When the Pawn ... by Fiona Apple. One of the few albums I wish I could get on vinyl but it's just way too expensive to justify spending on something i could easily listen to on the CD I bought ages ago (or more likely listening to on spotify). This album has been there for me at my lowest. Sometimes hearing someone else sing about bad breakups and being angry and sad over someone who hurt you, helps you cope with all the times you've had a fight with your SO or had a friend who ghosted you.
The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. Really sad that Win Butler turned out to be a garbage human bc I love this album, but find it hard to listen to now, knowing the band's lead singer is awful. There were other ppl in the band tho (a lot actually, it's a big band) so I figure I'll still add this album to my list for them and to be honest to myself.
Apollo 18 by They Might Be Giants. Flood was the first album I bought by tmbg, but Apollo 18 is the album I can listen to all the way through with the song Narrow Your Eyes being my fav. Considering how weird their music can get, Narrow Your Eyes is a pretty straightforward break-up song on an album that also contains songs like The Statue Got Me High and Hall of Heads.
The Con by Tegan and Sara. Call It Off is one of my most played songs ever, but this whole album is good and was my introduction to them. This was one of the last CDs I actually bought before I started just downloading everything with iTunes and then eventually moving on over to Spotify and buying vinyl.
Blackout by Britney Spears. Good for working out to when I used to work out and I just really love the song Heaven on Earth.
Honorable Mentions: Exile in Guyville by Liz Phair, Bionic by Christina Aguilera, Absolution by Muse, OK Computer by Radiohead, Same Trailer Different Park by Kacey Musgraves, Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood, and Actor by St. Vincent
I tag: @trashangel-dee @alphamano @bethanyactually @ladybender @selkiestorytelleracademia @theangrypomeranian @vanessarama @leaving-a-comment and @dj-osha
And anyone else who would like to do this. Even if we're not mutuals go ahead and tag me. I'm always interested in seeing others' musical tastes.
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writingforfishes · 2 months
(this is woodworks lmao idk why it's not giving me the option to ask under that blog name 💔)
anyways AHHHH YOU WATCHED H//ZBIN!!!!! thoughts?????? i've had another scenario pop into my head in addition to what i've already posted but haven't had time to finalize and write out the idea yet asdfghjkl
i don't have any reqs/suggestions for that show currently but figured i'd ask this if i do later or someone else does: any further specifications/boundaries for that show and its characters if you do write anything? like the cast is all adults but ik some ppl have personal guidelines for creating fan content in terms of character pairing (e.g. nothing that goes against canon ships etc) and, for this show specifically, putting the Canon Ace™ character into situations of *gestures at the concept of kink content* this nature, so just thought it'd be good to put out there how...err...broad(?) of a range you're comfy with writing for those characters lastly (sorry for the length and terrible coherency ehe) concepts to explore that i just thought of that would probably be interesting for lore and character mechanics stuff: atticus' first realizing of their k/nk and any sort of role swapping in which atticus has a case (unless they're the type to just never get any, if so disregard the rest of this paragraph), such as atti and otto both having them at the same time, atti getting them before having told otto about the k/nk and idk trying to hide it or somethin, or after having told otto and getting teased, etc 🤷
and also can i just compliment how frickin creative and skilled you are honestly?? i wish i had a fraction of the time and energy you must be putting into all of these posts /lh
Hello, @hic-etc-kink-blog! (Hope it's okay if I tagged your blog to make up for the odd technical glitch.)
I really, really look forward to reading what your next fic is going to be! I enjoyed the last one a lot. It was so sweet and now that I know the characters I can appreciate it more.
I'll be using pseudonyms that are synonymous to the fandom and characters so I don't have to keep trying to filter them out. (Also, it's just more fun)
I really enjoyed the Redemption Inn cartoon once I got past the first episode. For some reason, the first episode just didn't grab me. But as I had very little else to do (as I was recovering from an injury at the time) I gave it another shot.
I was really surprised how much I loved the Heckin' Manager show, too! The Tragic Jester Cyborg character and his pairing with the Sexy Chicken God is by far my favorite. But Devil Agent Bad Ass Girl and Devil Agent Smart Boy are a close second.
The most popular ship and relationship with Devil Manager and Royal Feathered Sad Boy is interesting, but not something I want to explore more than to watch.
But back to the Redemption Inn!
Obviously I'm partial to Jumping Spider Dancer and Feline Wing Bartender. I would love to write anything with them! (And when I do I'll use their real names and filter them appropriately.)
The cannon sapphic relationship is adorable, of course.
At any rate, long summary short, I've been really enjoying watching the shows and the music on them! Love a musical cartoon!
any further specifications/boundaries for that show and its characters if you do write anything? like the cast is all adults but ik some ppl have personal guidelines for creating fan content in terms of character pairing (e.g. nothing that goes against canon ships etc) and, for this show specifically, putting the Canon Ace™ character into situations of *gestures at the concept of kink content* this nature, so just thought it'd be good to put out there how...err...broad(?) of a range you're comfy with writing for those characters
Ooh. Valid question that I hadn't considered!
So, Atticus is Ace, but does experience intimacy, arousal, and self-pleasure. I wanted to start with that because I think every asexual (me included) experiences asexuality differently. So, translating a cannon asexual character can be tricky. I also understand that Murderous Hart Boy has been a topic of controversy in how others represent him in fiction. So, I understand where that part of the question comes from. Instead of answering that specifically I'll just make a blanket statement of boundaries.
Character preference ships for Redemption Inn are:
Jumping Spider Dancer/Cat Wing Bartender (Have an idea for these losers.)
Happy Child of Evil/Unhappy Soldier of Good
But, also! Characters hiccuping with no relationship or sexual/arousal content are fine! Any character simply hiccuping is fine! Murderous Hart Boy can get the hiccups and it's just a hurt/comfort fiction instead of a sexy kinky one.
Only real boundary is that I will not write Abusive Moth with ANYONE. Great character design, great voice actor, but I do not wish to be in that demon's head.
I don't see any other ships to be problematic, I don't think. While I'll be up for writing arousal and self-pleasuring scenes, outright sex scenes that don't fade to black won't be something I'll do. (Likes, yes I've been pretty saucy with my Otto and Atticus fics, but sex is just not something I'm interested in writing. Cuddling and hugging and watching and helping, yes. But not sex. I dunno. I'm confused, too!)
(Though I do think the only thing that excites/arouses Murderous Hart Boy is murder and power.)
Heckin' Manager:
I think sky's the limit on this show. Though I do have a preference for current cannon ships.
Um...:scrolls up:
atticus' first realizing of their k/nk and any sort of role swapping in which atticus has a case (unless they're the type to just never get any, if so disregard the rest of this paragraph), such as atti and otto both having them at the same time, atti getting them before having told otto about the k/nk and idk trying to hide it or somethin, or after having told otto and getting teased, etc 🤷
As Atticus is extremely based on me (to an embarrassing degree), my frustrating inability to induce has been passed on to them. It is not for a lack of trying. So, if I ever DO get the hiccups successfully, I will reflect that onto Atticus and there WILL be a story about it!
I think it would be very in character if Atticus had gotten them before sharing their kink with Otto to either get rid of them quickly or try to hide them. We're both on the same page with that characterization. And I really love the thought of both of them getting them at the same time! It's so cute!
If Atticus were to get them in the most recent timeline Otto would find their hiccups adorable and coo at how cute they were. He would most definitely compare them and how they differ to his own. He would be very sensitive to Atticus' possible embarrassment and if Atty had been trying to get them up until that point, he would be supportive to being present to help them explore having the hiccups.
I also think Otto would be surprised to find himself getting just a little aroused at Atticus' hiccups. Something about the role reversal would move and excite him in some kind of way, no doubt (even if not sexually).
He would probably tease them a little bit. "Now you know how I feel!" But not too much.
and also can i just compliment how frickin creative and skilled you are honestly?? i wish i had a fraction of the time and energy you must be putting into all of these posts /lh
You're so sweet. I really appreciate you saying that. I wish I could give this much to non-kink related hobbies. That being said, I never assumed anything what I created would be marketable, necessarily, regardless of the inspiration.
The fact is, writing these silly fictions is helping me. I accept the fact that I am, for the most part, writing into a void. It takes me around 3 days - a week to get out most of these stories. This includes doing sloppy editing to make sure there are no glaring errors. I'm very fortunate to live alone and have space and time to explore my fantasies outside of work and other commitments. I don't take that for granted.
From one overly wordy person to another, I think we've created a novel in this entry. I appreciate you reaching out and sharing your feedback with me. I really do quite enjoy touching base with others who experience this odd hiccup kink phenomenon. Humanizing and connecting beyond the carnal nature of it all is always refreshing.
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a-gassy-antelope · 7 months
Miscellaneous Tag Game
Made by the one and only @ronald-speirs <3
Thank you for the tag @grumpy-liebgott ! Am I finally doing this after being tagged almost a month ago?....maybe
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
I haven't been many places truthfully. I loved hiking near Niagara Falls and also hiking in the Smokies near Gatlinburg. (I'm going to Alaska later this year so that will likely take the cake for me!)
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Working 3 jobs while also caring for a terminally ill parent. Not to get too sad, but yeah, that was a time.
Favorite books?
Oof, gonna age myself with this. The Harry Potter will always hold a special place in my heart even though it has aged terribly. Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chatlas made a big impact on me as a teenager. One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest by Ken Kasey is a favorite classic. Recently Dead Inside by Chandler Morrison kept me very entertained with pure shock value (although I just finished The Slob last night and it by far takes the cake for the most disgusting thing I've ever read)
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
When I think about the people I choose to surround myself with. I am a very open person with those I love. Once someone is in my inner circle I am a no boundary kinda person. Let's cut the small talk and bare all our trauma and then tease each other about it. Let's rot on the sofa together. It makes my heart happy to know that I have people I can be like this with.
Favorite thing about your culture?
...what culture... I could say there's a certain culture of the American Midwest that i love. Mainly the 'midwest goodbye' where you stand in the front door chatting for way too long, then in the driveway then in your car with the window rolled down. Also, ever had a midwestern dessert salad?????
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Well, my brother is older than me and he was very much ww2 obsessed. So watched Band of Brothers way younger than I probably should've. Probably when I was like 8? When I got into my career there was this song at work that would play and it felt so oddly nostalgic until one day I realized it sounded the intro credit music for Band of Brothers. Then it was put on Netflix and it was all down hill from there. Very different to watch again as an adult vs what I remembered from my childhood.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I just finished Dick Winters' memoir not that long ago! I think I'll read Shifty's next!
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
Everyone in b.o.b is my precious baby. See that generic white man? Yep, thats my child. Honestly though there are certain quotes from various characters that just scratches my brain. Buck with: "Your ass?!" Webster with: "You ignorant, servile scum! What the fuck are we doing here?" and the cadence in which he says "Don't salute the Germans!" Liebgott with "Hershey Bar!" Winters with: "What's that? A piece of paper? I dont wanna see another piece of paper" and Speirs with: "You talk to an officer you say 'sir' " (totally not because it made me feel some type of way)
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I have made Band of Brothers stuff here on tumblr, classic text post as memes. Ao3 I've made Band of Brothers, Star Wars and My Hero Academia content!
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
hm....that's hard to pick a favorite. Meryl Streep is always delightful, as is Gillian Anderson. Natalie Portman? Keira Knightly? ok, ok, maybe I should list a man...James McAvoy. Jack Nicholson. I dunno, I don't like picking favorites.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
"I paint self portraits because I am so often alone...Because I am the person I know best." This Frido Kahlo quote really sticks with me because I feel like I can relate to being isolated and enjoying spending so much time on my own. I am my best companion and draw from my own experiences and emotions.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
I am a licensed massage therapist and I work with patients with chronic pain and injuries. I love my job and my patients even though it is a very draining profession.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
I am a writer! I want to say that I'm open to beta readers but I am also simultaneously afraid of others reading my work and embarrassed that people might not like it. That being said, I am working on a multi part Winnix fic rn.
Three things that make you smile?
My pets: a cat, 2 snakes, 2 leopard geckos and a pink tongue skink
Sweet gestures from my partner (or their dumbass jokes)
Any nicknames you like?
Instead of Alex, a friend once called me Al Pal and I'm bewildered that it took me over 20 years to ever hear that.
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
Uhm, everyone???? I love seeing people share whatever they're passionate about or find cute and funny. I love when people love things unapologetically! @grumpy-liebgott, @blueberry-ovaries @lewis-winters @easycompany123@andromeddog @hanniewinnix and honestly so many more!
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I have two options. Get to my Marine Corps brother who is a borderline doomsday prepper but lives an hour and a half away or die immediately.
Favorite movie?
Again with the favorites? Some of my comfort movies include: Pride and Prejudice (2005), Mamma Mia, Hellboy 2 The Golden Army (specifically 2, not the first one) and Coraline
Do you like horror movies?
Yes! If my above mentioned books weren't an indicator. I love modern paranormal, 80s slashers and any Vincent Price movie
Tagging (no pressure!) : Also, Sorry if you've already been tagged! (does anyone else get nervous tagging people for no damn reason?)
@hanniewinnix, @pettypumpk1n @multifandomfanfic @hbowarandchill @fxxiva
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thatcreature · 1 year
I was tagged by @claimedbytheearth (thank you!! It was nice reading about you :'D )
It's been long since I've done something like this so it might be fun!
Favourite colour: I guess yellow?
Currently reading: Monster by Naoki Urasawa. I'm slow at reading it but it's so good. One of the top manga I've ever read.
Last song: Skyway Avenue by We The Kings. I really like this song because it's nostalgic though I know this might be... weird? but I've been really um obsessed with songs that are in F#Major key. I've realized it's a type of key that I really enjoy! I've made a playlist full of F#Major songs that I play on repeat. This one is one of them! :')
Last series: One Piece Live Action (OPLA). I've watched it with my friend and now I'm watching it again with my father because he actually liked it.
Currently watching: Well OPLA x'D I'm in episode 4. I'm too slow watching series or reading so that's the only recent one.
Last movie: Well... Does an OVA count? If it does, Angel Densetsu. I swear I had seen it before but I had no idea where or when? So I found it randomly and I watched it full. I felt sad about the main character but the misunderstandings were enjoyable. If that doesn't count: Knives Out. The plot is really well written and has a lot of plotwists. I watched it with some friends and we had a good time guessing the killer's identity!
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Sweet ;;
Currently working on: um... I'm not sure what this refers to but I'll try to answer it. If it's working as in a work, well nothing yet. I should start to think about my future soon but college left me very tired and I need some rest. If it's working as in projects, my animated adaptation of 2nd LIFE: VTE! Recently I've finished an animation course and I'm applying all the knowledge, changing some scenes I've already done.
Current obsession: Oh dear. Well... I've always have like... core obsessions. I think it's Pokémon recently? I mean if it wasn't obvious from my blog x'D Perhaps also One Piece. I haven't played/ watched movies or series/ tried new things lately so no new obsessions (edit: I don't know if it counts but I've been obsessed with Incredibox mods for a long now and I've recently known Orin Ayo. Such a cool concept, eerie (don't watch it if easily disturbed please) but I like those things! I've read all the characters backgrounds and some theories)
Sorry if it was too long. I'm tagging... Well, you! If you've read until this point I'd like to know a bit of yourself too!
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natimiles · 11 months
Omg yes soft boys 🤩 especially if they’re cold and tough on the outside but on the inside they’re really precious and caring 🥺 (but I love them when they’re rough as well hehe)
We stan MC and reader 😤 and Sebastian is that uncle figure who’s slightly awkward but very much loved in the family. But can you imagine how sad it’d be for reader when they think that MC will leave the mansion at the end of the month :’) only to find out that she’s staying for Mozart LMAO
Speaking of Sebastian, last night I actually dreamt that we were cooking in the kitchen together and I was boiling eggs in a small pot so that Isaac could have egg in his sandwich. And for some reason I managed to make the pot catch on fire 💀 after some panicking and putting the fire out, the eggs inside were surprisingly still intact and were even well-cooked. Afterwards Sebastian scolded me 😭 but at least he didn’t flick my forehead hehe (those stuff hurt a lot)
Oh and just a suggestion, are you able to put your fic into the ‘ikemen x reader’ tag? Because that way it will be able to reach more people who would like this fanfic :D
-🥀 anon
I declare this blog a 'Soft Men League' now, HAISEHASUIEHAS. BUT YES! Gimme a man that can do both 🤍 I'm always in love with those types, like Mozart. Isaac is more on the softer side; he said he prefers to be gentle (I cried not only with my eyes the first time I read it). But oh my dear, I clearly have a type! Obey Me is Levi, Simeon and Satan; MysMe is Yoosung and Jumin; Ikesen is Ieyasu and both Mitsus. The funniest thing is that I actually married a nerd-gamer-shy man who can do both (my real-life Yoosung/Levi, he got me into watching anime and taught me how to play LOL HASUIEHASIE).
Oooooh, I think reader will be the first one to know that MC will stay! You know, besties with no secrets kinda thing. I'd probably make Mozart be the last to know. No, MC is not trying to make him pay for everything he did to her; nope, not at all, HIASUHEUIASHEIUSAHEA.
Oh, my! HAIUEHAS. I'll ask a strange question, but was Sebastian like live action or like drawing in your dream? Because I dreamed about Isaac once, but we were like drawings, like in-game. We were making out in the car, by the way, ASHEUIASHEIUAS. And I once dreamed about Todoroki Shouto, but he wasn't like anime, he was kinda 3D animation (and I guess I was too?) HAISUEHASUIEHAS.
And thanks for the suggestion! I'll surely do it! 🤍🤍
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anadorablack · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thank you to @redfurrycat for your tag. Je t'adore!💕
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not as a first name. But my middle name, Sophie, comes from my mum's best friend growing up (they were sisters really) who passed away when they were teenagers. <3
2. When was the last time you cried?
XD I cry everyday, darling. It may be sad crying, happy crying or tired crying, but it's an every day occurrence all the same.
3. Do you have kids?
No. Some days I dream about having one or two one day, with the right person (if they ever show up). But most days I wonder what it'd be like, bringing a new human into this shitshow of a world...
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's one of my many faults, but I use it ALL.THE.TIME.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes and the tone of their voice.
6. What's your eye color?
Blue. Some people say it's ocean blue, others try to find another more beautiful word to describe them. To me, they're simply deep blue.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending all the way. I don't like scary movies, if only because they don't scare me, usually. XD
8. Any special talents?
I have a photographic memory so advanced that I usually remember tiny details about everything and anything, even if (or rather especially when) it's entirely useless.
9. Where were you born?
Belgium, and proud to have been.
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading, listening to music, writing, watching movies, cooking, baking... DANCING.
11. Do you have any pets?
I used to have a cat. The love of my life, my best friend, my brother, my baby. 4.5 years ago, he left us, and he left a void behind that I'm not ready to fill yet. <3
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I'm a dancer (tap and jazz, mostly) but I used to play football in secondary school. I was a goal keeper or a defender depending on the day. ;)
13. How tall are you?
1.70m. No idea what it is in feet, but just consider I'm 1 Tom Cruise tall. He's literally my height. XD
14. Favorite subject in school?
Greek, History, English. <3 I was the type of pupil who liked everything and aced everything (except for Religious Studies, fuck those), but those 3 were my dream... <3
15. Dream job?
It used to be teaching. But now that I AM a teacher, and now that I see how current society treats teachers and education as a whole, it's not anymore. Being a writer full-time would be my dream now. <3
I'll tag @fuddlewuddle because. If you've already been tagged, Kitten, no worries. <3
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