#this is too good i genuinely have no wordsšŸ˜­
pichiru Ā· 2 days
The Sun Also Smiles - Chapter 2
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Chapters - [1] [2] [3] [4]
Summary - With Mabel and Dipper's 16th birthday party on the horizon, Grunkle Stan takes to online dating to find a date for the party. But who he meets isn't who she thinks she is. Things start to get weird.
Word Count - 2,805
Pairing(s) - Stan Pines x OC
Genre(s): Romance, Comedy, Mystery
SunshineSoul said:
Good evening, Mr. Pines šŸ˜Š
BigManPines said:
Hey toots
SunshineSoul said:
"Hey toots" I like that. Do you actually talk like that in person?
BigManPines said:
Yeah. Got a problem with it?
SunshineSoul said:
Absolutely not. I love the way you talk. It's so straight forward and no silly business.
BigManPines said:
No Silly Business is my middle name.
BigManPines said:
It's not. My middle name is FIlbrick. Me and my brother have the same middle name.
SunshineSoul said:
LOL you're so funny. You type like you're nervous around me. Are you nervous?
BigManPines is typing...
BigManPines is typing...
BigManPines is typing...
BigManPines said:
Yeah. I'm nervous.
SunshineSoul said:
Why? I won't eat you. Unless you ask me ever so politely šŸ˜Š
BigManPines is typing...
BigManPines is typing...
BigManPines said:
I'm just a shy old man if i'm bein honest
SunshineSoul said:
Awww. It's okay. I understand. I get really shy too. Especially around shy old men named Stan šŸ˜‹
BigManPines said:
You're just sayin that
SunshineSoul said:
I'm not actually. We've only been talking for a week and I genuinely like talking to you and getting to know you. I mean that.
BigManPines said:
Well thanks toots. I like talking to you too. The fact that I'm talkin to you instead of turning on the latest episode of The Duchess Approves says a lot.
SunshineSoul said:
THAT WAS TONIGHT??? NOOOOO!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Ugghhhhhh I think I've been working too hard
BigManPines said:
It's gonna rerun in 45 minutes. Definitely gonna tune in for that showing.
SunshineSoul said:
Yeah? You wanna like...sit on the phone and watch it together? Live reaction kind of thing? It'll be like we're watching it right beside each other :D
"Well?" Ford asked as he folded his arms. He'd been sitting next to Stan during the entire conversation to help him through it and even giving him ideas of what to say back to this mystery woman.
"Well what?" Stan asked back.
"Are you going to call her?"
Stan was quiet for a while, putting his chin in his left hand to start rubbing his stubble. He was deep in thought.
"I wanna but I know I'm just gonna make a fool out of myself if you leave me alone with her," Stan admitted, a little ashamed of this. He knew Ford was no better with this type of stuff than he was but he seemed just slightly more adept.
"Stan, I know how nervous you get around women. It truthfully baffles me but that's a conversation for a different day. But you've been talking to this woman for a week by yourself. Mostly."
"Yeah but what if I'm too gruff and off puttin for her? She seems like a proper lady. Like she doesn't even wanna get her hands dirty typa lady."
"Even the most proper of women can get down and dirty if they thought it was worth it. I learned that in college," Ford retorted. "Listen. Do you like this woman?" he asked, motioning his hand towards the laptop on the kitchen table.
Stan sat there in complete silence for a moment. "Yeah. I do."
"Then I think it'll be a good idea for you to have your first "date" with her over the phone. I know Mabel would think it's the most adorable thing she's ever seen in the world. She knows how much that tv show means to you." He crossed his legs then began bouncing his foot, thinking some more.
"I honestly think you should ask her on a proper date if this goes well," he added. "I've seen all the messages. Even the..." he cleared his throat behind a closed fist against his lips. "Saucier messages that I wish I could wipe from my memory. Where's the memory gun when you need it," he murmured under his breath.
"Hey! Nobody told your nosy ass to read those!Ā  Just the normal ones!" Stan said suddenly, his cheeks reddening in complete embarrassment now. "Better be lucky neither of us sent any pictures."
"Speaking of pictures," Ford interrupted quickly. "Do you even know what this woman looks like? I looked at her profile and she doesn't have any pictures of herself. Just her art."
Stan shrugged. "Iunno," he said in a dismissive tone as he folded his arms now too. "A babe like her has gotta be drop dead gorgeous right? She talks like she's beautiful."
"That...That doesn't even make sense!"
"And?" Stan laughed, nudging his brother roughly with his elbow.
SunshineSoul said:
Did I scare you away?
"See? She's waiting on your answer. Say yes. I'll just head down to the lab and the kids are fast asleep. Big shopping day tomorrow for them. Especially Mabel," Ford encouraged.
"Fine." That was all he could manage to say in response. He knew in his heart that he wanted to talk to her but he also knew he would find a way to botch it.
BigManPines said:
Nah you didn't scare me off.
BigManPines said:
I wouldn't mind watching the episode on the phone with ya. I've never done anything like that before but I'm willin to try.
SunshineSoul said:
Omg yay! I get to hear that Jersey accent in real time. I love it. My number is 615-333-3333. Call me when you're ready šŸ’œšŸ˜‹
"Well! Good luck!" Ford said, slamming his hand down on Stan's shoulder before he stood up and stretched. "I definitely won't be listening in with one of my spy devices," he said jokingly as he walked out of the kitchen.
"You do and I'll kill ya!" Stan yelled after him, shaking his fist.
"Yeah, yeah," Ford laughed as he walked through the door that led into the mystery shack.
Stan sat there in the kitchen in silence with his thoughts. What was the first thing he was gonna say to this woman? Will she still be into him after the date? Er...call? It's not a date. It's definitely not a date. Unless she wants to consider it a date? Then sure. It's a date.
It's not a date.
It's. Not. A. Date.
A half hour later, Stan was sitting in his recliner in the living room, holding his phone with the mystery woman's phone number dialed in and sitting on the screen. He clutched it nervously, not completely sure if he should really go through with this or not.
It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a da-
He closed his eyes tightly and pressed the bright green call button on his screen. It rang a few times before it was picked up on the other end.
"Lemme guess. It's BigManPines callin me up on a Friday evening?" She chuckled sweetly.
Stan grinned almost immediately from hearing her voice. It sounded way younger than he was expecting. He was expecting an older woman based upon her interest in him. Because what would a young woman want with an old guy like him?
"Yeah, it's...it's me," he said in a tone that definitely betrayed his nervousness.
"Oh! You sound nervous. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"
"Nah, nah! It's okay. Like I said earlier, I'm just a shy old guy. Talkin on the phone gives me the creeps sometimes," Stan admitted.
"You're one of the in person type of people? I get it," she said in a kind sort of voice. Almost motherly.
"Yeah, I guess so. I'm just super old fashioned, toots."
"Yeah? I like that about you though," she admitted freely with a hint of a smile in her tone.
She really was just a ray of sunshine that came barreling into Stan's life this evening. It really cheered him up and made him feel a little more at ease.
"Can...Can I ask you somethin?" Stan asked after a moment.
"Of course you can, big man Stan," she said cutely, laughing a bit behind it.
"How old are ya? You don't sound like you're even within ten years of my age."
She sighed softly across the phone. "I'm not a teenager or a youngin if that's what you're asking. I'm 36 years old."
Stan laughed at her statement. "36 is a damn youngin compared to me!" He continued laughing.
"Yeah true! But look. I think you're really handsome and from the looks of the pictures on your profile, you're so buff. You work out?" She asked curiously.
"I used to box a lot in my youth. I still do it from time to time to keep up the old physique," he explained proudly. "Ya think I'm buff?"
"Yeah, I do. I also think you'd be strong enough to throw me over your shoulder," she said in a very obviously flirty tone. "Especially if I'm bad."
Stan's entire face was red at this point. He was a very straight forward person but she...she was a different breed of straight forward. He liked it. He liked it a lot.
"You bad often?" he asked cheekily.
"Maybe. We'll just have to find out soon."
Stan chuckled to himself. "I gotta ask, toots. What's your actual name? I've just been callin you Sunshine this whole time."
A shy but eager giggle could be heard on the other side of the call.
"I like that coming off your tongue. It sounds...woof," she laughed deviously. "You can call me Sunshine or Sol. It doesn't matter which. Long as you call me." If they were in person, she definitely would have winked at the old man and made him go into cardiac arrest.
Stan's heart was racing at this point in the conversation. He was nervous and excited simultaneously. Something about this woman excited him in ways he hadn't felt in a while and he didn't know what to do with that thought.
"Sol, eh? Is it short for something?"
"Solana," she said simply.
"Solana. Name's beautiful, toots," he complimented with a smile on his face. "Solana," Stan repeated, trying to find the perfect tone to say her name in now.
"Stopppppp. I hate it so much. It makes me feel like an old lady or something."
"Toots, if I knew an old lady named Solana, I'd still think your version of the name would be just as beautiful to me as it is now."
"Stopppppppppppppppp. You're making me blush so much," she squealed gently. "I caaannn'ttttt. You call yourself a shy old guy but you're just an old guy who hasn't had the opportunity to let the real him out."
"Yeah, you're probably right. Nobody's felt worth it in my life before so I just stay reserved and emotionally cut off usually."
"That sounds so lonely," Solana said in a sad voice. "But that's why I'm here now," she joked.
"Yeah. I'm glad you're here now," he said gratefully.
There was a comfortable silence as they turned their TVs on to the station they needed for the rerun of the show. Once the show came on, Solana became quiet so she could absorb what was going on in the show. She wanted to blurt her thoughts and be over the top with her reactions but she didn't want to scare Stan away. Something truly outrageous happened in the show suddenly and Stan shouted.
"What do you mean, you need a date to the cotillion! You don't need a man! You're a strong woman, Duchess!" He whisper yelled so he wouldn't wake the kids up.
Solana jumped but she laughed at his outburst. "Exaccttllyyyy!!! She's built up her entire reputation as someone who is very independent and has made it known that her world does NOT revolve around needing a man! What the hell!" she added, following behind Stan's outrage.
"Exactly toots! This is ridiculous. This show really started to go downhill in season 3. They should have just ended in season 2," Stan sighed as he sunk down in his chair in frustration.
"I agree! I was so excited when I heard they were making this into a tv show. The movie was a masterpiece," she said with a nod she knew Stan wouldn't be able to see.
"See, you get it. My niece and nephew watch with me sometimes but even they don't get the intricacies of this show."
"That's so sad. I love analyzing this show. It's so deep," Solana said fondly. "It makes me feel so secure in my womanhood sometimes," she halfway joked.
"I hear tha-"
"SAUNTERBLUGGET?!" They exclaimed in unison.
"No way they brought him back!!! He died in that carriage crash last season!!" Solana said in pure shock.
"True but listen, toots. If they don't show the dead body on camera, I never believe someone's dead. I learned that with tv shows in the past. Somethin to keep in mind goin forward," Stan advised even though he was equally as shocked as Solana was. He just wanted to also seem cool to her.
"Ohhhhhhhh! I never even thought about that honestly. Oh my god. You just opened my eyes to a whole new world. Holy shit."
"You're welcome," Stan chuckled. "What a way to end an episode."
"Ahhhhh. I know! I can't wait a whole week. This suuuccckkkssss."
"Hey..." Stan started shyly.
"Would ya wanna...Iunno. Hang out in person for the next episode? I could cook for us or order somethin. Iunno. Whatever you want."
"Stanley No Silly Business Pines, are you asking me on a date?" Solana asked, happiness very clear in her voice.
"Uh...yeah. I guess if you wanna consider it that?" He said slowly at first but gained a certain air of confidence midway through his statement.
"I'd love to. Buuutttttt, I'd like to go out to dinner if that's okay with you? And we can end up at your place for the rerun of the episode?" she suggested sweetly. The way she spoke just now, Stan assumed she would have fluttered her eyelashes at him if she could. Her voice was too soothing and too convincing to not give her what she asked for.
"Yeah, sure, toots. We can do that. We can iron out details tomorrow or somethin...Iunno."
Solana laughed loudly at Stan trying to act so nonchalant about this whole thing. "Stan, you don't have to act all cool around me. I like you just the way you are."
"Yeah but that doesn't mean I'm not still gonna do it, Solana." He said her name in a teasing manner, knowing she didn't like being called that in the slightest. But! He figured he could get away with it because of how much she seemed into him at the moment. It was a little bit of a guilty pleasure, making her squirm.
"STAN!" she said loudly, embarrassment so evident.
"Yeah, Solana?" He responded, smirking devilishly.
"Oh my godddddd. You're so annoooyyyiingggg," she whined playfully.
"Not annoying enough for you to leave me alone, toots. You're still gonna be here in the morning. But at least ya can text me now instead of usin that clunky ass dating site."
"Oh, I knooowww. I hate that stupid site. You would think they'd have an app or something," she sighed dramatically.
" I dunno much about apps so I can't say. But, I'm looking forward to your good morning message, Miss Solana," he said with a grin.
Solana's silence could only be interpreted as her being flustered. "Yeah. I'm definitely gonna send you your very first good morning text ever. I have a feeling you've never dealt with women who have manners like that," she joked.
"You're damn right," he joked back.
She laughed at him. She was so happy that he could bounce off her and she could do the same. They had the exact same type of humor and it set her soul ablaze. They hadn't known each other for long but she felt like she had the tiniest bit of a connection with him.
"Good night, Stanley."
"Good night, Solana."
Stan hung up the phone and leaned back in his recliner, laying his phone on his chest. He folded his hands across the top of his stomach and closed his eyes. He didn't realize how tired he was until that moment. He didn't usually stay up this late for the rerun of The Duchess Approves. But it was worth it to get to know Solana a little more and finally get to hear her voice. Her sweet and perky voice. If sunshine had a sound, it would have been exactly what she sounded like. He only hoped that the beauty of her voice and name matched her face.
Just as he was about to drift off into sleep, his eyes popped open and he sat up quickly in terror.
I HAVE A DATE! he thought to himself as he started panicking internally.
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aeyumicore Ā· 11 hours
heyooo, first and for most i hope u doing good, don't forget to be kind to yourself yeah?!
so i just wanted to put u on something, if you want it ofc: what do you think would make sylus blow off emotionally? he always seems so collected even in times of stress, so that concept seems so foreign, but at the same time hes only human (...maybe?). im super curious about ur insight, especially when your view on him seems literally canon.
have a good day beautiful and thank you for ur art!!
hello my love hehe i am doing well <3
HMMMM really good question! so i definitely think sylus is nearly always calm and collected but you have him WRAPPPPPED around your finger and the few times he will lose it is when you are involved
but not the simple stuff like ā€œoh if youā€™re in dangerā€ i think above anything sylus trusts you and also really respects you. like ofc he doesnā€™t want you to get hurt and wants to protect you but he knows he doesnā€™t NEED to. heā€™s the most powerful, and the partner he chooses would be no different.
i think sylus loses it when someone disrespects you. touching you inappropriately, speaking ill of you? dead. but itā€™s beyond him like being jealous, itā€™s more that sylus holds you to the HIGHEST esteem, and he expects every one else too as well. sylus is self assured so him losing it would have less to do with feeling insecure or jealous but more to do with thinking someone is WRONGing you. (but donā€™t get me wrong he fucking hates it when someone touches whatā€™s his šŸ„ø)
i do also think sylus will lose his composure if the people he cares about are involved. so luke and kieran!! he definitely plays big brother/dad to them. so if anyone messes with them? DEAD. heā€™s protective, but not over protective. he trusts those around him, because he only surrounds himself with those that are worthy.
i think sylus just loses it when heā€™s not in control. his evol is all about control, his position as leader of the onychinus. so he tends to be extra vulnerable if you some how get him drunk or high, if you put him in a situation where he genuinely loses any sense of control (take away any of his senses, heā€™s extra responsive)
so think any situation he canā€™t control: when he couldnā€™t get you to resonate with him, when he mephisto canā€™t find you (so he doesnā€™t know whatā€™s going on), when you force him to sit back and watch šŸ«”
this is very much a word and thought vomit iā€™m sorry if itā€™s incoherent šŸ˜­
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aflockofravens Ā· 7 months
Also, Jinshi in "How to Buy Out a Contract" was hilarious.
Do you think he's prettier than me
I was contemplating your murder but my future wife cat thinks you'll make a good brother in law so I'll let you live
My future wife cat trusts you, so I trust you. Don't fuck it up.
Have some money to leave my future wife alone forever go marry her sister
Did you see that Gaoshun? I did a socializing. Do you think Maomao will be proud of me?
Also Lihaku is precious. What an adorable golden retriever of a man. He went from absolute disdain at Maomao when she approached him for an escort to being like "help me little sister, I'm in love".
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good-beanswrites Ā· 4 months
A little something featuring Fuuta and Es after talking about their criminal lack of interaction in fanworks with @waivyjellyfish ! You had such awesome ideas (a few of which I'm still bouncing around in my head to post at some point,) but this one ended up taking over my brain -- I hope you enjoy šŸ˜… Attempting to answer the widely-debated question:
ā€œOi, why didnā€™t you hit me?ā€
Es looked up from their paperwork.
ā€œPrisoner number three. Most people are glad when theyā€™re not struck.ā€
ā€œWell, Iā€™m not.ā€Ā 
Es usually left the door open at this hour, in case anyone had any last-minute complaints before curfew. No one usually took them up on the offer. They figured that if there was any prisoner they could count on to complain, it would be Fuuta marching through their door.
ā€œYou hit all the other guys. You even hit some of the girls that were giving you trouble. So what? You think Iā€™m too weak? You think I canā€™t take it?ā€ Fuuta spread his arms. ā€œI can, so show me what youā€™ve got!ā€
Es sighed. They put down their pen. They folded their gloved hands together, resting their chin on top. ā€œFuuta, Iā€™m not going to hit you.ā€
ā€œWhy not?ā€
ā€œAs of right now, I have no reason to. If youā€™re referring to the interrogationsā€¦ā€
They reflected on the first one they'd shared with him. To be fair, the thought had crossed their mind. It would have been satisfying to give this rowdy prisoner a taste of his own medicine ā€“ striking him after such a dramatic charge at them. But Es was always good at reading people. It didnā€™t take them long to understand Fuuta was the type to lash out first and ask questions later. In fact, that was likely what had landed him in Milgram in the first place.Ā 
Although Es knew they werenā€™t here to do any reformation, they wanted to try to show these prisoners where theyā€™d gone wrong. So, they resolved to act as the bigger person. Theyā€™d prove that senseless violence was just that. By keeping their composure, theyā€™d show Fuuta just how childish he was being.Ā 
That wasnā€™t my only reason. I guess that's true, my actions werenā€™t all purely righteous. I still spent the entire time looking for ways to make him squirmā€¦ But it wasnā€™t all cruelty. I really did want to understand. I wanted to help. That counts for something, right?
Es never struck the prisoners out of anger, or as a petty show of power. It was a way to force the prisoner to mind their ego. When theyā€™d gotten a bit too full of themselves, a bit too comfortable with the awful deed theyā€™d committed, Esā€™ blow encouraged them to feel a bit more humility and guilt.Ā 
By the time the second trial arrived, Fuuta oozed guilt.Ā 
The moment Es entered the interrogation room, it was clear that he needed no lesson in humility. He hugged his arms to his chest. His remaining eye darted around the room in thinly-veiled hysteria. His voice trembled when he spoke. It didnā€™t require any people-reading skills to hear the remorse that underlaid all of his accusations and threats.
Hitting the others felt like giving a dog a tap on the nose after breaking a rule. Meanwhile, Fuuta snapped and snarled like a stray whoā€™d been kicked time and time again.
Of course, he could never know any of this. Any way Es phrased it, Fuuta would misunderstand it as pity.
Well, wasnā€™t it? I thought he looked like a kicked puppy ā€“ that sounds a lot like pity. No, it was out of respect. Does that mean I didnā€™t respect the prisoners I did hit? No. I respected them too. Then, whatā€™s the difference?
Fuuta was still staring at them, asking the very same question. Whatā€™s the difference?
ā€œEach of Milgramā€™s prisoners is unique.ā€Ā 
They were met with an unimpressed glare.
Es chose their words carefully. ā€œEach one responds best to a variety of treatments. Some need attention to be comfortable, while others need time. Some need validation in order to confess. Others, a bit of debate does the trick. Some need a show of force. You ā€“ā€ remind me too much of myselfĀ  ā€œā€“ require something else. Iā€™ve learned to change my approach depending on the person Iā€™m dealing with.ā€
Fuutaā€™s features flashed with confusion, then shame, then his usual mask of anger. ā€œTch. How pathetic.ā€
ā€œExcuse me?ā€
ā€œSo you just change your personality when itā€™s convenient? You put up fake smiles and fake attitude? Have some balls and just be yourself.ā€
Es was caught by surprise. ā€œ... I am. Those are all pieces of myself. I choose to bring out different parts when it would be most helpful.ā€Ā 
ā€œSounds manipulative as hell to me.ā€Ā 
It makes sense he doesnā€™t understand. Heā€™s a very clear-cut person, with every aspect of his personality lining up in a way that makes sense. I find that predictability fun. Or, is it something that I envy? Could it be both?
They had no time to dwell on it, as Fuuta was struck with an idea. ā€œThough, if you can do it on command, why donā€™t you give me the ā€˜youā€™ that wants to hit someone?ā€Ā 
He spread his arms once more, hands gesturing to his chest. Es pretended not to notice him wince. They remained in their seat.Ā 
ā€œWhat are you waiting for? Hit me!ā€Ā 
ā€œI will not.ā€
ā€œYou just said you can change your personality on a whim, so letā€™s see it!ā€Ā 
ā€œThat is not what I said.ā€
His good eye began to look frenzied. He raised his voice. ā€œYou scared? The big bad warden of Milgram, nothing but a big coward!ā€
ā€œStop this. Youā€™re acting childish.ā€
ā€œNo! Youā€™re treating me childishly! Let me see the Es that kicked Shidou! The one that slapped Kazui! Treat me like you treated them!ā€
ā€œI hit them because they said something stupid. They deserved it.ā€
ā€œAre you fucking kidding? I deserve it too! I deserve it! Come on!ā€
At the last word, his voice broke. He stumbled to his knees. He let his head drop. He sucked in strained breath after strained breath. Shidou would surely give him a lecture about getting so worked up with his injuries.Ā 
Es finally stood.
They made their way around the desk. They knelt on the floor in front of him.Ā 
ā€œWhy?ā€ he wheezed. ā€œTell meā€¦ā€
Should I just go ahead and do it, just to make him happy? No, I want to talk it out. But what do even I say? I'll tell him that I care. I canā€™t. None of the prisoners understand that I care. Why? Why is it so hard for them to see? Iā€™m trying my best, why canā€™t they see?Ā 
Es extended their hand carefully. They didnā€™t know what they hoped to accomplish, but in that moment their thoughts were too loud and conflicting. They needed to do something.
Fuuta saw the gentle intention, and immediately raised his own hand to strike. It froze midair, though whether it was from Milgramā€™s restrictions or his own hesitation, Es would never know.
Neither of their gestures connected.
Footsteps. Then Yunoā€™s voice, hesitantly from the doorway. ā€œWe heard shouting, is everything alright in here?ā€
Es retracted their hand.Ā  A beat. Fuuta dropped his, too.Ā 
ā€œYuno. Yes, weā€™re fine. Fuuta was just heading to bed. Iā€™m going to walk him to his cell.ā€
ā€œI can handle myself.ā€
ā€œI said, Iā€™m going to walk him to his cell.ā€Ā 
Es stood, nodding to Yuno. When sheā€™d gone, they turned their attention back to the prisoner crumpled on the ground. They made an effort to quiet their ever-racing thoughts.Ā 
ā€œListen. I know you can handle yourself. Iā€™m not doing this because I think youā€™re weak. Youā€™re strong. Donā€™t think for a moment that I donā€™t see that.ā€
They held out their arm to help him up. He didnā€™t move.
ā€œSometimes you are a bit too strong, if you ask me. I mean, picking fights with your prison warden, really?ā€ They clicked their tongue. ā€œYou should be grateful for a superior that gives you second chances.ā€
At last, FuutaĀ  took their hand. He avoided meeting their eyes, but his voice had softened considerably from his rant. ā€œThe only thing you give me is a headache.ā€
Es offered a dry smile as they pulled him to his feet. ā€œThe feeling is mutual.ā€
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nomairuins Ā· 27 days
i like overthink everything now it makes me feel so dumb. i used 2 be able to just talk 2 ppl but nowadays every single thing im like Is that actually going to make them hate me. Yes probably. and then i just dont respond which makes ppl hate me. this is how it is
#ive been overthinking 1 light and casual mildly funny response to something but im worried itll come off as disrespectful and dismissive And#make me seem stupid and uncaring all at the same time. and also be seen as insulting. but like idt itd be insulting right like. im not#saying what it is so ig for all you guys know im like I mean if i say All your shit suck ball and i hateit kys. <- thats not the thing i was#going to say#like it doesnt matter now the window for response is closed now but i feel stupid bc i shouldve just said it it was light and casual. im so#bad at keeping convos gojng im convinced im not going to survive. In like a light and casual way like in a He will not make it through the#winter joke way. dw. im not going to do anything bc i had One failed interaction. if i was going to do anythjng itd be bc of the 8000000#other failed interactions. But im not. anyways. it just makes me feel so useless šŸ˜­ like i want to respond i want to talk to ppl so bad but#i feel like i mess things up Irreparably every time i speak OR i take too LONG overthinking my response and then i just cant respond bc its#been too long and then its been 3 years and the only messages ive ever sent r my intro message and 1 message 2 years ago that nobody#responded to at all. or the conversation stopped immediately after. and like i used to be better at this i was lkke. talkative in a couple#muts servers like. i talked 2 ppl daily in those servers and i had fun and like. I was an important part of the group and i felt like it#but i just feel like such an outsider for Everything and its literally my fault bc i cant just like. Talk. The explosion. bc im always like#im gonna try im gonna do it this time im gonna get it back im going to finally be Good connor and im going to fix it all and make a Good#solid friend group and ill find HEALTHY LOVE and i wont selfsabotage and ill move out and have a job and ill balance it well and ill start#all my hobbies and ill have a great routine and be so loveable and on top of it and not stressed and content and happy and roll with the#punches and then theres a single hiccup and im like Well fuckinf whatever im going to be an unemployed hermit forever and im going to die b4#im 25 anyways so Who cares and also im digging a little hole for myself. and its like. AUGHH ik i just have to persevere and overcome but#even saying that feels so stupid its not fucking hard its Talking to ppl. like. i literally if ive ever said a word to you i had to think#avt it and strategize how to respond right even for like. like. it makes it sound like its not genuine it is#like for example i want to say hey i love your art! but then i freak out and im like thats not normal thats like a rly generic comment they#hear that all the time theyll thjnk im being polite and my brains like hrmmm rewrite Your art changed my life. It shaped me. Ill never be#the same. Nad im like ok too far overcorrected go back and the sentence generator is like Your art has colors šŸ’Æ like. GOD. WHY IS IT SO#difficult. and then usually i either just dont say anythinf and feel awful abt it 4ever OR i send it on anon and then i spend like 15#minutes ibsessively slightly tweaking the apelling and capitalization and punctuation to make sure it doesnt seem like its me just in case#it Is the worst possible thing to say but then i see the response and itll be like AWWW TYSM :] THIS MEANS A LOT or whathaveyou and i feel#stupid bc i couldve just Told them this to their face and it wouldve been a good positive interaction we had. but instead i had 2 hide and#tyoe entirely differently so they couldnt sniff me from my typing style. and it soesnt even feel like the thanks is actually 4 me bc i#tweaked the message sm. and it still makes me happy that the oersons hapoy but its like. that couldve been a nice mutual interaction#like not that i need a personal ty i compliment ppl when i Want to compliment ppl and when its genuine yk. i dont do it so i get mutualpoint
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starlooove Ā· 4 months
My biggest superhero flaw is that I do dehumanize them a bit like thatā€™s not a 15 year old thatā€™s spider man thatā€™s not a child thatā€™s Robin and not in the sense they canā€™t have normal human reactions or feelings but like. No idc if a grown man is beating up a teenager when theyā€™re both dressed in spandex on the opposite sides of a world ending debacle that just doesnā€™t matter to me
#i donā€™t participate in those discussions bc I genuinely do not care enough to learn both sides#like sorry šŸ˜­#everybody makes mistakes šŸ’”#but this was prompted by a fic where#damn idk who#KON#Kon was saving tim and Kon was like ā€˜you think just bc they have masks theyā€™re not people tooā€™#sorry Kon i do#i do think that#IK Itā€™s terrible but#thatā€™s why I donā€™t engage in the whole Miguel Beating up a kid thing#yknow how many Spider-Manā€™s there are?#yknow how many of them started at 16?#like say what u want genuinely Iā€™m just not seeing that as a point for or against Miguel as a person#like i get if it pisses u off#i just donā€™t give a fuck#OH#Bc Kon called it human trafficking and the guy was like thatā€™s not a guy thatā€™s a bat#and like yes#yes but no but also i agree#i KNOW itā€™s wrong I just. donā€™t care#whenever Iā€™m talking about Miguel and someoneā€™s like ur defending a guy who beat up a kid! like ok Bruh#not even denying that just doesnā€™t factor into my thought process at all#thats a dude and his enemy#like the most i care is like. what does it say about the characters and their inner worlds#but the irl Robin is a child soldier discussion disinterests me to the fullest extent#i feel like Iā€™m wording this wrong#in conclusion Iā€™m not saying itā€™s good or bad I just donā€™t care#like Im not denying or agreeing Robin is a child soldier I just donā€™t see the merit in the discussion itself#well I do In general just not for me. great for yā€™all I donā€™t care!
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sorikkung Ā· 2 years
never thought id see the day where i find myself writing a kidnapped mc but here i am... i used to hate this trope and honestly the way its written a lot of the time i still do, but im finding myself writing a lot of tropes i tend to hate and finding a way to do them in a way i think that fixes them šŸ¤­ and it's sooo fun.
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noxtivagus Ā· 2 years
#šŸŒ™.rambles#hi 2 am rambles but tonight i am loving life#dear diary (lol) i am tired n i have lost a lot of energy after this very good day n i will sleep soon#bro idk what i'm writing rn i just ate a cookie n thought about people#cookie.... i am so full rn it's a big cookie šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ it's so delicious though. i really want to learn how to bake someday#but i wonder. i was wondering how you all perceive me here#bcs looking at a mix of who i am in discord. tumblr. twitter. spotify. all those have differences imo#discord you'd see the way i text with others? the things i share. the things i send. the words i say#personally for me reflecting on the things i often say to ppl n it serves as a reaffirmation honestly that i genuinely am kind at heart#i love telling others kind things. that makes me happy. saying good morning n good night n take care n sleep well n rest well#i just find it so interesting. everything. i think about so much things in life on a daily basis#and if anyone were to really. reach close enough to the deepest parts of me#there's a lot of pain definitely but i think someone would see a girl filled with so much love for life#i'm getting off-topic but god i am constantly so confused n lost but i still am strong. i'm proud of who i am. of my mindset#i love who i am. i love the things i desire. and the way i work towards my goals#and not just me. for everyone else. i'm gna cry#i already am šŸ„¹ it often hurts bcs i'm really so. i feel very deeply#so when i. when i struggle n feel so alone it hurts me so much because at times it gets so hard to break out of that even tho i know better#there's so much to love about life but there's so little time too#maybe in my head i can be a little too idealistic at times but. at the same time i know i've gone through so much pain already#that feeling of betrayal. of being forgotten. left behind. god i'm crying even more remembering about all those nights#so. as long as i hold unto myself. unto everything i have ever loved. that will spur me onwards. that i may forge ahead unto tomorrow#the same things i analyze of myself like. the things i said at first here. i think of everyone else as well#how would it be like to live life through your own eyes? with your thoughts and experiences and emotions?#you see. there's really so much to life. and that's what i always remember when i feel like dying#like genuinely i have. felt so. down and sad that i have thought about it. wishing i could just. but i don't want. anyone to worry#my love for the people in my life kept me going when i hated myself so much#god n i. i'm crying so much wait. that's why i want to give so much kindness to others too#i'm crying. i love the night so much bcs i love being open and authentic like this so much but most of the time i get afraid honestly
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maddy-ferguson Ā· 9 months
i'm studying with notes that aren't mine and tell me why the person uses parentheses ( like this ) i genuinely think there's something wrong with them
#and like i say: brf slt#and they use them way more than the average person too i have to erase the extra space every single time#i know i can't complain because well if i wanted notes to be written the way i want i should have just gone to class and the content#is there so like it's fine. but OH MY GOD#people literally can't write? i know it's hard i know about dyslexia and everything i know it's elitist to expect everyone to be able to#write perfectly but it's actually astounding how bad people are at this am i the only one who can write without making three mistakes#in one sentence anymore society...it's actual sentences not notes they took quickly in the moment like this is them making an effort#i think my biggest pet peeve is the way people use commas. the syntax in general is abysmal it's criminal. and that's coming from me the#person who writes like this on social media#i read a lot as a kid and i've always been very good at like writing without making any mistakes whether it was conjugation grammar or#spelling i don't know why but it always came naturally to me and so i just genuinely do not understand how people can make so many mistakes#that their sentences don't make sense anymore it doesn't compute for me. like i know the objective reasons but it's just not something i'm#capable of understandingšŸ˜­#i think one of the reasons why i could always write well is i see every word i think/say/hear in my head like visually without me doing#anything like automatically since forever? not forever i don't know what it was like before i could read but it's not like anyone#remembers what not reading is like once they know how to read. but yeah when i tell people this they're always like no this is not a thing#for me and i'm like okay...#but anyway. i don't comment on people's writing mistakes unless it's my sister because it's like rude and again i know it's shitty to be#like you can't write are you stupid because there's a lot of reasons but it's also yk the way we communicate so it's nice to actually#understand what the other person is saying#this doesn't apply to the way i write in the tags of my posts and elsewhere. btw. šŸ˜#doesn't even apply to english in general actually. tbh. but i type the exact same way in french so it's not a language thing#it's a me thing
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mainfaggot Ā· 10 months
I wish I didn't tell one of my close friends that I cut. she really didnt get it when I told her about it
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strawbabycowboy Ā· 1 year
jus had sex šŸ¤šŸ¼
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kn11ves Ā· 1 year
something about me is that everybody fucking loves my soup
#the best food complement ive ever gotten is my friend megan apperently getting seconds & thirds of soup i made#that had NEVER happened to me before & on top of it she said it was the best soup she's ever had...girl j could have diiiiied#it makes me happy to be able to cook for myself and my roomate bestie#its been hard since i have to cook everything with an airfryer or microwave or my rice cooker which also makes stews#i dont have a stove and i dont have money for that and its a lot to hide already#and i cant buy a lot of premade stuff (like tortillas) bc its Too Much and it goes bad quickly#and i throw away a lot#so its genuinely easier for me to just. do things like make tortillas from scratch#they havent been the best bc again no stove but ive figured out a decent method and my masa is pretty good#finding lard has definitely helped a lot in getting the right texture so im happy about that. lard is my favourite guy#i absolutey detest that its called lard though in spanish its called manteca which still gives me a ''this word is greasy'' feeling (which#shouldnt be surprising. pork fat will surely be greasy) but lard feels. FISGUSTING i dont knowšŸ˜­#anyways its been nice figuring how to do stuff from scratch tho#we have a pantry close by within walking distance so im happy ill be able to save money that way its notbeen going the best and ive been#kind of only eating once a day to save on food#but its okay itll get better and ill have more money soon n things will b ok bc i figure it out#i clicked out of the tags and i . i was. this was orignally about soup jesus christ how dod i get from soup to im fucking pooršŸ˜­ Okay. Well
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eupheme Ā· 1 month
Hi! Please ignore this if you feel uncomfortable, but I genuinely canā€™t stop thinking about Logan fingering the reader šŸ«  especially if heā€™s older (like the one in dp and wolverine) so when the reader wants to go on but heā€™s too tired he resorts to that šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sorry for rambling
anon I am so šŸ‘€šŸ’– at this idea - thanks for sending it to me!! this was giving me old man logan vibes so I had him in mind (but please feel free to imagine the logan of your choice!)
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logan howlett x f!reader | 400 words
logan comes first, so he fucks you with his fingers
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He moans your name, as he drives himself deep into you.
Chasing that tight, building pressure that threatens to overwhelms him - fist curled into the sheets as he hovers above you. The sharp bite of his claws threatening to poke through, even after all this time.
Hadnā€™t been able to hold out, this time. How could he, with how sweetly you welcomed him home? You lips on his, that needy press - then dropping lower. Wrapping around him, taking him into your throat until he was panting.
Already half gone, by the time he fitted himself between your thighs. Even more so with how wet you were for him, sinking into your tight warmth as your pussy made room for him.
Losing himself in your embrace - coming hard before he means to. Teeth bared in a snarl with your cry in his ear, nails biting hard into his shoulders.
The pink marks have long healed, but he can still feel the sharp pinch. Pain mixing with pleasure as he pulses inside you, your face nuzzling against his neck as you sigh his name.
You didnā€™t know him when he was a younger man. Before his hair and beard were threaded with silver.
Used to be able to go another round right away. Wishes he could right now - heā€™d flip you on your belly. Fuck you until youā€™re whimpering on his cock, until heā€™s filling you a second time.
Instead, he rolls off you. His hand drifting down across your curves, fitting two inside the second his softening cock withdraws. Swallowing your moan with his mouth, as they press deep - replacing the steady piston of his hips with the drag and crook of fingers.
A third teasing, nudging - working its way inside. Knows you can take it, if you took him. Know how you like to feel full, and he can give that to you.
Logan can feel it - the warmth of his release, as it starts to drip. Coating his fingers, sticky inside you as he pushes it deeper, winding you back up.
The slap of his palm against your cunt is loud, twining with the sweet sounds you make. Your eyes half-lidded, adoring as you gaze up at him. Needy and wanting and he thinks heā€™d give you anything, if youā€™d just ask.
But Logan already knows what you want.
Knows he can make you come like this. Make you cream around his fingers, soak his palm as you wail. Fuck you through it, until the tight pulse ebbs - soft praise murmured in your ear.
Heā€™s done it before.
Heā€™s always been good with his hands, after all.
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xotaemintol Ā· 5 months
Which one of the dreamies is the most dominant iyo?
(Not you sending this anonymously after texting me about it girl lmfao šŸ˜­) but anyways, Iā€™ve actually been thinking about this for a while now because I want to start doing NCT DREAM hcā€™s but I feel like itā€™ll definitely shock some people if I donā€™t put Jeno first buuuutā€¦
My personal ranking would be: Jaemin, Jeno, Mark, Jisung, Haechan, Chenle, and Renjun.
Jaemin gives soft dom energy, like heā€™s rough but heā€™d also praise you and tell you that youā€™re doing a good job for him. He seems like he gets enjoyment out of you being embarrassed, covering your face, or doing anything that makes you look smaller than him. He seems like the type to have a size kink as well, so if you even utter the words ā€œso big.ā€ Or ā€œtoo big.ā€ He gets so turned on and will immediately tease you, heā€™ll ask you in soft cooā€™s if it feels goodā€”telling you to take it as he thrusts into you with powerful movements. Luckily heā€™s not cruel enough to be so deep or so rough that heā€™ll bruise your cervix but itā€™s happened once or twice before. But like I said he gives soft dom energy, I just know that immediately after heā€™s clinging to you and kissing your face all over. ā€œOh baby you did such a good job!ā€ Heā€™s right back to giving you adorable words of encouragement while cleaning you up as you lie there in shambles.
Jeno seems like heā€™d be the most dominant but I beg to differ, heā€™s definitely a service dom. He wants to do anything to get you off but heā€™s not submissive, tell him where you want him to touch, tell him you want him to eat you out, ask him to finger youā€”your strong puppy boyfriend is there to please you right away ā€œLike that baby? Does it feel good? Right there?ā€ . Sometimes heā€™s a little strict on what he will and wonā€™t do, once you asked him to fuck you in the bathroom of the restaurant you were in and he told you no three times before he basically dragged you there and fucked you like a wild man. But in general Jeno likes to be gentle with you, when heā€™s eating you out or fingering you he loves getting genuine reactionsā€”he compliments you as he gives you soft kisses on your thighs with his fingers deep inside of you. When he fucks you (if heā€™s not feeling especially feral or punishing you.) he holds you close, heā€™ll hold your body tightly as his thick cock slides in and out of youā€”his praises are quiet and accompanied by gentle kisses all over your neck. Heā€™s really into the sounds you make so he fucks you like heā€™s dying to hear you say his name. ā€œGood girl. Good good girl..my pretty babyā€¦pretty princessā€¦say-say my nameā€¦say my name.ā€ His words are both soft yet aggressive, and when he cums inside of you he holds you so tight you might pop.
Mark also gives soft dom energy, heā€™s more of a playful dom. He likes to keep things mostly vanilla and lead you calmly, he loves guided masturbation and he especially loves it when you touch yourself as if heā€™s not there. Heā€™ll praise with in a low and steady voice, telling you to keep the same slow pace as you move your fingers in and out of you. itā€™s absolutely agonizing but the way he talks to you makes your whole body throb with desire. ā€œJust like that baby, keep your eyes on meā€¦now move your handā€¦just like that baby, thatā€™s rightā€¦good girl.ā€ Heā€™s so good at praise, itā€™s literally insane how good he is at using his wordsā€”heā€™s almost too good. The moment he notices you getting impatient he starts teasing you, heā€™ll tell you to beg for him and trust if you donā€™t beg enough heā€™ll tell you to do it with more passion. ā€œNo no no baby, say it like you mean it; say please, please fuck me Mark.ā€ The moment you give him what he wants heā€™ll fuck you like his life depends on it. You feel like youā€™re floating away from how good his stroke game is, while heā€™s fucking you heā€™s still talking to youā€”telling you how good you feel around him, how pretty you are and how much he loves fucking you.
Jisung is definitely more of a hard dom but he could pass as a switch but itā€™s only because hes extremely likely fuck himself dumb. Jisung is really really into seeing you beg, cry, cum, shake, screamā€”anything that indicates pleasure (or pain hes close to that line.) makes him go crazy. He absolutely loves to degrade you but with a healthy mixture of praise too, ā€œYouā€™re so pretty baby, my pretty girlā€¦my pretty slut. Did my voice make you that horny? Did my slutty girl go dumb already?ā€ Heā€™s such a dirty talker, especially when you lose it. His fingers are enough to have you empty headed and desperate, his long slender fingers fuck you so good; but they also only make you want him more. Every whiny call of his name makes him sicker than the last. ā€œSung? Sungie? Jisung? Whatā€™s wrong baby? Is it too much? Are you trying to tell me that itā€™s too much?ā€ Itā€™s like his fingers shut your brain off through your pussy, and when he finally fucks you itā€™s so roughā€”he loves to kiss you while heā€™s deep inside of you, something about it turns him on so much more. And of course he has to cum inside of you, he just loves how it feels.
Haechan is more of a switch, a bratty one too. He enjoys doing things thatā€™ll piss you off, if heā€™s feeling more dominate that day heā€™ll edge you for hours. Heā€™s so set on seeing you cry and beg, if heā€™s fingering you and he notices you getting close heā€™ll stop right before you finishā€”heā€™ll do this for so long until you finally break. ā€œYou look so cute baby, are you gonna cry? Hm? You gonna cry baby?ā€ He loves teasing you, he gets off to the way you whimper and call his name. ā€œHyuck? D-Doā€¦you look so cute when you beg.ā€ When he fucks you he absolutely loves to make you look at him; seeing your eyes roll as you struggle to keep them open makes his toes curl. But when heā€™s submissive, the shoe is completely on the other foot. Heā€™s so sensitive, if you touch his nipples even a little his body flinches. ā€œYouā€™re so cute like this Hyuckā€¦ā€ When you praise him he melts into such a mess, his voice cracks as you ride himā€”heā€™s so sensitive, he can hardly even speak from the feeling of your walls around him. Youā€™re so warm, so wet, and he fits so perfectly inside of you. He gets so drunk on you when heā€™s being subby, and when he cums he has to hold you and have your body as close to his as possible.
Chenle is also a bratty switch, when hes subbing heā€™s so difficult and disobedient and when heā€™s a dom heā€™s so cruel. ā€œYou look so pretty on your knees baby, do you think youā€™ve earned it yet?ā€ Heā€™ll tease you when youā€™re sucking his dick, complimenting how pretty your lips look around his cock and pulling your hair as you look him in his eyes. When he fucks you heā€™s so vocal and so rough, biting, scratching, hair pullingā€”he likes it all. Of course he has to cum inside of you, he fucks you as deep as humanly possible and when heā€™s close heā€™ll tease you about how heā€™s going to get your pregnant one of these times. ā€œYou ready to have my baby?ā€ Heā€™s such a kinky fuck. But when heā€™s subbingā€¦itā€™s like what he did to you is only a projection of what he wants. Slap him, bite him, pull his hair and degrade him; sit on his face and make him eat you out till his jaw locks. ā€œYouā€™re such a good boy for me.ā€ Even the most basic praise in between humiliating him will reduce him to a pathetic and desperate animal in heat. When youā€™ve finally had your fill of him eating you out and decide that heā€™s worthy of fucking you heā€™s so overstimulated that he canā€™t even speak; all that comes out of his mouth is gibberish. But even in that state he can still beg to cum inside of youā€”and if heā€™s been good enough youā€™ll let him.
Renjun gives me model sub energy, like he wants you to treat him like a princeā€”buy him sexy outfits to wear, worship his body, and spoil him with kisses and pleasure. He loves it when you suck his dick, he gets off to the feeling of your lips and tongue before he gets to fuck youā€”and of course itā€™s his right to fuck you; heā€™s your spoiled baby after all. ā€œMhmmā€¦just like that, it feels so good.ā€ His moans are so pretty, itā€™s such a show when fucking himā€”the way his back arches and how his heavy dick throbs and twitches is so lewd and beautiful. By the time heā€™s inside of you heā€™s already cum three times, but he can last for another because it means he finally gets to be deep inside of you. When heā€™s on top his stroke game is amazing, itā€™s like his brain has moved to his dick from how perfectly he fucks you. His lips are red and kiss swollen and his entire face is flushedā€”when you get on top you can fully appreciate how beautiful his face looks when you please him. ā€œS-So goodā€¦ā€ his voice drifts off as his eyes roll, his head falls back into the pillows and he goes silent from how good you feel. When he finally cums he gasps for air and looks you right in your eyesā€”he loves to look at you and watch your face as he cums, youā€™re just so pretty and he loves you so much; he has to burn the image of you in his mind as he cums inside of you.
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lyvhie Ā· 4 months
nct dream having a s/o who's shy during sex
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nct dream x fem!reader (18+ mdni) a/n: reposting this one bcs somehow this just disappeared from my blog and i remembered to repost it now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ cw: smut, oral (f), fingering, petnames.
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MARK seemed taken aback at first. like, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, he wanted this moment to be good for you too, so he kept asking if you were sure and if it was okay to continue. when you gave him a green light, he would nod and take things slowly with you, checking to make sure you were fine with what he was doing and reassuring you that it was fine to be shy. he let you wrap your arms around his neck and hide your face there, knowing that this was your way of cooperating with the situation.
he was understanding and patient, knowing that you needed time and didn't want to push too quickly. he loved having you close to him like that, everything seemed more intimate when you were close together. it was like a whole new level of intimacy and he couldn't really explain it with words, but it just felt right to him.
ā€œbabe, please,ā€ he murmurs against your forehead, his voice shaky with restraint. ā€œthink you can relax a little for me? your tightness is amazing, but i need to move,ā€ as soon as you relax, he begins to move his hips slowly, savoring every inch as he pushes deeper into you. each stroke hits just the right spot and elicits a soft moan from your lips. he showers you with praises as he makes love to you tenderly.
it seemed like there was an unspoken contest between you and JISUNG over who could be the most bashful in that moment. and, just as usual, you managed to claim victory! despite seeing himself as the one to lead, he was surprisingly unsure of his next steps, attempting to put you at ease as best he could. with a gentle determination, he whispered reassurances in your ear about making it feel good and creating a memorable experience for you. yet, every word he uttered only seemed to amplify the heat in your body.
but through all the nervous laughter and flustered glances, you could sense jisung's genuine care for your wellbeing. as his hands explored your body, they were hesitant yet firm, as if trying to learn your every curve by heart. he gently nuzzles your neck as he speaks, his breath hot against your skin. "i promise i'll take it slow. just tell me what feels nice.ā€
HAECHAN remembered how he saw you struggle to just take off your clothes, how embarrassed you seemed, so he figured he'd take the opportunity to help. initially, he was gentle and supportive, telling you it was all right, and you could take your time. however, when you were underneath him, hiding your face with your arms and holding back your cute moans, oh boy, that's when he would get really devious. he'd force you to look at him and whisper dirty words in your ear, really making you squirm and, more important, he would make sure to tease you enough to make you beg.
ā€œlook at me,ā€ he would say demanding. ā€œiā€™ll stop moving if you close your eyes again,ā€ as he says this, he's already thrusting into you in an agonizingly slow pace. it would be so much worse if he just stayed still.* ā€œn-no, hyuck, p-please,ā€ you stutter out in a pleading tone as you open your eyes quickly and look at him. ā€œplease what? i said you have to use your words, love,ā€ he leans close to nibble on your earlobe, making you shriver. he loved how responsive you were. ā€œpleaseā€¦ f-faster, iā€¦ā€ you tried to move your hips to match his rhythm but his grip on your waist tightens, keeping you exactly where he wants you. "mmh, i'm listening,ā€ he nuzzle against your neck, patiently waiting for you. "i want to c-cum again, please, go h-harder,ā€ you say in a frustrated tone, burying your face in his neck to hide yourself. he was pleased with you words, his smirk widen and he feels his cock throb with excitement. he would let you hide this time. ā€œcanā€™t deny it if my love asked so nicely.ā€
seeing this side of you, the vulnerable and timid one, was something truly endearing to JAEMIN. ā€œmy bold princess is feeling shy today?ā€ he asked, amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth as he pressed a light kiss to your quivering lips. ā€œthereā€™s no reason to be,ā€ he assured before placing another tender peck. gently coaxing your arms away from hiding your chest, he encourages you with another kiss, his thumb tracing lazy circles on cheek. ā€œyouā€™re stunning, princess,ā€ his lips soon follow suit, moving down to your neck, leaving trails of kisses as he goes.
jaeminā€™s breath is hot against your skin as he nuzzles further downwards, pausing at your collarbone. he flicks his tongue across the delicate flesh, the sensation makes goosebumps break out on your skin, causing you to shiver slightly. ā€œyouā€™ve got nothing to hide from me,ā€ his hands move to unclasp your bra, freeing your breasts completely. with a low groan, he finally takes one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling lightly.
CHENLE would be so confused. he was trying to make you feel good, but you were making things difficult. it wasn't because you didn't want it, so he was even more confused as to why you weren't letting yourself enjoy it. "baby, why are you doing that?" he asked with a puzzled look, raising an eyebrow as he saw you closing your legs. "stop closing your legs," he said, making you look away from him. ā€œn-no, it's... i-it's embarrassing..." you mumbled, biting your lower lip. he let a small "oh" escape his lips when he realized what was happening.
"aw, are you feeling shy? you're so cute!" he said, letting a small sigh escape his mouth as he ran his hands gently up and down your thigh. the touch was comforting, his hands caressing the skin as he leaned in closer. "what about this? keep your eyes closed and let me take care of you, just relax,ā€ he kissed your thigh, his voice so gentle it made your heart flutter. the thought of just letting go and giving him control was enticing, so you nod and kept your eyes closed as he requested. with a wicked grin, he pushes your legs further apart, revealing your beautiful, swollen center. he takes a moment to appreciate the sight before leaning down to taste you, his tongue sliding effortlessly inside. you gasp and grab onto his shoulders, trying to steady yourself as he begins to explore every inch of you.
JENO had come to understand your behavior patterns, he knew that you would react just this way. you were always the type to talk too much and do less, specifically in regards to your flirting. you seemed to derive a lot of fun from sending suggestive texts, spicy pictures that didn't give too much away, raunchy voice messages and all. yet when it came time for the actual act, you seemed to always shy away from it. he had learned to read your subtleties, and this time he didn't let you ran away.
"aww, look at you now," he says, his voice low and teasing. "you were all fire and ice earlier, sending me those naughty texts and photos, making my imagination run wild." he leans in closer, his breath hot against your cheek. "but now that we're here, you're suddenly shy?" he held your chin to force you to meet his eyes. "what happened to the feisty little thing that had me on edge all day?" before you could try to say something back, he shut you up with a hard thrust, making you gasp. "you know, you really shoudn't start something you can't finish."
RENJUN knew you were naturally shy about physical contact, he wasn't surprised by your reluctance. in fact, he knew that you would be a little coy whenever the physical intimacy went up a level. he knew your shyness would make this a delicate process, so he decided to start things off gentle. "that's it, just spread your legs a bit more, darling," he asked softly in your ear, continuing to keep you in a gentle hug from behind. you could practically feel your heart beating out of your chest. you had asked him not to look at your face since you felt nervous, and he agreed. but he was lying, he just had to move his head a little to capture your expressions.
he starts gently caressing your inner thighs, sending shivers up your spine. he feels your pulse quickening and your breathing becoming more ragged, which makes him feel even more determined to give you pleasure. he continues to tease you, getting closer and closer to where you really need him to touch. he traces his fingers lightly over your wet panties, feelings your arousal seep through the fabric. he slowly pulls them aside and slips a finger inside you gently, pumping slowly as he watches your reactions. your breathing quickens and your moans get louder with each thrust, so he adds another finger, stretching you just enough to feel amazing. as he continues to move inside you, he presses his thumb against your clit, massaging it in slow circles. heā€™s careful not to go too fast or hard knowing that anticipation can be just as satisfying as release.
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mrfoox Ā· 2 years
Me: I think id want to know someone that's mutually obsessed with me... Like I am with them
Oliver: ok... Well then you can meet people, that's very easy!
Me: uh.... Ok
Oliver: yeah I mean your courses, the people there do have the same diagnosis like you so they might think the same way as you?
Me: mmm.... I dont think... I dont know how I think is normal even among people with my diagnose
Oliver: um, okay. Why?
Me: because of how I think of other people... Or other people I like rather
Oliver: yeah, well that's not... Unusual. I mean you want to be around people you like so you obviously think good about them?
Me: mmm, yeah but I don't think... You'd want to know how I think about others
Oliver: why? Now I want to know
Me: no, I don't think you do...
#miranda talking shit#He said id have to come up with an answer tomorrow and im like uh... Im going to freak out this man so badly....#How do i explain my mind is 10-20% concentrating on whats being said and the remaining is usually ju st...#And clusterfuck of mental hearts and me going 'theyre so cute. I love them. Their smile is adorable. I love them. Their voice is so lively.#I love them. They are so good to me im so lucky. I love them' like. Genuinely thats at least half what's in my mind when i talk with people#I like. Its similar to my... Crush mental headspace except then im also super embarrassed and self conscious. Thats how i know when i have#A crush vs i dont. But i... Am fairly sure most people dont think that actively at all times while talking to their friends.#The people i think less that way about is probably LinnĆ©a but still i have 10% of my mind going that way as well#This mind of mine is mainly why i can believe that i am in someway a bit in love with all my friends. Because my mind just... Without me#Controlling it thinking that way. Its like an... Shitty snapchat filter over their faces with pink edges and words and sentences going up#Aboht how i cherish them and little hear emojis flying around them occasionally. Thats how i can best explain it? Its now excatly how it#Visually looks in my head but its how it feels in my mind. I usually just think like. Theyre so cute. I love them. They are so amazing.#I dont think ive actively thought this way.... Always. But since i turned 16-17 its slowly developed and now i am like... Huh... Uh... Mmm#Ive never had anyone else say they think this way of people who they arent... In love with basically but for me its about anyone i care abt#And i... Cant express it bc people would get uncomfortable. Think im in love with them... And then distance themselves etc#Ive noticed i uh.... Let my affection show too much when i speak about others i love to people. So i try to ... Tone it down... But yeah i#For me its natural and it is just how i see and how i think about the people i love but i know saying that to any of them would make them#So uncomfortable. Except maybe Maya bc shes kinda open and accepting and also very loving. And LinnĆ©a wouldn't love it but would#Give a nod and go 'well its part of your package deal (and ive heard you say a lot worse)'#But my guy friends would be like NOOOOOOO wtf šŸ˜­#Imagine Fabian hearing this? He'd fake his own death and move to another country and start anew
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