#this is true of a lot of italian food too actually
vashti-lives · 1 year
(topic: drink, or food, or both!)
oh boy. i have a big one! oof people aren't gonna like this.
right now american cooking is way too dependent on garlic. especially restaurants. i know all you garlic lovers out there are currently outraged but look! i do not actually think it is to your benefit! i am allergic to garlic and the amount of restaurants where i cannot eat anything on the menu but steak with no fixings unless someone alters the way they prepare food is ridiculous. and like, when it's an Indian place or something i get it! but when i go to a basic pub food style restaurant and cannot have a cheeseburger because the ground beef has a seasoning with garlic powder in it there is something wrong.
at very minimum their flavor palate is too narrow and frankly, when they've got garlic in the hamburger and garlic in the butter and mayo and garlic in all the dipping sauces and in all the salad dressings and the in the seasoning they put on the french fries i start to wonder... is it really that garlic is enhancing every one of these things? or is it that... they're trying to disguise lower quality ingredients with a strongly flavored additive so they can charge more?
and if you're not allergic to garlic you're never going to notice this but it's there! the amount of times i have asked if a cheeseburger has garlic, had a waiter look at me like i'm crazy and then come back five minutes later to tell me in a very baffled tone of voice that yes there is garlic in the cheeseburger is WILD. a cheeseburger is my baseline ask because 1) i like them and 2) if there's garlic in the burger there will be garlic in basically every other item on the menu except maybe like, sweet breakfast for dinner options like french toast.
it's notable that NEVER ONCE have i been told, oh there's garlic seasoning in the ground beef but we can just make it without. it's never happened. because these resturants are all buying pre-seasoned beef patties, probably because it's cheaper. if they weren't it would be super easy to make me a cheeseburger without garlic!
so yeah, i think A LOT of restaurants are tricking people into paying too much for cheap food by adding garlic where garlic doesn't need to be.
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 year
Sooo I am from the Southern United States,and so I can't help but picture Konig having to deal with a Southern!Wifey.
One thing Konig will have to get used to, if his little wife is Southern,is her food and drinks. She will make Biscuits and Gravy(White Gravy) and drink Sweet Iced Tea by the gallon. Also,if she is the home maker he will learn he can not set foot in her kitchen while she is cooking otherwise he will be put to work. "Oh handsy hmm? Well if you have energy to be handsy you can peel potatoes,shuck corn,and shell some peas now can't you?"
He will never go hungry,or have to worry about her defending herself. Nothing is scarier than an angry southern woman with a cast iron pan in her hand.
Sorry if this like came from no where,I just don't see a lot of southerner rep in COD headcanons or stories and sorta just wanted to share my thoughts!
Hi!! Omg sometimes I forget that Americans are real, it's sounds so cool!! Konig is FOLDED. Southern wifey actually goes really well with his traditional values and how he perceives his possible wife-to-be. He was raised on the belief that a true Austrian woman should always care about home, cooking, going to church etc, and be ready to face the attackers with her own powers - so when his adorable wifey from overseas cooks for him, takes care of him, all with that cute accent of hers...poor guy is ready to get USA citizenship and buy a farm in the midwest. He loves your food! He is a big boy and he needs meat, and he would gladly sacrifice his time to cook with you just so he could get an opportunity to grop your ass and steal a few kisses while you are too busy with doing the meat. Someone is trying to harass you and before Konig could step up, you already defeated the attacker?? Omg he wishes he could marry you a second time..... He is a bit of a cringe cowboy fan because he is a loser who was reading that very old western and exported Italian cowboy movies, so he still thinks of you as a bit of a cowgirl...he would silently push a hat to your direction, but would actually fucking die if you'd wear it.
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spacelazarwolf · 11 months
I’m an Italian ger who’s being converted in an Ashkenazi community. I want to connect to my culture so badly!!! Is there any books you’d recommend, Italki food you love, or special rituals you do on Shabbat / during the week that are influenced by being Italian? I’d love to introduce more into my own practice!!
yeah! also this ended up being probably more in depth than you were asking for so apologies lmao.
so for some context (in case you or anyone reading this is not already aware), italki jews are a specific group of jews within italy. italki isn't like a nationality, so it's not a synonym for "italian jew", it's more like a regional identity. people from rome, naples, and venice are all italian, but they're also roman, neapolitan, and venetian. even if they move somewhere else, they'll likely still retain that regional identity. italy didn't become a unified republic until 1871, so culture and language and food varied a lot by region (which it still does), and that's true of jewish communities too, especially those that came from other places.
italki jews are jews who were brought to italy by the romans or traveled to rome to be merchants, and have been there since roman times. ashkenazi jews came during the middle ages, primarily settling in the north in places like venice. it's very worth noting that ashkenazim in italy, with the exception of one or two communities, have significantly different musical tradition, pronunciation, language, and food than other ashkenazi communities. sephardi jews came mostly after the expulsion from spain and portugal, though there were some living in sicily and southern italy.
with all that in mind, i'd definitely recommend doing some research into the demographics of the jewish community in the place you or your family is from. if you already live there, it should be much easier!
the jews in italy- their contribution to the development and diffusion of jewish heritage
cookbooks by edda servi machlin (she has several, but some are hard to find)
cucina ebraica
i highly recommend checking out torah.it. it's a fantastic archive of recordings and pdfs all about italian jewry. you will spend hours there and still have only scratched the surface.
rabbi barbara aiello also has a lot of different resources.
i highly recommend checking out the work of leo levi for research on italian jewish music. he spent years interviewing and recording chazzanut, scholars, and other community leaders and saved so many italian jewish melodies from complete extinction. (i believe all these recordings are uploaded to torah.it as well)
primo levi is another italian jew to research. he wrote many books that are available for purchase, including a memoir about his survival in auschwitz. there is also an institute in his name dedicated to the preservation, study, and celebration of italian judaism.
ensemble bet hagat put out an album of reimagined italian jewish music a few years ago and i believe they are also working on a second one. it is beautiful.
anyway that's probably enough nerding out, i can get to the more personal stuff and answering the actual questions you asked me now lmao.
right now, it's just me in my apartment so there's a lot of traditions i can't do, but if you have family or friends you can invite over, there are a lot of lovely traditions you can incorporate. i use a three branched candelabra for my shabbat candles. the middle candle is lit first and used to light the other two, as you would with hanukkah candles. if you have multiple people at your table, you can give them their own individual candles, in which case you will light the shamash (middle candle), pass it around the table for each person to light their individual candle, then the host will light the two other candles.
for food, i love making riso del sabato. it's a risotto dish with saffron and it is delicious. there's also a pumpkin ravioli in brown butter and sage sauce in cucina ebraica that is to die for.
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britany1997 · 2 years
Holiday traditions and celebrations the Lost Boys enjoy
(Not my gifs)
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•David claims to hate Christmas and the other boys call him the grinch behind his back
•But he low key appreciates Christmas because the boardwalk gets much more crowded which means more food
•He’s not the guy to bake cookies or watch movies with, but he does like decorating
•Mainly because he gets to be in charge
•He sits back and tells the boys where to put stuff, how to hang stuff, etc etc without actually doing anything
•EXCEPT when it comes time to put the star on the tree which he ALWAYS does himself
•He’s the leader, it’s a rank thing
•He gets the boys presents but they’re always practical gifts
•Practical for them AND him
•One year he got Paul a stick of deodorant and Paul was just like, “thanks bud” :)
•Trust me, it was definitely a gift for David too
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•Dwayne is a hopeless romantic at heart and he loves watching romantic Christmas movies (with his s/o or if he’s single, he can usually convince Star to watch them with him)
•Not the Hallmark movies though, he’s a man of taste
•His favorites are Love Actually, The Holiday, and Four Christmases
•He also loves Edward Scissorhands and Little Women which he will argue to the death are Christmas movies he’s a Meg but thinks he’s a Jo
•He sheds a single tear everytime Kim asks Edward to hold her and he can’t (shh don’t tell the boys)
•True to his Native American roots, he also observes the Winter Solstice with the boys
•Traditionally, there are sunset bonfires to celebrate
•Theirs happen a little bit after sunset (for obvious reasons)
•They share people food on the beach, and Dwayne will tell stories about his past and his ancestry
•He loves that the boys want to celebrate the holiday with him <3
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•I definitely believe @luv4fandoms’s headcanon that Marko is Italian, so he celebrates Christmas
•He makes Panettone and Pandoro every year to share with the boys
•Paul doesn’t like it but he eats it anyway because Marko made it
•Marko tells Laddie about La Befana, so now the boys have to get Laddie presents on Christmas AND Jan. 5th because thats when La Befana comes
•It’s ok though, they love him:) and its not like they pay for them anyway
•Marko’s also ethnically Jewish! So he celebrates Hanukkah as well
•Paul grumbles like “how come Marko gets 8 presents and I only get one?” >:(
•The boys watch while he lights the candles each of the eight days
•They also gladly partake in the fried food part of Hanukkah and eat Latkes and Donuts with Marko
•The first time they celebrated, Marko explained the history of Hanukkah with the story of the Maccabees, the restoration of the temple, and the miracle behind the menorah and the eight nights
•Marko’s glad he can share this part of his culture with the boys
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•Paul lovesssss mistletoe
•Mans has it up ALL OVER the cave, its ridiculous
•Well kinda, he doesn’t have access to much mistletoe so he hangs stuff that sorta looks like it and hopes nobody notices
• “Paul is this lettuce?” “Paul is this Rosemary?” “Paul is this WEED?” No. It’s mistletoe. Shut up.
•He has the genius idea to just take some to the boardwalk with him so he can kiss random babes
���The boys kinda look at each other and Dwayne sits him down
• “Paul, most girls will find that creepy.” “Ok so I’ll only kiss boys! Problem solved” :)
• Dwayne hides his mistletoe
•Paul also likes Santa
•He always says ‘Santa probably doesn’t exist.’ And the boys are like, uh what do you mean “probably.”
•And after a lot of concerned prodding he gets kinda fed up
•He’s like, ‘so you’re tellin’ me immortal guys who have to feed on the blood of humans to survive exist and an immortal guy who leaves presents for good people doesn’t???’ He’s like, bffr
•The guys are ok with this logic but then David says, “you know you’ll never get anything from Santa right? We’re pretty much all naughty.”
•Paul smirks and says, “only in the best way.”
•The boys all groan
Happy Holidays!
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anniesannex · 9 months
You’re so Art Deco
Chapter three
Hey I’m sorry I was gone for a bit but I’m back and I have chapter three!
“So this is the titular Johnny Cage.” Grace smirked as she leaned against the counter.
“You must be (Y/n)’s roommate.” Johnny out stretched his hand as Grace shook it. “Johnny Cage, but you probably already knew that.”
“Grace, and she’s my best friend so you better treat her right.”
“Will do Grace!” He turned to look at you. “You ready to go, Doll?”
“Of course.” He held out his arm as you took it and he led you outside of your dorm building. “Nice car.”
“Thanks Doll. It’s a 1993 BMW 325i convertible. I found it at a junkyard right before I got famous and fixed it up in my spare time ever since.” He opened the door for you as you stepped into the car.
“My daddy always said you don’t want a red, white or black car. White and black because it’s hard to keep clean and red because it gets pulled over more often. Which I learned later wasn’t true.”
“Is that so Doll?” He turned the keys in the ignition. Starting the car and driving off. “What I meant to say up in your dorm is you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you Johnny, I thrifted most of this outfit actually. The only things that I bought first hand are the hair clip, the shoes and the earrings I’m borrowing from Grace.”
“They’re nice. Where are they from?”
“Vivienne Westwood. We both have loved her since we were thirteen. Her parents are more well off then mine so she got a lot of Vivienne which meant I got to borrow a lot of it.”
“I understand. Is there a store in LA?” Johnny asked, genuinely curious.
“I think there is, why?”
“No reason.” Johnny paused. “We’re almost to the restaurant.” You were humming a tune you liked on the radio.
“Oh sick. I love Italian food. It reminds me of when Grace and I would help her Nona cook. I enjoyed it.”
“So you like to cook I see?” Johnny inquired.
“Are you kidding?!” You smiled. “I love it! Sometimes I wished that’s what I majored in.”
“What are you majoring in?”
“Communications and Broadcasting. It’s basically like being a film major but more exhausting and you’re more insufferable.” You laughed. He chuckled with you as he turned into the restaurant. As he backed up to park, he put his hand on your seat and you felt your cheeks flush. “You’re better at parking than I am to say the least. Last time I tried to do that I just gave up and parked a mile away.”
“I’ll have to teach you then.” Johnny smiled as he got out to open your door and help you out. “Damn Doll, Monica Bellucci has nothing on you.”
“Thank you so much Johnny.” He walked with you to the door, opening it as you walked into the place and up to the host stand.
“I’m sorry Miss we’re not taking any-oh Mr. Cage! Right this way!” The host led you two to a table as Johnny pulled out your chair for you.
“And to think people say chivalry is dead.” You smiled as you sat down.
“For someone as gorgeous as you are, I’d move the sun if it was bothering you.” Johnny sat down as her stared at you. “So what do you want to drink?”
“Mind if I get a martini?”
“That’s a very sophisticated drink.” Johnny commented. “I like that.”
“Thank you.” You commented as you read the menu.
“Hi my name is Blair, what would you too like to drink?!” A young girl came up to you two.
“Hi Blair. She’s gonna have a Martini and I’ll do whiskey in the rocks.”
“Okay great I’ll be right back with those!”
“So Johnny are you working on anything right now?”
“I just got the script for a new movie but it’s nothing I’ve ever done before.”
“Really what type of movie is it?”
“It’s a romance.”
“Oh, what is it about?”
“It’s about a set of spies, who hate each other having to do a mission together. So there’s still gonna be action but it’s also gonna be a romance.”
“That’s really cool! I’ll have to check it out when it’s out.” You continued to scan the menu before setting on the lemon ricotta pasta.
“So what are you doing in your classes?”
“Right now I’m taking Art history, Radio and Podcasting, psychology, and cinema history.”
“Oh Radio and podcasting? That’s interesting! Do you enjoy it?” Johnny asked as you grinned.
“It’s so much fun! One of the things I do is I’m the night DJ, luckily all of my tracks are prerecorded or else I’d never leave the station.”
“Yeah I bet.” Johnny chuckled as he looked over you again. “You have such beautiful eyes.”
“You’re really too sweet Johnny.”
“So do you guys know what you want to eat?” Blair asked as she put the drinks down.
“I’ll just have the lemon Ricotta Pasta.” You smiled at her.
“Oh that sounds good! I’ll have the same.” You and Johnny both handed her back the menus. You took a sip of your drink as you started into his blue eyes. “So tell me more about yourself (y/n).”
“Well Grace and I are New Yorkers, we’ve been friends since we were kids, I’m twenty-three, I love cats, I like to read and watch films and television, I like drinking coffee, I love to cook, I love fashion, I have a younger sister, my parents are divorced, and I love music. What about you Johnny?”
“Well I’m from Venice Beach, I also like to read, and also like to watch films and television, I love to act, I’m an only child, I love martial arts, I love cars especially fixing them up, it was something I picked up in childhood, I also love music, I’ve been divorced twice, I have a daughter, I like drinking coffee too, and I’m more of a dog person, but cats are cool.” You listened intently as he told you about himself.
“You know how to fix up cars? My one friend’s dad was a mechanic, I always wanted him to teach me so I can become a car girl.”
“(Y/n) I could teach you, if you’d like. Depending on what car you have and what year it is, it should be easy.” Johnny seemed to be opening up more. “So you and Grace have been friends since you guys were kids?” Johnny Leans in, as he looks deeply into your eyes you can tell he is listening intently.
“Yeah of course, we’ve been best friends since we were five! I genuinely don’t know what I would do without her.”
“I can tell she also feels the same.”
The two of you continued to chat as you sipped on your drinks.
“Here’s your food you guys!” Blair dropped off your food. You guys were so focused on your conversations that you had forgotten you had even ordered. “Sorry about that wait.”
“Thank you Blair.” You both said in unison. “You’re totally fine.”
“Just let me know if you need anything else.”
“We will.” Johnny smiled at her. “You ready to eat? This looks so good.”
“I’m so ready to eat.” You picked up you fork and slowly started to eat. “This is really good.”
“You’re right (y/n), this is really good.” You two ate as he asked you questions. “Do you like to travel?”
“I’d love to if I ever have the money to. I have so many places I want to go to.” You answered honestly. “What about you Johnny?”
“Oh I love to travel. When Cassie was little and I had to film overseas, I’d always bring her something back.”
“That’s really sweet. I’m sure she appreciated them.” You smiled at the thought of him gifting his daughter little things for her to have. “My one friend studied abroad in France. I would’ve loved to go but my dad was sick at that time.”
“I’m sorry (y/n). One day I’ll have to take you to France. Do you know french?”
“I know some. I took it in high school. But I’m rusty.” You two chuckled. “Do you speak any other languages.”
“I know French. And the tiniest bit of Japanese.” Johnny gazed in your eyes again. He seemed to be enjoying the moment. “Do you know any other languages?”
“Well I know some Italian from Grace’s Nona. She’s from Italy.” You paused as you took a bite. “I can read it better than I can speak it though. All her recipe cards are in Italian.”
“Well being able to read in a language is important. I’m impressed, Doll.”
As you guys finished your meal Blair came to your table, her red hair shining in the candlelight.
“Do you guys need anything else or do you want the check?” She asked, brightly.
“Do you want anything else, Doll?”
“I’m fine, but if you want something else I’ll split it with you.” You replied.
“Okay we’ll just take the check. Thank you so much Blair.” Johnny spoke to her. “We really appreciate it.”
“It’s not a problem and I’ll get the check!” She smiled as she walked away. A few moments later she came back with the check and some of those mint chocolate candies. “Here’s this. Have a good night you too!”
“Thank you Blair, have a good night too.” You both smiled at her. Johnny pulled out his card and placed it in the booklet. As you popped one of those candies into your mouth.
“Johnny, I can cover my half. It’s fine.” You fished for your card in your purse.
“(Y/n) I’m not going to let you do that.” Johnny looked up at her.
“Okay if you insist.” You let him cover the check. “If you want I can cover the tip if you want.”
“I got it too.” He smiled as he pulled out what looked to be three hundred dollars.
“Wow, you’re a good tipper too. You can’t get any better.”
“She’s nice, plus I used to be server at one point so I understand the struggle.” Johnny laughed.
“Don’t remind me.” You groaned. “I do not want to think about that right now.”
“So are you a server now or were you at one point?” Johnny asked.
“Yes. It’s awful.” You laughed as he chuckled.
“I understand. I’ll have to book a reservation in your section one night.”
“Oh god. I look so different at work than I do now.” Blair picked up the check as you spoke. “Thank you Blair.”
“Really? I bet you still look gorgeous.”
“Please I look awful at work.”
“I don’t believe that.” Johnny stated. Blair placed down the check again and he put the $300 under his glass. “Have a good night Blair.”
“You too Mr. Cage!” He smiled as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“So Doll, wanna come back with me and split a bottle of wine?”
“I’d like that.” You spoke as he opened the door for you.
“Then let’s go!” He walked you to his car, opening the door as you got in.
“Thank you Johnny.” He shut your door and jogged over to his side.
“It’s no problem. Anything for you (y/n).” Johnny got into the driver’s seat. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah I should text Grace real quick though.”
‘Hey Pookie! I’m going back to Johnny’s for a bit.’
‘Okay Pooks, have fun. ;)’
‘I will!’
Johnny pulled out of his spot and began driving. One hand on the wheel and the other holding yours.
“Would you want to help me run lines too?”
“Sure. I do have to let you know I’m not winning best actress this year.”
“I think you could, (y/n).” Johnny spoke as he continued to drive. Sometime later you pulled up to his place. It was just as extravagant as you I thought it would be.
“You have a nice house.”
“Thanks Doll.” Johnny parked in his garage and led you into his home.
“Mind if I take my shoes off?” You asked “I Grew up in a shoes-off household.”
“Go ahead, I was just about to ask if you would.”
“I remember when I lived with my mom, she’d said to me ‘bitch don’t wear no shoes in my goddamn house!’ I still live by that.”
“Is your dorm shoes off?”
“Of course!” You chuckled as he walked into his wine cellar.
“Do you prefer red, white, or rosé?” Johnny asked, looking through the bottles.
“Red is perfect!”
“Red it is.” Johnny came out with an expensive looking bottle of wine. “Let’s pop this open and we can start running lines.
“Okay, prefect!” You smiled as he poured you a glass.
“I’ll explain the scene we’ll be practicing. It’s a scene I’ve had trouble with on my own.” Johnny poured his own bottle. “You will be reading for the character, Olive and I will be reading for my character, Theo. We’re spies who hate each other and in this scene you are angry at me because I might have compromised the mission.”
“Okay I can do that.” You smiled as he handed you the script. “So I just read for Olive?”
“Okay awesome.” You paused as you scanned your lines for the first time. “I can do this.”
“Let me know when you’re ready.” Johnny smiled at you.
“I’m ready.” You smiled back at him before your expression changed. “I cannot Believe you Theo!”
“Of course you don’t.” Johnny rolled his eyes. “It’s always what you want.”
“Theo, you might’ve just compromised our mission! For what? Some girl you wanted to sleep with?!”
“Maybe if you didn’t act like you hated my touch this would be easier!”
“We’re supposed to be pretending we’re married! And that does NOT say that we’re a happy monogamous couple!” You paused to breathe. “I mean Theo, did you think?!”
“You know what Olive?!”
“What?!” You were taken by surprise when Johnny kissed you. Pulling away you stared at him, a pinkish color graced his cheeks.
“I’m sorry (y/n).”
“It’s okay. Do you like want me to go?” You paused, grabbing your phone. “I can like call an Uber. Or something..”
“No, please stay.” You kissed him back.
“Okay. I will.”
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily Part 5
This is just unapologetic fluff, necessary for the next fic.
"No, I don't wanna," Livia said in a cry like voice and Bella frowned, walking in the kitchen just as she watched Magda struggle to get Livia to finish up her breakfast.
The older woman berated the little girl in italian, but the answer came in English.
"I don't wanna go!" she whined, rubbing her eye and making a frowny face, looking ready to cry. Bella walked closer, kissing the top of her dark head.
"Hi baby..." she glanced at Magda, "everything okay, ma?"
"We're going out to visit some relatives, but she doesn't wanna go," the older woman scoffed, hands on her hips, "you have to eat, Livia."
"Vince is going too, I'm assuming?" Bella asked, combing her fingers through the little girl's hair and Livia turned to look at her as if she was a saving grace.
"He'll meet us there, actually. Him, Wendy, Leo and Jonah left super early this morning," Magda explained, "no one wants to babysit during vacations, I can't blame them."
Bella hesitated for a second, before saying, "well, Luke and I aren't going out today," she shrugged, "it's not like we even could, he can't put a shirt on with how sunburned he got" she rolled her eyes and Magda looked away from her daughter hopeful.
"And you wouldn't mind watching her?"
"Can I stay?" Livia made her best puppy eyes and Bella snorted. Just like her brother.
"Yeah, we wouldn't mind," she pointed the breakfast, "but you have to finish eating, Liv."
The little girl promptly threw herself at the task at hand and Magda, who had been hunched over trying to feed her, straightened up with a sigh.
"Are you sure? She's a lot..."
"We'll be fine, don't worry" Bella smiled, "you deserve a day out, without running after a toddler, ma."
The woman nodded, blushing slightly, "let me go change then..."
"Go, I got her," Bella pulled a chair next to Livia and sat down, stealing a bacon piece out of the big plate in the center of the table, "why don't you wanna go visit your uncles, Liv?"
"They're boring," she pouted, munching on her toast, "and they don't let me do anything."
Bella chuckled, "how inconsiderate of them to not let you paint on the walls," she teased lightly, noticing Livia had all but finished the remaining toast, "do you want more?"
"No," Livia shook her head and Bell shrugged.
"Okay, how about..." she piled up a plate with bacon, hashbrowns, toasts and fruits, "you take this up to Luke? He's in bed whining like a big baby."
Livia giggled at the phrase and happily took the plate, sauntering off the kitchen. Bella smiled, filling up two big cups of juice and following her out at a slower pace.
True to Bell's words, Lucas was still in bed, sprawled on it like a starfish and attempting to nap. Their night had been hellish as there was no comfortable position to lie on, but at least he wasn't feeling nauseous anymore.
"Luke," Livia poked his arm, hard, and he let out a wince and opened his eyes.
"Bell, sto- Oh hey," he frowned at Livia's little face, "are you lost?"
Bella snorted at his answer, leaning on the doorway, "she's our little guest today. Ma and pa are going out to meet with some relatives and no one else's home," she explained quickly, "I said we could keep an eye on her."
"I brought food!" Livia perked up and grabbed a blueberry, pushing it in his mouth. Lucas let out a surprised noise, chewing it and rolling on his back with a groan.
"Alright..." he pushed against the mattress, forcing himself to sit up and Livia climbed the bed uninvited, sitting near his knee and planting the plate on his lap.
"Bella said you're a baby," she gossiped and Bella let out an offended gasp.
"Hey! That was between us two, Livia!" she chastised lightly, walking into the room and planting the juice glass on the bedside table with a faux courtesy, "my lord."
"Fuck off," Lucas groaned, smiling and Bella showed him her tongue in a childish manner, while Livia let out a gasp.
"You said a bad word!"
"What? Ah fuck, I did, uh- Shit- Sorry," Lucas stumbled over his words and Bella laughed, climbing on the bed too.
"You should charge him fifty bucks per bad word, Liv," she said, squirming out of Luke's reach when he tried pinching her side, "secure your college fund."
"Bella, don't give her ideas!"
"Ma says that who says bad words gets stinky breath," Livia glared at him.
His face, that was already red from the sun, turned a shade darker, "I'm not gonna say any bad words," he vowed with a pout, stuffing his mouth with more berries, while Bella pressed her lips together not to laugh.
Livia, like apparently all members of the Monacelli family, was completely enchanted by Luke. She refused to get down from the bed, even when her parents came to say goodbye, even when Bella suggested they went outside to swim in the pool.
"Can Luke come?"
Bella glanced up, to where Lucas was still sprawled on the bed and scrolling through his phone, clearly in pain and with zero desire to go in the pool.
"I don't know Liv, why don't you ask him?"
Livia poked his chest, causing him to hiss and recoil.
"Yeah, baby?"
"Come to the pool with us," Livia bossed, instead of asking, "pretty please."
"I don't think that's a good idea..." Lucas pouted, squirming away when Livia attempted to grab his face. Bella was trying her best not to laugh, she had never seen him be so uncomfortable before.
"Why not? You don't know how to swim?" Livia frowned, "I can teach you. Papá teached me."
"Taught," Luke corrected without thinking and Livia stared at him, unimpressed, causing Bella to snort.
"Good job, Atwood," she whistled from the door, while Liv pouted.
"Per favore?"
Bella watched, amused, as Lucas let out a whine sounding every bit a kid like Livia and then got up from the bed.
"Yeah, yay!" Bella grinned, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek when Lucas passed her by, hand in hand with Livia, and glared her way.
"You're being so mean to me," he whispered, wincing as Liv tugged on his hand.
"Teaches you to wear sunscreen, babe," Bella whispered back, skipping behind them. It was a warm day and even their room a/c wasn't cutting it, so it felt amazing to sink the cold water of the pool.
Until she looked up and saw Livia already inside the water, holding Luke's hands and pulling him in. He had a large, painful frown on.
Bell sighed, swimming closer and circling Livia, "honey, let Luke go, you're hurting him."
"But he doesn't know how to swim!" Liv cried out, "he'll drown!"
Lucas winced at the childish yell and Bella frowned. Sure he clearly didn't like children, but that was a bit much.
"He does know how to swim, Liv," Bella wrapped her arms around the kid, unhooking her childish fingers from Luke's hands, "let's race to the end of the pool, alright? You go first?"
Livia's face lit up and she nodded eagerly, "I'm gonna do it like a mermaid!" then proceeded to swim diving in and out of the water. Bella slid closer to Luke, cupping his face.
"What's wrong? It's just a little girl, babe."
"Yeah, I know," he was still grimacing, "she's just loud and my head is killing me, that's all."
"That's all?" Bella raised an eyebrow. She had seen him keep his good humor through a migraine, "Lucas."
"I'm fine, just thinking... Of the future and stuff," Luke waved her off, wincing when the gesture pulled on his muscles, "I'm gonna sit in the shade. I can judge your race."
"Please don't spare me any criticism," Bella smiled, leaning in and giving him a peck, "I'm so pissed you're too toasty for me to fuck you, Lucas. Really putting a bummer in my vacations."
He chuckled, "get out of here-"
Right on cue Livia swam back to them "DONE! How did I do!?"
It was another hour of swimming back and forth before all three of them were starving and went back in the kitchen roaming for food. There were leftovers from last night's dinner in the fridge, so they went back outside, sitting on the hammock while eating, Livia blabbing away between them.
She attempted to crawl her way into Luke's lap, only for him to promptly put her back in the hammock and Bella laugh, opening her arms for the little girl to nest against her.
"How about dessert, Liv?" Bella asked, getting up from the hammock with a grunt and pulling Livia with her.
"Can we have ice cream?"
"Yeah, of course..." she carried her back inside, leaving Lucas behind. They grabbed popsicles from the freezer and rushed back out, Bella handing Luke his favorite - strawberry - and then patting his head, "watch her for a sec, I need to go to the bathroom."
"How long is a sec?"
"Don't be a dick," she rolled her eyes and Livia frowned.
"That's a bad word..."
"Add it to Luke's tab!" Bella yelled back, already going back inside.
When she did make it back outside, not even five minutes later, Livia and Lucas were curled up on each other, both passed out in the hammock. His hand was sticking out, the popsicle melted in a little puddle under his fingers, the other one cupping the back of Liv's head. Her forehead was resting on his chest, a dollop of drool already on his belly.
Bella scoffed, rushing back inside to grab her phone and taking a picture, which she promptly sent to Vince with the caption "so what's up with your fam and being in love with my boyfriend?"
She saw Vince's contact light up and then his text bubble appeared, "It's just because he's tall."
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yankstrash · 1 year
october 4
today is gabe and amelias first real date
a date date
an actual date
not going to a sorority event
they are going on a date.
a whole month and 2 days after gabe initially asked her out, he is finally getting to take her on a date
so he needs to make sure it goes perfectly.
part of him didn't want to seem like too much of a try hard, but the other part of him knows he's been waiting for this and he wants to do whatever it takes to make her happy
and like him.
he really wants her to like him.
and he wants her to know that he cares
a lot.
"just go out to dinner," ryan shrugs "that's what everyone does on a first date."
gabe shakes his head, "no, that's too basic. plain. i've asked this girl out 7 times in the span of a month, i'm not just going to take her out to eat."
"well are you gonna take her to paris and ask her to marry you instead?" ryan jokes
not a bad idea.
"don't even think about it." ryan says
"i just.. i don't know. i feel like i have one shot to make this perfect. i mean, what if i screw this up and she doesn't want to go out again?" gabe asks
"then she's not the one and you move on." ryan plainly states
gabe shakes his head
"she is the one."
ryan raises his eyebrows
"and how do you know? you've hungout with her once after she rejected you multiple times."
gabe looks at him, "because i know. she is the one."
ryan puts his hands up
"whatever you say. i'm going to hangout with smitty and forts," ryan says as he walks over to gabe and smacks his shoulder. "good luck tonight."
gabe smiles and nods at his roommate
he thinks for a few more moments
he sighs, pulling out his phone
from: gabe
"what's your favorite kind of food?"
he waits for her response
within moments, his phone dings
from: amelia
"italian, you?"
from: gabe
"how sweet, me too. what's your favorite dish?"
from amelia:
"fettuccine alfredo"
from: gabe
"hmm, kinda basic but okay. cool"
from: amelia
"sorry, did you just call me basic??"
gabe smiles
from: gabe
"i did miss amelia. i'll pick you up at 6, okay?"
from: amelia
"sure, fine. see you then, gabriel."
he smiles at her use of his full name, not missing how she has used it several times in texts over the past few days
fettuccine alfredo
got it.
true to his word, gabe pulled up to amelias dorm at 6 pm, sending her a text that he was here
like last time, he got out of his car and waited for her outside her dorm
with flowers in his hand.
yellow potentillas
he knew bringing her flowers was probably very corny, but he couldn't not.
as he waited, he felt very nervous
his hands were slightly sweaty and he kept blowing out breaths as he waited for the brunette girl to walk out the door
he couldn't tell if his nerves got worse or if they were washed away when he saw her walking out in a yellow and white 2 piece outfit, but whatever he was feeling was overtaken by the smile on his face
she looked beautiful.
so sweet and cute
she smiled when she saw him, giving him a little wave as she opened her building door
he wanted to open the door for her.
damn dorm building code.
"hi." she said as she walked outside
gabe smiled at her, returning the "hi" before sticking his hand with the flowers out to her
"good choice of color i suppose?" he asked as he handed the flowers to her, making a comment on how they matched her outfit
she smiled at the comment and the flowers
"it's like you knew what color i was going to wear.." she said as she took the flowers
gabe shrugged, "impressive, no?" he jokes
she laughed
"these are beautiful, thank you gabe" she smiled
he nodded, "of course, you look beautiful."
she smiled and blushed slightly at his compliment
"thank you. give me one minute, i'm just going to run these up to my room real quick."
gabe put his hand out to stop her
"bring them. they'll be the centerpiece."
she quirked her eyebrow at him
"centerpiece for what?" she asked
he smiles, "you'll see."
when they reached their destination, gabe unbuckled and opened the driver side door
he saw amelia reaching for her seatbelt and held a hand up to her
"hold." he said, and hopped out of the car
going over to her side of the car, he opened her door for her
she smiled as she hopped out and thanked him
gabe opened his back door, grabbing a plastic bag and blanket
"got your flowers?" gabe asked as he closed his car door
"mmhmm" she hummed, cradling the flowers in her arms
"perfect. shall we?" he said, motioning for her to follow him
they walked a bit until they reached greenery that had a view of the city buildings in boston
"this is piers park," gabe set as he laid the blanket out "my parents and i walked around here when i toured bc. it has the best view of the city."
amelia smiled at his words
"it is beautiful," she said "i love it."
"you do?"
she smiled and nodded at his question
he motioned for her to have a seat and she did
"so," gabe began, opening the plastic bag "fettuccine alfredo, right?" he asked as he handed her a take out box
she nodded her head
"basic, right?" she joked as she took it from him
gabe shrugged, "was a bit embarrassed ordering it but"
her mouth fell open at his words and gabe laughed
"i'm just kidding. i'm pretty basic too, don't worry." he said as he pulled out chicken parm
"ahh, yes you are."
"and here, look," gabe held out his hand for amelia to hand him her flowers. she did and he placed them in the middle of them "centerpiece. beautiful."
she smiled and nodded, "beautiful."
gabe handed her a fork and she thanked him
"what do i owe you for this?" she asked him as she took a bite
gabe looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "owe me?"
she nodded, "for the dinner." she said
gabe shook his head
"nothing. we are on a date, it's my treat." gabe said "i would've taken you to an italian restaurant but that seemed a bit boring, i thought you'd like it better like this" he shrugged
she definitely did.
"i do, thank you. but i really don't mind paying you ba-"
he cut her off
"no. it's my treat, amelia. you don't owe me anything." he shrugged "i'm really just glad you're here."
her lips tugged up a lot at his words.
"i am too," she said "thank you."
the pair sat, talked and ate for a while
they asked each other random questions about their lives and just got to know each other
the only time hockey got brought up was when gabe asked amelia about it
"so, you said that your dad's a big hockey fan?" he asked
she nodded her head and set her fork down
"he is, always has been. i definitely grew up in a hockey watching house. football too."
"team?" gabe asked
gabes lips fell at her answer
"oh no.." he said
she gave him a look, "..what?"
he shrugged, "guess i'm not getting in good with the family."
she quirked her head to the side
maybe this was a bad topic.
was she gonna change her mind about him when she found out he got drafted?
well, no turning back now.
"i uh.. i got drafted.. by the rangers." gabe said
amelia slowly nodded her head, but showed no sign of getting up and bolting
"well that is gonna be a problem, now isn't it?" she joked
gabe smiled
"you're not gonna run from me now that you know i'm an athlete athlete are you?" he asked
she put her chin in her hand, pretending to think for a moment, then shrugged
"meh, we'll see."
gabe knew she was joking, but part of him was still worried
she noticed and spoke again
"relax, gabe. i said yes, didn't i?" she asked
he nodded, "you did, but you could always change your mind."
but she wasn't going to.
"if i was going to change my mind i wouldn't have said yes. besides, that wouldn't be very nice of me after how hard you worked, would it?" she smiled
gabe returned the smile and shook his head, "no, it wouldn't be."
they smiled at each other for a moment before amelia spoke again
"i mean, my dad might not like you but.." she joked
he laughed at her words
"he will probably strongly dislike me after i convert his daughter to a rangers fan"
she gave him a look, "now THAT you're REALLY going to have to work hard to do."
gabe smirked
"in case you hadn't noticed," he leaned forward a bit, "i like a challenge."
they sat for a while longer before it started to get dark out and they decided to head out
amelia grabbed her flowers as gabe grabbed their empty containers and the blanket and they headed back to the car
"i hope you enjoyed dinner" gabe said as they reached the car
"i very much did, thank you. again." amelia smiled
he nodded, "my pleasure."
he threw the stuff in the back before opening her car door for her
they made small talk on the ride back to campus
they both hopped out when gabe reached her dorm building
amelia smiled down at the flowers in her hands as she walked
she couldn't even hide it anymore, she had a good feeling about this.
a really good feeling.
she smiled as she turned to gabe when they reached the door
"thank you for dinner, it was amazing." she said
gabe nodded, "you're very welcome, miss amelia."
she smiled at the constant use of that nickname
"it's on me next time." she said
gabe raised his eyebrows as a smile crept up on his face
"next time?" he asked
she nodded
"so you want there to be a next time?" he asked and grinned
she pretended to think for a moment, and gabe playfully rolled his eyes
"if that's okay with you."
he took a step towards her, taking one of her hands off the flowers and placing it in his
"that is perfectly fine with me."
she smiled up at him
"but you're not paying, deal?" he said
she rolled her eyes at his words but cracked a smile
"fine, deal."
gabe smiled
"i'll see you soon." he said, dropping her hand
she smiled and nodded as he took a few steps back before walking away
he turned around and saw her watching him leave
he sent her a wave and she returned it with a smile
"should've hugged her." he thought to himself
then he smiled
"oh well, good thing there will be a next time."
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SO a person asked about silver sable in present day for the 'of tombstones and timetravel au' and while i dont have stuff for that we do have some lovely conversations with silvermane in the present day, the poor confused old man dealing with a time traveling waiter!peter.
K for @kzele H for hermes 
So theses are some conversations betweens silvermane and peter and tombstone and silvermane. 
Warning for platonic yandere in tombstone towards peter. Under the cut because LONG
Peter takes a shortcut into the Italian section of town and runs into Sable. 
K: *bump* "Oh, sorry!" "My bad" ". . .Wait a minute." "Oh, crap." *books it*
H: Silvermane: wait Hold on! " But Peter is already three blocks away
He later sees peter on TV near Lincoln at some sort of gala event chatting
K: [silvermane] tries researching him to find him and figure out what is actually going on.
And then the conversation when they talk again after Silvermane has done his research. 
K: Asks him [peter] how he hasn't aged and does not buy having a really good skincare routine. Peter still had to try, though.
H: Peter: That was... My grandfather? Silvermane: *not impressed*
K: Peter: "I mean, there isn't really a plausible response to this that's normal, too."
H: Slivermane: I suppose that's true.
K: Peter: "Remember 'Back to The Future?' Or read 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court?' It'll be easier to explain if you have.
H: Silvermane: "... Like that one British show from the 70s?"
K: Peter: *sighs* ". . .How familiar are you with time-travel in general?"
H: Silvermane: Stares at him a little blankly."one episode of doctor who back in the day. Daughter was dating a nerd at the time. Are you trying to tell me you time traveled kid?"
K: Peter: "Seeing as I was born no earlier than sixteen years ago, with full family records proving it, and no signs of aging since you last saw me. what do you think?"
H: Silvermane: "... Point taken. Any particular reason you decided to hang around Tombstone both now and in the past?"\
K: Peter: "Uhh, funny story. I landed on him by accident when I was thrown (also by accident) in the past. We fought, I trash-talked and flipped him, and he found that funny. *mumbles* Masochist. *clears throat* Then, he happened to see me in the present and wanted answers, too."
*shrugs* "He's seemed like he needs a friend (if only to keep him from being too much of an edgelord). *pauses* A favor? For what?"
H: Silvermane: "I still owe you from back in the day. So. If you need something done, I'm here. I don't pass those out lightly."
K: Peter: "Thanks? I'm not sure what you needed to repay considering you always made sure to tip. What did I really do besides waiting on you? Do you take knowing your food preferences that seriously?"
H: Silvermane: *silvermane isn't gonna spell it out but definitely is staring at the kid with a quirked eyebrow* "I do. Good waitstaff is always important. Especially when they go above and beyond"
K: Peter: *Peter is now officially of the mindset that all crime lords are weird* "Alrighty then, I'll be sure to save that for a rainy day. Oh, hey, did you run afoul of Tomby while you were looking for me? He has a tendency to threaten people when I'm not around. Sometimes for stupid reasons, too."
H: Silvermane: "he had some... Choice words for me. He's still a punk at heart."
K: Peter:*groans* "I'll bet he did. The only difference between now and then when it comes to threats is that he uses subtler phrasing for plausible deniability."
H: Silvermane:*small snort and eye roll* "Watch out for yourself kid. World's a dangerous place. And as much as I think that punks on your side, he's grown a lot more dangerous over the years. Keep an eye open." *Starts walking away*
K: Peter: "That goes for you, too. I'd make it miserable for him if he tried anything on me and anyone I know, but I can't watch over you as easily. I'm not dumb enough to think that he won't make an attempt to off you sooner or later, especially if he knows you talked to me."
H: Silvermane: "Oh, I've been in this game a long time Peter. It's not like no one tried to kill me in prison. You don't need to worry about it." *Dramatic exit*
Here is the conversation with Tombstone and Silvermane:
 K: What do you think a convo between Tomby and Silvermane would sound like? You said that both prob lost their cool
H: mmmm i think tomby would be very very much like stay away from peter. I dont care what you think you might owe him. doesnt matter. keep away from the kid. and silvermane woud be like/: this isnt your town. Tomby: ah but it is now. your time in prison has left your empire to crumble to ruins 
K: Yikes, and Silver would not like that one bit. Shoots back that it won't be for long and Tombstone's like, "uh huh, sure. You already had your shot." Then, Silvermane is like, "Well, you def don't own the kid. That's one thing that he's made clear: you're not his boss or guardian and it's not your business if he talks to me."
At this tombstone loses his cool. Kezle and I agreed that Silvermane sort of cares about Peter. 
H: [Silvermane] knows that holding the eyes of a crime boss is often a danger for people. also that look in tomby's eyes is very dangerous and very possessive. more possessive than it had been when the guy had been a young punk
K: He's like, "Bruh, your yandere is showing and it's not super healthy for Peter for you to be like this."
H: Tombstone: "shut up old man."
K: Silvermane: "It's friendly advice, you jumped-up punk. You'll lose him and your friendship if you try to control who he talks to. Peter isn't the type to let you get away with that."
H: Tombstone:*tombstone narrows his eyes* "I dont think you truly understand either of us."
K: SIlvermane: "How's that? Are you going to try and tell me that he's fine with you threatening me right now? Or is there something else I'm supposedly missing?"
H: Tombstone: Tombstone doesn't want to admit that the man may be right. Not even to himself. He stays silent for a moment. "Peter may not always agree with my methods. But we do share a lot of goals. Goals that are not benefited by you over involving yourself in his life."
K: Silvermane: *snorts* "Goals. And how am I interfering with these conveniently vague 'goals' by simply talking to him?"
H: Tombstone: Tombstone thinking about the risks of Silverman finding out Peter is Spider-Man if he is near him too frequently. "I'm sure you'd feel much the same if someone was talking too frequently to your daughter."
K: SIlvermane: "And now we're back to the fact that she is MY kid. And now an adult. You don't have that claim to Peter to make that decision for him. Only his par-guardian does."
H: Tombstone: "Someone has to look after him. Especially with the circles he accidentally falls into. No disrespect to his Guardian but she is not prepared to make the proper decisions. "
K: Silvermane: "Are you going over the Parkers' heads for his sake or yours? And even if it is for his sake, how many times can you do that without becoming a part of the problem?"
H: Tombstone: "..." Tombstone doesn't have an answer for that. It is a concern he holds. Peter had run off before when he had been in the past. He had also chosen not to speak with Tombstone as soon as he had returned to the present. Tombstone wants, no, needs to be the person Peter turns to and keeps that kid safe. But it could go awry so easily…
"Peter cannot always see the full picture."
K: Silvermane: "Neither can you apparently, considering you're making threats to someone who doesn't want to hurt him and has no intention of ever doing so."
H: Tombstone: "..." Now tomby really doesn't know what to say. Sure, silvermane has no intentions of hurting Peter now. Now being the key word. But tombstone is not confident that even Peter's charming personality can save him from the potential fallout of his secret identity. He knows how Silvermane handled rats and snitches in the past and a secret heroes fate is bound to be far worse.
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dem0nguy · 9 months
RAMBLETIME 4 (I somehow have more)
We’re rambling about Brutux fellas!
This man needed so much goddamn explanation for his backstory that we just never got…
First off, he’s like, a fuckin gang leader. And that’s just completely glossed over.
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And he very clearly has a HUGE influence in the post-apocalyptic world. Like he created a whole monetary system based on credits and bartering. Where you can turn in treasures to him or others affiliated with the gang in turn for credits or goods.
Such as the bartender in the first episode. He mentions Sheriff not having enough credits to pay for food, so Sheriff gives him a rubber duck to pay for it. The bartender then tells him “But this doesn’t settle your debt with Brutux.” Then throws the duck into a vault.
When that vault is destroyed, and the bartender goes to Brutux to tell him that, Brutux sends him to the dungeons to be tortured. When Joe questions him about his decision he says, “I’m the biggest smuggler on this cheek. I can’t let anyone make a fool of me.”
So my guy is REALLY important in this world, and he knows it too. So why tf did he drop everything to join a ragtag team of people trying to make the impossible happen??
Honestly I headcannon that he’s actually still part of the gang, he’s still leading it while also being part of La Résistance.
It would be interesting to have seen a concept like this explored in the show, and to see Brutux reach out to his gang for help every now and then. Or for the others to question his true intentions, because everyone in this world likely knows of Brutux at the very least.
I also think he stuck around because of Dr. White. Cause that’s like his idol, and hanging out with him has probably been Brutux’s dream since he started reading.
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When Brutux was a kid we know he was in a gang, I think his parents were also in a gang and that’s how he got affiliated with them in the first place. His parents probably died at some point and left him on his own, so he joined a ragtag kid gang. Then we know he created his own gang sometime after that when he fell in love with books. He kept growing that gang until the Big Fart, and then modified it to center more around finding artifacts than books. He gradually gained influence over the post-apocalyptic world, and that leaves us to the present day.
Now ima just move on to some basic headcannons that I don’t feel like writing paragraphs about:
- he tall fella (~6’2)
- has had several identity crises (both about his sexuality and his general existence)
- loves using big vocab words just bc he can
- taught himself French, Latin, Italian, and a little Greek
- has French heritage
- Has survived three assassination attempts, one of them left him without an eye.
- Always wanted to open a school, but the apocalypse crushed that dream
- writes in a diary (he starts every page with “dear diary”)
- is a homosexual
- he wears makeup, not a lot but enough
- loves listening to Dr. White talk about his hyperfixations
- might have a crush on Dr. White (he would never admit it)
Overall Brutux is a really interesting character. I just love the concept of him being a gang leader for the soul sake of getting books. I haven’t seen anything like that anywhere else, we usually get “tough guy but softie” or something like that. But Brutux isn’t a softie, he’s a tough guy, he just likes books.
He isn’t judged for it either, except by Sheriff, but I don’t think Sheriff can even read in the first place…
He’s also a theatre kid, and like, I love that. He’s a big guy who loves dancing around a stage essentially playing pretend and that just fits him so well. <3
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Unrelated but in the episode “Grandma’s Cookbook” Brutux pretends to be a french girl while shirtless?? And like, Ms. Paper just goes with it?? I mean, ally Ig slay
Ok I think that’s all I got :D
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bxrningembers · 6 months
Sir Pentious Headcanons moved from my main blog.
Food questions for the Muse(s) 🍝 - Can you cook? If yes, when and how did you learn to cook? 💊 - Any food allergies? 🍛 - What’s your favourite kind of restaurant? Italian, Chinese, Greek, etc.?
🍝: No. Put it this way, Fizzaroli jokes about burning the milk, He’s actually done it. How this man managed to feed himself with out someone’s help is a mystery. This oddly does not apply to brewing tea and drinks.
💊: None.
🍛: Japanese or Spanish. Sorta a tie between the two.
🍑 - Favorite fruit, 🎵- Favorite song, 💤 - Do they like sleeping in or waking up early?
🍑: Apples.
🎵: Pretty much anything by Schubert. (And yes, he does know how to play).
💤: Like all snakes, Pentious enjoys his beauty sleep.
All the Little Things Meme
💐 - Favorite type of flower
🔎 - Random detail about them
👶 - As a kid, what were they like?
🍙 - Favorite snack
💀 - What are they afraid of?
💐: Jasmine vines, though he likes roses too.
🔎: Sir Pentious has multiple eyes on his body, including on his top hat. These eyes will always show his true feelings.
👶: As a child, Elaphe was a bit of a snobbish brat, being raised in a rich home. He didn’t have a lot of friends but desperately wanted them. He was the sort of kid that was secretly very sensitive but was a brat because he didn’t have any real friends, and his parents didn’t have time for him. So he tended to act out as a result.
🍙: Deviled Eggs. His love for eatting eggs didn’t start in Hell ether.
💀: Being alone. He made the Egg bois sentient for this reason.
Sexual headcanons & questions
4. what are some features of others that arouse them, or they find arousing in a sexual situation?
5. what are their most common turn-ons? 6. what are some more situational or contextual turn-ons? 10. do they indulge in masturbation or personal fantasies?
4. He’s a bit odd in that he doesn’t find a well-endowed female figure as appealing as someone with more modest curves. In men, he likes a man who is taller than him and more lanky in frame. Though being victorian, he is more discreet about his male attractions. He is an old romantic, so arousing situations are romantic scenes like fancy balls and strolls through his flower garden.
5. The touches to the base of his tail. Factually, this is where a snake’s peen is located hidden under a special scale. This is not the case for Pentious, but this area has the same level of sensitivity and arousal capability. I also mentioned that his head fin-hair is sensitivity, too. In a more mental sense, he is turned on by good manners, etiquette, and people with a strong will that don’t let hell or it’s environment change who they are. Propping him up and stroke his ego also turns him on.
6. Saving or helping him with no personal gain that he can see. Letting him dominate when you are the stronger/more powerful of the two.
10. Yes, to both. He isn’t above visiting a brothel or one of Valentinos’ many establishments to indulge in sexual pleasure if he really needs it. Usually, he will rub one out on his own, though.
14. how open are they, or how do they feel about sexual experimentation? elaborate if needed. 15. what is something they consider a kink of their own? 
14. He is unused to it but unopposed to it. As a victorian era man, such permisuity and non-monogamy couplings were demonized. The fact that he IS a demon palpable to the idea and would be willing to try it with people he trusts.
15. Ovation. The man secretly wants a family, and it has developed into an egg kink. >,> Don’t judge him.
Bedtime meme
🌅 - Have they ever pulled an all-nighter? If so, what do they do to stay awake?
Sir Pentious
This is fairly frequent due to him either educating himself on technology or designing and building mechs and weapons. Pentious isn’t a big coffee person and will opt for strong black teas when he works into the night.
What non-sexual act of foreplay most turns them on?
His headfins (hair) are very delicate and sensitive to touch, so strokes to it feel very nice. You’re likely to get a delighted shiver out of him if you touch them.
💭 + food habits
Sir Pentious is very proper at the dinner table. No elbows on the table, takes his time to eat properly, that sort of thing. Basically manners at a big deal, and he takes them seriously. The only exception is with eggs. Something about his serpentine nature kicks in and overpowers his more logical side, and he will consume them in a more primal manner.
Sir Pentious, hc + Routine
As a Victorian era demon, Sir Pentious has a lot of habits that he has retained from that era. His morning routine is a fairly early morning where he grooms and dresses himself for the day, making sure his looks prime, proper, and presentable before even leaving his room. This is followed by a light breakfast with tea, usually a black tea with rose petals but rarely any sugar or milk in his dining room. He usually reads up on the usual news and gossip while having breakfast. Afterward, he tends to his dental hygiene and checking for early signs of mouth rot (a common issue that snakes encounter) and gets started with anything else he has planned for the day from there. His morning routine is pretty normal but also methodical. He always does things in this order each morning.
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Talk Italian agriculture to me.
Yessssss! :D
First of all, Italy is super big on agriculture, and why are we not talking more about that in general in the fandom? Like, sure, other nations wanted the Italian land for the heritage and Rome, but like, it also has so amazing fertile soil. Italian peninsula is basically a pantry, and especially countries with difficulties feeding their people wanted that *cough* Spain, Austria, France *cough*. And because of the Roman heritage, they had really good cultivation systems. :o
Putting the more historical things aside, Italian agriculture is split in two, more or less, following the split between North and South Italy, so even with agriculture, both our Italys have their own preferences (and as usual, The South is getting the short end of the stick). North is corn, beans, meat, dairy, and a lot of various items, the South is citrus fruits and wheat – especially citrus fruits. A lot of the initiatives to support agriculture throught the last 100 or so years have favoured the Northern parts of Italy, with bigger, wealthier farms, instead of the smaller Southern farms. All of Italy is big on olives and olive oil (as Spain can attest to), and wine. They're the biggest producers of wine in the world.
Speaking of which, I have no mouth, and I must (arti-)choke. I'm not sorry for that horrible pun. Italy is the biggest producer of artichokes in the world, the only other nation getting close is Egypt. Spain is at a third place, but only has an output a little over half of Italy. As far as I know, it's also used in a lot of Italian food (artichokes are delicious).
Apparently, most agriculture in Italy is actually very local and not owned by a few companies at the top (that's one of the most wrong representations in A Job Interview). They're family operated, owned and small. A single company with a majority hold on the food industry in Italy is probably insane and unrealistic. However, it is true that most of the Italian agricultural market is domestic, and doesn't have much export, apart from choice items (like popular cheeses and wines). One of the major forms of tourism in South Italy is agroturismo, as in, visiting and sleeping at a farm in Italy as a tourist. I want to try that.
One of the really big things I probably can't fit into my story is the specialisations of food in Italy, like regional cheeses, meats, wines, and so on. These regional items are one of the biggest Italian exports too, and another reason why a large amount of Italian farms are family operated. Adjacent to agricultural production, there's also heavy equipment manufacturing, commonly known as tractors and that sort of thing. Ferrari, Fiat, and Lamborghini all started out making tractors and other agricultural machinery.
Now, there's actually a bit more history I want to mention, but this is recent history. After WW2, Italy had a flourishing renewal in its agriculture, which lasted until the 1980's, due to some changes from the EEC. It's kind of difficult to really explain the entirety of everything happening between the 1960's to the 1990's, because there's so many different things influencing Italy at this time, and different areas (again with the North-South divide) were affected in different ways at different times. All of this doesn't really have to do with the agriculture sector directly, but it would affect it. The horrible highlights are a recession, The Years of Lead, and corruption. The happy highlights are the general economic boom (North and Central Italy in the 50's and 60's, South in the 70's and 80's), including il Sorpasso in 1987, and the beginning of a modernisation of the South.
One final thing, more about the actual fanfic I did this research for. It takes place in 2007, and this actually matters a lot to the plot. :'D
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filmsthatdonotexist · 2 years
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Most film buffs know that; at a certain point in cinematic history; whenever a film of note came from the US, it was only a matter of time before some variety of insane Italian director would create an unauthorized ripoff of or sequel to it.
Such was the case too with the Scorcese-produced* recently-rediscovered cult-classic Goncharov. Ironically, despite its reputation for controversy in the country, Italy was one of the few places where Goncharov got any decently consistent distribution, due to a sequence of events too stupid to list here.
In fact, most bootleg copies circulating in cinephile circles before recent events were taken from fan-subtitled Italian VHS copies, which is where the rumors of it originally being shot in Italian came from if you wondered about that.
But, that circulation was a cult film even amongst cult films, and if you were in horror circles of a certain generation, bringing up "Goncharov" would have elicited a response of "Oh, you mean that insane zombie mafia movie?"
But no dear readers, that would be Goncharov Part II, the bizarre unauthorized Italian sequel to the first movie....
...Well, semi-unauthorized. The technicalities of international distribution/adaptation rights are stupid like that. And yet it still got better distribution than actual-Goncharov for decades.
The plot is very simple, two women, implied to be trying to leave a Mafia life behind, end up in the middle of a zombie gang war between the entire deceased cast (So, basically, the entire cast) of Goncharov.
The first thing will notice is the fact that this is significantly more action-packed than the often slow; talk-y original. if there is anything you can call this movie, it is not slow, it just gets going and refuses to stop.
Which would probably register as strange to those who know B-movies, because of how many of those tend to be just talking between characters we don't care about in between the moments of batshit insanity as a pragmatic measure to save on budget. They could have easily stayed true to the original by doing just that.
But, if there's anything to be said about this film (And a few others') mysterious director Cero Boyardi (A screen name), he seemed very passionate about this project and wanted to put his whole ass into it. (Literally, if the rumors about him being a very specific extra in the massacre scene are true)
And he was at least... 80% of the way to understanding the original film's themes, with things such as the scene where a clock tower is blown up (Despite one never appearing in the first movie), the food fight at the fruit vendors' and; of course; what is almost certainly the first gay zombie kiss in film history.
And even beyond those shoutouts there are hints of theme in the two female leads ending up heavily implied to be lovers at the end and their ultimately successful quest to break free of the cycle of violence and the self-destructiveness of the zombies.
But these are drowned out by the sheer madness of the events onscreen. But then again, boy oh boy what madness.
Not only do these zombies, as you can guess by the poster, have the intelligence to wield firearms and strategize, but they have a host of bizarre abilities, from the simple act of breathing gouts of toxic gas to seemingly warping streets into pocket gang-war dimensions if there are enough of them.
But, even beyond the zombies there are echoes of Bava/Argento-esque insanity, such as the Magician With The Golden Gun (A none-too-subtle reference to a recent film) who gives our protagonists the weapons they need to beat the zombies or the sewer... thing with a camera as part of its anatomy that seemingly produced the zombie plague to begin with.
This is a love it or hate it film for most fans of the original, who are divided on whether it is a kistchy mess or a kistchy mess that's a lot of fun with its heart in the right place, but for horror fans unacquainted with the classic original (IE, most horror fans until recently,) it is a blast that should bring joy to you in the same way Super Inframan did to Roger Ebert.
As a final note, the American dub of this film is also where the infamous "It's Gonchin' Time" line that came to be associated with the original actually came from.
The origin is quite simple, most dubbers for films of this... type back in this era really; really did not care about the films they were dubbing, and often tended to add jokes or even ad-lib.
And so, some nerd (I cannot remember his name, tho I do recall an interview recently I need to dig up) basically decided to make a pithy Ben Grimm reference in the recording booth. And thusly a stupid; stupid forced meme was born...
*Note that Scorcese's role in the production is highly disputed, so I figured it best to stay out of it, though my mind tends to lean towards the "involved enough to be considered co-director" in reasons I will not elaborate on here, for fear of starting yet another stupid fight.
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
Hiii, I saw your posts about ships with Spencer/MGG and I love them so much! (and your account too <<3). If you can't do both feel free to choose! So... I'm a girl, I'm 5' 3", with a really pale skin, brown hair and green eyes (there's brown around the pupil too) and I'm Italian.
Winter is my favorite season and I prefer rain rather than sun (I can't stand hot temperature) and I like staying home. I'm a big nerd, in fact I really like reading fantasy books and I'm obsessed with literature and poetry (I'm loving Edgar Allan Poe), Doctor Who, Good Omens and Brooklyn 99 are my favorite tv series. I'm a libra (does it matter? Ahahah) and I'm really shy, but with close people I'm a total extrovert. Which means I'll ramble a lot about my interests (that constantly change because I'm a curious person). I'm also smart (as I like to think), caring, protective and observant (I tend to notice small details). I'm hardworking and sweet, with a particular sense of humor ("cultural" jokes are my favorite ones). And I'm clumsy too, a lot (my left knee still hurts after I fell on September). I wear "embarrassing" pajamas (those with cute animals all over them) and during winter I always wear Christmas socks (no matter where I'm going).
Oh my gosh thanks for saying you love my blog that’s so sweet <333 imma do Mathew let’s gooo
Okay so for you I chose Mathew because you’re giving Mathew vibes idkkk
Rain reminds him of you (awwwww)
You guys read together
He reads Edgar Allen Poe to you (like those heckin audios on YouTube sksksks)
And he likes to trade books with you to see what you’ve been into!
Whatever your interests are really interest him and he wants you to ramble to him. Mathew would actually just stare at you with the most loving eyes and be like “really?” “Wow!” “I had no idea!”
Mathew also has a specific sense of humor
And I think yours and his would compliment each other so well
Also I love cultural jokes I think they’re hilarious…
For some reason I just see Mathew always saying “you’re so much smarter than me”
Even if that’s not particularly true because you’re two different people.
You’ll think of or to do something he completely forgot and he’ll be like “wow you are so much smarter than me”
He makes you go to the doctor for your knee
Which is hilarious because he’s so clumsy too
You guys are always catching eachother
There have been a few times when he’s accidentally pulled you down with him when he falls and you guys just laugh
and then check out your injuries
If anyone thinks Mathew doesn’t wear “embarrassing” pajamas they’re crazy!
All of his pajama/ kimono selection has insane patterns
Let’s be honest sis
He definitely bought you guys matching animal pj’s for Christmas
Let’s be honest one more time
He’s the sock guy
Any and all crazy socks
He finds you the best of the best Christmas socks
Annnnnnd he likes to try new or different Italian food restaurants with you!
There you go sis! I’m sorry it took so long, school is a pain! I hope you like it <3 love you byeeeee 💕
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I was tagged by @enchantedchocolatebars to do this little OC questionnaire thingy so let’s go!
do they have allergies?
Nope, Persephone is a goddess so she doesn’t get sick or have allergies or anything like that. There are things that may not agree with her, like in the Driving Test episode of Hercules the Animated Series Hades mentioned that nectar and ambrosia give him gas (I believe in an earlier episode he drank a glass of “nectar flambé” and burped a huge flame lol, so I guess it’s true). I like to think that maybe Persephone is lactose intolerant (because I’m actually lactose intolerant despite my love of dairy lmaooo and Persephone is a self insert OC), so when she eats a lot of ice cream (she loves ice cream btw lol) or cheese she gets a belly ache or gets gas like Hades lmao, but yeah lol. No allergies.
what foods will they not touch?
In a somewhat recent ask someone asked Persephone about what vegetables she likes to eat, so I guess to answer that I’d say most vegetables lmao.
what kinds of music do they like?
I’d say (in the modern age of course lol) that Persephone’s very into pop music and music from the 70s and 80s. Her favorite artists would be Sofia, Madonna, ABBA, and One Direction. Just very girly pop music lol. In fact I have a playlist of songs I think she’d have on her personal playlist lol (I was gonna save this for a post featuring all my Hercules playlists but hey might as a give a sneak peek lol!)
how are they around new people?
Persephone is pretty introverted and shy. She always has been since she was a kid (mainly because her mother was very strict, especially when it came to her making friends), but she does enjoy making new friends. She’s generally very nice and polite towards new people. She doesn’t usually go out of her way to introduce herself to them first or anything.
do they speak in an accent?
Nope. Just like most of the characters in Hercules, she has a general American accent.
have they tried learning a new language?
I mean, not really? She was taught to speak Greek and Italian when she was growing up (because she’s a Greek and Roman goddess), but that’s about it.
how many languages do they know?
Just 3. English, Greek, and Italian.
what is a song that will always make them cry?
Oh, man. That’s good question lol. Uhhh…probably Home by Michael Bublé (that song makes me cry irl lol). Oh and also I’ve Been Waiting For You from Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again (legit makes me cry every time I hear it and I don’t even have a baby lmao)
how do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing?
Depends on the situation and who she’s around. She’s pretty socially anxious and self conscious so if she’s around people she doesn’t know very well she’ll cry silently, trying not to be too loud or full out sob. However, if she’s around people she knows and trusts (like her husband, mom, or friends) she’ll straight up sob. But yeah, how much she cries depends on the situation.
how do they dress? for practicality or fashion?
Well, how she dresses depends on the au lol. But I suppose in the main universe she’s in (the movie/series au) Persephone dresses in traditional attire for Ancient Greece. She mainly dresses for practicality, but sometimes she’ll dress for fashion. Like, her regular attire (her pastel violet dress) is more modest and flowing while her underworld attire (her black dress) is more snug on her body and shows more cleavage (mainly due to Hades’ influence lol).
what is the first thing they notice about a stranger?
Usually, their attitude and personality. If it seems like someone she wouldn’t get along with (like Hades before they fell in love lol) she steers clear of them.
what is their humour like?
She’s got a pretty goofy sense of humor. She likes silly, nonsensical things, like memes and shitposts lol. She isn’t a huge fan of dark humor (unlike her husband), but she’s cracked a dark humored joke once or twice that’s put Hades in stitches lol.
do they have scars? what caused them?
Nope. I headcanon that in the Disney Hercules universe that gods can’t get severely injured (since they’re immortal and can’t die), but they can get kinda hurt and feel pain. Like, if they bump their head on something it’ll hurt or if Zeus throws his lightning bolts at someone lol.
do they wear jewelry?
Nah, Persephone’s not a jewelry type of goddess. She prefers to be more flashy with her clothes than her accessories lol. Also, she doesn’t have her ears pierced (she isn’t a fan of pointy objects being inserted into her skin). In a modern AU she’d probably wear a little bit of jewelry like a wedding ring/engagement ring or a fancy necklace Hades would’ve bought her as a gift lol.
are they a frivolous spender or a miser?
Persephone definitely likes to save her pennies (or drachmas in this case lol). She gets most of her offerings during spring (and she only gets an okay amount of offerings during the “off seasons”), so she tries to make sure not to spend too much money since she’ll need most of it to last until next spring. Of course, she’s not a cheapskate either and doesn’t try to haggle with people to get a lower price on things, she’s just a conscious buyer (much like her husband, though I like to think he probably has more money than she does for many reasons).
do they prefer luxury or practicality?
As I mentioned before, Persephone isn’t much of a big spender, so she’s more for practicality than luxury. Though, she does indulge in her fair share of luxury (since she used to live on Olympus and her husband loves to spoil her), so she’s doesn’t mind luxury.
who would they quote?
Idk lol. In the modern day she’d probably quote a lot of songs, tv shows, movies, and memes lol. But for Ancient Greece, probably some philosopher or writer like Homer or something.
what could make them change their mind?
Well, that depends on the situation. A lot of things could change her mind tbh. She’s a very thoughtful person and tries to take everything into account when making decisions.
who is the first person they'd call?
Before she met Hades it was always her mother, but after marrying Hades she ALWAYS calls on him lol. He’s basically always prepared for any situation and will always have his wifey’s back lmao.
how are they around animals? do they have pets?
Persephone LOVES animals (especially since her best friend is the goddess of the wild lol)! I suppose if you count Cerberus after she marries Hades, then yeah she totally has a pet lol. There’s also Thallo (a unicorn she spends a lot of time with when she’s working in the spring) but she’s more of an animal companion than a pet. Thallo does her own thing and isn’t owned by Persephone or anything. She lives out in the wild with the other animals. Though, she does become a little more domesticated after Thallo meets Pegasus and decides to stay with Hercules and Meg to be with him lol (she also grows a liking towards Meg too lol).
what is their favourite childhood food?
what is something they've never told anyone?
She would secretly love to rule by Hades’ side on Mount Olympus if he ever successfully took over. She’d feel very guilty, but deep down she’d secretly love being the queen of the cosmos.
childhood friends?
Artemis and Apollo
what are habits they've picked up from other people?
Demeter can be a bit of a perfectionist sometimes, so she’s picked that up from her mother, but after marry Hades, Persephone picked up a lot of his habits. She eats odd things like bugs and worms and she uses bits of Yiddish in her vocabulary sometimes.
what are their guilty pleasures?
She LOVES sweets and has a huge sweet tooth, but tries not to overindulge. However, her favorite guilty pleasure is chocolate. Another guilty pleasure of hers is that she likes sappy romance stories/movies. She’s a total romantic lol. And as I mentioned before, she loves cheesy and girly pop music by boy bands and stuff like that.
what is something they're staunchly against?
Murder and cheating (romantically). She also is against the obviously awful stuff like incest, pedophilia, and that kind of stuff too because I mean, who WOULD stand for that kind of stuff?
do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase?
Not really. She speaks pretty politely to people. Sometimes she’ll say little funny exclamations like “aw petals!” or “holy hades!” or “oh my gods!” but that’s about it lol
can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family?
….yes 😏 LOL I mean she’s crazy in love with Hades, so y’know lol. But yeah, she has lots of ways to show her love, emotionally, physically, verbally. She loves to kiss and cuddle Hades and doesn’t mind pda at all (but if Hades starts trying to get all “hot and heavy” then she’ll get all flustered and embarrassed lol). She also loves to hold his hand or his arm when they go out together. She also just compliments him a lot reminding him how handsome he is and how lucky she is to be his (when in reality he feels lucky to even be in her presence let alone be married to her) and that she’ll ALWAYS be his. 🥰 As for platonic/familial love, it’s rather normal I guess. Her family drives her crazy, but they’re her family and she still loves them no matter what. She’s also more casual and laid back (just kinda being herself than keeping up the “poised, sweet goddess” personality) around the people she’s close to and trusts wholeheartedly.
what would they rather die than do?
Well, she’s immortal, so she can’t die unless she somehow turns mortal (maybe be by a special little pink potion lol). Anyways, she’d rather die than do anything to harm an innocent. Whether it’s a mortal, an animal, or even a plant. She’d never want to hurt someone or something innocent.
what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again.
Man, that’s a hard one lol. I guess maybe not sticking up for herself? Like, before meeting Hades she used to let people walk all over her, but now she’s a little more assertive and knows how to say “no” lol. Or maybe letting a loved one get hurt? She doesn’t want to see anything happen to those she loves, so she makes sure she can prevent when she can. But, that’s really all I can think of lol. Persephone’s pretty harmless, so I don’t imagine her doing anything to horrible that she’d never want to do again.
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sexy-sallie-may · 10 months
🎄 — favorite holiday(s)? 🍝 — favorite food(s)? 🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)? 🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
"Howdy cutie!~ I'm assuming you're talking to me, Sallie May."
🎄"I like Christmas and Halloween, because I like getting free shit. Even if it is, well.... shit. I like Christmas because I actually get stuff I can use most of the time, and if I know the person well, they'll probably get me shit I'll actually like. I like Halloween because I get to dress up as whoever, or whatever, the fuck I want. Plus I've got a vicious sweet tooth sometimes, so free candy is always nice."
🍝 "Mmm I do love food. Honestly I'll try anything once, but the shit that really grows on me is stuff that combines a lot of stuff I already like well and creatively, like Pizza, Burgers, or Sushi. I also like pastas or grains, creamy flavors, so Alfredo is nice. More on that later though. I'm not super hard to impress really, the easiest way to make a dish appealing to me is to involve well-prepared flavored noodles, meat, or seafood. I'm honestly kinda a slut for those three. Anyways, as for earth regions that have food I enjoy, I'd have to say French food tastes like fucking sex, Italian food uses a lot of good herbs, tomato, cheese/creamy flavors, and pasta, so they're pretty fucking dope, and I have yet to try a dish from anywhere in Asia I truly dislike, and a lot of them are probably my favorites. Also being deep fried makes pretty much anything better."
🍦"Honestly? I love creative flavors, but anything involving chocolate, caramel, nuts/nut butters and the like, such as brownie batter, moose tracks, rocky road, etc. Are probably my favorites. If you wanna go with simpler flavors, you can never go wrong with chocolate obviously, but I'm a diehard strawberry fan. I also like more unconventional flavors like pistachio, buttered popcorn, pumpkin spice, or peanut butter. I would kill for a good tub of coffee flavored ice cream. If possible, I love toppings too, gummy bears, sprinkles, syrups, hot fudge, whipped cream, banana split, cherry on top, you name it. However for true simplicity, nothing can beat a good creamy vanilla ice cream sandwich or dreamsicle."
🍰 "As I mentioned before, I do have a wicked sweet tooth. If you're talking about candy, I love fruity and/or sour shit. I also believe I rather extensively covered my taste in frozen treats, but I do love cherry, fruit punch, or grape popsicles too. And as for baked goods? A lovely steaming vanilla custard pie with sugar cookie crust or sinfully chocolatey brownie are my go-tos."
"If y'all wanna know more about any of us, don't be afraid to ask~"
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lupismaris · 1 year
top 5 best meals you've ever had (so far) - seriously the way you talk about foods/restaurants in your area has me intrigued
Oh Lords okay we're going to stick SPECIFICALLY to meals in my area (Baltimore) and recent meals because if i were to bring in places I've traveled and go back past years the list would go on forever lmao
In no particular order-
Cosima- for my birthday last year we went to our local favorite Sicilian restaurant and had mussels with spicy Italian sausage and broth, a pizza to share with scallops/bacon/chili oil, I had the duck breast with yam puree and cranberry confit, and they brought us a limoncello tiramisu for dessert. The drink parings were an Italian golden ale and an amaro Manhattan.
Lamb tajine - i made this myself in the traditional clay tajine my bf got me for Christmas. We take half a leg of lamb, dice and marinade it in olive oil and Ras Al hanut, then brown it in a skillet. Once that's browned you add yams, beets, onions, figs, carrots, about two cups of beef broth, and a cup of red wine. Let it simmer for ten minutes then carefully ladle it into the warmed tajine, which should have been brought to temp in the oven. It cooks at 300° for about three hours or so, occasionally adding water if it gets too dry. It's excellent with pita and saffron rice.
Petit Louis - after i got out of my recent cancer treatment and isolation we went for dinner to my favorite french place here in Baltimore. It's a classic bistro style place with dusty mirrors and red leather seats and wine bottles on the wall. Their best deal is the prix fixe lunch they do from 11-2pm but i can't get away with it all the time. We shared the Pâte de campagne, had a glass of wine each to pair with our main courses, and i got the roast lamb, which was some of the best I've had in a while. And yes i treated myself to a pot of chocolate mousse and a glass of Armagnac for dessert.
Neopol Smokery - this is the smokery/deli I've been talking about a lot recently they have a store front set up in an open market and visit a few farmers markets where you can get their prepared salmon filets, pies, grav lox, and more. The smokery in the market however makes some of the best sandwiches I've had and they also have smoked mussels, duck confit, salmon plates, all kind of daily rotating offerings for lunch and dinner and the staff are phenomenal, everything you want out of the old school deli you become a regular at.
Mason's Lobster Rolls- look. I do not live in New England. I know that. Our lobster will not compare. These are however the only lobster rolls i will eat outside of New England. They do them every still, CT/Bar Harbor/RI, and have a few soup options as well. It's pricey as good seafood usually is, but it's filling and delicious so i tend not to mind as a treat. Also fantastic crew running the show.
Honorable mentions
Wet City Brewing - great drinks, great brisket poutine, excellent vibes. Highly recommended for hanging out and getting some food after a long day though parking will be a headache.
Di Pasquale's - old school Italian deli and market that is so old school Al Capone once did their book keeping as a teenager. Yes it's actually true the owner has the old employee registers from his grandfather hung up on the back wall of the new store. The sandwiches are stunning, the arancini are authentic, the cannoli are worth getting two. Tied with Pastore's for my favorite Italian deli (the latter is closer to work).
Clark Burger - great burgers, great poutine, next to a vintage 1920s movie theater that routinely shows golden age classics alongside new films. My favorite local burger joint.
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