#this is what happened right? this is the music everyone else heard too?
zaptap · 8 months
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falling-endlessly · 8 months
The Finer Things in Death
Alastor x Soulmate!Female!Reader
Summary: An AU where your soulmate's first words to you are tattooed on your body in their handwriting.
Oh dear, where's your smile?
You knew those words by heart. Could recite them backwards, in your sleep even. Those damning words have been inscribed on the inside of your ankle for as long as you could remember, the elegant cursive strokes poking out of your shoe line.
In theory, somewhere, someone else was supposed to be sporting your own neat, boxy handwriting. You'd say you lucked out with yours. Some soul marks were less than pleasant, and others were downright embarrassing (imagine having the words move, asshole written on your stomach for the rest of your life. No thank you).
At least your soulmate was trying to cheer you up, right?
Yeah, but there was just one teeny, tiny problem.
Your soulmate was dead. Long dead actually.
Were they stillborn? Did their toddler self die in a house fire or something? Night after night you laid awake in your bed, pondering what the hell could have possibly happened to have altered the entire course of fate.
All you really knew was that your soul mark was a light gray (indicating a severed bond) instead of the usual inky black, and it had been since the day you were born. Everyone was in shock to see the faint words on your little ankle. After all, how could a soul mark exist if the other person wasn't even alive to speak those words into existence?
Simply put, you were a conundrum, and it had been some time since you had dedicated effort into figuring out why? You'd accepted it. Your soulmate was dead. Life went on.
Besides, you'd spent enough time grieving over someone you'd never met before.
Your lifestyle was not extravagant by any means, but it was comfortable. You had a steady income, lived on your own in an apartment in the city, and survived off of more than ramen bowls. Every day you would come home and read in your little fluffy alcove that you'd built yourself by your window, or pop open a bag of chips (and the occasional bottle of wine, if you were feeling fancy) while you watched the latest crime show releases from your couch.
Yes, so comfortable was your little routine, that you didn't notice the robbery happening in the convenience store you were browsing in, or the stray bullet coming for your head until it was too late. Your skull exploded in a world of pain, eyes rolling back as your body crumpled to the ground.
Dying was an interesting experience, to say the least. Your soul floated from your body, the final notes of music that blasted from your earphones fading into nothingness like the sound of a car driving away.
There was a brief moment where you were struck numb, hovering in the air as you stared down at your glassy eyed corpse, blood pooling alarmingly from the circular shaped hole in your head. You heard screams of the other customers behind you, but they were kind of muffled, like you were underwater.
It didn't last long though, because before you knew what was happening, you felt an almighty tug downwards,  like an anchor had just chained itself to your stomach.
And that was how you ended up in hell. Fun. What were you here for? You had no idea. Maybe God got mad that your teenage self stole a few packs of gummy bears in high school. But a life of eternal damnation and suffering seemed a little harsh, didn't it?
Before you could contemplate the semantics of it though, something...strange happened. Your ankle, right where you'd tried countless times to forget your soul mark existed, was burning like a fucking brand.
You hissed sharply in pain, frantically pulling down your sock to assess the damage. Was the eternal punishment starting already or something? Shit, you had terrible pain tolerance.
But what you saw made you gasp. In fact, you could hardly believe your eyes.
Because in the place of your faded grey soul mark, the letters had been reinvigorated, darkened with a swift hand and—glowing they were glowing holy shit.
"Hah," you huffed in disbelief, shaking your head slowly. "So that was it, huh? I was destined to meet my shitty soulmate in hell this whole fucking time?" You punctuated the last words with a few angry kicks to an unassuming patch of weeds. What a cosmic joke at your existence.
But, like you always did in shitty situations, you gathered all of your raging emotions, stuffed them tightly in a box at the back of your mind, and cooled your head. Freaking out in this place would do you no good.
Turned out hell was pretty much like the world you'd left, except for the fact that you could kill someone on the street and nobody would bat an eye. Like all of the depraved aspects of humanity were on full display now in a somehow still functioning society.
You managed to snag a job at an old record store, the owner giving you one look before grunting and gesturing to the register—but not before lifting his jacket to show you the long assault riffle strapped across his chest. Yeesh, you got the message.
It wasn't a bad job by any means, especially considering where you were. Sure a little boring and monotonous, but you'd restock thousands of old albums if it meant staying away from the overlords.
Oh, yeah, another thing. Overlords were like the big shots around hell. Messing with them usually meant a death sentence, or worse, a contract.
And if there was anything at all that you picked up from all those nights of watching television, it was that you do not make deals with the devil. Really, elementary level shit. And you'd never actually seen Lucifer, mind you, but these demons were probably a close second, right?
Yeah, so really, you were just living a shittier variant of your life on earth it seemed. Repetitive, safe and comforting. You were even starting to like the scent of musty cardboard, as weird as that was.
And once again, all thoughts of your soulmate slipped your mind.
Until one day, when everything went to shit.
It started like this: with the sad sight of your empty fridge.
You groaned, dragging a tired hand down your face. Seriously? You thought you'd restocked already, damn it. 
Your stomach growled achingly, and you sighed, wondering if you'd actually die again if you starved yourself. Begrudgingly, you decided that you didn't really want to chance it, throwing on the first set of clothes that you saw and slipping out of your dingy apartment to make a quick grocery run.
You generally hated leaving your apartment, and didn't do so except to retrieve bare necessities or walk across the block to go to work.
Why? Well, see exhibit A to your left: some poor, random demon screeching and running around on fire. See exhibit B to your right: a turf war between two rival gangs. And finally how could you forget, cannibal colony, slurping up intestines like bloody, chunky spaghetti. Disgusting.
The worst thing about hell wasn't the fact that you were in hell, it was the fact that the worst of the worst people were all cramped together like some fucked up refugee camp, and some people were significantly worse than others. Which sucked, for the poor unfortunate souls just trying to get by. Like you.
You sighed, ducking under a stray stream of bullets (you weren't falling for that shit twice) and side stepping pools of blood and guts. Just a regular Monday morning in hell. God damn it.
It seemed luck wasn't on your side though, because an ugly, dog-headed demon blocked your path, sneering down at you smugly. "Hey bitch, it's your lucky day. The big boss is hiring, and you fit the profile."
You clenched your grocery bags in a white-knuckled grip. Nobody would give a flying fuck if you were dragged off of the street in broad daylight. "Not interested."
"Oh it wasn't a suggestion," he chuckled darkly. You tensed as you were surrounded by at least four other demons. Shit, you knew you should have slept in.
"You like apples?" You nodded sharply at the demon in charge.
His face twisted in annoyance. "Why the fuck do y—"
You reached into your bag, before hurling a granny smith straight at his forehead. He yelped as it made contact, stumbling back as he shook his head in confusion. While everyone was still in shock from your weapon of choice, you shoved your way out of the circle, gunning it straight down the street because your second life did depend on it.
"Get her!" You heard a yell of absolute rage, making you shiver. Fuck, that did not sound promising. That apple must have really pissed him off.
Putting your limited aerobics to use, you ducked, dodged and lunged through the crowd like a pro. Your heart pounded wildly in your chest, air burning your lungs as you pumped your legs faster. But of course, your grocery bag ripped open, sending all of your food tumbling and you by extension, tripping and face planting in the dirt rather pathetically.
A meaty hand gripped a handful of your hair, yanking it up harshly. You cried out as he pulled, hands uselessly trying to smack his away, but his hold only tightened. A liquor-filled breath and cheap cologne invaded your senses, making you cough.
"Uppity bitch," he growled, giving your scalp a painful yank for good measure. "You actually thought you could get away? Maybe I should teach you a lesson, huh? Sample the goods."
You froze, every nerve in your body going cold. So far in your stay in hell, you'd managed to avoid the more depraved souls here. You kept your head down, didn't draw attention to yourself, and were mostly left alone. Looked like today, your luck had finally run out.
"Get the hell off of me!" You spat, twisting around vehemently, only for your head to snap to the side as you were harshly backhanded.
"Stop your fucking whining and stay still!" He snapped, narrowing his eyes.
You bared your teeth, snapping at him aggressively.
A round of mocking chuckles went around the group of your kidnappers, the one holding your hair giving you a wicked grin. "Shit, that was cute. Really—"
He didn't get to finish his sentence, because his head exploded. Literally exploded, blood and brain matter dripping from your face. His hand went slack, dropping you on your wobbling knees.
Everyone was silent for a second, staring at the bloody mess where the demon was standing two seconds prior.
And that was when you heard it. Static. Loud, crackling and ominous.
Your mouth went dry. Shit. Shitty shit shit. You knew what that meant. How could you not? The asshole broadcasted his killings all over hell like a fucking psychopath. And now, it was your turn to become hell's gory entertainment. Fan-fucking-tastic.
You stood frozen, breath stuck in your throat as dark, menacing tendrils slowly curled along the walls. A large, grinning shadow rounded the corner, before the culprit himself stalked into view, razor sharp teeth on display as he tilted his head. "Oh," his grin widened. "Am I interrupting?"
"N-No man," one of the braver demons stuttered, taking a step back. "You can have her—"
You turned slowly to face the bloody wall, eyes wide in disbelief.
"How distasteful," the radio demon shook his head. "As if I'd participate in your brainless thuggery. No, no. Unlike you gentlemen, I have class. Truly," his eyes lit up like glowing radio dials, a dark shadowy mass rising behind him as his antlers branched out like a gnarled, rotten tree. "Did your mother never teach you any manners?"
Faster than you could blink, the demons around you were reduced to blood, cartilage and splintered bone. The overwhelming irony scent made you want to gag, but you didn't dare move a muscle, eyes fixated on the terrifying sight before you.
When the radio demon noticed your staring, his smile sharpened, antlers shrinking as he leisurely approached you. Oh no. Nononono.
You struggled to keep from hyperventilating, your body going into shock as he leaned into your personal space. Two bloody fingers pushed into your cheeks, forcing your mouth into a morbid, artificial smile. "Oh dear," he tutted in amusement. "Where's your smile?"
You jerked back violently, eyes wide as icy cold realization washed over you. Dread squeezed your lungs as you stared at the grinning, bloody figure of your soulmate in horror.
The radio demon. Psychopath and mass murderer.
Your soulmate.
What the FUCK.
"T-This," your voice shook. "This is not happening."
There was a sudden screech of radio static, before his own eyes widened. Shit. "What," he said sharply. "Did you just say?"
"A-Ah," you trembled, leaning back. Every single nerve in your body was alight, screaming at you to get the ever-loving fuck away from him.  In what was probably the stupidest and most desperate plan of your life, you pointed over his shoulder fearfully. "Look! Another one!"
As soon as he turned his head, you bolted down the street.
You slammed your front door closed behind you, double—triple checking your lock before sliding down to the floor in a panting mess.
Immediately you grew paranoid. What the fuck were you thinking? A lock wouldn't keep the radio demon out. You needed fifty more locks and ten more doors. You needed to barricade yourself inside for the next month. You needed—
"Hello there!" An exuberant voice chirped.
You screamed, throwing the first thing you could grab in his direction. He caught the house slipper, inspecting it in amusement, before tossing it over his shoulder.
"My, did I scare you sweetheart? Apologies," he grinned smugly, relaxing in your recliner with a mug of coffee. Your favorite mug.  
You blinked. What the fuck?
"What are you doing in my house?" You squeaked, fingers digging into your welcome mat.
"Oh dear, allow me to introduce myself," he set the mug down on your coffee table, leisurely rising from the couch and offering a hand. "I'm Alastor! A pleasure to be meeting you sweetheart, quite a pleasure."
You didn't take his hand, instead choosing to gape at him like a dead fish.
He retracted his hand, tilting his head with a shit-eating grin. Twirling his cane, he continued like there wasn't just an awkward and terrifying pause. "I hope you don't mind that I followed you! You see, I believe our conversation was cut a bit...short." His eyes glowed as unidentifiable symbols floated in the air around him.
As quickly as they appeared however, they disappeared like they were never there. Jesus Christ, this man was giving you emotional whiplash. "Anywho!" He perked up again, ever the charming grin on his face. "Enough about me! I've yet to catch your name, darling."
Fuck. You really didn't want to give him your name.
But before you could open your mouth, he leaned closer to you, grin widening ominously. "I hope you're not thinking of lying, my dear. I must say, I'm not very fond of that quality."
"Y-Y/n!" You said quickly, raising your hands to shield your face.
There was a slight pause, before a gentle touch swiped at your cheek, retracting after a moment. You peeked your eye open, only to become vaguely ill at the sight.
"You had a little something on your face," he chuckled in amusement, holding out a clump of brain matter. With a swift flick, it was magicked away.
"What do you want?" You whimpered, overwhelmed with the entire situation.
"Oh dear, is it really that strange for me to want to get to know my soulmate?" He tilted his head, leaning towards you uncomfortably close.
"Y-Yes, actually," you stuttered, trying to look anywhere but his prominent red eyes. "I thought you'd do something more along the lines of...killing and eating me." You shrunk back as his grin widened. "Please don't eat me."
"How morbid, I would never!" He waved it away, like the idea was preposterous. "My word! What awful rumors you've been hearing about me!"
"You frequent cannibal colony and I just saw you tear apart six demons like they were freshly baked bread," you stared at him incredulously. "What hasn't been spot on?"
He paused, before giving you a humoring chuckle. "Well it seems your impression of me needs correcting!" Before you knew what was happening, nimble fingers encircled your wrist, pulling it forward gently. He pressed warm lips to the back of your hand, before giving you a charming grin. "Enchanté, ma chère."
You blinked, breath stuck in your throat. "What—What does that mean?"
"Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head about it!" He gently set your hand down, before pinching your cheek condescendingly. "Well my dear, I'm afraid I have other responsibilities I must attend to!"
He stood up with a flourish, leaning on his microphone cane as he smirked at you. "Not to worry!" He snapped his fingers, and a slim, feminine shadow emerged from the ground. "Missy here will watch over you in my stead."
"What? No, I—"
"I'll be back before you know it!" He offered a chilling smile, before melting into a puddle of shadows.
You gaped at the spot where he once stood, trying to process what the actual fuck just happened. Your gaze slid over to the feminine looking shadow, still standing in the corner of your living room. She grinned at your attention, teeth sharpened.
You closed your eyes, head thumping back against your door in exhaustion. 
"I'm so fucked."
Enchanté, ma chère : Charmed, my dear
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spliffymae · 6 months
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just some head canons i have.
in my head im imagining a blend of dave and fridayy, where he can sing as well (he got variety!). same universe as my musicproducer!connie fic but reader is not famous here, as opposed to w/ connie’s. (lol i gave her a last name too—davis.) in my mind, im picturing ony from the uk and connie from ny.
★ *  °    🛰  °. 🌓 •  .°•   🚀
rapper!ony who first pops up on the scene in a music video of his friend connie’s song. he wasn’t featured on the track, but rather just in the background getting hype with everyone else.
but y’all know how the girlies get when a fine black man/woman/person start trending.
rapper!ony who wasn’t shy about his craft, but just wasn’t big on social media. his agent hated it, he loved it. he simply released music, let people know, and then went about his business.
rapper!ony was trending and although he didn’t take this as an opportunity to get in his social media bag, his best friend, musicproducer!connie did!
rapper!ony who goes from a couple thousand people knowing what he does to over a million people screaming his lyrics at they’re phones on tiktok in ONE night.
“bro, you can’t even get mad at me gang!” connie yelled from his shower. ony was sitting outside, accosting his friend for what he did. “you said you didn’t care what happened to the project!”
“but tell me if you gon post it and make it a whole thing, nigga damn!” ony yelled back.
rapper!ony who now has to adjust to his quickly rising popularity. he has yet to know the number of artists looking for a feature; and he doesn’t know that he secretly has some of these industry boys shaking in their boots because where the hell he come from?
no, rapper!ony is too busy focusing on whyyy they’re a million fan edits of him across tiktok and instagram. clips of him from his streams, connie’s videos, and his other friend’s content.
ony groans as connie’s message banner pops up on his phone, the message being a link to a tiktok. when he clicked it, it was a fan edit of him using his song ‘when it comes to you’. “bro, who keeps sending these to you, man?!” ony exclaimed. connie heard it from his room and snickered.
rapper!ony who had to adjust to being the attention at these red carpet events. he usually just walked behind connie and his girl, along with the rest of the entourage but now he is getting stopped for photographs.
there’s nothing like listening to music live. so rapper!ony puts on a fake smile and pushes through the crowded carpet to get inside. he waves to people he’s worked with, artists, and fans who called out to him. all so he can hear some music.
he sees connie holding hands with his girlfriend, both of them making goofy faces at the cameras. he softly smiles at the couple, but before he could make way, connie somehow senses him and turns to him “ony! ven aquí!” damn!
rapper!ony who doesn’t expect much from the awards show. just to go, support connie, and go home. he was nominated,yeah, but he was also in the category with some of the most popular artists right now…so he wasn’t feeling all that confident.
rapper!ony who is shocked as shocked can be when his name is called from the podium for best new artist.
“F**CK YEAH!” connie yelled, jumping up from his seat along with his girl and the rest of the table—aran, zora, jean, armin, and mikasa.
rapper!ony who walks up on stage with connie who is still screaming from excitement.
“uhhh, i’m not gonna lie, mans weren’t expecting to win still.” ony laughed, running a hand over his fresh waves. the audience laughed with him.
“first i would like to thank God, the most high who has blessed me with this amazing opportunity. i want to thank my people for having my back; connie—this man,” ony pointed behind him to connie, who was full out filming the moment on his phone.
“who told me on a random day when we were cleaning out our college dorm room that if we made a project together we would be the new heartthrobs of the generation. connie i thank you for being you; having my back and working alongside me. my brother for life, that is.” connie screamed, and so did his girlfriend from the audience as the claps poured in.
“and finally, i want to thank my heart in human form. the woman who made all of this possible, y/n davis. she don’t like the attention so im gonna hear bout this name drop when i get home. but babes, i love you, and thank you for being my rib. i owe you the world and more. and to her parents, thank you for my better half. thank you lot again. love!” ony raised his hand with the award, smiling and waving to the crowd and cameras as he walked to the back.
meanwhile, across the country, cuddled up in her bed was y/n, who was watching the award show before going to sleep. she had expressed to ony she wasn’t too sure about going, not liking the cameras and attention. he reassured her it was okay because there wasn’t any way he would be winning with who else was in the category.
so…safe to say when you saw your boyfriend on the stage with the award in his hand, you could not contain your shock and excitement. you jumped out of bed screaming and quickly getting to your phone camera to record the tv. squeals and “yeah baby” was all you could say as he gave connie his thanks.
but then… when you heard him say your name, for everyone around the world to hear, everything just turned to shock as your phone fell from your frozen hands, still recording. you were stunned. he said your name. your government name. on national television.
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hemmingsleclerc · 4 months
Prom Night┃OP81
summary: u go to prom with your bf oscar <3 but I love the drama
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Y/N couldn't wait for prom. As a senior, the night she had been waiting for years was about to happen. But there was something different about Y/N compared to her friends; She had a secret, or at least that was what everyone thought and rumors said.
In the hallways of her school, the whispers grew louder and louder. "Y/N is with her imaginary boyfriend again," they said, as if their words were just to get attention.
"He's tall, with brown hair and a beautiful smile," Y/N insisted when they asked her what her boyfriend was like. "And he's not from around here; he's Aussie."
Her ''friends'' rolled their eyes, unconvinced. "Sure, Y/N," they said, exchanging mocking glances behind her back.
Prom night was approaching and the doubts were growing stronger. But despite all the comments they said behind her back, she knew that her boyfriend would be there for her on that important night, even if no one else believed it.
Y/N took a deep breath and dialed the number she knew by memory. "Hey, it's me," she said with a shaky voice when he responded. "Are you still up for prom?"
There was a pause on the other end of the line before a soft voice answered, "Of course, my love. I wouldn't miss it for the world."
That made Y/N release the breath she had been unconsciously holding.
And true to his word, when the night of the prom came, there he was: tall, brown hair, with that same charming and cute smile that Y/N had fallen in love with. Her Oscar.
When Oscar first saw Y/N in her beautiful dress, he felt like he could faint from how beautiful she looked. He couldn't contain the big smile that adorned his face when she ran into his arms when she saw him again. Also, Oscar gave Y/N a surprise when he took her hand to put the famous ''corsage'' on her, because he wanted to do things right so that his girlfriend had one of the best nights of her life.
When Y/N entered the place hand in hand with Oscar, she felt a mixture of nerves and excitement. But all her doubts were quickly disolved when Oscar took her hand, gave her a spin and took her to the dance floor, where both of them, even though they didn't know how to dance, made their best effort and had fun.
However, in the middle of all the joy of the night, Y/N couldn't ignore the whispers that could still be heard over the music. She caught cruel words towards her by those who had doubted her all along.
''Clearly that's not Y/N's boyfriend, she's too stupid to have such a cute guy by her side.''
Y/N felt embarrassed hearing that. But before she could say or do anything, she felt Oscar's grip tighten around her hand, without actually hurting her.
"Who said that?" His voice was low, a different tone than usual.
Y/N's heart beat faster as she watched Oscar's usually calm attitud break, replaced by a slightly stronger one. With a quick glance around the room, he saw the group of girls and boys who had been talking about her, their faces expressing surprise at realizing they had been caught.
''Wait for me here darling'', Oscar let go of Y/N's hand and crossed the room, with determined steps. The crowd parted before him, a silence falling over the room as all eyes turned to watch the situation unfold.
"You got something to say mate?" he said.
The girls and boys stutter, not being able to meet Oscar's gaze, his presence felt heavy on the room.
''If you're not such a coward, say it in front of my face, because I won't tolerate people speaking shit about my girlfriend'' his anger palpable in the air.
The girls and boys exchanged nervous glances, backing away from Oscar's gaze. They had hoped to make fun of Y/N without consequences, but they had never anticipated her boyfriend.
With one last sharp look, Oscar turned on his heel and returned to his girl, his jaw clenched in barely contained fury. When he reached her side, he took her hand in his, her hold was reassuring and comforting as he hid his face in her neck.
''Thank you very much for that, Osc, but it really wasn't necessary,'' she said as she play her boyfriend's hair.
''Of course it was necessary darling, they should never talked like that about you, ever. I hope they learned or I wouldn't mind running them with my car later'' Oscar said ''Even so, they shouldn't have talked about my girl like that''
''I love you''
''I love you too darling''
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Liked by oscarpiastri, yourbestfriend and 139,535 others
ynln prom w my baby 🤍🪩
username So this is oscar's mysterious gf!!!
username she's so pretty omg
oscarpiastri love you my girl ❤️
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yrbladie · 10 months
˖ ࣪ diluc, wriothesley
warnings :fluff, implied marriage, gn!reader, a tad bit of humor, pining, slight mention of blood (diluc), enemies to lovers kinda situation and teasing (wriothesley), maybe ooc idk, non fluent writer
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ㅤThe way you both met was still quite a sore spot for you to talk about. Not because it was in a bad way, of course, it was just a little bit embarrassing, to you at least.
ㅤYou, a new person in Mondstadt, just having moved recently to the City of Freedom, felt like the customs should be learned. And what better costume the people of Mondstadt had than dancing?
ㅤAt least that was what the bard in the tavern told you, as he gathered everyone around together for some dance practice classes.
ㅤLike he said, "there was nothing better than learning together with your friends".
ㅤThe only thing he seemed to have forgotten is the crucial fact that you didn't have any friends yet.
ㅤAt the end of the selection, you were by yourself, completely embarrassed to not have managed to find a partner yet.
ㅤThe bard instead quickly said he had forgotten about you and decided to partner you up with someone himself, stopping you from leaving the place altogether to hide in your house for the next week.
ㅤAnd it just so happened that at the same time, Diluc Ragnvindr, as you knew him, passed by. His red locks of hair swaying in the wind.
ㅤAnd in a second, somehow the bard had managed to drag the man out of his duties to your side, a boyish smirk on his lips. Diluc seemed to be complaining that he had no intention of being part of the event whatsoever, but unfortunately for him, he had no choice in the matter.
ㅤHis murderous glances towards the bard dressed in green did not pass unnoticed by your eyes but you couldn't say anything before that ruby gaze turned to you.
ㅤDespite feeling completely speechless before the man you so heard of, all you could think was how you've never seen such beautiful eyes before.
ㅤIt took a while to notice that he was also staring quietly at you. Just you both, standing awkwardly by each other's side with shy shared glances here and there.
ㅤBut as the bard started the dance practice, every partner having their own fun. Friends, lovers and strangers gathered around under the same music and happiness, the tension between you both finally eased a tad bit, just enough.
ㅤ"Well, since we're already here. Care to share this dance with me, master Diluc?"
ㅤYou asked, a grin dancing in your lips, as you extended one of your hands to him.
ㅤAnd contrary to all of your expectations, having heard only rumors about him, the man they called ruthless and cold, grinned back at you. It was just for a few seconds, but it was more than enough to steal your breath away.
ㅤ"I suppose we could try, yes." And you thought you caught some sort of quiet confidence in his tone. Like he had practiced years for this.
ㅤWell, dancing was never your forte but it was probably not that hard to learn in a few seconds, right?
ㅤThat was what you thought before the missteps started to happen, of course.
ㅤ"Do not mind me." He said, but you felt desperate each time he winced as you stepped on his feet in the middle of a dance step.
ㅤAnd you found yourself admiring him for how well and flawlessly he sometimes managed to dodge your fumbled steps. His composure never wavering as he kept guiding you through a steady dance.
ㅤYou felt like Diluc could as well be your savior. The savior to your already nonexistent reputation that is.
ㅤEven if you stepped on his feet one too many times, instead of being annoyed as he would have been were it anyone else, Diluc found it endearing.
ㅤHe had to lean over you so that you wouldn't see his own small smile as you fretted over him, asking if his feet hurt. It did, but there's no need to mention that.
ㅤAt the end of the dance, Diluc had held your hands one second longer than he should have, and you also didn't feel like ending this so quickly.
ㅤSo you called out for him.
ㅤ"Let's meet again. I think I still don't get this dance."
ㅤAnd he smiled. You had no idea if this was a good or bad thing for your poor heart.
ㅤEveryone knows that fire burns fast and ruthlessly, taking away what it needs before disappearing with the break of dawn. But Diluc's love was the opposite.
ㅤIt was slow, hesitant. Carefully blooming like a fragile Small Lamp Grass in the soft glow of first-time affection. Diluc carried these emotions like a delicate dance of vulnerability and anticipation.
ㅤLike a steady flame, casting a warm glow over the tapestry of you both interwoven destinies.
ㅤThe touch of hands became a silent agreement, a subtle acknowledgment of emotions too profound to articulate. In the gentle ebb and flow of your interactions, a slow crescendo of emotions built, resonating with the innocence of a love untouched by the scars of the past.
ㅤYou both were so oblivious, despite the greetings that turned to hugs that lasted longer each time and the shared glances at each other's eyes for a moment too long. Small things that all seemed to notice but the both of you.
ㅤSo much so, that even Venti, the bard you've grown to know and whose presence was always within the vicinity, one day commented that you should invite him to your wedding next time, and immediately in the next second he was kicked out of the tavern.
ㅤDiluc felt himself slowly learning about the intricate nuances of what love was. Of what it could be.
ㅤYou taught him that love didn't always end on a rainy day, and that your blood would never stain his hands.
ㅤHe grew under your touch, with a newfound confidence of a love well nurtured slowly with the pass of time.
ㅤEven if you stepped on his feet a million times and by the end of this dance you both called love his feet felt beyond salvation, Diluc still knew that his love for you would never waver.
ㅤAnd he would keep teaching you just as much as you do for him, so that one day, when the dawn comes and you're both by the kitchen, quietly sharing smiles and your bodies are once again intertwined in an unfaltering dance, in a time where none of you have to worry about duties anymore, you won't step on him again.
ㅤAs the warm morning dew cast its light over the shared rings on your hands, Diluc didn't want to believe in gods, but he still had to thank Barbatos for bringing you to him on that day. With all your giggles and bright eyed smiles.
ㅤYou were his savior and his redemption, just as much as he was yours.
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ㅤWriothesley, the so famously known Duke of the Fortress of Meropide and also your worst declared enemy.
ㅤYour friends would always tell you that it was an exaggeration, that it wasn't that bad. You both seemed to actually work very well together. But you begged to differ from their opinions.
ㅤYou are the secretary in the Palais Mermonia, working directly under orders of the Judge, Monsieur Neuvillette himself. A quite noble position if you were to say so yourself, in fact.
ㅤBut Wriothesley seemed to somehow doubt your high position as he kept asking you to simply do favors for him, taking advantage of the fact that he was 'close friends' with the Iudex.
ㅤYou dreaded each time Monsieur Neuvillette asked you to bring some documents over from the Fortress, meaning you would have to talk with the Duke too.
ㅤAnd you knew, each time you went there, that man had something in store for you. Just like the first time you both met.
ㅤ"You must be the secretary, right? Can you do me a favor then, and bring me a cup of tea?"
ㅤHe had said back then, and there was nothing more you wished than to wipe that wolfish grin from his lips with your own two hands.
ㅤHe seemed to get off on the exact fact that you would snap at him and get angry, like he reveled in your disappointed expressions and bitter stares.
ㅤAnd it seemed that each time you visited, no matter how much you refused — and perhaps that was the exact reason the man decided to try even more— the requests became more and more unusual.
ㅤ"Let me take you out on dinner."
ㅤYou didn't even know how he could be so shameless while asking this, but you still blatantly refused his approaches each time with fierceness.
ㅤAnd you told yourself each time, oh how you hated him.
ㅤInstead, all you didn't know was that Wriothesley thought of you the exact opposite of what you imagined.
ㅤSince the first time the Duke saw you, your tight and serious expression and the bags under your eyes, he had decided that he needed to see you smile at least once, no matter what.
ㅤThat's why he kept sending multiple letters to Neuvillette, practically begging the Iudex to send you once more, telling him of how much of a good work you did unlike all the other secretaries and how he still had forgotten to send him just one more document.
ㅤAll lies of course, but you can't blame a man for trying at least a bit.
ㅤHe had been enamored by you since the first time you walked in his office. The tenacity and unyielding confidence in your steps and speech.
ㅤWriothesley, and perhaps you, hadn't even realized how intertwined you two were, being part of each other's daily lives.
ㅤHadn't even realized how, slowly and steadily, something new was being shaped.
ㅤWith each sharp gaze of yours that made Wriothesley's heart skip a beat, and each argument that would slowly turn into a playful banter that had you almost lose your facade of sternness and harshness, you both were becoming soft for each other.
ㅤUntil one day, you went to visit him yourself, outside of the duties you held so passionately to yourself.
ㅤYou were also surprised at how easy the path was, and how earnest your steps had become after all these months of endless back and forth.
ㅤBut nothing could top the astonished and dumbfounded look that the Duke of Meropide himself had given you when you entered his office, not wearing your usual confident expression and work clothes.
ㅤ"Are… you free right now?"
ㅤYou had asked him, your fingers trembling behind your back, hating how shy your voice sounded for some reason.
ㅤAgainst your expectations, as always, Wriothesley found a way to surprise you. He recovered quickly from the awed state, promptly getting up from his chair at once and making his way to you, a reassuring smile on his face.
ㅤHe had never looked so happy ever since you met him.
ㅤ"For you? Always."
ㅤSo the both of you left the cold office with warmness in your hearts. Together, side by side.
ㅤHe even gave a try to holding your hand once before you slapped it away.
ㅤWell… small, baby steps, he supposed.
ㅤAnd Wriothesley decided that it was always worth it to have to spend the entire night finishing the documents due tomorrow if it meant having you for the entire day.
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💙 Part 2 will feature Neuvillette and Thoma.
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berryz-writes · 3 months
Perfectly serious
Summary: Matheo's jealousy and want for you increases after seeing you with Theo to the point where he finally/kind of confesses
Matheo Riddle x reader
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His arm wrapped around my waist, bringing me even closer to him. "Come on, let's get you to bed" Theo murmured. I looked up at him confused "I'm not drunk". My head might feel light and I might feel extremely happy and sad at the same time but I was most definitely not drunk.
"Yes you are" He took my hand and led me away from the groups of people dancing together, taking his time to weave us in and around the drinks being passed around. Everyone gave me a smile as I left, Pansy giving me a wink as we passed "I bet he fucks good. Have fun babe!" She said, her words slurring slightly, her voice loud enough for Theo to hear. Maybe if he heard it he would act on it. I wouldn't mind getting in bed with him.
We soon reached my room, the music faded to a low sound coming from below us and the lights softer than the harsh party lights of before.
"Well...night y/n" Theo said.
"You know" I started, my voice low and sultry. "I wouldn't mind if you joined me, made things more interesting. Hm?" I tilted my head waiting for his answer, his eyes searching my face. For what I didn't know.
He gave me a soft smile "Your drunk. And when drunk, your ideas aren't really your own. So as much as I'd like to follow through with your idea, it's best you get some sleep"
I rolled my eyes at him being who he always was. I wished for once he would push the boundaries. "Fine. Night Theo"
"Sweet dreams" He dropped my hand and waited for me to close the door. I could hear his receding footsteps, probably to go up to his own dorm. I was relieved in a way. Maybe I wasn't actually ready to fuck him and it was just the alcohol making me want something more. We were good friends. I didn't want to ruin that for something that I didn't really want. Chocolate brown eyes crossed my mind. Curly hair that would feel so nice running my hands through-. Something that would never happen.
*Potions the next day*
"I didn't see you yesterday" I said to Matheo referring to the party yesterday. Stirring in the crushed up leaves into the steaming potion, I turned to look at him, his eyes were icy and cold as if I had done some personal wrong against him.
"Of course you didn't. You were too busy trying to estimate your chances with Theo. Heads up, princess. He has higher standards"
I ignored the nickname that would usually make me swoon and instead my mouth opened in shock. How fucking rude of him. Was he ok?
"Are you being serious right now?" I stopped stirring the potion and crossed my arms. I could take a joke but come on. He had taken it too far.
"Perfectly serious. Why? Did you think I was nice?" He stood up to tower over me, his minty scent washing over me. His chocolate brown eyes were like daggers into my soul. It hurt knowing someone I was good friends with could switch up so fast.
"No actually, I didn't. Your just like everyone says you are. You get with a girl for your own pleasure, lead her on and then leave her with a broken heart. Your a rude fucking asshole and nothing more"
His jaw clenched at what I said, waiting for me to say anything else. I didn't actually mean it but I would never let anyone disrespect me and not expect anything back.
I realised soon how close we were. If only he were to move slightly closer, I could have tipped my head upwards and kissed him. The fact that I was thinking about that even though he had insulted me was annoying for me. I shouldn't still like him. Not anymore.
"You really mean that?" His voice came out soft, his jaw no longer clenched. As if he understood what I had said. I hesitated. Of course I didn't. How could I? I liked him for fucks sake.
I sighed "I don't know"
He sat back down as if he were tired of our argument. As if he didn't want to argue with me.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said-"
"Let's just forget about it. Ok?" I didn't want to argue either. Maybe he was angry and took it out on me. Fine. I would give him a pass just this once seen as though we were such good friends. (If only we were more than that)
He nodded his head and we worked in silence for the next few minutes. Until he cleared his throat and looked toward me again "Listen y/n. I don't want us to ruin our...friendship for something I've said so let me treat you. Will you be free to come to the diner at eight?"
I paused and raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly "Are you asking me on a date or just as friends?" Confident of me to ask but I wanted to know where we stood.
After a pause he replied with "I'd be happy with either, as long as it's with you"
I thought about my next question "And if I want it to be a date?" I asked quietly.
He smiled "I was hoping you'd say that, princess"
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mylifestylearedilfs · 4 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ joost klein x singer!reader ࿐ྂ
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ ESPRESSO : fluff ; imagine ; all is fictional ; joost is such a babygirl here ; english is not my first language
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ WHEN JURY ANNOUNCED YOU as a representation of your country, you couldn’t be happier. since your childhood, you were a fan of eurovision, only because you loved the idea that every country could show off their culture, beautiful language etc. you weren’t the most extrovert, so the thought of being filmed almost every second, having to take part in those interviews— which most of the time wasn’t even that necessary — stressed you out.
but someone decided to send you a literal angels, every contestant were just amazing, helping you with stress before performing at pre-parties. but your main partners in crime were nemo, bambie, your two baby girls marcus & martinus and your favourite person in this world — joost klein.
they all were your shoulders to cry on. you even created a group chat for your little eurovision gang. and let me say, you cried a lot during some pre-parties, both from laughing & crying. you couldn’t believe that you met that beautiful and amazing people, you were super grateful for that.
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today was the last pre-party before semi-finals, for you personally it was also a very important event, because you wanted to create a bond with your audience, and all the music parties before real contest were a must. that’s why you wanted everything to be perfect about your performance. but then you were woke up by a sharp pain in your throat, you started to panic immediately. when you tried to sang whatever song you had in mind in that moment, all you could hear was rasp voice and in this circumstance it wasn’t this sexy type of rasp.
as you walked into cafeteria, where almost every contestant were eating breakfast before rehearsals. when you saw bambie & nemo a big smile appears on your face. even if your mood were dead today, they will always make you smile no matter what. with loud sigh you sat down at the table, saying quick ‘hello’
“hi babe, what happened to your precious voice?” bambie asked and you just hided your face in your hands.
“i guess i just screamed too much at your performances and now my voice said bye bye everyone” you joked and they just laughed, but then nemo sat down next to you and bring you to side hug.
“so you won’t be performing today?” bambie asked with worry tone, they knew how much you wanted to take part in every single evening.
“did i heard something about no performing?” you heard well known voice and second later you felt his hands on your shoulders.
“our little singer is mute for today unfortunately” bambie said, as joost sat next to you.
“i don’t even want to hear about this, of course you will perform” he said with such a lightness in his voice, and everyone else send him questionable looks.
“but i barely speak, there’s no way i can sing today” joost just laughed at your comment.
“who said anything about singing, honey?” after seeing more confused looks, he just added “you will see, now let’s eat” he clapped his hands and took some fruit out of nemo’s plate.
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right now you finally were on last pre-party, the atmosphere was fantastic as always. everyone was getting ready to show, without that much stress as at the beginning of this project. you admired how people that were shy and very formal to each other now can be a hundred per cent themselves. also watching them growing as artists was another great experience, sometimes you felt like a proud mother, especially when it comes to your safe group. at this point, you didn’t even care who would win, because in any scenario you would be extremely proud of your friends.
joost told you to get ready for the concert as usual, you didn’t even question him anymore, because you knew that he wouldn’t tell you anything, so it was pointless. you wore your stage outfit and patiently waited for your turn, right now at the stage you could see your favourite twins, even if you couldn’t sing, you still loudly supported them, but only with your applauses.
finally it was your turn to go on stage, but right before your leg touched the floor, joost showed up with his iconic blue suit, he took a microphone and started talking;
“hello everyone! i know you’re all waiting for our amazing y/n, but unfortunately she won’t be give you guys proper performance today, but good for her - i’m here” he said smiling, as the crowd just laughed, then he invited you at the stage and you were loudly welcome by audience. joost handed you microphone that was turned off and you heard the beginning of your song. a few moments later instead of your voice, you heard joost who were holding a phone with the lyrics of this song.
you couldn’t believed what was happening, all you did was laugh, when you heard how he tried to mimic your singing style. but then you realised, that you should start to lip syncing, and that’s what you did.
everyone, the audience & the contestants started laughing, but also singing along with joost. that was officially your best performance at all eurovision pre parties.
when the song ended, you turned on the microphone and said shortly “you’re crazy” shortly after you heard his response “anything for you, honey”
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leaawrites · 22 days
Please Please Please (OB3)
Ollie Bearman x fem!reader
Summary: The internet can be a cruel place, especially when no one knows your boyfriend is taken, and rumors seem to be loved by the f1 community.
Warnings: allegations of cheating, cursing, crying, alcohol,
Wordcount: 1.5k
Masterlist, Short n'Sweet Series
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“Holy shit.”
Y/n looked from the dance floor to her friend, who was sitting opposite of the table they were all gathered around in a club way too fancy for a simple night out. She was just filming a video of her other friend, Kasey, dancing with her boyfriend; liking to capture any moment of life possibly.
“What?” Y/n asked, stop recording in case something terrible has happened. You never knew who would see those videos one day.
She watched Lily, the one who spoke first, look up at her, her eyes filled with guilt. A guilt she could see was growing into pity by the second. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together, looking at the other two around her to find answer in them, but she didn’t. It was all just a single feeling. Pity.
“What happened?” She asked again, fear and panic creeping up her spine.
Lily turned her phone around, showing her the screen in front of her. There was a photo of someone who looked like her boyfriend, dancing with another girl. Tears threatened to leave her eyes, the make up on her face scolding her for crying over something so stupid.
She didn’t even know if it was him
It could just be a friend of his he hadn’t introduced her to yet. (she couldn’t really blame him, he knew her friends barely too. They were only dating for about 3 months now and with his job as a future F1 driver, the media went crazy over him at the moment.)
He promised her, he would always be there for her.
Kasey stumbled over to the table, clutching her boyfriends hand and giggling. The alcohol in her blood rushing her heartbeat to a new high. She bent down, leaving a kiss on Y/n’s cheek, who was still sitting as if she was paralyzed.
Sinking down on the chair next top her, she said, “I saw you filming. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could wish for. Ollie’s really lucky to have you.” Her voice still boomed over the others, but the music was a bit quieter than on the dance floor. They all heard her, loud and clear.
Y/n started picking at her nails at the mention of his name, the phone still in her hands. Looking down on it, she felt a tear slip past her eye and down on the screen. His profile facing her, not looking at her. He was looking at her. The girl he was so close with. It couldn’t be him. It couldn’t. He would never do something like this, right? He would never hurt her like this. This wasn’t him. It couldn’t be.
“What’s wrong, love?” Kasey asked, sensing the strange behavior of her friend. Y/n’s body collapsed into her arms, tears streaming down her face. She put the phone on the table, clear for everyone to see.
Please, please, please, don’t let it be him.
“That motherfucker,” Kasey cursed him, watching the screen, sobering up rather quickly now that the anger flooded her veins instead. “Who does he think he is? A red bull driver? No, he’s with Haas.”
Lily took her phone back, dialing his number, ready to call in case Y/n wanted to. Kasey rubbed the girl’s arm in comfort, looking at her boyfriend to tell him to get the car ready outside the club. She wanted to go home, so much was clear.
“It’s probably just his British nicety shining through,” Lily tried to make him seem innocent. She knew how shitty it was, but she also knew that the internet lied about most things. Y/n didn’t know the truth, she shouldn’t be too quick to assume anything.
The group was hesitant about Ollie from the beginning, wanting to protect Y/n from future heartbreak or problems like these. The internet and how people felt bigger through it. Putting their opinion higher than anyone else’s, because there no one truly knew them. They knew she would get hate for dating him, they knew he had the ability to make her feel like the most worthless person to ever exist. But she loved him and so they watched the tale unfold with suspicion.
“You wanna go home?” Kasey cooed, making the girl nod and wipe her eyes.
With her head low, she walked as quick as she could, avoiding the crowd like she was a fallen soldier. Holding back the evidence of failing in fear of seeming weak.
Ollie made sure they were staying between them, not showing her off to the public and seemingly being single to the fans, just in case they would ruin what they had. As it seems, he could do it all by himself.
" I need to talk to him,” she mumbled as the stumbled out of the club, holding on to Lily’s hand in fear of tripping in her state. The girl only handed her her phone, the number already ready.
Excusing herself to a more secluded place, Y/n walked over to the other side of the small parking lot beneath a street light so that they could still see her. Kasey explained to her boyfriend what she was doing.
Y/n took a deep breath before exhaling and waiting for a second until her voice seemed stable enough to talk to him. It rang three times before he finally picked up. The music in the background fading as he answered and walked further away to hear her more clearly.
“Lily?” he asked.
Right, she thought, it wasn’t her phone.
“Is everything alright? Is Y/n okay?” he continued asking, sounding slightly panicked.
“I’m fine,” the girl answered.
“Y/n?” Ollie asked, surprised to hear his girlfriend’s voice on the other side of the line. “What is going on? Do you need my help? Did your phone die again?”
“No, uhm, I actually wanted to talk to you about something,” she said, her voice wavering and eventually breaking.
“Hold up, let me get out of here so I can listen to you properly.” Y/n waited, legs trembling, while the music was completely gone after a door closed on Ollie’s side. “What is it? Did you cry? You sound like it. Did you hurt yourself or anything?”
“If you don’t want me, you should say it before I fall even more for you, you know?” She said, tears falling again.
“What?” Ollie was shocked. She imagined his eyebrows creasing together, his eyes filling with panic, his heartbeat picking up. She wanted him to hurt when she did too. It were his own actions in the end after all. “I don’t understand what you mean? Not wanting you? How could you even say something like that? Of course I want you.”
“Do you also want her?” It was now or never, and if she had to get the truth out of him, she might as well make it quick.
“What? Who?” he asked again. Confused. Trying to wrap his head around where she got the feeling from that they weren’t serious.
“The girl in the photos from tonight?” she continued talking. “I saw them, OK? You don’t have to lie anymore. Please, Ollie, please tell me the truth. Please.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said honestly.
“Lily showed me photos of you in the club tonight with a girl. You seemed cozy. Close.” She bit her lip from crying even more. Now that the words left her mouth, they felt more real too. More threatening.
“What did she look like? What did I look like?” He had to make sure she trusted him and that was by showing her that whatever she saw, wasn’t real.
“You looked normal?” she said, confused as to what he wanted the answers for. “White shirt, brown hair. I don’t know, Ollie, I don’t know what she looked like, I couldn’t look at her.” She started sobbing again, hand over her mouth to stifle the pathetic sounds coming from her. “I just couldn’t have it be real. I couldn’t.”
“It’s not,” he said, assuring her. His heart broke at the mere thought of hurting her. Hiding her was his way of protecting her, but maybe it wasn’t the best way to do it. Maybe that only made it worse. “What you saw, it was not real. I know what you’re talking about, I know about the pictures. Arthur showed them to me a few seconds before you called. I wanted to call you, I really did. You were just the first one to do so.”
“It wasn’t you?” she asked to make sure. A burden falling from her heart at the relief of not losing him like this.
“It’s not me,” he said. After a moment of silence he added, “I’ll pick you up, okay? We’ll get home and talk about everything, alright?”
“Yes.” she nodded even though he couldn’t see her. Smiling at the knowing of the truth. “I love you, Ollie.”
“I love you too.”
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kyufessions · 8 months
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synopsis: your annoying neighbor bothers you yet again
pairings: neighbor! eric x afab! reader
genre: smut, 18+
request: “open your mouth” + “why so shy?”
word count: 2.2k
warnings: spitting, oral (f. receiving), making out, playful teasing, pet name (sweet heart), lmk if i missed anything!
a/n: i’m writing this half asleep so it’s not proofread whatsoever,, oopsies
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois @haechansbbg
tbz taglist: @ilovechanhee
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Only if everyone knew. Only if everyone knew that the boy next door you always swore annoyed you to your very core since you had first moved in over ten years ago, would meet you in your old tree house that stood between both of your houses at ungodly hours. With what started as another night wanting to get away from one of your family’s parties, turned into heated makeout sessions that led to what anyone would imagine.
Throughout the years, your father had been kind enough to re-do the treehouse. Seeing as you still adored it, he re-vamped it to make it seem more private and to your liking since you were now in your early 20’s. There was even a small makeshift door and small windows with curtains that you often kept closed- it was your favorite place to get away from madness when your room wasn’t cutting it. That was- until one spring night.
You had been in your treehouse reading a new novel you had bought at your local barnes and nobles, your lamp on and one of curtains slightly open to enjoy the slight breeze. Tonight your parents had some guests over from work, their conversations and jazzy background music being too loud for your liking. So you quietly made your way to your treehouse and enjoying your time alone until you heard some rocks being thrown at the door. Groaning, you ignored the disturbance. You knew exactly who it was and you did not want to deal with him tonight. One more rock, two, even three more were thrown. Thats when you stood up and fully opened up the half drawn curtain, looking down to see the annoying boy next door.
He stood there with his devilish grin, wearing a white tank and his baseball varsity jacket from the college he attended. He waved hello as soon as he saw you looking down at him, catching a glimpse of you from the limited lighting. “What do you want eric?” you shouted down, making sure your voice was only able to be heard between you both and not to disrupt what was happening inside your home.
He shrugged, his grin never fading. “I’m bored.” as you rolled your eyes and started to pull back down the curtain, he yelled back out to you. “Wait!”
You shushed him right away, his voice too loud for your liking. As you motion for him to come up the wooden ladder, he does as instructed and you watch as he climbs up halfway before you stop him with your words. “What do you want?” you ask again, annoyance stringing through your voice.
His lips form another shit eating grin. “I’m bored and saw the light on.”
“Find someone else to bother.” you start to close the door but see his hand stop it from closing.
Before you can begin to speak up again, eric decides to first. “Come on, i’ll stay in the corner and let you do your own thing. I won’t bother you. I just don’t want to be in my house right now and am grounded from using my car.”
“Is no an option?” you ask him with a puff. With a swift shake of his head, you open the door fully and allow him inside.
He looks around in amazement at the fairy lights and overall set up, noticing how you plop back on the mini couch you have set up in the corner. His eyes scan over a small drawer with a chipped paint job, old drawings and paintings hanging throughout that’s barely holding on with tape and some nails. There are some obvious new items hanging about and some older ones, and he quietly takes note of that as he walks around to inspect. As he does so, you occasionally glance at him to make sure hes not touching anything he isn’t supposed to. After a little more snooping, he takes a seat on the floor and starts aimlessly scrolling through his phone while you continue to read your novel.
Minutes pass in pure silence- nothing but the occasional hoot from a faraway owl and the distanced sound of jazz music from your home below. That was, until eric opened tiktok. His volume was louder than necessary, his laughter echoing in your ears. You try to continue your reading, trying to be the nice guy. But it felt as if each tiktok he watched just made him laugh harder than the last. You make a mental note of the page you stop on before closing your book and looking over at him, your face blank with irritation.
“If you’re going to be in here, can you at least quiet down? I’m trying to read my book.” your eyes finally meet and he just chuckles, getting up off the floor and walking over towards you.
“What’re you reading anyway?”
You clear your throat before speaking as he inches closer, trying to keep your book close to hide it from him. “None of your business, just please keep it down.”
Eric notices you trying to keep the book from him and as he steps closer he tries reaching for it but failing as you hold it closer to you. He scoffs, trying to reach for it again. “Why so shy about it, huh?” his tone is playful, his eyes beaming with curiosity as he tries to sneak a peek of the cover. You try moving your body to hide it from him but as you’re squirming, he snatches up the book and examines the cover. A small laugh leaves his lips as he notices the explicit cover, your face turning a slight shade of pink as he then reads the first page that started off juicy. When he looks down at you, your cheeks are now red and your eyes wide. “This is the shit you read?”
You stand up and grab the book back from his hands, or at least attempt to before he raises it above your head with a smirk. The height difference between you both wasn’t much, but the fact he was also wearing grey sweats right now didn’t really help the burning sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. To say eric was ugly would be the biggest lie- you actually found him quite attractive. He was just annoying and pestered you often, but he was quite handsome. As his hand was held above you, your book in his hand, you can notice his peaking bicep from under his varsity jacket.
Your silence and wandering eyes failed you as eric took note of this. “Checking me out, huh?”
As you're snapped out of your daze by his words, you jump up and grab the book from his hand successfully and try to move around him to leave but fail. Although your treehouse is spacious, it’s not the biggest either. So now you’re backed into a corner by the hot annoying neighbor who just found out you read smut. Cool. you just sit down on the small couch, puffing in annoyance in an attempt to hide how flustered you’ve become.
“No i’m not.”
His index and middle finger tap the right side of your cheek, a smirk playing on his lips. “Your red cheeks say otherwise, sweetheart.”
Normally you'd swat away his hand, but as you looked in his eyes you felt the air catch in your throat. You felt as if time had stopped due to the close proximity you both were in. the little nickname that normally bothered you made your stomach churn with butterflies, your hands gripping your book tighter.
you tried to hide it once more, trying to keep your tone high and mighty. “don’t call me sweetheart.”
“then try to act like you don’t like it and maybe i will.” eric then squats so he’s now eye level with you, his fingers tracing from your cheek all the way down your neck and to your shoulder ever so gracefully as he does so. your eyes just watch him, unsure of what this feeling is that’s come over you. his head tilts, his face amused by this. “does mommy and daddy know you read smut all up here by yourself?”
eric had always seen you as this goody-two-shoes; mommy and daddy’s most prized possession who always got fantastic grades and went to one of the best colleges the states had to offer. throughout the past ten years, he had always seen you achieve the highest possible grades with honors just to seek your parents approval. never brought over a guy, your nose always buried in a book whether it be for your studies or for fun. he also noticed how your hair never failed to be done perfectly, different colored bows or hair accessories to match your dress or skirt. you always had to present the world with this perfect image of you, and he was just so curious to get to know you deeper than this facade you try to sell everyone you come across.
he watches you shake your head, no words being spoken as you seem choked up. your eyes sparkle under the dimly lit fairy lights as they glare at him, causing him to chuckle lowly yet again. “what if they found out?”
“don’t you fucking dare eric sohn-“
“ah ah,” he slips the book from your hands, placing it beside you. “why don’t we put page one to the test?”
your eyes widen, eyebrows raising. “e-excuse me?”
eric slips off his varsity jacket, tossing it on top of your book. “i skimmed the page over. doesn’t ellen get eaten out, or am i mistaken?” you’re left speechless, yet your face continues to redden all over. eric has thought about this for years but never thought this day would come, only in his wildest of dreams.
eric stands up a little bit to hover over you, lifting your chin and leaning down to rest his forehead against yours as he stares deeply into your eyes. his hair is messy, probably from the baseball practice he had earlier in the day. your lips are inches from his, yet not a word can be spoken as you’re just in shock.
“all you have to do is tell me to stop and i will.” is all eric whispers before placing his lips on yours.
both of your lips move in sync with one another, his fitting perfectly on yours. his hand moves from your shoulder to your cheek, his entire palm cupping it and his fingers placing themselves on the nape of your neck. his touch sends shivers down your spine, his fingertips delicate and careful. his other hand moves to your left thigh, starting to spread it apart from your right one. but you don’t stop him, something within you tells you to allow him. as he bites down on your bottom lip, his hand on your thigh travels to the inner part and stops near your panties. his fingertips graze your folds, the lace material feeling good against his skin.
the sound of your whimper against his lips makes his blood rush, separating his lips from yours. for a few moments he just stares down at you, taking in the view of your wide innocent eyes and puffy pink lips. “fuck you’re so pretty, you know that?”
eric then gets on his knees in front of you, and you watch as he slips off your white silk pleated skirt and stare at your pussy in awe. “all wet for me already, sweetheart?” you bite your lower lip as you watch him, arching your back against the wall at the nickname.
his fingers push the fabric aside, the fingertips grading your folds ever so slightly to take in the beauty for a second. he grins up at you before slipping in one finger, earning a gasp from you. eric starts slow, pumping in and out of you teasingly. he just stares up at you the whole time, taking in the beauty of your reactions. he watches your hand involuntarily reach for his hair, tugging on it once he picks up the pace out of satisfaction. you let out quiet moans as he slips in a second finger, not wanting anyone to potentially hear anything happening up in the treehouse.
after a few moments of his second finger, he puts his mouth to your clit. with this sudden movement you throw your head back, starting to grind against his face. eric takes in every movement you make, enjoying how you use him for your advantage to release. his fingers continue pumping in and out of you at a consistent pace, his tongue occasionally moving in and out of your hole as his lips continue to satisfy you. as your breathing pattern picks up and your legs begin shaking, he knew it was only a few seconds before you climaxed.
once you did, you let out a loud moan and eric took in every juice you offered to him. he begins licking you up, cleaning you up the only way he’s currently able to. he then leans up, grabbing you by the cheek and staring down at your tired face.
“open your mouth, baby.” he murmurs. you do as instructed, allowing him to spit in your mouth. you watch him through half-lidded eyes, smirking as you take in the taste he offers you.
and that’s the night where it all started, your friends with benefits relationship with your annoying neighbor.
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rainrot4me · 26 days
Pretty Girl
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Summary: The bar was Nina’s scene, her favorite place to be with you by her side. But when some creep tries to extract revenge in the middle of a crowd, you’re both forced to do what you do best. But when confidence falters, you have to show just how worthless guys like that can be.
Characters: Nina the Killer x Female Reader
TW: Alcohol, creepy guy, mentions of a gun, violence, harassment, depictions of death, murder, they have sex in the same room as a dead body, sex in a bathroom, public sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal eating out, scissoring
Words: 5.7k
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Nina felt the most comfortable in a crowd.
Every creep had their own preferred environment: Jeff enjoyed the tight alleyways in dark streets, Toby and EJ liked the dense woods right before sunset, Masky and Hoodie felt the most comfortable in abandoned warehouses or dead buildings, and Slender felt the most at ease in his own mansion. Nina wasn’t any different, and neither were you.
When the two of you paired, the one place you always wound up was a dingy bar or way-too-loud club off the highway. They were always shrouded in darkness and colorful lights, packed to the brim with people of all shapes and features, nobody could ever tell you two looked different. Or at least they weren’t sober enough to. But you both preferred it that way.
Nina was a socializer for sure, caking on good amounts of makeup to disguise her smiling scars so the guys she talked to wouldn’t notice, acting giddy enough to get them to buy her a drink. You sat at the high-top table she had snagged, sipping slowly on your beer as you watched her, ensuring none of the guys got too handsy or pushy. While Nina enjoyed being in the crowd, you preferred to just watch it, surveying the drunks and their poor dates being left for the cute little killer. She stood out, that’s for sure. The bright rainbow lights accentuated her dyed hair, making her eyeshadow and hair clips look even more neon than they already were. She just looked right at home here, almost blending in with the smoke fogging the room.
“This guy got us some pineapple vodkas!” Her flushed face smiled at you, hauling up onto the stool perched in the corner of the dark club, sweaty bangs being pushed out of the way. Setting the tiny glasses on the table, you swirled them around, giving the liquid a small sniff before deeming the alcohol good enough to drink. “Havin’ fun?” You half-yelled over the blaring music, Nina leaning forward to read your lips. She nodded quickly, sipping the drink before cringing at the sour taste of the vodka and quickly setting it back down. She was more of a seltzer girl anyway. “Yeah! Real busy tonight, I don’t recognize any of the guys here!” Even though you frequented the same hotspots, it was unusual to see the same person twice. These bars were always off some random interstate exit with only those passing through interested enough to stop. Wasn’t much else in this town.
Nina pushed her drink towards you and you gladly accepted, smiling as she hopped down to the concrete floor and disappeared back into the crowd of sweaty nobodies. You decided your beer was more enjoyable, finishing off the freebies and swigging the stout alcohol down. The bar was littered wall to wall with trashy posters and signatures of singers you had never heard of, the loud music thumping in your ear as the lights flashed in your eyes. Even though it was overstimulating, you loved the feeling of just getting to exist in the crowd, accompanied by your favorite person.
Now, Nina and you weren’t anything serious. Sure, you shared drunken kisses and wrapped around her just a little too tight when she slept over, but it was just love for your closest friend. Despite her being an adult and fully capable of taking care of herself, you always felt called to watch over her and make sure nothing happened when she wasn’t looking. She was crafty with a knife, easily able to take down everyone in this room if she wanted, but to you, she was just a pretty, sweet girl in need of your protection. This stood evident now.
Her giddy expression pulled through the crowd towards you, your back already straightened as she stumbled to your side, wrapping her arms into yours. “Come dance, already! You just keep sitting here!” She laughed, tugging your jacket sleeve off of the stool and into the crowd, your half-empty beer still firm in hand as you playfully rolled your eyes. “I’m not much of a dancer, Nina…” You smiled, letting her hands intertwine in yours as she began to bounce along with the rhythm, her energy contagious. “Yeah, but you can try!” She teased back, tugging your arm over her shoulder as she sunk into your side, pushing your hips against hers as she giggled. The music thumped loudly, feeling the base under your feet as people pressed against you, shoving you two closer. You let her lead, jumping when she did and swaying to the rhythm, slowly sipping on your drink and trying your hardest not to spill it when she suddenly turned you around.
You laughed along with her, enjoying being in her presence, this small little moment in this big room, just you and her. Until she gripped the back of your shirt, holding tightly as her swaying stopped. You looked at her, confused as to why her excitement seemed to fade, following her eyes up.
A larger man had his phone held out, scrolling onto something as he stared at Nina, eyes glaring. Nina pressed closer to your side, looking towards the floor to avoid his gaze as you just stared back, wondering what the hell he even wanted.
“Hey, I know you.” The man shouted over the music just enough for you both to hear. You glanced at the girl beside you, letting your arm rest on her shoulders as you tried to figure out who he was and why he had his phone pressed in your faces. He was much taller than either one of you, dark hair and a stern look that felt like trouble. You had to find an out before he got to looking too close. “I don’t think so, man.” You returned, taking a step backward and pulling Nina along with you. But the man just shook his head, turning his phone towards you as you finally caught what he was scrolling to. This guy was sober, or at least, sober enough to recognize you two in the dark.
It was an older picture, a couple of years ago maybe. The shot was blurry and bright from the flash, but you could tell exactly what it was. You and Nina cringed, looking at a picture of yourselves in the middle of a mission mid-stab on some guy. Blood-soaked and crazy-eyed, your glares shot right into the camera, your faces disheveled. Your blood ran cold as you saw yourself half-crazy, already taking a step toward the person behind the phone. You couldn’t recall what you were doing it for, but it was very clearly the younger two of you. Looking back up at the man, his expression was more upset now, confirming his suspicion from your reactions and closing the space. You pushed Nina back, sliding your jacket off of your hip to show the revolver you had holstered to your belt, the man planting in front of you as Nina tugged at your sleeve.
“Found this on my buddy’s phone after he was killed. Filed reports, nothin’ ever came up. Guess the universe just wanted me to get to you myself.” He scoffed, leaning in towards your face and spitting his words, closing the distance no matter how much you backed up. The crowd pulsed inwards, pushing you closer as your headache grew from the music. You had to get you both out of there. This guy was insane, his demeanor switching on a dime, full intentions on acting some revenge he thought he was owed.
That’s when you remembered the beer bottle still clutched in your fist, flipping the glass over and hauling it upwards. Only a few members of the crowd noticed as you swung it up into his chin, the bottle shattering and cutting into his jaw. The man rears back, gripping his already bloody face. “C’mon!” You shouted at Nina, grabbing her hand and pushing through the patrons oblivious to your panic. Breathing heavily, you shoved your way to the bathroom, miscalculating which way the exit was and landing yourselves in a deeper part of the bar, swearing as you made it through the swinging door.
Nina followed in as you slammed it shut, turning the small lock and pushing her into a disgusting stall. The bathroom wasn’t any brighter than the bar, flickering linoleum lights shining just enough to see in front of you but doing little to hide the amount of trash and filth there was in there. Graffiti lined the walls, your pants loud as the music muffled in the other room. You had no clue if that guy had seen you come in here, but you shoved the stall door shut just in case, locking it as well and trying to push Nina back further. “[Y/N]...” She whined, her hands on your shoulders as she was crammed beside the toilet, pressing her into the corner as you both stared at each other. “Who the hell was that?” She gasped.
“Friend of some guy we killed, I guess. He has a photo.” You cursed as you heard sudden knocks against the door, and then the knocks turned to pounding. Nina gripped your shoulders tighter, her free hand tugging up her skirt to grip the knife she had holstered to her thigh, the weapon concealed. You reached for your gun too, cocking it as you pressed your back against her, shielding her from the threat that was coming.
Very obviously, Nina could hold her own. She was tough, a little demon when she needed to be. But your instincts overrode her own, some primal protective thing that made you throw yourself out in front, willing to take anything for her sake. “Just stay put.” You grit back, reaching to grip her thigh and rub your thumb gently across for comfort, your body tense as you hear the bathroom door finally slam hard enough to open, the door ricocheting off the concrete walls.
“Where the fuck are ‘ya?!” The man shouts, his voice loud as the muffled music becomes audible again, footsteps heavy against the tiled floor. You grit, pressing your shoulders back harder as you point your gun up, aiming through the closed stall door ready to shoot. Broken bottles and trash crunch under his shoes as the haze of smoke from the bar wafts through the open door, your senses overloaded as you breathe heavily, trying to stay concealed. “Fuckin’ whores.” He snaps again, tossing open a stall a little ways down and cursing when he finds nothing. You can see his boots stomping closer under the door, Nina panting behind you as she watches too, trying to hold her breath.
Another stall door slams open, closer this time. “I’m gonna fuck you both up. Little shits, show you who you’re fuckin’ dealin’ with. Show you what you deserve.” He growled, stepping in front of the stall you two were crammed in. Nina held her breath, clutching your shoulders so tight it began to sting, but you just held steady, pointing the barrel right where his head would be.
As his body slams into the door you scowl, finger heavy on the trigger. His chin was sliced up, blood still gushing down his neck and soaking his shirt, the shattered glass making deep gashes into his flesh. He was breathing heavily, fist clenched around the broken bottle you had hit him with, pointing it towards you. “Gah, you’re both fuckin’ freaks, too.” He spat, wiping his shirt sleeve across his chin and hissing at the burn, glaring at you. “This is what you get you fuckin’ demon.” He snapped, pressing forward. Gritting your teeth, you pulled the trigger, his stance shifting suddenly as he charged you and left the bullet to graze his shoulder.
“Fuck!” He roared, hauling back to grip the now torn clothing that was spurting dark blood, hunching over as you pressed off of Nina. You had a pretty nice silencer equipped onto your revolver, it was necessary for the work you did, especially now. Sure it made the weapon bulky and hard to sway, but it was worth it to drown out the noise with the music still thumping on the other side of the walls. “Move!” You hissed, toeing forward to push Nina in front of you, shoving her past the man and towards the door in a scurry. You followed, barely making it two paces before you were jerked back by your hair, his bloodied fist clamped into the strands.
“You bitch.” He panted, tugging you back towards him as he gripped the bottle, clicking his tongue in your ear. Nina turned, steady movements as she watched, trying not to make him react if she pressed too close. You panted, reaching back to grip his fist tangled in your hair but he only pulled you closer, wrapping his arm around your neck. Pressing the shattered bottle to your cheek, you stilled, breath catching in your throat as he nicked your skin and smiled. “Maybe I’ll make you look like her? Carve some ugly-ass scars into your cheeks too, huh?” He snickered, gritting his teeth against your ear. This guy was so much larger than you, his arm taking up your entire neck as he choked you, threatening by pressing the glass at more of an angle. Nina cursed, you both at a standstill as she let her knife rest back into the holster around her thigh, her eyes focused on his movements. “Let her go. I’m the one who killed your friend, she doesn’t deserve this.” She grits, raising her hands to either side of her head in surrender, breathing steady. He only snagged you tighter, growling. “Neither did he, but you cut him up anyway. I think it’s only fair I take yours too, yeah?” You choked as he clamped his arm in, pressing the glass until it cut into your cheek, hissing as you tried to pull back. Hauling your knee up, you slammed your boot back into his knee, a curse ringing from his lips as he hauled you around.
Nina took the chance, brushing her skirt out of the way to grip the handle of her knife, closing in faster than you could see. It took no time before you felt that arm unwrap from your throat, the big guy being hauled back as Nina’s body jumped onto his, hooking her legs around his torso and latching on, her thin frame hooking around every limb as she gripped his jaw, turning his head to the side with a snap. Her knife flashed up, your disheveled breathing distracting you as you watched the blade cut into the skin of his throat, tugging the skin until it sliced open, warm blood splurting out. Nina hauled herself up, swinging her leg over his shoulder to get a better angle as she cut deeper, wrapping her fingers into his hair and forcing his neck open, making sure to catch his esophagus, cutting off his scream before it even had the chance to come out. He was sputtering blood across his lips, hands reaching to paw at Nina’s clothes as he kneeled, coughing for air.
Unhooking her legs, she let her feet hit the floor, stepping back as he clattered onto the concrete. With a few final chokes and blood pooling underneath, Nina gripped your arms, hauling you up as she checked you for any injuries. “You alright?” She smiled, swiping her thumb across the tiny prick the glass had made into your cheek, rubbing your cheeks. You nodded, still out of breath as you looked down at the lifeless body that was still jerking from the aftershock, kicking at his limp legs. “Go to sleep, motherfucker.” Nina groaned, bending down to wipe her blade with his sleeve, cleaning the metal, and repositioning it back into her holster. You did the same with your gun. Stepping over him, she stepped to the door, locked the bolt, and stepped back to your side to survey her work. “We gotta clean this up.” You groaned, letting her hand intertwine with yours as she leaned close. Nodding, you both sighed.
Locking the bathroom stall door, Nina climbed back under the opening at the bottom, wiping her knees off as she turned to you. There was no telling how many paper towels you had used to get most of the blood-soaked off the floor, but there were still noticeable stains in the tiles. In a bathroom this dark, who could really tell anyway? You had propped this guy up on the toilet, locking him in so someone would find him at a later date, unaware of the horror inside. There was still no telling who he was or why he had thought himself a personal savior of his long-dead friend, but the two of you brushed it off, stepping to the sink to clean yourselves up.
Blood sunk into the drain, your hands feeling less grimy as you looked over to Nina, her expression locked onto herself in the mirror. She was prodding at her scars, pushing her cheeks together and apart, watching the tissue separate as the insides of her mouth became visible. You dried your hands, leaning back to catch her view. “You good?” You teased, elbowing her as she snapped back, smiling and nodding. “Yeah. Just thinkin’.” But her gaze kept catching back to the mirror, looking at her mouth. You elbowed her again, giving a more serious look as she groaned.
“Am I really, like… that ugly?” She shied away, looking towards the floor as you groaned, sliding your hands down her arms to grip her hands, squeezing tight. “Nina. That guy doesn’t know wha-” She cut you off, shaking her head and pushing back, tensing. “No, I’m being serious. Like, I know these were for Jeff and everything, but no one but him even likes them…” You scoffed, leaning down to meet her eyes, eyebrows raised in offense. “I like them!” It was awkward now, nothing you could say would bring her back from this hole she was digging herself. She just looked so defeated.
“Nina. You are the most beautiful girl ever, and if some asshole with a savior complex is going to let you get all down on yourself, then you have seriously got to re-evaluate.” You grit, reaching your hands to cup her cheeks, running your thumbs across the healed scars, her actual smile spreading slowly. “Thank you…” She quietly smiled, letting her hands grip your sleeves as she looked at you, gazing slowly from your eyes and across your features, landing on your lips. You then realized you hadn’t let go of her face, suddenly very aware as you tried to think of something to say. It all got lost when you realized she was leaning in.
You followed, eyes hooded as you watched her eyes close, fingers sliding up your shoulders and wrapping behind your neck. It was brief, but you pecked the other, disconnecting as you breathed each other’s air slowly, contemplating.
But Nina pressed forward again, letting her lips spread across yours as you groaned, wrapping your arms around her waist. It was slow, desperate movements that had your heads turning in rhythm, kissing so gently but so hard as you both panted. “[Y/N]...” The killer breathed against your lips, letting her hands tangle up into the back of your hair as she pushed further, her tongue sliding against your bottom lip. You groaned, pushing yours into her mouth and sighing at the feeling, the sweet kisses turning heated way too quickly. You both clawed, palming at the other until you were dizzy, clinging for more.
You pulled back first, lips wet with her spit as you panted, gazing into her eyes. She was so pretty, you really did think so. Pretty and insanely dangerous, perfect in her little way.
You pressed back, missing her mouth to kiss against her scars, humming as she gasped. “So pretty…” You smiled, planting another kiss at the jagged corner where the tear ended, letting your hands run along her waist. She was blushing pretty badly, tugging at the back of your shirt and giggling at every press of your lips, her smile growing. You giggled, letting yourself pull back to face her again, hugging her close. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, Nina. No matter what you think.” Her flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes caught in the flickering ceiling lights, casting a nice glow on her cute face.
Her hands tugged you closer, pressing her lips against your cheeks and down your jaw, planting onto your neck. You gasped, her hands hooked around your waist as you pushed against her shoulders, confused. “Nina? What’re yo-”
“Let me thank you.” She smiled, sucking gently onto your skin, tugging your jacket down your arm, and pulling your shirt to expose your shoulder, peppering the skin with gentle kisses. You blushed, her actions throwing you off, her eagerness unclear. “Thank me? For what?” You groaned as she nibbled into your skin, the area reddening as she kissed again, moving back up to your jaw. “For being so brave… For being so sweet…” She slid your jacket off of your shoulders.
“For being so kind… For being so strong…” Her hands pressed up into your shirt now, your skin riddled with chills as her nails grazed your skin, your jacket now pooled onto the floor. “Nina…” You whined, hands planted onto her shoulders as she pushed up further, letting her hands palm against your bra. Gasping, you looked at her, the mischievous expression lacing her smile easing you back against the wall as she tugged your shirt over your head.
It was cold in this bathroom, her warm hands rubbing against your arms, lacing down to your belt. “Nina.” You warned now, watching as she slowly sunk to her knees, your eyes going wide as you leaned back into the concrete wall, hands planted behind you. “For being so pretty… For being so loving…” Her hands tugged at your belt now, unlooping the mechanism and tugging the leather out from between the loops, careful to lay your holster down carefully as she returned to your jeans. You could only stare as she ran her palms against your thighs, leaning forward to kiss your lower abdomen, planting kisses every couple of inches until she was at your crotch, mouthing at the area. “Let me thank you, okay?” She smiled sweetly, her words full of thick desperation. You couldn’t stop yourself from nodding, lips parting as you watched her slowly unbutton your jeans, tugging them down your shaky thighs.
You were already wet, panties bright in the dark bathroom as the music continued to thump outside, the patrons oblivious to what had happened in here. Or what was happening now. Nina kissed against the cloth, her hands palming at your thighs as you gasped, shoulder blades pressed back into the concrete as your hips angled, desperate for her to move those kisses downwards. “Nina…” You whined, nails digging into your fists as she looped her fingers into the waistband of your panties, ever so slowly tugging them down, pushing past your knees. She smiled at the view, kissing her way closer again.
You died at the anticipation, legs spreading as she kissed right at the crook of your thigh, lips grazing your soft cunt. You hissed, letting one hand come off of the wall to wrap behind her head, cupping her jaw as she smiled up at you, finally pressing in.
Your head fell back against the wall as her tongue slid through the folds of your cunt, spreading you around the muscle and driving your hips forward to chase the sensation. “Fuck-” You groaned, hand gripping her jaw as she rolled her tongue up, pressing against your clit and stimulating it to life. “You taste good, too…” She giggled, letting her nails clench into your thighs as she slid back in, pushing her tongue across your folds. You gasped, jaw loose as you watched, her mouth sucking and lapping at the arousal that was spreading, your cunt already aching. She pushed up, letting the muscle press against your entrance, your hips pushing forward as she slid in. You moaned, both hands lacing into her hair as she slowly rolled her tongue, collecting every lovely taste that poured from your cunt until she was moaning too, the vibration overwhelming.
“Oh god…” You moaned, hugging her head closer between your thighs as she grinned into your folds, her lips becoming soaked with your juices and her own saliva. Probing her tongue, she slowly tugged it out, your groan soon cut off as she found a new home latched onto your clit. You whined, her tongue flicking at the sensitive nub as she sucked, your hips jerking with her. “Yeah, oh fuck, yeah-” You gasped into it as you felt her hand trail off of your thigh and up towards your cunt, her fingers sliding through the wetness she had created and pushing your folds apart. They slowly circled your entrance, her tongue flat against your clit as she pushed two digits up, curling them immediately.
Gasping, you lurched forward, your fingers tight in the strands of her hair as she began to slowly pump her fingers, dragging louder moans from your lips. The bass echoed through the walls, Nina feeling the vibrations under her knees as she worked, desperate to make you feel good. Her fingers pressed against your walls, angled to push your insides and make you whine, the sensitivity a wonderful feeling. You rolled your hips in time, her tongue focused on your aching clit as she sucked, arousal soaking her fingers the deeper she went. You were falling apart, eyes half open and voice tired as she drew you closer, every movement a step closer to driving you mad. The worst part: she looked so pretty between your legs.
“Keep going…” You mewled, gritting your teeth as you let your hips grind in time with her fingers, dragging each sensation out as she smiled, popping off of your clit. “Cum for me, love… There you go…” She teased, eyes wide as she looked into your eyes, her doe eyes making you moan as she reconnected with your clit, keeping her gaze steady. You blinked quickly, eyes slowly beginning to roll as you felt your cunt clench down, your abdomen swelling as you cried out, her fingers driving you past your limit. “Nina-” You grit, cumming on her fingers as your hips pressed down, dragging out the stretch the best you could as she lapped at your orgasm, tongue pressing around her fingers and relishing in the sweet taste. Her fingers tugged out of your cunt as you panted, popping the digits into her mouth and smiling. “Thank you.” You rolled your eyes.
Regaining your breath, you stood straight, Nina still perched between your knees as you kicked off your pants, sliding them to the side as you hauled her up to her feet. With her fingers still latched in her mouth, you turned her back towards the wall, pressing her back and quickly pushing your hands up her shirt, tugging at her tits. “My turn, sweet girl.” She giggled, hands wrapping around your neck as she melted into your touch. Her panties were next, reaching under her skirt to tug the lacy fabric down, kicking them off as you pressed between her legs.
Nudging your knee in, you planted your hands onto her hips, pushing her down until her wet cunt made contact with your thigh. She gasped, fingers gripped into your shoulders as she began to rock her hips, grinding herself down onto your leg and nudging her clit, her gasps so sweet. You kissed her cheeks, letting you guide her to get herself off on your thigh, hips desperately jittering as her arousal soaked your skin. “You gonna cum like this?” You teased, pushing her down harder and digging your nails into her skin, her answering whine enough to make you wet again. “I know you can…” You grinned, tugging her off of the wall and turning her around, her chest pressed against the concrete as you repositioned your knee, pushing your leg up to meet her cunt again.
She immediately began to thrust her hips, grinding her hips back against the sensation as she arched, digging her nails into the concrete. “[Y/N]...” She mewled, your hands pressing her skirt up to grip her ass, the view stunning as you watched her arousal spread across your thigh, her movements getting faster. “Come on, Nina…” You teased behind her, the indents of your nails appearing on her ass, little red marks contrasting against her pale skin. Reaching around her hip, you pressed your fingers to her clit, swiping the bud until she was whining and leaning back against your chest. “Oh, fuck…” She smiled, reaching behind to wrap around your neck, stuttering her hips in time with your fingers, chasing her orgasm that was quickly approaching. You let your fingers dip into her cunt, pushing past her clenched entrance and stretching her, her orgasm quickly following.
She clamped down around the digits, hips jerking up off of your thigh to chase the feeling, grinding her clit against your palm. You smiled, her whines and moans fluttering to your clit again as you rubbed yourself, fingers swiping across your clit as Nina panted against your chest. Turning back around, she chased your touch, tangling her fingers into your hair as she smashed her lips to yours, her body sinking down the wall to the floor. “I need you, love…” She mewled, reaching down to tug your hips closer, thighs spreading. You smiled against her lips, desperate tongues swiping against lips as you cupped a hand under her knee, pushing it back.
Her legs stretched, knee pressing back to her ribs as she held her leg, spreading her cunt wide for you to see as she sunk into the wall, contorting for you to climb on top of her. You pressed in, wrapping your legs intertwined, gripping her shoulder as you rolled your cunt against her, clits grazing. She moaned, leaning in to latch her lips with yours again, rolling her hips as your folds slipped between the other, arousal damp. The floor was cold, goosebumps riding up your bodies as you moved, desperately trying to sink your cunts in closer.
Her face was dark, the flush of her cheeks desperate as she jerked her hips, chasing the post-orgasmic feeling until you were panting into her mouth, biting her lip. “So good at taking me, yeah? Such a pretty girl when she’s falling apart on my cunt…” You teased, her lids heavy as your clits fluttered, folds soaked as they slid, thighs shaking. She blushed deeply, dragging her lip from your teeth to plant kisses across your neck again, fully jerking into you as you sped up, grinding her cunt down against your own as she reached up to grip the sink counter. “Faster-” She breathed, panting against your skin, sweat dripping down your brows.
Obliging, you angled differently, clits catching sideways now and drawing even louder moans from her lips. “Nina…” You groaned, legs getting tired as you stretched, determination and arousal driving you both as you clawed at the other, hips stuttering. “Feels so good…” She smiled, her mouth finding its way back to yours as you breathed deep, letting her kiss swallow you as you felt your cunt clench, clits grinding statically against the other.
Gripping your shoulder, Nina began to sit up, pushing you down to the tiles as she climbed on top. You smiled, her arms wrapping around your leg and holding close to her chest, arching her back to sink down again. “Gonna cum…” She whined, slowly sliding her hips back and forth, arousal spreading across your folds and making you jerk, moaning. She was antsy now, clawing at your thigh and digging her knees into the ground, redness blotting her skin. You watched, sweaty and exhausted but so willing to keep going. “C’mon hun, c’mon…” You groaned, reaching to wrap your fingers into hers and angle your hips up, clits bumping and jerking against the friction of your movements.
Gazing at you, she hissed, rutting down until she lost eye contact, pupils rolling back as she came, biting into her lips while her nails dug into your skin, clawing. Muffled moans echoed against the concrete walls as you did the same, hips locking in place as you rode out the feeling, cunts soaking and dripping down the other’s thighs and onto the floor.
Gasping, you both held the other close, insides rippling with your orgasms and exhaustion, chests heaving. You panted against one another, hugging whatever you could touch close and just breathing the moment. Leaning forward, you swiped her colorful bangs out of her face, her pale skin patchy with redness as she smiled at you. “Still pretty.” You grinned, and her smile answered enough.
Dragging your clothes back on, it was impossible not to wrap your arms around each other as you sauntered through the bar. The stench in the little bathroom was already getting bad with rot, but that was someone else’s problem now. You would never be able to tell the killer was this cute girl with rainbow clips in her hair and loud makeup slightly smeared across her eyelids. The crowd had dwindled, the lateness of the night getting to you both as you pushed through the still-present crowd, holding hot bodies close.
Even as she climbed into the passenger seat of your car, pushing your hand away from the wheel and climbing onto your side, straddling your lap, you still thought she was so pretty. Her hand reached to the side of your seat, pushing the lever to lay your seat back, your hands already pushing up into her shirt as she giggled, unbuttoning your jeans again.
The prettiest.
This was an anonymous request!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
Thank you to my wonderful editors, @h3llw1 and @solarbites!
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 3 months
Ok ok. I'm back from the dead, And with another headcannon! following my last music related ask
What if after the characters hear our music they start subconsciously humming, or even singing it? After all the creator never has their computer volume on... exept this time we do! And we hear venti, or Barbara, or another character singing our favorite song A LOT. So much so that instead of the usual voices it's all song references and lyrics... I imagine it going something like this:
(venti dies) "don't worry... I'm never going to let you down.."
(Barbara's afk) "la- La- LA- ehem, I'm working late because I'm a singer~"
Well a long night of trying to find out if it was an event mihoyo planned or something else is surely waiting right?
- 🦇
Dwdw, Ghost Rebel's been dead as well—you have not been the only one, rest assured 🥲
For this request, I won't be really focusing much on what music the Reader listens to (entirely up to you imo), so apologies if this affects your reading experience!
(The Request 🦇 Anon Mentioned)
Ayo, They Know My MUSIC ✨😎
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
Who would've thought that all that singing pays off—now, all musicians and bards of Teyvat are reciting Their Almighty Grace's ballads like they're some holy, ancient harmonies (to them, it probably is—somehow—)
Let's see what our favorite ones have been up to! :D
With the amount of times you vibed to your songs, Venti's picked them up by listening through the wind. You can 100% assume that he is vibing to it, no matter what time or moment.
People thought he was singing his own ballads when he was humming your songs, when, in fact, he's listening to you jamming out in the distance.
So imagine your shock when you hear Venti sing your song. It was as shocking as Venti without his wine.
"Hehe~ Their Grace looks so flabbergasted!" Venti in the bg just cheering over the fact he made you shocked at his impression of your song!
Bro has zero regrets for breaking the Fourth Wall.
Girlie is singing her heart out in the Church of Favonius, and everyone's there for it. 100% she has become the true Idol of Mondstadt.
Super excited and nervous at the same time when you put her in your party team (for whatever reason, only you will know), because this is a chance to show off her practice. She wants to impress you with the song she's heard you sing and hum to countless of times!
So the moment she let it slip through her idle animation, imagine her embarrassment as you flip out, questioning your life choices and your sleep deprivation
"S-Surely, I didn't scare Their Almighty Grace all too badly...?" Barbara's twiddling her fingers, contemplating if she should've done that in the first place, only to be reassured when the other nuns of the church mention that you were screaming how good it was (Ex. "HELLO???? BARBARA???? THAT WAS SO GOOD HELLO??? VOICE ACTOR BE POPPING OFF MAYBE??? THIS GLITCH IS AWESOME!")
Yes, she's doing this again. Add her back to her team. Now. :)
Oh, she is going to rock'n'roll hard after this. She is definitely going to make a rock cover of your song and play it all through Liyue!
Gurl's on her merry way, practicing with her guitar and singing loud and proud! Yunjin be cheering her on in the background as she masters that small snippet of your favorite song >:D
And when it's her time to shine? When you finally give her the chance to perform? Sure, she's nervous—she's only got one shot, and who knows when the next one will come—but she's gonna rock this song with everything she's got, heart, soul, and mind!
The moment you see it happening, Xinyan's a little too into it to care of your reaction at first, pretty much having a blast at the lyrics and overall music composition.
But after? "Whoo, I sure hope Their Grace liked it...Maybe I should've taken in how they were reacting instead of going all out, hehe..." Her legs are kind of shaking from her nerves, but she swears she's fine!
Upon seeing how the citizens of Liyue Harbor are acting though, and with the amount of positive comments her friends kept giving her, Xinyan is calling her performance an absolute success!
She is definitely doing this again—10/10!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: THIS TOOK TOO LONG TO MAKE I AM SO SORRY UGHHHH. I hate it when I say I'd be active and then the next thing I know, I'm being bombarded with irl problems >:(
Anyways! A few updates as I'm writing this: I am no longer taking Sagau Genshin requests for now (even if I might still be writing for a few—there's some waiting in my inbox that I gotta get to), as I need a break to recharge my batteries. However: HSR and Wuthering Waves are free and up for requests, so don't be shy to shoot your shots there!
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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loveforquanrui · 9 months
ZB1's reaction to you suddenly covering their mouth for them to be quiet
제로베이스원 - their reaction to you suddenly covering their mouth for them to be quiet + different scenarios, for hao's case he is an idol and is wearing a mask in public, gn reader, relationship for jiwoong, just friends, lowercase intended, not proof-read , some might be longer than others sorry :(
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김지웅 - watching a scary movie
he would be shocked but wouldn't react much apart from his eyes
would do that thing where his eyes move so quickly from the sudden contact
he wouldn't pay much attention to the fact that you covered his mouth but would be more focused on why you did
if he was being to loud he would quickly apologize but move on and continue what he was doing acting as if nothing happened
would insist after that he wasn't scared but laugh nervously for a while (basing this off of zerobasecamp frl)
you and jiwoong were staying at your parents place, and he insisted on watching the new horror movie that just came out. despite you insisting that it would be a bad idea since it was night time, he had already set up the tv and settled himself in your bed.
you sighed but settled yourself next to him after all it was rare to see jiwoong so enthusiastic over a horror movie. the movie was going well and you couldn't lie to yourself it was sort of interesting, yet you were way to intrigued by the movie to notice how your friends face was no longer filled with excitement.
right next to you jiwoong was trying so hard to keep his cool exterior on, but suddenly there was a jumpscare and he let out a semi loud scream. your eyes widened and you quickly cupped your hand over his mouth, and motioned him to keep quiet.
"shhh my parents are sleeping". his eyes reacted as he took your hand off his mouth and he quickly apologized for the sudden reaction, "im sorry, you're right maybe we can watch it some othertime" he said through nervous laughs.
it was clear he was not over the sudden jump scare but seeing your friend so nervous made you giggle a bit. "yeah we can watch it next time" you said as you tried to hide broken laughs.
*the way jiwoong would go back to trying to act cool after seeing you try to hold back laughs*
장하오 - complaining about his company
i don't know about you guys but i 100% believe Hao would be so loud when he complains
when you covered his mouth he would give you that sassy stare of like "WHY DID YOU COVER MY MOUTH I WAS TALKING"
he would only realize he was being too loud when he noticed how everyone has their eyes on him
would do that thing where he covers his mouth, laughs a bit and goes oops and get really embarassed
would probably continue to be a little sassy afterward due to the embarrassing situation
would not want to continue gossiping his introverted self is waaay to embarrassed to keep going, he would probably text you to continue through text if the topic was verrry interesting
it was another study date with hao and as much as you dreaded studying, you knew this study session was much needed. after all who else can help you with memorizing the history of music other than Hao, who just so happens to be one of the best musicians you know.
you both were at a local coffee shop, sitting around a rectangular table whilst sharing it with a couple of other people. at first the study session was going well. most conversations that could be over heard sounded like..
"so in the renaissance era the "prelude" was the most popular instrument"
"instruments were also made out.."
very quickly those conversations faded out into new ones that were not about the history of music but rather about how he despised his new company and how they treated his members
"you don't get it y/n it's getting out of hand they show little care to some of the members"
"i know haohao but there's not much you can do, other than just support, love, and enjoy your time with your members"
"Ugh I just hate Wake On-" hao's sentence was cut short when despite him wearing a mask you hurriedly covered his mouth. at first he was surprised as to why you were covering his mouth, and he gave you a annoyed glanced.
you leaned in and whispered "you almost mentioned your company's name" you leaned back to your seated position and you quickly signaled behind him taking your hand off his face.
as he slowly turned around, to his surprise, there were a couple of eyes staring at him. his face flushed red and in that moment he was so thankful to be wearing a mask. he turned facing you covering his already covered mouth, as he nervously laughed "oops"
you shook your head still worried about how he almost revealed his identity. but now continuing to study would be hard as hao was now a sassy and embarrassed messed, you sighed but smiled, "my haohao is cute when he's embarrassed haha"
성한빈 - overexplaining out of excitement
hanbin is a really nice guy and would not think twice about helping someone in need
due to his honest and talkative nature he has the tendency to overexplain when he's really passionate
would gasp and cover his own mouth to shut himself up before you even got the chance to ngl
would read in his face that he realized he had taken up too much of the person's time
he would quickly recover from the situation and continue on apologizing for overexplaining
he would not really care if you covered his mouth he would laugh it off as he realized much before you did that he was overexplaining again
you and hanbin were walking home, after a afternoon dance class when all of a sudden your walk was interrupted by a young girl. "excuse me do you know how to get to this comic book store"
before you could even respond, hanbin was already taking matters into his own hands, leading the teen to the comic book store. you had to admit despite how tired you were, you enjoyed seeing how your friend was so enthusiastic about helping people. in a way, it warmed your heart seeing how good of a person he is.
as you neared the comic book store, hanbin continued to strike up a friendly conversation to the stranger he just met.
"so which comic book are you gonna get?"
"i'm going to get true beauty! have you read it before"
"of course i have, it's one of my favorite comic books and I watched the drama..." very quickly he began overexplaining the plot due to his love for it. the young girls face contorted into discomfort as she did not want any spoilers.
but right as you were about to cover hanbins mouth to shut him up, you heard a dramatic gasp. you whipped your head towards your friends direction only to see him cup his own mouth. "oh my- i'm overexplaining, im so sorry about that i'll stop" he explained while laughing off his bad habit.
the young girl laughed seeing hanbins expressive face change so suddenly from his realization. "you're good no worries" and seeing both of them laugh you couldn't help but also let out a small giggle. hanbin's positive energy was just so contagious like that
석매튜 - gossiping a little too loud
listen when Matthew is gossiping he is GOSSIPING
would take it so serious
like Hao would get so loud when he's really into it
unlike Hao though, Matthew would be confused why you covered his mouth
would be so clueless and unaware that he was being loud
even if you pointed it out, he would brush it off saying no one was listening (they were)
would be more focused on gossiping rather than the people around him
"yeah and apparently he knew his girlfriend was cheating"
"y/n, but why did he still say, he's a little dumb don't you think"
it was another day when you went to the mall with your best friend. unfortunately, there was a long line to pay for your clothes, but fortunately this gave you time to finally tell him the rumors you heard.
no one is a better listener and reactor than matthew and you finally had the chance to tell him, and so you did, you began to explain how your coworker's girlfriend was cheating on him. matthew was so interested, but of course his blunt nature couldn't be kept within him.
"i don't think he's dumb but i think he had his reasons for staying with her you know"
"BRO WHY THOUGH HE'S JUST GETTING HIS HEART BROKEN" his voice was much louder than before, and as quickly as he said the first word almost everyone in line turned around to see who was speaking loudly.
you couldn't help but quickly cover his mouth from all the eyes that laid on the two of you. which earned you a confused glare from your friend. in less than 5 seconds he quickly took your hand off his mouth saying "why'd you cover my mouth"
"everyone was looking" you said in a whisper, hoping everyone's eyes were no longer on you.
"no they weren't" you looked up in disbelief. matthew was always known to be "in his own world" but come on how could he not feel everyone's eyes on him. you were about to continue with your playful banter when you heard the cashier
"i can help you on number five!"
김태래 - fighting with his members
our favorite cute duck who despite his cute lovely face has anger issues
probably was arguing with one of the members again because he refuses to accept his height
would get really mad while the other members enjoyed the reaction out of him
you covered his mouth to not only shut him up but to calm him down as well
it worked
you were taeraes softspot and he knew when to stop from going to far
would stay quiet afterwards and just become composed
it was another day at the wakeone building. your best friend was practicing for his comeback in the dance practice room. you had decided to bring them all snacks as most of the members enjoyed them.
once you arrived you were greeted with Gunwook who opened the door, while nervously rubbing his neck. confused you let yourself inside the practice room only to see hanbin and gyuvin laughing as your bestfriend and matthew were bickering.
"you're actually the same height as me" matthew said with a proud smile as taerae began with his sassy rant.
"please im 4cm taller than you, you need to humble yourself, you are not the same height as me" taerae said each word growing gradually louder as he spoke. while it seemed playful at first you know taerae hates being teased about his height.
you decided to run over to taerae and cup your hand around his mouth from behind, in hopes the argument would come to a sudden stop. afterall you wanted to spend sometime with your best friend during his busy schedule.
as you cupped your hand over his mouth, taerae recognized the familiar fingertips touching his lips. and quickly swallowed back all the words that were about to slip out. matthew glanced at you, surprised at how quick taerae became quiet.
you let his mouth free and you proceeded to explain why you were there. while doing so taerae sat up straight and composed himself to fully listen to what you were saying. once you were done there was a bit of silence until Hanbin broke the silent void
"next time i want to stop an argument between taerae and one of us, i know who to call now" causing taerae to hide his face and everyone giggled at his unexpected but truthful comment
리키 - almost swearing
oh your sweet baby cat
listen he is lovelicky for the most part but when he is in his black cat phase he can't help but naturally swear
especially when gyuvin makes him question what he even is thinking or saying
you would cover his mouth, and after a second would realize he almost swore
would try to save himself and backtrack, explaining that he was not gonna say that
literally no one believes him but he's cute so we let it slide
another day where you were hanging out with ricky and gyuvin. while it was pretty relaxing at first, extroverted gyuvin could not keep still. despite watching a movie, gyuvin was still bored until he decided he wanted to livestream. he hadn't talked to his fans for while and his close friends were over, what a great timing.
you three sat around the bed, positioning the phone to fit all three of you. and of course gyuvin persisted ricky to read comments and ricky refused every. single. time.
"fine if you won't read them, i will" literally no response from ricky. you giggled at your bestfrind's cold nature. you knew he was a bit moody since gyuvin did not let you two finish watching the movie.
"ricky i love you' gyuvin said proudly and suddenly, causing ricky to jolt you and him up at the sudden comment. gyuvin quickly paneled the camera towards ricky for his reaction. as gyuvin waited expectedly, ricky responded
"what the fu-" before he could even finish his sentence you gasped and covered his mouth. gyuvin gasped too and panned the camera to himself to explain that ricky did not almost swear. and upon hearing that ricky gets up and makes a run for it.
he grabs the phone from gyuvin saying, "guys i swear i was only going to tell gyuvin "what a cutie". you and gyuvin glanced at each other smirking. you guys made eye contact with ricky and as you and gyuvin looked at each other again you couldn't help but laugh at ricky backtracking from his mistakes.
김규빈 - Laughing too Loud
our loud baby
he has the cute habit of yelling when he's excited remember when he started yelling while on a drive because he saw cheap mangos T_T
as loud as he yells he also laughs loud
you're used to his loud laugh since you both always laugh for anything.
eye contact. laugh. side eye laugh.
but in times when he needs to stay quiet.. boy good luck
covering his mouth he would either bite your hand or take it off and be EVEN louder as revenge
he's silly like that
morning announcements at school were already calling for all seniors to go to the cafeteria. you looked for your friend and quickly spotted gyuvin running towards you with a grin. he caught up and quickly the tall boy began with his pestering
"y/n we're going to the assembly right?"
"y/n i don't wanna go now i can't sleep in class"
"hey HEY lets skip it"
now that quickly caused you to whip your head towards his direction. he knew you so well. as much as you didn't wanna go either, you just had a hard time not following the rules. "no gyu we have to go"
he loudly sighed with a "ugh fine", and lazily followed you to the cafeteria. while both of you waited for the assembly to start, you started chatting away. once it did start though you made sure to pay attention.
oh but gyuvin could not keep still for the life of him. while your eyes were at the principal giving her speech, gyuvin began poking your stomach. when that didn't work he sneakily started tickling you to get a reaction out of you. and of course it worked.
"Gyuvin!" you whisper-yelled and snapped your head toward his direction. and then you heard it. the familiar loud laugh. to be honest you loved his laugh but this was a school assembly and his laugh was so LOUD.
you quickly wrapped your right hand over his mouth and your left hand held his head to hide him from everyone. you eyed him as he calmed down, and as you thought everything was settling down you hear your principal.
"y/n, gyuvin, after this assembly ends please come to my office". you couldn't completely be mad at gyuvin, it was just part of being his friend and in a way it made life much more fun.
박건욱 - Being too honest
gunwook who struggles to lie oh what a cutie :,)
he simply cannot lie, its against his nature
when you covered his mouth he would immediately understand what he said
he would gasp so loud and get red
100% believe he would be a full shy baby in this situation
would apologize and laugh
luckily for him everyone around him would find his little mistake cute
you and gunwook had gotten word that matthew was going to go on a blind date with a girl. and you both could simply not beat curiosity. hence it led to where you are rn
gunwook with sunglasses and baggy clothes and you with a wig and a mask. you both had secretly followed matthew to the restaurant where he would meet his date. as time progressed his date showed up and you and gunwook quite literally STARRED for the longest time.
"y/n they look cute together don't you think"
"yes wookie they match so well" you said between giggles. you had to admit seeing matthew with a date that matched his looks and personality sorta made you blush over how cute they looked together.
"alright gunwook i think we did enough looking we should go"
as you guys got up to leave. matthew's date seemed to have eyed you both and quickly ran up to stop you. "Stop! who are you two? and why have you been eying at me and my date for the past 20 minutes"? as you were about to make a lie to get out of the situation. gunwook spoke up, quicker than you could even think.
"hello ma'am, sorry for starring at you. you seem like a very sweet and genuine person and I was worried for my friend. So y/n and I sneaked behind Matthew to see who you were an-" gunwook's honest rant was cut short by your hand.
"sorry miss, my friend is a little to honest" you let go and out of the corner of your eye you see gunwook flush red from embarrassment. "we'll leave now, we just wanted to make sure matt was safe" the woman let out a laugh and patted gunwook's back.
"it's okay kiddos, you guys are cute. no need to get red i appreciate the honesty and the way you look out for your friend!" gunwook laughed at her comment as she had noticed his red face. "i'm sorry ma'am but we'll be on our way not" he said as he grabbed your arm to leave. "enjoy your date with matthew"!
한유진 - Sneaking Around
now yujin he is good at being quiet
there would be no need to keep him quiet because 9/10 times he already is
the problem is he is clumsy
and when he is clumsy, semi loud reactions can't help but come out of him
he would quietly yell, causing you to cover his mouth
would not realize he was being loud
he would just apologize to you and recover from the clumsy act
and he would simply move on
yujin is a simple guy like that
it was 9:00pm and the last place you'd think you'd be is at school. yet here you are. at least you're not alone though, your close friend luckily accompanied you. sure you had to bribe him with snacks but at least he went along with you
"why are we here again"
"because i forgot my diary in my locker"
"really y/n"
"yes i can't sleep knowing its not in my night stand" yes you were annoyed too. its a simple diary but it means the world to you. now you and yujin were hiding behind the front desk hoping to get past the receptionist, who seemed to be packing her things to clock out.
everything was going great. yujin was as quiet as it could get. his introvered self only asked four questions at most. you were leading the way when you told yujin "be careful there is a statue of the mascot here"
as you crawled past it, you turned to watch your friend. and then SMACK! one second the mascot was standing and the next second there was glass on the floor. the receptionist turned her head and right as yujin was about to gasp, you quickly tackled him, covering his mouth before the silence was interrupted.
you both eyed the receptionist and luckily for both of you she seemed scared of the loud noise. so she was not willing to check what happened, and quickly fled the school. you eyes your friend, taking your hand off and both of you laughed at the situation.
the poor receptionist would probably tell her co workers what happed and maybe you both would get in trouble. but that was not important right now, you had to collect your diary asap!
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01zfan · 6 months
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housequake pt. 2 | j. sc
soccer player!sungchan x cheerleader!reader | 9k words
i kinda got carried away with leading up to the party...y'all know me i love to type a little too much. also sungchan wears mr. burberry cologne in this.
contains: smoking, partying, and drinking
housequake: during the party | after the party
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after the police crashed shotaro’s party, everyone became paranoid. guest lists were kept small and big blowout parties turned into medium sized gatherings or calm kickbacks. 
some people complained about it, how the looming authority of the cops took away the joy of being young. there was the constant fear of being busted, especially from the kids that were caught and given a warning by the cops. your team complained about it too. you found it odd that they complained about the small parties when a majority of it was spent outside, passing around substances. very few times did you actually see your team inside the houses of the party instead of the lawn. you never said this out loud because there was nothing your team hated more than being considered hypocrites. you preferred to tough the weather conditions rather than try to navigate sticky floors and loud music. atleast this way you could actually hear your teammates as they ran through topics of conversation while smoking cigarettes down to the butt.
speaking points of your little huddle changed each week. you had started referring to them as your debriefs of the week. some topics would be on a rotation, ever now and then there would be something so monumental that happened it would be brought up time and time again. when you were freshmen, it was when karina caught her ex red-handed with a former member of the cheerleading team. your huddle combed over every detail of the night, adding in things that didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things but just gave you more to talk about. each time you thought you were done and then you’d hear an i just think it’s funny how before everyone dove back into the conversation
as of late, you and sungchan became one of the main topics of conversation. it started when you and ryujin successfully escaped from shotaro’s busted house party. you barely had time to look back at sungchan as ryujin pulled you out the room and down the stairs. even though it was inevitable a party of that size in a neighborhood that quiet would get busted, it was still scary. warnings from law enforcement evolved into tickets and in school suspension after a call home. you even heard a case of someone having to get picked up from the station. you saw that some of your classmates had already been made into examples. they sat lined up on the curb like ducks in handcuffs while officers wrote them tickets.
before you could walk out the front door right to the cops, ryujin grabbed your hand and pointed towards shotaro’s backyard. you looked at the cop coming through the front door and locking eyes with you before turning on the ball of your foot, running towards the sliding glass door. kids rushed beside you going in all different directions. you knew it wasn’t nearly as scary to get caught by the cops, but the haste of everyone else made adrenaline pump through your veins. 
when ryujin said your only option was jumping the fence you wanted to tell her that your legs were still exhausted from what you were doing in shotaro’s room not even five minutes ago. you didn’t have time as you ran past your slow peers, or narrowly evading the cops that were in shotaro’s backyard trying to grab whoever they could.
ryujin let go of your hand to get over the fence, and you had little time to prep yourself before you leaped over it. you had to thank your career in cheer for helping you clear the fence with ease. you saw a few of your peers get stuck on the fence and that’s how they were caught. you felt like a criminal on the run when you swung your leg over the fence to cut through the yards of shotaros’ neighbors. a few had their lights on, yelling at the small crowd of teenagers as they ran from the police. you recognized a few faces of the people who were able to escape. eyes were focused and everyone ran at full speed trying to hold all their things as they ran from the sound of police sirens. all you could think about were the soles of your poor cheerleading shoes as you ran through garden beds and stone walkways. 
you and ryujin kept running long after everyone around you stopped. the two of you didn’t slow down until you found an exit from the yard, emerging onto the street. ryujin grabbed your hand again and pointed at karina’s car. you don’t know how ryujin noticed the car that was parked underneath the streetlamp. the lights were off and you couldn’t see anyone in the car. it was almost ominous, seeing the single light shine down on the matte black vehicle. 
you two jogged across the street, the sound of your cheer shoes hitting the road louder than the police sirens down the street. karina and chaeryeong’s seats shot up when ryujin pulled on the backdoor car handle.
by the time you made it to karina’s car your shoes were a mess. the pristine white was replaced with dirt and mud, and it looked like it was going to stain. you and ryujin were huffing in the backseat trying to catch your breath. karina wasted no time turning on her car to leave the area.
you didn’t catch your breath for another five minutes. just as you thought you were calming down, your mind took you back to your encounter with sungchan. you barely had time to comprehend what happened before being pulled away. with each breath you remembered the way sungchan puffed into your ear, or how he was moaning for you when he was close. when you closed your eyes to focus that only made things worse. you swear you could see the way sungchan looked at you seared into the back of your eyelids, or how he leaned his head back when he came on your thighs.
ryujin caught her breath before you did. when ryujin was able to speak again she wasted no time to tell the story of how a guy was able to get you to go upstairs. her side of the story was dramatized and exaggerated, but it made karina and chaeryeong’s eyes go wide nonetheless. you were still breathless as you shook your head to try and squash ryujin’s lies, but it was no use. karina’s interest was piqued as she tried to figure out who the man was.
karina looked at your expression for only a second in the rearview mirror before gasping out loud. karina was so shocked her car swerved on the road slightly and had to be corrected by chaeryeong putting panicked hands on the wheel. you had to remind yourself that karina did nothing but smoke tonight, she was the safest one to drive out of everybody. you could probably ask her how the other girls got home to avoid talking about the elephant in the car, but it was too late when karina whispered his name.
“sungchan?” karina said. 
ryujin nodded her head and you stuck your head in your hands, suddenly too embarrassed to even think. you felt karina reach towards the backseat and hit your knee in exclamation.
“i. fucking. knew. it.” karina seethed after each hit
she was entirely too excited, mouth open in surprise as she laughed. karina and ryujin laughed together, waiting for your explanation. you shook your head and ryujin took matters into her own hands. ryujin recounts the story and karina nods her head excitedly, eyes on the road as she gathers in all the new information. chaeryeong corraborates the story, nodding along as ryujin tells karina.
“so i see chaeryeong getting chatted up by that girl on her team that is always hitting on her right? so i go over to her just for a second to bring her back with me because she looks uncomfortable as hell.” ryujin says.
“not true.” chaeryeong says unconvincingly. 
you can practically hear ryujin roll her eyes as you look up from your hands. you see ryujin pointing her finger at you as karina steals glances by looking at her rearview mirror. 
“before i can bring her back, i see this little player walking up the stairs,” karina gasps again and ryujin nods her head. “i see her walking up the stairs with sungchan. his hand is literally on her ass by the way.” ryujin says
“his hand was on my shoulder.” you say matter-of-factly. 
karina looks to the rear view mirror to laugh at you.
“you don’t deny anything else?” karina asks.
her eyebrows are raised and the car fills up with giggles as you say nothing in response.
“i didn’t know you had it in you.” karina says.
“i didn’t know he had it in him.” you correct.
ryujin and karina exchange looks. chaeryeong freezes before turning to look at you in the backseat. you can feel ryujin turning to look at you too. everyone has an extremely confused look on their faces and you subconsciously match their expressions.
“wait. you guys fucked?” ryujin asks.
your eyes are wide as you nod. you thought they knew, but the playful atmosphere in the car changed almost immediately. your three friends are silent as they look to one another. you consider opening up the car door and barrel rolling into the road to get away from the conversation.
“this changes everything.” karina says.
the car is silent again and you see chaeryeong and ryujin nod their heads in agreement. your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you try to understand what karina means.
“how?” you ask. “you and eunseok have fucked.” you turn your head to the side to look at ryujin and chaeryeong. "you two have fucked."
“well that’s different. we’ve been fooling around for awhile.” karina says.
“your dynamic with sungchan is so different too.” chaeryeong says.
you look at chaeryeong in amazement that she has so much to say and she shrugs at you to say sorry. you know she’s not wrong when ryujin and karina nod their heads in agreement. 
“it’s gonna be so awkward.” ryujin says.
karina turns on her blinker to go into her neighborhood. you try to come up with a rebuttal or defense but you know it’s the truth.
“i know. it’s gonna be great.” karina says smiling.
ryujin and karina were right. the following monday at school you saw sungchan first, and your mind immediately went to shotaro’s party two days prior. you wondered if he thought about the night as much as you did or if he was as nervous to see you as you were to see him. you debated on walking into an empty classroom to avoid the situation all together, but it was too late. sungchan made direct eye contact with you while anton and eunseok walked next to him. you felt like all their eyes were on you, and you there was a sinking feeling. you imagined yourself becoming the subject of their locker room talk. so when they came closer to you in the hallway your hands tightened around you backpack straps and you looked down, continuing to walk. you completely missed sungchan smiling at you and his awkward little wave and the way he turned his head to look back at you.
anton and eunseok were confused seeing sungchan try to get your attention. they didn’t even think about the time at the party that sungchan was unaccounted for, or how shotaro blew up their groupchat talking about jizz on his towel.
“what was that all about?” eunseok asked.
sungchan shrugged his shoulders and readjusted his backpack.
“i thought she saw me.” sungchan said simply.
they didn’t ask him to explain further. eunseok and anton just continued to talk about the next soccer game and how they were going against their rivals. sungchan was barely present for the conversation, nodding his head to seem engaged. 
it went on like this for the whole day, sungchan thinking about how you passed him by in the hallway without saying a single word. he thought about you and him in shotaro’s room, how embarrassed he was after the fact. sungchan started to think you were embarrassed of the situation too. his face started to feel hot and he couldn’t stop himself from thinking you weren’t satisfied with his performance. you could’ve easily lied to make sungchan feel better. he couldn’t stop himself from putting his head in his hands at the thought of him not being able to please you. sungchan had the habit of losing himself when chasing his pleasure, he was afraid it was to the point that you didn’t have any fun.
when you sat at your table for lunch all their eyes were on you. you looked to ryujin and karina, they avoided your eye contact, picking at food on their plate. you tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible, eating your food while the rest of the table stared at you. you took a bite, feeling all of their eyes burn holes into your skin. you look up from your plate innocently, eyes darting to all your teammates.
“what?” you ask.
everyone at the table groans at your benevolence.
“don’t even.” yunjin says.
“details. now.” ningning says.
you look at karina and ryujin. they shrug and immediately get defensive.
“you didn’t say we couldn’t say anything!” ryujin says.
you can’t bring yourself to talk about the situation in detail. your team settles for hearing your awkward encounter with sungchan this morning, how you two made eye contact and didn’t interact. your team becomes your active audience, cringing and giving sound effects to your story. some of them even turn to look at sungchan sitting at a table with his friends. he barely eats his food, pushing around his fruit with a fork.
“he’s looked like a lost puppy all day by the way.” chaeryeong says.
“i mean look at the poor guy.” yunjin says.
she hides a smile and you look over yunjin’s shoulder to look at sungchan. you can’t lie and say he doesn’t look downcast at his seat. he has always been the worst at hiding his emotions, you have seen frustration take over multiple times during the season. he’d visibly roll his eyes at the referee when a bad call was made, and you have seen him get defensive when his teammate was pushed down. but that fiery spirit you saw on the field was nothing like the man sitting at the table, stealing glances at you ever so often. 
when sungchan looked up at the same time you did you both made eye contact. so lost in eachother’s own minds made both of your eyes go wide, embarrassed for some reason to show you were thinking about the other. you held eye contact for a beat too long, eyes darting to your food a little too quickly. your friends laid witness to the whole thing, most of them cringing.
the monday after the party and the party itself gave your team alot to talk about. so now each party they would subtly try to bring up sungchan, trying to see if there were any updates. it bothered them to no end that you would just smile and look down shyly before shaking your head. you were awful at keeping secrets so you simply chose to stay silent. they could see the heat in your cheeks and the way you bashfully shrugged your shoulders, but they didn’t ask you anymore questions.
they didn’t know that by the time the next party came around, you were seeing sungchan consistently. you saw him again nearly colliding with him in the library. it was an accident on your part but negligence on whoever it was that ran into you. you turned around, ready to give whoever it was the meanest look you could muster. but when you realized it was sungchan, the expression on your face changed to pure shock. 
he was no better, getting ready to apologize profusely before his eyes went wide.
neither of you could figure out what to say. you didn’t know it would be so awful to hookup with people at parties and never speak to them again. as you stared at sungchan you were at a loss for words—you had to shake your head several times when you felt your eyes wondering. you tried to push past him quickly to give your groupchat another thing to cringe over. but before you could get away, sungchan called out to you. he reached out his hand as well, but he pulled it back to rest by his leg.
“can we talk?” sungchan asked
that talk led to both of you quietly confessing that you would like to continue seeing eachother. you both kept it a secret from your teams in an effort to keep the mess contained. so many instances of your two teams fooling around made you want to keep everything personal until you decided where the relationship was going to go. 
after the first date you were inseparable. after the second date sungchan asked to be your boyfriend. after the third date sungchan started dropping hints that he wanted to tell the world you were his girlfriend. he started walking you to all of your classes even if they were on the other side of the campus and holding all of your things even if his hands were full. sungchan started dropping his things off in class a little earlier, just so he could lighten the load you had to carry. you adopted your own ways of doting on sungchan. your doting came in the form of notes in his locker on game days wishing him luck and grabbing his hand when you both were alone. it was simple signs of affection, but no matter what sungchan shyly put his hand down and started smiling uncontrollably. 
by the time the next weekend party rolled around you were heavily involved with sungchan. you both found it humorous to sneak around behind your teammates backs, although you weren’t really trying to keep it a secret. you just liked playing dumb when your team would bring up you and sungchan.
when you sat outside of sungchan’s house with your huddle while they passed around their substances you couldn’t stop smiling. something about parties now were even more enjoyable than they were before. even when your group got mad at the fact that they had to move to the backyard to smoke you remained happy, quickly looking through each room for your man. he was constantly going to each room of his house making sure everything remained in tact. 
sungchan knew he was a little bit too high strung to throw big gatherings like shotaro did. after his friend got busted the unspoken responsibility to throw house parties landed on sungchan’s shoulders. he hated the idea of strangers being in his parents house so he settled for a smaller guest list and a designated schedule for when the party was over. he also made his team agree to help clean any messes that were left when the party was over. sungchan was trying his best to not get the police called on him, so he was constantly monitoring the volume of people and the music. sungchan felt an unbelievable amount of stress pacing around his home. it was freezing outside but he sweat from the anxiety, and he couldn’t stop himself from putting people’s drinks on coasters. he decided he was never going to host anything like this ever again. 
the only source of relief sungchan had from the night was seeing you. it was in quick snatches and in between moments of sungchan catching someone doing something they weren’t supposed to. at first your interactions were rushed. sungchan would only be able to grip your shoulders quickly before stopping someone from running into a framed picture hanging on the wall. he kissed your forehead quickly during another part in the night before stopping someone from going into his room. it wasn’t until the party was winding down that sungchan was actually able to flirt with you the way he wanted to. 
it was ironic, the harder he tried to seem cool the more awkward he felt. when sungchan put his hands into his pockets to lean over you, he felt like an idiot. the only thing that kept sungchan going was the way you looked up at him, and nodded your head slowly anytime he asked you if you knew how pretty you were. right as sungchan would be getting into the feeling of it all, he would see another one of his guests about to do something that would get sungchan reprimanded by parents. he kissed your cheek before running off, giving you his saddest look.
you didn’t care if sungchan didn’t spend all night with you. you were having fun outside with your friends hearing them talk about whatever came to their minds outside. it seemed like this time was the only relief you got from your hectic school schedules and grueling practices. 
just as your huddle started talking about you and sungchan, you saw him come into the backyard. he had a bottle of beer in his hand that was just for show as he nervously approached your group of girls. 
“the party is about to end,” sungchan rubbed the back of his neck as your team looked at him unamused. they continued to smoke as sungchan got even more nervous. you smiled at the situation, kicking a rock around as sungchan tried to get in everyone’s good graces. “my parents are gonna be home in the morning.” sungchan said.
your team didn’t react besides karina who nodded to him. sungchan looked at you and smiled, bringing his hand that was awkwardly behind his back to wave at you. it was awkward and he did it for no reason, bringing the attention of your teammates to your interaction. you could feel their eyes drift from sungchan’s hand to yours as you smiled and waved back. sungchan stayed there for a moment with his eyes only on you before he remembered the presence of your teammates. he walked away after looking around your huddle, and slightly tripped while heading back to the door. you failed to hide your smile as your team teased you for the awkward interaction.
you spent the remainder of the party outside with your team, staring at the sliding glass door of sungchan’s house. the door in the kitchen led you right outside, where the main group of people resided. you saw more and more people clear the space as time passed. occasionally you would get a glance of sungchan instructing his team on where to clean up. sungchan would also sneak peaks outside where your team remained unmoving.
“looks like the party is over.” you say casually.
your attempt at sounding casual failed. the moment you finished your sentence your huddle turned towards you with wicked smiled on their faces.
“trying to be alone with sungchan?” karina asked.
“that’s why she’s trying to end the party early.” yunjin laughed.
instantly you shook your head and raised your hands in defense. 
“i don’t know what you guys are talking about.” you say.
it was no use. you were teased the whole time while your group left through the gate in sungchan’s backyard. they only got louder when you said you were staying behind to help clean.
“you’ve never helped clean up after a party in your life.” ryujin said.
your whole team was laughing while you tried to make up an excuse. you didn’t hear the end of it until the door closed to karina’s car. even in the team groupchat they were talking about you. the moment karina’s car backed out of the driveway your phone’s ringer was going off. you were getting sent texts talking about the importance of safe sex and to report back about how good sungchan was at actual sex when you were done.
you were defending yourself over text while walking back into sungchan’s house through the back door. the same kitchen table that was covered in spilled drinks and bottles of hard liquor was completely clean. the whole house seemed to be clean now with the help of the soccer team. they had stayed behind too, walking through sungchan’s place with bags and cleaning gloves on checking for spills or leftover trash. 
you leaned against the table in sungchan’s kitchen waiting to see him again. his teammates passed by you, getting ready to tell you it was time to go home before realizing who you were. when they saw your face, they would nod politely before walking off to continue cleaning. you tried not to think too much of it, maybe they thought you were waiting for your teammates that were long gone. 
sungchan was checking each room of his home trying not to seem frantic. he started at the very top, peaking into the empty room of his parents and then walking down the hallway to check his. when he saw that all of the upstairs was empty, he was happy that there were no stragglers. but when sungchan checked the downstairs living room and the guest room he felt himself begin to panic. he started to think that it was only him, his teammates, and leftover partygoers in his big house. sungchan started swinging open doors without knocking, only muttering a sorry to his teammate in the bathroom before continuing to check the rooms. sungchan almost ran past you to look outside before stopping in his tracks.
you looked up from your phone to see sungchan in the entryway of his dining room. you were still leaning on the table looking up to your boyfriend from something unimportant on your device. you took in sungchan’s frazzled appearance and the way he was slightly out of breath from running around his house. he ran his hand through his hair, pushing the strands from his face. he cleared the singular step that took him down into the kitchen with ease and walked towards you.
“you had fun?” sungchan asks.
sungchan’s perfume gets to you before his hand does. when he leans forward you smell the cleanliness of sandalwood and a hint of spearmint before the warmth and comfort of nutmeg and cardamom fills your nose. the woody cleanliness of sungchan makes you the drunkest you’ve ever been, it almost makes you fall off the counter you lean on. you’re drawn closer to him, and feel him everywhere before he even touches you. 
sungchan brings a gentle hand rests on top of yours as he leans his body closer to you. he’s is at an awkward angle, almost like he is trying to stop himself from invading too much of your personal space. you look down at the shirt he managed to keep clean all night. the baby blue polo for your school uniform it’s too formal for a house party, but the collar looks perfect to grab. you have to fight to stop yourself from closing the space between the two of you. your mind drifts to the image of how the fabric would look wrinkled between your clutched fingers. 
sungchan’s hand that doesn’t rest on top of yours goes underneath your chin to push your gaze upwards. you let your eyes connect with him, and your hands have to grip tighter to the edge of the counter. if anyone else was in the room they no longer mattered—only you and sungchan existed in the space of his kitchen.
“it was alot of fun.” you said.
“it wasn’t as big as taro’s parties.” sungchan said.
you shrugged your shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant. you felt like you were going to snap off the edge of sungchan’s counter with the force of your grip.
“i like smaller parties. they’re calmer.” you say.
sungchan nods in agreement. you see hie body pause for a second before he lets his hand rest on the edge of the counter next to yours. you quickly try to loosen your grip, but you see sungchan hold the edge until his knuckles turn white. it becomes harder to remain calm as sungchan’s eyes get softer. he still refuses to come closer into your space. it's almost torture having him close enough to smell but too far to touch casually.
“i barely got to see you.” you continue.
sungchan nods again. he surprises you by coming in a little closer, his hand underneath your chin brings you to him. you use your hands on the counter to move your body towards his.
when someone clears their throat in the kitchen you both jolt. sungchan’s hand immediately drops from your face and you turn your head away from whoever made the noise. you look outside the window of sungchan's kitchen, looking at the empty yard where you oncee stood. sungchan lets go of the counter to stand upright. he clears his throat too, and you can hear him scratching his head.
“we need help finding more bags.” you heard a voice awkwardly say.  
“i showed you where already.” sungchan said.
“i forgot.” he says simply.
you let a tiny laugh escape you and sungchan shakes his head. when the person turns to leave the kitchen you look and see that it’s sohee. he sat next to you in your home economics class last year. now you would have to avoid him for the next couple days. sohee turned around for a moment and you could almost feel sungchan next to you trying to inconspicuously shoo him away. sohee looked lost for just a moment, looking around where to go before walking out of sight. 
sungchan’s hands that were in the air suddenly moved to his hair to adjust the strands. he looked at you again before swallowing his nerves.
“go upstairs and wait for me?” sungchan asked.
he left the question in the air to let you decide what you wanted to do. his teeth were showing by the time he was done talking, an awkward smiling playing on his lips. you remain straight faced, the only expression showing in your eyes.
“is it going to be just us?” you ask.
you looked past sungchan to his mostly vacant home. the only evidence of a party that remained were the stragglers and the sparse messes on the floors. you saw crumpled red solo cups and occasionally your foot would step in something sticky. your team is long gone. they seemed to have disappeared after you told ryujin your plans, and you’re sure ryujin told everyone else. 
sungchan plays with the short sleeve of your shirt, thumbing the hem so he can touch your bare arm. his hand travels up from the fabric until he reaches your face. he used his thumb to stroke the apples of your cheeks. his eyes focus on the way your skin moves underneath the light pressure of his thumb when he speaks.
“just us. i’ll put people on the street if i have to.” sungchan says. 
you laugh and put your hand on his, moving it away from your face. his eyes snap back to yours, looking to see if you had changed your mind. you try to seem facetious, like you have something in store for him when you get him alone.
“your room is on the right up the stairs?” you ask innocently.
you start heading the correct way when sungchan nods quickly. he stays there for a moment, just to make sure you’re heading towards the stairs. he peaks over his shoulder to see the person that he almost got out the house settled back on his couch. sungchan starts backing towards the person on his couch as you walk towards the stairs. you turn your back but you can hear sungchan call out to you from the living room.
“i’ll be up there soon.” he says excitedly.
when you get to the base of sungchan’s stairs, the way up is daunting. you believe going up shotaro’s stairs were easier, even if his stairs were bare and had to carpet to help traction your feet. shotaro’s stairs had people shoulder to shoulder, not giving you the chance to be alone even if you wanted to. but up sungchan’s stairs—thirteen to be exact—was his empty room waiting for you. you tried to not trip on the even steps, and tried to seem as relaxed as possible incase sungchan had turned around to check that you went into the correct room. your posture is straightened as you try to make yourself seem calm and collected, and your hand grips the railing with a white knuckle.
you somehow make it up, and immediately make a beeline for sungchan’s room. you waste no time closing the door behind you, trying to give yourself as much time as possible to relax. you pace around sungchan’s room in the same timid path to try not and disrupt anything. you look at his desk and his chair that has his backpack hanging on the back. you turn on his lamp and look at the papers he has laid out. 
when you feel like you have looked for too long, you walk to his dresser to read the trophies and medals that rest on top. they’re dusty, some of them newer than others but they all say the same thing. when you get tired of that you move to sungchan’s black bedside table. you debate on opening the tiny drawer, just to take a peak at what’s inside. when the temptation becomes to strong, you walk around the foot of sungchan’s bed to go to the other side. you study the photos and posters on his wall, slowly making your way across his room. at the very end, the closest spot to his bed you see the black and white photobooth pictures you took on your second date. you smile looking at the four photos on top of eachother. only in the first and last one does sungchan actually look at the camera; the two in the middle he spent locked on the expressions you made for the memories. you still remember having to manually move his head to take the last photo. 
you were leaning in close to the photos when you heard the door open. your mind was preoccupied by snooping around sungchan’s room that you almost forgot why you were in here. the fleeting idea of stripping down to your undergarments and waiting on his bed for him posed all provocatively crossed your mind. the idea left your mind almost as soon as you realized you couldn’t look at sungchan’s bed without your stomach doing flips. it was too late anyway sungchan was in the room with you and you turned from the photos on his wall like you were caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. 
sungchan enters his room hesitating. he stands in the open doorframe, to let the light from his hallway spill in. he debates with himself quietly, before using his back to gently close the door. when it’s just the two of you in the room the atmosphere changes. you watch sungchan’s every move as he comes further into the bedroom. he messes with something on his desk before coming around the foot of his bed to get closer to you. this is different from the anonymity of being in shotaro’s room. you are looking at the memories and snapshots of sungchan’s life while the possibilities of how your night is going to go hangs in the air.
sungchan sits on the edge of the bed and gently taps the space beside him. the invitation is timid, almost as timid as your shy steps towards him. the springs of his mattress give underneath your weight, and the dip caused by sungchan's body causes you to get slide closer to him. you can feel sungchan prop a hand behind your body as he leans back slightly. you let yourself lean on his arm, and sungchan flexes to give your body something more stable. he points to the photo booth pictures that are tacked to his wall with the hand that isn’t behind you.
“those are my favorite photos of us.” he says.
you hum in agreement, and let your body lean further into sungchan’s.
“that was a good day.” you say.
for a moment, you and sungchan stay like that, sitting on the edge of his bed while looking at the photos. the silence is comfortable, both of you leaning further and further into one another. you can feel the tension in the room go up as sungchan moves the hand behind you to wrap around your waist. it's slow, first picking at the belt loop of your jeans before going underneath the bottom of your shirt. his hand is warm against your waist, and you scoot closer to him. you can't get any closer without going to sungchan's lap, you only move to show him his touches are invited. you continue to breathe in sungchan, trying to calm your heart by looking at the photos on his wall.
“is everyone gone?” you ask.
“eunseok just left to drop off anton,” sungchan moves his hand to rest on your thigh that’s closest to him. “it’s just us.” sungchan says.
you finally get the courage to turn your head. you look at sungchan, your own face reflected in his eyes as he gets closer and closer to you.
both you and sungchan close your eyes at the same time before the kiss. it’s slow only a gentle peck to figure out what the other wants. too deliberate and overthought on both ends, completely different from the first time. you almost pull back as doubt creeps in but sungchan pushes forward to keep your lips connected. he’s quick, and his lips linger longer. you relax into sungchan as he sets the rhythm.
once you find a steady pace you both become more and more desperate. your hands touch various places on sungchan’s arm to find a good grip and sungchan’s hand goes underneath your chin to slightly push your head up. his other hand that wraps around your waist pulls at your sides underneath your shirt. 
sungchan’s kisses falter, an offering for you to take the lead. you do it without hesitation—one hand reaches behind his back to the nape of his neck and the other clutches his shoulder. you tilt your head and sungchan mirrors your movement, giving you all the access you need. you both become starved, needing more and more with each kiss. the obvious doesn’t have to be said as you two dive into one another. both of your hands move to sungchan’s face to pull him in closer. he responds by getting off the bed and gets in front of you. your lips never separate as sungchan lets you suck on his face.
he’s a good teammate on and off the field, letting you kiss him until you tucker yourself out. when you pull away to catch your breath sungchan goes to your neck, bending even closer to lightly suck and nip at your skin. you clutch the sides of his polo shirt in your hands at the sensation. his plush lips tickle your neck, and the way his large hand tilts your head to the side makes you sigh contently.
you let your body fall back on the bed and sungchan kisses your neck all the way down. you can feel the electricity and sungchan can feel it too. you're already squirming, strong hands on his shoulder keeps sungchan in place. his dick presses against his pants, and he exerts all of his self control to hold himself back. you look so good underneath his body, and he breaks his no outside clothes on the bed rule to prop one of his knees beside your thighs. your hands continue to mess with his shirt, pushing it up to reveal his toned body. you arch off the bed, needing to feel his body against yours.
sungchan is suddenly upright, using quick hands to unbutton his polo. it’s over his head while you come from your daze. you start working on your own shirt, your fidgety hands fail you. sungchan is there to help you the rest of the way even though his hands shake the same.
when you are in your bra he kisses you back down onto the bed. his lips are on yours when you feel for the button on his jeans, clumsily undoing them as you try to keep up with his kisses.
“so pretty.” sungchan says breathlessly.
he started working at getting your pants off. having to lift your hips in the air is awkward, but it helps you push yourself further onto the bed. only your feet are over the edge when you’re left in your under garments. sungchan takes off his pants beside the bed. he adjusts the light setting on his lamp, changing it to a dim setting that still allows him to be visible.
”is having the light on okay?” sungchan looks to you quickly. “i want to see you.”
you shift slightly on the bed as you nod. sungchan’s eyes wander all over your body, staying on the parts of you he couldn’t see in the darkness of shotaro’s room.
he comes back to your slowly on the bed, his knees going to either side of you. he looms over you, bringing your face in for another kiss. this time it’s sungchan sucking on your lips, trailing down until he’s kissing your collarbones.
“can i touch you?” he asks.
his voice is raspy and low. you can feel the thrill shoot up your spine and the heat in the pit of your stomach intensifies.
“please.” you say.
sungchan wastes no time gripping your chest. he moves down your body slightly to place kisses on the exposed skin and to look at your expressions. he presses the pads of his fingers into your pillowy skin, fixated on the way it spills between his fingers. when his lips graze your sensitive areola you lift your leg that's between his. you can feel his hard dick press into your leg and sungchan sighs. when he purposely presses his dick against your thigh you can feel all of him, heavy and hard underneath his briefs. you sigh contently, and quietly moan when his kisses get wetter. sungchan doesn’t try to take off your bra, instead he pushes it down until your chest is completely exposed. 
when he looks up to you again you nod, and your hand goes to his hair. you pet his head and arch your back into sungchan’s mouth and he doesn't hesitate to take you into his mouth. you can’t maintain eye contact when he looks up at you with glossy eyes, almost like he's waiting for approval. you lean your head back into the mattress, hoping that the way you pet his head tells him how good you feel.
sungchan starts moving your body until your head is resting on his pillows. when he’s not sucking on one breast he rolls your nipples between his fingers. you whimper when he pinches a little harder, and you can feel his smile against your wet skin.
sungchan drags his tongue across your chest until he latches on your other nipple. the cold air in sungchan’s room leaves the sensitive bud hardening, and the stimulation leaves you a squirming mess. you are only temporarily sated when sungchan’s fingers push underneath the waistband of your panties.
“so wet.” sungchan says quietly.
you only whine in response, and your legs close around sungchan’s hand. he smiles when he sees your swollen lip caught between your teeth and your hand fisting the sheets on his bed. your legs give sungchan’s hand no resistance when he separates them at the knee. he swipes his finger down your folds while he looks up at you.
“can you?” you ask.
sungchan nods before sliding a finger in. your body trembles. when he puts in two fingers you grab him and pull him close, pressing his face the soft skin of your stomach. 
“i can barely fit two fingers” sungchan says.
he’s amazed when you start lifting your hips slightly. sungchan looks up to you and purposely locks his hand in place to see what you will do. when your stomach starts tightening so you can fuck yourself on his fingers, sungchan's eyes go wide. when you hiss each time his fingers go all the way inside of you, his dick twitches in his briefs. when you have to shake your head after sungchan tries to scissor his fingers, he has to focus on something else in his room.
“you’re perfect.” sungchan says out of breath.
he keeps his fingers in place, looking down at you as you slowly bring your hips up. your knees come together, and your grip on his sheets turns your knuckles white. when you start shaking sungchan has to pull his fingers out. he kisses away your whines when you start reaching for the waistband of his briefs.
sungchan looks down at your hand on his waistband and considers something for a moment.
“i could barely fit two fingers.” sungchan says.
“we can try,” you begin to pout and reach for your own waistband. “please?” you ask.
sungchan folds immediately, getting off his bed to look in his bedside drawer. you take the time to strip yourself, unclasping your bra and taking off your panties. sungchan looks around his drawer faster before finding what he’s looking for.
“i have these this time.” sungchan smiles.
you look and see the line of foil packets in sungchan’s hand. there’s atleast five, none of them have been separated yet. your eyes go wide and sungchan’s eyes go wide too. his cheeks become rosy as he holds out his hands defensively.
“i don’t plan on using all of them or anything. just extra just in case.” he says. 
sungchan’s words come out rushed and you can’t help but smile. you slowly come to the edge of the bed yourself, letting your legs fall over the edge as sungchan slots himself between them. you snap at his waistband and look up to him. he ineptly detaches a single condom from the foil line, tearing it open quickly. you get back onto the bed as sungchan pushes down his underwear. you only let yourself look for a second to watch him slide the condom on his length. you look away and settle yourself in between the pillows, trying to find a comfortable position as sungchan clambers onto his bed.
you lay down as sungchan hovers above you, propped on an elbow as he looks down between the two of you. the anticipation is almost blinding as he looks to you for reassurance. 
your eyes are closed underneath sungchan, and he kisses your lids to get you to look at him. you look to him for comfort, and his hand touching your face soothes you.
“tell me if it’s too much.” sungchan says. 
you nod and crane your neck to kiss his lips. he kisses you back, and continues to kiss you as he lets his tip prod at your entrance. sungchan keeps his kisses constant, pressing lips to your open mouth. sungchan lips move all along your face as he goes further and further. when your walls clamp around him he can’t go any further without resistance. your sounds had graduated from whispers to moans when sungchan has to stop.
“you’re so tight.” he hisses.
“it’s alot.” you whimper.
sungchan stills inside of you and you bring your legs up to bend at the knee. spreading helps open your hips more, but an almost pained expression flashes against sungchan's face.
“should i pull out?” sungchan voice shakes.
“no,” you shake your head a little too quickly. “just go slow.” you say.
sungchan nods and kisses your forehead. he goes at an even slower pace. so slow that you can feel him everywhere—by the time sungchan’s hips kiss yours you’re consuming all of him. the way his hair shakes in the space between the two of you, his hand gripping your hip and his lips on your cheek. he pulls away only to go to the crook of your neck.
“you’re soooo tight.” sungchan rasps into your ear.
the way sungchan emphasizes almost makes you apologize. when you spread further to try and give him space he winces and holds your hips tighter.
"fuck. oh my god."
sungchan’s voice is almost whining in the skin of your neck. you let your hands go to his back, trying to find a comfortable position. you press on his back, and sungchan looks up from your neck to kiss your jaw.
“can i move?” sungchan asks tensely. 
you tell him yes, and when he pulls out to slide in just as slow you move your hips up to meet him the rest of the way. sungchan sighs and you do too. you don’t know how you didn’t ask him to fuck you then and there in shotaro’s room all that time ago.
“it's like a perfect fit.” sungchan looks at you when he slides in a little faster.
“please don’t stop.” you whine.
“i don’t wanna,” you accidentally squeeze around sungchan’s length. “oh my god.” he says.
when sungchan kisses your lips again, you flex your abs to purposely clamp your walls around sungchan’s dick. you fail a few times, but when sungchan’s kisses falter you know you’re doing it right. you look to sungchan’s eyes and he looks down at you. his eyes are wide and blown out. he turns his head slightly when you keep squeezing around him, and you lift your hips to increase his pace. 
“too much.” sungchan whines.
sungchan usually wasn't the one too back down from a challenge. that's why he was the leader of his team and why he was so good at his sport. when faced with a challenge he was able to find a way around it. he thought that breathing and focusing on anything else would keep him there with you. as he continud to slide in and out, he focused on his breathing, the way your face was contorting in pleasure trying to take all of him. the excitement that hung heavy off of him was bearable until the look in your eyes changed and sungchan felt your walls clamp his dick. almost too fast his hips stuttered and yours picked up their pace. his grip on your waist was useless as it loosened and he was pulled in close by you. the thrill he kept at bay shot up his spine and rang in his head.
sungchan moaned into your mouth when he came undone. it was desperate and quick, arguably even ruined as he started rutting into helplessly. his moans turned into whines while he released into the condom. feeling his climax brought you closer to your own peak, but you could feel yourself coming down when his sweaty body slumped on top of yours.
only a moment passes before his head shoots up from your chest, looking you in the eye. they’re no longer glazed with concern, only wide and blown out as he maintains eye contact.
sungchan said nothing when he stood up on his knees. your body can’t be cooled by the sweat when you feel his hands press to the back of your thighs. you moan at his strength, how he’s bending you in a new way. this sungchan is nothing like the whimpering mess that was panting against the skin of your neck before. this wasn't the sungchan that came on your cheer skirt almost untouched. this is the sungchan that has your knees pressed to your chest and watches his dick glide in and out of your pussy.
“feels good?” he asked, looking up to you.
“faster.” you whined.
”you got it” sungchan smiled.
sungchan went harder and faster, fucking you into his mattress. later down the line, once you got used to him, sungchan will coo at you teasingly as your responses came out jumbled messes. he would have to prove to you how possessive he really was, how the thought of anyone else seeing you like this made his skin crawl. without saying anything, sungchan could see you understood. he could tell by the way you looked at the shaking medals that hung above his bed while his headboard make contact with the wall. he could see your frantic hand trying to find something to steady yourself, first grabbing at the sheets before digging your nails into his arm. sungchan moaned, only using the pain as motivation to fuck you faster. 
you could feel his strength behind each thrust and the hold on your thighs. the sound of skin slapping against skin drowned out your moans. sungchan heard you perfectly when you moaned about being close. looked away from your face to look where your hips met. he used only one hand to keep your thighs in place and used the other to whirl his finger on your clit. your other hand rested on top sungchan’s hand that kept your thighs in place. sungchan looked to your face again and clasped his hand over yours. both of you worked together to keep your thighs in place while sungchan kept his pace.
“cum for me baby.” sungchan said.
the way sungchan spoke to you had you coming undone. he was tender but set on his mission. he gave you all you needed to seize around his dick and cry out. by habit you let your moans be muffled by your arm. sungchan’s hand was quick in letting go of your thighs, forcing you to hold them in place while his hand moved your face to his. he swallowed your moans and cries while continuing to fuck you, only stopping when they fizzed off into weak whimpers. 
the two of your stayed in that position, sungchan’s body pushed against your thighs, and you suddenly started noticing the position wasn’t comfortable. you let your suddenly tired legs down, and they slid on the covers until laid flat. sungchan’s exertion seemed to catch up to him too. he was huffing to catch his breath mirroring your hiss when he slid out to continue laying on top of you. when sungchan’s body became too heavy on top of you, you gently pressed at his shoulder. sungchan’s body stiffened and he looked up to you.
“i’m sorry.” he apologized quickly while rolling off your body.
you two laid on his bed in silence while trying to catch your breath. you could feel sungchan occasionally turning towards you. 
“was that too much?” sungchan asked.
when you turned towards him sungchan looked worried. if you had any strength left in your body you would’ve laid on top of him and press lazy kisses to his face to thank him. but you had to regain your energy to ask for another round.
“that was perfect.” you say honestly.
sungchan’s worried expression is replaced with a smile. he already is back to normal, pinching your cheek before leaning over and kissing your forehead. 
“you should go to the bathroom,” sungchan pulls away from your forehead. “always pee after sex.”
he gets off his bed to tie the condom off, stretching his back until it pops and comes to your side. you are barely able to prop yourself up on your elbows as sungchan goes into his dresser. he pulls out boxers for you and a large shirt, setting it beside you. 
you nod and sigh in pain as you bring your legs over the edge of the bed. you playfully hit sungchan’s leg when you see him puff out his chest in pride.
“are you gonna tell your friends how i get down?” sungchan teases.
“shut up before i make you carry me.” you say.
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If You Love Her
Prompt: You are dating Rafe after JJ cheated on you... but you're still a member of the pogues. A party and the boneyard makes tensions rise between everyone.
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Rafe POV
Her head rests against Rafe’s chest as they soak up the last bit of the sun lounging on the Druthers. It has been a rare peaceful day and Rafe is thanking whatever higher power there is that she has become his saving grace. He just hates the way that it happened.
               (Y/N) is originally a pogue, but it never mattered to Rafe no matter how hard he tried to deny it. Rafe never picked on her, only her friends. She became close with Sarah after saving whatever the latest sea creature was at the time. So she had been over a few times before Sarah started dating John B. Though it was the moment she stopped hiding behind the boys and found her voice, that Rafe has never stopped listening. He has been in a trance ever since. Her fire is what drew him in, but it is (Y/N)’s heart that melted his core. The only problem, she was JJ Maybank’s girl. “Was” being the operative word.
               Rafe will never forget her tear stricken face, red eyes, and piercing sob from that night. It took everything in him to not beat that punk to a pulp. Thinking about it even now gets Rafe all riled up. He hates that she is still around JJ, she never left the group. Rafe understands they are her friends, but he doesn’t like it.
“Come on,” (Y/N) stirs, still half asleep. “You promised we would go to the party.”
“Right, the boneyard party. With the pogues.”
“Hey, I’m a pogue.” (Y/N) angles her face to look up at his with a teasing smile.
“You’re my pogue.” Rafe smiles and leans down to place a kiss on her forehead.
               Yeah she is his pogue and he wouldn’t want it any other way. Any other party he would be excited to go. He loves parties with his girl, dancing the night away and playing drinking games. Tonight will be exactly like that, except he will have to see Maybank. I wonder if him and Kie have made it official yet, Rafe wonders to himself.
Your POV
               The music can be heard from a mile away in Rafe’s truck. My arm wraps around his as his hand gently squeezes my thigh. I know he doesn’t want to be here. He is doing it for me and I love that he is willing to entertain me for a few hours. I won’t make him stay long. I want him to see that my friends can be cool, and I hope one day they can put away their bad blood and get along.
Years of pent-up anger at both groups has been baking as long as I can remember. If it wasn’t for becoming secret friends with Sarah years before she joined the group, I may have the same outlook on Rafe as the others. Can he be a jerk and annoying as hell? Yes, but he can be sweet and at times my friends can be no better. Things between the kooks and the pogues have been quiet lately, but I know Rafe has it for JJ. I can’t blame him, I did too before I accepted that JJ deciding to cheat had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. If I could have wished for anything that if JJ had to cheat, I would have chosen for him to cheat with anyone else but Kie. It makes the tension in the group that much thicker.
“Relax,” I giggle. “We’ll make an appearance. Stay an hour, two tops. Then we can go off on our own.”
               Rafe doesn’t say anything but I can see a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips. His thumb lightly brushes against my skin and I sense him starting to relax a bit. I just hope that tonight ends up being drama free.
               The truck is parked and Rafe is on my side opening the door. I learned early on that I am not allowed out of the truck unless he opens my door for me. Made that mistake and he wouldn’t move from his spot till I got back in so he could do it properly. I thought it was annoying and egotistical, but now I find it sweet. JJ never did that for me when we were dating.
               There are a lot of things that Rafe does that JJ never did. Aside from the whole cheating part, JJ was a fairly good boyfriend. He looked after me, was a good cuddler, made sure I had a good time. Being with Rafe though is so different. Sure he does look after me, kind of always has. We have the best time when together and I feel so safe in his arms. I’m not worried about a pretty blonde catching his eye. He is a complete gentleman making sure I am okay, respecting boundaries, going slow, being open. Something I did not expect is for him to communicate as well as he does. I guess once he knew I wasn’t going anywhere and that his feelings don’t scare me, he trusts me enough to talk about all the crap with his dad and if he is feeling insecure. He never freaks or overreacts when I have an issue with something.
“Hey boys!” I greet John B and Pope at the keg. I notice a small release of air leave Rafe’s chest at the realization JJ isn’t around yet.
“(Y/N) what up! I miss you at the chateau.” John B goes in for a hug and Rafe lets go of my waist to accommodate. The two shake hands after John B releases me. It is a simple gesture to an outsider, but with these two it means everything. John B is practically my brother and with him dating Sarah, and Rafe dating me, they both are trying to put in an effort.
“Here you two go.” Pope hands me and Rafe cups of beer that we gladly take.
A few drinks later, we depart for a dance near the fire. The music pulsates through my veins mixed with the alcohol and a nice buzz fills my senses. Rafe loops his arms around my waist and I pair mine around his neck. We sway to our own beat, not minding the people jumping around us. We are lost in our own world and we are the only two people who exist.
               Rafe’s eyes peer into mine as we rest our foreheads against each other. His lids close and I do the same, focusing on his hold on me. Warmth swarms over my body originating from his touch. I can’t wrap it around my head that I am with Rafe Cameron and that he can make me feel like I’m on top of the world. I only hope I can make him feel the same, that is often one of my insecurities. One that Rafe knows about and tries to assure me that I am more than enough for him.
“You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Rafe whispers in my ear and places a kiss on the tip of my nose. I swear he can read my mind.
               Before I can say anything Rafe’s touch disappears from my body. I immediately open my eyes and find the back of a blonde standing between me and my boyfriend, JJ. The alcohol has me stumbling against the sand as I land against Rafe’s arm and he steadies me before putting my frame behind his. Always my protector.
               Rafe makes his stand but waits to see what JJ plans to do first. He knows that if he threw the first punch I would be mad. All I want is peace. Except I would not ask him to hold back if JJ started it first. He promised me, and so far he has kept his promise.
“You got the money, the job, and now the girl.” JJ’s words spread through the dry air, and people are beginning to take notice of a potential scuffle. Tears sting my eyes. Why is he making it sound like it is my fault I left him?
“Well Rafe if you plan on dating (Y/N) I want to fill you in on a few things.” JJ takes a step forward and I can feel Rafe’s muscles tense beneath my hands. JJ begins to speak but his gaze falls to me. “She always has trouble falling asleep, and she likes to cuddle while under the sheets.” JJ sends a wink my way and whistles from the accumulating audience fill the air. “She loves pop songs and dancing, and bad trash TV. There’s still a few other thin-“
“She loves love notes and babies,” Rafe interrupts. “And likes giving gifts. She has a hard time accepting a good complement. She loves her whole family and all of her friends… not that they deserve it.”
               I didn’t think it was possible for the air to get thicker than it has just now. JJ’s drunk eyes danced over me until Rafe unexpectedly interrupted. Both of our eyes cling to Rafe as he spoke but for two different reasons. My heart skips as Rafe reaches to grab my hand and gives it a light squeeze. I had no clue JJ was going to do something like this, but I am even more surprised at the fact Rafe has been paying attention this well. He continues to amaze me and all I want to do is kiss him.
“When she gives me her heart completely, I won’t break it like you did. (Y/N) is safe with me. I’ll stand by her side instead of sneaking off behind her back.” Rafe stares JJ down a few moments more before turning towards me.
His hands cup my cheeks and looks into my eyes silently asking if I’m okay. I nod to answer him and bring my hands up to rest against his wrists. Rafe places a soft but protective kiss against my forehead and whispers for us to go. Wrapping an arm around my shoulder, he pulls me in close and nods his head toward a stunned John B.
The walk to the car is silent. Rafe opens my door for me and waits for me to climb in before closing it. He quickly joins me in the driver’s seat but doesn’t start the car. Instead he turns towards me, he eyes furrowed as he contemplates what he is going to say.
“I’m sorry if I over stepped.” Rafe’s voice is a whisper. “I know you can handle yourself, but I couldn’t let him do that. Act like he still has claim over you, that he is the only one who can know you.”
“Hey, hey it’s okay. You did everything right.” I lean over and let my hand cup his cheek, bringing his gaze back to mine.
“I meant everything I said.” His beautiful orbs pierce mine. “I want you to know that. I’m in it for the long game. I love you (Y/N).”
               His voice cracks and I can tell how scared he is to say that last part. We’ve only been dating a month but we have known each other for years. Staying the night with Sarah has usually ended up with late night talks with Rafe after she fell asleep. We are the unlikely duo but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I trust you.” I say and my face heats up with my smile. “I love you, Rafe.”
               It takes a moment for the words to register in Rafe’s ears but once they do pure shock and adoration quickly take over his features. He leans in and gifts me with a soft but passionate kiss. All his love and vulnerability is wrapped in every movement he makes with me and I can already tell this is forever.
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sh0tanzz · 6 months
is it me or do i like men groveling
can i request riize second chance romance if that makes sense:’)
(ur work is amazing pls continie keeping us happy^^)
i love groveling men too it’s ok anon 😗
RIIZE SECOND CHANCE ROMANCE ~ based on their birth charts
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reminder this is just based off of my opinion after looking at their birth charts and what I think would happen from my own observations these things are not exact fact unless they said it themselves !
SO MUCH ANGST OOOH MY GOF. Would be the most mature on the outside but on the inside he’d be ☹️☹️☹️. “I don’t even care about what she’s doing” [checked your instagram and other socials to see if you’re grieving as well or seeing someone new] He wouldn’t necessarily go out dating looking for a rebound he’d focus on his craft in all honesty and might even seclude himself a little bit. I see him taking a break with his s/o instead of just flatline breaking up and once he feels like he has emotionally healed as far as he can he’d return and it would be pretty serious like in a private closed space he’d want to talk everything out and NEEEDS you to be honest abt everything but he’d just want you guys back together and for both of you to be happy.
(I feel like Eunseok is aware that he could potentially fall victim to the “the one that got away” trope) but anyway. He’d be the biggest nonchalanter to ever nonchalant 😭 might even try to stay mutuals/cordial with you. Would date, see other people, have a mini roster and fwbs going on. But as soon as he realizes everyone else is boring him and wasting his oh so valuable time (And he hates. To waste his time.) he’d get so irritated at himself for letting go of such a good thing and would criticize criticIZE CRITICIZEE himself. Forces himself to not run from/internalize how he feels he’d reach out again, wouldn’t be the most sappy return ever he might even joke about what happened but he’d be as honest as he could ever be and would surprisingly admit where he fucked up.
His pride and the hurt he carried during the time apart would hold him back so badly. Would improve himself and boss up similar to Shotaro to show you what you were missing; try to find attention and praise elsewhere. But when he realizes you did the same thing and also became better in every way possible physically, mentally…and that people still have their eye on you like they did when he first met you..he’d cave. Would HAVE to shamefully put his hurt and pride aside. Cue his dramatic serious text at 11pm and him asking how you’re doing to see if the good things he’s heard about you were true (prays you say no when he asks if you’re seeing anyone) would ask you to meet him somewhere that was important to you two and nostalgic. Almost kills him to be wrong but has to accept it 😭
He’d be like “whatever” since he knows that so many girls want to be in your place, might even consider sliding back to that one ex. Would be torn between just letting things go back to normal but his stubborn stagnant attitude would leave him stuck in a victim state. But then once the pain slowlyyy seeps in and that what you two had was something genuine and you were one of few people that actually understood him and physically compatible with him then on the inside he’d lose it. Would have a wayyy more sappy lovey dovey way of coming back. Cue him using music in some way shape or form as his way of coming back. Would probably want to physically see you in a place that he’s most comfortable with.
So so sassy. Honestly he’d walk away pretty fast but would miss you pretty fast right after. He’d hesitate but only because he knows that he probably got a little mean when you two split and that you might not even want to talk to him. Tries to go dating around but wakes up and gets it together once he sees/hears that you’re talking to someone new (10 extra points if it’s someone he doesn’t like or thinks isn’t even close to how attractive he is ) . Tries to be cool about it but is hurting inside, would ask everyone for advice. The emotional side would take over and he’d just have to listen to how he feels and think later. His way of coming back is essentially him outdoing whoever has you on their sights or him showing you the epitome of affection. He’d have to force his virgo mercury to work and speak UP and apologize.
Would seem pretty ok and normal compared to everyone else similarly to Eunseok. Talks about you but wants to jump someone if THEY try to talk about you. (“can’t believe she’d do this” “yea she’s crazy asf” “Don’t say that 🫤.” ). (Cue him singing “When I was your man” by Bruno Mars 😭). He wouldn’t want to constrict and limit himself or you after the breakup so he’d also try to date/talk to other people. Has to give in and accept that thinking about you while hanging out with someone else is a CLEAR indicator that he needs to get off his high horse and return. He’d probably word vomit about how he feels about everything and apologize but also goes on this passive lecture on how you two shouldn’t allow each others feelings to rip you two apart like that again and the principle of it all.
Word vomit pt.2. Could go two ways. Way one if the breakup was on good terms/mutual after the breakup he’d probably remain friends or still be in contact with you, then once he realizes he can’t just move on at the snap of his fingers and realizes that every person he’s with has resemblance to you whether it’s physical/personality he’d impulsively talk to you and get right back if he can. If it was on bad terms it’d feel pretty cruel ngl like you’d feel like he kinda just disappeared and made his way elsewhere..but once he’s alone with his thoughts he’d have to realize the errors of his way or the faults on his side he’d IMPULSIVELY come forwards with how he feels, would probably ask you to dinner and have the conversation there and says everything that he has to.
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sidekick-hero · 7 months
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(steddie | teen | 2.5k | tags: different first meeting, emotional hurt/comfort | summary: What happens when Steve meets Eddie Munson, who has just failed his senior year for the first time, during one of his nightly drives? | @steddielovemonth prompt Love is asking, "do you want a blanket?" by @thefreakandthehair | AO3)
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Steve's life was completely turned upside down (theoretically he sees the humor in this, but in practice the trauma trumps the pun) six months and six days ago when he came face-to-face with a honest-to-God inter-dimensional monster and barely survived to not tell the tale thanks to an airtight and frankly scary NDA.
He should be over it by now, right? He shouldn't be waking up screaming, drenched in his own sweat and shaking all over, his heart racing in his chest and his stomach in his throat.
Well, he's not. He doesn't get over it. The nightmares don't go away. If anything, he feels like they're getting worse, his mind adding horrible details and things that didn't happen, but could have, to keep torturing him.
He's a fucking mess.
Steve Harrington is a mess. His grades are slipping, on their way to joining his social status at rock bottom, and even his performance as co-captain of the swim team and basketball team is suffering from lack of sleep.
The only thing he has going for him is Nancy. Nancy, who doesn't understand that Steve just wants to get over the horror and the paranoia, just wants his life back, just wants to be normal again.
She doesn't say it outright, but he knows she thinks he's selfish, too self-centered to care about anything but himself. Sure, he's made amends with Jonathan and cut ties with Tommy and Carol, but deep down, Nancy doesn't think he's changed all that much. He's not Jonathan, he's not mature and monosyllabic and introspective. Just dumb little Steve, pretty to look at but not much else to offer.
These are the things he ponders during his late-night drives when another nightmare keeps him awake. It's impossible to fall asleep with terror pumping through his veins, so instead he climbs into his car and just drives. Some nights he will drive for hours, music playing softly from one of his tapes, Queen, Springsteen, Tears For Fears, Bon Jovi.
Tonight his drive takes him to the edge of town, right where a dirt road leads to the quarry. Steve has no idea why, but something makes him actually leave the main road and turn onto it. He follows it where it leads into the woods, slowing down on the bumpy road until he sees the dense cluster of trees open up to reveal a glimpse of the starry night sky. The path seems to open up into a clearing, and just there, to the right, Steve spots an old van.
He knows the car, has seen it often enough in the parking lot of Hawkins High to know that it belongs to none other than Eddie Munson, local drug dealer and freak.
At least that's what everyone keeps calling him, and sure, the guy seems a little weird, with his speeches on cafeteria tables, his dramatic antics in and out of class. He certainly doesn't look like most of the other kids, with his ripped jeans (clearly from wear and tear rather than fashion sense), long, unruly curls, and loud shirts advertising bands Steve has never heard of. People also shit on him for his father and for living in a trailer park, but none of that sounds particularly freaky to Steve.
Knowing what he does now, though, it worries him to think of Munson all alone out here where anything could happen to him. He doesn't know Munson, just about him, but Steve couldn't live with himself if he came to school on Monday and found Munson missing. One person has already died because of his carelessness, and no one deserves to suffer the same fate as Nancy's friend Barb.
Parking his car right next to Munson's, Steve climbs out and walks around the car to the trunk to pick up the nail bat that saved his life and the lives of Nancy and Jonathan. Then he makes his way to the opening of the clearing ahead.
Stepping out of the trees, Steve stops to take in the sight before him.
Above him stretches the inky expanse of the night sky, a seemingly endless void painted with a myriad of distant stars. The moonlight danced along the jagged edges of the quarry, revealing the vastness of the rocky landscape below in a silvery glow. The only sound that broke the silence of the night was the occasional soft rustle of leaves. The air was crisp and clean, carrying with it a hint of earthiness from the rocky terrain. In this secluded enclave, far from the lights of the city, the stars were front and center, and Steve felt unbelievably small.
With his shoulders hunched over his ears and his arms slung protectively around his knees, the figure sitting on the edge of the cliff looks even smaller than he feels.
It seems that Munson didn't even hear his car approaching, and that makes Steve's hair stand on end because it means that anyone, anything could have snuck up on him. It's not safe.
Steve approaches cautiously, trying his best not to startle the other boy and cause him to fall to his certain death.
"Munson?" He asks softly, quietly, but to no avail. It still causes Munson to flail in surprise, and only Steve's quick reflexes keep him from falling over the edge. With his knees still smarting from the sudden drop to the ground, Steve has his arm wrapped around the other boy, and both of them are panting from the shock.
"Fuck, man, are you trying to kill me?" Munson's voice quavers too much to be truly biting.
Steve carefully loosens his grip on Munson and leans back to sit on his haunches. Running a slightly trembling hand through his hair, he can't help but bite back. "If you paid more attention to what was going on around you, you would have heard me coming. I wasn't really trying to be subtle. It's like you want to get killed."
Munson scoots away from the edge of the cliff and climbs to his feet to look down at Steve and the nail bat he dropped when he made a grab for the other boy. He raises a judgmental eyebrow, causing Steve's defenses to go up in an instant.
They look at each other, brown meeting hazel, until Munson breaks the silence. "By someone walking around with a nail-studded bat, you mean?"
"I wasn't going to hit you with it!" And crap, abort Harrington, abort.
Now both eyebrows look at him questioningly. "And who, pray tell, pissed off King Steve enough to deserve this kind of treatment?"
"No one! For God's sake, I thought you might be in danger and wanted to be prepared in case you were." Then he adds, "After what happened to Will Byers and Barbara Holland, you'd think people in this town would be more careful instead of hanging out in the woods in the middle of the night."
Ed-No, Munson's eyes soften at his explanation. "Shit, sorry man. You're right, I guess." Shuffling his feet, he offers his own explanation for his harsh reaction. "Just had a shitty day, I guess. I shouldn't have bitten your head off for trying to look out for me. Although I never thought King Steve would ride in on his white horse to save the school freak from unimaginable evil."
"White horse? What, like a knight? Does that make you the damsel in distress, Munson?"
Munson gets a strange look on his face at Steve's words, and before he knows what's happening, the guy pretends to faint right into his arms. He catches him just before he hits the ground and feels how cold the boy's body is in his thin t-shirt. "My savior," Munson croons, and Steve rolls his eyes at his antics. Still not a freak, but definitely weird.
Instead of dignifying this with an answer, Steve says, "You're freezing, man. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night anyway?"
Dark brown eyes search his, and Steve thinks he's never seen such expressive eyes. He can read a myriad of emotions in them and he doesn't even know the guy. Sadness, caution, defeat, and something he's seen in the mirror a lot in the last few months: fear.
"I bet you have better things to do than listen to my sad little problems. Can't imagine you're just running around town rescuing damsels in distress now, I'm sure you have places to be, a kingdom to rule..."
"Could you just drop the whole 'King Steve' crap, man? I'm not him. Not anymore. Even if nobody seems to have gotten the memo."
"Okay, woah, sorry, man. I didn't know this was such a touchy subject."
"Do you want me to call you a freak and make assumptions about you based solely on high school gossip?"
"I don't know, don't you?"
"I'm trying not to. You don't have to tell me what's going on if you don't want to. I'm just saying... I know what it's like when you can't stand lying in your bed staring at the ceiling any longer. Wanting to get out and leave whatever it is that's bothering you behind, but no matter how fast you drive, it keeps catching up with you."
He's rambling, he knows he is, he didn't plan on unburdening his heart to Eddie Munson of all people, but here they are.
"I failed senior year." Eddie finally admits in a small voice, not meeting Steve's eyes.
"Fuck, man. That sucks. Can you repeat it?"
"Sure. But I... God, everyone was right all along. I'm a failure, a fuckup. Just like my dad. A good-for-nothing waste of space. I haven't even told Wayne, I can't stand the look in his eyes when I tell him". There are tears in Eddie's eyes and Steve's heart breaks for him.
"Fuck!" Eddie shouts across the quarry and a flock of birds takes flight somewhere in the nearby woods. He's shaking again, and this time it's not from the adrenaline. Steve can't really take away any of the things that are weighing on Eddie, but he can offer him something else.
"Do you want a blanket?"
Eddie's doe eyes blink at him slowly, as if he's not sure he heard him right.
"You're only wearing a T-shirt, you must be cold." Eddie doesn't deny it. "Let me get you a blanket, then."
Another slow blink, and then, "If you're...sure?"
Steve gives him a smile that he hopes is warm and reassuring. "I'm sure." He walks over to his BMW and takes the nail bat with him, exchanging it for the blanket that he keeps in the trunk of his car at all times. Tommy H. calls it the "baby maker blanket," which is so typical of Tommy that Steve wonders why he was hanging out with him at all. Maybe because he was a friend to Steve when no one else would be.
But maybe he won't tell Eddie about the blanket's history. Anyway, it's freshly washed and smells only of his detergent.
Handing it to the boy, Steve says, "There you go," before turning to walk back to his car.
"Where are you going?"
When Steve turns back, Eddie is sitting on the ground with the blanket around his shoulder, one end held open as if inviting Steve to join him.
"Back home?" It's not supposed to sound like a question, but some of his reluctance to leave seeps into it anyway. He doesn't want to go home to his empty house and bed, afraid to close his eyes in case the nightmares come back.
"Look, you don't have to, of course, but if you want, you can stay and tell me what brought you here in the middle of the night. Or not. We could just sit here in silence, totally fine with me."
Steve snorts, because even though this is the first time he's had a conversation with Eddie, he can already tell that silence doesn't come easy to him.
"If you're sure," he repeats Eddie's words back to him as he makes his way over to him.
"I'm sure," Eddie says firmly, wrapping the blanket around Steve as soon as he sits down next to him.
Many things surprised Steve that night, but most of all how comfortable the silence between him and Eddie had felt as they watched the stars until they gave way to the rising sun.
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They never talked about that night again, the polite nods in the halls all the acknowledgment they allowed for what had happened.
But when Steve walks across the stage to receive his diploma in 1985, he notices Eddie's absence and his heart aches for him. He had been looking forward to seeing Eddie walk across the stage next to him, to give him a smile, a wink. Maybe even ask him out for a celebratory beer, if he's being completely honest with himself.
The sad truth is: Steve had no one to spend his graduation with, no girlfriend, no friends, just a 13-year-old know-it-all whose bedtime didn't really allow for any kind of grown-up celebration. Eddie was his only hope of not being alone tonight.
That's probably why he's heading out to the quarry again that night, bat and blanket in tow.
It's a shot in the dark, and at the same time it's not. Because there Eddie is, sitting on the edge again, small and defeated, and just as alone as Steve. Without a word, Steve joins him on the ground and wraps the blanket around them both.
"I'm sorry."
Eddie's warm weight settles against him. "Me too." Silence falls between them, and Steve thinks that's all they'll say, but then Eddie nudges his shoulder with his own and says, "I'm sorry, too. About Wheeler."
"Me too."
Steve thinks that even if he's not a poet, there's something symbolic in the way they both watch the sun rise again over the quarry.
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The next time he wrapped the blanket around Eddie, it was again in the middle of the night. Only this time, Eddie is unconscious in the back of his car while Steve races to the hospital, praying to any God who will listen that this will not be the last time.
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It isn't. Not by a long shot. Getting the blood out is not easy, but with Joyce's help he manages. The blanket is there when physical therapy is especially grueling, when they both sit on the porch of Eddie's new trailer, Steve holding Eddie under the blanket's protective cover.
It's there when Steve moves in with the Munsons and gets a special place on Eddie's bed, though they never make love on it. The blood was hard enough to get out, and the material doesn't look like it can take much more deep cleaning.
They take it with them when they move to their apartment in Chicago, and it's there for every bad day either of them has.
Their blanket finds its final purpose, however, with the arrival of their daughter, April. From the day their little bundle of joy moves in with them, she sleeps wrapped in the foundation of Steve and Eddie's love.
Steve may not be a poet, that's Eddie's job, but he appreciates the symbolism all the same.
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