#this is what i get for trying to branch out!! smh
vigilskeep · 1 month
the thing about dao is that the other origins are so, so good but not playing a mage is fucking unbearable
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aicedcoffeeandtea · 3 months
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📣 Spotter Cheerleader!Abby x Flyer Cheerleader!Reader
ingredients: sugar cubes and honey (fluff!)
a/n: maybe im a bit biased as a former cheerleader (slightly self indulgent) but i need yall to get on the spotter abby cheerleader train with me. let me set the vision for yall PLEASE.
imagine getting TOSSED around like a rag doll like this by abby
ngl im a bit disappointed that after all the times we saw abby lift people in the game, nobody thought of this idea??? smh‼️‼️ fine i’ll do it myselfs in thanos
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The minute you started your freshman year of college, joining the cheer team was never a question for you. Cheer has been the primary sport that’s been a part of your life for almost forever. From middle school all the way through high school, you’ve gone from a shy and timid girl who could barely do a cartwheel, to a confident cheerleader who flips and soars through the air as instinctually as a bird would.
You would spend almost as many hours on the football field as you did doing homework. And when applying for college, a big factor in your decision making was influenced by whether or not the university had a commendable cheer team. If oxygen was what you inhaled, cheerleading was what you exhaled.
Now for Abby, the complete opposite was true. For most of her life, Abby was revered for her strength, so it was only natural that she’d gravitate towards brawn emphasized sports such as football or rugby. Not once did cheerleading ever cross her mind.
She, like most people who weren’t familiar with the world of cheer, thought cheerleaders were just there to look pretty for the football or basketball team. She wasn’t even aware that competitive cheerleading was a thing.
It wasn’t until one of her academic meetings with her counselor when she was suggested to branch out of her comfort zone. Out of curiosity, Abby walked past the gymnasium during a cheer practice just to see what cheer was actually about. She had to admit, she was impressed watching you all do complex flips, and throwing other human beings feet into the air. Having an open mind, Abby thought it wouldn’t hurt to try it out.
During her audition, all it took was for the team captain to take one look at Abby and already made up her mind before Abby even opened her mouth. Those arms have spotter written all over them, she thought.
On her first day of practice, Abby walked into the gymnasium and swore she could hear the sound of her own heartbeat with the way everyone got silent. There was only one thing going through each of your heads when you saw her.
God fucking damn.
It’s not that much of a shock that it did not take long at all for Abby to become one of the more popular cheerleaders on the team. Granted, her hulk-adjacent physique is what grabbed most of your attention of course.
Some of the men on the team who may or may not (they absolutely were) intimidated by her tried to get a feel of her energy by doing what men do best— trying to do a one-up on her ego.
“I see you missed the deadline for the football tryouts over the summer?” one of them playfully jeered at her.
Luckily for Abby, she was used to sports banter, so she wasn’t offended at all.
“Got told I was overqualified,” she responded. “What happened to you, though? Didn’t make the cut and that’s why you’re here?”
Taken aback for a moment, he clasps the back of her shoulder with a laugh.
“I like you, Abby.”
But what really sealed the deal was how much of a team player Abby is.
Underneath her initial appearance, she was a very gentle person who somehow knew exactly how to interact with her teammates. Someone messed up during the routine? Abby’s the first person to reassure them that it was just a simple mistake. Someone finally nails their tumble pass that they’ve been struggling to perfectly execute? Abby’s hoisting them into the air and cheering for them. She knew how to make people feel comforted and special, and that’s one of the reasons her team loved her.
The juxtaposition between her physical strength and her emotional gentleness made her all the more attractive to some of the girls on the team who were already eyeing her. You were no different.
Every time a new stunt formation was formed, every flyer secretly hoped it was Abby they would be teamed up with. Who wouldn’t want to get tossed around by her?
At the beginning of the cheer season, the main focus was preparing for homecoming games. But once homecoming finally passed, now your team started to really get to business– preparing for cheer competitions.
Per usual at the start of a new competition season, your captain creates an entirely new routine that’s not only separate from the ones you performed for homecoming, but also meaning that this was the same routine you’ll be using for the rest of the season.
After working on the cheer and tumbling formations, you then moved onto stunts.
Your captain lets you know that you’ll be doing a one man stunt for this part, so you’ll be in pairs instead of your usual groups of 4-5.
She begins calling the pairs up to the floor to take formation, and you don’t miss the way your heart flutters in your chest when yours and Abby’s names are called together.
You and Abby glance at each other for a brief moment before you shyly break eye contact.
You also didn’t miss the way some of the other flyers were glaring daggers at you, wishing it was them that Abby would be effortlessly throwing in the air instead of you.
As you take your stance in front of Abby with your back facing her, your nerves amplify and you struggle to calm them down.
Your captain calls the ready signal, and you feel cool, rough hands grip the sides of your waist from behind. You attempt to push past your dysregulated heartbeat as you grab ahold of Abby’s wrists.
The planes of your feet transition from the floor to the palms of Abby’s hands in a millisecond as she lifts you up into the air with ease. But as easy as it was to get you up there, it took just as fast for you to come crashing down.
Luckily for you, Abby's arms enveloped your torso before you could meet the floor.
“You okay?” Abby asks.
“Yeah. Thanks,” your face is hot from the embarrassment of falling.
“Let’s go again,” your captain announces to the team.
You go again, and just like the first time, you find yourself in Abby’s arms yet again from not being able to stay in the air.
You go again.
And again.
And each time, the same outcome is met.
Your captain calls for a 5 minute break. You can see that she, along with the other stunt pairs are tired of repeating the same movement over and over again.
Abby’s not the problem here, and you’re aware of this. You don’t know why you can’t seem to get the fucking stunt together. You’re one of the best, if not the best flyer on the team. So why are you suddenly acting like a fish out of water?
Witnessing you getting visibly frustrated at yourself, Abby tries to talk you through it.
“Sorry. I don’t know why I can’t get it the fuck together.”
“It’s okay. I got you. ‘M not letting you fall, yeah?”
As your eyes lock into hues of sincere icy blue, you feel the anxiety in your nerves begin to subside. “Okay...” you softly say as Abby gives you another reassuring nod.
Once the break was over, you try again.
Feeling a bit calmer after Abby’s talk, this time when she hoists you up into the air, you’re back to being your natural self. Once you finish the stunt, you quickly turn around to face Abby with excitement.
Abby was already waiting for you, proudly smiling with both of her hands up. You both high five each other.
“See? I knew you could do it.”
The feeling of your face getting flushed happens yet again, and you hope Abby doesn’t notice.
Oh, fuck. You feel the crush beginning to develop. And knowing that she’ll be your partner for the rest of the season, you know it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
As for Abby, after many practices she’s now certain she loves cheerleading. I mean, what better way to put her strength to use than getting the chance to lift pretty girls into the air?
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lavaflowe · 10 months
Pt. 2
Chpt 4 Thoughts:
•the fighting immediately at the gate should have tipped everyone off this wasn’t going to go well💀 doomed from the start
•the hand holding with Gold star of Venus and Wukong I am not okay, I’m exploding it’s so cute
•Holy shit the poem about Heaven is LONG
•Wukong handles being called a bogus immortal very well?? I thought he would be angrier about that… I guess he knows its true tho🤷‍♀️
•Wukong is fantastic at his job- the best horse girl around (for the 2 weeks he was there lol)
•tantrum™️ kicks over his desk and smashes everything with his ruyi bang, causes property damage and LEAVES
•interesting that I’ve seen a lot of adaptations have him release the horses and do a mini havoc in Heaven
•love that it’s just 2 random demons who suggest 齐天大圣 to Wukong, not anyone important or anything JAKDJSJ
•Spreading Flower axe sounds so cool, prime design material
•”eyes glowered strangely like burning stars; past his shoulders two ears, forked and hard; his voice resounded like bells and chimes”<- poem about Wukong, so lovely
•Theme I’m noticing: Wukong treated like an animal until proven otherwise (makes sense but also not)
•asks Nezha whose little brother is he, and Nezha immediately spits back like 3 insults JAKFJSJSJ, he is not here to mess around🔫
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•the old bait and switch then smashing Nezha’s shoulder (flash back to all the paintings of Nezha running off while holding his broken arm💀)
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•Love that Wukong called himself the little brother of the fraternal 7
•Gold Star Of Venus more like Master Negotiator/Mediator
•….is Gold star lying??? WUH
•”Peace and Quiet” and “Serene Spirit”- it’s like they don’t know that’s gonna bore the shit out of Wukong💀 like watching a train wreck in slow motion- HES NEEDS ACTION AND SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH
Chpt 5&6 under cut:
Chpt 5 Thoughts:
•uses all his free time to make more friends
•Gold Star realizes that he may get bored so they give him an extremely tedious task that will also probably bore him JAKDJAJAJD
•HELP HE JUST STARTS EATING ALL THE PEACHES WHAT- he behaved for probably like 2 weeks (again) and then decided he couldn’t wait any longer to try the OLDEST AND RAREST FRUIT IN THE GARDEN!!! AND HE PICKS MULTIPLE, NOT JUST ONE
•I’m yelling he does this multiple times
•okay but him playing around and eating making him tired and taking a nap on the branches when he’s 2 inches tall?? Adorable, no longer mad he ate all the peaches, he’s just a little guy
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•ah so he only ate the really good ones. Ofcourse.
•Gently breaking the news that he’s probably not invited to the banquet 😬
•immediately freezes the peach maidens- WHY??? WHAT WAS THE REASON???
•Identity theft smh
•he is feeling….mischievous
•he is so wasted he accidentally wandered into Laozi’s lab
Wukong: I’ve never met Laozi….now is for SURE the perfect time to make friends, when I’m so drunk I can’t walk straight
•He keeps putting things in his mouth, very monkey™️ of him
•IMMEDIATELY sobered up and knew he was in deep shit
•he lived in heaven for over a century 👀👀, Wukong says half a year- so maybe like 175 days?
•he goes back to get wine for his monkeys 🥺🥺
•next day/year Everyone one complains about the Havoc LMAO, they just kept coming, I know the Jade Emperor is distraught HAJDJAJ
•Wukong was going to straight up ignore the heavenly army they sent if they hadn’t busted down his door😂
•all his demon Allies were captured while he did a 1 v 6 with Nezha and the 5 Devarajas
•Wukong starting to get lost in the sauce, doesn’t care his ally’s were captured as long as his monkeys are okay
Chpt 6 Thoughts:
•Guan Yin Rolling up their sleeves to fix this mess
•”nothing but an invitation to disappointment” THE DRAMATICS
•I wonder if the Greek constellations were actually listed or if that was a translation choice??
•interesting that he outlasted Moksa instead of outwitting him- I feel like there’s a deeper meaning to that
•Guan Yin: I have a solution��..call in your Nephew
Jade Emperor: GENIUS
•Erlang is PUMPED to fight Wukong
•something something Erlang Shen is HAWT
•Erlang Shen: I’m here to kick your ass and arrest you
Wukong: your MOM
Erlang already swinging:
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•Warform fight pt 2: Electric Boogaloo
•”they darted as stars to fill the sky”
•Erlangs eye being called the Phoenix Eye sounds SO COOL
•spotted bustard has no standards-I stand by the whore joke
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•Erlang having fun with their fight LMAOOOOO
•Wukong defeated with an assist from Laozi and Xiaotian
•stabbed for his crimes
•it’s execution time
•really loved that the poems were used to describe all of the fights
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caramelstarlight · 11 months
Yey!! but anyway Tighnari x reader that hangs out with the Rishboland Tigers and Spinocrocodile but they’re super chill and friendly with the reader. And don’t worry about running out of requests from me. I’m super hyperfixed on Genshin right now and especially with Fontaine coming next patch :) I’m getting Lyney.
OoOoOoooooooOooOoo!!!! :0 (Also thanks for helping me stay alive on tumblr lol)
Pocahontas that you? /j
Also I got shining Glitter in my first 10 pull on her banner. On the day she came out. Luck is backkk. Forgot to post it lol
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Take a bad drawing :) (I need to draw better smh)
One with the Forest!
(Totally not his burst or skill hehhehhehehehhehehhehehhehhehhhhhhee)
Fluff bc yes. this feels short but I didn’t know what to add pfft.
Tighnari x Reader
Multiple animals gathered around you. Dusk birds landing on nearby branches and peacefully co-existing with the rishboland tigers. They all stayed calm near you due to your calming and peaceful presence. Always happening an animal in need.
Butterflies landed on your shoulders,foxes sat on rocks with spinocrocodiles resting with the bird buddies. As you hummed a gently and mesmeric melody. Keeping the peace between the animals. Knowing the animals near you with your eyes closed.
Some Rishboland tigers rubbed their faces near your legs. Foxes pawing at your feet as you opened your eyes. Seeing Tighnari who appeared in front of you. Some scurried away seemingly to make an opening for him. Seemingly calm around him as you barely moved a muscle.
He sat down near a few foxes. Using his hand to support his head as he watched you lovingly. Wagging his tail slowly and relaxing himself.
After you finished your humming the animals moved away. Satisfied and Tighnari came up to you as you got up. “I never knew you could sing or hum so wonderfully.” He’d state as he hugged you. “It’s music to anyone’s ears.” Tighnari said to you when you embraced the hug.
“Thank you Tighnari.” You would reply to him as you both sat in the comfortable silence. Wrapping his tail around you effortlessly and bringing you closer. Hugging you as you leaned into his chest. Both of your views focused on the sky and the water. Watching the lotus’s sway slowly with each wave.
He seemed to be more clingy than usual. But he’s busy with work so it’s rare to see him off. He most likely found you on a patrol or during research. Watching as Rishboland tigers letter you pet them. Amazed at how close you were to the animals in the forest and how much trust they placed into you. Slightly jealous that you didn’t pet his ears or tail.
“How are you so close with them?” “They hear me sing often and I always help them so they know I’m not a threat.” You’d tell him. Intrigued by your answer. Humming softly again.
“Just like you say, One with the Forest Tighnari~” you’d say to him as he and you both laughed. Watching a finch land on his head between his ears. Flicking them as you used a finger to put the finch on your finger. Showing it to Tighnari for a few moments. Trying to not trigger his more animalistic side, it flew off to a nearby branch.
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
How/when does Jersey end up saying I love you?
oooooh! okay, so i was going to write it out ( i am jennifer slowpez so in nina fashion, i am spoiling it, what's new? ) but there is a part after this...if we remember this ask i am obsessed with where raven is diabolically patching jersey up via the tiny child sized hellokitty carebear bandids kyle bought for the kids he works w in the elementary school via that one anons delicious input...genius really.
*raven vc* pero like, so you know, they pull away it's awkward fml. dawg, they are about to *dreamy fit asf rm tolkien posh british vc* have a cheeky little snog like that entire whumpshot...anyways!
kyle notices that the vinyl record player is playing their sadie hawkins first dance song ( idk what song it is but its an abba song because thats gay rights baby! its probably my love, my life or andante andante...branch in my eyes ) and theres a bowl of skittles, but only the red ones are in it...because stan still eats around the red ones bc only kyle can have the red ones....brb crying!
yadda yadda yadda. and i think on the tv, the screen is paused over a brand new episode of say yes to the dress ( if we recall, before i deleted chapter six...which was a disaster but also a masterpiece rip, ravenstan was being so boyfail cute in it in his armani suit and was rizzing the hell out of kyle with his crunchy boy knowledge of plants...when stan came over for their #hate fashionably late, kyle was stress-watching say yes to the dress...which is his favorite show because he claims to be allergic to romance, but secretly thinks its really beautiful that people can fall and love and get married...AAA )
but anyways, when they start dating say yes to the dress ( shoutout to when ravenstan forgot what it was called bc adhd and called it Are You Down With The Gown ) became their show and kyle very quietly is like "were you going to watch it?" and stan getting nervous, trying to deflect because they always watch it together is like uhuhuhHhHh and kyle, sad laugh shaking his head is like "baby" *yersey swearing* "dude...baby dude...my guy...just guy, fuck, you know you can watch it without me. we're not...Together. *hurts worse than his ribs* you don't have to wait for me." and stan is like "i-i know. i was going to...i-i Wanted to! i just--i couldn't. i couldn't watch all the people in...."
Love :(
he doesn't say it. but jersey kyle can FEEL it.
he winces. hard.
he wants to fucking die...he wants to say something but he's so stupid and he ruined ravenstan's life, words fail him but STAN!!! grabs his hand and is like "-because! because i knew it would make me miss you. and fuck it. FUCK EVERYTHING KYLE I FUCKING MISS YOU!!!! i miss you and i LOVE you and i don't--i don't care if you can't say it back! i don't have to wait for you, but i WILL! i want to! i'll--i'll wait forever! YOURE MY FOREVER. people tell me they love me everyday, but with you--i can feel it. I. Just. Know. and that's enough! you're enough. YOURE ENOUGH, KYLE BROFLOVSKI. just the way you are. and i'm sorry...i'm sorry i pushed you and tried to change you. i was just, i was insecure about it i guess--and--and--"
cue kyle smiling like an idiot ( the rare kyle smile ) like "...stan?"
ft. stan still yapping smh like "oh my god, i miss you SO much! curb only got into the trash because you weren't here to remind me. and i had pasta from this five star restaurant the other day and oh my god, ky. it was TRASH! yours is so much better! and-and i think i broke the washing machine earlier, oh my god, it sounded like an explosion, i can't find anything, i--"
kyle...literally still trying to get stans attention smh going
"stan? hey? stan???? Stan???"
stans still yapping btw ( oh my god when he is passionate the man never shuts the hell up hes like rambling himself into a corner ) like "and theres this new exhibit in the aquarium and theres this huge red fish in it and i wanted to send it to you and be like 'this you' but were fighting and I HATE FIGHTING WITH YOU. can we stop fighting? :< i miss you. will you please come home? curb misses you, i miss you, i--"
*jersey vc* STANLEY MARSH!
*stan doing the wide flustered doe eye thing with the lip ring lip bite combo that makes kyle like actually criminally insane with love feels*
speaking of...
he leeeeeeeeeeeeeeans in...
gently grasps ravenstan's face
and says
and i quote...
"Te amo." <3
-uncle nina, gratuitous undivorcer of ravesey style
#i'll edit the tags in a second#but is everyone happy#theyre in love again#i promise#*impastor craig vc* by the power vested in me i now pronounce my beautiful gay sons that i tortured for half a year#Undivorced ;-; <3#I CAAAAAAAAAANT BELIEVE IT#no one get used to it im still gonna have them do miserable break up things and create drama dont worry about THAT#BUT I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID I LOVE YOU#I AM SO PROUD WOW THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL#now i can write the jersey kyle Can say i love u meme#( which is my favorite ask meme its so funny ily robot kyle )#he is like...i have so many feelings...i am excited? frightened? ex...frightened?#I CANT BELIEVE JERSEY KYLE SAID TEEEE AMO#SMILE PENDEJO NATION WE ARE SOOOOO BACK!#is anyone else crying or is it just me is it just jersey and raven and me and curb and the entire internet#UR WELCOME! YOU ARE ALL NO LONGER CHILDREN OF DIVORCE! TIME TO REJOOOOOOOOOOOICE YALL#*passes out The I Survived The 2024 Ravesey Divorce And All I Got Was This Stupid Teeshirt stupid teeshirts*#my sons in love my sons in AMOR bitch!!!!!!#that rizz was crazy also this was too happy so pls note they quite licherally almost smashed but kyles bones are broken#NOT THE ONE THAT MATTERS THO but he did still get stanbanned by sexy nurse raven lamE#*teri vc* at least he'd die doing what he loves...LITERALLY!!!#i admire his dedication like i too would risk it all to get risque and frisque with ravenstan but no they just#watched say yes to the dress and fell asleep on the couch#The End <3#everybody chant NINA!!! NINA!!!! NINAAAAAAA!!!
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mushroom-for-art · 2 months
Me @ Paradox au: you're as beautiful as the day I lost u
Person in charge of updating this fucking sucks ur schedules shit smh
King/Syn beloved belongs to @seasidemew
Sink or swim
"Our previous theories on the exact genders of the Genetic Terror has proved incorrect."
Leader is shown finding a quiet protected area the bushes shrubbery and tree branches making a perfect nest like area for her to squeeze and shuffle through past the leaves, she is shown leaving and returning with furs carefully crawling under the branches to not disturb or reveal her hidden area.
"In order to observe further we need more specialised equipment."
People talk inaudibly in the background as the cameraman shows off what looks like an ordinary leaf but is in fact a highly sophisticated type of camera powered by solar with little legs like a bug for movement. The view from the multiple leafcam is slightly green tinted, a little non invasive toy car like rover scoots revving softly near the nest and deposits the box with the leafbots in who disperse quickly subtly into place.
Leader is shown chasing the little toy car and knocking it over watching it spin in circles stuck on its side before it 'dies', she loses interest returning to her nest, inside viewed by multiple leafbot the leaves and foliage are spread and flattened intentionally as she builds up the other materials feathers from Great Tusk, Scream Tail fur, Slither wing fluff and wings any soft body part she wants and can fit into the nest.
The nest is completed during a time lapse of her nest building and half a day later she lays three small eggs, they are lumpy and slightly misshapen but she seems delighted her body resting protective over them like a brooding hen she incubates what is hers. During a time of her absence Dart enters the nest slowly looking around sniffing materials.
"We feared Dart would devour the eggs of the male he'd been trying to chase off," Dart lowers themselves and produces an egg of their own larger and more solid and smooth into the middle of the nest before leaving, "we were wrong."
Leader returns and pauses her head lowering as she nuzzles each egg faintly as though counting them pausing at the large healthy egg in the center of her misshapen ones she moves and returns to her brooding accepting the foreign egg as her own.
"If Leader knows this is Darts egg we aren't sure we can only assume she believes it her own egg or knows of its origins. The difference in egg shape size and overall visual health has led us to believe Leaders eggs may non be viable."
A timelapse shows Leader guarding her nest leaving occasionally to hunt but noticeably losing weight and leaving less and less frequently. There is also footage of Dart and Glider struggling to hunt as a duo without Leader to guide them and King searching around looking noticeably lost his snout to the ground sniffing deep inhales trying to get a scent before snorting in frustration and walking off heavily.
Finally, there is movement from one of the eggs, they wobble and flop to the side as Leader watches them intensely, the little leg that kicks out is dark red with dark grey striping, when they finally destroy their way out their egg it is clear they are not Leaders, a miniature adult genetic terror, proud horns and midhorn with a subtle bump implying a double point like King, their colors were deep and rich Darts red orange hues darkened further like dark jewels grey emphasising and contrasting.
Leader watches the little hatchling bounce around making infant screeches and chirps before scooping them close to her body nuzzling and grooming them.
"Her eggs haven't hatched," they've shrunken and even caved in on themselves, "Leader could carry a genetic defect, or it was an unlucky draw." She is witnessed removing the eggs one at a time from the nest throwing them to be scavenged elsewhere before bringing a small Roaring Moon limp in her jaw to give the hatchling their first meal.
She demonstrates biting the carcass and ripping away the flesh offering it to the chick dangling between her teeth, she feeds them tenderly and often but keeps them hidden in the nest.
"We don't know how long hatchling stay in the nest with their mothers, or if this is purely a behaviour displayed by Leader, and unfortunately this time we won't get answers."
Leader leaves the nest to go hunting, she's still underweight from everything as she goes to hunt, the hatchling is seen playing with and chasing a feather that's floating about the nest making little bark like noises vocalisations of play displaying what could be a play bow before diving after the feather.
Unfamiliar jaws lean into the nest, the hatchling pauses watching the unfamiliar mouth, cold and unfeeling they snap around the youngling. With a squeal the invader makes off with its prey from the unwatched nest. Leader is viewed botching her hunt before bolting back to her nest she vocalises squeaks and cries in her throat in sheer desperation sniffing around and whimpering at a trickle of blood. She looks lost without her hatchling.
"Leader hasn't left her nest since the incident, her pack members have been struggling and King seems unaware of the tragedy that has occurred."
The camera shows the start of a forest fire beginning to crackle and burn loudly.
"If Leader can't find the strength to flee the fire will surely kill her."
Multiple pokemon run and flee bellowing in natural fear of the fire ravaging their home, instincts drive them purely to survive, the leafbots are forced to flee with what battery they have left. It looks bleak, Dart and Glider stand at the forests edge crying and bellowing out throaty summoning calls echo into the darkening sky.
"But like a phoenix she is reborn from the ashes of despair!"
A camera catches glimpse of orange hues bolting through the forest, underweight and disorientated the Genetic Terror runs dodging and weaving around the flames and burning foliage around her course correcting as the flames race her dropping burning trees and setting shrubs alight. Her panic evident in her cries and roars. Leaping from the burning forest she crashes into the grassland outside quickly reached and greeted by her siblings, chirps and nuzzles reassure their bonds before they take one last glance at the flames disappearing into the thickening ash and smoke ridden land.
King bellows at the flames enraged by their insult as nature takes its course ravaging the land to regrow it, he storms off with heavy stomps to find a new area to sleep.
"It's been months since the fire, Leaders condition has not improved, while the fire forced her to move from her nest her appetite has not bounced back."
Dart and Glider gorge themselves on fat Slither Wing their wings ripped off to prevent mobility and escape as they excitedly chitter at the flesh they're enjoying. Leader lay nearby on her side, she's thin and looks exhausted breathing heavily for such an easy hunt the strain of hunger causing issue with her body and yet she won't eat feeling no hunger.
The other two have long since fallen asleep assuming their sibling will eat now they're asleep, she lay uninterested but awake head lifting slowly sensing the slowly approaching King. Her head lowers either in submission or being too exhausted. King stands and looks over her slowly he moves digging into the carcasses of the Slither Wing himself devouring large mouthfuls.
He pulls away flesh hanging in his teeth and comes to Leaders side leaning down and using his arms as support he holds the food out to her, he nudges his face to hers until she acknowledges him opening her mouth slowly to take the food he delicately hands it over. The process repeats, with King biting at her legs when she does not chew only holding the meat in her teeth, his own teeth never break flesh but encourages her enough to eat.
He continues until she seems genuinely unable to devour more slowly trudging off and returning with a wetter snout he opens his maw slowly to her and water he had collected falls onto her as he attempts to offer her water, she makes noises of discontent shaking her head at the water splashed on her with a warning hiss he doesn't respond to.
King holds his jaw more steady and after some working out carefully shares the water with her for her to drink, he seems content and licks the spare droplets from her muzzle and nuzzles her face in affection purring deeply to her before going to retrieve more water, though this time she stands to follow slowly. He stops every few paces waiting for her and rests besides her at the water as she tips her head low and drinks, his tail thumps the grass happily.
"King has been tailing the group for a few weeks now, he is recorded giving Leader special attention and even aiding in the hunts and refusing to let the others eat until himself and Leader have had their fill. Her health is improving, though it's clear she still thinks about the nest and lost hatchling, on some nights she is seen pacing around making calls for her baby as though she will get a response. King only seems to watch her when this happens, he does not seem aware of what she is calling for."
"She will recover and more behaviour can hopefully be recorded. The area which burned down has been regrowing at a rapid previously unseen rate and should be back to it's lush original state within a month or two. Area zero continues to fascinate us."
-Recording end-
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gayassbish · 6 months
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A/N: This is the kickstarter for my CHRISTMAS event! Find it here! | 1.2k Words
Genre: Fluff! Slight Crack
Reader: Gender Neutral
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AMBER is very serious about keeping an active lifestyle and is even more serious about her health. She wants to live to 100 and still be able to jump around like she does now. But she is always contradicting her longevity! She constantly puts her life in danger by eating extremely spicy hot buffalo wings that she knows she can’t handle and she annually sky dives from planes for fun. Not that you don’t try to stop her crazy antics though.
You are constantly reminding Amber how chasing after an adrenaline rush can cause her to be 6 ft under sooner than she thinks, but in turn, Amber always tells you that life is too short to be boring. Each time she says that you can’t help but think how your life is too short to be a widow before you even get married.
But alas nothing separated Amber from adrenaline: not the bleak season, not freezing temperatures, nor you ;).
And this winter when Amber says she wants to go hiking on the mini mountain a few hours from your area with you, your immediate reaction is that your lovely girlfriend wants to murder you in the middle of the woods </3.
Despite your protests, you can’t deny her in the end. After all what if something happens to Amber when she’s alone out in the forest? So if you can’t convince her not to go… then you have to go :’).
As payback though, you didn’t make the journey easy for her. You made her do the folding, the packing, the driving, and she basically still had to drag your ass out to hike the nearby mini mount. with her. Why did you date someone so adventurous? You don’t know, and you’re cursing yourself for loving someone so energetic.
The moment Amber parks the car and you exit from the comfort of the built-in heater of the vehicle, you feel a shiver down your spine.
You’re faced with the hiking trail in-front of that leads up and up with a mixture of leaf-barren trees and branches still adorning their reddish-yellow ones. Amber has told you about hows she hiked this mountain a lot with her grandpa as a kid. You can’t help but imagine a little Amber running around the woods and playing hide and seek with her old peepaw behind trees. Though the thought warms your heart, the freezing breeze calls you back to reality.
“Babe, come get your bag and let’s go change.” Amber shouts from the back of the car, shutting the trunk. She hands you your bag and leads you to the changing stalls placed in the back of the parking lot.
Amber changes quickly into thick sun glasses, a purple rain proof jacket and tights… But you, on the other hand, “Wow… look at you.” Once outside the changing stall, Amber has the nerve to laugh at you when she sees how you look like an inflated balloon. It’s not a big deal though, you’re only wearing multiple sweat pants and jackets. But for some reason Amber just has to say something. “Gosh, just how many layers are you wearing?” Amber leans against the door and crosses her arms over her chest, wearing a huge idiotic smile.
“Oh my god, you know how I get cold!” You send her a glare, not willing to put up with her cheery attitude in this kind of weather. “Let’s just get this over with already.” You huff aggravated and walk past her to the trail.
Amber, after secretly taking photos of how silly and cute you look, quickly catches up to you and just doesn’t take off that stupid smile off her face. Like what’s there to even smile about? Your pain? Your misery? Smh. “Can you even walk right in all that?” She jests, still making fun of you. She pokes a finger through your arm to try and see if she can feel you.
You slap her hand away. You give her another of your signature glares to compliment her goofy ass smile. “Last to the top buys dinner.” And run past her as quick as your (now stubby and little) legs can.
Amber starts laughing her ass off before trailing behind you.
The rest of the hike consists of stopping here and there to take selfies, posing as you meet the fellow hikers that offer to take photos, water breaks, and admiring the view… but as you hike further up hill and the wind gets harsher and the air gets cooler… it becomes more of a challenge to continue rather than your average Sunday morning hike.
So before you can even make it to the halfway point of the hike, you’re already spent.
“Oh come on babe, we’re almost there!” Amber looks back towards your teeth chattering self that’s about 15 feet behind her. She runs back down to you and grabs your hand. “At this rate you’re gonna lose.” She sings in a light jokey tone, but you’ve already long forgotten about this bet.
When Amber takes your hand, she starts walking, planning to drag you to the tippy top, but you don’t budge.
Amber looks back at you with an eyebrow raised, confused. “Amber..,” You watch her confused face turn into one of worry at the shaky tone of your voice. “I don’t think I can do it.” You speak brokenly with your teeth chattering and look at her with your runny nose. Sniffling and frowning at her and it breaks Ambers heart. You feel bad since she drove far to take you here, but you really can’t go another step.
Amber, however, doesn’t even think of the drive (or the effort to drag you outside the house). She’s just worried that maybe she did push you too far this time. “Are you certain?” Amber hunches over a little to be at eye level with you since she’s standing on the slanted mountain plain, higher than you. When you nod at her she brings you into a hug. “Okay! Here’s what’s going to happen.” You break the hug to look at her pearly whites. Rather than this smile being mildly infuriating, you find her cherry grin very comforting. “We’re going to go back down and I’ll take you to the nearest IHOP. You can get the sticky honey roast hot coco you like and it’ll be my treat!”
Amber watches your face light up from the promise of a chocolate served drink and you give her a kiss on the cheek. “Ah thank you! You know just what will cheer me up!” And Amber raises a hand to feel where you kissed since your lips were very cold.
“Your lips are freezing.” Amber looks at you and holds your hand again, she starts walking back down-hill, this time with you actually moving.
“You can try to warm them then.” You swing your arms with hers, obviously very happy at your return.
“Did you want to stop hiking to make out with me or because you’re actually cold and tired?” Amber questions your intentions as she looks at you, barely able to hold her smile back.
“Fine… no kisses for you.” You huff and run past her and you can hear her laughter as she trails behind you. She eventually catches up to you and Amber steals a quick peck from you! You scream some nonsense that she’s being a cheater but before you can accuse her anymore she gives you another peck. She steals a lot more from you and you both end up laughing your asses off as y’all head back to her car. You wonder if maybe your next adventure will be filled with less kisses and actually more… well, adventure.
A/N: GUYS Head Canon for Amber as a cop, but A GOOD ONE that wants to actually change the broken system from the inside… a lot like Judy from Zootopia. One, they’re both (gullible) self-righteous bunnys. And two, they’re literately the same “person” just in different fonts I swear.
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catusbeanius · 27 days
Decided to branch out and take notes on my Riddle vignettes! So, here are some Riddle tidbits (I have all his cards aside from his birthday jacket and tsumsitter, sadly :(. Also, why doesn't masquerade riddle have a vignette smh. Gave me a heart attack thinking I never got him)
Tidbit 16:
Riddles calls himself the "King of Heartslabyul" (Suitor Suit vignette pt 2), yet he still appreciates the powerful femininity of the Queen. He says he enjoys the way heels make him stand taller and how the clacks catch everyone's attention (Halloween vignette pt 3)
Tidbit 17:
He shows his insecurities on his sleeve.
In his Suitor Suit vignette pt 1, he mentions to Malleus how the princess won't like him because he's short (he also mentions this in the regular event). He doesn't want Kalim sharing anything about his low P.E score (P.E uniform vignette) and he assumes Vil is making fun of his athletic ability when he was just trying to compliment Riddle in heels (Halloween vignette pt 1-2)
Tidbit 18:
He initially assumes everyone understands things the same way he does, but he can grasp other methods fairly easily.
In his Dorm Uniform vignette (spoiler for the whole plot, if you care), he's trying to help Cater pass his exam and initially gives him a 300 page study guide to memorize in a week. He gets very upset when Cater can't even pass the table of contents, but Trey tells him to think about it from a different perspective. He asks Riddle what method he'd use to eat his least favorite foods, and Riddle responds that he'd dilute it or eat it alongside something he does enjoy. He quickly comes up with a way to help Cater study (through Magicam tags).
Imo, this means he's learned to be open-minded and to listen to people before collaring them immediately (however his gut reaction is still anger)
Tidbit 19:
Kind of in conjunction with the last tidbit, but Riddle is not very confident in things he hasn't mastered. Namely, cooking. He follows directions unquestioningly (can also be seen as his strict rule-following).
Riddle trusts Lilia with only mild-skepticism when he tells him how to make soup (Labwear vignette). I don't know for sure what he put in it, but Lilia tells him to make a strawberry tart soup. Lilia tells him to min-max the nutrients and Riddle is like, "Really? Okay... I guess that makes sense."
Tidbit 19.25
I gotta yap about Diasomnia ONCE, okay?? /j
Anyway, I noticed Lilia was very good at making things understandable for Riddle while cooking. When something was up to Riddle's preference, he basically explained it as, "what do YOU like in food," and, "how much would Trey realistically eat?"
Analyzing TWST vignettes has proven that they are VERY careful and purposeful with who they have interact. Knowing Lilia in his general days, it's very obvious that HE struggled with similar things. Very different circumstances, but they're both loosely following rules/orders to survive. They both grew up in tense environments without the tools for self expression and self understanding.
Does that make any sense??? I think it does.
Tidbit 19.5
I gotta yap about Mally, too.
He talks with Riddle in his Suitor Suit vignette and we learn about his ideals in a king!!
He says Riddle's character is befitting of a king (quickly acting to save his dorm mates) and laments how he can't do the same (since he can't marry a princess willy-nilly). Flash forward to his overblot... Yeah, makes sense. He wants to be a good king/son/student/brother/boyfie, idk (talking about the MC not Diasomnia ftr) and he assumes trapping them from harm is the best way.
Tidbit 19.75
Also, why does Riddle say "noblesse oblige" is a philosophy of the "Realm of Roses??" (in the Suitor Suit vignette again)
As far as I know, the Queendom is never referred to as the Realm of Roses & the translation on the Japanese wiki is the Queendom as well. Idk what's going on.
That's it for my Riddle tidbits! Idk who I'll do tomorrow, but I'm planning on spotlighting a different character every day. I might just do Riddle's voicelines (or I'll do those tonight, who knows). Maybe leave a comment/ask for a suggestion? I can't guarantee a quality tidbit post since this is only based on my vignettes. I also wanna try rereading the entirety of TWST and taking notes (idr if I mentioned that before) but especially Leona's, Azul's, and Jamil's overblots bc I know an embarrassing little amount about them. I only discovered critical thinking the past few years /j
Anyway!! Until next time BD
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thesmutalorian · 6 months
Oh bro, scarlex #4evaaa 😤😤 (the ART for that pairing bro lmao, I love women for their weird passions so much). I am considering an AO3 account purely to do a chapter by chapter review/commentary for you lololol. I probably should just do it, the whole reason I haven’t is some teenage-born fear of the cops somehow interrogating me for some unrelated shit (????) and this sort of tomfoolery comes up bc they’ve seen my phone shit and next thing you know, dateline has me on blast for my risqué reading tastes smh 😔 it does not make sense in any way (like gorl it’s too late for your online trail, you’re already ruined) and I need to get over myself lmao
and no need to apologize for not writing his POV, you gotta do what you gotta do, bro. But I share the sentiment of “oh this absolute biTCH BOI” when I read his thoughts Lmfao. Friggy’s lack of a part 2 was devastating. I am unwell over it. I need Allison to have some goddamn agency. I have since branched out in my search and looked at ffn for content 🙂 which brings me to my next questiooooon, have you read a story called Cold Hands? It’s the first of a 3 part series, and although the premise had me kinda like ehhhh, I think it’s pretty good! I’m only just in the second part, but it’s a good time. 
I would actually die if I had to interact with murder crab men tbh. It couldn’t be me, would simply perish of fright, so I’m glad you understand LOL. 
Bro the space pond- that shit was delightful. I ENJOYED that, like Charlie needed a win and now she has a little spa/swimming pool/ oasis situation she’ll hopefully get more access to 😎 the tail, shit, I’m about here like 👀what that tail do👀👀
You should definitely feel free to post from that board of ta’kesh 👀 I am curious. also, finding out you are into mando is so funny when seeing the similarities between mandalorians and Yautjas 💀💀💀that shit killed me, I was like this woman knows what she’s about! 
I look forward to more good soup 😊
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me reading your play by play if you do (but also I understand cause I’ll cry if I’m ever traditionally published and someone’s like ‘hey did you write about fcking the predator’)
I haven’t heard of cold hands but now I wanna check it out!!
the tail do {redacted} ☺️ and yes mando (read masked men) in general really do it for me — probably has to do w years of trying to decipher and cater to others’ emotional swings and loving the idea of Not that🤪 and then them being absolutely ruled by a strict code that they then twist or break for the sake of affection????? BROOOO SIGN ME TF UPPPPP 😤👏🏼 💳💳💥💥
(I forgot to drop fanart, none of it is mine just Pinterest sourced and I’d tag them if I knew)
*update* wonderful @predatorperspective said these are from
creature13, xenogardian and crispy-ghee 🫡
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rabbitindisguise · 2 months
Me: hmm I want to try other granolas. Branch out. Get more protein
Me, mid meal: what the fuck this just tastes like fuckin. Oat Puff Cereal. It's squishy. And gross.
Ingredients: whole rolled oats, textured soy prot-
Me, scornfully: what the hell man that's totally what it is. this should feel like eating rocks. In a bad way. This doesn't even hurt my mouth a little bit. smh. And you call yourself a company. So fucking disappointed in you Open Nature™
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salaciousdoll · 11 months
Hello hello Aisha. I'm Nat. I've never spoken to you before but I've seen you around. My apologies if you don't wanna talk about this anymore (you can delete it if I'm crossing any boundaries/you're uncomfortable) but I just wanna address that dumbass anon you recieved.
Like. Creating an x Black reader community on this website is so hard coz of bullshit like that. There's some cliquey vibes going on that's stifling creativity and creating stupid, stupid jealousy and animosity. Oh black writers can only write plug fics. Only of specific characters. Only smut. Same "plot" (and I use that word very losely coz there ain't no damn plot they be writing SMH). Same scenarios. Same (mostly questionable) kinks. Same style. You can only simp over certain characters.
Surely. Then us saying we're bored of reading the same thing is us hating. Saying "hey, maybe let's branch out" meets blocks and vagues and being shit talked. How y'all think you'll thrive when you just wanna be some monolith block and can't even share and express your individuality and really explore your ingenuity as a writer and push boundaries of what you can create and actually be better?
Maybe I'm old, but that ain't it. And if us saying "maybe these plug fics are getting old" means we wanna be white (GIRL THE WAY I SNORTED GHGDDHJJGGJJFD) then you really gotta put that phone near your head and hope that heat will cause your braincells to generate some heat. Real embarrassing miss sister girl.
Anyways, sorry for this long-ass thesis you never asked for. I just has to get that off my chest. Thanks for reading and have a great day/night.
No because you hit the nail in the coffin with this one because this was everything I wanted to say. How are we trying to appeal for the white masses when we want to dive into different things than they do. So please feel free to talk to me anytime if you want after this. So I’ll properly introduce myself, hello I’m Aisha and it’s very nice to meet you darling, hope we can see each other more often
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deci-doodles · 5 months
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Misc assortment of OC doodles from recently that I had no idea how to post individually so I’ll just compile them :p feat previously shown family members+Tiziri in some outfits besides her Eremite one, and also me attempting to design Itto’s parents coz why not
More info+rambling under the cut
Aight SO,
Tiziri’s the Eremite lady that Tesey’s head over heels for and can’t blame him, she’s very charming, very competent, and won’t hesitate to call him out lol. She’s also the current successor in place for the matriarch (Tizemt) of her adoptive tribe (the Ifri, named after the goddess not the demons lol). They don’t exist in lore since the other two main GoF worshipping tribes don’t really fit the area of influence I wanted to use and Tanit were also a definite no go so instead, the Ifri are a smaller tribe that had branched off from the Tanit but under their current matriarch, have been slowly trying to make themselves more self sufficient and independent, with Tiziri being taken in by them as a child. after they took down the raiding party which had targeted her original tribe and family.
As of current game events, Tesey had been trying to collaborate with the Ifri with textile trading since he believed their work could sell really well in a more international market, so Tiziri’s been assigned to keep an eye on him and also just get a grasp of what kind of a person he is before letting him into their territory and all that (luckily for him he’s long passed the vibe check but after Fontaine’s AQ he had to make an emergency trip back to Morepesok).
Anyways I thought it’d be fun to draw her in a modern Moroccan caftan, but also a Ukrainian folk outfit since she does eventually make a trip over to Morepesok to visit Tesey’s family when they get together. Anyways like Kirena, Tonia and their mother, Oksana (I’ll post their design eventually wsojcndwoc), I’ve based it off outfits from the Luhansk area (go check out these blogposts for references I used for the embroidery it’s such a life saver, but yeah their mum’s side would be from the Donbas irl, dad’s from Zaporizhzhia). Jewellery’s primarily based off Amazigh jewellery from southern Morocco, as well as some Tuareg ones and also a few strings of Ukrainian korali ehe (they’re a gift from Tesey later on as a sign of his intent to take things more seriously and his sincerity). I tried my best with the tattoos since I didn’t want to just trace someone else’s given how personal they are but if anyone has any sources on Moroccan Amazigh tattoos please let me know 🙇🏻‍♀️
Next bit is just me realising that a good chunk of my labelled OCs (most aren’t) happen to be aspec, which I find absolutely hilarious (fyi I’m ace myself so this isn’t malicious I just think it’s funny how it keeps happening). Kageharu and Mingli are probs also some flavour of aro but I haven’t figured it out yet so they just have their ace labels for now
And, finally, Arataki Natsuki (荒瀧凪月) and Arataki Takenosuke (荒瀧岳之輔). Apparently I felt like revisiting old ideas from 2021 again weciswnjdsq, but still was fun to do. I’m aware it’s more likely Itto’s mother was also an oni (judging by his troubles voiceline regarding Granny Oni) but I thought it’d be interesting to explore what it could be like for humans given how prevalent oni discrimination is, both towards them but also towards humans who are close to them (again: see the voiceline on Granny Oni), as well as people learning to look past assumptions and all that fun stuff. They could’ve lived out a nice cottagecore life with their son if it weren’t for those damned robberies they got blamed for smh
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Bonus concept portrait of Natsuki while I’m at it. Tbh one of my biggest pet peeves in designing related characters is making any character too similar to whichever canon character they’re related too and I just really wanted to show that yes, Itto does have quite a few of his mother’s features. It’d be more helpful if I actually drew him to compare ofc, but motivation do be funky like that and my brain wants me to draw Oksana next 😔
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rozcdust · 4 months
hello!! you're one of my fave writers on this site and i absolutely adore your writing! i would love to see what else you come up with outside of tokyo revengers!
as for recs, ahh catch me rewatching my old favorites (besides tokyorev). ahahah! i don't know exactly what you're tastes are. but mine are wild ranging from shoujo to sci-fi to sports anime to action/shonen, etc. a few being world trigger, inuyasha, demon slayers, assassination classroom, haikyuu, akatsuki no yona, snow white with the red hair, and alice in borderland (which i had no idea was an anime-manga first before it was a jdrama on netflix fjsjsj).
i also dragged my friends into watching akudama drive with me. meanwhile, one of those friends dragged me into watching paradox live. (normally i don't watch idol anime but this one was about hip hop artists and i love hip hop so. hahah)
but yeah!! i usually don't even watch anime for the plot (i.e. demon slayers). just the concept and character designs can be good enough for ne ahahh (everything about world trigger is so so good thofjsj aaa pls give it a try if u like sci-fi. and be patient with the animation in seas.1 ahhha i swear it gets better)
anywayyyy! i went on a bit of rambledjsjs oops! but yeah. anything you write will be adored by me!! i'm always going back to read your previous works/some of my favorites. gl with branching out!! i'll be here cheering u on!
i really gotta watch demon slayer smh but i am not. emotionally ready. assassination classroom is fucking great tho omg it was the first anime i ever watched
thank you very much love 💖🩷🩷
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boa-h · 2 years
【Draco Malfoy】 The Boy On The Apple Tree
*i am back and ready to attack
*can’t believe my first HP fic is about him smh
*i was gonna write more but then my motivation was like nah so i just stopped there
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You met Draco Malfoy during mid-august, when the green apples on your apple tree were slowly growing ripe.
You two were still kids back then, about eleven years old. Your mansions were right next to each other, and he saw the apples on your tree.
The blond boy carefully climbed up the tall tree, but never noticed you watching him from your window. As he was finally about to reach his first apple, he saw you. Who was staring at him with great curiosity.
Startled, he lost his grip on the branch, you grabbed onto the back of his collar at the last second, saving the young master from the Malfoy family from breaking a bone.
“Why were you staring at me like that?! You almost made me fall! My father will hear about this!!” He yelled.
“You’re the one who climbed on my apple tree.” You tilted your head, confused on why he was blaming you.
The boy’s pale face then turned red from anger and embarrassment. “You…!”
“Were you hoping to find some apples here to eat?” You asked, picking off the nearest apple by your hand, “This tree grew well, it’s a shame that it only produces sour, green apples.” You handed him the apple.
Draco took a large bite, his face immediately scrunched up at the sourness, but it seems like he doesn’t want to admit how sour the apple is. “It’s not sour at all.” He said, “But you, why are you staring out the window anyways?”
“What else should I do other than staring out the windows?” You sighed.
“Maybe you should be in Diagon Alley to buy your supplies for the upcoming school year! You’re eleven, right?”
“How did you know?” You were quite shocked.
“I guessed.” He seems to be proud of himself.
You were left speechless, and after a while, you sighed again, “I’m not going to Hogwarts…”
“Oh… WHAT?!” He shouted, “What do you mean? Did you not get the acceptance letter? You’re not a squib, are you?”
You shook your head, “I have health problems, I can’t go. I can barely walk out of my house, I mean, I can, but my house-elf wouldn’t let me, upon my parent’s orders.”
“That’s awful.” He frowned, picking another apple and handing it to you, as if trying to comfort you. “I’ll tell my father about this.”
You chuckled at his childish words, taking a bite of the apple. Sourness spread in your mouth, and you scrunched up your face, just like he did.
Time was like a monster with wings, the month flew by, faster than it normally was.
Draco would often climb your apple tree, taking a few apples every time he comes, and he no longer scrunch up his face while eating them.
You allowed him to take as many apples as he liked, but in return, he would have to talk to you for an hour each apple. It was a deal.
When September came, it was time for him to leave and start school. You hoped for him to find more friends, whereas you, you will be sitting in your room, doing homeschool.
The apples on your tree rotted and fell off the branch one by one. Then the first snow of the year came… and then it was Christmas… then it was spring… and finally, summer.
The second day Draco returned from Hogwarts, he climbed up your tree again.
“Good morning, Draco.” You smiled at him, opening your windows.
“Excited to see me?” Says the excited one.
“Sorry, the apples aren’t ripe yet…” You apologized, looking at the small, whitish-green fruits that’s growing on the tree.
“That’s not important right now! I have to tell you everything that happened this year.” The immature boy shushed you and sat up straighter than before.
From there on, he started his story, and it continued until it was lunch time.
“Do you want to stay for lunch? I can tell my house-elf to make you some.” You suggested.
“I can’t,” He says, “My father will kill me if I don’t return for any of the meals without telling him beforehand.”
“That’s too bad, but take this.” You took the basket of cookies that was on your nightstand, prepared just for him, “I baked it on my own and put a spell on it so it won’t get soggy that fast. Hopefully you’ll enjoy them.”
He looked at the basket and put it on your windowsill before climbing down the tree. You looked down in disappointment, does he not like cookies? Just as you were about to take it away, you heard him clear his throat.
“Wingardium leviosa.” He pointed his wand at the basket, and it floated down towards him.
You chuckled, “Stop trying to show off.”
“I can teach you if you’d like. If you ask nicely, of course.” The boy raised his head high.
And then from that day and on, Draco would come over and teach you everything he learned as a first-year in Hogwarts.
It was very hot that summer, just like the young boy’s fiery heart.
A few years went by, and everything remained the same, or at least it seems like everything’s the same.
A lot of the spells you know were taught by Draco, and you would always listen to his amazing stories at Hogwarts, it goes on for hours. He still sat on that branch of the apple tree, and you still sat by the window.
Under the dusk, both of your faces are a bit red. Is it because of the sunset? Or was it because of the seed called love budding inside your hearts?
The first time he came inside your room was when you were fifteen. He had gotten back from school again, and he came to find you like he always does.
“Did you know, we had a school ball this year.” He said, “We also had this tournament, but that’s not what's important right now. I mean, will you dance with me? I didn’t bring any music but will you? I wished you were there, so you could be my dance partner, but you weren’t, so mind if we dance now?” He asked, speaking a bit fast.
“I don’t know how to dance, Draco.” You said, but still moved away so he can come in.
“It doesn’t matter, I can teach you.” He replied, jumping into your window.
Then you realized how tall he was, almost a head taller than you. He put your left hand on his shoulder and held on to your right hand and waist, telling you instructions on how to move your feet. You could smell the scent of green apples on him when you two danced the night away. He didn’t bring any music, but at least you knew a few spells that would make the violin in your room play on its own.
It was your first dance you ever danced in your life, also taking your first kiss away, along with his. The moon watched over you two, it wasn’t as bright as the sun, but at this moment, it only shines on you and him.
After that year, Draco barely comes back anymore. Sure, he would write letters, but he always asks for you to never write back. You didn’t know what happened, but looking at the dark mist engulfing the Malfoy mansion, you knew whatever is happening can’t be good.
You didn’t bother to try to find him, because your body is weak, and if something really happened, you would only be a burden to him. The only thing you could do is pray for him to be safe.
And he was, sort of. It was midnight when he came knocking on your window again. He was full of dirt and bruises, he looks like he aged a lot, he looks tired.
“What happened, Draco?” You asked softly.
He didn’t speak for a while, but instead he hugged you tight, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You suddenly feel a wet sensation. You didn’t say anything either, hugging him back and comforting him.
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry… He was back, I had to…” He cried.
“There’s no need to be sorry, Draco.” You said.
“Please, love me.”
“I love you still, I always do.”
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belabellissima · 8 months
Casually slides down your chimney
Your secret santa has returned!! Thank you so much for those answers to the would rather game! I'm notoriously bad at them, too, so I'm happy with the rambling, especially becuase if gave me a chance to learn more about you!
Honestly I think we had the exact same answers for the bonus questions! I'm a hardback fan all the way 🥰 And my go to in the morning is a coffee, but I love nothing more than my afternoon english breakfast with a bit of milk and honey. I think I need to try that masala chai wiith cardamom and sugar though, that's sound delicious!! And Team Rosalie is a perfect answer 🤌
When it comes to your gift, what I'm hearing from your answers is that you'd like a smutty multichapter feysand fic that's set in canon driven and driven by romance with LOTS of angst 👀 hehehe that sounds delicious and I think I already have an idea brewing in this ole Cauldron.
My questions for you now are...
What are your favorite romance tropes?
What are your top 5 favorite Feysand moments?
If you could change anything about the acotar series, what would it be?
What's your favorite song(s) at the moment? Which ones remind you most of Feysand?
Hello!!!! You have returned!!!! And this time I can answer before going to work lmao! edit: no actually I wrote for so long that I had to go to work before I finished and am posting this on my break 😂
And same answers?!?!?!! ITS FATE! And I'm so glad to know another English Breakfast lover!!! Truly a wonderful tea😌 also all the talk of masala chai made me crave some enough to go make a pot! I have had smh a fresh mug next to me and I didn't add too much sugar this time! and i have more dishes added to the never-vanishing pile but I have cleaned up the spills on the counter its f i n e
One thing about me is that I have a favorite pot that I always use for hot drinks and soups because it's the only one without a lip and so also the only one where I can consistently pour from it and not spill what I've just made.... but that one was already dirty :/
Also the gift already sounds so beautiful! Perfect 💯 10/10 I am READY to bawl my eyes out! (have you noticed yet I use... a LOT of exclamation marks?😅)
and for the questions!
Favorite Romance tropes? ooooh thats a tough one because a lot depend on the genre! If I'm reading fantasy then enemies-to-lovers is amazing, but especially so if it's one-sided! Like Jude and Cardan - he was in love with her and she hated his guts so much she thought he must hate her in return! Or Feysand in the first book, now that I think about it lmao. Other favorites include classics such as only one bed (or horse if its a road-trip romance), soulmates/fated mates, forced proximity, and hidden identity! If its more contemporary though, I lean toward fake dating, rivals-to-lovers (technically a branch on enemies to lovers but eh), and mutual pining/idiots-to-lovers. One trope though that i don't really like??? Is actually the love triangle. Because I WILL start shipping all three of them together rather than choose. (Or the back-and-forth starts to annoy me. Depends on how it's being written.) speaking of that if you like sci-fi books i would recommend Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao, that's got a canon polyamorous relationship!
Favorite Feysand moments - Calanmai obviously, that scene is iconic for a reason and i get emotional if I think about it too long while remembering chapter 54, there you are. I've been looking for you I also adore Feyre throwing her shoe at Rhys after he dares her to do it again, Feyre taunting Rhys while in the Summer Court only to immediately get jealous that he does the same thing, both CoN scenes, and the scene with the bone carver when feyre admits she would have turned the knife on herself and Rhys is devastated by it. what can I say I love angst hahaha😂
Honestly I don't like that Rhys twists Feyre's arm for the bargain. Like... dude. I know you were playing a part but really? Also i wish nesta was a carynthian - the writer in me understands that her character development and journey needed for her to stand her ground instead of reaching the summit, and arc-wise it was a fufilling end, but the valkyrie lover in me is like... why couldn't nesta reach the top too? also cassian not saying ily to nes in her book?????😡🤬 do better cass.
Favorite songs at the moment are "So Hot that it Hurts" and "Conversations with the Dashboard" by Voilà (they are so underrated I need more people to listen to them), "Electric Touch," "You're On Your Own, Kid," "Castles Crumbling," "Willow," "Ivy," "Dress," and "New Year's Day" by Taylor, "Last of the Real Ones" by FOB, and "Da Selby" Parts 1 and 2 by Hozier. Feysand wise is probably New Years Day (I did title my amnesia fic with this song so I kinda have to pick it lol 😂 ) and Dress (but dress is also perfect for Emorie so👀). Voilà also has a perfect feysand song with "Figure You Out" - it just screams rhys to me in the beginning of acomaf saying "Really? Tamlin? You picked Tamlin? He gave you red paint and thought it would make you happy and you still think he’s the man for you?” Also "Hurt for Me," "Where's My Love," and "Better" by SYML destroyed me with the Feysand feels to the point that I immediately added them to my playlist! 😭
I think that’s it, what songs do you like though??? I’m always looking for new music 😅
Make sure you’re drinking enough water and getting sleep!!! 🥰 See you next time!!!!!! byeeeeeee!!! 👋🏼
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
2022 writing wrap up
tagged by my beloved @possumteeths MWAH ILY
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Total Words Published: 
Additional Words Written: 
about 9k of assorted other wips lmao
and about 4k for a random non-fic writing project that I kinda......abandoned......but maybe we’ll pick it back up idk
Grand Total of Words: 
about 44,000!
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house of wax exclusively. smh. bc I lost my mind in october over it and have published nothing BUT content for it
however!! I would love to branch out eventually and write some other shit lmao!!
I have a bride of chucky fic in the works and I’d love to dabble into other slashers PERHAPS
none of them own this ass quite like those wax losers UNFORTUNATELY
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Highest Everything (raw kudos, hits, comments):
it’s my first HOW fic, poacher’s dream...which is a categorically nasty and weird lil house of wax oneshot about bo sinclair bein nasty w/beer bottles.
glad to know that all of u are intrigued @ the thought of being debased w/a budweiser bottle by this hick loser bc same tbh
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Highest Kudos to Hits Ratio:
pumpkin guts! a silly lil halloween romp in which the reader carves pumpkins with the worst men in america! spooky!
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New Things I Tried:
x reader fics lol!! I never thought I'd write anything in that format! tbqh, I didn't think I'd return to writing fanfic at all! bc for years I’ve had this cycle of getting into something, writing one (1) fic for it, losing all interest in fic writing, and disappearing off the face of whatever fandom I scuttled into lmao
seems like the only thing that motivates me to semi-regularly post fics is the concept of screwing the vilest fictional men?? interesting!! I love my neurological functions
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Fic I Spent the Most Time On:
it feels like it was sanguine lmao
I wrote 9.5k words of weird cerebral EDGING porn for this deranged elvis impersonator and his mechanic LARP
I really did 
and it’s 100% the least accessible of my fics bc it’s Peculiar™. but when I tell u I sat and absolutely labored over that fic rfhsdjwjfedskrfjwds
I put a lot of time and energy into it and it knocked 7391932 years off my life tbh
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Favorite Thing I Wrote:
something borrowed! 
I think it’s the strongest fic in my catalogue tbh. Just pacing/format-wise. I really like the overall structure and tone! It’s this strange little foray into Bo’s demented little pea brain and has several scenes I love a lot 
I’m also very fond of miss ambrose, my lester fic! it’s just GOOFY fluffy nonsense!!! I had SO MUCH fun writing it 
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Favorite Thing I Read:
everything LITERALLY EVERTHING that my fuckin INCREDIBLY talented friend @possumteeths​/ @raccoonspooky​ wrote!! like I’m actively trying to narrow down my favorite and I am having the most DIFFICULT time bc they are all works of fuckin art lmao
I literally just reread obedient dogs the other day. go read that. have u read the SOUL SHATTERING and AWARD WINNING they'll pay you a thousand for a kiss & .50 for your soul ?? HAVE U?? BESTIE if U HAVE NOT??? 
basically, go gargle down all of poki’s content idk man IT’S ALL SO GOOD 
@visceravalentines​ wrote THIS incredible piece and it made me clinically fuckin insane. edit: AND THIS ONE. HOLY SHIT. I have reread both of these 7382817983 times!!! meg ily!! u just wait I’m gonna attack ur masterlist like a frenzied bear after a long winter hibernation I swear
regrettably, I didn’t consume a ton of fic this year!! granted, I only got into this fandom in october so I have time to catch up lmao!! definitely plan to have a more extensive list next year 
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Writing goals for 2023:
write more nonsensical insanity and just have fun lmao
as for concrete plans!! I’d love to write a whole series of x readers with horror ladies (final girl/villain/what have u)! carly and tiff are already on that list, but if you have any other ideas, I’m all ears! I need to brush through my horror lady mental catalogue and give them some ao3 rights lmao!
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New Works:
The previously mentioned Carly x Reader fic! It’s been my super self-indulgent brainchild for the past couple months, and I love it a lot! I really want to hammer it out this month and toss it out into the internet void......but we shall see. 
If only I can get the weevil that is Ho Binclair out of my goddamn scriv doc..........speaking of him.......................
☢️💥🤡 I’ve got 37171984918342 Bo WIP’s bopping around my skull at all times yikes🤡💥☢️
I don’t need those. u don’t need those. I’ve already written enough for this man. what else is there 2 say!!! and yet
I’m also writing bits and pieces of this multi-chaptered Vincent slowburn. that will be out..............................at some time? in the future jfrdsjhrjhwfdskrwfds who knows
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tagging the writer moots that I haven't already seen tagged!! no stress of course mwah 
@visceravalentines, @venus-haze​
also consider urself tagged if u read 2 the bottom of this hell post 
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