#this is what my GCSE in Graphic Design is used for
linc-karo-27 · 2 years
Everyone doing art rewinds and all I have to show is that
And this isn't all of them
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adaines-furious-feast · 3 months
bc you're my friend who i talk about jace stardiamond with, here is the sorcery subclasses of the bad kids imo:
Kristen - Divine Soul, pretty rare for sorcerers imo and Jace probably finds it interesting but would be so annoyed by Kristen's shenanigans
Adaine - Aberrant Mind, has something to do w/ being the Oracle. Jace loves the effort she puts into her work and is probably his favorite.
Gorgug - Wild Magic. Tries really hard to control his surges and Jace puts in the effort in helping him come to terms w/ his magic, rather than fight it
Fabian - Storm Sorcery. Jace really finds Fabian's whole freshman self to be pompous and it's like looking into a mirror almost. Really tries not to project onto him but fails <3
Fig - Wild Magic as well. Is also in the Kristen school of sorcery and is such a wild card. but she's worse bc her magic is uncontrolled (somewhat)
Riz - Clockwork Soul. Jace enjoys Riz as a student until he realizes how obsessive Riz is at school and wants Riz to relax. Riz cannot relax.
Yeah, I'll co-sign these subclasses.
Kristen would be a really interesting case. Has her magic always come from Cassandra or was she once blessed by Helio and that changed? I can see Jace - honestly any teacher - finding Kristen fun at first but then it keeps going. And he realises "oh, this isn't a joke, this is your personality". In a class of chaos, that is really, really unneeded.
Aberrant Mind is so interesting and just such a perfect match for Adaine. I mean, of course she's his favourite, for many reasons. One of those reasons is definitely because he can go to Tiberia like "ha, one of my students is better at divination wizard spells than any of yours and she's not even a wizard". Adaine definitely gets frustrated with Jace though because she has a very clear idea of what being taught magic is like and he doesn't provide it, so she attends wizard classes even if she can't fully participate in the same way. She'll just take that teaching and change it into what she needs.
With Gorgug, I can see the problem being honestly the same one he has with rage: he needs to feel like he has a good enough reason to use magic. In canon, he would only let himself rage if he felt he was protecting his friends. I can see Gorgug being like "ok, I'll only use magic to help people when I have a good enough reason", perhaps not realising that this self-suppression is only hurting himself.
Fabian as a storm sorcerer pirate is just so super interesting. I want to know what things were like for him before he arrived at Aguefort, when he was with his dad on adventures. Were there other storm sorcerers on the Hangman? Or Leviathan? Did he get help from any of them? Or did Bill see his son, blessed by the storms on the seven seas, and just use it as evidence that Fabian was special and going to write his name on the face of the world, only bigging him up even more?
I actually think Jace would find Fig less annoying than Kristen purely for the fact that she doesn't show up for class. Fig's in every other class for spell casters, trying to see how long it takes the teacher to figure out that she's not actually a wizard/warlock/bard. Normally he'd find this brilliant but Fig's inability for introspection is making her surges more common which is an issue.
Riz hates his class (as in school class, not D&D class). When I was at school, we had to pick one of about five different types of "design and technology" classes we could take for GCSE (cooking, textiles, woodworking, ect.) and I picked graphics, which turned out to be what the students who were rejected from all the other classes took so it was just me and a bunch of kids (boys) who could not give a fuck. I was the only one that showed up to any revision classes, I was the only one paid any attention (and I was the only one to get an A). That's Riz in sorcery class, but with a teacher who prefers the kids that fuck about a bit and it drives him absolutely insane.
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largepeachicedtea · 1 year
tagged by @sscrambledmeggss ty!
Are you named after anyone? first name nope, one of my middle names (i have two) was the name of my aunt who passed away when i was young
When was the last time you cried? yesterday, i cry every day and its almost always bc of songs or my hours-long daydreams
Do you have kids? my cat is my kid
Do you use sarcasm a lot? lmao yep i dont know a british person who doesnt
What sports do you play/have you played? i was a basketball kid in school bc i was always a tall kid and it was the only sport i really liked, but i dont care about any sports now
What’s the first thing you notice about people? usually what they're doing/looking at, i like being aware
What’s your eye color? hazel-y
Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings always but im a fan of horror (specifically thriller/mindfuck horror)
Any special talents? lol absolutely none
Where were you born? at a hospital
What are your hobbies? writing, reading, making arty things, basic fitness (but my stamina is nonexistent pls dont ask me to run)
Do you have pets? yeep my kid 1yr old cat sebastian. hes a ginger and white tabby who's going through an intense biting phase rn lol
How tall are you? 177cm
Favorite subject in school? anything creative, like art, fashion&textiles, graphic design, etc. the only A i got in my GCSEs was for fashion&textiles at like 97/100 lmao
Dream job? i do not dream of labor. but if we mean in this world where i have to work, then id stay as a graphic designer but go freelance
@glitteratti @tattooedsiren @taralaurel @chaotictarlos @bonheur-cafe @firstprince-history-huh @lightningboltreader @sanjuwrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @sugdenlovesdingle @carlos-in-glasses @catanisspicy @welcometololaland @stilesinwonderland @nancysgillians @rmd-writes and anyone else who wants to :))
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hanaasbananas · 1 year
saw a post earlier about how well behaved you were in school/how often you got in trouble and I can't find it again BUT it made me think of a couple of times I got completely REAMED by my teachers.
One time when I was in year 6 so..11? I think? it was 2008/9, I'd just discovered Fruits Basket and was practically in love with Kyo Sohma. That's fine, right? Perfectly normal experience
UNTIL we got set a homework task to write a short 1000 word essay on any subject and what did I choose?
Well. I chose to copy and paste the ENTIRE Wikipedia article about Fruits Basket. The whole thing. And then I painstakingly went through my entire document, removing every single hyperlink so that "Mrs M won't know that I didn't write this and will be so impressed by how much i wrote". ARE YOU SURE. ARE YOU SURE HANAA
she did notice. Almost immediately when I rocked up with a STACK of paper and everyone else had like, one page and I still had the GALL to show off "how much work I did" to everyone else on my table. where is this confidence NOW??? when I NEED IT.
anyway turns out my friend ALSO plagiarised her paper about tigers but she didn't take out the hyperlinks so we both got yelled at for 10 minutes during break, absolutely sobbed our little hearts out and then were told to wash our faces and calm down in the last 5 mins lmaoo
I think the funniest part of this story is that Mrs M ended up being one of my favourite primary school teachers, though I never plagiarised a Wikipedia article again.
The second instance I got absolutely WRECKED by a teacher was in year 8 dance. Yes, dance. I absolutely LOATHED dance. Despised it. Was absolutely HORRIFIED when I started secondary school in year 7 and found out it was MANDATORY for two years.
(Essentially all subjects are mandatory until u choose ur gcse options, at which point you only do the core subjects aka maths english science and then 4 other subjects of ur choice. most schools have u choose options in year 9 bc year 10 is when you sit your gcse exams but THANK GOD my school made u choose in year 8 so you could have a practise run with the subjects you chose in year 9 and change them if u wanted to)
I didn't mind doing drama, (though i HATEd having to take ur shoes and socks off in the classroom), didn't mind ICT or food tech or graphic design or DT or geography. I HATED dance.
And also, unfortunately when I started my secondary school the lessons were LONG. The day was from 8.45-2.45 (unless you were an older student and had later lessons. Having a maths lesson at 2.45 and watching everyone going home SUCKED.) and for the first 3 years while I was there each lesson was AN HOUR AND A HALF. NINETY MINUTES. So you only had 3 lessons a day if you finished at 2.45 but they were really painfully long.
(They did switch to 1 hour lessons eventually and and sometimes you'd have a double period of a subject but that was fine.)
ANYWAY back to the story- despised dance, had to do it anyway. I surilvived one year, but then I had a stricter teacher in year 8 and one time we had an end of year assessment where we'd been practising dance lifts all term and she gave us 45 mins to pair up and come up with a dance sequence that had lifts in it and then perform it to the whole class at the end.
and the thing is, I was (am) a little heavy. So I knew I'd be the one doing the lifting. No problem. Until it came to pairing up because I was shy and quiet I only hung out w two other girls.
do you see where this is going?
those two friends of mine (TRAITORS) paired up so I was left with another shy muslim girl who I vaguely knew as a friend of a friend. She was lovely, honestly but things Didnt Go Well.
and by that I mean she couldn't lift me and wouldn't let ME lift HER so we could come up with something, anything. and I was CHRONICALLY shy. so I wasn't about to go tell the teacher, then my partner would hate me!!
time comes to perform. all of us sit on the floor against the mirror as the teacher goes down the line and sees everyone's performance.
we were last
we had nothing
"what were you doing for the last 45 minutes then girls? everyone else managed to do it, why didn't you?"
i tried to explain as articulately as I could, which is v impossible when you are a 12 year old trying not to start crying as you are BEING YELLED AT IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE (SILENT) CLASS. my partner didn't cry but she also didn't tell the teacher why she didn't let me lift her.
naturally, we were given detention. and this was in the time when detention was the same amount of time as a lesson. AN HOUR AND A HALF DETENTION. I was distraught. What would my mum say when I had to stay late after school? I'd NEVER gotten a detention before I couldn't believe it!!
the ultra humiliating part was this was at the end of the day and we all got changed in the dance studio, they had like, open lockers at the back to put your stuff in so I couldn't even leg it out of class at the end I had to get changed next to my classmates all while they're sneaking glances at me and I'm just. Sobbing.
I think the teacher did feel bad about how much I was crying though because she told us that she'd email us to let us know when the detention would be and never did. I skipped class the week after just in case she remembered but I escaped unscathed.
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miashyperfixations · 1 year
30.03.2023 @ The Deaf Institute, Manchester (250 Capacity)
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Written April 2023
This was my second show at The Deaf Institute and Emlyn’s first show in Manchester however, this is her last show of the tour with only 2 other dates in London & Berlin, similar to the Dylan show I saw there. There was a Paris show when the tour was announced, but that was cancelled due to another opportunity arising for her album release. Emlyn’s alt-pop sound is a mixture of all of my music tastes - think Demi Lovato's 'confident' era pop anthems meets Taylor Swift's reputation era style mixed with Sabrina Carpenter's heartbreak lyricism.
I started listening to Emlyn’s music mid-pandemic and wanted to go to her album release show in London in the early summer of 2022. However, it clashed with my GCSEs, so I wasn’t able to go. This time, the minute she announced this tour, I made plans to go and was also able to book tickets for her meet & greet before the concert and talk to her, buy merch & have a full conversation with the opening act, Beth Mcarthy.
Her set was amazing, I had only listened to a few of her songs a couple of days beforehand, and what I heard was great. She also played an unreleased song and a cover of Billie Eilish’s ‘Happier Than Ever’. Something I found interesting is that she interacted with the sound tech at the back right beforehand whilst on stage, asking for alterations in her IEMs and double-checking the sound on her guitar. We then saw Emlyn’s band come on to double-check their instruments and IEMs inbetween sets and could see them alter a few monitors/boxes on stage & see the guitarist set up and soundcheck. In the intermission between sets my sister approached Emlyn’s manager to say potentially have a chat and say hi but Emlyn was due to come on stage very soon so told her he'd be hanging around after the show so we could come and find him then. The set itself was absolutely incredible. As I said earlier, I've wanted to see Emlyn live for a while now, and she didn't disappoint. If the fact that she had an entire set of belters and vocally challenging songs wasn't enough, her stage presence clearly showed that she's a pop powerhouse. The emotionally vulnerable lyrics of her ‘sad bitch anthems’ perfectly opposed her 'no-remorse bad bitch' anthems and encapsulated her message that it's okay to be a mess and a badass at the same time. After one of her most emotional songs 'Change For Me' the crowd (including us) held up flowers & pictures of her younger self with sweet messages for her to show her that she isn't alone. The transitions between songs were particularly interesting as some of them were medleys of other songs she didn’t play but had the same themes/vibes of those that she did play. Although I didn’t necessarily relate to any of her songs, it was fun to sing along in a room full of those that did and see how much Emlyn has impacted them/their lives.
After the concert, we weren’t expecting her manager to remember us since we assumed he’d be distracted by work, so we were a little surprised when he came out from backstage and walked directly towards us. We had a full conversation with him as I'm considering going into a music business course post-college, and my sister wants to go into graphic design, specifically in the music industry. He gave us a lot of advice about the industry as a whole and a few specific notes into specific sectors. He seemed really enthusiastic talking to us about it. We were really glad that he took the time to talk to us and have a proper conversation with us.
One of my favourite things about Emlyn is that she’s currently working on her 3rd album yet is still almost entirely independent, working most of the time with just her manager and producer. She’s been in the music industry , working with her manager as a songwriter for almost 6 years, only pursuing a solo career for the last 3 The fact that she’s persevered and stayed chasing her dream just shows how determined she is and how much potential she has to be one of the next biggest names in pop.
I know that I said Dylan @ the o2 institute was my favourite concert, but this one definitely takes the top spot - I love this venue and to see my 3rd top artist of 2022 (below 5 Seconds Of Summer & Taylor Swift) at the Deaf Institute was the best birthday experience I could've ever imagined & I can't wait to hear her next album sometime this year.
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Hi my name is Gabi I chose to take Media Studies for A Level as I enjoyed taking Imedia as a GCSE and I want to learn more in this topic. However, I also chose Media Studies as it links to one of my career choices (graphics design) so I think it will be useful to grow accustomed to different digital platforms for editing images and videos. Another reason I think it will be useful is, in my CV as it shows my deep investment and interest into graphics design.
My key media interests are horror films and what I find particularly interesting is how the cinematographer records scenes out of focus or from a far distance to add tension and it almost feels like you're in the film witnessing these horrid acts that are taking place creating an immersive experience. I really enjoyed a film called fractured by Brad Anderson as it uses different camera angles and shots in order to create a disorienting atmosphere that makes you question everything you're seeing.
My favourite TV series will probably always be "How to get away with murder" starring Viola Davis as one of the main characters. The reason it's my favourite TV series is because it combines many elements of life and how it can lead to murder and violence or betrayal. It also shows the effect of these actions on all the characters in the TV series showing how everyone reacted differently to the same trauma.
However, the most important form of media that interests me is music as it was my lifeline when I had no support around me and was there for me during hard times. I specifically like heavy metal music as I grew up listening to it and I like it a lot more than any other music genre.
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3rd November 2022 - Blog 12
Seeing as I was away for the week because of the crash, it was difficult to fully understand what exactly we were doing for the lesson.
In daves class, we went thoough a powerpoint, that I found on teams, and there where examples of the business plan that we needed to have a look through. He had provided two examples, one had minimal detail (which scored the lower grade) and the other was rich in detail. He made sure to express that the business plan is more about telling a story rather than listing things. We were then told to split the doccument up into sections so that way, writing 2000–2500 words will be less intimidating.
The first section was section 2.0 Experience and History. in this section, we were told that we had to write about all our previous experiences and why we fell into doing what we are, graphic design, photography etc. we were to go back as far as gcses and just speak on what happened. For my GCSE’s, I chose ICT and, surprisingly, was actually graphic design. We didnt have to complete any coding thankfully, but we actually had to create a prom hire company. In this, we had to make a mock up website, design a logo and a tag line and create a very wordy doccuent that explained why we did what we did. It was digital graphic design rather than the graphics they offered which was more building thinks. So I included this in.
We were given 30mins to do this.
After we then went on to discuss 3.0 vision and values. In our groups, Jen and Callum, disscussed the importance of different values what what values companies need to thrive.
The next session was lee’s and seeing as his wife went into labour, he was rightly not in class. There was a talk from a woman called Jo. I wasnt quite able to pick up where she came from but I understood that she was in the world of marketing or press? She spoke about what we should do to produce and plan a event. We were learning all about budgeting, “so what who cares”, who we would invite, if we would have any technical support, any refreshments supplied as most people expect this etc.
As our group wanted to have some form of giveaway, be that in a voucher form or discounted tickets, she had mentioned that even though we will be giving them out for free/discounted, some venues will not want to take part in this and even they have a price as the money has to come from somewhere.
She mentioned that we wound want to have a launch event to bring people in and get people in from different backgrounds.
she mentioned that the timing of the event was also important. She had asked people when they thought would be the best time and they mentioned that it would either be friday night or saturday during the day and id agree. However she said that people are not going to want to give up their friday night after work for this event and its the same with the saturday. Jo then went on to say that a thursday after work would be the best time.
She gave some good pointers on how to market our event. She mentioned that “coming soon” posters work well when we could attach QR codes so people can have almost a sneak peek of the event. Jo also reminded us about “mums net”. She said that the way in which you can bring families to an event is by having a post about the event on mums net.
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raenparade · 2 years
10/12 - Back into Printmaking
Last week, as part of our curriculum, we were all given an induction in the university’s Print Workshops. During my undergraduate I had a very similar workshop, around February 2020. I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I didn’t have many opportunities to follow up on the work we started. I won’t go off about the pandemic again, though. 
Having specialised in digital art since I reached double digits, and doing Graphic Design for GCSE and A-Level meant I’d never dabbled in traditional art like my peers had. This has suited me fine for the most part, it’s not as if I feel some yearning for watercolours, as I know I can get a similar effect with digital brushes. I do enjoy charcoal for life drawing - keeps me loose in my movements, I don’t get too worried about details as much. Printmaking and more physical methods of art creation have always felt just out of reach, and in the hustle and bustle of coming back to university after a break I’d forgotten the workshops were there. 
While we weren’t able to produce any work, due to limited time, I think it allowed me to reflect on my own working practice once again. I’ve realised printmaking walks the line I tried to describe in my previous blog post. There’s certain methods you have to follow, in order for things to actually work. This is the structure, the rules I enjoy. But the subversion comes with what materials you use, the paper, colours etc. Not only that, but any methods that require more thought, the technicians are more than happy to help with your ideas. Knowing I won’t have to either stress about whether something will work or not takes a lot of mental pressure off of me. It might sound a bit silly, but having these small stepping stones makes it so much easier for me to work. 
Part of me wishes I’d gotten into traditional art more as a teen, but I know it doesn’t mean I can’t start now. I feel really grateful to be able to expand my creative horizon in this way, as I don’t think I’d feel like I could reach out to a private workshop without a bunch of anxiety building up in my throat. I suppose this all ties into trying to work with my ‘subversion’ - or - how I have to subvert my creative journeys. I often find myself getting tunnel vision on a project or forgetting to slow down. Even if I don’t use printmaking in my project much, if at all, it’s something else I can fit into keeping my creative juices flowing.
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bluescreening · 4 years
Practical GCSE Advice
Tips From A New Year 12 Who Somehow Got All 9s
Don’t worry, I’m not becoming a studyblr. I’m writing this on results day as a sort of farewell to GCSEs and to impart some “wisdom” upon the youngsters before I move on to A-levels. I’m going to keep this to specific, practical things you can do to improve, none of that vague nonsense. Subject-specific tips for maths, geography, triple science, language, literature, graphic comms and comp sci under the fold because this is too bloody long already.
General Tips:
Don’t go revision crazy. People will always emphasize revision, but so long as you’re revising effectively (see below) you’re safe to start revising about a month before mocks, and two months before your final exams. In terms of a revision schedule during those months, I worked with one or two hours per day, with a free day on Friday and Sunday. 
Use apps to stay organised. Put your school timetable and exam dates in your calendar of choice with appropriate reminders and colour coding. To keep track of homework and revision, use Adapt - you can put in your GCSEs and it tracks which topics you have covered and how many times, as well as allowing you to input homework and your school timetable. During study time use Forest (free on Android) to lock yourself out of your phone for a certain amount of time.
Pay attention to lessons from the start. From the beginning of Year 10 every lesson is a GCSE lesson, and everything you learn could come up in an exam. Follow along with your teacher, make the best notes you can, do the work and understand the concepts as early as you can. You’ll thank yourself in a year as you watch the rest of your class wonder what a ribosome is when revision time comes.
Revise effectively. Use Adapt or a textbook to keep track of your confidence level on every topic, so when you’re revising you can focus on the ones you don’t understand whatsoever. Also, don’t just read stuff when revising. You have to train your brain to retrieve the information. Memorise vocabulary and basic facts using flashcards, then answer exam questions. Lots and lots of exam questions.
Use your teachers. They want you to succeed because it reflects well on them! If you don’t understand something after a lesson, pop back at break or lunch, or shoot them an email and they will help. Don’t just bank on it not showing up in the test because Sod’s Law dictates that it will. After Christmas in Year 11 they will often start revision sessions or intervention. Attend them for any subjects you’re even slightly shaky on. They’ll boost your grade like nothing else, even if it does take up some of your chill out time.
Buy textbooks and study materials through school. If your school offers you textbooks and workbooks it’s likely that will be the best deal for them, since they’re purchased in bulk. Grab all you can in Year 10 and talk to the school if you can’t afford many - they may be willing to help. If you know any higher-level teachers see if they have any sample study materials from CGP and the like. My English teacher gave me a lovely set of sample CGP Macbeth flashcards that would have proved really useful.
Make flashcards at the end of every topic. Stay on top of them. You want a term on one side and a definition on the other, or a quote and analysis etc. If you don’t like endless bits of card floating around use Quizlet - you might not even need to make them yourself as many people have shared GCSE flashcards there.
And finally - don’t forget you’re a human! Humans need regular sleep, healthy food including breakfasts, hydration, fun and social time. Make time in your day to take care of yourself. Your brain works better when you’re healthy so often an extra hour of sleep will do more for your grade than an extra hour of revision. Hanging out with your friends and keeping up with your hobbies reduces stress. 
Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about any of this stuff, or if you just need advice I’m here too! I’ve done it before, I can help you out.
Subject Specific Tips:
Edexcel Maths:
Use CorbettMaths. All the time. If you haven’t done every one of his worksheets at least once you’re not grinding hard enough. Jk, but seriously this guy used to teach me in real life and he’s awesome. He makes flashcard packs, videos on every aspect of GCSE maths, daily challenges, textbook exercises, practice exam questions... literally everything you could ever need.
Practice everything until you’re sick of it, and then do ten more questions.
You’ll need to memorise some trig identities. Don’t memorise them as a table, that’s hard. Memorise them as these triangles, sketch them out in an exam and work it out on the spot. Easy.
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AQA Geography:
Don’t goof off during your fieldwork. Don’t make the same mistake as me. If I ever had to do the fieldwork paper I would not have got a 9. Even though it’s a field trip, even though you’re with your friends, this will directly impact your GCSEs and you need to treat it like an exam.
Memorise vocabulary then move onto exam questions. Geography is very formulaic and exam questions repeat themselves - take advantage of that.
Memorise. Your. Case. Studies.
AQA Biology, Chemistry and Physics:
A l l  h a i l  f r e e s c i e n c e l e s s o n s .
Practice those reading comprehension questions where you’re presented with information and have to answer questions about them. A surprising amount of people get overwhelmed because they haven’t revised it. You can’t! You have to read and understand it within the exam.
Memorise your bloody equations for physics or you will fail. Use Quizlet, learn them all by the end of year 10 even if you don’t know what they’re about yet, practice using them.
Buy the CGP workbooks and complete them! Make sure to buy the answers too, because CGP are scammers.
AQA English Language and Literature:
Identify 10-20 brief quotes from each piece of literature so you have a few for each character and theme. They can overlap! Also, memorise the author’s intentions for each one. With poems (for those of you who have to do them... I’m not salty, I promise) ask your teacher to recommend 5 that match up with the most themes and memorise 3 quotes from each. Remember to analyse the rest of the poems too - any of them could come up so it’s good to have an understanding.
Memorise structures for every question. The examiners will tell you not to use structures. Shut up, I got all 9s. Structures are the best way for slow writers to ensure they get everything they need to in. TETAAC (topic, evidence, terminology, analysis, alternative interpretation, context) works for lit essays and can be modified for every other question. Work out how many paragraphs you can write in 40 minutes and take that into account when planning. Once the plan is done it’s just a matter of making it sound frilly. English: hacked. My normal plan for a lit essay is a one-sentence thesis statement for an intro, 3xTETAAC paragraphs and a conclusion which reiterates everything but better.
Don’t worry if your grade is terrifyingly low to begin with. That’s just how English rolls. You’ll slowly develop the skills you need and start to make 3 or 4 grades of progress throughout year 11.
OCR Art and Design - Graphic Communication:
Think long and hard about whether you want to do graphics or fine art, if your school offers both. Graphics is designing logos, fine art is whatever you want. I should have taken fine art in retrospect.
Make as much work as possible from the very start, even if you haven’t decided on your portfolio project yet. Everything, and I mean everything, can be shoehorned. If you make a lot of work you have some leeway and can leave out your early stuff so your overall portfolio looks better.
Annotate as you go and store all your thoughts digitally. Even if you have no clue what you’re supposed to write in annotations, put down your thought process. It’s easy to tidy up something you wrote a year ago, but it’s really hard to stare at a letter F made out of newspaper and remember where on earth you were going with it.
To make enough work you will need to stay after school often and give up a lot of lunch times. That’s just how it goes. At least with the right crew it can be fun - the combo of my friends and the very chaotic art teachers at my school made my Thursday graphics sessions something to look forward to.
OCR Computer Science:
Use Quizlet flashcards to memorise terms. Being able to correctly define terms is half the battle, literally. You’ll basically get an instant 9 on the first paper if you memorise every term defined in the textbook. Luckily, someone beautiful and generous by the name of sporkified (wink wink) on Quizlet has created two sets with everything you need to know for the entire qualification.
Practice programming in your chosen language before your programming project starts. Learn to do everything mentioned in the textbook and try it out on a sample project. Many will tell you to not bother about the programming project, it doesn’t matter. That’s true to some extent, but excelling in the programming project can tip you up a grade as well as making the algorithm questions on paper 2 easier for you.
Take part in Cyber Discovery. Give it a Google, sign up. It’s really hard if you have no practical computer experience but doing it gave me a real edge with paper 2 which is where you want to focus your energy as it’s weighted more. Also it’s fun.
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iwach4n · 4 years
haikyuu characters as british sixth form students
i low key hate myself for this but i needed to do it. it’s necessary. also i only did subjects they do at my school
sawamura daichi - takes history, maths and business, but he only really did business because he didn’t know what else to take; his suit is always like perfectly fitted like he actually tried when he was buying it; probably head boy honestly; follows the rules a bit too strictly but you can’t even be annoyed because he’s too nice; will give you the extra 50p you need to get a diet coke before school even if you don’t know him; is friends with the popular roadmen type and is the only one out of the group that you trust
sugawara koushi - takes english, art, classics and maths AS to feel smarter; says he regrets taking art like 20 times a day but still always has amazing pieces; the one kid that’s sort of in a lot of friend groups but has like two genuine close friends; the go-to if you need to copy homework because he’s always done it and will let you even if its as the teacher is collecting it; the only boy who actually tries on non-uniform day and has really nice outfits; makes you nervous if you don’t know him well because he seems too nice
azumane asahi - takes textiles, english and psychology but textiles was the only one he really wanted to do; the guy you’re scared of before you get sat next to him and it turns out he’s a sweetheart; you can’t remember the last time you saw him wearing a blazer; you ask to copy his homework because he seems smart and sort of put together but it turns out he was about to ask you the same thing; all the teachers love him; probably plays rugby honestly
tanaka ryuunosuke - takes PE, drama and french but he only did french because he liked the teacher he had for GCSE and didn’t fail it; if you’re in the same group as him for drama you have to yell at him to actually act properly but once you do he’s actually good; never has a tie; definitely the guy who yells at girls like “ayo miss! miss!!! miss can i chat to you!!!!!” even though he always gets ignored; is a roadman and is friends with roadmen but is actually nice to most people, you still don’t trust him tho; acts friendly with teachers even though they hate him
nishinoya yuu - takes PE, biology and psychology because he was told they work well together but is failing all of them; constantly on report and in detention; you don’t trust him because he’s friends with roadmen and is generally popular but when you talk to him he’s actually alright, none of your friends who haven’t talked to him believe you though; always begging to copy your homework and if you say no he’ll offer you like,,, 20p; always gets picked to do the 100m on sports day and holds the school record for it
hinata shoyo - takes PE, geography and psychology, cried when he found out there was maths in all of them; got low-key bullied in years 7-9 but is now generally well liked; mocked for his height and gets offended even though its in good nature; is that one kid who’s friends with all the popular people but unless you’ve had a class with him you literally haven’t heard of him; forgets its non-uniform day every single time; does shitty bike tricks while cycling down the road to school, there’s a video that everyone has seen of him falling off
kageyama tobio - takes PE, french and business, he was going to take maths because he didn’t know what else but his GCSE grade wasn’t high enough; the one quiet kid in class who’s just intimidating and will not speak to you if you sit next to him; is generally considered popular but when you think about it you have no clue if he has any friends; yells at you for not taking the mandatory non a-level PE sessions seriously; always buys a yazoo or capri sun from he school canteen; literally just completely zones out in study periods
tsukishima kei - takes history, classics, german and english, all of them full course coz he’s a dickhead (i say this but i am also taking four full course); you can’t remember the last time you saw him take actual notes in a lesson but he’s still got amazing grades; if there’s ever a debate in lessons he gets annoyed and swears and gets sent out; in detention for using his phone a lot coz he literally doesn’t care; always has beef with the roadmen, one time he got into a physical fight with one of them and won; won’t snitch on you for breaking any rules UNLESS he actively dislikes you
yamaguchi tadashi - takes art, graphic design and english; literally lives in the art and tech building and is best friends with all the teachers; other than tsukishima all his friends are girls; the one guy everyone thinks is gay but he just isn’t; sometimes brings like a whole box of celebrations into school and as long as he sort of recognises your face he will offer you one; he has really neat notes but he owns like one highlighter and its bright orange which ruins it; will let you take pictures of him for your art project
yachi hitoka - takes art, textiles, business and AS maths; always has the cutest outfits with pretty pastel jumpers and subtle necklaces; actively avoids eye contact whenever a teacher is asking a question even though she always knows the answer; is terrified walking past roadmen and football fields (she’s been hit in the head with the ball too many times); will buy you food from the canteen if you don’t have enough; no one knows where she goes at lunch but they never see her around and never see her leave; became a prefect because her teacher said she should; runs a textiles club for KS3
shimizu kiyoko - takes geography, maths, business and AS further maths; everyone thought she’d be like head girl but she didn’t even run for it; she’s too used to ignoring guys trying to talk to her so if you actually need to speak to her about something important good luck; is invited to every party but never goes; had THE biggest glow up from year 7; stays at school over lunch even though sixth formers can leave, can always be found at one specific bench or in her geography teacher’s classroom
kuroo tetsurou - takes chemistry, physics, german and AS maths even though he was told not to do german coz it didn’t suit his other subjects; is somehow good at everything - gets good grades, really good at sports, you see videos on his instagram of him playing guitar - its genuinely unfair; is friendly with teachers and they love him; if a teacher suggests a movie lesson he will immediately ask for either bee movie, shrek or some shitty one off youtube (killer bean anyone?); is friends with literally everyone; this is a direct description of the one guy at my school who just is kuroo
yaku morisuke - takes french, geography, economics, and AS maths; plays cricket and helps run the club for year 7s, but only because it was required to be a prefect; is friendly with roadmen but the minute they leave he'll have the most disgusted and pained expression; seems really smart and put together but you've seen him swear like a sailor when he misses the bus and get blackout drunk at a party so you really don't know what to think
kenma kozume - takes computer science, maths and business; always in the computer rooms or the tech block because those are the places you can use your phone; you think he has no friends until you see him talking to the popular boys; everyone knows who he is even if like 2% of people have actually spoken to him; skips PE to sit in the toilet on his phone; always has spare everything but you can't tell coz its all just loose in his bag
yamamoto taketora - takes PE, history and english; has played basketball every single lunchtime since year 7 and he's not about to stop now; uses over-the-top compliments to chat up girls and then calls them clapped when they reject him; is trying his best with school work but is struggling, if you sit next to him please help him; is mates with everyone he's ever sat next to and will fist-bump you when you walk past each other; is obsessed with a specific instagram model and everyone calls him a simp for it
lev haiba - takes drama, PE and psychology coz they're the "easy" subjects (he's barely passing any of them); tries to be friendly with teachers but then he says something bad and it backfires; constantly has a massive bag of doritos with him and gets crumbs everywhere; still wears his shirts from year 11 coz he didn't want to buy new ones; talks to girls in younger years and is constantly called a nonce for it even though he never dates any of them; wannabe roadman that the roadmen don't really like
oikawa tooru - takes physics, maths, and business and he's Struggling but he won't let anyone see that; the one guy that everyone likes and you had a crush on for like two weeks and then regretted it for the rest of your life; friends with all the roadmen and dresses like one but doesn't act like them (he's worse); talks to and dates year 10 girls but no one calls him a nonce for some reason; when you first see him you think 'damn he's hot' but a week later you're actively avoiding him in the corridors; puts porn on his snapchat story and captions it 'mood'
iwaizumi hajime - takes PE, biology and business; "friends" with all the roadmen but you get the feeling he wants to be literally anywhere else; always yelling and takes every joke too seriously; shoves his PE kit in the same part of his bag as all his books and has to pull out his sweaty shirt to get to his pencilcase; will be nice to you if you sit next to him but it feels forced; always has a cherry pepsi and a pack of wine gums or dolly mix in his bag and he won't share any with you
mattsukawa issei - takes english, biology and german even though they're ridiculously mismatched; he's not a known druggie but you're like 99% sure he's stoned all the time; will talk to you randomly if he recognises you but its intimidating coz he's popular; you can't tell if he's a virgin or if he gets mad bitches; asks uncomfortable questions in sex ed and has a shit-eating grin on his face the whole time; always late to every lesson and form time; gets blackout drunk in a field at least once a week
hanamaki takahiro - takes latin, history, german and AS english; you think he's dumb until you sit next to him in a lesson and he knows all the answers to everything; he's the nicest ever if he's on his own but if he's with his friends you have to avoid him; he came to cricket club once and now he gets put in the matches if they don't have enough people; tries to keep his stupid silver puffer jacket on in lessons; will wolf-whistle at girls to show off to his mates; you'd trust him with your drink at a party but you're too nervous to approach him
kyoutani kentarou - takes english, biology and maths but it barely matters coz he's never in lessons; school cryptid; you don't know if he's in exclusion or just not in school; if a cover teacher calls out his name in the register everyone jokingly says he's dead; will fight a roadman with 0.5% of an excuse; if you're not a roadman or chav he's acc really cool and will be your friend; has a million friends outside of school and if you want some drugs, whether its weed or like, meth, he knows a guy; probably a skater
kunimi akira - takes maths, computing, economics and AS further maths but is miserable about it coz none of his friends took mathsy subjects; just sits quietly and stares at the teacher, he barely takes notes but still gets good grades; asks to copy your homework right before the lesson and then bullies you for making mistakes in it; you see him pouring monster energy in his waterbottle before school; says he's gonna drop further maths every lesson but never does; sleeps in lunchtime detentions
ushijima wakatoshi - takes history, classics, latin and AS english; definitely plays rugby; you wonder if he even has a social life because he's always at a sports club or doing schoolwork every lunch time and after school; never has a fucking coat even if its below freezing; his parents buy him beer and cider that he drinks while just chilling in his room; probably the one guy you know who lives just,,, in the woods; his instagram has one picture and its of him shirtless, it has hundreds of likes but he was last online 20 weeks ago
tendou satori - takes drama, computing and maths; got really bullied in like,,, years 7-9 but now just sticks to his friend group and is fine; his hobby is annoying his teachers and is a bit of a class clown; turns the wifi setting off on the school computers and plays the google dinosaur game in lessons even though he's literally doing computing alevel; somehow always gets away with not doing his homework; the only weeb in the entire school, is angry about that fact constantly; drinks way too much monster energy, he's 50% of the local corner shop's profit
semi eita - takes music, maths, and business; you think he only took music because people think its an easy subject but he's genuinely good at it and is predicted an A*; every girl in younger years has a crush on him and it worries him; he lives in the music block; had a year 8 emo phase and will murder you if you bring it up; drinks the white monster more than he drinks water; sort of tiktok famous for his bass videos and no one believes he's british; also probably a skater
bokuto koutarou - takes PE, english and drama but is Struggling in english; wears a coat every single day, even if its boiling hot; plays subway surfers on his phone in study periods and somehow never gets caught; has popular friends but prefers his other friends; slaps his mates ass in the PE changing rooms (says no homo tho); has to type his exams because his handwriting is too messy; has a love-hate relationship with his teachers; buys custard donuts from the local supermarket every morning
akaashi keiji - takes RS, french, classics and english AS; the one guy you've never spoken to but trust more than anyone you know; every teacher wants him for their subject on open evening; really needs a nap. seriously get the boy some sleep; no one thought he was attractive until like year 9 - 10 and is now just The pretty boy; goes to costa every day before school and somehow can afford that; mentors year 10s in english and french and looks like he hates every second of it
astumu miya - does PE, business and computing, is still useless at programming; loudly and carelessly discusses his sex life with no shame whatsoever; looks really good in the suit and just in general but makes you hate yourself for thinking that; he would get a perm. he would; on the rugby team and threatens to rugby tackle everyone constantly; does hard drugs at parties; tries to chat up any alt / goth / grunge girl he sees even thought they all immediately hate him
sakusa kiyoomi - takes PE, biology and sociology; got bullied for being a germaphobe but never gave two shits about it; rude as shit to all the roadmen but is generally chill with anyone else; one of very few people who wore a black suit and it looks damn good; somehow got into the popular-but-not-quite-roadmen group by sixth form; brings his own hot lunch in like a thermos because the school food is nasty but he needs hot lunch; just wears like a t shirt, jeans and a leather jacket on non-uniform days but somehow looks like a god
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jbarkerstargazer · 3 years
Right I don't know how this is gonna go down but I feel strongly about this. I got this email -
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I'm dyslexic, I couldn't read at all until I was 8 and I disagree with this. Being dyslexic isn't easy but very little needs to be done to assist us, this isn't one of the ways. For my exams I was assessed along with the 12 identified dyslexic's in my year. All of us were given 25% extra time on every exam. I also received a reader who I could call over whenever I needed to assist me in reading of words. Others even received scribes. This is provided by the UK government and then all the exam boards have to allow this assistance which is personal to the individual. This proposal would remove this and further more it would take away the incentive to push children with dyslexia to cope with the world how it is.
I have a an A Level in English lan and lit. I gained this under my own merit and under took the same work and exams as everyone else to get it.
Now you may say but you did have extra time. And I did. And there is a trade off. Everyone who received any extra help is not awarded 15% of the marks available in every exam. At GCSE this is the difference of a grade. So my Bs in science, maths and history should have been As. My Cs in English, graphic design, RE should have been Bs. (I got a G in Spanish but let's just leave that aside) I can never claim those higher grades and I have never tried to.
If you are interested in what the little extra help dyslexic children need is, well in the UK it's already in place. I learnt how to read when I took part in a trail programme called phonics. The UK now only uses phonics to teach reading to the under 7s.
Now to show you how effective this little learning chance is I need to tell you that for 1 hour for 1 day for 4 weeks I was taught in this, then, different format. At the end I finally got my 100 key words, I could finally read a story to my self and that meant I had the foundation skills to build my reading and writing ability.
Dyslexics don't need you to protest on our behalf, we don't need you to rework exams but we do need you to keep doing what you are doing schools. Keep looking for us so you can give us the tools we need to function in the modern world.
FYI Google spell ..... Is my best friend. Auto correct is a bit hit and miss. 😘
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captaindibbzy · 4 years
Reading through some of the replies on that post about American schools, and I’m just in awe.
Ok so my experience of schools in the UK is not great. I have a long list of problems with them, and the standard of education and the postcode lottery involved.
But the bathrooms never went without soap or toilet paper.
We never bought our own text books, or work books.
My primary school (4 to 11 years old) never made us buy writing implements, and in secondary school (11 to 16) we had a short list including a pen, a pencil, and a math set.
We never bought our own art equipment.
We never had to buy paper, not even when people were wasting it in the computer labs by printing out gobshite.
When my secondary school got a grant to do up the school they did indeed build a new sports centre with new equipment. They then used more of that money to turn the old gym in to a drama centre. They did up the technology rooms (Textiles, Food Tec, Resistant Materials, Electronics, and Graphic Design). They got new computer labs, and new art rooms, a new library and an extra lunch room for people who brought packed lunches, New science rooms, new music rooms, AND a new RE room and a chapel. (We were a Religious school). We even got new chairs in the hall (the old ones had been bought in like the 70′s). They added a new pair of bathrooms, and a lift.
They couldn’t afford a librarian to actually man the library, but it was there and could be used in lesson time.
And when the new sports centre opened we were still using the same netball bibs for team sports that had probably been got in the 80′s and hadn’t been washed since.
We did have extra curricula team sports, but they were not big events. I don’t know what they played. We also had Young Enterprise, and Choir, and Music Lessons, and I took an entire extra GCSE in resistant materials in after hours.
I never had to pay for the wood I used.
And I have to emphasize here: my education was not good. My school was a good school, but it was biased towards people who were deemed more intelligent. They predicted me a D when I was 11 and if I got better than that in class they didn’t need to fret about me or push me any harder.
Schools these days have been known to hand out food packages to families, and let people use their washing facilities, and now provide breakfast. Teachers do still spend their money helping kids in class, and providing for them when they shouldn’t have too. There is a lot that could be improved about the education system, and if you ask I will rant about this for literal hours.
But never ever have I heard of a school asking students to bring their own toilet paper.
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uncloseted · 4 years
what sort of subjects do you need for interior designing? there is actually interior designing GCSE that my school teaches but my school chose all our GCSE’s for us so I’m kinda wondering if that’ll mean I’ll never be able to do interior designing or if I can go elsewhere when I’m 16 and leave school, somewhere like tech that might let you study it, then again I’m not sure if you need them GCSE’s to get into the tech course, sorry if this doesn’t make any sense, I’m from Northern Ireland and I’m pretty sure your from the USA meaning this might not make total sense to you as the school systems are different x
I am from the US, but I think I can help.  From what I can find, two thirds of people working in interior design in Northern Ireland hold at least a level 4 qualification, and half have qualifications higher than level 4 (higher national diplomas, foundation degrees, degrees and above).  So I think your best bet would be to aim for a university course in design, and to do that you probably want A-Levels in (some combination of) Art and Design, Design & Textiles, Design & Technology, Graphic Communication, Maths, and English.  So for your GCSE subjects, I think it would help to have subjects that will support you in getting the A-Levels and university degree that you want, but I don’t think that not having them will prevent you from becoming an interior designer altogether.
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esthermorrismedia · 4 years
Hi my name is Esther and I’’ve made the decision to study A-Level media. I chose to study media at A-Level because I really enjoyed learning about it for GCSE and want to further my understanding of the subject. I’d like to be able to use media in the future in whatever job I have later in life. In todays society I feel as though media can be a broad subject that can be out into any work place environment in some way or another.
My favourite film is probably anything Disney because I find it interesting how over the many years the graphics for the films have become exceedingly more life like and realistic even though its still a cartoon. A good example of this the 2017 release of Coco. I love this film because of the little details that were included such as Alebrijes which are whimsical carvings depicting animals.
My favourite tv show at the moment is Glee, I’ve watched it since I was about 6 minutes (probably not the most appropriate for a 6 year old to be watching I know). I started watching it because of the songs and dancing but as I got older found that is was more interested in the storylines throughout the show, such as American teens leaving high school and going to collage, teen pregnancy, bullying and etc. I don’t particularly think I have any favourite adverts and mostly just find them irritating so choose to watch tv on demand such as Netflix, Disney+ and others like that.
My favourite music video is Bohemian Rapsody and I’m aware of how generic it sounds but it was a monumental time for music videos at the time. Along with the music video the song is iconic. It’s one of those songs where no matter what you’re doing, if the song comes on you will start singing and it just gives off such positive energy and vibes. The music video which premiered in 1975 is considered the first ever promotional music video of its time which kickstarted a promotional strategy soon to become industry standard. I like it because its very visually appealing to watch due to the symmetrical visualisations.
One particular film trailer I like is from The Greatest Showman. I feel like the producers have done a great job on introducing what the film was about without giving away the storyline too much but still managing to establish the characters with a breif summary to keep the audience hooked and wanting to watch the actual film. The soundtrack also makes an appearance in the trailer therefore being not only advertisement for the film but also for the songs in it.
One advert that isn’t necessarily my favourite but is a good example of good media skills is the Go Compare adverts, especially the one with the bridesmaids at the wedding. I think the producers and company behind the advert did an amazing job at making it rememberable and made sure that the advert would be stuck in peoples’ heads across the nation for days at a time. The annoying yet catchy jingle/song perfectly shows that if you can make something stick in the public’s head for days on end the they have successfully achieved their goal for marketing, consequently gaining new customers and keeping the already existing ones.
My most used media website is probably The Gardian,its easy to use design makes it simple for absolutely anyone to use. The design is simple yet effective due to it being straight to the point. The website designer clearly achieved the goal and has made the website’s layout useable for any generation which in todays society is needed due to the hard copy newspaper business will no doubt be dying out. I like The Gardian website the most because I feel like I can leave the website more knowledgeable and educated on the topic I went searching for.
Bohemian Rhapsody- https://youtu.be/wBqMbefDgys
The Greatest Showman-https://youtu.be/AXCTMGYUg9A
Go Compare-https://youtu.be/NKlEXzVbzq0
The Gardian- http://www.theguardian.com/uk/media
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cloudoclock · 5 years
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💚Fine Teas and Graphic Art💚 Here's my artistic Mindmap for Fine Teas. In art,out teacher advises us to make every bit of work look interesting. If you didn't know tea is my absolute favourite thing ,even more than stationery. I can't wait to start leaning about different design techniques. . qotd: What are you proud of this week? . . 🏷️#studymood #studytips #study #studycommunity #student #studywithme #studyinspo #studyspo #studymotivation #stationery #stabilo #staedler #stabiloboss #muji #tombow #pentel #handlettering #lettering #sakura #tea #graphicart #gcse #alevel #studies #solarsafestudy https://www.instagram.com/p/B2cBAUzBRHk/?igshid=gkpa087pwz5t
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Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Tagged by - @camsin thank you!!
Ive never actually done this type of thing before so um yeah
Nickname - I used to be called pizza because that was my favourite food for a while but I mostly get called by my full name now
Zodiac sign - Taurus ( i don't know about the sun and moon shiz tho)
Height - im very insecure about it lmao but im pretty small like 5'5
Hogwarts house - Whenever i do tests i always get gryffindor but i always wanted hufflepuff
The last thing i googled - i checked my history and it was "fucking idiot in french" i honeslty have no idea
Favourite musicians - State champs, Rizah, Billie eilish, Ruelle, Ally hills
Stuck in your head - Lemon boy by cavetown
Following - 603
Followers - 187 (holy cow)
Do you get asks -Not really i have the occasional ones
Amount of sleep - Good sleep schedule don't know her, especially with my GCSE'S ahhhhhh-
Lucky number - 56
What are you wearing - A hoodie over my school uniform lol because im lazy
Dream job - im working towards being a Graphic designer
Dream trip - Don't really have one tbh
Languages - Only English cause im an uncultured swine, no but in would love to learn another language
Favourite songs - Cute bitch by Rizah, war of hearts by Ruelle, Mr doctor man - Palaye Royal, English horror story by Room 95, Staying up by the neighbourhood
Random fact - more story than fact but my school has an exam closet where we are ment to put all of are bags in but they also use it as a spare storage for juice cartons, so once me and my two friends where last to come out of the exam and were the only 3 in there so we climbed up onto the table and eachother to try and get the cartons you bet your ass that we walked out sipping on some apple juice lmao
Athestetic - I don't really have one but if i did i really like the calm/edgy look
Tagging - @zitrolena , @violentinenow, @bisexualcatra , @bisexualclemmy (Hope you don't mind me tagging you but i think your blogs are pretty cool)
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