#mum are you proud of this skill
linc-karo-27 · 2 years
Everyone doing art rewinds and all I have to show is that
And this isn't all of them
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hella1975 · 1 year
im due on and not in the mood for much of anything but of course there are stepladders that must be painted
#my mum doesnt half pull chores out her arse sometimes like what. no ofc that's a thing that needs doing#like okay tbh i LOVE the way my mum decorates it's something i rave about to all my friends bc im genuinely very proud of her and our house#bc basically my mum has an interior design degree and generally has an Eye for decorating like she's just Good at it#but she never ever ever spends loads of money if ANY when she can help it#put me in any room in our house and i can point at all the furniture and tell you some dumb story about it#'my mum's cousin sold that sofa to her for a fiver' 'she literally pulled that dining set from someone's skip' etc#like everything is always aquired for free or bc of some niche 'i know a guy' connection or she paid pennies for it#and then either me my mum or my sister will sand it down and paint it ourselves and it always looks amazing when it's done#like ive said to my mum before she could probs start a business with it bc she does it to such a professional standard#so it's given me and my sister not only a real respect for DIY and second hand and generally not spending extortionate amounts#but it's also given us handy skills like painting and sanding and glossing etc etc#and ive always loved that about my mum like she doesnt NEED to be doing this anymore like she has the money now to buy things new#but she just doesnt she genuinely prefers doing stuff like this and having furniture that has a story behind it etc and i love that#but my GOD is it annoying when we're doing it like i HATE painting it's sooooo dull#and when im due on and cant be arsed to do ANYTHING let alone chores this is just. nail in coffin#AITA my thrifty aesthetic is making my daughter contemplate offences against the person via stepladder#hella goes home
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salsadifragola · 2 years
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
Welcome to the great donkey contest of 2024
I must confess that I, once again, forgot the date of the yearly donkey contest, so I had to leave early (I had a restaurant reservation in another town) and have no idea what was the jury's verdict on each of these donkeys. Therefore, you are the jury. It will be heartbreaking, but I will ask you to vote at the end of the post, setting aside the known fact that all donkeys are the best donkey.
There were Poitou donkeys, Berry donkeys, Bourbonnais donkeys, Provence donkeys, Andalusian donkeys, and common donkeys who seemed to have no distinguishing features other than being acceptably donkey-shaped. I can't possibly post all my photos, so I have chosen 4 noteworthy contestants (or 3 and half, one is very small) for you to vote on. I'll add that I only stayed long enough to watch 2 donkeys demonstrate their skills, so in a spirit of fairness I will not mention anyone's job. You won't be voting based on how good they are doing their specific donkey job but on how good they are at being a donkey.
Donkey #1 — CHEWBACCA.
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Chewbacca is big, and he has ears. These are his most salient characteristics. Each one of his ears looks like a separate fluffy ferret-sized mammal attached to his head, gently twitching or napping. Chewbacca's hooves are the diameter of a medium pizza and he looks very formidable but he is extremely kind. I know the most pressing question is "Can I scritch Chewbacca's ears?" and the answer is yes, but then he will immediately appoint you ear-scritcher in chief and will look very sad when you walk away to meet other donkeys.
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Chewbacca's ears on their own could be enough to let him win Hairiest Donkey in any contest—but he is mixed breed, and there were purebred baudets du Poitou in attendance. Their entire identity is "the hairy one", and giving the Hairiest trophy to another donkey would result in massive spread of existentialism among Poitou donkeys.
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(He is not a contestant, as I didn't have time to get a good aperçu of his personality.)
(Same for this shiny black donkey, pictured here canoodling with a Poitou lady—unfortunately I don't have photos of him in motion, but believe me when I say he was the glossiest donkey I've ever seen. When walking or trotting he shone in the sun like a freshly-polished dress shoe.)
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Back to our contest.
Donkey #2 — UGOLIN.
Ugolin (who seems to go by "Glin") is a shaggy, gangly teenage boy whose main characteristic is being utterly love-starved. Left unattended, Ugolin would wander about the donkey contest, stopping in front of every child or adult he encountered, hoping someone would love him.
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I was initially the only human Ugolin did not want cuddles from, because he was scared of Pandolf and seemed to think of me as his minion. Then I tied Pandolf to a tree and crouched down a few metres away from Glin, unsure if I had a chance now—and after hesitating for about 2 seconds he came over to kiss my forehead. My friend was so touched by this moment that she (somehow) got her phone to turn her photo into an impressionist painting.
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"Can I scritch Glin's ears?" Yes. He is desperate for someone to pet his ears.
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Donkey #3
—no, sorry, it's Ugolin again. It's very hard to get rid of him.
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Donkey #3 — THE BABY.
The baby has no name. The baby has no skills. The baby is not good at anything other than being tiny enough to walk under her mum's belly. In the absence of any other qualifications she was happy to show off what is possibly the most low-effort limbo dance in the world.
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"Can I scritch the baby's ears?" No. Big point against her, here. She will, however, come over if you say "awww le petit ânon <3" and let you pet her tiny nose. (More nose photos in this post if you missed it)
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Donkey #ah no wait here's Ugolin again
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He actually overcame his intense fear of Pandolf to come trap us in his forcefield of infinite neediness! I'm proud of him.
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Donkey #4 — MYRTILLE.
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Myrtille is in her mid-thirties, and did not come to the donkey fair to demonstrate any particular skills or be admired by us, but because she likes to meet new donkeys. She was not tethered to the rope and yet did not wander around to mingle with humans like other untied donkeys did; she shuffled from one end of the rope to the other like a friendly pensioner at a continental breakfast buffet, making small talk with everyone. It was hard to approach Myrtille (as a human) without feeling like a third wheel.
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I don't mean to gossip, but she spent quite a while flirting with the glossy black donkey.
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I love her. She's my favourite. I was not able to pet her or take a good close-up photo of her but that's okay. Myrtille is like a tempting rollercoaster at an amusement park that you are barred from by the sign that says "You must have ears THIS long to go any farther." I wish her only good things.
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helen-with-an-a · 5 months
You always have an excuse pt 2
Hi. So I got a request for a pt 2 of You Always Have An Excuse. This is a little angstier than I thought it was gonna go, but I really like it.
Barça Femeni x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2
Description: R realises what she's been missing out on
Word Count: 3k
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After the final, when you had come clean about what was truly going on in your life. You hadn’t expected much to change. Why would you? You had once told a teacher, back when you were still in primary school, that your parents weren’t home much and that you hadn’t seen your mother in a few days. She had smiled and said that it was normal for parents to be working hard – it was how you could afford nice things – and she was sure you’d see your mother again soon.
When you landed back in Spain after the whirlwind of a weekend, you had pulled out your phone to order an Uber (you had decided to treat yourself rather than forcing all of your bags onto a very busy public bus and metro system) when a gentle hand came to rest on your shoulder.
“You’re on our way home; let me take you.” Ingrid smiled at you, sunglasses perched on her forehead, a very tired Mapí leaning heavily into her.
“No, it’s ok. I’ll just get an Uber,” you gestured with your phone.
“Mete tu culo en el auto.” Mapí grumbled, snatching your phone out of your hands and making her way to the car.
“Sorry, Søta, she can be a little grumpy when she’s tired. But she’s right. Go get in the car; I’ll bring your bags.” Ingrid chuckled, taking your bag from you without giving you much of a choice.
It felt nice being dropped off at your house rather than lugging your bags through the busy Barcelona streets. You waved goodbye to Ingrid and Mapí, thanking them profusely for their kindness and went inside, once again being met by a silent house.
“Mum?” you shouted out. “Dad?” You double-checked all the rooms after being met with complete silence. You checked the notepad they usually left by the kettle. They sometimes wrote notes for you, explaining where they were going and how long they were gone. Nothing. You checked the fridge—empty. You guessed they were going for a while, then.
You really wanted to just collapse on the sofa and let the events of the weekend catch up to you, but you had washing to do, and you really needed a shower. It was now that you really wanted a parent – someone to give you a massive hug, wrap you up in their warm, strong arms and kiss the top of your head, telling you how proud they were before guiding you into the bathroom as they stuck a towel in the dryer to warm up a little. But you didn't have that. Instead, you had an empty house, a mountain of sweaty clothes and an aching body. You hadn’t noticed the tears rolling steadily down your cheeks until you tasted salt.
This wasn’t you. You didn’t cry. You didn’t. You couldn’t. But after the final, you had experienced so many functional families that it truly showed you what you were missing. Alexia had brought you straight over to her Mami, where you were engulfed in one of the best hugs you’d ever received. She had kissed your forehead, telling you all about how well you had played and how you must come with Alexia for the next family meal. From there, you were passed to Ona’s family, then Keira’s, then Lucy’s. Almost every family had embraced you – squeezing you tightly as you melted into their arms. Was it a skill you developed when you became a mother that you automatically gave fantastic hugs? Maybe you were just so touch-deprived that you would relax into anyone who offered you a warm place to rest for a moment?
You were on autopilot as you went through the motions of getting ready for bed. You were methodical yet unthinking as you washed your body, hardly noticing the too-hot water and bruises littering your skin. You were going through the motions as you shoved your clothes into the wash – the dirty fabrics being shoved in without distinction. As you pulled on your pyjamas (really, it was a ratty old Manchester City shirt you had snuck from Lucy during her first season at Barça during an away match and a pair of La Masia shorts you think were Patri’s once upon a time), you longed for a hug. Something warm and comforting, but you had to settle with your bed. It was comfortable; the mattress was something you had forked out for when you received your first paycheck. The softness was something you usually welcomed – the high thread count sheets that cost you an exorbitant amount of money typically aided in your relaxation after a hard day at training. But today, they did nothing but highlight just how lonely you felt. You had been given a snippet of what you were missing, and you wanted … needed … more. The bed was too cold, the pillows were too soft, the room smelled like laundry and general cleanliness rather than comfort.
Your night was filled with tossing and turning – leaving you even more tired than when you had gone to bed. Just like last night, you were on autopilot. Turning off your alarm, having a shower, making a cup of coffee, eating a piece of toast – none of it you consciously did. You made your bed like you did every morning; you gave the house a quick once over – triple checking your parents hadn’t come home in the night; you sat down at the table, pulling out a piece of paper to make a grocery list when you heard a knock on the front door. You considered ignoring it – you weren’t expecting anyone. But it wasn’t going away. The banging got louder and more insistent the longer you left it.
“Sí, puedo ayudarte?” You said monotonously as you yanked the door out of your way.
“Cariño?” Alexia asked, concern seeping into her voice.
“Ale?” Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Can I come in?” She asked, not really letting you answer as she pushed her way into your house. Alexia took your hand as she passed, the warm seeping into your bones, leaving a gentle tingle in its wake. You were dragged into the living room, Alexia pushing you to the sofa as she sat next to you, never letting go of your hand. “Your parents aren’t here, are they?” She phrased it as a question, but you knew she knew the answer. You sighed, shaking your head and shrugging your indifference.
“They’re never here; it’s no biggie.” You smiled meekly at her.
“No, that’s not true. It is a biggie. They should be here for you. You are a child; you need your parents. Parents give you hugs and tell you everything is ok. Parents tell you they’re proud of you. Parents don’t ignore their kid to the point where they don’t even know what sport they play, let alone that they have just won one of the biggest competitions in Europe.” She was ranting now. “Parents don’t leave the country without telling their kid. Parents look after their children.”
“Well, I’m not a child!” You shouted, interrupting her tirade. You also pulled your hand out of hers – ignoring the fact that every fibre of your being was screaming at you not to. Alexia looked at you, confusion evident in her expression. “I turned 18 last week.” You added quietly. That was a secret you had hoped not to spill. You hadn’t had to work too hard to hide your birthday; not even the Barça admins knew the day had passed. You made the mistake of looking at Alexia. You really, really wished you hadn’t. The hurt that flashed across her face did more to break your heart than anything your parents could (or couldn’t) do to you.
“We missed your birthday?” She asked so quietly you struggled to hear her.
“I didn’t tell anyone. You technically didn’t miss anything if you never knew.” You avoided her gaze, fingers coming together to fiddle nervously on your lap. Alexia stood up sharply, her unexpected movement drawing your attention once again.
“Stand up.” She instructed.
“What why?”
“Pack a bag, you’re coming home with me.” Her tone left no room for argument, yet you still tried to.
“Wha-why? No, I’m fine. It’s ok, honestly. It’s nothing. I promise I’m fine.” Your voice crack gave you away. You so desperately wanted to go with Alexia, to have her take care of things for you, to have her give you the warm hugs and soft smiles you had seen her give Vicky and Martina. You had always shied away from her contact, though, chalking it up to disliking physical contact. But now, after the weekend of hugs and kisses from loving families – you knew it was your subconscious protecting you from something you knew you wouldn’t receive regularly.
“Pequeña. This is not up for debate. Either you pack a bag and come with me, or I move in here with you. And I have a feeling that your parents, whenever they do return, would not want a 30-year-old woman living in their house uninvited.” She quirked an eyebrow at you, daring you to go against her again.
“I can’t,” you squeaked out.
“Why not?” Despite her firm voice, you could tell she wanted to figure out why you were so reluctant to leave this life behind. This was all you’d ever known. The isolation, the self-sufficiency, the hiding, and the lying. You didn’t know what would happen if you let yourself fall into Alexia’s open arms. What if she left again, too? There had been rumours swirling all over the internet. You couldn’t let yourself be attached to a singular person. It would hurt far too much if they left. You were fairly sure you wouldn’t be able to be fixed.
“I can’t,” you settled on instead of explaining the whole truth to her.
“Why not?” She asked again, the firmness gone as she saw your composure start to break.
“I …” The lump in your throat prevented you from speaking any more. You took some steadying breaths, willing yourself not to cry. Alexia crouched in front of you, ignoring the slight ache in her muscles as she ran her fingers up and down your bare thighs in soothing, repetitive motions. “If … if I let myself become too reliant on people … on you … and you don’t want me anymore … I think I might break.” You spoke so slowly, so softly, that Alexia had to strain to hear you.
“Oh, querida. No,” she surged forward, her strong arms wrapped around you, her warm scent invading your senses. "We will always want you. I will always want you.” She said so absolutely, and you had no choice but to believe her.
That was all you needed to hear for the dam to break. Tears bubbled over your carefully constructed walls. You sobbed and sobbed, her grip on you only getting tighter.
“But … wh … ho … I …” you blubbered, the tears getting more and more frantic.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, cariño. I’ve got you.” Her comforting words made you cry harder. You were limp as she rearranged the both of you, settling you against her chest as she sat back against the couch.
She let you sob into her chest for as long as you needed. She rocked you gently from side to side, her fingers scratching at your scalp as her heartbeat provided a soothing rhythm for you. Eventually, you calmed down, slowly drifting into a much-needed sleep.
Alexia could tell you weren’t at peace as she watched you sleep. Your eyebrows were scrunched, your mouth a firm line. Your fingers had wrapped themselves in her shirt so tightly she wondered if there would be a hole in the fabric whenever you eventually let go. She wished with her entire being that she could take your pain away. How could someone do this to their child? How could a parent look at their child and not want to love them the way they should be? How could anyone look at you and think you don’t deserve the world and more? If your parents weren’t going to be there for you, she certainly would be.
It was gone lunchtime when you finally woke. Alexia hadn’t moved an inch – it didn’t matter that her arms were sore or her legs had gone numb; you were comfortable, and that was all that mattered.
“Ale?” You croaked, your voice hoarse from crying.
“Sí, cariño?” She hummed, her thumb running gently over your cheekbone.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t …” you flustered a little, scared of her reaction after you had finally broken down on her.
“Hey, no … shhh. Está bien. Estás bien.” She rocked you again, much like a mother would rock her upset child. It was slightly awkward, given your size – but it was nonetheless comforting. “I still want you to pack a bag,” Alexia said, pushing some hair off your face. “You don’t have to come with me,” she added quickly, sensing your reluctance. “But I don’t want you here alone.” You sighed, knowing there was no way you would negotiate your way out of this one. “You could go to Keira’s, but she can’t cook very well, or Ona’s...” she mused "although you might have to put up with Lucy,” she added in a conspiratorial whisper. This made you laugh, a loud, weird huff that brought a similar smile to Alexia’s face. “I haven’t told anyone what you told us at the final. That is your information to share as, and when, you want to.” She implored. “But Mapí and Ingrid will take you in, no questions asked. As would Marta and Caro, Paños, Irene … any one of the girls will take you in. I promise.” You readjusted yourself, drawing back from Alexia’s chest in order to look at her. This was a conversation that needed to happen face-to-face.
“Is it … can I … stay with you?” You asked nervously.
“Absolutamente.” Her hand reached out for yours, her grip so tight it almost hurt.
“What about Olga?” You were reluctant to impose yourself on another adult’s life when they might not want you there.
“She already loves you, and she’s technically only met you, what? Twice?” She teased, her head dipping down to catch your eye. “She wants you there as much as I do. Prometo.” You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to feel the warmth of Alexia’s skin permeating into yours.
“Ok,” you breathed out, watching Alexia’s mouth spread into a wide, genuine smile you didn’t see too often.
Moving in with Alexia was the best thing to have ever happened to you. Long gone were the days of rushing for the metro and figuring out where your next meal would come from. Olga had embraced you with open arms – greeting both you and Alexia with identical hugs, forehead kisses and cups of tea as you made your way into the kitchen after a long day at training. Alexia had dragged you along to her family meal; her Mami was insistent on making sure you were well-fed and looked after properly. Alba had smacked Alexia around the head for not bringing you sooner but offered you a warm smile and asked about your week.
Ona had been informed of your situation that afternoon. She quickly showed up with a bag piled high with sweets that definitely broke your diet and demanded to know the Netflix password as she settled down on the sofa, bringing her arm around your shoulder and whispering a promise not too dissimilar to Alexia’s.
Keira had hung around after training one afternoon, offering a tight hug before telling you that her spare room was always open, and you just had to ask, and Narla would be all yours for however long you wanted her. That made you laugh, especially after hearing Lucy’s indignant ‘Oi’ from the showers as she heard Keira’s promise.
Eventually, you did tell the rest of the team about your parents. Jona was the first to know officially. As manager, he needed to know the situation as soon as possible. Alexia had been by your side the whole time, her hand in yours, and she sat with you, stepping in to explain things now and then when she sensed you were becoming overwhelmed. Mapí had wanted to kill your parents – threatening murder and retribution on them for doing this to her ‘niña preciosa’. Ingrid had been just as angry, although she had the forethought to contain her anger. She had pressed a long kiss to the top of your head as she engulfed you in a hug, insisting you come round once a week for a movie night and sleepover.
Slowly, you learned that it was good to rely on people. That it was ok to need help and have that safety net below you. The heartbreak you felt when you thought about your parents would probably always be there, but you learned that you didn’t need them. You had the team … and even if they left and moved away, they would always be there for you. They were one phone call, one plane, train, or car journey away.
Your biological family might have been shite … but you didn’t need them. You had your found family.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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auggieblogs · 11 months
"Totally worth it" | CL16
Charles Leclerc x reader Author's note: Hey, hiiii, loves. I hope you all are doing good!!! This fic is inspired by that one episode of "How I Met Your Mother"... you'll figure out which one. Happy reading, everyone<3
―୨୧⋆ ˚masterlist
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The sound of footsteps echoed through the house, signalling Charles' return from the grocery store. You were curled up on the couch, feeling absolutely miserable with a cold and a slight fever. Your tissues were piled up beside you, and you had a blanket draped over your shivering form. The room felt cold despite the heater being on, and you couldn't help but sigh in discomfort.
Charles burst into the living room, carrying bags of your favourite snacks and a brown paper bag from the drug store. "I'm back, amor," he announced with a warm smile, placing the bags on the coffee table.
You smiled weakly in response, appreciating his effort to make you feel better. "Thank you, baby", you mumbled, your voice hoarse.
Charles came over, his brows furrowed with concern and felt your forehead. "You're still warm," he said softly. He then fetched a thermometer from the medicine cabinet and sat down beside you. "Open up for me, y/n." He gently placed the thermometer under your tongue and waited patiently. After a moment, he checked it and smiled, "Your fever has gone down a little bit."
You sighed in relief as he kissed your forehead, his lips warm and comforting. Charles turned on Gilmore Girls, and fluffed the pillows behind your head. He snuggled up beside you, gently kissing your knuckles.
As the day turned into evening, Charles decided it was time to make you some dinner. He headed to the kitchen, despite his terrible cooking skills, he was determined to make you some homemade chicken noodle soup. He had learned the recipe from his mother and hoped that he could manage it for your sake. You could hear him pottering about and occasionally muttering to himself.
Charles prepared the soup with love and care, making sure the broth was just right, the noodles were cooked to perfection, and the vegetables were tender. He even added a little extra seasoning, just the way you liked it.
He eventually returned with a steaming bowl of soup, a proud smile on his face. "Here you go, my love," he said, sitting beside you.
Now, I know I'm not the best cook," he admitted, "but this is the one dish my mum taught me to make. I hope it's not too terrible."
You couldn't help but laugh, a sound that turned into a coughing fit. Charles quickly handed you a glass of water before blowing on the soup to cool it down. He took a spoonful and carefully brought it to your lips. "Here, amor, let's see if it's edible."
You took a tentative sip, surprised by the taste. It was actually quite good. You nodded and smiled as Charles fed you spoonfuls, his eyes never leaving your face.
Once you had eaten, he gently wiped your mouth with a napkin and placed the empty bowl on the nightstand. Then, he tucked you back in bed, ensuring you were snug and comfortable.
He leaned in to kiss you goodnight, but you stopped him, concern in your eyes. "You don't want to kiss me, you'll get sick, Charlie."
He didn't say anything but held your face in his hands and kissed you sweetly. He'd risk a cold to take care of you.
Charles climbed into bed with you, a book in hand, and began to read aloud. His voice was soothing, and you slowly drifted off to sleep.
A few days later, it was his turn to succumb to the cold. You found him wrapped in a cocoon of blankets on the couch, looking miserable and adorable all at once. You prepared a warm bowl of soup and fed it to him, blowing on it just as he had done for you.
As you sat by his side, feeding him spoonfuls of soup, Charles couldn't help but smile through his stuffed nose.
"Totally worth it," he mumbled between bites, making you giggle.
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adoptourcrew · 3 months
Here is a transcript of Rhys talking about OFMD cancellation. You can listen to his full interview on Spotify and on Apple Podcasts.
Talking Strange Paranormal Show with Aaron Sagers: Rhys Darby Returns!
Timestamp: 37:52-41:49
Aaron: I can’t help but ask about Our Flag Means Death…I absolutely love the show. It has such a huge fan base. It even has the massive queer community support and we are now in the midst of Pride Month. For you, how do you view the legacy of Our Flag Means Death professionally. How does it rank in your work?
Rhys: Very highly. It’s an odd one, because in my mind, and I’m sure all the fans' minds, it was slightly rudely cut short. We should have gone more and I think it’s because we felt like the aim was to go for three seasons, to tell the whole story. And because it was so good and it had a lot of fans and it was representational, it was funny, it was beautifully shot, awesome costumes. We’re pirates on a boat attacking each other and making out. It was a unique show and I’m still getting over the idea that they can just go “we’re canceling that” when other things, I won’t name any names of certain other comedy shows and things, that just keep running. And I think, who the hell is making these decisions and there might be a financial element to it, yeah sure. But the budget was stripped by 40% on the second season and we shot it in New Zealand, we saved a lot of money by going to another country, which seems odd. But still, then they called it quits there at the end of number two. So it’s bittersweet in a lot of ways for me because personally, for my own journey, it was the best thing I’ve ever done because I was the lead and I got to obviously use my comedic skills, that’s easy. But I got into the drama side of things and there was some real emotional pathos and nuances that I didn’t know I was capable of doing and I got to do, and I was really proud of my work on that thing. It’s like my mum always said, “pride always comes before a fall.” (laughs) And now it’s gone. But hey! Move on, we’ll move on.
Aaron: Would you and Taika ever consider, as some other creators have, perhaps completing the story in another format, another medium, comic books for instance. A way that you could tell the story that you wanted to.
Rhys: I think the fans have already done that. The fanfiction is through the roof. But I think the show that we made was something to behold and hopefully it will stick around. It’s just two seasons, there are a lot of shows that ran for two seasons, like Flight of the Conchords, for example, there are only two seasons of that. And I look at these things now as pieces of art and there they are. And you can watch them over a long weekend or whatever you want. But it’s finite and it’s done and you can enjoy it and you can always go back to it. It’s a happy place. It’s art and that’s it.
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enwoso · 15 days
Emily fox teaching Lovie to read
BOOKWORM - alessia russo x child!reader
just a lil cute blurb as a treat after that wonderful start to arsenal’s uwcl campaign❤️🤍
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grumpy masterlist
“so can you tell me what that word says?” emily asked as she had arranged the colourful letters into a words. she was sat with you helping to teach you to read.
alessia had tried so many ways to try and help you learn to read, she had used ways from google, tiktok, mum groups but non of it seemed to work. you would instead just get bored and rush off to do something else.
many of the other arsenal girls had also tried but you never seemed interested in doing it, instead finding something to avert your attention to.
but you’d been sat with emily now on the coach, a table in front of you for at least thirty minutes doing a letter game, where she would make a spell the letter for you but you had to read what it said. it so far seeming to work.
you sat with a concentrated look on your face as you tongue slightly poked out between your lips as you tried to work out the word emily had spelt for you.
“that’s a t- and a r” you said pointing at the colourful letters on the table as emily nodded on encouragingly with a smile on her face as you were close, “tr-tee no, tree!”
“yes! woo” emily cheered on as you sat with a proud smile on your face as emily moved the coloured letters once again, “should we try something a little trickier now?” emily turned to you as you paused for a second to think before nodding your head.
your mummy was watching on from the seats across the aisle, a small smile as she watched you thrive. you were learning and even though it had taken a few attempts with different people including herself she was glad you were finally getting it and having fun while doing it.
emily moved the letters to make a sentence, it going along the table, making sure you could make the words out. “right, you ready?” she asked as you hummed looking at the four words splayed across the table.
“um, t-h-e, the” you sounded the letters out as looked to the side slightly to see emily’s reaction knowing you were doing something right as she had an encouraging smile on her face. “the, d-o-g-, dog!”
“yes! your doing so well, keep sounded the letters out” emily encouraged as she pointed to the next letter of the new word.
“w-a-s.. um. was!” you got out after a few attempts of sounding the letters out as emily nodded pointing to the last letter of the last word.
“uh. u-p… s-e-t?” you sounded each letter out as you looked to emily a little confused as she gave you a few hints. “so try and say them together, up and set”
“upset?” you said a little hesitantly as emily encouraged you to carry on.
“get in tiny! now can you put all those words together to make the sentence” emily asked as you nodded, emily pointing back to the first word.
“the,, dog, was,, upset. the dog was upset!” emily cheered as you finished the sentence, a little face of surprise and shock came across you before a big smile overcame as emily high fived you.
an immense amount of pride filled you as you carried on talking and reading sentence out that emily placed on the table with the colourful letters.
you finishing up the last word of the sentence emily had splayed along the table, “your a superstar! that was excellent!” emily high fived you with two hands as you bounced up and down in your seat in excitement of your new skill.
“mummy!” you called out to your mum who was sat across from you and emily, busying herself with finishing some uni work in the spare time she had where her full attention didn’t need to be on you.
“yes baby?” alessia cooed as she looked up from her laptop with a small smile.
“i can read! emily teached me!” you said with such excitement as alessia corrected you on the word you butched slightly.
“that’s fantastic lovie, i’m so proud of you!” your mummy smiled proudly at you as your small heart felt all warm and fuzzy with a sense of accomplishment. “now you can start and read me a bedtime story” your mummy joked, it being a nightly routine that you wouldn’t fall asleep at home without a story but usually after the first few words you fell straight asleep.
you nodded, before making you way down the bus to tell everyone your new skill that you had mastered on the journey. the entire team being so excited for you.
“how on earth have you managed that foxy?” alessia asked, genuinely curious as the blonde had tried every way possible to teach you to read. emily just shrugging she hadn’t had a technique, nor had she ever taught a four year old to read before so she didn’t really know what she had done differently.
“you must of been a teacher in your past life!”
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themultifandomgal · 2 months
Could you do an established relationship jay halstead x petite reader? She’s in the fbi, has a PhD, and is quite young. (She’s like 25-27) She’s shy and pretty innocent. Jay introduces her to the unit. When they meet her they don’t see how she’s an fbi agent. Then the fbi takes over a scene and she’s a total badass. Jay is proud and he’s like that’s my girl.
Jay Halstead- My Girl
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I absolutely loved this idea! I had so much fun writing this one. I hope you enjoy!
No one knew about Jays girlfriend, in fact everyone thought he was single. So when Jay arrived at Molly’s with a petite woman on his arm, everyone was shocked to say the least, even more so when Will gave her a hug and the pair looked like they have known each other for a while. The noise of conversation and clinking of glasses filled the air as they made their way to a table in the corner. It was a Friday night, a rare occasion for Jay and his colleagues to be out all together.
As they sat down, Erin, his partner, was the first of Jays coworkers to greet the couple
“Im so happy you could come. Who is this lovely lady, Jay?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.
Jay smiled proudly and replied, "This is YN. My girlfriend. She works for the FBI." YN, who was naturally shy and reserved, gave a polite nod but said nothing. Erin's eyes widened in surprise, she looks over to Jay shock written all over her face
“Oh wow you’ve kept her quiet Jay” Jay just shrugs in response.
Through the evening the drinks flow, but YN continues to stay quiet, just observing the space around her
“So FBI huh? You seem too quiet and innocent for that line of work”
YN simply smiled and shrugged, used to this reaction from people who underestimated her based on her demeanor. She was well aware of her ability to blend in and appear unassuming, a skill that served her well in her line of work. She knew that her quiet nature was one of her greatest assets, allowing her observer others and gather crucial information for her cases. As the night went on YN and Jay finished up the evening and headed off back home.
YN sat in her car, staring at the building in front of her. It’s been 2 weeks since she met Jays coworkers and now she’s been asked to help the intelligence unit with a tough case. She steps out of the car and strode confidently towards the entrance, her gun hidden securely in its holster.
As she entered the building, she was greeted by the sight of her boyfriend Jay and his boss Voight, both standing in the lobby, waiting for her
“YN thank you so much for coming” Voight says holding out his hand. Immediately YN takes his hand in hers, shaking his hand
“No problem, happy to help”
“Please follow us” Voight takes YN to the bullpen where the rest of their coworkers are standing around a bulletin board
“You all remember YN” Jay says first
“She’s joining us on this case” voight tells everyone who greets the girl
“So what do you know so far?” YN says getting straight into the case
“We know that Doms father owned a huge farm down state. When she died Dom inherited 30 million” Antonio hands over the case file to YN who takes a look at all the information at hand “he took out 10 million 2 days before he went missing” YN looks up at the team
“Did anyone actually see him though?”
“Taking the money out?” Jay asks
“At all”
“What are you saying?” Erin frowns
“I dont think he’s missing. Did you get the autopsy report on the mum?”
“No, she died of natural causes” Antonio crosses his arms
“Are you positive on that? I want to see an autopsy report somethings just not adding up”
unwavering, her determination driving her to catch the criminal at any cost.
YN got what she needed, the autopsy report showed that Doms mum did not die of natural causes, in fact she was poisoned slowly over time. YNs theory of dom not being missing made him their first suspect.
As they neared the location where Dom was believed to be hiding, YN's instincts kicked in. With a nod to Jay, she signaled that it was time to make their move.
They burst into the building, guns drawn. YN's training kicked in
“On the floor, now!” YN shouts pointing her gun at Dom “keep your hands where we can see them”
In a matter of moments, Dom was apprehended. Jay and the rest of his team watch the girl they once thought of as quiet become this confident woman. Jay watches on, feeling a sense of pride and love. That’s his girl who he’s extremely proud of.
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l3o-lion · 2 months
whooop whoop !!!! Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency is my new hyperfixation !
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My boyyyy....... (adult (british) man)
i was drawing this while watching the show with my mum for the first time (for her, it was my second watch) and felt a bit cheeky showing her this as a wip knowing its from the very last episode of s2 hehhe-
progress shots under the cut after some rambling!
The process of making this was a bit different to my usual process - First off I actually started by adjusting the colours of the reference image, this made everything a lot easier and somehow felt less cheaty than editing the colours after i was finished with the piece, even though its basically the same thing just flipped. Then the main process was basically the same as usual, although I used a different brush than my usual beloved Habook Canvas rectangular brush. But while finishing the rendering of this piece I actually, for once, used a brush with a soft edge to smooth some edges out and sharpen other edges! It made a world of difference in making the piece feel less like one of those "make your photo into a painting" filters and more like something I had actually made that i can be somewhat proud of. :]]
i checked the project time in procreate and it says 22 hrs hehh- That is not a testament to the skill it might take to make a painting heavily relying on a ref image (without tracing) btw. Don't feel too intimidated by my slowness to try this if you want to!! I believe almost anyone could do this with way less practice than you might think, especially if you have a digital art program with a liquify tool to make proportional adjustments easier.
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(liquify saved my ass- as you'll notice in the 2nd image where dirk looks weirdly buff due to wonky proportions)
Also im gonna begin reading the book as soon as my library has it, probably like within a week :]
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monzaaasharl · 6 months
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Pairings:: F1 drivers x Female driver! Reader, Christian Horner x Daughter! Reader, Geri Halliwell x Daughter! Reader
Summary:: Geri Halliwell-Horner shows social media just how proud she is of her daughter and her journey into motorsport, and that their mother-daughter bond really is special and unbreakable.
Speedy Spice Masterlist
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Liked by y/nhorner, porschef1 and 837,615 others
gerihalliwellhorner I'm so immensely proud of you, my darling. It feels that only yesterday you were begging me to take you to the race track so you could practice your karting skills and now you're driving a Formula One car! You've come so far and been through so much. I can't wait to see you on the circuit!
y/nhorner I'm so lucky to be you're daughter 🩷
gerihalliwellhorner I'm lucky to be you're mother
y/nnnn.xx_ Why can't I have this sort of relationship with my mum
leclerccc_.baee ^^^ fr, they seem like such a perfect family
christianhorner ❤️
oscc.norris_814 I want Geri to be my mum 😭
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Liked by pierregasly, gerihalliwellhorner and 5,739,016 others
y/nhorner Thank you to everyone that has helped me to get to where I am today, this opportunity to drive in Formula 1 is a dream come true. Thank you to my father for buying me my first ever kart and for getting me into racing. But my biggest thank you is to my mother for always believing in me and making sure I never gave up working for this. You're my biggest fan and I'm yours too ❤️
gerihalliwellhorner I love you so much, my darling, you've always made me so proud ❤️
y/nhorner I couldn't have done it without you ❤️
christianhorner As your father I can't wait to see you in action in Bahrain, but as your opponent I'm definitely a bit worried
y/nhorner As your daughter I will make you proud and as your competitor I will make you scared 😂
mickschumacher I can't wait to have you as a teammate
Liked by y/nhorner
shelovesformula1 You're going to smash it!!!
Liked by y/nhorner
lewisss.88 I'm actually so excited for this like there's finally a female formula one driver
webber21vettel She's either gonna be amazing or a flop 😬
s55nz.sf I feel like she's already been overhyped
16_jenson.alo Fr, theres a reason women don't drive in f1
@treehouse-mouse @champomiel @honkyscats @nightreader16 @cherry-piee @welovediaaxx @trouble-sistar @namgification @awhbigail @itsjustkhaos @sam-is-lost @fluvsof @blueberry64857959 @2pagenumb
If you would like to be added or taken off of the taglist please comment, send and ask or message me x
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wileys-russo · 1 year
Idk why but this feels boyfriend: you play football and she comes to all your games. I know this is very nonspecific 😅
oh this is very boyfriend lessi coded dw nonnie i got you
number one fan II a.russo i normally wouldn't add a picture with a blurb but this gif just fits so perfectly
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"your number one fans here." you felt your team mate nudge you with a knowing smile as you took a drink at half time, nodding up into the stands at your girlfriend. she was sat toward the back of the seats, long blonde hair hidden beneath her hood and kitted out in a matching black tracksuit, arms folded over her chest. she was manspreading which you made a mental note to tease her about later, her mum forever nagging her to 'sit like a lady'.
spotting you looking up at her she sent you a wink and a small wave, settling back into her seat. "she is so fit, why is she with you again?" your best friend teased as she slung an arm over your shoulder, you shoving her off with a roll of your eyes as the referee blew the whistle for play to resume.
unlike your professionally contracted, nationally treasured superstar girlfriend you had never played at anything above a grass roots level. you enjoyed football and would look forward to the matches each weekend, playing with your friends at your local club. but alessia, alessia loved football and would make sure she never missed a single match you played, even if it meant making up a half assed excuse to leave her own training early to just make the last fifteen minutes.
but that didn't mean you weren't competative as a team, and with the season starting to come to a close you needed to push to win each match you could, so being down by two with one half left to play was not ideal.
feeling the older girls piercing blue eyes follow your every move only spurred you on, and with a lucky break you shot through the defensive live and made a cross to your team mate who was calling out your name.
all it took was two touches and the ball was sent screaming into the back of the net, the crowd cheering loudly as alessia stayed seated but clapped along with a proud smile, giving you a thumbs up as you looked toward her.
"go on girls, press in!" the blonde striker called out encouragingly as you all reset for the final twenty minutes, huddled together for a corner. jostling from side to side you awaited the thud of your captains boot against the ball which was unfortunately quickly averted by the opposition and sent back down their end.
you were not known much for your technical skills, but whatever you lacked in those you easily made up in speed, and you were about to use that to your advantage.
darting around their final defender you made a break for the goal, hearing alessia shout out encouragement above the yells of the crowd, though a split second break in your concentration was all it took for the centre back to catch you.
the girl slid in for the ball but feeling her behind you you quickly flicked it back to a team mate, and instead the defender took out your legs sending you tumbling to the ground, head thumping against the pitch.
the crowd erupted into boo's and calls for a card, no one louder than your girlfriend who was now stood on her feet, cupping her hands over her mouth and screaming for the referee to wake up and open her eyes.
you lost sight of her as your team mates crowded around you, going through the standard concussion tests as you pushed them away assuring you were fine, your best friend grabbing your hands and helping you to your feet.
you gave a thumbs up to alessia who looked down at you with concern, eyes flickering between you and slit into a filthy glare to the defender who took you out as you shook your head toward your manager who dismissed the medic, trusting your judgement.
it didn't earn her a card but the mistackle did result in a foul and a penalty kick, which much to your protests you were shoved forward to take, bouncing nervously from one foot to the other as you stood in position, the referee speaking now with the keeper.
glancing up at your girlfriend she nodded reassuringly and mouthed 'remember what we practiced', crossing her arms over her chest as she rocked apprehensively on her heels, choosing to remain stood as most of the other spectators sat back down.
you took a deep breath and a few steps back, readying yourself as the whistle sounded. remembering what alessia had taught you, you made a point of sending the keeper a mean glare, the girl shifting uneasily from one foot to the other, trying to anticipate the kick.
not waiting another second you flew in, laces connecting with the ball as it sailed perfectly into the top right hand bin, your team mates surrounding you as the whistle for full time blew and a shit eating grin spread across your face.
it wasn't the winning goal but it was an equaliser, meaning you'd gained a point and avoided a loss at the very least.
cheering loudly and pumping her fist in the air you grinned up at the older girl who fixed her hood, it having fallen off her head at her celebrations.
you were pulled into the post game huddle with your team and after exchanging hugs and words of affirmations with your team mates you all broke away to collect your things.
"do you still need a lift?" your friend asked as you exited the change room, you instantly spotting alessia leant against the barriers waiting for you. "why would she slum it with us when she's got the mercedes waiting to take her home?" your best friend jumped on you from behind sending you stumbling as you caught your footing, shrugging her off and kicking playfully at her as you waved them off, wandering toward your girlfriend.
"hi." you grinned as you reached her, dropping your kit bag to the ground as the taller girl opened her arms, wrapping you tightly in a hug. "hi gorgeous." she rasped, hands gently rubbing your back as her chin rested on the top of your head.
"scored a worldie." you pulled away and smiled up at her as she chuckled. "we'll work on your shooting technique for next time so you score before theres a penalty." the older girl smirked and you smacked at her chest, whining in protest as she was quick to pick up your kit bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she always insisted on doing.
"shut up." the taller girl mumbled, stealing a kiss as you grabbed her hand, the two of you making your way to the car park as she eagerly asked questions about the half she'd missed, apologizing for being late as training had run over time in preparation for their match tomorrow.
you assured her it was fine as she unlocked her car, tossing your bag into the back alongside her own kit. you were quick to grab her training hoodie out of the boot, slipping it over your head and breathing in the familiar scent.
"i need that for tomorrow cheeky." alessia shook her head with a knowing smile, forever finding items of her clothing hidden in drawers and shelves of your room when they went missing.
"didn't I tell you you need to dry your hair after training?" you sighed with a shake of your head as you tugged off her hood and noticed the girls wet mop of blonde hair.
"haven't you learnt i don't listen to anything you tell me to do?" alessia smirked, arms circling your smaller frame as she pressed your body against the passenger door, dipping her head to connect your lips in a proper kiss.
"i missed you." she mumbled against them, hands slipping down to grip at your hips as she pushed you harder against her car, deepening the kiss at the slight hitch of your breath, taking the moment of surprise to slip her tongue in your mouth.
you withheld the urge to moan as her slender fingers toyed with the waist band of your shorts, biting down on your bottom lip. but you both jumped away from one another at the abrupt honk of a horn, your team mates driving past and calling their teasings out from the window as your cheeks flushed bright red and alessia simply waved at them with a smile.
"tomato." alessia teased, pressing a kiss to your bright red cheek and leaning in to open your door for you. "ah! boots." alessia tutted and ordered firmly as she slipped into the drivers seat, you rolled your eyes but obeyed none the less, slipping off your shoes and banging them on the ground a few times and placing them carefully on the floor behind you.
"don't roll your eyes at me, it's not cute." alessia warned, stealing a kiss and starting her car, your stomach fluttering as she pulled out of the fields and held her ring clad hand out expectantly over the middle console as you intertwined your fingers.
the drive back to her flat was filled with a comfortable silence, and before you knew it she had parked in the driveway next to ellas car. she was quick to dart out of the car, sprinting around to open your door for you before grabbing both of your kits out of her boot as you took off your socks and shin pads.
"don't even try it." the blonde smirked as you placed your boots, socks and pads inside and tried to take yours back, insisting you could carry it for yourself.
you huffed and followed her inside as she simply walked off with both bags, ignoring you. hearing the shower run to indicate ella was busy the two of you went right up to alessia's room, you declining wanting her to grab you anything from the kitchen.
"where's your necklace?" the older girl asked with a frown, turning to glance at you as you collapsed onto her king size bed. "in my bag, because you know you can't wear jewelry when you play football." you quipped back sarcastically, the small golden A necklace a gift from the taller girl for your anniversary.
the girl was nothing short of obsessed with you, and incredibly possessive alessia went mental anytime you took it off. which you often used to your advantage to wind her up when you were in a mood with her, pretending to have misplaced it as you watched her go crazy, the firm reminder you were hers no longer present.
"well then maybe i'll have to give you something else to show you're a happily taken woman." alessias large hands came to rest on your knees as she spread your legs and stood between them, smirking down at you as your stomach flipped.
"don't know how my parents would feel about a tattoo, but i'll be sure to tell them it was your idea." you teased, shuffling back further on her bed as the striker slowly climbed on top of you, your heart racing as her legs straddled your hips, careful not to completely sit on your smaller frame.
"not quite what i had in mind, but your parents do love me. i'm sure i could convince them." the blonde leant in with a cocky smile and spoke quietly, lips just hovering about your own mouth as you tried to lean up for a kiss but she backed away with a teasing grin as you rolled your eyes.
"now what did i say about rolling your eyes at me?" alessia challenged, a large hand slipping up the inside of your jumper and coming to rest on your stomach, nails scratching teasingly at your skin, the older girl on top of you feeling your muscles clench beneath her touch.
"haven't you learnt i don't listen to anything you tell me to do?" you mocked her earlier words with a sly smile.
without another word exchanged alessia tucked her head into your neck, your eyes rolling back and a moan leaving your lips as she sank her teeth into the pulse point just below your ear, your hips bucking up as she sucked harshly at the skin, her hand on your stomach only pressing your body deeper into the bed in response.
"be quiet." alessia warned quietly in your ear before resuming her attack on your neck, her hand inching slowly down your stomach towards the waistband of your shorts.
though not wanting to completely give into her dominance you shoved at her chest, pushing her off of you and now moving to straddle her lap as the older girl looked to you in surprise before grinning, tugging you back down to connect your mouth with hers.
gently grabbing at your hips she maneuvered your body so you were straddling one of her legs, a moan leaving her own mouth as you gently ground down against her and kissed at her neck, knowing exactly what you needed to do to turn to normally dominant girl into putty in your hands.
though no sooner had your lips moved to kiss along her jawline did her door burst open, ella flying in and landing on top of the both of you, breaking you apart. "tooney get out!" alessia fumed, sitting up and glaring at the younger girl who pulled you into a hug, grinning at the obvious interruption she'd created.
"nah youse two can makeout later you do it all the time, you promised me a rematch round!" ella reminded as alessia groaned in annoyance, dragging her hands down her face as you chuckled, earning yourself a mean glare from the older girl.
ignoring the obvious frustration from her best friend ella busied herself switching on the tv and setting up fifa, you moving to sit inbetween alessias outstretched legs as she leant against the headboard, propping a pillow behind her back.
arms wrapping securely around you and pulling your back into her front, she accepted the controller from ella and began to select her team, you shuffled around to get comfortable, knowing both of them well enough to know this would likely go on for a few hours and there wasn't a chance your possessively needy girlfriend would allow you to sit anywhere than on her lap or do anything bar watch her play.
"i vote the winner gets a kiss, what do you reckon?" ella grinned, poking at you as alessia shot her a glare, smacking her hands away and moving her knees up, effectively blocking your body away from the girl sat beside you whose grin only widened at how easy it was the wind the blonde up.
with a chuckle you leant back and began to whisper in her ear all the things you'd give her and let her do if she won, her once grumpy frown shifting to her usual cocky smirk as you settled back into her chest, the whistle blowing for kick off as the sounds of button smashing and swearing filled the room, your girlfriend sure to press a kiss to your cheek or forehead every now and then.
your number one fan.
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bayothemayo · 6 months
ORAAAAAA!!!!!!! ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃ GUESS WHOS BACK FOR ROUND 3 BBYYYY HEHEHE ~ ☆ (hope it's okay, if not then SHHH KEEP THIS REQ STASHED SOMEWHERE) but I'd like to req: Akira Kurusu x Motherly!Reader, where they first met cos Reader was worried about him during his time in Shujin, and stuck around him during his first few days there (kind of like Ryuji/Morgana in a way during the first arc of the game (?)). Fun and simple idea of Reader being the mum friend to the whole PTs group after (or when) she finds out about them and their identities, while also being completely oblivious to her own well being IF she ever became part of the group. I'd also like it if the HC starts off Platonic and slowly turns to Romantic? Where Akira realizes his feelings and tries confessing to Reader BUT Reader still viewed him in a platonic way?? branch whatever ideas you can come up with for this idm AND AGAIN TYTTT AND SLAY AS ALWAYSSSS !!!!!!!!! ☆⌒(≧▽​° )
Guardian of the Phantom Thieves (Akira Kurusu x Motherly! Reader)
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Even before you met Kurusu and the rest Phantom Thieves, you were respected in the school.
Teachers and students respect you for helping them out and tutoring them.
When Kurusu joined the school you got worried about him, due to people being afraid of him due to his background. You offered to help him with whatever he needed and gave him a tour around the school. You stayed by his side for around a week or two due to his situation.
Kurusu always comes to you if he needs help with his work or advice.
When you are not busy, either it being with helping people out or dealing with homework, you two hang out. It is mostly a chill type of hangout.
It took you some time to find out that your friends were the Phantom Thieves. When you found out, you were mostly worried about them. Yeah, they are THE Phantom Thieves...but you were worried about them. Worried that they can get too hurt or overwork themselves. After they send out a Calling Card, you text them after a little bit (you don't want to stress them out before them doing something big) asking if they are doing okay, if they are seriously injured, if they need any help with something, etc.
Something that you do after they finish a big job is that you make them treats. They have no say in the matter other than what treats they want.
With all these things that you do for Kurusu and the other Phantom Thieves, he appreciates you. A lot. Maybe too much for it to be platonic.
When he realizes that he has developed feelings for you, he starts to think to himself about how this is going to affect you two's relationship. After some hard thinking, and maybe asking for advice from Ann or maybe even Morgana, he decides to confess to you.
If you reject him and want to keep the relationship platonic, he would be heartbroken but he would understand how you feel and is still happy to keep the friendship.
If you accept his confession, he will be over the moon. Once you two become a couple, there is going to be a whole lot of comfort, snuggles, and more tasty treats involved.
~ When You Become A Phantom Thief ~
You most likely be more of a support member of the team like Morgana. Yeah, you have some attacks, but your main skill is the buffs and healing.
You were excited to be in the Phantom Thieves since you get to be more involved and help out more directly.
Since you found out that snacks can heal your teammates, you make some more snacks and find better ingredients for better results.
Sometimes you overwork yourself, you can't help it . Akira notices this and, caringly, scolds you. It took some time but eventually, you got the issue fix. If it didn't it would definitely end up bad in one way or another.
You are a supportive member of the Phantom Thieves and you couldn't be more proud.
But you are more proud of your friends. 😊
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The Great Jungle Fence of ‘23
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A majority of you poll-voters expressed the opinion that my fence would stop Pampe for 4 to 7 days and I am very touched by this popular endorsement of my fence-building skills, because her first escape happened after roughly 4 hours.
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^ Pampe connoisseurs will know that her preferred way of defeating fences is by karate-chopping them with her neck, but I thought she could only do that if the fence was low enough for her to put some strength in the chop. The jungle fence was at least as tall as Pampe in the place where I found it all droopy-sad after she escaped, so I guess Pampe added a new jump-chop combo attack to her character sheet. I imagine it went something like this:
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That’s okay! All new information about Pampe is carefully filed and will contribute to the creation of the Ultimate Fence. I decided to simply make this portion of the fence unneckchoppable by braiding branches from nearby trees into the fence like they did in Indonesia with that living bridge made by knitting the roots of two banyan trees. I ended up using five or six branches so it’d be solid enough, but here’s a pic of the beginning of the process:
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The braided-branch part of the fence still stands undefeated, after 20 days. Pampe ate all the leaves but couldn’t get rid of the branches and had to concede this battleground.
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I then found her staring pensively (worryingly) at another potential weak point of the fence: the gate. I used a standard wood pallet at first, tied to trees, but it wasn’t very high. I couldn’t add another pallet on top of it because that would make it inoperable as a door, so I went to explore the barn, which like all barns is full of dusty treasures. What object do I own that’s like a pallet, but much taller?
A slatted bed base. Once tied to a tree it swings open easily, but it was an awful chore to carry it all the way across the pasture, I had to wait for a weekend when my mum was going to visit me. That conversation went like:
Me: Do you remember that old bed in the barn? Can you help me carry it (well part of it) across the pasture? Mum: Why on earth Me: Pampe. Fence. Mum: That’s a good reason
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I was very proud of my new, impassable gate, but Pampe was weirdly nowhere to be seen as I was setting it up. Usually she’s here carefully observing over my shoulder when I add a new element to a fence, so that was alarming.
In a flash of insight I realised I had been tricked; she’d never had any intention of jumping over the pallet gate. Too easy, too predictable. She’d only examined the gate to scare me into trying to solve this non-problem and force me to use my only trump card (I don’t have several old beds in the barn), and meanwhile she’d gone and jumped over a different pallet in a different part of the fence.
That other pallet had a sheep netting stretched above it, so that a) I thought it was unjump-able, b) Pampe thought it was a more amusing challenge. Poor Baby Poldine was a bit distraught; she clearly didn’t dare to jump to follow her mum but she didn’t want to be left behind once again, so she tried to slip through the net, but that didn’t work either.
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Poldine made a baa noise like a traumatised baby goat and Pampe grudgingly turned back to go bump noses with her through the fence, it was a cute mother-daughter moment.
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I added a new length of wire mesh (see pink arrow in the below pic) above the pallet to discourage further jumping, and my mum went “So you can remove the sheep netting and use it elsewhere” and I was like, what, no! Do you think they remove parts of the fence every time a Jurassic Park dinosaur escapes? That makes no sense. I’m only going to add more elements to this fence. Forever and ever or until it works.
Pirlouit, a law-abiding animal with very modest fence needs, was starting to look a bit overwhelmed.
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Also—for once, Pampe didn’t look annoyed about being escorted back where I wanted her to be, she was kind of bouncy and looked immensely entertained by all this.
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I’ll spare you the details but she escaped again, this time by lifting the bottom of the fence in a place where it was weighed down with a crossbar, which she broke in two with the power of her neck. That was easy to fix; instead of a wooden crossbar I weighed down the base of the fence with massive rocks. Go ahead and neck chop those, Pampe. But this time around it had taken me forever to find the spot where she escaped, so I decided to make things easier for myself in the future—I cordoned off the area just outside the fence with police tape between trees, along the whole length of it. This way I’ll see easily where she escaped—the tape is very flimsy and I crisscrossed it in places, so she shouldn’t be able to get past it without breaking it.
... So I suppose I’ll have to start the next post with “You’ll never guess what I caught Pampe doing last night” and a photo of her like
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Anyway, Pampe looked unamused this time.
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Well, that’s all. For now. Pampérigouste is back in the lawful enclosure with her family and we are waiting for her next move. Here’s a photo of her alone in the unallowed half of her pasture the other evening, contemplating her freedom
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onlyangle1 · 10 months
HELLO LOVERS!! this is my very first fake instagram fic so i do apologise if this is a bit shit, but if you like it i will continue this and make it a bit of a series/fic thingy.
had no clue who to choose as a face claim so i decided to use ari! <33
Summary: Y/N supports her big brother when he goes to the x factor!!
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Liked by niallhoran and 64 others
Y/Nhorran I can’t believe my smelly big bother just sang infront of KATY PERRY!!!! LIKE WHAT? No no in all seriousness im so proud of you, dont forget me when your all big and famous!!!
p.s next round tell katy i love her!! xx
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Niallhoran Thanks tiny ❤️ I’ll be sure to tell her next time she comes round for tea, shall I? You are a melon aren’t ya x
Y/Nhoran Yes that would be much appreciated thank you! xx
Maura.horan He is a cutie isnt he! We’re all so proud my love xx
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Liked by Niallhoran and 72 others
Y/Nhoran LOOK AT THESE MUPETS!! Who knew Ni-Ni could fly? Crazy days.
(thank you mumzy for catching my reaction x)
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Niallhoran Thanks pumpkin, now come to my room so I give you a big cuddle xxx
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Liked by Y/Nhoran and 172 others
Niallhoran Tiny has been watching my X Factor performances at least twice a day for the last week, as much as i love her support, she needs to turn it the fuck down! xx
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Harrystyles Don’t be horrid Nialler
Y/Nhoran Yeah ni-ni, listen to your mate.
Maura.horan Aw she just loves ya, darling x
Niallhoran Don’t be on her side mum!!
Y/N lounged on the comfortable bean bag she had brought into Niall's bedroom, her eyes fixed on the vibrant posters that adorned the walls. The room was a mix of music and Hannah Montana memorabilia, a reflection of Niall's interests. The soft hum of their favorite tunes played in the background, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Niall, her big brother, sprawled out on his bed with a guitar in hand, strumming casually as they shared stories and laughter. His fingers strummed the strings effortlessly, a skill he had gained over the years. Y/N admired her brother's musical talent, feeling a sense of pride as he effortlessly played familiar tunes.
During their childhood, the two often enjoyed karaoke, and other musical activities together, finding comfort in each other's singing. Y/N, having a desire to audition for the X Factor alongside Niall, never mustered the courage, letting him take the stage and eventually become a part of the growing band, One Direction. As the five boys' musical journey unfolded, Y/N eagerly looked forward to meeting them, hoping they were as friendly as Niall made them out to be.
“So when ya’ gonna come meet me mates then?” Niall questioned looking up from his guitar almost like he was reading your mind.
“Not sure you know, whenever really.” She said with a shrug looking back down at her phone and quickly messaging someone back.
“I’ll sort something for ya pumpkin, these are my best mates! Need to meet them at some point.” Niall sent her a soft loving smile beginning to think up ideas to make the day they all met even more special.
A note from moi: Im sorry it’s so short but i really didn’t know what to do for the first post but i hope this was okay and i’ll be making better as time goes on 🫶🏻🩷 Remember to eat, drink water and wear your suncream, love ya’s xx
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Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen...
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☁️There was no way you could possibly forget your childhood bestie - The coolest guy alive, Hatsumi Sen - Or, as he liked you to call him, Hatsumi Sen-pai.
☁️Such a laid-back menace of a boy, but all the same, the bestest of friend a girl could hope to have.
☁️He was always so sweet with you, even though you were a little younger than you - All the same, he designated himself as 'Y/N's Protector' in front of your mum, so that she'd let you hang out with him for longer.
☁️Your mum was evidently impressed by his confidence and trusted his with your safety, of course.
☁️Not that you'd encounter any trouble, when you have Hatsumi Sen-pai around!
☁️The two of you would go together through the park, and he'd show off the latest Aikido moves he learnt from his grandpa, and how no kid would dare pick on you while he's around!
☁️Sen was always your #1 hero and nothing will ever change about that.
☁️He would pick you up and put you on his shoulders so you could reach up to places too tall for you.
☁️He felt very strong and cool being able to carry around a cute little thing like you.
☁️And it made you smile and laugh so sweetly, how could he not enjoy himself when he was making you so happy?
☁️He was the one to always play with you in the park, and if there were things you couldn't do, he'd do them for you - Like flying a kite, hanging upside down from a tall tree branch so he can give you a cute spiderman-like kiss.
☁️He introduced you to the world of public fights, taught you all the theoretical things about it, and got you all hyped about everything fighting-related.
☁️Sen was also in the Aikidou club at his school and invited you to be his pretty cheerleader ever time he had a school tournament.
☁️Of course, he was always winning his matches, earning gold medals and trophies and what not-
☁️Truth is, were it not for you being so enthusiastic and cheering for him to win, he wouldn't have bothered waking up and crawling out of his comfy, warm bed...
☁️He just couldn't resist that adorable smile of yours, or how you'd jump up and down, yelling his name to encourage him - And after each match, you'd kiss his cheek, and he'd just melt.
☁️Nothing else was worth leaving his house - Nothing else, but you.
☁️Furthermore, all his awards are actually in your house; He didn't acknowledge any of those silly matches as worth his time or a proper light on his skills - Not when his ambition is to become the very strongest man alive.
☁️Unfortunately, once Sen finished highschool, he was ready to spread his wings and fly; To properly pursue a full-time fighting career, to get better, stronger, faster...
☁️It broke his heart, seeing him leave the city - Leave YOU - Knowing you may never see your bestie ever again.
☁️Sen had always liked women - Women were gorgeous - But he knew since he was a little young lad, that he would only ever want his first kiss to be you;
☁️Before he left, he gently cupped your face and surprised you with a lingering sweet kiss - One special kiss that only you would get from him - His darling sweet princess.
☁️'I will always find you, cutie. I am your knight in shining armor, aren't I? Hatsumi Sen-pai. You aren't allowed to ever have any Senpai other than me, okay?'
☁️And you never did.
☁️You would soon grow up and decide to pursue a medical career; You were always a more career-orientated person, down to earth and intelligent... While he was nothing more than a floating cloud in the vast blue sky.
☁️Over a decade passed since you finished highschool and managed to get through University and get a decent grip on your career.
☁️Hatsumi, in the meantime, trained like crazy, found a pretty girl named Shion Soryuin whom he dated - And cheated on....
☁️Became a proud patron of the Gold Pleasure Group.
☁️Hatsumi always did enjoy his pretty girls, after all.
☁️Yet there never came one night, before going to sleep, when he wouldn't think about your pretty smile and how excited you were for him to save her.
☁️Hatsumi Sen was only ever going to be your hero, and no one else's.
☁️He did feel sorry for the way he treated Shion - Hence why he never did date officially no other woman - But his thoughts lingered to you every so often.
☁️You, on the other hand, for the longest time of your medical career, have been harassed and never felt safe since Hatsumi left your life;
☁️You had befriended a very nice gentleman called Wakatsuki Takeshi - He was your new best friend, always reliable and gentle with you - And you asked what you should do about this misfortune of yours.
☁️You wanted to learn self-defense, but in a way that it didn't require signing up to subscriptions and what not - You didn't have enough time to bother with overly strict teachers and what not...
☁️He told you to go at night to this shady pub, and ask around for this man called the 'Floating Cloud'.
☁️And you did just that.
☁️You were terrified - It was midnight, and you were sitting alone in the corner table of a run-down shack pub, filled with drunk creepy men who seemed to stare at her.
☁️Every night, you'd go there, but the man wasn't there; Every night, you'd return home, terrified out of your mind, to the point you were even afraid to stay home alone, an unfortunate reality you were plagued with for many years.
☁️Your only comfort was that your friend, 'Tsuki-san, wanted you to be safe, so the two of you would text the whole time she was out of the house, and even had a man he trusted from his uncle's company be your designated driver until you find the man who's supposed to train you.
One day, two days, three and more, until finally, as she was drinking a coke at one of the tables and doing some light reading, a man sat down dangerously close to her. He looked middle aged, with a pleasant, easy-going expression, and very long, beautiful looking chestnut hair. He was wearing a simple light blue shirt with flowers, and he looked like the very definition of a dad.
The oddest thing about him was that, after Y/N got over her fear of him, she looked into his eyes and immediately melted; Why did this man look so familiar? So... Gentle and trust-inspiring? For reasons unknown to her, she trusted this man as soon as she set her gaze on him.
He put his arm around the girl's shoulder and leaned back on the chair. "I heard you've been asking around about me quite a lot, little lady. What would a cute girl like you be wanting from me? It's not safe being late at night in a dump like this. Aren't you afraid?" he asked very leisurely.
"Terrified out of my mind." Y/N chuckled nervously. "But my friend, 'Tsuki-san, has been texting me the whole time, and even hired a driver to make sure I get home safe." she looked down sheepishly, scratching at her hands a little. "My friend, 'Tsuki-san, recommended you as the best aikido master."  Who was this 'Tsuki-san she was talking about. Wait, it couldn't be --
"Are you talking about Wakatsuki Takeshi?!" his eyes widened in shock.
"Yep!" she smiled so sweetly that it caught the man off guard. Her vibes immediately changed, and she looked more relaxed around him.
"Al... Righty then. I see there's a lot to unpack here. What's going on? There's no way a pretty girl like you wants to learn aikidou, especially from someone like me. I dwell in dangerous, underground business - You wouldn't want to get caught up in it." he spoke so mysteriously that it amused the girl.
"Is that your only concern? Endangering me? Ha! How cute." her giggle made the man look quite surprised at her - She was damn pretty! How was he supposed to focus on training her, when he just wants to look at her pretty face? "I earned quite a lot of money betting on Kengan matches. There's hardly anything I would be afraid of - Still; 'Tsuki-san told me aikidou would suit me and my frail physique... I struggle opening water bottles sometimes, you see... My studies, my work, they keep me busy and chronically exhausted all the time... And I can't protect myself." her voice went a little softer at the end. "Quite pathetic, don't you think?"
That self-deprecating chuckle of hers ripped Hatsumi's heart into pieces; She was so much like him, he thought, remembering how many times he called himself a pathetic failure, unworthy and useless... Despicable even.
Still, she was a successful career woman who had the misfortune of falling prey to the ugly side of the world... No one can do everything, all at once, perfectly well; But he can't even do the thing he dedicated his life to.
"I really need your help. I know it's going to be a huge bother, trying to teach me anything... I'm awful at sports and I'm afraid of getting hurt. I don't have anything to give you, either. But I'd really appreciate it if you were to take me in as your student." she explained, and the more she spoke, the more Hatsumi felt absolutely blocked.
Not only has he never taught anyone before, but now, a super cute girl was asking him to be her master - Recommended by Wakatsuki no less! And she's not in the least bothered or afraid of any danger that being involved with the kengan world would imply.
"Ahhh... My, my, I can't just outright refuse a pretty girl like you. How about we take a walk and you tell me why you want aikido in the first place. You're a really odd one, so naturally, I'm pretty interested in you." the man said, guiding the girl outside of that hell hole of a bar. "I'll walk you home, how's that sound?" naturally, you agreed. The night was gorgeous to take a stroll, especially when you're not terrified by what lurks in the shadows. "I once saw this old, short guy taking down multiple super big guys with such ease that I... I started imagining what it would have been like, years ago, if I could do the same thing, and I wouldn't have had to go through the bad stuff that I did. The old guy said - Aiki is a fighting style that anyone can do. You use your opponent's strength against them - And I wondered... If even an old, frail, wrinkly guy like him could do that... Maybe even I could stop being so pathetic all the time, and letting people take advantage of me. Maybe I will finally stop hating myself for never being able to go as far as I want to."  the man was silent through it all. "Maybe I'll stop hating myself so much and live my life fearlessly."
Hatsumi continued walking with his arm around her shoulders. He was too deep in thought to realise that he had to speak out. This girl reminds him of himself, more or less.
How many times did he, in the past, but still, even now, call himself pathetic? How many times did he scold himself for not being able to do anything properly? He's always running away from responsibility, from fears... So what if he's strong? Is he the strongest? No. Can he be the strongest? Who knows. He couldn't keep relationships going just because he couldn't keep himself in check, and he had no discipline or motivation for so long.
If he could help her become a better version of herself, he would do it. Maybe, this way, he, too, would learn from her. Maybe his self-hatred will get knocked down a peg. He did need some change in his life, and p'haps, some fresh blood was exactly what he needed. 
"Oki-Doki. I'll take you as my student - But don't tell anyone else, that would be a drag. I don't take students, okay? You're an exception because you're pretty." he asked the girl, smirking leisurely. They soon reached her home.
"Do you want to come over for coffee or something? As thanks for agreeing to train me, and walking me home." what a tempting request! Of course Sen agreed, and he was welcomed inside a gorgeous, cozy apartment, furnished stylishly.
"Rather bold of you to trust a stranger - A man, no less - Into your home, don't you think?" he chuckled, looking around the living-room and admiring the place.
"I trust any person that 'Tsuki-san personally recommends. He is a trust-worthy, reliable man, so I trust his judgement." she shrugged leisurely.
"What a nice lady you are~!" he chuckled lazily. "Can I look around?" he received a nod of approval, and he did just that while Y/N went to make coffee.
He saw some pretty pics of Y/N during her graduation day, and some with her friends... Then, he saw a box, somewhere in the corner, and naturally, he got curious. He crouched and started rummaging - A bunch of gold medals and little trophies and diplomas... And the sky fell on his head.
All of them were in the name of 'Hatsumi Sen'.
With a little more digging around, he found pictures of mystery lady since she was a little girl, along with her parents - But most pictures were together with the young boy with long chestnut hair...
Fate truly works in the weirdest ways possible - To think after so many years, the universe will bring them together once again...
Was it the answer to his questions? The solution to his pathetic life of misery and failure? Was Y/N always meant to be in his life, and his constant downfall spiral was all because he walked away from Y/N so long ago?
Once Y/N returned, she placed the coffee tray on the table and sees Hatsumi cradling a picture frame. "Ah, I see you found my precious treasure stash." she smiled bittersweet. "That cutie was my childhood bestie. Spending time with him was the best time of my life." the more she talked, the more his eyes felt gleaming and stinging with emotion. "He was my hero back then - Always protected me from the mean kids in the playground. Hatsumi Sen-pai, my knight in shining armor!"
At once, Y/N found herself engulfed in a very tight, warm embrace, and she could feel the man trembling a little. "You don't have to worry about anyone hurting you anymore, Y/Nickname." no one used that nickname with you - Hatsumi came up with it, thus only Hatsumi was the only allowed to say it. "I will protect you - Just like I always was supposed to do. I will protect you."
"Welcome back - My Hero."
But there came a time when he would almost fail Y/N, again - All because he was trying to prepare for a surprise romantic dinner for his darling, at his home, and she was walking on foot. He had given her the address, the directions... Alas, she got lost, and a group of thugs picked on jer, ready to mug her
She was on the phone with him, telling him she was in trouble and where she got lost - All before Y/N got grabbed by the the neck of her dress and slammed into the wall of a shady alleyway; One of the thugs dug his hand into her pretty hair, tugging on it harshly and telling her to give him all her money and jewellery, or he'll rip them off and do bad things to her.
Thankfully, before any damage could be done to Y/N (except for quite the scare), in the blink of an eye, she felt her hair being released - Before she knew it, none of those guys were standing anymore. Fantastic - Such speed... Was Hatsumi even human? Was he truly a superhero, as she's always seen him?
"Are you alright?" Hatsumi seemed to have worry in his eyes as he approached the whimpering girl, pulling her into a hug. "Yeah, I... I... I just got scared when I saw the knives." she explained, before clearing her throat and looking away. "That was pretty pathetic. I get lost, I get in trouble, and I need saving. What the hell..." she sighed, tearing up. "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to have to go out of your way to rescue me. How stupid... I'm such a good for nothing failure... You shouldn't stay around me." her fright made her brain go all crazy with overthinking and self-hatred. "I'm really sorry that you have to deal with some pathetic failure like me. I really don't know why you accepted me. I wouldn't have accepted myself." 
Hatsumi's heart broke, seeing the girl he loves so much hang her head and speak so freely about how much she hates herself. He couldn't help but remember himself throughout his entire life. Still, he never admitted to anyone how pathetic he often thought he was. To others, his self-love and confidence were through the roof. Only he knew the truth. And now, this little missy too, whom he hugged tightly to his chest. "You're not a failure, sugar. People have their own strengths and weaknesses. What is important is to learn how to glorify our strengths, and work on bettering our weaknesses. You're already on the right path. You're already doing much more than I ever did my entire life." the girl couldn't help but frown and look up at him. His expression, despite smiling tenderly, was pained.
"Don't say that, Sen. I refuse to believe that someone as awesome as you thinks so lowly of yourself. I won't take it. I can't let you do that. You're a great person... My Hero... So, don't do that." he could see how frustrated she was by the way she was gritting her teeth so much, trying not to cry.
"Y/N... Let's do our best. Both of us. Okay? I'm not giving up on you... So don't give up on me either, okay?" his voice was so filled with emotions, so raw and gentle, so darling, that she couldn't help but hug him back. "Okay."
☁️Since then, Hatsumi never let go of you ever again.
☁️Yes, he couldn't stay long in one place, he was restless, but he would take you with him everywhere he went -
☁️Unless he had to go training, somewhere in the middle of the forests and mountains; There's no way he'd have you renounce your comfort and have you suffer the harsh conditions he had to go through to train to the extreme.
☁️He would take you on months-long vacations and more or less act like a Sugar Daddy without the Sugar involved - Unless you want to, of course. Hatsumi has been taken with you since you were kids.
☁️He loved to lay his head on your lap and just fall asleep while watching the clouds float by.
☁️He was determined to give you a life of luxury and comfort, because you were his literal support system since the two of you were little, and he's forever grateful to you.
☁️He has you meet the cute secretary of the Nogi Group, the business he's associated with, so that you two can hang out like girls; He knew you were in dire need of some friends, and the secretaries were the only girls he knew that would make for great company for you.
☁️One night when Hatsumi gets drunk during a chill time at home, he ends up spilling his guts to you about how much of a failure he is, and how he just cannot get his life together, no matter how hard he tries.
☁️He ends up telling you how he fucked up with Shion, cheating on her, leading her on and staying in on-and-off relationships with her; Tell you about the far too many losses he earned simply because he was too lazy to show up, he forgot or overslept - How much more pathetic could he get?
☁️He even ended up telling you about that time when Katahara came to him and scouted him as a potential Fang - Only for him to run away a week later 'cause he got bored.
☁️All his lingering thoughts of self-hatred, he spilt to you - Then he nestled in your arms and fell asleep like a little kitten who snored a little too loud.
☁️Of course, you didn't agree with his far too leisurely lifestyle, but there was a kind of reverie you felt, just spending time around your childhood bestie, just like you used to long ago.
☁️He was gallant with you, and loved to pick you up and run around; He loved making you laugh, making you smile, as if his own life depended on it.
☁️His own self-worth depended on your happiness.
☁️You would be there to cheer on him for every Kengan match, just as you used to as children, and each and every time, he would win, and you'd go kiss him congratulatory.
☁️He also dropped his Gold Pleasure Group membership, much to everyone's surprise.
☁️He was trying his hardest to take baby steps in the right direction.
☁️Hatsumi was determined to have a proper life with you, no matter how difficult it would be for him.
☁️In spite of how flickery he was, he remained the sweetest man you'd ever met.
☁️Always in charge of romantic dates that ended up super cheesy and filled with playfulness and laughter.
☁️At least once a month, he takes you out on vacations to some new country, knowing your dream is to travel the world, and it fits well with how restless he gets and how he can't stay in one place for too long.
☁️His love language is, at first, gifts, thinking that, until he gets a proper grip on himself, the least he can do is lavish you with all the best things known to mankind;
☁️Not to mention, you look gorgeous wearing all those pretty clothes and jewellery he gets you -
☁️Though the most beautiful accessory you own is your smile.
☁️In terms of intimacy, with how sweet and loving you are with him, it all comes natural, and he forgets all about how big of a fuck-up loser he truly is.
☁️He loves touching you in any way - Be it kisses, hugs, or more; Be it fixing your hair, straightening your clothes, opening doors for you, holding your bags or tying your shoelaces.
☁️Sen loves taking care of your hair - Makes sure to properly wash it, then gently blow-dries it and carefully brushes it - And you never have any nasty tangles thanks to it.
☁️He loves how, every night, it became a ritual to brush each other's hair and gently braid it so it wouldn't get in the way.
☁️Also is the type to let you do whatever you wanted with him - Play dress up with him, do his nails, do his hair, have a tea party with him; None of it mattered, as long as you were happy - Although he was a little more reticent with make up, he still would eventually say yes.
☁️He cannot resist your beautiful puppy eyes.
☁️Intimacy with him is a bliss focused entirely on you.
☁️He's had his time with selfish with the ladies when he was a proud patron of GPG - But at least he's learned a few very useful tricks.
☁️He easily goes crazy for you - Your beauty, your reactions at his touch, those sweet thrills of yours, all for him - You're simply flawless.
☁️You often hangout together with Wakatsuki, Kaede and Sakura over drinks - Everyone is shocked to see him so faithful to you, but no one knows you go way back and he would never betray you.
☁️Your social media is full with pretty pictures of you that he takes in every one of your trips - He loves seeing you so happy and enjoying yourself; Every once in a while he joins in the selfies also, with a lazy peace sign.
☁️When the Kengan Annihilation Tournament is announced, you're surprised to see him going alone to train, but you encourage him from afar, knowing full well he needs it.
☁️You two enjoy the luxury of the cruise all the way to Ganryu Island, and even there, you have fun, playing volleyball with Mokichi and Elena, swimming with Seki and Cos, drinking with Tsuki and Kaede.
☁️At night you also go clubbing together, drinking and dancing, losing yourselves in long, seducing kisses.
☁️You took the habit of tying his hair before every match, as a lucky charm.
☁️His match against Chiba was fascinating - How easy he defeated him, in less than 10 seconds - What a monster!
☁️He was happy that he didn't have to reveal any special move of his - He was lucky he could chill out with you for most of the day, watching the matches on TV to know what to prepare for and expect going further into the competition.
☁️His wish of fighting Hanafusa instead of Bando went to shit once he saw that hulking psycho walk in on the second round - What a drag, truly.
☁️That sleazy jerk not only ripped his shirt off, but he took his hair out of his hair-tie ; How was he supposed to fight without Y/N's lucky charm? He was pissed.
☁️During the coup d'etat, you and him were up on the roof, chilling and sleeping; The weather was lovely, they had an umbrella and chair-lounges, and even cocktails. What more could you want?
☁️It was Wakatsuki who told you about the coup, and he was flabbergast to find out about your whereabouts. Ignorance truly was bliss.
☁️Naturally, he was afraid, but highly ambitious about his fight against the Fifth Fang of Metsudo.
☁️As per the ritual, you tied his hair, and kissed him sweetly for good luck -
☁️Alas, no amount of luck and hard work could help him win.
☁️You were horrified to see Kano using those techniques to K.O. your beloved; It was a novelty, seeing him laying there on the ground, limp and bloody.
☁️You ran to him and held him in his arms until the workers came and put him on a stretch to get him to the hospital wing.
☁️Thankfully, he woke up on the way and had them let him down. He was fine. His body was damaged, but nothing like his pride and self-esteem.
☁️A beautiful woman whom you recognised as the CEO of Kiryuu Setsuna rushed to Hatsumi's side, along with the old CEO of Tokita Ohma.
☁️Shion Soryuin looked horrified, worried for his well being.
"SEN! STAY WITH US, HATSUMI! DR. HANAFUSA'S ON HIS WAY!" Miss Shion cried out in shock, terrified for his life.
"Shit, I lost in front of an angel. How pathetic." was the first thing he managed to utter, groggy voice and self-hatred dripping from his voice.
"Well, this angel can't even open a water bottle - So, Senpai - Let's be pathetic together, yeah?" that crystalline, easy-going giggle of her only made him feel worse. It was him who taught her how to throw away all worries in the world - Why couldn't he truly do the same, but only mask it with that stupid, dumb facade of his? "I just wanna smoke." without another word, Y/N looked at Shion, who handed him a lit cigarette, though dared not speak. "This ain't gonna kill me. I just need a little rest, that's all." Y/N took out a handkerchief, and holding his face carefully, started wiping away at the blood caking his face. Shion, too, knelt by his side and tried to care for him. "Gah, how humiliating. Good grief." he puffed from his cigarette, his heart shattered, as well as all of his hopes. He then felt his messy hair being ruffled, and he looked down at that tender smile - Yet he couldn't reciprocate.
Y/N was heartbroken to see him so mentally and emotionally defeated - But at least he was alive, right? It was finally time for her to cheer him up, instead of the other way around.
"Stop being so upset over what happened. You're alive and that's all that matters. You know what Gaolang said after his fight? There's only going upwards from here. Isn't that right, Hatsumi Sen-pai?" he tsk'ed, looking away. How could she give him advice from other men?! How annoying. "I know your fighter pride is wounded, but I'd rather have my senpai alive, and defeated, than with his skull cracked open. I love you too much to lose you - Again."  she threw her arms around the man's throbbing body, as he stiffened hearing her words.
Her words held truth, yes... But at least, at the moment, he was going to grovel and wallow in self-hatred at how disgustingly pitiful he is. "Hey, Sen." she pulled apart slightly, making him look into her eyes. They were such a beautiful shade - And they held life. Vitality. Energy. Damn, what a lucky man he is. "We did our best. Both of us. Okay? Though I'm weak, I'm not giving up on myself, nor on you... So... Don't give up on me or yourself, okay? In fact - Let's be pathetic together!" Hatsumi's exhausted eyes shot wide open, and his mouth agape - The cigarette fell from his mouth, making Shion reach out to take it so it wouldn't burn his fighting clothes. She had told him the very same words that he himself spoke to her once he saved her from that gang of thugs in the alley, when he agreed to train her. With a chuckle, he reached out his hand to pat her head, mimicking her. "Yeah. Let's." he whispered, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I love you, Y/N."
☁️Shion was the most shocked to see Hatsumi being so genuine with someone, for once.
☁️She still hated him for cheating on her, for giving her so many hopes, only to be let down multiple times - But for some reason, she couldn't hold a grudge against him.
☁️In spite of the many awful things he did to her, she still held the times spent together, the memories, very dear to her.
☁️And seeing how genuine he was with you, well... Shion smiled, content.
☁️Hatsumi Sen wasn't the same unreliable prick he used to be.
☁️Hatsumi Sen was irredeemably in love with you, and he would never hurt you.
☁️She was happy for him for finding someone like you, and for finding his happiness, for once.
☁️Even so, after the Tournament ended, Sen took Mikazuchi Rei to some mountains in China to train together with the help of the Wu clan.
☁️You were there together for almost 3 years, but instead of bothering with their training, you became a family member of the Wu clan, who treated you so nicely, integrating you in their culture and customs - All this grace to Hatsumi's grandpa being a very good friend of Kure Erio.
☁️You only returned because Sen was called to help exterminate some Worms on Mount Godslayer, where the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament was being held.
☁️Since then, the two of you would continue traveling the world, with him either taking the time to seriously train, or just having fun with you.
☁️And on the off-chance you were home, you'd go watch some Kengan matches.
☁️Hatsumi was very hung on keeping you as safe as humanly possible - He knew how terrifying the Worms were, and he didn't want you to be aware of all the problems of the underground.
☁️Ignorance was bliss.
☁️He was going to keep you ignorant, and happy, for as long as he's capable.
☁️He just wanted to live a long, happy, chill life, with you by his side.
☁️To wake up to your beautiful face on the pillow next to him, to wake you up with a kiss and say 'Good morning, sunshine'
☁️And to fall asleep, with you by his side, holding you in his arms and whispering 'Sweet dreams, my princess'
☁️Funny enough, he's also the first of the OG Kengan fighters to get married.
☁️No one believed it - No one thought that fleeting man could actually settle, be tied to a single human being.
☁️But when they saw him, all dressed up and dancing at your wedding, never once taking his gaze away from you, they just knew, Hatsumi Sen was 100% wrapped around your finger.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi...Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing...Being in a relationship with Kure Raian...Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi...Being in a relationship with Kano Agito...Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat...Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki...Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga...Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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