#this is what you see if you threathen his family <3
especdreamy · 2 years
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Drawing c!Ranboo until we either get lore or it turns 1 year since his death
Day 73 - Dangerous
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larluce · 7 months
Merlin as Arthur's familiar/Arthur's shapeshifter falcon AU
@dsabian , @theroundbartable , @theplatanitosqueal , @stressed-but-chill , this part is quite long.
Morgana, Arthur (with Merlin on his shoulder) and Uther having a family dinner. Gwen and other servants enter to serve the food.
Uther: Does the bird really has to be here?
Morgana: Oh, let him be. He's very well behaved. Even more than Arthur.
Arthur: I'm very flattered you think so highly of my manners, Morgana.
Merlin: (chirps)
Morgana: See? He agrees.
Arthur: Shut up, Merlin.
Uther: (thinking) Am I the only one that thinks is weird they treat this animal like a person?
Arthur: (takes a bite of his food) Hum, what is this? A pigeon?
Merlin: (chirps loudly, horrified, and flies away, leaving the room)
Uther: Arthur, control your bird! He left feathers on my food!
Arthur: Sorry father. (worried) He isn't normally like this, I think something upsetted him.
Morgana: Maybe is because you're eating a bird?
Arthur: No, that have never bothered him before and small birds are part of merlins' diet.
Morgana: Wait... (turns to Gwen) Gwen, what type of bird is that on Arthur's plate.
Gwen: I'm not sure... (turns to other servant girl) Gladys, you were with the cook when they prepared the food right? What kind of bird is that?
Servant girl: I don't know, it kind of looked like a falcon but it was too small too be one.
Morgana: You mean like a merlin?
Arthur: (pales) Fuck! (stands up) I'm sorry father. I need to go (leaves)
Morgana: Yeah, me too. It was a nice dinner, your majesty (leaves too)
Uther: But you barely touched your plates! (sighs, to servants) Take this away, and make sure you don't cook merlins for dinner next time, for gods' sake.
In Arthur's chambers. Merlin is in his human form crying, while Arthur and Morgana try to comfort him.
Merlin: He was just two years old!😭 He was barely starting living.
Arthur: (hugs him close, patting his back) I'm so sorry, Merlin.
Morgana: (puts a hand on his shoulder) Are you sure is Claws?
Merlin: I'll recognise him anywhere. (snifs) He had just started his first nest with his mate.
Arthur: Wait, he had a partner? 😧
Merlin: And five little eggs. (breaks the hug abruptly) OMG! I need to tell Brownie what happened to Claws!
Arthur: Go, meanwhile I'll talk to the hunters so this never happens again.
Merlin: (smiles) Thank you, Arthur.(kisses him on the cheek) I'll be back as soon as I can. (turns into a bird and goes flying through the window).
Arthur: (in shock with a hand on his cheek) 😳😳
Morgana: I'll try to get Claws' rests, so maybe we can do him a proper funeral when Merlin comes back.
Arthur: (snapping out of his trance) Right, good idea, Morgana. I'll meet you at your chambers in an hour.
Later. Arthur shouting at the hunters.
Arthur: What were you thinking?!😡
Hunter1: (scared) Bu-but, sire. You told us to get rid of it.
Arthur: Yes, but you were supposed to bury him somewhere in the woods, not get him cooked!
Hunter2: We were going to, but the cook saw us and thought it was todays dinner-
Arthur: I don't want to hear your excuses! (threathening) No one must know about this, specially Merlin, this stays between us. Do you understand?
Hunter1: Yes, sire!
Hunter1: Yeah, we won't mention this to your.. uh.. pet.
Arthur: Now, get out of my sight!
Hunters: Yes, sire! (leave)
Morgana: (enters, in disbelieve and furious) I can't believe you!
Arthur: (turns to her, nervous) Oh, hi, Morgana! 😅
Morgana: Don't "hi" me. You killed Claws! You murderer!
Arthur: You're talking like I've just killed a person. He was just a bird.
Morgana: He was not just a bird to Merlin and you know it! Did you think about how devastated he would feel?
Arthur: He was never supposed to know he died, just that he disappeared!
Morgana: yeah, because that's ten times better, isn't it? Are you even hearing yourself?
Arthur: Morgana, stop. I feel bad enough already.
Morgana: As you must! 5 merlin chicks are without a father thanks to your sick jealousy!
Arthur: (Guilty) I didn't know he had a family. (thoughtfully) How do you compensate a female bird for killing the father of her eggs?
Morgana: Don't. She'd probably just take your eyes out.
Arthur: (sighs) Will you tell Merlin?
Morgana: No, that would just crush him more. Your secret is safe with me.
Arthur: (relieved) Thank you.
Morgana: But you better start acting on your feelings for Merlin before you start killing the entire merlin race!
Later at Claws funeral in the royal garden. Morgana puts Claws bones in a box and Arthur buries it while Merlin watches in grieve.
Morgana: I'm sorry I could only save the bones. The servants tend to eat the royal leftovers.
Merlin: It's okay. If he wasn't eaten his dead would've been in vain. (turns to Arthur) Was he delicious?
Arthur: Ahm... yeah?
Merlin: (smiles, sadly) I'm glad. He was a nice friend. He didn't care I wasn't enterily a bird though he didn't quite understand it.
Morgana: Did you know Arthur thought he wanted to mate with you?
Arthur: (flustered) Morgana! 😳
Merlin: Oh, he did propose me to mate with him once.
Arthur: What?!
Merlin: Yeah, he did the most beautiful flying dance I've seen, but I just couldn't see him like that. So we stayed friends. It surprised me a lot, normally merlins just leave after I reject them, but he never stopped hanging out with me, even when he found his mate.
Arthur: What a nice friend (thinking) That flirtatious bastard.
Merlin: Anyways, I need to go now. Brownie needs me to hunt her food since she's incubating her eggs still and can't leave her nest.
Arthur: (guilty again) Right, send her my condolences.
Morgana: Mine too.
Merlin: (kisses Arthur's cheek again and leaves in his bird form).
Morgana: Well, that went well.
Arthur: Morgana.
Morgana: Yeah?
Arthur: I need to learn how to fly.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 21 days
Nightmare basically being the local cryptic fits him so well, and that'd probably why they sought him out in the first place
That OR they were foraging in the forest and randomly came across this skeleton wearing some style of old royal clothing and a cloak of some sort, like hello?
Kind of off track here but this'll make it make more sense, in my head nightmare and dream are both disney princess level of good with animals and they both attract them, dream more usually prey animals and nightmare predators but thats interchangeable (will probably put in another ask going more indepth about that one)
Going back on track that teen just saw a skeleton with black bones(thats alive) surrounded by foxes playing around him while he is reading a book with an owl resting on a tentacle of his
Like obviously they're gonna talk to him (girl you shouldnt but okay freakaleak do your thang)
Cuz basically in my head this teen was all gothic and obsessed with supernaturals right, i saw some headcanons from an au of gravity falls and that is kinda where i got "what if they were suicidal and were trying to get killed by something they loved, aka something supernatural and inhuman"
I think he'd threathen them but soon realize this other teen lost their marbles and isn't really a threat so okay might as well get info on humans and where to get more books (i know what you are) ((its called being autistic))
I think BECAUSE this human was suicidal (i think instead of the rotting in bed depression it'd be more, yeah im gonna live but if somethings gonna kill me who gives a shit, like basically gave up) he'd be more relaxed around them, because hell this kid is both a negativity source for him and an info source.
onto matching his freak part
I think this kid straight up did not give a fuck after hearing he kills people, like yeah okay, thats cool dude but keep talking about what you know about monster culture. Also that teen was also definitely homocidal, and would give him creative ideas of torturing people and killing them
"You should try stuffing their families bodies and make them have a tea party with their dead family members! Imagine all the negativity you'd get from that!"
"You're insane....i fuck with it."
I love this headcanon so much, damn 3 am me got some great ideas
Hell i got even more i just need to be able to put my thoughts into words
Gonna start smacking my brain onto my phone to see if that works
I feel like their dynamic is like this (which also makes me think of killer and reapertale Chara’s possible dynamic too 💀)
I like to imagine that these two are like, kinda obsessive with eachother in like a scientific way. They keep and write journals all about eachother lmao. The human beings nightmare crushed and withered flowers and he rips up or eats the first few ones he received and the human was like “so cool so cool so cool so cool—“
Do these two go as far as to kill and scare people as for their date nights. Imagine if the human just also has an interest fascination with death blood and gore like the sisters from the movie Ginger Snaps.
{ @brokenramunebottle }
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
on jaunes inspiration being the maiden of orleans ( and how she was called the holy maiden or la pucelle ( the maiden ) a theory I have often seen and believe is that the crwby originally planned for jaune to be the next ozpin (but due to effectively gotten threats from fanbase to miles (the attacks on him ) they created oscar ( I mean the maiden powers came from ozpin and the wizard of oz in the books was a fraud who pretended to be a wizard and got into a leadership position which is like how jaune forged his transcripts and got into a position of leader both the wizard and jaune got trained by an active practicioner ( glynda trained oz in magic pyrrha trained jaune in combat ( though oz's best asset was still his head) plus the whole salem wanting to see ozpin burn ( jaunes inspiration being put to the fire for witchcraft ( among other things ) and salem witch trials being associated with witch burnings not to mention the ozark mountain range which includes the salem plateau. ( and
And I thought of the word Ozark, as in the Ozark Mountains/Plateau in the central/southern US, and I know that both Ozpin and Salem are (to a degree) named after places already
So I looked it up on Wikipedia, and it turns out that it’s split into subdivisions, including one called the Salem Plateau
Which made me think maybe I’m on to something here, speaking crackpottily
So then I looked at the etymology of Ozark(s), and learned that it might be a corruption of the French phrase meaning “of the arches,” (It is even suggested aux arcs is an abbreviation of aux arcs-en-ciel, French for “toward the rainbows) aux arcs
aux arcs
Oz Arc
arc en ciel means rainbow
( jaunes family symbol on the shield is the rainbow ( and the only color jaune doesnt currently have in his design from the rainbow is the color green the one color missing from the rainbow)
Mmmm I am sorry, but I am generally not interested in these kinds of theories...
When you start a series, you are gonna brainstorm for ideas... so obviously you are gonna come up with tons of plot-points you are not gonna use... I am only interested in what is in the final story... not because alternative ideas are bad or uninteresting, but simply because they were not written, so... there is really nothing to comment
In general, I don't like people deciding writers change things because threathened by the fandom... Unless it is stated by the writers themselves (like... for example Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes), I am not gonna get interested in such behind the scenes theories. Moreover, I think there is this idea going on in the fandom that Jaune has been somehow "downgraded" from MC and is now a secondary character. Well, imo this is simply wrong, he is a MC/deuteragonist and his importance is not less than the beginning. It is just this is an ensembled cast, so he has to share focus. His arc and story is still one of the most important in the series.
Oscar's introduction and story work for several reasons and I think he was always meant to be put in the narrative. His existence is foreshadowed since ep 2/3 when Blake speaks about a man with 2 souls. His story strongly parallels Ruby and they comment each other's arcs. I think the writers stated that since Jaune was growing they wanted a new newby that could give a fresh perspective on the other characters and the conflicts they were going through. Finally, his own allusion sets him up to be introduced later on. Princess Ozma/Tip is a key character in the Oz series, but she doesn't appear in the very first book. So, it makes sense for Oscar to appear after the first arc as the 8th true MCs after Pyrrha's death.
In short, I think the idea of having Oz reincarnate in Jaune is interesting and would bring a very complex dynamic and different plot-points and arcs for the characters. However, this is clearly not what the story wanted to do. Jaune and Oscar's arcs are similar, but different and both are important for the story... Having Oz reincarnate into Jaune would simply be a completely different series :) I also think it is totally fine for people to speculate and headcanon, though!
Thank you for the ask!
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cupidamin77 · 2 years
The secrets of Angels who become sex dolls to Jejus and God for Eternal Life
Script written in South Korea Wonju Severance 53/8
Please help me spread this writing to Israel online communities.
The assumptions of God can hurt/kill people is implied in the bible Job verses.
1. ln Job verses, the Old Testament in the conversation between God and Satan, "I allow you touching only his possessions, but not his life" we can see that the Satan had the ability to deal people’s lives. Since this part should not be written in the bible so God disguised this story as him being struggled by skin illness.
Why was New Testment written?
Moreover, many saints were born through Jejus in the New Testament. Therefore it can be seen that the gods, who already had the ability to harm people, completed the doctrine by appointing one person in front of many people.
This could be because God from Israel required a slightist justification after killing people and standing them up as an angel and insisting them to be their sex doll or clowns while being threathening their family's lives.
3. Eternal Life- the life of gods and angels
The gods and angels live along until the earth ends. At first they had used their abilities to help humans. But as you can see the part god and demon was talking in Job verses, there were badness since the old testament in the bible. It is impossible for gods and holy spirits to be goodness since now because of the thousands of years passed by.
4. The reality of angels and gods that can be assumed.
When Israel God (the king of all religions) gives the Holy Spirit to a human from each nation they become the God after that person dies. God is the King of sky who can stand angels and share abilities to each angels. Jejus is the second king with all abilities accepted except the power of sharing abilities. Angels are not picked among the naturally dead people but are picked and intentionally killed by air pressure- one side blocking and one side flowing hard to critical parts that leads to instantaneous death: the brain vains, eyes, and hearts. All angels are chosen from humans to please gods using their bodies and charms. They are chosen from very poor but loving families so that even after being tortured as sex dolls and clowns they could endure the pain as they see their families not being blind and get little help from the difficulties they are having by god.
5. The miracles showed in the New Testments. How is it possible?
1) 5 loaves and 2 fish
The Holy Spirit who accompanied Jesus had the power to read people’s karma. With this ability the holy spirit could keep track of where the bread and fishes were from the people passing by that could feed 5,000 people. This also can be inferred that God uses information of all humans to open his specific goals.
In this way God could fortell the future of enemies, the betrade of Judah etc in the bible. This miracle : 5 loaves and 2 fish was happened by God of Israel and holy spirits but through Jesus who was a living man so that many people could see and have faith in Christy, Catholic and Muslim.
1) Fix the sedentary
Please assume that holy spirit can move the soul inside the body so that the human body can be moved by holy spirits.
The ability to move the soul inside the body moves the body eventually which allows the sitter to stand. The holy spirit catched what the sedentary wanted to do and go by using karma of his mind and helped moving his body for his entire life. In conclusion the holy spirit inside the sedentary made everyone around him believe he has been healed by the Lord.
2) Fix the blind
Please assume that holy spirit can show
It would possible if the Holy Spirit attaches itself to one person for a lifetime and clearly shows the world in visions using hallucinations(vision)
3) . The Lord walks on the sea.
Please assume that holy spirit can practice visual hallucinations which is capable of colors too.
4) Turn water into wine.
Please assume that holy spirits can practice hallucinations(taste)
In the bible it is not said to be turned water to be wine but water tasted like wine. It was hallucinations(taste) so that everyone tasting the water could experience a the miracle.
6. Some of the angels’ abilities- you can anaylze bible with these assumptions
visual hallucinations - also capable of color
auditory Hallucinations - multiple sounds possible
touching hallucinations - sex appeal feelings
tasting hallucinations- Appetite and the other way
smell Hallucinations - smell of food, etc.
Move Soul - Used to create human spirits to become an angel
Visibility of the soul - Human body can be seen even when wearing clothes
Air pressure - Air pressure makes blood circulate in people's blood vessels, so facial paralysis and crippled people can be corrected.
Reading the karma detaily with fast speed- A person's entire life can be read very quickly, and the gods catch and open the way for parts that people do not remember (God's power)
Making human spirits to angel- Raising a soul, making it into a Spirit, then folding it into a little angel
Covering- the ability to be present in front of people and saying in front of people
Confusion: the ability to disturb people’s mind and action in order to lead to the way that God has planned 
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cupidamin · 2 years
The secrets of angels and gods
Script written in South Korea Wonju Severance 53/8
Please help me spread this writing to Israel online communities.
Please help me upload this post to this sub reddit. I am very desperate.
The part that the assumptions of God can hurt/kill people is implied in the bible verses.
1. ln Job verses, the Old Testament in the conversation between God and Satan, "I allow you touching only his possessions, but not his life" we can see that the Satan had the ability to deal people’s lives. But this part should not be written in the bible so God disguised this story as him being tortured by skin illness.
Why was New Testment written?
Moreover, many saints were born through Jejus in the New Testament. Therefore it can be seen that the gods, who already had the ability to harm people, completed the doctrine by appointing one person in front of many people.
This could be because God from Israel required a justification after killing people and standing them up as an angel and insisting them to be their sex doll and clowns while being threathening their family's lives.
3. Eternal Life- the life of gods and angels
The gods and angels live along until the earth ends. At first they had used their abilities to help humans. But as you can see the part god and demon was talking, there were badness since the old testament in the bible. It is impossible for gods and holy spirits to be goodness because of the thousands of years passing by.
4. The reality of angels and gods that I assume
When Israel God (the king of all religions) gives the Holy Spirit to a human from each nation they become the God after that person dies. God is the King of sky who can stand angels and share abilities to each angels. Jejus is the second king with all abilities accepted except the power of sharing abilities. Angels are not picked among the naturally dead people but are killed by air pressure- one side blocking and one side flowing hard in the parts critical that leads to instantaneous death: the brain vains. All angels are chosen from humans to please gods using their bodies and charms- and they are chosen from very poor but loving families so that even after being tortured as sex dolls and clowns they could endure the pain as they see their families not being blind and get little help from god.
5. The miracles showed in the New Testments. How is it possible?
1) Please assume that God has the ability to read people's lives very quickly and detaily: karma
The Holy Spirit who accompanied Jesus had the power to read people’s karma. With this ability the holy spirit could keep track of where the bread and fishes were from the people passing by that could feed 5,000 people. This also can be inferred that God uses information of all humans to open his specific goals.
In this way God could fortell the future of enemies, the betrade of Judah etc in the bible. This miracle : 5 loaves and 2 fish was happened by God of Israel and holy spirits but through Jesus who was a living man so that many people could see and have faith in Christy, Catholic and Muslim.
2) Fix the sedentary
Please assume that holy spirit can move the soul inside the body so that the human body can be moved by holy spirits.
The ability to move the soul inside the body moves the body eventually which allows the sitter to stand. The holy spirit catched what the sedentary wanted to do and go by using karma of his mind and helped moving his body for his entire life. In conclusion the holy spirit inside the sedentary made everyone around him believe he has been healed by the Lord.
3) Fix the blind
Please assume that holy spirit can show
It would possible if the Holy Spirit attaches itself to one person for a lifetime and clearly shows the world in visions using hallucinations(vision)
4) . The Lord walks on the sea.
Please assume that holy spirit can practice visual hallucinations which is capable of colors too.
5) .Turn water into wine.
Please assume that holy spirits can practice hallucinations(taste)
In the bible it is not said to be turned water to be wine but water tasted like wine. It was hallucinations(taste) so that everyone tasting the water could experience a the miracle.
6. Some of the angels’ abilities- you can anaylze bible with these assumptions
visual hallucinations - also capable of color
auditory Hallucinations - multiple sounds possible
touching hallucinations - sex appeal feelings
tasting Hwanmi - Appetite and the other way
smell Hallucinations - smell of food, etc.
Move Soul - Used to create human spirits to become an angel
Visibility of the soul - Human body can be seen even when wearing clothes
Air pressure - Air pressure makes blood circulate in people's blood vessels, so facial paralysis and crippled people can be corrected.
Reading the karma detaily with fast speed- A person's entire life can be read very quickly, and the gods catch and open the way for parts that people do not remember (God's power)
Making human spirits to angel- Raising a soul, making it into a Spirit, then folding it into a little angel
Covering- the ability to be present in front of people and saying in front of people
Confusion: the ability to disturb people’s mind and action in order to lead to the way that God has planned
The secrets of angels and gods
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genshin-latte · 4 years
Could I request verbena, tulip and violet from the flower prompts for childe, xiao and kaeya? Thank you! 😄 Also pls don't flop ded, your writing's too good 😁 if 3 is too much, childe and kaeya will do!
Aww anon I will try to stay alive 😭
You can find the prompt here
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❁ Verbena — How are mornings with them like?
“Morning, sweetheart.” Most mornings, you’ll awake to that familiar chuckle, and a short kiss. When he has work, he’ll wake before you do, and by the time you open your eyes he’ll probably be dressed for work. His mornings tend to be very short as he doesn’t take long to prepare. But he makes sure to greet you before he leaves.
Despite often teasing you for being a slacker, he doesn’t mind lazy mornings once in a while. When his schedule is free he spends more time with you in bed. You’ll awake to him lying on his side, one arm propping him up as he smirks smiles at your sleepy figure, greeting you good morning. Though he rarely gets those as he’s more often busy with his jobs. Perhaps that is part of the reason he cherises them so much.
❁ Tulip — What is their love language? [How they show love]
Quality time, he’s a busy man with a lot he wants to do. He dislikes wasting time on things he deems useless, I mean, there are even times he hates his own job. It’s also rather easy to tell if he’s uninterested. So when he chooses to spend his precious time with you, that’s when you know he’s in love. When he’s with you, his attention goes undivided. He makes sure he picks up the little details you’re talking about and no matter how busy he is, he’ll make time for you.
❁ Violet — How would they realize they are in love?
It haunts the back of his mind. He knows it but he won’t acknowledge it, he can’t acknowledge it. He’s kinder and more considerate about you, it’s something he rarely does without ulterior motive. His words are more genuine and he seeks you when he gets the chance. He realizes he’s in love when he has to pull himself away from you. Whether it’s because he doesn’t want to fall deeper, or he doesn’t want you involved in whatever future disasters he might bring to Monstadt. Falling in love will have consequences and he’s not sure he’ll be ready to face them.
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❁ Verbena — How are mornings with them like?
Greeted with the delicious smell of breakfast and coffee, that’s how he likes to start your mornings. He usually, if not always wakes up earlier than you. Making sure your meal is ready by the time you awake, breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all. He’s used to cooking for a big family, and cooking for you is another way for him to show affection.
When he has to leave early for work, he makes you a quick breakfast, like a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Consider it his big brother senses. He can’t leave peacefully without making sure you won’t die of hunger.
❁ Tulip — What is their love language? [How they show love]
Gifts!! It’s his way of showing that he’s always thinking of you. He travels a lot due to his missions. Though his initial intention was to buy you a gift because ‘it reminded him of you’, he ends up buying you everything, everytime. Sometimes you find a bouquet of your favorite flower in front of you door, other times he gets you the most bizzare presents. He’s the type to give you a giant teddy bear —or ruin guard plushie— on valentine’s day.
❁ Violet — How would they realize they are in love?
This man would act on his feelings even before he realizes it was love. He’s not shy about it either. Shamelessly giving you gifts which more than a few are priceless. Running up to you whenever he gets the chance, he practically has heart eyes whenever you’re around. The realization came somewhere in between the days he spends with you. It didn’t take him very long to realize, actually. In fact, he might have known the moment he falls.
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❁ Verbena — How are mornings with them like?
Xiao doesn’t sleep much, he prefers to stay awake and keep you safe from whatever danger my threathen you during the dark. Most mornings you’d find him standing just outside your door, making sure none dared to disturb your slumber. He only lets his guard down when he feels your presence, and your arms circling around his waist as you greet him good morning, resting your head on his shoulder.
“You’re awake.”
“And you, have been staying up the entire night.” His expression softens ever so slightly when he sees your small pout.
❁ Tulip — What is their love language? [How they show love]
Acts of service. Perhaps because that’s the only way he’s known to show love. He clears the monsters from your routes whenever you takes a trip. Makes sure to order you an extra plate of Almond tofu. Making sure your rest goes undisturbed during the night. Remember that thing you lost the other day? It’s suddenly on your desk. He goes out of his way to do these not-so-little things for you. He might be a little stingy with words, but he has an equally sweet way to show you he cares.
❁ Violet — How would they realize they are in love?
It didn’t take him long to realize that the affection he has for you is not the kind he feels towards other mortals. It’s stronger, deeper and he can’t help but feel slightly possessive towards you. That surely has never happened before. Though it took a while for him to name his feelings. What is this love the humans talk about so often? Is this it? You might find him dwelling on the thought a lot. It will be difficult for him to accept his feelings even after he’s realized it. It’s the ‘I am not worthy of love’ complex. Might accuse you of putting him under a spell or something, but it’s fine. Please show him he’s precious and loved, he needs it.
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artisticgreaser · 3 years
A sally face extended story.
Part 1
Alright,this post will be my deep dive into the story that I invented for my favorite Sally face character Travis Phelps.I spended a long but a really LONG time making up a story for Travis and his family,so much that I wated to write this whole ass post on tumblr about his family and why his dad is evil because I can.
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The images above are the first ever designs I sketched out for Julie and Kenneth. Since I normally didnt draw in a cartoonish style it took me quite a while to figure it out a design that fit both the game and what I had in my mind for what they could possibly look like.Normally,their appearances are very irrelevant for the game itself but,since Travis is my literal kin I decided I want to go as deep as possible to make his parents and the rest of his family come true. I took inspiration from some other artists who drew Kenneth before me so his design was a bit easier to make than Julie's as in her design took longer to create due any lack of appearances in the game or even reference photos. The only canon things we know about Travis parents is that he is multi racial AND Kenneth had skin just like him.(from this image in game)
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Even with the lighting I can still say that his skin is also dark just by his hands.I dont wish to go too deep into it but there's more to that too.
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As I sketched more I began having a more clearer design for Travis mom,Julie.She was the one I wanted to give the bright neon hair and the color purple as if Travis only used purple because of his mother with purple being her favorite color(similar to Sal's mask.) She wore a purple dress and she had a black eye too as she was also a victim of Kenneth costant abuse.Her hairstyle is also somewhat similar to Travis,he is supposedly taking more after his mom than his dad when it comes to hair and such.
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I finished the designs in digital form along with Phillips parents because why not? It came out looking better than expected but,Kenneth in the end of the game I made him have a different haistyle,the one you are seeing now is Kenneth during ep 1 2 and 3 but by episode 4 his hair gets longer and he gets facial hair.
Part 2
The story begins around 1930-1940s when Kenneth is still a teenager and his dad Fred is Nockfell's local priest.The chruch that Fred is SO proud of has been in the Phelps family for an eternanity and its been passed down from generation to generation.The story here is that Kenneth was the last Phelps who was able to own it.
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Kenneth was a teenager when he met Julie,an young girl who just moved from Mexico to the Nokfell city and suprisingly frequently went to the chruchs mass on Saturdays. Kenneth or Ken was going to be the new local priest in a few months with him being almost 18 at the time he met Julie.They both made eye contact and fell in love,Ken of course was a little shy at first but he eventually got the courage to invite Julie on a date. She accepted and quickly began falling in love and dating in secret as Fred was completly repulsed by the idea of his son dating a girl with a family with completly different beliefs than the Phelps.Fred assigned Ken to marry a young girl that lived not too far from where they lived,her name was Mary and she was suppose to be the girl Ken would marry and contine the bloodline with however that didn't happened and Fred was furious. At the age of 19,Kenneth and Julie had run away ,Julie was pregnant and Kenneth was doing everything he could to keep all of them safe from his own family. A few years went by and everything was going fine until Fred found out about their new location and threathen Kenneth to either go back in a sort of 'temporarly trip' to the chruch with him or he would kill Julie and Travis(who was still a baby in this time period). Kenneth accepted and he left Julie with baby Travis for 5 years to lead the chruch before coming back from the trip.
When he came back however,Kenneth was not the same.He was no longer caring or smilling,he seemed emotionless and when he wasnt he was cold and extremelly agressive.When julie had asked him what happened Kenneth began beating her along with Travis who was 5 years-old,Travis has no memories of his dad before his trip so the only memories that last was all the abuse he went through before and after his mother's passing. Before her padsing,Kenneth made Julie move back in Nockfell because he chruch was still there and Fred was still insisting that Kenneth was the only one that could keep up with the family tradition.
Despise never being mentioned in the game,Julie had sacrificied herself to the cult because of her husband.She got killed by the cult members and Kenneth had show no signs of guilty while it happened.Travis had since then feared his father deeply with the possibility he would be next if he wouldnt be obedient to his strict rules and his absurd orders.
Travis would then live with his dad alone and in the same household,however,despise the family's tradition Kenneth never forced Travis to marry a woman but still forbidden him to ever fall in love with another man.
Part 3
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The Ropers and the Phepls were very different families,especially in terms of religious beliefs.While the Phelps had always kept the same beliefs for decades the Ropers had no comflicts over wanting to know more about various religions.Julie's parents for example were botj from seperate religious families but still choose to let their daughter choose what she liked best, the father Jeff was jewish and Julie's mother was simply atheist but still followed the cutural traditions from her homeland.
However the Phelps were a much different story.
Fred or Frederic was a very very greedy man since little.Very malicious and cynical,only caring about himself and nobody else not even the mother of his son,her name was Margie.
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Her story is also a very sad one,not very different from what Julie went through only a x10 worst as she was murder cold-blood by Fred himself than no other reason than the fact she bothered him by simply existing.Ken has no memories with her because he was too little to understand what was going on and he refused to ask his dad about it too. Her death didn't change much about Ken's life or the cult.
The first photo shows the wedding and Frederic in his late 20's with his wife.She was never happy and unlike Julie she had never had onve loved her husband while alive. She was starved and killed by the same man she married and since she met him her life was a living hell,the only thing she liked in her life was Kenneth being born but even that didnt last long.
Frederic's design is mostly based on a cult members's ghost who is seen in the temple.I like to think as a punishment his soul and ghost form was forever stuck in that temple as a punishment from all the bad he had done to others while he was alive.
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To be continued...(1/2)
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randomnameless · 3 years
To your post about marriage and women in faerghus, the alliance and adrestia.
1. Annette's uncle threathens to sell her to a noble who wants a crest if she's not perfect + Gilberts whole mess.
2. Rufus is another womanizer.
3. Miklan goes around abducting women from villages.
4. Ingrid situation is not brought to the crown to be solved, Ingrid has to solve this problem on her own
5. Felix: "go find a husband". Said to Ingrid.
6. Mercedes new adoptive father values her only for her crest and plans an arranged marriage to marry her off to a wealthy noble.
7. In all armies we see women fighting. And both Ladislava and Edelgard are women, one a general and the other an emperor. Besides, the common folk from do not have a weird reaction to Ladislava being a woman like: "oh wow she is woman, she as capable as a man" or "how could a woman get to be a general?!". And there is not issue about adrestian women being in the officers/fighting academy.
Oh, thank you about your ask (about this post?)
I’ll answer under the cut, since it’s long
1. About Annette, 
In the localised version her support with Dedue goes like this 
He said if I wasn't perfect, as a knight's daughter, I'd be devaluing my Crest.
In the japanese version however, she says this :
……そうじゃないと、騎士の娘なんて 紋章目当ての貴族に買われて終わりだって。
As I understand it, Annette’s uncle is worried because if she isn’t perfect then, even as a knight’s daughter, she will be able to be bought/married off to any random who is only after a crest - which suggest that if she is “perfect”, then a random who might have a lot of money but only hunt her because of her crest won’t be able to be a suitable “husband” for her.
I honestly do not see where Gilbert’s story has any impact on Annette’s situation as a woman (or her mom’s) - Gilbert might have ran away from his duty and abandonned them, they were not demoted to useless after his exile and are still part of the Dominic family - compare to Mercedes’s fate and her mom, whose House was extinguished the second Papa Martriz died, even if Mercedes and her mom had a crest.
Annette’s uncle wants her to be more than a “crested woman” because he wants her to make a “good” marriage, and be able to refuse randoms who would only be interested by her crest.
Now that I’m typing this, I remember the Dominics are Barons, which is rather low in nobility titles, at least in the english nobility? 
2. Rufus whoring around doesn’t change a thing about how Faerghan Royalty is supposed to behave, and I’m willing to say Rufus is seen as an incompetent ruler, not only because of his whoring, but partly because of it.
If Lambert had only one wife and no known mistresses around, why would Rufus keeping a lot of lady friends would be painted in such a negative light? Rufus with his new habits is closer to a Ionius than to Lambert, or what Ionius might have wanted, if he managed to get rid of the “consort kin system”, the reason why the nobles officially rebelled.
3. Yep, Miklan rapes women, but Miklan is a piece of slime and a brigand, in the FE series, brigands do brigand things, like raping/pillaging/burning villages.
I doubt Miklan’s action are supposed to reflect on how a Faerghian noble, or Faerghian royalty, is supposed to act.
4. Ingrid’s situation is very interesting, because she actually solves it on her own, in AM, by merely... talking to her father.
Papa Galatea understands her position, and Ingrid becomes both his heir and also a royal knight of Faerghus, without having to marry. 
This is purely headcanon, but if her case had been brought to the Crown, Papa Galatea would have heard his daughter’s wish, and given the same answer he gives at the end of AM.
5. Felix also calls Dedue a dog and Dimitri a boar, so I do not think we are supposed to take his words at face value, but his words are words spoken by a teenager who has a lot of issues, and ultimately works around them at the end of his growth - that is after the timeskip.
6. I do not remember, but Mercedes’s adoptive father isn’t a noble, is he ? Or if he is a minor one, it actually echoes what I wrote earlier about Annette’s situation, women with crests are sought after, yes, because having a crest means having a way to become part of a powerful family. Which is, just like, every noblewoman’s burden - just swap crest by “lands” or “name” or “honorable house” and you get the same results.
A part of Faerghus is not so different from Adrestia in this way.
Edit : her adoptive father is a merchant! He wants to use her to buy a noble name - just like that random who was supposed to marry Ingrid, but her paralogue happens.
7. I am happy to see you bring the common folk, but I don’t really recall seeing a lot of them in the game. Yes, In Edel’s meritocracy, let her be a woman or a man, if Ladislava is a force to be reckoned with, she is going to be a general.
Edelgard isn’t the first woman Emperor in Adrestia, since Ferdinand’s ancestor propose to one of her own ancestors around 100 (she’d be the Emperor after Lycaon I’s death?).
The post was not to point out how women are utterly and completely worthless in Adrestia (or I am exaggerating as always!) - since you rightfully pointed out how there is no opposition to Edel’s ascension to the throne, or randoms who criticise Ladislava on her gender. 
However, Adrestia is the only nation we see where a House die because the Lord died, even if his crested wife and crested daughter are still alive. Adrestia is the only country where we hear about a consort kin system (in Hubert and Hanneman’s support, in the jp version!). Ultimately, Adrestia is the only nation where we see two commoner women who worry about their future if their looks cannot secure a good husband.
Annette has to be perfect to find a good husband, so she has to succeed academically and was sent to a lot of schools (Firdhiad and GM). In Adrestia, Bernie’s “training” to find a good husband implies listening to her father lecturing her about X or Y, tying her to a chair. IIRC she goes to GM because her mother wills it, but it’s not tied with a desire or a need to give her a good education.
Ladislava became a proeminent general under Edel’s empire, and Edel herself is an Emperor.
We do not hear about female rulers of Faerghus, but Catherine (when she was still Cassandra) was sent to Garreg Mach to become an officer, and kicked butt right and left with her sword and fists. Ingrid never mentions how odd it is for a woman to want to be a knight, meaning that the idea isn’t completely new in Faerghus - Annette receives a giant hammer, which is, hm, not going to help her score an A+ on her next essay.
Background wise, Cornelia (the og Cornelia) who cured the plague, became Lady Cornelia but wasn’t wed (as far as we know?) to a random noble, nor became Lambert’s concubine.
Before Edel’s reign... we do not hear a lot about specific women in Adrestia, as in women who achieved and did other things than being Ionius’s consort or a noblewoman from a certain House.
So back to the point made in 7. we don’t hear anyone comment how weird it is how X, a woman, fights, let X be from Adrestia, Faerghus, Leicester or a member of the Knights of Seiros.
To be more precise, before the war, Faerghus seemed to be the land (we know of!) where women could be, meaning not always, something else than marriage partners. We had Thunderstrike Cassandra and Cornelia. 
And for the women who have to marry because of their Houses : Uncle Dominic seems, in a roundabout way, want for Annette to be more than a marriage partner who only brings her crest - this way, she can have better options to find a good husband.
Mercie isn’t so lucky, because her adoptive Father is an ass and doesn’t care about her wellbeing.
Miklan rapes people, and Rufus is seen in a bad light because he has a lot of ladyfriends.
In Adrestia, the only woman we hear of before the war is, bar Edel... Seiros? We learn about Ionius’s concubines, but unlike Rufus, it’s not seen in a bad light.
As for crest related marriages, Bernadetta and Annette’s situations are reversed, Bernadetta is only valued for her crest, when Annette wants to be valued for something else than her crest. Annette is here to study, Bernie is here... because her mom forced her to.
We don’t hear about the Adrestian version of Miklan (bandit raping people) but I suppose Kostas and co might have done other bandit things near Remire...
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dracowars · 4 years
ten years apart | anakin skywalker
pairing: anakin x reader
word count: 6,0k
summary: where anakin comes back after ten years
a/n: i'm so sorry for the length but i just couldn't stop writing :( please get a drink and snack before reading this hella long os <3
warnings: angst, mentions of blood
universe: star wars
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Exhaling heavily, you throw the garbage bag into the shaft and push it down with all your strength. Beads of sweat have already formed on your forehead which you wipe away with the back of your hand. It is, again, incredibly hot on Tatooine today and the unbearable heat has been beating your mind and body all day. But what temperatures can you expect from a desert planet, right?
The desert planet of hell, as you like to call it. Disgusting creatures, pirates, bounty hunters and actually all kinds of insidious henchmen cavort here in Mos Espa. The city you grew up in. The city you have always been stuck in and probably will be stuck in for the rest of your life. You come from a small and poor family, no money to escape this hell, always having to work hard to survive.
And yet you had a better life than other children here. Because you were lucky enough to not get sold as a slave. Your parents could always raise enough money - often in ways you do not support - to save you. Even though you are more than grateful, you cannot help but to sometimes wonder what would have happened if. If you became a slave, maybe just maybe, you might have met the same lucky fate as him.
It has been ten long lonely years since the two Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were stranded on Tatooine and seeked help. You were still very young, therefore you can barely remember their faces. But you definetely do remember the face of him, Anakin Skywalker. The little boy from Tatooine.
How could you ever forget him? He was the nicest, bravest and most courteous boy you have ever met in your life. You always knew that something about him was different. The way he acted, the way he thought. There was just something about him that fascinated you and before you knew it you had developed a small crush on him. You got along well and you loved to watch him when he was working on his droid yet again. He always told you about his dreams, how he wanted to help, how much he wanted to get away from this dump called Tatooine. With his mother.
And with you.
Anakin and his mother Shmi Skywalker were slaves and belonged to Watto, one of the many junk dealers and human traffickers of Mos Espa. Even though they must have had a terrible life, Anakin always stayed positive. The smile on his dirt-stained face when he was building on his droid was priceless and you can see it in front of you as if it was yesterday. In fact, it has been ten years.
Ten years since the Jedi Masters took Anakin with them to train him as a Padawan in the ways of the Jedi. You were happy for him, you really were. He was finally able to leave this terrible planet and live a better life elsewhere. But to a certain price, since he had to go without his mother and also without you, his best friend.
"Y/N! These tables do not clean themselves!", a voice calls for you from inside and you just roll your eyes before leaving the heat outside, entering the building again. Inside, the musty smell of smoke greets you, low music plays in the background and you go straight towards the round bar in the middle of the room. This is the most popular hotspot of Mos Espa: the infamous Twin Sun, a bar in the center of the city. The place where the creepiest species float around, where the dirty business is done.
You absolutely hate your job in the bar. Every day you have to tidy up and serve under worst conditions. Especially in the later hours of the evening, when it is completely overcrowded, you are running back and forth every second, receiving disgusting comments from the guests. However, hardly anyone is here in the early morning and you have to only take care of the leftovers from the previous day. Unfortunately though, you have to endure this kind of job.
Your parents, who always saved you from the worst, are too old and weak now to raise money themselves and you felt obliged to take on this role. That is also the reason why you have several jobs at the same time. In addition to working in the Twin Sun, you also work at some booths at the weekly market and when you are lucky, you can sometimes even help out on the farms outside of the city. It is the only way to ensure your family's survival.
While you are about to wipe the empty tables, the roaring unpleasant noises of podracers echo through the building, sweeping through the bar like an earthquake, and the following loud cheers of the audience can hardly be overheard. The race is also a reason why it is exceptionally empty here today. Almost every living creature in Mos Espa is in the Grand Arena, cheering on their favorite, probably making some bets beforehand.
Personally, you hate these races more than anything.
Besides being totally unfair and dangerous, it is really just about the money - the money you do not own. The same participant always wins and despite your hatred of these races, you watched one of them for the first and last time when Anakin himself participated, won and was thus able to free himself from slavery. Only his mother remained on Tatooine but he promised he would come back and rescue her once he is a fully trained Jedi.
It has now been ten years and he has still not shown up.
Well, maybe he did show up after all, just did not look for you as he initinally promised. Maybe he only picked up his mother, not you.
A few years ago you had to watch how his mother got sold at the weekly market, but the buyer actually seemed very nice and later you found out that he even gave her freedom and took her as his wife. The man called Cliegg Lars used to come to the bar regularly until a few weeks ago. Does Anakin know, or can he maybe even feel, what happened?
"What do you think you are doing?! Finally work for your money or I will kick you out!", the bartender, who is also your boss, suddenly yells at you and pulls you out of your thoughts. "Sorry", you huff out and continue to clean up the tables at a quicker pace. It is a day like any other day. At least that is what you thought.
After you have cleaned all the tables you stand behind the bar and tidy up the glasses. Meanwhile it is already in the afternoon and the bar is much more crowded than it was this morning, which means more work for you. However, for some inexplicable reason, you are very distracted today, your mind always wandering off, and when you do not pay attention for a tiny second, a glass slips out of your hand and shatters into a million pieces.
"Watch out!", your boss grumbels at you immediately, only waiting for such an opportunity. Quietly cursing under your breath, you pick up some of the broken pieces. With a hiss you reflexively pull back your hand after accidentally cutting yourself on a sharp piece. Quickly, you put the small bleeding area against your lips to stop the blood from flowing.
"A table just got free back there! Clean it", your boss orders, not waiting for you to get up again as he almost throws the wet cloth into your face. Trying to control the rising anger inside of you as best as possible, you stand up, dispose of the broken pieces and make your way to said table. When you reach it, you have an uncomfortable feeling all of a sudden, a feeling of someone watching you. You turn around but do not see anyone looking into your direction. Shaking off the weird feeling, you take care of your task and then go back behind the counter to do your work while you hear your boss talking loudly to one of the guests on the other side.
"Watto, Watto.. Never heard of him before", he says thoughtfully over the music. You frown irritated and bend over to be able to see your boss. He is talking to a young, handsome man who seems quite determined about finding Watto. "Buy something or get out of here, kid!", your boss suddenly threathens, but the young man seems pretty unimpressed. Nevertheless, he turns around and leaves but not without your eyes meeting first. His blue eyes shimmer in the weak light and while turning away, he pulls the brown hood of his cloak over his head.
Even though your boss did not call you for help, something deep inside of you tells you to help this unknown, mysterious man. After all, you actually know Watto. You worked for him in your younger years until he went bankrupt eventually. Therefore, it is very uncommon and suspicious for someone to ask for him.
You put everything aside right away and go to your boss, who seems to be in an extremely bad mood today. "I take my break now", you quickly let him know and without giving him a chance to answer, you already head towards the entrance. When you arrive outside, you take a look around and spot the young man just a few meters away from you. Running after him, you gently tug on his sleeve to draw his attention to you.
"Excuse me", you stop him in his tracks and he turns to you with confusion written all over his face. "I heard you ask my boss about Watto in the bar. I know where to find him."
His face seems even more surprised now and he raises his eyebrows. "Really?", he asks, a hint of hope in his voice. You nod in agreement. "Can you lead me to him?", he resolutely asks and you nod again.
"You do not look like you are from here. What do you want from Watto?", you ask him curiously and go ahead to lead the way while he follows right behind you. "That is not important and also none of your business, I think", he replies emotionless, only looking ahead and not at you. You are a little taken aback by his harsh words but decide that it is best to not ask any more questions. He seems quite serious about it and somehow you still cannot get rid of this strange feeling inside of you.
You lead the way to the market, where some stalls are set up, and finally find Watto at his regular place in the shade of a house. He sits on a small chair and is currently busy examining a screw in his hand as you both approach him. Watto raises his gaze when he realizes that someone is walking towards him and as soon as he recognizes you, he flutters into the air excitedly.
"Oh! I have not seen you in a long time", he laughs and looks at the unknown man next to you. "There is someone who was looking for you, Watto", you explain in Huttese and point to the young man next to you, who bows his head slightly as if he could also understand what you are saying. Which is ridiculous, of course, because only Tatooine people can speak and understand Huttese.
Immediately Watto flies back, unsure whether he has done anything wrong. "Excuse me?", he trys hiding his nervousness, suspiciously looking at you.
Instead of telling Watto what he wants, he picks up a piece of equipment and fiddles with it. "Let me help you with that", he murmurs under his breath while actually speaking in Huttese, fixing the broken piece. "What? I do not know you! What can I do for you?", Watto grumbels but his eyes widen at once as he discovers something. "You look like a Jedi. Whatever it is.. I did not do it!"
A Jedi?
The next words abruptly catch you off guard and your heart completely stops beating.
"I am looking for Shmi Skywalker."
You look at him in shock as he pulls the hood down, Watto looking at him exactly the way you do as he finally lets out the words you were too scared to say.
"Ani? Little Ani?", Watto breathes out in astonishment, now using Basic instead of Huttese. When Watto then realizes that he fixed the broken piece, he happily jumps into the air. "You are Ani! You sure sprouted! A Jedi! Hey, maybe you couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money.."
"My mother."
"Oh, yes. Shmi.. she is not mine no more. I sold her", Watto confesses, obviously feeling uncomfortable about the situation while you are still not able to get out a word as they get stuck in your throat.
You were sure that you would never see Anakin again in your life, that he would have long forgotten about you. And now that he is actually back, that he is actually standing right next to you, you cannot believe it. He changed so much that you did not even recognize him.
And it seems he does not recognize you either.
"Sold her?"
"Years ago. Sorry, Ani, but you know, business is business."
"Who did you sell her to?"
"I-I do not remember, actually. I think it was a farmer, yeah, a moisture farmer probably", Watto stutters and his words pull you out of your trance all of a sudden, hitting a trigger in your head.
"His name, Watto."
"I-I think I do not know-"
"Cliegg", you mention softly, turning your gaze to Anakin whose brows are furrowed in confusion. "His name is Cliegg Lars."
"How could you-", Anakin starts, slowly becoming more tense, but as he looks at you more closely, at your face and in your beautiful glistening eyes, his expression suddenly softens. "Y/N?"
"Anakin", you say barely audible, trying to prevent your eyes from watering at hearing your name out of his mouth for the first time in years.
He does remember you. He did not forget about your existence.
You both cannot help but stare at each other for what feels like hours before he gently pulls you into his now very strong arms, hugging you tightly.
After all these years you were separated one would probably think that the hug would be uncomfortable and awkward. But it is far from that. Anakin's embrace is warm and soft, like it used to be when he was still here. He just got stronger and much taller since then.
He grew up.
On a whole different planet, far far away from you.
He has become a Jedi and fights for justice in the galaxy while you are still stuck on the same old planet, struggeling to keep your family alive.
"I can't believe it is actually you, Y/N!", Anakin gives you a warm smile after breaking the hug, his hands still resting on your forearms to keep you close while scanning you from the top to the bottom. "You have grown so much."
"I could say the same to you", you giggle, hiding your bright smile behind your hand while you blush. His blue eyes have become even brighter than you remember them and his face and stature in general look extremely healthy. If someone had told you years ago that Anakin would develop into such a handsome man, you almost would not have believed them. Yet, in your eyes he is still the same Anakin.
"And you are a Jedi", you mumble, pointing to the lightsaber attached to his belt under his brown cloak. Anakin continues to stare at you for a moment before finding his way back to reality.
"O-Oh yes. My lightsaber", he stumbles over his words and looks down at his weapon, but makes sure to completely hide it behind the fabric after that while clearing his throat. Slowly but surely it suddenly gets a bit awkward between you, none of you knowing what to say or where to start.
You have so much to tell him and still want to ask him so many question, but you do not know how.
"So, you know where my mother is?", Anakin finally speaks up again and breaks the silence, but with a question you did not quite hope for.
"It is very far outside of Mos Espa, yes. I can bring you there", you answer with a little sadness in your voice. Of course, he wants to find his mother after all these years.
"Hey! When you come back, make sure to visit me. Ani, I could really need some help, you know", Watto calls after you both as you show Anakin the way.
"He has not changed a bit", Anakin chuckles slightly next to you and follows you over the street, where you pass numerous creatures and vehicles.
"We need a vehicle to get there", you absently speak to yourself while searching for a suitable one. "Or a Dewback works too."
"A landspeeder sounds good", Anakin immediately answers after you end your sentence, almost interrupting you. With raised eyebrows you look at him sceptically.
"What happened to your sense of adventure?"
"I got older, I guess", he sighs and you hear out some sadness in his voice for the split of a second, but you tell yourself that it must have been your imagination.
"We all did", you mumble and finally agree to take a landspeeder instead of a dewback, even though it is much more expensive. However, Anakin insists on paying and after doing so you sit in the passenger seat, patiently waiting for him to join you and start driving.
At high speed you whiz over the dry sand and out of the city towards the seemingly endless outback. From time to time you glance over at Anakin, who does not look at you once, not even when you tell him the directions. When you catch yourself staring at him for longer than a second, you look away quickly but not without noticing the changes in his apperance.
His face has become much more striking and his hair got darker. The dark brown cloak that is covering his body compliments his eyes and makes them shine even more.
On your way you drive past a group of Jawas with their Sandcrawler, who are currently busy taking apart an abandoned spaceship that has apparently been stranded out here.
After a few more minutes you finally reach the Lars homestead and get out of the speeder, Anakin giving you a helping hand that you shyly accept. He keeps his gaze on the dome in front of you though and you can feel the nervousness that suddenly emanates from him.
As soon as you both walk towards it, a girl, younger than Anakin and you, comes up the stairs after she has apparently heard your arrival. Which is honestly not very difficult out here regarding the fact nobody comes here that often.
"Can I help you?", she asks, concern in her voice, and the longer you look at her, the more familiar she gets until it clicks in your head. She is Cliegg's daughter-in-law. You have often worked together on the farm. It seems like she already recognized you as the concern in her face slowly fades.
"Beru, right? I often helped you out on your farm", you take a step towards her and she nods in agreement before glancing at Anakin, who is standing directly behind you.
"We are looking for Shmi", you explain and Beru's brows furrow, obviously confused as to why you search for her.
"She is currently at the market in Mos Eisley with my boyfriend. But they should be back any moment", she mentions and then points down the stairs behind her. "If you want, you can wait for her inside."
Accepting her offer, you follow her inside the dome and you are completely amazed when you arrive at the open pit, a crater housing a courtyard from which all rooms can be accessed. You saw the huge hole in the ground before but never paid attention to it.
You follow Beru into what seems to be a kitchen and she asks you to sit down, but before you are able to, Anakin suddenly turns around due to a noise and a man in a power chair appears behind you.
"Who are you? What do you want?", he asks grumpily and Anakin's grip around his lightsaber on his belt, probably a reflex, reduces as you step in between. "Oh, Y/N! It is you!"
"Good afternoon, Cliegg. I am sorry for our unannounced visit, but we are looking for your.. wife", you say, almost whispering your last words, your heart stopping for a moment when you realize Anakin does not even know his mother married this farmer.
"What?", Anakin asks, shocked, his eyes widened and his lips split while he takes a step forward.
"I am Cliegg Lars. Shmi is my wife. Then you must be my stepson", Cliegg introduces himself and offers Anakin a handshake, which gets refused as Anakin just stares at him in disbelief.
"How is that possible?", Anakin breathes, directing his gaze to the ground, and you discover how he fiddles with the sleeves of his cloak in despair.
"I bought her from Watto at that time and gave her freedom before I made her my wife", Cliegg explains calmly, also noticing Anakin's displeasure about the situation. "My son and Shmi are just-"
He does not get to finish his sentence when loud screams and shouts interrupt him out of nowhere, silencing all of you. A brief moment later you are already on your way back up, Anakin ahead.
Once at the top you spot another landspeeder that has stopped in the distance, fuming. Due to the bright sunlight it is difficult at first to see that two people approach you, followed by several aggressive, snarling Massiffs. Disgusting beasts from hell that usually only live in the mountains unless they have been tamed by Tusken Raiders for their own purposes.
Quickly, you come to the conclusion that they must have been attacked by Tusken Raiders, who are now chasing their pets after them. It takes another second until you all realize that these two people running towards you are none other than Anakin's mother and stepbrother.
"Owen!", Beru desperately exclaims next to you, hands covering her mouth in shock.
Without hesitation, Anakin and you sprint straight towards them at the same time, hoping to somehow help and save them. But when suddenly a blue light brightly erupts next to you, you almost forget to keep running.
Anakin now runs towards them with his ignited lightsaber, much faster than you, and reaches them in seconds. Positioning himself protectively in front of them, waiting until they have run past him, he kills one of the Massiffs with the single stroke of his deadly weapon.
"Y/N, get them to safety!", Anakin shouts while he is fighting with the Massiffs, and you obey his words, quickly escorting them back to their house.
Glancing back after you have brought them inside safely, Anakin has just fended off an attack and pushes the monster a few meters back through the air, his hand outstretched. Finally, yowling and panting, the few survivors retreat and if you would not have called out Anakin's name, you are sure he would have followed them.
Deactivating his lightsaber, he quickly comes back to you, his face flooded with anger and pain. However, instead of paying attention to you, he walks straight past you.
"Are you injured?", you catch his upper arm worriedly and bring him to a stop. Shaking his head, he immediately removes his arm from your grip and continues his way down the stairs. With a sigh, you follow him.
"Where is she?", Anakin asks emotionlessly when reaching the bottom of the stairs, stopping abruptly and causing you to accidentally run into him.
"Ani?", a quiet voice finally sounds and Shmi steps out.
"Mom", Anakin swallows hard and embraces her tightly in his arms as she comes running towards him. After ten long years, mother and son are finally reunited.
"Oh, you look so handsome", Shmi sobs and takes a closer look at Anakin, taking his face between her hands, whereupon Anakin places a kiss on her palm. "My son. Oh, my grown up son. I am so proud of you, Ani."
"I missed you", he sniffs in response and a few tears find their way down his, her and also your cheeks.
"You came back, I can't believe it", she happily smiles at him, pride showing in her eyes.
"Just like I promised", he gives her the same smile and they hug each other again.
"And you saved us. You truly became a Jedi", Shmi sobs and Anakin gives her a kiss on the forehead before her gaze falls on you for the first time. "Y/N! Thank you so much for bringing him here."
"Of course", you wipe away your happy tears and smile back at her.
"Let us eat something, children", Cliegg then suggests while already being on his way to the kitchen, followed by his son and daugther-in-law.
"You might want to freshen up. I will show you where you can", Shmi offers and leads you both through a hole in the wall into a medium-sized room before she reluctantly separates from Anakin.
"Show me your leg", you order as soon as Shmi is out of reach and he turns around to you in confusion. "Your leg, Anakin. I saw you limp."
"It is not that bad", he shrugs it off and puts his Jedi robe aside, revealing his broad shoulders.
"Please", you repeat again and stare at him worriedly until he is no longer able to hold your gaze and pulls up his pants to reveal his leg. You have to swallow hard when a gaping wound appears on his shin and it takes you a lot of self control to not scream at him right there.
"That has to be treated, Ani!", you rebuke him indignantly, but now he is the one who keeps staring at you until you notice what you have just said. "A-Anakin, I mean."
"N-No, no! It is okay. I like when you call me that, it just... it has been some time since you last did", he clears his throat and your cheeks turn into a slight shade of red.
"Y-Yes, a long time ago. But we have gotten older, like you said", you stutter out, trying to make the situation less awkward. "I will ask if they have Bacta patches here, fix you up and make my way home."
"What are you even talking about?", Anakin raises his voice all of a sudden, rather unintentionally as you notice in his subsequent expression, while he grabs your wrist tightly to keep you from walking away.
"You have just seen your mother for the first time in ten years. I am sure you have a lot to tell her and I do not want to stand in the way", you explain and place your hand on top of his to loosen his grip, but to no avail.
"But.. I want to tell you too, Y/N. You are forgetting that I saw you again for the first time in ten years as well. I do not want you to go now", Anakin admits and takes a step closer to you, his eyes pleading to not leave him. "Apart from that, I will certainly not let you go now when these monsters are out there."
Leaving you no choice and not even a chance to answer, he suddenly pulls you into a tight hug, much like he did with his mother.
"I missed you so damn much", he softly whispers and you can't help but smile while you wrap your arms around him.
"I missed you too, Ani", you mumble against his shoulder and claw your hands into the fabric of his clothes.
Although you already hugged each other when you first met today, this one feels much more intense than before. It makes you feel safe and warm and comfortable, a feeling that you have not felt on this planet for a long time. For ten years, to be exact.
The next morning, you tiredly step outside into the burning hot twin suns and follow the voices coming from the kitchen. You stayed awake late yesterday and Anakin told you everything. From start to finish, he explained everything about his training to you, everything that happened after he left ten years ago. You have eagerly listened to his stories about the numerous adventures and here and there caught yourself staring at him sadly but lovingly.
Even though he pretended to be strong while telling these heartbreaking stories, you could see that he is not. After all these long years you can still read it on his face in an instant. He was not strong after Qui-Gon Jinn was killed shortly after their departure and also not when he became Padawan of a Jedi who was almost still a Padawan himself. He was not strong when he has been seperated from his family and he still is not as strong as he pretends to be. No matter from which point of view you look at it, Anakin is still the little boy from Tatooine.
"Good morning", you yawn when you meet the Lars family in the kitchen.
"Sit down, Y/N. I made breakfast", Shmi happily greets you and puts a plate down for you on the table.
You have not seen Shmi this happy in a long time. You never met her often after Cliegg freed her from slavery, but when you did, she always looked very absent and, above all, sad. She seems like a whole different person now.
"If you are looking for Anakin, he is outside", Shmi mentions when she notices your mental absence. Shyly, you nod and give her a warm smile. After you have eaten up your breakfast, you make your way upstairs. Arriving outside, you briefly get blinded by the bright suns when the dome no longer offers you protection.
However, as soon as your eyes get used to the sunlight, your breath gets caught in your lungs when a huge spaceship appears in your field of vision. The ship landed just a few meters away from the farm, the boarding hatch open. You spot Anakin in front of it, deeply submerged in a conversation with another man.
Said man notices you right away and draws Anakin's attention to you with a subtle head movement. When Anakin then sees you and the worried expression on your face, he waves you over. Nervously, you set yourself in motion and approach them.
"What is going on here, Anakin?", you ask shyly after discovering a lightsaber on the other man's belt, quickly gesturing a bow with your head.
"This is my master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe you still remember him", Anakin introduces him to you and, in fact, you actually do remember his face.
"If this isn't the little girl from back then who watched us leave with such a heartbreaking expression", Obi-Wan loudly thinks and scratches his beard before patting Anakin's shoulder. "I will go ahead and meet Padmé on board."
At his words, an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness rushs through your body until it turns into a feeling of sheer fear. Not only because you remember the name and its associated, incredibly beautiful Queen of Naboo, - which Anakin also told you about in his stories - but also because you suddenly feel like your worst nightmare turns into reality.
"W-What does he mean by that?", you stutter out, not really wanting to hear an answer to your question, but Anakin gently puts his hands on either side of your cheeks to calm you down.
"The Jedi Order has called Obi-Wan and me back to Coruscant, along with the senator", Anakin sighs and sadly looks to the ground, his thumb lightly stroking your skin. "My mother is happy here and that is most important for me. I now know that she is fine and safe."
Transforming his words into sharp weapons, they painfully shoot through your heart and you take a step back immediately, breaking the body contact with him.
"But I am not, Anakin!", you yell at him desperately, much louder than originally intended, and he just looks at you in shock from your sudden outburst. "I am not fine since you left ten years ago! I can't do this anymore."
"No, do not touch me! Please", you sob and wrap your arms around your own body in order to protect you from further damage. "Would you- Would you have even searched for me at all if I had not found you first?!"
Breathing hard while accusing him, he remains quiet and does not answer. His eyes wander around, desperately seeking an appropriate answer that will not hurt you, but he terribly fails.
"That's what I thought", your voice breaks and a single tear runs down your cheek before you turn around and walk away. However, you do not get very far when you feel a firm grip on your arm and are turned around again to face him shortly afterwards, your bodies only inches away from each other.
"Come with me."
"Come back to Coruscant with me, Y/N", he begs you, his voice full of sorrow.
"I had a dream about my mother and about you. You were badly injured and I was too late to save you", Anakin confesses, desperation prominent in his coarse voice, opening up to you all of a sudden, letting his guard down and showing you his vulnerable side for once. "That is why I came back. That is why I am back on Tatooine."
"A-Anakin. I can't.. I have responsibilities here", you choke out and look away, not able to hold his pleading gaze while your hands and knees shake in fear. "I have to go back to my parents.. I can't just leave them like this."
Silence spreads between you until Anakin lifts your face up with his fingers on your chin, deeply looking into your eyes. Suddenly your fear is reflected in his glassy eyes. A fear you last saw all those years ago when he left. When he had to leave his mother and you behind. It is precisely this fear that is now reappearing in his eyes and all of a sudden the little boy from Tatooine is back, not wanting to leave his home.
"I understand", his shaky voice whispers as he is close to tears as well.
How much you would like to just go with him. To just leave everything behind and finally get off this dirty planet. But you know it would not be fair to your parents and that you can't just leave them behind. As much as you would love to go with Anakin, you would never forgive yourself if you did.
"I am really sorry, Ani", you carefully say and place your hands on his upper arms to steady yourself before he pulls you closer and places his chin on top of your head.
"I will come back", he breathes into your hair and his voice sounds so fragile in your ears that you can no longer hold back the pricking tears, letting them stream down your cheeks freely. "I promise."
"I will wait for you", you fake a smile through your tears before he gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead, leaving a warm spot there.
The following repeated exclamation of his name coming from his master makes your heart ache even more and Anakin takes a step away from you, breaking off any contact.
"See you soon", he forces a smile and slowly retreats backwards to the spaceship, not averting his gaze from you and repeatedly raising his hand to wave goodbye.
Your eyes filled with tears and your vision blurred, you watch him leave and say goodbye with a heavy heart.
After ten long years you were finally able to see him again. You were ten years apart and now you pray that it will not be another ten years until you meet again.
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daiseukiis · 4 years
𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙞 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙘𝙝𝙞 ?
─꒱ in which we peak into how jujutsu kaisen characters handle their child on a daily basis。
─꒱ feat. gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara & itadori yuji
─꒱ warnings ; none
─꒱ notes ; suddenly i’m having jjk as parents brain rot after a night of reading megumi smut
꒰꒰ he’s a great dad trust me, spoils his child like no one’s business. you want the entire set of the haikyuu manga and crunchyroll premium? give him five minutes to purchase them. want front row tickets to see nct in korea? yeah, he’ll get it for them and thats plane tickets on first class
꒰꒰ but don’t get me wrong,,, he’s a doting father but sometimes it might be just too much.
꒰꒰ for starters, mans gotta know where their kid's heading on a daily basis. gotta shot him a text that heading to shibuya with your friends or taking a flight to okinawa or hokkaido. he just wants them to be safe !!
꒰꒰ expect him to text his kid almost every time he’s out buying anything. he’d be all the way in osaka, they're in class they will randomly get a text from him if they want uncle rikuro cheese cake or kuidaore taro pudding.
꒰꒰ not to mention !!! he will text you it’s an emergency and they have to call him, a matter of life or death situation. knowing he’s a shaman, he could die but there’s like a percentage of a chance that could happen, it's percentage rivals how fast he can activate his expansion domain. which isn’t much. but when they pick up the phone, he’s just gonna ask the. which top would look better or say there’s a hot deal for these sweets across the street and if they wanna go
꒰꒰ his favourite thing to do it probably embarrass his kid in front of their friends. maybe. yeah. baby pictures and all
꒰꒰ if he has a daughter his father radar is SO high. a boy gives even a glance her way, he will probably threathen them. spoils her with so much it even HURTS to look at his bank account but he's rich so ;;; takes her out shopping and half his camera roll is photos of her or selfies of them
꒰꒰ if it's a guy, he will cheer him on every time a girl confesses his love for his son. probably even gives him condoms and tips but you didn't hear that from me. with no doubt gloat to his students how amazing and manly his son is, takes him out on missions when he wants and goes sweet store hopping with him
꒰꒰ if his child returns home crying for whatever reason, a boy broke her heart or someone beat their kid up for doing the right thing;; bitch gojo is gon beat the shit outta them no cap
꒰꒰ he's the dad every teacher flirts with at parent teacher conferences, and the dad every girl in the friend with has a crush on
꒰꒰ amazaing dad, but probably should work more on the expressing it to his kid area
꒰꒰ he won't spoil them rotten like gojo, but if he sees its something that they truly want and sees that it's of use or valuable, he will get it for them because he wants to see his kid smile
꒰꒰ he's not big on affection, probably a hug time to time and an appreciation pat on the head. if his kid falls he would just crouch down and ask if they need a hand, or is their baby girl starts crying he'll pick her up into his arms and pat his head
꒰꒰ if he has a daughter he would be reluctant to go shopping with her, but he does like the fact that his kid is smiling and showing him her outfits. he better have a say as well if there's an attire that shows to much skin, he just wants the best for his girl. if a boy looks her way with a look, he will emit an aura enough for the boy to piss his pants
꒰꒰ if his kid is a boy, you bet hes gonna teach his son to beat up half the delinquents up the area too ‼ he has so much trust in his son, they would spar sometimes and he would take him on to missions. he sucks at giving advice, probably around the words of 'just be yourself?' he won't show it but he's cheering for you
꒰꒰ he's a chill dad, if their kid ever forgets anything at home and he's off to drop it off at school, he would be a bit reluctant cuz why did they forget it to begun with, but he's gonna do it anyways <3 the one parent that everyone calls pretty
꒰꒰ he'll text his kid basic and short messages, a how's your day or do you want anything from here kinda texts when he's out on missions. he wants to be sure that you're given enough space to be yourself within his reach
꒰꒰ fushiguro screams like the type of dad that would have a family photo in his wallet. i just find that cute and UGGH yes <3
꒰꒰ if his kid comes home crying, he's going to immediately comfort them. bad test or shitty day, he's gonna be slightly awkward but he'll take them out for their favourite food or arcade
꒰꒰ he's also the typa dad that will check up on you before he goes to bed or when he comes back from a mission, when you're all asleep just to make sure you're safe
꒰꒰ listen,,, listen, kugisaki is a bad bitch mother and it radiates that energy
꒰꒰ if she has a kid, she's gonna raise them to be the baddest bitch in all of tokyo, in all of japan if all i care. she gives her kids credit for even trying to beat gojo up, but if they can't she's still gonna be happy if they tell her they kicked a guy's kneecaps in for taking their lunch money
꒰꒰ a little reckless, her parenting methods are a bit questionable but like its kugisaki here, she does whatever the hell she wants. her kid falls to the ground? don't cry pussy, get up you're better than this
꒰꒰ kugisaki's that mother who probably buys take out food every friday, or takes her kids out to a mf buffet only to tell them to pay for her because she gave birth to their ungrateful asses
꒰꒰ she's the most chill mother out there, all her kids' friends probably want to be adopted by her because she's fun and knows how to kick ass
꒰꒰ if she has a daughter, definitely wants them to be famous instead of a shaman. she wants to see her kid rocking those magazines or fuckin it up in movies or j-dramas, so she got rights to stroll through the red carpet as the most beautiful mother
꒰꒰ if she has a son, definitely will end up making him into a loyal, bad boy who knows how to drink his respect women juice on a daily basis. the son who also get absolutely wrecked by his own mother in smash bros. doesn't matter how old kugisaki is, she would still be able to beat her son even if he's a first grade shaman
꒰꒰ if her kids come home crying, i bet you she'll only scold them. she'll ask why the hell you crying over this guy/girl, they're way low of the standards and are not even it. she would convince them that they're so much better (?) to make them feel good about themselves. and then she'll probably head lock the kid to crush on a better person
꒰꒰ she's the type of mother who wouldn't sit down to talk to her kid often, sometimes she also socks at communicate like fushiguro but at least she knows it. she would be the type that would comfort her kid by bring food ( typical asian parent shit tsk iykyk )
꒰꒰ she's also that type of mother when they tell her that someone makes fun of something to the point that their kid is broken by it, she will get out that car and pick at fight with the kids, and then wipe their ass on the floor, and the mop the deck with their parents
꒰꒰ this man is the personification of a fun, chill and laid-back father
꒰꒰ he would be the dad that would wake their kid up in the morning so they're not late, pack their food or bring food to their school if they forgot to bring any
꒰꒰ he doesn't really spoil his kid, but you bet he'll take them to fun places like arcades, escape rooms and even go street food binging. definitely would have a movie marathon too
꒰꒰ if he's back from a mission early and near the school his kid goes too, you bet he's going to catch them by the end of school just to walk home with them and take about his mission
꒰꒰ he's the kind of dad that wouldn't mind if they're swearing around the house, but they gotta watch their mouth still, he doesn't want them to be as bad as sailor nor does he want them picking up nasty habits
꒰꒰ if his kid is a girl, he will give her space and room for anything, be it needing some time alone after a bad test or constantly wanting to go out with her friends to get her mind off things that he might not be able to fix. he doesn't mind going shopping, definitely would give an opinion to any outfits with a thumbs up. takes pictures with his daughter on any shenanigans they do together and send them to his group chat with kugisaki and fushiguro
꒰꒰ having a boy, he would want to play sports with them and go on missions. sometimes they would go to the arcade to try the punching game to see who has the highest and then bet the lower pays for food after. he likes giving advice, even though it won't be helpful or will be, he's gonna say it either in hopes that it'll be brought up in their head in any moment they're in
꒰꒰ he's the type of dad that has a selfie of him and his kid as a lockscreen i jUST KNOW IT
꒰꒰ if his kid comes home crying he will be so worried. like whats wrong, what happened, who hurt you, does he have to punch someone?! he's going to pull them into his arms and take them out for food, maybe even a walk. he's they type to want to cheer them up no matter the situation, and probably when they're all good and dandy, he will personally talk to solve the root of the problem behind their back
꒰꒰ when there's something to be settled, i bet you that they settle it with a game of rock-paper-scissors out five ‼‼
─── ➴ SUKUNA ( BONUS )
꒰꒰ what makes you think this man wanted a child, if he did have one ; probably either got it killed during the heian era or he killed it for his superiority complex </3
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© MGUQIIS 、 2020
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
>>>part.1 ;; >>>part.3(coming soon)
Title: partners in crime pt.2 } Jin-young [got7]
feat. Ok Taecyeon [2pm] & Kwak Dong-yeon
-> ^Vincenzo^
genre: mafia au
warning: mentions of killing/violence and weapons, a bit suggestive
word count: 1.6k
Third person's POV
It was the next day and already evening. Jinyoung and you had ended the last mission successfully, like always.
Right now you were on your way to your boss, you were about to have dinner with him. So you could talk about things that needed to be handled. But you had a pretty close relationship, so you also talked about private things often.
Taecyeon was ruthless and a little psychotic, but you know him for over ten years now and you were used to his sometimes heartless and violent behaviour.
Although he was unpredictable, he was kind of your role model when it was about business.
He was one of the most successful secret mafia bosses in this world, and of course this had its reasons.
But you cared way more about people's lifes than he did. He even threatened to kill his own brother, even though Dongyeon was always loyal to him.
But when Taecyeon didn't like the ideas of his brother or he wouldn't success in something, he would be punished right away. By the only relative he had left.
You got out of the car that had brought you to the disguised company that was unofficially leaded by Taecyeon. His brother was the official face of it, but everyone in your gang knew, he was just the puppet of the boss.
Then you used the elvator to reach one of the high floors faster. Exiting when you arrived and heading to the large office of him.
You knocked but didn't waited for an answer, since you never did that.
But this time you catched the two brothers; the younger one being pressed on his chair aggressively by the older.
And that wasn't all; Taecyeon was holding a knife against his siblings throat, who had tears welling up in his fear filled eyes.
You could tell at the younger's posture as well, he was scared to death.
You shook your head in disagreement and disappointment.
You were aware of the fact that this wasn't the first time, you boss had threatened to kill him with his own hands. But you respected the other one too, so you wouldn't let that happen.
Taecyeon's eyes found your body that slowly entered the room but he didn't dare to loosen up the grip he had on the other young male, who's gaze wasn't moving away from his brother because he was too scared to do anything wrong.
You let out a 'tsk' and continued to shake your head until you spoke up and stopped you movements, looking at the dangerous scene that was going on.
"Taecyeon, please. Let this poor boy be. What did he do this time to deserve this, huh?" You were asking for a good reason.
But his look only made its way to the terrified face a few inches in front of him now. He smiled, making him look like a psychopath.
"Tell her, brother. What did you mess up this time?" His voice was not rough, he intended on just getting a answer out of him, a knife at his throat was enough, he didn't had to be loud, as well.
You huffed in disbelief. He really wanted to do this in front of you.
The younger began shaking a choking out individual words, but definitely not a complete sentence.
Taecyeon got impatient and growled at him.
"In a whole fucking sentence." He the sharp thing pressed more against the other's flesh, cutting him successfully and letting a bit of blood flood out.
Dongyeon hissed in pain and a single tear ran down his cheek.
You thought he now had crossed the line and stepped a few steps towards them.
"Teac, stop now." Your eyes diggered in his like the knife he had pressed against the younger's neck.
And so your boss finally threw the knife elsewhere and let out a sigh.
His brother's heart hitted like a drum. Of course he was scared of the man that had killed his whole family.
The tall man turned around to keep himself under control as long as you were in the room. But he still wouldn't let go so easy, he hadn’t got a proper answer from his puppet yet.
"Now, Dongyeon. Answer now or I will show you that I don't care when someone is watching." He threatened and looked outside the glass wall.
The male, who still sat there, completely zoned out, looking a bit traumatised, now opened his mouth in hope to be able to form a sentence this time.
"I offered to take care of this company. So it wouldn't be a burden anymore." He stammered.
You smiled, proud at him and approached his seat, earning a scared gasp of him. You stopped immediately, not wanting to terrify him even more.
"Why not, Taec? Let him take care of this building. He learnt a lot from you. And you are still in control. No reason to be angry about. He just wants to help." You spoke to your boss, making him turn back around.
He gave you a grin. He liked you and maybe you were right. So he nodded in agreement, letting it go finally.
Then his gaze went to his brother again, stepping up to him.
And the fear in the man's eyes was back. You were watching and ready to make a move.
"Good, brother. Do a good job. Otherwise it will have consequences, understand?" He asked him.
Dongyeon nodded fastly, tremling under his intense gaze.
You realised under how much pressure he was because of his not so gentle older brother.
"No, Taecyeon. He will do his best, it's human to make mistakes and have failures. Don't expect your brother to make or have none." You made clear and made sure to keep a straight face while looking at him.
"Sure." He gave in. "Go home, Dongyeon. Get some rest." He told him, before getting over to the table and sitting himself down.
You were feeling bad for his younger brother. So you hugged him as you saw how much he struggled to just get up from his seat. He was so surprised but also scared that Taecyeon wouldn't want him to have physical contact with you.
In private the older had always claimed you as his, he remembered.
The man in your arms looked in his brothers eyes, checking his reaction. Of course Teacyeon did not enjoy seeing that, but he kept silent and began eating.
After some good seconds you let him go and he disappeared out of the room fastly.
You sighed.
"Let him rest more, Taec. He needs a break from you." You said while going over to your own seat.
"No, I need his face, to keep mine a secret." He refused.
You were getting angry at his impulsive behaviour.
"Hear me out, boss. Either you will be more friendly to him, or this will have consequences. I want him to have a clear mind when he handles things that involve our safety."
Taecyeon rose an eyebrow. He liked playing with you, too bad you were a good player too.
"What do have in mind for him? Will you make him submit to you and fuck him?" He tried to surprise you with his choice of words.
But you didn't even look up from you food.
"No, I'm not interested in that. I only want him to feel safe and not terrified of you. Stop threatening him, or I will threathen you." You cold voice filled the room.
"You impress me every single time, baby. But I wanted you to come here to ask you if you are still satisfied with Young's abilities." He stated, talking about business now.
"Yes, don't worry, Taec." You assured him and gave him a simple smile.
He leaned back while letting out a comfortable moan.
"You are truly the only one that never disappointed me. You are so fierce. Why won't you be my actual girlfriend?" He suggested, convinced you would obey him perfectly.
"I don't think that's a good idea. You shouldn't get romantic feelings for me, Taecyeon. I'm the wrong person for that." You confessed truthfully.
"No, no. Don't think that. I just want to call you mine already. People keep asking me about it and I'm tired of liying. It's decided already, little one. As you said, I'm in control and today I'm not in the mood to compromise or tolerate another protest. Do I made myself clear?" He checked for your answer.
You gulped. Even if you had a chance against him in a physical way, you could never win completely, if he didn't want you to.
"Yes. But I'm not your girlfriend to satisfy any of your sexual needs. I'm here to work, that's all I want."
He smiled at you words. He would be surprised to hear you tell him the opposite. And he respected that. Even if he would gladly accept it if you would change your mind.
"That's all I want for now, too." He replied while wearing a mischievous grin on his lips.
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forestryfae · 3 years
Of COURSE these are the questions I ask!
💥:Favourite B10 Villian.
💢:Least Favourite B10 Villian.
✏ :What character(s) would you have liked to see more of, or have gotten better writing/screentime?
💥: Fistrick is great just because of the way he is. hes super smart, talks like a gym slash frat bro, is dressed kinda punk, and prbably listens to Insane Clown Posse or something. The Vreedle Brothers are fucking fantastic because of the way they talk even i i only understand half the shit they say sometimes but when i do im loving it. and because they love explosions and its hilarious to watch them bicker with ben and eachother and cus theyre just. so sweet. i would vibe with them. if they were real wed be friends and theyd never blow me up even by accident because were friends Albedo because hes a narcissistic bitch and like. hes not wrong. hes actually pretty justified in his anger. i also like his potential for found family and the whole azmuth is his dad theory its very fun and adds depth Mad Ben cus hes australian and mad max vibes. god i love his stinky sandy ass. eat chrome please maybe itll taste better than the lizards he 100% eats The other Evil Bens too just because (i dont count albedo as a ben) Charmcaster cus shes fucking dangerous and i love when shes talking to her purse or doing evil hot irl shit and also designs in os/ov are BEAUTFUL and even tho i dont LOVE her in uaf she was still an interesting villain. hate her uaf design tho like can you GET more evil disney villain design??? you cant. boring. Herve. his crime is being french. hes a supportive boyfriend tho so hes allowed to exist. 💢: Vilgax. listen. he was a FANTASTIC villain in os and the movie. but after that? they nerfed him, made him the butt of the joke, showed him as stupid, arrogant, and too selfabsorbed to realize what was up instead of cunning and ruthless, made him ask BEN for HELP against zskayr, gave him dramatic monologues, nerfed him again and made azmuth say he wouldnt be able to comprehend the omnitrix??? and had ben trick him with it by pretending hed teach vilgax how to use it??? hello??? he tried to steal it and he was able to atleast once before and USED it. it makes no sense. and the whole Daggon arc was so stupid. os vilgax would never. ov vilgax was a disappointment too, i liked the whole attea and co hunts vilgax ep and the vilgax and albedo team up was good alho albedo would NEVER. hes too petty and bitchy for pulling that shit twice. hed sooner team up with michael or charmcaster. like. vilgax was such a scary and ruthless villain in os and he was threathening, powerful, and actually something to worry about. he frequently hurt people, he stole the omntitrix at one point, he didnt exchange jokes with ben or do oneliners. he was just. brutal. so yeah i like uhhhh. 1/4th of him. the other 3/4ths i hate. i did like the ma vreedle joke but i honestly think it wouldve been more funny if they had kept his original personality, and wouldve shown ma vreedle as an actual villain rather than just a ruthlessly criminal mom Zombozo. he was fine in his debut episode but after that he became overused and his threat level slumped. also both of the circus eps are too similar and i dont like that they essentially reused the plot. hes also just so. boring. he has NO new tricks, no new schemes, no new powers, his design changed a little bit but that was it Liam. sorry but hes just too Comedic Background Villain and i dont like that he looks like a cartoon chicken Maltruant makes this list despite being a good villain and not one i actually dislike, but he was barely in the series and in the last episodes he felt overpowered and it infuriated me. i hate overpowered characters, they feel more like a maladaptive daydream than an actual character. so yeah. overall hes  Hex has never been a favourite, i just dont think hes interesting. hes decent in os but no THAT fun. also??? making gwen think hes hot? the FUCK. man of action i am BEGGING on my FUCKING KNEES Looma. yes shes hot but her entire arc was just her trying to marry ben. bad plot, barely any personality, no real threat whatsoever aside from wanting to marry ben. they offhandedly mention her conquering some city but like my dudes Just Show Us. Show Don’t Mention Once In A Line That Can Be Easily Forgotten Ultimate Kevin 11. decent concept, terrible execution, horrible ending to the plot Azmuth. im putting him on this list because hes a dicka dn also i dont like his characterization in uaf/ov and also becasue of what he did to albedo and malware
✏: Albedo. his entire story needs to go away i know what that frog needs and deserves and its Not That. also he only has like 9 eps? the fuck? give him more. make him bens asshole martial arts trainer whos smug whenever he beats ben and smug whenever ben wins because of what he taught him. the teams hacker/tech support whenever kevin cant or doesnt wanna do something or its just faster to go to him. the weird big brother whose apartment they all invade whenever they need advice or wanna hang out or just wanna get away from home and get some peace and quiet to read a book and do homework. make him cross and doublecross them several times and despite it all hes still stuck on earth and stuck as a human and despite betraying them they still come back to him even when theyre mad at him because the fate of the world and the universe is at stake and they need someone and max just isnt there. he doesnt understand why they come back. he wouldnt have. kevin does though. its lonely and its gotta suck being stuck in a body he doesnt want with noone who cares about him or where he is with a brain and emotions that work against him and make him misaligned with other people. make him someone ben can go to to bitch about azmuth and make him bitch to ben about azmuth and make him bens personal encyclopedia and the first guy he goes to when the omnitrix fucks up. make him gwens personal tutor who he bickers with because theyre both too smart and snotty for eachothers and their own goods, but dont let that stop him from helping gwen finish her homework or study more complex subjects or stop him from encouraging her to go further. she could go to any university if she wants to and there are options in space should she want them. ofc dont remove his narcissism or egomania or personality but give him a character arc and a found family and give him something better than just becoming a mini ben. Mad Ben as well. you cant just take a brutal, fearsome, angry, and plain cruel version of ben and give him no backstory aside from Lives In Desert and Matruant Mentored Him. WHERE is the backstory? i wanna see maltruant actually talking to him, i wanna know how he found the omnitrix and where max and gwen was, i wanna see how maltruant was training him, i wanna see how bellwood became benwood, i wanna see how rook - the upstanding citizen veryone cherises for being just and efficient - became the most cruel person in the universes underling. i wanna see him rise in ranks and see how much hurt he gives and creates before people learn not to fuck with him and i wanna see how much hurt he has to go through to get to where he is and how much it breaks or makes him to have everythng stripped away from him because his own worst enemy is himself and mini self, and how it affects him to not understand how or why, and how just a tiny little metal ring on his arm can destroy and halt all his had work and how hes planning on bouncing back and getting back at prime and 23 and everyone who betrayed him. and preferably hed have a redemption arc too and he has to undo all that grief he caused but he does it anyway because its worth it
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nat111love · 5 years
carlos x francisco
We have two men one is depicted as an angel and the other as  the devil, it's easy to come to the francisco is a good person and carlos as some people like to say is a mentally unstable person conclusion  when you use truncated fact to form your opinion . Francisco and carlos were supposed to be friends but francisco was never a friend to carlos that friendship was a one sided friendship. l could use  the Francisco watched carlos' father criticize carlos for years without saying anything or the he never took carlos’ side argument but l won’t... l won’t because things weren’t that simple cifuentes senior was his boss and his father in law so l really can’t critize him here and it wouldn't be fair to do so ., What bothers me is Francisco sense of entitlement. We were told in 1x01 that alba was francisco’ childhood sweetheart and that he never got over  her and in that same episode we were shown the instant attraction carlos felt for lidia…The writing told us that those two friends who considered each other brothers had now another thing in common...their  inabilty to get lidia out of their heads .  Francisco didn’t reveal lidia’s true Identity to carlos so carlos didn’t know that the woman he was chasing after was the one his best friend  used to talk about and call the love of his life  because if he did he would never have tried to court her because he valued their friendship . 
Now here’s my problem with francisco he knew that carlos had it bad for lidia and it didn't stop him from pursuing lidia behind his wife and carlos’ backs, he confessed his love for lidia, she rejected him and he took it very badly...he was ready to give up everything for her and she rejected him for carlos…she chose carlos, how could she choose a man like carlos over him the embodiment of a dream man... so he decided that since she  chose carlos over him  she couldn’t be trusted “ l knew you couldn’t be trusted when you chose carlos” and francisco sneaky ass was supposed to be carlos’ best friend !!!? this man was ok with lidia’s lies but the moment she chose carlos over him  she wasn’t his alba anymore she was a liar and was ruined, franciso to victoria “you ruined her”.
 People during the previous season used to say that francisco gave up his happiness for carlos,.. how so?! Did l miss Something?! were lidia and francisco a thing and we didn’t know !! how can you give up Something you never had?! Lidia didn’t give him a choice she chose carlos over him end of story. 
Remember  in season 2 when they both didn’t know where lidia was and were  worried ?! do you know what carlos did when he was told where lidia was going to be?!  he went straight to francisco to let him know where lidia was going to be so that francisco could go and see her...do you think francisco mentioned the fact that lidia was expecting his child and was going to leave madrid ?! Nope!! he didn’t as he himself said carlos didn’t deserve lidia so why would he tell carlos that the woman he loved was expecting his child ?! when he would’ve been ok with lidia not telling carlos and him raising carlos’ child as his own...yeeeppp that’s just how self centered francisco is.
 The story doesn’t end there francisco knew that  lidia still loved carlos and wanted carlos in her life so to make her pick him over carlos he played on her fears “do you really think he’ll look after you and that baby? after how he’s hurt you?! francisco was ready to say and do anything to be chosen by lidia  Something carlos would never have done ...ok just so you know she still chose carlos...(l won’t even mention the episode in season 3 where during a vulnerable moment lidia kissed francisco and he kissed her back!! )
Carlos loved lidia too but he never criticized francisco in front of lidia, he would rather have talked about what they had than badmouth francisco , he wanted lidia to be with him because she wanted to and not because francisco wasn’t good enough for her. Carlos did everything he could to save francisco in season 4 if he was as bad as some people say he was he wouldn’t have done anything to help. 
 In season 5 when they reunited what did francisco do he slapped carlos  threathened to kill him and said “ this is the last time you put my family at risk ” to carlos ( his ungrateful ass was standing in front of carlos and said MY FAMILY  with his whole chest as if eva wasn’t carlos daughter and lidia didn’t have my heart belongs to carlos cifuentes written all over her face when carlos looked at her.)
Carlos could’ve been salty because francisco had  everything he wanted, everything  that was once his but he wasn’t , during his confession he told lidia that all he cared about was her and eva’s happiness then he added that francisco loved her and that he’s seen the way francisco takes care of her and she loves him too and he was ok knowing that eva had the best possible family….( Now l want to cry because his love for her was so selfless it was always lidia first and his feelings were second yooo l’m now crying )this is the type of man carlos was he would rather have bleeded in silence than try to mess with what lidia was building Something Francisco never did because to him lidia belonged to him and the only person worthy of lidia’s love was him.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
hello ! What's your top 10 HXH characters, and why do you like them ?
Hello anon!
Sorry for the wait! Here is my list so far!
1) Killua Zoldyck
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I have explained why here and here there is an analysis of his ability and foiling with Illumi.
I love his growth and the themes he explores. His is basically the story of a child freeing himself from an abusive family. At the same time, he is also challenged not to leave said family behind (especially when it comes to his younger siblings).
Moreover, he is also called out on his tendendy to define himself through creating codependent relationships.
This is something I really enjoyed and that gave his relationship with Gon and his character in general more depth.
2) Alluka (and Nanika) Zoldyck
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Alluka/Nanika does not have a very complex psychology nor an arc so far. However, the idea behind her and her thematic resonance is so great that I still adore her!
Alluka is a great example of how to write a symbolic and metaphorical character that is still important for the story.
A lot of themes are entangled in her. She is the child nobody wants and is very fittingly trans and mentally ill coded.
At the same time, Nanika’s ability is nothing, but the wish of a child to make her loved ones happy and a way to show how children imitate and learn from adults. It is a representation of conditional love taken to the extreme.
The way her story is solved in the Auction arc might have been underwhelming plot-wise, but it is perfect thematically. The fact that Nanika is not who Alluka is, but is still important for her and so must be accepted is a deep and wonderful message.
I am also curious to see how the theme of codependency linked to her will be explored in relation to her bond with Killua.
3) Palm Siberia
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I love Palm!
She has one of my favourite arcs because it is so refreshing to see the stereotype of the yandere being subverted.
She starts as a mix of different female character stereotypes, but as she gets more focus she blooms into her own character thanks especially to her relationship with Killua.
I love that she is the one that ends the CAA!
3) Meruem
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I think he has my favourite arc in the series and his is surely one of the best written (if not the best).
I love how he seems hateful and boring at the beginning of the CAA only to break the readers’ hearts at the end of it.
His growth thanks to his love for Komugi is great because he does not lose the root of his characterization. He remains prideful and competitive and it is specifically this that draws him towards Komugi aka his strongest opponent. Thanks to her he becomes able to appreciate life and humanity and chooses to give up his identity as King to only become Meruem.
He is an example of how a “redemption arc” does not really have to follow a formula and how it can simply be... a normal arc aka a story where a character grows because he is challenged.
5) Morena Prudo
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Morena has appeared for like... one chapter(?), but she managed to conquer me thanks to her backstory, her nen ability and this:
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I adore her! She is a child who has been refused by society and as a result she wants to tear the society down. She is clearly being set up as a foil to this arc’s major players aka Chrollo, Kurapika and Tserriednich.
Her power is also extremely interesting and already incredibly rich symbolically to the point that I have thought multiple times if I wanna wait or if I wanna start making a Nen and Characters post about her!
6) Chrollo Lucifer
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I have discussed him multiple times, so you can just check his tag :)
Here are some metas.
Chrollo is like a devil that steals pieces of others’ identities because he himself is not sure of who he is.
This coupled with intelligence and powers, his foiling with Kurapika and his bond with the Spiders make him an incredibly interesting villain!
7) Hisoka Morow
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Hisoka is a great example of how to write a joker character.
He is a man from nowhere and lacks any kind of backstory or root. This makes him perfect to play the part of the joker and so far... he has literally played that part in every arc he has appeared in.
There has been no time he had been completely loyal to a side he has joined.
He acts as a Spider only to fight Chrollo.
He helps Kurapika, but also threathens him.
He helps Gon and Killua in Greed Island, but hides he is working for Chrollo.
He assists Illumi, but lies to him and is about to betray him.
In the current arc he is, as per usual, a wild card.
It is precisely this that makes him such an interesting character to observe.
8) Kurapika
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Kurapika’s arcs are among my personal favourites because of the focus being on politics and planning rather than pure fights.
At the same time, Kurapika is an incredible character and I am looking forward to see where his story goes in this arc.
He is self-destroying because he is unable to overcome the grief over losing his tribe and his family.
This leads him to make violence on himself, so that he is turning into someone he is really not.
His nen power is among the most interesting because of how complex and calculated it is and because it is clearly an attempt not to lose his morality to revenge.
9) Gon Freecs
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Gon’s development in the CAA is heartbreaking, but incredible and it perfectly deconstructs all those traits that had been praised up until the previous arc.
Gon’s stubborness and willingness to overcome limits are why he is able to make it this far, but the CAA shows also how they can be dangerous and destructive for both himself and others.
10) Illumi Zoldyck
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Illumi is hand down a disaster.
He is a terrifying foil to Killua, but also an entertaining character to watch.
I hope his relationship with Hisoka receives more focus because it is honestly hilarious and is strangely working for me :’’’)
Thank you for the ask! It was fun and it reminded me why I love this series so much! 
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cupidamin · 2 years
The secrets of angels and gods
Script written in South Korea Wonju Severance 53/8
Please help me spread this writing to Israel online communities.
Please help me upload this post to this sub reddit. I am very desperate.
The part that the assumptions of God can hurt/kill people is implied in the bible verses.
1. ln Job verses, the Old Testament in the conversation between God and Satan, "I allow you touching only his possessions, but not his life" we can see that the Satan had the ability to deal people’s lives. But this part should not be written in the bible so God disguised this story as him being tortured by skin illness.
Why was New Testment written?
Moreover, many saints were born through Jejus in the New Testament. Therefore it can be seen that the gods, who already had the ability to harm people, completed the doctrine by appointing one person in front of many people.
This could be because God from Israel required a justification after killing people and standing them up as an angel and insisting them to be their sex doll and clowns while being threathening their family's lives.
3. Eternal Life- the life of gods and angels
The gods and angels live along until the earth ends. At first they had used their abilities to help humans. But as you can see the part god and demon was talking, there were badness since the old testament in the bible. It is impossible for gods and holy spirits to be goodness because of the thousands of years passing by.
4. The reality of angels and gods that I assume
When Israel God (the king of all religions) gives the Holy Spirit to a human from each nation they become the God after that person dies. God is the King of sky who can stand angels and share abilities to each angels. Jejus is the second king with all abilities accepted except the power of sharing abilities. Angels are not picked among the naturally dead people but are killed by air pressure- one side blocking and one side flowing hard in the parts critical that leads to instantaneous death: the brain vains. All angels are chosen from humans to please gods using their bodies and charms- and they are chosen from very poor but loving families so that even after being tortured as sex dolls and clowns they could endure the pain as they see their families not being blind and get little help from god.
5. The miracles showed in the New Testments. How is it possible?
1) Please assume that God has the ability to read people's lives very quickly and detaily: karma
The Holy Spirit who accompanied Jesus had the power to read people’s karma. With this ability the holy spirit could keep track of where the bread and fishes were from the people passing by that could feed 5,000 people. This also can be inferred that God uses information of all humans to open his specific goals.
In this way God could fortell the future of enemies, the betrade of Judah etc in the bible. This miracle : 5 loaves and 2 fish was happened by God of Israel and holy spirits but through Jesus who was a living man so that many people could see and have faith in Christy, Catholic and Muslim.
2) Fix the sedentary
Please assume that holy spirit can move the soul inside the body so that the human body can be moved by holy spirits.
The ability to move the soul inside the body moves the body eventually which allows the sitter to stand. The holy spirit catched what the sedentary wanted to do and go by using karma of his mind and helped moving his body for his entire life. In conclusion the holy spirit inside the sedentary made everyone around him believe he has been healed by the Lord.
3) Fix the blind
Please assume that holy spirit can show
It would possible if the Holy Spirit attaches itself to one person for a lifetime and clearly shows the world in visions using hallucinations(vision)
4) . The Lord walks on the sea.
Please assume that holy spirit can practice visual hallucinations which is capable of colors too.
5) .Turn water into wine.
Please assume that holy spirits can practice hallucinations(taste)
In the bible it is not said to be turned water to be wine but water tasted like wine. It was hallucinations(taste) so that everyone tasting the water could experience a the miracle.
6. Some of the angels’ abilities- you can anaylze bible with these assumptions
visual hallucinations - also capable of color
auditory Hallucinations - multiple sounds possible
touching hallucinations - sex appeal feelings
tasting Hwanmi - Appetite and the other way
smell Hallucinations - smell of food, etc.
Move Soul - Used to create human spirits to become an angel
Visibility of the soul - Human body can be seen even when wearing clothes
Air pressure - Air pressure makes blood circulate in people's blood vessels, so facial paralysis and crippled people can be corrected.
Reading the karma detaily with fast speed- A person's entire life can be read very quickly, and the gods catch and open the way for parts that people do not remember (God's power)
Making human spirits to angel- Raising a soul, making it into a Spirit, then folding it into a little angel
Covering- the ability to be present in front of people and saying in front of people
Confusion: the ability to disturb people’s mind and action in order to lead to the way that God has planned
The secrets of angels and gods
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